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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 11, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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though. >> okay. let's get right to steve paulson. he's right here with your forecast. >> we're done with the rain here a little mistc drizzle maybe, bt there will be one more system coming in tomorrow and then that will give us a break. but a pretty good rain in marin county, although there were others that got in on it as well. bonnie doon almost three quarters rodeo half inch west healdsburg, a half inch berkeley, half moon bay, 38 100 redwood city, napa and santa rosa were all close as well, but there are some breaks, so we'll get some sun breaks here. 40s, 50s on the temps. so enjoy the because that next system is racing right along here. it won't take long to get here by this evening. highs 50s and 60s. all right. frank is here. still kind of busy out there getting worse. what? >> no, no, it's getting kind of better. but we had a recipe for saving yesterdayl so we lost an hour of sunlight this morning. you throw in the rain into monday, and it's a bit of a slow go commute. here's our triple a highway 24 camera. we're, just o
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monday. if you're on your way from the east bay towards orinda in that caldecott tunnel, let's take you over the peninsula. and spit's pretty much the same the, as wellúas san mateo from haywao foster city and vice happy monday to you. it ist& moving along, though, and we did have an incident on the golden gate bridge. you can see somec flashing lights out there. we had them there minutes ago, but they had a big piece of metal debris. it was lane of the golden gate bridge, about center span. and they were trying to get that out of theren so the marine commuters couldc get in. looks like that is pretty well clear. although you can still see some lights out there. so if you're coming in from marin, it might take you a little extra time to get past that. butúonce you're in, you are in. that is a look time now. we'll send it back to you. >> thank you. frank we'll update breaking news now in san francisco as the chp is asking for the public's help as it investigates a deadly hit and run on westbound 80 early this
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morning, ktvu is live in san francisco with an update. alice >> good morning. garcia. a pedestrian was hit on the 80 freeway. as you're coming into the city off of the bay bridge, it was on this freeway that all traffic had to be diverted at fifth street. that was when chp was investigating a fatal hit and run. we are hearing from the chp that reportedly a pedestrian was trying to cross the freeway, and this happened at about 135 this morning when few cars are on the roadway. traffic ended up gettingúdiverted as the chp investigated the case. the coroner came on scene. the freeway was closed for a couple of hours. public information officer for the chp, mark andrews. she shared this report about the accident with us at approximately 1:35 a.m. this morning, westbound 80 near the fifth street off ramp in san
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francisco, we had a vehicle, collide with the pedestrian, in the traffic lanes. the pedestrian did not survive and has been pronounced deceased. the vehicle that was involved, was not here at upon chp arrival and fled the scene. we don't have any information at this time as to what type of vehicle that may be. >> now, as you can imagine, the chp is asking the public's help. anyone who is on the roadway westbound 80 coming off of the bay 145 early this morning, the roadway was wet, but if you saw anything, please contact the chp. they're still investigating this. they have no identification on the fatality.t were related to this in san fra, sending it back to you at the desk. alice schwartz, ktvu, fox >> alice. thank you. time now,
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703. the chp also investigating a shooting saturday night on the bay bridge, where one person was wounded. it happened in the eastbound lanes just east of buena island. investigators say a gunman pulledc up alongside te victim's car the victim was hite time and then taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. the chp is trying to figure out a possible motive and also identify both the suspect and the car that bed its dining rooms in oakland indefinitely and is service onl. >> the british publication the daily mail reviewed recent oakland crime statistics and found thieves had struck three taco bells in oakland, a combined half a dozen times this year alone. organizers of an effort to recall oakland mayor shang taoúsay their effort is picking up steam. supporters of a recall held a weekend rally at a building in downtown oakland that housed a once popular vietnamese restaurant, but the
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restaurant is now closed due in part to street crime. retired alameda county judge leading the recall blames mayor tao for rising crime in oakland. >> she didn't inherit all of these problems she caused a say, give her more time, moreot- our city. >> by july, recall organizers must collect signatures of at leastú10% of oakland's registered voters on a recall petition. organizers say they're confident they'll get those signatures before the deadline to qualify for the november ballot. mayor tao sent a statement to ktvu news about the recall effort. it read in part, my focus is fighting for a safer, more affordable and more prosperous oakland. i ask all oaklanders to help me achieve that vision with hope and collaboration and push aside fear and division. let's bring our community together to fight for the city. >> we love our time now. 705 new. this morning. at least 50 officials are calling a strong movement on a boeing jet that
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was flying from sydney, the chie latam says there was a, quote, technical event during that flight that caused a strong movement. the airline says several passengers on that plane were not wearing seat belts when the plane suddenly dropped. most of the people were treated right there for mild injuries. 13, though, were taken to a hospital and the justice department has reportedly launched a criminal investigation into the door panel blowout aboard an alaska airlines jet. the wall street journal reports. federal investigators have questioned crew were on that boeing 737 jet back in january. they've been told they are potential victims of since the transportationnce secretary, pete buttigieg, is now calling on boeing to fully cooperate with his investigation and others focusing on the spsafety of its jets.
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>> first of all, boeing needs to cooperate in every respect, and the faa has given them 90 days to show a comprehensive plan on how they're going to turn their quality issues around. every time i step off of a jet bridge and onto a plane, which is every few days, i know that i am participating in the safest way to travel in the world, and we never take that for granted. >> now, the faa still is trying to figure out why a tire fell off a boeing jet shortly after it took off from sfo last week. the tire from a united airlines flight damaged several cars in theúairport parking lot, but that jet did land safely at los angeles international airport. well, american personnel are being evacuated from haiti as haiti is dealing with spiraling violence. the us military is airlifting americans who work at the embassy in port au prince. theregs been a mass prison escape in haiti as well as gunfire at its main airport, the central bank and the national
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soccer stadium in haiti. armed gangs are leading a series of attacks over trying to overthrow the haitian government. gangs have been gaining more power since the president of haiti was assassinated in 2021. >> happening today. the petaluma city council will consider allowing the retail sale of marijuana in that city. right now, petaluma allows two delivery only cannabis council meeting, it could permits. >> all right. good morning everybody. it is monday and the commute is feeling it, especially if you are stuck on the bay bridge. let's take a look at the traffic cam there at the toll plaza. a slow go for the past couple of hours, but not unusual at this hour. there were some issues in san francisco earlier this morning that has since cleared up, but a typical monday there. take a look at highway 24. if you were coming in from the east bay
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lafayette. those are the red tail lights on their way to orinda and the caldecott tunnel. and that has been busy, busy all morning long. no incidents, but you throw in a little bit of rain as you can imagine, it is a slow go there and we'll show a little love to the super commuters coming in, from tracy down to 580. as you can see, through the altamont pass, that is still a slow go. and once you get into the livermore valley, that isúslow as well. time now is nearly 709. let's send it back to gasia. >> thank you. frank a new poll says a majority of bay area voters would support transportation improvements funded by high earners. 57% of respondents said they'd support holding a future bay area wide ballot measure that on high earnersn the money would pay for a coordinated network of bus, rail and ferry lines, as well as improved roads and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure improvements. respondents said they'd also support boosting payroll taxes on employers with more than $4 million in annual revenue. >> okay guys, your time. 709
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it's a proposal that calls for more police transparency statewide, how it's related to a department. the san jose police- >> a big protest scheduled on the uc berkeley campus today. why a group of students accuses the school of failing to protect them if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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a nosy police officer and a bay area lawmaker wrote that bill. ktvu is andre senior in the studio now. you have details. good morning andre. >> good morning to you dave. it's being called the police transparency act and it would have a dramatic impact on california's law enforcement agencies and how they respond to cases of officer misconduct. it allows police departments across the state to release specific information about why an officer was fired. california law enforcement agencies can now voluntarily release that information without out a formal lawmaker from fremont authored that bill. >> the officer goes through their entire due process, you know, has their union rep defending them and much more. and when wrongdoing is found, and termination is approved,, te department can be very proactive and let the public know. and that was the whole point of this
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bill. >> now, the bill comes in response to the case of a former san jose police officer named matthew dominguez.c back in 202, he was arrested due to alleged inappropriate sexual behavior that took place while he was responding to a domestic violence call. dominguez was later fired and placed on a list which could prevent him from joining another police force in california. >> the effort is not only to reform, a lot of these institutionalized, departments, but it's also to hold, individuals accountable, right? both, you know, people in law enforcement, but also those that are in the public, committing wrong, wrong acts. now last december, san jose police released a new strategic plan, hoping to rebuild trust with the community. >> the plan says, in part, quote, this proactive approach not only enhances public confidence in law enforcement, but also establishes a foundation of mutual respect, understanding and shared responsibility. end quote. this new transparency bill has bipartisan support among state lawmakers in sacramento and the
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author of the bill says she is confident it will help police officers move one step closer to restoring the trust in the you, dave. >> all right, andre, thank you. time 714. well, all this week, analy high school. there haveat been warnings about possible violence against that school. says the threats having police n the campus will ensure the safety of the school, the staff and the students. >> more than 75 million people have enrolled in the us government's newest student loan repayment plan. the biden administration announced last month it's canceling student loan debt for 153,000 borrowers in the save plan. it's applied to many borrowers who've been making payments for at least ten years and originally borrowed $12,000 or less. now, even more borrowers in the plan are eligible to have their payments ended. the plan to make paymentf they earn less than 225% of the federal poverty line. that's 32,000 a year for a single
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person, 715 now, congress could move forward on a measure this in the united states.iktok here >> very interesting. doug luzader tells us some very unusual alliances are now forming in washington. >> there is a lot of bipartisan support for going after tiktok, but we've seen some major shifts and some unusual positions on this, starting at the white house. >> mama kelsey nation, a great chocolate chip cookies. >> president biden made a splash earlier this year when his forward a few months, and he'sh willing to sign off on a potential ban if they pass it, i'll sign it. that would be quite a flip for the president now to sign off on a bill that is quickly gaining momentum on capitol hill that could force tiktok's to sell the site or face a ban in the us. at the same time, former president trump, who once supported a ban, now seems to be softening his stance, posting if you get rid of tiktok, facebook and zucker, schmuck, a reference to facebook
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ceo mark zuckerberg will double their business. and trump's not alone banning tiktok. >> maybe that's necessary to protect american data from china, but if you can find aúway to avoid that, that'd be good to defenders of tiktok say it's a matter of free speech and tiktok has been lobbying hard, including urging users to call members of congress who have been arguing that the site is downright dangerous. >> as tiktok sort of proved our pointúyesterday, we had kids. it was compelling kids to call members of congress, in some cases threatening suicide. >> usually it's,úthe staffers on the house who answer the phones are quite young, and they would say, does your teacher know you're calling us right now? and they would get a hang up? >> and this is a delicate issue around here with politicians wanting to crack down on tiktok, while at the same time trying desperately to reach its huge audience of young potential luzader fox of 717. elon musk nw officially unveiling his
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artificial intelligence bot. it's called grok, and musk hopes it will become a major rival to chat. gpt, the tesla and spacex leader, says he's very excited about the project. musk is allowing both developers and coders to closely inspect his company's artificial intelligence bot. >> let's swing out to the traffic center, say good morning again to frank mallicoat. where are you most concerned aboutt& when it comes to the morning traffic? >> well, good morning guys. yes, it's been kind of busy today, as you might imagine. we're going to take you up to the north bay and take a look at the richmond, spmoving slow into the toll plaa right now. that will break up at mid span and how about this bayl plazal you can see we've got a fire situation under the highway. you look to the right. you can see some of the flames. obviously a lot of smoke down traffic a bit possible homeless
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encampment down below. we in on that in oakland and the bay bridge toll plaza. once you make that spin around that curve, that's what will greet you there. lots of traffic metering lights have been on for a couple of hours. slow go intoúthe city. that's a look at traffic steve, we'll say good morning to you, sir. >> thank you frank. appreciate that. good morning. yes we're getting a little bit of a break here from our system, whichúwas pretty good for some. that came similar pattern tonight. late tonight. tomorrow morning. and i don't expectútoo much change. this next one will be the last in the series in the pipeline. the good news, though, is on wednesday to friday. lots of sunshine and warmer but windy. the question is, will it be breezy or windy? still some lingering snow in the mountains& i think it's about done though, but there will be another round coming in tonight, tomorrow from that system which is moving right along. in fact, it'll bring rain, i think, to this evening, if not sooner, to areas to the north. for most it will be overnight into tomorrow, but
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that is also prompted another winter weather advisory for the mountains. snow level around 4000ft. that goes through tuesday at 5:p0. another 4 to 10in of snow looks likely here. probably a little bit above lake level, but we are looking at another 3 to 7 here being forecast for these areas. so the beat goes on. but after that there will be a noticeable break . the system is falling apart over us but left behind marin county. the winner by far woodacre almost an inch of rain. mount tamalpais is 83 100 fairfax three quarters and san rafael picked up two thirds of the bad for some santa cruz mountains as well. cazadero had just shy of an inch ofc rain. sleepyc almose quarters. novato a half inch ben loman almost a half inch. petaluma, oakland, crockett and san francisco a quarter to a third. that's the next getting e sun now, it will not take long to get increasing clouds. so morning rain ends, sun then clouds coming in 5060 on the temps. rain tomorrow morning should kick out by the afternoon , then a break. wednesday, warmer. but how windy that will
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be the question. thursday.t& though for the weekend. >> steve. thank you. a royal controversy in england and beyond. why a picture of some members of the royal family drew a lot of scrutiny online and was even pulled by a number of large news organizations, and it was the biggest night in hollywood, the oscars. >> we'll show you the big winners and the group that tried to disrupt the award show oh, it's cold outside. time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. you need weathertech. laser measured floorliners and cargo liner
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spwell, the 2024 oscar award shw will be a night that people involved in the movie oppenheimer will never forget. it was incredible. seven academy awards went to the biopic last night. director christopher nolan won best director, actor cillian murphy best actor, and robert downey jr won best supporting actor. actress emma stone, the star of the movie poor things, won for best actress and da'vine joy randolph won for best supporting actress in the movie the holdovers. >> for so long,úi've always wanted to be different, and now i realize i just need to be myself. >> jimmy kimmel hosted for the fourth time. some moments from the show have gone viral online,
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including john cena taking the stageúwearing only a pair of birkenstocks and holding a strategically placed envelope. the winners for costume design inside also. ryan gosling, mark ronson and slash perform the oscar nominated song i'm just ken from the barbie movie. >> that was a great moment, too, and so was this singer billie eilish made history at the oscars awards show, becoming the youngest person to win two oscars. the billie eilish and her brother finneas won for best original song for what was i made for? from the barbie movie, their second oscar award. they also won best original song back in 2022 for the theme song to the james bond movie no time to die. >> thank you for this. i'm so grateful for this song and for this movie and the way that it made me feel. and, this goes out to everyone who was affected by the movie and how incredible it is. and i want to thank my team and billie eilish. >> by the way, only 22 years
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old. well, protesters against the war in gaza shut down a major road in hollywood just before the academy awards. you are no democracy. >> you. >> three free palestine, three free palestine day. >> now these demonstrators gathered on sunset boulevard tht spread things like, while you're watching, bombs are dropping and eyes on rafah, a reference to the city in southern gaza, where more than a million displaced palestinians have taken refuge. the protesters blocked the streets as celebrities sat inside of suvs for more than an hour until the police cleared the area. several protesters broke the fences surrounding the red carpet just before the televised event began. officials say they increased security outside of the academy awards, and organizers say about 2000 security officers were at the dolby theater, sanúfrancisco's japantown task force hosted an
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open house to show the public a new community space under development. japantowns cultural districts. partnered with soho, which plans to open a creative hub in the new center in june nonprofit sag in particular to connect with young audiences. >> the young folksc really needa new place to kind of hang out and feelúwelcome in our for really, really long time. so a lot of the immersive events that we will do for coho, will sort of service those folks and give them a place and a sense of belonging and a home. >ñ coho plans to work closely with existing cultural organizations to honor the creativity that shaped the japantown community. >> gasia time 727. the latest on the 2024 race for the white sphouse. but president biden tod supporters about hist& disagreements with donald trump and 49ers quarterback brock purdy has a new title, one that
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has nothing to do with his performance on the field. >> to his college sweetheart in iowa, and how they want to mark the day wit a decidedly northern
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uc berkeley campus. the reason not doing a good job of protecting the jewish community and addressing homelessness in san francisco. we'll tell you and a candidate for mayor whosor want to relaunch a program called homeward bound. >> from ktvu, fox two news, this is mornings on two. ñ> well good morning. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. >> i'm gasia michaela. and it is monday, march 11th. steve paulson i thought of you as driving on 580 in the truck in only the best way tied to weather. of course. i was driving through 580 in the tri valley, and the hills are so green and lush right now. >> you know what? you read my mind. i saw and thought about the same thing on sunday. it's just march is the best. air is yeah, and we had a little bit of rain overnight and more so than a little bit, especially up in
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the mendocino county, parts of sonoma, marin county. but this system is falling apart now. we're getting some sun breaks. look at that. a little bit of patchy fog, but we'll get system is just racing right along and it will start to move in later this evening. this afternoon to the north, then overnight into early tuesday for another round of rain. then bute temps. all right. frank is here. mallicoat got busy. got better. we better now. >> yeah, we're getting there. we're getting there. the password today, steve, is slow. slow the commute has been not rolling along all that smoothly on this monday morning. and there's case in point right there. the toll plaza has been heavy all morning. started with. highway 80. rightc when you get off the bridge, they actually shut down the highway for three hours. never quite recovered. and now we got a collision crawling into the city not too far away. there's the bayshore freeway, which of course feeds into that bay bridge. and little do those cars know they're about
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to be in bumper to bumper traffic there. let's about to make that right hand turn onto the bridge. things are starting to clear up a little bit. highway 24. but it's still heavy as commuters from the east bay are working their way into the city on a monday morning that is a look at traffic, dave. we'll send it back to you at the desk. >> all right, frank, thank you. time is 732. the muslim holy month of ramadan, now underway with no ceasefire agreement in gaza, negotiators from the u.s, qatar and egypt were hoping to have a deal on a ceasefire before ramadan. >> one that would include the release of dozens of israeli hostages. those talks stalled last week. u.s. air force planes dropped humanitarian aid packages this weekend across northern gaza. president biden says while he still supports israel's right to self-defense, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu needs to protect civilians in gaza must he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a
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consequence of the actions taken. >> he's hurting. in my view, he's hurting israel more than helping israel. >>úpalestinians in tent camps throughout gaza say they're doing what after five months ofúwar. >> our time is now 733, a demonstration in support of the jewish community expected to face some counter-protesters at the university of california, berkeley's historic sather gate. >> ktvu tori gaines in studio now from the newsroom. and you're following what's happening here. tori? >> yes, we started following everything yesterday. the protest. there are actually two protests going on. we'll tell spyou about both. first of all, today there are more than 300 jewish students and allies who are expected to march through cal's campus. they say they hope toúhighlight the university's treatment of jewish people on campus. the march is set to head through sather gate, which was blocked by a pro-palestinian demonstration on february 26th. tensions were high as pro-israel and pro-palestinian
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demonstrators clashed at the protest. the blocking of the gate, a main access point for campus, led to students trudging through the creek bed nearby to make it across. hannah schlacter is an organizer of who testified in front of congress last month about the treatment of jewish students on campus. she described discrimination some jewish students are facing at cal liberate the gate march really is ourúentire jewish community coming together for the first time and being aligned that it's not okay, that our university administration is not enforcing their policy. >> and if we look at what plans are also underway for a counter-protest to the march and the university says it has been spin talks with both groups in order to keep the efforts >> liberate the gate is one of two demonstrations in support of the jewish community taking place at the university today. one uc berkeley professor is on his fourth day of a lock in inside of his office at cal jewish students on the berkeley
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campus have had to suffer a good deal of harassment, there's been a blockade in the middle of campus, and, the students who are sort of guarding that blockade, are targeting jewish students specifically, sort of threatening them, intimidating them. >> kelly is also under investigation by the department of education for alleged discrimination on campus after the october seventh attacks by hamas. but the details of that investigation have not yet been released. the university argues that the use of force against those practicing civil disobedience often results in hopes to use alternate means to- keep protests peaceful on campus. send itúback to the desk. >> tori. thank you. one san francisco supervisor wants to relaunch a program to address the city's homeless population. >> today, supervisorúash-shafi'i will introduce amendments to expand the homeward bound program. it was launched in 2005
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when gavin newsom was mayor. it provides paid travel home for homeless people who want to go back to their family, friends or other support networks in different parts of the country. supervisor salvi says the number of people helped by homeward bound dropped during the pandemic, and he says his amendments will help revive the program by adding it to the city's administrative code. >> we're learning a benicia elementaryúschool teacher charged with sexual acts with a in napa. matthew joseph shelton- was charged in february with five felony counts of lewd act with a childn he was previously arrested and acquitted for similar crimes in napa. in 2008. he was accused of inappropriately touching two third grade female students. the head of the school district in benicia promises a full investigation. sp>> recent news that a former employee from our district was charged with lewd and lascivious acts toward a minor students has
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prompted our district administrator team to create a multi-step action plan to review our systems and our processes to ensure student safety and well-being. >> the new charges involve alleged incidents with a student in 2022 at robert semple elementary in benicia, where shelton was teaching. he's set to appear in court today. >> all right, guys, your time. 737 tomorrow, voters in georgia head to the polls for the next primary election of the 2024 spelection cycle. both president biden and donald trump were campaigning in georgia over the weekend, a state that political experts say will be key in this year's race for the white house president biden told his supporters he disagrees with trump on virtually every major issue, including reform. >> instead of celebrating the contributions country, to our ed our communities, donald trump calls them vermin, poison the
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bloody and poisoning the blood of america. no one should ever doubt where my heart is. unlike donald trump. on my first day in office as president, i introduced a comprehensive, comprehensive plan to fix our immigration system holding a repeated his false claim that the 2020 presidential election results in georgia and other states were rigged. >> president biden is saw as controversial. during a state of the union address last week, the president used the terms personústudent larkin riley. th- >> last month, the president said he regrets the choice of word, but the former department of homeland security secretary says the president technically didn't say anything wrong. >> it's not derogatory. it's in law. it's how courts have been referred to it. it's how the department at dhs still refers
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to him as illegal aliens. in court proceedings. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. i should as undocumented. >> so you regret using that word? yes. >> now, immigration has been a big issue during the primaries today. president biden will be in new hampshireúon the campaign trail. >> 739 let's get out the door tc center. what do you see, frank, a lot, actually. it's been a very busy day on the road. you can blame the rain. you can blame monday. but, boy, it has been busy take you to the bay be toll plaza that has had issues all morning long. it started with a deadly hit and run early right afterúyou got off theco. bridge. it was actually shut down highway 80 for a good three quite recovered. and here's aer- map. we got more issues. you can see the incident right after you get off the bridge again. that is an accident near harrison and fremont, the first exit when you get off the bridge. so if you are working your way to san
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francisco, it's going to take a while, across that spann and finally, we we'll take you out towards, bay point. if you look up or north there you can see highway four is had some issues as well, had an earlier accident in pittsburgh and now one in bay point, that rain not helping anybody. that's a look at traffic. 740 your time. let's say good morning to steve sir. if yout frank thank you probably already have clear skies, partly cloudy from this m around milpitas, san jose,c back over to the santa clara valley, maybe into the santa cruz mountains as well. not much, but that system is falling apart but hanging on for some to the south. it did its job, especially for marin county, woodacre, mount tamalpais, fairfax and san rafael. between two thirds and an inch of rain bond dune picked up almost three quarters. rodeo and west healdsburg, both with 55/100. berkeley half moon bay 38, redwood city 37, napa 36/100 in santa rosa also picked up a
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third of an inch. some light rain. you can see there's to thh there's already clearing, but that next system is not wasting any time. it'll start to give us increasing clouds, if not late morning early afternoon leading to rain tonight and then into early tuesday 33 kelseyville to 50 fremont, livermore, brentwood, 5150, in san jose. so cooler to the north of that clearing, but still with thatt& light rain and some cloud cover. i mean, the cloud cover is just flying down on a fast more front will be tonight. tomorrow so partly cloudy today and then clouding up again by this afternoon. tonight to the north. and rain arrives early tuesday. looks like another round of about a 10th of an inch, maybe three quarters. should cover it. the good news, though, is if you want a break, you're going to get a break because after tuesday, there's nothing showing up, at least for here, all the way into the weekend. what's the what's the bugaboo? well, there's always one. as the system digs in here, what's going to happen is the upper low will start to do this. it'll go
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overúhere, it'll come over here, and then it'll do this. it'll backtrack into southern california. what's that mean? probably win. it'll actually don offshore wind event if it does materialize. depends on where it sets up. but temperatures in northern california on friday will be much warmer than nevada because we'll get ana and cooler temps, rain still hanging on for the morning to the south, but not much. 5060 on the temps and we are going to see a rain on tuesday. then a break. the question will be it'll be sunny, does look like a drier pattern into the weekend. >> all right. thank you tom. 743 controversy surrounding the british royal family. it's a photo of kate middleton and her children, and it was supposed to ease the concerns about her health. we'll tell you why. it's only caused even more problems. >> the swing out to our newsroom. now say good morning again to andre senior as you look ahead to the next hours of
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mornings on two. >> well, good morning, gasia atl restaurants and one bay area city are closed indefinitely. the reason that the fast food chain is making this change. and later on the night, if you're planning to sell your house soon, you might want to wait. we'll explore the crucial window for sellers and why experts say this two week period could get you a higher profit. stay with us you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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of the british royal family apologizing for what she calls confusion. by the way, she edited a family photo. now kensington palace released the photo showing kate and her children. it was intended to calm down concerns about her health. instead it had the opposite effect. several news agencies that initially published that photo withdrew it over concerns it was manipulated first official photo of katet- since she had abdominal surgery almost two months ago. now the princess of wales wrote on social media. like many amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion. the family photo we shared.
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>> law enforcement agencies nationwide say a tiny attachment for guns is increasingly being used to make certain firearms even more deadly. conversion devices or switches, or small attachments made of metal or plastic that can make a gun fully automatic. while the modifications are illegal under federal law. the attachments can be ordered online or made with e rounds, four rounds were fired, and now 50, 60, 70, 80 rounds are exchanged.úin that same time period, back and forth. >> between 2017 and 2021, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives reported a 570% increase in the number of these devices seized by police. many states don't have specific laws against the devices, but the atf says it's working to spot them and get them off the street. the state of california has been working to track stated prevent gun violence. attorney
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general rob bonta is at the capitol today.úhe'll release the 2023 armed and prohibited persons system program annual report. it breaks down the number of people who obtained from legally owning them.hibite- >> our time is now 748. will ton antonio. they're having a rematch with the spurs. that's after the warriors lost 126 to 113 to the spurs at chase center saturday night. klay thompson came off the bench. he led the warriors with 27 points. it was the warriors first back to back loss in more than seven weeks. the warriors are still in the number ten spot in the west, just one game behind the la lakers and warriors star steph curry didn't play in saturday night's game because of that ankle injury he suffered last week. however an mri shows the injury is not serious as doctors tomorrow will take a second look at steph's ankle. they may possibly announce when he'll be
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back on the court. >> the warriors are going beyond what happens on the court to help inspire people to do their best. the team hosted an event at chase center this past weekend designed to help young people learn more about science, invited student clubs fromriors- colleges across the bay area to share their knowledge with children and teens. at the event. we >> felt like this is important for kids just to get that early exposure to stem. i think, you know, it's a really powerful to know what you want to do at a young age. and i honestlyúwish i figured it out sooner. >> the learning event was held yesterday while the santa cruz warriors hosted the rio grande vipers in a. >> all right, our time is 750. you like soup, right? yeah all right, well, therec are some brand new soups. and a lotúof people will be pretty excited to find out what's going on with the recipe. >> we're also getting information on the most anticipated stock to hit the market so far this year. pam cook has details in today's dollars and cents. >> it is another company based
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in san francisco, hot ipo market may be heating back up. reddit is releasing more details about its upcoming ipo. reddit plans spto sell 22 million shares, priced between 31 and $34. roughly $15 million will be sold by the company. the balance will come from reddit employees who invested in the company. ireland morning to celebrate irish day. the organization promotes irish business interests here in the us and as we take a live look at the markets after weeks of record gains, the ai stocks are pulling back a bit. that is causing some lower numbers this morning, as you see the dow jones down almost a half of a percent 183 points. but it was it's come back a bit in the last hour. is down more than 240 points. the s&p 500 down a third. and the nasdaq where a lot of those tech stocks ai stocks lie, they're down the nasdaq is down about a quarter of a percent. as bitcoin has reached a new all time again this morning, there's a new warning from the securities
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and exchange commission. the chairman of the sec tells yahoo finance that abuse and fraud, citing a series he cautions investors, saying bitcoin is highly speculative and volatile. at the same time, though, this morning a decision in the uk would allow cryptocurrency linked exchange traded products for the first time. there in the uk. san francisco's nine for 104 zip code has the highest average income in california, according to the chronicle data from the irs shows the zip codes average household income in 2021 was $5.5 million. now, the zip code covers several blocks in the city's financial district and includes 555 california, which used to be known as the b of a building, and the ritz-carlton residences. however the irs points out some tax filers may not use their home address for their returns, and campbell soup
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is combining two lunchtime favorites in one can. the company has created a limited edition matchup. it features a combination of a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. yep, the flavor can be altered a bit as well. if you want more of a tomato taste, add more water or you can add milk. if you want a cheesier taste. that was my dad's favorite all time lunch. , i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. >> well, i shall make that in honor of your dad tomorrow when it's raining. thank you. it is a nice combination on dip the grilled cheese and. yeah, let's do that. all go to frank mallic. right now. he's watching our monday morning commute. frank. everybody behaving for you know. >> oh, in a word, it's been a bit of a mess today. you know, daylight saving yesterday. a lot of darkness. this morning we ha& some rains but rain rather. but we're going to take you on a on a bridge tour. how about four
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bridges on this traffic tour? first up north bay, richmondmsan busy the last hour as well. slow go until you hit about mid span on your way to san rafael. but that is beginning to clear up and we move on to this which has been a mess all day. the bay bridge. we've got an near the fremont exit in san francisco right after you get off the bridge, which is making this even more impossible. throwing the rain and some big issues earlier this morning. so east bay people going into the city from the golden gate. they had a big piece of metal stuck on the bridge southbound. they had to clean that up about an hour ago. but as you can see, no issues right now on the golden gate. and if you're on the san mateo bridge, things have cleared up nicely there. they had a heavy commute about a half hour ago, but that has cleared up folks on theirt& way to the peninsula going to work. that is a look at traffic. steve. goodúmorning. >> you know, for a guy from miramonte, you did that very well.
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>> come on. yes. a mighty matador. >> thank you sir. all right. we do. miramonte campolindo. okay. there you go, still some light rain. where san jose, santa clara valley, maybe santa cruz mountains down to watsonville a little bit. there's not a lot, but it's. the system is hanging on there. refuses to let go. yet it's clear from some areas to the north. so there are some big differences here. now, i have to do this, put this in there. it's always something, isn't it? and temperatures, you can see they're much cooler. you'll see in a second. there they are. 33 kelseyville napa 42. petaluma 41. santa rosa 41. yet upper 40s and 50s where they're still cloud cover and also rain. 30s in the mountains 48 crescent city to 57 down in san diego and las vegas 54. still some active. i mean, the next leading edge of this system is already racing into mendocino county. so one more front. we'll have increasing. i mean, there's some sun here to the north, but i don't think it's going to last all that long. we'll split the difference, say partly cloudy,
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but we'll cloud it up by later this afternoon to the north. and overnight into tomorrow morning we'll get another round of rain. the good news, though, is the pattern is changing. the key question is will it change to more like a september or october pattern? why do you say that? because an upper low is going to settle in and settle into arizona, where it's settled into southern california. if it settles into arizona on thursday, friday, do this. that would not be too bad for us, but if it does, this goes into southern california. it would be an offshore wind. so that would be thursday. friday so mix of sun and clouds. here is the on to the south though. sun and- clouds, cooler high temps, 50s 60. clouds think they'll start to move in here pretty fast to the north and then later we'll get a break. it will be dry. thatgs the that's that's a given. the question is how windy will it get. but the weekend does look better. >> thank you steve. coming up one of the 49ers big name players is now a free agent. the crux of a disagreement over eric armstead's future with the team
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that led to the surprising move.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. gold tampering period of the nfl will begin. that's when teams can actually talk to free agent players, even agree to deals. now the two sides can't finalize wednesday afternoon. that's the start of the new league year for
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the nfl and 49ers fans are stunned to hear the defensive star arik armstead is about to become a free agent. the native of sacramento played his entire nine year nfl career with the 49ers. espn is reporting armstead did not reach an agreement with the 49ers on how to restructure his contract. the team now plans to release him, making him a free agent and 49ers star quarterback brock purdy is spending his first full week as a marriedúman. he got married on saturday to his college sweetheart, jenna. tmz showed several photos of the couple's wedding in des moines, iowa. that's jenna brands home state. it's also where brock purdy played his college football at iowa state. their wedding photographer says the couple also wants to at lake ta. well, the u.s. women's soccer team is celebrating a championship in the gold cup. we
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can put the cross in. >> will locked in with plenty of air. morgan is there. and is there scored on a header in the first half stoppage time as the u.s. beat brazil one nil. it was the fourth time the united states beat brazil in a tournament final. final. the game attracted a sellout crowd of more than 31,000. in san diego. >> well good morning. reducing the homeless people population in san francisco. the lawmaker, who thinks paying for their travel to return home will impact that number. no indoor dining, just drive thrus. the reasons behind a major change at one big name fast food chain in oakland and just as the feds launch a criminal investigation into that door panel that flew off of a boeing plane in midmair. word this morning of an incident that injured at least 50 people from ktvu. mornings on two. this is
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>> welcome to mornings on two at 8:00. as you look live at the san francisco skyline this morning, the sun is out. but what can you expect for the rest of the day? that is the question . thank you so much for joining us. i'm andre senior. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. it's monday, march 11th. let's get outside now before tomorrow. right, steve? >> yes. one more system. we actually have three forecasts right now. one is clear to the north. one is cloudy, mostly cloudy in between, and there's still some rain. santa clara valley, san jose not a lot, but there's still a little bit hanging on from this system, which is just kind of falling apart. but look to the north. lots of sunshine. all the leading edge of the clouds from that next system are already racing along 40s and 50s on the temps here. that next system, yes, will bring rain this evening, if not this afternoon for some of the north and overnight into tuesday. after that we'll see a pattern change. highs today, 50s and frank malls here. he's been dancing as fast as he can. better at theú8:00 or. >> no, i've actually got sneakers on. i've been running all over the place today. so, sal, if you're out there, we
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commend you. you job. we're goit in the east bay highway 24. lafayette. that is starting to look pretty good, actually. that was caked you thrown a little bt of rain. a lot of folks in the east bay working their way to the city. it is moving, but still pretty heavy for that 8:0. if you look center cut right in the middle. fremont there's been an accident there. southbound 880. that happened about an hour ago, and that has really slowed traffic in that greater area. and you come down to the san jose area, you can see three accidents around the perimeter of san jose and a number of highways and if you're heading to san francisco, guys, because it hascc3 f1m bees all morning long, we had a fatal hit and run earlier that shut down highway 80 in the city. now we have another accident working at the fremont street exit. so folks getting on the span. it's going to be a slow ride into san
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spfrancisco. time now. 803 andr. we'll give it back to you. >> thank you. today, a san francisco supervisor will try to relaunch the homeward bound program. it provides paid travel for homeless people who want to go to other parts of the country to connect with family or friends. ktvu alex wertz is in san francisco to tell us more about this program. alex >> good morningúandre. yes, it's here at city hall in san francisco later this morning. that supervisor safai is going to be proposing that the city change its administrative code to bring back and revitalize homeward bound. now everyone challenge here in the city. and it was at last week's state of the city address that mayor london breed announced very plans that and various programs. but it was something that supervisor ahsha safai took exception with. he was very critical. >> i think that's what san
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the thing that was glaring to me was we have a lot of disparity in the city right now. we have a lot of people struggling and there was no conversation france was no conversation about how we're going to make san francisco for everyone. now itgs worth noting that supervisor asha safai is running for mayor this november. >> he will other challengers to mayor london breed. now this morning at 11:00, the rules committee will be meeting here at sf city hall. we're hoping to get a word in with him, when, before that meeting. in the meantime, though, it's worth noting mayor gavin newsom, when of the city,d this program back in 2005. he reunited a thousand people. as for this year, there have been less than 300 that have see how& works out with the rules
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committee this morning. and we'll be reporting back hall, san francisco, ktvu, fox two news. >> alex, thank you. across the bay, taco bell is closed its dining rooms in oakland and has switched indefinitely to drive through service only went by the location at west grand and sign by the door that says saw a dining room closed. the british publication the daily mail reviewed recent oakland crime statistics and found thieves had struck three taco bell's in oakland a combined half a dozen times. this year alone. organizers of a recall effort against oakland mayor shang tao say things are picking up steam. supporters a weekend rally at a building in downtown oakland that housed a once popular vietnamese restaurant. the restaurant is crime. the retired alamedastreet county judge leading the recall blames mayor tao for rising crime in oakland. >> she didn't inherit all of these problems. she caused a number of problems. people who say, give her more do what she d
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our city. >> by july, recall organizers must collect 10% of oakland's registered voters on a recall petition. organizers say they're confident they'll get those signatures before the deadline and qualify for the november ballot. mayor tao sent a statement to ktvu news about the recall effort. it said in part, safer, more affordable and more prosperous oakland. i ask all oaklanders to help me achieve that vision with hope and collaboration, and push aside fear and division. let's to figt for the city we love. >> it is 807 now new? this morning, at least 50 people movg jet flying from sydney, australia, to auckland, new zealand. the chilean airline latam says there was a, quote, technical event during the flight which caused airline saya number of passengers on the flight were not wearing their seat belts when the plane people were treated at the scene for mild injuries, while 13 were taken to the hospital. now, this
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comes as the justice department has reportedly launched a criminal investigation into that door panel that blew out on an alaska airlines jet, the wall street journal reports. federal investigators have interviewed crew members and passengers who were on board that boeing 737 max nine jet in january, and they have been told they are potential victims of alleged criminal negligence. u.s. transportation secretary pete buttigieg is now calling on boeing to fully cooperate with this investigation, and others focusing on the safety of its jets. >> first of all, boeing needs td the faa has given them 90 days to show a comprehensive plan on how they're going to turn their quality issues around every time i step off of a jet bridge and onto a plane, which is every few days, i know that i am participating in the safest way to travel in the world, and we never take that for granted. >> the faa is still trying to determine why a tire fell off of a boeing jet last week, shortly after it took off from sfo. that tire from that united flight
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damaged several cars in the parking lot of the airport, but angeles international airport. american personnel are evacuating haiti as the country continues to spiral into violence. u.s. military is airlifting americans who work at the embassy in port au prince. there has been mass prison escapes in haiti, as well as well as gunfire at its main airport, central bank and national soccer stadium. armed gangs are leading a series of attacks to overthrow haitian authorities. gangs have gained more prominence since haitian presidents was assassinated back in 2021. >> happening today the petaluma city council will consider allowing the retail sale of marijuana. right now, the city allows two delivery only cannabis retailers at tonight's city council meeting, it could decide to allow a limited number of retail permits. >> and good morning everyone. frank mallicoat in for traffic today. it's been a very, very busy monday indeed. let's take you outside and take a look at the north bay. this is the commute on that richmond san rafael bridge up issue free on
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the bridge, but heavy traffic at that toll plaza that will clear up about mid-span on your way to san rafael. golden gate bridge issues earlier this morning. big piece of metal on the southbount 45 minutes ago. and now marin commuters are getting into the city, with ease and the san mateo bridge. that was very heavy. just about a half an hour ago. but that's lightning up as folks are working their way in and on the peninsula. let's look send itc back to garcia.. let's >> thank you. frank, a new poll says a majority of bay area voters would support transportation improvements funded by higher earners. 57% of respondents said they'd support holding a future bay area wide ballot measure that would increase income tax on individuals households making me than 500,000. the money would pay for coordinated network of bus, rail and ferry lines, as well as improved roads and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure improvements. respondents said they'd also
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support boosting payroll taxes on employers, with more than $4 million in annual revenue. >> well, it's a proposal that calls for more police transparency to a case within tn jose police department. >> the big protest scheduled for the uc berkeleyc campus today. why a group of students accuses the school of failing to protect them
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agencies and how they respond to cases of officer misconduct. it allows police departments across the state to release specific information about why an officer was fired. california law enforcement agencies can now voluntarily release that information without a formal records request. a state lawmaker from fremont authored this bill. >> the officer goes through their entire due process, you know, has their their union rep defending them and much more. and when wrongdoing is found, i, then the you know, police department can be very proactive and let the public know. and that was the whole point of this bill. well the bill comes in
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response to the case of a former san jose police officer named matthew dominguez in 2022. >> he was arrested due to alleged inappropriate sexual behavior that took place while he was responding to a domestic violence call. dominguez was later fired and placed on a list which could preventúhim from joining another police force in california. >> the effort is not only to reform,úa lot of these institutionalized, departments, but it's also to hold individuals accountable, right? both you know, people in law enforcement, but also those that wrong, wrong acts. committing >> last december, san joset& police released a new strategic& plan hoping to rebuild trust with the community. that plan says in part, quote, this proactive approach not only enhances public confidence in law enforcement, but also establishes a foundation of mutual respect, understanding and shared responsibility. well, none of this. at 815, all this week, police in sebastopol will
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be at henley high school because there have been warnings about possible violence against the school. the police chief of sebastopol says the threats are not credible, but having police officers on campus ensure the safety of the school, the staff and the students as well. >> more than 75 in the us government's newest student loan repayment plan, the biden administration announced last month it's canceling student loan debt for 153,000 borrowers in the save plan. it applied to many borrowers who've made payments for at least ten years andúoriginally borrowed $12,000 or less. now, even more borrowers in the plan are eligible to have their payments ended. the plan won't require borrowers to make payments if they earn less than 225% of the federal poverty line. that's 32,000 a year for a single person. congress could move forward on a measure this week that would ban tiktok here in the united states. >> as doug luzader reports, some unusual alliances are now forming in washington. >> there is a lot of bipartisan support for going after tiktok, but we've seen some major shifts and some unusual positions on this, starting at the white
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house. >> mama kelly sanders saying she makes great chocolate chip cookies. >> president biden made a splash campaign joined tiktok. a flash forward a few months, and he's willing to sign off on a potential ban. >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> that would be quite a flip for the president now to sign off on a bill that is quickly gaining momentum on capitol hill that could force tiktok's parent company with links to china to sell the site or face a ban in the u.s. at the same time, former president trump, who once supported a ban, now seems to be softening his stance, posting if you get rid of tiktok, facebook and zuckerberg schmuck, a reference to facebook ceo mark zuckerberg will double their business. and trump's not alone. >> banning tiktok. maybe that's necessary to protect american data from china, but if you can find a way to avoid that, that'd be good to defenders of tiktok say it's a matter of free speech and tiktok has been lobbying hard, including urging users to call members of congress who have been arguing that the site
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is downright dangerous. >> tiktok sort of proved our point yesterday. we had kids. it was compelling kids to call members of congress, in some cases threatening suicide. >> usually it's, the staffers on the house who answer the phones are quite young, and they would& say, does your teacher know you're calling us right now? and they would get a hang up? >> and this is a delicate issue around here with politicians wanting to crack down on tiktok, while at the same time trying desperately to reach its huge audience of young potential voters. in washington, doug luzader fox news. >> and we'll that bigútiktok development in congress. meantime, we can turn things over to frank. right now, he's watching the trouble spots for us on this monday morning. good morning frank. >> yeah, we got a bit of a bugaboo, something we're not quite sure what happened, but as you will see in a moment, if spyou're on highway 24 and tryig to work your way from the east bay into the city, take a look at this. about a half hour ago that was moving pretty well.
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something is going on. we haven't heard from chp just yet. that's highway 24. so all that traffic on the right is working its way through lafayette on its way to orinda, presumably into oakland. and perhaps into the city. perhaps an accident. we've got some calls in, but 15, 20c g pretty well. so we'll keep an eye on that. and once they get past that, sadly they're going to bump into this atúthe toll plaza, which has been a mess pretty much all morning long. fremont exit. right when you get off the bay bridge, there is an accident there. chp still cleaning that up and that's causing even more backup after w rollover coming in from the east bay into san francisco. that's a look at traffic. it is 819. let's say good morning and hello to mr. steve paulson. >> thank you sir. appreciate that. all right. up into the mountains. things are quieting down. but they'll pick up again tonight. tomorrow for one more
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round of rain then. then we'll have to see what develops. could get windy, but that's probably not so in the meantime, that next system is barreling right along already. some increasing clouds on the north coast. so a winter weather advisory is out for the mountains starting already and going through tuesday at 5:00. snow level around 4000ft.t& another 4 to 10in of snow looks likely here. again, i think the ten would be in some of the higher elevations, but you can see being forecast here 3 to 7. so that's in the a little bit of light rain still holding on especially san jose area. looks like it's about done santa clara valley but you. mary woodacre almost an inch of rain. mount tamalpais 83 100 fairfax three quarters, san rafael picked up two thirds. bonny doon , though almost three quarters. rodeo and west healdsburg, both with 55/100. berkeley, half moon bay, redwood city, napa and santa rosa all around a third to a little bit more. that's the next system. i mean, the leading edge is already there. we have actually three forecasts here.
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one is a cloud cover and some rain. south partly cloudy in between andúthen mostly sunny to the north, but those higher clouds are already moving right along with a fast jet stream. 30s, 40s and 50s on the temps here. 30s in the mountains 3233 truckee, south lake tahoe. you can see the look already into mendocino county. the higher clouds are already racing in. so one more front that will take us into tonight. tomorrow. then there's some big differences here. partly cloudy today, partly sunny. i mean, some areas have sun, but i think the cloud covers coming in pretty fast here. we'll end up mostly cloudy later on. another 10th of an inch to three quarters looks likely for tomorrow. after that we're good to go because there will be a break. however he says even though it will be dry and it will be warmer, the question is what's going to happen here? with this, there will be a low coming in now if it does this, if it just does this, then we'll just be it'll be breezy but not too bad. however, there's a couple of forecast models that do this. this would be like a september october pattern, one that we don't normally see in march, placement of the
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low. if it's in arizona, we're all right. if it's in southern california, expect a win. morning rain ends mostly cloudy to the south. mostly sunny to the north yet. clouds will be increasing. so 50 60s on the temps and we will see rain overnight tonight into tuesday. then it looks question is, wille breezy or windy? good news though is by the weekend it does look nice and warmer. all right steve, thanks so much. >> a royal controversy in england and beyond. why a picture of some members of the royal family drew a lot of scrutiny online and was even pulled by a number of large news organizations, and it was the biggest night in hollywood, the oscars. we'll show you the big winners and the group that tied to try to disrupt the awards ceremony. we'll tell you out th ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape
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never forget. yes, seven academy awards went to the biopic last night. the director, christopher nolan won best director and cillian murphy won best actor. robert downey jr emma stone, the star of poor things, won for best actress in a leading role, and da'vine joy. joy rudolph won best supporting actress in the movie holdovers for so long, i've always wanted to be different and now i realize i just need to be myself. well,
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jimmy kimmel hosted for a fourth time some moments from the show have gone viral as well, including john cena taking the stage, wearing only a pair of birkenstocks and holdingc a strategically placed envelope with the winners of the costume design. >> also, this big music production had a lot of eyes and ears. ryan gosling, mark ronson, slash performing the oscar nominated song i'm just ken from the barbie movie, and singer billie eilish made history at the oscars award show, becoming the youngest person to win two oscars.t& >> eilish and her brother finneas won best original song for for? from spthe barbie movie. it is her second oscar award. they also bond movie, no time to die. >> thank you for this. i'm so grateful for this song and for this movie and the way that it made me feel and, this goes out to everyone who was affected by the movie and how incredible it is. and i want to thank my team
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and my parents. >> well, billie eilish is 22 years old. >> meanwhile, protesters against the war in gaza shut down a major route in hollywood just ahead of the awards show. >> you are no democracy. you are no democracy. >> free, free palestine, free, free palestine. >> the demonstrators gathered on sunset boulevard held signs that read while you're watching, bombs are dropping and eyes on rafah. it's a reference to a city in southern gaza where more than a million displaced palestinians have taken refuge. protesters blocked the streets. a celebrity sat in suvs for more than an hour till lapd cleared the area. several protesters broke the fences surrounding the red carpet minutes before the televised event. officials say they'd increased security outside the academy awards. organizers say some 2000 security officers were at and around the dolby theater. >> well, the latest now on the 2024 race for the biden told a group of supporters about his disagreement with donald trump. >> also, 49ers quarterback brock purdy has a new title, one that has nothing to do with his
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performance on to his college sweetheart in iowa, and how they want to mark the day with a
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♪ [storms sound] whatever weather comes your way [wind and snow sounds] weathertech has you covered. [bird chirping]
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[laughing] with our laser—measured cargoliners. no drill mud flaps and floorliners. to secure your phone don't forget the cupfone. order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today... then a deadly hit and run on 80 in san francisco with the chp says about this early morning crash and the search for the driver. >> from ktvu. fox two news this
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is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back i'm gasia mikaelian i'm andre senior. >> it is monday, march 11th. we've got another day of we wile later and tomorrow as well. and then a dry out ensues. so let's turn things over to steve paulson for a breakdown of that. that's correct. >> we still have some drizzle light rain down in santa cruz clara valley, morgan hill, sant- martinl gilroy. this is all that's enough to keep the beatt- going for some. to the north, there's already been clearing. youúcan see that, but the leading edge of those higher clouds are already racing into the picture. so mostly sunny for some, cloudy for others. that next system. look at that. i'm going to zoom in on that because you can see it's already making its move. watch here. and that's what's going to race in here starting this afternoon tonight andúthen overnight into tomorrow. so 50s and 60s on the temps. one more rainer. that'll be tonight. tomorrow then we'll see a pattern change. all right. over to frank. well can you take a breath now?
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>> i'm out of the weeds. >> you're out of the weeds. okay. >> that's good. i was i was deep in it there for a while. it's been a very busy monday. you throw in daylight saving, you know, because it's darker in the morning, a little bit of rain. soúthere have been some issues. we've been keeping a watchful eye on the east bay commute slow, especially highway 24.t& lamorinda you're looking at lafayette, those cars are on their way towards orinda in the calicut tunnel. much worse ten minutes ago. believe it or not, cars are moving. likely an accident ahead, but still no word from chp. slow roll into orinda and into oakland. we will keep an eye on that. how about the eastshore freeway? that has been a bit of a mess to highway 80 all the way up to the a slowe got very good news, sir. a lot of those people that might be taking a right hand turn and heading towards the bay bridge toll plaza and like magic half an hour ago that was caked with cars. right now theyúcleared up that situation at fremont street
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. they had a collision there which is opening the gates for people to get over that bridge and to work. so that is welcome news. that is a look at traffic at 832. andre. we'll send it back to you, frank. >> an update now on a story not too far from where that picture& is right now. chp asking for the public's help as they early this morning on westboundn 80 in san francisco. chp says at 145 this morning, a pedestrian was trying to cross the freeway and was hit and killed by a vehicle. this happened where traffic exits the bay bridge coming into the city between the fifth street and ninth street exits. >> at approximately 1:35 a.m. this morning, westbound 80 near the fifth street off ramp in san francisco. we had a vehicle, collide with the pedestrian, in the traffic lanes. the pedestrian, did not survive and has been pronounced deceased. the vehicle that was involved, was not here at upon chp arrival
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and fled the scene. we don't have any information at this time as to what type of vehicle that may be. >> so all lanes were closed for a time as chp looked for evidence. anyone who was on westbound 80 at around 135 to 145 this morning, who may have seen anythingc now askedúto contact chp. time now is three 833. the muslim holy month of ramadan is now underway with no ceasefire agreement in gaza. >> negotiators from the u.s, qatar and egypt were hoping to ramadan, a deal that wouldby include talks stalled last week. u.s. air force planes dropped humanitarian aid packages this weekend across northern gaza. president biden says while he still supports israel's right to self-defense, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu needs to protect civilians in gaza must he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being of the actions taken. >> he's hurting, in my view, he's hurting israel more than
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sphelping israel. >> palestinians in tent camps throughout gaza say theygre doing what they can to observe ramadan, but struggling after five months of war. now a demonstration in support of the spjewish community is expected o face counter protests at the university of california, berkeley's historic sather gate. >> ktvu tori gaines joins us in studio now with more on >> andre. more than 300 jewish students and allies are expected to march through cal's campus later today. they say they hope to highlight the university's treatment of jewishúpeople on campus. the march is set to head through sather gate, whichúwas blocked by a pro-palestinian demonstration on february 26th. tensions were high as pro-israel and pro-palestinian demonstrators clashed at the protest. the blocking of the gate, a main access point for campus, led to students trudging through the creek bed nearby to make it across. hannah schlachter is an organizer of the march and a graduate student at cal, who testified in front of congress last month about the treatment of jewish students on >> in december, we had a
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graduate student whose home was broken into, and he was left the note, jews free palestine from the river to the sea. plans are also underway for a counter-protest to the says it n in talks with both groups in order to keep the efforts peaceful. >> liberate the gate is one of two demonstrations in support of the jewish community taking place at the university today. one uc berkeley professor is on his fourth day of a lock in inside of his office at cal. >> the other reason was to signal to jewish students on the berkeley campus that there is a faculty member who thinks about them greatly, and who's losing sleep over them. >> uc berkeley is also under investigation by the department of education for alleged discrimination on campus after the october 7th attacks by hamas, but the details of that investigation have not yet been released. now, the university argues that the use of force against those practicing civil
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disobedience often results in, quotel turmoil and escalation, and it hopes to use alternative means to keep protests peaceful on campus. i'll send it back to the desk. >> tori thank you. 8.36 happening today. another public forum in the search for a new police chief for the bay area's biggest city. people in san jose can weigh in on the qualities needed to lead san jose. we welcome, as weúdo every month, mayor matt on two. thanks for being with us, mayor. >> good morning. >>c garcia, where is your city n the process of finding a new chief? >> well, as you just mentioned, we're. yes. we, as you mentioned,úhave our second of six community forums. so we're inviting residents from across the city to join us. and get an update on the search and what we're looking for. but but more importantly, give us feedback on what they want to see from their next police chief. in san jose, we place a real premium on community the patrol car, walkie beat, getting to know the neighbors, the small business
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owners. and i think it's really important that our next chief is very in tune with the community and engaged and understands whay diverse city, and so we place a real premium on that community engagement. >> i'm sure you've been watching and listening to what's happening here in oakland. the city'sc been without a permanent police chief for more a police commission. there's been a lot ofc ups and downs, let's put it, that way. in san jose, i read a solid three page letter from your city manager, but i'm still not clear. what exactly is your involvement in the selection of a police chief? how much of a say do you have? >> yes. so in san jose, when it comes to the police chief and other city departments, the city manager runs the search process. there's community engagement. the city council, which i, i sit on and chair, gives input into the process and the questions that are asked. the city manager brings forward a recommendation or nominee and then the council has the opportunity to basically review that choice and vote up or down. it takes a majority of
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our council to approve the city manager's nominee. that's in distinction to the i nominatec.n the council approves, the city manager being one, the independent police auditor being another. we're in a search for our next independent police auditor at the same time. so there's a quite a few leadership changes happening at city hall, but we run very tight processes here in san jose. we'll get through all the community engagement. we have very diverse bring forward those nominees. and i'm confident that the council will be approving bothúa new police chief and a new independent police auditor later this year. >> do you prefer someone in the department already? someone from the outside with fresh eyes? >> i think it's important that the candidate pipeline be diverse and that you have both. honestly i think it's really important to recruit and interview outside talent just to make sure you understand what other perspectives and experiences are out any kind of groupthink or insular culture.
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that being said, we have an incredible department. there's been very strong leadership, not just from chief mata, butúbut also from his deputy chief. so there are certainly qualified folks within the department as >> we've also been reporting all morning on a new police transparency law that was inspired by a sexual misconduct case involving a former san jose police officer. essentially, there's no need for a public records request for info. what would you say to a prospective police chief about building trust in the san jose community? >> well, i think that our chief, who's our outgoing chief, tony mata, who served the community here for 28 years, been our chief for three, has, really demonstrated or modeled what transparent and accountable leadership looks like. he's been very quick to release whatever information the department has and is legally able to share with the community. he has terminated officers who have violated the public trust. and so there is a process. and as you know, there's an officer's
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bill of rights in california that's very strong. so we have to follow the law. but within the bounds of the bias toward disclosure, transparency and accountability. and i thinkúchief mata has modeled that incredibly well. >> okay. let's switch over to public transit here. the idea of bringing bart to downtown san jose. i feel like we've been talking about it at least half my life. how soon will that project become reality? >> yeah. so the we've put in the order for that giant boring machine that will be about 53ft wide. this will be the largest single bore project in the united states. the project is essentially underway. the rest l spfunding package. so we are working very diligently with the federal transportation administrationúto make sure that we qualify for the full federal funding that we're eligible for, which will allow us to get underway. the total construction time is lengthy, and that's true
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of every major infrastructure it's likely a good 12 yeares.t- project or so, but i'm focused on making sure that we move quickly and expeditiously and manage the dollars and all of thoseúsubcontractors very effectively. >> okay, i'll mention i was in your your city on saturday night. my dad and i went to the to see the symphony play et, and we drove all the way from and i thought, it's been a while since i've driven this far. so you can count my dad and i in that, you know, we want bart down to the south bay group. >> that would yeah, we'll checkk inú12 years. right. all right, mayor, thank you so much. we'll get to talk with you again next month. if not before. thanks. >> good to see you. >> thanks. all right, let's focus on what's coming up on mornings on two. now, the measles outbreak that started in florida appears to be on the move this morning on region disg found in and why experts point to vaccine hesitancy as a culprit behind the spread. then
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controversy surrounding the british royal family. it's a photo of kate middleton and her children was supposed to help ease concerns about her health. we'll tell you why. the photo has been pulled by major news en es and s - my childhood was kind of rough. my parents loved us but, they had a hard time showing it, you know. i wanna break out of that pattern so my daughter feels safe in a way that i didn't. - have you ever heard of something called toxic stress? it can develop in people who experience trauma as kids and don't get the support they need. when they have their own kids, it can be hard for them to be the type of parent they wanna be. - well, i want toxic stress to end with me. - learn more at
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- well, i want toxic stress to end with me. i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart,
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"and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you! ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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family, apologizing for what she calls confusion by how she edited a family photo. kensington palace released the photo showing kate and her children, and it was intended to calm concerns about her health. instead though, it had the opposite effect. take a look at the photo. several news agencies that initially published this photo withdrew it over concerns it was digitally manipulated. the hands of the childrenúlooked off a bit. this image was the first official photo of kate since she had abdominal surgery nearly two months ago. the princess of wales wrote on social media, quote like many amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion. the family photograph we shared, law enforcement agencies nationwide say a tiny attachment for guns is increasingly being used to make certain firearms even more deadly. >> conversion devices or switches, or small attachments made of metal or plastic that can make a gun fully automatic. while the modifications are illegal under federal law, they can be ordered online or even
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made with a 3d printer. >> it used to be that five rounds, four rounds were fired and now 50, 60, 70, 80 rounds are exchanged. in that same time period, back and forth. >> between 2017 and 2021, thet& bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms reported a 570e increase in the number of those devices seized by police. many states don't have specific laws against the devices, but law enforcement on how to spot them and get them off the streets. california's attorney general, rob bonta, will be at the capitol today to release the 2023 armed and prohibited persons system program annual report. the report breaks down the number of people who have obtained guns and later become prohibited from legally owning them. >> all right. so tonight, the warriors will be in san antonio for a rematch with the spurs. that's following the warriors 126, 113 loss to the spurs at san francisco's chase center saturday night. klay thompson came off the bench to lead the warriors inúscoring with 27 points. it was golden state's
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first back to back loss in more than seven weeks. the warriors remain in the number ten spot in the west, one game behind the los angeles lakers. warriors star steph curry did not play in saturday night's game due to the ankle injury he suffered last week. however, an mri has showed doctors will take a second look at curry's announce when he'll be able to return to action. >> another san francisco company is set to take its popularity ws dollars and hello. good morning, good to get a nice public offering. reddit. releasing more details about its upcoming ipo. reddit plans to sell 22 million shares priced between 31 and $34, roughly 15 million will be sold by the company. the balance will come from reddit employees who invested in the company. as the opening bell rang this morning, the i stocks pulled back a bit after weeks of record gains. that is causing some lower numbers this morning. as you see, as we take you live to
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the new york stock exchange now across the board, the indexes are down. the dow jones is downc about a quarter of a percent. come back quite a bit from right after that bell rang it dropped about 240 points. so it's definitely come back a bit the s&p 500 down just a little bit at this hour. and the nasdaq slipping a percent as well. bitcoin is reaching another new all time ts a new warning from the securitiesc and exchange commission. the chairman of the sec tells yahoo finance that the crypto industry is filled with instances of abuse and fraud, citing a series of bankruptcies in recent years. now, he cautions investors, saying bitcoin is highly speculative and volatile. at the same time. this morning, a decision in the uk would allow cryptocurrency linked exchangeútraded products for the first time. krispy kreme is offering free donuts for saint patrick's day customers wearing green who go into a krispy kreme shop sunday can get one free green
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glazed donut and take a look. starting today, krispy kreme is also introducing four new saint patrick's themed donuts for a limited time, and campbell's soup is combining two lunchtime favorites into one can. the company has created a limited edition match up mash up. it features aúcombination of a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. the flavor can be altered a bit as well. if want r taste, add some milk. the limited edition grilled cheese and tomato soup will be available april 12th, which is, by the way, national grilled cheese day, i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents all right pam, thank you so much. >> appreciate that. all right. now to this story. oakland's lake merritt is changing colors again. and officials are still trying to figure out why this is how things looked saturday when people started to notice the lake turned a rusty hue. the color is reminiscent of the harmful algae bloom from two years ago that killed thousands of fish. we got more details on
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the situation from the merritt . >> we're very cautious, but we are hopeful that it is not the same type of algae that can cause these type of toxins or deoxygenation of the water well, james robinson also said the rusty color might be from sediment coming into the water from the 60 plus storm drains that feed into the lake. >> once tests are on, the algae come back. the lake merritt institute says it plans to support the city of oakland in whatever action is needed to take to restore the lake water. >> all right, a final check of traffic. time now is 850. we had a robust commute up until kind of the 8:00 hour. >> that is a very good word. yes, a very busy day, in fact, especially for east bay commuters. we had that deadly hit and run right after the bay bridge early this morning. they actually shut down highway 80 there for a little bit, which causedúall kinds of issues on the bridge, throwing a couple of accidents, and it was a mess. but lo and behold, a little bit of magic. look at that. the bay bridge toll plaza finally clear
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at this hour. so if you're heading to the city, i've got very good news for you. easy breezy at this hour. still a few issues though. on highway 24, it's got much, much better, we're not sure chp we never heard back, but perhaps an accident. but with cars. but right now moving pretty well. highway 24 and lafayette on your way towards orinda. and that caldecott tunnel. and we head down to the peninsula. folks heading from hayward to foster bridge. you are working just finen all right. time now is 852. steve, i survived one more shift on traffic. woot woot! you did a nice job. >> it's not easy. people don't know that. >> oh my goodness.c sal wears many hats here. >> nice job there. all right. thank you frank, we do have, two, almost three forecasts. one is still cloud cover and some spdrizzle maybe hanging on to te south. then you're seeing clearing, but already higher clouds are zooming in to the
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north. look at that fast when you see this kind of cloud formation coming in right here. right. that's a sign of a fast jet right there, fast jet stream at ten up to 18,000ft. that's some of the activity still done. probably mist, kind of not too much left out of that, but still, give it credit. it kind of fell apart and then just stopped right there. 40s for some 30s to the north and 50s on the temps. so some sun, some clouds. that's what the forecast here is for today.ú30s in the mountains. they will get a break here until the next system comes in tonight, tomorrow for more snow. but look how fast these systems are already leading. edge of this next system is already just racing along this one will probably be the strongest of the bunch, so partly sunny, partly cloudyútoday. rain arrives tonight overnight into tuesday. then we'll get a break. there's nothing showing up. wednesday, thursday, friday. the key though, is yes, it will be a drier pattern. we'll get a lot more sunshine, but lo and behold, what in the wide, wide world of weather is going to happen with this developing system? this low is going to go in here. now, if it does, this o
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bad on wind. however, there's a couple of forecast models are doing this, and if that happens this is something we see in september and october. this would be a roaring wind event towards the end of the week. still too soon to say. the forecast models, all of them are all over the place on the placement of that, but we'll know more as we like to say in a couple a couple days morning south sun, then increasingds, clouds,úcooler high temps with 5060s. another round of rain is tomorrow. then a breakn we'll have sunshine that's a given. we'll have warmer temps. the question is, how windy will it be by the time we get to thursday? friday. >> all right stevel thanks.úa potential ban on one of the most popular social media apps in the world. when you join us on the n expert about why congress wants to ban tiktok and why it's urging the company to sell the platform. name freene of the 49ers bigt- agent, the crux of a di greement over eric
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when teams can talk to free agent players and even agree to deals, the two sides just can't finalize or sign a contract, though, until 1:00 wednesday afternoon, the start of the new league year for the nfl. 49ers fans are stunned to hear that defensive star eric armstead is about to become a free agent. the sacramento native has played his entire nine year nfl career with a team. espn reporting armstead failed to reach an agreement with the niners on how to restructure his big money contract. the team now plans to release him, making him a free agent. 49ers quarterback brock purdy is beginning his first full week as a married man. he tied the knot saturday with his college sweetheart, jenna brandt. tmz showed several photos of the couple's wedding in des moines, iowa, which is brandt's home state and where
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purdy played his college ball. iowa state career. the wedding photographer says the couple also wants to take some wedding photos at lake tahoe to a world war two veteran is planning to get married in france as part of commemorations for the 80th anniversary of d-day. >> 100 year old harold terrones and 96 year old jeannie swerling of boca raton, florida, planned to get married june 8th in a chapel near the beaches of normandy. terence served from 1942 to 1945 as a radio technician in the army. the couple's been dating since 2021. >> i'm getting married because i love this girl. this woman. she is a one of the most magnificent women i've ever known in my entire life. being in love is not just for the young. >> we get butterflies just like everybody else. and he's just so amazing. guy >> after d-day in june of 1994l terence went to france to bring
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captured germans and freed american prisoners to oakland. excuse me, to england. he also part of an american contingentn city leaders in walnut creek have spent a popular swim center. there city council members say, still needs to be done more to decide the best way to make improvements at the clark swim center,úthe currentú$77 million plan calls for totally redesigning the swimming facility there at heather farm park. last week, the council requested more time to consider other final vote. >> hundreds of uc berkeley students expected to protest this week why, some say the university is not doing enough members. >> then another mid-flight incident involving a boeing jet leaves dozens of people injured. it's the latest safety issue the jet makers are contending with and comes amid a criminal investigation into the company, plus a new bill aimed at making police departments more transparentúis signed into law. >> we'll


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