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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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as america, as a nearby neighbor, have an important role to play. >> the state department says it expects the transitionalúcouncil to be appointed in the next 24 to 48 hours, with an interim prime minister named soonc after in london. greg palkot ktvu, fox two news. >> new at six more questions for the country's largest single exporterl a new audit shows boeing has failed dozensc of faa audits. >> plus, mr. petersonúhas been waiting 20 years to find some of these police reports and audio recordings and video recordings that should have been provided a big hearing today for convicted murderer scott peterson as an influential legal group takes on his case and demands he receives a new trial. >> plus, and because they don't have the staffing, they don't respond to crimes in progress. payouts for police misconduct cases in oakland plummet in yeae unions and civil rights groups are debating the underlying reasons.
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>> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> hello again everyone. i'm julie hanan and i'm mike mibach. >> we begin tonight with boeing. a that the company failed 33 of 89 audits during an faa examination. the six week audit was conducted after a panel blew off an alaska airlines 737 max jet on january fifth. this also comes after the new york times reported that the plane involved in that case was scheduled to undergo maintenance the very next day. ktvu tom vacar has the story. >> the federal aviation administration says boeing failed 33 of 89 audits of its manufacturing and quality control processes. its doorc plg supplier for the device that blew out on january 5th failed seven of 13 audits. well, that's a very high failure rate, international aviation attorney mary schiavo is the former
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turn oversees boeing and the airline industry. they also have to see that boeing is doing all of the assembly precise. >> so, you know, steps and procedures that are approved, plug was installed is missing or never existed, requiring that documentation is part of the certification process, schiavo says that the faa may soon find itself under investigation. did the faa do everything it was supposed to do in overseeing boeing? and has the government been robust enough in its oversight? >> a few years ago, in the wake of two 737 crashes that killed 346 people to avoid criminal prosecution back then for those crashes, boeing agreed not to mislead, deceive or defraud the criminal investigationc now. >> i think it's unacceptable. >> i mean, it's a huge loss of confidence.
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>> the myers live in saint helena. >ñ you get on the plane counting that the steps have been taken and the maintenance is done and everybody's safety.ownership of >> when the event happened, i just was like, okay, that's one of those freak accidents that you're just going to isolate in your mind and think, that won'tt doesúnot happen, the ntsb lab often says it was lucky we don't rely on luck. >> we rely on, you know, engineering, safety planning, redundancy, re inspections, oversight. >> with deliveries slowingc dow, southwest has announced that it's going to cut back on capacity and united airlines his sppeople because they need the planes. tom vacar, ktvu fox two news legal payouts for claims of excessive force and wrongful death have plummeted in the last five years. >> new at six tonight ktvu
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claudine wong joins us now with a look at the numbers and the possible causes for the decline. claudine. >> well, julie, numbers show a dramatic drop in what the city of oakland paid out during the five year period. we're talking between 2018 and 2023, and we're talking about millions of spdollarsúin payment penalties r casesúinvolving wrongful death, to injuries. so let's give you a closerúlook at those numbers. the oakland police department paid out roughly $1.7 million during that time. we're talking about 2018 to 2023. that's according to the city attorney's office. and none of the most recent payments exceeded $400,000. well, compare of 2011 to december of 2021, when for police misconduct 2001 to 20q1. some of the recent cases include a $250,000ct& settlement in 2015 for a man who was shot and killed that year
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$400,000 payment for aand a journalist who was teargassed during the george floyd protests in 2020. civil rights attorney jim shannon told us. two decades of federal oversight has led to a opd. >> i think that there's not a talk in the locker room about who you beat up today. i think if there was talk like that in the locker room, the officer who said it would be turned in and that's a sea change. >> but the attorney for the oakland police union, michael raines, disputes federal oversight is leading to fewer use of force incidents. instead, he says, shortc staffig could be leading to a drop in officer involved shootings and other use of force. >> and because they don't have the staffing, they don't respond to crimes in progress. they encounters, they don't have the lawsuits that resultúfrom
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forceful encounters. >> in terms of staffing, the department currently has just under 700 officers, accordingúto spopdúnumbers. staffingúpeaked n 20p9 and 2010 at just over 800 officers. the police department and the police union did nott& respond to ktvu requests for comment. the department is still under federal oversight aftert& more than 20 years, and remains justúshy of the reforms needed to end federal monitoring. reporting live from the studio, claudine wong, ktvu, fox two news tonight, governor newsom touting theúresultsúof a chpt& sting operation that targeted carjacking rings and gangs in oakland. >> the chp, according to the governor, arrested 168 people and cities in just the past few weeks. the suspects were arrested on a number of charges, including possession of stolen property, auto theft dui. the arrests were a result
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of patrols. >> new data shows the number of overdose deaths in san francisco is down slightly, but remains at crisis levels, according to numbers released today by the sanc francisco health departmenl overdoses in february, including 47 from fentanyl. that is down slightly from january, when 67 people died, the same period lar when 52 died of overdoses. the health department also announced it is expanding a type of addiction intervention called contingency management. >> we want everyone to know, even though addiction is a chronic illness, recovery is possible out of addiction and into a healthier life. >> contingency management provides incentives for people to stay sober. those programs are available at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital, the san francisco aids foundation, and at healthright 360.
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peterson back in a bay area courtroom via zoom,cúhis new legal team from the lac innocene project is arguing for a new trial. and as ktvu crime reporter henry lee explains, peterson's attorneys claim dna evidence from the initial trial should be retested. >> i see mr. peterson trying to unmute, so give me a thumbs up if and hear us, please. >> after some technical difficulties with zoom convicted double murderer scott peterson told the judge he was fine appearing remotely from state prison. >> absolutely. thank you, your honor. >> peterson, his hair in a ponytail, was back in court with attorneys with the la innocence project, hoping dna testing of evidence will undo his convictions for killing his pregnant wife, laci, and their unborn 2002. their bodies washed ashore in richmond, although the family lived in modesto. the trial was moved to redwood city because of extensive publicity. on tuesday, san mateo county judge elizabeth hill questioned why stanislaus county prosecutors needed more time in
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the case. >> a lot of these items have been raised and litigated as part of the initial appeal. >> david harris, one of the original trial prosecutors, said peterson had raised many of the same issues before, including during an unsuccessful attempt to get a new trial in 2022. >> there's a lot of back and forth from the record and there is going to be a large amount of reading for both sides. >> mr. peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of these police reports and audio recordings and video recordings that should have been provided, la innocence, says heror of the- client never got key evidence, even during his original trial. i don't think that the nature of the request is not a fishing expeditionn they're very precise, they're very specific, and we believe that they are, probably very easily accessible. >> the judge set future court dates over the next few months. peterson's sisterc in law, jane, and her husband joe, attended the hearing, but declined to speak afterwards. >> this is it, nobody else
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can do anything about this. >> ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says peterson's previous lawyers raised concerns over juror. this time, he says, the defense has a different tack. this is digging >> what did? dide. they look at all the evidence? something that perchance was exculpatory? >> peterson was originally sentenced to death, which was set aside by the stateúsupreme court because of a juror issue. he's now serving life in prison without parole. scott peterson is now 51 years old. het& indicated he plans to attend all future court hearings via zoom from mule creek state prison in amador county in redwood city. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> an abandoned trailer caused a scare and a hazmat investigation in martinez today. firefighters received a call about the trailer on pachecoúavenue at about 930 this morning. the hazmat team was calledúafter discovering it was not empty. officials later learned three
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trailers were initially tagged as abandoned outside the plant last week, and two of those were towed away last friday. investigators ran tests on the liquid inside the trailer and determined it to come, many schs across the state often conduct drills to prepare for an active shooter, but one state lawmaker says those drills may actual goo ahead, a woman was killed after being pushed to the ground in believe they may have herice attacker in custody in connection with a similar case. >> and overnight showers last night a quarter of an inch in some places, even more in others afternoon. warming weather coming this way. i'll have the five day forecast and bringing bay area medical expertise to africa. >> how a san francisco doctor, originally from ethiopia, is starting up a first of its kind program in her home country. sty o
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require parents to be notified. state assembly member chris ward introduced the legislation today. he says some districts have gone too far in their efforts to prepare students for a school shooting, with some schools using actors to play active shooters and students playing shooting victims. this bill would provide guidelines for school shooting drills, anda
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planned drill in advance and have mental health resources availableúafter those drills are completed. >> several states are holding primaries tonight and fox news now projects. joe biden has wone democratic nominee for president in 2024. tonight are georgia, hawaii, mississippi and washington state. also tonight are the primaries for democrats living abroad and the territory ofc the northern mariana islande than 1800 delegates. a nominee needs 1968 to secure the democratic projects mr.úbidenúwl sweep the delegates up for grabs tonight in georgia, mississippi and washington, and former president donald trump could clinch the republican nomination tonight as of now, mr. trump 1215 are needed to nikki haley secured 94 delegates before
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dropping out of the race last week. welll the is still too close to call. the latest results from the santa clara county elections office show sam liccardo is now in the lead with 22% of the vote, and is projected to advance to the general election in second place. about 1000 votes separate evan low and joe simitian, with evan low now with a slight lead. the elections office will post more results tomorrow. women's history month. theoft- doctorúin san francisco is making international history by program in her nativec country,f ethiopia. >> she and a team from sutter health recently traveled to africa for a medical mission trip. >> ktvu crystal bailey spoke with the doctor. she joins us on the doctor's life saving workn crystal. >> well, mike, julie, there is a huge demand for better care in ethiopia where a person dies lir disease, 75% of those deaths are
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tied to hepatitis b and c. doctors say it's totally preventable, but it's killing people in droves across the continent of africa. this is a life saving sutter health cpmc e in the bay. doctor candice yimam is making international medical history to prevent rejection of a liver. as the medical director for the autoimmune liver disease program at sutter health cpmc. u.s.útran born transplantúhepatologists, and she's lost family of her own to liver disease in witnessing how people are suffering and dying from a liver disease that could be prevented or managed better. >> it really touched me significantly to go help. >> so with help from a team built by transplant surgeont& assad hassoun, they went to saint paul's hospital in addis ababa, the largest hospital in the heart of the nationc. >> i'm very grateful for my colleagues to make this trip
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real. they trained ethiopian surgeons and nurses and performed complicated surgeries and procedures. liver section and two whipple's. yeah. >> the team also donated $70,000 worth of medical supplies and ve to them by bringing knowledge, but i always learn all working to create the first liver transplant program in ethiopia. ñ> the liver transplant is life saving. imagine how many people are dying of liver disease without having access to complicated liver surgeries. >> this summer, the group plans to welcome staff from saint paul's here in san francisco to >> i know we have a lot to do, but this was a great startc docs message to young women and immigrant physicians. >> i want this story to be a motivation for others that we can make a difference. >> the transplant team from sutter health cpmc larger groupf
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specialists to ethiopia early next year with the plan of establishing a fully formed liver transplant program by the end of 2025. truly some great work from some local doctors here. >> and you said she moved here when she was 17 years old toúdo spschooling and yes, went medicd saw some of the impacts. >> as we mentioned, she had family who died of liver disease and decided she wanted to help. >> doing great work here now, doing great work in ethiopia as well. >> yeah. life saving work. yeah. crystal. thank you. crystal. >> bill, we'll send it over to r to talk about. we had a bit of rain last night. very differente the night we had before, but th. it was dumping up in marin county over an inch of rain, a quarter of an inch for many of us, a little bit less down south. but you got the feeling here as you look at today's overnight rainfall, that it was a much less intense weather system. canfield was it did come into nearly a half an inch of
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rain, half an inch most of us wh spof an inch or a 2/10, a quartr of an inch, something like that. system, very similar to the one before, but just not as wet and then the mountains, they got a 5in of snow, and it lasted most of the morning anyway. and then temperatures today warm. the sun came out and we got back into the mid 60s and a couple of places or 65 some of those inland spots tomorrow we'll see more 65 and then as we go into thursday and friday, we're going to see more 60 or 70s and low 70s, maybe even a 75. so a warming trend after a couple of systems that were kind of manageable, beneficial rain for the most part. so as you look out there, you got a little haze on the atmosphere. the winds pick up. we've got a wind advisory thatúgoes into will be for the mainly but it picks up f our areas like antioch and spfairfield and vacaville and parts of napa. so if you're out towards close to that big valley, you're goingúto notice those winds. i'll have the full forecast back here in just a few minutes. all bill, thank you. >> still to come, new data
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showing inflation not quite cooling off as expected. >> also ahead tonight many people can expect a pleasant surprise on their upcoming pg and e bills. how much of a credit customers can expect and why? >> also, thieves caused disruptions to vta light rail service by stealing copper wires. the latest on the investigation by introducing an all new way to watch ktvu news live on your big screen, search fox local on your tv streaming device and access all fox two n, plus exclusive features like the ktvu video vault archives. search fox localúon your tv streaming device, or scan the code for how to stream ktvu you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile.
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suspect in a deadly shooting outside a sports bar. 26 year old gerald williams junior was taken intoúcustody on friday and booked on murder charges. the shooting happened early on february 29th in a parking lot on moorpark avenue. the victim was found with a gunshot wound inside a car. detectives say it appears the victim knew the shooting suspects. >> i think this really sends a community that our homicideur detectives, actually all our detectives, our officers, our entire department, we do not tolerate crime. there is no room for crime in san jose. and we will make sure that we bring justice to the victims and families and put criminals behind bars. >> 30 year old denzel brown was taken into custody in sunnyvale,
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less than 24 hours after the homicide, and booked into the santa clara county main jail. the victim's name still has not been released. >> tonight, two suspected copper thieves are in jail charged with stealing vitalc equipment from vta light is just one of dozens of similar thefts of the year. ktvu gary has the story. >> tuesday, two eagle eyed santa clara county sheriff's deputies patrolling vta light rail stations looking for anything suspicious. >> our sheriff's dispatch received a call yesterday a splittle bit after noon in the area of crop vta station captain jose cardoza says two suspects from the station to take thee copper wire within a second call, told deputies suspects were stealing copper wire again, this time at the redwood station in to the area. they made an enforcement stop and arrested two persons responsible, v0 year old daniel mayo and 55 year old
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frank pacheco are charged with grand theft. >> conspire and possession of methamphetamine. in these two cases, officialsc say there have beenc over two dozen such crimes committed by multiple suspects since the first of the year, dollars in damage. ñ> theúcables that are being stolen, they, they track train movement on our system, which in switches and signaling it will prevent trains from receiving proceeds. signals moving. >> copper tubing and wire theft is not new. thieves used the precious metal to turn a quick buck at recycling plants, but for vta, such thefts bring their 42 mile light rail system to a grinding halt, impacting nearly 15,000 daily riders. >> you're going to be waiting a little bit longer just because of the delays. >> vta has tried burying covering them with rocks, even using grease to foil thefts. ha.
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>> really urging folks to call in if they see anything suspicious on the vta tracks. someone walking away from a vta station carrying something, don't assume it's just garbage or nothing, because quite often the copper tubing or wiring has a insulation around it that's a different colorn ifúyou have any questions, you can call sheriffs office or vta. in downtown san jose, jesse gary ktvu, fox two news. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, a man is in jail accused of pushing an elderly woman to the ground in san francisco. and police now case that killed the victim. sp>> and a bold proposal from oe san francisco mayoral candidate. the idea to bolster police staffing and to also mandate strict closing times for some city parks and have an update tt on steph curry's availability as he tries to come back from that ankle sprain last thursday when he's expected to return. our jason appelbaum will have spo
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a appearing remotely, as attorneys argue some evidence should be retested for dna, adding that the results could exonerate peterson in the killing and their unborn son. peterson's attempt to clear his name is backed by a nonprofit, la innocence project, which claims peterson's constitutional rights
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were violated. >> legal payouts by the city of oakland for claims of excessive force and wrongful death have plunged in the past five years, the city attorney's office says. oakland police paid out about $1.7 million during that time. by comparison, the city paid out sp$35 million for police misconduct cases from 2011 to 2021, and new data deaths inúsan francisco remains at crisis levels, according to the city's health department, 64 people died from accidental overdoses last month, including 47 from fentanyl. >>únow that's down slightly from january, butúan increase from the same period last year when g overdoses. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two police have reopened a case from last year in which a chinese woman died after reportedly being pushed to the say they ber attacker could be connected to another case. >> ktvu christien kafton has the story. >> san francisco police arrested
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43 year old thea hopkins last week for allegedly assaulting a 71 year old chinese woman. now, police are taking a second look at another incident she was reportedly involved in in july of 2023, where hopkins was investigated after 63 year old yanfeng wu was pushed district and later died. a police investigation at the time determined the incident was an accident. investigators have released a statement reading in part, quote, the sfpd is reexamining the evidence in the july 3rd case on third street in egbert avenue after receiving new evidence. we are not disclosing what the evidence isc the attorney defending hopkins in the recent assault case says she hasn't seen any evidence connected to the 2023 death, but says they need to be looked at as separate incidents. >> there's nothing about these new allegations and charges that , change the fact that the district attorney and the police officially deemed the 2023 incident as an accident.
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>> civil rights attorney and spokesperson for the asian faith in the police following gs that incident was caught on camera and are asking for that video to be released. in their statement, police said, quote, the sfpd does not release evidence, video or otherwise in open cases because it could jeopardize the investigation. jeung is encouraging police to investigate the two cases as part of a pattern of behavior, and see if these were possible hate crimes here. the, the suspect, you know, reportedly, pushed or attacked two elderly asian women, within blocks of one another. >> at this point, hopkins is still in custody for the assault last week. no word on if or when police would arrest hopkins for the july incident, or if the da would charge hopkins for that earlier death in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> san francisco mayoral
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candidate mark farrell has unveiled a number of new proposals he would make to address public safety in the city if elected mayor. today the former interim mayor and supervisor proposed five ideas, including allowing police officers to defer retirement, clearing a backlog of police recruits and fully funding five police academies a year. farrell has also proposed closing some parks at sunset. he would also intend to make the current vending ban in the mission permanent. mayor london breed, who is running for reelection, pushed back on farrell's plan, saying he is stealing her ideas. as she points out, the vending ban was her idea and says through a campaign manager in part, quote, mayor breed contins vending ban as long as public safety aúlong terme solution. te long terme solution is to change state law. so the policeúcan enforce against illegal fencing. doing right now, working to get
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a bill through the state concorn reversed. days after it was adopted by the city counciln the ordinance was suspended after the city clerk received information that a group plans to petition the ordinance and defer it to the november ballot. this ordinance imposes a rent stabilization on multifamily rental complexesc of two or more units built before february of 1995. it also makes it more difficult for landlords to evict tenants without just cause. but opponents of the ordinance say it's done more harm than good. >> at the end of the last council meeting regarding this issue, the mayor sat up there on his in his, position in front of his placard and said, you know, iútold you guys ago when this was on the ballot and it didn't pass that when the city did it, it was going to be and now it is.the homeowners.t- >> those in favor ofc the ordinance say the fight for rent control has been ongoing there in the city of concord. the petition needs more than 7000 signatures from concord voters
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to move forward. if it's successful, city council members can either repeal the ordinance or placeúit onúthe november ballot to let voters decide morl receive a credit on their energy bill. >> will be distributed next month. residential households with an active electric account will automatically receive a credit of about $55, and households with a account will be credited about $85. the credit comes from the state's cap and trade program, which requires facilities that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution allowances. officials say it's designed to help customers future.ion to a low carbon >> politics played no part whatsoever in my investigative steps. on capitol hill, the former special counsel defending himself from attacks from both parties over his handling of the biden classified documents case
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investigation into president biden's mishandling of classified information. >> robert stood by his handling of the case. foxgs rebecca castor is in washington with the story. >> former special counsel robert hoar, who declined to charge president biden over his mishandling of classified documents, faced intense scrutiny from both sides of the spaisle on capitol hill tuesday, joe biden told us he knew the rules so mr. >> her why did he break them? >> and you're doing to getúprest trumpúreelected so that you can get appointed as a federal judge. documents in the president's personal offices and garage. in his report, her concluded the spevidence was not sufficient enough for charges, but also cited decision. >> i did not sanitize my
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explanation, nor did i disparage the president unfairly. if you're senile enough and you act as though you're cooperating enough, even your violations of federal criminal law won't be prosecuted. >> and one part of the report her wrote biden would likely present himself to a well-meanig elderly man with a poor memory. >> you understood when you made that decision, didn't you, mr. her, that you would ignite a political firestorm with that language, didn't you? >> politics played no part whatsoever in my investigative steps. >> democrats also claim herr's report is meant to distract voters from donald trump's numerous criminal cases, including his own charges for mishandling classified documents. so who wins with this ludicrous, embarrassing spectacle or ban? >> wins. putin wins. she wins. the tyrants of the world win. they have one more trump is trying to get his own classified documentsn case dismissed. a florida judge will hear those arguments on thursday in washington. rebecca castor, fox
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news. >> and weúare tracking the weather. the rain fell last night and early this morning. it's done now and we start to warm up. i'll be back here with& that forecast. >> let's go to ktvu. alex savidge now at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu. julie, thank you. >> coming up tonight at seven, a congressman from here on the west coast says capitol hill has devolved into bickering and nonsense, and he wants out tonit coast rap. how he is shaking things up for republicans in the house. also, basketball fans noticed several problems with the recently unveiled statue of nba legend kobe bryant. we'll were uncovered and the steps the lakers are planning to take to fix them. those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight atc seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the fox two news at 730 with claudine wongc. >> all right, alex, we'll see you in just a bit. but first
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here after the break, the latest inflation report was not as confident as many economists h it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine and best-in-class standard torque. and the chevy silverado hd with up to 14 available camera views. do more in a chevy truck, get yours now.
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ariel henry was named prime minister in 2021 and remained the leader following the assassination of haiti's president. haiti has spiraled into chaos here over the past several weeks, with gangs burning police stations and shutting down the of state antony blinken met with caribbean leaders in jamaica to discuss the situation, offering $33 million in humanitarian aid. this has created an untenable situationc for the haitian people, and we all know that urgent action is needed on both the political and security tracks to help move things in a better direction, to help do right by the people of haiti, blinken said. the us will contribute an additional $100 million to help bolster security . the state department says it expects a transitional council to be appointed in the next 24 to 48 hours. >> the white house signed off on a new emergency aid package for ukraineútoday. president biden announced $300 million in
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funding, meeting with the president and prime minister of poland. this comes as congressional republicans have blocked a bipartisan ukraine,t& israel and other allies. president biden said made possible by savings from the defense department. >> today, the united emergency e for ukraine using cost savings from previously approved pentagon contracts. the package includes munitions and rounds to help. >> us officials are also looking into seizing billions of dollars in russian assets and using those funds to pay ukraine. hers growing about the fate of ukraine as ammunition suppliesc run low and russia makes gains on the battlefield. >> inflation higher than expected. last month, consumer prices rose by 0.4% and are up 3.2% from this time last year. economists say. that likely
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indicates the federal reserve will not cut interest rates at its next meeting, but will more likely cut in june. and investors appear to be on board with that timeline. and that sent stocks in part higher today. tech stocks also driving the markets into positive territory. the dow ended the day up more than 235 points. the nasdaq with a great day here, 246 points or 1.5% in the s&p, ended up by 57. >> all right. temperatures today warmed a couple degrees. we had some showers overnight. not a lot but enough to wet the roads. maybe your morning commute was slightly damp but it ended pretty quickly. after lunchtime. the sun came out for most of us and temperatures achieved. gott& into the low and mid 60s. highs tomorrow will be a little warmer and then highs on thursday and friday and saturday we'll get back into the low 70s potentially. so a warm weather pattern coming when we haven't seen in a little while and sort of extendedc warm weather right through the weekend. the winds are going to kick up as well as the high builds in it tries to balance out with the low. this
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is, you know, essentially a couple clicks from spring. so this is the pattern you start tc see. or these these high pressures building in the lows leaving. and then the pressure gradient develops and the wind. so wind advisory will be in effect tomorrow afternoon for all these areas. the big winds will be essentially in the central valley out towards davis and sacramento thursdayc you'll get some wind. you'll see wind out by the benicia bridge spots, especially if you'renland close in proximity to the central valley. so forecast. any breezy on thursday wednesday afternoon. but look what does ot the colors. see all that'súwindy . so that's an offshore wind north northeast wind. and that's thursday afternoon should be the windiest of the two wind advisoe picture outside the wind will clear out the atmosphere, that's for sure. that hazy picture won't look that way as weúgo into tomorrow and thursday. spforecast for tomorrow will be veryúsimilar to what we had today in terms of overnight lows. not not that chilly for
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this time of year. be easy to have freezing temperatures and frost and stuff. we willúseet& some valley fog. it's hard to. we may not see a lot around the bay, but in the big valley i think we will see some as usual because it's just that, well, here's the model says tomorrow morning that there'll be some fog and you can kind of see it showing up here up towards sacramento. and means they'll bleed into the napa valley and places like that. so there's tomorrow afternoon and there's thursday thursday afternoon and thenre's looks the weather's going to be great. so one of the nicest runs of one of the nicer weekends we've seen in a while.úif you're are concerned about tree pollens that's what you'll notice. if you're if you're if you're not concerned, but if you have tree pollen allergies, which many of us do, the trees are going to start doing what they do. and this is the weekend that you're going to notice them. so what's bugging you is what's whatever that tree is out front of your house, it's got blossoms on it. that's what's bugging you. there's the five day fork. i'm not a doctor. that's the five
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day forecast. i'll see you back here at 1011. >> all right, bill, thank you. the state champion, oakland high girls basketball team makes a visit to the ktvu studios here with their star player. had to say about win that
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action wednesday in dallas. no stephon curry for that one. he remains out with an ankle injury. but beyond that it's mvp. curry. he tweaked his right ankle in last thursday's loss to the bulls. heúhasn't played since he missed both games against san antonio, but curry will be rejoining the team this friday and barring any setbacks at practice, should return saturday night for the warriors nationally televised game against the los angeles lakers. cameron brink is steph curry's star theer and now the stanford- professional ranks. brink announced today she is the wnba draft, where she is expected to be a top three overall pick. the six foot four senior was the pac 12 player of the year and is the
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three time conference defensive player of the year, as she was eligible to return for a fifth season due to that extra year of eligibility granted to collegiate athletes due to the covid pandemic and just a couplh school state champion girls basketball team paid a visit to our studios. despite being a huge underdog,úthe 13th seeded wildcats pulled off the big upset over the number one seeded montgomery of san, earning ojai the division five title, just the second in program history. here's what it meant to star senior guard deja teague. experience to see how the big stage is and how it isúto pay play. i've never played in such an intense game, so it just let me know that i canúovercome, overcome and this team, you know, they really mean a lot to me together for a long time. >> all right. the 49ers continued to address their
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defensive line in free agency. and today they agreed to terms with defensive tackle jordan elliott on a two year deal worth $10 million. the four year nfl veteran and former third round pick started 31 games over the past two seasons in cleveland for that number one ranked defense and will help fill the void left by the departures of eric armstead and javon kinlaw. how about wide receiver deebo samuel? he's under contract for he's not going anywhere. but he is going to have a new number from number 19 to number one, which is what he wore in college at south carolina. he'll also be deebo samuel, senior deebo son. tyshun samuel junior was born in december of 2021. an nfl player with local ties. he's on the move. it's former freedom high school of oakley product joe mixon. he was traded by the cincinnati bengals one of the bl
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around running backs in the game. he's got more than 8500 total yards and 62 touchdowns over his seven seasons with the bengals. two weeks to go in the spcactus league season before te real baseball season comes dodgers hosting the giants. tyler glass now was unhittable. all it gets matt chapman looking and then mike yastrzemski goes down swinging and paints the corner on patrick bailey to strike out the side strikeouts. and then there's shohei ohtani. and he smashes his second home run of the spring. it's a two run blast. ohtani is now batting 579 in the desert. dodgers win 6 to 4. and in nearby mesa, the a's beat the mariners 4 to 2. okay, biggest global sporting event today arsenal taking on porto in the champions league goes to penaltr
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david raya is the hero. watch this. guess is correctly dives to his left and denies galeno. that gives arsenal a42 win on pks and sends the gunners to the champions league quarterfinals for the first time in 14 years. and they are also atop the premier league table, but neck and neck with liverpool and man city. >> not in my house? that was no. >> yeah. he saved two during that sequence. >> yes. right i mean you got to go one way or the other. and he made the right call. he did. jason thank you. okay. thanks for joining tonight
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