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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 19, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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quentin by this summer. right now, there are more than 400 men on death row at san quentin prison. a few weeks ago, the state began moving these inmates out of san quentin to other facilities around the state. until 2016, condemned prisoners were only allowed to be housed at san quentin. the voters changed that to allow the inmates to live closer to their families without reducing the sentencesúof the prisoners. well, santa rosa getting almost $1 million in funding to help build a center to combat crime. the santa rosa police announced that congressman mike thompson has secured $898,000. it will go towards the police department's real time crime center. police say that center will allow the department to use gunshot crime prevention technology to help the police investigate and prevent gun crimes. the center's opening date has not been
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announced yet. well, a caller id app is using artificial intelligence to get more people to sign up for its premium tier. it's called true caller. they say it blocks $40 in spam calls a year for its 374 million spusersn the updated technology will block every single call that doesn't come from an approved contact, or that it's artificial intelligence determines might be spam. the update is for android services only. >> major backups leading to the bay bridge at oakland after a wrong-way crash kills one person at the start of the morning commute. the criminal investigation underway and repercussions on your morning drive. then at&t wants to dramatically cut the availability of its landline service. how some phone customers are explaining they need those landline calls. then a man whose name has been synonymous with san francisco
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politics for decades is marking a personal milestone. mister mayor willie brown joins us live in studio this hour, just ahead of his 90th birthday. his take on a life in public service and the state of the city today from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back . >ñ i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. it is tuesday, march 19th. >> that breaking news we are following all morning. a deadly collision that's backing up traffic right before the bay bridge in oakland. ktvu there with new inn about what led to the crash. james >> garcia and dave, let's talk about some of the traffic implications first, imagine, thf the area is affecting almost every driver that comes from the east bay going into san francisco this morning. so if you haven't head out the door and this is direction you need to go, you certainly want to try to get that commute started right away. i mean, this is
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backing up not just 580 but also 80 coming out of berkeley and el cerrito. certainly the 24 highway as well. and here's all why. you can see these two cars behind me. you see the van, the white van and what looks like a black bmw here. both of these cars were just two cars that were just driving to the bay brl plaza, having nothing to do with an investigation earlier this morning. i'll turn you aroundc over to this white truck here. and what we're learning now from cerrito police department. this white truck was involved and a burglary at a tobacco shop in the city. we actually just heard from the tobacco shop owner just a minute ago. we can take you live there right now where you'll see a big hole into the shop this morning. that owner telling us that the truck just rammed into the store and tried to steal basically anything. they canc take a listen to what he had to say to us this morning. ñ> they rammed it and they were going probably ten,c 15 miles an hour slammed in there, half the car was inside the store. they
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came. they drove out of it a little bit. they jumped out, got some bags that they had, it looked like they had some other stuff in their car. it's kind they were just ransacking thee.- place, took cigaret packs off the rack. whatever they can get their hands on, fill up their bags and took off. >> i'll take you back. live out here again. we are just on 580 westbound right before you get on to 80. right before the bay bridge toll plaza. here's a result of that crash. you see the cigaret cartons all scattered throughout. there aree lighters as well. i've seen bills of cash that are on the on the on the street here too. these cars are going to be here pretty much up until the police department and the chp can finish their investigation. in fact, they say that the coroner's office is on the way, but they are stuck in this traffic, too, just like anyone else trying to head into san francisco, going to work, going to school, you name it. i do
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want to offer one little correction here, because i did say that the traffic was affecting anyone who was coming out of el cerrito and berkeley. actually, if you're heading from 80l from that part of 80 into the bay bridge toll plaza, you might actually have the easiest commute this morning. but it's really anyone who is coming from 980 coming from that connector on 580. that is where you'll have lots of extra minutes to account for before you actually getc to the toll plaza toll, bay bridge toll plazal i should say, once you get there, you'll be francisco. now, of course, we are still keeping in contact with the police department and the chp to give us some more updates. as their investigation goes on. we know that the passengers and the drivers of every other car, all in serious condition. this morning, one person has died as a result of this crash. darcy and dave will send it back to you. >> let's get straight to traffic , sal. >> all right. james and garcia, thank you very much. we do have a huge effect on the morning
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commute. highway 24 is stopped, essentially, as soon as you come out of the tunnel. the best way to get around this is to get off highway 13. here, use ashby avenue all the way down to the 80úfreeway. and if you're in oakland and you want to get to the bay bridge, do not use 580. use interstate 880 instead. that would be the best. call more morning, people have heard about this who come in from contra costa county and they're avoiding the caldecott. but there are more people on 80 through richmond and into berkeley as a result. and this again, was a deadly crash. we'll have more on the rest of the commute comingúup now at 705.t& let's go to steve, who has today's weather. >> all right. thank you sir. well, i dusted off an old video of fog. wait aúminute. that's this morning. here, look at that big fog bank out there. i mean, huge 40s, 50s on the temps here.úeveryonegs almost every reporting stations reporting either overcast and that's a lot of low cloud deck.
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that's going to lead to some cooler weather. big changes we'e more day. i think of some low, low 70s well inland but 50s and 60s closer to the coast. spring officially starts tonight, but it may feel more more colder over by the coast and bay 5060s to a couple of low 70s on those temps. >> all right, steve, thank you. time now. 706n well happening today. the cityúof oakland now considering a new strategy to deal with abandoned cars and other vehicles on city streets, that's after complaints that removing abandoned cars right now takes several months. the city $250,000 to sweep the whole city. theúplan would set aside money for a dedicated parking management analyst at the oakland city council, is due to vote onúthis measure at. anor item on the council meeting today will require the alarm companies to confirm a crime has been committed, or is being
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committed before police can be sent out to that area. the president of the california alarm association says the proposed policy, called verified response,úwould jeopardize public safety. he also says the policy has already been tried and repealed in cities including san jose and dallas. it is 707. oakland mayor xiang tao says crime is trending down in the troubled hegenberger corridor of oakland. howard. that's after several restaurants in that area, including in-n-outc burger and denny's, recently said they're closing their restaurants because of safety concerns. the city responded by sending out six police officers on foot and one sergeant, the mayor said during the past four months, the numbers show there's been a sharp drop in car thefts and burglaries, as well as robberies and focused on making arrests when warranted. >> while reducing and preventing
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crime in the entire city, the chp will continue to conduct unannounced search operations alongside our law enforcement partner agencies, and the chp says it has 72 officers in the oakland office as 65 officers may be added. >> the port of oakland and the alameda county sheriff's office now running 24 hours a day. >> new this morning, investigators in hayward are working to learn how a suspected trespasser got inside a home that later caught fire. >> my brother just said back, please. >> this fire happened around 1030 last night inside a home on shell gate circle. when firefighters arrived, they rescued a man from inside the home. he was taken to a hospital for treatment. fire investigators say the homeowners were out of the country and that no one . a united airlines flight bound for japan had to return to the gate at sfo due to a mechanical
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problem. a live look now at sfo. united airlines has just sent ktvu news. a statement says the flight was set to take off for osaka shortly after noon yesterday, pilot announced there was some type of engine problem. this is the eighth maintenance issue involving united flight flying in out of sfo in >> our time now 709 later today, telephone customers will get a chance to speak out about a plan the state public utilitiesrvice. commission will hold two virtual meetings to hear from both customers and fromc phone compay representatives. at&t says it no longer is cost effective tot& maintain landlines because there just isn't muchúof a demand for it. the people fighting for landlines includes a landlord in the sacramento area who was born with a severe case of hearing loss. >> the reason the landline is
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probably the most important for me is it's clear versus the internet line. as the static. it comes and goes, it fades in and out. >> now at&t is stressing it still will be offering landline service. any customers who makes the case that it is essential to their life? >> time now is 710 and we've been talking all morning about the problem on 580. i'll give you a brief recap on that. 580 has is down to oneúlane as you come up on the macarthurúmaze because of a deadly crash right at the maze. this is affected. 580 and 24 the best way to get to the bay bridge is 880 or interstate 80. and avoid 580. now we do have to talk about some of the other commutes around the bay area.újust to let you know what's going on. highway four is slow as it normally is. 680 is not all that slow. i think more people will be on 80 to try and avoid getting into the caldecott tunnel. some of the other commutes, like the south bay
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commute, it looks pretty good here in san jose. there's a little bit of a usual slowing getting into the west valley with no major issues. so again, the main problem continues to be 580 in oakland. we'll have another report on back to the desk. >> okay, sal, we have the latest from san francisco about the tragedy that struck a family that was waitingúfor a bus. we tell you how the community honored their memories and a lot of outcry over an off the field move by the san francisco giants. >> why? a beloved, familiar voice will no longer be t the ballpark. and kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked,
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hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company.
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san francisco giants are outraged after the team made a stunning announcement that they're parting ways with their longtime public addresst& announcer, renel brooks-moon. ktvu is andre senior in the studio now to tell us about the reaction. good morning andre. >> good morning, dave renel brooks-moon made baseball history 24 years ago and that is when she became the first black woman to become a pa announcer for a big league team, batting sixth, first baseman, number nine. now the giants broke the news yesterday with a statement announcing the ongoing contract negotiations between the team and renel had collapsed in part,
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it said, quote, afterc extensive discussions, they mutually and amicably agreed to part ways. end quote. now, adam copeland is the program director for the sports radio station knbr, the flagship station for the giants broadcasts. copeland shares the outrage and shock many giants fans have. >> a big loss not just for the giants, but for little girls, for people of color. when she spoke inú2020 and she said after that she was going to hold the organization accountable for their hiring practices, it feels devastating as a as a black man in sports media in san francisco, there are similar reactions from many longtime giants fans and at least one bay area lawmaker.t& >> they simply cannot believe the giants are losing their groundbreaking p.a. announcer. >> for her to be let go because of contract differences or just is inexplicable and shocking that the giants could have this poor of judgment. >> her voice was the first thing
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i hear before i even got to see the field, so herúloss is, like, completely devastate thing. >> well, last night she posted a message on social media thanking giants fans for their many years of support. the giants have not yet named a successor, but itgs certain to be one of the major topics when the team hosts media day at oracle park. and, dave, that's going to happen on thursday. >> all right, andre, thank you. time now. 716 the giants also reportedly signed theúnational league's reigning cy young award winner only nine days before the new season starts. several media outlets reporting that blake snell agreed to a two year deal worth $62 million. he's 31 years old. he's one of seven to win ty young award in both leagues. snell will now be reunited with giants manager bobc melvin after two seasons together in san diego. >> state lawmakers are working on plans to address california's
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budget deficit. governor made an unannounced to meet with assembly speaker robert rivas last month. the legislative analyst's office said the deficit could be as high as $58 billionúfor the next fiscal year. the governor did not share details on where he might be willing to compromise on his budget proposal. >> our time now. 717 the san mateo county sheriff's office will increase patrols in half moon bay after a woman reported she was groped on a popular walking trail. now she reported being approached by a man on a bike while walking onúthe trail that runs along the coast. she says it happened saturday night, about 7 p.m. dogs are no longer allowed on several hikingc trais in san francisco's presidio area for the next six months. >> during coyote pupping season, dogs wongt be allowed on the park trail between mountain lake to the presidio promenade, as well as the bay ridge trail from the rob hill campground to presidio golf course. park officials enacted the ban because during pupping season,
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young and may become aggressive around dogs. >> all right, it's 718 right back to south. major commute problems this morning around the bay bridge and in the east bay. so that's right. >> and i'm going to show you the bay bridge traffic camera because something is obviously wrong. people are not getting through because of that big problem on 580. and so wec know that 580 has been blocked with that crash. that happened at 430 this morning. i do want to mention that if you want toúuse alternate routes, other people sphave already done that. look t 880. a lot of people are avoiding 580 this morning. 880 is super crowded. as you drive up to downtown oakland, people are going to get on to the bay bridge instead, using 880. some people are using ashby avenue. 580 is temporarily shut down right now because they're putting cars on tow trucks. this is a very serious, deadly crash that happened. so please givet&
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yourself extra time. we're going to find out more about some of these other commutes. and i also want to mention that if you want to avoid the bay bridge at all, decent alternative. it's normal ish. see some slowing here and there, but when you get okay. se peninsula traffic, you know, just in case you say, okay, i'm not even going to go anywhere near bridge. san mateo and dumbarton bridge are okay as alternates. 719 let's talk about today's weather. here's steve, sal. >> thank you sir, a big, big fog bank. it went from a huge coverage here this morning. it looks like something we see in may orc june or july that's for sure. temperatures upper 40s 50s. they look like they're stuck here. iúdon't think they'll change because almost everybody is reporting some low cloud deck and making an influence. and there's a lot more today than yesterday. changes are on the way. a couple of systemsúwill start to work their way towards us. that will keep the fog bank going. it might as well be spring and it
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will be tonight at will be hangg out near the coast today. sunny, but nice inland. one more day. & held on to a though, they're the on borrowed time there and we'll see clouds rolling in thursday. rain returns friday, saturday. >> steve. thank you. two fires in two days at an east bay high school y school officials say they know who's behind one the y questions swirling around this larger, more destructive fire and ice base. >> they date back to ancient civilizations, but they're back in the spotlight as celebrities& and athletes are using them. we'll tell you what a sports medicine doctor says about
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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many of the world's top technology executives, scientists and engineers are in sanc jose. this year's conferene comes as nvidia is a strong performance on wall street, driven largely use of al intelligence. >> unlike most companies, they're going at it from all sides. they've got the hardware and the software and the cloud service infrastructure, so spthey're very well positioned o capitalize on this growing. and i exciting trend. >> nvidia stock has almost doubled since the start of the year. >> nvidia is teaming up with a companyc from south korea to mas produce its digital chips used in artificial intelligence. now analysts call these chips the next generation, with high
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bandwidth memory. several other companies, including samsung kog with nvidia says this deal will cement its leadership in the artificial intelligence industry . nvidia, by the way, owns 80% of the ai chip market. well trader joe's is pulling some foodúoff the shelves because there are serious health concerns. >> also, investors are waiting for word from the federal reserve. pam cook is back in studio with this and more in dollars and cents. the federal reserve begins their two day policy meeting today. >> always really expecting any changesúto interest rates this time around. but investors will be watching to hear what the federal reserve chief has to say about interest rates and the economy and inflation. so we'll be watching for that. another big cosmetics company that opening bell this morning, cody. celebrating 120 years in business. some of their brands include rimmel, max
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factor and kylie cosmetics.t& taking you live to the numbers. dow jones a little bit of a mixed picture this morning. the dow jones is up about a quarter of a percent. the roller coaster ride for those chip stocks. and nvidia continues it's been mostly up. but today the tech stocks are downn the nasdaq losing about a little more than 100 points, a little more than a half of a percent back below 16,000. and the s&p 500 down slightly. president biden will focus on rent gouging when he visits the battleground state of nevada later today. the president will take aim at landlords who are keeping their rents high, even though overall inflation has slowed. the white house says to bring down the cot of living in the us. a brand of trader joe's cashews is being taken off the shelves over salmonella concerns. the recall involves some of the trader joe's 50% less sodium roasted and salted whole cashews. take a look. the fda says some of the
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recalled product tested positive for salmonella, but recalled cashews were sold at trader joe's in 16 states, including here in california. no illnesses have been reported at this time, but you should take them back to the store. unilever said today it is spinning off its ice cream unit, including ben and jerry's, and it is cutting 7500 jobs in a cost cutting savings plan. the company says the restructuring will begin immediately. it is end of 2025.úben and jerry's brand has caused some issues for unilever for taking an active stance on various political issues, the company says. the ice cream division will perform better as a standalone business. i'm look at your dollars and cents, pam. >> thank you. the centuries old practice of cold therapy taking a dip in icy waters is part to social media. many celebrities have appeared on tiktok and instagram taking part in cold therapy. one man says he goes
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outside every day to take an ice bath, no matter how cold it is. one doctor of sports medicine says while the medical evidence around the practice is a little thin, he thinks cold therapy does have benefits. >> the overriding theme, i think, with cold plunge is one of the biggest benefits is kind of building resilience. and so when that initial cold are certn physiologic things that happen in our body. so our heart rate will go up, blood pressure will like adrenaline and. all of those can play a role in improving our mood, our well-being. >> more spas and gyms are now offering cold immersion therapy. medical professionals say you can get many of the same benefits from a cold shower or bath, and say you should talk to your doctor before taking a dunk in icy water. time now is 728. a court hearing resumes today in the case of a south bay family accused of killing their toddler. prosecutors say the willie brown, the incredibled willie brown, turns 90 years old tomorrow. >> the legendary political
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leader will be here in the studio with us, talking about his career and the current state the
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that particular stretch of folle breaking news of an early morning police pursuit and deadly crash in the east bay and the impact it is having on the morning commute across the bay bridge. >> from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you. spthank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark i'm garcia mikaelian. >> it is tuesday march q9th. >> and garcia we're still spfollowing the breaking news on that deadly collision backing up traffic just before the bay bridge. ktvu james torres, you've been out there for several hours. you've got more information as to what led up to that crash. good morning. james >> good morning dave. well, we're making some significant progress now in trying of 580 ae more traffic moving. since about
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430 this morning, only one lane out of actually allowed cars to flow through. you can seeúbehind me here what the scene looks like now. those cars all involved three different cars involved in this crash are now loaded up onto tow trucks and will be getting moving soon. that white truck that you see there, that is the truck. the suspected vehicle, if you will, that el cerrito police say was involved in a burglary earlierc this morning. and i want to show you exactly what it is that they did . they tell us that they were coming chasing them from el cerrito, called off the chase at one point, but then that white truck went on on the westbound lane of 80, ended up making a u-turn. right where you seec those traffic signal signs. not the bay bridge toll plaza, but u-turn, come up the wrong way up 580 and ended up crashing into two cars. what, one that looks like a large white work van, and then a small black bmw that has resulted in one person dying at the scene. i want to take you
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now. live over to el cerrito here. we'll show you the shop where this all started. it's a local tobacco shop here where the owner us that white truck rammed into their shop, caused the problem, took as much stuff as they could, and then ran off. listen to what he had to say. >> they rammed it in. they were going probably ten,ú15 miles an hour. slammedúin there. half the car was inside the store. they came. they drove out of it a little bit. they jumped out, got some bags that they had, it looked like they had some other stuff from probablyúanother burglary in their car. it's kind of hard to tell, went in there. they were just ransacking the place. took cigaret packs off the rack. whatever they can get their hands on, fill up their >> now, as aúresult of that burglary, that robbery, this is what officers and officials have found cartons of cigarets, lighters. we even found some cash blocks of wood. pieces of wood as well,
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that just flew out of the truck here. and then as a result of that crash, of course, we have the backup along 580 that is finally starting to move again. we've talked to some of those passengers, or rather some of those drivers who have been stuck in this traffic for a long time, 55 minutes from home. com? concord.t& >> concord? yes. >> how long have you been waiting in traffic? today. >> so far, two hours. we've been a track for two hours. yes, sir. wow. >> have you been told what's happening, well, i was, listening to the news, and i know that a cigaret truck hits a somebody, and. yeah, some fatalities happen, so. >> well, now, the hardest part of trying to get this getting ts , cleared to be towed away here. now, they're all loaded up on the trucks. you see the officers spwho are cleaning up some of te debris so they can get all three lanes open here. they say they expect that to happen within the
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next 30 minutes. so that is somewhat of the good news of this morning. however, if you still haven't the door, if you're still on the roadway at this point, certainly expect the traffic to still be very tough headed into san francisco. i mean, this is going to commute. this is going to be a commute that's going to affect everyone from the east bay heading westbound in this direction here. and that's because it's been shut down for so long. so there's a lot of residual traffic that will be felt for quite a long time here. but at least this point, thist& roadway will be reopened in just a little bit. of course, we'll let you know exactly when that happens. and of course we'll bring you more updates when police give us some figure thate live this morning right along 580 i'm james torres. we're going to send it back to you. sal, who has some more information on how to kind of spwork around getting your way getting through today? had a major effect, james, on the tour, on the traffic on 580 and also on highway 24. let's put it up on the you that 24 had
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up pretty much fromúhighway 13. and 580 has been slow from the lakeshore area of oakland. and people have been using ashby avenue and also 80 is a lot southbound 680 is now getting into the act with some slow traffic. you want to use the san mateo bridge, maybe as an alternate route. that would okay. i do want to mention that 580, and thatgsc why 880 isingt- pretty slow just north of the coliseum, all the wayúup tot& downtown. down 736. let's go back to steve and. >> all right, sal, thank you. well, a large and in charge fog bank greets us here on this last day of winter, because spring begins tonight. looking at sfo, you think, my goodness, you know, may, june. no it's just march. but boy, there's a big fog bank out there. 40s, 50s. most locations are stuck and most locations report some form of a low cloud deck. it's made it well out to the east and systems are on the way. big changes are on the way. we'll
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still hold on to a few 70s inland today, but i think after today they're gone. spring fever, though, kicks in bank clear and cool. well, well inland, but fog is not going anywhere. it'll hang out by the coast. 5060. couple of low 70s.& i think by tomorrow it's all 50s and 60s. >> you guys okay, you. time now. 737 a sad and solemn vigil was held last night in san francisco at the west portal muni station. hundreds of people gathered there at a bus stop where three members of a young family were killed in a crash. ktvu is ali rasmus here to show us some of the ways that people shared their thoughts, their emotions and their grief? ali. >> yeah, they were mourning the lives lost and reminding people to drive slowly and safely on the roads. those were some of the themes of a vigil that was held at the west portal branch library last night. the bus shelter is where a father, mother and their young son died over the weekend when the driver of an suv crossed over into the westbound lanes, hopped the curb
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and crashed the couple's six month only survivon the hospital. a family friend identified the victims as brazilian national diego oliveira, his wife matilda, and their son joaquin at the site of the tragedy, people left dozens of bouquets of flowers stuffed animals, handmade signs. the sign above the display read sf grieves and included photos of the young family. the pedestrian safety advocacy group walk sf helped organize the vigil. >> hold everybody close to our hearts and give people a little peace. and also just remember the precious lives that we've lost. >> we can't feel their pain, but to let them know that we're thinking about them. they're in our thoughts and prayers. >>úsan francisco police arrested the driver of the suv, identified as 78 year old mary fong lao. she faces charges of vehicular manslaughter, driving the wrong way, reckless driving and driving at an unsafe speed. now, a family friend of the
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victims says their extended family is coming to the bay area from brazil to help take care of the couple's six month old baby. again, that baby was the only survivor of this crash and is still in the hospital. garcia, back to you. >> ali. rasmus thank you. happening today. testimony is set to resume in the preliminary hearing of three family members accused of killing a three year old girl in san jose. prosecutors say the child's mother, the girl during an exorcism at a san jose church in september, a police lieutenant testified. the family said it believed the little girl had been possessed by a demon. the judge is deciding if there is enough evidence for a trial. >> our time is now. 739 an investigation goes on in pleasanton into two fires on a high school campus. now, one fired late sunday night caused major damage to the gym at amador valley high school and the school district now says there was a second, smaller fire
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on the campus shortly after students returned to class yesterday. >> we did, unfortunately, have an incident during school. in the morning, where some students made a poor decision to, start a fire in one of our bathroom waste bins. >> now, the school district says two fires at the school. they are isolated incidents, but investigators are checking security video as they look for answers. classes, by the way, are scheduled for today. it is 740. the 49ers now have a new backup quarterback back for brock purdy. we'll introduce you to this new quarterback who, by the way, has a degree in aerospace engineering. >> let's run out to our newsroom now. say good morning again to andre senior. as the next hoursn two. well good morning. >> it's been five years since governor gavin newsom imposed a moratorium on capital punishment. how california is now speeding up efforts to empty
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out san later on tonight, if you found yourself stuck in a relentless battle with a persistent cough,. we'll talk live with a doctor about the coughúthat's plaguing
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kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company.
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the incomparable willie brown his life and political career, and i love the pictures. the former mayor of san francisco state assembly speaker will turn 90 years old, and we are honored this morning because the mayor is here on mornings on two with us. you look great. >> thank you. thank you that all the time. >> look, just just you and me talking. how do you look? so good. and gasia was telling you feel?ame thing, but how does 90- >> well, no different than 89. i mean, you still are 76. >> so what's the secret? or is there a secret? >> no, i don't think there's a secret. i think it's the gene pool. it's whatever happens in your life in and virtually no. u okay? >> that's a great that's a great
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point. so how are you going to celebrate turning 90? well all d like a week or ten days ago in the chinese community. >> they started and they said culturally we like to do birthdays before the days they closed out last night, third or fourth event. yeah. and it was amazing because as they came in bunch all the organizations or they presented me with a i said, a 90,000. and then they went through the history of my participation in part in the chinese community. and i thought about it and i said, that's amazing, that at 90 somebody would say, job well done. >> you are one of the most dynamic, like not only people but political figures bay area,e
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country, even around the worldc. what is it about you that makes you so makes me popular, but i can tell you that my relationship and my training and my involvement with the burdens with george mosconi,úwith nancy pelosi, with dianne feinstein, with bill clinton, believe him or not. yeah, it's unbelievable. all those years, there was always something that i would get involvedúin nationally and otherwise. oh, and in all this translated into a very comfortable level for me to participate. >> and you grew up in a small town in texas, smaller than that. so you're even smaller than that. how did that lead you here to where you have this legendary life? >> well, my mother, finally agreed with my uncle that i should come to san francisco,
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that i should get out ofúthe south, that i wouldn't last very long because i talk so much andc the white people in acceptable.h and my mother finally relented, and i had two jobs to do if i got here. i had to get into college, and i had to join church and i literally at each step got out guidance from my uncle and from others to achieve thoseútwo things. my mother demanded. and the results were translated intoúmy being interviewed by you. >> that's right. well, that's important to let me just ask you a couple of quick things. one, the current state of san francisco, when i ask you that, how would you respond? the current state? well it's no different, frankly, than what it has been year in and year out over the last almost, 60 years of my life. >> san francisco goes up and
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down and it moves. and it's because of the constant change in the population in. and san francisco is a small space. yeah. and believe me, in the small spaces, people do unusual things, some positive, some negative. but in san francisco, mostly positive and enjoyable. >> okay. are you getting involved in the mayor's race? >> yes i am, i am supporting the current incumbent mayor. she started with me. i know she was an intern in 1996. wow. and then of course, all the years of her movement up the ladder and my ultimate exit, we have been interacting and we spstill interact once orútwice a week. >> okay, now i know you've also been involved in presidential politics, bill clinton, so many others through the year. do you advise joe biden now? >> well, no, not really some ofe
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difficult for him to just be available to talk to old friends. we are old friends and, and, and he is, in my opinion doesn't have he doesn't have the speaking ability of obama, and in some cases, he had superior in almost every other category except selecting people for the supreme court, because he gave us a participated heavy duty and given us clarence thomas. and it. yeah well, anita hill wanted to take him out and wanted to join her, but not biden. he literally did the job he was supposed to do as a us senator. >> mr. mayor, you are my friend, my mentor, my adviser.úi can always call on you. but, you
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know, i will admit on camera you do look better than me. and you do dress dress better thanúyou every day of the week. i wake up to check out what have i seen that suit before?w,- that's one of the problems of being on tv, by the way, will st you were wearing. yes. and i know you're out there and i'm glad you're out there, and i am so happy to say an early happy birthday to you. >> happy 90 years. and i know there's so much more for you to do. >> there is quite a bit. yeah, because i've got children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and they all anticipate me by going to them. yeah. and believe me when they say, can i borrow some money goo saying, one day when they come me? you need it.
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>> yeah. right you heard it from the mayor himself, the great mayor willie brown. thank you for being here, for sharing the beginning of your 90th birthday with us on mornings on two. and i wish you many more, my friend. >> thank you very much. nice to see you, too. >> thank you, mayor. and now let's talk to another one of yourúfriends, sal castaneda, who's been very busy with the commute. >> so in he had a birthday last week. >> yes he did. >> he invited me to the birthday. unfortunately i couldn't go. >> you know what, mr. mayor? i don't know if you can hear me, but thank you for the best wishes and thank you. >> and that's a i hear you. and i've been watching you all morning on that incredible wreck that occurred. yes, sir. 80. >> yes, sir. mr. mayor, that's an incredible suit. and i'll transition out of that to the problem that the mentioned. and that would be the bay bridge and the 580 crash are making progress. but i want to show you the bay bridge getting back to san francisco. we
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haven't had people getting through. in fact, it's light. it's artificially light, if you will. people have not been getting through on 580 because of that serious wreck. you can see the traffic is light. howeverl some people have been using interstate 880 as you drive up towardúthe coliseum. very heavy traffic. so 580 has been put in a bind this morning. they're still clearing the last bit of that wreck. it's also affected highway 24. so thist& whole thing you're wondering the normally at the toll plaza are. they're right here on 580 and they're right highway 2t. that by far has been the biggest traffic problem of the morning. now, how about the weather here, steve? >> sal thank you sir. we are rounding third and heading for home on winter because spring startsútonight at 806 and man, it looks like a summer fog bank out there. this is a huge one sfo andd to yesterday, over tot- from june. no no no that's march 40s, 5ps. almost every location
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is dealing with some low clouds. i meanc it's made a huge march inland here, which is going to translate into cooler temps. i think for most i held on to a some upper 60s in a few areaset- well inland. i'll probably do that tomorrow becauseúchange is on the way. it might as well be spring and it will be by tonight and then near the coast is not going anywhere. sunny, breezy inland, but 5060s by the water. upper 60s or low low 70s inland. i trimmed back some of the eyes. there's too big of a fog. more of the same, if not cooler. taking us into thursday. rain arrives friday after earliest. would be probably late morning, more likely afternoon, evening and again on saturday. >> steve. thank you. the house catches fire in hayward. the discovery firefighters made inside that led to even more concern over what happened. plus another name on the list behind sean connery, roger moore, pierce brosnan, daniel craig, the british actor who appeared in an avengers movie and as reportedly been offered the retiring silicon valley filf
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congresswoman anna eshoo. still too close to call, the california secretary of state's office released some new results for showing sam liccardo is still leading 21% of the vote. he is projected. to beúone of
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the two candidates in the general election in november. but for the second spot on the leading evan low by only 12an i- votes. those vote results will be certified by april 12th, and we're also still waiting for the results on proposition one. prop spone would allow the state to build drug and mental health treatment facilities, and also move the homeless off the streets and into treatment. if it passes, it will allow the state to authorize more than $6 billion in bonds. that would be paid for out of the state's general fund. latest numbers show the yes vote is leading 50.1% by a margin, and by about 20,000 votes. we'll reportedly, donald trump has ruled out vivek ramaswamy as his presidential running mate. according to bloomberg, trump is instead presidential candidate for a cabinet position, including homeland security secretary. bloomberg says some trump allies
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see rob swamy as ideal for the job because as an indian american son of an immigrant, he immigration restrictions. will the 49ers losing a draft pick after the nfl found an accounting error in the team's payroll, the nfl says the 49ers will have to forfeit its original fifth round selection in the 2025 draft and will have their 2024 fourth round selection moved for spots down at. that decision was made after a league review found errors at the end of the 2022 league year. the 49ers remained under the salary cap despite that accounting error. the 49ers also have a new backup quarterback they've signed,újosh dobbs to a one year deal. now. dobbs split time last season with several teams. the cleveland browns, the
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arizona cardinals and minnesota vikings. he became expendable with the vikings when they signed the 49ers backup quarterback sam darnold. dobbs is known for being a smart guy. he graduated from the university of tennessee with a degree in aerospace engineering. it is 759. it appears the search for the new james johnson reportedly has been offered the role of james bond, the screen's most famous spy. he's 33 years old, he's a british actor. he's appeared in some of the avengers movies. he hasn't yet officially accepted the role of becoming the new 007, but taylor johnson would become the eighth james bond since the very enormous popular movie there series began way back in 1962. >> well, good morning. clearing up the wreckage on westbound 58n
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oakland, the driver headed in the wrong direction, tied to a burglary before slamming into another vehicle. we're live with a deadly outcome and the impact on drivers this morning and battling blight in oakland. one contributing issue abandoned cars. but one lawmaker has a plan that aims to fix that problem. and a staple of american homes landline. they're tumbling now. not many people are using them. and while one phone company wants to end the service, you'll hear from those who say landlinesúare their lifelines from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> welcome to mornings on two. at 8:00 i'm andre senior, i'm garcia michael and it's tuesday, march 19th. we continue to follow the breaking news now on that deadly collision that's backing up traffic just before the bay bridge. ktvu james torres has more on what led to that crash. james, what can you tell us? we could see the wrecked vehicle right behind you . ago. i want to show you the bay bridge toll plaza first, because
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we did just get word that the 580 to 80 interchange there isc now back open all three lanes. now back open this morning. you see the traffic finally flowing through here. that's still going to lead to some residual traffic. so even if you step oul take you a lot longer than normal to get across the bridge and head west into san francisco. now we are at the bay bridge toll plaza, where we see that suspect vehicle, that white truck you seeúbehind me here, just mangled in the front. they brought the other two cars involved a total ofúthree cars involved in the crash this morning, around 430, we're told it was this white truck that slammed into a taco. a tobacco shop here in el cerrito ended up robbing the place. they hop into that truck, come down this way. go the wrong way. on 580. and then they started that crash here. we'll show you some video of that tobacco shop. what we saw earlier this morning. there's now just a large hole in the middle of the front frame of that shot. the store owner there
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tells us that he's been robbed about 5 or 6 times, and he thinks this time the worst it's ever looked might be the moment that puts that that that store under. >> they rammed it in. they were goingúprobably ten, 15 miles an hour,c slammed in there. half te car was inside the store. they came. they drove out of it a little bit. they jumped out, got some bags that they had, it looked like they had some other stuff from probably another burglary in their car. it's kind of hard to tell, went in there. they were just ransacking the place, took cigaret packs off the rack. whatever they can get their hands on, fill up their bags and took off. >> so that truck makes an escape. el cerrito police start chasing after it. they call the. they call off the chase eventually. then that white truck gets on to 80, headed towards san francisco. coming from el cerrito. makes a u-turn right before the toll plaza goes up the wrong way on 580, hits
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two cars, killing the driver of one of those cars who was just driving their way, across the bayúbridge here. and then that led that we have seen since about 4:00 or 5:00 this morning, that traffic was stopped for part of it. there was one laneúof traffic that was flowing through for large majority of this morning, we talked to some of thoset& drivers who were stuck in this traffic. they say for and wheree you coming from? concord. >> concord? yes. >> how long have you been waiting in traffic? today. >> so far, two hours. we've been in traffic for two hours. yes, sir. wow. >> have you been told what's happening, listening to the news, and i know that a cigaret truck hits a somebody, and. some fatalities happen, so. live here to the bay bridge toll plaza again. that suspected truck right here behind us,
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getting loaded onto a tow truck here. the investigation from the el cerrito police department and the chp still not done at this point. they usually wait until they are finished with the investigation to clear the scene. but because we were on 580, a freeway that so to get ty started, they decided to move what they had over to this area to get that freeway open, to get the traffic flowing, and now they'll pick up their investigation from here. so 580 westbound, westbound side over crossing the bay bridge. but again, traffic is still going to be tough for at least the next couple of hours here. let's send it over to sal castaneda. of course in the traffic center, who could give us a better idea of where you can work around, aw much traffic is still left. so yeah, a lot of it is. >> james, even though the lanes are open,úit's going to unwind. highway 24 is also pretty slow. it's backed up through the tunnel now as people are stuck
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in traffic. 13 is a mess. the a. so when you take out one of the major thoroughfares to the bay t happens. a lot of people have been using interstate 880, the spnow. and just as we suspected, now that people are getting through, more people will start filling this in as youúdrive into san francisco. so aúlot of people will be behind schedule. but again, all those lanes are open. now let's talk about today's weather. switch gears and go to steve. >> thank youúkind sir. all right. good morning out there. look at all that fog. just look out your window. you probably have unless you're too far inland. man, that's a big fogt& bank out there, i don't see how temperatures are warming upc today. there's a much bigger fog bank. 40s, 50s on the temps. i think this is probably going to do it for some inland 70s, unlessúyou don't get fog, because there's just too much there. changes are on the way in multiple ways, not only bigger fog bank, more of an onshore breeze. so spring fever, spring
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fever is hitting us, but not until 806 tonight. and man, it looks like a summer fog bank, that's for sure. we'll go with 5060s and one more day of 70s, and i think it'll be all 50s and 60s, you guys. steve thank you. >> 806 now happening today. oakland will consider a new strategyúto deal with abandoned cars and other vehicles on city streets. many oaklanders say it takes the city months to remove abandoned cars. the city council will consider spending $250,000 to sweep the entire city for abandoned vehicles. the plan would allocate money for city council is set to vote on this measure atúthis afternoon's meeting. another item on the agenda would require alarm companies to confirm that a crime has been committed, or is being committed before a police response is dispatched. the president ofc the california alarm association says the proposed policy, called verified response, would jeopardize public safety, says the policy is already been tried and repealed in cities, including
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san jose and dallas. >> well after two well known restaurants cleared out of a section of oakland because of crime, city leaders have been doing what they can to rid the area of trouble. the city responded by deploying six officers on foot and one sergeant. it comes after a number of restaurants in the area, including in-n-out and denny's, recently announced they're closing these locations because of safety concerns, the mayor announced. during the past four months, the numbers show there has been a sharp decline in auto burglaries, thefts and robberies. >> our commitment remains strong and focused on making arrests when warranted, while reducing and preventing crime in the entire city. >> the chp will continue to operations alongside our law enforcement partner agencies. >> chp says it has 72 officers in oakland, and as many as 65 officers could of oakland and ta county sheriff's office say they have now surveillance cameras
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running 24 hours a day in that area. >> new this morning, investigators in hayward are working to learn how a suspected trespasser got inside a home that later caught fire. >> my brother just said back ha0 last night inside a home on shell gate circle. when firefighters arrived, they insie home. he was taken to a hospital for treatment. fire investigators say the homeowners were out of the country and that no one inside the house. a united airlines flight bound for sfo due to a mechanical problem. united was about to take off for osaka- shortly after noon yesterday, and nearly five hours after the pilot announced some type of engine problem. this marks the eighth flight flt of sfo. in the past two weeks. >> it is 809únow. today, telephone customers will get a chance to weigh in on at&t s
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plan to end landline service. the state public utilities commission will hold two virtual meetings to hear from both customers and phone company representatives. at&t says it no longer will offer. it's no longer cost effective to maintain landlines because there isn't much of a demand for the service. and according to the federal government, about 73% of american adults live in households with no landline but at least one cell phone. in 2022. still, there are those fighting for landlines, including one landlord in sacramento with a severe hearing loss. >> the reason the landline is probably the most important for me is it's clear versus the internet line as the static it comes and goes, it fades in and out. >> at&t, stressing it, still will offerúlandline service to any customer who makes the case their safety.d a landline fort- >> cover it up. time is 810 now and the bay bridge now. people are getting to it. i'm going to show it to you here.
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are jamming up the toll plaza now thatú580 is open after a deadly crash blocked. 580 for a time. for about three hours,t& actually, almost four this morning. the lanes are all open. 580 is very slow. all the approaches to the bridge, but especially 580 and 24, 880 more people are using that. let me put this on the map for you. you can see if you're driving on 24 from orinda into oakland, you're going to notice something is definitely wrong. 580 is backed up from highway 13. even 880 is very slow. the rest of the morning commute has been ordinary, but it's pretty slow this morning. you may want to consider using public transportation. bart is not reporting any to san francisco. 810 let's go back to the desk. >> our tragedy strikes a family waiting for a bus in san francisco. we've been reporting on this. we'll tell you how the community honored their memory. >> a lot of baseball fans wondering what thinking after the san francisco
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giants part ways with the woman known as the voice of the team? theregs also another move on the field that's making headlines this morning. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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brooks-moon say they don't understand why the giants wouldn't do everything to keep her batting. ñ> sixth first baseman, number nine. >> well, the giants say they are parting ways with the team's longtime public announcer. brooks-moon made baseball history 24 years ago. that is when she became the first black woman to become a pa announcer for big league team. >> it's a big loss, not just for the giants, but for little girls, for people of color. when she spoke in 2020 and her contrt settled that she was going to sphold the organization accountable for their hiring practices. it feels devastating as a as a black man in sports media in san francisco. >> well, the giants in a statement, say the ongoing negotiations between the team and brooks had collapsed. it says in part after extensive discussions, a mutually and amicably agreed to part ways.
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815 now, the giants have reportedly signed the national league's reigning just nine daye start of the new season. several media outlets are reporting blake snell has agreed to a wore 31 year old is just one of seven big league pitchers to win the cy young award in both leagues. snell will now be reunited with manager bob melvin in san francisco after two seasons together in san diego. >> state lawmakers are working on plans to address california's budget deficit. the governor made anúunannounced visit to the spcapitol to meet with assembly speaker robert rivas last month. the legislative analyst's office spsaid the deficit could be as high as $58 billion for the next fiscal year. the governor didn't spshare details on where he migt be willing to compromise on his budget proposal, and a quick check in with the speaker on the budget and focus to try to move some early action. >> i'm looking forward to getting consensus with the two leaders and making an
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announcement. >> last week, the state senate democrats released a detailed proposal on spending cuts. the governor said earlier he looks forwardc to moving quickly and finalizing a spending agreement. california's speeding up plans to empty death row at san quentin prison by this summer. right now, there are more than 400 men on death row there. a few weeks ago, the state started moving them out of san quentin to other facilities around the d prisoners were only allowed to be housed at san quentin. voters changed that so inmates could live closer to their families with no change to their sentences. >> 816 now the san mateo county sheriff's office says it's increasing patrols in half moon bay after a woman reported being groped on a popular walking trail. a woman reported being approached by a man on a bike while walking on the trail that runs along the coast. it happened about 7:00 saturday night. >> along her walk, she was accosted by an individual on a bike, and he touched her inappropriately. he groped her.
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essentially. she screamed, which was a great reaction because it scared him off. and he, on the . >> the police chief says this is the only incident that they're aware panic, but they do want people to be aware of their surroundings while on that trail. >> the public's help in solving a case of animal cruelty. investigators are looking for a german shephe, then abandoned the dog near an darling drive and mckee road in the early morning hours of january 11th. the dog underwent emergency surgery and a procedure to have her. she's nog with a foster family. >> everything's healed. it looks beautiful. they took the device out, you would never know. looking at this dog today. what she had gone through that she had been shot in the muzzle. >> investigators say they want any witnesses to come forward. there is a $1,000 reward in this case. anyone with information is asked to call san jose police dogs are no longer allowed on several hiking trails in san francisco's presidio district
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for next six months. in coyote puppingúseason, dogs won't be allowed on the park trail between mountain lake to the presidio promenade, as well as the bay ridge trail from the rob hill campground to presidio golf course. park officials enacted the ban because during pupping season, coyotes are protective spof their young and may become aggressive around dogs. >> 818 is your time now? it's been a busy day on the roads. in certain parts of oakland. in fact, let's check in with sal now to see how things are looking all right. >> we have residual backups from a much earlier crash. it was there the bay bridge. the whole east bay is to the bay bridge. a lot of people will be behind. schedule 580 is backed up beyond highway 13. 580 is almost backed up into san leandro. in fact, it might be at this point, up into orinda and 80 is very slow from happens when you get a crash in the maze. it is going to be very slow. know, doing what you can to do today
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virtually. it's just one of those days. bay bridge has filled in for aúwhile it was empty, but people get through ss are open. remember, the east bay has been slow. we talk about some of the other commutes other than the east bay. if you're going to san jose, it has been we've had some slowing on 280, 85 and 101. those commutes are pretty much within the realm of a busy tuesday, heading to the west valley at 819. let's talk about today's weather later today. spring begins. >> that is correct, my good friend you sirn 806 tonight we'll say goodbye to winter and hello spring. and man, just like that, a big fog bank has sprung. i mean, this is a huge fog bank. i mean, it's going to impact many locations here. 40 upper 40s, low 50s, long and i don't think they will. the fog goes well, north pushes us well inland and all the way down to the peninsula and san jose. now most of the peninsula and san jose did
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have fog yesterday. they do today. so i don't see how in the wide, wide world of weather, you can warm it up when there's that much fog, and there's going to be more coming in the next few days. along with the change in our weather, change in the weather, it spspring and it will be tonight. low overcast and i do mean overcast and it made it well inland. fog will hang out near the coast. sunny, nice inland. but i think after today, the see much cooler trend here. 5060s over by the coast and around the bay and increase in fog, probably drizzle by thursday. and then we'll bring in some rain friday and again saturday. >> steve. thank you. the gym at an east bay high school is off limits today after a fire there over the weekend. why another fire just yesterday caused a different kind of concern for school leaders. >> their ice baths datec back to ancient civilizations, but they're back in the spotlight. celebrities and athletes are using them. what a sports medicine doctor says about the pros and cons
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. it's your time to cache in... so don't just play... stay
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at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now... scientists and engineers are in san jose. this year's conference comes as nvidia is making a strong performance on wall street, driven largely by its expanding use of artificial intelligence. >> unlike most companies, they're going at it from all sides. they've got the hardware and the software and the cloud service infrastructures, so
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they're very well positioned to capitalize on this growing.úand i would have to say exciting trend. >> nvidia stock has almost doubled since the start of the year. >> nvidia is teaming up with a south korean company to mass produce digital chips used in artificial intelligence tech analysts say these chips are th& next generation, with the high bandwidth memory. several other companies, including samsung and working on the same thing. the south korean company working with nvidia, says the deal will helpúit be a leader in the ai industry. now, nvidia owns 80% of the ai chip market. >> a centuries old practice spcalled cold therapy is takinga dip in icy waters. it's gaining in popularity, thanks in part to social media. many celebrities have appeared on tiktok and instagram, taking part in cold therapy. one man says he goes outside every day to take an ice bath, no matter how cold it is. one doctor of sports medicine says while the medical evidence around the practice is a bit thin, he thinks cold therapy does have its benefits. >> the overriding theme, i
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think, with cold plunge is one of the biggest benefits is kind of building resilience. and so when that initial cold shock happens, there are certain physiologic things that happen in our body. so our heart rate will go up, blood pressure will go up, and we release chemicals like adrenaline and noradrenaline and dopamine. and all of those can play a role in improving our mood, our well-being. >> more spas and gyms are now offering cold immersion therapy. medical professionals say you spcan get many of the same benefits from taking a cold shower or bath and say, you before taking a dunk in ice- water. >> new details on that breaking news we've been following for you all morning long. the 580 to 80 interchange at the bay bridge toll plaza just opened the traffic. we'll have another update on what started as a burglary and ended in a deadly collision. coming up next. >> a particularly upsetting case in the south bay in which a family is accused in the death of a toddler. the reason? investigators say the little girl was killed. >> and a quick reminder that you can you can watch live newscasts and stories on the man
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on your amazon fire tv, your roku, your apple tv, or android tv. just search for the fox local app and then select k u
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portal neighborhood. the person arrested and charged with their deaths. a man synonymous with san francisco politics for decades, is marking a personal milestone. y it's clear mister
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mayor willie brown is showing no signs of slowing down. just ahead of his 90th birthday. from ktvu fox two news. two. >> thank you for joining us. i'm andre senior with gossip michaelene. we want to get to that breaking news of a law enforcement chase and deadly crash incident happened caused all sorts of problems and sal wn last checked in on james about 25 minutes ago, the 580 to 80 roadway by the toll plaza had reopened to some traffic.c wiki. tell us now. >> yeah, it opened about 15 minutes ago now, andre and garcia. but it was closed from 430 until about 810 or so. and it really did damage to the morning commute, as you know, by happened after some police activity in a chase, the 580 ramp to the bay bridge was closed. at one point, cars weree file and they kept closing in on and off. has affected highway 24, highway 13,
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five, 88, 80. the whole bay area grid really has lit up in red. r four hours and people are behind schedule. you may want to think about using bart. you don't have to use the freeways at all. some people are using other bridges. pretty busy, so affected byt- this. and again, it started as a 430 crash. it's gone now, but we're going to have effects of this for the time being, probably for the nextúfew hours. even though the lanes are open. and we'll find out on the invesn a little later on. but now at 830, let's talk about today's weather. today is later on the first day of spring. here's steve that is correct. >> 806 tonight. so this is it. but boy, i'll tell you, it looks like a may or june fogúbank out there. if you're far enough inland, maybe some sun, but almost everyone else has fon jose did not yesterday. they do today and that makes a big difference. and there's your visible satellite, boy. i'll
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tell you, it stretches from just shy of cloverdale all the way down san jose, santa clara valley, santa cruz and points east. i mean, it's a good surge here for march, no doubt. changes on the way, not only in the big fog bank, but spring fever arrives tonight, takes us into the next couple of days. and per usual, it's going to more day of 70. i think they'll disappear by tomorrow. you guys. >ñ steve. thank you. hundreds gathered at the west portal station in san francisco, mourning the deaths of a young family killed when a driver crashed into them at a bus stop. ktvu ali rasmus is here to show us that memorial amid calls for better pedestrian safety. ali? yeah garcia. >> that the site of this tragedy is a large memorial flowers and& signs. some of the candles are stillúlit up from this vigil that happened at the site last night. that vigil, held in honor of the when an suv crashed into them on saturdayc afternoon. the victims were a father, mother and their young son. their photos adorned the memorial display now at the
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site,úalong with the stroller of the young child who was killed. a family friend identified the victims as brazilian national diego olivera, his wife matilda and their son joaquin. they died when the driver over into the wd lanes, hopped the curb and then crashed into the bus stop where they were waiting. couple's six month old baby was the only survivor, and remains in the hospital. last night, the pedestrian safety advocacy group walk sf organized this vigil and hundreds ofúpeople turned out to shareútheir condolences. >> iúfeel that i need to be here to show respect for the family, and i hope that the infantc will survive. >> we need to change how people drive in san francisco. speed is the number one thing that kills time after time. >> san francisco police arrested the driver of the suv, identified as 78 year old mary fong lao. she faces charges of vehicular manslaughter, driving the wrong way, reckless driving and driving at an unsafe speedc.
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a family friend of the victims says the extended family is on the way to the bay area from brazil to help take care of the six month old baby. the couple's that crash, and the baby isft- still in the hospital. weúdon't have an update on the baby's condition, garcia and andre, back to you, ali. >> thank you. time now is 833 happening today. testimony set to resume in the preliminary hearing of three family members accused of killing a three year-old girl in san jose. prosecutors say the child's mother, grandfather and uncle killed that girl during an exorcism at a san jose church in september, a police lieutenant testified. the family said it believed the girl had been possessed by a demon. the judge is deciding whetherúthere is enough evidence for a trial. >> a mother in san jose, who's been charged with a murder for the death of her baby's fentanyl related death, is expected to be released from jail to await her trial. a hearing is set for friday to discuss the conditions of her release. prosecutors strongly oppose the move, called it a highly unusual development
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for a murder trial. toddler's father is also facing murder charges over the infant's death last august. he will remain in jail. >> well, an investigation continues in pleasanton into two fires now at a high school campus. one fire late sunday night caused what's described as major damage to the gym at amador valley high school. the school district is now reporting there was a second, smaller fire on campus shortly after students returned to class yesterday. >> we did, unfortunately have an in one of our bathroom, wastee - bins. >> well, the district says the two fires at the school are fooy search are scheduled for today. coming up on 835. now tomorrow, former san francisco mayor willie brown celebrates his 90th birthday. >> brown's involvement in and love for san francisco
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transcends his political career. before becoming mayor in 1996, he served as a member of the state assembly for 30 years, rising to speaker of the assembly in 1980. i do hope you're with us. in just the past hour, we welcome mister mayor to mornings on two, he told our dave clark. he has no intent to slow down my relationship my inh the burdens with george mosconi, with nancy pelosi, with dianne feinstein, with bill clinton. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. it's unbelievable. all those years, there was always something that i would get involved in nationally and otherwise wise. oh, and in all this translated into a very comfortable level for me to participate. >> brown also said he attributes his health and happiness to a good gene with no stress. >> all right, time now is 836.
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feeling like spring steve paulson up with more on that. >> we're this closel this close. 8:06 p.m. tonight. yes, we're almost there. and lo and behold, on the visible satellite, i show you a big fog bank. look atc that. i mean, that's what's right. right there. there it is. and there's a lot to go. that's much bigger thanúyesterday, especially peninsula, south bay. the low down in arizona. california is stuck. it needs something to bump it along or draw it up, probablyúin that wis there's a series of systems on the way. but yesterday, look at the flow around that counterclockwise. and i mean in the in the night at night down , you get the afternoon heating. and things were up coming up from southeastern arizona and then right through flagstaff had 6/10 of an inch of rain. and they're back over towards lake havasu, prescott, good old prescott, sedona, and then right into los angeles and san diego. at least close to la. but there were some pretty good rain, especially around palm desert, la quinta all picking up about a
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quarter of an inch. idlewild also, but looks, you know, again, this might pick up again in the afternoon. i think by tomorrow that will start to move though that low onshore breeze in the city, onshore breeze that's coming out of the west o& west southwest in the oakland berkeley hills, even out to travis. i mean, it's not strong, but that, you know, that's a sign of things to come when you get a fog bank. so upper 40s, 50s on the temps, they really haven't budged all morning long. get ready for change. well, if spyou're inland today, it'll stl be sunny. probably upper 60s. low 70s. every forecast model is on on track for rain returning know some late morning, others afternoon evening. then another system on saturday. i do think we get a break sunday morning before the next system comes in sunday night into monday. look at that. truckee 13in new snow. kirkwood two feet and over an inch of rain for many here. so change is on sptonight and tomorrow. but low overcast fog will hang out by the coast. sunnyl nice inland. held on to some 70s for one more day, but 50s and 60súon the temps. much cooler weather on
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thursday will bring rain back friday and saturday you guys. during this women's history 838. month, we shine a light on an organization that's helping women get into the workforce by connecting them to alliesc and others who know exactly how hard that can be. next on the nine, how you can help and get help from this incredible group. >> president biden taking on bad landlords coming up his campaign trip to nevada today, and his focus on rent gouging
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latest executive order. the president announcing the action in response to a number of recent federal studies. the order stimulates biomedical tesg around women's health. former california first lady maria shriver, among those who strongly support this executive order. >> when women ask questions, they can't get answers because the majority of the research that's been done in this country >> the president's executive order will immediately fund a number of medical on women. santa clara dollars to help improve the mental health of students. the county announcing that 40 schools will receive funding from a $13 million grant. that money will be used
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to expand wellness centers on campus. a recent silicon valleyl students in santa clara and san mateo counties have experienced chronic feelingsúof sadness or hopelessness, a new study says. >> the gossiping may have social benefits. researchers at stanford and of maryland found gossiping might boost levels of cooperation within social circles. they conducted a computer simulation of social interaction. it showed that exchanging personal information about someone who isn't present is a good way to spread information about people's reputations. of course, if it's untrue or negative information, such gossip can be extremely damaging. >> 842 is your time job cuts at the parent jerry's, and a new plan ahead for the ice cream maker. >> federal see pam cook again. she's back in studio with dollars and cents. >> yes, the federal reserve meets again this week. they begin their day policy meeting today. no one thinks the fed will make any changes to
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interest rates this time around, but investors and analysts will be watching and listening for what the fed says about the economy, inflation and interest rates going forward, and for any hints on when rates may start to be cut. another big cosmetics company rang that opening bell this morning. yesterday elf out of oakland today. coty out of new york celebrating 120 years in businessn some of their brands include rimmel, max factor and kylie cosmetics. taking a live look at the numbers, they are up now. the dow jones and the s&p. that is some nice gains at this hour. the dow jones as you can see a live look back above 39,000 up 214 points. the s&p 500 up slightly to 5151. the nasdaq down though 16,055 back above that 16,000 level. but it is down a bit this morning. president biden will focus on rent gouging when he visits the battleground state of nevada later today. the president is
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addressing landlords who are keeping their rents high evenc though overall inflation has slowed. the white house says it is part of president biden's ongoing efforts to bring down the cost of living here in the u.s, a brand of trader joe's cashews is being taken off the shelves over salmonella some of the trader joe's 50%st- less sodium roasted and salted whole cashews. the fda says some of the recalled product tested positive for salmonella. the recalled cashews were sold at trader joe's in 16 states. take a look at the packaging that spincludes here in california. o illnesses have been reported at this time, but you should take them back toúthe store. you believer announced todayúit is spspinning off its ben and jerrs ice cream brand and cutting 7500 jobs. the company says the restructuring will is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. the ben and jerry's brand has caused some issues for unilever for taking an active stance on various political issues, but unilever says the
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ice cream division will perform better as a standalone business. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. ñ> thank you. supporters of pamela price, the alameda county district attorney, says they found evidence of potential fraud in the recall campaign against price. the evidence, they say, shows several problems, including that some signature gatherers lived outside of the state, that petition forms were left unattended in public placesc and that some people were tricked into signing the petition. forms >> this is even more important today because because every single signature is now under increased last thursday by the register of voters that the folks who spent millions of dollars signatures and may not have enough. >> county officials announced last week that each signature will be manually counted because a random sample of the 123,000 reliably determine if there were the required 73,000 signatures
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verified to go on the recall ballot. now, the main group of the recall supporters told ktvu that they're confident that the recallúvote will be approved. former head of san francisco's public utility commission has been sentenced to four years in prison for his role in a was convicted by a federal juryy last year for accepting bribes and gifts from contractors, and for lying. the four year sentens lower than the six and a half years prosecutors were seeking. kelly was ordered to turn himself in by mid june. >> there's a new push to make it easier for workers to create cooperative businesses in the bay area and nationwide, south bay congressman ro khanna announced a new bill to promote and expand co-ops at a slice of new york pizza restaurant in san jose. his owner, the owner there, says he wanted to find a way to help give workers a piece of the financial pie and formed a worker co-op there in 2017. congressman khanna says this bill will help other businesses
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do the same. >> you'veúsaid no. when we do well, when we're selling a lot of pizzas, the folks who are putting the pizzas in the box and we're making the pizzas and who are cleaning up, we're creating all the value they should get a part they should bs to you. i mean, that's really what you've stood for. >> congressman khan's bill would make it easier to convert a small business into a co-op. would also smooth the way to get financing from the sba, including a $v0 million loan program. >> art 847 now it's been pretty busy day on the roads here. sal is back we had that deadly crash at 430 this morning on the that's clear, but we've had act- very slow time recovering take t to recover. if you're driving into san francisco, on all the e plaza is slow if you're carpool lane, it is a little bit better
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for you if you're driving that carpool lane. 880 is pretty slow getting into downtown oakland and then beyond to the bay bridge. i want to show you these maps here. 580 is the worst for sure. i think 880. you could probably do it if you're driving in from oakland, it's going to be kind of more of a normal delay. but 580 certainly is not. and 24 has some late slowing because of what happened on the oakland freeway system. you look at that. here it is 12 minutes before nine. and we still have a lot to go. bart is a good option. maybe another bridge is a good option, but everything is slow because you put the crash right in the middle of the maze and it had a region wide effect. 848 let's talk about today's weather here. ñ>ústeve south thank you sir. this is it for winter tonight. spring will arrive at 8:06 p.m. a lot of a lot of 40s and 50s and a lot of fog. a big fog bank, low cloud deck is not down on the ground or anything, but most locations have. if not, if you
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that's a big fog bank north to south. yesterday did not make that pushed on the peninsula or san jose or santa clara valley. so that's that's a lot to go around. and that's going to equal cooler temp changes are on the way. a couple of systems out there, they'll start to work their way in over the next 48 hours. so it might as well be spring.úovercast, clear, for some fog near the coast. it'll be nice inland, i think. after today though, temps inland start to come down a little bit. they already have coast and bay. clouds on thursday and thenasin- friday we'll bring in some rain and continue saturday. you guysl right. >> thank you steve winter officially ends at 806 tonight. you heard steve mention a few minutes ago. that's the vernal equinox marking the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere. at that time, the sun will be directly over the equator, making for an equal day. and night in the northern and southern hemispheres. it usually falls on march 19th, 20th or 21st, and of course, today is a 19th. the date varies because the earth travels around the sun in 365.24 days, while a
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calendar year is 365 days. the same reason we have a leap year every four years. adding another day to the calendar to help catch up the classic movie franchise is back in theaters this weekend. >> ghostbusters, frozen, empire has new and original ghostbusters teaming up to fight an evil force threatening to destroy the world with a second ice age. younger cast members say it was exciting to work with the original franchise stars dan and ernie and bill. >> i mean, it's just like it's so incredible to get to know them. and, they're so warm and nice to talk to. >> like people are always like, don't meet your heroes, but meet your heroes. if your heroes are the ghostbusters is because they're fantastic. just the way that he talks about whenever i'n aykroyd, yes, i full heartedly believe in ghosts. >> ghostbusters. frozen empire starts thursday. the foo fighters are coming to the bay area this summer. they'll be performing at the toyota pavilion in concord august 13th. the show will be part of the
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group's everything or nothing at all tour. the band headlined outside lands festival last summer. some presale tickets are available today at ten. general public tickets go on sale on thursday. >> 851 now more americans live in a household without at& landline and that drop in use promptingúat&t plan to end landline service. but it is not without controversy. when he joined us on the nine, how you can have your say in what the company does next. >> and it's one of the most coveted roles in film. the next actor believed to join the ranks of sean connery, daniel craig, as the big screens most famous spy who appears poised to be the next james bond
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still leading with 21% of the vote. he is projected to be one of two election, but for the second spot on the november ballot, joe simitian is leading evan low by just 12 votes. the results will be certified april 12th. and we're also still waiting for results of proposition one. it would allow the state to build drug and mental health treatment facilities and move the homeless off the streets and into treatment. if it passes, it will allow the state to authorize more than $6 billion in bonds the state's general fund. thet- latest numbers show the yes vote is leading by a slim margin by just about 20,000. reportedly, donald trump has ruled out vivek ramaswamy as his running mate, according to bloomberg, trump is instead considering for a cabinet position, including homeland security secretary. bloomberg says some trump allies see ramaswamy as ideal for the job because as an indian-american son of an immigrant, he could defend sweeping immigration restrictions in the us supreme
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court is expected to rule in june about whether the federal government went too far in trying to get social media companies to remove what itt& considered misinformation about covid 19. >> the justices heard arguments yesterday. the states of missouri and louisiana, as well as a group of social media users, complained that the administration's push for tech companies to remove posts about covid amounted to government coercion and violated their first amendment right to free speech. >> it's treating facebook and these other platforms like they're subordinates. would you do that to the to the new york times or the wall street journal or the associated press other big newspaper or wire service? some of the justices said the government should be able to influence social media platforms when it's acting to protect the public. >> the antioch police oversight commission held its first meeting. seven volunteers are on the commission. they were sworn in last month. during the first meeting, antioch's interim
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introduced himself, invited each commission member to go on a ride along with the police officer. antioch mayor lamar hernandez. thorpe also spoke at the meeting and told the commission what he expects them to do. >> i'm here to ask all seven of you to join me as we rebuild our police department and as we rebuild, trust your role here is to help rebuild trust because trust has been violated commission was formed following a series of controversies involving antioch police officers, including a scandal involving racist text messages. >> 857 now there's a new strategy to address a nationwide trend of shortages of police officers. late last year, pennsylvania's governor signed a law that lowers the physical fitness requirements potential officers need to pass before they canc enter the academy. tht doesn't mean they get off easy, though. once in the academy, recruits will need to improve their fitness to pass their final, tougher fitness test. >> your graduation standard is still the graduation standard
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it's been for the last ten years. >> the requirements before were a little bit tough. some people, they don't believe they can do that, you know, so they already short themselves out. like i'm not going to apply. >> since the law was signed, they've seen a 15% increase in the number of people passing their entry fitness exams. the 49ers losing the nfl filed an accounting error in the team's payroll. the nfl says the team will have to forfeit its original fifth round selection in the 2025 draft and will have their 2024 fourth round selection moved four places down. the decision was made after a league review found errors at the end of the 2022 league year. the niners remain under the salary cap despite the accounting error. the 49ersúhave a new backup quarterback to their signing, josh dobbs, to a one year deal. he split time last season with several teams, including the cleveland browns, arizona cardinals and minnesota vikings. he became expendable with the vikings when they signed niners backup qb sam darnold. thomas is known for his smarts. he graduated from the university of tennessee with a
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degree in aerospace engineering. >> sports fans are scrambling to fill out their basketball spbrackets. march madness technically begins today,c with eight teams competing for the last four spots in the 64 team starts thursday. collegernament basketball experts advise those filling out brackets to advance at least one of their first four teams since the play-in round began in 2011, at least one of those teams has won at leastc oe game in the tournament, except for the year 2019, when it appears the search for the next james bond may be over. aaron taylor johnson has reportedly been offered the role of the big screens most famous spy. the. british actor is 33 years old, has previously appeared in some of the avengers movies. he's not yet formally accepted the role of becoming 007, but taylor johnson would become the eighth james bond since the enormously popular film series began in 1962. >> a deadly head on collision puts a massive strain on the


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