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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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away. and now she's having trouble getting it back. >> most people that are living in aúcar are there for a reason. it's not because you want to be living in a car. >> good evening everyone. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. the woman says her car was towed while she was staying in a shelter during last month's storms, and now she's having trouble paying the fees to get her car back.c newúat six tonight. ktvu is crystal bailey joins us in studio to share more about the community effort underway to help her. crystal well, jade burnett for nearly a. >> she says sheúcan't afford the fees to get it back. and after asking for help from community resource groups, a local pastor is now stepping in. jade burnet& has a 17 year oldúson and a nin& year old daughter. she says they've been living income and it's impossible to get into shelters in in the bay area. if you have a
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disabled, so she uses the car to drive for uber eats do mostly gig jobs because i don't have child caren >> but back in february, when the berkeley women's daytimeays drop in center placed her and nights.s in a motel for a fewt- >ñ when i went back toúthe car, the car was had been towed. i had been towed. ñ> she says the cost to get the car back goes up each day, it'sn $3,200 money. she doesn't have. >> my medication is in the car, part of one of my leg braces is in the car, our clothes, blankets, food, everythingúis in the car. >> she came across a community resource online hosted att& westside missionary baptist church, the safe car park program. the program. provides
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secure parking for unhoused people living in their cars, support to keep their tags andc plates up to date, insurance and homes and hygiene servicesúthose that are trying to better themselves. >> let's help them.t& >> reverend ken chambers says the cityúalready committed $450,000 towards the program, but they're looking to grow. >> we have a $3 millionúproposal before the city right now to expand this program to seven sites, congregational sites. they will be spread out from west to east oakland. >> and as city council member rebecca kaplan addresses abandoned cars with a new proposal to get them towed, burnett says, be careful what you're towing. that are just trashed cars andt- just sitting, but you can't really if you take somebody something that somebody is living out of, you're taking somebody's home. >> meanwhile, reverend chambers is making the promise to help burnett. now, i did reach out to the cityc and opd, but i get a e
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for this report. reverend chambers says he's making calls to the city trying to get burnett's fees waived so that she can getc her car back. she says in the meantime, she's been hopping between shelters as soon as she gets herc car back. we'll of course, bring you that latest onúthe update and she has two children special needs. yes, i didn't say it >> all right. so hopefully city- officials will hear what's happening and get back to them. thanks, crystal. >> well, we do have an update on a shooting in pleasant hill. police now say a second person has died. and this encounter started as an attempted robbery. it all happened around noontime yesterday, right outside an apartment complex just south of the sun valley mall. police say 63 year old peter popovich worked for a cannabis company and was making a delivery when he was approachedúby two suspects. all three men were armed and eventually it led to a shootout. popovich and one of the suspects, 21 year old trayvon davis, were bothúkilled. police are still searching for the second gunman. a body was found rightúnear interstate 80
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this morning in fairfield. police say the call came in spshortly after 4:00, after a witness said they found a man lying in the bushesc on the norh side of travis boulevard. that u sphave any information about ths case, you'rec police. >> the city of san francisco iso install hundreds of license plate readers across the city. ktvu alice waters has more now on how the city hopes the cameras can make aúdifference in the mayor, the district attorney and the merchants association tell of sorts about the cameras that are being installed. >> mayor breed explained what the cameras will do and what they don't include. this does not include speed cameras. >>úit does not include facial recognition technology, but it will be useful for amber alerts. it find peoplec
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as well. >> the back in october and now, just six months later, they're starting to cameras. >> they're up and they're operable today. that is an amazing accomplishment. >> chief scott mentioned how this new technology is a force multiplier for his officers and investigators. >> this is a very, very exciting thing. over the next three months, these automated license plate readers will go up breed described over 400 400r cameras in 100 different locations, giving license plate because of a $15.3 milliont&t- grant. >> the city applied for to address organized retail theft. >> this grant does not limit us just to organized retail theft because this will help us address all crimes homicides, sprobberies, assaults, car break ins, you name it.úthis will help us address all crimes. >> the district attorney said. this will be a deterrent for criminals moving forward.
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>> this is a sign today that those days are over. weúare moving forward as a city to make sure that people who commit crime in san francisco, that why are prosecuted that they are convicted. for cameras when it s to providing evidence in a jury trial that will help make way to solve the most pressing public safety issues in san francisco is not just through arrest. it's throughúmaking that people arrest in the courtroom,er that- district supervisor myrna melgar was appreciative to the divisions that seek improve safety for all throughout the city. >> this coroner is usually very, and runs. there have been all kinds of things that having a camera here safety and supportig the community. feeling safe. >> over the next three months,
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you'll be able to see these cameras installed all over the city, 1p0 intersections, 400 cameras, all in an effort to inner sunset of san francisco. alice wirtz ktvu,úfox two news a bipartisan effort is underway in the state legislature to pass a tough new law to help combat retail theft. >> ab 1990 the secured transactions and organized theft prevention act, was introduced today in sacramento, supporters say among other things, it increases enforcement and penalties for suspected shoplifters. under the proposal, police would be allowed to make arrests without a warrant charg, even if the officer did not directly observe the shoplifting, provided there is probable cause. >> organized crime demands organized prevention, and the stop act represents our communities to take in a proactive and organized approach to prevent and to prevent the organized retail theft thatc is
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california, according to a national survey. >> retailers here in california loseúabout $700,000 every year per every $1 billion in sales to organized retail crime. >> new at six. the city of san mateo has reached a settlement with three women who were sexually assaulted by a former policeúofficer. attorneys say $25 million settlement was reached over former san mateo police officer noah winchester. he was convicted in 2019 of sexually assaulting multiple women while on duty between 2013 and 15. he was sentenced in 2020 to 81 years to life in three ofr women who were assaulted say the conviction was a state law that spexpanded the statute of limitations for victims of officersn tonight, police are looking forúmore victims after they say a man recording dozens of individuals on a hidden camera insidec a starbucs bathroom in san jose.
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identified nearly 100 victims so far. many of them children. ktvu south bay reporter anne rubin has the latest on the investigation. >> san jose police say this man, luis suarez junior, stashed a tiny camera in a starbucks bathroom and that he recordedú91 unsuspecting victims, ages 4 to 85 on a single day. >> this recording is graphic and includes multiple juvenile victims fully exposed. >> it happened at the starbucks at 695 coleman avenue on january 30th. police say a plumber found the device under the toilet. maa gonzalez says she uses this restroom all the time. >> so here'sc somebody somebody looking at us that's like. that's like my, you know? like, you know, even my kids, you know, like, that's horrible. >ñ authorities say suarez was simply a customer here when they mid-march. they found at- magazines and several additional
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cameras. one looked like a car key fob, another like a tiny wao know if there were other in othl that's a possibility, and that's why we're asking the public if they have any other information, or if they believe that they used this bathroom at this coffee shop to contact detectives. starbucks released a statement calling this a deeply disturbing incident. they say, quote, we cannot overstate the importance of providing a safe environment for our customers and partners. thinkt& about how prevalent outside of n starbucks. makes them question use public restrooms, and whether they could identify a hidden camera if they saw one. >> i'm not going to be able to tell. >> probably right. so now i'm just second guessing every it's really gross.t in public. >> suarez was booked into the santa clara county,úmaine, jail for possession of child and installment of a hidden
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surveillance camera with audio as well as assorted gun charges. anyone with information on this case is asked to contact sant& jose police in sanújose. anne rubin, ktvu, fox two news. >> it you if you drive around the city and see the graffiti everywhere. >> still ahead, neighbors frustrated on an older man's behalf after hegs repeatedly grn sphis property or face hundredsf dollars in fines. >> also ahead tonight, the spgovernor and state lawmakers y they have made a breakthrough on addressing the state's growing budget shortfall. but theúthin. >> we are tracking the weather out there. we've got some rain coming. you can see the clouds out there now. that's a i'll see you back here. >> with the forecast and dozensc of cases of measles reported across the country, and public health leaders in the bay area say people may have been exposed toc one restaurant in the east bay. >> and here's a quick check right now of the wednesday at the bay bridge toll plaza,ok where itúis stacked up right
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now. as drivers try to make their way into the city. it's going to be a slow ride for many of those people out there. tonigh you're watching u ne it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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reaching an agreement on fixing the budget shortfall, governor newsom's office says the governor. senate pro tem mike mcguire and assembly speaker robert rivas have agreed to a solution amounting to between 12
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to $18 billion. neither the governor nor state lawmakers have given any details on what kind of cuts that may entail fre state's rainy day fund. last month, the legislative analyst's office warned that the state could face a shortfall of as end of the next fiscal year is commo early action to ensure the spbudget gapúdoes not widen. >> uc berkeley is the latest university to be added to includ and mit, facing a federal investigation over allegations of anti-semitism, the congressional house committee on education and workforce is looking into uc berkeley for its possibleúinadequate response to anti-semitism on campus. the investigation comes on the heels of protesters blocking sather gate for nearly two months, stus prevented an israeli lawyer from speaking at zellerbach playhouse , an mba student speaking at a congressional roundtable event accused the university of
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fostering an environment where jewish students are not given equal opportunities. >> instead of providing a safe environment for education, berkeley tells jews to stay away fromúcampus, hoping this will pass over. itgs not safe to be a jewish student. >> in a statement to ktvu, the university said uc berkeley has an unwavering commitment to andn all places, regardless of who they are or what they believe in. the uc regents meeting today included a discussion on a proposal to ban uc faculty and spstaff from making or publishig political statements. there was mixed reaction period. some saie proposal is a way for uc to censor speech when it comes to palestine. >> this proposal, by the by speh targets pro-palestinian activists and is a provocation to the movement and is unacceptable.
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regents toúensure that in the face of conflict, campuses model academic integrity, promote freedom of thought and are inclusive of people identifying with all religions, ethnicities, races and national origins. >> now, the uc officials behind the proposal say it's necessary to ensure that the opinions of individuals or groups of faculty opinions of uc as a whole. >> alameda county public health officials are warning people who visited the sons of liberty alehouse in downtown san departt says customers may have been exposed to measles, ktvu allie rasmus has more on where and exactly when customers may have been at riskn >> if you dined, worked or even walked into the restaurant betweenú4 and 7 in 9th. alameda county publicch health officials say you may have been exposed to someone with measles, a highly contagious airborne virus. >> it's why it's a mandatory vaccination in as a requisite to
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go into daycares and things like that, so we take it veryúseriously and it can be fatal. >>úmost people in the u.s. are vaccinated against measles, but babies can't get the vaccine until they're about a year old. so being exposed to this is particularly dangerous for families with infants. alameda county public health officials want to hear from you. if you were exposed and fall in one of the following categories. you're the parent of an infant 11 of your measles vaccination or haven't been vaccinated. you're pregnant, a health care worker or child care provider. so if but the concern is we don't know who isn't we didn't think we had to worry about this anymore. i'm concerned that it could suggest that people are starting to be wary of vaccination, given our recent pandemic. disease control says there have been 58 cases of measles reported nationwide so far this year. that's more than the number of cases in all of 2023. >> the measles covid the outbreaks now that they're stile
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spalive, we've gotten vaccinatis since we were children. >> but there seems to be a fear now. so i am a little worried that people don't get outbreaks.. so we'll have more,- >> just this week, the american medical association warned that the rate of kindergartners vaccinated against measles nationwide has dropped since 2019. alameda county exposed in unvaccinated, you should be on the lookoutúfor measles symptoms , fever, coughing and especially a rash. you can start feeling sick anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks after exposure two news all rig, checking in on the weather. >> we've got sort of a progressive we've had a pretty k or so with temperatures in the a less stable pattern. that's going to be kind of on again, off again showers as we go into friday, saturday, sunday and a little bit into early next week. here's the long range model. and just suffice to say, you can see if you see where bay area is. here comes friday. here comes
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saturday. sunday starts to clear out. sunday should be kind on w. tuesday pardon me. and then another system. looks like it could be back back doorc on wednesday or thursday. so we're going into a progressive to dels like relatively minor storms to our doorstepúfor the next gettig into a wet weatherúpattern, which again, will be helpful for rain. we're or anything like th, but rain that can be captured with the reservoirs and in the and snow in the sierra. here are the highs from today and highs tomorrow will be about the same. a little bit cooler. more clouds cloudsc as we go into, as we go- into we'll see temperatures today tow in the 60s. i'll see you back here in a little bit with the full forecast. >> thank you. still to come tonight, another turn in the
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battle over a controversial texas law on immigration enforcement. >> also ahead, the situation in haiti turning desperate as stranded americans inside thatt& country are looking for any wayt danger zone for bay area drivers and beyond. and now some leaders are tryingc to find ways to make highway 17 through the santa >> introducing an allúnew way to watch ktvu news live on your big screen, search fox local on your tv streaming device and download it for free. accessc all fox two newscasts, plus exclusive features like the ktvu video vault archives. search fox local on your tv streaming device, or scan the code for how
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its first evacuation of u.s. citizens from port au prince. more than 15 americans were airlifted to the dominican republic. meantime, 14 florida, were reunited with their families in orlando. this afternoon, the state of florida says it has launched itsúown effort using private vendors to get florida residents back home from haiti. >> they are literally going to the houses, pulling people out, taking them to landing zones, getting them on the helicopters and then gangs have been launching new attacks in the suburbs of port au prince, which safe until now. some people haie
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force, the back and forth over a controversial border policy in supreme the u.s.t- >> let a law take effect yesterday that would allow the state of texas to arrest and illegally crossing theúborder. the high court sent it back to the appeals court, urging a quick ruling. at a hearing today, the chief judge questioned how the law would be carried out.úthe justice department has argued that the texas law is a clear violation of federal authority. texas governor greg abbott said today that the state law enforcementc officers will continue to arrest people coming across the border. assange may be close to reaching a plea deal with the justice department. assange faces espionage charges and potential life imprisonment for publishing classified documents exposing us war crimes in iraq and afghanistan 14 years ago,t& according to the wall street journal. the proposed deal would allow assange to plead guilty to a reduced charge that could froh jail. he's been held since 2019
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as he fights extradition from nt 630, an older man in oakland has seen his fence repeatedly tagged accuses him now of not cleaning it up quickly enough. and a south bay congressional race narrows to just one vote for second place. certified and it isúfinallywhile official. >> the 49ers ersúare bringing back jauan jennings for another season. our jason appelbaum will have all the d ails a tle
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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the city. city leaders say they do not contain any facial recognition technology and do not include speed readers. funding for the camerasc comes from a grant meant to address organized retail theft. >> a second person has died after an attempted robbery that led. police say 63 year old peter popovich worked for a cannabis company and was approached by two suspects att- about noontime yesterday, just south of the sun valley mall. popovich and one of the suspects, 21 year old both kille are still searching for that second gunman. a woman with two children says her vehicleúwast& towed in oakland while staying in a homeless shelter during the february winter storms. >> jade burnette saysúshe uses the car to drive for uber eats and at times has lived in it
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with her two children. she says the cost to get it back now is over $3,200. a local nonprofit says she can get her car back. >> andc you are watching ktvu fx two news here at 630. man in oae neighborhood is fed up having a fence on his property, repeatedly tagged with graffiti. >> yeah, he has been trying to paint over that vandalism as quickly as officials say it's not fast stad issuing citations. ktvu tom vacar has his story. >> wheelchair bound, oakland born, 102 years old. victor silva, senior often finds graffiti painted onto his back fence of his oaklandúhome, paids years. earlier this month, he got a violation citation from the city of oakland to removet& it. by tuesday, the 19th, or face an $100 fine, plus an additional $1,277 for each failed re-inspection.
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>> it was so absurd. it's like a joke if you if you drive around >> in his younger years, before over the graffiti himself, had a roller and a paintbrush and painted it. because that was a contractor, you know, i'll or so. that slowa little bit. >> you know, theseúdays that taskc falls to a 70 year old so, victor junior. >> it's hard to keep up with it because as soon as we get it painted, graffitiúon it again. andúit won't last. but like you said, there's graffiti rightúthere. >ñ this utility box has six differentúkinds of graffiti on it. i wonder if the utility got a citation. the family owns a nearby small commercial building which has been broken into three times in the occasion, victor junior found a called 911 and i'm put on hold
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every time. >> soúit's hard to understand where our tax dollars are going. they can't answer 911, but they can come out and ask you about a fence. >> i had to ask how does one live to 102 or 103? >> very easy.újust keep breathing and, you know, behave yourself. >> i would hate to think that there's other 100 year old people that are being harassed like this. oakland has to has to >> the city inspector called me immediate inspection and an presumably cancel the citation. tom vacar ktvu fox two newst& tonight. >> the work continues on. a plan to bring safety improvements to highway 17, a joint task force including caltrans, the chp offt today. caltrans says some ofúthe improvements include centerline and edge line rumble strips, as well as improving pavement and roadway drainage systems. >> we've also come out with
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traffic calming guidelines, driver behaviors such as speeding, aggressive driving, and then we're also complete streets are looking at bike and pedestrian safety countermeasures. >> according to a safe on 17 annual report last year, there spwere 636 collisions on 17. fie people were killed and nearly 200 of those crashes resulted in injuries. >> just one vote, that is the lead that assembly member evan e simitian in the racec to replace congresswoman anna eshoo for the 16th congressional district. the latest results from the secretary of state's office show evan lowe is ahead of joe simitian again by just one vote. one of them will eventually face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the november general election. ktvu jesse gary has more now on this neck wednesday.
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sp>> the seemingly endless counting of ballots from the march primary continuing at the santa clara of voters. just one voteúcurrently separates assemblyman evan lowe from santa clara county supervisor joe simitian, the second place finisher, will advance to the general election against sam liccardo in november. have you ever seen a race thisúclose before, yeah. in fact, of 2022, there was a race in sunnyvale where. the district three race remained tied between jason wong and murali sreenivasan. the city election code called for pulling of lots to determine the winner. election official david carnahan put both names into a bag and pulled out the winner. >> well, i certainly wanted to make sure i only drew one envelope and not two. that would have been an embarrassing, but no, i it's as the election's official. it's an important part
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to, you know, resolve whatever needs to be done in an election. and so it was, maybe a little bit nerve wracking, but i, i was confident that we had a fair process as the process for certification of all ballots moves toward an april 2nd deadline. >> officials in both counties say for this election, like all others, it's always critical those eligible to vote to do so. >> every vote matters. every vote counts. so even if someone will think, oh my vote doesn't matter, it really does. it can come down the ballots are count, they have to be certified by the california secretary of state. if there is a tie in this congressional race, well, then that tie will be broken by the california secretary of state. and how would she do that by drawing lots like they did up in sunnyvale of voters here in san jose, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. sp>> and tonight, we passed here in california. thet- ballot nearly $6.4 billion to be used to helpe
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has been very close since super tuesday, but the yesúvotes have come out ahead. the state plans to build more mental health and drug treatment facilities, includingúpermanent supportive housing, with addiction services. now, governor newsom celebrating the results, saying tonight this is the biggest change in decades in how california tackles homelessness and a victory for doing things radically different. proposition one s passage means we can begin repairing the damage caused by decades of broken promises suffering from severe mental illness. >> markets rally as the federal reserve signals it may cut interest rates. not now, but possibly soon. >> and san francisco based reddit getting ready to go public. and
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with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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all right. stocks rallied to new records today after the federal reserve said it would be keeping its benchmark interest rate unchanged, but also cutting rates later this year. the dow jumped more than 400 points,úthe nasdaq added 202 and the s&p wa& up 46 points. the fed said cut s this year, despite inflation remaining hotter than expected in recent months. traders were also encouraged by remarks from fed chair jay powell today. he said that inflation is gradually moving down on a sometimes bumpy road toward the fed's longtime 2% goal. the rate cuts later in the year would mean lower costs for home and auto loans, credit card borrowingc and business loans. >> the social forum site reddit is setúto debut on the new york stock exchange tomorrow $34 a sd be worth about $6.4 billion. this initial public offering is at a high end of reddit's targeted range, but below its $10 billion estimation reached in 20r1. wall street journal says this could be a sign of
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investor enthusiasm, although it does not guarantee it will trade well. it should be up tomorrow under the ticker ddt. >> all right, checkingúback in with the weather in just a few minutes, we're going to take a look at the five day forecast. and the model rain for the weekk here with that. >> all right. now to alex savage and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap coming up at seven alex. >> all right mike thank you tonight at seven. and ambush style attack leaves three idaho corrections officers shot and an inmate on the run tonight on west coast rap. why investigators suspect the inmate planned this escape with also, s asking for millions of dollars spfrom women making comments abt him in a facebook group called are we dating the same guy? see how two of those women he isútoe allegations? those stories, and a wholec lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. that will, of course, be followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes.
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>> all right, alex, students at one local high school are getting an education like no other. how classes in video game design are teaching them r l lif kills
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are being taught. >> their own video games. but as ktvu christian just the start oe real life lesson. >> is your computer missing inside san francisco's balboa high school? students in mr. perry's class are hard at work building video games. make no mistake, while these games may is hardc work and that includes programing and it includes making the digital art assets for like players, enemies, as well as sound effects and background music. >> so we got to make all that stuff, and then we put it into write the code to make it work, like, can you print something? >> zack biro and david xiong are working on a game tentatively called crypt of the silver phoenix. gameplay includes battling monsters that turn to stone and a never ending navigas
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happening in this game engine, so. >> so we've got a randomly generated room structure, which so that it'll be never it will spnever be the same whenever, no matter how many times you play through it. >> the project school's pathways program. all of the students here at balboa high school focus on a 21st century career path. students gn important skills from coding to problem solving, xiong says. their entire team has been another, debugging code to makee work. >> we get a new problem, like every hour, and we talk about it and we talk about it, and then we fix it and oh, hey, there's t constantly, you know, we get that experience. >> and just like professional game developers, a hard deadline game developer conference is underway in san francisco right now. and on going toúhave a chance to show the pros and get some tips on how to proceed. >> we did have an issue where
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whenever we tried to work on the game on my computer, it would just crash like immediately. and we haven't fixed it. we've we're hoping that at gdc we could talc to the people who are behind godot. you know, maybe figure out what's going says while he teaches the class, his students consistently come up with innovative solutions he never we considered. he says watching that spark of innovation is one of the class. perry says the experience these students are getting will serve them, whether they pursue >> but i tell them over and over that when i'm really teaching wu work in tech, whether you work inúgames or you do something else, everybody wants independent, creative problem solvers. program could be replicated in any school district and hope to see more students take a serious look at aúcareer in gaming. christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news.
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the weather. we've got changes coming this weekend. we've had & spnice run of mild, warm spring weather that's going to change. although it was didn't change much today. a few clouds and. ne clouds and temperatures generally in the upper 60s. still mild. nice. and then friday it looks like we got rai& coming in saturdayc and then ino sunday. right now sunday day ony area weekend to get stuff done. you can see it does look like a winter sky out there, although . but you got some low clouds at the coast. you got the middle cs overhead, and there are actually some high clouds above all this, representing an influx of activityúcoming our way after a run of some really strong us drd mild and pretty nice. even overnight lows haveúside, but ts we get into friday. rain develops and then itúlingers through saturday. sunday looks like a pretty okay day on the weekend. and then monday, tuesday, wednesday more scattered unsettled potential.
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so about the weekend yesterday and it has changed. quite frankly, sunday looks drier than it did yesterday and saturday looks a littleúdrier than it did yesterday as well. friday looks a little wetterl arounds.c so these things change especially a pattern like this, which is progressive, meaning there's weather systems coming in. they're kind of lined up, they're weak, but they're lined up. and so theygre going to evolve and morph as we as we goe next day, two days, every every day, you look at the five days, it's going to be a little bit different. perhaps theúforecast overnight lows are not the forecast. overnightcc3 f1t-spdey temperatures. these are the forecast. overnight lows and they're above freezing. cloud cover the whole deal.úso it's going to be pleasant. these cons for tomorrow. some clouds some mid clouds some low clouds some fog. and then a partlyc cloudy temperature wise 60s maybe some low w0s. and then friday morning here it comes. i'll stop at around noon. right. well about
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3:00. so it moves through by from, you know, a little bit into the evening. but in the mountains potentiallw but it's they're going to snow. series of weather systems, maybe a couple feet of snow and another system kind of waddles scattered showers saturdayhent- afternoon. and then there's something day on the weekend, though. here aúcouple a few days. not a lot of rain. kind of low grade stuff, but certainly enough to slow you down on the roadways and to change your mountain travel plans, because lake tahoe >> all right, bill, thank you. >> spring storm on the way. well, two public markets in the bay area have been named among the best in the markets nationwd
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san francisco's ferry building and napa's oxbow public markets made the list. they're both praised for their scenery, fresh, diverse food selections, and impact within the community. usaútoday is polling readers to choose one of those to the pollr website, just look under web links. >> all right. comingc up in sports, the dodgers, the padres had their first official game of the season all the way across the globe. jaso appelbaum with th it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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say his birthday celebration started about has included events hosted by several san francisco community organizations. mayor brown says living a stress free and active life has helped him reach 90 as mayor of the city from 96 to- 2004. before that, he was speaker of the assembly for nearly 15 years. well, hundreds of students in the east bay received someúnew shoes, and that's all thanks to a partnership between fedex and a nonprofit called operationúwarm hillview crest elementary school
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in hayward was chosen to of 280f shoes. >> we caught up with the school's principal, who says she is very appreciativen >> words cannot describe just the joy that you i'm not typically aúvery emotional person, but just to see them take off their shoes and want to wear the new shoes and they're outside just so happy. and that's what we do this for. >> fedex says this spring it will ship thousands of pairs of& shoes thanú20 schools across north america. >> and good evening, everybody. the dodgers and baseball season in the wee hours of the morning in seoul, korea. i talked to you this year to get to see to julie's rocking out on korean baseball stadium theret-
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honoring star mookie betts of the dodgers in today's game, the first of two in what is called the seoul series. shohei ohtani's first game as a dodger and his first rbi comes on this shallow blooper to in the eighth inning that caps off a four run inning. ohtani two for five with stolen base and that rbi. the dodgers win 5 to 2. they play again at 3 a.m. our time. and how is this for bizarre ohtani's longtime interpreter and friend ippei mizuhara? he's been fired after being accused of stealing at least $4.5 million to pay off his gambling debts. mizuhara allegedly made wire transfers to a bookmaking operation in southern california, which happened to be that ohtani agreed to pay off the debts for him, while receiver john jennings. he's back with the 49ers for at least one more season. jennings and
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the niners agreeing to a one year deal worth $4.9 million last season. jennings was a solid wide receiver. three he have been named the mvp. he had- that touchdown pass and touchdown catch in the game and a huge honor stanford forward cameron brink. she was named first team all american, meaning she is considered one of the top five best female basketball players in the country. this past season, brink was the only player to average at least 17 points, 12 rebounds and three blocks per game. she was also the pac 12 defensive player of the year, teammate kiki griffin was selected all-american honorable mention. okay, longúbeach state, i love this story. long beach state basketball coach danúmonson, he was fired right before his team was getting ready to play in the conference. don't love that part. but then they went out and they won the big west title. that earned him and his team an
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automatic berth in the ncaa tournament. so he's not going anywhere yet. monson able to ofs situation at today's press conference. i don't have to answer anything. >> i don't want to because i'm working for free today. so it's like a you guys see the seinfeld winning when george costanza was trying to get fired and couldn't get lose his job and still going to work every day and that's that's me. >> just feel for him. with it. monson and long beach state, they play arizona in the first round. top seeded arizona. forúhim.going to be a tough one >> yeah. all right jason thank you. all right. >> thanks for watching everybody alex savage west coast úrap
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♪ bmo ♪ another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.


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