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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> but we also want to ensure that we are reforming laws that are outdated. >> a new bill signed into law by police departments more transparent and it clears the way for theúpublic to learn why officers have been fired without a records request. we 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts now. >> hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach news tonight the legislation came about following a 2022 scandal in the san jose bay reporter lamonica peters has more from the bill's author. >> state senator aisha wahab says after talks with advocates and constituents in san jose, she authored senate bill 400 bad actors will be fired and terminated, and announcements will be made and the public has full transparency of the incident. >> it was signed by governor newsom late inform the public ay a police officer was fired.
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>> the officer goes through their entire due process,úyou know, has their union rep defending them and much more. and when wrongdoing is found, and termination is approved, then the, you know, police department can be very proactive and let the public know. and that was the whole point 20r2, e officer matthew dominguez was arrested after being suspected of masturbating while responding to a call. >> he was later fired and placed on a decertification list, which could stop police department in california. >> the effort is not only to reform, a lot of these institutionalized departments, but it's also to hold, individual accountable, right? both, you also those that are in the public committing wrong, wrong acts. >> last december, san jose police released aúnew strategic plan hoping to rebuild trust
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with the community, saying in part, this proactive approach not only enhances public confidence in law enforcement, but also establishes a foundation of mutual respect, understanding and shared responsibility. >> it's not just san jose, it's the entire state of california. every single police agency, should and many actually do want to increase transparency. >> senate bill documents show that multiple agencies supported sb 400, including the san jose police department, now, this was a bipartisan effort, and wahab says she believes this bill will help rebuild trust between the police and the communities that they serve. lamonica peters ktvu , fox two news. >>c a uc berkeley professor is n day three of a sit in protest. professor ron hassner has been locked inside his office since thursday at 6 p.m. he saysúit's his way of trying to persuade the university to do more to protect jewish studentsn hassner will leave his office once he sees change on campus. meantime,
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a group of about 300 students, staff and faculty alumni are expected to demonstrate on campus tomorrow morning in response to, say, their gate being blocked by protesters. in. >> in the last few weeks, jewish students on the berkeley campus have had to suffer, a good deal of harassment, there's been a blockade in the middle of campus , and, the, the students who are sort of guarding that blockade, are targeting jewish students specifically, sort of threatening them, intimidating them, hannah schlacter is a graduate student at uc berkeley who testified before congress in february about what sheúcalls a crisis on the university's campus. some people argue the university is being selective when applying its policies to different protesters. on february 26th, the pro-palestinian protest committee blocked sather gate,
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forcing some students to walk through the creek bed to access campus. the move went against the university's policy of blocking the gate. >> i hope is that when you have 3p0 people marching through a gate, that then sends the message to the university enfor, standing idly by is not going to be a message for us as a community to stand idly by. >> demonstrators say they plan to march tomorrow morning starting at 1145 at zellerbach playhouse. they say they will sphead straight through sather gate, across campus. >> now, a spokesman for uc berkeley did release a statement on both of these protests. it reads in part. members of the campus administration are in contact with both the organizers of the existing protest at sather gate and those of the planned counter-protest the administration is aware of and is concerned about rising tensions on campus through dialog. we are seeking to reduce tensions so as to reduce the risk of conflict and violence on
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our campus. in regards to professor hannah's protest, the university saying, today the administration is committed to holds professor hassner in great esteem. and it is in conversation with him about his concerns. >> the u.s. military is now stepping up its effort to provide food and water to thousands of people in northern gaza. the pentagon released photos of a u.s. naval ship filled with supplies, leaving the eastern mediterranean heading to the region. the u.s. air force vital role in providing humanitarian relief. this weekend, the u.s. air force dropped dozens the area. officials say they wereúfilled with more than 40,000 meals and 2300 bottles of water, and the new supplies come right at the start of ramadan. the holiday marks a month of fasting, spirituality and reflection for millions of muslims around conce war in gaza could lead to even more violence across the entire middle east. during ramadan, the u.s. and other leaders have been
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pushing for a cease fire during the holiday, but talks have failed. >> new at 11 gun attachment is increasingly being used to make a firearm even more deadly. conversion devices or switches or small attachments made of metal or plastic that can make a gun fully automatic. the modifications are illegal under federal law, but easily obtain ordered online or even made with a 3d printer. >> used to be that five rounds, four rounds were fired, and now 50, 60, 70, 80 rounds are exchanged. in that same time period, back and forth. >> between 2017 and 2021, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives reported a 570% increase in theúnumber of devices seized by police. they're frequently used in gang violence and significant increase the risk of risk to innocent bystanders. many states do not have specificc laws against these devices, but the atf says it is now working to
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train law enforcement agencies onúhow to spot them and get them off the streets. >> here in california, different measures have been taken in effort to track illegal guns in the state. attorney general rob bonta has been working to find ways to reduce and prevent gun violence. he'll be in the capitol tomorrow to release the 2023 armed and prohibited persons system program annual report. that report breaks down the number of people who have obtained guns and then from from legally owning them. >> new at 11, more than 75 million people have enrolled in the us government's newest student loan repayment plan. the save plan is income driven and waives loan interest if borrowers make their adjusted monthly payments. biden announced last month that he would be canceling student loan debt for 153,000 borrowers in the save plan. the supply to many borrowers who have made payments for at least ten borro0 or less, and now even more borrowers in the plan are eligible for zero payments. the plan won't require borrowers to
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make these payments if they earn less than 225% of the federal poverty line, $32,000 a year for a single person. >> also new at 11, a new pollt& says. a majority of bay area voters would support transportation improvements funded by the rich. 57% of respondents saidúthey would support holding a future bay area wide ballot measure that would increase income tax on the highest earners. the money would pay for a coordinated network of bus, rail and ferry lines, as well as improved roads and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. respondents said they would also support boosting payroll taxes on employers, with revenue in the east bay, police- made quite the discovery along an off ramp from interstate 580 in oakland this week. >> officers spent hours trying u henry lee reports, that safe belongs to a jewelry store that's been previously targeted. >> so the first time they did it, they used a rope and it
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snapped. so the next time they came back, it was a heavy chain surveillance video shows burglars wrapping a long chain around a bake safe and with thef grand jewelry repair near oakland's lake merritt at about four in the morning thursday. >> here,úyou can see thec safe being dragged along grand avenue and knocking over garbage cans. the thieves,úwith help from others in this dodge challenger, used a winch to lift one end of the safe onto the van, but the other end still on the ground, creating sparks. two oakland police cars are seen immediately going after the van, but the intruders got away the safe apparently got dislodged or fell from the van, ending up lying in the middle of the harrison street macarthur boulevard off ramp to 580. inside, about $300,000 in jewelry and safe. ta tran, whose parents own thehert- store as they are driving away. >> it was still dragging, so when we the bottom is kind of rubbed out because it was dragging onto the
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street, a tow truck had to be called to remove the safe, which is now at an undisclosed location. we're extremely happy that they dropped it. >> the store is now in disarray and and shattered glass. because of the path the safe took through the store their crowbar behind. >> so yeah, this is the crowbar. so it broke here when they. this is the second major breaking at the store since 2020. >> the first incident spmemorialized in these photos n the wall. >> just sad. right. and then in addition to that, you know, you could be angry too. sy parents because like iúsaid, you know, they're immigrants. they came over here during the vietnam war insurance will cover the damage. >> but the owner's son tells me this incident could force his parents to retire after 34 years in oakland. henry lee ktvu, fox two news the warriors foundation hosted their annual steamfest event today to inspire young people to get into the arts and sciences. >> it happened during today's game between the rio grande valley vipers and the santa cruz
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warriors. the fair was designed to draw a connection between sports and colleges across the bay area hosted tables to share their research and projects. young people also got a chance to see 3d printing demonstrations. one student explained that going to an event such as this when she was younger inspired her career paty exposure to stem. >> i think, you know, it's a really powerful to know what you want to do at a young age. and i honestly wish i figured it out sooner. >> earlier this week, the warriors helped gift 40 women new laptops. this was in partnership with self esteem, which empowers women to get started in stemúcareers. >> today marks a year since the levee breach in barreiro, flooding hundreds of people out of their homes. how officials ss does not happen again. >> also, had the presidential candidates campaigned in georgia over the weekend, what voters should expect ahead of the
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latest swing state primary election. >> all righty. scattered showers showing up in the bay area. they'll be in the neck of your woods soon. or in the. yeah neck of your woods. i guess the scattered showers will last overnight. maybe into the morning commute, but then overt& and then more tomorrow night. i' see ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about
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a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you. investigation. >> this story begins tonight's west coast rap. the seattle fire
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department said the fire extended to nearby brush. the flames could be seen from miles away. fire officials said no injuries were reported and the official started. that fire is still under investigation. advocates say this is a reminder of the dangers that encampment fires have. and now many people are calling on the city to do more. >> and in southern california tonight, thousands of pro-palestinian activists marched right outside the academy awards ceremony. protesters blocked the area as the ceremony attendees sat in black suvs that were at a standstill for more than an hour until lapd cleared the area. demonstrators shouted shame on you at some of the people walking into the ceremony. the activist groups, including jewish voice for peace and sag-aftra members for ceasefire. we're trying to call attention to the ongoing violence in gaza, just as millions of muslims around the world start to observe ramadan in utah, the
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state's new the first time at the capitol building in salt lake city. >> it has been about a year since the utah state legislature voted for a new flag design. more than 5000 designs and ideas were submitted during the process of designing this new flag, and residents had a chance to vote on their favorite proposal. the final design incorporates utah's iconic beehive and colors that represent the northern mountains and native american tribes. the first time the flag hast's direct input from the people in utah, and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weekday right here on ktvu. west coast rap with alex savage airs at 7:00 monday through friday, or find a round the clock coverage at west coast >> today marks a year since the levee breached in monterey county that caused hundreds of residents to lose their homes and flooding, and now the construction of a new flood control system is underway. officials in pajaro are working to improve emergency preparedness and response,
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according to the chronicle, the disaster brought a newfound was in the works since 2019. >> erosion problems have long plagued tunnel road, which runs up along the oakland and berkeley hills above the caldecott tunnel and now the roadway is reduced to one lane they worry thisúroadway poses a- serious safety risk. >> as ktvu tom vacar reports here, nearby residents have demands for the city. of tunnel road and bay forestcr lane in the oakland hills came down during torrential rain. no. yet it remains unrepaired and getting wider and deeper into an under tunnel road. >> the road is near complete collapse and that will close the road here. and it's really time that the city paid attention to this problem and fix the road so that it remains open for the
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safety and the use of the residents. >> what would have been a simpler and far cheaper repair years ago is now underneath those tarps. >> the hill is still eroding, and as these storms come through, the water flowing down here is getting under the tarps and still washing away the land underneath the road. the problem with this is at this size, this is way more manageable than if it gets bigger. >> and with six weeks left of the rainy season, it's likely to get a lot bigger if it collapses . the bay forest neighborhood could be cut off from this heavily traveled road. >> access for emergency vehicles is absolutely critical up here. we remain in a high fire hazard zone. >> patrick dawkins, another resident of the areal wrote. we have gotten nowhere contacting the city of oakland. >> the responses we get from communications with the city are that they're in some planning
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process, and that eventually this would get fixed on monday, eight years into this mess, they finally got an update. they said that they would complete an engineering study that was started late last year, and that construction would start in the ñ> in the interim, tunnel roadc has seen two other slides open up, threatening to do much the same. tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> all county in just the last few hours. they've gotten like quarter inch, half inch of rain in some parts of the watershed stenson there. so pretty pretty the rest of us are going to see maybe a 10th ofúan inch or a quarter of an inch. if we're lucky, we'll get to the radar. these are the highs from today. this system going through right now is going to kind of linger a bit into the morning, but most likely by the time you get on
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the road, it should be dry from the sky, be a little wet on the roads. is this overnight shower does its thing overnight? here's a well, look how quick it move. there it is here now, coming a little closer and the heaviest rainúobviously up in this area. moving out of marin now, but not before. like i say, marin. almost a half inch of rain in some of those coastal areas. and now it's moving into san francisco. oakland right now and in fremont, and then it should be out of here pretty quick. and as we go into the mountains, we've got a winter storm. watch that will turn, or the watch that will probably turn into an advisory tomorrow night as the system number two,úweak system number two comes in. so again, this is like last week where none of these systems are direct hits. they're just kind of brushing by. this one's brushing by now. the one tomorrow night. it does the same thing. and the timing is not much different overnight into the morning hours which is i love those. that's my favorite kind of weather. just because it keeps everybody. most people are in bed. right. so it's not an issue on the roads typically. and, everybody's safe and sound. these are the numbers for tomorrow morning. it'll be a little chilly. and then the
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model well there it is. breaks out by tomorrow morning. that's 9 a.m. and then that's 7 p.m. tomorrow night. and then that's that next system for overnight 1 anm. tomorrow night. and then by the morning commute it kind of does the sameúthing that we're going to see tomorrow morning. i'll then after weather. we're looking at that o potentially reach into the 70s, mid 70s as we get towards the weekend five day forecast. there it is. it's coming. it's where it is you know okay, there it goes. there it is. >> the big reveal. >> well i like a little tension but you're right the weekend looks solid. what's up with that. right yeah. it's going to go from west. >> igm looking forward to it already. yeah. based great. andu notice all the blossoms coming out on the trees. oh yeah. boom. this set them off especially on wednesday. thursday. >> it's so green. and the flowers are coming out. yeah. ready for some warm weather almost spring. all right. thanks bill. yeah. well voters head to the polls in georgia on tuesday
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for the latest swing state primary on the 2024 election. both president biden and donald trump made campaign stops in georgia yesterday. it is expertl play aúcritical role in this year's race for the white house. first lady jill biden introduced her husband during a rally in atlanta. the president told supporters he disagrees issue, including immigration reform. instead of celebrating the contributions of immigrants to our country, to our economy and our communities, donald trump calls them vermin poison the bloody and poisoning the blood of america. >> no one should ever doubt where my heart is. unlike donald trump. on my first day in office as president, i introducedúa comprehensive, comprehensivec plan to fix our immigration system. >> donald trump held a rally about 70 miles away in rome, georgia, where he repeated his false claim that the 20r0 presidential election results in georgia and other u.s. states were rigged. >> here is a look at the stories
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trending tonight on ktvu. com one of our top stories a drive e left one person dead, and the hd recall efforts to oust oakland mayor shengtao ramping up as some community members held another rally in the city. and 49ers quarterback brock purdy married his college sweetheart, jenna brandt. you can find these stories and much more on >> well, it's never too late to throw a big white wedding. the world war two veteran planning to hold his wedding in europe this summer on an historic day bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the....
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in february, but the as rosy asy appear. the average has gone dos many of the jobs are part time.p slightly from 3.7 to 3.9, while wage increases have slowed to 4.1, keeping workers just 1% ahead of far, far less than the wage gains. the very positive wage 2022 and 2023. >> the percentage of able workers with jobs remains at the low 60% level, with prime working age folks, those between 25 to 54 at a five month high oc almost 84. the number of women in the labor force is also the highest on record. while men left the force for the third
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straight month, especially non-college educated men. >> well, two lottery jackpots are growing after nobody has won the mega millions or powerball in weeks.únow, no big winner of the powerball last night. that means tomorrowgs jackpot has climbed to more than a half billion dollars. the winning numbers were 30 and 36, 49, 52, 63. the powerball was 16. the jackpot for tuesday's mega millions drawing has now reached $735 million. >> well, a world war two veteran is planning to get married in spfrance as part of celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of d-day. 100 year old harold terrones and his 96 year old fiancee, jeannie swerling, of both of boca raton, florida, are planning to get married on june 8th in a chapel near the beaches of normandy. terrence served from 1942 to 1945 as a radio technician in the army. the couple has been dating now since
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2021 and they say they enjoy dancing, kissing and holding hands. >> i'm getting married because i love this girl. this woman who she is one of the most magnificent women i've ever known in my entire life. >> being in love is young. we gs just like everybody else, and he's just so amazing. guy >> after d-day in june 1944, terrence bring captured germans and freed american prisoners to england. he also worked at a soviet air base as part of an american contingent. >> the smiles on their faces. >> congratulations to them. never too old to find love. >> you're rht
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going on everyone. i'm alex savage. welcome to this edition of like it or not. you know how this show goes. we put the topics out there for our panel. everything from major controversies to some of those little annoyances that come up from time to time we put the top account there. our panel will let us know if they like it or not. the panel today excited to have crystal bailey and mark de


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