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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  March 11, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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(thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. what they seized as part of a years long sexual abuse investigation that ledúto previous charges against a former warden and other employees. plus, a protest by several hundred students and supporters on the uc berkeley campus. why they, the why they accuse the university of not doing a good enough job to protect the jewish community. >> then more troubles in the sky for boeing after another one of their jets suffers a mid-air incident. i'm rebecca kaster in washington with the latest on the company's mishaps coming up. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. gasia mikaelian i'm andre senior. >> thank you for joining us. we
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are following breaking news in the east bay now, fbi agents converging on the federal women's prison in dublin. as we reported, that facility has been the site of numerous sexual assaults of inmates by prison staff. ktvu crime reporter henry lee is live at the prison with the very latest henry. >> yeah, a lot of activity here thisc morning at the federal prison in dublin. and just to make clear, this is next to but separate from santa rita jail in dublin alameda county sheriff's office. now, the prison here, the federal prison has been in the newsc in recent years for sexual assaults by guards of inmates, all of whom are female. let's show you some video from earlier. now, fbi agents did swarm the prison here in dublin this morning. now, the reasons aren't immediately clear, but a source does tell ktvu the warden, associate warden and a captain had been, quote, removed . we have not been able to independently verify that information yet. now, an fbi spokeswoman did tell ktvu agents conducted, quote, court
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authorized law enforcement activity at this location. now, eight prison workers, including the previous warden, gray garcia, had been charged byc federal prosecutors with sexual abuseúof female inmates. sevent& of those have been found guilty and last week, a dozen more women filed sexual abuse and retaliation lawsuits against officers at the prison, bringing the total number of suits to 63. now, we spoke to cara johnson, an attorney representing a number of victims. >> it's being reported that potentially the warden, an associate warden and a captain have been removed. that leads the question of who is left to run the facility. i think this all also goes to show that, you know, whatever criminal allegations may be involved here, whatever prosecute actions that may result, it's not the answer. >> now that attorney says the troubles here, according to that attorney, are prison or are proof that this prison needs to
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be changed from the outside. now, a federal judge, in fact, is considering putting a special master over the prison to minister reforms. now, it's vers visit by the fbi could very well be a fact finding mission, coul& be seizure of documents. at this stage, they could be conducting an investigation, trying to get information to bring to a federal grand jury. that's possible, not confirmed. and of course, if and when there's any developments in federal court, we will bring that to you for now. live in dublin. henryc lee ktvu, fox two news. >> henry. thank you. happening now, a march and rally in support of the jewish community, spgaines live at that demonstration at cal tori garcia, i'm going to take a step out of the frame and show you just what we're seeingúhere at cal. >> there are hundreds of students. these students are here in support of the jewish community. their hope, they say, is to students safe on campus. now, there is also a counter demonstration happening
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here on campus today that is over by sather gate historic sather gate, which is currently blocked by counter-protesters. now that secondary, the sather gates main archway, is currently blocked that gate are currently being kept clear by campus security. we spoke with many people today who are h community, but did not feel comfortable speaking on camera. they say they want to be that ts out is very clear. now i'm going to i also spoke with one of the sporganizers, organizers of this march, hannah schlachter. schlachter, who is a graduate student here at cal. and while just to give you an explanation of what you're seeing here, these students are marching with the pro-jewish pro jewish community protest. they are is just kicked off, as them acr, we're also going to let you hear from one of theseúorganizers, hannah schlachter, who i said is
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aúgraduate student here at cal hopes for what thisery cleart- demonstration brings. what's it like, the feeling of community here. >> it's beautiful. like it could bring happy tears to my eyes to have so many people stand with us and wanting to have a safe campus for jews where we have free speech like everyone else. i mean, it's incredible. so our hope follow, you doing of, you know, to be jewish is a certain way. it's a box. we're hoping that we'll have a better message of just having a safe campus for jews. >> back here live at cal, wegre showing you as the demonstration makes its way through campus. it's going from lower sproul plaza plaza up to sproul plaza, where you can see sather gate is blocked off. it's quite a busy day here at cal. lots and lots f demonstrators. we're going to show you as these demonstrators walk through campus, what they're facing now, their hope
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was to walk clearly through sather gate, which, according to this group, is not allowed toúbe demonstration or student group. they say it's against school school policy equally applied to all groupsúwho choosec to demonstrate on campus. now, as you can see, i'm going to have my photographer show you this group as they're making their way. there have been very specific rules that this followy include, making it a silent march. they're not going to be chanting. you're not going to be hearing them chanting. they also chose to wore white wear white. today. their hope is that they're not tied to any state action, but rather just simply supporting the jewish people, the thing. we've even got dogs here today, standing togetherúwith the jewish people here on cal's campus. as you can see, my photographer as he pans, you're going to see sather gate, which spis blockedúin the middle by a
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counter-demonstration. but you'll see that campus traffic is able to go through these side gates. we're these demonstrator. you may be ablec to see also frm the sky cam. what'súhappening here on campus, they're hoping to march through the gate, but if that does not happen, what they will be doing is marching through the creek bed just to the side of the gate, i'm going to send it back to the live in i gaines, ktvu, fox two news. >> tori thank you. more problems in the sky for boeing this morning. dozens of people were injured on aúflight from australia to new zealand after a technical issue. as fox's rebecca castor tells us, it's the latest incident after this. >> 737 max rolling off the runway in houston to a tire falling off a jet, leaving san francisco and smashing this car, the turbulence for boeing continues monday morning. at least 50 people were injured on
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a chilean airlines boeing jet flying from sydney, australia, to auckland, new zealand secondg passengers into the ceiling. several were taken to the hospital. the airline says a technical event caused the, quote, strong movement. >> it's a time to ask ourselves is there anything that we should be doing different, either as an airline or as a regulators perspective,úyou know, from the faa's perspective, this latest incident comes as the air industry giant continues to face fallout after a door panel blew off mid-flight in january. >> you don't have any words of assurance for customers who are too scared to fly on a boeing plane. >> we believe in our airplanes. of our airplanes, boeing's ceoty expressing confidence after the alaska airlines incident. >> but now the company says it can't find documents related to the door plug opening and closing. the chair of the national transportation safety board has accused boeing of being uncooperative with the federal investigation. >> boeing needs to cooperate in
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every respect, and the 90 days a comprehensive plan on how they're going to turn their quality issues around. >> it's not immediately clear what technical event caused the chilean plane to nosedive chpúir the public's help after at& pedestrian was hit and killed on westbound 80 early this morning, chp says. >> at 145 was trying to crossct& the freeway. at the time they were struckúby a vehicle. this happened where traffic exits the bay bridge coming into the cityd ninth street exits. >> approximately 1:35 a.m. this morning, westbound 80 near the fifth street off ramp in san francisco, we had a vehicle in the traffic lanes. and the pedestrian, did not survive and has been pronounced deceased. the vehicle that was involved,t& was not here at upon chp arrival
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and fled the scene. we don't time as to what type of vehicle that lanes were closed for a time as chp looked for evidence& anyone who was on the westbound 80 area between 135 and 145 this morning, who may have seen anythingl is asked to contact chp. well, taco bell has closed its dining rooms in oakland and has switched indefinitely to drive thru only service. we went by the location on west grand and telegraph this morning. a sign posted on the door informs customers of the dining room closure. the british publication the daily mail reviewedcc3 f1 oakland crime stats it found thieves had struck three taco bell locations in oakland, a combined half a dozen a mysteryt oakland's lake merritt. the water has changed colors and the work underway right now to figure out why. >> plus, gang violence in haiti forces the u.s. embassy to evacuate some of its staff. i'm madeline rivera in washington, with details on the situation coming up. >> and across the bay area this
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afternoon, a break in. a look at the nice blue sky. but how long will it last? i'll have a look at the current conditions and when the next round of rain is xpected to move ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body
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ask your eczema specialist fox's madeline rivera is in washington for the latest. gang violence in haiti escalated over the weekend. the u.s. military evacuating nonessential staff from the american embassy. >> this is yet another embassy evacuation under joe biden. i think this is up to embassy eva. and barely three years, a sign that president biden is overmatched by events the un security council warned one week ago. >> the situation in haiti has been deteriorating. an estimated 1200 people killed by gang spviolence this year. >> i urge the international community to act swiftly and decisively to prevent haiti's further descent into chaos. >> the gangs are pushing for the removal of haitian prime minister ariel henry, who was supposed to step down as antonyt week urged henry to support a political process that would lead to fresh elections, signaling the u.s. has lostt&
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faith manage the country's latestc crisis. >> we are not calling on him or pushing for him to resign, but we are urging him to expedite the transition to an empowered and inclusive governance structure that will move with urgency to help the country prepare for a multinational security support mission to address the security situation and pave the way for free and fair elections. >> in addition to haiti, this afternoon, the nation's top intelligence officials will testify before the senate select intelligence committee on today's main global security threats in washington matter. rivera ktvu, fox two news. control system is underway ind monterey county, one year after a levee breach, hundreds of people lost their homes in that flooding. officials in pajaro are working to improve emergency preparedness and response now. and according to the, the disaster brought a newfound urgency to an overhaul plan that was in the works since 2019. oakland's lake merritt is changing colors again, and officials are still trying to figure out why it's happening.
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this is how things looked saturday, when people started to notice the lake turn a rusty hue . the color is reminiscent of the harmful algae bloom from two of fish. we got more details on that situation from the director of the lake merritt institute. >> we're very cautious, but we are hopeful that it is not the same type of algae that can cause these type of toxins or deoxygenation of the water. >> james robinson also said the rusty color might be from sediment coming into the water from the 60 plus storm drains that feed into the lake. once tests on the lake merritt instis it plans to support the city of oakland in whatever action is needed to take to restore the lake water. >> well, just a gorgeous day to maybe walk the lake or the oakland estuary. sun is shining, rosemary. we better get our steps in while we can, right? >> yes, it feels really good out there. garcia. andre, as we get into the to notice an increase once again in cloud cover, followed by another wave of rain for tonight. here's a look over san francisco, where again, the blue
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spsky and the sunshine out ther. joining us, a mixed up partly cloudy conditions and temperatures. a little bit cool, but not too bad. how about we take a look at some of the rainfall amounts with this system in areas near novato, a half inch, we have ben loman in the santa cruz mountains nearly an inch. petaluma a little bit more than looks like a third of an inch. oakland almost 3/10. san francisco almost a quarter mount tam, picking up more than 8/10 of an inch. but here we are now where we have mainly dryt& conditionsl and to the north you can see those today. the sierrat around a 5000ft, isc where the snow level remains, and we have showers turning over from rain n with the winter travel advisory continuing the winter weather advisory until tomorrow afternoon could see anywhere from 4 to 10in of additional snow between now and then, and the gusty conditions, which could create hazardous conditions, perhaps even
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whiteout conditions at times. so that's what's going on in the sierra. here's what we expect for us here at home. getting into the second part of the day, the clouds will increase once again, right now it looks like the evening drive. not too bad. maybe a few sprinkles. here we are into the 7:00 hour sun will set right about still mainly dry. light showers beginning to pop up with lake county seeing some light rain there and then farther to the north as we get into the evening hours, that wave of rain begins sleeping, it does push through tomorrow morning, likely to wake up with mostly cloudy skies and scattered showers here before it tapers off into the afternoon. so that's what we're looking at for the next 24 hours or so. meanwhile, temperatures outside francisco in the have 59 degreec creek and a chilly one still at this hour in santa rosa, 51 our afternoon highs for today. upper 50s to low 60s on the peninsula, 60 degrees for you. redwood city low 60s expectedn concord
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livermore and antioch. a better look at that system. and when the dry weather is expected to make a comeback, and what we can expect for the rest of the week into your weekend. coming up, rosemary. >> thank you. a new report out from the department of defense on the potential existence of ufos and aliens. the us government's official new posi on long after guests leave, viruses and bacteria linger. air fresheners add a scent. but only lysol air sanitizer helps erase the trace, eliminating odor and killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in the air.
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foxx says jonathan series in atlanta with the latest. >> we've made progress trading and preventing serious cases of covid, but outbreak causing concern. three cases of measles have been reported in chicago, just weeks after at least ten cases were reported hundreds of miles away in florida, raising fears the disease could be spreading across the country. in chicago, two of the three patients were children living inside a migrant shelter. one has been attending a nearby public school told me that since they have little kids and all that, it's bad for them. >> the cdc says there are now reported measles cases in at least 17 states, and most doctors agree the spread is being fueled by low vaccination rates, especially among young children, many of whom stopped getting the shots during the covid outbreak and never got back on schedule. and a lot of the states now we're seeing, new vaccination rates in the children in the high 60s, whichl
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lot of susceptible kids that are out there. >> the cdc issued a measles warning back in january, urging health care providers lookout fw outbreak, but officials are stressing the possibility of a widespread covid like crisis is extremely low and protecting yourself is easyn >> measles is much more incredibly safe in terms of the vaccination. this is not a cause for panic or cause for alarm. it's called for good prevention, which is immunization. >> the cdc recommends an isolation period of three weeks. if your kids are unvaccinated and they get exposed to measles. in atlanta, john serry ktvu, fox two news. >> uc davis medical center is trying to contact about 300 people who may have been exposed to measles. public health officials say a child with a confirmed case visited the uc davis emergency department and an urgent care facility in el dorado county. the child had country where they possibly contracted the virus. uc davis says it has a record of everyone
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who was at its e.r. at the time the child was there, and says the situation is under control. new at noon the social media company reddit is revealing the terms of its upcoming ipo. reddit is targeting a valuation close to $6.5 billion, according to a filing released today. the company and existing shareholders plan to sell about 22 million shares at a range of 31 to $34 per share. this will be the first social media ipo since pinterest went public back in 2019. >> the pentagon has released its latest study on those strange sights in the sky that have long been called ufos. the 63 page defense department report examined previously classified government documents dating back to 1945. the pentagon found no evidence of any aliens visiting earth or any sign the us governmentúconducted a ufo cover up. >> what we found is that claims of hidden programs are largely the result of circular reporting by a small groupúrepeating what they heard from others, and that many people have sincerely
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misinterpreted real events or mistaken, sensitive us programs as uap or being extraterrestrial exploitation. >> the pentagon report says the dramatic spike in ufo sightings in the 1950s and 60s was due mainly to the large number of tests of advanced us spy planes. more than 75 million people have enrolled into the us government's newestc student lon repayment program. the biden administration announced last month thatúit's canceling student loan debt for 153,000 borrowers in the safe plan, the supply to many borrowers who have made payments for at least ten years and originally borrowed $12,000 or less, and now even more borrowers in that plan are eligible to have their payments ended. the plan won't require borrowers to make payments if they earn less than 225% of the federal poverty line , which is about $32,000 a year for a single person. >> you may soon see surge restaurant. some are testing a pricing model that's been used often by airlines and hotels
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that means customers could see menu items at different prices based on daily demand. some small business owners say that variable pricing has helped to maximize prices for their menu items. wendy's initiallyc said t would test a surge pricing menu, but reversed that decision following outcry mostly on social media. >> the body shop has announced it's filed for bankruptcy and closingúall of its stores in the us. theúuk based cosmetic company says it's working on restructuring now. the company was one of the first cosmetic companies to prohibit testing of its products on animals. the body shop has stores in the bay area, including san francisco and in pleasanton. >> the clock could be ticking for a social media site with more than a billion active monthly users. how a move from congress this week could lead to a potential ban on tiktok number of homeless people on san francisco streets. the proposal a program to get some back tock- their hometowns
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the prison has been plagued by allegations of rampant sex abuse, and this dozen fbi agentt the warden, associate warden and
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a apparent escalation of a years long investigation. the probe has led to previous charges against the former warden search comes as a federal judge weighs whether to appoint a special master to oversee changes. at that prison. >> there are uc berkeley campuss afternoon as dueling protests are underway over the israeli war in gaza. pro-palestinian protesters set up a weeks long blockade at uc berkeley's historic sather gate earlier in this hour, demonstrators supporting the jewish community marched across campus to the gate. they say the university is failing to respond to anti-semitic incidents on campus. our hope is that if we follow, you know, based on what they're doing of, you know, to beújewish is a certain way. >> it's a box. we're hoping that we'll have a better message of just having a safe campus for jews. >> in a statement to ktvu, the university said the administration is aware and concerned about rising tensions
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on campus, says it's trying to reduce those tensions and thec risk of conflict and violence through dialog. uc berkeley is now being investigated by the us department of education over reports of discrimination based on ancestry. the department is looking into possible discrimination tied to the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas. uc berkeley is one of dozens of colleges and universities being investigated. others include stanford, ucla, uc san diego. the alleged discrimination is shared ancestt schools under title six of the civil rights act of 1964. the shooting, a shooting saturday on the bay bridge that left one person injured, happened on the eastbound lanes just east of yerba buena island. investigators say someone pulled up alongside the victim's vehicle and fired several shots. the victim was hit once and transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. chp is working to determine a motive and identify the shooter and vehicle involved. >> and in san francisco this morning, the board of supervisors rules committee unanimously approved revitalizing the city's homeward bound program that helps reunify
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homelessúpeople back to their home community. ktvu is alice wirtz has more residing in permanent supportive housing to receive paid and relocation support. >> homeward bound is a program designed to help homeless and unsheltered people in the city get back to their home towns and reunited with their families. it governor newsom was mayor of san francisco. supervisor asha saffy is running for mayor. he says the program hasn't fully been utilized city has to address homelessness, but at the end of the day,úwe're doing people with their loved onesc. >> and as i said, it's one of the most successful programs getting people off the street. we want to put it in the code. >> mayor breed released a statement indicatingc she's focused on doing the work to deliver real solutions, stating since she's taken office, over 15,000 people have been helped by programs in the city. supervisor safai says, addressing homelessness is one of the reasons he's running for
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mayor and it's a really important part of my platform for mayor. >> we want to make sure that government is working and we're utilizing the resources and that we're saving money for the taxpayers. >> we spoke to one man who says it's a great idea to get folks off the streets and back to their families, and if they can prove where you're from, that's all it should matter, you know, and send them back to when they want to go back and, you know, get them out of the city because there's been so much troublen >> you know, it's like i've seen so many odds on the street and things like that. >> mayor breed also shared in spher statement the city does nt need new legislation, calling this window dressing that won't spdeliver any real change. in spite of that, unanimously to approve the proposal. it will now go to the board of alice wurtz, ktvu, fox two news california bill that governor newsom recently signed allows police departments statewide to police officers were fired.hy >>úwell, now, departments can
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voluntarily release that information to the public without a records request. ktvu lamonica peters spoke with the state senator who wrote the bill about why this is important. >> state senator aisha wahab says after talks with advocates, she authored senate bill 400 bad actors will be fired and terminated and announcements will be made and the public has full transparency of the incident. it was signed by governor newsom late last month to clarify that police departments can inform the public about why a police officer was fired. >> the officer goes through their, you know, has their union rep defending them and much more. and when wrongdoing is found,t& and termination is approved, then the, the, you know, police department can be very proactive and to let the public know. and that was the whole point of this bill in 2022. >> ex san jose police officer matthew dominguez was arrested
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a call. he was later fired and placed on a decertification joining another police him from department in california. >> the effort is not only to reform, a lot of these institutionalized departments, but it's also to hold individuals accountable, right? both, you know, people in law enforcement, but also those that wrong, wrong actsn >> last december, san jose police released a new strategic plan hopingúto rebuild trust thn part, this proactive approach not only enhances public confidence in law enforcement, but also establishes a foundation of mutual respect, understanding and sharedt& responsibility. it's not just san jose, it's the entire state of california. >> every single police agency, should and many actually do want to increase transparency. >> senate bill documents show
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that multiple agencies supported sb 400, including the san jose police department, now, this was a bipartisan effort, and wahab says she believes this bill will help rebuild trust between the police and the communities that they serve. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news there's another public forum in the search for a new police chief in san jose later this week. >> it's a chance for people in san jose to qualities they'd like to see in a new police chief, the one, anthony amato, is retiring this month. today, on mornings on two, i asked san jose he thit would be better to hire a new department withom outside the already someone who's already on the force. >> i think it's important that the candidate pipeline be diverse and that you have both. honestly, i think it's really important to recruit and interview outside talent just to make sure you understand what other perspectives and experiences are out there. we want to avoid any kind of groupthink orúinsular culture. that being said, we have an incredible department. there's
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spbeen very strong leadership, t just from chief matta, but but also fromúhis deputy chief. so there are certainly qualified folks within the department as well. >> mayor mehan said he's confident a new police chief willc be in place in san jose recall effort against oaklandf a mayor shengtao say their effort is picking up steam. supporters of the recall held a weekend rally at a building in downtown oakland a popular vietnamese restaurant that's now closed, in part due to street crime. the retired alameda county judge leading the recall effort blames mayor tao for rising crime in oakland. >> it didn't all of these problemsn she caused a number of problems. people who say, give her more time, more time to do what she has ruined our city. >> by july, recall organizers must collect the signatures of at least 10% of oakland's registered voters on a recall petition. organizers say they're confident they'll get the required signatures before the deadline to qualify for the november ballot. mayor tao sent a statement to ktvu news about the recall effort, saying in part, my focus is fighting for a
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safer, more affordable and more prosperous oakland. i ask all oaklanders to help me achieve that vision with hope and collaboration, and push aside our communityc together to fight for the city we love. elementary teacherúcharged with sexual acts with a student was previously arrested in napa. matthew joseph shelton was charged in february with five felony counts of lewd acts with a child. he was previously arrested and acquitted for similar crimes in napa. in 2008, shelton was accused of inappropriately touching two third grade female students. the head of the school district in benicia, promising a full investigation. >> recent news that district was charged with lewd and lascivious acts towards minor students has promptedúour district administrative team to create a multi-step action planúto review our systems and our processes to ensure student safety and well-being. >> the new charges involve
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alleged incidents with a student back in 2022 at robert semple elementary school in benicia, where shelton was teaching. he's set to appear in court today. >> the february ktvu tom vacar.t the numbers say about theústate of the economy. u.s. job growth. >> it increased by another 275,000 workers in february. >> surprisingly strong job growth nationwide, but employment lawyer michael bernick of the duane morris law firm and a former edd director, says how the us bureau of labor statistics actually counts jobs is key to this big gain. i think it's important to note a lot of these jobs are part time jobs. a lot ofúworkers are out there working part time involuntarily. the average hours worked has gone down new people looking for work haven't found it yet. >> the unemployment rate ticked up slightly from 3.7 to 3.9, but by all historic measures of the
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past 50 years, that's a very low rate at 3.1. >> inflation is down close to where the federal reserve wants it to be, but wage increases have also slowed to 4.1, keeping workers just 1% ahead of inflation certainly far, far less than the wage gains. >> the very positive wage gains we saw in 2022 and 2023. >> interesting to note, the women in the labor force is the highest on record. men left the labor force for the third straight month, especially non-college educated men, >> and, we continue to see it. the overall percentage of able workers with jobs remains at the low v0% level, but prime working age folks 25 to 54 hit a five month high of almost 84, especially as we move away from the, all the subsidies available during the pandemic. >> the number of job openings decreased to 8.9 million.
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>> there's still slightly elevated above what we were pre-pandemic. but, they've certainly gone down economy kees expanding >> a lot of them are concentrated in just three sectors of growth health care, government and leisure and hospitality. the other sectors haven't been doing as well. >> that's why an interest rate cut in june remains very possible. tom baker, ktvu, fox e supporting their adult children financially what a new report reveals aboutúhow much money they're getting each month across the bay area this afternoon, enjoying a nice break in the rain. >> although it won't last, we have more rain expected a by tonight. i'll have a better look at this new system on the way and when the warmer, drier weather is expected to arrive. coming up
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some unusual alliances are now forming in washington. >> there is a lot of bipartisan support for going after tiktok, but we've seen some major shifts and some unusual positions on this, starting at the white house. >> mama makes great chocolate chip cookies. >> president biden made a splash earlier this year when his
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campaign joined tiktok. a flash forward a few months, and he's willing to sign off on a potential ban if they pass it, i'll sign it. that would be quite a flip for the president. now to sign off on a bill that is quickly gaining momentum on capitol hill that could force tiktok's parent company with links to china to sell the site or face a ban in the u.s. at the same time, former president trump, who once supported a ban, now seems to be softening his stance, posting if you get rid of tiktok, facebook and zucker schmuck, a reference to facebook ceo mark zuckerberg will double their business. and trump's not alone banning tiktok. >> maybe that's necessary to protect american data from china. but if you can find a way to avoid that, that'd be good, >> defenders of tiktok say it's tiktok has been lobbying hard, including urging users to call members of congress who have been arguing that the site is downright dangerous. >> sort of proved our point yesterday. we had kids. it was compelling kids to call members of congress, in some
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cases threatening suicide. >> usually it's, the staffers on the house who answer the phones are quite young, and they would say, does your teacher know you're calling us right now? and they would get a hang up and this is a delicate issue around here with politicians wanting to crack down on tiktok, while at the same time trying desperately to reach its huge audience of young potential voters. >> in washington,údoug luzader fox news. >> this week, elon musk is officially unveiling his artificial intelligence bot. it's called grok, and musk's hopes it will be a rival to chatgpt. musk is allowing both developers and coders to closely inspect his company's artificial intelligence botc. the californa state university system has launched a newúonline program to help community college students through the transferring to a csu school. csu says its transfer planner helps students figure out their individual paths so they don't waste time taking unnecessary courses. the planner allows students to keep track of their
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coursework and general education requirements, enter test the requirements at their target campuses.t& >> as you've probably noticed, gas prices keep going up statewide just ahead of spring break. the latest triple-a numbers show the average price spforúa gallon of regular gas in california, now $4.88. about $0.30 higher than we were one month ago here in the bay area, gas prices are even higher. drivers paying 506 in san francisco, 493 in oakland, 488 in san jose.úthose prices than . nearly half of all parents nationwide areúfinancially supporting their adult children, a new report from finds. on average, parents are giving theirúadult children nearly $1,300 a month. meanwhile, more than 60% of adult children who are living with their parents do not contribute to any household expenses. researchers find parents help their children most often with groceries, cell phone bills, rent, health insurance and tuition. >> so essentially everything. >> yeah. just about. all right.& >> let's talk a little bit about the weather now. rosemary oroczo is here. rosemary. there's a sun
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shining at least here in oakland. how's the rest ofúthe bay area looking? >> oh, we do have a little bit of sunshine around the bay area at this time, andre garcia, but it's not going to last. an on the way and more rain expected by this evening and into tomorrow. giving you a nice look there over mount diablo where the winds are generally light across the bay area. at this time we will have a switchúin the pattern, and do expect the winds to pick up a little bit later this week. i'll explain that here. coming up, first, let's take a look at a few more rainfall totals from this latest system. the north bay did really well, san rafael coming in with more than half inch there, a 61/100 mount tam a three quartes we showed you here a little while ago, most areas in the central and south bay picking up a quarter inch to 3/10, including san francisco and oakland, crockett picking up a little bit more than a quarter inch storm tracker two again, it's quiet for the time being, but take a look at what is on the way. sierra seeing snow rigt
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about 5000ft at least. the accumulation there and as we talked about a winter travel advisory continues the light rae way down to about ukiah with ths expected to roll in byúthis through the first half ofastt- tomorrow. but behind it we are going to dry the sierra again, several inches of new snow. still a possibility through tonight and into tomorrow with this latest system that is on the way. and for us, we could pick up another quarter inch or so. here's a look at by tuesday afternoon when we do begin to out. and then once we dry out, we are going to be dry for the rest of the week, which happens to be the final weekend of winter. here's a look at to the futurecast model. there's a look at the storm coming tonight into tomorrow for most of us it will be past sunset, so it's going to be an evening event overnight event up with scattered showers. andk-
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then we dry out and look what starts to happen here. notice this big dome that begins to move in and pushes that storm track well to the north and warms things up. it's also going to bring thatc northeast flow spthat could again transition to not only drier air, but warmer air and breezy conditions. so that's what's coming our way for the days ahead. for the time being, we're looking at 57 degrees in san francisco for the inner east bay, 56 in livermore and in the north bay, right now in santa rosa. santa rosa going to be several degrees below average for today, coming in at 56, most of us in the afternoon on the peninsula, 60 degrees for san mateo. there's your extended forecast. we'll scattered showers. and then we begin to dry out by the second part of the day and take a look at what begins to happen into the second part of the business week. temperatures in the upper 60s to low 70s. and we hold on to that trend all the way through the weekend. back to you, rosemary. >> thank a new poll
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that says a majority of bay area voters would support transportation improvements funded by higher earners. 57% of respondents said they'd support holding a future bay area wide ballot measure that would increase income tax on year, or households making more- than u00,000. the money would pay for a coordinated network of bus, rail and ferry lines, as well as improved roads and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. respondents said they'd also support boosting payroll taxes on employers with more than $4 million in annual revenue. >> san francisco's japantown task force hosted anc open house community space undernew development. the new center center is 3300ft!s. japantowns cultural district partnered with coho, which plans to openc a creative hub in the new center nonprofit say they're hoping in particular to connect with young audiences. >> the young folks really need a new hang out and feel welcome in our community. that's something
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that, folks have been looking for really, really long time. so a lot of the immersive events that we will do for coho, will sort of service those folks and give them a place and a sense of belonging and a home. >> coho plans to work closely with existing cultural organizations to honor the creativity that has shaped the japantown community, can take center stage at the oscars. >> a look at his performance and the big winners from hollywood's biggest night
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how do i love thee? ...let me count the ways. ♪ love can get a little messy... good thing there's resolve.
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love the love. resolve the mess. his predictions red carpets, barb and hammer. box office. it all led to the 2024 oscars. her& are highlights of hollywood's
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biggest night. >> oppenheimer, christopher nolan's epic scale biopic oppenheimer swept the show with seven wins total, including best picture. >> nolan won his first best director oscar. cillian murphy received best actor in a leading role. robert downey jr took the actor in a supporting role trophy. >> oh boy, this is really. this is really overwhelming. poor thing. >> star best actress in a leading role for se different and now i realize i just need to be myself. >> the holdovers da'vine joy randolph capped off her award season winning streak with best actress in aúsupporting role. jimmy kimmel hosted for a fourth time with jokes about nominees addressed a bad review from former president donald trump on social media. and in one particularly memorable moment, costumes. >> they are so out john cena wearing an envelope to present costume design. poor things won
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that, as well as production design and makeup and hairstyling fall and adapted screenplay to american fiction, best international feature film went to the zone of interest. music of the movies. center stage included scott george and the osage singers billie eilish and finneas o'connell, with the now oscar winning barbie tune what was i made for? plus, ryan spgosling, mark ronson and slash rocked out. i'm just ken. was ken there? kenny g and audience sing along, part of a show which wrapped a long award season celebrating the past year in movies in hollywood. ashley dvorkin, fox news. >> well, tonight the warriors will be in san antonio for a rematch with the spurs. that's following the warriors 126, 113 loss to the spurs at san francisco's chase center saturday night. klay thompson came out lead the warriors in scoring with 27 points. it was golden state's
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first back to back loss in more than seven weeks. the warriors remain in the number ten spot in the west, one game behind the los angeles lakers. warriors star steph curry did not play in saturday night's game due to that ankle injury he suffered last week. however, an mri has showed that injury was not serious. doctors will take a second able to return to action. well, the warriors are going beyond what happens on the court to help those to do their best off the court. the team hosted an eventúat chase center this past weekend designed to help young people learn more about arts. ts invited student clubs from colleges across the bay area to share their knowledge with the children and teenagers who attend the event. >> i felt like this is important for kids just to stem. i think,u know, it's a really powerful to know what you want to do at a young age. and i honestly wish i figuredúit out sooner. >> well, this learning event was
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held yesterday with the santa cruz warriors hosting the rio grande vipers in a g league game thousand of giants fans gathered at oracle park in sanúfrancisco for the team's open house to celebrate a new season. >> orange and black everywhere. giants fans of all ages got to play on the field, even tour parts of oracle park that are usually off limits to the public . team executives were there to welcome them. >> it all feels real. we're within a few weeks of opening f, in the dugout, places they can't be during the season, the giants hosted earlier fan fest events in sacramento, san jose and napa in the past month. >> 49ers quarterback brock purdy tied the knot saturday, marrying his college sweetheart, jenna brandt. tmz showed several photos of the couple's wedding in des moines, iowa. brandt's home state and where he played college ball there at iowa state. their photographer says. the couple also wants to take some wedding photos at lake tahoe. >> to the couple. yeah, yeah, very cool there. i thought they just got engaged recently,
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didn't they? i thought we saw pictures of him on the beach, remember? >> i think you're right. >> yes, right. that yeah. sp>> right away. all right. thak you so much for joining us and watching ktvu. fox two news at smart tv. you can watch livem kr newscasts and stories on the fir roku, your apple tv, or your android tv. just scan the qr code on your screen right now, or you can loca app a t - [tammi] can you guess what this is? (catchy music) if you guessed bookshelf, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary." our first celebrity captain is a dancer, singer, actress and youtuber. let's like and subscribe to jojo siwa, and with her are best friends shayron and mercedes. our other celebrity captain hosts "the best podcast ever with raven and miranda." we're living our best life with raven symone. she's joined by friends hovsep and malcolm.


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