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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  March 20, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> about 140 students in the youth adult program are taking community college classes. program organizers say they're always on the to help students, along with businesses offering valuable work experiences. >> there's a ribbon cutting ceremony today for a new bike and pedestrian path over highway four. in the east bay. the project will also connect the proposed innovation center planned for brentwood. today's inaugural ride and walk starts at 10 a.m. new funding on the way to create a park and restore coastal habitat in san francisco. >> the city will receive more than $750,000 to restore basin waterfront park project- that will create a ten acre park in the bayview hunters point neighborhood, the city's green acre program and youth stewardship program will each receive $20p,p00, and that money will go to help young people, and they will be able to engage with nature as well as their communities. >> congress expanding its investigation into anti-semitism
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on college campuses. now uc berkeley is in its spotlight. we'll take a look at why the university is being investigated . >> and then a sheriff's deputy fighting for his life after a shootout andúchase in the north bay and the plea for help from his colleagues. sp>> plus, a health warning in e east bay customers at a restaurant exposed to the measles. what we're learning so far and the symptoms you should look out for. >> live from jack london square. this is mornings on two. r0th. we're looking live at san spfrancisco's richmond district and a little bit of fog there coming in over the golden gate and the marin headlandsn welcom. bride is holding wedding guests accountable. if they don't respond by the rsvp deadline,
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and it's getting a lot of scrutiny online, she's created cards for guests who forget to rsvp. they read, quote, we're sorry you can't make it to our wedding. our rsvp deadline has passed and you unfortunately did not respond. it goes on to say we would have loved to have you attend, but final numbers have now been turned in and your presence will be missed. many online are calling her approach approach tacky and harsh. welcome to the nine andre senior gasia mikaelianúand yours truly, sal castaneda i she's treating her wedding like a government agency or she's like the government problem with what she's doing. >> do you know how much moneyc she people put into rsvp? so once i give the caterer the final head count, i don't need you saying, oh, i'm bringing my plus one and our children. it's like it's i have no symptoms. >> so, sal, you're saying that that this this is a little harsh because to me, you know, you spend a lotúof money onúthe rig.
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you know, i've never had a wedding, so. but i'm just,úyou know, don't send out a card. >> just call them. hey, are you coming or not? well i think they get that when they log on to rsvp. >> i think that's the message spfrom what i understood, that pops up. >> well, yeahn i mean, so you you send out thec card and they're not they're not returning the rsvp on time. on time you can have a proper right. >> since these people, presumably the people you invite to your wedding are your friends and not strangers, you treat them with a little bit more. you know, you give them a little bit of a pass. i mean, who are you inviting toc your wedding? >> do you do you hate them? aren't they super expensive, spthough? and you? and like, if you're on a budget. yeah. you have to like. yes oh my god. okay, so this is what we have. this is what i'm spending. so. and then someone else is coming in. >> and so you would send this card out. >> i would or not. ñ> i'm just i mean because there are ways to just from what i've understood about weddings and how much money they cost, i guess i can understandúwhy you'd have be a little strict if you'reúon a budget like a right, right, right, right.
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>> i would just text them, hey, are you coming?úright. married and i have an rsvp, i would like to think that he'd say, hey, are you coming?c are you going to make it? and i say, oh, shoot, i can't make it. then before i log in past the deadline that andre has written in his in his little, you know, invitation, save the date would have said the said the final. >> right, right, right, right. let us know by i don't know first for my june wedding etc.úi don't know maybe you know i have a little bit more. >> i mean, i got married, i went through this, some people had forgotten. i called them up. ohl i'm sorry, put them down. >> but that was before you gave your caterer or whatever. the final count. sure. but after once you're like, i have 200 people coming, and then all of a sudden you get 20 people more saying, i want to show up. then it's like, well, 200 peoplen >> that's a lot of people. >> i'm beginning to think i'm too much of a softie.t& itúout hard, i'm just g >> i'm not saying one way or the other, you know? >> well, i, i think this bride is well within her. her rights. headache. if and when you do it& just elope. honestly, from two >> i heard that from many friends. save the money for a >> i second that for a house, i second that. >> all right, let's start our
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newscast here by starting in the east bay. uc berkeley has just been added to a list of universities being investigated >> schools are being investigated prevent anti-semitm on campus. >ñ ktvu bailey carroll isúhere e university is being investigate& early on in this investigation, when the school was made aware just yesterday that the house committee on education and the workforce that they are, thatt& the university is under investigation for inadequate response to anti-semitism on campus now, according to the committee, the investigation comes on the heels of multiple incidents, including when protesters blocked a sather gate for nearly two months and then when students broke down the door at zellerbach playhouse, preventing an israeli lawyer from speakingn thoughúwe should note that since that happened, campus for an event that went on spas planned, with no disruptio. that happened just two days ago. but then two weeks ago, a female nba student at the university's business school accused the university of fostering an
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environment where jewish students are not given equal opportunities to learn. that again, happened at a congressional roundtable event. >> instead of providing a safe environment for education, berkeley tells jews to stay away from campus, hoping this will pass over. it's not safe to be a jewish student at uc berkeley. >> in a statement to ktvu,úthe university said uc berkeley has an unwavering commitment to ensuring every student feels safe, welcome places, regardleso they are or what they believe in. the letter sent to the university informing them of the investigation gives them until april rnd to turn over a wide range of documents, including reports on anti-semitic incidents dating back to 2021. what action was taken on those, and then also information on foreign donations and copies of minutes from leaders on campus. the investigating committee has previously requested documents from other universities and they
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of pennsylvania. we'll send it back to. >> all right. thank you so much. bailey. one of the sonoma county deputies injured in a confrontation with an armed suspect battling a brain injury and serious burns. in all, four deputies were hurt and preliminary autopsy results show the suspect likely died from injuries he suffered in a crash. authorities releasing body camera video of this incident that happened two weeks ago. you can see it here. investigators say a deputy fired at the suspect, joseúcervantes,úafter cervantes rammed into a patrol car. the deputy ended up being pinned under a police cruiser. >> delhi is a very, incredibly strong person. daily. he's going through physical and speech rehabilitation therapy sessions. >> we just want to make sure the family doesn't have to worry about finances at all and can hh and his recovery. >> the deputy underwent surgery on his back and is progressing. he is set to marry his fiance,
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by the wayl in june, but the wedding could be postponed. >> authorities have identified the three family members who were killed when a car crashed into a bus stop in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. 40 year old diego cardoso de oliveira, 38 year old mathilde moncada ramos pinto and toddler, died in the crash.- their younger son, kaui, is the only survivor. the baby is still in the hospital saturday waiting at a bus stop when they were hit by an out of control suv. police old mary fongúlao, s facing charges of vehicular she's cooperating with theays investigation. >> safety advocates in san francisco want more speed cameras added throughout the city. 33 cameras are about to be installed by theúmunicipal transportation agency, including two along fulton street on the north side ofc golden gate park. ktvu followed members of the safety group walk sf as theyúuse the radar gun to measure traffic speeds at fulton and 10th
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avenue. the speeds were typically higher than the 30 mile. an hour posted speed limit , a car going 25 miles an hour. >> 75% chance i'm going to make it through that on the other bye time a driver is up to 40 miles an hour, that completely flips 75% chance that i'm dead i'm very, very severely injured. >> next month, the city for ready by next year. oakland and san jose have a similar speed camera system planned for next year as well. >> all right, time for a check of the forecast. first day of spring. now steve paulson is tracking some changes that could be happening over the next few days. hey, steve, last weekend sunny and warm felt spring like yeah, this one this weekend will not. >> yeah, it'll bec cloudy with rain on the way. now this morning we had cloud deck for here. a lot of upper 30sc to 38. morning here with woodside,
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sonoma occidental, lower lake middletown, napa, rohnert park and boulderúcreek all in there.9 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. we're kind of leveling off right now, but the cooler temps novato, petaluma and santa rosa, we're still dealing with some fog, but i'll get to that in just a second. the 8 to 14 day outlook end of march into early april does favor above normal rain. i buy it, i'll buy it. rain is likely friday afternoon saturday, so i would expect tha& if you have plansúon saturday, i you can see the fog working its. way up the napa valley. i actuaa little bit here, west, up to rot park, santa path that it's taking. there's a little bit south around daly city. you can see along the san mateo coast, south san francisco, over towards pacifica. nowúthe most, though is to the north, that's for sure. overall though, we are tomorrow for anúincrease in high on the temps, mainly 50s. right
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now everyone's pretty close on these temps. this is just the leading edge of some higher cloudsn the main system will be coming in on friday afternoon. evening forecast projections for the mountains have gone up. i'll get on my toes. gone up. there you go. that's a good sign. we'll take it. we need some snow here. we don't want to end the season yet, but rainfall looks okay. but the snow is definitely improved as far as the 2ft to now about 2 to 3. and to maybe cooler today. patchy fog,úlow i& up. so 5060s for the temps. some low clouds tomorrow will bring rain in friday evening and aúcold rain on saturday. steve a revol. the new rules for car emissions and what they could mean for a majority of vehicles sold in the next decade, plus vehicles under urgent recalls are still being driven on california roads. next on the nine, we'll talk live with an expert from carfax about the threats those vehicles ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema,
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it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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mylowe's rewards credit card ask your eczema specialist saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda.
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new funding to clear abandoned cars off the streets. the resolution sets aside $840,000 to s there's also money for a dedicated parking management analyst. it will also set up new software to track the towed vehicles. council members stressed that this ordinance vehicles that are abandoned. it's not aimed at people who are
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living in their cars. ages, there's new focus on the n california, drivers over the ags license their license in person at the dmv, they have to pass a vision test and a written test each time. it's possiblec they'll hae to pass a driving test as well. >> a lot of senior citizens don't feel they're getting a fair shake. this law and i think probably 40, 50 years ago, a 70 year old was probably older than what we consider a 70 year old. >> today, anyone can request a driver be reexamined if they have safety concerns. typically such requests result in a brief hearing in which the subject submits a doctor's evaluation, stating they have no cognitive deficiencies or they pass a driving test. the person to be reexamined doesn't cooperate, though their license the carfaxúreleased new data that every vehicle 3.7 million cars are currently on park outsl notice that is a staggering 40%
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increase since may of 2023. >> so joining us now for more insight is mike levine from carfax. mike, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> a pleasure to be here. thanks. >> so, mike, why are the numbers ofúthese recalls. why are they skyrocketing? first of all? >ñ well, so the first reason is that there have been a number of recalls and fixes for those problems haven't been released by all the manufacturer. so there's a cumulative effect over months where, you know, one, one andúthen add anothero models, manufacturer with six models. before you know it, you're into, i canútell you that i had a and you know, i, i it was i was reporting on it in the news before i even got the recall notice in the mail, which i thought was was pretty crazy, can you tell me, where does california rank in the number of park outside recalls right now? >> so right now california has
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the number one spot, which is, certainly not anything to brag about. but you mentioned the, the, the mail and there's a real reasonc here why the numbers are going so high. and a lot of that has to do with theúfact, there's a law that vehicle manufacturers have to send out recalls by us mail. and so if yougre driving a used car, forúexample, the average age of a used car right now is around 12 years. and depending on the state you live in, you have anywhere from 2 to 4 owners in that 12 year stretch. so imagine if you're the third owner of a used vehicle, there's a very good chance that when that recall notification goes out, it's going to get mailed to the previous owner, that causes a bit of a, of a of a delay in learning whether or not your vehicle is, is subject to those types of recalls. that's why carfax right called car care, where if you download this from the app store, you can plug in your plate number or your vehicle identification number and figure out immediately whether or not
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the vehicle you're driving is subject to any open recalls. >ñ mike. we mentioned the park outside recalls are up 65. is this a specific as maybe an ele? what are we talking about here? >> so you you guys definitely did stories last year on the massive hyundai and kia model recalls,úthat was, you know, may june time frame of last year, those some of some of those, models under those two manufacturers still do not have a fix at dealerships. so again, you know, a measurement we made in may included all of those manufacturers. there have been there have since been several more, including jeep, lincoln. the lincoln mkc was also subject to a recall. so again, the cumulative effect over time where we might have started off in the in the mid hundreds of 100 thousands, now we're we're well into the millions across the country. >> so we're talking about different types of vehicles. ano
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be one type of vehicle such as electric versus your standard combustion engine vehicle. and what are some of the issues that are leading to the park outside? recall what could happen to the car and why is it so urgent that people do not park their cars in the garage of their homes? >> well, so first of all, anytime there's, the potential for fire, you don'túwant to have the vehicle anywhere near not just parked inside, but not parked in proximity to your home or apartment building or whatever dwelling you're in, but, you know, the smallest things can can lead to for exama small, anti-lock brake fluid leak that could potentially lead to a short, which in turn could potentially lead to fire.úso that small, you know, small defect that led to a fluid leak could ultimately lead to a fire. spand so anytime there's nationy traffic safety administration
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recommends, theyúpark the vehicle outside and away from structures to avoid any subsequent damage if a fire happens a coworker right here in this very building that that that whose fire next to his house. a tree next o his house. it caused some pretty significant damageúhere, so, you know, it's important to keep ths not always getting notified. or just like i mentioned earlier, with my notification on, it didn't get to meúbefore the news, before it was on the news. so so how do you check on your car to make sure? and what do you recommend to people, that don't even think about this type of thing? usually >> well, first of same boat. i a recall noticeújust a couple of weeks ago for, a ford explorer i sold months ago. so the catch up period is, is real, there's a significant delay in, in getting in owners getting notified properly about vehicle recalls.
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and, we users for our car care app, when any goes in the form ofc car care users., it also helps you track maintenance. it helps you track your inspections and registration and all the things that you're going to need in order to keep your car on the road and maintain value inúthat vehicle over time. >ñ mike levine with carfax, thank you so much an important r here for people, especially if you just don't really pay attention to these things. but it can be really a serious issue if you have a recall and you're notc fully aware of it. so. so thank you for your insight into addressing, this issue. we appreciate your time. thank you. all right. coming up on mornings on two, the nine taxes are due in less than a month. and the irs shedding light on how it's processing returns this year, who it says itgs targeting for audits once all the returns have been filed, then a candid look at family dynamics, new revelations show 1 in 4 mothers
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have a favorite child. we takeúa look at the signs.
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introducing finish ultimate. engineered for the toughest conditions. dry burnt-on stains. old dishwashers. very hard water. new finish ultimate, with cyclesync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. ♪ it's your time to cache in... so don't just play... stay at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now...
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they received a 911 text message yesterday from a woman around 3& a.m, saying her two children were in an apartment with a man she had a restraining order against. police say when the man refused to come out of the apartment, officers went in. >> the suspect, unknowing to the
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officers, had armed himself with handgun in the direction of the officers inside the apartment. >> that's when officers shot and killed the man. campbellgst& police chief says the woman involved in the incident wasc arrested. chief would only say that he had evidence that children had been put in danger& while in her care. he says the children are now in protective custody to the east bay, as peod a deadly an apartment complex south of sun valley mall. investigators say a 67 year old man was killed and another suffered life threatening injuries. witnesses say they seeing the ground. >> people in oakland are demanding the city do more to fight crime. we spoke to one woman who lives in east oakland. she says her home wasc burglarized last week. a neighbor called to say someone had was climbing through a window when she returned home. her bedroom had been ransacked and her jewelry was. >> vintage gold jewelry my mother had given friends had mau
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know, the sentimental value is definitely can't put a price on that. we my husband and i, i fel we feel very unsafe. you know, we feel like the police have not come. you know, people called 911. the police never came. >> the nyssa homeowner said police called it late in the night and left a voicemail to a voicemail telling her an officer posted on social media they were both burglarized last week as well, and we're havingútrouble getting the police to respond. >> staying in the city of oakland, they just approved a measure aimed at addressing excessive false alarms involving home alarm systems. the ordinance would require alarm companies to confirm a crime has been committed or is being committed, before police are dispatched to the area. city council says the ordinance is needed because of the high percentage of false alarms that are draining police resources. >> between 96% and 98% of these alarms are turning out to be
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false alarms. and so every time we would choose to divert a police officer away from fighting a real crime, to go to something that has a 90% to 98% likelihood of being a false alarm reduces our public safety. >> after feedback from the community. the ordinance will not require people who have to m to have two false alarms. >> there's a major health warning for people who visited a week and a half ago. coming up here on the nine, when down to the hour have been exposed to measles and what health officials say you should look out for even if you've been okay until now. >> also ahead, the federal government is backing down from some of its most ambitious goals for electric vehicles. i carolineúshively in wash ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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[luxurious music] ♪ treat yourself to rich, ghirardelli chocolate and luscious caramel. ♪ experience ghirardelli caramel squares.
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in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better. sunshine's not there. but don't spworry, today is another dry dy before we head into some more rain. at the very beginning of the weekend, 40% of people nationwide say they think their mom has a favorite child, and nearly a quarter of moms say, i do this. according to a survey from the market research firm moonpig, which i've never heard about. but this does kind of bear out when it comes to signs that you're the favorite. are youúthe one she always talks
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about? does she keep more of one family home? maybe she puts more effort into your birthday. in particular, might she even use your birth date for a password here and there? what do you think 40%úof children say? yep, both lucky to be from largewe're families. do you think your mom has a favorite? >> ifúthey did, they'd never let on right? yes. moms are smart that way. yeah, they.. really, i mean, they didn't i didn't feel it. that's okay. yeah. so if she spdid then she was very diplomac for her. >> okay. good. what do you think. does mom have a favorite? >> i'm going to avoid this subject. >> are we speaking to the favorite? >> it's a touchy subject. i'm not i'm not saying. i'm not saying that. i mean, >> would they say they might tell you?c >> they might tell you something. i'm not going to say know. okay. and but i just, you know, that's just what i've overheard them complaining about. okay.úbut i don't know anything. >> can i share one of my favorite sayings tell me my favorite sayings.
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>> i have way. my mom would not true. >> of course every mom will deny it. i love them both equally. i love them all equally. although, just cake, right? my husband and i, we have two sons. they're exactly the same, you wouldn't w can you say that you love pizza? or like, take, takeútwo things that you absolutely adoren how can you pick one over the other? you can't. so i don't love pizza or french fries more than the >> some kids think that all in r upstairs. >ñ i think. oh no, i'm calling your children are very are perceptive. >> yeah. that's true. all right, all right. okay. let's move on to them later. all right. happening today, san francisco mayor london breed will join other city officials, business leaders and community members in the inner sunset to announce the city's 400 automated license plate readers at 100 intersections across the city. the police department says theútech will be used to address public safety issues, such as organized retail theft and vehicle theft. the federal governmentúis unveiling for
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electric vehicles and car emissions. >> carolineúshively gives us a closer look from capitol hill after last year's unveiling comes this week's rollback from the biden administration, involving auto emissions standards and mileage ratings for electric vehicles. >> we're executing a focused, deliberative, deliberate strategy that positions us to become energy independent and energy secure. >> on energy softened rules proposedt& last april that would have given automakers more fuel economy credits for producing electric vehicles. this year, the club says the auto industry has been overstating for two decades, allowing them to make more gas powered cars and still meet federal fuel efficiency standards. republican aides say the rollback is a major win for consumers, and the big three automakers, who said they couldn't meet the standards and would face $10 billion in fines over the next eight years. >> we want our gas powered wedny
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is relaxing vehicle emissiont& standards through 2030, lowering the original goal of evs making up 60% of new cars. while the two new sets of rules affect electric and gas vehicles, it could be hybrids that come out the winner when you let market forces, you end up now looks like the hybrid option for many, many, many consumers. climate groups and automaker tesla have said the epa should have imposed even stricter rules in washington, caroline shively, ktvu fox two news. >> san francisco is launching as of curbside charging stations leaders say san francisco will need 5000 new ev charging stations by the year 2030 to meet demand. right now, people without a garage are sometimes running cords across the spsidewalk to their vehicles. te goal is to provide curbside charging to residents who don't have their own home or garage with a charger. >> 70% of san franciscans live
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in a multifamily residential complex. they're likely not going to have access to ev charging, so this is where curbside for community input before implementing any curbside charging ruling on landlines in california could come this fall. sp>> landlines are primary life savers in power outages, storms or fires, or earthquakes. >> maintaining landlines for health and safety purposes for all of californians is more important than ever. >> in a public hearing, callers pleaded with the public utilities commission to reject at&t proposal to end landlines spforúmost californians. at&t ss forcing it to keep providing landline service puts it at a competitive disadvantage from companies that do not have to do the >> at&t has to invest in this old network that's $1 less that they can invoke, that they can invest in the latest and greatest technology that all californians deserve. and we
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want. >> and let's worry that people who live in rural or remote areas of the state will be hurt the most without these landlines . an evidentiary hearing will be heldúnext month, when at&t will try to prove the economic harm it's enduring by keeping splandline service free. >> nobody likes paying their should be smooth and easy for you this year. jared halpern gives us a closer look from washington, d.c. so far, the results have been very strong and the feedback has been very positive. >> tax season is in fullúswing and the filing deadline is now less than one month away. thec irs is shedding new light on how they'll be processing those targeting for audits.ll bet- commissioner danny focus thisúys making sure the wealthy pay their fair share and that means more oversight for the highest income taxpayers and the largest corporations. >> if we are collecting what is owed from the wealthiest taxpayers, it means that others
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aren't shouldering the burden of funding our government. >> werfel says the agency has been staffing up with forensic accountants to complex filings and nail wealthy tax cheats, trying to deduct luxury items like private jets. but thoseúmoves have been opposed by congressional republicans, who claim the irs needs to shift its priorities. time and resources should bes directed toward improving its customer service for its existing duties. >> but irs officials insist they are working hard to distinguish between the scammers and taxpayers doing the rightúthings inevitable, they say they are ready to handle the estimated 165 million individual returns expected to be filed this yearn >> we're likeúthe nfl referee. when we get the call, right or wrong, we getúbooed and we're okay with that. >> the deadline to file your taxes isc april 15th, so if done
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sure you apply for an extension in washington. jared halpern, ktvu, fox two news there have spbeen big changes in californis since the state started requiring most businesses, including salaries in their job postings. >> a recent study finds 14% of workers have quit because of a similar job. was paying more somewhere else, 11% of employees say they found they were being paid less than what their business leaders say compensation is their biggest challenge this year, and the salaries are not keeping up with inflation, so they often can't match competitors pay. alameda county public health officials are warning people who are at a popular east bay restaurant. >> they may have been exposed to measles, the health department says people who were at the sons of libertyc alehouse in downtown san leandro during the evening hours of saturday, march 9th, from about 4:45 p.m. to 730, have been exposed to the measles virus. they say if you were there in that time window, contact alameda county public
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health officials and your doctor. if you fallúin one of the following categories. you're the parents of age of one. you're unsure of your measles vaccination. you're pregnant, a health care workerc or child care provider. most people are vaccinated for measles, but children can't get the vaccine until they're exposs families with babies and young children. measles is a highly contagious airborne virus that can linger in the air hours after an infected an infected person has left the room. therec have been outbreaks of measles recently across the country in 17 states.úthe centers for disease control says there have been 58 cases reported nationwide so far this year, cad last year. >> the measles covid the outbreaks now that they're still around, like you just have to b& really careful because i've been alive, we've gotten vaccinations since we were children, but there seems to be a fear now. >> so i am a little worried that people don't get vaccinated. so we'll have more, outbreaks. >> health officials say those
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who are not at the restaurant in that time frame on saturday, march 9th >> all right. a major shakeup in the real estate industry coming up on mornings on two theúninth. the new changes that could be coming this summer and how it could affect both buyers and sellers at the same time. also ahead, sonoma county's annual artisan cheese festival returns this weekend. you're looking live at the setup we have here in our studio. we're days of ch& education. and so much more, and show indulge in some of the finest cheese in the world mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda.
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bound program, which started back in 2005 and provides a homeless with a fully paid trip to their hometowns as one way to deal with the homeless crisis. now, some members of the board of being fully utilized to expand , now the program will be available to people in the city's shelters and supportive housing. >> is expected to shake up the real estate industry. the national association of realtors hast& agreed to eliminate the customary 6% commission sellers have been paying their brokers.
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instead, sellers and brokers could negotiate commissions. the brokerage fee is expected to drop to 3 or 4l but there's going to be increased competition. >> and it's basically shining a light on something that people thought they had no control ovet approval. weekly mortgage demand is down as rates tick back up to the low 7% range, just short of the 2024 ceiling mortgage rates could either remain in place or be broken with the latest federal reserve rate announcement expected to come out later today. real estate experts say the next policyt& spmeeting could have a major impact on the trajectory of mortgage demand for the spring. >> well, we all know the bay area has high housing prices, including rental properties, but there may be some ways you can lower your rent. is some tips. they suggest finding out the rental rates being nearby properties, or if you're- renewing a lease, what your property manager are offering new tenants. >> you've got your data in front
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of you. you can say, hey, look, i really love this apartment. can you match the competitor next door and come down in price? and more often than not, spyou might be surprised. you. >> also says to increase your chances for a good deal, sell yourself as a good renter. take your rental and payment history, as well as references from previoust& landlords annual artisan cheese festival is making its big return this weekend, it brings together cheesec makers, farmers, educators, chefs and so many others from near and far for three days of cheese celebration in sonoma county. with us now is alyssa gilbert, who is the owner of graze and gather company, which i take it isúa cheese purveyor, a craft cheese purveyor. >> we are, we are an artisan cheese shop in downtown oakland. we specialize so i think a lot of people it's just cheese spisc a lot like wine. >> they they know what they like,úbut they wouldn't know how to order it. i have people in my
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family who do that for me. my wife, my sister, people who thid come what about those of us who like to eat cheese but don't know what to get? how do you find out? and will you help them if they come into your store? is a really gro try new cheeses. you always want to find a cheese shop that will allow you to taste from the counter. any cheesemonger would be happy to let you taste and find out what you like. find out what you don't like, and kind of lead you to kind of figure out what your cheese is when you're making a cheese platter like this. >> so when we'reúseeing i see soft cheese, a harder cheese. is there any rule to putting together yout& like to use? >> yeah, there's noúreal rule. >> there's no real science behind it. i generally like to do one soft, one firm something sliceable a blue or something at to give a variety. but if you know what soft cheesesl thatúis totally fine. >> great. and what is this? what are these big, beautiful wheels
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here? sp>> yes, this is graze and girl from valley forge creamery. it is a natural rind and gorgonzol& style blue cheese. they will be at the festival on a try. that's a great time to do that. >> what do people ask you whent& they theyúfind out what you do for me how much cheese i eat in a day. that's probably. that's probably the number one question i get, and it's a lot. it is a lot. >> so you have to try it. and so do you also know about the right little bit, i like to kind of say if you like it, it's a good pairing. there's really no hard and fast rule when it comes to to kind of scrub the fattinessg- of the cheese off your palate. >> right. and so at the cheese festival, i actually have been to oneúof these before. it's, it's a big room and everyone is, you know, has a table. what should you look for, especially cheese festivals. yeaht theset- absolutely. >> i would just look for any cheese that looks approachable to you. the cheese makers are
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there. they're right behind their cheeses at the table. it's a really great time to talk to them and learn about them, learn about their cheeses. they'll happily walk you through a tasting and it's just a that you may not otherwise try on your own. >> oakland has ac great food spscene. it has a lot of chefs.& has, you know, tasting rooms. right? and now are you the only cheese purveyor in town? >> we are notn >> no. there are a couple others, market hall has a great cheese program, yeah. the greater bay area has a few cheese shops, but the small spartisan cheese shops are a little bit few and far between. so it's a really to go and taste cheese and find cheese and support local cheese makers. >> when do you think oakland started having more of this? chef craft beer. craft cheese. do you remember a time when all of a sudden it took off? >> i do, i the hub of that craft food >> california, so we have great weather year round. we're able to, you know, grow so that's really great for uscúo
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be able to have that option. i really taken off.t&o, it'sthet- >> okay. so before going to try this cheese, any you what's your favorite something notke super flavorful, so it doesn't take away from the cheese. this is franklin's tellam. it's a california treasure. it was out of production for about five years, and now it's back i'm chg this be able to talk. can you tell me a little bit more about the festival, where it is and where you can get tickets? >> yeah, absolutely. the is in e and wine tasting to a pair of c, tickets, ticket sales. and tonight at midnight for the seminars so if anyone's interested, i would highly recommend they jump on that. and then weúhave the marketplace and tasting on sunday, which has over 100 craft food purveyors c.
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it is just the place to be food and artisan cheese, we'll be tasting wine and beer. wine by the glass. wine by the bottle. we there. i'll be there. >> all right. good. i'm done being modest. go for it. except now i have to talk, which is not very good on my more thing. >> yep. and right now you're wim caufield in sebastopol. it's a request style. so it's going to have a little bit but it melts really well. it's a great all around cheese. wow >> what do you think i love it s the owner of graze and gather in oakland, a lifelong east bay resident. thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. >> all right. still to come, california inmate fire program expands young offenders. next on from members of the pilot program trying to right the past. ta
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even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into protect mode. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. ♪ wendy's breakfast 2 for $3 is so good, the crew is giving every combination codenames. bis-squared. egg and cheese biscuit and sausage biscuit. 2 biscuits! i'm impressed tyler knew what squaring was... mathletes! no matter what you call it, choose wisely. choose wendy's breakfast 2 for $3.
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in san leandro say violent situh patients. some employees say they've suffered broken noses. broken ribs have been punched in the face and head and had their teeth broken. today at noon, a group of employees will hold a rally to call for more protections for hospital workersn >> officials at ucsf say they won't be any layoffs after the purchase of saint francis hospital and saint mary's hospital in san francisco. >> no nurses, no staff, period will lose their jobs as a result of the transaction. during a san franciscoomise mad- supervisors committee hearing about the acquisition. some nurses at all three hospitals had concerns about adequate staffing once ucsf takes over. ucsf is scheduled to complete the $100 million acquisition of both community hospitals by june.t& >> the california department of
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corrections is expanding its inmate firefighter program. in the past, only inmates who committed minor offenses were selected for the program to team up with front lines. but now there is a pilot program to allow some 18 to 26 years old, of more serious charges to become firefighters. >> i've learned that iúdon't know everything and that i can n people invest in you, you can achieve far greatness. >> out here, they have everything to gain and they have everything to lose. they are a medium custody inmate in a in a minimum custody housing. and you know, if they mess up, they go back. >> overall, the firefighter success with more than 300 former firefighter inmates not working for cal fire. new breakthrough could lead to a cure for hiv in the future. researchers at the university of
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amsterdam say they've used crispr technology to successfully eliminate hiv from infected cells. they say they can parts of dna atúthe molecular level. the findings are preliminary. right now, researchers say they hope their proof of concept will lead to a possible cure for hiv. >> it's a spring time and trees are starting to bud. flowers are starting bloom, days are longer andúit seems like everybody is suffering from allergies. allergy season came early and if you have it, it's pretty bad. medical officials are blaming mild winters. one doctor says seasonal allergies would start in may, but now we are seeing them earlier and earlier. >> we're having warmer winters, you know, we've been that all rt comes to spring allergies. it's all about pollen and dust and mold. and that's what we're seeing right now. >> doctor white says the key is to getúahead of it and to start
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taking your medications now, instead of waiting until it hits you. another helpful tip isúto take a shower at night before bed to wash off all the pollen. >> there's a great deal of focus on security in theúgrowing artificial intelligence industry. as nvidia technology conference continues this week based chipmaker announced aat- partnership with oracle focused on what's known as sovereign ai countries or companies produce artificial intelligence to keep data secure, experts say. there have their own separate aitot- systems. >> number one is the privacy and security,úeconomic advantage. that will be some of the things that you can see strategic growth, because now you own everything. the infrastructure, as you mentioned in the in the report is you own all the data centers and the hardware experts say there are also disadvantages to sovereign ai. >> it can isolate countries and make it harder for collaboration between governments. >> a man in los angeles is suing
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50 women for their unflattering reviews of group a $2.6 million defamation lawsuit against the women who made comments about him on the are we dating the same guy facebook group. the women say they did nothing wrong because what they speaking in a private group. >> he seemed, in my opinion, pretty smug and very arrogant the entire date. he was putting job included. >> everything i said was just my experience with him how i thinku know, he should not be on releat saying in part, this action is not a game, and the accusations against the defendants i rejectm and cut them off quite swiftly. >> all right, now to a completely other story here. parents of boys might be able to relate to this next story. a mom on tiktok sharing her experience with her son when they're out in public places. take a look. >> okay, can we just talk about the weirdest comment? i get now
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that i have a son that i never got with my daughter? anytime i'm in public and i have my son with me, if he remotely smiles at a stranger, i swear the comment i get is he's such with. and i'm like, diane, you're, nearing 65 and he's a baby. he's not flirting with you. >> well, you know how parents in the comments section often agreed with some of them adding other lines that creep them out, like when someone looks at mom or dad and says, quote, you're going to be in trouble when he heard that one before, haven't we? yeah. now, the commenter said who make comments like that are from older generations, and they're likely just trying to make conversations, which i generally seem to agree with. i mean, they're just like, your child is charming and, you know, it's just a cute. yeah, they mean it'sc just a cute thing to say.i
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mean, how can you say a, you know, a young kid is, they're going to be a big flirt& when they grow up, you know, that just seems like a yeah. this conversation, i mean, maybe itúi may have used it, but i'm not, i'm not i'm just kidding. >> i'm sure it can come from anyone, but yeah, i mean, just say something that'súneutral, like, oh, you have a nice looking baby. yeah. >> yeah, you have a nice looking or pretty.have a very handsome >> i like, say, oh, look at those big brown eyes. oh, look at thatúwild curly hair. like i like to be. and i. and i eat babies up, like, in the grocery checkout. but i would never be splike, he's such a flirt. anyw, we'll talk about this as we take baby winking >> we get to come back at noon. >> do this again. you can stream our live newscasts and get our stories on d and ♪ we're gonna have a real good time ♪ ♪ feel good time ♪ ♪ spreading love and joy and


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