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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 14, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> checking on you. checking on steve paulson's forecast for you . >> anything else. >> yeahn gusty winds. there you go. ñ> yes, sir. all right.ú40s. 50s on the test. the wind will be the big story here. we have clear skies, temperatures will be bumping up with that offshore breeze. everything developing though down towards las vegas, southern california, arizona. that sprin. but we've had gusts 4050 to spv0mph. mount diablo has been & there tocc3 f1 knows it's windy. that's for sure. but it'll be warm. it'll be sunny. just you might have to deal with blustery to windy conditions here, but temps on their way up today and also tomorrow. all right let's hope the traffic isn't standing still to let us know.. >> all right, steve, very good. you know, if we go to the golden gate bridge, i will show you the flag that we were showing you last time. in case you missed it. it is windy out there. you will see that traffic may be affected. it may not yourself e.
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we had frank, who works here, drove across the bay bridge this morning. he says it's no joke ro to the south bay. here you can see traffic is moving along okay, but there is some slowing remind you, if you're going to the caldecott, they cleared a crash inside the tunnel. things are still recovering there at as you drive from orinda into oakland. 7:0p. let's go back to the headlines, sal. >> thank you. oakland police officers areúwarning robbers target people who were sitting in the driver's seat of their car. ctv's james torres ue say we all need to know to help stay safe. james garcia, oakland police putting out a warning this morning letting you know that they're hearing more reports of something like this happening. >> they say when you're behind the wheel, say you're stopped at a stop sign or at a red light. here, they say that those criminals will comec to your passenger side seat, smash the window, then take whatever they
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can from inside. and by the time you realize it's happening, you dongt really have much time to defend yourself and try to grab what they are getting away with. they'll just take off right after that. you hear this narrativec often that you, when you park your car, you don't want to leave anything valuable or visible insidel at risk of getting your car broken into and getting those items stolen. well, now, oakland police officers say that's something you need to considern also, when you're driving, not just when you're parking. let's take a look at the numbers here. they say burglaries in general that has been going down compared 50% lower. when you look at these numbers and last year's numbers, however, robberies have gone up about 32% when you look at that same time period. so what can you do? oakland police say if you notice something suspicious or if you think someone might be following you, drive to somewhere safe, possibly even a police station, and let police officers know what you think is going on. they say when it comes to your belongings, maybe stow them away in the back of your
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car in the trunk. you also have the option of putting it under your seat, under the passenger seat. that way it's a little moreúdifficult for thieves to run away with what you own. we're live this morning in oakland. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >>. the berkeley police department says there was a 32% increase in robberies and a 62% increase in both car theft and arson. between 2022 and 2023. the number of burglaries increased 18. that report also points the same kind of crimes. it says. the department is also focusing on new tools like automated license plate readers and surveillance cameras trying to reduce crime. >> in 2024, a former oakland police officer linked to the department's misconduct cover up scandal is suing the city. wilson law filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming he was
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wrongfully blamed for mishandling the internal affairs investigation. law in a report about a hit and run incident involving a sergeant. that sergeant was later put on leave for a separate incident in which he fired a department elevator. laws currently with the menlo park police department, we reached out and were waiting for comment. >> time is now 704. it was a tense couple of hours for students and staff at willow glen high school in san jose. the campus was put on lockdown after a student brought a pellet gun to school. school officials called a shelter inúplace. they notified parents about what was sphappening on the campus. nervs parents headed for cogdill avenue, waiting to get more information as san jose police surrounded the school library. then, around 2 p.m, the police posted on social media that a student was detained and a b-b gun parents
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and students were shaken up. >> i was i saw all the police officers and i was just really what to do. my immediate reaction was just to run. no that's not okay. >> that's not okay. look at him. that's not okay. sp>> well, those students who wanted to leave school early were able to go home with their increased safety measures just last month after a student brought a ghost gun and a knife on the school campus. >> happening today, vice president kamala harris is spexpected to visit an abortion clinic in minnesota in what's believed to be the first such visit by a parenthood in minnesota is part of the vice president's fight for reproductive freedoms tour. she's expected to take a tour of the clinic and meet with health care workers. >> our time lawmakers proposed a package of bills aimed at
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regulating artificial the lawmas say they expect to see more deepfakes and misinformation during the 2024 election than ever before. for now, these bills are aimed at putting labels on deepfake videos, giving social media and. >> i'm very proud to be working with side on ab 2839 to prohibit bad actors from distributing ai generated mailers, robocalls and video ads that are materially deceptive to voters. >> now, lawmakers say they've already seen manipulated images aimed at destabilizing the presidential campaigns. just on friday, the board of the california privacy protection agency voted in favor of rules on how businesses use ai to collect personal information. >> multiple retailers may soon
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petaluma, council membersana in- expressed overwhelming support for a plan that would change earlier this week, and they asked staff to consider a more flexible approach. petaluma's current cannabis ordinance only allows two delivery only retailers, officials say expanding the city's cannabis service will also require multiple departments to update their health and safety, land use and administration regulations. >> time 707 news census data is out about san francisco. that's san francisco saw a slight increase in the population growth last year. the latest census figures show that asúof january 2023, san francisco's population grew by 1200 compared to july of 2022. it may not sound like a lot, but the city was face had faced years of people pandemic. san francisco's population is still significantly lower than during
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the pre-pandemic days. >> people who live and drive should prepare for a lot of construction over the next couple of years. will be tearing up roads to replace water and sewage pipes, and burying overhead wires underground. the infrastructure upgrade project is largely funded by the federal government as part of the inflation reduction act. >> well,úthe price for a four day workweek will reach the united states senate today. bernie sanders, the senator from vermont, will be introducing a bill today to make a a standarde employees. the proposed legislation would change the standard workweek from 40 hours a week to 32 hoursl with time and a half pay for working more than 32 hours. the proposed four year process would also protect workers pay from being reduced.r laphonza butler is a co-sponsor of the bill.
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>> time now. 708 and we want to warn you, if you drive to the caldecott tunnel, let's say you're driving from lafayette or orinda. thereúis a bigger backup than normal because of an earlier wreck inside the tunnel that they managed to remove. things are how that goes. it dot also had a crash on 242 that we- improved. that got it out of the way. highway four is slow this morning. the usual way. let's go to some of the bridges here. the winds are going to be an issue. . when you drive across the bridge, the wind may get your attention. there is a backup here at the bayúbridge toll plaza. and there's also a look we had a crash eastbound. ande now westbound appears to be getting into it with a crash near the highc rise. so just gie yourself plenty time across bay area bridges. the wind may be a factor for your morning commute. to the desk. o,
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more postal workers are being robbed, both here in the bay area and around the country. >> why? that's prompting lawmakers to search for a solution to keep those mail carriers safe. >> content creators are sounding the alarm about how a proposed ban on tiktok would hurt their ability to pay the bills. why they say tiktok is crucial to their livelihood. and then a quick reminder that you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv, watch our live newscasts and get stories on demand on your amazon fire tv. roku apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox localúapp and t n hoose
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i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son.
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"i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you!
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it was overwhelmingly approved by the house. >> ktvu andre seniorúin the studio. now to tell us why users of tiktok want congress to slow down, do something different. yeah they certainly do. >> good morning to both of this legislation say tiktok threatens national security, but the app's users say the bill is misguided and hurts the economy. >> on this vote, the yeas are 352, the nays are 65, most house republicans and democrats voted for the measure, claiming the chinese company that owns tiktok could allow the beijing government to spy on americans. >> but some social media influencers living in the bay
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area worry thisúlegislationúwill prevent them from doing theirt& jobs as content creators. >> i had one tiktok video that went viral. i think people love the authenticity of tiktok. >> andrew delos santos is a professional social media oakland hired him to promotet- restaurant week, which starts today. he charges up to $2,000 for a 60 to 90 second video. >> i came from san francisco to preview a couple spots for oakland restaurant week. >> then there's makayla trencher. trencher, who goes mie style. she provides napa valley winery recommendations and posts lifestyle hired her to manage their social media. >> the importance here is protecting data, and i think that is really important. i don't think banning this one app is going to address that issue in and of itself. >> tenter says tiktok accounts
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spfor 30% of lawmakers should fy to focus on data privacy without infringing upon freedom of speech. president biden has said he will sign the bill into law if it reaches his desk, and that's a critical point to make because no one knows what will happen in the us senate. previous anti tiktok bills chamf congress dave. >> allúright andre thank you. time now 715. the race to fill the seat of retiring silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo. still too close to call. the latest results show sam liccardo is leading with 21% of the vote. he's projected to be one of the two candidates on the november ballot. evan low and joe simitian are still neck and neck in the spot on the ballot, with evan low leading joe simitian by just 59 votes. change, and right now, every last vote is being counted. all
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those mail in ballots that came in yesterday was the deadline. so all of those are still being counted. >> and later today at 5 p.m, election officials plan to sprelease another batch of election results. >> opponents of proposition ther concession. they earlier said the measure was going to pass, but now they say it's too close to call. proposition one was the only statewide ballot measure in last week's election. in the latest report show the yes vote outnumbers no by 14,000. the ba. >> it's premature to say there's an outcome been a seesaw since election day. in terms of the election results. >> opponents of prop one say the measure is too expensive and disrupts existing mental health programs already in place. supporters say prop one would expand community based services and help find housing for people suffering from substance abuse
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and mental health issues. i'm actually glad to see the system working, and as long as the election system goes runs its bill passes. the state has until april 12th to certify the results. governor on the ballotd campaigned heavily for it. office for comment. we have yet to hear back. of course, we have you covered throughout mornings on two, and you can stay up to date on the election results through our website and the fox local app. anytime it's free for your smart tv, you can of our and your tv's app store. >> okayl gasia time 717 for alaska's famous iditarod race. there's lots of cheers as dallas seavey won the race for the sixth time, a record for the most wins the competition has ever seen. he covered the 1000 mile route in a little over nine days. >> this team was a little
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different than what i've had sometimes in the past. they are all super incredible individuals. there wasn't the core group of super, super athletes, but what these guys have is a lot of heart and it was a team and they worked together the whole way down the trail. >> however, three of the dogs actually died during this year's race and that is leading to calls from animal rights groups race.d the historic iditarodt- >> video of emergency responders here rescuing a horse from a coy morning, firefighters from novato say they secured a large strap underneathúthe horse and used a telescopic fork drag him out of the mud. fire department says it's thankful for help from the marin humane society and marin search and rescue crews. >> good to hear. good to see all right. sound everybody behaving for you at 718 on the roads. >> well, dave, it's a little better thanc it was earlier. that's a better although it's still slow out there. if you're
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going to the bay bridge you will see slow traffic coming in out to the macarthur maze metering lights are on. this is pretty typical forcc3 f1 you look at the san mateo bridg& has some issues. the clearing a crash there and the traffic is going to be slow across that span. in fact, i can actually went to the wrong thing. that's not the san mateoc bridge.úyes t is.úit's just a different view. look at that. look at all the slow traffic that fooled me, right? look at all the slow traffic that you can see that slow traffic on the san mateo bridge. isúbetter. so is y city. after some earlier issues on the peninsula, we don't have anything major. when we come back in just a few minutes, i'm going to take a little dive intn valley commute, which is beginning to wake up. 719 let's spbring steve paulson back in tt through me as san mateo, it's kd of a view. yes, sir. all
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right. thank you. i'll take a look at some of the gusts i've seen this morning. cobb mountain, 63 miles per the mayacamas mountains. 62mph. healdsburg hills, around 1500 feet, i think. 47mph. mount tamalpais, 41 oakland hills, suisun city, half moon bay, port chicago advisory is out for the hills until tomorrow at 11:00. for other locations till 5:00 today. but i do think it will be blustery well into friday, maybe even early saturday. but the good news is temps. if you want warmer weather, that'll happen today and tomorrow. 70s here for santa rosa, walnut creek, palo alto and low is digging into southernt& california. what's kind of interesting is the european forecast model called the ec. takes it all the way back over here to san diego. now most keep it around the california arizona border, but if that happens, i think we'll keep a breeze going into friday night or saturday. and this is a big weather producer for southern california , las vegas and also spring trag games 22,
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novato north at 20. there's santa rosa now north at 31. so thisúbreeze is picking up as that low starts to backtrack. moon bay 31. so everything circw it's in. actually it's in northern arizona. but believe it or not, it will what we call retrograde head back here. and that will probably tighten the pressure gradients, which will keep a pretty good breeze going today and probably into tomorrow as well. but take a look around, watchúalready developing here around beautiful blythe right there. developing the city. look at that. and that'llúhead over to phoenix and i think scottsdale. so i think some spring training games are in jeopardy. your next couple of days 50s on a lot of the temps. can be in the 30s or 40s. butyou look at that. that ridge of high pressure dominates the west. but as the low digs farther south and this this graphic is showing, this will keep a breeze going. but also give us sunshinr it'll be warmer.úbut you have to deal with that breeze. but otherwise looks nice. good good most. tomorrow looks to be theo-
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warmest day. still nice going into the weekend, steve. >> thank you.ú721 more than a dozen swat team members hurt during a training exercise will lead to an explosion at a southern california fbi facility and sfo back to normal that blocked the international terminal. >> we'll tell you why. airport officials say they were prepared for t demonstration
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says gaza is on the brink of famine. the us is one of several countries delivering much needed food aid to palestine aliens in gaza israel says it plans to relocate many of the 1.4 million displaced palestinians islands e center of gaza, ahead of its planned offensive in the area. the israeli military says it will work with international agencies move people in rafah to designed designated areas ine food and shelter. israel's military claims a ground invasion of rafah is crucial because it is one of the last remainingc hamas strongholds in gaza. >> there is no safe place for terrorists in gaza. >> in israel, family members of the remaining hostages frustrate israeli government has not negotiated a deal to get the hostages released.
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>> our timeúnow. 725 operations back to normal at the international terminalúat sfo after demonstrators who are pro-palestinian blocked that terminal qatar. now, the protesters were demanding a cease fire in the fighting in they caused at the airport paled in comparison toúthe tragedy happening the rally, which lasted 158 minutes, signified 158 days of war. >> the number of days it has been happening too long, so it's a small inconvenience to some. but the people of gaza have suffered so much. i think it it's a it's a good way to demonstrate your, your viewpoint >> but stopping other people from traveling, i don't the way to do that. >> say the and they kept their that it
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would end at a specified time. our time now. seven 2616 swat team members were hurt in an explosion during a training exercise. we tell you what officials now want to know about how it happened. postal workers are calling for more protections following an increase in the number of mail carriers being targeted by thieves with the postmaster general says is unacceptable. >> after one such crime was prosecuted ere in the bay area
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and the reward money now offered to track down the latest suspect. plus, local artists thinking twice about displaying their artwork. the recent theft that's putting a spotlight on the need to keep artwork safe and insured. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. well good morning. >> thank you for joining us. welcomeúto mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm gasia mikaelian. it's thursday march 14th. we're not worried about rain steve paulson but another
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weather phenomena that you say many people find my experience. >> most people don't like the be tough and that's what we're dealing with. but around the 21st. thatc still looks good. im out on a limb on that, but it& think it'll verify. but for today, i meanl santa rosa went from 45 to 57. there are some in the 40s now. livermore airport actually is now 55 showing 49. but they picked up a northeast wind. itgs now 55. yet i've see& 45 to 55 in and around livermore itself. it is sunny side up. we're looking for five sons. there. we were the activity down. i,úif you'ret& going at that. i mean, this system isúdefinitelye spring training games today and tomorrow. but there's a pretty e knows it's windy. but it's also going to be sunny and warmer 70y today and tomorrow. all right, sal's here. 731 san mateo bridge or somewhere else.
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>> you know, we're going to start with the san mateo bridge. actually, we're going to start with the bay bridge and then go to the san mateo, because both of fact, right now at the bay bridge toll stevs going to be crowded. some people may say, well, you know, i'm going to take the san mateo bridge. san mateo bridge had an issue with a crash on the high rise section, and it's slow now. things are gettingúbetter. thisúkind of wide view gives you a look at that. i also want to mention that the south bay commute is going to look at that. it's beginning to get slow on all the freeways. there's not one freeway of themw heading into that west valley. 732 let's get back to the >> allúright, sal, thankc you. there's a warning by police about a. mail carriers targeted by armed robbers. it's happening here in the bay area and around the country. ktvu is amanda quintana is here now. it tells about a
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recent bay area robbery and the description of the person. the police are searching have seen n increase in postal workers being robbedn usps union leaders, also lawmakers. they're trying to find a solution to this to keep them safe. one of the things that those robbers arec going after is a key that will get them access to multiple mailboxes. now, despite a crackdown hundreds of arrests last year, the number of postal carriers robbed in 2023 still rose again. nearly 30% to 643,úand the 61. earlier this week. the postmaster general, louis dejoy, put out a statement after a postal carrier in san francisco was robbed and the criminal only was sentenced to 30 days. he says in part, quote a criminal s sentenced to a mere 30 days for
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threatening a letter carrier his personal possessions, as well as both the public's mail and packages. this sends a concerning message of encouraging to our nation's criminals and a message of disregard servants who deserve better protection and reassurance that the law will take crimes against them seriously. there's also a new $150,000 reward just put out yesterday for information leading to the arrest of another robber. take a look at that surveillance footage. from. you can. youúcan see a man in red sweatpants run up behind a postal carrier. she initially says, oh, you scared me. not realizing she's about to be robbed. this happened on march 2nd around 3:45 p.m. on euclid avenue in oakland. another angle shows him trying to grab her,
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trying to get something from her . she yells stop! and later screams before is being described as five feet, six inches tall, about 250 pounds. if this incident, you are asked to contact the us postalúinspector service live in orinda. amanda amanda.a ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you. one artist is cautioning others about the risks work in public places. lynette cook, who is based in daly city, says one of her works was stolen when it was on display county centerd city. crook cook draws inspiration from the bay area's displayed her work for decades in public and private spaces. she says someone stole a drawing that was worth nearly $2,000. >> artists need a way to have their work seen. it doesn't do them any good. having it in their their storage closetúat home. especially if art is your
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living rather than a hobby, then you have to have eyeballs on the work or it won't sell. but at the same time, you want the work to be safe. >> an investigation determined a woman with a history of similar thefts took the artwork off the wall, rolled it up and put it in her pursec and left. cook did receive an insuranceúpayment for the painting hasúnot been returned. she insurance. now, in response to the story, said, unfortunately, there's always the possibility of damageúor theft of work whenever art is being shown in a public space. as departments move to a new county office building in the opportunity to create aa greatt- welcoming and secure time now. e made to survivors of wildfires that were caused by pga. the trust will increase payments
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from 60% to 66% to survivors of the 2015 butte fire. the north bay wildfires in 2017 and the 2018 camp fire. it's a major milestone in the goal of the trust to wind down its operations this year. a spokesperson for the trust says payments were finalized. claims will be issued april 25th. >> the fbi will lead an investigation an explosion that injured 16 people during an indoor training exercise in irvine. all those injured are members of the orange county sheriff's department swat unit, while most members complained of dizziness and ringing in their ears, one deputy needed leg surgery. authorities still don't know what caused the blast, whichúhappened during a training session with the bomb squad. >> 15 members of transported tol hospitals by ambulance, and one member was able to transport himself to this facility in irvine. >> hosts firearm training and qualification tests for the fbi
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and local law enforcement agencies. most of the injured the hospital and are now atúfrom >> i wish them well. allúright. time is 737. hopefully you're doing well in the morning commute. sal, what's the latest out there? >> well, it's slow in the south bay and we usually have the slow traffic san jose about this time, from san jose to cupertino, in palo alto& all thatúcommute is going to be slow. it's nothing unusual, but you're not getting easy day.t& and then 280, you can see 280 in san jose does have traffic flowing. it does look like they may have stopped 2x0 in the southbound direction the. to get something out of therake- road. for example. letgs go to the bayúbridge toll plaza. i want to show you the traffic is backed up all the way out to thc maze. so it's not a light day out there, but at least visibility is goodúbecause it's a little windy. as steve and i
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have been telling you and now let's bring steve in without any further delayc. >> thank you sir. it is clear out there the wind gusts are the kind of the big story here, but also sunshine and anywhere from port chicago's 29mph to cobb mountain, 63. mount diablo, oakland hillsl 36s right above the claremont. healdsburg hills 47. mount sassoon city also in there, so. wind advisory goes until 5:00 today 11 a.m. tomorrow for others, especially up in the hills. but it's a north northeast breeze. thankfully, the hills are green. we've had t not huge, but anytime you get an offshore breeze it makes us take notice. here we are running considerably warmer as you might spimagine than rosa is plus 31 hayward plus 12 double digits warmer for half moon bay, concord and also livermore. so that's going to translate into warmer temps, 60s again, if you can get that north wind to sustain itself, you
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might get some 70 fours out of this. maybe santa rosa walnut creek 72, palo alto 70, san jose 70. the upper low is digging into southern california for a couple of forecast models. one of them really digs it all the way back to san the case, then k we'll keep the breeze going a here santa rosa northl the 31. hour and a half. concord's 22.u- fairfield was 35, now 29, but still strong enough along the coast. it's been up to about 3035 now 30 at half moon bay. sfo is around 28. hayward is now in the almost to 30 miles an hour in livermore. up to 28 gusts. that's the upper low. the signature there around las vegas . but look at all the activity beginning to pop up down there. so if you're going down for spring training i would keep an eye on things. i think they're really going to pop here today and also tomorrow is that upper low begins to backtrack into southern cal. look at that right around palm springs, there ten over to blythe and heading over to phoenix. i think that's going to be a wild ride today and
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tomorrow, 50s on a lot of the temps, 40s for some, even a few 30s if you don't have any breeze, it can be cool. if not, then you're in the mild side but dominating the entire west coast is this high.c until that low kicks out, it will weaken and start to eject out on the weekend, but it'll be sunny for all i think tomorrow will be the warmest day. still nice on the weekend. maybe just as breezy, but wind will be decreasing by then. next pattern change after this one looks to be around the 20th 21st, but until then, sunny sidw 741. the latest on the woman followed home robbed at gunpoine warning she has in case you find yourself in a similar situationr as you're on two. >> well, good morning, san francisco is facing aúlawsuit over drug use and crowded homeless encampments. new at eight. the federal suit, set to be filed today a group of residents and business owners
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say they're fed up. and later on, the nineúkicking, screaming and all the tears. yes, we're talking about taking kids to the doctor. we'll talk live with two physicians about their new book for children, which focuses on how parents can empower their little ones to conquer their fears and make doctor visits stress free. stay with us
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shows the woman driving a mercedes into her garage in alamo. about a minute later, alexis backs into the driveway. two masked robbers emerge, one pointing an assault rifle at her . >> and when i realized that i was being robbed, i just started screaming specifically said, i'm a mother, i have children, you please don't hurt me. i'm still in shock a little bit, but i think the takeaway from this is that we all have to be aware of our surroundings. and when you pull into your garage, don't get out, close your garage and then get into your house. rolex, wedding rings and a diamond studded cross. the woman ran after the partial license plate. sheriff's deputies later spotted the lexus spin orindal but lost it when te car headed
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>> our time is 745. two people were arrested, accused of robbing several banks across northern california. san jose police arrested 37 year old brandon lopez and the alleged getaway driver, 43 year old tamara bush. police believe they tried to rob at least six banks. now. last month, a man went into a san jose bank with a note demanding money. the tellers gave him more than $1,000 in cash, and he ran out of the bank >> during the investigation, they to link him to five other robberies, bank throughout northern california. so he was responsible for a bank robberies in milpitas, fremont, modesto, as well as sacramento. there were two cases in sacramento. one was attempted, and the milpitas case was attempted as well. >> now, the police to the home f lopez and found an unregistered loaded handgun and ammunition. the suspects were.
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>> the peak of today's opening bell that started the trading day on wall street. stocks reacting to new inflation data this morning, the producer price index jumped 0.6% this month, almost double what economists expected. that index measures wholesale prices across the country. take a look at the markets. show you what the dow jones has been doing. not too much in the way of major movements. it's down just about 50 points from where it bump at. this pattern is almost identical to what i'm seeing on the and nasdaq. kim kardashian went san francisco and posted aboutt- the experience on social media. caytonia is known for its housemade pastas, grilled and roasted meats and seafood. kardashian visited the restaurant recently. it is the sister restaurant to quince, which is the only three star michelin restaurant in san francisco that leans toward italy. kardashian posted good thingsúabout and forgive me, i'm just totally boiling this down here. the cheesy bread and ravioli. i'm sure they're not
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called that on the menu, but bun $150 million to anti-hate groups from yeezy shoe sales. the german sportswear brand says it had more than $1 billion worth of kanye west sneakers in a warehouse after dissolving its partnership with the rapper in 2022. over anti-semitic and other offensive comments, adidas decided to sell some of the remaining shoes in batches. over the past year. the company says it's what was left over our time now. >> 748 don lemons new show is over before it started and i jua statement about what happened between him, me and the interview that he is apparently so upset about. the musk pulled the plug on have had don lemon hosting a show on acts. lemon says he shortly after he taped an
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interview with elon musk for the premiere of the don lemon show on monday. elon musk claimed the interview lacked authenticity and that don lemon is welcome to build along with everybody else. well, superstar steph curry of the warriors turned 36 years old today, and there are some questions about what he's going to do after basketball. now while he was out promoting his latest children's book, he told a reporter he wants to use his influence to make a difference in the world. then he was asked if he might run for president someday. steph curry said. 2028 ruleúout the possibility of some kind ofúpolitical office inúthe future. the time is now. 749 there's a new episode of our ktvu interview show, talk of tht issues in this week, we're
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talking about hope academy. it's an organization that aims to help produce new african american entrepreneurs. >> we were working a lot with a lot of african american companies, and we started discoveringc thatúwe had some challenges that was beyond just the x's and o's and intelligence . we started seeing some, of coe nation with a lot of our african american clients. and so we built this academy to kind of address some of those challenges. >> now, that was nana kofi asante, one of the founders of the hope academy program. hope academy not only teaches people, they give away the classes for free online, and they're teaming up with other local entrepreneurs to help members of the black community get a leg up, trying to start their own businesses. now there is much the town, and you can watch thef entire conversation with asantec on our website and on te
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fox local lab. just go to of the town or search talk. of the town on the spfox localúapp on your smart t. >> time is 715. we're kind of getting into the heat of the commute. yoursel what are you seeing in the traffic center? >> well, i'm seeing something that i never like to see there, garcia and dave, and i'm seeing slowing at the bay lanes. let's& it. when people start slowing down there, that means there's usually some sort of a where the backups. and that's not good news. so we're keeping an eye on that and seeing up on the bay be right nown that's blocking
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lanes. it's new.úyou know, we do. we have a wind advisory there, but we don't have anything reported on the actual bridge. all right. this is a look at the, peninsula, the east bay. you can see hayward to union city and fremont. some slow traffic. san mateo bridge recovering after some earlier issues on the span. we also do have some traffic on san jose freeway system. if you're driving, let's say from east to west, from san jose over to sunnyvale or palo alto, there is crashes, butc a lot of people ae on the road. 751 let's talk about the wind right now. here's steve. all right. >> our system is developing here. it's around las vegas, but heading into southern california and might even backtrack all the way over to towards san diego if ons are right and this is going to
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generate not only wind down their santa ana winds, but also rain for already into las vegas. and i think it's movingúinto the spring training games. phoenix and scottsdale 50s on a lot of the temps. although there are some 40s and a couple of 30s, but well, look at that. nothing like missing data, but atlas peak north, the 38 i know middle peak of mount tamalpais has been about 41. mount diablo has been up to 60 most of the morning there. but as the low digs much farther south than that graphic is showing, it will keep blustery to windy conditions today. but it will be sunny and it will be warmer. that's the good news. and you can see, i mean, there's that dome of high pressure to the west of us is we haven't seen much of that this entire winter, but we do have it now. but take a look around las vegas as this low rapidly developing between palm springs over to blythe and thenúon its way over to phoenix, i think that will be quite active today, and also probably all the way into saturday. some pretty heavy rainfall totals being forecast here over the next 72 hours in arizona. see how see the right
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here. this is coming up from the south. that's associated with that low. i've been saying that the change here. back to maybe a wetter pattern. and there it is. start of it around the 20th coming in from the north. so enjoy the sunshine while you can. it'll be with us for about five more days, the wind topefully will tail have it tody tomoow. but 70 on the temps
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is expanding to southern california in los angeles, dozens of driverless vehicles will be available for select members of the public who signed up for it. the driverless robo taxis will only be riding on city streets, not on freeways. now waymo will cover 63mi!s between santa monica and downtown l.a, but some officials around the state are really been critical. >> i am deeply concerned that this untested our city streets. we've had two vehicles actually stop dead in front ofc fire engines, trying o come out the door of their fire stations to go on emergencyt& calls, and they've had to cancel themselves and get another engine from further away to go on that call. >> now waymo first launched its driverless car service in san francisco back in 2018. the
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company says they've spent the last year and a half refining the technology to make it safern it is 757, a man in texas who spent decades using an iron lung to survive after contracting polio as a child has now died. his name was paul alexander. he was 78. he thrived while using an iron lung, training himself to breathe on his own for part of the day. he earnedc a law degree andúwrote a book about his incredible life. built a big following on social media and inspired people around the world with his positive outlook. he had millions of views on his social media account. well, toxic levels of lead have been detected in products that are being sold at some major retail chains. the center for environmental health went to 63 raw stores and 15 burlington stores across california, including several right here in the bay area. lab
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tests showed hundreds of their items were under a wide range of brand names, had lead levels that are higher than what the consumer product safety commission allows. >> we absolutely need need better level. >> you assume thatúthey they're safe, like their products are safe to buy under cal oshat& regulations. >> specifically, they have an obligation to be aware of when lead exposures are happening. and then to conduct testing of their employees and their environments. >> now, officials at ross sent us a statement. it reads customs of the utmost importance. we have policies in place that require our suppliers to meet safety standards. we will take prompt action if we learn that our products are not in compliance. no longer limited to parkedrabs
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empty cars. the warning from the oakland police department showing thieves growing bolder in their crimes than the timer could be counting down on tiktok , a major advancement by lawmakers to force its chinese owners to sell or face being banned in the us for days on three days off. legislation being introduced today to make a shorter workweek a reality from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. welcome to mornings on two at 8:00. as you look live across oaklandúthis morning and boy, it was windy in certain parts of oakland morning. thank youúfor joining us i'múandre senior. >> good morning i'm gasia 14th. one benefit is that we gee gorgeous crystal clear views. >> i'm in favor of that four day workweek, by the way. yeah okay, i am too. yes we do. we get great visibility. that's a good point there, garcia, good air quality as well. i'm trying to update something because everything's changing here so fast. and four of my employees
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didn't show up today, 50 on thee was 47, 48. now they're 55. santa rosa is 47. now they're 55. and it's sunny side up for all developing zone system down towards las vegas, phoenix, southern california. thisúwill be a big weather maker for them. it's a wind producer for us. so everyone knows it's windy but it's also sunny. it will be warmer if you can deal with the wind. looks pretty good today and decreasing wind on the weekend with lots of sunshine and mild warm temps 70s on those going ty bridge toll plaza or theúsan mateo bridge, you know, and, the bay bridge toll plaza is a grea& way to start, steve, because it is backed up all the way out to the maze and the metering lights >> and right now things think is improving ratherc quickly. san mateo bridge has improved very much. some commutes areúreally actually okay and others are not. you may say that's not fair
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at all or no fair at all, but you know, right now you can see that the 80 is slow. southbound 680 concord to walnut creek is slow. there is a southbound 680 approaching stone valley road. there'súa crash trc leaving walnut creek is slower than usual. as you head down to danville. 801 let's go back to the desk. >> oakland police are warning about an increase in drivers being targeted by thieves who break their car windows while a car is stopped in traffic. ktvu james torres live in oakland. tell us what police say we all need to know. james >> yeah. garcia. police say they're now receiving more reports, increasing reports ofúh the drivers at the driver's wheel. they'll break the passenger side window, take whatever they can and take off. realizes what's going on, it'sn- all, for the most part, already over. now we're standing in the lakeshore area here. this is a place where commonlyt& people will drop a car off, grab
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a cup go for a quick walk here. many peoplec i spoke to here say they know not to leave those valuables in the car. certainly don't leave anything visible in their car at risk of getting broken into. that is a message we have heard the city of oaklae most part at this point, but you don't really think about it when you're driving. and now oakland police say you should. we'll take a look at the numbers here. the oakland city of oakland providing some of these numbers, saying that burglaries have actually gone down citywide, close to 50. robberies, on the other hand, still a little bit of an uptick, 32% up from this time did speak to one man who says that he lives in the area he has lived in the area for years now. he tells me that he's actually heard of this trend, and if it were to happen to him, he knows there really isn't much he can do. >> it's kind of pretty scary. and, so each time that something like this is happening, a new
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thing is happening in society. what we do is that, you know, i try to adjust. theregs nothing i can do as an individual. it just turned to that point. >> and taking a quick look at those numbers again, again, 50% down from burglaries, 32% up on robberies. when you compare the time right now to those numbers last year, now police say there is some things you can do here. they say if you notice anything suspicious, maybe you notice someone following you while you're driving. the best advice for you is to drive to somewhere safe, possibly to an oakland police station, andúreport what you think is going on. comes tor a seat to make it more difficult for those thieves. they also say they'll be increasing the presence of officers on foot and in areas where they say most of
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those smash and grabs are happening. we're live this morning in oakland. i'mújames torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> james thank you. new stats this morning show a crime increase in berkeley. the police department reports a 32% increase in robberies and a 62% increase in both auto theft and arson from 2022 to 2023. burglaries are up 18, the report points out. other cities also have seen similar spikes in the same types of crimes, it says. the department is also focusing on new tools such as automated license plate readers and surveillance cameras, to try and reduce crime. >> this year, a former oakland police officer linked to the department's misconduct cover u. wilson law filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming he was wrongfully blamed for mishandling an internal affairs investigation law says another officer left out key information leave for a separate incident in which he fired a gun in a police
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department elevator. law is currently with the menlo park police department. we reached out to the mayor's office and have not yet received comment until five. >> now. new this morning, san francisco is being sued over the drug crisis as oneúof its most troubled neighborhoods. a report in the chronicle says in the ten open air drug markets andf tole- crowded encampments. the suit claims that the city has failedd allowed unsafe crowds to gather, which has created a public nuisance. city officials say they will review and respond to the new complaint inúcourt. happening today. sp>> vice president kamala harrs is expected to visit an abortion clinic in minnesota. it'st& believed to be the first such visit for a president or vice president. her visit to plannedt of the vice president's fight for reproductive freedoms tour. the vice president is expected to take a tour of the clinic and meet with health care for four y workweek is set to reach the
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u.s. senate today. vermont vermont senator bernie sanders is expected to introduce that spbill today to make a four day workweek, a standard nationwide, without reducing pay for employees. the proposal would change the standard workweek from 40 hours to 32 hours, with time and for working more than 32 hours. the proposed four year process would also protect workers, payc from being lowered. as a result, california senator laphonza butler is a co-sponsor of that bill. >> new this morning, the environmental protectionúagency announced tougher limits on a used to sterilize medicalg gast- equipment. the new rule targets emissions of ethylene oxide, which has been linked to several types of cancer, especially lymphoma and leukemia. nearly 90 sterilization facilities nationwidec will have to cut ethylene oxide releases by 90. one facility in the bay area is being targeted by the epa. it's the blue line sterilization services in novato. the epa says
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81,000 people live within five miles of that facility. well a talented robotics team from east palo alto is heading to houstond championship competition. >> they are the churro bots, a community based team made up of students from several different high schools. as ktvu lamonica peters tells us, the team now has to raise tens of thousands of dollars in orr to make it to that big competition. >>úso i did this when i was in high school and it changed my life. >> students from ten different high schools meet at this east palo alto garage to create, innovate and compete in robotics. coach matt pezzimenti created this for students to den and create robots over >> my mentors were super of set ac particular standard fr me. >> pezzimenti helped form the hope horizon east palo alto robots in 2019, and now after just five years of learning and
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perfecting those techniques, the robots are preparing to for the first time.c >> having this amazing opportunity going to be really beneficial forúme, but for our whole team. welcome to the final finals. >> to qualify the robots were a part of a winning alliance at c, silicon valley regional, last weekend. this is our robot team member kevin mendoza. hernandez says he's always been interested in building things, and he started honing those skills in middle school with the first lego league. from legos, i moved on to the, o actual floor team, which is in the hope horizon building, so thatúgot me more into robotics. fundraising campaign to raise $40,000 to ship equipment registered fees, and travel expenses to take over 20 team members and coaches to the championship. >> yeah, we're hoping that this brings some exposure to the team
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to and that not not just getting folksúthe kids to houston this year, but in future years, having ongoing, sponsors see this team be able to grow and do this every year. >> la monica peters, ktvu, fox two news. >> now is 809. and if you are driving to the bay bridge slow traffic. although i'mometm seeing it improve and usually when i see the cars start moving kind of quick, you know that improvement is coming probably in a half hour. it's going to be a lot better than it is now. part of it is just some cars are still stuck and traffic that's before this point. southbound 680 at stone valley road. if you're trying toúmake your way down to danville or san ramon from, the whole way is slow until you get past stone valley road. 880 is slow from hayward to fremont and northbound fromc 238 all the way up to downtown oakland. we are reallyúlooking like we did in many ways in 2019 right before,
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you know what, silicon valley commutes also looking valley. 810. let's go back to the desk. >> all right. well, postal workers are being robbed at both here and in the bay area and around the country. two by the head of the postal service says the punishment is not fitting the crime. >> content creators are sounding the alarm about how a proposed ban on tiktok would hurtútheir ability to pay the bills. why, they say tiktok [alarm rings] ♪ ♪ ♪ [alarm rings] ♪
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tiktok. former treasury secretary steve mnuchin just announced a short time ago he's putting together a group of investors to rasmus is here with the fallout from the house vote on a possible ban of tiktos estimated to be worth about $75 billion. and the bill passed by the house, and be sold to another buyer or face being banned from all u.s. devices. well, now, steve mnuchin, who was the treasury secretary when donald trump was president, says he is going to try and do just that in a statement released in the last hour, mnuchin said,
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should pass and i think tiktok should be sold. it's a great business and i'm going to put together a group to buy it. >> on this vote, the yeas are 352, the nays are 65. >> now, this comes after a day, just a day after members of both parties, republicans and democrats in the house, approved the bill to force tiktok to sell or face being banned. lawmakers say tiktok's parent company, bytedance, is too close to the chinese government and fear that the app could be used to spy on users. social media influencers living in theúbay area, though, say banning the app would cause them financial harm because they make money off of tiktok's ads and rely on it for their livelihood. >> i had one viral. i think peoe the authenticity of tiktok. >> andrew de los a professional social media content creator. the city of oakland hired him to promote
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restaurant week, which starts today. he charges up to $2,000 for a 60 to 90 second video. >> i came from san francisco to preview a couple spots for oakland restaurant week. >> then there's mikaela tencer, who goes by the tiktok name mikaela weinstein. she uses sptiktok to valley wineries and post lifestyle advice. several companies have hired her to manage their social media accounts.t& >> the importance here is protecting data, and i think don't think banning this one app is going to address that issue in and of itself, tencer says. >> tiktok accounts for about 30% of her business. she says lawmakers should find a way to t infringing upon freedom the houe passed this bill yesterday, but it's not clear whether the senator senate will take it up next,úalthough there is bipartisan support for it in that chamber of congress as
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well. president biden has said in the past that if a bill to ban tiktok reaches his desk, he will sign it into law. andre ali , thank you. >> the race to fill the seat of retiring silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo. still too close to call nowúthe latest results show sam liccardo is leading with 21% of the vote. he's projected to be one of the two candidates on the november ballot. evan low and joe simitian are still neck and neck in the race for that second spot on the ballot, with evan low leading joe simitian by just 59 votes. >> we will see those numbers change, and right now, every last vote is being counted. all those mail in ballots that came in yesterday was the deadline. so all of those are still being counted later today at 5 p.m, elections officials plan to release another batch of election results. sp>> opponents of concession. their but now they say the race is too close to call. prop one was the only statewide ballot measure in last week's election. the latest reports show the yes vote
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outnumbers no by about 14,000. the state says there were still sp800,000 ballots left to count. >> it's premature to say there's an outcome of this election to call this election already. it's been a seesaw terms of the elecn results. >> opponents of prop one say the measures too expensive and that it disrupts existing mental health programs. supporters say prop one would expand community based services and help find housing for people suffering from substance abusec and mental >>úi'm actually glad to seeúthe system working and as long as the election system goesl runs its course, my hope is that this bill april 12th to certify the results. >> governor newsom put prop one on the ballot and campaigned heavily for it. we did reach out to the governor's office for spcomment. we have yet to hear back for alaska's iditarod race. >> it was a historic a history making process, a history finish
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. dallas seavey won the race for for the most wins thet's a recod competition has ever seen. he covered the 1000 mile route and a little overúnine days. >> this team was a little different than what i've had sometimes in the past,úand they are all super incredible individuals. there wasn't the core group of super, super guys have is a lot of heart and it was a team and they worked together the whole way down the >> but there is an issue here. three dogs died during this calls from animal rights groups to end this historic race. >> 819 let's swing out to the traffic center, see what sal is keeping an eye on. as i would spexpect, the commute to be >> well, in some placeslc yes, garcia and other places. no the richmond bridge doesn't seem time. and maybe it's a little better. yeah so. but it's bay bridge is getting better. you
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can tell it's getting better fast.úi bet youúokay. stay withr 10úor 15 minutes, you are going to see this improved quite a bit. this you know that south bound 680 traffic because of a crash at stone valley road. no injuries there, but it was. everyone was looking at it. that's the problem. and then on the peninsula,úwe haven't had a lot going on in the last few hours. south bay commute is busy. here's a man with a lot i'm kind of. i'm nervous. steve. have your spurs on, >>úwell, that's kind of a do. thank you, sir, cobbes, i mountain, what about it? 63 mile per hour gusts. mayacamas mountain, 62 healdsburg hills, that is east of town, 47mph. mount tamalpais, 41 oakland hills. sassoon city, half moon bay and port chicago, all between 29 and 36mph. wind advisory until 11 a.m. for the
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higher elevations goes till 5:00 for the valleys today. i do think, though, we'll stay pretty blustery into friday, maybe even breezy into saturday. we are noticeably warmer than 24 hours ago. santa rosa, petaluma, napa, concord, hayward, san carlos all 11 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday at sfo. also double digits. so santa rosa, walnut creek, palo chick chick k chick up we go. the forecast highs. my forecast highs 72, 72, 70 and 70 on the temps dynamic t spis dropping in toúnot only nevada but southern california. a couple of the forecast models. one of them swings it all the way back to san diego. and if that's the case, then we'll stay rather breezy into saturday easily. but this is think for sg games, maybe more so than others are thinking. but that's my $0.02. fairfield north at 31, vacaville north at 23. everyonen easterly or northerly breeze. half moon bay has come down a n. hayward 25, livermore almost 30mph. so with that in place,
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you can see the low developing. and with that i mean we get sunshine, we'll get warm temps i mean 58, 57% mid 50s here. not it's rare to not see any 40s this time of year, but there are a few but not in the panel that i'm showing you there. north wind, north wind, north board there. so that's in place. not changing for at leastú24 to 36 hours. and the upper low is digging muchúfarther south than this graphic shows. windy warmen towards southern california to i-10. oh that beautiful drive from palm springs to ten through blythe. head into arizona smoott on over to phoenix. but look at arizona. look at that las vegaso not only windy but cooler and some rain, maybe thunderstorms for southern california can seee moisture coming up here right there that's associated with that low. now watch up here. i'm on record as saying around the 20th 21st we'll start to see a pattern change to a cooler one. and i think we'llúeven get back
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into some rain. maybe on the 23rd or so. severe, clear, yet windy blustery clear skies, but wall to wall sun looks good. warmer temps 70 today and tomorrow looksúto be the warmest day. then i think it will still be nice going into the weekend,. >> steve thank you. 823 now. more than a dozen swat team exercise. what led to anraining- explosion at a southern california fbi on that massive demonstration at sfo that blocked tsa gates at the international terminal
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nation says gaza is on the brink of famine. the us is one the much needed food aid to palestinians in gaza. israel says it plans to relocate many of the 1.4 million displaced palestinians living in the town of rafah to humanitarian islands in the center of gaza, ahead ine area. the military israeli military, says it will work with people in rafah to designed areas in central gaza that would have food and shelter. israel's military a ground invasion of rafah is crucial. it is one of the last remaining hamas strongholds in gaza, and there is no safe place for terrorists in gaza. in israel, family members of the remaining
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hostages in gaza say they're frustrated. the israeli government still has not negotiated a deal to get the >> meantime, operations are back to normal at sfo this morning after pro-palestinian protesters blocked the international terminal, staff. this demonstration actually at the tsa gates there, demonstrators calling for a ceasefire in gaza yesterday, protesters said the disruption they caused at the airport paled in comparison to the tragedy happening to muslims in rally lasted q58 minutes to signify 158 days of war. sfo says protest organizers had notified the airport about their rallyc and kept their word that it would be peaceful and end at a specific time. >> coming up, 16 swat team members hurt in an explosion during a training exercise. what officials know about what happened. >> another postal worker recently robbedc in oakland. but the postmaster generalúsays even when those people are caught and convicted, they aren't being punished severely enou .
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one case that has him frustrated over the outcome here in the bay area. plus, a bay area artist is cautioning others about having their work displayed in public wraps isn't thet-eepim >> from ktvu. fox two news this
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is mornings on two. good morning and welcome back. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm andre senior. thank you so much for joining us. today is people waking up to a windy weather this morning. steve paulson warned us about it yesterday and today he's back with more on what we can expect. hey steve good morning. >> yes it's here. our camera kind of bouncing around as we look here at the rock, if you will, here there's a pretty good breeze kicking up here. took a while for some, but it is there a lot of 50s on thef 30s 40s, but most locations are in the 50s here,úbreeze to a dot roaring one in some of the higher elevations.úit's a pretty dynamic low that's dropping in las vegas, southern california everyone knows it's windy and it will be today and probably into breezy, but it is sunny andry to temperatures are on their way up into the low 70s. all right, sal is here. 831 did it's better at the bay bridge
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toll plaza? >> yeah, it's improving quite a bit. as a matter of fact, it's improving at the richmond bridge, too. and right now we can go out toúthe richmond bridge. it's getting better right now. traffic is moving along very well, but when you get to the bay bridge, youúit'sl some people are saying, you,t- know, the commute is basically n see 880 is slow. it's going to be a was a little break, but right that l commute. 832 let's go back to the desk now. crime trend that's still showing no signs of slowing down. mail carriers targeted by armed robbers. we've reported bay area, and it's hapg aroundúthe country. two ktvu amanda canton is here to tell us about a recent robbery in oakland and the description of the for. amanda. >> yeah, well, andre, you're right. we have been seeing it a
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lot.úwe have been seeing an increasec in postal workers beig robbed. now, usps, union leaders, lawmakers, they're all trying to figure out some kind of solution safe. what those ths are going after is keys. they think that those keys can get them access to multiple mailboxes. and despite what they were calling a crackdown on this that led to hundreds of arrests last year, the number of postal rose again. nearly 30%c to 643, and the number injured nearly doubled to 61. earlier this week. the postmaster generall louis dejoy, put out a statement after a postal carrier in san francisco was robbed and the criminal was only sentenced to 30 days. he says in part, quote, it is simply unacceptable that a criminal was sentenced to a mere 30 days for threatening a threatening a letter carrier at gunpoint and stealing his
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personal belongings, as well as both the public's mail and packages. this sends a concerning message of encouragement to our nation's criminals, and a message of disregard to our loyal public servants, who deserve better protection and reassurance that the law will take crimes against them seriously. there's also a new $150,000 reward just put out yesterday for information leading to the arrest of another robber, take a look at that. surveillance footage. you can see a man in red sweatpants run up behind a postal carrier. she initially says, oh, you scared me. not realizing that she's about to be robbed. this is on march 2nd around 3:45 p.m. on euclid avenue in oakland. another angle shows him trying to grab her, trying to get something fromúher. she yells stop and later screams even more before that suspect runs off. now that suspect is being
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described as five feet six inches tall, about 250 pounds. if you know anything about this, you are asked to contact the u.s. postal inspection service. they are really trying to come up with ways to keep their workers safe. live in, fox two news. >> amanda, thank you. one artist is cautioning others about the risks of displaying their work in public places. lynette cook, who is based in daly city, says one of her works was stolen when it was on display at the san mateo county center in redwood city. cook draws inspiration from the bay area's culture and work for decades in public and private spaces. she says. someone stole a drawing that was worth nearly $2,000. >> artists need a way to have their work seen. it doesn't do them any good. having it in home, especially if art is your living rather than a hobby, then
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you have to have eyeballs on the work or it won't sell. but at to be, you want the wor- >> an investigation determined a woman with a history the artwore wall, rolled it up, put itúin her purse and left. cook received an insurance payment, but the painting has not been returned. she worries that young, struggling artist won't have insurance. in response to this, the san mateo county office of arts and culture said unfortunatelyl there's always the possibility of damage or theft of work whenever art is being shown in a public space. asc departments move to a new county office building in the coming months, we have a great opportunity to create a welcoming and secure art gallery space. >> 836 now, a new round of payments will be made to survivors of wildfires that were causedúby pg and e. the trust will increase payments from 60% to 66% to survivors of the 2015 butte fire. thec north bay wildfires in 2017 and the 2018 camp fire. the trust in charge is trying to wind down
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operations spokesperson says payments for finalized claims will be issued april 25th. >> the fbi will lead an investigation into an explosion that injured 16 people during an irvine. all those injured are members of the orange county sheriff's department swatúunit, while most members complained of dizziness or ringing in their ears, one deputy needed leg surgery. authorities still don't know what caused the blast, session with the bomb squad.nin- >> 15 members of our swat team were transported to local hospitals by ambulance, and one member was able to transport himself to the facility in irvine, hosts firearms training and qualification tests local l. ñ> most of the injured officers have been released from their hospitals and are now back at home. >> san jose mayor matt mehan says his budget plan is about tradeoffs, as the city faces a $52 million budget shortfall.
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the mayor releasing his march says the city is struggling with how to pay for about $23 million worth of city services and that complying with the state water permit by clearing could cost as much as $25 million. >> but to achieve the scale, all that is required to address the crisis on our streets and the demands of our stormwater permits, we're going to need to create lower barrier solutions likeúsafe sleeping sites and expand safe parking, the mayor quick build units alreadyout 78- approved by the city unhoused r. >> the budget is scheduled to be adopted inújune, just ahead of the summer olympics in paris. >> some nations are considering installing their own air conditioning air conditioning systems at their country's athletes villages. soaring temperatures are expected in
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paris again this summer after reaching record highs last year. paris does not plan to provide ac units in athletes villages after saying it plans to host the greenest or most environmentally friendly olympics ever. the buildings in the village have been designed to let in minimal sunlight, and they have a cooling system that draws water from underground. >> a massive logistical. portable air conditioners to offer the athletes should they choose to. and so just being able to ensure that we have the best information and the best choices and options for our athletes, for them to make the decision that works best for them is what we're working towards. >> olympic committees from australia, brazil, canada and norway are among those that say the cooling system in place is likely insufficient. the heads of many other countries say the air conditioning will not be necessary. >> all right, let's turn things over. back to steve now. he is tracking our forecast for today. steve, how's it looking? >> well, it's sunny, it'll be warmer. good visibility, but it's windy. so if you can deal
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with that today and tomorrow, then after that, i thinkúwe'll be much better off here. but port chicago, almost 30 miles an hour all the way up to cobb mountain, 63, i think i saw 68 at mount saint helena, but i kept it tried to cap in some. keep it in the lower elevations. mayacamas mountains, 62. sphealdsburg hills 47. mount tamalpaisú41. it did see some, l 5:00 today. for others, that for the hills, but we're getting here. mount veeder north at 24mph. oakland hills right abovs been up to 34mph. boulder creek 53 warm degrees northeast at 35. in the santa cruz mountains. an& we are double digits warmer, as you might imagine compared to yesterday because of that offshore breeze, san carlos, sfo, hayward, concord, petaluma and santa rosa all how could you forget the napa airport, steve? oh i never forget them, but i did there.
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70s on the forecast. highs today. and i think tomorrow will be the warmest day. somebody may couple of days ago the gfs was showing 80. it's since backedt& off on that because it's been awful lately. but this low is diving down into backtracking all the way to san diego. that will keep a breeze going for us. concord now north 23, fairfield north at 31 santa rosa. been up to about s0 miles an hour.úhalf moon bay at one time was 35mph. now northeast 31. that'll make for a warm day over in the san mateo coast. livermore north at 30 palo alto, hayward hall, sfo. everyone with seeing 50s on the temps. i don't think it'll take long to get to the 60. lows were much, much warmer today than most locations . there were a couple of 30s, but mostly were in there in the 50s. the key though, that low dropping in las vegas getting rain. watch along palm springs over to scottsdale. i do believe training games will get wiped out today and tomorrow, and this will keep a lot of active
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weather in southern california. for us, it will be a breeze. i said yesterday around 21st 22nd. i think something's brewing for a change here for us. certainly cooler. and there it is starting think we'll get back in some rain, but not for five days. so go out and enjoy the sun. don't worry about the wind. he'll start to tail of days, but stily breezy to windy today. 70s for many. tomorrow will be the warmest day. still nice into the weekend but looks like decreasing breeze you guys. 842 san francisco facing another lawsuit over conditions in the troubled tenderloin neighborhood coming up on the nine. the action businesses and people living in the area are demanding, as they say, the city has turned blind ye o op
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( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank.
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my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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aware of their surroundings. surveillance video shows a woman driving her mercedes into her garage in alamo. about a minute later, a lexus backs up into the driveway. two masked robbers emerge, one pointing an assault rifle at her. >> and when i realized that i was being robbed, i just started screaming specifically said, i'm a mother, i have children, you have a mother and a father.
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please don't hurt me. i'm still in shock a little bit, but i think the takeaway from this is spthat we all have to be aware f our surroundings. and when you pull into your garage, don't get out, close your garage and then get into your house. >> the robbers made off with a rolex, wedding rings, a diamond studded cross. the woman ran after the robbers got a partial license plate. sheriff's deputies later spotted the lexus car headed toward the caldecott tunnel. a peek back at kicked of today's trading day. stocks reacting to new inflation data this morning, producer price index jumped 0.6% this month, about double what analysts had expected. the index measures wholesale prices nationwide. let's get straight to the jones has been making any major moves. the answer is no. it's down very slightly, though, about one fifth of 1% losing 80 or so points after a slight bump at the start. pattern is the same as what i'm seeing over onf car insurance could keep millioe
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drivers are expected to see their auto insurance rates increase this year, according to insurance comparison site insurify insurance costs nationwide went up by 24% last year, expected to jump another 7%úthis year. the nevada division of insurance points. >> the first, i would say, is the cost of new and vehicles, during the pandemic, they they shot up consistently and, really haven't come down, the second is the complexity of new vehicles. so when there is an auto to be repaired, the cosf those repairs have gone up significantly. >> officials with the nevada department of insurance say while they know higher rates are a burden on consumers, they usually end up approving don't leave the state altogether. a fine dining restaurant in san francisco at a high profile diner who posted about the experience on visited catalonian tuesday night. restaurants known for its housemade pastas,
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grilled meats and seafood, kardashian posted good things about the cheesy bread and ravioli. i'm simplifying the names of those dishes, as well as the honeycomb ice cream. >> well, don lemon's new show is over. before it even started. >> it's mad at me and i just put out a statement about what happened between him, me, and the interview that he is apparently so upset about. >> the former cnn anchor says elon musk pulled the plug on a deal that would have had lemon hosting a show on x. lemon says he learned about the cancellation shortly after het& taped an interview with musk for the premiere of the don lemon show. originally claimed the inw lemon is welcome to build his viewership on x, along with everyone else. >> today is warriors star stephen curry's 36th birthday. some are already wondering what he'll do after latest children's book told a reporter for cbs he wantsc of his influence for good to make a differenceúin the world. yeah, we asked go ahead if he'd want
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to run for president back. this is like ping pong, but on live tv. so curry was asked if he'd ever consider running for president, and curry said, maybe then laugh when the interviewer suggested r028, saying, oh, that's way too early. he did not rule out the possibility or othr political office, though in the future. >> i mean, that is interesting, you know, so i could see why things can get confusing just now. you're like, wait, what? all right. there's a new episod& of our interview show, talk of the town. that's where we highlight some of the people and issues important to oakland. so this week, ktvu dave clarkt& talked to members of hope academy, an organization that aims to help produce new african american entrepreneurs. >> what we also found is that you can say you can say an intelligent thing. our culture, we have different challenges. even in our approach to successful entrepreneurship. so we have a lot of emotion, trauma and emotional damage that's separate from other cultures that we have to address firstt& before we can get to the money. so if you grew up in a scarcity
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mindset at home or are you you grew up in survival mode at home , then your iq or your even ability to understand and how to manage money and be entrepreneurship is going to be different than other cultures. so i can give you a book and you a book, but we will read it differently based on the lens of our trauma. so we also work through a lot of theúemotional side of entrepreneurs and getting them prepared mentally and emotionally for it as well. >> so that's courtney smith, a local entrepreneur who partnered with hope academy to help members of the black community get a leg up on trying to start their own business. hope academy not only teaches people, they give away the classes for free online. there's a lot more to the interview. you can watch dave's entire conversation with our on our website and on the fox local app. just go to ktvu .com/ talkúof the town or search local app on your smart tv. >> time now. 850 a final check of what's really been an up and down morning commute, yeah. you
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know, it has been. and. i just want to go back to the bay bridge. just as i suspected, the bay bridge was improving. look at this. didn't i just say that this was going to happen? and there's a there's a secret that i use is, that ramp in the back. once that clears out, we're all done. unless something happens. this is x80 northboundn you can see that traffic is going to be busy. if you are driving on 680& out of walnut creek, there was a crash in alamo. that has that was cleared. we do have a structure fire reported in berkeley on cedar street in the 600 block of cedar street, a big fire response. we don't see any smoke on i would say avoid cedar street in the 600 block for now. 851 let's go back to steve in the weather center. >> thank you sir. all right. well, if you're in your 50s, all these temps are for you. this is a kind of a rarity for march to see kelseyville and everyone else in the 50s, the city's 58, sphos 58. there's 50s for from
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santa rosa to san jose out to spbrentwood and half moon bay. that's all. most of it's wind driven high pressure to the west spthere, and a deep developing w is dropping into southernt& california. and there it is, and it's already starting has generd around las vegas, kingman, lake havasu and then blythe. it looke it's heading over to phoenix tho tomorrow, plus provide wind and maybe some thunderstorms for southern california. some of that moisture may creep up.úthe& southern and central sierra should put on the brakes. so just shy of tahoe and a change is a week. so enjoy the sunshine and warm temps, especially by the 22nd 2t back into rain and cooler temps, but not today or tomorrow. severe, clear yet. breezy to windy temperatures will be bumping upútoday or tomorrow. probably be the warmest day i went tomorrow, but i'm still going to be rather breezy to blustery. i think into friday
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night into saturday, but it looks good. lots of sunshine and warm temperature you guys. >> steve thanks. the titanic expedition planned for the spring might get the green light after allc. when you join us on the nine, why the government could end its legal fight sparked concerns that it that te wreckage, new environmental findings suggest some retailúgiants areúselling accessories with high levels of lead. >> a close look at the report spand the warning
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ending to southern california. in los angeles, dozens of driverless vehicles will be available for select members of the public who sign up for it.t& the driverless robo taxis will
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only be riding on city streets, not freeways. waymo will cover 63mi!s between santa monica ands across the state have been critical. >> i am deeply concerned that this untested technology is going to city streets. we've had two vehicles actually stop dead in front of fire engines, trying to come out the door of their fire stations toúgo on emergencyt& calls and they've had to cancel themselves and get another engine from further away to go on that call. >> waymo first launched its driverless car service in san francisco back in 2018. the spcompany says they have spent e last year and a half refining the technology to make it safer. well, the texas man, who spent decades using an iron lung after contracting polio as a child has died. paul alexander was 78 years old. he thrived he trained himself to breathe on his own for part of the book
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about his life. alexander built a big following on social media, too, and inspired people around the globe with his positive outlook. he had millions of views on his social media account. >> toxic levels of lead have been detected among some products being sold at major retail chains.úthe center for environmental health investigators went to 63 ross across california, several ofes them here in the bay area. lab tests showed hundreds of the items under a wide range of brand names, had lead levels higher than the consumer product safety commission's limit. >> we absolutely need safer standards. we absolutely need better regulations at the federal level. >> you assume that they theyc safe like their products are spsafe to buy under cal osha regulations. >> specifically, they have an obligation to be aware of when lead exposures are happening and then to conduct testing of their employees and their environments . >> ross sent a statement that said, inúpart, the health and safety of our customers and associates is of the utmost
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importance. we have policiesúin place that require our suppliers to meet safety standards. we'll take prompt action if we learn that our products are not in compliance. >> new this morning, spacex is trying to find its superheavy starship launched into orbit . the rocket blasting off at 625 this morning, pacific time, from a base in south texas, a 390 foot high rocket is the world's largest and most powerful rocket. the starship on board successfully reached orbit for the first time in its third test flight, but spacex now says it lost contact with the spacecraft during its scheduled splashdown in the indian ocean. >> powerball jackpot is now up to $v00 million after last night's drawing, the numbers pulled were 21, 29, 54, 59, 62, and the powerball was four. the next powerball drawing is set for this coming saturday, march 16th, three people won a partial prize when person in georgia won
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the match five power play, winning $2 million. a another is matched all five numbers, taking home $1 million each. was pulled on january 1st. that's when someone in michigan won more than $842 million jackpot from mega millions is estimated to reach $792 million for the next drawing on friday night. no one picked all six numbers in tuesday's drawing, though. someone in maine and north carolina matched five numbers. >> a startling trend on oakland streets. police issue a warning to all drivers to be on high alert for car robberies, even while you're behind the wheel. how criminals are brazenly targeting drivers, and what you another emergency landing for an boeing jet, this time in southern california. >> what went wrong? as it's become the sixth reported incident involving a boeing plane in just the last week, uncertain future.acing ant- >> i feel


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