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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 21, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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it's broken right now. unlike a private company that can hire whoever to do the job, the government has to go through a proposal and a bidding procedur& . >> hopefully they're all, i don't know if there's an afterlife, but hopefully they're all sort of reunited, but it's just a real tragedy. >> the baby, the sole survivor of a crash in san franciscoc ths past weekend that killed his parents and brother dies of his injuries. how community members are grieving and calling for change following the tragedy a deadly house fire late last night what difficult then? a q02 year oldl- oakland man, frustrated and at a loss. while he says he's doing vandalism on his property threah a fine from ktvu fox two news this is mornings on two. good
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morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian. hi everyone. >> i'm frank mallicoat. today, thursday weekend is approaching. >> i can see it from here. >> yeah, we sure can. so can steve. and he says it might be a little wet. >> sure. looking like at least saturday will be maybe cool and breezy on on sunday, maybe some activity. but fog is the bigger story here this morning. there's of it's a low cloud deck, gettie deck and surprise, surprise for one of the few times ever, san jose is the coolest here because they have a few breaks in the clouds at 47. so 40 and 50 on the temps. low clouds. we're waiting on the system. it will be here tomorrow. so today afternoon we'll get sun, but i think the breeze will pick up. that's the leading edge of a pattern it may be with us for a while. so there's a change in the weathern it's on the way. low overcast, fog, cool to mild. lows. fog back to the coast and sunny inland. but i think we'll get a little bit of a west southwest breeze there. 60s on the temps. sal is here. richmondc bridge, yes. >> richmond bridge and also
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highway four. i think i'll start this time with highway four because i had it but steve is re have to go to the richmond bridge. highway four. also getting into theúact with more and more slow traffic heading out west. not unusual, but it is not a light day. you know, you can see the richmond bridge little longer for the traffic to come back here, and you may be tired of waiting in this backup, but if you go out there, that's exactly what you're going to get you might want to think about putting the trip off for a little bit. 701 let's get back to the headlines. >> a community is mourning the an suv whileúthey were waitingey at a bus stop. the youngest, a six month old little boy, died yesterday tori gaines live in san francisco's west portal neighborhood with how people there are remembering th&
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>> good morning, garcia. it's a truly tragic story. an entire young family killed while waiting at a bus stop. i'm going to step out of the frame to show you the at the scene of that crash, photos show the family members who passed away. the father, diego, his young son joaquin, his wife mathilde, and their young son, six month old kaui. all four family members have died. it's the community is coming out. the community is reeling. and we spoke with someone earlier who said that she just couldn't believe that this is happening. here's what we know about the investigation into the crash so far. mary fong lao, theú78 year old woman who was behind the wheel of the mercedes suv that drove into this sf bus stop where that family of four was waiting. she is no longer in police custody. we are told that if she is released from the hospital, shee
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are still many lingering questions when it comes to this crash. from fong lao speed to how her large suv went off the roadway in the first place, we are still waiting da will file charges against fong lao now. when she was takec into police custody after the crash, police said she could face several chargesúfor vehicular manslaughter as well as reckless driving. memorial here at the site of the crash has grown significantly over the week. community members have come out inc droves to leae messages behind for the family. >> even i don't know what happened with the driver, but this intersection is it's awful. as a pedestrian, i'm here every day and, you know, those are al& that protects the bus station. and i've seen busses drive over them. they're super flimsy. it's just i think it's just a real sort of a, something needs to be done to improve traffic flow.
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>> calls for change to protect pedestriansc in the city of san francisco reached a fever pitch this week after the death of sao municipal transit agency is finalizing plans to install 33 speed cameras across the city to help slow traffic for pedestrian safety. safety? excuse me. now we're still waiting to learn more about fong lao's condition in the hospital and when she might be releasedn we'll update more. we'll keep you posted as this memorial grows today and coming up at 8 a.m, we're going to be hearing from a resident who lives here nearby in san francisco. she says she grew up going to this bus stop, and she she can't believe it. it's truly such a difficult thing for her to process, she said. we'll bring you all of that live at 8 a.m. in san francisco. tori gaines, ktvu, fox tori, thank ye north bay, where one person has died in a large house fire in marin county. it started a little after 9:00 last night in san anselmo. not far from sir active gas leak and downed power
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lines made it difficult for firefighters to get hose lines inside and work to rescue the person in the home. fire officials say they're investigating, but there's no word yet on what may have caused the fire. >> it's really proud of all the engine companies, you know, it was amazing watching them get in there and just do what they trained to do every day, day in and day out and make a really aggressive exterior and ultimately interior attack on the fire. >> we're still working to learn the identity of the person killed. >> san francisco plans to install 400 safety cameras throughout the city within the next three months. city leaders, including the police chief da and mayor londonúbreed, unveiled the system avenue and irvingúst, just south of golden gate park. it's among 100 intersections where these and can read the license plates of passing cars. very busy. there have been hit and runs. there have been all spkinds of things that having a
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camera here would be really, really helpful in making supporting safety and supporting the community. feeling safe. >> those cameras are being spfunded by a $17.3 million grat available to stop organized retail thefts. the mayor says the system will reduce crime and find missing people, but will not intrude on people's privacy. >> this does not include speed cameras. it does not include facial recognition technology, but it will be useful for amber alerts. it will help us to find people as well. >> this particular automatic licenseúplate reading system is being used by more than includea county, concord, richmond, san jose and san mateo. a 102 year old man says he is frustrated after the city of oakland threatened to find him for repeated vandalism on his fence
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in the rockridge district. >> oakland native victor silva senior says he often. silva hase property for 80 years now. earlier this month, he received a citation from oakland, saying heúhad to remove it by this week or face an $1,100 fine, plus an additional $1,200 for each failed re-inspection. >> it was so absurdn it's like a joke if you if you drive around the city and see the graffiti everywhere, it's just i don't know what to say. >> somebody is crazy. >> the city inspector contacted ktvu an immediate inspection and possibly cancel that citation across the bay here as a sp. >> there is a dispute involving a massive, massive diego rivera artwork in san francisco, and it has been resolved. the san francisco museum of modern art and city college of san francisco had sued entity wouldo take down and transport the 30
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ton, 22 foot high mural titled pan american unity. it was loaned to the museum and will now go back to city college to be part ofúits new performing arts center. museumúsaid it had paid more than $4 million and wanted city college to pay the rest. settlement calls for both sides to drop their lawsuits and share some of those costs. well some new research on lyme disease could lead to both prevention and treatment. more than 400,000 americans are diagnosed with lyme disease every year. it's a bacterial infection transmitted by those guys ticks for many people, antibiotics clear the infection, but for others, the symptoms linger and become a chronic illness. new research finds that spa protein found in sweat glans may provide protection against getting that disease. >> now, this really is important for the conceptc of personalized medicine. if
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have a problem with one of their proteins, that's important for, for, protecting them from lyme disease, then we might have to treat them differently. >> researchers involved in the study say they are working to see if the protein can be added& protection against lyme disease itself. they're also trying to a medication to treat the disease as we do have a bigger backup this morning on some of the bay area bridges. you already know about thet& richmond bridge we're goingúto talk about also the bay bridge toll plaza. it is backed up this morning here. also, we do have some slowing on that san mateo bridge getting to it. and then when you get onto the span, it's not exactly slowing. but it's spvery crowded. and as we look t the east bay map, westbound there was a crash there att& 710. let's go back to the desk.
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>> thank you sal. coming up, more americans leaving haiti as the violence escalates. there we are hearing from a local woman whose family is caught in all the crossfire, and we're now in the second day of spring. >> some people want to get a jump on viewing the wildfires that are beginningúto bloom in th y business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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in florida, residents were on board. the state of florida has launched its own effort using private companies to getúpeople back home more than 5u0úus citizens have requested the state's help in leaving the country since gangs broke into prisons, freeing thousands overe surrounding cities. here in the bay area, a woman originally from haiti is fearing for the safety of friends and relatives >> ktvu is andre senior joins us with the woman's charitable efforts to rebuild haiti. >> andre frank garcia, good morning to both of you. even before this latest round of violence, jacqueline arriscar lee has been working to protect and develop her native land. while she now lives in marin, her haiti. she and her husband, randall, operate a nonprofit called haiti on the rise, and for nine years, it's helped build schools,
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provide scholarships and distribute emergency aid. lee is closely monitoring the situation in haiti, while family and friends have been caught in the crossfire there between police and gangs. a friend of her sister was killed this week. >> she gotúsome bullets. she died instantly with her sister and i think one of the son, i think, got to 1 or 2 bullets as bullet as. a lot of people, they may died because of food, because now food is getting really scarce as well. want the us to intervene inrst- haiti, saying it would prevent a mass migration of refugees fleeing to this country. but other people say the threat of international intervention is what sparked the gang uprising, when haiti's then prime minister asked for kenyan forces to come& to that country. well, lee worries the violence will only get worse. >> right is the insecurity. so f spwe have some kind of solution
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for the insecurity, all the other problem can be solved gradually. also, the airport right now is closed, so if it is not for the insecurity, the airport would be open so we can have more traffic. >> now gangs consist of a loose coalition here and they are blocking access to essential supplies such as food, water and nonprofits like hers cannot arrange large scale deliveries and aid drop offs because of the insecurity in the country right now, groups announced this week that nearly a half 1 million or 1 million and a half people in haiti are on the verge of famine. in fact, another 4 million need help accessing food. >> garcia andre senior, thank you. now to southern california, where burglars are increasingly using a new tactic to bypass home security systems. glendale police say they're seeing a growing trend of home burglars using wi-fi blockers to disable
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security cameras during break ins. as a result, the cameras failed to record the burglars, and homeowners don't receive notification of a disturbance. one security camera installer saw a whole block get hit. this way. >> yeah, the whole neighborhood got jammed up. jammed up the whole neighborhood. the whole wi-fi, the whole street, a police and security experts say reallyl the only way to get around this issue is to hardwire security cameras using a hard drive, and install a backup battery in case power is cut to your home. >> the concord city council has approved the latest development plan for the former concord naval weapons station. the plan calls for more than 12,000 homes, along with commercial space and a new park. there is a new developer as well,c after te two previous agreements with other developers didn't work out . brookfield properties will have up to fourúyears to negotiate a property transfer agreement with the us navy this entire project is expected to be years.ped in five phases over 40 sp>> it is 717. wind turbines ae
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having little to no effect on hf mile. a new report shows. the value of homes near wind turbines drops only slightly and temporarily. all view. researcht uc berkeley analyzed data from more than 300 million home sales and 6p,000 wind 2020. they fount there was no property value loss for turbines built since 2017, which suggests people no longer spview turbines as a. warmer wea wet winter means wildflower season is coming soon here to the bay area. the snow wilderness andúalbany wilderness in the east bay are getting of s for people to discover native flowers and plants, guided naturalist walks and other activities start this weekend and run through the next month. >> all right, we do have some rain moving in this weekend, so we do hack in with steve for
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that in just a moment. first though, let's get out the door. school work all those things happening on a thursday sal. >> that's right. gasia and frank, right now we do have a bigger backup at the bay bridge. i think that tomorrow we're not going to have you know, at this time tomorrow we'll see what we have. but right now it's a 20 minute delay, maybe aabout little longer than that. before you make it onto the bridge. now, if you're driving on the san mateo bridge, it looks okay. there have been no there. 80 wes some slowing out of el sobrante coming to a problem west 80 near san pablo dam road, it is past that, it looks okay. youet- see, 680 looks all right into san ramon. we haven't had a lot of stuff going on on highway 24 this morning. i'm going to check in with the south bay commute next time to see if that commute is beginning to wake up. but so far, so good. now at 718 let's talk to steve with today's forecast. sal >> thank you sir. mainly cloudy with a low cloud deck. although
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therec are some breaks in it. so mix of the mainly the low cloud deck, 3000ft on the bases. but we will see that have mostly sunny skies, although maybeúsome higher clouds coming in later way for w afternoon. evening. i think you know this. maybe to the north you might get a little earlier, but the colder system drops in on saturday and will linger into sunday. i think sunday could be a rather blustery, cool day here, but rain returns friday evening and snow in the mountains couple of feet looks likely here between now and sunday, with more on the way. if the forecast models are correct and i think theyúare next wednesday and maybe another big system next weekend is theúway to be going out same way it came in like a big old lie in there for us. after the low clouds retreat or burn off, we'll have some sunshine. to ancient latert will be with us tomorrow afternoon evening. but for thet& morning. mainly cloudyl 40s, morning they're stuck due all would expect the front to come in on friday afternoon evening. today though, it's dry pattern.
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might get some drizzle tomorrow morning,úbut the main impact is this system coming down out of the northúnorthwest. so it'll be a cold rain on saturday, using theúcanadian model, the gem, the cmc for this short time. noon. then in the afternoon you- can see into the evening. that's when it picks up. so a quarter of an inch to maybe three quarters should cover it. a much colder possibility of thunderstorms and mixed in with that. and watch the mountain snowúhere as we go into not monday, tuesday, but wednesday. watch this zoom up. it goes with even projections of more than thatúgoing out to early april. chill changes on the way, morning low clouds and sun and clouds. nice but breezy. temperatures 5060. held on to 7p for just a little bit longer here, but i think tomorrow that's it cold rain taking us into saturday. you guys. >> steve. thank you. 721 former president donald trump facing a key deadline as part of his ongoing legal battles while his properties, including trump tower, could be seized if he can't pay a $454 million fraud penalty and a gambling scandal developing involving one of the
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most famous baseball players on the planet. >> why the dodgers cut ties with shohei ohtani's interpreter. more on that. when we
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more interpreter of los angeles interpreter said ohtani helpede- pay off his gambling debt, which was believed to be at least $4.5
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million. news outlets report the case stems from a federal investigation into an orange county bookmaker, and that several wire transfers were made under ohtani's name last year. the dodgers have now fired the interpreter. >> illegal gambling ring, one of the namesúthat cameúup was shohei ohtani asking questions. >> the interpreter says he bet on soccer matches and other sports. says ohtani never placed a wager. ohtani's attorney issued a statement saying in the course of responding to recent media inquiries, we discovered that shohei has been the victim of a massive theft, and we're turning the matter over to authorities. >> some new data are age 65 or older. the stat also shows alzheimer's deaths more than double between the years 2020 21. researchers cite more accurate numbers and an aging population for the increase. alzheimer's association releasing a study which projects
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the annual cost for will reach 0 billion this year. that's up $15 billion from a year ago. >> so someone could live with alzheimer's from 8 to 20 years. and that caregiving is very intense and it increases over time. so it's a very costly care with alzheimer's is projected to 2050. up next, more than two weeks after ballots had to be turned in a showdown to make it to the general election. still too close to call in the south bay. how long it could take to decideúwho will move on in one south bay. congressional race coming up and a disturbing discovery inside a coffee shop. >> what police say they found at the home of a man who's accused of installing a hidden camera. in addition to recording devices
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for the governor and his supporters.úwhat comes next? now that it'súexpected plus, i'm alg the cars thatúare just trashed cars and just sitting. >> but you can't really if you somebody is living out of, >> single mother in oakland says she lost her home and how she makes her living. when her car was towed and impounded ktvu, fs is mornings on two and good morning one and all. >>úwelcome to mornings on two. on this thursday i'm is your dat there and do your stuff right, s back in or maybe tomorrow morning. >> butúyes, today is by far and away better than tomorrow. or definitely saturday. some sun breaks in there, a mix of some higher clouds and a lot of low spclouds and fog. so we're seeig
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40s and 50s on the temps. mainly 40s here. a few sun breaks in there, but san jose, one of the rare times, is actually the coolest at 47. but yes, today something because everything starts to change tomorrow, mainly in the afternoon evening. but there's a change inúthe weather and with that in mind, a low overcast fog and then fog back to the coast. sun 6070 thas on this panel from v0 in the city to 68 san jose livermore. all right.úsal's here. update highway four. >> yeah. highway four.úwe do have some slow traffic there on highway four. as you drive west toward bay point and concord, youúwill see that the traffic is going to be busy. if you drive up to the willow pass grade. there have been no major issues here. and if you're driving tot& the bay bridge toll plaza, it is backed up here. no problems, but you can along relatively well. san mateo bridge if you're driving into the south bay, it does look pretty good right now. there are some slowing though, getting into the
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west valley. we'll have more on that in just a few.ú731 let's get back to the headlines. >> all right, sal, we'll see you approved the measure by 50.2. it authorizes the state to use bond and tax housing for people with mental illness and addiction. ktvu sally rasmus here to explain what comes next. >> a lot of unanswered questions. still, frank, now that this measureúappears to have passed, what this new housing will look like exactly where and how soon it will be built, those are some of the big unanswered questions so far this morning. voters approved proposition one, which allocates about $6.4 billion in bond and tax money to pay for housing for homeless veterans, people with severe mental illness and people suffering from addiction. about $4 billionúof that chunk of money comes from state tax revenue. not a new tax, but tax money that the spcounty and city governments he already been getting under. prop
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one. those local governments will be required to use about 30% of that state tax money for housing programs for the homeless. so there are questions and concerns about what local governments will have to cut to rearrange their budgets and divert that money. >> you've seen counties and theirúdirector of health's express less concern with potentially, this measure and what other responsibilities they may have to take on. >> governor gavin newsom alluded to some of those challenges, possibly between state and local governments, in a statement last night on the passage of prop he, now, counties and local officials must match the ambition of california voters. this historic reform will only succeed if we all kick into action immediately. state government and local leaders work. end quote. proposition one barely passed by about 30,000 votes of the more than 7 million cast. in total, there's who are homeless. that's an
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increase of 40% since 2018. frank. >> ellie, thank you forc that. the race to replace anna eshoo for the very close to call to close. in fact, the latest results from the secretary of state's office shows assemblymember evan low ahead of santa clara county supervisor simitian by one single vote. one of them will eventually face former san jose mayor sam liccardo forúthat seat in the upcoming november general election ballotúcounting, though, continuesúdaily at santa clara county registrar of voters. election officials say they are working to countúevery ballot by the april 2nd deadline. >> vote counts. so even if someone will think, oh, my vote doesn't matter, it really does. it can come down to one or vote. >> once all the ballots have need to beúcertified by theet- california secretary of state. if there is a tie, secretary of
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state will break theútie by merely drawing a name, but there will likely be a recount. >> former president donald trump has until monday to pay a d454 million judgment owed following his loss and a civil fraud case against him in new york. his lawyers are trying to convince a judge to either put that judgment on hold or decrease the amount while he files an appeal of the case. new york's attorney general has said if he can't pay, she'll ask a judge to seize his assets. >> the trump properties areúat risk of seizure. they're essentially allowed to begin to recover the damages from the case. >> former president donald been rejected by 30 underwriters bond. banattempt to secure a on abortion during a radio interview, he said if reelected, he would back legislation weeks of pregnancy. this is the& first time the former president has embraced any specific time limit on the procedure. he
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previously said he would negotiate on exceptions for cases of rape, incest or maternal health issues. >> a man from san jose, now in police custody, accused of hiding a camera in a public bathroom. police say louis juarez junior recorded 91 people, including children, using the restroom at a starbucks on coleman avenue on january the 30th, according to authorities. a plumber found the camera hidden underneath the sink when juarez was arrested. authorities say they found 20 spfirearms and other cameras, ad now investigators are wondering if installed in other locations. >> that's a possibility, and that's why we're asking the public if they have any other information, or if they believe that they use this bathroom at this coffee shop to contact detectives. >> juarez was booked into the santa clara county jail for possession of child and stalling a hidden surveillance camera. so
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police have arrested a man who they say slashed the tires of nearly a neighborhood tuesday night. these are photos from social media showing car after car wita of 12th and anza in the richmond district, 22 year old osiel torres was arrested shortly scene. he is now facing 22et- counts of felony vandalism across the bay. >> one mother in oakland says she's struggling and needs to get her carc out of the impound lot so she can provide for her family. single mother. she says she and her 17 year old son and nine year old daughter had been living in her 2008 pontiac vibe, and that she also used the car to drive for spuber eats. her car was towed after shelter in a motel during last month's storms. fees to get it back now. top $3,200 and my medication >> part part of one of my leg
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braces is in the car, our everything is in the car. >> burnett is working with the west side missionary baptist church to get her car back and secure safe parking. the church runs a program to help people who live in their cars pay for their license plates, insurance and gas. >> 737 your time, but check traffic with sal. how are we doing on this thursday morning? >> it's a little slow now in the south bay there, frank, and we're going to see that on thec road system here on the maps you can see that 85 to 80 and 101 are slow. i know that some people do have to go at this time. if you could put it off for a little bit, that would be better for you. youc look at the east bay commute, there's some slow traffic there as you drive south, heading out towards highway 92 and on the san major issues here at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see that traffic the way
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bring steve back with today'ss weather.úis it going to be sunny? sunny afternoon today? >> some sun? yes, some sun today. but we're mostly cloudy tomorrow afternoon, if not evening. this system is slowing down. i mentioned that a couple of days ago. it looks like that's exactly whatgs happening. but this will be a colder and maybe a lot of snow. winterw storm watches out. warning. it always does, but it could be a pretty good snow monf next week. a lot of low clouds in place here, but we'll get mostly sunny skies and some higher clouds coming inc from that system which is developing. not to get too technicalúon you, but i'm going to get technical on you. is a measure of the atmosphere. how warm or cold a layer of the atmosphere is from the surface to about 18,000ft drops to 535 on saturday afternoon. that's cold. that's really cold for this time of get ready. it's on its way. that will also, once you get the daylight saving, you
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get the longer days. i think thunderstorms will be in the mix here. if not saturday on sunday as well. 40s, 50s on the temps, we are going to see this system initially it'll be a cold front coming in. a little drizzle, although i really haven't seen too much more likely tomorrow, but the system will be coming down from the north northwest. i mean, this is a pretty deep cold system, coming in for this time of year, which will drive into us on saturday night into sunday. now nothing really develops unless it's drizzle. you can see by noon there's very little afternoon evening. there you go. it may take even till night to get down to san jose, but it's on its way. then cold system swings in on saturday into early sundayl but the snow level will totals keep going up and up and up and look. and almost remarkably so far, it's still pretty far away. but next weekend they all show a rather deep think march is going out like it came in with with that big cold lineúchanges on the way, big fog bank sun and
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clouds here. 60s for most couple low 70s but we'll see increasing clouds and then tomorrow we'll cloud it up. rain take us into saturday early sunday. >> thank you sir. business owners in las vegas say they've been struggling ever since formula one came to town. why? they're nervous about back and g done to help them. >> let's run out to our newsroom, say good morning spagain. now to andre senior. as >> well, good morning. some bay area elementary school students are getting some help learning to love to read new in our next hour of news. how 188 year old volunteer is helping kids develop theúskills they need for scholastic success. and later on tonight, a major shakeup in the auto industry. new vehicle emissions standards have officially been announced. now to break down and take a lookt at ow it's sparking
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demonstrate their video games that they designed. students at balboa high are taking game devs conference in the city, which is among the industry's biggest events. the school project guides students on 21st century career paths. students learned everything, including important skills from coding to problem
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solving. >> we get a new problem like every hour, and we talk about it and we talk about it, and then we fix it and oh, hey, there's & new problem. so it's just constantly, you know, we get that experience. aspects of game design,d in all- including sound effects, background music and character development. and we are just getting some breaking news involving. >> apple is watching this in the newsroom a minute ago, ran out to the studio to update in dollars and cents. about a bit. there monopoly. whether or not over the iphone,e justice department just announced it is suing apple, accusing it of having a monopoly over the iphone market and other products it has, like the apple wallet. the doj says it has harmed consumers, developers and rivalúcompanies, and apple has responded so far by saying if successful, the doj would mean with their lawsuit. the doj would prevent apple from making the technology people expect from apple. so we'll continue to
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follow that story as it develops. san francisco based reddit rang the opening bell this morning to celebrate its ipo. that stock was priced last night. it will start trading soon. this morning hasn't started trading yet. it is the first public offering of a popular social media site since pinterest, also based in san francisco. that was back in 2019. taking a live look at thea mixed picture, but a nice gain for the dow jones. up 372 points up almost a full percentage point more than a half of a percent to 5258. and the nasdaq gaining a little more than a half a point as well. half of a percentage as well. target is reportedly doubling salaried employees, according ts increasing the bonuses despite reporting its first decline in store visits and same store sales since before the pandemic. target executives they
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reward employees for exceeding sales goals and projects going forward, but this does not affect hourly employees. hyundai and kia are recalling more charging unit. now, federal safety regulators say the vehicles are at an increased risk of a crash. the integrated charging control unitúmay become damagedc and stop charging the battery. dealers will inspect and replace the control unit and update the software at no charge . is a proposed class action lawsuit filed in accuses luxury brand hermes of violating antitrust laws by only selling to certain customers. now, the suit claims the french brand unlawfully allows only purchase history.úwith the company to buy its very popular famed birkin bag, the ties the e of one item to the purchase of
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another. birkin bags sell for about $20,000 or more. they can only be purchased by invitation. hermes has not commented on that spsuit. i'm pam cookn let's look at your dollars and cents, pam. >> thank you. some las vegas ows ahead of formula one racing's return to the strip later this year. last year's race led to closures and traffic nightmaresy struggled as a result. a group of small business owners is fighting the return of the temporary flamingo bridge, which f1 says will be back to help avoid a repeat of traffic troubles. local leaders have set a deadline for race organizersc to submit a plan to address these issues. >> my family's livelihood. this is my future. we are in fear. an hour and a half race. they destroy all of us to know how to get to work. why can't we have that information? >> may 1st, the destruction of our business alone. not to mention the other businesses surrounding that corner. some
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thing does need to be addressed. >> some businesses say they plan to sue to prevent the return of the bridge and get compensation for losses. >> let's have a check of. well, we're talking about cars. so let's say good morning to sal. how are we doing. get a little better out there. >> yeah we are getting a little better. although some commutes still looks crowded, we can go right to it. here it is backed up and it's pretty crowded. if you're driving into san francisco, i think you're going to need extra time. san mateo getting over the peninsula 880 is slow. a lot typical. southbot kind of caught my attention coming through south city and into san bruno is slow and is slow. headingc up toan mateo- burlingame. 748 let's talk to steve now. with today's weather, sir. all right, a couple of spthings going on here. we'll gt mostly sunny skies today. there's place, but it looks like there's some breaks and some holes in there and some higher
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clouds. probably later. but today is okay, temperatures though, 40s and 50s. just too much cloud cover, it was actually more about two hours ago than there is now. but, not only did we have some higher clouds made for a niceúsunset yesterday evening, might see a similar repeat performance again today, but the system is in ramping up that fog bank, althoughúat the same time it'll pick think out of the west southwest here. so just kept a couple of low 70s i well well inland. the key to all this going into the weekend this will be a cold system coming in. it's actually actually it's going to actually do this. all right. yeah. like that. so i don't have time to build the graphic. but that's, that's it'& going to make a big dramatic change by the time we get to saturday night sunday. and also bring in snow because these are colder systems, they willc be more in the powder category, not the sierra cement that we're used to. and boy, there's some big totals here going forward up in the mountains. we'll see. you know, forecast models change every 6 to 12 hours. but they've they'veúramped up some of thisc
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for sure. now tomorrow evening is really when this comes in the first system. but saturday that will be a cold rain. and i would think thunderstorms are possible not only saturday but also sunday where daylight saving days are longer. angle of the sun higher would not take much and another system looks to be on tap next wednesday and maybe a really cold deep one next weekend as well. i'm getting way you a heads up the end of marchg is looking active. change is on the way. big fog, bank, sun and clouds. nice but breezy. 5060 to near 70 on the temps. tomorrow evening is when most will get in on the rainúand then for sure on saturday. cold rain, maybe some lingering in the sunday. we'll get a break. monday, tuesday next system. wednesday >> steve. thank you president biden signing off on more student loan debt relief. new at eight. the latest round of cancellations and how many people could be waking up to news that a burden has been lifted? then be prepared to pack it in and pack it out on your next trip toúpoint reyes. what's behind a trash pile up thereúat the national seashore
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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today accused of stabbing her own mother to death. 23 year old gabriella riemer is scheduled to be arraigned this morning on she killed her 60 year old mother, heather riemer, at their apartment last weekend. authorities say the victim suffered from multiple stab wounds. friendsúof the mother say she tried taking care of her
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daughter, who was abusive and struggled with mental health issues. >> i was her horrified, but i was not totally taken aback. over many years, i've known seen bruises and scars and all of that, you know? but that's her daughter. we love our kids. >> heather riemer, previously worked for mental health services group called peers and they released aústatement about her death. quote, if you wish to honor heather's memory, the so g your mental health, whether that's in groups or in counseling. today, russia fired more than 30 missiles at kyiv in the first attack on the ukrainian capital. in some 44t& days, ukrainian officials say their air defenses shot down all those incoming missiles. more than two years now into the war, ukraine has ramped up attacks on russian border cities. the biden administration says the us does
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continue to support ukraine, even as congress holds out on approving billionsc of dollars n military aid. , wipe ukraine off the map? itdo is already failed at that in ukraine, there are efforts to try and help children facing mental health struggles from the fighting. >> now being used for recreation, such as this one in kharkiv, which doubles as a ballet studio. well, lawmakers are getting threatening phone calls over the potential ban of tiktokn >> if you ban tiktok, i will find you and shoot you. that's people's jobs and that's my only entertainment. >> the house of representatives passed legislation last week tiktok here in the us. however, it is a classified intelligence briefing on the security threat posed by
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the chinese social media site. >> my reaction to thisúbriefing is that tiktok is a gun aimed at americans heads. the chinese communists are weaponizing information that they are constantly, surreptitiously collecting from 170 million americans. >> this is something which has been there for a while. and sot& urgency, concern yes. and emergency no. there are other items that have to be taken care of first. >> the legislation would require tiktok's chinese parent company, bytedance, to sell tiktok or risk the app being banned in the united states. meanwhile, tiktok announced it signed a sublease for a large tech building in san jose. the move could be a sign that the market, slowly is making its way back from the hit it took during the pandemic, commercial real estate workers say downtown san jose has always
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had significantúvalue and offers more space for lower costs than >> that coleman high lines and the santana west across from santana row. they're going to continue to do well and they're going to pull tenants from these smaller areas because they can. everybody needs more space. when you're getting more engineers, getting more marketing, commercial real estate workers also say though the market is up and down in the south bay, they don't expect to see a massive wave of commercial foreclosures in the near future. >> chevron will pay more than spills down south in kern county. the san ramon based company agreed to the fines to state agencies in connection with a 2019 spill that dumped over 800,000 acres of both oil and water as well as over 70 smaller spills over the last five years. all that money will go to the state department of conservation and the state department of fish the
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largest fine in their history. the united nations is warning spabout the rise of electronic waste. the un report concludes current recycling programs are not keeping up with the amount of old technology that is being discarded. researchers found. less than a quarter of e-waste is recycled, and there will be 82 million tons by 2030, some of which is toxic. >ñ so to date, only 22.3% of e-waste has been documented to be collected and recycled in a good way. about waste left in outer space, such as old satellites and rocket debris still orbiting earth. there are plans underway to send devices up to space to destroy that debris. and ifúyou national seashore, be ready to haul out your own trash. in recent weeks, the park services
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with a message pack out yourds trash and waste is sitting untouched in some bins and dumpsters near the a mechanical issue with the park's garbage truck. unlike a private company that can hire whoever to do that jobl the government has go through a proposal and bidding procedure. >> hopefully, they're all, i don't know if there's an afterlife, but hopefully they're all sort of reunited, but it's situation.l tragedy, a terrible >> turning even more tragic this morning, a baby, the sole survivor of a family of four killed when a car slammed into them at a san francisco bus stop, passes away, then bright orange flames shooting through the roof of north bay. and at leastc one person does not survive, and a 102 year old oakland man tells us the city is threatening him with a fine for vandalism to his property that someone else
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caused from ktvu. foxútwo news this is mornings on two heart. welcome to mornings on two lookn francisco this morningúfrom our emeryville camera, you can see the transamerica building rightf there in the bay bridgeúin the distance, but cloudy skies a little bit there. thank you for joining us this morning. i'm andre senior, i'm garcia mikaelian. >> it's thursday, march 21st. we are this close to the return of rain. steve paulson is really dialing in. the timing for us here tomorrow afternoon. >> evening. you're okay for now. yes, but some breaks in the low cloud deck. you can see some sun there. i think we'll have a mostly sunny day, but not much of a breeze yet. but i expect it to pick up later this afternoon. temperatures 40s 50s, partly to mostly cloudy. more sun to the south. the san jose's really not gotten in on too much in the fog bank, but there are some breaks. this system will arrive later, not sooner. so there's a change though in the weather. today is that in-between day. so low overcast. some sun breaks go breezy later today as that
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system inches closer 60s on the forecast highs. all right sounds here at 8:00 in the morning. and he's going to tell meúand you what that we do have some more slow traffic on the peninsula and also in the south bay, silicon valleyl let's talkúabout the drive from redwood city to palo alto. looks pretty good. s, 85 heading up towards sunnyvale and northbound 101 approaching. 237. there's some slow traffic there. we also want to check in with the bay bridge toll plaza that is backed up. this is spider. their traffic is backed up all the way out to the maze. 80q let's get back to the headlines.t& >> the lone survivorúof a violent crash in san francisco's west portal neighborhood has died. a baby whose mother, father and older brother were they were waiting at the wests spportal bus stop, has succumbed to his injuries. ktvu tori gaines live at the scene of the crash and the growing memorial, tori garcia it's a trulyúentire&
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waiting at a bus stop. it's on a regular basis. i'm going to step out of the frame so you can take a look at this memorialt& that is growing here. i'm going to have my photographer come in a little bit closer. so we can show you photos of that family. that is 40 year old diego, his wife, matthis and their one year old son joaquin, and over here,r six month old son, caraway. all four family members have now just yesterday. here's what we know about the investigation into the crash. so far. mary fong lao, the 78 year old the we this sf bus stop where that family of four was waiting. she remains hospitalized butúis no longer in police custody. we're told that if she is released from the hospital, she is free to go home. her attorney tells me this morning thatúshe determf
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a crime was committed. now, when fongc lao was taken intoc police custody after the crash, police said she could face manslaughter as well as reckless driving. we're still waiting tos against her,úbut there are still comes to this crash. from fong lao speed to howc her large suv went off the roadway in the first place. back out here live, we're taking a closerc look at the memorial here at the site of the crash, which has grown significantlyúover the week, community members haveúcome out in droves to leave messages behind for the family. we've ofs so far this morning stopping by to drop off flowers, stuffed animals, notes. you can see some of these notes say things like remembering the precious lives lost on march 16th, 20r4, that sits with, or just a symbol of the young children whose lives were lost in this horrific crash. >> and i was very shocked
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school kid, i would be at thish- bus stop almost every day. yeah, you know, i've gone to this library since elementary school, and i thought this could have been me. i did get a bit emotional hearing about the baby, and i watched the remains of the car get hauled away. >> calls for change to protect pedestrians in the cityc of san francisco reached a fever pitch after the death of this family, the san francisco municipal transit agency is finalizing plans to install 33 speed excuse me, across the city to- help slow traffic forúpedestrian safety. now we do not have updates as to fong lao's condition or when she is going to be released from theúhospitat information, we'll bring it to you here live onc ktvu in san francisco. tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. has died in a large house fire in marin county. it started a
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little after 9:p0 last night in san anselmo. not far from sir francis drake boulevard. an active gas leak and downed power lines made it difficult for firefighters to get hose lines inside the house and work to rescue the person inside. fire officials say they're investigating, but no word yet . >> really proud of all the engine companies. you know, it was amazing watching them get in there and just do what they trained to do every day, day in and day out and make aggressive exterior and ultimately interior attack. >> we're still working to learn the identity of the person killed. >> san francisco plans to installút00 safety cameras throughout the city within the next three months. city leaders, including the police chief, district attorney and mayor splondon breed, unveiled that system, now installed at ninth avenue and irving streets, just south of golden gate park. you heard tory mentioned in just a moment ago. it's among 100 intersections where these cameras will be up and can read the license plates of passing cars. this very busy.
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>> there have been hit and runs. there have been all kinds of things that having a camera here would be really, really helpful in making supporting safety and supporting the community. feeling safe. >> the cameras are being funded by a $17.3 million grant available to stop organized retail theft. mayor breed says the system will reduce crime and find missing people, but will not intrude onúpeople's privacy. >> this does notúinclude speed cameras. it does not include facial recognition technology, but it willúbe useful forúamber alerts to find >> well, this particular is beie than 5000 lawc richmond, san jose and san mateo. >> a 102 year old man says he's spfrustratedúafter the city of oakland threatened to fine him for repeated vandalism on his
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fence in the rockridge district. the oakland native, victor silva senior, says he often finds graffiti on thec back fence of his home. he's lived on the property for 80 years now. earlier this month had to removy this week or face an $1,100 fine. plus an additional $1,200 for each failed re-inspection. >> it was so absurd. it's like a joke, like if you if you drive around the city and see the graffiti everywhere, it's just i don't know what to say. ktvu, said he'd do an immediate inspection and possibly cancel that citation. a dispute involving a massive diego rivera artwork in san francisco has been resolved. the san francisco museum of modern art and city college of san francisco had sued each other over which entity would pay to take down and transport the 30 ton, 22 foot high mural titled pan american unity. it was loaned to the museum and will now go back
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to city college to be part of its new performing arts center, than $4 million and wanted city- college to pay the rest. the settlement calls for both sides to drop their lawsuits and share some of the costs to waste your time. >> now. new research on lyme disease could lead to both prevention and treatment. more than 400,000 americans are diagnosed with lyme disease every year. it's a bacterial infection transmitted by ticks. for many people, antibiotics clear the infection, but for others, the symptoms linger and& become a chronic illness. new research finds that a protein found in sweat glands. >> this really isc important for the concept of personalized medicine. if we knowúwhen somebody is infected and that they have a problem with one of their proteins, that's important for, protecting them from lyme disease, then we might have to treat them differently. >> three researchers involved in the study sayúthey are working
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to see whether the protein can be added to creams to be used as they're also trying to see if it could be added to a medication to treat the disease. >> time is kind of a medium commute, you know, not great, but not terrible.úwe those feel like today at the bay bridge. it looks all right. you know, it is backed up all the way out to the mesa people in the back are probably tired of waiting, but at least there's n& problem on the actual bridge. san mateo bridge is okay to theo problems on have some slowing heading all the way down south bay commute thatc earlier problem atú237 on 101 pretty typical. getting into the westc valley is busy 809 let's getúback to the desk. >> well, more americans are leaving haiti amid continued violence. we're hearing from a local woman whose family and friends are caught in the crossfire. >> some bay area elementary school children are getting some help and learning to love. how
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to read. how 188 year oldt& volunteer is helping them develo the skills y need f
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another round of student loan $5.8 billion in federal loans spfor 78,000 public sector workers. under the forgiveness program, qualifying borrowers such as teachers, social workers and firefighters are eligible for student debt cancellation after making ten years of monthly payments. now starting next week, borrowers who are set to receive will receive an email notification signed by president spbiden as welln students who rd 20 minutes each day reduce stress, build vocabulary and focus better in classes. it is the building block to scholastic success. >> one east bay woman has been helping to instill a love of reading and children for decades now. ktvu frank mallicoat back with her story of dedication. >> if you like energy, gigi is the gal. she is terrific. she started volunteering back in the 1940s and has never stopped. she's a students just adore her. miss spgigi, the star in this week's very cool school. it's another
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busy morning for walnut creek'sc barbara proctor with book showt. navarre's second graders at pleasant valley view elementary. >> i brought you great books today. this is one of my favorite books. it's called clever jack takes a see, a k e k atúage 88. >> barbara, better known as gigi, is about to accomplish the impossible. get 19 eightúyear olds to sit laser by simply reaa book. >> i will make her something, he said. i will make her a cake. i lovec reading to the children. they kind of stroke my ego and they make me feel so good and so wanted and so appreciated. and jackúsaid, get back.
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>> she makes books come alive. a huge difference. and thatakes- makes them want to be better readers. >> hello cow, said duck >> it's what is the to read andg excited about learning and growing and just being lifelong learners under a spell, the entire making learning fun is in gigi's dna. sp>> the former school teacher s been volunteering for 70 plus years, a trait she got from her 106 year old late. her three children, eight grand and soon to be three great grandkids. and don't forget her 100 year old boyfriend, ernie. >> look at the expression on all the animals faces. >> three days a week she reads to grade school students and wednesday, volunteers at walnut creek's trinity homeless clothing in mind.
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>> one of my greatest joys in life is to make someone smile. that gives me great pleasure. great pleasure? did you like that? yes >> mission accomplished. >> today's our big day. >> and if you need further proof, here's gigi at recess. a reading rock star is make you feel. >> oh, i love, love the hugs. you know that, right? yeah. you know. >> do you guys love gigi? yeaht& >> she brings really fun stories and she turns a frown upside down. >> she turns her frown upside down. she makes you smile? if you could sum up word, what would it be? >> brilliant. brilliant. >> hahahahaha! >> she's like a superhero. >> a superhero? >> yeah. >> what is her superpower? >> that she can make kids super happy. >> so that's awesome. >> and that's superhero has been
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splavished with cards too a hom. local papers have taken notice and numerous awards. and it's not just books. gigi also teaches respect, humility, and kindness. she always leaves the kids with a lesson. >> well, i've learned that if someone tellsúyou something bad, you don't just ignore it. if you put on a, what would you have to remember? >> what? >> that is not acceptable. >> barbara always gets the valley view royal treatment. oh, thank you and a two student escort back to her car. no after all, there, gigi. so say- it again. watch gigi stand for gorgeous granny. >> the end.t& >> well, there you better knownc
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granny. she will continue to read to the kids three times a week, as long as sheúcan still drive. and right now, that is not a problem at all. she and j. and i know she's out there watching, probably with her 100 year old boyfriend ernie. so ig >> i love it and i'm guessing she gets as much from the children as they get from them, so it's a reciprocal thing big time. >> well, you saw her on the blacktop with the kids. it's all about hugs and love. >> we all need a gigi like thanu so much for i appreciate that. all right. turn things over to sal now. he is tracking the roads at 818 in the morning. still rush hour. hey, how you ge and garcian we still have a backup at the richmond-san rafael bridge. that's getting better. they cleared the stalled vehicle, but it's longer than it normally isc drive over to marin county from the east bay. so please give yourself extra time. we've been looking at other bridges to like the bay bridge toll plaza that is backed up heading out to the
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are on. there's some slowlights- traffic getting down to 92. the san mateo bridge is improving quite a bit. definitely the clouds are moving in. you can tell by looking at these pictures. 680 is slow throught& dublin and heading down into the sunol. grade 819. let's talk about today's weather here. steve >> thank you sal. yes, sir. all right. we do have some breaks in the low clouds and there's plenty on the way though. pattern change. we had our stretch of dry weather. warm weather was last weekend. the last warm. the first weekend of spring will be coldúand rainy. 40s 50s on the temps here at 32& truckee 36 south lake tahoe.. sf high tomorrow and then drop bigc time on saturday into earlyt& sunday. so just a heads up if you're going, tomorrow's the day to go or day or today, mostly sunny today. i think we'll, you know, after the low cloud deck retreats andúthere's already some noticeable holes in it. that system is on its way, but it will arrive later. not sooner, on friday, friday
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afternoon evening for most. but today's drive, i think the breeze will pick up. and this is coming down from the north. i mean, it's really going to it'se this. i mean, it's going to be a deep system here that comes in for this time of year. so rain returns be issued. i guarantee it pretty good snow not only in the next 48 to 72 hours, but the next two weeks. theregs some of the forecast models are showing some eye can see there's the line by noon, maybe a little bit to the north, but more likely it'll be in the afternoon evening. and then that low settles in with a cold, cold pattern. i think there with thi. and watch as we the snow totals just keep going up and up aftert wednesday. keep going up with some more rain forúus. and there's projectionsúof even more all the way out to early april changes onc the way today. big fog bank, but there's noticeable holes in it. sun clouds. mostly& sunny, 5060s to a few near 70,
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but tomorrow we'll cloud it up. could be some drizzle, but more likely the rain will be afternoon evening, then a cold rain. maybe some thunderstorms.1 saturday early sunday. >> thank you steve 821 former president donald trump facing a key deadline as part of his ongoing legal battles. why his properties, including trump tower, could be seized if he can't pay a $454 million fraud penalty, a gambling scandal developing involving one of the most famous baseball players in the world. >> why the dodgers cut ties with shohei ohtani's interpreter
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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left the country and arrived in florida last night, 14 florida residents were on board the state of florida has launched its own effort, using private companies to get people back home. more than 550 us citizens have requested the state's help in leaving the country, sincec gangs broke into prisons, freed thousands of prisoners and took over the country's capital and surrounding cities. here in the bay area, a woman from haiti is worried about her relatives and friends back in her homeland. >> jacqueline oscar lee lives in marin. she and her husband run a nonprofit called haiti on the rise. they have helped build schools, provide scholarships and emergency aid to haiti for nine years now, she says her family and friends in haiti are caught in the chaos there. the clashes between police and the gangs, they have taken over the parts of the country. now, she says. herúsister's friend was even killed this week.
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and i think one of the son, i think got 1 or 2 bullets as bullet as well. a lot of people, they may died because of food, because now food is getting really scarce. >> not arrange large scale deliveriesc and aid drop offs because of insecurity there in haiti, international relief groups announced this week that nearly a million and a half people in haiti are on the verge of famine. another 4 million need help accessing food. >> major league alleged theft ie former interpreter of los angeles dodgers star shohei ohtani. the interpreter said ohtani helped pay off his gambling debt, which is believed to be at least $4.5 million. news outlets report the case stems from a federal investigation into an orange county bookmaker, and that several wire transfers were made under ohtani's name last year.
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the dodgers have now fired the interpreter for illegal gambling ring, one of the names that came up was shohei ohtani. and so we started asking questions. >> the interpreter says he bet onúsoccer matches and other sportsn says ohtani never placed a wager. ohtani's attorney issued a statement saying in the course of responding to recent media inquiries, we discovered that shohei has been the victim of a massive theft, and we're turning the matter over to the authorities. >>úour time now is 826 happening today. the san francisco giants make fans should come out to the ballpark this season. the team will hold its annual media preview day. giants executives are expected to show off new food items in the concession stands, while also promoting discounted tickets. they'll have a flash sale in may, selling some single game tickets for $5.01 to honor sponsor levi's and its 501 jeans. the giants are trying to boost attendance, which has
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dropped dramatically in recent years. more than two weeks after ballots had to be turned in a showdown to make it to the close to call. how long it could take to decide who will move on in one south bay congressional race and a disturbing discovery inside a bathroom in a south bay coffee shop. >> what police say they found at the home of a man i ac
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ballot measure are finally clear. what's next? now that voters have passed proposition one and how it aims to address a homelessness crisis, plus, i'm all for taking the cars that are just trashed cars and just sitting. >> but you can't really if you take somebody something out of, spyou're taking somebody's home. >> the single mother in oakland says she lost everything when her car was towed.úmore than transportation. it was her livelihood, even her shelter. what's being done to get that car back from ktvu? >> fox twoúnews. this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back i'm gasia mikaelian i'm andre senior. >> it's thursday, march 21st. we've hadc a nice long stretch f no rain, so far overúthe last several days, but that's going to be coming to an end very soon. steve paulson is up now tracking today's forecast and the forecast ahead. >> that is true. today is okay. tomorrow though, we'll have a change in the weather. it'llc be in the afternoon evening, not in the of low
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clouds in place here. pretty good little fog bank and hard to buy. you know, it's not that warm inland anymore, but 40s, 50s. there are some breaks in, especially south, but mainly a pretty good fog bank. that systemúcoming together will be with us tomorrow afternoon, evening. but there's a change in the weather, that's for sure. and we have low overcast, fog, fog back to the coast, mostly sunny here, but the breeze will pick up later this afternoon. 60s at least on my forecast highs. all right, sal is here. it's been the richmond bridge. it's been highway for now. it is where it is. >> all of it as a matter of fact, all of it is getting busy. this is the time of the morning, steve, when we do have a lot of see that traffic is going to be busy on 880, heading north up to downtown oakland and on 580 also now i do want to out in concorda rather large power outage int& that city, so if you leave for work and use city streets, you should give yourself extra time. 832 to the headlines. >> california's proposition one
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has passed the only statewide measure the march ballot squeaked prop one authorizes the state to use bond and tax money to build more housing for people with mental illness. katie rasmus here in studio to explain what comes next. >> ali well, what this new housing will look like exactly where and how soon it will be built. those are some of the details about proposition one that we just don't know yet. what we do know is that it passed and it was approvedúby california voters just barely by 50.2% of the vote. what the stad about $6.4 billion in bond and tax revenue to pay for housing for homeless veterans,úpeople with severe mental illness and people suffering from addiction. about chunk of money comes from bonds. the rest from state tax revenue. not a new tax, but an existing tax that county and city governments have already been getting money from the state's so-called millionaires tax under prop one, local governments will be required to about 30% of
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that state tax revenue for housing programs for the homeless. so there are questions and concerns about what local governments will have to do and cut, whether they'll have to divertúmoney from their existing mental health programs to pay for the housing requirement. in prop one, where the social safety net, there may not be enough funding for the counties to provide other support these additional services. governor gavin newsom alluded to some of those possible conflicts and challenges with local governments in a statement last night, saying in part, now, counties and local officials must match the ambition of california voters. this historic reform will only succeed if we all kick into action immediately. state government and local leaders together quote. proposition one barely passed, as we mentioned, by about s0,000 of the more than 7 million votes cast. there are an estimated 181,000 californians who are homeless. that's an
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increase of 40%úsince 2018. >> andre ali, thank you. 834 is your time the race to replace anna eshoo for the 16th congressional district remains too close to call. the latest results from the secretary of state's office show assembly member evan lowe ahead of santa clara county supervisor joe simitian by just one vote. now, one of these men will eventually face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the november general election by counting continues daily at the santa clara county registrar. voters election officials say they're working to count all ballots by the april 2nd deadline. >> every vote matters. every vote counts. so even if someone will think, oh, my vote doesn't matter, it really does. it can come down to one or both. >> now, once all the ballots are counted, they need to be certified by california secretary of state. if there is aútie, the secretary of state will break the also be a recount.
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>> former president donald trump has until monday to pay a $454 million judgment owed following his loss in a civil fraud case inúnew york. his lawyers are trying to convince ac judge to either put that judgment on holc or decrease the amount while he files an appeal, new york's attorney general has said. if he cangt pay, she'll ask a judge t. >> all the trump properties are at risk of seizure. they're essentially allowed toúbegin to recover the damages from the case. >> former president trump's attorneys say they've been rejected by 30 underwriters in their attempt to secure a bond. former president trump says he'd support a national ban on abortion during a radio interview, he said if reelected, he would back legislation weeks of pregnancy. this marks the first time the former president has embraced any specific time limit on the procedure. he previously said he would negotiate on exceptions for cases of rape, incest or maternal health issues.
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>> well, a san jose man accused of hiding a camera in a public y now. police say louis juarez junior recorded 91 people, including children, using the restroom of the starbucks on coleman avenue on january 30thn plumber found that camera hidden under theúsink when juarez was arrested. authorities say they found 20 firearms and other cameras installed in other locations. >> that's a possibility, and that's why we're asking the public if they have any other information or if they believe that they used this bathroom at spthis coffee shop to contact detectives. >> juarez was booked in the santa clara county jail fort& possession of child, installing gun charges.veillance camera an- >> now to southern california, where burglars are increasingly using a new tactic to bypass home security they're seeing a growing trend of home burglars using wi-fi blockers to disable
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security cameras during break ins. as a result, the cameras failed to record burglars. the homeowners don't receive notifications of a disturbance, one security camera installer saidck was yeah, the whole neigd got jammed up. jammed up. the whole neighborhood and the whole wi-fi, the whole street. sp>> police and security experts say the only way to get around this issue is to hardwire your security cameras backc up your security cameras using a hard drive, and install backup batteries in case powerúis cut to your home. >> it is 837 now. a mother in oakland says she is struggling the impound lot so she canut ofm provide for her family. jade burnett is a single mother. she says she and her q7 year old son and nine year old daughter had been living in her 2008 pontiac vibe, the same car she uses to make food deliveries. her car was towed after the family stort
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back now topping $3,200. >ñ my medicationúis in the car. partúof one of my leg braces is in the car, our clothes,t& blankets, food, everything is in the car. >> burnett is working with the west side missionary baptist church to get her car back and secure safe parking. the church runs a program to help people who live in their cars help pay theirúlicense plates, insurance and gas. >> the concord city council has approved the latest development plan for the former concord naval weapons station. the plan calls for more than 12,000 homes, along with commercial space and a new park. there'súa new developer after two previous agreements with other developers didn't work out. brookfield havr years to negotiate a property transfer agreement with the us navy. the entire project is expected to be developed in five phases over 40 years. >> it is 839 right now and enjoy
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the dry weather while you can see paulson us why. >> well, changes are on the way tomorrow. today is not bad, but we have a pretty good fog bank outúthere. but rain returnst& friday afternoon, evening and everything is pointing towards an active patternúinto the end of march and probably even into early april. snow will be on the go up in the mountains. this looks pretty good. each forecast run they're upping the totals here. rain likely tomorrow afternoon evening unless it's drizzle. but the real rain, you know the real stuff there doesn't show up until late for most tomorrow. it's aúcolder pattern, no doubt about it. and saturday i think not only will we have rain, but i think possibility of thunderstorms. pretty good. low cloud deck. there are some holes in it, some areas lot. san jose had some of them cleared and then you can see some areas ared out. so there's some pretty good low cloud deck in place here, spwhich is i mean, believe me, this time of year when temperatures areúmainly in the upper 60s, you get this big of a fog bank. but because we have a front coming in,úthat certainly
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helps, help the formation. so a couple of things going on. that system will tap into some moisture. it will arrive againt& friday evening. even friday morning you're all right. butúwe will cloud it up byc then. 40s 50s on the temps here. probably not changing it all that much. they have been stuck most of the in the mountains. snow level initially started off pretty high with the south wind and spthen drop big time as we go io saturday. in fact, get down to 4000ft and there's some signs of some pretty hefty totals being advertised by the forecast models going out. if you want to look out and believe 1014 days out, today is a dry day. the system is actually coming in from the north northwest on saturday, so that will be a cold rain with possible thunderstorms. and so rain spreturns on friday. we talked about for the mountains. if you're going today is fine, but if you are going up tomorrow, go in the morning. don't. evening would be a different story in saturday. could but looking out, see there's not much in the to the north and then by the evening. yes, it'll sweep through. then here comes that saturday and that will make an
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impact. highs will be in the upper 50s for many, with more snow for the mountains and also a pretty active pattern starting again on wednesday. and maybe the following weekend as well. the forecast models are indicating advertising ac pretty deep cold system, so we'll see. but change is on the way, although it will be more likely tomorrow. not so much today, but pretty good fog bank out there, 5060s to near 70 for a few. tomorrow evening we'll bring spback some rain. yout& tracking a developing story here as the justice department has just announced a sweeping antitrust lawsuit against apple. now, pam cook will have details next in dollars and cents. then on the nine, we examine the repercussions and get apple's response to claims. it throttles competitors and stifles innovation. >> business ownersc in las vegas say they have been struggling ever since that formula one race came to town. why their nervous about that race coming back and wh 's being ee
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students at a san francisco high school are being taught as they learn to design their own video games. but as ctv's kristine kathryn reports, that's just a start of the real life lesson. >> is your computer missing inside san francisco's balboa high school? >> students in mr. perry's class are hard at work building video
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games. make no mistake, while these games may be them is hardd that includes programing. >> and it includes making that,s music.c so we've got to make all that stuff, and then we put it into our game, and then we have to writeúthe code to make it work, like can you print something? >> zack barrera and david xiong are working on a game gameplay includes battling monsters that turn to stone and a never ending maze of rooms to navigate everything is happening in this game engine, so. >> so we've got a randomly generated room structure, which so that it'll be never it will matter how many times you play through it. >> the project is part of the school's pathways program. all a high school focus on a r1st century career path. students in the gaming programúlearn important skills from coding to
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problem solving. xiong says. their entire team working on one issue after another, debugging line after line of code to make their game work. we get a new problem, like every hour, and we talk about it and we talk about it, and then we fix it and oh, hey, there's a new problem. >> so it's just constantly, you know, we get that experience. >ñ and just like professional game developers, these students are facing a hard deadline. the game developer conference ist& underway in san francisco right now. and on thursday, these students are going to have a chance to show off their projects to the pros and get some tips on how to proceed. >> we did have an issue where whenever we tried to work on the game on my computer, it would just crash like immediately. and we haven't fixed it. we've we're to the people who are behind godot. you know, maybe figure out what's going on. >> mr. pieri says while he teaches the class, his students consistently come up with innovative solutions on their own that he never would have considered. he says. watching thatc spark of innovation is one
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of the joys of teaching this class. perry says the experience these students are getting will serve them, whether they pursue a career not. but i tell them over and over that when i'm really teaching you is independent, creative problem solving. >> and whether you, whether you work in games or you do something else, everybody wants independent, creative problem solvers. >> teachers here say this program could be replicated in any school district, and hope to see more students take a serious look at a career in gaming. christien kafton ktvu right, its morning and we're following developing news involving apple here. and it's regarding the company being sued by the department of justice accusing it of maintaining a monopoly and harming customers. >> another san francisco company, though, is wall streets morning as it starts trading for the first time.c pam cook has a whole lot going on in today's dollars and cents. >> bay area companies once again in focus here. san francisco based reddit is going publict&
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today. the stock was priced last night. it will start trading soon. this morning. i've been keeping an eye on that. that's typical. it takes a little while. has they rang the opening bell this morning. reddit's the opening bell to celebrate the ipo. it is the first public offering of site since pintereso based in san francisco, went public in 2019, taking you live to the new york stock exchange. apple stock down on that. news t just a moment. but the broader market indexes are up. dow jones gaining almost 300úpoints there three quarters of a percent. the s&p 500 up more than a half of a percent to 5257 record setting run there. and the nasdaq, also of about three quarters of a percentage the nasdaq. well, this morning the federal government did announce it is suing apple over antitrust concerns. thec justice departmet accuses apple of maintaining a monopoly on smartphones in the us that has harmed consumers,
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developers and rival companies. it is the latest example of the justice department's approach to aggressive antitrust enforcement, especially in the tech industry. apple has responded saying that the lawsuit is wrong on the facts, and it will prevent it from making the technology people expect from apple. the ceos of several major airlines have requested a meeting with boeing's board of directors. boeing is reportedly planning to send its chairman, larry kellner, to meet with the executive leaders of those airlines, the wall street journal reports. the airlines want to directly express their concern over the alaska airlines accident and production problems atúboeing factories. i'm pamt& cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. >ñ thank you. pam some las vegas business owners are anxious ahead of formula one racing return to the strip later this year. last year's race led to closures, traffic nightmares. many businesses said they struggled as a result. a group of small business owners is
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fighting the return of the temporary flamingo bridge, which f1 says will be back to help avoid a repeat of traffic a deadline for race organizerse- to submit a plan toúaddress the issues. some business owners say they plan to sue to prevent the return of that bridge and get compensation for their losses. >> all right, let's of the road0 this morning with sal castaneda have spots. let's seeúif those have cleared up yet. but theúbay bridge packed on this thursday.c it is packed. >> yeah. you know the funnel is funnel down to the bay bridge, where a lot of people still have to go to the concord, to walnut creek commute. the 80, commute in el sobrante, and then you see the south bay filled hour when y commute is busiest. so nothing out of the ordinary. we've had g major. we are seeing improvement at the bay bridge. it is not quite backed up to the maze. spit's backed up to the end of that parking lot there. it should improve rather shortly. 851 let's go back to steve with
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>> thank you sal. well pretty good fog bank out there. there are a few holes in it, but it looks pretty solid, mainly san francisco, south, although it takes a little bit of a break over san jose, although there are some low clouds not far away around for most locations. once that clears, we'll be all right. some increasing high clouds might make an appearance later r friday afternoon evening, so we get a dry thursday. pretty good fog bank though, but i think the breeze will pick upúlater today. everything will be coming out of the north northwest theúespeciai mean, the air flow is actually going to which is pretty impressive system for this time of yearnt& and it's also going to turn much colder. so rain returns friday afternoon, maybe even eveningúor night for some. but a pretty good snow looks to be on the march here for the mounds over the next couple of days. noon t? not unless it's drizzle. there'c really not much unless it's north. so byúafternoon evening cold band comes in on saturday that will drop temps, maybe even give us some thunderstorms. i mean, this time of year already, it doesn't take long to get some
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thunderstorm activity and snow totals continue to just keep marching higher and higher and higher. some of the outlooks out to the end of march and early april are really wet, so change is on the way here. it starts a little bit today, but more so tomorrow as we take in friday. today 5060s, few 70s hanging on a little bit here, but not tomorrow. we'll bring rain in the evening and then a cold rain on saturday. thankc you. spcelebration of history and luxury. >> as one of san francisco's most cherished landmarksúreacheu join us on the westin saint fras hotel 120 years. >> be prepared to pack it in and pack it out on your next trip to trash piles. what's behind at- up at the national
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ]
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for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. her to death is due in court. rt
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to be arraigned this morning cht she killed her 60 year old mother, heather riemer, at their apartment last weekend. authorities say the victim suffered multiple stab wounds. friends of the mother say that her daughter had been abusive and struggled with mental health issues. >> i was horrified, but i was many years, i've known seen bruises and scarsc and all of that,. we love our kids. >> heather riemer previously worked for mental health services group called peers, released a statement saying if you wish to honor heather's memory, the best way to do so is by addressing your mental health, whether that's in groups or counseling. >> 8u6 now lawmakers are getting threatening phone calls over the >> if you ban tiktok, i will find you and shoot you, that's
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people's jobs. and that's my only entertainment. >> the house of representatives passing legislation last week that could lead to a ban on tiktok in the us. however, it is still before the senate. some senators receiving a classified intelligence briefing on the security threat posed by the social media site my is that tis a gun aimed at americans heads. >> the chinese communists are weaponizing information that they are constantly, from 170 million americans. >> this is something which has been there for a while, and so urgency no, no. there are other items that have to require tiktok's chinese parent company, bytedance, to sell tiktok or bae us. >> tiktok announced it signed a sublease for a building in san jose. a move could be a sign
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that the market is slowly making its way back from the hitn it took during the pandemic, commercial real estate brokers say the downtown san jose has long been seen as a better value space at a lower more >> thatc coleman high lines and the santana west across going to continue to do well, and they're going to pull tenants from these smaller areasúbecause they spcan't. everybody needs more space. when you're getting more engineersl getting more marketing, commercial real estate brokers say while the south bay market has seen its ups and downs, they don't expect aúmassive wave of commercial foreclosures in the near future, new report finds. >> children from low income families are more likely to betl due toúhealth reasons, according to the national center for health statistics. chronic absenteeism nearly doubled between. 20q9 and 2022. the number of children living below the national line missed school more often than children living above that level, the spreport shows. consistent absee from school can lead to poor spincreases the likelihood of spstudents dropping out of scho. >> the city of petaluma is of partnering with usa bmx to build
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spa new track at the petaluma speedway. this will be the first official usa bmx sanctioned track in sonoma county. the track will have the ability to hold at least one state, regional or national race per year. it will also be open to the public and for bmx team practices as well as local races. groundbreaking for the in july. that's if permits areen approved. >> 859 if you plan to visit the point reyes national seashore, be ready to haul out your own trash. in recent weeks, the park service put out electronic sign boards with a message pack out your trash. waste is sitting untouched in some bins and spdumpsters near the seashore. it's all because of a mechanical issue,úrather, with the park's garbage trucks. unlike a private company that can hire whoever government has to go through a proposal and a bidding procedure as well. >> a tragic storyúin san francisco continues. a baby has now died


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