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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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that have involved domesticately violence. many of good evening.s friday, i'm cristina rendon and i'm alex savage. >>, a man was accused of killing his estranged girlfriend in pleasanton, before then taking his own life on the freeway in san leandro. our ktvu crime reporter, recent cases hee in explains some of the similarities between them. i talked toúher. >> i talked to zoe casey. >> she says. red spflags in the rocky relationshp between neighbor zoe rady watts and her boyfriend, and became her sounding talk aboutt& life and how that domestic is real, and that if a man shows that much anger towards you, that young in a relationship, he's going to only get worse. >>c tragically, the 25 year old woman seen here on her facebook page was found dead from traumar boyfriend's apartment near 15th and jackson in downtown oakland. an autopsy showed she suffered broken ribs, lacerations and bruises, both fresh and old.
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boyfriend, 27 year old registered sex offender multipls of what happened and denied ever hurtingúher. albany county prosecutors have and domestic violence, one of a number of recent cases inútheúbay area ind charged with murdering his have not beenúfound in pinole. police brittany ligdus with their four year old son present. thomas plante, professor of psychology at santa clara university, says it can be challengingc to intervene in domestic abusers wg off victims from support networks. >> itc violent and, you know, people and less connected to community, is heartbroken that randy watts came to her forúhelp and had thc those who may be suffering from domestic abuse we're only here for ourselves. and when a person loves you, the last thing they're going
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you. or mentally abuse you. >> if you or anyone you know vi, there is help available. i've included a link to resources on spmy story heny lee, ktvu, fox two news. a san o woman accusedatcking an asian wt attorney's office. the incident in theúbayview. police say theae cantone won by her hair,r old punched her several times and reason. pkinpleaded not guilty to all charges, including elder abuse. authorities did not release the condition of woman.g spsome breaking news now intoc r newsroom, the oakland fire departmentc saying that 13 peopc are now hurt aftercc3 f1 afternoon. it happened near 54th and international in east oakland. what you're looking at here is video from the citizen appn it shows the scene of the crash. firefighters say 13 people are hurt. major injuriese
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told more than 15 first responders are on giving aid ang people get into ambulances. right now, it is unclear what caused this crash. were filed in u.s. district court against officers att& correctional institute in dublin. 12 new lawsuits, alleged for speaking up on behalf of womenúincarcerated at the prison. that brings the number of lawsuits up to 63. more offio have not previouslyc been charged. so far, eight officers have been charged and convicted with sex crimes or convicted of sex crimes. all but oneúhave been found guilty. in a statement prisons said it, quote, strongly condemns all formsúof sexually abusive behavior and takes seriously our duty to protect the individuals entrusted in our custody. this official said that they are declining. any other comment because of the pending litigation, a a shootg on the
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980 freeway. after noticing a car closef his. behind him on the freeway. the victim says he stopped on the driver stopped alongside him and red at least four rounds. gunfire did not injure that driver, but it did hurt or hit parts of the car. if you have anyúinformation on this shooting,c you're asked to contact oakland police. we have in san francisco. police now confirming theyúresponded to a shooting near alemany and mount balboa park. bart station. it happened shortly after 4 a.m. critical injuries. so far, or what led up with information. >> well, some of san infrastruc&
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its water main near stern grove ruptured, sending a stream of water into the air. ktvu christien kafton was at the scene and. main break near san francisco's. >> the homeowner reported an earthquake,úand then it was about the water main broke and was wasúshooting up into theater air. >> san francisco water, power and sewer confirms that an eight inch valve connected to a 60 inch water transmission line failed. neighbors say that failure ledúto aúfountain oft& water shooting into the air. >> i mean, all i could say is, hey, we don't have to go to napa going on here inúsan francisco. >> waterl power and says the line that failed feeds water from the waterútreatment plant on the peninsula to the sunset reservoir. service forúcustomers neighbors said the amount of wa-
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water that shot up intoúthe air was astonishing. >> it was veryc high, it went up to about the height of that tree right there. so this is one that's maybe about 60, 70ft witd off the area where the break occurred, keeping the public away from an edge that away by w crews are working on repairing the line and investigating what went wrong. >> well, i think two big winters with large storms and a this stern grove area, down in unfortunately, so it's somethin& know, i'm not an expert, but we do need to make sure that we look at this very carefully. >> the water main break reminded many of the water main in august ofc caused 700,000 gallons of to the amphitheater area of stern grove
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park, canceling the final stern grove concert of the season. this break is on the other end of the park, about a half mile from before will not impact this year's brek concert series, set to get coupf months in san francisco, christien kafton. ktvu fox two news. >> muni will be doing at some of spits market street stations, which means the early closure. e week long closuresúbegin tonight. the market street subway between embarcadero porte at 9:30 will connect all stops be done & 15th. >> president biden was back on his state of the union addresst& lastúnight, where heútouchedc on a number of controversial issues, including abortion and immigration. foxgs rebecca castor has more tonight on how the president went after his predecessor. while promoting his policies. >> president biden wasted no
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time slamming republicans and spdonald trump in his state of e too partizan, while democratswas atmosphere in theúhouse chamber thursday night felt more like a campaign rally than an update on the nation. >> my predecessor failedcc3 f1 most basic presidential duty that he owes to the american people the duty to care. >> i call president name. >> my predecessor, unlike my predecessor, my predecessor. >> the jobs were consistent throughout the speech, where he also touched on hot button issues like abortion and criticd republicans for not bill, he sa, would curb the influx of into t. >> oh, you don't like that bill? spthat conservatives got togethr and said it was a good bill. >> i thought the anger rage pref
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the united states. >> there were several unscripted moments throughout the night, up 30. the father of a u.s. marine killed during the withdrawal from afghanistan was removed georgia's marjorie taylor greene shouted for the to say lincoln riley's killed by an illegal immigrant. really? i i will not demonize immigrants saying they are poisoned in the blood of our country biden. he'a saturday where donald trump wil& be campaigning as well from capitol hill. rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> some mcdonald's workers went on strikec in san jose today on behalf of a suffered complicatim a miscarriage on the job, many of the women wore pink ribbons in their as they chanted outside of a mcdonald's restaurant exprn said she wants to make sure that
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fast food workers know they have rights to sick time and disability. the employee said she was afraid to speak up when sheúfell ill at work. >> the other day, pants and thew me just gave me ac and i couldn't go home. mcdonald's say that employee wan timec off after she requested i. dan a statement , quote, my organization hasúa no questions asked policy when employers need to take timet-spa plan that aims to create jobs in more today, governor newsom announced the creation of the california jobs first council. this council will identify priority sectors, work to expand businesses and employers in making a workforce development strategy. the governor saysúthis new council is an important part of thet&
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state's goal toúprepare students and workers for high paying careers. >> unemployment is growing in california, including here in the bay area today, the state's employment development department, or edd,úreleased data from january. it showedc i, unemployment rose to 4, spurred by heavy layoffs in the tech industry. this is the highest level of unemployment in the city since october of 2022. excuse me, 2021. the restc of trend as unemployment rose 5.1% in december to 5.2% in january. and at the national level, the labor market added 275,000újobs in february, 75,000 more than expectedn the unemployment rate did did increase to 3.9. average sphourly earnings went up one tenth of a percent. sectors with spthe largest job gains were health care,úhotels, restaurants and government hire. ing fell in manufacturing. >> the government is running fiscal policy hot and that is creating a lot of jobs.
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surprisingly, we're not seeing those jobs in manufacturing yet. despite the enormous growth in construction, some economists say they want to see the on itsn the private sector, without gov. >> on wall street, stocks ended the day lower after weaknesst& from a key tech stock. the dow isúdown 68 points. the nasdaq slid 188 points and the s&p was lower by 33 points. shares in spsanta clara based nvidia fell 5.5% for its biggest drop since may. analysts say traders were taking some profits since thec chip maker is up more than 70% so. >> coming up tonight, recent making a lot of passengers feel uneasy. we'll take a closer look some of the concerns from customers. >> and coming up at 630, a family was reunited at sfo today what apart for half a decade?
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ñ> and barry weather, we are wrapping up a beautiful friday. lotsúof sunshine out there and a some shower are talking about chances though, as we head into the weekend andúwe'll have the update coming up. >> also coming up tonight. san francisco wants to build more housing on treasure island. the legislation the mayor has proposed that aims to make more progress on the island. >> and here's ac check of our it's the macarthurc maze int& emeryville, and boy, yougre not going to go anywhere because it's pretty, pretty jam packed here on this stretch of the spfreeway. you're watching ktvu news at si
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente,
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all of us work together for all that is you.
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cfo to mexico city, was diverted to los angeles after the crew on board reported a hydraulics spissue with the plane. the faa says that plane did at lax. this is just the most recent aviation issue that is passengers. ktvu tom vacary explains what's being done to cut down onúthese mishaps and try to calm customers fears. >> friday morning, a united airlines 737 ran off a taxiway onto the grass in houston. thursday. three incidents as a united 777 jumbo jet lost a wheel departing san. another united airlines 737 emergency landed in houston with continuous engine backfiring.
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yet another newark, new jersey d experienced aústuck rudder just after touching down the commont& thread. united all the time, so i was kind of thinking about the maintenance issue and why how something like that could happen. in alaska airlines. 737 emergency landed inc portland after fumes were detected midair last week. another alaska, 737 from mexico, landed in portland with a partially opened cargo door. >> i think a lot of places are understaffed, and i think a lot of peoplec are,úyou know, not having enough time to train to do really important things, like make sure doors and wheels don't come off. >> i'm not nervous. flier. i always worry about safety. i just i mean, you got to fly to get places. >> it makes me really nervous that, you know, something like that could happen.
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>> now, this should calm some crunchers at the seven decadesr old international air transport associationúin 2023, at current safety performance levels, a person would have to travel by to experience a fatal accident. here's just a few examples of airliners these days have two engines here. in an airbus its two engines fail, event&if f dragging its tail on the ground. spin this test, a wing is flexed far, far more than will ever come in flight. even everything is confirmed in real test flights. aviation lawyer and former federal transportation department inspector general mary schiavo says this testing, as well as multiple backup systemsl is not
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an accident. sp>> it's not an accident becaue there's a redundancyúand sometimes not just two of everything, sometimes three or more of things. so science is on the passenger side so long as the manufacturers and airlines strictly follow the rules. >> tom two news. >> several city leaders in san francisco want to treasure isla, right built or under construction on this piece of land. andc the mayor wants to make sure this progress continues. tuesday mayor breed andúsupervisor matt dorsey introduced legislation that would bring 1000 new homes, along with public amenities and parks, to the island.úeventually, island to h0 units of housing byc 2030. treasure island is the single largest source of new housing in spthe bay area. >> well, a beautiful day today across the entire bay area. lots
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of the rain continues. inúfact, you probably noticed temperatures warming up a lot to 60s and even a few low 70s sprinkled on this map here out towards san rafael and san days of the week. it'sústillt& mild into theúweekend, but we are bringing in some more cloud cover, so mostly cloudy skies cf some showers. up in the north be system kind of really fizzles out by the time it the golden gate bridge. and then on sunday, definitely more clouds rolling into the area. by sunday afternoon, we'll the shower chat might not be until midúto late afternoon on sunday. here is the now, we have lots of clear skies up and downúthe state and you there's that storm track that will be approaching northern california over the next couple of days. our liveúcamera right now looking above san looking od the bay, out toward alcatraz, and still a very
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right now in the 50s and the lower 60s. san francisco 55, with morec clouds out there and the possibility of some drizzle overnight temperatures will be in the off. so here's the forecast model. of bring in some more clouds. and then this is tomorrow morning, 9:00. definitely some more kind of falling apart over theem the best chance will beúup in sonomaúcounty and then just kind of falls apart. so we're talking about theúchance of somet& showers. but thec best chance is mainly focused up in the afterno sunday, we are tracking another some more showerc chances, and we'll have more on that with your full update in a little >> all right. we'll see you then. mark. thank you. in southern california, the u.s. coast guard is investigating a possible coast of huntington beach, south of los angeles, around 7:00 last night. officials got a call the coast of orange county. when
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the coast guard got here, they found anúoil sheen in the water that stretchedúfor around two miles. officials say the oil may be leaking from a nearbyúoffshore oilúrig, but the exact source of the spill isústill unclear. tonight, governor newsom did put out a statement today saying, quote, we are actively monitoring reports of an oil sheen near huntington beach. we have deployed personnel to evaluate the incident partners. >> well, spring forward takes place to sunday after the break, a look at the renewed effort to keep the county, year round and as well, artificial intelligence is advancing every day. leaders are now signing to use this technology responsibly. >> also, congress takes on tiktok the bills some are proposing platform and the pushback man representatives are now
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice.
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it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! john conway, the founder of san francisco based venture firm sva , has started a letter for companies to sign, pledging that they will build, quote, ai that improves lives and unlocks a better future for humanity. so far, nearly 400 companies have signed the letter, includingc openúai, meta, google, microsoft and. san francisco mayor london breed released a statement in reaction to the
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letter, saying sf is the ai capital of the world and i'm proud to see, salesforce, databricks, and hundreds of others committed to responsiblyc building ai that improvest& people's lives and unlocks our greatest human potential. >>úa bill that media platform ts gaining momentum in congress, right nowl but it is getting a lot of criticism from tiktok users. a house bill committee. a house committee greenlit that bill yesterdayúthat would force the chinese based company bytedance to break with tiktok within 180 days, orc face a ban here in the u.s. the bill has support from both parties, who claim the app poses a national security threat, but support for the legislation is not universal . many lawmakers are beingúthe platform prompted users to contact their representatives. >> we had little children calling into our office and others basically saying spquestions like, what is congress? what is a congressman?
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can i have my tiktok back? >> this bill still needs to pass through the senate and the sphouse. the white house says it needs some work before president biden will sign it into weekendt is time to spring forward. in recent years, there's congress h the practice of switching clocks twice a year. >> yeah, two years ago, the senate passed a bill to on daylight saving time year round. but time expired on that bill before action could be taken in the house. >> it's hard on on business people. it's hard on workers when you're shifting loss in efd productivity. so, you know, i mean let's let's pick one, come back an effort underway in the senate once again to end the twice yearly time change that we do. the bipartisan bill, called the make daylight saving time thedt- feel amazing. round standard an- >> finally, i got my kids with
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me and my wife. >> coming up tonight, a man spreunited with his family at so sptoday after five years. tonigt on the ktvuúnews at 630. the in order to see his wife and children. also a women's soccer team here in the bay area gets an upgrade. we'll member of theb after the break. and coming up later on tonight in sports the latest on steph curry's ankle injury andúhow his teammates are going to have to adjust
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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homicides in the east domestic . just this afternoon, pleasanton police confirmed that a woman was shot and killed yesterday by her estranged boyfriend before he then shot and killed himself on interstate 580 in san leandro. experts say it can be challenging to intervene in these types of cases, since many abusers isolate their victims from support networks. >> more sexual assault accusationsúhave been filed on behalf of women imprisoned at de that women cases bring the total number of lawsuits to 63. the suits also namedúmore officers who have previously not been charged. >> aviationc experts are saying cases like the united airlines
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jet that lost a wheel on takeoff at sfo yesterday are concerning, but extremely rare. just this afternoon, thec faa confirmed another issue with a united flight that left from sfo headed to mexico city. it was diverted& to los angeles for an emergency landing because of a hydraulics issue. it's the fourth emergency involving this week, experts say airliners redundant systems in case of spthese failures. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 635úyearsúand 6000 miles of family separated by global politics and the covid pandemic is finally back together >> ktvu is jesse gary was there for sfo. >> of the thousands of families reunited at airports around the country at sfo friday.
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>> feel amazing. finally i got my kids with me and my wife, 37 year old sergio lopez so long. >> in fact, his youngest son, andre, wasn't born. the four person brood is back together following wife yadira. it's jusy emotional, she says, because after five years to finallyúbe back together. ourúan enemy of the state after taking sppartc in anti-government prott in nicaragua. >> all they target people that weren't in the protest. so they to persecute, picture people, harass people and they came to the houses and took it toúthe jail. >> that's when the college educated public relations experts to his family and fled toúavoid being jailed. sergio's journey to america was much more complicated than just getting on an airplane and flying here. he first snuck out of nicaragua gua
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and into mexico, where he was detained after being released from detention. he was kidnaped and tortured. he escaped andt& made his way to america, where he entered as a political refugee. but he was once again detained and in detention livine and we got to know one another that i really learned what he had gone through. volunteer michelle volpi hosted sergio three years ago. she and others helped himúnavigate the labyrinth of bureaucracies when they show up, needing asylum but not having any resources and not having housing, not knowing how to navigate transportation or the bureaucracy of the united states government. it was five years of waiting and another could beginw journey into the american dream. at san francisco international airport. jesse gary, ktvu, fox >> back now to the breaking news
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that we were following of the bus crash in oakland. these overhead views give us a look at the scene here. and fire officials are now saying that the number of injured people has increased from 13 down to 14. those people were hurt after a car hit an ac transit bus. and what appears this all happening near 54th and boulevard. two of the victims are in critical condition. get t information. now, we want to bring in here on the phone tonight, oakland fire publict& information officer michael hunt. michael thank you for taking the time here. can you give us a sense of where things stand this crash right now in terms of triaging all the patients? we're understanding two patients are in critical condition. were those people on board? >> it was a mix of patients. we what we can tell right now, was speeding, struck a second vehicle and then ultimately transitúbus head on.
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>> so then a total of three vehs involved in this accident? is that right? >> that's correct. three vehicles were involved, but one vehicle, from what we can tell right now, what witnesses on scene have told us, is that there was one main vehicle involved that that struck a second vehicle the same, speedih was heading westbound, head on. and so we haveúa mix ofc patiens from each of the three vehicles, and i don't haveúthe breakdown on which ones, the number of patients from each vehicle. but right now we know thatúat least two persons were critically injured and, likely fromúthe main vehicle. and then, from a second vehicle as well. >> all right, michael, can you talk a little bit about some of the injuries that the oakland firefighters here are treating, the most critically injured patients were were already transported. we has
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arrive on scene, and it was a range i can't get into too much detail right now on the severity of those, other than to say that two were critically injured and& minorúinjuries, and my suffered understanding is most of those about the scene now in terms of the streets that are shut down at this point, i would assume that traffic is people are beino stay away. >> can you give us ac breakdown of the scope of how far backt& people are being asked to staylc it's many, several blocks in each direction. so, this happened, as you said traffict& is blocked from about 50th to 60th right now. so we're encouraging allúvehicle traffic to avoid the area, the ac transit bus is still on scene, and that will be presumably towed away, soon, but we're also, you know, i presume law enforcement is going to conductc an investigation into the actual cause of this and who may be held responsible. so, that's
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about as much as i can say right now. >> yeah. i was going to ask if spyou hadúany more information n kind of how this collision played out. you referenced that one car that that was likely speeding. does it appear at this point? is as though that the driver of that car caused this collision with the bus? >> i think time will tell. some surveillance will forward. but but from from what we've heard from, fromúour people on the, on the ground, and some of the witnesses they've spoken with is that one car appears to have been speeding, moving at a high rate of speed and then and then impacted a second car, and then somehow was propelled into the bus. it's unclear how, exactly, but, but have traveling eastbound on. >> just just one of them being,u know any information about how many people were on board the ac transit bus? do happening during commute hour as people are heading home on a friday day. do
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we know if it was a full bus or transported to differentms being hospitals, or are they all going nearby to highland, so that's your first question. i'm not sure how many passengers wereúon the and as for the second question, this is considered a mass casualty incident. so, dispatchers in anl hospitals are likely told to stand by, as ambulance from fore probably because that's one of the closer hospitals able to handle some of these traumatic events. but as far as some of the more minor injuries, they will likely bet& fanned out to other,úother hospitals and care facilities yu have any sense of the victims hy children involved in this crash? >> not that i know of, but that i'm not sure. okay. i'll be
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happy to update you later on, but of course, have that information rightc now. >> yeah, we know it's very earlc spon here. we really appreciate you jumping on the phone here t. public information officer with the oakland fire department michael hunt joiningc us live here again on that breaking news. 14 people injured in an ac transit bus crashl two of that . >> we'll be back right after the break. the bay area transit agency is calling it quits on a weekend bus detour aimed at keeping peopleúsafe. the support
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. season as katie's mark sayer reports, the club is now welcoming a star forward to the team just before play begins. drills with her new team at the- san jose state practice facilit& . she hails from nigeria and was
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playing for barcelona before she signed with bay fc. >> just be yourself and try to be nice to everyone around you and try to be coachable and try to be teachable as well. >> oshoala is what you might call the real deal. a six time african footballer of the year with three fifa world cup appearances and a member of the nigerian national team. earlier this week, oshoala attended a warriors game and says she was surprised by how well the new club was already known by fans. >> and i feel that because this bay area, it's going to get a lot of attention and a lot of support from the people. >> it'sc an exciting time for te bay because we haveúone of the best forwards in the world. >> albertine montoya head coach of bay fc. >> she can score with the right foot. her left foot with her headers. she's got a speed she can hold the ball up. there are so many great qualities. >>úand on this international women's day, there is quite possibly not a better example of women with international backgrounds coming together. >> we have a player from venezuela, we have a player from scotland, we have a player from ghana, a player from zambia, a
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player from nigeria, a player from canada over the us. >> according to the united nations, international women's day is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. you could say bay fc is literally a living example of all of those values. >> they're an exciting team tot& watch, and that's whatúi've been and excite our fans and put on a fc was named as an expansionhaty team of the national since thats been busy getting ready for spcompetition. we're going to pt everything and within our power to make sure we win trophies this year if we can. >> obviously, we're going to want to in a competitive position. >> bay fc will open its los angeles. the home opener is here at paypal park on march fae
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jose, i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox- two news. >> ac downtown oakland on thelocks in- weekends. the agency said it had permanently cut service on broadway between 15th and 20th streets on weekends last sunday. ac transit said it would skip those stops because of ongoing safety concerns. now, though, the agency is backtracking. itt& says starting tonightúit will discontinue that detour. ac transit says it will work with the oakland police department, the alameda county sheriff's office, and the city of oakland department of transportation to ensure service isúreliably operating. to have the sunshine back today, but some changes by the weekend. definitely ome more cloud an
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mild side in the 60s and even some 70s. some changes moving in as we head toward the weekend.t& so here is your saturday outlook coming up for tomorrow. a cool start tomorrow morning with the possibility of some drizzle, definitely more clouds drifting
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in and the chance of a shower. but the best chance will be kin. and of course the sierra. the spbig story lastúweek with the significant snowfall and the blizzard warnings, you can see spthis was the scene beautiful h clear skies. here's theúplan clouds. we do bring in the chance of some snow on sunday. nothing major. probably not until sunday night as a result,e this to talkúabout. we have a winter storm watch as you can see here, already being prepped by the national weather servicel it says sunday morning, but i'm thinking the main impacts will be sunday night into monday and into tuesday. during that time 10 to 20in of snowfall. soúwe're not talking about blizzard warnings, but still kind of back to the old winter storm watches right now. a lot to clear skies over northern california. in the spbay area, you can see this system out here in the pacific that will definitely approach couple of days. outside. right now, though, it is nice. lots of clear skies and temperatures. it's mild in the 50s andúthe wa,
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this area of highúpressure building in bringing in the warming. but it begins toúback off into the spweekend. we'll see the storm track settle in. definitely a lot of rain up in the pacific northwest for usútomorrow. the chance of a shower that will be& favoringc the north bay, the south bay, not so much at all. and then on sunday, we'll shower chances increasing later in the midúto late afternoon on sunday. so here we are tomorrow morning, 8:00. those clouds. the possibility of some north bay. . a.m. lots of clouds. you can ine north bay by mid-afternoon that could be spreading to the south late sunday afternoon and into be starting out dry, but maybeud by monday night we some rain chs once again. so it is an unsettled weather pattern severs to the lower 60s. no major storms to talk about, but once again, this will all be favoring the north bay. tomorrow. showerr in theúday. on on sunday. maybe
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some more of next week. >> sounds good mark. thank you. >> all right. coming up tonight inúsports a couple of bay areat& high school basketball teams are bringing home some hardware from th r state cha io hips
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all teams are at the golden one centerúthis weekend in sacramento with one goal. bring home that state championship trophy. the oakland wildcats were taking on the montgomery aztecs out of san diego, my hometown, for the division five state championship. we'll start in the third quarter here. oakland is up 3936. deja teague would get by the defender. there to score that one. she had almost a triple double 15 points 15 rebounds and seven assists. then in the fourth the aztecs had no answer for ojigho egonu who dominated inside. she as wel 17 boards. on top of that, the wildcats went on to get the win 5650. it's their second cif state title in school history. and up next, the athenian owls are facing verdugo hills and the boys division five state championship. you see evan lucas there. he's their all time
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leading scorer in the third here. owls up the contact. coun. he had a double double 20 points sp11 boards athenian dominated though winning 6749. that's their first statec title in school history? well let's see n the division three boys state game between santa cruz and albany. third quarter the cardinals problem in this game. turnovers as the warriors suffocate ben dalton jared mims passes it to michael lindsay there. slam lindsay led with 25 points. albany would win thisúone 6353. it's their second state title inc school history. and good news for the warriors steph curryl who sprained his ankle last night in a tough bult an mri today. it came back clean, which means that curry likely will not miss much time. a timeline on his exact return time and rehab process is expected to be clearer in the
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coming days,úafter trainers with the warriors see how he responds to initial treatment. it's a tough be out as the team is rolling, winning seven of their last ten games, but klay thompson this position before where he has had time off and we just got to do it collectively andl i know he'll, be ready to go when he does come back, whenever that is. we just want to wish him a speedy recovery time. >> okay, shifting introduction, so check it out. out here it's randy taco from the sky. >> nom. so yummy in my belly. in the kitchen. take it. >> hey booga booga booga booga. >> that's great. >> yeah. so they miked up a little league team here i love that i know they do that for the
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pros all the time. >> and it's great. you kindúof get the behind the scenes. i've never seen it for the little league game. >> two young boysúright. so what do you think they'd be saying. >> it's something similar. yeah. boogers and tacos. randy. tacos. spyeah. that's like a dream. ye, yeah. >> awesome. thanks, guys. >> watching everyone. west coast wrap up. up next here on ktvu to stream the latest news and weather on your smart tv >> just download to your tv. wee u back here t
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by yelling out like that, he has brought attention back to our son. >> the man arrested for outbursts during last night's state of the union address is the father of a fallen the marines loved ones says they're determined to keep his memory


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