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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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play again at 3 a.m. our time is the baseball season is underway. there you go. >> all right jason, thank you for that. next at 11, a tragic, but it's beautiful to see how much they were loved, you know, even by people i didn't know them. >> a growing memorial in san francisco tonight as the solet& has now died from his injuries following a crash that killed his mother, father and brother. we >> 11:00 news on ktvu. fox two starts now. >> a very sad crash in san francisco's west portal neighborhood that has now killed an entire family of four.úhello again everyone. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> san francisco police did announce the six his injuries te baby's parents and sibling were all killed when they were hit by
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an out of control suv while waiting for a bus in west portal saturday afternoon. a vigilc at the crash site has been growing. community members stopping by to pay their respects. one woman, who lives in the area telling us tonight something needs to change to improve traffic safety in the city. >> i think it's just a real sort of a wake up call that, something needs to be done to improve traffic flow. and, you know, just it's just so, so sad. >> the driver of the vehicle, 78 year old mary fong lao, is as she was arrested but has not yet been charged. >> new at 11 superior court is mourning the sudden death of one of its judges, 64 year old james kramer of piedmont, has been a judge at the court since 2015. he presided over the ghost ship& warehouse trial, among others, presiding judge thomas nixon the cause has not yet beentoday.
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released. in a statement, nixon judge, but an even more exemplary colleague and friend. >> tonight,úwe're learning more about the woman stabbed to death in berkeley over the weekend. se case, the victim's own daughter, and as ktvu joeyúhorta reports, the victim's colleagues say she touched many lives while working as a mental health advocaten >> berkeley police say a 60 year old woman was killed on sunday afternoon at an apartment on university avenue, stabbed by her own daughter. >> it was quite a shock. >> friends now identify the victim as heather riemer and the suspect as 23 year-old gabriella riemer. >> i can't really believe that she's gone. >> i was horrified, but i was not totally taken aback. >> according to longtime friend kenneth arrington, riemer's daughter struggles with mental health issues. it's something
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the caring mother tried to help her daughter with, but fell victim to her physical abuse. time and time again. >> over many years, i've known seen bruises and scars and all of that, you know? but that's her daughter. we love our kids, riemer worked for several years in the mental health field in the east, most recently alongside arrington on the board of the bay area hearing voices network. >> until the day ofúher killing, heatherc was a bright light. >> there's no one quite like heather. >> those who worked alongside gentle, loyal friend who worked tirelessly to help others. >> there's a great holeúthere because she was so passionate about this work. she was so passionate about reaching out to others former employer peers, envisioning and engaging in recovery services tells ktvu. >> if you wish to honor heather's memory, the best way to do so is by addressingc your mental health. whether that's in
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groups orúcounseling. >> there is no replacing heather. we can only now try to fill the void and that she is leaving in so many people's lives. >> as the suspect is charged with homicide, she is expected to face a judge and that's whene spcould see if she enters a plea in oakland. joey ktvu fox two news tonight. >> hundreds of americans are asking for help in escaping intensifies, the u.s. state department has already evacuated dozens of american citizens. this is video of one rescue flight arriving in florida tonight. 14 florida residents were on board as of this afternoon, more than 550 u.s. citizensúhave requested the state's assistance in leaving haiti. and here in the bay area, one woman is worried about her relatives and friends back in jh her call for help as the united states is ramping up efforts to spairlift citizens out of that
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region, gianna. >> yes, julie, after you saw some of the people who were evacuated already, the state department says nearly 1600 americans are in haiti, right sister, brother and otherays he- relatives have been unable to the violence and turmoil in haitic hits close to the heart for jacqueline oscar lee. >> a lot of people they may died because of food, becauseúnow food is getting really scarce. >> jackie, as she's called, lives in marin and is co-founder of haiti on the rise. the nonprofit that she and her husband, randall, run. it has helped build schools and provided scholarships and emergency aid to haiti for nine years now, her family and friends in her homeland are caught in the clashes between police and the gangs who've taken over parts of the country. jackie saysújust this week, her sister's friend was caught in crossfire. >> she got some bullets. she died instantly with her sister.
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ñ> the desperation mounted wednesday as the u.s. state department and officials in florida began airlifting dozens of u.s. by helicopter and charter planes. movements to make multiple trips, some lawmakers in washington want the u.s. to intervene, saying it would prevent a mass migration of haitian refugees fleeing to some threat of international intervention is what sparked the gang uprising. >> when the prime minister asked for kenya forces to step in, they've come together to form an alliance that the name in creole translates as living together. uc berkeley professor lisa armstrong says the gangs are a loose coalition. the most prominent leader last night called on people to defy the state of emergency, but their intentions are unclear. >> his nickname is barbecue and he is a former police officer, and has essentially said that the gangs are fighting for equality. but, the issue is
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they've blocked access to food and water for the people who are most impoverished, they have blocked access to, fuel for generators for the hospital. >> security is a major barrier. and jackie says right now she wants to collect donations, but it's still too dangerous for her nonprofit and others to arrange large scale aid deliveries. this week, international aid groups said about 1.4 million people in haiti are on million still need help accessing food. >> julie. all right, jana katsuyamaúreporting live in the newsroom tonight. gianna. thank you. california voters have now passed proposition one, requiring counties to spend money on housing and drug treatment programs. tonight, two weeks after election day, results show the proposition is in a than 7about 29,000 votes.t- million votes were cast. that measure authorizes the state now to borrow nearly $6.4 billion in bonds. the money will go toward
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building more mental health and drug treatment facilities, including permanentúsupportive housing with addiction services and an extremely tight race. exactly. just like one vote separating them. still not determined tonight in silicon valley, the latest results from the secretary of state's office show evan low is ahead of joe simitian by just one vote in the race to replace congresswoman anna eschew in the 16th congressional district, one of them will eventually face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the november general election. >> a rally was held today to bring attention to alleged workplace violence at an east bay medical facility. workers at john george psychiatric hospital in san leandro say they often face violent situations with patients. now, some employees say they've suffered beatings, resulting in broken noses, broken ribs, knocked out teeth.c the workers say the rally is meant to raise awareness and to call for more safety protocolsn the hospital is operated by alameda health system. the health system released a statement to ktvu saying in
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part, staff safety is always our priority. over the course of the last year, we have implemented strategies that have reduced employee injuries due to assaults by 33. we continue to bargain in good faith with the union and have the deepest spgratitude for our staff who serve the most vulnerable in our community with compassion and respect. >> commercial real estate in the south bay still bouncing back from the pandemic, the major tech company picking up some square footage in valley and three corrections officers ambushed the detailed plan that helped an inmate escape in tonight's west coast rap, and lawmakers reportedly make a breakthrough on california's budget. what we're learning about the a eement made at the
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idaho at a maximum manhunt still underway. >> this story begins tonight's west coast rap that overnight attack took place it was a planned attack to break out onen to the hospital for medical treatment. officers were planning to bring that inmate who's nowúof corrections, but a gunman opened fire near theúhospital's emergency department, hitting two officers, officials say duringúthe ambush, a responding officer accidentally shot a third corrections officer. the prisoner and gunman managed to escape in a getaway car.
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>> we took every precaution we possibly could. at 233 this morning, the entire south boise complex was placed on secure status. our correctional emergency response team was activated. we deployed resources from throughout thec state and the agency to help assist wherever those resources may be needed at the department or in the community. >> authorities say one of the injured officers is now in critical conditionc. the other two suffered non-life threatening injuries and nevada nevada medicaid must cover abortions. >> the american civil liberties union challenged medicaid's ban of abortions under nevada's new equal rights amendment. the aclu argued since medicaid covers vasectomies, it must also cover abortions. the state is expected to appealúthe ruling. >> in oregon, a familyúof six is lucky to be alive tonight after they were rescued on mount hood overnight. three adults and in the snow last night after they
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got lost on a hike. clackamas county sheriff's deputies assisted in the rescue, according to the deputies, the group used the sos feature on their phone, which was able to show crews where they were ablet coordinates, but the terrain made it difficult to reach the family, and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weekday right here on ktvu. west coast rap with alex savage airs at or you can find around the cloc. sp>> tonight. an update pleasan. sppolice now say a second person has died and the encounter started as an attempted robbery. this all happened about noontime yesterday, right outside an apartment complex just south ofy 63 year old peter popovich workedc as a cannabis company. e worked for one and was making a delivery when he was approached by two suspects. allúthree men were armed, leading to a shootout. popovich and one of the suspects, 21 year old trevon davis, were both killedn police are still searching for the
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second gunman. >> new tonight tiktok announced tech building in san josenor at- >> now, those in commercial real estate say this move could reflect the market slowly making its way back from the hit it took during the pandemicn ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters has the story. >> bob stetler has been working in silicon valley commercial real estate for over 25 years. and he says, right now the region is experiencing the highs and lows of the post pandemic market that coleman high lines and the santana west across from santana road. >> they're going to continue to do well and they're going to smr areas because they can stetler saysn >> downtown san jose continues to have significant value, offering more space for lower costs than san francisco. last october, san jose mayor matt mehan also announced the city would explore incentives to attract more ai companies and potential commercial tenants. tiktokc which already has office
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space at san jose's coleman highline tech campus, is now subleasing more space there. >> they're subleasing adjacent to themselves. everybody needs more engineers, getting more marketing, i think until they're told different tiktok is going to just keep doing what tiktok's doing. >> still, buildings that aren't attracting major companies as tenants are struggling. an office building located at 110 bay tech drive in north san jose has recently foreclosed. it's the second time ownership group alviso park llc defaulted enougn because the building is either empty or not fully occupied. lenders are doing all they can, but theygve got balance sheet issues as well. and so at some point they justúhave to look the,úyou know, lender in the eye time and we have to take itough back. >> stetler also says that although the market is up and down right now in the south bay,
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he doesn't expect to see a massive wave of commercial foreclosures in the near future. lamont peters ktvu, fox two news north bay officials weighing in on how to combat rising sea levels. >> the plans that have been approved, and using video games to learn about the real world. >> we introduce you to one san francisco high school class, very much dialed inc on a critical career building skill, here the last week or so.roundt- >> but things are about to change as we go into the weekend. wet weather. we'll have next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you...
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solution amountingc to between 2 to $18 billion. but they didn't give any details as to what kind of cuts that may entail or whether that comes from the state's rainy day fund. last month, the legislative analyst's office warned the state could face a shortfall of up to $73 fiscal year. the governor says he is committed to early action to ensure the budget gap doesn't widen. >> okay, let's take a look at the temperatures from today. we had plenty of 60s and 70súagain. it's been a run of really, really nice weather. spring. it's begun. but even before thas are changing back. we're going back to more of a late winter early spring pattern, which will bring in some scattered showers, snow in the mountainsúand milder to cooler temperatures by the weekend, and some wet weather to contend with. a lot of rain, big storms? not really. mountains will do well. it's going to be good for this will be another good series for the mountains, but for us it's going to be a little bit of rain here, a
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little bit of rain there. i'll bet you over three days,úfour days of scattered showers, most of us get a quarter inch or a half inch, maybe more in the hills. we'll see the lots to be determined. so high pressure has been in charge of the area for a while. it goes away and drops in this low pressure milder air and a series of kind of day spweather week weather systems. none of them are really seem robust, and they're going to really do any kind of real, accumulation. the current temperatures are mild for this time of night. it's two degrees warmer in napa. lookúat the expect overnight lows in early, still be in the in the upperto and even mid 30s. but we're in the 40s and it's because of this cloud cover. here we are tomorrow morning. low clouds, some fog at the coast. partly cloudy all day. highs in the 60s, upper 60s, maybe a than today. and then friday morning there's the rain. friday
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splunchtime there's the rain. friday. right before the afternoon commute, there's the rain. and in the mountains it keeps going. and then look at saturday, just a little bit of everything. scattered showers, some some clearing, some scattered showers, maybe even a thunder kind of wet on and off. sunday. looks like it's going to be kind of an okay day. the model didn't go out that far, but sunday looks like i mean it's going to be windy, cloudy, partly cloudy, maybe a sprinkle, but you'll be able to get out and do some little yard work or got to try to get some holes of golf. and there's the five day forecast. we'll see you back here tomorro& then, bill. thank you. learning to build new worlds in the digital space. that's what some students at a san francisco high school are being taught. >> those students are designing their own video games.úbut as ktvu christien kafton reports, that's just the this real life lesson. >> is your computer missing inside san francisco's balboa high school? students in mr. perry's class are hard at work building video games. make no mistake, while these games may
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be fun toúplay, designing them is hard work and that includes programing and it includes making the digital art assets for like players and enemies, backgrounds and stuff like that& as well as sound effects and backgroundc music. >> so we've got to make all that stuff, and then we putúit into our game and then we have to write the code to make it work, like, can you print something? >> zack biro and david xiong are working on a game tentatively called crypt of the silver phoenix. gameplay includes battling monsters that turn to stone and a never to navigate. ñ> everything is happening in this game engine, so we've got a randomly generated room structure, which so it will neve same whenever, times you play t, the project is part of the >> all of the students here at balboa high school 21st century career path. students in the gaming program coding to problem solving. zhang
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says their entire onúone issue r another debugging line after line of code to make their game work. we get a new problem, like every hour, and we talk about it and we talk about it, and then we fix it and oh, hey, there's a new problem. >> so it's just constantly, you know, we get that experience. >> and just like professional spgame developers, these studens are facing a hard deadline is underway in san francisco right now. and on thursday, these students are going to have a chance to show off their projects to the pros and get some tips on how to proceed. >> we did have an issue where whenever we tried to work on the game on my computer, it would just crash like immediately. and we haven't fixed it. we we're hoping that at gdc we could talk to the people who are behind godot, you know, maybe figure out whatgs going on. >> mr. perry says while he teaches the class, his students consistently come up with innovative solutions on their own that he never would have considered. he says watching that spark of innovation is one spof the joys of teaching this
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class. perry says the experience these students are getting will serve them, whether they pursue a career in game design or not. >> but i tell themúover and over that what i'm really teaching you is independent, creative problem solving. and whether you work in tech, whether you work in something else, everybody wants independent, creative problem solvers. >> teachers here say this program could be replicated in any schoolúdistrict, and hope to see more students take a serious look at a career in gaming. christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> and here's a look at the stories trending tonight on one of the top stories 102 year old oakland man says the fence on his property is always getting vandalized, and while he's been trying to paint over the graffiti doing it quickly enough, as city officials have already started to issue him citations. also, police are looking for more spvictims after they say a man s recording dozens of individuals on a hidden camera inside a starbucks bathroom in san jose. also, a proposed class action
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lawsuit filed in san francisco federal court alleges the luxury brand hermes is violating antitrust laws by only selling its birkin bag to certain customers. you can find these storiesúand much >> well, one of the best parts of spring all the wildflowers coming up, the effort to teach the bay area about native blooms. >> but first, here is a look at tonight's sunset out at the oakland estuary, the city by the bay. there in the distance on this, the first full day of spring, nearly in the books. you're watching the 11:00 news. we'll be right back
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a plan to combat sea level rise. the marin ij says the $519,000 over a year and a half. the phae
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county can workúwith residents, cities and state and federal agencies on solutions. and then phase two will see how the county can organize itsústaff to prepare the sulfurúcreek nature center in hayward is celebrating the successful rehabilitation of a disoriented bat. >> the wildlife center says the california myotis bat likely got confused in all the recent stormy weather. a community member brought it in found no signs of illness and injury, but staff members still took care of it as it needed time to recuperate. that bat is now back in the wild. >> warmer weather after a wet winter means wildflower season is coming to the bay area. the sunol wilderness and ohlone wilderness in the east bay are getting ready with a variety of programs for people to discover native flowers and plants. guided naturalist walks and other activities start this coming weekend and then run through next month. >> well, hundreds of students rs of to a
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partnership between fedex and a nonprofit called operation warm. hillview crest elementary school in hayward was chosen to be the sprecipient of 280 new pairs of shoes. we caught up with the school's principal today who says she's very appreciative of words cannot describe just the joy that you see outside. >> and, i'm not typically a very emotional person, but just to see them take off their shoes and they're outside and just so happy. and that's what we do this for today. >> fedex volunteers helped the students get sized for a proper fit. students were then able to pick out their favorite color. ship thousands of pairs of shoes to more than 20 schools across north america. >> well, two public markets in the bay areaúhave been named among the best in the country. usa today has identified 20 public markets nationwide in san
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francisco's ferry building and napa's. oxbow public market made that list. they're both praised food selections, and impacterse- within the community. usa today is polling readers to choose one of those 20 markets as the best one in the country, and we've put a link to the poll at ktvu spncom right there under the web links section. i've spent plenty of time in both of those markets, and they're fabulous. >> and i would seattle is on that one, but i haven't checked out the list. there you go. >> all right. thanks for watching the 11:00 news, everyone. our next newscast, of course, is mornings on two. >> that's right. and to streamt& the latest news and weather on your smart tv anytime, just download the fox local app to your tv. thanks so much for joining s. have a ea well, welcome to like it or not. i'm claudine wong.


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