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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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was a very famous face. alex rodriguez was there even though he barely knows who will be rodrigue. olivia rodrigo, his daughter. ella is a big fan, and he was the chaperone. but it's very clear he is learning everything about olivia rodrigo as he goes along here. very relatable, dad moment i'm at, um rodrigo. olivia rodrigo. olivia rodrigo concert surrounded by 20,000 teenage girls. and go to sleep, man. here we go here. me. it doesn't even know her name. rodrigo rodrigo. they're tight like that. but you know good on him, actually going and sitting there and you know what? he expanded his horizons now he knows listening to the music today. i bet right. he's like this is rodrigo. she's great. uh, all right. that's gonna do it for tomorrows. we'll see you
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two. president biden speaking to the nation tonight with a high stakes state of the union address out his vision for a second terms to can lead americaúwith ancient ideas that only take us back. >> we lead america, the land of possibilities. you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done. >> a big night for president biden with his reelection bid on the line. good evening. i'm julie julie haener, and i'm alex savage. >> tonight the president spoke from capitol hill touting his successes while highlighting some of the biggest challenges facing the nation. ktvu jana katsuyama joining us live tonight with more on the president's address. janna. spoke for just over one hour, and he was really alternating between calls for bipartisan help and also holding firm to his principles and his policies. he never mentioned donald trump
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by name, but he and republicanss well as independents, why they should vote for a second. biden terme. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states, as president joe biden arrived for his third state of the union address. >> democrats broke out in reelection chants. biden came out swinging his reelection on the line, and he repeatedly sought to draw clear distinctions between himself and his presumptive challenger. neverúnaming former president donald trump. under attack both at home andy overseas? >> the president started with a call for aid to ukraine, which has bipartisan support but has been rejected by some republicans, and trump, who has praised russian president putin in the past walks away. it will put ukraine at risk. europe is at risk. the free world will be at risk. my message is that president putin, who long time, is simple we will not walk away.
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we will not bow down. >> i will biden then appealed to moderate republicans who are concerned about trump reminding americans about the insurrection of january 6th. >> we all saw with our own eyes the insurrectionists were not patriots. they'd come to stop the peaceful transfer of power. >> biden then turned to reproductive rights and called ivf and access to abortion.ctt- >> if you, the american people, will send me a congress that supports the right to choose, i promise you i will restore roe v wade as the law of the land again. >> biden said his administration has helped the u.s. reach an economic rebound from the pandemic. >> 15 million new jobs in just three years, a record a record. unemployment at 50 year lows. >> he also touted his bipartisan successes at one point challenging opponents of his infrastructure law.
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>> if any of you don't want that money in yourúdistrict, just let me know. >> president biden said moving forward, he would boost manufacturing, hiring in the u.s, expand the affordable health care act, lower prescription drug prices, and on gaza, he continued supporting israel's right to defend itself, but warned israel about humanitarian aid and killing innocent civilians. >> tonight, i'm directing the us military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the mediterranean on the coast of gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters. >> on the border and immigration, he pointed to bipartisan negotiations. >ñ we can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it. i'm ready to fix it. >> send me the border bill now. >> and in closing, he said, so let's build a future together. >> let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america
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. >> at one point, there was one guest who was escorted out of the chamber's overall from republicans. republicans, though no major heckling as we saw that happened last year. >> jana katsuyama reporting live for us tonight. jana, thank you. and the republican rebuttal to the state of the union was delivered by first time alabama senator katie britt. the 42 year old mother of two focused on the economy and crime. speaking from her own kitchen table. >> right now, our commander in chief is not in command, and the free world deserves better than a dithering and diminished who recognize that secureleader- borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of
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a great nation. >> senator britt also made some news saying the republican party supports in vitro fertilization. following that ruling by the alabama supreme court that found that embryos are children. >> and for more perspective on tonight's state of the union, we're joined now by political analyst corey cook, executive vice president and provost of saint mary's college. so, corey, 2024 election now in full swing. a lot on the line for the president tonight. how did he do? >> i thought he did. well, i coming out. he hehe standard of- was aggressive. i think he set forth an agenda that both looked back at his four years in office to say that we've made progress and to set forth an agenda for the general election. so i obviously it's a long way between now and november, but i think this is a good opening salvo in the general election campaign. >> yeah, i mean, a lot of people described his his sort of energy level tonight as being sort of upbeat. he was described as
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feisty by many people. he he clearly wanted to push back against the notion that he is too old to have a second terms as president here. he sort of took the issue on directly, in many cases, sort of saying, look, with age comes experience. how much do you think this speech tonight will sort of put to rest some of those concerns among a certain segment of the electorate? >> well, i'm not sure it'll put it to rest, but it certainly set a good standard for the campaign. i think obviously he was vigorous tonight. he was energetic. i think he again set a good tone for the coming general election. but i think it will continue to be a question. he will be the oldest president reelected. should he be reelected. and so i think it will continue to be in voters minds. but iúthink he was certainly very strong tonight. and i think what democrats as at who will fight for their issues, i think he certainly did that this evening. but obviously it's a long way to go that said, i thought, you know, the joke he made about his age, i think is the way for him to handle it. >> he kind of leaned into it.
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>> andúhe has to. it's what people are talking about. i think to avoid it is it would be a mistake. >> yeah. he's 81 years old. he just said, watch me. that's right. okay. so when it comes to all the issues, a lot of big issues, the economy, crime, immigration, abortion, did he hit all the major issues tonight or did he fall short and miss something? have a missed opportunity? do you think they a chance to tonight? >> no. i think he covered the broad scope of the issues that will define the general election. i think for him, the winning issues are be around abn rights, women's rights in general, obviously he sees that it's a winning issue to talk about russia. and so he, he led with that. he led with his protection of democracy. you know, within the first few he ws talking about january 6th. and so obviously he sees those as winning issues. on the other hand, he was defending his handling of the economy. we have seen in surveys. that's an area of weakness for the president that he'sútried to turn into a strength, and he's had to handle the questions around the border. he's just trying to neutralize maybe some of the republicans advantage on immigration to just
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make that a neutral issue for him. so talking about the bipartisan compromise that ultimately republicans didn't stand behind is his way of neutralizing that issue.úhe's not going to have an advantage on it, but if he can at least address it and neutralize it, it will help him in the general election. >> on the issue of the economy, obviously that is one of his huge challenges here. i want to get your sense about how he was able to sort of walk a fine line here. he did try to talk up some of the encouraging economic indicators. the fact that inflation is coming down in this country, and we have incredibly low unemployment right now, but at the same time, trying to acknowledge that many americans are especially. how well do you think he he navigated that and kind of that that balancing act, how well did he do so perception is reality. >> and so the voters perception is that that inflation is still too high. that's the reality. now, he can argue that inflation has come down. but if that's spwhere voters are, he needs to provide a counter explanation. what was interesting tonight is that he did that. he actually tf large corporations and inflation. that was that was effectively corporate greed. he
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cast he cast himself as a champion of the middle class, and he argued for a pretty populist economic agenda while saying, you should but it's not because of the policies of the administration, it's because of something else that's happening that this administration can address. so i thought he handled that quite voters we see in survey after survey, immigration is at number one. crime and the state of the economy are the next two things. i think he did a pretty good job of managing some of those issue& for the very start of the general election. >> yeah, we're just getting going. yeah. before we let you go, we're going to get a quick answer from you on the rebuttal. >> 42 year old elected to the us senate, speaking from her own kitchen table tonight, 17 minutes. how did she do? she never mentioned donald by name. >> no. and i think, you know, this is a tough act to follow. it's always difficult to give a rebuttal. you know, i think it was fine. i don't think it was the rebuttal that donald trump would have given, nor would it be one that he will be giving.
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just, you know, what he was doing on social media during the during the state of the union. we will certainly see these two folks side to side. i thought the rebuttal set forth fairly strong terms, but ultimately it's a very difficult act to follow a president. he has obviously a huge audience behind very well with the heckling andt the jeering. i think he expected it. i think he was waiting for because he wanted to show he was willing to fight back. it's very difficult to stand in your living room and give a nationally televised address or and in trying to do that, obviously she can't match the energy, she can't match the audience. but i thought she did a, you know, a fine job of laying out the issues from her perspective. >> all right. corey cook from perspective tonight. weith your appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks for having me. thanks corey. >> all right. and for more coverage on the president's state of the union address tonight, you can head to the ktvu fox local app. it is free to download for your smart tv. i had trust in the pilots. >> they they said multiple times
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that they trained for this. >> new at ten tonight. passengers speaking out this evening after their united airlines plane lost a wheel shortly after taking off from san francisco international airport on a flight bound for japan. ktvu zac sos joins us now. he's live at sfo. and, zach, you spoke with one of the passengers who were on board that plane. >> yeah. and i'd have to say that he handled all of this remarkably well, especially after taking a look at some of the video he shot from on board the plane. some of his fellow passengers understandably shaken by all of this. meantime you saw that viral video of the tire falling from the plane. i spoke to the man who shot it from down below. >> this is the craziest thing i have seen. >> sal gonzalez, a professional plane spotter broadcasting live to his youtube followers thursday morning as united airlines flight 35 bound for osaka, japan, suddenly lost a rear wheel. >> i was just like, oh my god, i can't believe it's happening. and i just saw that the plane kept going and i was like,
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what's going on? did they know it was just after 1130 among the 249 aboardúthe boeing 777, evan schroeder and his friend devin, unaware of what had just happened. >> what kind of triggered a little bit of nervousness for us was when we looked at our window, we were right on the wing and they were like dumping spthe fuel out down below the tire, smashing into a car and sfo's employee parking lot. >> but airport officials say no one was hurt. >> i'm just glad nobody, nobody got hurt in the cars, out of land, back in the air, the two high school seniors, part of a missionary group from illinois, say a message came out over the loudspeaker. >> all we heard was, there's like an object that was interfering with the plane. then 30 minutes later, we were kind of just going in circles, burning off fuel, and they said that air traffic control had let them know that it was actually a wheel that fell off during, takeoff. >> julianne fox, an aviation industry safety expert whose career includes stints at both boeing and united aircraft, are able to land in that scenario. >> so it really wasn't a risk to
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the people on board. >> but questionl she says federal investigators will now likely be asking, did that spaircraft landing gear strut jt come out of maintenance? >> did they just install it? was it its first flight? could it be a metal fatigue type issue. you know, so could it stem back that the aircraft's been in service so long that they're now seeing an issue that had not come forward before the flight rerouted to lax? >> evan, filming with his iphone. as the plane approached the runway, it felt like a very smooth landing in comparison to others that i've had, and i think that's just a props to the pilot. next stop japanúshould be getting back up in the air soon. >> hopefully we don't lose another wheel. >> yeah, i mean, you got to love his sense of humor, given everything that he just went through. his flight now scheduled to arrive some nine hours late in japan. meantime, an investigation now underway into how this all happened by the ntsb and the faa. julie. >> yeah, i mean, he is taking it really relatively well, just
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that video. zach is just amazing. we're all just wondering, have you heard where did that video come from? i mean, it just caught that wheel at the perfect moment. they're just falling off right after takeoff. >> yeah, i mean, some of it was good luck, but it was also so taken by a professional plane spotter. so basically he films planes taking off from sfo and other airports on a daily basis. and so he just happened to capture that plane as it took off. and it got distributed to his users online. >> yeah. amazing video there. all right. zac sos reporting live tonight at sfo zach thank you. well, another united flight had a problem coming into san francisco earlier this week. united says flight 214 experienced an engine issue shortly before arrival on monday afternoon. officials say the flight landed safely and passengers deplaned normally. that flight typically runs between san francisco and honolulu. the 10:00 news, we are getting a
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sneak peek of the renovations happening at the historic castro theater. and crews discoveries along the way. >>, pleasantly enough, we got a nice night. not that cold either, but we do have some showers in the five day that could impact the weekend. >> also ahead, the search for a new police chief in san jose. tonight's forumicking off a
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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is finally moving forward with restoration work. the seats that were a bone of contention have been removed and willúbe sold, with the proceeds to be donated to charity. the people leading amberleigh for a look inside the theater. as they pull backc the curtains on this project, and amber joins us now live in the castro with the story. amber >> julia. earlier this evening, we spent several hours inside the castro theater. and let me tell you, it was quite a sight to see the theater stripped down with all the seats removed. but we also saw artwork hidden in the ceiling that most people have never seen before. >> it's science and it's art. >> san francisco's historic castro theater is undergoing the first phase of restoration. the frame of the movie screen now exposed. there is scaffolding
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from floor to ceiling, blending the old with the new and revealing the stories that are sptrying to get out. stories tht jeff green, a restoration expert , will help reveal during the work. to preserve the art in the original architecture by us 35ft up a scaffolding to get a close up look at the condition of the ceiling and walls. >> we cleaned this fellow today. >> the first phase involves assessing and peeling back the layers of dirt and nicotine from years ofúpeople smoking. to show the original artwork. there are some huge dragons here. there's a circular dragons in every single one of these panels. >> an asian motif blended with cherubs. green says that many items can be restored, but some features, such as tassels that are missing, will need to be replicated, and all the original paint on the ceiling there. the final phase of the restoration will be the stage and putting in a new lift for the organ is
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to recapture the magic of this theater. >> we want to preserve the sense of the place so that when people come back in, it'll be new and it'll be a surprise, and it'll be as it was originally. but preserve that sense of place that people identify with. >> mary condie with another planet, the company which runs the theater for the family who owns it, is overseeing this project. she estimates the restoration will cost more thanc $15 million. >> we know that this is the most important lgbt q gathering place in the country, if not the world, and we want that community to come here and feel like theirúpalace has been restored the restoration of the ceiling and walls will take six months. the goal is to have all the work done to welcome the public back in the summer of 2025. julie. >> yeah, to that iconic theater. live tonight from san francisco.
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ambern thank you. well, another big retailer announced today it's leaving union square. the global fashion brand zara will be closing its location the cita spokesperson for the company says the lease for the building is set to expire in january, and the company will not be renewing it. zara has another store at emporium center, formerly known as westfield mall. zara says that location will remain open. >> new at ten tonight, people in san jose had a chance to talk in their next police chief. the city kicked off a series of community meetings with a gathering at the edenvale community center. the city is just starting this recruitment process after chief anthony mata announced earlier that he end o. participants said they appreciated focusing on the issues that matter most to them. >> i just like making my community better and safer, so i just want i just want to put out some ideas out there. that way i can have i can make sure and
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have my community safe. >> there are five more community forums that are scheduled across the city over the next two weeks. the san jose city manager will ultimately appoint the next chief, to be confirmed by the city council within the >> all righty. checking in on the rainfall. we've had a pretty good rain season. didn't start off great or it wasn't looking great a couple of weeks ago, but it's looking these are some of the rainfall accumulations as of july first, and we'll pop in the percents of average and looks good. santa rosa spwhen you're sitting that much above average this time of year, you're almost certain you're going to end up at the end oft& the rain season with at least 100, or right at upper 90s. so that's good. and of course, the mountains, when we get snow, they get the rain or no, when they get the when we get, you know, when we get the rain, they get the snow. and they did, but it did not in february it was pretty light. but february 1st, this is where the numbers were actually march. january was
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light. february wasn't bad towards the end, but there's february 1st. and then watch what happens when we get into today. we've got over 100% again. so it's really good news in terms of water watchers. we're getting a break now. today was a nice day. we have temperatures that are in the 60s mid 60s. tomorrow does the same thing. tomorrow is probably the nicest day of the week. saturday might be a sprinkle in there. i don't i don't change your plans unless you're painting a house or something. we'll do the full forecast and i'll show you the model when i come back. >> all right bill, thank you. man facing murder chargest bay accused of killing his ex-girlfriend. >> plus, a murder suspect takes his own life today on interstate 580. what investigators know so far about what happened. >> also ahead tonight, san francisco mayor london breed delivering delivering her of the city speech today her plans for the city's biggest issues as she faces reelection
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charged with murdering his girlfriend in a downtown oakland
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apartment. victor friesen the third, accused of killing 25 year old zoeúwatts at an apartment near 15th and jackson last friday. an autopsy determined she died of blunt force trauma. the alameda county district attorney's office has charged friesen with murder auty are investigating a standoff that ended with a murder suspect taking his own life. >> this all woman who was shot and killed. the suspect inúthe case then led police on a chase along 580 into san leandro. ktvu is crystal baileyúhas the latest tonight on the investigation with a man den leandro. police say it started in pleasanton just after 11 in the morning, where a woman was found unresponsive with multiple gunshot wounds at an apartment on saginaw circle near creekside park. police say a man was seen driving away, so an unmarked
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pleasanton officerúfollowed. the chase ended whenúthe suspect's car, a dark colored lexus sedan, suddenly crashed, hitting the wall on the shoulder along westbound 580 near fairmont drive in san leandro. >> pleasanton police officers murder suspect and were requesting allied agency assistance. >ñ california highway patrol, san leandro police and alameda county sheriff's office jumped in to help, shutting down both sides of traffic. >> on 580, it was closed for a good hour and a half or two. >> witnesses on the overpass could see a standoff, and two armored police trucks surrounding the car. >> the police were telling everybody up here, please move out the way a little bit just in case, because they were going to be letting off both shots and gas.t& >> witnesses say they saw police with their guns drawn, yelling, come out with your hands up! and the sound of gunfire. >> i think they were like warning signs to just break the window like rubber bullets or something like that. they send a robot inside so that they could pull the person out. >> eventually, after no response
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from the suspect, police say they found he'd shot himself and ended his own life. traffic eastbound was reopened about an hour after the crash. two lanes on theúwestbound were reopened shortly after, but the scene remained active throughout rush hour. police say they are still investigating the murder in pleasanton. they say there is no danger to the community. >> pleasanton is a really sppeaceful little city. hardly nothing happens there now. >> all lanes were reopened to traffic just before six on thursday evening. pleasanton police cannot say the identitiet involved. they also did not say whether or not domestic violence was at play in san leandro. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news and we spoke with a neighbor at the housing complex in pleasanton, where that woman was killed. >> she told us she heard the shooting and saw the suspect take off. that witness did not want to be on camera, but here is what she had to say. >> i heard three loud shots and there was a pause for about 15 seconds and then two more, got
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up and kind of peeked out my front door and saw somebody running to a car that was parked the car drove off. it was very- quick and very fast. >> neighbors at the complex say they are shocked and that this area has always been a quiet and safe place to live. >> coming up tonight, night one of the cinequest film festival in the south bay. tonight's focus on artificial intelligence and why some filmmakers are embracing the technology. plus, a shocking discovery in the east bay, a jeweler's safe recovered from the side of the road. >> also ahead tonight, warriors fans collectively holding their breath as steph curry limps off the court late in the game against the bill. the bulls are jason appelbaum will have the details a little later in sports and strong pushback against the decision to raise pg and e ratec exactly how much more customers can expect to pay
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on valley, the cinequest film and creativity fest will screen dozens of new films over the next two weeks. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters live now in san jose at the california theater, with more from >> julie, one of the best things about being at cinequest is the filmmakers i spoke to say they gave their all to bring something to life on screen, and this film festival is where all the hard work pays off. >> i really love exploring new things here in san jose, so that's why i'm here. i'm excited to check this out. this is my first time here. >> hundreds of people gathered at california theater thursday night for the cinequest film and
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creativity festival in downtown san jose. this year, the festival included a forum on ai and how it will impact filmmaking. >> so i'm of the belief that i'm a human. intelligence cannot be replaced, but i can be your second brain. a personalized way to help you be better in your life. but you know, we all have to deal with it. >> the theme at cinequest this year is uplift, bringing hope and excitement back to filmmaking. after a strike brought much of the industry to a halt last year. once there was an island, the island between tides opened. the festival, directed by andrew holmes and austin andrews and featuring david mazouz. >> we just felt like we could really tell a thrilling story that's also got a family drama at its core. >> this is somebody who basically, since he's a baby, has been tormented by seeing things that he's not sure if they're real. >> born and raised in the bay area, both director chris mcgillvray and cinematographer isaiah flores will showcase the documentary eden at cinequest,
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coming full circle with their dreams of filmmaking. >> you have sort of an idea of how a vintage is going to play out. might last for ten years, might last for 30 years. but when you open up that bottle, it's always surprising. and so this film actually does have that element to it. >> as a high schooler, i volunteered at cinequest and helped sell tickets and help wrangle people and all that. and always like, dreamed of, you know, becoming a filmmaker. >> now, cinequest will showcase dozens of films here at the california theater until march 17th. so if you want more information about tickets, just go to and click the link for this story. >> julie lamonica peters in the south bay tonight. thanks, lamonica. california's public utilities commission approved some enhancements that will boost broadband access within tribal and underserved communities. today's cpuc decision is a result of the state's broadband for all initiative. for the first time, some housing developments that
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don't use public funding are now eligible to get funds from the state to improve connectivity. also a grant program to help assistance has now been refined to be more in line with state guidelines. also today, the increase for pg and e bills.- protesters sounded off outside the meeting in san francisco, where the unanimous decision e says the fee hike, averaging about $5 per customer, is to recover $516 million in costs from wildfires and other safety upgrades in 2022. but demonstrators say the utility should not ask customers to pay more after recording more than $2 billion in profit last year. this is on top of a nearly 13% rate hike that took effect in january, and another rate increase is expected in 2025. >> san francisco mayor london breed today delivered her state of the city address in the midst of her reelection bid. the mayor
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insisted today san francisco's best days lie ahead, as she outlined her plans to address the many issues that are plaguing san francisco, including the drug crisis. the mayor said steps should be taken to help those suffering with addiction to get the help that they need. mayor breed also laid out a new 30 by 30 initiative, which is aimed at transforming the downtown area and the financial district. >> downtown can't just be about jobs, it can't just be the 9 to 5 financial district. >> we also need more people to liveúand study there. so our new initiative, 30 by 30 30,000 more residents and students downtown by 2030. >> mayor breed said her policies are working, and she made a point to address those who are critical of san francisco, adding, we will not wear the shackles of your negativity any longer. with $300,000 worth of jewelry
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inside early this footage from grand jewelry repair near lake merritt shows what happened in that video, you can see the thieves using what appears to be a large chain to of the store. . they took off with it, but it wasn't fully loaded. inside the van, and eventually that safe fell off right in the middle of the harrison street and macarthur boulevard off ramp to 580. >> as you're driving away, it was still dragging. so when we saw the safe, the bottoms kind of rubbed down because it was dragging onto the street. >> this is the second major break in at the store since 2020, and the owner believes insurance will cover the store's damages. but the owner's son tells us the incident could force his parents to retire after 34 years. >> coming up tonight at 11, we continue our coverage on address. tonight, we'll hear from east bay congressman barbara lee. >> and the weekend is just
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around the corner. there's the bay bridge. it's going to be maybe a little wet this weekend at times. i'll have that forecast coming up, but first time is running out for former president trump. >> in one of hisúlegal cases, his request that was denied today
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to delay his $83 million payment to e jean carroll in her recent defamation case. the federal judge's decision adds pressure on the former president to post a bond by monday so he can move forward with his appeal. he is expected to challenge the jury's finding of liability, as well as the amount of the damages. in january, the jury sided with carroll's claim that mr. trump damaged her reputation by calling her a liar after she accused him of sexual assault.
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to deny the claims.t continuest- >> sweden has broken its centuries long stance of neutrality today. sweden joined nato after more than 200 years of avoiding membership comes two years after russia's invasion of ukrainen the move forced the country, which is not far away from russia, to rethink its national security policy. >> swedes realized something very profound that that if putin was willing to try to erase one neighbor from the map, then he might well not stop there. >> under the treaty, all nato members must come to the aid of any ally whose territory or security is under threat. president biden welcomed sweden to the fold, writing quote, with the addition of sweden today, nato stands more united, determined and dynamic than ever. now 32 nations strong as
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the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip continues to grow, israel and hamas still have not reached a cease fire agreement. >> a hamas delegation left cairo with cease fire talks scheduled to pick up next week. negotiators wanted to reach an agreement before ramadan begins on sunday, but now that looks unlikely. the u.s, qatar and egypt are trying to broker a six week pause. they're also hoping for the release of about 40 hostages in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners held in israel. >> still to come tonight, new information about a former city employee in the east bay charged in a years long fraud case also head tonight a new plan to diversify one bay area police department. >> the new pledge to get more women in the ranks. >> and we are looking ahead to the weekend. chief meteorologis& bill martin will be back here after the break with your neighborhood forecast
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had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) we're learning more tonight about a former fremont city manager convicted of embezzling public funds. mark danaj is expected to be sentenced to 90 days in jail under a plea deal that was announced today in a years long fraud case. danaj money under false pretenses,- which is a felony. authorities say he made a habit of using his
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city credit card to pay for thousands of dollars in personal expenses. under this plea deal, danaj will also have to repay $317,000 to the city of fremont and serve two years probation. in addition, he will no longer be allowed to work in a public agency. >> when a public official abuses the public's trust and gains a position of authority and uses it to steal taxpayer funds for his own personal gain, that that erodes trust. trust in the government and the framework upon which our government is based. >> danaj is expected to be sentenced on april 18th, as the city of san jose searches for a newúpolice chief, there is an effort underway to make the department more inclusive to hae third of its officers be female reports. now onúthe department's new 30 by 30 pledge. >> go ahead, mayor, you first in
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san jose thursday. >> a potential sign of the future. the city's vice mayor, mayor, city manager and police chief all taking the 30 by 30 pledge to increase women recruits by 30% by 2030. chief anthony marra says currently, 13% of his 1071 officers are women. that's about 140 by the end of the decade. the goalúis to increase that number to about 321. >> we believe that every individual, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities to serve their community. >> i always wanted to be a police officer while i was growing up. >> third year officer catalina torres took a circuitous route to wearing a badge. she was working as an emt, but was a blue blood inside, so she followed her inner voice. >> i felt like there'd be a lot of opportunity for me to have a lot of different experience, whether calls for service or people that i meet. >> the testosterone rich policing culture is getting a remake nationwide, and experts say women outpace men in some aspects of the job.
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>> we tend to talk our way out of situations rather than using force, we use our verbal skills, so that's incredibly important that gives us an alternative to our current approach and will hopefully increase our opportunity for greater safety and security. >> be ready. police officials concede recruitment, retention and upcoming retirements will make meeting the 30 by 30 goal challenging. >> still, the mayor believes the country's hub of innovation will find a way. >> we have ac huge opportunity o make a career in law enforcement more accessible and desirable for female recruits, while making san jose safer. >> the department has increased community outreach, has women's& career days and a mentoring spprogram all designed to recru, retain and promote women outside san jose. police headquarters. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, checking in on the weather. we're looking at temperatures from today. we
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peaked out in once before, but they bear looking at again because tomorrow is going to follow suit. the temperatures are going to be very similar to these low 60s mid 60s. more sunshine tomorrow. more like what we had this afternoon. and then we've got this system coming in. i'll bring it up here. it's the long range model. we're going to take a peek at it and what we'll see is you'll see pretty much dry through tomorrow. obviously some clouds come in on saturday. and then right there saturday morning there's a chance of a sprinkle. then there's a little chance of another sprinkle into monday or sunday afternoon. and then another one right there. you see there's just none of them are direct hits. so anything could happen with those most likely they're going to be weaker to b. but either way it's an unusual, not unusual. it's just that we haven't had a direct hit this week. and that's all it seems like. that's all that we had throughout thec fall and winter with direct hits. and now we're getting these little drive bys, is. it is spring and itsense.t definitely makes sense that you would see the jet stream
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starting to recede further temperatures from today are and these are the forecast overnight lows. those are the current temperatures. thesec areúthe forecast overnight lows. you can see them in the low 40s. no juse freezing maybe some frost and then this high pressure hangs another nice day and then we get this. this is that when i showed you in that long range model, those two little tweaks going through, that's saturday and sunday and they both look minuscule. sunday looks like the best bet for like maybe it's going to be difficult to get some things done. but even then i think you'll get things done, saturday i think is going to be the nicest day on the weekend. there's friday morning, friday afternoon, there's saturday morning. so cloudy. and then you see it kind of slide through real quick. and then saturday afternoon. so we'll have to see how that works out. so saturday itúlooks like there might be a sprinkle. and then on sunday this system is a little more robust. and has more of a tail on it. so we'll keep an eye on that. so what i just say, you
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know, i just said is that you know how it's been all week showers, scattered showers here and there kind of dodging them. i don't see thunderstorms this time, but definitely kind of hit andúmiss showers for the weekend. not tomorrow. tomorrow is going to be nice, but the weekend just kind of keep it in mind that it could get a little wet. but i think you're going to get your baseball games in and all the things you want to do it. just take an umbrella and be prepared for a little bit of wet. i'll see you back here at 11. >> all right. we'll see yout& then, bill. thank you. there is a new fan club showing support for women's soccer in the bayt& area, and it was started by a group of dads. they call themselves the big poppies in a social media post, the group says they were founded by a group of dads on a mission to bring together football fans, families and friends to share in the joy of the bay football club community. bay fc's inaugural season kicks two weeks. >> coming up tonight, we have me play of the year in the nba, jason appelbaum up next with sports. >> then on the 11:p0 news, all the recent wet weather is
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overwhelming utilities across the north bay. coming up how a new report is helping to shed light on future storm
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might not have been the worst of it for them tonight. the warriors coming in, coming in hot, having won 14 of their fore first time in three months, but not for long. warriors they couldn't stop two guys. one of them was nikola vucevic. finished with 33 points 11 rebounds. bulls led by four at the half one point game. mid fourth big man trace jackson davis showing some skills. the lefty no look to moses moody for the lay up. very very sweet play by the rookie. the rookie center
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that is draymond's like wow. he draymond by the way a triple double. and that's hunter pence. he's saying time out chicago time out. here's where it goes south though 351 to go stephen curry cutting to the hoop turns his right ankle and he's going to have an mri on that ankle. you can see it. turn right there . he heads to the locker room. and the down the stretch. but they still off the screen here and hitting- the three pointer. he had 25 points. warriors up by one 39 seconds to go. but on the ensuing possession demar derozan gets jonathan kuminga to bite. and then he leans in to draw the foul. hits the shot. three point play. bulls up by two derozan had 33. watch this though brandon pisemsky to tie it. oh believe it. it's a tough breakt- for the rookie warriors. drop a close one 125 122. they remain in ninth place percentage points up on the lakers. minnesota timberwolves star anthony edwards scored 44 points. but it
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was that block that everybody is so high. he hits the back of his head on the backboard and that saves the game because there was no time left on the clock. the clock expired i think there was one second when he made that the pistons to stay atop the western conference. college hoops cal taking on stanford in the regular season finalec for both teams. cal head coach mark madsen, first time back at stanford, where he made a name for himself as a player, and that stanford coach jared has. he's repping the cardinal colors second half. dada's a mac scores inside for the bears. he's fouled. but even after the three point play bears still down 18. and then it's maxime reno. the seven foot one frenchman going inside for stanford. big night for him 20 points eight rebounds stanford ruins madison's homecoming 80 toú58. both teams now head to las vegas for the
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conference tournament. needing to win it all to make the ncaa tournament. speaking of conference tournaments, tara vanderveer a perfectúeight zero versus cal coming in in the pac 12 tournament quarterfinals, one of her former players, sharman smith, she's the head coach at cal and the bears led nearly all of the first half. iona kraml from greece. she knocks down tht then stanford flipped the switch. look at working inside. it's kiki for the layup 28 points 15 rebounds. later in the fourth brink cameron brink kicks it out to elena boscana for the three. she finished with 15. brink had 14 stanford wins, 7157 to advance to the semis, where they'll face they'll face 13th ranked oregon state tomorrow and cal's season is over and they finish at 18 and 14. sharks all time leading scorer. that's him patrick marleau. he's in the house with the new york islanders in town. down three
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one in the second when mikec hoffman streaks in and finds the back of the net beating ilya sorokin. and it's a one goal game. but just 15 seconds later kyle maclean gets it back for the islanders. and they were just getting started. matthew basel two minutes later and then it's, magnus. trona gets beat. isles three goals in about four minutes as theyúcruised to a 7 to 2 win over sharks. okay, at age 57, mike tyson is returning to the ring. sort of. yeah. very dramatic. tyson will fight 27 year old youtuber jake paul live on netflix july 20th. iron mike was once the most destructive heavyweights on the planet, and even as he approaches 60, he doesn't look like someone you'd want to mess with even now. opening round of the arnold
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palmer invitational in orlando, florida. shot of the day it's hideki matsuyama, 16th hole from the fringe chipping and watch as he finds the bottom of the cup for eagle. matsuyama shot a 67. he finishes at five under and that putsc him tied for second. one stroke back of shane lowry. the kelsey brothers you know him well and they know how to have a good time. check this out. during a time out at a recent cleveland cavaliers game, the cavs mascot brings him over a coupleúof brewskis their get off the phone. jason, i got a beer let's do a you know what they're going to do. they're going to #### contest. sure. they're thirsty. yeah. and the elder, the elder kelsey, who just retired earlier this week, beatt would be, of course, taylor swift's boyfriend. oh, is that right? yeah. i don't know if you've heard thatn yeah. >> travis, is that new? travis there you go. it's just broke. it's just just in just in the
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relationship. yeah. this just ends. yeah. all right. jason. 11, because of you that tonight we can proudly say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. >> strong words from a fired up president biden in his state of the union address as he makes his case for another four years in office, plus should be spgetting back soon. >> hopefullyúwe don't lose another. we'll we are hearing tonight from some of the passengers on board a united airlines flight today that was forced to make an emergency landing after a wheel fell off that plane shortly after takeoff from sfo. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu. fox two starts now. >> passengers took off from sfo bound for japan, but they were suddenly diverted to lax after a wheel fell off that planec durig takeoffn hello alex savage.t& >> those passengers are now finally on their wayúto japan after a whirlwind


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