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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 16, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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overnight after shots were fired at police officers early this morning, that freeway finally reopened and we're going to have a live report with the latest on what we've learned. the governor's office in san jose mayor resolved funding disputes for a proposed tiny home shelter. details on that agreement and the plans to build 200 homes in north san jose.
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spplus, a major freeway in the east bay is shut down this morning. we'll have details on why and how long that closure is expected to last from ktvu. >> fox twoúnews this is mornings on two. >> and good morning to you. welcome to mornings on two. on this saturday march 16th i'm claudine wong and i'm christien kafton. >> great to be here this morning having you here i always love working with you guys. this is always a fun time. >> and you brought good weather with you yesterday was unbelievable. >> unbelievable. rosemary i went to go pick up my son yesterday at baseball and it was like summer weather. we were all saying, we need to have coolers out chairs. >> i mean, it catches you off guard just a little bit in san francisco. >> nice. it's going to be gorgeous for the saint patrick's day parade today. we do have the nice weather continuing. not quite as warm,úbut we lost the wind, which is a good thing. here's a look over san francisco as well. take a look at that beautiful golden sky. we have a just about 12
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hours ofúsunshine today. as we are getting closer to the vernal equinox. in fact, it is the final weekend of winter. take a& calmed down considerably even calm over santa rosa, novato and concord as we shift to the central and south bay. nice and calmúhere as well. we havec a just a light breeze over towards the half moon bay. nowl as a result of losing that wind in the clear skies overnight, take a look at how much colder we are this morning. santa rosa, you are down by 20 degrees. halfc moon bay down by 11, as well as san jose livermore down by 14. many of us are inland. cities are in the 40s once again in the north bay, 41 in santa rosa. meanwhile san francisco 55. for you at this hour a comparison from yesterday into today. again, we're going to shave those numbers off by just a few degrees. still very nice. still above average. i'll have a look at what we can expect for today. >> coming up rosemary, thank you so much. topping our news in benicia back open this morning. that's after an exchange of
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gunfire between police officersu james torres joining us now to tell james, that helped officers make those arrests. >> yeah, christian, those officers this morning, certainly counting their blessings, spescaping this harm. it all stt 9:00 last night along 780 here in benicia. down in both directions for several hours overnight. in fact, it only just reopened about an hour and a half ago. sphere's what we're learning frm police officers this morning. they got a hit on their license plate reader system, prompting officers to pull a car over on 780. this was between the columbus parkway and southampton road when that car stopped. police say the people inside started shooting at the officers. those officers returned fire. no one was hit. no one was hurt. police then made those arrests and spent several hours overnight looking for a possible third suspect in the median of the freeway. and
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spthey say after reviewing somef that body camera video, police determined there was no third suspect. they to find anyone else. they had everyone in custody that they felt they needed to arrest. now, 780 at this point is now back open in both directions, all off ramps, all on ramps, now accessible at this point as well. we are expecting to hear a more detailed update from police officers and the police department a little later this morning. of course, once we get that update, we will pass it along to you we're live this morning from benicia. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news right now, a portion of 680 in pleasanton is shut down and will stay closed allúweekendúfor a big repair job southbound 680 between 580 and the 680 connector and coupon road shut down last night at 9 p.m. for repavingúwork and you can see there on the map the area that is affected most drivers will no take 580 to 880 or use highway 84 to get around that closure.
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surface streets may also see some extra traffic, as you might imagine, but caltransc says there's a benefit to this full weekend closure. >> by doing a weekend closure, we are able to shrink what would otherwise be three months worth of nighttime closures into one weekend.t& >> now, the newly paved lanes are set to open at 4 a.m. on monday morning. caltrans says with dry weather in the forecast, crews should complete the project this weekend. >> well, a man could soon be tried in santa clara county for a murder committed more than 30 years ago. john woodward has already been tried twice for killing a womanúin mountain view in 1992. bothútrials ended with deadlocked juries. a district court of appeals rulingúearlier this week determinedúthat this latest potentialc trial will not violate the constitutional protection that prohibits people from being tried multiple times for the same crime and will allow him to be retried. in this case, i think the ruling is
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wrong, and it's a very important ruling for this case, and it's something that is not over. >> we continue to fight this issue, this this isn't resolved. this is just a step on a path. >> when you try case that old, it's difficult because evidence becomes stale. witnesses are hard to find, it's not the same as the first time in santa clara county. >> d.a. jeff rosen says he's courtgs decision and looks forward to bringing justice in this case. >> police in oakland hope surveillance video will lead to arrests in a church vandalism case in the city's chinatown neighborhood. vandals have targeted the buddhist church at ninth and jackson streets several times since november. police say they have thrown rocks and bottles at the church, shattering the windows. surveillance video also shows vandals dumping garbage outside of the church. church leaders say they're concerned this vandalism may be a hate crime, and today marks three years
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since the atlanta spa shootings that left eight people dead. six of the victims were of asian descent. there is an event in san francisco today to commemorate the threeúyear anniversary of that tragic mass shooting. it is part of a larger with asian americans. that group is holding events in atlanta, new york city and los angeles. today's event in san francisco will be held at hotel kabuki in japantown from 2 to 5 tonight, and california's statewide anti hate hotline is coming up on its first anniversary. the multilingual hotline and website were launched last year in risen reported hate crimes say it's designed to hold perpetrators accountable and to provide assistance in 15 differented of- languages on the phone and in over 200 different languages online, all users of the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price say they support a manual count of all the signatures they've collected. >> the registrar of voters said late thursday a random sampling
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of the more than 123,000 signatures submitted did not meet the criteria to approve the recall, so the county will have to get an official count manually. about 7s,000 valid signaturesúare needed to get the recall on the ballot. the governor's office and san jose's mayor say they've reached an agreement on a fundingúdispute overúproposed tinyúhome shelter. last year, the governor's office promised to provide 1200 pre-built tiny homes to several cities across the state, including san jose. but last month, the state instead said that it would be sending money to help build the homes rather than build them for the city. yesterday, the mayor and the governor said that plan will stand. the state will give san jose a $12 million payment to build 200 tiny homes. the tiny home community and north san jose is expected to open next year. habitat for humanity says spfor the creation of a new affordable housing development in marin county. pg and e
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donated the nearly redwood boult was at one time intended to be the site of a servicec center. habitat project is completed, it will feature 80 homes that will provide more than 300 low and moderate income people, a place to live.úthat community garden. >> the need is so great. you know when we had 20 homes available, we had over our last project in redwood city. so to be standing here in this communityúwhere the average home price is $1.6 million, and to be able to home ownership to the community, to the county, to the city is just remarkable. >> habitat says that this will help people who work in marin to live closer to their jobs. currently, the majority of marin's workforce live outside of the county. construction is set to begin later this year. >> happening now multiple ac transit lines coming through the
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richmond bart station are temporarily closed. the closure started at six this morning. ac transit says the closure allows for maintenance work on the bart bus bridge. it affects the 72 m bus to jack london square and to point richmond, as well as the 800 line to san francisco. ac transit says the closure should last through 2 a.m. on monday, and bart is receiving $2 million from the u.s. department of transportation as part of its investment in innovation, transportation technology projects. bart says that money will go towards a system that will help people navigate their way through the stations. for example, if an escalator or an elevator isn'túworking, thec system will give riders instructions on how to detour around it. bart is one of 34 agencies across the country receiving the funding, and a potrero hill could soon be thes- new home for a health center. the plans to turn some industrial land into housingúand strategy some are concerned that the initiative might result in increased rates for residents.
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>> that pretty start to the morning, but a much colder start to the morning. i'll have a look at the current temperatures and what you can exp t for your bay wendy's breakfast 2 for $3 is so good, the crew is giving every combination codenames. bis-squared. egg and cheese biscuit and sausage biscuit. 2 biscuits! i'm impressed tyler knew what squaring was... mathletes! no matter what you call it, choose wisely. choose wendy's breakfast 2 for $3.
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on catastrophic catastrophe prediction models. under a new plan, homeowners could earn discounts for protecting their ktvu tom vacar explains, someas critics argue it could lead to higher rates. the california insurance commissioner says he's responding to the challenges by insurers to create reliable, competitive and available homeowners insurance. >> by the end of this year. key to that adopting insurance industry created algorithms that will allow insurers to predict the fire risk down to individual homes. from that, they will set
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individual might happen in the future. under the current system, insurers must justify proposed higher rates based on real loss claims that they have or soon will pay. carl sussman is an independent agent who sells insurance from many different insurers. >> the carriers are signaling that they're cautiously optimistic. they're happy with the first set of regulations under this new plan, homeowners could earn discounts for and landscaping against wildfires. going to be what have you done to make your home safer from wildfires? >> currently, says sussman, upwards of 90% of traditional insurers are writing few, if any, policies at all. so the fair plan, often called the insurer of last resort, has become the insurer of first resort as availability of private insurance companies collapses. >> they are by far the largest insurer that is currently writing insurance policies. they've gone from 7000 brokers
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to over 52,000 brokers 3 or 4 m. >> consumer advocate and lawyer harvey rosenfeld is head of consumer watchdog and author of insurance reform prop 103, passed by voters in 1988. >> the software programs will inevitably allow them to seek far higher rates than are justified. that specifically, would allow the insurance companies to propose these models without public scrutiny. sp>> and there's this there's nothing in this in this regulation that the commissioner issued yesterday that requires the insurance companies to reduce anybody's rates, to sell more insurance to people who they won't sell it to. >> now, insurers argue that these rules are necessary andt& that the commissioner will have the authority to protect consumers. >> tom baker, ktvu, fox two news san francisco is taking steps to
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put the brakes on speeding drivers next year. >> the city plans to install 33 speed cameras in the city's high injury corridors. drivers whose speed will be 50 to as much as $500 for high. each disn the city will get at least two cameras, the way the state law allows us to operate this program is to catch people who are going 11 miles an hour or >> so this is isn't justt.t- slightly going over the speed limit. this is really reckless driving. >> those new speed cameras should all be installed next year. it's part of a five year pilot program along some of the city's, again, most hazardous streets and avenues. oakland and pilot program. to see how that effective those cameras are and should install year. >> all right. time now is 716. we're talking about the beautiful weather. we're now seeing. i was up in tahoe last couple of days yesterday morning on the slopes, though. rosemary, spi will tell you, it was frigi.
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it was so cold and so windy. but by theúafternoon i'm like, oh, there's springtime time ish hoping for. and it did. you almost felt the shift and the change into this pattern that we're seeing now. yes, thankfully. right. the lake wind advisory in the tahoe area, we had wind advisories here. >> and you're right, claudine, it was very cold. so you have to consider the wind chill factor when it's that cold, right? if it's 35 degrees, it could feel like 25 degrees. if you have a breeze, here's a look over is a beautiful start to the day. the winds have definitely calmed down and because they have calmed down, we are a lot colder this morning. the wind helps to kind of shift and stir things colder, dense air to kind of sink into our valley locations especially. so without that wind. this morning we are 10 to 20 degrees colder. here's a look at tracker two, a little bit of the pattern that has shifted in the last 24 hours or time lapse, but you can see this
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high pressure here over areas of canada. you can see the low pressure over the four corners. they were a little bit closer. we had the high pressure pretty much here and the lowúwas closer to southern california. and we were kind of sandwiched right in between. and it was the pressure gradient between those two really kicking up the wind. so here's a look at the futurecast model. the winds continuing to relax for today. but we continue with a little bit of an offshore breeze. and so that keeps us dry n that keeps our air helps to keep our temperatures above average. meanwhile at the surface we have a little bit of a localized onshore breeze. and so that is going to help to bring temperatures down just a little bit. today we have calm conditions over santa rosa as well as nevada. we have calm conditions in concord shifting over towards the central and south bay. more of the same with the lighter winds 54 degrees right now in san francisco, a cool 48 in oakland and ac chilly 43 for you, livermore. but the sun is shining begin to
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rebound. if you're thinking about heading over toúsan it's going to be gorgeous in san francisco. not quite as warm as yesterday, but still very nice. temperatures expected in the low 60s to mid 60s by the parade time and then upper 60s in the forecast for the afternoon the inner east bay, you're looking at 72 in concord. and for the north bay, 70 degrees expected for san rafael. the extended forecast temperatures drift a little bit more on sunday, again. and then back up on monday. tuesday looks just as evening, and then on wednesday, we continue with the partly sunny, partly cloudy dry conditions. right now it looks like we may see spring showers in the forecast by late in the week. back to you, rosemary. >> thank you. the biden campaign pulling out all the stops to win over young voters. how vice president kamala policy as a pivotal election strategy. >> and steph curry could be
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making a comeback from his sprained ankle very soon. we'll have the details on when he's ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started.
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horses behind a bay area music festival has died after several years of battling cancer. hardly strictly bluegrass festival says that one of its producers, greg wynn, died thursday. wynn was 54 years old and a sunnyvale native. he helped organize the hardly strictly festival for the
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last 19 years. before getting involved with the festival, he worked for bill graham presents, the great american music hall venue in san francisco and the radio station kfog. his family would like to thank his caregiver and the harley strictly staff, who helped to support him over the last two years as he battled cancer. well the oakland a's will likely be sharing the coliseum next year. >> two soccer clubs, the oakland or two soccer teams. i should say the oakland roots and the oakland soul got approval from the coliseum their games at them next season.úktvu jana katsuyama spoke with local fans about that announcement and has reaction from the a's on friday. >> the oakland and alameda county coliseum board unanimously approved a new proposal for the oakland coliseum. not baseball, but a different kind of pitch. >> we want to give joy back to amazing sporting experiences. >> idris arghandiwal is a co-founder of the men's oaklandl
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soccer clubs. he says they're excited that on friday, the county coliseum authority voted to negotiate a lease giving the roots and soul soccer clubs a home base at the coliseum next year, just ahead of the bay area , hosting the world cup games in 2026. when as the world's game and you think about one of the most diverse and inclusive communities in the world, it's a perfect fit. the vote comes just one day after the oakland a's baseball team met with the city to negotiate a possible oaklandr this year, and their new stadium is not expected to be readyt& until 2028. mayor shang tao says having the roots and soul will be a win for oakland. >> i just want to thank the jpa and the commissioners for really seeing this as not only a way to generate revenue and to activate deep east oakland, but also a way to bring back that spirit of
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sports to the city of oakland. >> in a statement, the a's said they'll be glad to share the space, saying, quote, we have od and alameda county that we are open to being co-tenants of the coliseum with the roots soul in 2025. we look forward to meeting with the roots soon. community members with save oakland sports say while they still glad to see soccer moving in. >> i was excited actually. it was a i think it's first it was really positive and that's something we need in to play ate oakland coliseum is great. it's a great facility for fans in oakland, jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news and ktvu partners with the roots, and we will air all the oakland roots regular season soccer games on ktvu. >> plus. >> golden state warriors say steph curry will be back in the lineup when golden state the dubs face the lakers in los angeles this evening. the warriors superstar guard
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spsprained his ankle during thet week and has missed the last three games, but curry practiced with the team in los angeles last night. he says he's ready to play with this evening's warriors showdown against the lakers before a national tv audience. >> i'm working hard all week to try to get back as soon as possible, so for a good energy going on. >> we need them. this is a big game. obviously they're all big, but particularly the ones against the teams you know, ahead of us and teams that we, are on the heels of. >> we're here to coach talk about it. the dubs currently in 10th place in the west one game behind the lakers in their fight to make it to the playoffs. well the saint patrick'súday marks 100 years of diplomatic relations between the us and spireland. >> more on why discussions between president biden and a delegation from ireland took a serious turn, and final san francisco's saint patrick's day parade. >> the latest details on today's
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festivities and a quick reminder to you you canc now stream ktvu news using our new tv app. >> you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand that's on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox local pp and select ktvu
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fire with multiple suspects. one manhunt and an emotional homecoming for bay area doctor. after he spent weeks treating patients in war torn gaza. why? he says he's still trying to digest all of the traumatic images he saw from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> and welcome back taking a beautiful look out over the bay bridge in san distance. your tiw coming up on 730. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. >> i'm christien kafton and i'm claudine wong. nice to have you here, christian. >> always a pleasure. >> i'm so excited that the weather is changing. i'm telling you, lay out on my back yard. and, you know, it's been onec of those weird kind of winters. it's beenúso wet here. this year has been very late, and now that they're spfinally getting so, it feels like it felt like winter to some about like almost the skiing is leaving your brain becausec of the window sill weather we're havingúhere. now we're like, oh, is it over? are we? can we enjoy
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some sunshine now? i know, and you know, i do remember coop saying one time, you know, asc e get into the warmer weather like may, june, even though the resorts are open, people have summer they're not thinking abot skiing any longer. so. but yes, claudine, you are not alone in saying that so many people were just in awe of the weather the last couple of days. now we've had the wind, which been a little pesky, but that has since died down. and take a look at that gorgeous calm start to the morning there as the sun is already up and we will have about 12 hours of sunshine as we are so close to the vernal equinox. it comes on tuesday. here's a look at the winds out there right now. light and calm for the north bay, the central bay and the south bay and with that, temperatures are much, much colder. we're down by 20 degrees in petaluma as well as santa rosa. most of us are inland cities in the north bay and east bay. in the 40s this morning, inner east bay, livermore, you're at 43 closer to the bay. temperatures range from mid 40s to mid 50s. here's
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a few more of the inner east bay degrees danville to start your to come down slightly into a ber look at as the rest of the weekend. coming up. >> all right. thank you. benicia police officers that happened in now been arrested. let's go to ktvu james torres, who is live for us in benicia. with more on the technology that helped officers make those arrests. good morning to you, james. >> claudine, good morning to you. it started around 9:00 this morning, and as aúresult, police had a shutdown, 780 in both directions until just about two hours ago, it was shut down all night and overnight. here's what we're learning from police officers this morning. benicia officers say they got a hit on a license plate from their citywide network ofúlicense plate readers as a result, they pulled over a car, and when that car stopped, police say the people inside started shooting
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at the officers and those officers fired back. no one was hit or hurt. but now people who live in benicia are reacting to& the news. they're waking up to, saying they're glad the license plate readers seem to work out.s a few things that havel been kind of opened up from the license plate readers. they've caught a number of people who were, you know, potentially doing burglaries in the area and some other people who had warrants. >> the police made those arrests and spent several hours overnight looking for a possible third suspect in the median of the freeway. but after looking at body surveillance camera video, policeúdetermined there were no other suspects to find. 780 at this point. now back open in both directions readers to their crime fighting they first equipped two squad cars with that technology, and then about two years later, the city bought
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45 more to their citywide network. we are expecting a more detailed update from police officers on this case a little later this morning. once wec have that update, we will bring it to livg ktvu, fox two news.ames torres, ñ> all right. thank you james. well, one doctor is now area afg civilians in gaza for the he sas of patients and saw than he coue possibly imagined. >> ktvuc joy horta heard from hm was reunited with his family.and >> after five grueling weeks apart, doctor muhammadc subuh of saratoga is welcomed home from gaza in a warm embrace by his family at san francisco international airport on friday. i didn't know what to expect going into gaza, but, i realizee
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entering an apocalyptic horror movie. >> the emergency room physician from el camino hospital in mountain view took his life saving skills to gaza, where he says medical personnel are hard to come by. he teamed up with the international medical corps toúhelp civilian viims of the conflict between israel and hamas, putting himself in harm's way. >> there's missile strikes everywhere, with drones constantly overhead, armed with machine guns. >> the traumatic experience was something he wasn't ready for. >> shrapnel would enter our plot of land. >> doctor subhi and his colleagues worked at a field hospital in gaza designed to handle 30 patients a day, but ended up helping nearly a thousand a day. >> i saw more dead babies in the past month than i've in my 12 year career in medicine, doctor subhi did what he could to console the survivors just by
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being there and holding them like his own family did for him. >> after weeks apartl we've been extremely worried about him, as well as worried for all the people in gaza right now. >> to have him back is a it's a relief. >> the san francisco bay area office of the council on american islamic relations says the doctor's efforts highlight the urgent need for global spsolidarity and immediate acti. >> i think it's important for us to wake up to the world aroundt& us. >> joey horton, ktvu, fox two news. >> the united states and are making 100 years of diplomatic relations this year, this saint patrick's day weekend. yesterday, president biden and other u.s. leaders invited a delegation from ireland to the white house. this iscúusually a lighthearted event to celebrate saint patrick's day, but this year, the wars in gaza and ukraine were top of leaders. both u.s. and irisht- >> we're standing together to support ukraine in the face of putin's onslaught and the
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savagery. >> i was thinking to talk about the situation in gaza as well. you know, my, my view that we need to the cease fire as soon as possible, to get food andc medicine in, to get the hostages out. >> well, you heard there the irish prime minister has repeatedly called for a permanent cease fire in gaza, citing ireland's own history with imperialism and occupation. president biden only supports a temporary cease fire to ease the humanitarian crisis for palestinian civilians in the region. a grammy nominated rapper, fat joe, joined vice president kamala harris for a roundtable on marijuana policy multi-state swing, as the president's reelection efforts pick up steam. fox news correspondent conor hanson more when it comes marijuana us. >> rapper fat joe says it's time to lean back. >> when the vice president calls me, i vice president bringing together kentucky's governor, andy beshear, and people who have been pardoned for marijuana
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convictions. harris, highlighting the administration's work on criminal justice reform. more broadly. >> the president and i have addressed inequities through implementation of long overdue criminal justice reforms. one is we have now and recently announced making small business administration loans available to previously incarcerated individuals. >> about half of u.s. states allow recreational marijuana the biden administration has pushed for governors to pardon state offenses. back in 2022, governor beshear announced that possession could apply for pardons, but the administration wants to see even more changes justice to reassess how marijuana is classified. >> president biden has also brought up marijuana laws in his state of the union address. and again on the campaign trail, no one should be jailed for just
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using possessing marijuana and staying on the record. vice president harris several stops this week, speaking on topics like reproductive rights. as november approaches, the campaign is signaling its top issues in news well, happening today. >> we are now just hours away from the start of san francisco's 173rd annual saint patrick's day parade. come more than 10,000 people are expected to attend today's festivities in downtown kicks off at second an, and we'll head down towards civic center plaza. after the starts around two this afternoon at civic center plaza and new research shows a recent change in the way people celebrate saint patrick's day. a study found that parties and other events that used to go all night and into the early morning hours
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are now starting and ending much earlier and researchers found younger americans are driving that trend on saint patrick's day. >> gen z young people have really embraced wantingúto bring people together, get their communities out, but do it at a respectable time. so you're seeing a lot of events kick off at one, but wrap at 8 p.m, so wrap early so people get enough time to get some shut eye. >> however, the holiday still remains extremely popular even with those new hours. an estimated saint patrick's day this weekend. and i love this idea of starting early and ending early. recovery is a real thing. >> i was just going to say, boy, 8:00 is kind of like, i don't kn make it all the way to 8 p.m. spand 20 year old me is probably looking at me like, what are you talking about? but to me, if i go to 8 p.m, well, i think it's interesting that the younger people are celebrating it too, because they recover faster.
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>> but listen, i think you know, especially early morning hours, if you work the next day or you want to enjoy something the next day, enjoying it earlier chanceg that. >> claudine, there was a time that i could do it. that time has that time has passed. i will say one final note. i covered the saint patrick's day paradec in san francisco for years. as you well know, i've covered it for years. it is a fantastic parade. it's one of the city's. it's really one of the fun. >> you are not theúonly one who says that. and so that's why the thousands will be there today and perfect weather for it as well. all right, time now is 740. a new clinic opening in santa clara county to address tn medical care. >> and a bay area doctor is breaking barriers in globalt& health care. the revolutionary work she's doing overseas is to save lives and a splendid weekend in storeúfor all of those saint patty's day festivities. >> i'll have a look at what you can expect for your
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my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box!
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mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! earlier this month that, they say, highlights the fact that the hazards of their job now goes beyond just battlingúfires. they say a firefighter was assaulted and injured while responding to a call at the
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santa clara county juvenile hall, and then two days later, they say someone broke into a firehouse on east santa clara street and stole equipment and personal property. authorities are investigating the death of an inmate at a san mateo may hae committed suicide. officials say the unidentified, 46 year old inmate was found unresponsive in his cell during a routine check yesterday afternoon. the sheriff's department says life saving measures were taken by facility personnel, but the man was pronounced dead at the of death is unders say the caus- dollars in waterfront improvements completed by late 2026. the city is trying to encourage public access to the sacramento-san joaquin river delta area for recreational activities, so the plan is to improve central harbor park and the parking lots that are located along the waterfront. upgrades will include new park features, a fish cleaning station, improved paths of travel and tourist targeted signs with viewing benches. that work is being funded by $3.7
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million of grant money. ñ> there's going to be a lot of construction in san francisco's construction projects include- tearing up roads to replace water and sewage pipes and burying overhead lines underground. those infrastructure upgrades are part of a large are largely funded rather by the federal government as part of an inflation reduction act. now,úucsf is reportedly in talks to open a new clinic is reporting that ucsf is looking at opening a precision cancer center and health tech incubator in the potrero hill neighborhood. the clinic would be part of the development of the potrero power station. the city plans to turn what used to be industrial land into mixed housing and commercial development. the details are would have to be approved by the uc board of regents. >> time now. 746. time to talk about our weather and our changing weather. meteorologist rosemary oroczo watching it all& for us. >> glorious out there. it's the
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final weekend of winter and it definitely feels more like spring. although we will get into some spring into the week , so enjoy what is outdoors right now. although if you're stepping out a lot colder this morning, here's a beautiful view over san francisco the golden gate bridge plenty of sunshine. we have lost the wind, so it feels much better in the way of we don't have that brisk, blustery weather to start the day. but as spa resultúof the calmer spconditions we've got chillier conditions to start the morning with some of us in the 40s, we'll take a look at your numbers on the back side of the forecast here. let's take a look at what is going on there for today. we do have high pressure that has shifted just a little bit farther north. we've that wd over southern california. and arizona now shifting farther inland as well. and so the pressure gradient allowed to relax right over areas of california andúwith that the winds have calmed down. lake tahoe also had a wind advisory on the lake yesterday that expired. and so lake tahoe
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looking goodn i'll have that forecast for you in just a few moments on the winds where weúhave calm conditions. santa rosa, novato, concord, just a light breeze. napa and areas over oakland. if i put this into motion for you, you'll notice as weúget into the afternoon, we do get that diurnal wind that we typically get in the afternoon. here's a stop at 4 p.m, and it's a little bit of an onshore breeze. so that isúgoing to cool things down just a little bit across the bay area, especially right along the coastline where yesterday in the low to mid 70s today, areas like pacifica, half moon bay expected to be in the mid to upper 60s across the bay area right now a chilly 154 degrees in san francisco. that's one of the warmer spots in the north bay. 42 in napa, inner east bay 43 to start your morning in livermore and for the afternoon today, we'll go upper 60s in san francisco in the north bay, 70 degrees in napa, low 70s for the inner east bay of concord and in the south bay 73 over san jose. so very mild weather. the peninsula is looking good as
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the sunblock if you're getting out to enjoy the day. maybe festivities celebrating as saint patrickgs day in the city. meanwhile, over towards tahoe this morning it is a bone chilling cold. truckee 21 degrees at this time. south lake tahoe reporting a 24. getting into the afternoon. it will be a cool day but a nice day. low 50s in the forecast today, only slightly better for tomorrow, but dry conditions, sunny light as well. the extended forecast temperatures will fall off just a little bit more for your bay area sunday, then back up on monday. tuesday the vernal equinox arrives into the evening hours. we're dry on wednesday, but right now it looks like late in the week, scattered showers could be a possibility. back to you, rosemary. >> thank you so much. we month, highlighting a major stride in the medical world. a transplant hepatologist in sanúfrancisco is making international history by starting a liver transplant
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program in her native country in ethiopia, a person dies every 35 spminutes from liver disease. >> theúdoctor and a team from sutter health recently traveled to the east african country for a medical mission trip. ktvu crystal bailey talked with the doctor about her life saving work. >> doctor yimam is making international medical history to prevent rejection of a liver. as the medical director for the autoimmune liver disease program at sutter health cpmc, she's one of four u.s. trained ethiopian born transplant hepatology artists, and she's lost family of her own to liver disease and witnessing how people are suffering and dying from a liver disease that could be preventede significantly to go back and help. >> so with help from a team built by transplant surgeon assad hassoun, they went to saint paul's hospital in, the ln the heart of the nation.
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>> i'm very grateful for my colleagues to make this trip real. they trained ethiopian surgeonsúand nurses and performed complicated surgeries and procedures. >> we did three liver section and two whipple's. >> yeah. the team also donated $70,000 worth of medical supplies and equipment. >> i hope that i can add value to them by bringing knowledge, but i always learn all working to create the first liver transplant program in ethiopia. >> the liver transplant is life saving. imagine how many people are dying of liver disease without having access to complicated liver surgeries. >> this summer, the group plans to welcome staff from saint paul's here in san francisco to exchange expertise. but this was a great, >> doctor yimam offers this message to young women and immigrant physicians. >> i want this story to be a motivation for others that we can make.
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>> the team from to send a largr team back to ethiopia early next year, with the plan of establishing a fully formed liver transplant program in ethiopia by the end of 2025. in san francisco, crystal bailey ktvu, fox two news, a federal agency, is stepping in to help fix the infamous mcdonald's ice cream machines. >> the legal exemptions needed to pave the way for smoother ice spcream service. >> and it's happened again. another problem in the skies. this time it was a united airlines boeing plane flying out of sfo. it lost an external panel before landing safely in oregon. in our next hour, we talk live with an aviation expert on the list of incidents that just keeps look outside att sunrise. >> absolutely glorious. outside this morning. a beautiful day yesterday. we'll have more on how shape up and when. you might actually see me rain
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ plagued with sex abuse scandals. it is the first time a judge has demanded such oversight in the history of the federal bureau of prisons. the special master will be appointed by the court to identify problems at the prison, come up with solutions and ensure judicial orders are spcarried out fairly. it comes after a lawsuit against fci
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dublin by women incarcerated ate sexually assaulted and retaliated against for speaking out. attorneys representing the women say they're encouraged. >> it's absolutely warranted. you know, we were we brought this caseúbecause so, you know, in support of the many, many, many people at dublin, who have told us and continue to tell us that they are not safe. and we, you know, know that that this kind of outside accountability is needed. >> eight correctional officers, including a former warden, have been charged with sex crimes. seven of them have been convicted. attorneys say the judge agreed that even though risk of sexual abuse is ongoing. and they say officers are intentionally retaliating against people who speak up or file complaints. >> and theyúdo this by throwing, dublin residents by taking away their access to family visits,
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by denying them access to day to day goods. and the court agreed that that is ongoing.t& >> she's been really try and get her early release credits and, she's been dealing with some and fbi agents raided the prison earlier this week. >> the warden and three other top officials were removed. ktvu has been following this story for more than two years, since we first interviewed incarcerated women who spoke ouc about the abuse. a spokesperson for the federal bureau of prisons declined to comment on the appointment of the tsa is es facial recognition technology to nearly 30 airports across the country, but there are security concerns over the new system storing data without consent. some of the travelers say they don't mind because there's already video technology everywhere. others, though, think it's too much. since its debut, some elected officials and privacy advocates have been
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critical of the facial recognition going with this? how do you know you're getting rid of it before someone is stealing that data as well? americans are very concerned that this is another step. a big government assessing our personal data. >> tsa officials say they are not retaining. data, but they say they're collecting data at select airports from volunteers to improve the technology. >> a well known home and office safety company has issued a recall of nearly 30,000 fire alarms. honeywell says the recall involves some alarms usen residential apartments and commercial buildings. the company found evidence that off during a fire due to ao got- faulty sound. system. more information on this recall is available products safety commission's website. >> the federal government wants to help customers at mcdonald's get their dessert. the federal trade commission and the department of justice are
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pushing to make it legal for fast food restaurant owners them machines fixed more easily. the agencies are seeking a copyright exemption that would allow business owners to use a third party to repair the equipment for franchise owners say they lose more than $600 per day in sales due to broken down soft yourself might be your only if w survey by onepoll 48% of respondents like it better when they sleep in a bed alone, compared to sleeping with their partner. more than a third sayt& they like it when their partner isn't home, so they don't have to share that bed. and more than 4 in 5 people say their partner's sleep habits wake them up throughout the night. the worstúdisruptive habits by partners are snoring, scrolling their phones and getting up to use the bathroom. and of course, hogging the covers.
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>> well, this morning we are following developing news in benicia. interstate 780 was shut down for several hours overnight after shots were fired at police officers. we have a report with the latest on what we learned and the governor's office and san jose mayor resolve funding disputes for a proposed tiny home shelter. details on that agreement and the plans to build 200 homes inúnorth san jose, plus a major freeway in the east bay, is shut down this morning. we're going to tell you why and how long that closure is expected to last from. ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning to you. let's fa live look at the oakland estuary as an absolutely spectacular morning emerges in the bay area. the sun is shiningn you can see the san francisco skyline there in the goingt& to be a gorgeous day. good morning to you and welcome to mornings on two. on this saturday, march 16th, i'm claudine wong and i'm christien
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kafton and i have subscribed to the claudine wong theory of never not cold. >> so this warm weather splove. >> i don't like being cold, but i don't like being oh, you can r me. i lived in arizona for three years. loved it. 117 degrees. it's a little warm. it's a little warm. can take it away. >> 117. >> we're nowhere near 117. but boy, yesterday it felt summer weather out there. it was fantastic, i loved it, i know so amazing and so many people saying the exact same thing and we lost the wind finally. >> so that'súgood news as well, by the way. still thinking about that sleep study that you talked about. >> we have so much to talk about. >> with that, i can't help but think of i love lucy, you know, like when they had the twin beds. yeah right. something they may have been on to something. sleep is important. yes, it sure is. good morning, all of you. how about a beautiful look over lake tahoeúthis morning? where spwow, i would love to be there. but i tell you what, they are in the low 20s this morning, so
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chill in the air for us as well- as the windsúhave calmed down and very light to gentle breeze out there in some areas. but because of all that calm air condition that we are experiencing, we are a lot colderc this morning, down by 2& degrees in the north bay of santa rosa for the inner east bay, down by 12. in livermore, temperatures range from low 40s to low 50s. san francisco cominm spots this morning, but take a look at the north bay santa rosa. you're struggling at 40 degrees. meanwhile, for the afternoon, we do expect another nice one. not quite as warm as yesterday, but still well above average in most areas. 72 for santa rosa today, 73 expected in san jose. a better look at tot& the afternoon highs for the entire region, plus what we can expect for the rest of the weekend. coming up, rosemary,t& thank you so much. >> we are following overnight news interstate 780 and shooting that happened in the middle nigu
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james torres joining us now to tell us about the technology that helped officers make this started around 9:00 last night. >> and as a result, benicia police say allúof 780 in both directions had to be shut down overnight. and it didn't reopen until about 530 this morning. here's what we're learning from police. benicia officers say they got a hit on their license officers to pull a car over whe& that car stopped. police say the people inside started shooting at the officers, and those officers fired back. no one was hit and no one was hurt. people who live in benicia are now reacting to the news. they're waking up to, saying they're res seem to work. >> i think they helped. there's a few things that have, been kind of opened up from the license plate readers. they've caught a number of people who were, you know, potentially doing burglaries in the area and
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some other people who had warrants. >> police made those arrests and spent several hours overnight looking for a possible third suspect in the median of the freeway. but they say after looking at body camera videol they determined there were no other suspects to find. the 780 freeway is now open at this point in both directions, benicia added. license. plate readers to its crime fighting arsenal back in 2019, equipping it to two police squad cars. they've since added more than 40 cameras citywide, and they say that they are expecting to give us a more detailed update on update, we will bring in benicis torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, right now a portion of 680 in pleasanton is shut down and it's going to stay closed job. southbound 680 between 580 and the 680 connector. and qanon road shut down at nine last
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night for repaving work. take a look at your screen and you can see the map of the affected area. there are multiple detours in place. most drivers are going to have to take 580 to 880 or use highway 84 to get around that closure. surface streets may also see some extra traffic, but caltrans says there is a benefit to this full weekend closure. >> by doing a weekend closure, we what would otherwise be three months worth of nighttime closures into one weekend. >> the newly paved lanes are set to open at 4 a.m. monday morning, caltrans says, with dry should complete the projectewst- weekend. >> well, a man could soon be tried in santa clara county for a murder committed more than 30& years ago. john woodward has already been tried twice for killing a woman in mountain view in 1992. both trials ended with deadlocked juries. a district court of appeals ruling earlier this potential trial would not violate the constitutional
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protection that prohibits people from being tried multiple times for the same crime, and will allow him to be retried in this case. >> i think the ruling is wrong, and it's a very important ruling for this case, and it's something that is not over. we continue to fight this issue, this this isn't resolved. this is just a step on a path. >> when you try case that old, it's difficult because evidence becomes stale. witnesses are hard to find. and, it's not the same as the first time. >> santa clara county d.a. jeff appellate court's decision andhe looks forward to bringing justice in this case. sp>> police in oakland are hopig surveillance video will lead to arrests in a church vandalism caseúin the city's chinatown neighborhood. vandals have targeted the buddhist church at ninth and jackson streets. several times since november. police say they've thrown rocks and bottles at the church, shattering the windows. surveillance video also shows ls
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say they are concerned that the vandalism may be a hate crime. and today marks three years since the atlanta spa shootings that left eight people dead. six of the victims were of asian descent. there is an event today in san francisco to commemorate the three year anniversary of that tragic mass shooting. it is part of a larger event by the organization stand with asian americans. that group is holding events in atlanta, new york city and los angeles. todaygs event in san francisco will be held at hotel kabuki in japantown from 2 to 5 tonight, and california's statewide anti-hate hotline is coming up on its first anniversary. the multilingual hotline and website were launched last year in direct response to the rise in reported hate crimes across the state. officials say it's designed to hold perpetrators accountable and to provide support for those victimized by hate. the hotline offers assistance in 15 different languages on the phone and in over 200 different languages online.
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>> organizers of the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price say they support a manual count of all the signatures they've collected. the registrar of voters said the late thursday or said late thursday, rather, that a random did not meet the criteria to approve the recall, so the county will have to get an official count manually. about 73,000 valid signatures are needed to get the recall on the ballot, says san jose's mayor say they've reached dispute over a proposed tiny home shelter last year, the governor's office promised to provide 1200 pre-built tiny homes to several cities across the state, including san jose. but last month, the state said instead thatúit would be sending money to help build the tiny homes rather than build them for the city. yesterday the mayor and the governor said that plan& give san jose a $12 million payment to build 200 tiny homes.
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the tiny home community in north san jose is expected to open next year. >> access to health care can be a challenge in some ofúthe bay area's more rural communities. yesterday, santa clara county officially dedicated a new facility in morgan hill to help meet that need. the south county santa clara county, and doctors say a lack of easy access to health care is just one of the many reasons why some people with thec greatest need do not seek treatment. >> it's very important for patients to be able to have primaryc care, to have preventative care, to be able to know ahead of ahead ending up ie spemergency room that they've gt some medicalc condition that we can treat and keep stable. an a, including primary care, general surgery, ob gyn and other specialties that will open in the months ahead. the new facility opens on monday. >> muni busses in san francisco should runc smoothly for the net few weeks as the city wraps up
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its latest fix it week, mayor london breed says crews have worked to repair equipment and restore tunnel lights, replace worn tracks and more all along the market street muni line. since the startúof fix it week last friday, the mayor says that workers have done 30 days worth of maintenance in just the last seven days. the mayor also says past work has reduced long subway delays by 76, and short delays by 89. >>úwell, happiness should be the priority behind new california laws andúpolicies. the new committee, aimed at making people smile over those policies. thatgs ahead. >> and boeing hit with a fresh wave of bad press in recent days due to a series of high profile incidents coming up, we'll dive into the turmoil with a local aviation expert and a live look outside our doors this morning. >> we do have a nice forecast in store for this final weekend of winter. i'll ave look at
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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incidents have been reported even just in this past week. just yesterday, a united airlines boeing plane flying out of sfo lost an external panel before landing safely in oregon. and that is just the latest incident. there's been a long list. joining us now to talk about these recent incidents is
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causing concern aviation expert mike mccarron. thanks for joining us. good morning. so i hear this and it's another one. that's what it feels like. another one. another one. another one. never the same problem. which maybe if it was the same problem we'd be like okay this is an issue they're going to address. but we've had external panels. we've had door plugs, we've had all of the above. how do you see that in terms of concern about what's happening industry wide and specifically with boeing, i think industry wide, there's an issue of lack of inspection and >> there have been or 5 years ago, the federal government startedc cutting back on the number of inspectors during the pandemic. airlines cut back on their workforce. and when they started to ramp up again, many of them didn't rehire or they got younger people in because older people retired. so i think there's a lot of factors. the answer may be d all of the above. all these factors are coming together at once. >> so the domino effect of saying if you do this, you might not see the immediate impact, but you cut staffing and down the line as these planes come off the line. this is where we're going to see the impact. the question people have first
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and foremost is how do we trust when we get on these planes that they are safe? >> they are safe. they're very safe. i looked up the statistics this morning. in the past several years, you can count the number of commercial aviation fatalities on one hand, and driving your car is far more dangerous. there's 40,000 people spkilled every year driving a c. now, theúaviation industry has to have the highest standards because it's the most it's the most risky way to traveling. so there's a counterbalance. they have to follow through and make sure being said, we're seeing the domino effect now of the staffing. so will we see safety domino effects happening that we don't anticipate? because those statistics are based on? before we had all of these different cutbacks, hopefully notn >> hopefully the faa, the ntsb are now on the on on looking at these boeing, the major carriers are now looking at it more closely. but there is an issue of outsourcing work where they used to be done in-house by their local mechanics. it's now going to not just outside the bay of the bay area or normal
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operations, but outside the country for maintenance with different regulations, different regulations. so now you have to start looking at what do you want to bring that back in. and there's anc associated cost with that as well. >> now also you know the door plug was obviously an immediate safety issue that people are seeing. you know, when you've got people inside a plane and the outside is inside and you've got pressure and things, at the picture there. that's an obvious that cannot happen. these other issues, you can't have wheels falling off planes and dropping on onto cars, and you can't have external panels falling off. but should we be looking at these incidents differently in terms of like when one passenger looked out the window and said, there'sl theregs, you know, some maybe important screws missing from the wing. and, you know, the airlines are telling us that's fine, that's fine. you know, like, we can still land safely. like, how do you look at it as someone who worked for a long time at sfo and was in the navy, and you have a different eye for this, how should >> the airline history as a whole should have a zero defect mentality. there should be no exceptions to anything. there
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should be no screws missing. there should be no. >> that's how it feels from where i'm that should be the goal, the reality is, is that they are profit, you know, driven industry just like any other commercial industry. so how can we get from point a somt hiring. as i said they're hiring junior people. and the more senior more of the obvious things or maybe it's benign, the obvious things, but the more subtle things and call those question. so i think it's going to take time to ramp up where you have more experienced inspectors, more experienced maintainers, all these things have to come together. but in the meantime, the faa, ntsb, all the regulators have to really be on top of the airlines. airlines have toúbe on top of themselves to make this system work. >> do you get the sense that that is happening? i mean, is this an industry in crisis? this isúnot this is the about when it comes to the airline industry. we're talking about a shortage of pilots. we're talking about a shortage of air traffic controllers. we're talking kind of industry wide. are we heading
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in the rightúdirection or are we still kind of dealing with the magnitude of what this industry >> there is a there is a sea change right now. and the airlines, as i said earlier, are the air carriers. the main the construction people like boeing and airbus. they have to adapt to the changing environment and they of series of minor incidents is getting their attention. so hopefully they'll make these corrections now. so in the long terme we go back to where we were and there's no incidents whatsoever. >> do you feelc like there's enough pressure political and otherwise, and from the traveling public to make that happen image that boeing has right now, years ago when i motto saying, if it's not be a boeing, i'm not going. they were the gold standard of whatever wy on that's been tarnished out int of this quickly, hopefully they'll this is a great wake up call for them, but it still remains to be seen if they can make that adjustment. >> and competitors like airbust& are looking to make sure that theygre in. if that boeing
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reputation gets tarnished, mike mccarron, i appreciate you coming in and always appreciate your expertise. thank you. rosemary. let's talk about the weather. there's lots to talk about there as well with changing conditions that we i think we are all welcoming at this point. >> yes. and as we look to the sky, we do have plenty of blue overhead. in fact, get a load of this shot. my goodness. lake snow on those mountains. we have blue sky overhead. we have calm conditions. we have very cold conditions. low 20s this morning reported from south lake tahoe into to truckee. but wow that is a gorgeous shot. a storm tracket couple of days we've been nestled in between this high pressure that's to the northúof us. we have low toc the south of us. they are finally separating a little bit more, allowing the winds to relaxc. and that is why we finally began last night ando remain with just light winds for the rest of
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are going to see the possibility of fog the coastline. take a look at what's going on here. the time stamp is 7:00 this evening. sunsets about 715, 716 theseúdays and we've got some fog there trying to this stands correct, weline. if- are actually going to see itt& inside the bay for tomorrow morning. so tomorrow morning is going to be a different day in the way of a little bit more cloud cover to join us as we start and then it pulls back and we enjoy a mostly sunny day, but by the evening hours, once again that fog is expected to return towards the coastline. checking in on the winds. we have calm conditions. we have a light breeze in fairfield right now, but it's gentle. nothing like what we saw yesterday. yesterday i was clocking winds 35 40mph at the airports near our bridgesn temperature wise, because we are so calm, we are a lot colder this morning, 47 in novato. for you're checking in at 45. if you're going to theúparade today, it's goingúto be gorgeous. san francisco already in the 50s at this time and into
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the afternoon. we'll stop it sphere at 1130, where we do expt low 60s, upper 60s in the forecast for the second half of francisco, that's bay, 70 degren napa, inner east bay. you're looking at some good weather here. concord, livermore 72 for you expected the extended forecast here. notice temperatures drop off a little bit more getting into your bay area sunday. if you're going to be out and about celebrating saint patty's day, it's just going to be a nice one. temperatures are going to remain above average for this time of getting into monday, tuesday we have the vernal equinox 8:06 p.m. so the final hours of winter and spring arrives by tuesday night and then into wednesday. partly cloudy and dry. right now it looks like our first opportunity at spring showers will come late in the week. back to you. >> okay. thank you. rosemary, a financial aid deadline is fast approaching for legislative action that could extend that deadline. >> and steph curry could be making a comeback from his sprained ankleúvery soon
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8:23 am
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festival has died after several years of battling cancer. hardly strictly bluegrass festival says that one of its producers, greg wynn, died thursday. wynn was 54 years old and a sunnyvale native. he helped organize the hardly strictly festival for the last 19 years, and before getting involved with the festival, he worked for bill graham presents, the great american music hall venue in san francisco and the radioústation kfog. his family would like to thank his caregiver and the hardly strictly staff whoc supported him over the last two years as he battled cancer. the golden state in the lineup when golden state faces the lakers in l.a. this evening. the dubs superstar guard sprained his ankle during the team's los, and has missed the last three games. you can see steph there, but curry practiced with the
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team in los angeles just last night. he said he's ready to play in this evening's warriors showdown against the lake show before a national tv audience, working hard all week to try to get back as soon as possible. >> so it's nice to be back with the team forúa good energy going on. >> we need him. this is a they', but particularly the ones against the teams, you know, ahead ofúus and teams that we are on the heels of. >> yeah you heard coach kerr talking about it right there. the dubs currently in 10th place in the west. one game behind the to the playoffs.fight to make it >>úsome cashew nuts are being taken offúthe shelves in about 30 states due to undeclared allergens in those products. the great value brand honey roasted cashew nuts that are sold at walmart have been recalled. the eight and a half quarter ounce honey roasted containers with a july 2025 expiration are actually coconut, the fda says. the cans of cashews were during
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dangerous allergic >> the federal government, now wanting to step in and help customers at mcdonald's get their desserts. theúfederal trade commission and the department of justice are pushing to make it legal for fast food restaurant owners to have their broken ice cream machines fixed more easily. the agencies are seeking a copyright exemption that would allow business owners to use aúthird party to repairc the equipment franchise owners say they lose more than $600 per day in sales due to broken down soft servet& machines, well, sleeping by yourself might be your only effective solution for getting rest. >> if your partner disrupts your sleep. schedule a new survey by one poll of 2000 americans found that 48% of respondents like it better when they sleep in bed alone, compared to sleeping with their partner. more than a third say they like it when their partner isn't home, to share a d more than 4 in 5 people say their partner's sleep habits wake them up throughout the
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night. the worst disruptive habits by partners are snoring, scrolling the smartphone, getting up to use the bathroom, and dominating those covers. >> a bay area doctor who went to gaza to help civilians is now back home. up with him at the airport shortly after he landed. what he says about the life changing experience and hundreds of people wearing sleep masks and using yoga mats to take a collective nap. the reason why just ahead if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg.
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well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine and best-in-class standard torque. and the chevy silverado hd with up to 14 available camera views. do more in a chevy truck, get yours now. get $5000 total value on silverado ltz & high country models when you trade in an eligible vehicle. or during chevy truck season, get as low as 0.9% financing on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. chevrolet. together let's drive.
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for hours, plus a section of weekend long. the expectedllt&t- impact on city streets and how to get around that closure. >> from ktvul fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> welcome back. taking a look out over the san francisco bay.n this beautiful, beautiful sunday morning. welcome back. i'm christien kafton. welcome to ktvu mornings on two and i'm claudine wong. >> thanks for having you here, too. >> i'm always thrilled to hang out with you ladies. >> yes, always. >> always a fun time. >> it's always nice to have you here. always nice to talk about
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nice weather as well. and rosemary has got lots to talk aboutúon that front. ñ> oh my goodness, what a gorgeous weekend for those saint patty's day festivities. we do have mostly sunny skies to start the day. good morning to all of you. the winds are lighter with that calm condition out there. we are looking atúa chillier start toúthe day. a beautiful view into san francisco, where we have mostly clear skies, may see a little bit of fog develop a later today along the fall off, some from yesterday's- highs. although still going to be above average right in areas near napa, we're seeing winds to about seven miles per hour. a very gentle breeze in at three. meanwhile, temperatures perhaps the big story this morning. we are down by 21. in santa rosa, down by 13 in east bay. livermore you are down by 12, coming in at 45 degrees right now as well as palo alto and in the north bay, santa rosa stuck at 40. we will begin to rebound now without the sun is up and shining. the winds are light and for the afternoon temperatures again expected to come down by a few degrees, but
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spstill be well above where we should be for this time of year in most areas. santa rosa, you're looking at 72, afternoony and the rest of the weekend. coming up in just a little bit okay. >> thank you rosemary. well, right now a portion of 680 in pleasanton is shut down andúit will stay closed all weekend for between the 580 and 680bound 68- connector and coop and road shut down last night at 9 p.m. for repaving work. but there are multiple detours, as you can see there on your screen. most drivers will need to take 580 to 880, or they can use highway 84 to get around that closure. keep in mind, surface streets may also see that extra traffic, but caltrans says there is a benefit to this full weekend closure. >> by doing a weekend closure, we are able to shrink worth of nighttime closures into one weekend. >> the newly paved lanes are set
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to open at 4 a.m. on monday morning. caltrans says the drive weather in the forecast means crews should beúable to complete this project this weekend. >> interstate 780 in benicia now back open this morning. that's after an exchange of gunfire between police officers and two armed suspects at around 930 last night. that freeway in both directions for several hours as police searched for a third suspect they believed was hiding in the median. they eventually confirmed that there were just two suspects, and those suspects were arrested. the freeway and exits were allúreopened shortly after five this morning. ñ> well, one doctorc is now back in the bay area after treating civilians in gaza for the past five weeks. >> he says he treated thousands of patients and saw more devastation than he could possibly have imagined. >> ktvu joy huerta heard from him right after he landed from sfo or at sfo, and was reunited with his family
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>> doctor mohammed suba of saratoga is welcomed home fromc gaza in a warm embrace by his family at san francisco international airport on friday. i didn't know what to expect going into gaza, but when i enteredl i realized i was like entering an apocalyptic horror movie. >> the emergency room physician from el camino his lifesaving skills to, where he says medical personnel are hard to come by. he teamed up with the international medical corps toúhelp civilian victims of the conflict between israel and hamas, putting himself in harm's way. >> there's missile strikes everywhere with drones machine guns. >> the traumatic experience was something he wasn't ready for. >> shrapnel would enter our plot of land. >> doctor subhi and his colleagues worked at a field hospital in gaza designed to handle 30 patients. a day, but
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ended up helping nearly a thousand a day. >> i saw more dead babies in the past month than i've seen in my 12 year career in medicine, doctor subhi to console the survivors. holding them like his own family did for him. after weeks apart, we've been extremely well as wod for all the people in to have ha relief. >> the san francisco bay area office of the council on american islamic relations says the doctor's efforts highlight the urgent need for global solidarity and immediate action. >> i think it's important for us to wake up to the world around us. >> joey horton, ktvu, fox two news well, the united states and ireland are marking 100 years of diplomatic relations this saint patrick's dayúweekend. >> yesterday, president biden and other u.s. leaders invited e
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white house. it's usually a lighthearted affair, but day. and ukraine were top of mind for both u.s. and irish leaders. >> we're standing together to support ukraine in the face of putin's onslaught and the savagery. >> i was thinking to talk about the situation in gaza asúwell. you know, my, my view that we need to soon as possible, to get food and medicine in, to get passages . >> the irish prime minister has repeatedly called for a permanent cease fire in gaza, citing ireland's own history with imperialism and occupation. president biden only supports a temporary cease fire to ease the humanitarian crisis for palestinian civilians in the region happeningc today, we are now just hours away from the start of san francisco's 17srd annual saint patrick's day parade. >> come.
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>> more than 10,000 people are expected to attend today's festivities in downtown san francisco. that paradeúkicks off at 1130 this morning at second and market, and we'll head down towards civic center plaza. after the parade. a free irish o this afternoon, also at civic center plaza. new research shows a recent change in the way people are celebrating saint patrick's day. the study found that partiesúand other events that used to go all night and into the early morning hours are now starting and ending much earlier, and researchers found that younger americans are driving that trend on saint patrick's day. >> bring people together, get their communities out, but do it a lot of events kick off at one, but wrap at 8 p.m, so wrap early so people get enough time to get some shut eye. >> this holiday does remain extremely popular. an estimated 162 million americans are expected to celebrate saint patrick's day thisúweekend.
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>> grammy nominated rapper fat joeújoined vice president kamala harris for a roundtable on marijuana policy reform. it was part of a multi-state swing as the president's reelection effort picks up steam. fox news correspondent conor hansen has more. >> when it comes to prosecution for marijuana use, rapper. >> when the vice presidentúcalls me, i stop everything. the vice president bringing together kentucky's governor, andy beshear, and people who have been pardoned for marijuana convictions. >> harris, highlighting the administration's work on criminal justice reform more broadly. >> the president and i have addressed inequities through implementation of long overdue criminal justiceúreforms. one is we have now and recently announced making small business administration loans available to previously incarcerated individuals. of u.s. states allow recreational marijuana use. more allow for medical usel and the biden administration has
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pushed for governors to pardon state offenses back in 2022, governor beshear of marijuana possession could see even more & >> we have directed the department of health and the def justice to reassess how marijuana is classified. >> president biden has also broughtúup marijuana laws in his state of the union address, and again on the campaign trail, no one should be jailed for just using or possessing marijuana and staying on the record, vice president harris made several stops this week, speaking on topics like reproductive rights. as november approaches, the campaign is signaling its top issues in new york. connor hansen, fox news. >> pge is donating a large piece of land to habitat for humanity to help develop a parcel. and we'll tell you who it's going to benefit. and a longtime
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california lawmaker is putting happiness at the forefront of a first of its kind committee. why he thinks new laws about makinge happyúoutside our doors. >> plenty of sunshine to start the day. temperatures are going to be a little bit coolerúas we roll into the afternoon, b still above ave ge
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the city is trying to encourage public access to the sacramento-san joaquin river delta area for recreational improve central harbor park and those parking lots that are located along the waterfront. upgrades will fish cleaning station, improved paths of
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travel and tourist targeted signs with viewing benches. that work is being funded by $3.7 million in grant money. >> there's going to be a lot of construction work in the next couple of years. several of the construction projects include tearing up roads to replace water and sewage pipes and burying overhead lines underground. the infrastructure upgrade project is largely funded by part of the inflation reduction act, and ucsf is reportedly in talks to open a new clinic along the waterfront in san francisco. the chronicle is reporting that ucsf is looking at opening a precision as a precision cancer center and health tech incubator in the potrero hill neighborhood. the redevelopment of the potrero power station. the city planning to turn what used to be industrial land into development. details are still in the works, and any deal would have to be approved by the uc board of regents. a state
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lawmakers are working on legislation that will give students more time to complete their financial aid applications. the deadline to complete the federal application necessary to get state aid is april 1st, but thousands of california students haven't turned in their documents due to technical issues. if passed, the bill would move the current deadline from april 2nd to may 2nd. well veteran california lawmaker has announced an unusual goal for his final year in office. >> former assembly speaker anthony rendon says he wants to find ways to make people happy, so he's created a panel called the select committee on happiness and public policy outcomes. rendon says happiness should be a top priority when it comes to creating laws and policies in california. >> if we have everybody clothed, everybody housed, everybody has a job and they're miserable, then we so if we don't reverse that and think about the happiness as a first principle,
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principle, than we are failingtm at thec jobs that we do here in this building. his happy committee held its first meeting this week. >> hundreds of people gathered in downtown mexico city for an unusual gathering to mark world sleep day. they brought pillows, yoga mats and sleeping masks to lie down near an iconic mexican monument for an early evening nap. sounds very nice. organizers say they wanted to highlight the importance of getting enough rest. a recent study found roughly half the people living in mexico failed to get a good night's sleep on a regular basis, and that can often lead to health problems. and a lack of sleep is something that none of us here know anything about. i always get my full eight hours. i feel rested, bright eyed and bushy tailed. yes. i don't even need that cup of coffee. i drink it just out of habit, but i don't need it. >> i'm like, what? what do you mean? what is this, april fools >> what's going on? you know,
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the, you know, the rooftop we have here? yeah you imagine yoga mats just laid out up there. you know, we might have productivity issues if we were able to lay it on the mat outside. >> you know, you'd always know where to find it if it was ever like, where is, like, every 25 minutes? oh, if i got it all spplanned out. >> yeah. >> no, i'm with this plan. rosemary, we need to start talking toúsome people of power. nap. you probably shouldn't have said it on tv, though, because the boss is all here. whoa! >> my god, i'm apparently allergic to power naps. i'm sorry. that sneeze just came out spof nowhere. it's a spring weather sneeze. i know you're right. see how i just transitioned that? my random sneeze in the middle of this newscast? yeah, the spring weather and allergies, i appreciate it. >> you're a pro, wong. always a pro. >> excuse me. wow. pardon me. sorry about that, rosemary. >> perhaps a good time for me to mention those allergies outc there, right? yes coming into allergy season, and that wind just really helps to stir things around. the winds have calmed down, giving you a live look here over the bluetf sky, the green rolling hills.
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that's a gorgeous shot there. a view of a storm tracker toúhigh pressure continues to move a little bit farther north. this low here is also pushing out. and so the pressure gradient that created all that wind for us has relaxed and our winds began to die down yesterdayn right now, calm in concord and reporting calm now with the calm start in the clear start, we were off to a colder start. temperatures here in just a moment. getting into the afternoon. do expect a little bit of an onshore also expect fog to begin to develop along the coastline. so it really is beginning to feel a little bit more like spring, right, temperatures around the bay area right now. 48 in novato, 56 in sanúfrancisco. our inner east bay, finally beginning to see a little bit of a rebound, 52 reported in walnut creek. and for the afternoon today, upper 60s in pacifica yesterday, pacifica in the low 70s. so we are going to see a little bit of a drop off 69 in san francisco. still a beautiful
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day if you're going out to see the parade, no problem there. low 70s for our north bay as spwell as the inner east bay 73n san jose. so not quite as warm, but we don't have the windl so it should feel really nice outdoors. and if you're going to tahoe, bundle up. sunny and dry spbut chilly 24 degrees right nw at south lake tahoe 27 truckee, which is a little bit of an improvement. truckee had actually fallen to about 22 earlier this morning and for the afternoon low to mid 50s in the forecast there for us here at home. a nice dayc coming our wa. we will be slightly cooler for tomorrow then temperatures are back up monday. vernal equinox arrives 806 our time on tuesday p m and then as we get into wednesday, first full day of spring. also going to be a nice one. could back to you okay.r in the week.- >> thank you rosemary. well a suspect in a santa happened morn 30 years ago could be tried yet again. why a judge will likely
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>> and for the first time in history, a judge has appointed a special master to oversee the. e oversight they're expected to provide t&
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sex abuse scandals. it is the first time a judge has demanded such oversight in the history of the federal bureau of prisons. the special master will be appointed by the court to
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identify problems at the prison, come up with solutions and ensure judicial orders are carried out fairly. it comes after a lawsuit against fci dublin by women incarcerated at that prison who say they were sexually assaulted and retaliated against for speaking out. attorneys representing the women are encouraged. >> it's absolutely warranted. you know, we were we brought this case because so, you know, in support of the many, many, many people at dublin. who have told us and continue to tell no, you know, know that that this kind of outside accountability is needed. >> eight correctional officers, including a former warden, have been charged with sex crimes. seven of them have been convicted. that even though the former warden is gone, the risk of abuse is ongoing. they say officers are intentionally retaliated against people who speak up or who file a complaints, and they do this by throwing, dublin residents without justification, into solitary confinement, by
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taking away their access to family visits, by denying them access to day to day goods. >> and the court agreed that that is ongoing. >> she's been reallyúworking really hard for months to try credits and, she's been dealing with some really aggressive, officers. >> fbi agents raided the prison earlier this week. the warden and three other top officials were removed. ktvu has been following this story for more than two years, since we first interviewed incarcerated women who spoke out about the abuse. a spokesperson for the federal bureau of prisons declined to comment on the appointment of a special master. authorities are inmate at a san mateo countyn jail. the sheriff's department believes the man may have committed suicide. officials say the unidentified 46 year old inmate was found unresponsive in a cell during a routine check yesterday afternoon. the sheriff's department says life saving measures were taken by facility personnel, but the man
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was pronounced dead. authorities say the cause of his death is under investigation. >> we continue our celebration of women's history month, highlighting a major stride in the medical world. a transplant hepatologistúin san francisco is making international history by starting a liver transplant program in her native country in ethiopia. >> a personúdies every 35 doctor and a team from sutter t- health recently traveled to the east african country for a medical mission trip. ktvu crystal bailey talked with the doctor about her life saving work. >> doctor candice yimam is making international medical history to prevent rejection of a liver. as the medical director for the autoimmune liver disease program at sutter health cpmc. she's one of four transplant hepatologists, and she's lost family of her own to liver disease and witnessing how people are suffering and dying from a liver disease that could
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be prevented or managed better. >> it really touched me significantly to go backúand help. >> so with help from a team built by transplant surgeon asad hassoun, they went to saint paul's hospital in addis ababa, the largest hospitalúin the heart of the nation real. they trained ethiopian surgeons and nurses and performed complicated surgeries and procedures.c ñ> we did three liver section and two whipple's. >> the team also donated $70,000 worth and equipment. >> i hope that i can add value to themúby i always learn all wg to create the first liver transplant program in ethiopia. >> liver transplant is life spsaving. imagine how many peope are dying of liver disease without having access tot& complicated liver surgeries. >> this summer, the group plans to welcome staff from saint
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paul's here in san francisco to exchange expertise. >> i know we have a lot to do, spbut this was a great start. ts message to young women and immigrant physicians. >> i want this motivation for others that we can make a difference. >> reporter the team from sutter health, cpmc, intends to send a larger team back to ethiopia early next year, with the plan of establishing a fully formed liver transplant program in ethiopia by of 2025. in san francisco, crystal bailey ktvu, fox two news. facial recognition technology to nearly 30 airports across the country, but there are security concerns over the new system storing data without consent. some of the travelers say they don't mindúbecause there's already video technology everywhere. others, though, think it's simply too much since its debut, some elected spofficials and privacy advocats have been critical of the facial
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recognition program. >> where are you going with this? how do you know you're getting rid of it that data as ? americans are very concerned that this is another step. a big government assessing our personal data. >> tsa officials say they are not retaining data, but they say they are collecting data at select airports from volunteers to improve the technology. ñ> well, the annual saint patrick's day parade in san away, and we're live from san francisco with a closer look at the history and tradition behind toda celeb
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morikawa on 18.
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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we're live from san francisco with a look at that annual tradition. plus, a major interstate in the east bay is shut down this weekend. we'll tell you how to get around that closure on interstate 680 plus, benicia officers shot at during a traffic stop that turned into a chase. why? officers say technology helped them make that initial stop from ktvu. >> fox two news this is morning& on two. >> and good morning to you taking a live look over san francisco at this hour. you can see the golden gate bridge looking beautiful this morning. i call this a picture perfect tourist postcard day where they come and we tell them, yes, it's like it is always like this. every day. every day. this is the weather we enjoy. welcome back and welcome to mornings on
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twon on this saturday, march 16th, i'm claudine wong and i'm christine kafton. >> the weather you just showed it absolutely gorgeous outside. i will say that it is absolutely allergy weather. my allergies are going bananas for the last week and i'm wondering why i've been, like stuffy and all that. and of course, rosemary, you probably get to that allergy ese winds kick up and all the pollen starts. >> it's been windy. it's been windy. we do have a lighter winds expected for the weekend and we will beginúto transitions well. number one temperatures are not going to be quite as warm as yesterday. here's a beautiful view over areas of the bay where we have blue sky overhead. now. temperatures this morning as a result of all this calm wind and light wind, i should say fact, we are still down by 18 degrees in the north bay of santa rosa in our east bay livermore year, down by 11 on the peninsula sanúcarlos seven degrees cooler this morning.
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redwood city checking in at 46 in the north bay, 46 in santa rosa. and for the inner east bay, still trailingc behind in livermore at 4955 at san francisco. an enjoyable start to the morning there. if you're heading out to see the parade, should be gorgeous. here's a look at your dayúplanner for the afternoon. by noontime, widespread 60s with mostly sunny skies and then into the afternoon. temperatures ranging from 60s at the coast by the wag about getting out to walk the dog or need aúdog to walk? bowie is available at the san francisco spca. just a beautiful only six months old. i'll have a better look at the current conditions, what you can expect for your afternoon and the rest ofc the weekend. coming up. >> okay. thank you rosemary. well, san francisco is preparin& for its longest running parade. the saint patrick's day parade kicks off in about two hours. ktvu james torres is live near downtown san francisco with more on the festivities. james >> claudia, good morning to you.
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well, of course we're still a little more than two hours away from when everything actually officially begins. but walk around downtown san francisco. you'll see a lot of green and a lot of outfits and plenty of people who are ready to get the celebrations all started, including theseútwo ladies who are standing right next to me here, sharon and sheila whalen. thank you guys so much for speaking with us this morning. spyou guys are the co-directorsf the whalen academy of irish dancing. you guys are kicking off the parade, kicking off the festival, and you've been doing this for quite a long time.c so tell me, what's what does this >>c so a lot of our families tht are in our dancing school have immigrated across the water from ireland, and it's really important for them to be involved in their ethnic background and their thing and theirúparade and yeah, so celebrations and so we are today have we have about maybe 100 kids coming out to celebrate fis kicking off the new festival for the united irish societies, which is unite sf, which is a reallyc important theme this yer
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to get us back on track as a city of san francisco. >> sheila, this is a parade gon. the longest running parade in number?úwhat goes through your mind? >> it's amazing. and the strength of the irish people in san francisco is quite amazing and united. sf we're hoping to bring great city and celebrate the irish community and all the spcommunities in san francisco. >> now, a lot of green on thet& ground, but blue skies above us. i mean the absoluteúperfect day. miracle compared today to last year because last year was a little miserable. >ñ last year we had rain and a little bit of thunder in the morning and we had a hard time getting those kids warmed up to spdance at the grandstand. >> but this year i'm predicting a great parade, a great festiva& , and thank you to the united irish societies for putting this on every year. and afterúyou finish this and you've enjoyed the festival, come on out to the irish cultural center. they are having a massive corned beef and
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cabbage dinner there tonight. the party does not stop once the parade starts all day long. >> i have one last question for you and it's a long running debate. maybe you guys can help patty's, is it with a t or a d? >> it's with a dee dee dee dee. sharon whalen, thank you guys so much for joining us. and the float looks absolutely beautiful. we look forward to seeing it in the parade route. thank you both. thank you so much. everything kicks off at about 1130 this morning. if you want to get here to downtown san francisco, bart. muni, all forms of public transit are going to be your absolute best friend here. you can take them. take those bart stations down over to powell and montgomery. it'll put you right in the position where you could see the parade going through. andúthat will last thenc to civic0 this afternoon.- that they are mentioning. and it's just going to be a partyúin san francisco all day long. we're live this morning from downtown san francisco. i'm james torres. we'll send it bace
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james, thank you so much for getting the definitive answer for us on the saint patty's versus patty's day. >> thank you so much. interstate 780 in benicia. benicia back open this morning. that's after an exchange of gunfire between police officers and two armed suspects around 930 last night. nowc that shooting shut down the freeway in both directions for several hours as police searched for a third suspect they believed was hiding in the median. they eventually confirmed that there were just two suspects, and those two suspects were arrested. the freeway and exits were all reopened shortly after five this morning. police made that initial stop because of a license plate reader that had flagged the vehicle. >> right now, a portion of 680 in pleasanton is shut down and will stay closed. all weekend for a big repair job. southbound 680 between the 580 and 680 connector and qanon road shut down last night at 9 p.m. for repaving work, but there are multiple detours. take a look ae
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affected area. most drivers will need to take 580 to 880. you can also use highway in mind, surface streets may also t caltrans says there is a benefit to having this full weekend closure by doing a weekend closure, we are able to shrink what would otherwise be three months worth of nighttime closures into one weekend. the newly paved lanes are set to open at 4 a.m. monday morning. spcaltrans says with the dry weather in the forecast, crews should complete the project this weekend. happening now multiple ac transit lines coming through the richmond bart station are temporarily closed. the closure started at six this morning. ac transit says that closure will allow for maintenance work on the bart bus bridge that affects the 72 m bus to jacqueline square and to point richmond, as well as the 800 line to san francisco. ac transit says the closure should last through 2 a.m. on monday. and bart is receiving $2 million from
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investment into innovativet& transportation technology projects. bart says that money will help navigate have anhat escalator or an elevator that's not working, this system is going to give riders instructions on just how to is 4 agenciesúacross the country receiving that funding. >> a large plot of land donated by pg and e will allow new affordable housing to be developed in marin county 80 hon 14 acres of land, which will provide housing for more than 300 low and moderate income people. habitat for humanity says the project will include ten acres of open space, trails and a when it's complete. >> when the median price of a home in your county is north of $1.5 million, we know that housing is out of reach for so many, but what's so unique about this and habitat is home ownership is so out of reach for so many, and what this project will, will be able to do is to
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provide that opportunity for families, individuals to turn some sweat equity into home equity and be able to pass that on to future generations. >> habitat says that this will help people who work in marin to live closer to their jobs. currently, the majority of set to begin later this year. c- and a man could soon be tried in santa clara county for a murder committed more than 30 years been tried twice for killing a woman 1992. both trials ended with deadlocked juries. a district court of appeals ruling earliers latest potential trial would not violate the constitutional protection that prohibits people from being tried multiple times for the same crime and will allow him to be retried in this case. >> i think the ruling is wrong,
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and it's a very important ruling for this case, and it's something that is not over. we continue to fight this issue, this this isn't resolved. this is just a step on a path. >> when you try case that old, it's difficult because evidence becomes stale. witnesses are hard to find, it's not first ti. >> santa clara county d.a. jeff rosen the appellate court's decision, and >> police in oakland hopet- surveillance video will lead to arrests in a church. vandalism case inúthe city's chinatown neighborhood. vandals have targeted the buddhist church at ninth and jackson streets rocks and bottles at the church, shattering the windows. surveillance video also shows vandals dumping garage outside of the church. church leaders say they are concerned this vandalism may be a hate crime. and today marks three years since the atlanta spa shootings that left eight people dead. and six of the victims were of asian
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descent. there is an event in san francisco today three year anniversary of that tragic mass shooting. it is part of a larger event with asian americans. the group is holding events in atlanta, new york city and los be held al kabuki in japantown from 2 to 5 tonight. california statewide anti-hate hotline is coming up on multilingual hotline and website were both launched last year in direct response to the rise in reported hate crimes across the state. officials say it is designed to hold perpetrators accountable and to provide support for those victimized by assistance in 15 different languagesúon the phone and in over 200 different languages online. >> well, green beer is the drink of choice for many people celebrating saint patty's day. others eat green pancakes. to mark the occasion, we will take you inside a pancake breakfast. this morning aimed at benefiting
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burn victims ahead of another major saint patty's day celebration. >> but first, tracking speeders and ticketing them for city lean francisco, where they are set to install new surveillance cameras to track illegal driving activity. next >> and a minor cooldown expected for your bay areaúsaturday. i'll have a look at the current conditions and what you n expect for rest business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning.
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the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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on speeding drivers. next year, the city plans to install 33 speed cameras in the city's high injury corridors. drivers who for high speed infractions. each district in the city will get at least two cameras. >> the way the state law allows us to operate this program is to catch people who are going 11 miles an hour or more over the speed limit. so this is reallyt& egregious. speeding. this isn't just slightly going over the speed limit. this is really reckless drivingc. >> the new speed cameras should all be installed next year. it's part of a five year pilot program along some of the city's again, most dangerous streets and avenues. oakland and san jose are also part of that pilot program, and they're to see exactly how effective those cameras are. they should have their cameras installed sometime next year. >> well, california is considering whether to allow insurance companies to base rate hikes on catastrophe. under a n,
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homeowners could earn discounts for protecting their homes against wildfires. but as ktvu tom vacar explains, some critics argue it could lead to higher rates. >> the california insurance commissioner says he's responding to the challenges by insurers to create reliable, competitive and availablet-sphod of this year. key to that, adopting insurance industry created algorithms that will allow insurers to predict the fire risk down to individual homes. from that, they will set individual rates based on what might happen in the future. under the current system, insurers must justify proposed s claims that they have or soon will pay. carl sussman is an independent agent who sells insurance from many different insurers, says the carriers are signaling that they're cautiously optimistic. >> they're happy with the first set of regulations under this new plan, homeowners could earn
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discounts for hardening their homes and landscaping against wildfires. it's going to be what sphave you done to make your hoe safer from wildfires currently, says sussman. >> upwards of 90% of traditional insurers are writing few, if any, policies at all. so the fair plan, often called the insurer of last resort, has become the insurer of first resort. as availability of private insurance companies collapses. >> they are by that is currently writing insurance policies. they've gone from 7000 brokers to over 52,000 brokers in the last 3 or 4 months. >> consumer advocate and lawyer harvey rosenfeld is head of consumer watchdog and author of insurance reform prop 103, passed by voters in 1988. >> the software programs will inevitably allow them to seek far higher rates than are justifiedn that, specifically, would allow the insurance
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companies to propose these models without public scrutiny. >> and there's this there's nothing in this, in this regulation that the commissioner issued yesterday that requires the insurance companies to reduce anybody's rates, to sell more insurance to people who they won't sell it to. now, insurers argue that these rules are necessary and that the commissioner will have the spauthority to protect consumer. tom baker, ktvu, fox two news the terme broadband is being redefinedúto help combat ongoing challenges in achieving widespread internet access. >> the federal communications commission says broadband nowt& means faster bandwidth speeds. the decision is based on federal and state grant requirements, consumer usage patterns, and internet service provider offerings. according to the fcc& more than a quarter of rural americans lack accessc to upgraded internet speeds, new >> exercises that engage muscles
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without movement could be a powerful tool in preventing and managing hypertension. a study found that activities like wall squats and planks may effectively lower blood pressure. sports medicine researchers say these exercises can be performed with or without weights, utilizing the body's own weight for resistance. yogae movements are held in a static position and we are monitoring a situation with bart, bart service has stopped between fremont and warm springs stations due to a power issue. >> we understand that bart is recovering from an earlier problem. there's a ten minute delay at the macarthur sfo directions due to earlier police activity. we areúmonitoring all these developments with bart. we know a lot of people are going to be relying on it, perhaps to go to the saint patrick's day parade. we will get more details for you as the morning progresses and as we learn more about this. ñ> okay. soundsúgood. all right. sptime now is 919. let's talk about our weather. rosemary watching our weather conditions.
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and you talk about that saint patrick's day parade and festival. it's perfect weather. they were talking about how last oh yeah. a much different story. looking at not quitewe are calmed down, which is a nice thing.úand to be above average as we the afternoon. and with the calm conditions and the clear skies during the overnight hours, temperatures fell off by several degrees. i'll show you at least several degrees cooler than where we live view over alcatraz and pointing to the west with lots of blue sky went quickly. here's a look at storm tracker two. a highúpressure remains to the north of us. we have this low here that continues to migrate east as well. yesterday it was they were a little bit closer together. and with that we had all that wind that had developed as we were kind of caught right between the pressure gradient of beginning to sort of move farther and with that, our winds are allowed to relax as well as the wind advisories thatc we had. here's a view of the futurecast to expect. mostly sunny skies for today, but late in the day.
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perhaps closer to sunset just right about 715 or so, dependin& some fog that is beginning to ae overnight hours. it actually wants to creep intoúthe bay. so tomorrow morning we may have a mix of the coast and inside the bay, still mostly clear inland. it will break away and for the afta little bit of fog returning to the coast there. as we get in toward the evening hours on sunday. so subtle changes coming our way, one being the possibility of picture, and two temperatures are going to cool off just a little bit, but still be very nice out there and i'll show you those numbers coming ae winds not so bad. we've got a light breeze out there. half moon bay reporting nine miles per hour calm conditions in livermore. the highs or i should say the lows, from earlier thisy getting to rebound with evenú60 degrees reported in san francisco. right now. we've got temperatures in the entire eastf brentwood, and we have santa roa
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trailing behind, still about 46. the santa rosa was 40 when we started right about sunrise. so a little bit of an improvement there for you. meanwhile, city of san francisco, we're looking at low 60s by the parade time and upper 60s for the second part of the day. a beautiful day in san francisco. just a beautiful day. pretty much everywhere. if you enjoy mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the low 70s in the north baylú72 for santa rosaúin the east, bay 72. the popular number concord livermore, and for the south bay 73 in san jose. so compared to . but again, we dongt have so it d feel really nice into sunday we go with temperatures falling off a little bit more, expecting the possibilityúof some morning fog. temperatures will be back up monday tuesday vernal equinox 8:06 p.m. soc that tuesday will be the final day of winter and the start of spring.c wednesday first full day of spring, partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the upper 60s. claudia. >> okay. thank another saint pay
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celebration is getting underway in the east bayn details on the annual pancake breakfast that benefits victims in connection with the dublin saint patrick's day parade and the future is bright for the oakland coliseum. the two bay area teams in the running to play n the
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♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. business. contact your it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. console announced yesterday they
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will both play all of their home matches at the coliseum next year. it is the latest exciting news for the local soccer fans as they get ready for the bay area to host world cup games in 2026. >> when you think about this as the world's game and you think about oakland, one of the most diverse and inclusive communities in the world, it's a perfect fit for this. >> soccer news came just one day after the oakland a's baseball team met with oakland city leaders, and they discussed a possible lease extension at the coliseum. as the a's get ready to leave oakland for las vegas, it is now likely the a's will be sharing that coliseum with the two soccer teams next year. >> the golden state warriors say steph curry will be back in the lineup when the golden state warriors take on the lakers in los angeles this evening. the dubs superstar guard sprained his ankle during the team's loss to the chicago bulls last week. you can see steph there. he has missed three of the last games, but curry practiced with the team in los angeles last night
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and said he's ready to play in this evening's warrior shot showdown against the lake show before a national tv audience, working hard all week to try to get back as soon as possible. >> so it's nice to be back with the team for a good energy going on. >> we need him. this is a big game. obviously they're all big, but particularly the ones against the teams, you know, ahead of us and teams that we are on the heels of. >> yeah. coach kerr highlighting that issue right there. the dubs currently in 10th place in the west. one game behind the lakers in their fight to make it to the playoffs. >> well hundreds of people wearing those sleeping masks. and on those yoga mats taking this collective nap. the reason behind that event coming up and another saint patrick's day celebration underway in dublin. >> we'll tell you about the pancake breakfast and who will be the beneficiary
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>> this is mornings on two. >> welcome back! taking a look at that. looks like lake tahoe. they're just absolutely gorgeous. gorgeous out there. very pretty weather. a lot of sun out there. just like the sun that we're seeing down here in the bay area. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. your time now, 930 i'm christien kafton and i'm claudine wong. >> i was just in south lake tahoe yesterday. drove back down just in time for this morning. >> a little envious. i'm a little jealous. i'm not going to talk. i'm just trying to get skiing in. >> i love to ski and rosemary, we've talked about how it's been such a strange kind of season up there and the rain we had heavily here. they just weren't getting the snow. now they've got the snow, but now we have the sunshine here. yeah. >> yes, mother nature and almost on cue. right. we have the bit of the offshore wind yesterday and the day before, which is definitely a sign of spring for us here in the bay area in california. and i'm seeing a little bit of fog that is trying to develop along the coastline.
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so again, another sign of transition of the season. here's a look over alcatraz as we look to the west. a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge. the winds have calmed down. the advisories from yesterday allowed to expire. here's a look at some of those winds out there right now. palo alto reporting five miles per hour. livermore is reporting calm conditions now, with the clear skies and the calm conditions, as we really fell off temperature wise during the overnight hours in santa rosa, you are up by or down by 18 degrees. i should say, in livermore, down by 11. temperatures started out in the low 40s for some inland now beginning to see a rebound. feeling pretty good in concord at 56, in the north bay. still a chill in the air in santa rosa at 46. a very nice mild 55 for san francisco. if you think about heading into the city for the saint patty's day parade going on later today, san francisco expected to top out right about 69. not quite as warm as yesterday, but still yon see from those numbers on your screen. i'll of the weekend ande
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can expect coming up. >> rosemary, thank you so much. in honor of saint patrick's fran parade in the city. ktvu james torres joining us now live from second and market to tell us all what we need to knowúif we plan to head out to san francisco later today. and james, i covered that parade and i got to tell you, it is a plum assignment. it's such a fun gig. >> yeah. you know, the fun, of course, is still a little ways from actually getting officially started, though. walk around downtown san franciscol you'll see a lot of green and a lot of people who are ready and antsy to get this parade going. the watching the parade right behint belongs to the whalen academy of irish dance.úand these guys have been involved with the parade for 30 years. the co-directors even longer than that. the souns herel they're still getting everything prepared to get things kicked off in a little less. rather an about two hours spfrom now. now
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now 173 years old. we're expecting to see more than 120 performances, floats and acts on and put together by the united irish societies of san francisco. i spoke to its president a little earlier this morning. he told me that the parade started as just a group of irish immigrants who wanted to celebrate their culture. and now today, 173 turned into an open invite for everyone to enjoy what's huge that we that, we want to bring everybody else in to celebrate with us. because obviously for during this season, everybody is irish. >> you heard him. everyoneúis irish. today we're taking you back live out here in the streets of san francisco. we are a long second this morning. this is where a lot of the people are getting things ready to get the
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parade officially started in just about two hours. the parade will start at 1130 this morning. it will go until about 2:00 this done with the party just yet,- right afterc that. but in order. to get here, i can just tell you right now, driving is not going to be easy. i mean, even us trying to find a parking spot now, hours before the parade started, that was a little bit of a challenge. so certainly rely on that public transit muni bart is going to be a really easy way toúnavigate that asútoe before 1130 this morning. we're live thisúmorning from downtown san francisco. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, new this morning a saint patrick's day parade is also about to get underway in the east bay city of dublin. and another saint patrick's day event began in that same city about 90 minutes ago. right now, alameda county firefighters are hosting there annual saint patrick's day pancake breakfast at the firehouse in dublin. we
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spoke to east bay congressman eric swalwell just a short time ago. he's attending that pancake breakfast before heading off to dublin's parade. >> this firehouse is also hosted the pancake breakfast for many, many decades and it just celebrates our local first responders and the community coming together. but this is great. you know, look, we're 40 years plus now doing this in dublin. we've come a long way. youúknow, when i was growing up, this town was called scrubland by everyone around us. andúwe've done a lot, you know, to change that image and make it a place, you know, where you can live, work and play and raise a family . >> the proceeds from this morning's pancake breakfast will go to help people all across in fires, the united states and- ireland, marking 100 years of diplomatic relations. >> this saint patrick's day weekend. yesterday, president biden and other u.s. leaders is usually a lighthearted events to celebrate saint the wars in
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gaza and ukraine were top of mind for both u.s. and irish leaders. >> we're standing together to support ukraine in the face of putin's onslaught and the savagery. >> i was thinking to talk about the situation in gaza as well. you know, my, my view that we need to the cease firec as soon as possible, to get food and medicine in to get the hostages out. >> the irish prime minister has repeatedly called for a citing ireland's ownúhistory with imperialism and occupation. president biden only supports a temporary cease fire to ease the humanitarian crisis for palestinian civilians in the region. >> well, one doctor is now back in the bay area after treating civilians in gaza. for the past five weeks. >> he says he treated thousands of patients and saw more devastation than he could possibly have imagined. >> ktvu josé horta heard from him right after he landed at sfo and was reunited with his family. >> after five grueling weeks apart, doctor mohammed suba of
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saratoga is welcomed home from gaza in a warm embrace by his family at san francisco internationalúairport on friday. >> i didn't know what to expect going into gaza. butúwhen i entered i realized i was like entering an apocalyptic horror movie. >> the emergency room physician from el camino hospital in mountain view took his lifesaving skills to gaza, wherc he says medical personnel are hard to come by. he teamed up with the international medical corps to help civilian victims of the conflict between israel and hamas, putting himself in harm's way. >> there's missile strikes everywhere, with drones constantly guns. >> the traumatic experience was somethingúhe wasn't ready for. >> shrapnel would enter our plot of land, doctor subhi and his spcolleagues worked at a field hospital in gaza designed to handle 30 patients a day, but
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ended up helping day. i saw mord babies in the past month than i've seen in my 12 year career. in medicine. >> doctor subhi did what he could to console the survivors just by being there and holding them did for himn after weeks apart, we've been extremely worried all the people in gaza right now to have him back is, it's a relief. the san francisco bay area office of the council on american islamic relations saysúthe doctor's efforts highlight the urgent need for global solidarityúand immediate action. >> iúthink it's important to wake up to the world around us. >> joey horton ktvu, fox two news i saw i-780 and benicia is back open this morning. >> that's after an exchange of gunfire between police officers and two armed suspects at around
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930 last night. the shooting shut down the freeway in both directions for several hours as police searched for a third suspect they believed was hiding in the median. they eventually confirmed that there were just two suspects, and those suspects were arrested. the freeway and experts exits were all reopened shortly after five this morningr had flagged that vehicle. >> i thinkúthey helped. there's a few things that have, up frome license plate readers. they've caught a number of people who doing burglaries in the area and some other people who had warrants. spent several hours overnight looking for a possible third that freeway. after looking atf- body camera video, police determined there were no other suspects to be found. >> right now, a portion of 680 in pleasanton is shut down and will stay closed all weekend for a big repair job. southbound 680
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between the 580 and 680 connector and coupe and road shut down last night at about 9 p.m, so repaving work could your map, you can see wheret thereúmight be some detours for you. most drivers will need to take 580 to 880, or they can use highway 84 to keep in mind, sura trafficl but caltrans insists there is a benefit to having a full weekend closure by doing a weekend closure, we are able to spthree months worth of nighttie closures into one weekend. the newly paved lanes are set to open at 4 a.m. monday morning. caltrans says with dry weather in the forecast, crews should be able to complete the project this weekend. >> a financial aid deadline is fast approaching for students i& california. the legislative action that could extend the deadline and a group of uc berkeley students have beaten a record after the break. >> we're live with some of the students who were part of the
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fastest bay area transit tour and a live look from the ktvu studios across the oakland estuary. >> a beautiful start to the morning, although a bit of a chill in the air. we'll check in on those current conditions and show you what morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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planning say they broke a record for the fastest bay area transit tour. last weekend, they traveled to every bart station in the system in less thanc six hours. bart says the students carefully mapped out their route every station. those students- want this feat now to be recognized by the guinness book of world records as part of a new category of bart speedruns, and they have lots of video evidence to submit two of those, aminta costa and paul lu, to talk more about this unique accomplishment. gentlemen thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having off, weo start off with what is the current record. is there record. >> we'll start with you for sure. so we're the ones guinness world record. there are some unofficial world records that people have attempted in the bay area. for example, miles in transit, who were a deep in
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inspiration weren't aware there were actually some very close sprecords. for example, we completed the attempt in five someone actually did wees, and weren't aware of. so yeah. i mes it all go down? how many miles covered? first off, how long did it take you andc then how have o with bart to get that done? ñ> oh there's tons i mean, there's so many moving parts to get a something like this to, you know, just completely work out everything to fall perfectly in place. you know, i'm not sure the exact total mileage, but we even had to do some double backing. you know, at some of the end stations to be able to turn around and get back and, you know, we had to coordinate with witnesses throughout our journey, you know, meeting people at different stations. some people, youúknow, tookks, photos, whatever it was, in order to make sure proof to givs
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and paul, the route has to be critical. >> you have to plan allúthis out. you can't just sort of hop on and think you'll kind of get from pointc a to point b, you have to really carefully map that out. how doesúthat process work out? >> yeah. so as soon as we were approved, the new category by guinness world record, we started looking at the bart to e the where should we start. so there are five terminals. so richmond, antioch,údublin, pleasanton, berryessa and millbrae. so intuitively we would start at and end at one of those nodes. so in the end we decided withústarting in antioch and ending in berryessa, which is in san. >> so i also asked you guys, i think as we were, it youc have to have worked with bart. did you notify them first? did you coordinate with the operator? because i believe that the operator would have a lot of say because they can get thatt& vehicle going slower or faster, depending on what they need to do, how much coordination was there? >> so weúactually didn't notify bart in advance, because in order for this to be a genuine record, we had to, you know, make sure everything was on a regular schedule. but throughout
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our journey, we were live streaming itúmainly just toc get proof for guinness world records. but bart actually noticed and they retweeted our live stream and really, it starts to blow up at that point and people start to be interested in what we were doing and being like, who are these five crazy kids? you know, who want to ride bart for six hours on a saturday?úso yeah. ñ> well, and you guys are those crazy kids the question on everybody's mind, or at least on mine, how much did this trip cost? because bart is, you know, you know, depending on where you start and finish, can determine how much you pay. how much were the tickets? >> so we tapped. i after we double back and tapped- out at berryessa. so the total cost for the trip was 2740 each. each? yeah, 2740 2740 small price to pay for a place in history, right, gentlemen? >> right. >> for sure. yeah. >> okay. so you said that you guys, made it in five hours. 47 minutes? yes you guys going to try to beatúyour own
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>> so here's the thing. we spent hours looking at the mean, couns nightsúlooking at excel sheets, trying to optimize the routes. a lot of procrastination may have happened with my homework, but i think at this point we've got it down way this record could be beaten is if bart changesútheir schedules. maybe shorter connection times, whatever it may be to make an optimized route. but based off the current schedule, i don't think that anyone would be able to beat our time issued. >> there might be some stanford engineering students out to chau at some point in time. we will see.úgentlemen, congratulations again, paul amin wait to see yon the world record book, or online, i guess how they do it now, because i have to make the book anymore. gentlemen, for jo, guys. and, rosemary, great day to take bart. get out there, visit the city, visit the bay area, get around. right. ñ> absolutely. and you know, christian, you knowúthis, but there's like this recent effort to
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more efficient here in the bay guys, right? >> experts right here. >> absolutely. you guys. wow. that's amazing. >> you guys have to do munit& next. and then ac transit. >> the whole bay area will love you. you will be icons. maybe even better than being in the guinness book of world recordsn good morning to all of you out there. we do have blue skies overhead. off to a chilly start spallows some of that cold air o just and stick for the morning sunrise. a view, where now that the sun is up ane beginning to reboundn storm tracker two pointing out the pattern for you here. so the last couple of days we have seen this high pressure kind of to the northúof usn this low here a little bit closer to southern. they were close enough. we were right in between the pressure gt that kicked up our winds. well that wind has now relaxed. this has moved a little bit farther north. this has moved a little that, just a fabulous day coming our way. not going to be quite
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as warm, but that's okay. we're still going to be well above average as we little bit of an onshore breeze. turn onc typical right into afternoons. we see the breeze before it begins to again die down during an around sunset or just after. but that onshore breeze, also a little bit of coastline. so a subtle change ie coast and then during the overnight hours it actually creeps into the bay. tomorrow morning could have a different look to it. partly cloudy skies for our coastline as well as our bayside communities. and then as we get into the afternoon, it's going toúpull back and we'll be left with by sunday evening, so that's what's expected for the weekend. overall at least when it comes to the pattern change, we will remain with generally light winds and temperatures will be above average, just not as warm as yesterday. right now 52 degrees in 62 degrees inúsan francisco. oh my goodness a gorgeous oneúthere already. perg out for
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parade and into the first part of the afternoon, we're looking spat mild conditions now. the 6s coming at 1130. so this is likely to change probably closee afternoon high for san francisco expected have low 70s for the inner east bay as well as the north bay and the south bay. your extended forecast, we'll show you temperatures only come down slightly forc tomorrow. if you'e goingúto tahoe. going to be gorgeous here as well. temperatures are finally rebounding. still a very chilly 29 degrees reported as south lake tahoe with low 50s in the afternoons for today, tomorrow. dry conditions. your extended forecast is a dry one. we do have the vernal equinox arriving 800 6 p.m, so final hours of winter and the first hours of spring arriving on tuesday. back to you. >> okay. thank you. rosemary well, longtime california lawmaker is putting happiness at the forefront of a first ofc its kind committeeúwhy he thinks new laws
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about making people happy. >> and in case you hadn't noticed, people are celebrating saint patrick's day, chicago. they're getting day spirit by dg the chicago river green this morning. we have been fascinated with this process all morning here in the newsroom. we've been watching them spray that dye in the water. this is an annual before the city's parade, celebrating irish heritage. it will stay green for about a week before washing away. i never knew exactly how they got it aly spray it from the back of boats. mornings on two. back we'll be right
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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with sex abuse scandals. it is the first time a judge has demanded such oversight in the history of the federal bureau of prisons. the special master will be appointed by the court to identify problems at the prison, come up with solutions and ensure judicial orders are carried out fairly. it comes after a lawsuit against fci dublin by women incarcerated at that prison who say they were sexually assaulted and retaliated against for speaking out are encouraged. >> it's absolutely warranted. you know, we were we brought this case because so, you know, in support of the many, many, told us and continue to tell us that they are not safe. and we, you know, know that that this kind of outside accountability is needed. >> eight correctional officers,
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including a former warden, have been charged with sex crimes. seven of them have been convicted. attorneys say the judge agreed that even though a the former warden is gone, the risk of sexual abuse is ongoing and they do this by throwing, dublin residents without justification, into solitary confinement, by taking away their access toúfamily visits, by denying them access to day to day goods and the courtc agreed that that is ongoing. >> she's been really workingt& really hard for months to try and get her early release credits and, she's been dealing with some reallyúaggressive, officers. >> fbi agents raided week. the n and three other top officials were removed. a spokesperson for the federal bureau of prisons declined to comment. >> state lawmakers are working on legislation that will give students more time to complete their financial aid applications. the deadline to complete the federal application necessary to get that aid is
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april 1st, but haven't turned theirúdocuments in due to technical issues. if passed thet deadline from april 2nd to may 2nd. >> a veteran california lawmaker has announced an unusual goal former assembly speaker anthony rendon says he wants to find ways to make people happy. so he created a panel called the select committee on happiness and public policyc. he says happiness should to creating laws andúpoliciesn in california, hundreds of people gathered in downtown mexico city for an unusual gathering to mark world sleep day. >> they brought pillows, yoga mats and sleeping masks to lie down near an iconic mexican monument for an early evening nap. organizers there say they wanted to highlight the importance of getting enough rest. a recent study found roughly half the people living in mexico failed to get a good night's sleep on a regular basis that can often lead to health problems. and i always say, if sleep was an olympic event, i
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would not necessarily be the gold medalist. but i would certainly medal inúthe event. 100. >> there has to be said for something, you know, the afternoon siesta that you have in certain countries board withi said, how can we not import that? >> how can we not import that? >> an effort, the three of us, let's start. >> let's go. in studio, they're going to give us a shot of that instead of the weather as our sleep sleep inspiration, all right. so after a cold start, we have another beautiful day coming our way. temperatures are going to be, above average in the mid 6ps to mid 70s across the bay area.. get out. enjoy us. the final winter day. a weekend of winter. can you believe it doesn't feel like it? first weekend of spring, we may have some unsettled april showers. just very enjoy. flowers. yes. yeah we'll go. we'll go to that simple thing. >> march came in like a lion. so
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if he could just creep out a little bit and give us a break, that would be great. >> sure. i think everybody has that same sediment. yes. >> ready for some sun? i'm going i'm ready. well, thanks for watching. a you can now stream u news on your smart tv. you can watch the live newscast and stories on demand that's on your amazon fire tv, your roku, your apple tv, your android tv. just scan that qr code that's right there on your screen and search for fox local and select ktvu. >> of course, just whatever tv you have, w te r we g got (upbeat music) - hi everyone, and welcome to legal help center. this is where we have professionals standing by to answer your questions regarding personal injury. so if you've been injured in an accident that was not your fault, like a car accident


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