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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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tiktok facing an uncertain forwn banning the social media app tonight, growing concerns here y area who say any restrictions would hurt their bottom line. >> so i would attribute maybe 25% of my income coming >> some pushback tonight tiktokd and i'm mike mibach.ulie haener- >> today, the house of targeting the widely popularl social media platform, citing national security concerns over its chinese parent company. this bill would block tiktok from us app stores if its ownership structure joey horta joins us here in studio. he spoke to some bay those creators, they rely onoey, tiktok building up this audienct
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they've got going on to make their money. andúthose creators we spoke to, they say they do this as a full time job, and hurt their small business. >> this is how in oakland. ñ> andrew de los santos is a professional social media content creator in san francisco. >> i had one tiktok video that went viral. >> he's against banning tiktok. his clients hire him to do their marketing on social media, including tiktok. the city of oakland recently hired him to promote restaurant week. >> i came from san francisco to preview a couple spots for oakland restaurant week for a video that's from one minute to a minute 30s he charges anywhere from 500 toú$2000. >> 25% of his business comes from tiktok, where he has about 12,000 followers. >> i think people love the authenticity of tiktok, michaela
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tencer of san francisco is known as mikaela weinstein on tiktok, where napa valley winery recommendations and lifestyle posts make up her content. >> i was san francisco's union square filled with tulips. companies to manage their social media. in addition to her own, which she's done professionally for three years now. she points out that tiktok doubles as a search engine for gen z, where and type in restaurants in inbar richmond or restaurants in soma, and you're going to find reviews of those places of like people who have recently been there. tencer believes those restaurants would lose business if tiktok ends she accounts for 30% of her business and would cost her up to $12,000 a year if banned. >> the importance here is protecting data and i think that is really important. i don't
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going innning this one app is and of itself. ñ> she believes lawmakers should find a way to focus on data privacy without infringing upon freedom of speech. and both creators agree they're not ready >> maybe give us more time. i feel like this is moving so even know how to react,ple don'- especially when you're living. it's based on or part of your living is based on tiktok. >> so if a content creator loses tiktok, their overall reach on social media would be lower. an& those fees on. so with more than 170 million a lot of opposition, as you would imagine, to this ban. >> yeah, as they get closer to maybe implementing something like thisc for people who alreay have tiktok on their phone. i mean, will they still be able to won't? or do we know there's a lot of questions we don't know like that, but there's some sort
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of five month process they're givingúthe owners of tiktok to get off of these app stores, and if they don't get off in time, the app stores, we understand, will be fined 5000 per user, and that can add up quickly. oh you. thanks, and republicans have expressed concern over tiktok. they say they are worried chinese deniedd today the house measure passed with bipartisan support. it now moves to the us senate.úif the bill passes and president biden signs it into law, the chinese company bytedance will have thet will be removed from us app stores. the white house supports the bill, moving quickly through the upper chamber. >> what it would do is to ensure that ownership, as i just stated of these apps, wouldn't be in the hands of those who can spexploit them or to do us harm. >> tiktok sent out this notification today to its users. it reads in part, speak up now before your government strips 170 million americans of their
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constitutional right to free expression, users to contact congress. bay area members of congress are nearly evenly split on whether to ban tiktok. of the 12 representatives across the nine county bay area, seven voted yes on today's bill, among them east bay congressman mark desaulnier,c who said he seesúte bill not as a ban way to regula. five bay areaúmembers congresswn barbara lee saying she shares the national security concerns that others have, but that the legislative process behind the bill was rushed and is nott& comprehensive. >> california democratsúrolled out a package of bills aimed at regulating artificial intelligence and fighting disinformation. lawmakers say they expect to see more deepfakes and misinformation ever before. they say the tools are becoming much easier for bad actors to use, and the results are harder to spot. the bills are aimed at putting labels on deepfake videos, giving social
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media users more information about the sources that are spreading disinformation of a campaign ad. >> that's because i'm very proud to be working with cited on ab 2839 toúprohibit bad actors fro& distributing ai generated mailers, robocalls and video ads voters.e materially deceptive to >> the group says it has already seen manipulated images aimed at destabilizing the us presidential race, as and taiwag others. the race to fill outgoing silicon valley congresswoman anna eshooúseat is still too close to calln >> the latest results from the santa clara county elections office show sam liccardo in the lead tonight. he's projected to be one ofúthe two candidates on the november ballot with 21% of the vote. evan lowc, joe simitin still neck and neck in the race for that second spot, with low ahead of simitian by just 70
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votes. >> we will see those numbers change, and right now, every last vote is being counted. all those mail inúballots that came in yesterday was the deadline. so all of those are still being counted, and election officials are planning to release another batch of results tomorrow night, 5:00. >> a group opposing prop one is going back on its concession after announcing yesterday the measure was likely going to pass.úproposition one was the only statewide measure on the march ballot, which would authorize the state to borrow more than $6 billion to build mental health treatment facilities. but the highly anticipated results are still too close to call. you can see the yes vote is leading by just about 5000 votes. there are a little more than 950,000 votes spstill uncounted, with about 75 million total votes, one of the lowest turnouts in state history . >> it's premature to say there's an outcome of this election to call this election already. >> it's been a seesaw since election day. in terms of the
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election results, opponents of prop one sayúthe measure is too expensive and disrupts existing mental health programs already in place it would expand community based services and beds. homelessúveterans and will not raiseútaxes. i'm actually glad to see as long as the election system goes,úruns its course, my hope is that thisc bill passes. the state has until april 12th to certify the results, even though they could come sooner. we reached out to governor newsom's office for comment, but have not yet heard back. and to stay on top of the latest election results, you can download thet& ktvu fox local app. it is freet& sp>> new at ten,úis headed to houston to take part in a world championship competition. the churro bots are a community based team with more from diffet area high schools. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters live tonight for us in east pal& alto, where the team put
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together those winning robots. lamonica >> mikeústeveújobs, who created apple, got his start in a garage similar to this one where the churro bots work, and now they want to take some of that silicon valley spark to the robotics world championship. students from ten different high schools meet at this east palo alto garage to, innovate and compete in robotics. coach matt pezzimenti created this workshop in his garage for students to design and create robots over a six week period. >> so i did this when i was in sphigh school and it changedcúmy life.úthe, my mentors were super dedicated and i think just kind of set a particular standard for me. >> he helped form the hope horizon east palo alto now, afte years of learning andúperfecting those techniques, the robots are preparing world championship for the first
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time. >> having this amazing opportunity, it's i feel it's going to be really beneficial for me, but for our whole team. welcome to the final finals. >> to qualify, the robots were a part of a winning alliance at the first robotics competition, silicon valleyúregionall lastt& weekend. this is our robot team member kevin mendoza. hernandez says he's always been interested in building things, and he started honing those skills in middle school with the first lego league. with legos, so from legos, i moved on to the actual, which is in that got me more into robotics. >> the robots have now started a fundraisingúcampaign to raise $40,000 to ship equipment spregistration fees, and travel expenses to take over 20 team members and. >> yeah, wegre hoping that this brings some exposure to the team to and that not not just getting folks the kids to houston this year, but in future years having ongoing, sponsors, others see
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this team be able to grow and do this every year. to texas the wn help them get there, just go to ktvu. and click the link for this story. >> learning experience. really what a great life experience. nothing like being on a team. let's hope they spcan bring home that world tite here inúthe bay area. monica. thank uc berkeley has confirmed the cause of a power outage that affected several of its campus buildings today. officials say a fault in a one of the campus substations is the reason behind the outage. power has since been restored at the substation. uc berkeley says it does power operations by tomorrow. some of the affected buildings did include memorial stadium, six business.nd the haas school ofek >> a warning for consumers coming up, the new report that suggests two major retail chains are selling accessories with
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high levels of lead. bay,útemperatures on thed the increase and a wind warning up around lake tahoe. >> all the details coming up. ocean. bringing together a group of volunteers right off the san mateo county coast. coming up tonight at 1045, we're meeting the mavericks rescue team business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. ( ♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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their fashion accessories with toxic levels of lead. ktvu jana katsuyama spoke environmental ht issued this report. so, jana, what's their warning for consumers? >> well, julie, they really nonprofit, which is based in for retail stores. >> people usually don't think of shopping as a health hazard, buk announced that discount retail chains ross and burlington have been selling products with high levels of lead. >> what we found isúthat handbags,, whether they're leather or they're full leather. right disproportionately have high levels of lead. >> kizzy charles guzmanúis the
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chiefc she says in 2011, she won a legal settlement against hundreds of retailers, requiring them to reduce lead levels in fashion accessories.úthe cea report, released this week, says ross and burlington remain the worst offenders. cea investigators went to 63 ross stores and 15 burlington than oy area. lab tests showed hundreds of their items under a wide range of brand names, had lead levels above 300 parts per million, compared to the consumer product safety commission's limit of 100 parts per million for children's items. we >> we absolutely need better regulations at the federal level. lead tremendous impact on our body. it is especially harmful to children. >> if you go to any of the stores in like in the city, you assume that they they're are sao
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buy. i test my handbag, you know, the handles on my bags. and i touch myt& all kinds of stuff. >> by law, california employers also have an obligation to protectútheir workers from lead. >>úunder cal osha regulations specifically, they have an obligation to be aware of when lead exposures are happening and then to conduct testing of their employees and their environments to make sure those lead exposures are controlled for. >> robert murray is an the calif commerce. he says cal osha just passed new, stricter lead regulations last month that apply to all workplaces, including retailersc, was under the prior regulation. >> you had workers with exposure up to 50 micrograms of lead, and now you're dropping that down to ten micrograms of lead over an eight hour shift. so it's drastically lower. sp>> i did reach out to both ro& and burlington reads in part at ross, the health and safety of our customers and
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associates is of utmost importance. we have our supplies to meet applicable product safety and labeling standards at spcompliance, we investigate and take prompt action so received e from burlington. we to the repor website under weblinks. julie. >> it's kind of scary when you think about it, especially if spyou really think about it for workers and for consumers. but really, if we look at our products, there's really no way you can look at something and tell if it has lead in it unless it's tested right. >> there isn't. one of the things they found is that in faux leather, the fake leather, thatúis where they were the highest. they emphasized that it's important to wash your hands,úand there are also some consumer test kits, you know, paint.úthose are out in thelead market. but really they to see e regulation from people of these companies toúput pressure to >> yeah. so whencúit's made so
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then the rest of us don't have to worry about it. all right. that would be good. gianna. thank you. welll four years ago today, as covid spread through the states. now, research suggests that adults in the u.s. are not staying up to date on their vaccines. data from pew research says only 28%& public health push to get flu a- half of those who get a flu shot did not get their updated covid vaccine. wastewater analysis also suggests cases in early sp2024 were among the highestt& since the first omicron wave in 2022. >> new at ten police say a teenager who was arrested at res carrying a loaded handgun. officers called police yesterday morning, informing them they hadtf information was in possession of campus. now, at the time, he and his mother were set to meet with
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administrators about his attendance. the teen refused to soon after he tried to run during a struggle. the teen told officers he was armed and a glock 27 was found in his waistband. he was booked on multiple felony charges. >> a tense few hours for willown lockdown today after a student brought ac pellet gun to school, school officials initiated a shelter in place, thenúnotified parents about the situation on campus. nervous parents descended on cogdill avenue waiting for additional information as san jose police surrounded the school library and a a prettyto the x platform- of not so warm and a little bit- spreal quick, had a little vally fog in the valley and then we spcleared out today. beautiful y with temperatures in the 60s, upper 60s, low 70s. tomorrowt&
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about the same. probably some more 70s tomorrow. and then we gradually about, though. the wind advisory is in the central valley, and the real story in this, to me, is pardon me. that's incorrect. the wind warning along the crest of the sierra, down through bishop and califoro spsan diego. that's going to lat you up for a couple of days. and that's going to have some pretto much. worried about fire danger in northern california, but southern california, santa ana wind condition could get them. they dry outúpretty quick down there. so we'll keep an eye on that. and then this is the wind advisory for the restúof us. so it'll be blowing i mean you'll notice it especially on the hills of the north bay and the east bay. and the south bay. so there it is,úa littleúcloser, a little more defined.úwe are looking for the winds to continue right through friday. so it'll be breezy. and then again, those temperatures coming back up into the upper 60súand low to mid 70s. so it's going to start feeling like few short sh.
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i'll see you back here. >> all rightc bill, we'll see yu in a bit. thank you. coming up tonight, a warning from russia spand what vladimir putin says about possibly using nuclear weapons in the future. >> also, pro-palestinian protesters take over sfo's international terminal. the caused.ion this latest action >> also aheadc tonight, terrifying moments for says thieves followed her home and then robbed her at gunpoint. the items they got away with you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro
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as well as four us military ships. now the military ships are loaded with tons of massive equipment and steel pier segments. the plan is to build a of gaza to facilitate other desperately needed supplies. officials say the new port should be up and running here in about two months, and will enable the delivery of
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about 2 million meals every day. tonight, though, it's still unclear how israel will respond. also, this evening, the international terminal at san francisco international airport. it's all clear. but pro-palestin protesters did block some access spfor about two hours. >>c yeahl the piece the protest, though, was peaceful, but the group made it difficult for some passengers to get beyond security and then reach their flights as ktvu tom vacar >> earlier this year, the bay. . >> it was over in just under three hours, 158 minutes to be exact. >> the number of daysúthat has been happening too long. so it's a small inconvenienceúto some. but the people of gaza have suffered so much, oddly, much of the internationalúterminal remained open for food, sundries and passenger escorts to another terminal to make their mid-morning flights. >> so what could have devolved into violence and mass arrests remain noisy, intense,
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inconvenient for passengers but peaceful freeúspeech. thanks to a deal, the protest leaders that we were working with held true to the commitments that they made when they said that they were going to finish their activity at a certain time. >> and that does require coordination. it does require negotiation, we certainly implemented some alternate plans to get our passengers where they needed to go around this protest activity, but many passengers felt inconvenienced and discomfort nonetheless. >> i think it it's a it's a good spway to demonstrate your, but g other people from traveling, i don't think, is the way to do that. >> no, they're making enemies oy disturb, they inconvenient. they >> these passengers thought they might miss their flight to the netherlands. but ended up making the mid-afternoon flight. where when is the next flight?t-
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and probably we can get in hotel byc noon. >> the chanting, protests had al dispersed, and sfo international was back to bon voyagen tom vacar ktvu fox two news. russian president vladimir putin ist& warning thatúrussia is not afraid to use nuclear weapons if it is threatened. >> putin says he doesn't believe the world is heading towardt& nuclear war, but claims russia is prepared if fighting escalates in ukraine. the warning comes as european union leaders visiting washington, d.c. tell secretary of state antony blinken the russia-ukraine war is aútop security concern. pressure is me republicans to pass a national security bill that includes funding for ukraine. >> coming up, a woman in the east bay unknowingly followed all the wayúback to. tonight, we hear from the victim also had the search for a man caught on camera robbing a ups
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letter carrier, the reward now being offered. >> plus, i'm meteorologist mark tamayo near theúmavericks surf break. >> while we have waves and the y team that's having a building presence in the lineup. >> we'll have their story coming up and the short handed warriors contain one of the nba's best, but not quite another. son appem has
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( ♪ ) you made a cow!
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actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ for theúman who they sayúrobbed a letter carrier. it happened on march 2nd on euclid avenue near& van buren avenue in oakland. authorities say the suspect was wearing a and red sweatpants. a $150,000 reward is being offered for information spleading to his arrest and conviction. >> tonight, an investigation
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into a so-called, this time in . ktvu henry lee spoke with the victim, who returned home when she was gunpoint by masked men.bed at >> surveillance video showsúa 61 yearc mercedes g-wagon into her garage about a minute later, this lexus is350 slowly backs into her driveway. the woman thought she knew them at first, and when it& realized i didn't recognize them and two men jumped out >> and when i realized that i was started screaming. >> one man had an akú47 type rifle. we caught up with the woman on wednesday. to be idents she pleaded withc the robbers specifically said, i'm a mother. >> i have children, you have a mother and a father. please don't hurt me. >> they robbed her of her and my diamond rings, my wedding rings and, my cross diamond cross. >> it was all.
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>> as the men got back into the lexus, driven by a third person, the woman was able to get a partialúplate of the lexus, a plate that belonged to a different car. sheriff's deputies it as it headed toward thelost caldecott tunnel. sheriff's detectives came to her home to collect evidence. sure when thed following her, only that they ended up at her home on the grounds of theúround hill country club. she says she's shaken up, but grateful that >> i'm still in shock a little bit, but i think thec takeaway from this is that we all have to be aware of our surroundings, and when you pull into your garage, don't get out, close your garage and then get into your house. >> shegs a women's clothing store owner who wonders if she somehow could have inspired them to choose aúdifferent path. >> that business or if they were taught young that they would have a fruitful career and they wouldngt have to result in this behavior and land themselves in jail, if not worse. >> the investigation is ongoing. anyone who recognizes these sprobbers is asked to contact te contra costa county sheriff's
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office in alamo. henry lee ktvu, fox two news san in custody in connection with six bank robberies in the bay area and beyond. >> san jose police say a man entered a bank on capitalt& a note demanding money tellers gave him more than $1,000 in cash, and he ran out of the to a getaway car. investigators say they arrested 37 year old brandon lopez and the alleged getaway driver, 43 year old tamara bush. last week. they were able to link himúto five other robberies bank robberies that occurred throughout northern california. so he was responsible for bank robberies in milpitas, fremont, modesto, as well as sacramento. there were two cases in sacramento. one was attempted, as well. >> police say they also found an unregisteredc loaded handgun and ammunition while carrying out a search warrant at lopez's say it clear if it was used in the
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robberies. the suspects were booked into santa clara county jail, and officials say they will face charges in other counties. >> new data department reveals a significant uptick in the number of robberies, despite an overall decrease in most crimes citywide. a weekly crime report from opd shows. at this time in 2022, there were 526 robberies and 540 last year. this a 32% id to last year. oakland police say and grabs, asúwell as peoplesh getting targeted while inside their vehicles. police say additional officers will be deployed in the most affected areas. >> tonight we are learningúmore spmore about the. excuse me. go ahead. >> about the future of a in the east bay that is being returned to an indigenous trust, the city of berkeley has reached a settlement with the tribalc leaders over the ohlone shell mound village site. yesterday, the berkeley city council unanimously voted to approve a global settlement to purchase
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the two acreúsite. it's right there on fourth street at the mouth of strawberry creek.úand it's where tribal leaders say the first human settlement on the shores of san francisco bay was established. more than 5700 years ago. >> we're getting our our land that belongs to us. and i tell everybody that i see every day that this land is our land. we're still here. we've never left. my family'súnever leftc alameda county ever since time began. and we're still here. >> and earlier on the for today, we did speak with berkeley sophe says the vision for the is to he to celebrate andúlearn about the history of the tribe. >> the vision is a cultural center, an educational center. we are going to be working with uc berkeley to try and repatriate some of the
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artifacts. the skeletal remains that were from this site spand really a place to educate& and celebrate and learn about the indigenous people who have always been with us, who are still withúus. >> tribal leaders say this marks one of the most significant victories for the urban land backed movement in california history. >ñ coming up at 11, the former uc davis student accused of killing two men on campus. now back in court, the latest development on his guilty plea. >> and check it a minute. with t that includes some current wind& speeds, the wind advisory again, andcúthen what's going to happen this weekend with temperatures increasing. >> but first independent candidate for president,úrobert f kennedy bay area city where he's making
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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woooooo! presidential running mate in oakland on march 26th. the venue has not been made headlines this week, telling the new york times that nfl quarterback aaron rodgers and ventura are among the frontrunners for the job.úmany states require independent candidates to name a running mate before they're seeking ballot access. >> san jose mayor matt offs, asa $52 million budget shortfall. the mayor released his march budget message today. he said the city is struggling with how to pay for about $23 million worth of city services, and that complying with the state's stormwater permit by clearing encampments by the waterways could cost as much as $25 million. >> but to achieve the scale, all
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that is required to address the crisis on our streets and the demands of our stormwater permits, we're going to need to create lower barrier solutions like safe sleeping to expand safe parking onn >> the mayor also wants to complete about 780 quick build units alreadyc approved by the city council. the budget is scheduled to be adopted in june. >> dollar tree plans close nearly $1,000 tree and family dollar locations as shoppers are spending less. the company says locations will close in the first half of this year. another next few years asúthose leases expire. dollar tree purchased family dollar in 2015, but has struggled to integrate the two brands on wall street today. stocks were mixed on a quiet day of trading. the dow rose more than 37 points. the nasdaq lost 87, and the s&p was also in
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negative territory. not the case, though, for san francisco based williams-sonoma. company shares increased more than 17% today on stronger expected. >> coming up tonight, a forklift was used today in the north bay catching up with a water rescue team alive out at mavericks. >> how this group is setting the standard globally and a wind advisory now in effect for parts of the bay area. >> our chief meteorologist, bill martin, is back after the break with your neighborhood for as business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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( ♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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and while skilled surfers this , stepped up to help in recentnow- years. >>únew at ten meteorologist mark tamayo introduces us to the rescue team that is now setting the standard globally. >> fireworks, you guys. >> mavericks always puts on a show when big swells trk toward the san mateo county coast. each way presents a gamble that rewards skilled surfers with the thrill of a lifetime or severe punishment, leading to imminent danger. while the amazing rides highlight each surf day, a safety team has past six years. >> come in here andúswamp with me. help look for his board, please. >> someone else they clear? >> got one guy deep in the pit. >> at least to the mavericks rescue team is a tight knit
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sharing a passion for the ocean. they devote their time and energy to learn more about best rescue practices in bigúsurf. >> it's gotúfloat materialúin inside the actual rope. >> we caught up with the group while they were organizingútheir equipment at their base camp, the pillar point harbor. frank isúthe team manager. he has been patrolling this part of the coast since the 90s, trained every year as much as possible. >>úevery surfc session out there is a training session for us. so you're right. something that we've mastered over the years. >> they utilize personal watercraft and rescue sleds on a surf day. since mavericks is a marine sanctuary, personal watercraft are only allowed under high surf conditions in the winter resemble chaosl theye out of danger when someone does fall and someone's going in for a pickup, we always have someone else shadowing so that if they miss them, then there's someone else in a position to get but ts
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also, you know, a calmness to it, everything. >> there's crazy stuff happening all around you. but, you know, mental headspace calm and clear and kind of like slow, slow down spwhen everyone else is speeding up, each incoming swell is unique and introduces different challenges. >> preparation never stops. >> we usually don't get much sleep watching the wind andúthe weather and seeing how it spdevelops and all the logistics that go into providing safetyúae working in the very dangerous conditions in the surf zone. there's another set of eyes up here on this cliff, providing a very different perspective. meet eric w nelson, the designated wave spotter. when mavericks is breaking, he hikes up this cliff with camera gear and a radio.t& >> my running joke is, i'm afraid of water and i'm afraid to swim. so i said, how can i, how can i help out? and they said, you're on the cliff. keep an eye on things, right or down. guy got swallowed. if you got a board, you spot a loose board. not yet. i'm focused on the sky in the outside. >> after set waves roll through.
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there can be a lot to survey. eric paints the big picture that only he can see. there constant communication with team spmembers and the. >> we had a set wave come through. it was like six set ane rescue guys only thought that there was three guys going through the rocks,úand i was able toúspot that fourth guy. they're like, are we clear? i go, nope, there's another guy in there, slap up and over boom. >> and then you're down underwater. taylor paul, an experienced surfer from san francisco, was on the rescue sled after a bad fall on this wave was so out of breath. >> i was so gassed that i was, i wasn't i was just going to let the waves take me through the rocks during the rescue after to chatter.úhe realized he was being watched from the beginning. >> they were coordinating where they were going to pick me up. and how and if i was okay and where i was. and it just was like it it struck me how professional the whole thing was
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and how honest those guys are. >> when the waves go busy, unifh other local agencies. they lead a free water safety summit every fall to educate the public. the whole community the patrol boats with the rescue watercraft with the mavericks water patrol. we'll have air station san francisco with a helicopter and we'll run through some drills. that would be real life scenarios should it happen. so we're all better prepared from 2ft to r0ft. >> their hard work is making a difference. >> i'm proud of these guys for sure, 100, just the dedication that they put in,c like it's not an those kind of amazingly giant and crazy and beautiful deadly waves that come through here is part of what makes us love what we do. >> mark tamayo, ktvu, fox two news. >> all righty, good news for tomorrow. we're going to see warmer weather out there witht& temperatures back into the 60s. and though
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coming offshore,úbasically out temperatures will be similar to- today. these are today's highs. tomorrow's highs will be a couple of degrees warmer. and there will be more is that areaf that gold color there and here.& and then you've got the pretty the way from bernie, almostgrab- bernie, all the way down into southern california. so that's in southern california. there is probably some kind of a fire of rainn we've had plenty of rain. blowing and you get the power lines bouncing around, we know how it can be. so you've been around surprised if there were some at least a power pool down or some electrical outages on up arounde entire bay area. even though san san jose and mountain view alviso not included, it's going to be breezy there too. so just it won't be as windy. as you look outside, you see plenty of clear skies. beautiful night.t& we've had a heck of a winter.
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over 100% of average for rainfall, over 100% of average, mostly for snow. and we're going to get a first, kind of firstúprolonged break we've had in a little while. thec winds currently 25 miles an hour gusting in fairfield, sfo sustained at five. is going to be prettyt& much just like today, but warmer withoutúwithout many clouds.úso the on the mild sidec a little warm. what keep it a little warmer. and then th& forecast highs i mean these are 70 in santa rosa, 68 in vallejo. these numbers again overall a little warmer, especiallyúin the as we go forward, we're going to see temperatures warming into the mid 70s. and that'll createc and create some tree blossoms words become a thing. it depends how sensitive you are. but the tree pawns are nasty in terms of just how impactful they can be. and the tree pollens, ifúyou have one blooming in your yard, which i suspect you, you might there's
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and you have allergies, you're going to notice it. especially as we get into and saturday and doesn't help eitheu can see temperatures stay on the mild to warm side right through monday. and we're not looking f. >> you guys all right bill thank you. in marin county, emergency responders came together to rescue a horse that was in distress. the horse became stucg with his right rear leg underneath him. novato large strap underneath thered am animal and used a telescopic fork lift toc drag him out of te mud. theúfire department, also giving thanks to marin humane and the marin search and rescue teaml helped with the operation. >> usaútoday is holding a vote to decide the ten best city parks in the country, and san francisco's golden gate park is a key competitor. mayor london r favorite park once a day until april 8th, when voting closes. the park is currently in the number one forest
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park in saint louis, missouri trailingúbehind. >> all right, stanford and cal tip off in the pac 12 breaks it down. coming up inourm sports next. >> then on the 11:00 news a new challenge to addressing sideshows in theúeast bay. why one city council has decided to reject an ordinance that would fine organizers
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but the warriors, they have trouble winning without steph wt the two time mvp in the lineup. no draymond green either. tonightúagainst dallas, he was a soreness. he's goingwer backt- downhillc with the lefty layup.
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sphe led the warriors with 27 sppoints. but 14 inúthe fourth andrew wiggins trying to do something about it. knifing to the rack layup and the foul. wiggins had 17 but the lead the rest of the way.gitt- kuminga gets blocked at oneúend ball. lobs up the perfect alley- oop toújosh green for the slam. great had the mavs next possession irving puts it to bed with the floater. het& draws the contact three point play to ice it. irving 23 points with hamstring issues. his seven game triple double streak comes to an end. the mavs win 109 99. curry and green expected back on saturday against the lakersn it looked like cal the opener of the pac 12 tournament, but then the bears hitc a dry
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spell for the ages. former bearr dropping by cal's practice in vegas it to the action. second half jalen celestine knocks down one of his four three pointers. the bears go up by 18 but calúonly the ne2 minutes, including a 9.5 minute scoreless streak. and when the bears turn it over with 20s left, michael jones makes them pay we head to overtime tied at 69, and the cardinalúrode that momentum right into overtime. keenan ended up winning by 11 to advance to the quarter finals tomorrow against washington state. cal's and 19,úand today in moraga. a
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great turnout on campus to greet the gaels, who beat gonzaga last night to capture their fifth west coast conference championship and earn a berth in marcellinus. you saw him with the trophy. gaels out sunday why will be seated and who they will face in the first round a really good team is just like gives you confidence, givesúyou that march madness is our is hometowu know, being from here and everything, it's great to see all the support we're gettingt& and you know, we hope to continue that and get a couple more bus rides back with some people here. so we're looking forward to the to the next step in our journey. an end after just one season. las vegas waived garoppolo today. that'll save the raidersy cap. the move comes as won just
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three games in his only season in vegas. he was season in favof rookie aidan o'connell. the 32 year old play for, even suspension for violating the league's performance enhancing substance policy. he and the 49ers they made a trade to bolster their defensive line, the niners sending a seventh rounder to the houston texans in maliek collins. collins started season, finished with fivestt- sacks, but 48 quarterback pressures, which would have rankedc fourth among 40 niners , yesterday we welcomed in the basketball team, the state champions, and today it was coach corey hart and the oakland tech boys team. they joined us in studio for the bulldogs. they won the division two title this past saturday over centennial of
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baker's field to claim their spp gritty, resilient and they finished the season with 14 straight wins and a 30 and five record overall. from all of oakland, actually,re even, you know, the other teams in oakland were congratulating us, giving us the congrats, obviously, that we won a state. it was feeling to come back, bring it, bring the championship back to our school. the 2024 division five state varsity boys basketball s, athenian of danville was in a celebratory celebratory mood today. lots of love and even a cake for team, who won itsúfirstúever state championship, led by coach jordan baughman and senior guard evan lucas, the owls beat verdugo hills last friday for the division five title, and it
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feels amazing. >> i mean, athenian like may not beúbut, you know, i'm just i'm just glad we could we could that we reallt as a basketball team. >> and congrats to athenian and all the bay area state champions. yeah lots of reasons to celebrate tonight. >> allúright jason thank you. okay. next at 11 i wouldn't be out at >> and it will be interesting h& >> all eyes on silicon valley as the lead flips between two democrats battling to make the november ballot and eventually to congress. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts now at stake. the congressional seat held by the retiring anna eshoo tonight. while we know former san jose mayor, the dozens of votes. good evening >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. ballots are still being counted. ktvu jana katsuyama joins us now live from the newsroom with


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