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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  March 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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showing thieves are growing. pl, postalúworkers are increasingly under attack, being targeted on the job. what the postmaster general says about the troubling trend, and the one bay area case that the uncertain future a decision byn& lawmakers to move one app is iml media influencers here in the bay area. the news at noonn >> thisúis ktvu, fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. senior andúwe begin with'm andr- breaking news in the east bay. a pg a e power outage near
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orinda impacting bart. bart service wastopp but has spsince resumed this was the ree berkeley hillsútunnel. there are major line in the sfo direction because of that iss. now the power outage is also impacting traffic lights in the orinda area. we will continuecc3 f1 and bring you thec information asúit becomes available. >> andc now to the weather seeig across the bay area, you can see breeze now in oakland's jack london square. ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo is here with more on the advisory >> hi there. garcia. yeah, in pt now for a good portion of the bay area. winds have been accelerating over the past 12 hours, and they'llc stick around today and possibly into tomorrof as well. so you can of this wind advisory in place. winds easily from around 25 to 35 miles an hour. if you have stepped outside probably notice
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the change. and in the hills we are seeing gusts around 40 to 6p even approaching 70 miles an hour out toward mount diablo the areas under a wind advisory for the north bay valleys, and also& area hills for area hills.c 11:00 tomorrow morning for the north and the east bay valleys. the advisory isc until 5 p.m. today, butúi will say i'mt& thinking there's a good chance spthat could be extended into tonight or possibly into fridayk around overnight. tonightc into your friday. here's a look at some of the reports. right now, mount diablo has a gust of 46 miles an hour. mount saint helena gusting to nearly 60 spmiles an hour right nown as we check out some more reports here. closer to the surface, vacaville gusting to 41. so it's windyúacross the bay area. the strongest winds, talking about for the higher elevations, oakland airport to . here isl
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as you would expect on the bay waters. so we'reútalking about the strong gusty winds for toda& and possibly into your friday forecastc. but a warming trend s also headedúour way. we'll have more on that with your weather update in a few minutes. >> mark. thank you. now to a presence of cars apparently areg robbed while sitting inside their vehicles. ktvu james torres has more on the warning to the public to be on alert. >> it's a message we've heard time and time again in oakland. >> yeah, the first thingc i say is nothing in your car. some people leave their windowsc lea. >> when you park your car, butt& you might not think about where to put your stuff while you're still in thec car driving. >> it's kind of pretty scary. and, so each time that something like this is happening, a new thing is happening in we do is i
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try to adjust. there's nothing i canc doúas an individual. it jut makes me sad how society has turned to that point. warning you the passenger window to steal what's inside. while you're still in the driver's seat stopped inútraffic, guard near e avenue says he saw it happen firsthand. >> he smashed out a window, grabbed her purse, had the her phoneúfrom her hand? would you believe and they just sped off. and it just makes it it just kind of exacerbates an already bad problem and stuff like that. >> and she was still in the car? >> yeah, she was in the car. >> police say robberies continue to be on the rise in this city. they suggest placing your spbelongings in the trunk of yor car or you drive. the department plans to place more police officers in areas where the smash. >> it's scary. yeah,úyeah, yeah.
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so hopefully it will change. we love oakland, but we got to turn things around here reporting in oakland i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news a worker at a marijuana processing plant in the east bay is being followinga chemical fire. extraction facility in berkeley this morning when a barrel which may have contained working nearby say they heard an explosion before fire and saw tg victim run outside. according tn suffered serious second degree burns toúhis hands, was taken to an emergency burn center in san francisco. >> this is a thc extraction plant lab and somehow one of the barrels 55 gallon drum caught fire, burned theúgentleman's hands, the victim's hands and fire is now out. now they're just doing some cleanup. no >> the cause of the fire isd. under investigation. rise in attacks on postal on the
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workers. it's not only been happening in the bay area, but across the country as well. and the postmaster the sentence fora suspect a san francisco postalúworker was not harsh. ktvu is amanda quintana reports on the troubling being done about it. >> we've been seeing an increase inúpostal carriers being robbed and what criminals are that woue them access to multiple mailboxes. ñ> so the robberies are driving mail theftsl but the mail thefts are happening later. >> matthew norfleet investigatee spuns. postal inspection service before the pandemic, robberies of carriers were rare, and we've got no point now in the last ita it's a daily or weekly occurrence for letter carriers across and across the country. >> despite a crackdown that led to hundreds of arrests last carriers robbedúin 2023 still went up to 643, and the number injuredúnearly doubled to 61.
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postmaster general, louis dejoy, put out a statement after a postal carrier in san francisco was robbed at gunpoint and the criminal was only sentenced to 30 days, he a concerning messagf encouragement toúour nation's criminals and a message of disregard to our loyal public servants who deserve better protection and reassurance that the law will take crimes against them seriously. there's also a new $150,p00 reward just put out yesterday for information spleading to the arrest of video, you can see a man in red sweatpants run up behindúa postal carrier. this is on march 2nd around 3:45 p.m. on euclid avenue in oakland. another angle shows him trying to grab her her and she screams as he runs sort of how the robberyúhappens
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andúwhat effect it has on on hardworking person who's just trying to get people their mail. letter carriers says there have- been at least three more armed robberies since this incidentúin oakland and antioch. the union is supporting the protect our letter carriers act that was just introduced in the house ofe secure electronicc mail boxes as guidelines. amanda quintana, ktvu, fox two francisco is being sued over what some say is a drug crisis in a long, troubled neighborhood, a reportc in the businesses in the tenderloin plan to file a city of toleratig open air drug markets and spcrowded encampments. >>c the suit claims the city has failed to maintain cleart& sidewalks and allowed unsafe crowds to gatherl which has created a. city officials sayúthey'll review and
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respond to the new complaint in court. a bipartisan bill that could ban tiktok in the united states is headed to the us senate after it was spoverwhelmingly approved by the house as ktvu joey horda tells influencers here in the bay area worry the legislation would stop them from doing their jobs as content creators. >> this is i spent a friday in oakland,úandrew de los santos is a professionalúsocial in san francisco. i had one tiktok video that went viral. >> he's againstúbanning tiktok. his clients hire him to do their marketing on social media, including tiktok. the city of oakland recently hiredúhim rest. >ñ i came from san francisco to preview a couple spots for oakland restaurant week for a video that'súfrom one minute to a minute 30s, he charges anywhere from 500 to $2000. >> 25% of his business comes from tiktok, where he has about
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12,p00 followers. >> i think people love the city, mikaela is known as mikaela weinstein on tiktok, where napa valley winery recommendations make up herúcon. >> i was san francisco's union square filled with tulips. >> tensor is hired by several companies to manage their social media. in addition to her own, which she's done professionallys out that tiktok doubles as a search engine bar and type in restaurants in in richmond or restaurants in soma, and you're going to find reviews of those places of like people who have recently been theren tensor believes those restaurants would lose business if tiktokúends up being the plas and would cost her up to $q2,000 a year if banned. >> the importance here is
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protecting data and i think that is think banning this one app is going to address that issue in and of itself. >> she believes lawmakers should find a way to focus on data weln in the sun for many from some. e you get there, you'll likely first have toútrek through an airport. next, we're joined by a spokesperson for one bay area airport with what you can expect , plus a bay area robotics team headed to the world championship in houston. but they might not be able toúgetúthere without your help. ahead. how you can support and l k k at he
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(fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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more than a million passengers from tomorrow through april 15th. joining us live, kaylee spwhat's about to start. thanks for beingc with us, kaylee. >> thank you. garcia.t& >> i know that most local yet ir spring break. when do you expect to see who live here in the bay? >> yes. so most east bayc schoos have their tomorrow the 15th and monday, april 15th. so
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spacross that entire month, we e expecting about a million passengers to pass through the airport. we highly recommend during this busy travel period to arrive at the airport early, soúthat's at least two hours prior to departure for domestic travel and at least three hours prior to departure for international travel. another great tip is toúdownload your airline'súmobile applicationúand enable trip notifications so that you have the most recent spinformation about your travel. we also recommend downloading the my tsa app, where you can see current tsa wait times and also packing tipsúto ensurec tht parking lots to be very busy for recommend going to book oakland- airport .com to book your parking ahead of time. we actually have some special discounts running through the or economy and daily lots recommeno
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book your parking ahead online so that you can take advantage of those discounts. >> i know that little bart connector also works wonders. it's fairly inexpensive. it run& somewhat off, and so it's a great option for people who dongt even want to mess there ag happeningúat the airportúthat year or so?c for those people wo travel in frequently, any sort of construction or changes to the routing, need to know have w concession is at the airport toe about. so we do have new restaurant,úfauci located in terminal two, and that's based on their oakland street side location. weúalso have the okay clubhouse that is open in terminal one, and that is a full service restaurant and bar that airfield. we recommend stopping by there if you have time, actually we do have a new interactive terminal map that's available on touchscreen kiosks throughout the airport, but it's also available on maps dot there
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you can see all of the concession options that are available where they're located and also their hours of place toc go if you're not spent okay. luxury for i'll advice you gave right up at the top. for those who may haveúmissed it fo, we should still arrive at least two hours ahead of our flight time. >> that'sc correct. that is thec current recommendation. >> okay. and for international, it's three. doúmost people i'm assuming most people probably stay domestic for spring break? >> well, that varies a little bit,úyou know, depending on what airline theygre flying. of course, weúhave plenty of flights to latin america withc i would say mostly domestic. up, keely, it's nice to talkrin- with youc kaley. scans from oakland international. happy spring break.t& >> you too.úthank you so much. >> thank you. love that airportt i love it, lovec it, loveúit. wish that one. all right. we're seeing
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strong winds across theúbay area. look at lafayette right n, it's time for check of the forecast. now, we've got some wind advisoriesúup across the bay area. mark tamayo is here with more on that. hey, mark.t& >> yeah, we either have a with. maybe in a isolatedlm winl spotsn but for the most part, yeah, we're talking about those winds accelerating this remains in place. takec a look t some of the stronger winds reportedúso far today. you can see mount diablo 72 miles an hour. cobb mountain, hills, 62 s an the surface. oaklandúairport. you were just talking about the oakland airport gusts so far today hour. so here's the breakdown of the win, for the bay area hills until 11:00 tomorrow morning, out 5 p.m. friday. that northern calia and then the north and the east bay valleys. that's until 5 p.m. todayn but there's a happening. it's a big dramatic
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view of the overall weather pattern. you can see this big circulation out here in the pacific. that's a big area of high developing. so it's keeping us dry and up. but we also have the wind to. tk at the current reports outt-spte gusting to 41 miles an hour, oakland airport gusting to 43 sense here with the mostc this s dry outúthere to you that's wina live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge. i was a bigl big, choppy look bay texture here. soc yeah, the camera shaking afternoon. we'll check out some& actually fairly mild with this trending up and this will anden somewhat into the weekend 60s. so here's what's happening.
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this area of high pressure but o have this area of lowúpressure deepening and headed the pressure difference is setting up that wind for today and also into your friday. it's going to be breezy to windy, but as we move into the weekend, this system wants to move in and that will set the stage for a nice weekend to get outside. lots of sunshine and warm temperatures. here's our forecast model it's shown you tt spoffshore flow here as we put this into motion, those winds spsticking afternoon into early1 morning. so it could be breezy to windy first thing tomorrow morning. and then we gradually scale back on the wind friday. and if you're worried aboutúthe wind weekend, spit actually looks much better. you can see for saturday those winds really back off. change qt for sunshine, lots of 70sc and lots of wind the bay area hills throughout the afternoon hours. and a look ahead. your five day forecast tomorrow should be the warmest day of the stretch a warm
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weekend. temperatures do cool weather to get outsideúif you're goingúto be tired of those winds. we have good news because spwe should have improving conditions by the weekend. ñ> mark. thank you. vice president kamala harris visits anúabortionúclinic in of her appearance and how it's meant to campaign is placing onthe biden- reproductive rights in the r02t presidential race
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can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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wastewater recyclingúservices cl board allowed us into its wastewater treatment facilityc & san lorenzo. the board's 37 trep more than 400 million gallons of wastewater a day. those that have treated wastewater that are run through themc on the subsurface, you get really, really excellent removal of nitrogen, but also metals and emerging contaminants like pharmaceuticals. the water restore the quality of the bays- area's water resources. new at noon, a crisis in women's health during a historic visit to a reproductive health clinic. her visit to planned parenthoodúis t of the vice president's fight it's believed to be the first
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such visit by either a president or vice president. minnesota's spgovernor was among elected her. the vice president said women are emergency care due to new laws being passed across the country. >> i have heard stories of and havec met with women who had miscarriages and toilets, women who were being denied emergency care because the health care providers there at an emergencyf they couldn their state thatt- to prison. >> the vice president also toured the clinicc and met with health care workers. she said she wants to ensure that people dignity and respect. >> some lawmakers in washington are pushing hour vermont senator bernie sanders is among the advocates for a four day week. california senator laphonza butler coauthored. the bill would require employers to pay spovertime after a 32 hours, whe
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paying them as much as they make in 4p hours. bill is supported byc labor unions, including flight attendants, service employees, and auto workers. advocates say that productivity willúrise if the us adopts thec 32 hour week. >> the sad reality is americans now work more hours than other d that technology only benefits spthe these transformational changes benefit working people? >> opponents say the policy would threaten small businesses, which would find it even harder to find enough workers. analysts republicans will get on board to promising results for a newvent- screening option for colon cancer. >> how doctors could soon use a simple blood test to helpúplus r consumers. a new report that suggests two major discount retail chains are of lead
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was forced to make an emergency landing last night in los prepares for a two day hearing about the incident involving a door plugúin january. now from washington. >> it's the sixth incident involving a boeing plane over the american airlinesúflight from dallas, forced to make an emergency landing at lax wednesday night. spokesperson for the carrier says the pilot reportedúa possible mechanical issue with landing. the plane was able to taxi to the gate and the passengers disembarked safely. it comes just days after a united airlines boeing jet turned around mid-flight after leaving sydney, australia. that plane reportedly suffered a mid-air fuel leak on its way to san francisco. and now, a new york times report finds the alaska airlines plane, whose door panel was blownúout mid-flight in january, had been scheduled to undergo maintenance following the voiced concerns about quote, mounting
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evidence of a problem. the national transportation safety boardúwill hold a two day hearing about the incident. this summer, though the agency's to find records documenting who sppreviously performed maintenae verbalc request was made by our investigators for security camera footage to help obtain this information. however, they were informed the footage was overwritten. >> what the ntsb needs to know is precisely what happened.c how did it happen? were they tired? were they fatigued? were they distracted? >> this week, boeing said any employees who have procedures will receive additional training in washington. lucas tomlinson,d bicycling advocates on the sppeninsula are hoping the chp t and run driver who struck a bicyclist happened last thursday at the intersection of polhemus road and ascension drive in unincorporated san mateo. a
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group of bicyclists victim suffered a fractured back and is expected to recover. woman providing first aid to thec asko call 911. >> in the whole commotion, this driver in his gray vehicle, possibly an suv, although the highway patrol says maybe a van turns around and goes right back is not a large neighborhood. we feelúthat heúprobably incident. >> one east bay woman who was targeted by robbers who followed her home, is cautioning others to be aware of their surroundings. surveillance video showsc that woman driving her alamo. about a minuteage int- two masked robbers emerge, one pointing an assault i was being robbed, i just started
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screaming specifically said, i'c a mother, i have children, youtf have a mother and a shock a litt i think the takeaway from this is that we all have to be aware of our surroundings. and when you pull into yourúgarage, don't get out, close your garage and then get into your house. made a rolex watch, wedding rings and a diamond studded cross. the woman ran after the robbers and got a partial license plate. sheriff's deputies later spotted that lexus in orinda, caldecott tunnel. >> the race to fill the seat of retiring silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo is still too closeúto call. the latest results show former sant& spleading with 21% of the vote.e is expected to be one of two candidates on the november ballot. low and joe simitian are still neck and neck on the ballot.úlow leading simitian by 59 votes. >> we will see those numbers change, andúright now, every last vote is being counted. all
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those mail in ballots that came in yesterday was the deadline ag counted. release another batch of results at 5:00 today. >> toxic levels of lead have some retail chains are selling not aware. ktvu jana katsuyamare spoke to the center for environmental health, which issued that report and tells us about the warning for consumers. >> people usually health this wk announced that discount retail spchains ross and burlington hae been selling products with high levels of lead. what we found is shoes, whether they're leather or they're full leather, right? >> disproportionately have high levels of leadn >> kizzy charles guzman is the chief executive and 15 burlingts
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across california, including more than one dozen in the bay area. lab tests range of brand names, had lead levels above 300 parts per million compared to the consumer limit of 100úparts per million for children's items. >>úwe absolutely need need better regulations. at the federal level, you assume that they they're safe, like their products are safe to buy by law. >> california employers also have an obligation to protect their workers from lead. specifically, they have antions- obligation to be aware of when lead exposures are happening and then to conduct testing of their employees and their sp>> robert mutrie is an attorny with the california chamber of commerce. he saysúcal oshaújust passed new, stricter lead regulations last month that including workers with exposurep
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to 50 micrograms of lead, and eight hour shift. so it'ser ant- drastically lower. >> burlington did, but ross sent us a statement that reads in part at ross, the health and safety of our customers and associates is of the utmost importance. weúhave policies in place that require our suppliers to meet applicable product safety and labeling standards. if we learn of allegations that our products are notúin compliance, we investigate and takec prompt action. in oakland, janat& katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news today, labor group held a memorial marking the fourth anniversary of covid shutdowns. >> national group the event thi& silence for the. they say that while some people had the luxury of working remotely, restaurant essential workers and stayed on the job. participants
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shared stories of friends who died during the pandemic. >> he was always just so excited about what life had brought to him that year. he had been fighting to, he get married to his partner. they were moving in together was going to be able to go back to see hist& family in mexico. sadly, the pandemic hit and he go back. >> a south bayc said he supporte federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. it's currently at $7.25. have higher minimums.g ours,t- >> well, to southern california in los angeles, dozens of driverless vehicles will be available forúselect members of spthe public who sign up for it. the driverless robo taxis will only be riding on city streets, notúfreeways. waymo will cover downtown but some officials
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across the state have been critical. >> i am deeply concerned that this untested technology is city streets.nleashed on ourt- >> we've had two vehicles actually stop out to go on emergency calls, andns spthey've had to cancel themsel& and get another engine from further away to go on that call. waymo first launched its driverless car service in san francisco in 2018. >> the company says they year refining the technology toúmake team from east palo alto iscst- headed to houston to take part bots, a community based teamrro team now hasúto raise tens of make it to that big competition. >> so i did this when i was in high school, and it changed my life.
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>> students from ten different high schools meet at this east palo alto garage to create, innovate, and compete in robotics, coach created this workshop in hist& garage for students to design and create robots over a six week period. >> my mentors were super dedicated and iúthink just kind of set a particular standard for me. >> he helped form the hope horizonúeast now, after just fie years of learning and perfectin& preparing to championship forútt time. >> having this amazing opportunity, it's i feel it's for me, but for our whole team. welcome to the final finals. >>úto qualify the robots were a part of a winning alliance at the first robotics competition, silicon valley regional, last weekend. this is our robotúteam& member kevin mendozac. hernandez says he's always been interested in building things, and he
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started honing those skills in middle school with the first loo from legos,úi moved on to thec actual floor team, which is in the, so that got me more into robotics. >> the a fundraising campaign to raise $40,000 to ship equipment 20útem members andúcoaches to the championship. >> yeah, we're hoping that this brings some exposure to the team, too, and that not not just getting folks the kids to houston this year, but inc futue years, having ongoing, sponsors see this team be able to grow and do this every. >> the robots you can help them get there, just go to this story. lamonica peters,for ktvu, fox two news. the passion for the ocean is bringing a group of volunteers together of.
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>> next, we'll introduce you to the members who risked theird lives to keep surfers safe and of wind.úhave a windts oft-spsu- advisory that continues for today and possibly into your frid we wil feet, while skilled surfers
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pushed the limits in the extreme surf in safety team has
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stepped up to help mark tamayo introduces us to the rescue team that's now setting the standard for others around the worldn fireworks >> mavericks always puts on a spshow when big swells trackt& toward the san mateo county coast. each way presents a gamble that rewards skilled surfers with a thrill of a lifetime or severe punishment, spleading to imminent danger. while the amazing rides highlight each surf day, a safety team over the past six years. >> come in here and swap with me. helpc look for someone else. are they >> got oneúguy deep in the pit, at least to the mavericks rescue team was a tight knit group of speight volunteer locals sharina passion for the ocean. energy to learn more about best. >> it's got float material in inside the actual rope. >> we caughtúup with the group r equipment at their base camp. the pillar point harbor, where frank is the team manager. he has been patrollingúthis part of
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thec coast as possible. >ñúevery surf session out there is a trainingúsession for us. so you're right. it is. it does take a certain skill andúa choreography to it,úbut it's ute personal watercraft and rescue sleds on a surf day. >> since mavericksúis a marine spsanctuary, personal watercraft are only allowed under high surf conditions in the winter. while the ocean might resemble chaos, they have a strategy to maneuver in and out of danger. >> when someone does fall and someone's going in for a pickup, we always have someone else shadowing so that if they miss them, else in a position to get them. >> it's intense, but there'sc also, theregs crazy stuff happening but, you know, if you can just keep your, your mental headspace calm and clear and kind of like slowl slow down when everyone else is speeding up. >> each incoming swell is unique in introduces different challenges. preparation never stops. >> we usually don't get much sleep the night before. a big swell and that's just
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watching the windúand the weather and seeing how it develops and all the logistics that go into providing safety while safety crews are working in the very dangerous conditions in the surf zone. >> there's another set of eyes up here on this cliff, providing a very different perspective. meet eric wave spotter. when mavericks is breaking, he hikes up this cliff with camera gear and a radio. >> my running joke is i'm afrai. so i said, how can help out? and they on things. right or down. guy got you spot a loose board. not yet. i'm focused on the sky on the outside. >> after set waves be a lot to . eric paints the he can see. thes constant communicationúwith team members and the harbor patrol. >> we had a set wave come through. it was like six seven waves in the set. and for the guys got taken out.úwell, the rescue guys only thought that there was three guys going through the rocks and i was able to spot fourth guy. they're like, are we clear? i go, nope,
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there's another guy in there, slap up and over boom. >> and then paul, an experienced surfer from san francisco, wasúon the rescue sled after a bad fall on this wave last year. i was so out of breath. i i was just going to let the waves rocks during t, after coughing. >> he realized he was being watched from the beginning. >> they were coordinating where they were going to pick me up. and how and if i was okay and where i was. and it just was like it, it struck me how professional the whole thing was and how honest those guys are. ñ> when the waves go flat, the team stays busy, unified with other local agencies. they lead a free water safety summit every fall to educate the public, and the whole community to casual beach visitors. >> we'll have the patrol boats with theúrescue watercraft with the mavericks water patrol. we'll have air station san
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francisco with a helicopter, and we'll run through some drills. that scenarios should it happen. so we're all better prepared from 2ft to 20ft. >> their hard work is making a spdifference. >> i'm proud of these guysc for sure. 100. just the dedication that they put in, like it's not an easy task, just experiencing those kind of amazingly beautifd deadly waves that come through here is part of what makes us splove what we do. stuff. and, you know, looking at those waves, it's amazing that they're able to, to those dangerous waves, but they're able to know, that that can rol. and then the fall and then they could be in a be a wave just as to, to could ocean, they do it absolutely.
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>> yeah. so yeah, there's your little surf report. well you talking about mavericks for some windy conditions to talk about as well here in the bay area. lots of clear skies but also lots of wind and the a good portion of the bay area. take a look at diablo gusting hour. and the wind advisory for all of these areas hills until w morning for solano county. that's until 5 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. and thenc the north and the east bay valleys until g that could be extended into the evening hours or early tomorrow morning, because we're not going to see those winds completely up and down the coastline and ws are not onlyúfactor here, but dn california as well. here's a lookúreports out there. mount saint helena not showing up on this panel, but earlier had a gust of up to sparound 59 miles an hour. oakld
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you with vacaville gusting to mr 41, oakland gusting to 43 miles an hour and some more reports here, it's still breezy to windy everywhere, but other areas in some areas have the intense winds, especially forc the bay surf, here's our liveúcamera gae park and ocean beach in san francisco, and still lots of clear skies so the rain clouds are out of here, but the winds will remain a part of our forecast for today out there. this is also linked up with a warming pattern. lots of 60s santa 6v, concord 62 andúsan jose 64 degrees. so thi& big area of high pressure has been building offshore and spstrengthening this area of low pressure, kind of diving to the south. the pressure difference sets upúthat northerly wind, and that has been a moving in over 1r hours. so today. basically the same story for tomorrow. in fact, tomorrowt& couldc but the
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winds will off inc is spthe wind forecast model showig youúthe expected wind speeds throughout theúis early friday t does not go away. in fact, we cd still have some gusty conditions out there. and then into friday afternoon we will definitely scaleúback on the wind speeds and that will set the stage for a nice weekend to get it looks just great. weúdo not have any wind advisories for saturday or sunday. highs for this afternoon. upper 60s to the bay area. a little bit warmer for your friday forecast and the weekend looks just great. no. no threat of rain. we're goingc ths throughout the weekendl and temperatures pretty good over theúnext several days weúget a break and the rainfall, but we just have to deal with those gusty conditions out there spfor today and into part of yor friday markn >> thank you. it's a day all about math and some sweet andc savory treats. how the first three digits of a mathematical f
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celebration nationwide.c
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can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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the rocket launched at 625 this morningl pacific time, from a foot high rockets, the world's largest and most first time in its third test flight, orbited for about 40 minutes before losing signal during reentry. the faa says it will investigate all aspects of today's launch and makect& recommendations forúfuture missions. test that looks for dna from tumor cells could spbe a more convenient way to screen for colon cancer, according to a study. the screening shows an 83% success rate. experts say the blood test would also would not replace the colonoscopy, though, but would boost low screening rates and be
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a less invasive way to protect cost about $900 year. there is a new episode out of our talk of of the people and issues important to oakland. this hope, an organization that aims to help american entrepreneurs. >> we were working a lot with a lot of african american companies, and we that we had se challenges that was beyond just the x's and o's and intelligence. we started seeing some paradigm challenges, some behavior challenges that were kind of consistent across the nation with a lot of our african american clients. and so we built this academy to kind of spaddress some that was nana koi hope people, they give away the classes for free online, and they're partnering with help members of the community get a leg up with trying to start their ownc businesses. there's a
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can watch theúwhole conversation with courtney smith and nana kofi antifa on our website and on the fox local app. just go to of the townúor search for talk of the town on the fox local app on your smart >> from pizza getting creative & celebrating pi day. today's date march 14th, 3.14, corresponds t& the first three digits of the mathematical constant. that's the ratio of a toúits diameter tonya j powers has more now from >> pi day is such a fun, silly holiday. it's the one day of the year enthusiasts and pi aficionados. >> march 14th or 314, corresponding to the first thre& digits of pi, constant with a never ending sequence of numbers. it's also one of the busiest days of the c folks looking for any excuse to
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give themselves a sweet treat. it is awesome to have a slice of pie. >> a little reward for doing your that otherwise would be any other day of the year. butúwe get to folks, it's all about the math. >> 3.1415926535 pi has always hadúhave been working for thousands of years to extend some, thursday's annual recital- is >> so it's something aboutúhow my brain processes numbers, and i feel very lucky to share of sd raise money for it, including the nonprofit group which partne to bring the magic of math to >> having an opportunity to build positive relationships withc science with their familie of critical thinkers and this isn't just a designated it back in 2009 to
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spencourage more interest inúmah spand science in new york, tonya j. powers, ktvu, fox two news well, justinútimberlake surprised some of his fans who turned out for his free one night only show at the wiltern in los angeles. >> everything's happening and it's just what imagine that we e you. >> jt got in sync back together last night in. they took the stage to belt out some of their biggest hits, like bye to be myo be me. theyútheir new collaboration, paradise, which is included on timberlake's newc album, everything i thought i was the performance onc stage withúall five band members since their js new album drops tomorrow. he's set to perform in the bay area on may 6th and seventh at sap centerc in san jose. i know a lt ofc people are goingúto be going
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>>úyou know,úit's funny is that those who were there when they bringing theirúkids now, right? like we're old enough to bring the next generation to a concert. >> one once i'm like, wow, i'm this old now. yes you are. and everyone around me, i'm like, we're all the same age. >> here i am, here i am. embracf itn yeah, embrace it. >ñ thank you so much for joining (upbeat music) - [announcer] can you guess what this is? ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ - [announcer] if you guessed stove, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary!" our first celebrity captain you love on "crazy ex-girlfriend." it's a girl's night out with gabrielle ruiz. and with her are alyssa and her husband, zeca. our other celebrity captain is host of "the best podcast ever with raven and miranda". we call her tina because she's simply the best. it's raven symone! she's joined by siblings, chayden and madi. and now, the host of "pictionary," jerry o'connell!


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