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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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relationship. yeah. this just ends. yeah. all right. jason. 11, because of you that tonight we can proudly say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. >> strong words from a fired up president biden in his state of the union address as he makes his case for another four years in office, plus should be spgetting back soon. >> hopefullyúwe don't lose another. we'll we are hearing tonight from some of the passengers on board a united airlines flight today that was forced to make an emergency landing after a wheel fell off that plane shortly after takeoff from sfo. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu. fox two starts now. >> passengers took off from sfo bound for japan, but they were suddenly diverted to lax after a wheel fell off that planec durig takeoffn hello alex savage.t& >> those passengers are now finally on their wayúto japan after a whirlwind travel day.
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ktvu zacúsos spoke with both a passenger on that plane as well as a photographer who captured that stunning scene from the ground. >> this is the craziest thing i have seen, sal gonzalez, a professional plane spotter broadcasting live to his as united airlines flight 35 bound for osaka, japan, suddenly lost a rear wheel. i was just like, oh my god, i can't believe it's happening. and i just saw that the plane kept going and iúwas just like, what's going on? did they know it was just after 1130 among the 249 aboard the boeing 777, evan schroeder and his friend devin, unaware of what had just happened, what kind of triggered a little bit of nervousness for us was when we looked at our window, we were right on the wing and they were like dumping the fuel out down below the tire, smashing a car and sfo's employee parking lot. >> but airport officials say inf
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land, back in the air. >> the two high school seniors, part of a missionary group from illinois, say a message came out over the loudspeaker. >> all we heard was there's like an object that was interfering with the plane. then 30 minutes later, we were kind of just going in circles, burning off fuel, and they said that air traffic control had let them know thatúit was actually a wheel that fell off during, takeoff. >> julianne fox, an aviation industry safety expert whose career includes stintsúat both boeing and united aircraft, are able to land in that scenario. >> so it really wasn't a risk to the people on board. >> but question, she says federal investigators will now likely be asking, did that aircraft landing gear strut just come out of maintenance? >> did they just install it? was it its first flight? could it be know, so could it stem back that the aircraft's been in service so long that they're now seeing an issue that had not come forward before the flight rerouted to lax? >> evan filming with his iphone as the plane approached the runway, it felt like a very smooth landing in comparison to
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others that i've had, and i think that's just a props to the pilot. next stop, japan should be getting back up in the air soon. >> hopefully we don't lose another wheel. yeah i tell you what, you got to love his sense of humor. >> given everything that he just went through.úhis flight now scheduled to arrive some nine hours late in japan. meantime, an investigation now underway by the ntsb and the faa into how this all happened at sfo, zac sos, ktvu, fox two news. ñ> president biden addressed the nation tonight, laying out his vision for a second time in office during a crucial state of the union address. >> the president tonight championed his successes over the lastúthree years and the upcoming election this year as a fight over freedom and democracy. ktvu jana katsuyama joining us live tonight with more on what the president had to say in his address. jana >> well, lasted just over an hour and the president faced his critics who point to his age, the economy, immigration and the war in gaza, addressing them head on, but also calling for
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both bipartisanship and an appeal to moderate republicans that democracy itself is on the >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states, as president joe biden, arrived for his third state of democrats broke out in reelection chants. joe biden came out swinging his reelection onc the line, and he repeatedly sought to draw clear distinctions between himself and his presumptive challenger, never naming former president donald trump. >> is the freedom of democracy under attack, both at home and overseas? >> the president started with a call for aid to ukraine, which has bipartisan support but has been rejected by somet& republicans and trump, who has praised russian president putin in the past. my message to president putin, who i've known for a long time, is simple. >> we willc not walk away. i wil not bow down. >> biden then appealed to moderate republicans who are concerned about trump reminding
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americans about the insurrectios the insurrectionists were not patriots. they'd come to stop the peaceful transfer of power. >> biden then turned to reproductive rights and called for bipartisanship to protect ivf and access to abortion. >> if you, the american people, send me a congress to choose, ie you i will restore roe v wade as the law of the land again. >> biden said his administration has helped the u.s. reach antf economic rebound from the pandemic. >> 15 million new jobs in just three years, a record. >> he also touted his bipartisan successes, at one point challenging opponents of his infrastructure law. >> if anyúof you don't want that money in your district, just lec me know. >> on gaza, he continued supporting israel's right to defend itself, but warnedúisrael about humanitarian aid and killing innocent civilians. >> tonight, i'm to lead an emery
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mission to establish a temporary pier in the mediterranean on the coast of gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters. >> on the border and immigration, he pointed to bipartisan negotiations. i'm ready to fix it. send me the border bill now and in closing, he said, so let's build a future together. >> let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america . >> it was then, at one point during the speech, a guest described as a military father disrupted the speech and was wig republicans also called, of juse leading intoúnovember. julian >> gianna. thank you. alabama tonight's republican rebuttal. the 42 year old mother of two drew a sharp contrast to president biden while sitting at her kitchen table, hard working
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families are struggling to make ends meet today, and with soaring mortgage rates and sky high childcare costs, they're also struggling to how to plan for tomorrow. senator britt also slammed the biden administration on many issues, including their stance on crime, saying communities are not any safer. former president trump also spoke out tonight on his truth social site. he called the us border situation under president biden a horror show. >> the country, our country is being laughed at all over the world. it's time toc tell crookd joe biden you're fired when it comes to age concerns, the 81 year old president biden leaned into his critics tonight, saying just watch me. >> earlier this evening, we spoke with saint mary's college professor and vice provost corey cook about the president's difficult task in striking the right tone on his experience. >> i think he again set a good tone for the coming general
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election, but i think it will will be the oldest presidentet- reelected. should he be reelected. and so i thinkúit will continue to be in voters minds. but i think he was certainly very strong tonight. and i think what democrats are t who will fight for their issues, i think he's certainly did that this evening. but obviously it's a long way to go. that said, i thought, you know, the joke he made about is the way for him to handle it. >> he kind of leaned into it. >> he leaned into it, and he has to. it's what people are talking about. i think to avoid it. it would be a mistake. >> just before the president protesters took to the capitol to speak out on in gaza and demand a cease fire. protesters held up banners condemning the president's handling of the conflict. pro-palestinian demonstrators have been critical ofúwhat they say is president biden's inability to broker a cease fire. congresswoman barbara lee from the east bay has echoed many of those concerns, and she says after the president's speech tonight, more needs to be done.
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>> i think he gave enough attention. i don't think he went far enough. it's unacceptable for the world. and i think he spneeds to use the leverage of e united states to, bring an end to this so that the diplomatic path, a political path, can be put forth that ultimately would lead to a two state solution and forúpeace and security for the israelis and the palestinian people. >> congresswoman lee went on to say there was a sense of optimism and enthusiasm among democrats who were in the chamber for tonight's speech. she feels as though the president's remarks tonight were a defining moment. the vta board of directors has unanimously voted to approve construction contracts to extend light rail service from east san jose to bart, the east ridge to bart regional connector project extends light rail service from the existing alum rock light rail station to the east ridge transit center. >> the transportation authority is hoping for construction to
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begin as soon as this summer. dozens of east san jose residents and community leaders addressed the board tonight in . >> it's going to help move easto core job centers and opportunities in the greater silicon valley area, which has, you know, long been neglected and something that has been 24 years in the making. >> the extension will have elevated tracks in the center of the capital expressway and include an elevated light rail station at story road. >> people from all across san jose came together tonight to lay out what they want to see in their city's next police chiefn the city is starting the recruitment process after chief anthony mata announced he will be retiring at the end of this month. officials kicked off this series of community meetings with a gathering at the edenvale community center. participants said they appreciated the chance to have their voices heard personally. >> from my perspective, i've seen a lot of teenagers and a
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lot of, basically just everyone in general that really want to say something, but they don't have the voice to or the courage to say it. so we need a good we all want to say it to someone that we can trust so he can put it out. out there. >> this is the san jose city manager will ultimately appoint the next chief to be confirmed by the city council. there are five more of these community forums scheduled to happen across the city over the next two weeks. >> new at 11 tonight. stormy weather last weekend, now being blamed for a wastewater spill f, sonoma water officials said about 277,000 gallons of treated treatment plant property neart- guerneville. some of that water reached the russian river, they say. the river was rising and flowing rapidly at the time, and no impact was seen on fish and other wildlife inúthe area. sonoma water regulatory agencies have been notified about that spill in sausalito. >> everyone living on their boats has now been removed from
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richardson bay. the richardson bay regional agency says the last floating home was brought to shore this month. back in 2021, the agency made an agreement with the state to remove all vessels and floating homes in order to protect the eelgrass ecosystem. boats are still allowed to drop anchor, >> many people in the that brout mounds of snow last week, and now tahoe resorts say they're ready to ski for skiers to come back. >> then the historic castro is undergoing major renovations. we'll have a look at what those changes will look like. >> also, it took a lot of planning discussions and money, and now it's officially in place. coming up, the public toilet in san francisco that cost $1 llion.n.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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airport just after takeoff because of potential fumes in the cabin. >> this story begins tonight's west coast rap. a spokesperson from the crews said the flight was supposed to head to phoenix last night, but the crew declared an emergency landing after some passengers reported smelling fumes or strange odor. the flight landed safely back in portland. officials say they did not find any fire or immediate source of danger. alaska airlines responded, saying maintenance crews are now
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inspecting that plane in losc angeles. >> a mail carrier was brutally attacked while on the job, and the assault was captured on camera. here's the video and you can see the mail carrier being punched in the head repeatedly s surveillance video also shows that postal worker at one point trying to fight back the lapd has confirmed they have received a police report about what happened here, and assault on a mail carrier could bring about federal charges. so far, no charges have officially been filed in texas, utility company xcel energy says its facilities appear to have played a role in igniting the largest wildfire in that state's history. >> texas officials have said they're still investigating the cause of that fire that has now burned nearly 1300mi!s and destroyed hundreds of structures . the company said in a statement it disputes claims that it acted negligently in maintaining and operating infrastructure, and you can hear every weekday right here onories
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ktvu. west coast rap with alex savage right here airs at 7:00 monday through friday, or you can find around the clock coverage at west coast rap dot com. >> all right. the historic castro theater in san francisco& is finally moving forward with renovation plans. after a lot of back and forth debate for many years. >ñ that's right. ktvu is. amber lee got a look inside the theater and brings us now the details of this ongoing project. >> it's science and it's art. san francisco's historic castro theater is undergoing the first phase of restoration, the frame of the movie screen now exposed. there is scaffolding from floor to ceiling, blending the old with the new and revealing the stories that are trying to get out. stories that jeff green, a restoration preserve the art in the original architecture by timothy pflueger, who designed the theater, green brought us 35ft up a scaffolding to get a close up look at the condition of the
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ceiling and walls. >> we cleaned this fellow today. >> the first phase involves assessing and peeling back the layers of dirt and nicotine, from years of people smoking to show the original artwork. there are some surprises. >> theregs two huge dragons here. there's a circular dragons in every single one of these panels. >> an cherubs. green says that many items can be restored, but some features such as tassels that are missing, will need to be replicated and all the original paint on the ceiling there. the final phase of the restoration will be the stage and putting in a new lift for the organ, green says. the core of his mission is to recapture the magic of this theater. >> it will be new and it will be a surprise, and it will be as it was originally.úbut preserve that sense of place that people identify with mary candy with another planet, the company which runs the theater for the family who owns it, ist& overseeing this project.
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will cost more than $15 million. >> we know that this is the most important lgbt q gathering place in the country, if not the world, and we want that community to come here and feel like their palace has been restored. green estimates that the restoration work up here with the ceiling and the walls, will be done in six months.t& >> the goal is to have everything done and welcome the public back by summer of 2025. at the castro theater in san francisco, amber lee ktv icu fox two news coming up tonight, the mission to build up local entrepreneurs, the free resources that are now being made available, and all the recent wet weather has overwhelmed many utilities across the bay area. >> what data from a new report preparations? >> we are getting a bit of a break today. we got a break tomorrow. we get a break, but then saturday and sunday there's some showers in the forecast.
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not big ones, but showers ll i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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are looking clear right blizzart down many of those same roads, bay area travelers heading up to the mountains this weekend can expect a travel is going to be a whole lot easier. with all of those roads now cleared of feet of snow that came down with that system and of course, now the tahoe area is gearing up for all of the skiers and to head up toe mountains to take advantage of all that fresh powder left behind after that huge storm. let's head back now to our chief meteorologist, bill martin, for a look at the forecast. this we're going to have some good skiing weather heading toward the weekend. >> they got lots of snow, but
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they're also going to have a lot of wind. the winds are going to pick up this weekend. if you're heading to the mountains and there'll be a little bit more snow as well. a few inches here and there. traveling won't be as dicey, but theúwinds will be pretty strong, especially at the higher elevations. so just play, you know, plan accordingly i guess outside we'veúgot a pretty nice evening. got a few clouds out there. temperatures are a little were last night. we're looking at numbers generally in the 40s mid 40s right now. and you see the big ridge of high pressure. but you also see this guy up here. and that's the piece that's goingúto come into play on saturday and sunday. i know it's not it's not ideal, but it's i think the days are goingf gettingúaround doing stuff, but itgs not going to be sunday that we all root for. so run a little cooler right now than they were last night. in sf those north bay valleys, maybe a little valley fog, maybe not much though, but maybe some. the high pressure set us up today
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with a pretty good day. tomorrow probably the best day of the next 3 or 4 is this next these next two systems. saturday and sunday come in and they're both centered north further north. so the tail end i'll show you on the model, the tail end of these things drags through. so here's tomorrow morning. here's tomorrow afternoon. so that's friday out of the way. here is the next system saturday morning. and then it goes right through. so what do you do with that. it doesn't look like it's got much going on. and then that next system offshore is that sunday morning. and then by the afternoon it has the same kind ofúeffect but a little more i think the sunday system's got a little more game than the saturday system. but either way, if we get a quarter inch, i'd be surprised. i think you know, a n inch, two a quarter of an inch. if we got over a quarter of inch, i'd be surprised. you're o get out there and do some stuff. theregs the five day forecastn listen, it's a lot like it was. this whole week's been like that right? we've had a little bit of
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sun, a little bit of rain, a little bit of everything. that's kind of how the weekend's going to be. a little bit of sun, a ie on monday actually sunday night. >> all right. bill thank you. new at 11 pg and e and the town of sanúanselmo are reviewing their utility storm reports after last month's storm caught them off guard. the storms led to power outages, some that lasted more than 24 hours. the utility is now using these reports to work with san anselmo on repairing damagedúequipment ahead of future storms, and they're also looking ahead fires well. new at 11, the long contested and hotly debated public toilet in san francisco's noe valley neighborhood has now been installed. this was the scene earlier today as that toilet was lifted in by crane at the noe valley town square. it's a prefabricated unit with a project cost of around $1.7 million. thec parks department saysúthe final touches are underway now, including utility and landscaping around the toilet. theyúsay the toilet will be in
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the can and fully functional by the end of march. this much needed public utility is the result of two years of work by >> here's a look now at the stories trending tonight on ktvu . com one of our top stories a woman was shot and killed in sppleasanton that led to a high speed police chaseútoday through parts of the east bay. it ended on interstate 580, when the suspect turned the gun on himself. that forced authorities to shut down the freeway for hours. also the california public utilities commission approved another pg and e rate hike, and protesters demonstrated outside that meeting in san francisco. angry at another major retailer announced long lt of shops that doors. you can fid these stories and much more all on all right. >> coming up tonight, an art exhibit in the east bay is highlighting women's history month, the impactful story that inspired it all. when we come
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back. >> coming up tomorrow on mornings on two, get ready to spring forward. daylight saving time is coming up this weekend. we'll hear from how it affects our health, productivity, and daily lives. plus, steve paulson has your full forecast all morning long commute. it's all coming up on mornings
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exhibit at the niad art center in richmond, niad is a progressive art studio for adult artists with developmental disabilities. the six week exhibit features two sisters who didn't know each other until they were in junior high and in foster care. their art reflects their journey through sisterhood. earlier today, on
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the floor, we spoke with raven and shayna harper. they say although their art is very different, it has bonded them for life. >> i knew my sister was there before me, but i didn't know how exciting nia was until later on and i got to go into certain groups and after loving niad. it even know anything about art until i got to niad. i didn't even know i was. i could do art. >> yeah, and what is niad mean, meant to you? >> niad is family. >> the sisters shall art exhibit starts on saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. at the niad art center annex gallery in richmond, and it runs for six weeks. business leaders in oakland are helping aspiring entrepreneurs by offering free headshots and career counseling. >> several small businesses came together to offer the services today at a free event that happenedúon lakeshore avenue. organizers say the goal here is to ensure the next generation
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has the tools they need to succeed. business leaders at the event say headshots can be invaluable and they can be used on websites, social media as well as on resumes. so that's it's great that they're giving back in that way. >> it sure is. and that is our report for tonight. thanks for joining us for the 11:00 news. our next newscast, 4 a.m. and you can stream the latest on yov anytime by downloading the fox local app. >> have a great night. >> thanks for joining us. good night. hey, what's going on? everyone welcome to like it or not. i'm alex savage. this is the show where we get a panel together here at k t v. you and we weigh in on all sorts of different topics from major controversies to those little daily annoyances that


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