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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  March 17, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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this is some bragging. this is being real. uh i love the port and the weekend when i get to, uh, help out with practices even, uh, pitching batting practice with the kids. uh, it says, uh, grounding, uh, as you can imagine. well good luck to him. good luck to you out on the field. and so you know, we like to end with music. so in the spirit of alejandro, we go to break with john fogerty's center field. center pilla. thanks for being with ♪ >> speaker-01: i'm shannon bream. a divide in the white house as this goes on with escalating rhetoric. >> don't expect the prime minister trudeau do things i must be done
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to break the cycle of violence. >> the democratic party doesn't have this problem. they don't have -- they have a ties with israel problem. >> as they build a temporary supports for aid to palestinian civilians in gaza is your plans a significant offensive on the last major -- on the last major defence stronghold and raw file. plus hundreds of americans, maybe more, possibly trapped in haiti as a violent rebellion ris. taking the country to the brink of collapse. >> the urgency of support for haitians. >> sparking fears of another mass migration into the us. >> we have our own border crisis going on i think this would only make it worse. >> to the middle east and ukraine we will talk with the interest on the world stage with the top national security spokesman. plus an exclusive interview with the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. michael maccaull.
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then... >> it's 352 and the nazar 365. >> shannon: the house passes a high state bill calling on the owners of tik tok to break their ties with china. as outrage boils from legions of american users on the social media at. >> president biden and all the politicians i want them to know this will heavily influence how i vote. >> we have these two lowlifes trying to take down the president of the united states. >> shannon: president trump out on the fields with the foreign election interference case stays in place. after the special prosecutor was having a romantic relationship with steps down. our panel joins us to talk about the legal battles in the middle of the race for 2024. right now in fox news sunday.
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>> shannon: hello, happy st. patrick's day. they will be rocked by gang violence and the prime minister has resigned leaving no clear leader in place. with the charter flight for americans that they have been stranded since the arrest began but they warned it could be a very dangerous time. getting to this flight area. over a million haitians are now on the verge of famine. secretary of state's says those who are on the council will be names. hoping that will bring an end to the chaos. with adjudications advisor john kirby. but was a dominican republican border there there we have ryan. hello ryan. >> shand, after initially saying they would not evacuate americans that were trapped in haiti, the us state department on saturday said they secured a
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charter flight five and a half our drive through the gain control territory and the -- they were americans -- worn them to travel their own risk when they got other evacuation off -- options from the capital. >> our families are scared, they just want us home. >> reporter: inside haiti, trapped americans feel abandoned by the us. >> they could do better. leaving a struggling this is not america. >> the omission of grace are stuck in southwest haiti after evacuating 300 orf and haitian from a gang controlled area. gangs in haiti threaten several -- civil war and genocide. an estimated 80% is controlled by gangs who have burned down hundreds of buildings and openly shoot and kill people in the streets.
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>> they're just kids excited to be shooting at stuff. >> of project dynamo, ruskin three dozen americans from haiti with kenya and jumpstart more violence. >> not able to find them face-to-face or no sin knows they need leverage. with the kidnappings and hostages. >> reporter: they say 1.4 million haitians are on the verge of famine. and they go and look for my two for your and wives we find nothing. they cross over the border into the dominican republic to buy necessities. and they're doing all they can. >> a thing the air national community has turned their backs on haiti. how many chances are we given the haitian people.
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>> preparing for a mass exodus of haitian migrants with additional officers and more than a dozen errancy craft to the southern coast. >> thank you very much brian. we turn -- turn out to lucas tomlinson. both president biden for president trump are making the case for a second term. >> that's right, good morning shannon. joking about his agent stavrinides donald trump holding a rally in ohio focusing on the economy and taking shots at biden. it was see by the majority leader is so reverberates. >> a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of israel. >> reporter: he seemed to endorse the speech and size he
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was given a heads up. >> do agree with chuck schumer that netanyahu should go? >> were over a hundred thousand people voted uncommitted in the primary. its estate he nearly -- nearly one in 2020 and where trump won four years earlier. >> democrats are very bad for israel. biden is so bad for israel, they should never have attached. >> reporter: then arrival and respond to schumer say israel is a robust democracy and only their citizens we'll decide its future and leadership. >> they worn hamas not the only foreign-policy challenge biden faces in the region. those forces in yemen continue attacks on commercial shipping sinking one recently despite two months of near daily strikes for the u.s. navy. warning not to transfer
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ballistic missiles to russia which would be use against ukraine. this year there holding presidential elections and the result is not in doubt. including setting fire to these places and tampering with ballot boxes. >> a quarter-century go and bill clinton was here as president. only josef stalin has ruled russia longer. >> at the white house, thank you lucas. when the advisor, welcome back. >> great to be with you shannon. >> shannon: that speech chuck schumer gave on thursday, he launched -- lumped benjamin netanyahu in with hamas calling for new elections there and says people that oppose this state are bigots and i can only think he means a premised or but then others as well. that our president said this about the speech.
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>> to our friends in the international community, i say is your memory so short so quick you forgot about october 7th and what was committed against jews with the holocaust. so quickly you are ready to deny israel right to defend itself against the monsters of hamas. >> clearly not our president, but he said it was a good speech ends as vote for a lot of people that was netanyahu's reaction this morning say have you already forgotten, does a president think benjamin netanyahu is a big it, an impediment to peace and he should be lumped in with hamas? >> these are two leaders that have known themselves -- known each other a long time and they haven't agreed on everything haven't -- have it for 40 years but there is a prosecution of operations in gaza to be absolute don't agree that everything. they have a relationship where they can talk to one another and they do and they will again.
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>> do they call the good speech and see the need to be new elections i should be the prime minister? >> they believe it's up to the israeli people. but or actually after the very passionate speech he recognizes there's a lot of americans you feel the same weigh the wars going. we also have concerns about some of the operations with how they are being conducted and we need to make sure civilians are protected and secure and casualties come down. and of course we're still working on that cease-fire to get those sausages out. >> reporter: there. >> shannon: the president also said also said there would be a line if they went forward with this invasion which they say they will do, i know there has been some quantifying of this saying if there is an escape route for civilians it's part of the issue. but if you consider israel is crossing a redline, what does this mean? to be doing -- do we pull eight
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or weapons? what does a president me on the other side of this redline? >> i don't want to get ahead of where we are or engage in hypotheticals. >> shannon: but he did say that. >> absolutely dead. he's talking about what we've been saying for a while. weaned understand the need to go after hamas there is hamas brigades and rafa. certainly representing but we cannot supports this that does not have an exit beetle -- executable and verifiable and achievable plan for the 1.5 million people that are trying to find refuge. people that were pushed in from a few weeks ago and in gaza city when the operations were there. they have to be accounted for now they will tell you they call humanitarian islands ends we welcome any crime applied to take care of them. >> do you plan to get one before the offensive starts? >> we would welcome the
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opportunity to get along with their plans are before they move in and i think it's a part of your viewers to understand they have not done this yet. they have not moved into rafa. >> shannon: they say could take a matter of weeks that it could commence sooner rather than later that sky for the prime minister this morning. there's also the issue of the peer we are trying to build to get aid in. they say about a thousand us troops can be involved with that. this is mighty close to those questions about their safety and also what happens to the aid once he gets unloaded. here's marco rubio worried about that. >> dealing people on the ground are hamas. can they guarantee we go through all this trouble and put american lives on the line just so aid can be disturbed into hamas who controls us like they've controlled everything? >> speaker-02: what are the guarantees? >> with respect to the centre,
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hamas is not the only group distributing, there's many aid organizations on the ground that are helping with the distribution of food, water, medicine. >> is it fair to say they get their hands on things? >> reid watts it's very close and we had onset they pilfered off the humanitarian assistance no one's making excuses for them or what they've done to gaza and the gazan people and how they put the gazan people at risk or how they put these really people are risk, not all. weathers other organizations doing that. i would tell you we are still working at the details. without unhealthy assistants we'll get from the temporary peer with this offshore peer to the beach. we study ground transportation and we are working our way through that right now. >> shannon: i want to get to another hotspot internationally. we going to russia and their efforts against ukraine as we
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get word this morning russian say they've taken another key area in ukraine, a small area in that one region. it's a difficult stalemate at best. now playing into this with the authors of the book outside would host sanctions actually work. they say rather than hurting the regime leaders sanctions have strengthened the state and military and ended up hurting exact people are supposed to be helping. >> we are working really hard to make sure that the sanctions don't hurt the iranian people. we talked about an update or a renewal of the sanctions relief package that arose -- allows him to get electricity because the people are still dependents. >> we're craig savill but we won't go down that. >> understand that but the prime trying to make is clients actually doesn't go to the regime, it does go to the iranian people. we are working hard as we deploy
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economic measures against the regime that we are not punishing the iranian people don't have a beef with the people its with the i rgc and supreme leader and those who continue to fund and support terry -- terrorist groups through reason. -- region. >> shannon: they say that they have capture the village in that region. this follows news weeks ago another area reclaimed by russia. where are we? >> call it a stalemates a little bit ago i would push back on that. what we are seen the russians do as most of their efforts have been in the east. he toyed with this time which is clearly more to the south what they are pushing west. and about three lines a defence of the russians are pushing up against the first one in trying to get to the second one. they're taking small towns and villages and farmland not because it strategically valuable because they want to show wins with the election this week and they want to show they are on the move what they are
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physically on the move. slowly, but they are. ukrainians don't have that ammunition and other key abilities they need to push back on the russians and take background back. that's why it's so critical that we get this elemental funding shannon. ukrainian commanders on the battlefield are making life-and-death decisions about whether they will far back are won't because they're running out of emanation, not encourage leadership or skill. >> shannon: we'll tie without and what's coming out of the house very quickly, with the white house sign off on standalone measures? like aid for ukraine? >> out -- i don't want to get ahead of the present but we want that supplemental funding. time is not on there side its on our side either. >> shannon: always good to see you and happy st. patrick's day. next we'll take you like to israel to get the latest on netenyahu's plans with a ground invasion in the southern gaza city of rafa. some democrats say they want to
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put conditions with eight or weapons for the allied. the chairman texas republic. ♪ >> announcer: fox news sunday brought you by pacific life. 150 years of strength and stability. imagine your future with confidence .
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♪ >> shannon: the israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu has approved plans for ground invasion into the city of rafa in southern gaza despite objections by the us that netenyahu making the announcement friday say with valuing civilians from raw far, as you heard admiral kirby say we haven't seen those, yeah. they are live from tel aviv with the very latest from there, hello tray. >> good morning shannon. where the next steps in the war, both the israelis and americans agree more aid must make it into gaza. in the dark of nights, they unload pallets of food from a ship docked on the coast of gaza. >> this applies of the first delivery of aid to the enclave since the war began. >> look at the people, they are all over the food and they can't have anything. >> reporter: this we can also saw more support draw from the air. with a cornet after between the
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american and jordanian militaries. there is a rift between the americans and israelis without you proceed with military operations. was started as a spot between israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president biden over plans to enter gaza southernmost city of rafa has turned into much more with the senate majority leader chuck schumer. on thursday calling for elections in israel. >> benjamin netanyahu has losses weigh. >> he has remained to fight even with these government protest saturday and the concerns from international organizations about the consequences of operating in rafa. >> i think the consequences of a ground operation the current circumstances would be catastrophic for the people of gaza. >> with the israeli prime
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minister johnson politics of the war, is rose defence minister held a special meeting overnights to discuss the return of hostages from gaza. >> shannon: the priority means there. live in israel, tray, thank you. house one affairs chair mike mccall, good to see you. >> think you're having me shannon. >> shannon: let's get your reaction to this speech. time for new elections standing in the way peaceloving him when with hamas you yet they have differences but they can talk to each other. >> yeun otago toppling a government in a democracy. that's what the ambassador from israel when this news came out it was very inappropriate i think it was embarrassing there is a way to talk what your differences not to topple a government in a democratic country. it's indicative of the split
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with the democratic party between the base which is now the traditional israeli alliance anymore. i think what you're seeing is a pro- palestinian anti- israel faction with the democratic party i know they protest she were outside his home every morning perhaps it's why he's responding this way but it's not a good sign. usually israel has always been bipartisan. >> with the questions there should be conditioned i want flows into israel and the president talked about this redline with regards to rafa, we do have a lot of sway over israel so how much of this she would be using to make sure there is a concrete plan to protect civilians in the province? >> with the un refugee they were actually involved in the invasion of israel. how can we have them deliver aid in gaza, there is no trust there so israel is now getting private contractors to move the aden.
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we have the world food program relief services many ngos that can deliver the aid is given the right security and i think we need to look at this model moving forward. >> sheary be continuing to warn israel there could be limits on what we give and send it they continue with this invasion? >> matter standing is it's not an invasion, is a continuance of targeting high-value targets in rafa. they've taken out half the leadership of hamas. once they take out you know, the top leadership including this guy that's threatened to bomb jerusalem during ramadan that is when you will see a turning point. out see anything wrong with doing that, high-value targets, not a full-fledged tanks rolling in. >> shannon: let's talk about all of the finding there. ukraine, taiwan, other priorities. they want the full package with
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those other things being floated, possible standalone measures, possible loans or lend lease. those things coming out of the house, the white house signal they don't have any interest in. what can the house passed that the president would sign. >> 's indicated working with the appropriate authorizers and appropriators. there's things we can do to make this bill better. i passed this in my committee and its with those that agree with the concepts. with the government assistance. with the assistance but it's symbolic that it's a loan program. i would those in crimea. >> shannon: you think this comes there is a package what
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you think it's going to be? and they say that they are committed to be ukraine and also the pacific. >> no be government shutdown time. and that gets past. >> i do think we will. with the peace a little dicey last resort cr we could continue on that basis however, we will get that done and we will move to the supplement so. >> i want to talk to about haiti we are watching this violence
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are -- terrible situation there did unfolding and democrats are putting the fingers are republicans are some of this in a democratic leader over in the house wrote a letter to the speaker this week, he name checked you in a lead -- n. says this, the situation on the ground has rapidly deteriorated while the house road cans have refused to deliver the resources necessary to carry out this mission and now is a time to release the full $50 million in security supports, or republicans responsible for what's happening in haiti? >> no i think their failed policies lead to what's happening in haiti with know governments whatsoever shannon had the prime minister's but even can you won't have the peacekeeping forces because it's so chaotic. what they are asking me to do is release $50 million of cash and weapons to go into haiti with know governance and the worst thing we could do is arm the very warlords that threaten the
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people of haiti. i don't want this to happen. we have a history in this country of throwing weapons and guns into countries and they backfire. until i have assurances the money can be accounted for and go to the right purpose, i can't in good conscience release the funding for the american taxpayer, most important you the haitian people themselves. >> shannon: so that stays on hold for now. i want to talk with this over you go. try to get answers and accountability from the withdrawal with afghanistan. we all remember the horrible suicide bombing that took more than a hundred lives including 13 servicemembers, american servicemembers. one of the father's of the servicemember had a number of these families as guests. he says charge are still pending against him, do you know what's happening this case? >> i would be recommend -- i recommend they were dropped.
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this guy is stephen co. ekgs been through so much, he lost his son, he's had a suicide death in his family all these families are grieving and they feel that this president has never apologized to them or said i'm sorry your son and one daughter were killed by a suicide bomber. we'll hear from the chairman of the joint chiefs about the white house and state department's failures that brought about these conditions that led to the suicide bomber. >> shannon: do think you'll get information that we afford and have at what the american people want to know, is anyone then going to be held accountable? >> the one thing i would like is i want the dod to provide the documents that the sniper testified to. eset i i saw the suicide bomber, identified the be on the lookout
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and he said the pictures over to the command centre and they have yet to produce these a year later i'll be talking without the hearing and they groove me that the dod needs to turn over these documents. >> shannon: okay, will be watching this will week. >> happy saint patty's day. >> to youtube. >> shannon: setting up that trump biden rematch, we will show you who's leading the two new battleground states. as millions of primary voters happen with illinois kansas tuesday and setting the panel -- our panel weighs index. ♪
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>> let me tell you something to china. you and i are friends what he understands the way ideal. those big monster car manufacturing plants were building in mexico, we'll put a 100% tariff in every single car that comes across a line and you won't be able to sell those. if i get elected. now we don't get elected it's
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going to be a bloodbath for the whole that's going be the least of it will be a bloodbath. >> shannon: four president trump taken the headlines with him same bloodbath but he was in there would be an economic bloodbath be doesn't swing this fall with those tariffs on cars they want to manufacture and sell the us you always think context is important but the bynen harris campaign spokesperson respond quickly saying the american people are going to give him another electoral defeat this november because they continue to reject his extremism. his affection for violence and thirst for revenge. it is time now for our sunday group. emily, outnumbered cohost the editor and chief. for pharmacy department spokesperson and founder of polaris national security and kevin, the 2028 biden campaign surrogate crack great to see all of you this morning. the general election is on an earnest he's too are going out each other. president biden has just made a
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swing of some critical key battleground states and the vice president out there as well but here's the headline from newsweek. joe biden's approval rating falls to an all-time low after the state of the union. he didn't get that bounce they were expecting. >> a thing it's employee -- important to point out in the polling he raised $10 million i do say the union by small dollar donations. i think you're seeing in duty -- enthusiasm among bay supporters, he was on the ground in michigan and on the ground in wisconsin, he was in pennsylvania on friday hitting those key states in building out that -- building out the team. we hardly key people most those battleground states at the same time the rnc has been decimated now by the new leadership so i think the president is in a good position come the next 232 days. >> shannon: well at stake a look at polls i might not suggest that. [ laughter ] there is room for improvement as my mom likes to say. in arizona we have our brand-new fox pool. even with that trump has a +4
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then -- there when we go ahead to had with all of the extra pieces were president trump. they have that and that erases and this looks good for president trump of many of these are within the margin of error. >> does look good for president trump because when you look at the things that still matter to most americans are still feeling the pinch of inflation and every time he go to the groceries or the prices have not come down. every time you fill out that tank of gas it still higher than it was four years ago. there is an economic message and also the forum -- foreign-policy dorks like me issues finally matter in a presidential election, unfortunately it's were really badly -- reason when you look in theatre after theatre there is new war and chaos and a feeling the adults are not only not in charge but the people that are leading or
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making poor decisions leading to wars in every theatre. we lightly can skead over the fact that this is the worst war in europe russia's invasion of ukraine since world war ii, we can skead over the fact more jews were killed october 7 that any day since the holocaust a lesson sanctions promised elections. i could go throughout the middle east and by the way i will not this a ministration forget about afghanistan we had 13 of our best young men and women there 20 years of a ct fight they flushed down the toilet with chaotic disaster that did need to happen. known in this national security team is ever been held accountable, has ever been punished, has ever been reprimanded for failure after failure after failure and that's what we are going to go between now and election day. >> i'll be very interested see what comes from this, if there is any lines of accountability on that withdraw. while the problems the biden
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campaign is having to work with his american voters who don't think that's he's managing this conflict well and there's voters that's across-the-board by two thirds of proximally two thirds of americans don't think he's handling american foreign-policy well. say any notion with those rolls in gauze i will simply come here home of over him and the general election then they need serious adjustment for some voters this is not as a policy dispute its a moral mission in the market victory is a biden defeat. the question now is how large is this constituency. we've seen the show up in early states when uncommitted in michigan it was over a hundred thousand votes. >> that was because of a strong lobbying advert i wanted to dig into the why with the executive directors came out and said i cannot live under someone who pretends to be my friends. because some argue with under per trump administration they say there was a travel ban and
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rhetoric that seems to show antagonism to reflect this and fermenting muslim americans as he said, i knew how he stood. he didn't pretend to be my fried as he said trump was actively arming and overseeing a genocide, i think the betrayal air americans feel under president biden cannot be understated. i have to say this can't be overstated by that i have to say that the problem with president biden's approach to foreign policy which morgan can articulate for greater than i can is his inability to commit to something because of a fear of escalation. he's not we are -- winning anyone. 's fear of escalation in gaza has led to know friends. he's absolutely projected out any type of israeli support as well as a type of arab-american support by him not drawing a clear line that's why voters are shying away why the strong backlash is so strong and white -- why it might be deeply damming. >> shannon: that something has
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to work on in the polls and foreign-policy. sewing that has been working as the issue of abortion. the sitting vice president, i think for the first time in history go to visit an abortion clinic and talk about these rights she says democrats are fighting to defend. here's what she said. >> these attacks against an individual's right to make decisions for their own body. they are owe rages said in many instances just plain old immoral. >> this comes at the same time we hear from the gop retreat gop leadership wants to go on tack previous republicans are not right to sit back on this issue, any to put the onus on democrats to show their positions are in timelines. >> that's good advice because we have the democrat a special election time o'dette immigration. he won that raised. basically had the talk woke people want to talk about. democrats have a huge advantage on abortion, you'll hear abortion talks with a lot. some democrats want to talk more
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about abortion then the economy because that is where trump has the advantage. those battleground states are major problem for biden and i think there'll be big protest at the democratic event -- convention in ontario that could be a big problem for the country. >> some of us will be there don't go far, the election or -- interference cases out and he scores a temporary win with the hush money case against him in new york could they break down the clinical implications of all the legal developments next. ♪
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>> this another example of a two-tier justice system, i think it's a sad day for georgia and a bad day for the country. >> shannon: was that was a senator apparently very human where he was categorizing to the news that special prosecutor nathan wade is officially out, no longer part of the state selection interference case against four president donald trump. after they ruled district attorney could stay on the case with i was on the condition that wade left so we are back now with the panel here is what the judge said by the way, he said the finding is by no means an
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indication that the court condones this tremendous lapse in judgement with the unprofessional manner of of the testimony during the evidentiary hearing. i left both sides unhappy. >> yes, i think what was surprising as they thought wasn't it obvious? was there enough testimony to prove the relationship began well before nathan wade earned this position? on the judge essentially said i didn't, it doesn't rise to this legal standard, this efficiency so the issue with this is many feel the embarrassment reflects onto the district attorney and there should be some kind of accountability and seems a resignation does not fulfil people's expectations that there had to be some remedy but their doors are made to be seen with the state bar in the senate there's a lot of other bodies that might hold or two accounts with especially the voters what people think this might lead a new fire of vitriol under her for the prosecution.
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the defence were arguing for some people it was on its face there was, in fact, an actual conflict of interest in the judge simile so we went back to the case file and presidents and the standard is not like this and it didn't just rice here. as you point out election odour of mendacity so there was a lot of expected lies i think my comeback to bite them later. >> there are investigations on going. and the los angeles times, he's a law professor and so this was actually a win its a total legal victory, is the case preserves? yes, things been derailed, no. so bob, this could still be a real prom for president trump with these codefendants on the line if she just picks up the ball and says okay, we are proceeding from here. >> yes, but this is very bad. this ruling was quite scathing at the same time as far as going forward, the cases basically infected because of this judgements it's been delayed because of this poor judgement and that's exactly what trump
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wants. i think it's a win for trump. >> while he has that cash money case as well these will eventually get to trial with the exception of vivid the president wins and with the. [ singing ] apart and are shut down as president. but that's essentially meaning he's running for his life in some ways to win this election. >> he absolutely is and that is a dangerous thing to be running from with was on the line with these indictments. the process will move forward in georgia is ready for codefendants over already pled guilty in that case cooperating with them, this process will take place, on the key reasons why nikki haley was campaigning so hardly campaign trail was the idea of this distraction for the former president. the tiny will spend in the courtrooms facing those charges on the inability to raise funds and compete against the president, a key issue for the former president.
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>> shannon: selling else gaza talk about is a shift in position on tiktok he tried to get rid of it during his presidency and seems a little more lukewarm with the issue coming out of the house and the fact is it's made it through the house but here's the headline from the washington post. after the bill of sale the senators pump the brakes. now there's a conversation about where it goes from here there is concerned about the bill, vagueness and critics saying it could go a lot farther than it appears. >> this on the first time they pass this and decided slow down. this probably happens every other week karen washington. i do think there is clearly what passes the house with a bipartisan manner not many things. very few things. clearly there is some provisions with ted cruz another consultation lawyers people in the senate that want to look at the legislation in detail make sure there's nothing they could come back to bite lawmakers in do you know what as it relates
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to tik tok. but fundamentally, i think from the perspective of being one of these. whoever publicans a democrats in washington dc that agree the algorithm and data behind this app is essentially the chinese communist party controlling the minds of the public discourse in our country. the fact we could get them all to agree on that is great, now can they go through and get the proper amendments i get the legislation palatable to form president trump, out think he was actually pushing back that much, he was bringing up i think a very key point that worries a lot of people including the marshall who before legislation as well as lindsey graham on regular social media a large. i think there'll be an out -- appetite at large government china perspective the fact we could get both sides of the aisle to agree on anything including the threat that's what
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we had to be attacking. >> layh play labit have president trump's interview that you see in full on media buzz talking about tik tok and the appearance his position has shifted. >> i would like to see if you're doing a tik tok do it to facebook what you can do is let them sell tik tok, though solid in the marketing good press or not. i don't know. would take it from china control. >> he says after he spent much of the lash of presidency trying to ban tik tok his abrupt effort to defend this aptly last week many in washington by surprise and they say is part of a pattern changing course when an interested billionaire donor was in the mix. do think there is any appetite on the helfer going after these other companies as well while they are looking at tik tok as a former president suggests? >> there some appetite but i think it will be very difficult.
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is a precarious decision by chuck schumer if he allows the vote in the senate because it probably we'll pass. same time with the house and senate up for grabs that's got the range of 52 votes in the house not actually that popular any convectors backfire with young voters. >> on that issue of young voters, the biden harris campaign is on tik tok even though he said you would sign this. >> you had this a she will blame president biden i think to that point it's a good one type is the key issue for young voters just like a war with israel and hamas in terms of animating younger voters. demonstration has to two a particular line i think with regards to this especially without trauma coming out of backdoors against the span. >> shannon: not sure he's forgets after hearing that. [ laughter ] wants a full interview with how annual no more. okay panel, thank you very much, coming up next, mitch with his harrowing escape from haiti and growing concerned about those
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left behind including at the orphanage he operates there in haiti.
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♪ >> shannon: chaos and violence is overrun haiti bringing the country to its knees. haitians and americans run it -- rushing to escape the unrest. this was led by two members of congress that successfully airlifted a group of volunteers from the island including the best-selling -- best selling author who joins us now to share his story. match, welcome, it's great to have you with us. i learned in interviewing lot -- interviewing you last year as you operate in orphanage there. the ministration, the state department has said about being there in haiti. >> for years we have been telling americans don't go to haiti. do not travel there, is not safe to do so and for those they are leivo soon as you can feasibly do so without putting yourself at risk. >> so why has been so important for you to be there?
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>> because it's easy to say don't go there because it's dangerous but what about the people living there? what about the children who live there? i've operated in orphanage there every year -- every day for the last 14 years. i can't stop going just because of danger. it's more dangerous to the children of people they are. >> was the situation like on the ground there? >> it's almost indescribable. every night there is gunfire, kids saying their prayers with gunfire the background and you hear about police stations being burned banks being looted and bodies being left out of the middle of the street. there is no government to speak of, the gangs basically control everything, our kids have been outside of our orphanage stories in three years. because it's too dangerous to go on the streets. it is not a way to live and i'm trying to advocate for us to get a little bit more involved and try to stem this violence in haiti. >> you do go back and forth
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honouring their bases with those last time trickier trying to get out with airport shut down normal transit areas and completely closed off. we may have some footage of this that you were part of the group that was rescued by korey mills who has done this in a number of places many things it's important to get americans out, he tells your journey out? >> a didn't know corey mills are calling me. and said we're going to get you out. wasn't so much my wife and myself they go there every month there used to the danger but we had eight guests with those who had come down some had there been to haiti before one who had never been out of the country before. we had no idea what we could get out again in the airports and roads were closed importers were close. corey mills organize this trip it was the middle of the night, we came out -- running out of where we were 67 seconds you're thrown into a helicopter and up without. while we were happy we were able
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to get out and heartbreaking where we flew over the airspace know your kids were still there. and so are hundreds if not thousands of americans and canadians who are still trying to get out. i want to say we go to haiti to go have a vacation pay people don't go there to go to the club, they are there to help children and do projects or bring food or education or hospitals, they're doing good work and if they need to get out of there is efforts to bring them out. >> thank you for the work you're doing there, blessings are you and you're team, incense on you done quietly and selflessly as making a real difference i know your heart much of it is still left there haiti. will pray for those who are left in your care from afar. >> thank you, please all forget about them. thank you shannon. >> make has been my podcast and today we have a new one. live in the bream -- living the
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7:00 am
okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) held at a san francisco bus stop. a live report from the city with the latest on what we know about that crash and the vigil being planned for the victims, and san jose's battle to revamp historic saint james park hits a roadblock because of a recent court ruling. how that setback could impact the city's revitalization efforts and interstate 683 pleasanton remains shut


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