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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  March 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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attention and years later demanded the entire country's attention through a new documentary as ktvu crime reporter henry lee explains, the survivors of the ordeal spoke to a room full of officers, urging them not to treat other crime >> how they were story really represents, yes, the worst in people who was kidd raped by an intruder but along police, spoke on thursday to a more appreciative law enforcement audience. >> and even atc our lowest, we had faith in ourselves. we believed in ourselves and refused to let people deny the truth of what happened to us. >> during an 18 hour interrogation while wearing jail clothes,úaaron quinn was accused of killing his girlfriend back in 2015, calling him a murderer, a monster. >>úshe's dead.úi mean,c what are we doing? saying these types of things. >> huskins was released by her spkidnaper near her childhood home, and the couple was accused of making it all up because many
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of the details of their ordeal seemed far fetchedúto vallejo police and the fbi. the case was recently profiled in the netflix docu series american nightmare. >> we're here because there's so many lessons to be learned where the police really screwed up. i don't know how else to say itl seaside police chief nick borges and his department their first o law enforcement, where they urged police from across the state not to fall victim to sptunnel vision and solving a case. >>úthe top cop apologized to the couple on behalf of police in general. >> we have to look at what the police did and how they were treatedúin this process, and that's on top of what the main suspect in this case did. to have it double whammy is just unbelievablen >> the actual kidnaper, matthew mueller was arrested by dublin police, which is partúof the alameda county sheriff's misty caruso connected the dots following a home invasion in lir good detective just to do. i was just doing my job. >> the couple thinks of caruso as their hero, accept.
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sp>> we do a daily grind every single day and we solve cases, we investigate. so i don't look at myself as a hero.t-sp>> huskw married with two kids. they signed copies of theirúbook and received invitations to speak to other law enforcement groups recognizing that they did something wrong and learning from it to try to avoid doing that again is the most important thing. the couple says their goal is to have law enforcement think differently in how they approach crime victims, to ensure that they are empathetic and listen and believe in those victims. in seaside, henry lee, ktvu, fox two news a woman accused of killing her mother in berkeley made her first court appearance today. >> the alameda county district attorney has officially charged 23 year-old gabriella riemer with murder. police say she killed her 60 year at their apartment last weekend. authorities say the victim suffered from multiple stab wounds. friends of theúmother say she tried say struggled with mental health issues the 1e
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hotline will help save lives and make the system workúmore efficiently. california senator alex padilla was among those who gathered in support of the and human services and the chair of part. the new fcc ruleúwould route calls based on the person's closest service area code, right now, a person with a california area code is routed to a local crisis center in our state, even if their physical location is hundreds of miles away. >> we know that there are more americans who will make use of 988, and because of that, we'll get to see them for the holidays. near christmas we'll t to hug and kiss them rather than mourn that they didn't havet& somewhere to go. >> the lawmakers say the proposal has bipartisan support. the fcc chairwoman said she hopes the proposed new rule will be readyc for a vote in the coming weeks, and reminder that
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if you or someone you know is in need of help, the 988 national hotline is available 24 hours a day by call or text, just one day after the narrow passage of proposition one, governor newsom is touting its possiblet& advantages. >> the governor toured a behavioral health treatment center today in los angeles. governor newsomúsays the bond measure will help address homelessness and also get help to people suffering fromúmental illness and addiction. >> and we're here to modernize the mental health services act. we're here to modernize our thinking. we'reúhere today celebrating, this journeyúand this successful fundamentally reshape and reform the approach we take to address the issue of mental health and substance abuse and disorder and challenges that continue to have suffering alone. >> the state says it does need mental health, and addiction issues. >> the passage of propc one now
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money generated from a voter approvedútax, enacted in 2004 on more housing for people addicti. >> ktvu sally rasmus takes a look at what comes next and the challenges ahead, the measure. >> what will this new housing look like? exactly where and how quickly will that proposition one passed? those are some of the details we just don't know yet. and it will likely take weeks, if notúmonths figure out. voters approved this measure, which authorizes the state to use about $6.4 billion in bond and tax money to pay for housing for homeless veterans. people with severe mental illness and people suffering from addiction. but policy experts say there's a lot of variability about what that. 6.4 billion. and we know thatnt- the governor has promised that will make 11,500 beds as a mixture of housingúand treatment beds. but bed doesn't mean very
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much. a bed could be in a large locked hospital, or it small thd residential program.úso there's a huge amount of unanswered questions about what beds are actually going to turn into. >> some of the money for housing will comec from bonds, the restt county and city governments have already been getting under prop one. local governments will be required to use 30% of that state tax revenuec from a so-called millionaires tax for homeless under prop one, there are questions and concerns about what local governments will have to cut in order to pay seen coud their director of health's express concern with potentially , this measure where the social safety net there may not be enough funding for the counties to provide other services because they may have to support these additional services. >> governor gavin newsom alluded
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to some of those possible challenges in a statement, saying, quote, now counties and local officials must match the ambition of california voters. the historic into government and local leaders together. it's time to get to work. end quote. proposition one barely passed by about 30,000 votes of the more than 7 million cast. >> i think that the stateúhas a limited window to show results. what we're seeing from the from theúvoting tallies is that a lot of californians are becoming increasingly skeptical that we can do anything around the crisis of mental health and homelessness. and in order to state needs to really show that it can can use this money effectivelyn there's an estimated 181,000 californians who are homeless, an increase of >> ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news the race to replace congresswoman anna issue is still too close to call. >> the secretary of state's office just released a new batch of votes. in the last hour, the
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assembly member, evan lowe's lead for second place over santa clara county supervisor joe simitian, has increased fromúone vote to three. one of take on fr the general election inardo int- november. the deadline to get all the ballots countedúis april secondn >> apple is now facing a legal fight over its businessc practices. the department of justice, along with 15 states and the district of columbia, filed suitúclaiming applec is violating antitrust laws. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary, covering this story tonight. he joins global headquarters in cupertino. jesse julie, apple stock was down about t% today on trading on wall street. >> and the company's image took a hit on main street as welln this after federal prosecutors said apple engages in anti competitive behavior, which hurts consumers andc lessens the decades. apple's innovation and penchant for isolation behind a fortress like environment have
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helped build its brand. a loyal customer base and more than at& few detractors. >> that's part of what draws people away from the apple ecosystem is that they kind of lock down the software more tha& other companies. >> thursday, federal officials filing suit saying the trillion& dollar tech giant not only lock& down its software, but also locks out competitorsúto a fair market. they are not, the leading, the leader in the they are winning on the merits. >> they are that front position because of, illegal, monopolistic behaviors. >> the u.s. department of justice, along with 15 states and the district of columbia, saysc apple is a bully to other, prosecutors say apple engages in anti-competitive conduct toward third party app developers for examplel it three through one. for example, it makes messaging
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with non-apple phones and products worse, which prosecutors claim makes itst& users think are better than the other brands on the market. and the company makes it more difficult for users and developers to move beyond its products and services and share information with non-apple brands. the result is peer pressure on non-apple users to switch to applen >> i do find it easier to stayc in the apple family. everything works together, federal officials say this has become a type of tax or commission of up store, and on in-app purchases. >> consumersúshould not have to pay higher prices because companies break the law. >> one impact is that once you get to buy additional apple products. so it does make it difficult for consumers to do the mixing and matching that some. >> in an emailed response, apple successful, it will hinder our abilityúto create the kind of technology people expect softwae
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and services intersect. additionally, the statement says this sets a dangerous precedent empowering government to take a heavy hand in designing people's technology at the apple store in palo alto, some applec customers agree the company that provides spmuch of the products they usen their daily lives does function as a so far the benefits outweigh any alleged harm. you can buy any of the products that you want. >> no one's making you buy apple products. >> the government is seeking injunctive reliefl meaning they want apple to change its practices. down the moat around been set, but californiaúsays if this does go forward to trial, it couldc take about thre years to sort all of this out. s headquarters here in cupertino. jesse gary, vu, fox two news. we'll head back up to you in >> all right, jesse,úthank you
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for that. >> new at five. we are learning more about the family of four killed in san francisco over the weekend. relatives shared a photo with ktvu. the parents, diego and matilda, and their toddler son joaquim, were all killed when an suv crashed right into them at a bus stop in west portal of the family, six month old baby kiwi, died at a hospital last night. waiting for a bus on their way to thec the wheel who hit the family is no splonger in police custody. ktvu spis alice was joins us live tonight from san francisco, family continues to grow. alice >> that's right. mike. it's a huge memorial.. where this tragedy occurred. now the difficult and long process of grieving for theúfamily and the community starts. and the investigation for those who are responsible sphappened is what's happening next. as the scene continues top with flowers, cards, candles and stuffed animals, investigators are likely determining what charges, if any, are warranted
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lynette thompson is a recently retired firefighter who lives just up the block from the scene. she shared how sorrowful the community is reading a card you know, i'm really sorry. and- she's like, i hope you're happy in heaven and that you're all together, thompson shared. >> many jumped in to help first responders, including neighbors who were nurses and performed cpr on the parents and the accident. >> this was a really tragic event, in my humble opinion, you know, 78 years oldúand probably got theúpedals mixedúup. the video that was shared, it showed, you know, really screaming down the street and really revving, you know, and spthat's thatgs not on purpose. >> the police are investigating this case. >> former prosecutor michael mourning, others have to bet- investigating to find out what happened with the driver.
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>> if ac crime was committed, te district attorney will be looking at involuntary manslaughter to see whether it's of the caliber of the felony goo state prison or or is it a misdemeanor, vehicular manslaughter. >> many speculate this was just a tragic accident. >> there's something wrong with the car. did she have a heart attack? did she have a stroke? what exactly went on? did she panic? they'll also look at her driving history. none of us knol play an effect. >> and we did hear back from the attorney for the driver in this incident, sam geller hospital, e custody. this is a difficult time for her and her family. we are thankful that the san francisco district attorney's th investigation of the forúprivace
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family at this time scene. flow, spcards, pictures of the family keeps growing and it's really quite a sight to francisco. alice wurtz ktvu, fox two news, and alex. >> do wec know when we may hear from the district attorney'st& office on whether or not charges may or may not be filed here? >> apparently none have been filed, just yet, although they were. the woman driver not actuy filed charges yet. very likely the determine ifc chargesúare warranted or if this was indeed san francisco. alex. thank you.n >> dealing a big blow to california homeowners ahead of 530 tonight. how the spinsurance company is scaling back even further, plus more complaints at the women's prison plagued by sex abuse. >> what the inmates say is happening to them now, and counting down to baseball's opening day after the break, the
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changes giants fans can expect at oracle park and rain enters spback into the forecast. >> kind of looks like itúout there now. not yet though. we've
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. at the start of the season, a's are going to open up at home. the giants are out there on diee giants do return home fans will be able to see, hear and taste some changes at oracle park. >> ktvu us now with what's this season. >> yeah, there will be a lot of changes. the fans will notice this year. mike and julie. it spwill be the giants 25th openig day at 24 willie mays plaza. and today they heldc their annual media open house to show off and
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highlight some of the changes at oracle park that you will experience this year. a new dynamic lighting and sound system has now been installed out of the ballpark. the giants say they want to allow fans to have a fresh experience during the games. they will also be some new items to eat and drink at the concession stands, along with, of course, garlic fries, crab sandwiches and all the traditional ball game food. there will be some not so traditional sanúfrancisco style treats, including a japanese fried chicken sandwich and frese cheeseburger with a little bit then on a marin seeded roll and then, next to our, crab sandwich, we have a new crab udon noodle, salad,úa little bit ofúspicy soy. shiitake mushrooms, edamame, pea sprouts. >> all right. it all sounds good. there will also be different voices announcing lineups and batters this year. this, of course, follows
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longtime public address announcer renel brooks-moon. the giants say they're planning to use replacement can be found. >> the process will require time because she is a legend and is a very, very tough shoes to fill, so in the meantime, we'll have a rotating, voices into the media& future. they'll be in the p.a. booth. >> larry bear didc not reveal ay potential interim pa announcers who may be filling in there during this upcoming season. and out. the giants will be playing an exhibition game against the a's tuesdayúnight at oracle park, and their season home opener is on friday, april 5th against the san diego padres. mike and julie, it is almost time to play ball. that's right. >> i think that'sc a 135 first it's on my circled, don't you, mike? thanks, alex. thanks, alex. sure. well reddit debuts on wall
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street, and it was a good day for the san francisco company. reddit rang the opening bell on its first day being traded on the new york stockc exchange, ad just seconds after that bell rang. investors pushed the value of the company close to $9 trading at $50 a share. this is the first major social media offering since pinterest in 2019. >> a school in morgan hill is candidates chosenúto send a small research satellite to the international space station. oakwood school is the only k through 12 school in this group, alongside eight universities. it will send their student built satellite called nyan sad. it includes an acoustic spacecraft mapping payload. students the sy learned to college for fields including aerospace engineering, the missions are scheduled tot& launch from 2025 throughú2028. >> all right, i hopeúyou had a nice day. temperatures slightly
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cooler. we had a bit of cloud cover out there. you see it behind me in the live camera shot sutro tower out, hung out much of the morning and then they backed away. we had someúsunshine and then the next system, this next littlest- storm series gets to hit the bay area. and it's going to be we could see some areas quarter of an inch of rain, but someúof the heavier areas two io theseúare not massive storms, but they're probably be what i would consider beneficial rainfall. rainfall that can be put into the reservoirs, and rainfall that'll be put into the snowpack, up around the lake, up around the sierra but they're go get another two feet of snow they may get a they may get up e spfeet. so keep our eyes on it. the rain timeline for tomorrow starts out pretty dry, except if you're in the far north bay, but by about lunchtime you notice some sprinkles and showers in sn francisco. and then somewhere around two one, moves through. d
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of puts a bull'sc eye on the afternoon commute and it won't be raining. i mean, there'll bef inchúrainfall, that type oft& thing on the afternoon commute. so to slow you down. maybe tomorrow good day to leave work a little early, or maybe just work from going to be a little sketchy ass fridays canc be anyway, though. winter storm warning is in effect from 6 p.m. friday. tomorrow to 8 a.m. sunday. spthey're going to get the snow, like i say, and snow levels will be a little lower. it's not a the rainfall accumulation is not expected to be massive. but the snow accumulation is expected to be very bountiful. i'll see you back here at the full forecast, the five day forecast and the latest computer model run in just a few minutes. >> you thenn bill thank you. a big announcement from president biden onúthe campaign trail who's getting their debt canceled and how much it will six, it's been more than a year since the special light display on the side of the bay bridge was taken down.
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>> well, now, organizers say they're very close to their go of putting the lights
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the scope of president biden's announcement about canceling speven more student loan debt. s fox's connor hanson reports move president as he tries to gain momentum on his west coast campaign swing. president biden says 78,000 firefighters, teachers, nurses and other
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public service workers will have their student debt canceled. >> nearly $6 billion in total. the administration has now forgiven student loans for almost 4 million americans. >> president biden has felt very strongly about wanting to >> the department ofc education. says changes were made to an existing that was overly complicated and restrictive, canceling student scale was a kf biden's 2020 campaign. although the supreme court struck down his attempt last june. the latest announcement comes after biden's multi-state campaign swing out west, promoting to lok your kid in the eye and say, honey, everything's going working on. >> but not everyone thinks canceling debt is the best wayt& to move the economy forward. as the national debt has climbed to more than $34 trillion. >> i mean, what is the rationale
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and what how is it sustainable? we're just doing it now, just this year, just this administration. what and what does it say to students who hav. i mean, what kind of responsibility does that teach you as a young adult? >> the biden administration says some of those public workers will start to receive emails next week. and despite the recent supreme court decision, the president hopes to find more ways to cancel york. connor hanx news. >> former president donald trump has until a $454 million judgment following his loss in a civil york, new york'y general has said if he cannot pay, she'll ask a judge. mr. trs say they have been rejected 30 times in their attempt to secure a bond. they're asking a judge to either delay the judgment or decrease the amount while he any starting to brew right here in california. why tens of
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thousands of homeowners will soon be looking for coverage through a new company. >> plusústarted, i think, on her on her legs and back and now they're on her stomach or breast. and they her face. >> a growing, growing health concern inside the women's prison already plagued with scandals. what family members say dublin, and a bay haiti after they're caught in the crossfire ofúescalating gang violen
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or selling to one in everyúfive homes has announced it will not renew some 72,000 policies when they expire. >> the reason, that those homese just too risky to insure ktvu tom vacar live tonight in the newsroom with more on the story. tom. >> it's very serious, you know, from the air you learn that there are certain things that you basically have to do in order to get some insurance, for example,úto finance a house. let me show you what's really going on from the air. the four plex in hayward that alexander lee's family owns has been insured by state farm for almost four decades. noúclaims this week, state farm called him with a shocker. his policy will not be renewed make no sense to me because, when you guys. 38
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years, no claims by my own. the only one. or am i the onlyt& apartment or. it's going to be one part. he's always is going to be california wise. i say, really, california wife harvey rosenfield, founder of consumer watchdog and authorúof insurance proposition 103, says state farms last big rate increase came just last week. >> that rate increase was approved, assuming that they sell insurance policies to people who need it in the state, and now they're canceling moret& people. >> david shafer is an insurance broker who sells from a wide variety and range of companies. >> this is definitely theúworst it's ever been in my 40 years in this industry. i've never seen it as bad as it is today. >> and get this, he says. even the insurer of last resort, the california fair planl now flooded with desperate new customers to payc very high prices for marginal non high
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quality policies, is a bit shaky. >> the announced that it is cate in the state of california. >> insurers insist they should be able to predict future losses and set rates using sophisticated computer programs. models that predict future losses on outdated and obsolete past claims records, companies would like the ability to make their case right now, it's illegal unr california law for a company to come in with a model that shows that if they do write in higher risk areas, how that would increase their future expected claims costs. >>úbut at what cost to >> i have seen premiums that non-renewed aof ours have been it was before. >> your claim is, i mean,
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totally ridiculous to me to get canceled. >> well,úthis is as serious as it gets for california and the national economy. and i have to tell you, we're on it. tom vacar ktvu, fox two news. >> the 72,000 policies here in california. what is that in comparison to actually how many they right here in the state? >> it's about 2% of their policies. but you have to remember they stopped selling in the state and now they're starting this process of non it. but maybe it isn't because there are no rules about this right at the moment. and a lot of people fair plan, which againúgot to be faster. there is going to be a very serious consequence to ther reporting live in the newsroom tonight. tom. thankúyou. well, the housingúmarket did bouncet& back in february. that is the largest monthly gain in a year
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and indicated more homes are on the market. economists were predicting a decline. the median february to $384,000. cashin buyers represented home sales an a deadly house fire. 9:00 last night in san anselmo on hillcrest court this fire quickly went to three alarms. investigators say an active gas leak and downed power lines made it very difficult for firefighters to get hose lines inside the home and then fight the flames. one person was found dead inside the house. the person has not been identified and the cause ofúthe fire is not yet known. >> aboutt& new complaints from inmates at the federal prison in dublin about mysterious rashes and other skin irritations. up to 40 women have reported problems, also heard from an inmate whoe wrote russell's husband told us his wife started seeing the red spots a coupleúof
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months ago on her legs, stomach, foreheadc and back. he says officials told her they were just age spots and talking with other people and stuff could be& of things that's happening spthere. >> there's, supposedly black ani know that they've just did some testing recently, but they haven't, released the results of the test yet. >> last week, a federal judge ordered a special master to be appointed to oversee the women's prison that has been plagued with sex abuse scandals. andúa spbureau of prisons spokesman would not answer our complaintsr black mold and asbestos abatement, saying in a statement, quote, for privacy, safety and security reasons, the not comment on matters related to pending litigation. ongoing legal legal proceedings, or ongoing investigations. ktvu has been covering all of the developments from the women's prison since the veryúbeginning. you can always findc
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latest >> today marks 15 years since four oakland police officers were killed in the line of duty. officer john hagee and sergeant daniel sakai. mark dunakin and ervin romans were shot and killed by an ex-felon whoc had a warrant out for his arrest. on march 21st, 2009, in east oakland, he was pulled over for a traffic violation and opened fire on the two motorcycle officers. a manhunt ensuedl and sphours later, during a shootout inside a building, the two othee of the deadliest attacks on law enforcement in u.s. history. the oakland tribute on social media today, pledging to honor and remember their fallen heroes, setting students up for successd volunteer who makes sure local students are getting some help learning to love to read, and a surprisingc sign at point reyes what a visitor, what visitors are being asked way out and marking one year in the custody of russia, where the
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effort to bring reporter evan gershkovitch stands ton ht
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in haiti escalating. the state department says it is scrambling right now to rescue about 1000 americans still stranded in the country. a rescue flight left the country and arrived in florida last on board. the u.s.s also bracing for a potential
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influx in haitian migrants. now, here in the bay area, a woman from haiti is veryúworried about her relatives and friends back in her homeland. lee lives in marin. she and her husbandc run a nonprofit called haiti on the rise. they have helped to build schools and provide scholarships and emergency aid to haiti for nine years. she says her family and friends in haiti are caught in the clashes between police and the gangs that have now taken over parts of the country, and she says her spsister's friend was killed lat week. she got some bullets. >> she died instantly with her e sons, i think, got 1 or as wellt of people, they mayúdied because of food. because now food ist& getting really scarce. >> lee says nonprofits like hers can't arrange large scale deliveries and aid, as international relief groups a hn
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sphaiti are on the verge of famine, and anothercú4 million people need help accessing foodc >> it's been one year since wall street was detained by russian authorities.c gershkovitch was arrested last march on spying charges while. n custody awaiting his trial, and attorneys say another is likelyn next week. >> the investigators can either ask for an extension of that wrongful detention, or they may say that they're ready for trial. and then that process would kick in. >> national security adviser jake sullivan says the u.s. remains in communication with russia in hopes of securing the 32 year old's release. >> it's what is the foundation of being able to about learningd growing and just being lifelong learners. >> a woman on a mission to help become better students. why?
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even after 70 years of service, she is not is back into the bay area weather forecast. >> we'll look into the weekend what you can expect. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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vocabulary and focus better in the classroom and one east bay
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woman is making sure that >> ktvu frank mallicoat tells us the story of miss gigi, a woman decades ago and isn't stopping >> it's another busy creek's bar spwith book bag in hand. it's showtime for mrs. navarre's valley view elementary.antont- >> i brought you great books today. this is one of my favorite books. it's called clever jack takes a c a k e k at age 88. >> barbara, better known as gigi, is about to accomplish the impossible. get. to sit laser f5 minutes by reading a >> i will make her something, he said. i will make her a cake. i love reading my ego and
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they make me feel so and so wanted and so appreciated. and jack said, get back, get back. >> she makes books come alive. and so for children, that makes& a hugeúdifference. and that makes them want to be better readers. >> hello cow, saidúduck. venmo >> it's what is the foundation of being able to read and being excited about learning and growing and just being lifelong learners under a spell, the entire forest was very quiet, making learning fun is in gigi's dna. >> the former school teacher has been volunteering for 70 plus years, a trait she got from her 106 year old late mother. her three children, eight grand and soon to be three great grandkids. and 100 year old boyfriend, ernie. the animals faces week she reads
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to grade school studentsúand creek's trinity homeless clothing store, all with one thing in mind. >> one of my to make someone sm. that gives me great pleasure. great pleasure? did you like that? yes >>úmission accomplished. >> today's our big day. >> andúif you need further proof, here's gigi at recess. a reading rock star oh, i love th. >> you know that, right? yeah >> you know, do you guys love sp>> she brings really fun stories, and she. >> she turns her frown upside down. she makes you smile, if you could sum up miss gigi in a >> brilliant, brilliant.-
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>> hahaha. >> she's superhero? yeah. >> what is her superpower? sp>> that she can make kids supr happy. >> so that's awesome. >> and that's superhero has been lavished with cards. too many to count. even a homemade book. local papers have taken notice, and numerous awards. and it's not just books. gigi also teaches respect, humility, and kindness. she always leaves the someone tells you something bad, you don't just ignore it. >> if you put on a mean face, what would you have told that guard? remember what would you have said to the guard that the guard acceptable? >> barbara always gets the valley view royal treatment. oh thank you. and a two student escort back to her car. no theid
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frank mallicoat ktvu fox such ae point reyes national seashore, be ready to haul out your own trash. the park service recently installed a electronic sign boards with the message pack out your trash. waste is sitting untouched in some bins and dumpsters near the seashore. officials say there is a mechanical issue with the park's garbage truck, and unlike a hire whoever to do the job, the government has to go through a proposal and bidding procedure. the weather. we'veúgot some wete had aúpretty good run of dry, mild, warm weathern now we're going into kind of an unsettled pattern that'll bring rain to the tune of maybe a half inch to a couple of inches over a couple of days. the couple of inches, , those, those heavy favored
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coastal hills in the north bay and in the santa cruz mountains. that's where the real rain, the heaviest rain will be. and the mountains, the snowc is going to be pretty significant over a couple of days. i could see two for sure. two feet, and they might even see more than that. they may get up around two and a levels are not all that high, so they're down lower. and accumulate at lower elevations. so making travel really kind of an issue i think this weekend u& in the mountains is going to be sure. but if you leave friday morning, you're good coming home sunday sketchy, but, it it's going to, you of dl put the roads in the high was ha nice while it lasted. and nowt- we're going into more of a wintry pattern which is great. thesec storms are not significantly powerful, but they're storms. they're not like the ones we saw earlier this year, but they are, you know, on a scale of 1 to 10, theygre each
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one is probably about a six, six and seven. and so that'll bring in again up to two inches of rain in the coastal hills. right now the radars spin but they don't show any green tomorrow night at this time. they will be showing green tomorrow night. it will be raining tomorrow afternoonsc commute will be wet. temperatures will be cooler overnight lows will be this mor. you got a few scattered showers showing up far north. well, we t the model. so 8 a.m. tomorrow morning up by ukiah.úyou've around 3 p.m. it moves through spthe bay area. and then around theúlate afternoon commute. it's kind of just leaving the north saturday. saturday morning, saturday afternoon, saturday looks pretty beefy, especially in that evening. run right around here around 6:00, so we'll keep an eye on that. and then sunday isc your best day on terms of getting outside and, in you know, maybe the kids have a game or something, you probably get it in unless baseball, it& think the, you know, the infields are going to be muddy
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if you're playing on dirt. these tomorrow. so what i just say we can keep the umbrellas handy if you're goingúto see little breaks on all the days. but that saturday those breaks could produce some thunderstorms. certainly probably see some in the central valley. so umbrella is needed. sunday is the best day to get out and doúsomething this weekend sounds good bill. >> thank you. still ahead tonight, researchers say the cleanup of our atmosphere isn't keeping up with the space safe?d coming up tonight at six, organizers getúone step closer to their of putting that unique light displayúback on the bay bridge. >> the hope that the display will mean even more for the city, and an update to a story about a homeless mother who was spsaddled with thousands of spdollars in fees to get her car back after it was tow during splast month's
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ]
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suggests recycling efforts are not keeping up with the pace. >> fox's gary baumgarten explains how the issue extends far beyond the scope of our planet. >> technology advances fast with new versions of cell phones, laptops and more. and while havt devices can be cool and even useful, a new united nations report reveals all the old gadgets are creating mountains of electronic waste around the planet, so to date, only 22.3% of e-waste has been documented to be collected and recycled in a good way. the terms e-waste refers trashed items with a plug or battery. according to the un, the world will produce a whopping 82 million tons of it by 2030. officials say some of the waste contains toxic materials and can poseúhealth risks, especially to those in developing countries who
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scavenged through the waste to try and sellc spare parts. but the problem stems beyond our planet, with thousands of pieces of space junk, including old satellites and rocket debris orbiting earth. >> all the satellites in orbit have to do things like collision those debris objects, whichay o- causes problems for the services they're providing every day for us on earth to tackle the problem, officials at astroscale are experimenting with the >> its designed to grab debris floating by and push it closer to earth, where officials say it will burn up in the atmosphere. >> we're looking at with this st towards the end of 2026 and into 2027. >> gary baumgarten, fox news. >> next, at six, a major legal government and apple, the justice department accuses apple of anti-competitive that could . >> new details in the west
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portal crash in san francisco. all four members of one family have died, and the woman who was behind the wheel no longer in custody also and about propositu will be proud. >> as governor newsom promises the idea will deliver concrete results. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. good evening. sp>> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> we begin tonight with a lawsuit that the justice department, the state of a dozen other states antitrust laws monopolizing the smartphone market iphone. apple claims the federal government is wrong the law. kts more. innovation and penchant for isolation behind a fortress like environment have helped build its brand. a loyal


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