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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  March 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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s, we're clearly different. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. probably going to break us. probably going to come back from this. >> but what happened here was only the start of a chaotic and deadly ordeal. police say the a chase, drove it in theicers o- opposite direction on a freeway, collided with two vehicles, killing at least one person.
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then, remembering the victims of another roadway tragedy, the growing memorial for the parents who lost their lives, and the six month old baby who was sent to the hospital. and most people do not use landlines anymore. and it's aúreason one company wants to stop offering that service. but some people say they need it to stick around because those landlines are their lifelines. the news at noon starts now. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. i'm andre senior. thank you for joining us. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. one person is dead. several others hurt after a three car crash and true criminal investigations. two of them are now underway. >> the chaotic ordeal spanning two east bay cities and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. as ktvu james torres reports, police in el cerrito say it started with an overnight burglary. >> the owner of the smoke shop behind me says he woke up at 4 a.m. to notifications, letting him know criminals had crashed into his storefront and started
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ransacking the place. he had no idea they would go on and kill an innocent driver. surveillance video shows a white truck driving through the front entrance of the tobacco outlet store in el cerrito. >> look looked at my app, my camera app. seeing that there was a car inside the store, i immediately called 9112 men steal what they can and take off before police get there. i wentt ransacking the place, took cigaret packs off the rack. whatever they can get their hands on, fill up their bags and took off. >> the store owner, frustrated because this is the fifth time it's happened to his small business, but his heart sank when he learned what happened next. after police tried to track down the truck. >> when our officers saw the vehicle was turning around, our officer terminated his pursuit, turned off his lights, exited the freeway. >> el cerrito officers followed the white truck along eastbound 80. after calling off the chase. the suspects make a u-turn on
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580. driving away from the bay bridge toll plaza in the wrong direction. the truck slams into two cars, killing the driver of a black bmw. >> it's really terrible when you know somebody who's just going about their normal day, you knos up losing their life. >> the crash left the driver of the white van and the people inside the suspect truck with major injuries. it also created a 3.5 hour partial shutdown of one of morning freeways. how long have you been waiting in traffic today so far, two hours. day. hg does that take to get home? >> oh, 30 minutes max. >> and how long have you been waiting in traffic, since 530. so nearly two hours. >> both the el cerrito police department and the chp will recommend criminal charges to the contra costa and alameda el cerrito will investigate thee responsible for investigating
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the deadly crash. >> those vehicles for further f, so we have our evidence. tow truck. come and pick them up. >> police say the suspects are still recovering in the hospital. they are still sorting out which jail they will be sent to after they recoverc. i'm jams torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> happening today. oakland will consider a new vehicles on city streets. the cy months to remove abandoned cars. the city council will consider spending d250,000 to sweep the entire city for abandoned vehicles money for a dedicated parking management analystúat the oakland city council is set to vote on the measure at this afternoon's meeting. another item on the agenda for today's city council alarm companies to confirm a crime has been committed, or is being committed before a police response is dispatched. the president of the california alarm association says the proposed policy,úcalled
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verified response, would jeopardize public safety. he aly spbeen tried and repealed in cities including san jose and dallas. >> all right. just within the last few minutes, the san francisco medical examiner confirmed the identities of the three people killed when a driver crashed into them at a bus stop on saturday. as ktvu aliúrasmus reports, it comes as hundreds of people gathered to mourn the members of that young family mourning the lives lost safely and carefully.t& drivet- >> those were some of the themes and messages of this vigil in san francisco last night in san, adorned with dozens of flowers, candles, stuffed animals and a sign that read sf grieves. at the center of this display, a stroller and photos of the three members of ac young family struk victims as brazilian nationalt& diego olivera, his wife matilda, and their son joaquin. they died
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when the driver of an suv crossed over into the westbound lanes, hopped the curb and crashed into the bus shelter where they were waiting. the couple's six month old baby was the only survivor. the sppedestrian safety advocacy grp wake sf organized this vigil. hundreds of people turned out to share their condolences. >> i feel thatc i need to be hee to show respect for the family and i hope that the infant will survive. >> we need to change how people drive in san francisco. speed is the number one thing that kills us time afterútime. >> san francisco police arrested the driver of the suv, fong lao. she faces charges of vehicular manslaughter, driving the wrong way, reckless driving and driving at an unsafe speed. a family friend of the victims says that their extended familye bayc area to help the family cae for the six month old baby. thic crash. the baby remains in the hospital and we on the child's n
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in the newsroom, allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news a man on trial for murder in a martinez courtroom reportedly stabbed two attorneys with a pen during a hearing, the contra costa county sheriff's office says romello randall either broke out or cut through a restraint, attaching him to a chair in the courtroom during his murder trial on monday. >> the 28 year old then grabbed his lawyer's pen, stabbed him, then tried to attack the prosecutor as well. a sheriff's deputy tackled him and restrained him. both attorneys we're working on finding out wie filed against randall. live pictures of sfo right now where there was another issue with due to a mechanical issue. now,- in a statement to ktvu off for osaka shortly after noon yesterday. it was delayed nearly five hours after the pilott& announced there was some type of
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engineúproblem. this was the eighth maintenance issue spinvolving united flight flying in or out of sfo during the past two weeks. >> new. at noon, there were elec vehicle charging stations available in san francisco city leaders this morning announced an ev curbside charging pilot program. it calls for installing charging stations in neighborhoods across the city. transportation officials are conducting a citywide assessment to look at locations. the installation and maintenance of the charging stations. they say san francisco currently needst& over 5000 chargers by the year by strategically deployingmand public chargers at curbside locations across our city, we're going to democratize democratize solutions and pave the way for a greener future. the results from the citywide assessment are due by june. city leaders say they hope to implement the pilot program and start installing charging stations by next year. >> well, today, telephone
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customers will get a chance to weigh in on at&t s plan to end landline service. the state public utilities commission will hold two virtual meetings to hear from both customers and phone company representatives. at&t longer cost effective to maintain landlines because there isn't much of a demand for that service now, according to theúfederal government, about 73% of american adults live in households with no landline but at least one cell phone. back in 2022. still, there are those fighting for landlines, including one woman who was born with a severe hearing loss. ñ> the reason the landline is probably the most important for me is it's clear versus the internet line, as the static. it comes and goes, it fades in and out. >> at&t stresses it still will offer landline service to any customer who makes the case that they need a landline for their safety. >> the city of antioch is expected to receive more than $13 million in federal grants. the money would go toward makinc major safety improvements for
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pedestrians and bicyclists along the city's l street corridor. those improvements include a roadway repainting project to make it easier for drivers and e lanes. >> well, dogs are no longer allowed on several hiking trails in san francisco's presidio area for the nextc six months. during coyote pupping season, dogs wils theúbay ridge trail from the rob hill campground to the presidio golf course. park officials enacted the ban because during pupping season, coyotes are protective of their young and may become more aggressive around dogs. >> if you were a friend has had a cold over the past few months, you probably already been plaguing many bay area residents by medical, experts say. you don't necessarily need to worry about it being contagious. >> a larger than life giants legend returns to the ballpark, so to speak. why the statue of willie mccovey bearing his named why it's finally back and across the bay area this afternoon.
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>> pleasant weather in store fo& the final hours of winter. i'll have a look at what we can expect for today, as well as
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people all across the bay are stuck with no relief and say their cough symptoms lasted for
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weeks, even months. after getting over a cold. while a cough is often thought of as an obvious sign that someone is sick, one ucsf infectious disease expert says that's not always true in this case doesn't mean contagion at all. >> particularly, you know, i would say a week after the illness, it reflects two things. one is that it, there's post-nasal drip, going down to your throat, irritatingúit, and you have a reflex. and the second is that mucus goes down to your lungs and makes, like, a, asthma like effect. so we call it hyper lungs. depending on what kind of cough you have, you treat it differently. >> doctor chin-hong says different kinds of coughs will require different medication, many of which can be bought over the counter. but he says if your cough lasts for eight weeks or more, go see your doctor. >> more than a dozen states, includingúcalifornia, have reported cases of the measles this year, as jonathan serrie
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reports, the cdc is now making a big push to get children vaccinated ahead of summer vacations as spring and summer travel get underway, public health officials are warning about a sharp rise in measles cases around the world in a health alert issued monday, the cdc urged doctors to vaccinate babies as young as six months old if their families are traveling to a measles affected spcountry. >> it makes us never saw it. we've never seen measles. >> the highly contagious infection was declared eliminated in the us in 2000, but it slowly reemerged due in part to low vaccination rates during the covid pandemic. according to the cdc, there have been at least 58 confirmed measles cases throughout the country this year, the same number of cases seen in all of linked to international travel- and mainly involved children one year or older who had not been
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vaccinated. symptoms to look for include cough, runny nose, fever andúa rash. literally if someone's sharing the airspace of this building for two hours, this area for two hours is still contaminated. public health officials say unvaccinated people have a 90% chance of becoming infected if they are exposed to measles. children who are not traveling their first dose between ages 1r to 15 months old. the cdc recommends isolating for three weeks if your kids are unvaccinated and have been exposed to measles in atlanta, jonathan serena, ktvu, fox two news. tomorrow former san francisco mayor willie brown celebrates his 90th birthday. >> brown's involvement in and love for san francisco transcends his political career. before joining or becoming mayor in 1996, he served as a member of the state assembly for 30 years, rising to speaker of the assembly in 198p. early on,
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mornings on two, we were welcomed by mr. mayor and he told dave clark he does not intend relationship and my training and my involvement with the burdens with george mosconi, with nancy pelosi, with dianne feinstein, with bill clinton. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. it's unbelievable. all those years, there was always something thatn nationally and all, this translo a very comfortable level for me to participate. >> now, brown also said he will support mayor london breed, who is running for reelection in november, especially since she worked with him during his time in city hall. >> after being gone for years. a statue of a san francisco giants legend is returning to the waterfront. a statue of willie mccovey is now back along the water at the area named for him. the statue was removed back in t
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from new buildings being built at mission rock. the statue of mccovey was unveiled back in 2003. it's one of six statues honoring giants legends around the ballparkc. lot of construction happeningt- around there right now to be sure. all right, we are just about eight hours away from the rosemary oroczo is here with a >> yes, and spring like weather in the forecast for us today. andre garcia and spring showers in the forecast for the weekend. a look outside our doors at this hour. we do have a little bit of fog there. youúcan as well as rn hills, aúlittle bit of blue sky and pleasant weather forúmost theúcoast in near san francisco, but our inland cities enjoying 7ps once again forc today, and a view equinoxn spring will arrive 8:06 p.m. that's when the sun will be directly above the equator. and that means most of the planet will seeú12 hours of
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daylight, 12 hours of evening. it also means that we will continue to see our daylight hours grow. now this time, the low clouds still along the coastline, a little bit of patchyúfog out there, winds onshore, the breeze at 13o have a southerly breeze in comie south at five in novato from the north up just a little bit in that localized sea breeze, again helping to keepútemperatures right along the coastline and just inside the bay a little bit. cool not too bad. sfo right now reporting a northwest breeze atú12 mid 50s at half moon bay, upper 50s in san francisco. it's aúcool one over our north bay areas of santa rosa. some of those low clouds tending to stick around through the morningúhours and preventing us from seeing a nice rebound, but not the case in brentwood, where we have mostly sunny skies, 66 degrees. at this time, we'll take a little bit of a tour, take a look at the north bay where we haveú56 right now for you. rohnert park, as well
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as sonoma, the inner east bay at this time, 66, a popular number. walnut creek, clayton, danville, dublin and won a shift over towards us the south. the spsouthern part of the bay san jose in the 60s, going into the low 70s. for today, the futurecast will show you cloudyl continue across parts of the bay area for today, especially along the coastline, and tomorrow likely toúbe a near to beúsligh& average for san francisco, for e spafternoon. low 60s in oakland and our inland communities spenjoying temperatures several degrees above average, at least the inner east bay and south tor san jose. a quick look around before i let you go. 68 the afternoon high inúredwoodúcity for today andc for the innerúeat bay. we will go 71 in concord, a to the weekend before that wett- weather is expectedúto arrive. more extended forecast. >> rosemary. thank you. we've reported over the past few years
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that a higher than usual number of dead gray whales have been washing up in california shores. that's finally slowed down. why? scientists say the die off and whales h e
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bill, the critics say, further threatens people's rights and freedoms in the city. the national security bill was oppon list. legislative council. it introduces 39 new national
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security crimes, including treason, sedition, sabotage and espionage. the bill adds to a national security law that wast& imposed by beijing on hong kong protests the year before.t&cyt- punishment for breaking the lawl which takes effect sunday, ranges from several years to life in prison. ñ> a gang rampage in haiti's capital, leaving a dozen contint state department is now tryingt- to figure out how to evacuate more americans from haiti. oh. >> the security situation in haiti's capital continues to deteriorate. on monday, armed gangs rampaged through two neighborhoods in port au prince, ransackingúhomes and leaving at least a dozen dead. just the latest in an ongoing downward spiral of violence. >> this is too much. people of sphaiti wake up, start moving yr feet. our brothers are falling. >> the spread of gang related violence there's simply no way to stop
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the fighting promised to resign a key demand of the gang leaders, but the attacks keep coming with no end in sight. some experts say the commanders appear to have lost control of their forces. >> if the gang leaders got on tv and said, all right, everyone, this is all over, put down your guns. probably they wouldn't. i, decentralized conflict. and that's one of the bigger spproblems. >> meanwhile, more than a thousand americans have reportedly contacted the state department, saying they're looking for a way out of haiti. a charter flight did take off from the city of cap-haitien, but that's about a six hour drive outside the capital. and now the white house says it's looking at ways of evacuating prince. >> there's active analysis of the risks of doing so, but we will stay in close touch with every american citizen who wants to us in haiti this is one of fr border crossings out of haiti. the state department is warning americans toútravel by land at
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their own risk and to keep a low profile in the dominican republic, brian, ktvu, fox two news. rise in home burglaries. in a recent message to residents and homeowners, th& police department says the number of burglaries is increasing people to protect thr property. they say people should bolt their safes to the ground, invest in a monitored security security company, get a brokent- glass sensor for windows and thn keep an eye on your home. we're working to get more details about the reported increase in burglaries, an unusual mortality eventúthat led to hundreds of dead gray whales washing ashore on the west coast is over. >> researchers say they think climate change played a role in the gray whale population die off, according to the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. local ecosystemg areas led to food shortages, which then led to malnutrition. along the north american west coast a gray
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whale recently died after beaching. >> well, sheriff's deputies on the peninsula are stepping up patrols near a popular walking trail. coast in half moon bayúthat has, technology that could be used to stop fentanyl and other opioids from entering the u.s. over the southern border, may be sittings accusing the federal gov nment of inaction ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body
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new finish ultimate, with cyclesync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. ♪ near the bay bridge police called off a chase. >> the chase happened on the ramp from westbound 580 to the bay bridge toll plaza. the driver of a truck running from police turned around and went the wrong way on that ramp. it crashed head on into a black bmw and a white work van. chp says the person driving that bmw died at the scene. you can see cartons of cigarets scattered across the road after the crash. now, police say the chase the sn the into a tobacco shop in el cerrito. >> when our officers saw the vehicle was turning around, our officer terminated his pursuit, turned off his lights, exited the freeway. at that point when
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they realized the suspect behavior was getting too extreme for them to be able to justify continuing to chasen >> the two people in the suspect vehicle police the name of was killed in hour here, san francisco transportation leaders will discuss a plan to put speed cameras around 33 cameras woulde city, the highest concentration would be in the downtown core area. they'd beúthe cities highy network. the 12% of san francisco streets that the site of more than two thirds of all traffic related injuries or deaths, even if the contracts are approved by the sfmta board, the cameras wouldn't be activated until sometime next year. you can see the proposed camera locations by heading to our website, ktvu .com, and clicking on web links. california lawmakers have signed off on more exemptions for a new fast food labor law. the law requires most fast food restaurants in the state to pay workers $20 an hour starting next month, but now many
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restaurants in airports, hotels, arenas, museums, casinos and college campuses will be exempt from the rules. lawmakers say many of the workers also have collective bargaining agreements that already include state requ. >> several thousand fast food workers have organized collectively across california. >> we have a serious problem happen. >> republican lawmakers have been criticizing the negotiations behind the bill last year,úsaying much of it happened behind closed doors. >> well, it's been almost two weeks. and the race to fill the seat of retiring silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo is still tooúclose to call the california secretary of state's office sam liccardo still leading with 21% of the vote. he is projected to be one of the two candidates in the general spot on the november ballot, joe simitian is leading evan low by just 12 votes. the results, by
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the way, will be certified by april 12th, and we're also still waiting for the results of proposition one. it would allow the state to build drug and mental health treatment facilities, and move the homeless off the streets and into treatment. now, if it to authorize more than $6 state billion in bonds that would be paid out of the state's general fund. the latestc numbes show that the yes vote is leading by a slim margin. just about 20,000 votes. >> today's primary day in five states, and president biden is swing voters. meanwhile, lawyers for former president donald trump say heúcan't post bond for his new york civil fraud case, something he's required to do in order appeal. fox's caroline shively reports from washington. >> when president biden headed out on a three state campaign i, followed by fundraisers in texas wednesday and thursday, the general election is set of the , and biden is going toúhave tot&
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put up a fight in arizona, where he won in 2020. he trails former president trump there in a fox news poll for the general election. >> he's going to get out there now is like some moderate, moderate guy, like a man of the common people to like, repeat the 2020 act. >> trump is making headlines this week. ñ>úwe're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and you'reúnot going to be able toc sell those cars if i get elected. now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath. >> everyútime he gives one of these free wheeling speeches, there's going to be so much cleanup that has parse through what he said and can't find an insurance company to underwrite the bond on the $454 million civil fraud judgment against him in new york. >> they want to make sure that >> and the way that you're confident that you get what you're laying out is it's cash or something that's a cash equivalent rather than real estate values, which can really
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fluctuate. >> five states head to the primary polls on candidates have already amassed enough delegates for their parties nominations. in washingtonl caroline shively, ktvu, fox two news. new are now facing felony theft crit targeted high end retail stores here in the bay area and >> attorney general rob bonta spthis morning announcedúr7 fely charges against them, says the burglaries happened between december of 2022 and last february in alameda, santa clara, los angeles, orange, san diego and riverside thant& $300,000 in losses to stores. >> the three suspects were charged in conducted smash and grab styleúthefts, where they'd run into stores. they would grab purses and other high dollar items, and they'd run out. to be clear, this isn't about a couple spof one off instances of a
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sunglasses. this was organizedta ag, bonta says. >> the three charged would sometimes use force against workers as they ran out of stores, and sometimes would overwhelm businesses masked acc. >> so law enforcement agencies on the us-mexico border say they the key tool to prevent opioids from being smuggled sitting on e sidelines now. the attorney general checkpoints already have scanners that can x ray vehicles and discover fentanyl, but that the scanners are not being used. she says she's disappointed wit. sp>> they are non-intrusive. the cars can flow through the border. have as much stoppage of the cars. sg , they can tell. and then that car gets pulled over and all the other cars that don't have
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fentanyl in them don't. >> now the attorney general, the woman you suggested she could take legal action against the federal government to try and forceúit to do more to prevent opioids from coming over the border. >> the san mateo county sheriff's departmentúsays it's increasing patrols in half moon bay after a woman reported being groped on a popular walking trail there. investigators say the woman was walking her. ktvua peters tells us why the police chief is trying to temper safety concerns. >>útowns just outside of smithfield parkc in half moon bay, there's a walking trail that runs along the coast. >> generally, we haven't had any. i haven't had any issues or concerns about my safety, so this is quite a surprise. >> san mateo county sheriff's bureau chief in half moon bay says the trail saturday night, about 7:00 along her walk. >> she was accosted by an
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individual on a bike. and he touched her inappropriately. he groped her essentially. she screamed, which was a great reaction because it scared him off. and he, on his bike. he left the area. >> albin says the woman made a police report, and now police tn alert while using the trails. >> because though this reported to us, we we want tot& make sureúthat everybody's aware, which is a good thing to do any time that you're walking alone, whether yougre a man or n monday say they feel safe while walking along the trail, but believe everyone should still take precautions. >>, so there are spots alone, so blindo generally you know, depending on where you are, you just want to be able to see above, above the grass and the tree line. >> i think obviously always like
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know, not just with one other person. >> the chief did emphasize that spthis is the only case that thy are aware of, and they don't want people to panic, but they do want people to be aware of their surroundings while walking on this trail. now, if you or anyone you know has any information about this case, they'd like you to contact the san mateo county sheriff's office. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news. >> the antioch police oversight commission held its first meeting. seven volunteers were swornúin last month. during their first meeting, antioch's interim police chief,úbrian addington, introduced himself and invited each commission member to go on a ride along with the police officer. antioch mayor lamar hernandez. thorpe also spoke at the police commission what he expects ofhe them. >> i'm here to ask all seven of you to join me as we rebuild our police department and as we rebuild, trust your role here is
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trust has been violated. >> theúpolice oversight a series of controversies involving antioch police officers, including a scandal that involved racistútext messages. >> changes the richmond-san rafael bridge. the metropolitan transportation commission plans to seek permission to return the lane to a shoulder for drivers on mondays through thursdays. the bike lane was opened back in 2019 as a four year pilot program. the mtc says there has not been enough bicycle use to justify keeping the lane open.t& average of 80 bike trips on weekdays and 232 on weekends. concerning numbers about american's financial well-being, expensive emergency. >> andúacross the bay area this afternoon, a veryúpleasant weather to end a winter and begin spring. i'll have a look at what we can expect for the spring showers for the weekend.
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coming up. ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. another one in the books. with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes,
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members accused of killing a three year old girl in san jose. prosecutors say the child's mother, grandfather and uncle an exorcism at a san jose church in september. a police lieutenant testified. the family said it believed the little girl had been possessed by a demon. the
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judge is deciding if there is enough evidence for trial.úa mother in san jose who's been charged with murder for the death ofúher baby's fentanyl related death, is expected to be released from jail to await her trial. a hearing is set for friday to discuss the conditions of release. prosecutors strongly opposed the move, calling it a highly unusual development for a murder trial. toddler's father is also facing murder charges for last august. he will remain behind bars afterútwo well known restaurants cleared out of a section of oakland because of crime. >> city leaders have been doing what they can to rid the area of trouble. and one sergeant. it comes after a number of restaurants in the area, including in-n-out and denny's, recently announced they are closing those locations because of safety concerns. the mayor announcing during the past four months, the numbers show robberies.been a burglaries, th- >> our commitment remains strong and focused on making arrests
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when warranted, while reducing entire city. the chp will continue to conduct unannounced surge operations alongside our law enforcement partner agencies. >> chp says it has 72 officers in the oakland office andc as many as 65 officers could be added. the port of oakland have surveillance cameras runningúin that area 24 hours a pleasanton high school high school campus. but school officials say unlike the first fire, they know how the second one started. whatgs described as major damage to the gym high school. now, the smaller fire os shortly afterc students returned to classes yesterday. >> we did, unfortunately have a& incident during school. in the morning, where some students made a poor decision to, start a fire in one of our district says
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the two fires at theúschool are isolated incidents, but investigators are reviewing security camera footage search for answers. >> classes are scheduled and have been underway since this morning. allúright. santa clara based software giant nvidia hosting its annual high tech conference thisc week. >> many of the world's top tech executives, scientists and engineers are in san jose. this year's conference comes as nvidia is making a strong performance on wall street, driven largely by its expanding use unlike most companies,t& they're going at it from all sides. they've got software andd service infrastructures, so they're growing. and i would exciting trend. >> nvidia stock has almost doubled since just the start of this year. >> nvidia is teaming up with mas produce digital chipsc artificial intelligence. tech analysts say these chips are the next generation with high
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bandwidth memory. several other are among the same companies, doing the very same thing here. now, the south korean company working with nvidia says this deal will help it be a leader in the ai industryn nvidia chip market. unilever announced today spit is spinning off its ben and jerry's ice cream brand and cutting w500 jobs. the company says restructuring will begin immediately and is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. the ben and jerry's brand has caused some issues for unilever various political issues, thet& company says. the ice cream division will perform better as a stand alone business. >> the centuriesúold practice of cold therapy taking a dip in icy waters is gaining in popularity, thanks in part to social media. many celebrities have appeared onútiktok and instagram taking part in cold therapy. one man says he goes outside every day to take an ice bath. no matter how cold it is. one doctor of
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sports medicine says while the medical evidence around the practice is a little thin, he does think cold therapy has its benefits. >> the overriding theme, i think, with cold plunge is one of the biggest benefits is kind of buildingúresilience. and so when that initialúcold shock happens, there are certain physiologic things that happen in our body. so our heartúrate will go up. blood pressure will spgo up, and and noradrenaline and dopamine. and all of thoseúcan play a role in improving our mood, our well-being. >> more sports and gyms are now offering cold immersion therapy. medical professionals say can getc many of the same benefits from a cold shower or bath and say you should talk to your doctor before taking a dunk int& ice water. >> all right, all right, let's turn things over to meteorologist rosemary oroczo. not coldúoutside today, spring is almost here, too. >> i know, iúknow, and we do have. not quite as warm as the weekend. wow, that was really nice doing many of us. even the coastline in the 70s. not theúcase for today. today, more of a spring like pattern where temperatures range from upper 50s at the
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coast to low 70s inland. we will get back to sort of a winter like feel as we get into the weekend, introducing scattered showers and some rain. how about what's going on right now? we'vg hills and some fogn you can see there low clouds along the coastline and just inside the bay. again, this pattern.úlow pressure there, even bringing scattered desert southwest, and a slight chance over southern california. we have high pressure dominating our weather pattern. this is going to hang around for a couple ofc days before it does beginúto shift. so as andre mentioned a moment ago, we aret& winding down winter. the vernal equinox arrives 800 and 6úp.m. tonight. here's a look at the futurecast. you can see the ridge in that dome there ofúhigh pressure over california. by thursday, it begins to shift and moving in. right now itúlooksrem like friday. yesterday it showed by friday evening. now perhaps scattered showers off for friday
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morning. and then saturdayúlooks soggy right now. sunday looks td showersúon sunday as well. rainfall amounts for us, it looks like anywhere from a half most of an inch and a half for hills, the coastal range, you know, tends to see a little bit more than the rest of us. and then as we look over towards the sierra, snow levels are expected to range between 3500ft and 5000ft, fluctuating with each passing day, but 1 to 2ft of snow expected for the higher elevations. that's also a kind of knew yesterday it was showing. oh, maybe a foot. now we're looking at two feet. so we'll continue to fine tune it as the takeaway is don't put away the rain gear, you're going to need it. and you'reútraveling to the sierra, be prepared for the winds outside right now. half moon bay a northwest breeze at 15mph and in the mid 50s. so a little bit of a cool one for
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you there. upper 50s san francisco, inner east bay, enjoying mid to upper 6ps right now. and for the afternoon today. upper 50s at the coast, s today. 72 expectedúin antioch. your extended forecast temperatures will drift downward with each passing day. it's going to be very gradual. but then as we get into the weekend, take a look at those afternoon highs, low 60s in the forecast for the afternoons. back toúyou. thank you rosemary. >> a special focus on two of the top receivers for the 49ers by deebo amamuel an
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orange streams of lava could be seen shooting in the air from the volcano after it erupted over the weekend. officials in iceland say two sections of the volcano are still active and new lava flows are moving toward the sea. a passenger on an airplane
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captured the volcanic eruption through a window on his phone. it's the fourth time this volcano has erupted this year. >> winter officially ends at 806 tonight, and that's the vernal equinox, marking the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere. now at that time, the sun will be directly over the equator, making making for an equal day and night in the northern and southern hemispheres. it usually falls on march 19th, 20th, or 21st. the date varies because earth 365.24 days, while a calendar year is 365 days. the same reason we years, adding another day to the calendar to help catch us up. garden centers are entering their busiest season of the year. spring accounts for about 60% of sales, and while some gardening businesses saw a surge in sales during the pandemic, many say that surge is over. >> so a major increase. so we weren't sure if that would continue or not. but now it's kind of went back to
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pre-pandemic. so our sales have actually gone down changes inevitable. and you've got to constantly what worked last year or maybe even last month might not work this. so we're always evaluating what's our next move. last year was the worst year we've ever had. >> i think it's because because people bought their, you know, things they needed for their garden. they didn't need anything else. >> businesses say a lot of people focused on their homes during lockdowns, but since those were lifted years ago, things have slowed down. >> well over half of all americans say they can't afford a $1,p00 emergency. a report from bankrate finds 44% of americans surveyed said they toy for an unexpected expensec. a bank rate analyst says more americans are to paycheck. at the same time, they're constantly being urged to spend their money, noting the messaging is not nearly as strong when it comes to saving. millions of students from low income families are missing out
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on a state initiative to help them save money for college or a career. officials say many eligible families don't know about the california kids investment and development savings program that launched in 2022. eligible low income students in the publicc school system will have between 500 and $1500 deposited into a savings account after high school. earlier this month, cal kids said fewer than 10% of the 3.5 million eligible students accese funded account, while declining usedúcar prices is a good sign for potential buyers, it's not causing trouble. >> it's also consumers who purce their vehicles at higher prices. now, according to the latest used vehicle report by edmunds, a growing number of americans are upside down on their auto loans as used prices decline. being upside down on your car loan simply means you owe more than the car is worth. it's sometimes called being underwater on the loan or a negative equity car loan.
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>> one brentwood man side hustle has become a smashing success hamburgers when he was having a garage sale. was just hoping to make a little extra money. he sold the burgers for $15, including french fries or onion rings, and a drink. soon he started getting messages from his neighbors asking for more because they were so good. >> i opened up my garage and people started to come. and then one of my neighbors put it on next door, apparently, and he came down and told me, he said, hey, this is kind of blowing up. i'm sorry, you know? and so, people started coming and, and ended up making 900 burgers. >> word about his burgers spread and city officials came around, said health and safety regulations prevented him from selling food from his garage.c out asking him if he'd like to make his burgers there. he says the support has been overwhelming. >> it's just been amazing, you know, i didn't expect that. i haven't expected any of this,
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you know? and it's just been it's been awesome, you know? and i'm just so grateful and so thankful. the people of brentwood and antioch have just. >> wright says his burgers are so good because he puts a lot of spattention on the details. this like toasting the bun just right . caramelizing the onions also makes his own burger sauce and seasonings. >> it boy, those burgers feel good. all right. the giants have reportedly signed the national league's reigning cy young award start of the newe days before te blake snell has agreed to a two year deal worth $62 millionn the 31 year old is just one of seven big league pitchers to win the cy youngúaward in both leagues. snell will now be reunited with manager bob melvin in san francisco after two seasons ñ> several 49ers stars are getting the netflix treatment, netflix announced today it's goin to release a newúseriestf called receiver. it's streamings
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popular quarterback show. 49ers receiver deeboc samuel and tight end george kittle will be two of the five featured players the series will go inside this past season, with behind the scenes footage and access to samuel kittle and the rest of the niners. the series premieres this summer. >> i can't wait for that. after after the season that we just had super bowl. yeah, super bowl and that is going to be a great i cannot wait for that to come w what i'm going to be watching. >> netflix has your moneyl man. >> i can tell in that show. all right. yeahn thank you so much for watching ktvu fox two news at noon. a quick reminder that you can now stream smart tv. yoh live newscasts and your roku, your apple tv ort& android tv. just scan the qr code right on your screen right app. then select ktvu. you're looking live at the conservatory of flowers in san francisco. our spnext newscast at 4:p0. >> w ll see - [tammi] can you guess what this is? if you guessed candy apple, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary."


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