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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  March 20, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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makers are considering and why they say now is the time to act. uc berkeley just added to a list of universities under scrutiny by the federal government. what happened on campus that's causing the extra attention and troubling news on the public a e
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justc learning about now, who's covered by a warning from the health department? >> this is ktvu, fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. i'm who visir speastúbay restaurant recently. they may to with details. ali on where and exactly when those customers may have been put at risk. >> garcia alameda county to the sons of liberty alehouse, it's a restaurant and bar in downtown san leandro on the evening hours of saturday, march to measles if you dined, worked, or even walked into the sons of liberty restaurant between 4 and 7 in the evening. saturday, march 9th, alameda county health officials say you may have been exposed to someone with measles, a highly contagious airborne virus. >> it's extremely dangerous, which is why it's a mandatory vaccination in as a requisite to go into daycares and schools and
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things like that, so weútake it very seriously and it can be fatal. >> most people in the u.s. are vaccinated against measles, but babies can't get the vaccine until they're about a year old. so being exposed to this is particularly dangerous for families with infants. alameda county public health officials want to hear from you. if you were exposed and fall in one of the following categories. you're the parent of an infant 11 months or younger. you're unsure of your measles vaccinated. youe pregnant. a health care worker or child care provider. >> so if you're vaccinated, you're safe, but the concern is we don't know who isn't vaccinated or not. it's becoming so alarming because we didn't think we hadúto worry about this anymore. i'm concerned that it could suggest that people are starting to be wary of vaccination, given our recent pandemic. >> the centers for disease control says there have been 58 cases of measles reported nationwide that's more than theúnumber of cases in all of 2023. >> measles covid the outbreaks .
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like you just have to be reallye gotten vaccinations since we were children. >> but there seems to becúa fear now. so i am a little worried thatúpeople don't get vaccinated. so we'll have morel outbreaks. >> just this week, the american medical association warned that the rate of kindergartnerst& vaccinated against measles nationwide has dropped health officials say if exposed and unvaccinated, you should be on the lookoutc for measles symptos , fever, coughing and especially a rash. you can start feeling sick anywhere from 1 to 3úweeks after exposure.únow for here iny specific youuring that verytm don't have to worry about a possible measlesúexposure, at least not from that particular >> gasia allie rasmus. thank you. tuberculosis cases are. the california department of public health issued an advisory recently rose 15% last yearc frm about 1800 in 20ú22 to 2000 100
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in 2023. it's the third consecutive year that cases have been on the rise since 2020. health experts say they think the rise reflects a return to normalcy following the covid pandemic. new at noon statec lawmakers in sacramento will top protect free speech on collegec campuses. the bill, introduced by east bay state senator steve glazer, has the support of the caucus. it would require universities and colleges to update and enforce provisions in their student codes of conduct to prohibit violence, harassment, intimidation, thatúe speech. the bill comes in incidc santa uc berkeley thatúforced the cancellation of aúpro-israeli speaker speech is fundamental and protected by the first amendment, does not allow as a o
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silence them. and the first amendment is definitely not vio. >> state senator glazer introduced the bill back in february. it's now pending in berkeley is the latest university to be added to a list of schools, including harvard and mit, under investigation by anti-semitism. ktvu bailey o'carroll breaks down what this means. >> since october 7th, i actively hide parts of my jewish identity on campus. berkeley actively fosters an environmentc where jewish students are not given equal opportunity to learn in classrooms or participate in extracurriculars. >> uc berkeley is now under investigation by the congressional house committee on education and workforce for possible inadequate response to anti-semitism on campus. >> i'm notúsurprised that their investigations into many americanúuniversities, it's been building for a long time, but i'm very saddened. according to
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the committee, the investigation comes on the heels of multiple incidents for almost two months when students broke down the doors at zellerbach playhouse, preventing an israeli lawyerc from speakin. >> though two days ago, that lawyer was able to return to campus and speak without incident. and when an nba student speaking atúa congressional ago said that the university was fostering an environment where jewish students are providing a safe environment for education, berkeley tellsújews to stay. >> it's not safe to be a jewish& student at uc berkeley. >> in a statement to ktvu, the university said uc berkeley has ensuring every student feels safe and welcome at all times in all places, regardless of whoc e in. theúletter sent to the
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university informing them of see range of documents, including reports on anti-semitic incidents dating back to 2021 and what action was taken. also information on foreign donations and copies of meeting minutes from leaders on campus. rabbi blum has been a rabbi in the east bay for 23 years. heúsays anti-semitic harassment has been brewing on campus for decades. >> what is now acceptable socially to do, to say, to be, is a whole ball game today, heúsays. he's unsure if any actionion,t- congress can take will make up for the unequal treatment. >> and although i think cal berkeley specifically, and the the right things because in oaky o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >ñ happening now a rally at an east bay psychiatric hospital over alleged workplaceúviolence. workers hospital in san
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leandro say they often face violentúsituations with patients broken noses, broken ribs,ered punches to the face and head, and broken teeth. the workers safety protocols. the hospitalie is operated by alameda health system. it has yet to commentúon today's action. officials are meeting today to discuss some of the dangers of the main route to santa cruz from the bay area. plans from the safe on 17 task force to curb the number spcontinues to intensify in gaza prime minister says he's determined to do, despite president biden's concerns. niceúday out theren but somethem high clouds will be increasing later on this afternoon. but it looks like ourúdry weather stretch will continue for a couple more days, and then a big change moves
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who am i now? >> about 200 people gathered for last weekend's peace and unity ceremonyc was intended to bridge racial andúreligious differences, which have plagued& antioch's history. >> we wanted to do a ceremony
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not just to remember our peopleo have been the targetsúof that kind ofc exclusion. >> chants and prayers were held in languages including chinese, vietnamese and japanese during the 1800s, when chinese discrimination and harassment, immigration laws. in recent years, the number of such attacks on the asian community . spireland's prime minister announced today he plans to is chosen. his departure comeso- less than a week after he met with president biden at the white house, right before saint patrick's day broadcast. ireland's first openly gay leader,úhe was elected as prime minister in 2017, is currentlycw referendums to legalize same sex marriage and abortion. israeli forces are raiding gaza's
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largest hospital for another day this week. it comes as israeli officials continue their plan to carry out a ground invasion of , despite president on fox's trey yingst has more. >> gunshots ringing out in gaza city on wednesday. israeli forces are continuing their raid third day. the idf says they killed dozens of militants questioned or arrestedúhundreds operated a command withinamas the facility, something the group denies. officials say the reemergence of hamas fighters in the area forced them to return. eliminate the 4 to 5 battalions that remain and the leadership of hamas. if israel doesn't do that, the realityc is hamas will win. >> as the fighting continues, secretary of state middle
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east. he'll be meeting with saudi and egyptian leaders to once again push for a temporary ceasefire deal that would see the release of more day after pe minister benjamin netanyahu rebuffed president biden's request to call off a planned ground offensive in gaza's southernmost city of rafahúon wednesday. netanyahu will be addressing senate republicans on israel's war efforts. >> such an operation in rafah, where there are more than a million people without a plan that also doesn't address pieces >> the white house says an israeli delegation will visit washington next week to discuss the yingst, ktvu, fox two news. >> santa clara based intel is investing in its semiconductor facilities, the company spannounced this morning. it'll spend $100 billion across four statesúto build anúai chip manufacturing site. comes thec same day intel was awarded nearly $20 billion in federal funds. the grants and loans are part of the chips act, increasic
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computer chip manufacturing and research.c president biden is touring an intel plant in arizona today as partc of the announcement. the federal government isc unveiling rules that relax requirements for electric vehicles and car emissions. caroline shively gives us a closer hillc. comes this week's rollback from the biden administration involving auto emission standards and mileage ratings for electric vehicles. >> we're executing a focused, deliberative, deliberate strategy that positions us to energy secure.t& >> on tuesday, the department of energy softened rules proposed last april that would have given credits for producing electric vehicles. the sierra club says the auto industry has been overstating the miles per gallon efficiency of evs to make more gas powered cars and still meet federal fuelúefficiency standards. republicans say the
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rollback is a major win for consumers, and the big three automakers, who said they couldn't meet the standards and. >>c we want our gas powered vehicles. >> separately, the environmental is through 2030, lowering the original goal of evs making up 60%. while the electric and gas vehicles, it- couldúbe hybrids that come out the winner when you let market forcesúgo to play, you end up with the compromise which right now looks like the hybrid option for many, many, many consumers. climate groups and automaker tesla have said the even stricts in washington. caroline shively, ktvu, fox two news a new report finds the four national parks with theúmost air pollution are all here in california. >>c national parks conservation association says. sequoia and kings canyon national of national parks with the highest
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ozone levels, followed by joshua report says. california hasthet- that affect its wildernesson gases from cars, agriculture and industrial operations, trucking and warehouse facilities and spports. a portion entrance to l and state parks is being returned to native tribes. thec save the redwoods league agreema 125 acre property just outside the park, up in humboldt county, to the yurok tribe.úthe land used to be a logging site, but now the groups have been to itsl forest landscape. save the has played a key role in restoring be spsuch strong stewards of conservation land and the klamathc river, they've been suh an active partner in removing the klamath river dams and, and partnering with the national park service in the release of the california condor, which is
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such a critical and sacred species for the tribe, they have been partners in the stewardship of this land, certainly long before the national park service. even existed. and they've been partners in stewardship. in recent decades as as we again work to heal this landscape and protect it for the public, there's still two more done, both restoration work on the property and behind the scenes. >> the league hopes can take over the land as stewards by 2026. the property will serve as aúgateway to redwoods, national and state parks. let's get outside in this gorgeous bay area weather, sunshine behind me along the oakland estuary market. we have that's working its way back in. >> yeah, that's right, a big pattern change later in the thef theseúand the sunshine today on of spring. of, for the most part we have mostly sunny clouds to the mix
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this afternoon, and also especially as we head into your thursday. but as you can see, here's that change moving in by friday. the wants to approach the area, and then we go morning, but we'll begin those chances late friday morning and into the afternoon hours. here's the satellite today though.c we are showing youúa nice wednesday across the bayúarea with lots o& sunshine outúthere. as we backús offshore. and so these clouds will be drifting in this afternoon. so right now we have mostly sunny skies, probably about 3 or 4:00. we will have partly sunny skies. we'll check out some of the current numbers 52 degreesl san francisco areas, some 60s out toward fremont and in san jose. here's our live camera looking above san francisco, looking at a very the most of the dry weatherire e because the pattern definitely change it around by friday and
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saturday. now, this is not a major system, but rainfall expectations could be about a quarter of an inch to possibly approaching an inch and a half for portions so this is friday and it's a saturday. cooler pattern and some winds, especially by sunday. winds could be approaching 30 miles an hour. so it is a nice day today. but here's the overall weather change that will beúmoving in by friday. as you can see, this energy offshore here getting its act together, some cooler air getting ready. so rain returns interesting with this pattern? it could open up the door for more storms into next week. so sunday looks like it could be for the most part, dry. but beyond sunday we could be tracking some more systems approaching the region. here we are today we will bring inúsome afternoon. some filteredist- sunshine. thursday is looking okay.úand then this is friday morning, 8 a.m. mostly cloudy skies. chance of some rain showers will be focused up in mendocino county, maybe portions of the north bay, and then later in the afternoon hours, we'll be talkingc about some rain showers off and on, with of a thunderstn friday. and then this could be.l
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spbe talking about some big cool down headedúour way. take a look at the highs for this afternoon. upper u0s to the and the your five day forecast. thursday rain retd gusty winds on sunday. so it'sm- looking nice today and tomorrow. but the rainfall eventually it's back in the bay area. >> mark thank you. there's light at the end of the tunnel for onc west coast family. after spending months in the neonatal of intensive care unit, we'll share the incredibleúsurvival t& story for a mira e
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(fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. every parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode. adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria detergents leave behind.
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clean is good. sanitized is better. researchers at the university of amsterdam say they've used crispr technology to successfully eliminate hiv from infected cells. they say they technology to cut theingt- findings are preliminary at this point, and the researchers say will lead to a possible cure for hiv. one family in portland had to wait months before bringing their new baby home from the sphospital. the pregnancy was mother got what she saw during e ultrasound for her baby. fox's paulina aguilar shares her story of calls a miracle. >> what was supposed to be an exciting time for madeleine and her husband, gabe? >> we went into our anatomy scan
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thinking we were out the genderd they received unexpected diagnoh intrauterine growth restriction, where the babyúdoesn't grow as expected inside the womb. he was incredibly small and very growth restricted, and we had a lot of like placental issues. so so the longer he stayed inside, the more dangerous it was. we were sort of given more of a death sentence for and in novems delivered at 27 weeks, weighing just 14oz smaller than my handn& >> looking at him made it even scarier. he was just so fragile, so tiny and so dependent on all of this equipment that ic didn't understand yet. hearing that we had less than 10% chance. it was just kind of like, i just wanted to skip those next be overn and they were watching his heart
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were like, okayl cruising for a stillbirth, essentially with two other children at home on each . my husband is amazing and we just kind of tag teamed it. he would doúnight shift atúthe hospital. we'd switch, have breakfast together day shift. o, elliot, he's heldc teddy. he always wants to hold him and kiss him. >> after battling infections and pneumonia, things took a turn for the betterúon new year's >> the betamethasone, so that's kind of what got his. they think that saved his life, essentially, and that's able too going home medically, at that point he was off of like the heavy duty respiratory like a ll cannulac, just trying to build him back up to his full feeds. and he's still on respiratory support, so he does have chronic
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lung disease. world may have been a difficult one, but made for a happy ending. >> the doctors, the nurses, the cleaning ladies have, like, you know, picked me up off the floor and held meúand criedc with me and prayed with me. truly, i've blocked so much of it out. it was such a traumatic thing that like, makes me emotional. yeah. it's hard toúreflect on a lot of it. a lot of it. i don'túwant to remember because it was so hard. worth it.- >> paulina aguilar reporting there. teddy is expected to make a full recovery. mom says she hopes to take him home by the end of this week. coming up, we have new information regarding a chaotic shooting in chase involving four deputies up in sonoma county. what we'rec learning about one of
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work.
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i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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and caltrans on safety improvements along highway 17. the joint safe on 17 task force and traffic operations systems oversight committee met this morning. caltrans presented an update on safety improvements for highway 17. they include centerline and edge line rumble
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strips and improving pavement and roadway drainage systems. >> we've also come guidelines. these things are going to be focusing on addressing certain driver behaviors such as speeding, aggressive and then we're also complete streets are looking at bike and pedestrian safety countermeasures. >> according to a safe last yeae were 636 collisions on highway 17. five of them were fatal. nearly 200 resulted in injuries. officials have identified the three family members killed bus& stop in the west portal neighborhood. 40c year old diego cardoso de oliveira, 38 year old mathilde moncada ramos pinto and their older son joaquin, a toddler, died in the crash. their younger son, kaweah, is the only survivor. the baby is afternoon, the family wasturday waiting at the bus stop when an out the driver,
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identified as 78 year old mary fong lao, is facing charges of vehicular manslaughter. her lawyer says she is cooperating with the investigation. staying in the city, two people are in the hospital after a bike accident last about 830. ellis. video from the scene shows the intersection shut down. a white car surroundedúby police tape. we don't know exactly what led to the crash, but it is under investigation. plans to make a trail safe for in cupertino with federal funding. there's a plan to raise mcclellan road and spcreate a safeúunderpass for people who use the stevens creek to cross theúroad at a curve toe get to get from the stevens creek trail to the linda vista trail. the total cost of the million.c so far, the city has a shooting lastúnight that shut downúa freeway starting at about 845. accordingch the victim was shot on interstate 8&
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hospital. is expectedútothe spsurvive. no information yet oa description of the gunman's vehicle. all westbound lanes of 80 in richmond are back open. a chaotic shooting and chase earlier this month injured four deputies up in sonoma county. one injured deputy injury. he wy burned when he was hit by a patrolúcar as he tried to stop the suspect. as ktvu joey horton tells us, his coworkers are turning to the community for help. reporter a body camera worn by sonoma county sheriff's deputy nicholas delia shows him opening fire on shooting suspect rammed by cervantes car on march 4th. >>cúto stop the suspect deputies while armed with an ak 47. cervantes, who was accused of making threats at a nightclub while armed,údied at the scene, likely from his injuries in the
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crash, according to the coroner. blount's patrol car pulling upt- to the scene shows the moment the cruiser hits delia, pinning him beneath the two ton patrol car. it appears to take responding deputies a moment to realize one of their own is >> where's he at? >> i don't know, he's the deputy. >> we need help. the 31 year old grave shift patrolmanc, who's only been with the department for ten months now, has a traumatic brain injury and severe burns on his delia is a , incredibly strong person. codyt& ebert is president of the sonomy visited delia in the hospital a few times, where he's had surgery on his back for burnst& daily. >> he's going through physical and speech rehabilitation therapy sessions. >> ebert remarkable progress and has been
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able to walk short distances with help. we just want to make sure the family doesn't have to worry about finances at all.úthe new dad, who shares a baby boy withúhis fiance, is in good spirits. the couple are set to marry in june, but his coworkers fear his injuries may force the wedding to beúpushed back. injuries that his teammates considerc to beútheir biggest fear. we'll have a link the ktvu .comúin santa rosa. to newt what may have led officers to shoot and kill a man inúthe south bay. police in campbell say they received a911 text message yesterday around 3 a.m. saying her two children were in an apartment with a man she had a restraining order against. police say when the man refused to come out, officers went in the suspect, unknowing to the officers, had armed himself with a handgun and he fired that handgun in the direction of the officers inside the apartment. officers shot and
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killed the man. campbell's police chief says the womant& involved inúthe incident was arrested. chief would only say he had evidence that children had been put in danger while in her care. he says the children are now in protective custody. police in pleasant hill arec searching for the people behind a deadly shooting. just before noon yesterday at an apartment complex south of sun valley mall, investigators 67 year old man was killed. another suffered life threatening heard several gunshots before seeing the two men on the ground. the city of oakland just approved a measure meant to prevent police from involving he security systems. the ordinance would require that a crime hasú& committed, or is being committed, before police are dispatched to the area. the city council says that police resources are stretched thinc. sp>> between 96% and 98% of thee false alarms. and so every time we would choose to divert a police officer away from
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fighting a real crime, to go to something that has a 90% to 98% likelihood of being a false alarm. >> following public comment, the council decided that fall under verified response, starting with their third false alarm. people spwho established new service wl the very start out about crime n oakland. she says police aren't doing enough to when a crime is committed and spoke with a victim who says that her home was broken into just last week. afternoon until denise, whoay lives in home was burglarized and it just felt the house smelled like like, who are >> she says her neighbor called& her, telling someone was climbing through her window. so she came home to her bedroom ransacked and her jewelry missing. it wasúsome, you know,
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>> my mother had given me. and things of my friends had made me and, you know, sentimental value is definitely can't put a price on that. >> she says her neighbors called 911, telling her two young men had entered the home at around 215 in the afternoon, riding around in this black sedan. >> we couldngt sleep that night. my husband and i, i feel we feel very unsafe, you know, we feel like the police have not come. you know, people called 911. the police never came for denise. od police has been difficult. shec says she called multiple days in a row to get an officer to come to her home, butúeventually where she had a hard timeinet&t- uploading photos and descriptionsc as a police officr called late in the night, leaving a voicemail that an officer would come by. but deniseúwas asleep and on nextdoor, at least two other people complained of the samec problem, with their east oakland houses getting hit just halfúan hour apartúlast tuesday afternoon. they tell me they also had a hard
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getting an officer to come to the house, and it was exactly the same thing where they took jewelryúand then they put it in did at our house over days, we's with an oakland police spokesperson asking about the multiple reports we found on nextdoor, but they told us they don't immediately haveúaccess reports filed online or in >> you just feel like you're alone, like we're all alone out here in oakland. >> oakland police crime statistics say burglaries are dn 48% over last year. residential robberies using force or a spweapon are up 7q. and an oakld police spokesperson could not tell me whetherúor not denise's home burglary or any of thet& other homes burglarized last week are under investigation.t& crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> now to monterey county, where there's an active search for a missing hiker. the sheriff's department shared a photo. they
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say 30 year last seen on mondayn mountain center. meister is five foot six, 150 pounds, has long, brownl wavy hair that's. she wan spwearing teal colored boots and carrying a blue bag. coming up, nothing feels as good asc a new school, where hundredsc getting some new footwear, and got emotl over the gift. sunny day for the first full day of spring. so nice pattern for e changes will move in by friday and the weekend. we'll have the update coming up. ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off.
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show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company.
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the recipientúof 280 new pairs of shoes. it's part of a partnership between fedex and a nonprofit company called operationúwarm. we talked with the school's principall who says ñ> words cannot describe just the joy that you see outside. see them takeúoff their shoes and want to wear the new shoes happy. and that's what we dot so this for. okay, let's see you he
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students get sized for a proper fit. students got to pick out their favorite color shoes. fedex it will ship thousands of shoes to more than 20 schools across caribbean. weekly mortgage demand is down as rates to the , just short of the 2024 ceiling mortgage rates hit three weeks ago. the ceiling could either remain in place or be broken with the latest federal reserve rate announcement expected to come out today, real estate experts say the next policy meeting could have a major impact on the trajectory of mortgage demand for the spring. spwe all know that the bay areas very high housing prices, including rental to lower your rent. is offering rental rates being offered for comparable units at nearby properties. they say if you're renewing a leasel ask what theye offering new tenants got your data in front of you. >> you i really love this apartment. can you match the competitor next door price? and more often than not, you might
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be surprised. you might get a deal. >> says you can increase your chances for a good deal by selling yourself as a good rental. take your rental and payment history, as well as references from previous expand. the base was selected by the air force as the home of a new battle management control spsquadron. the new squadron wil work with manned and unmanned aircraft, asn new personnel will start arriving at the base in the summer of 2025. the process of paying taxes should be a little easier this year, now from washington, d.c. so strong and the feedback has been >> tax season is in full swing and the filing deadline is now spless than one on how they'll be processing those returns and who they'll be targeting focus this year is making sure the wealthy pay their fair share, and that means
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more oversight for the highest income taxpayers andúthe largest corporations. >> if we are collecting the weat taxpayers, it means that others aren't shouldering the burden os spbeen staffing to unravel compx filings and nail wealthy tax items like private jets.c butry- those moves have been opposed by congressional republicans, who claim the irs needs to shift its priorities. >> frankly, more of the irs's time and resources should be directed toward improving its customer service for its existing duties. but irs working hard to distinguish between the scammers and taxpayers doing the right thing. >> and inevitable, they say they are ready to handle the estimated 165 million individual returns expected to be filed this year. sp>> we're like the nfl referee. when we get the call, right or
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wrong, we get booed and we're okay with that. >> the deadline to file your taxes is april 15th, so if you can't get it done by then, make sure you apply extension ktvu, fox two newsúeven before- thisc first full day of springl many people have been suffering from allergies. >> allergy season came early this year. medical officials are blaming the mild winter. one doctor says in the past, seasonal allergies would typically start in may, but now we're seeing them earlier and earlier. >> we're having warmer winters, you know, we've been seeing climate changes over the years. and that all relates to when it mold. and that's what we'reust - to get ahead of medication befoe the worstúsymptoms hit. he also says taking a shower before going to bed to kind of wash off the pollen might ease
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your symptoms, you know, mark tamayo and to have grown up in the bayt& area.úremember those years when we'd kind of be able to see that pollen on the car? i haven't seen that yetl at least in my neighborhood. have you seen that out there? >> not just yet, coming. but whs interesting is at the at thet& grocery store this complaining t about her allergies and looking for looking for some medicine. yeah. so it is that time of year. but what actually helpsc k down those pollen levels. and that will be happening later in the week. but for right now, though, the trees are running moderate toúhigh. the mulberry e take a look here, long range though, this is the long range forecast and there's a clear signal that we could have above normal rainfall for a good portion of california, including some people might think, okay, it's spring to dry up. that's not the case. april pretty active month for us, maybe even some sierraúsnowfall as well in, and in terms of the rainy weather, we get a break from ran
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changes, bringing in cooler pat& here is the satellite from earlier today showing you lots of sunshine, but we also have a batch of clouds just offshore and theseúclouds will bet& drifting in this afternoon. in advance of this system out here. so we are talking about some rainfall back in the picture as early as friday afternoon. current numbers out there, some areas on the cool side out toward san francisco and moon bay, san jose though 67 degrees. it's warm out creek, sl napa and up in santa rosa outfor above san francisco. have been e patchy fog trying to regroup bre right now. so the high clouds, the lower clouds will be the nee completely sunny out there. look what happens though, later in theúweek, friday and into saturday. a cooler pattern with temperatures only in the 50s and the low 60s. gusty winds. and then we could have rainfall spamounts between about a quartr of an inch toc possibly
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approaching an so this is not a major system, but stillúmore than just a few sprinkles. so the dry pattern will continue into your thursday. we have some changes though developing off shore here. as you can see, the jet stream sinks a little bit more to the south. rainfall returns in saturday, and that cooler air definitely moves back into the picture as well. . saturday we'll be talking about some off and on rainl and thent& on sunday, there's a slight chance of a leftover shower, but we should be drying out for the second be picking up throughout the day on sunday. s& here we are to this afternoon with partly cloudy skies. maybe mostly cloudy. mostly cloudy by are dry and then on fridayc.úbe& chance of some rain. friday morning will be focused up in northern sonoma county, up into mendocino county, and showers go the south throughout the afternoon hours on friday, and then still some off and on rain in your saturday forecast. so temperatures, most areas locatio sp70 look
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more. off andive day forecast. on, showers for saturday and some cool winds by sunday. gasia. >> mark thank you. exchanging spstories about someone you've man is taking dozens of women to court over what they dating experiences, why he's so upset, and why the women
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also
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also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. to take extra precautions, such as installing kill switches and gps trackers. law enforcement agencies in san francisco and los angeles also seeing a sharp rise in camaro thefts. police say the car's popularity means thieves are targeting them to steal and quickly school distrit is working with local businesses to empower students with
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disabilities. the young adult development program offers education, vocational skills and helps to raise self-esteem. students are between the ages of 18 and 22. the programs designed to be collaborative and inclusive. some courses are at laney or merritt college.t& students can volunteer, work on campus, or learn on the job out in the community. >> collaboration. communityc and consistency with families, if there are problems, we want to talk about it. if there are challenge things coming up, wet& the young person.nd a positive r >> the ultimate goal is for the students to gain the skills soc. sp>> you see families across oakland.úthey're facing challenges of poverty, challenges of immigration issues. and then on top of that, to have students with extensive disabilities and then for them to get to come to this very warm, caring environment and get
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so much support.t& >> about 140 students in the youth, adult program are taking community college courses. always on the lookout for more instructors to help the students along with businesses thatúcan offer valuable workúexperience of older drivers in california, drivers conditions. when their driver's license renw their license in person at the time.úit's possible they'll have to pass a driving test as well. >> a lot of senior citizens don't feel they're getting a fair shake. this law goes back probably aboutú40 or 50 years, and i think probably 40, 50 years ago, a 70 year old was probably older than what we consider a 70 year old. today >> there's also a provision in state law called the request for driver reexamination that can be signed by anyone when they feel aúdriver is unsafe. the person to be reexamined doesn't
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cooperate. their license will be automatically suspended. an international private school group is set to open its first us campus in san francisco next year. barry students kindergarten through eighth grade will learn in both english and chinese at this new school p officials selected san francisco for the new campus because they say the city is an epicenter of forward thinking ideas. no timeline yet for when or the co& organizations other schools, tuition is around $14,000 a year. it is opening day for major league baseball overseas. >> and ohtani, a little blooper into left that's going to get down. >> the los angeles dodgers beat the san diego padres, 5 to 2, as in seoul, south korea. while both teamsúhave well-known asian players on their rosters, thet& series international popularity of baseball. a few fans at today's game traveled all here to see te dodgers. support our team.úwe, we traveled from l.a. to come just like iúsaid, support our team. my favorite person, my
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favorite player. >> fielded at second look. >> teams will play again tomorrow before flying back to the us opening day for thet& giants, a's and the restúof major league baseball is a week from tomorrow. a man in los angeles is suing 50 women for their unflattering reviews of him on a facebook group. stuart murray has filed a $2.6 million defamation lawsuit against the women, who made comments about him on the are we dating the women say they did nothing wrong because what they posted was true, and it was inúa private group. >> he seemed, in my opinion, sppretty smug and very date. he& me down for variousúeverything y experience with him and my thinu know, he shouldc sites. >> murray released a statement saying in part, this action is not a game, and the accusations against the defendantsúare serious. i rejected each of them and cut them quite swiftly. beyonce has her new album act ty
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carter. the singer says the album has been five years in the making, was bornúfrom an experience years ago in which she didn't feel welcome. believed to be her performance at the 2016 country music awards, which was met by negative reaction by many country music fans. she says because of that, she dove into countryúmusic and challenged herself. the album is rumored to feature some surprise collaborations beyonce's march p hop mogul doctor dre was honored with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. hundreds of fans e multi-grammy award winning artist and producer. he co-founded the influential rap group n.w.a in the late 8ps before in 1992. artists including eminem, 50 cent and snoop dogg were there. >> more from the stars the suit, drop. forever engraved on the like to thank te hollywood chamberc of commerce, who felt that i was finally ready to walk in the footsteps of ice cube, snoop dogg, 50
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cent,údoctor dre co-founded death row records, later became the founder and ceo of aftermath entertainment and beats electronics. >> thank you so much for joining us and watching ktvu fox two news at noon today. quick reminder,c you can stream ktv news on your smart tv anytime. you can watch our live newscasts and get stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or androidútv. just scan that qr code that's at the bottom right of your screen. you can alsoúsearch for the fox local app and then choose ktvu. a another dry day before we head into more information on that online. anytime we'll have our next newscast right here at four. meet you back here, then.t& pictionary is up next on ktvu fox two. (upbeat music) - [tammi] can you guess what this is? if you guessed nail polish, then you'd be a great contestant on pictionary! (audience cheering) our first celebrity captain


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