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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  March 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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chiefúestablished the accountability, and the accountability is what we're ab. sp>> the decadesúof his own experience to the table. good evening. this friday, i'm cristina rendon, and i'm greg lee, mayor shang tao today named an outside to lead the department. >> floyd mitchell has held the title of police chief before,tf but never in california. >> our crime in the newsroom tot with the latest reaction. henry. >> greg and cristina. this isn't the first time someone from the outside of the department has been tapped to lead the force, but incoming chief floyd mitchell will indeed havec a steep learning curve as he deals with crime and many stakeholders in the community. >> i'm, you know, really glad that the chief is coming on board and he's excited to bring the morale upc named an outsideo lead the police department after more than a year the new top cop will be floyd mitchell, a former police chief in lubbock, texas, where 911úcalls. of
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course he's coming to a new city, so we'll show him the ropesn wegll introduce him to keyúcommunity leaders. we'll make sure that he has ample time to be a part of any sort of bon. >>úmitchell was on the list of four candidates submitted by the police commission to the mayor last this is a very difficult job. it's not a regular police chief job. there's a lot of different bosses. he has to answer to. >> retired oakland deputy police chief pete dunbar saysúthose bosses include the commission, the mayor and a federal monitor. robert warshaw, who's in charge of department reform. >> understanding the culture of the city of the department. what's going to take him some time. that'súwhy i'm saying heúneeds to start soon. >> i know lubbock is not the place he ultimately came from. he spent 25 years in kansas city, attorney john burris says mitchell's experience in missouri oakland . >> he's got to get command and get control of the department te community itself, got to deal
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with the political machinations that exist within the city.úbut i think that we should give him a chance to do it. >> a lot of challenges he will be facing there will not be basically any honeymoon period at all. so it'súgoing to be,c very tough. >> we stopped by oakland kosher foods on lakeshore avenue, where spstores and cars have been repeatedly hit by burglars. >>c congratulations to him. i wish him the best ofúluck, i hope that he has the ability to get more police policemen on the street walking around. start as police chief either in late april or early may. he will be introduced to the public here in oakland next week, live in the newsroom. henry lee, ktvu, fox twoc news a lot ofúwork ahead. >> look forward to hearing from the new chief next week. henry. >> the former oakland police chief, who fought for his job for months, is now wishing his new successorúwell.úleronne armstrong telling ktvu in a statement, quote,c publicúsafety is the most important issue in oakland. we have a dedicated police force thatúnow has a new leader. i send my best wishes to floyd mitchell and offer any ths
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is my hometown. i want everyone everything in my power. now as a private citizen. to assist in armstrong more than a year ago for allegedly mishandling two officer misconduct cases. at& armstrong's favor, finding the city should notúfiled a wrongfun lawsuit last month. we did talk with oakland mayor shang taot& live during our new newscast spabout the and you can watch that full interview on our website, or you can stream it on the fox local lapc terror unfolding in russia today. >> at least 40 people weret& killed and more than 100 wounded when several armed gunmen burst into a concert hall and opened c state group has claimed responsibility for the attack on social media. the gunman also threw a grenade or incendiaryt& bomb that set the building on firel causing the roof to cave in. the brazen attack happened on the outskirts of moscow and comes just days after president vladimir putin was reelected to
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a fifth. terms. experts say the assault breaks down putin's display of tight security in the country while he fights the war in ukraine. the white house responded to the attack this way. >> the to watch. and our thoughts obviously are going to be with the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack. our state, the state department, our embassy there, put out a notice to all americans, in moscow to avoid any large gathering concerts, obviously shopping malls, anything like that, just fort& their own the white house says there's no indication ukraine had anything to do with that attack. >> the royal family of wales , following a major health update announcement after weeks of speculation the princess revg she's for cancer. that diagnosis coming after she had major surgery earlier this year, fox's connor hansen shows us how the world is reacting to her announcement.
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>> princess catherine says she has been out of public view to recover from surgery and start cancer treatment. time to explan everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate forc them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. >> back in january, catherine underwent majorúabdominal surgery after the operation. tests revealedúcancer had been present. >> this, of course, came as a huge shock, and william and pros privately for the sake of our young family. >> after weeks of intense public scrutiny over the princess's absencec, supporters hope the announcement will put an end to rumors. >> this was a very powerful statement from, from the princess of wales, very moving at the right decision entire col rally around her.
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>> now, king charles was also diagnosed with cancer just over a month saying it's important to respect the royal family's privacy after hearing certainly we wish her r. >> princess catherine early staf preventative chemotherapyúin new york. connor hansen ktvu, fox two news harry andc meghan released a statement after to harper's bazaar saying, quote, we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace. all right. now to our weather here. it's beenúa warm couple of days, spbut the the bay area and with it this beautiful rainbow in walnut creek. one. >> that is beautiful. my goodness. ktvu meteorologist rosemary oroczo joins look at hn will stick around. but we get the beauty of that rainbow. sorry, greg. >> your expression. that's a big one. >> very excited. there's a pot of gold there, rosemary. >> let's go find it. good
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afternoon to all of you.úwe are looking at more rainbows, i imagine, into the next couple of days, because we will have a mix of scattered showers, a little bit of rain, the clouds and som& spsunshine may also increase the instability. so we can't even rule out the possibility of a thunderstorm. take a lookúat n francisco, the golden gate bridge, the marin headlands. a little tough to see what's going on out there, but i see one oned storm tracker two giving head into bay, it's been fairly widespread and napa we'vm calistoga through saint helena, yountville, over towards napa and to the east, doing a little bit of a shift here fromúnapa fairfield to vallejo and that tr towards six 8780 into the central bay. we goc scattered showers on the coast as well as our east bay shore, our inland east bay. 580 livermore looks like a soggy
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and along the coastline here, the sanúmateo county coastline. seeing the rain, how about the spsierra? we have snow levels right on the pass. it looks like right snow mix and advisories for travelúfor the weekend. ifc you're thinking about heading up, it's going to be aúwe're talking about a winter weathert& advisory for the lakec tahoe area, and a winter stormúwarning for look at the snow expected here and the rain for us aúlittle bi. >> all right, rosemary, thank you. san francisco's top prosecutor joined the citygs asian community today to demand justice for 97 year old stabbing victim. ktvu christian captain on where this case stands while neighbors pushed to keep her violent offender behind bars . >> protesters demonstrated on the front steps of san francisco's superior court, calling for justice for 97 year-old on peng taylor. she was stabbed multiple times in 2021. last week, danielúcouch was sentenced to probation for the
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attack. judge keenan was set to finalize that decision friday, but instead deferred the final steps to next month. a crowd on the court steps condemned the probation decision over the 12 year prison sentence. prosecutors had sought. >> in it's fine. let's just give him probation instead, bro returned to her neighborhood, not armed, which judge? >> judge k tensing, district attorney brookeújenkins was on hand and called the attack unprovoked and if thereúis no accountability for the people who attack them, if we don't have adequate, adequate consequences for that behavior, it will continue. couch's defense attorney, lisa dewberryl said that her client was the that contributed to a severeelf- to a head when he stabbed camet- taylor. the defense attorney says judge senan sentenced him appropriately and set terms for couch to receive mental health
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care. she said if he failed to live up to to his probationl a n year prison sentence will be reinstated. outside the courthouse, counter-protesters, including defense attorneys, backed judge senan's decision to offer probation. ñ> in this case, she made the best judges in brooke jenkins shouldn't be attacking judges forúdoing the best with the evi. >>úcouch is set to be back in court april 12th, when he'll be considered for intensive supervision court in san francisco, christien kafton. ktvu fox two news. >> police in newark say a bounty hunterúshot and killed a wanted fugitive. it happened tuesday in the area of cedar boulevard and mall. police say a bail bdsman was trying to arrest a man who failed two began to fight and the wanted man was shot. the bounty hunter remained at the scene and is cooperating with police. police haveúnot releasedúthe names of the suspect or the.
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new at five, members of the community showed up today to support a restaurant in fremont after their businessúwas cafe,úthe niles neighborhoodets posted on facebook yesterday morning that their store was broken into, showing that broken glass from the front door. that didn't stop the skillets team as they reopened their doors today, inviting people to come out and grab some brunch specials. the owner says the exact cost of the damage is not clear yet.t& >> they broke that door kicked r doors down from the back, and they basically took a whole safe full of money. our cash register,úand i honestly haven't, like, gone through everything, butúi know they took a whole box of, like, blankets. this is alarming to the nilesha- community. she says everyone in other, and that burglaries are rare. >> another arrest has been made in connection to a home invasion in san jose. it happened back on distracted the homeowners sayt-
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inside, then ransacked the suspd late last year. today, san jose policec say a second suspect, stefan de la, was arrestedúby the u.s. marshals service in the state of georgia. he has since area. police are still searching for two more suspects. >> more fallout from the plug blowout. ahead at 530, what the fbi is now tellingc passengers who were on board and governor newsom calls for a cease fire coming up, who he directed his message to and spreaction and superbloom seque, the spring flowers dazzling parts of the bay area ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save?
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tonight, the gaels will appear in their third straight tournament, a first in program fifth seed in the west regionthe after winning the west coast conference regular season and tournament titles. they are currently five and a half point favorites. tip off is begin their tournament play as the two seed tonightn they'll host 15 seed norfolk state on stanford's home court. head coach tara vanderveer is the winningest coach in ncaa basketball historyn men's or women's, her team is heavily favored to win their 35.5 point favorites in the opening round. tip off is at seven, new at five. rains, the bay area is expected to be in for another year of the super blooml with plenty of wild colors. the first signs of the super bloom are already emerging in some bay area state parks, with more to come. ktvu is mark sayer is live at santa teresa county park inc south san jose with a look of what's in store. mark looks pretty good out there
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. >> it does. greg and this particular park is very popular with those who like to hike and also see the wildflowers and parks. officials say that's because it's one of the unique parks in terms of its rock formations and its soil, and it can support a wider variety of santa teresa county park, a few california poppies are already blooming with what is sign of what's in store. drive a short distance into the park and flowers begin to appear. they literally take over the entire landscape in some areas of the park, and in the weeks ahead. those who regularly come to this park are expecting quite a bit more color. >> well, more wildflowers. i mean, the more rain, theúmore wildflowers, right? it just depends on whether they blossoms get knocked off. if there's more rain later on. >> mcnulty was just returning from a hike and used an app on of what did you see today? >> we saw a baker's goldfields, yellow crown dicks, california
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buttercup and many parks and bay area. >> the wildflower bloom should be a sight toúsee, even though spthe peakúis expected weeks ahr continuesúto warmúup, skyfox found. this covering of mustard plants in a close by and easily visible from the air. a bed of poppies back at santa teresa county park, therese davis says she goes to parks all over the county to walk her dogs and says while this has not yet arrived, the super blooms are always a sight to see. >> last year there was a lot of poppies, like you could stand in the back, be almost orange. >> davis took these photos ont& her phone from the super bloom in 2023, and forward to what's in store in the weeks and months ahead. >> the flowers are the silver come for. yeah, because it's like being in ireland.
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>> it's like being in ireland. well, the parks walks with the santa clara county has actually developedúa gis map to show you walk, to see all ask, though, te into any of their parks to stay on the trails and don't pick thl your trash out. greg, this is all supposed to peak in 4 weeksg underway. it's certainly going to be quite a sight again this year as it was last year. yeah, off to a good start already. >> really beautiful out there. mark, i have toccs f1 all i think of when i see your video is a sneeze coming on. any advice for folks that claritinúy get out with their and their allergies? >> yeah, well, if you're susceptible to allergies, that probably would be a good idea. nobody we spoke to today still very damp out here. we have more rain coming in this weekend. so i think that what spmight be in theúairc in 2 or 3 weeks probably is not there as much, at least today. but nobody complained directly about
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allergies here today. they were certainly enjoying the sights >> yeah, worth it to see that beautiful sight out there. mark. spinteractive map to see the sur spblooms.úwe've put a link to tt on just look under web links. the east bay regional parks district is warning of toxic algae at several lakes in its system. >> the video here is from lake spanza at tilden park in berkel, just one of seven lakes to be flagged. the blue green algae can cause reactions such as rashes, skin andúeyeúirritation and high doses.úserious illness or even death. several dogs in california have been attributed spto toxic algae in recent year. advisories are also posted at lake temescal in oakland, laket& chabot and castro valley, contra loma reservoirúin antioch, quarry lake in fremont, lake del valle in livermore, and shadow cliffs in pleasanton. >> acrossútheúbay area this afternoon, the showers, and nowe falling, they're not likely to stop, at least for the next 36 hours or so. we willúget a break by the end of the weekend., whereúwe have the golden gate in
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view. we have the marin headlands and startedúout with blue sky sunshine that turned sd now they are stormy skies. we d& have a 24 hour where you can see it's a cooler day across the bay area down byúseven spdegrees. santa rosa in novato. spwe started out very mild. in fact, some of us still holding on to upper 60s about you get co the watern 61 in oakland, 60 san francisco, and aúcool 57 half moon bay, as well as areas over the north bay. santa rosa checking in atc 57, the winds began to turn on late this morningúand into the afternoon, and it's quite breezy out there. across the bay area we have napa reporting of wind gusts to 29mph. fairfield reporting at 25, comingc in from the southwet and back to the radar, where the scattered showers overhead into the north bay. we go from our coastline across our hills and in our valleysn we have on and off scattered showers. there stretching into the central bay.
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ashore. right now you can see over areas of san 8101 isúa wetm about sfo down along the peninsula into the southúbay. one more shift here. santa mountains beginning to see a little bit of rain there as it is. off the coastline, the sierra turning over to snow right about donner pass.c and as we talked , thereúis an advisory doesn't l sunday.c here's a look at the storm that will continue tot& bring usúthe on and off rain. the perhaps a slight chance of a better look at and the extendd forecast rosemary, we'll see you soon. thank you. just in time for spring. there's a new huge rainbow flag flying in san francisco's castro neighborhood. the new iconic flag was hoisted sptoday at harvey milk plaza at giant flag usually gets replaced every 3 or 4 months due to being
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whipped, battered and frayed cas association says the flag is a symbol of hope andúoffers a message of welcome to all who come to the castro. >> weúchange it out every 3úto 4 months normally, this one was up for six months. i've only i the presidents of the castro merchantsc is responsible for changing it. we got it untangled. we got it up. and it's beautiful. >> the flag that was removed is being donated to the american book binding museum in san >> nearly $1 billion are on the line tonight in the mega millions drawing since anyone lottery history. the numbersh ls will be drawn at 8:00. >> the clock is ticking for congress t avoid a par al go rn another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee.
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because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll.
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to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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the latest batch of results from the secretary of state's office show santa claraúcounty supervisor joe simitian, nowc leads assembly member evan lowe by four votes. oneúof thoseúmen will face former san jose mayor spsam liccardo this coming november. the counties have until april second to tally all the votes in the independent, presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr will announce his vice presidential pick in oakland tuesday. >> i spoke about why he chose oakland for
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this announcement to the area. i also have a great affection for oakland. my father campaigned there and got tremendous support in 1968 during his presidency campaign pick nicole shanahan, who grew up in oakland, is a tech attorney and has been a major donor of kennedy's campaign. he would not give us a name. the son ofcc3 f1 former senator robert f kennedy and nephew of criticized for false and misleadingúclaims about vaccines without crediblee claim he's anti-vaccine. >> each oneúof conspiracy theories, when you deconstruct them, is really about government and corporate officials trying to attack a critic by not dealing, having a debate on the science, but rather by
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saying, oh, he's crazy, he's a quack. >> in recent polls, kennedy jr is polling ahead of other third party candidates with a favorability rating often higher than president biden and former presidentútrump. his challenge now is trying to get on state's ballotsúin california. his supporters have launched the we the people party to get on the ticket in order to be successful, the party must the o reregister with them. >> if you're voting out of fear of you're voting for president biden because your because you've been told to be fearful of president trump getting elected, or the other way. if you're voting don't want to, but you're just scared of president biden, you know, be able to vote somebody who inspires you, somebody who you like. >> we will cover tuesday's announcement in oakland, when kennedy reveals his running mate. >> this is extraordinary for the department of justice to be
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investigating aviation incident where nobody died. >> more legal trouble looming for boeing. why the company could soon be the subject of a criminal investigation. >> truth social to the former president trump's socials public, and accusationsúof discrimination flying on the peninsula. >ñ what a muslim communityc andt
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incident. two 737 max crashes back in 2018 and 2019 thatc killed 346 people are also under the microscope. >> ktvu tom vacar joins us in studio notices alaska airlines passengers got from the fbi. tom. well consider spthis like pg >> boeing may have corporate resume. >> there was the loudest explosion. it was horrible. and the wind, the wind, the wind, the noise, the roar. i mean, we're right the engine. so you could really hear thet& noise come through the door. ou& spdoor plug. >> the fbi sent letters to airlines when a door plug panel
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blew off right in mid-flight. it says that they mayúhave been crime victims and provided notification system for updates. >> there's federal law that says you have to keep victims of a crime apprized of what's going on during the time of the investigation and anyúdecisions, major decisions the justice department makes. >> my firm's clients and i though, welcome this investigation. we want accountability. we want answers, and we want criminal investigatn is because the national it was not given critical andays legally required manufacturing records about the missing door bolts. >> this is extraordinary for the department of to be investigating an aviation incident where nobody died. >> and the government is also investigating boeing's possible violation of a non-prosecution agreement boeing signed with uncle theúwake of two new 737 max crashes a few years back.
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>> they were given this deferred prosecutionúagreement andúif they committed crimes for three, then they would be allowed.úthe justice department would close the deferred prosecution agreement, and then boeing would not get indicted. if boeing lied, deliberately hid documents, or failed to keep them, a criminal prosecution is likely to follow. somebody needs door plug blowout for theúlack ofúthe documentation, alleged lack of documentation, and the missing bolts. >> it may reveal the planes were built way too fast, that to keep the assembly line speeding along, and then it gets put outside the factory in what's become to be known at boeing as the shadow factory, which is literally outside the plant, which is whereúthey correct the errors and the omissions that occurred inside the plant. now, we're going to have more on this as it develops, and i can guarantee you a lot more will develop. tom vacar ktvu fox two
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news. it, tom. thank yountay on top o- >> san francisco police have doubled the reward money in an unsolved homicide case. investigators say two homeless people were shot to death in the city's mission district in 2016. police say those people were killed while living inside of a wooden box at the intersection of 16th street and south van ness avenue. the at $200,00p for information that leads to an arrest in year old lindsay mccollum and 51 year old eddie tate. police released a sketch of the killer. that's what youúsee hereúon the far right, a man found guilty in connection to last summer's stabbing during a soccer match at levi's stadium seven years in prison. >> it happenedúduring a fight in the stands during a gold cup soccer match last july. alejandro garcia was first identified as a suspect through surveillance video. the victim and the stabbing is now suing the 49ers in the city of santa claral alleging there was not enough security at the stadium. >> livermore police have say is linked to notújust one,e-
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but severalc. police say the teenagerc approached a man at a downtownúparkingarage last tuesday nehe intersection of livermore and railroad avenu police allege the teent& threatened to harm the driver if he did not give up his car. f additional reports of similar attempted carjackings. officers wereúable to find theúteenager through surveillance video and identify them andúwitness statements in and out, says the last day for its restaurant int& oakland is this sunday. back in january, the company announced it would close the location on hegenberger, near the oakland airport because of increasing crime in the area, putting its customers and employees at risk. the oakland in-n-out opened in 2005.úin-n-out says it is thet& only restaurant to close in the company's 75 year history. some san bruno residents who are musliml say they were treated disrespectfully at a recent citn demonstrating in san bruno calling for a ceasefire in gaza. they say at least at last week's meeting, theúcity refused their
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request to let them break their ramadan fast in the lobby of th& san bruno senior center, outside the room where the cityúcouncil was meeting. instead, they say the chief of police toldúthem to go outside, where two tents had been set up. they say there were no chairs. it was cold refused . >> there's a vending machine like a cafe there and water, and there. i'd like to sm taking some efforts to understand and, like culturally how disrespectful that was. islamic relations sent a letter this week to san bruno mayor rico medina, complaining about the treatment the group received. out to the mayor and have yet to receive a response, governor gavin newsom is sending an open letter to california's muslim, palestinian, american and arab american communities fort& ramadan. >> as the war in gaza continues, it says in part, on top discrimr
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of violence, i have also heard that many fear speaking out against the deaths of civilians in gaza. know that i will always defend your right to takeúpart in the california tradition of peaceful protest, to publicly express your opposition to any war decision you oppose, including the war in gaza. governor newsom also saidf life in gaza and supports calls for an immediate cease fire as part of a deal to release hostagesn >> all right. a live look at senate is racing to pass ae the- east coast. that's 9:00. our the government shutdown, with some senators wanting to add amendments to the bill, it could take hours for the bill to pass. >> the house approved the $1.r trillion package this morning, but republican house speaker mike johnson isúnot off the hook yet. >> some gop lawmakers are angry the bill does not include more cuts in spending or stricter border security measures. georgia's marjorie taylor greene has filed a motion to oust johnson from the speakership. >> we need a new speakern this
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is notúpersonal against mike johnson. he's a very good man and i have respect for him as a person. but the job. the proof is in the vote count. >> greene calls the motion a warning. it is not clear she actually intends to bring it to a vote. if the senate does not passúthe bill tonight, lawmakers are expected to work through the weekend to get the government funded, cutting the cost of a potentially life saving tool. ñ> what's being done to help those who rely on inhalers? plus changes coming to south lake >> who is spending millionsc of dollars to restore dozens of missing nashville collegefor at- student comesc to an unfortunat& end, where investigators say the body of riley s ain
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22 year old riley strain was found in the cumberland river in nashville. strain was a student at university of missouri and was on a trip with his friends when he got kicked out of a downtown bar on march 8th. he ws going to his hotel rooml but he never arrived. >> i want to say to the family my heart and prayers go out to you all for this very unfortunate and tragic incident. >> it is still unknown how and when strain died. police say
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there were no signs of foul play. donald trump's social media company is going public. >> investors greenlit a plan to take truth social to the stock market. it puts the former president one step closer to a he faces a monday deadline to cover a $454 million fine in a civil fraud case in new york. mr. trump will not be allowed to sell any of his shares for six months. truth social is expected to start tradingúnext week at five and a halfúdollars billion valuation. the stock's ticker will be djt. trump's initials three of the world's four largest producers of inhalers, have agreed to cap the price of patient co-pays. the into the pg gsk, boehringer ingelheim and astrazeneca will cap patient co-pays at $35 a month and simi. they're used by about 25 million americans with asthma and about 16 million americans with chronic obstructive pulmonary
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disease. >> these companies others in the pharmaceutical industry on to te fact that the american people are sick and tired they need to stay alive. >> each company has different dates for when the new pricing will go into effect. teva, the last remaining holdout, has not yet committed to lowering the price of its inhalers as an annual bay returns after the break. >> we go to santa rosa for the brand newúrelease of a highly coveted beer, plus creating more opportunities for young girl athletes. >> the bay area town getting a big boost from the nfl? umbrella handy on heading out this evening or for the weekenda look at the rain and what we if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment.
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your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. it's the work behind the scenes, ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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drink, and people began lining up last night for this morning's release of the russian river spbrewing company's pliny the younger, triple shows us theúcr& what they experienced once inside. ñ> before the first glasses of the famed pliny the younger ipa were river brewing company in santa rosa, the line to be one of the first customers snaked around
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the block. some people camped out on the sidewalk overnight. >> it's like a very long extended tailgate party to have pliny before at different beer festivals. and also in bottle and just come here first time doing this. it's something you got to do. i think at least once in your lifeúas a beer enthusiast, the triple ipa is known around the world for a high alcohol content of more than 10. >> i've always liked to say that it's like liquid sunshine on, people describing it to folks around here, and it's it is it's citrusy. it's piney. it's super well balanced. >> the ipa is only available in person at the sonoma county pubs in santa rosa and windsor. >> natalie likes to say it'st- like having a 14 a good way to t because youc got to be on the whole time. but you know what? our staff and people want to be here. you know, it's not like they're waiting in line at the dmv.
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sp>> everybody here is part of this family of people whose priorities are so far off that they'll come do this right. so just in being here with theiet- whole group. flee >> that's what we've heard from a lot of people in line. the beer is excellent, but there's more to it than that. >> i think the beer tastes of the people that you're with.e >> you hear people like,úoh, this is my eighth year, this is my 10th year as brewmaster and russian river brewing company co-owner vinnie cilurzo says last year, about 25,000 people came two sonoma county locations to sample plinc the younger. >> over a two week periodl the sonoma county economic development office estimated the tourism from that brought in about $6 million to theúlocal economy. >> it's surreal. we're very humbled. we're flattered that folks would wait up to six, eight hours. >> you can try the beer in personc between now and april 2.5 hours. once inside, andaximf
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customers are limited to three pours or three bottles of the pliny the younger ipaúat one time in santa rosal ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news. >> some hop farmers on the west coast say they're hurting fromt& slow beer sales in the state of oregon alone, the sale of barrels of beer dropped more than 40,p00 between december 2021 and 2023. one hop farmer says the best way to support is to grab a cold beer from your local brewery. >> when you're drinking thatl just know that that trickle down dollar affects us all the way to the farms. all the way to the hop grower, to theúfarm workers, even to your distributors, to your brewery employees and truck delivery drivers. >> maybe some pliny the younger multiple surveys show americans are drinking less alcohol in generalc a big step towards prog lake tahoe's water quality and wildlife. >> the california tahoe conservancy isúspending $15 million to acquirec 31 acres of land in south lake tahoe, 50, ar
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truckee river. the space includes mountain meadows motel and restore that part of the land to its natural state. >> heading up toc tahoe this weekend is to be a bit treacherous. in fact, the over the lake tahoe area and for the west slope along i-80, as well as highway 50 that begins at 6 sunday morning a live look outside our skies. we've got the raine gray blowing. it's a cool one out there and temperatures for the afternoon over the next couple of days or few below average, 6t there right now. 57 in the north bay of santa rosa to about 64 degrees over now and sunday mor, perhaps into sunday afternoon. but
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through sunday morning, the showers, the possibility of thunderstorms that will bring brief downpours, as well as the thunder and lightning, at least the some rainbows out there. gusty moment, filling it a little bit more likeúwinter than spring storm tracker twoúwe've gotúan scattered showers continue. very widespread here from the coast, through the valleys and over the hills, shifting into the central bay and along the peninsulan wegve got 101 and 280, a very slick one from, all the way down towards the mountain view and over toward the coast, where we have a lot of rain falling there alongúthe shore. the east bay shore is covered with sporadic rain, and levels will be falling. right now it looks like about is for s above t000ft, so the levels will be dropping. and the futurecast wake up with scattered showers. notice the breaks. we're going toúhave partly sunny conditionsr
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tomorrow. and more rain on the way so it's not going away, just bits in betweey sppossibility of scattered shows this comesúinto fruition, we will have a dry afternoon on sunday. snow fall amounts pretty impressive 2ft of snow. take a look at thes well as kirkwood. two feet and we could see a little bit more than that at the peaks. meanwhile, for inch to about could top out close to two inches closer to the north bay and our coastal range and our hills. meanwhile, tomorrowc thed 40s toc mid 50s and for the afternoon, another cool day, upper 50s to low 60s. your extended forecast. we begin to dry out on sunday. we're dry on monday, although temperatures don't warm any, we're a littlec bit better tuesday into wednesday. wednesday right now back to you, rosemary. rainy.t-
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>> thank you. sports focus returns bay area student athletes of the mcdonals all-americans from napa christians prolific prep basketball team. you'll hear about area and their hopes for the future. we'll also meet a gymnast from richmond who has dreams of reaching the olympics. plus, itt& school. it has been without a program for about 40 years. >> it still feels like a really spbig accomplishment because, le without doubt, my interest in it and without like the willingness that my dad had to make the team, then it wouldn't be here. still sports focus airs sunday r fox local app. >> should be a good show. the town of danville is partnering with the nfl to offer an all girls flag football league. the goal is to provide a place for girls to learn the sport and develop skills to bring with
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them into high oakland, already offer girls flag football leagues. the new league is available to girls between third and eighth grade d at osage stationcc3 f1 april 14th and june 9th. on the town's website.n sign up on >> up next from world war two to the national park service, a local hero is getting some well-deserved shine on the big stage. how you can relive the life and legacy of betty reid soskin. >> up at 6:00. new data shows california's job market is sluggish, where the state compares nationally and why it's causing a number of ripple effects. >> and east bay authorities charged multiple men in connection with how investi tors were able to i
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hundred and two year old betty for signed my name to freedom at theúsan francisco bay area theater company. it traces her lifeúfrom growing up in oakland to breaking barriers during world war two, to her work as a park ranger in richmond at the rosie the riveter historic site. what many people may not know is that soskin was also a musician. >> in the playwright michael
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gene sullivan dives into her as a young lady, as a person who is just getting married, and then as who wrote all this incredible music and, you know, the music was never released. she gave us sfúbarco permission to,úyou know, tell her story to showcase her music. >> soskin says she will attend the premiere in san francisco next friday at the san francisco bay area theater company. opening night is sold out, but the show runs through april the city. >> congress says it wants to regulate artificial intelligence, but so far, its lawmakersúat the state level who are leading the way. >> fox's jonathan hunt introduces us to the first ever law protecting new tech. we're about and what we work so sphard for. >> with artificial intelligence regulations stalled on the federal level, we're seeing more action by the states. on thursday, a first of its kind law was signed lee aimed at protecting musicians from having their voices stolen by
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technology welcomed by singers d songwriters in nashville, the country world, where superstars like luke bryan say they've already been the victim ofúso-calledt& deep fakes of my voice on my phone and i can't tell it's not me. the bill and image secu. >> it criminalizes anyone using ai tools to replicatec an artist's voice without their legal consent. and industry leaders say that type of voice cloning has been a growing problem for musicians at all levels. >> this is. they spend their entire lives honing their craft and developing their brand and their voice. build momentum for nationwideot- deepfake protections number of s
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that would regulate the technology. >> advertisers and policy makers must come together to build a solution and address the issue e bipartisan support. it's scheduled to take effect on july 1st in los angeles. jonathan hunt, ktvu, fox two news. >> new at 6:00, after a long period of nice sunny weather, area. braces for a wet weekend also ahead. >> she threw out. he had just tm out clean slate. >> public safety advocates express outrage after a man convicted of brutally attacking an elderly woman is sentenced to probation, rather than a more ms because the chief. and accountability is whatúwe're really talking about here. >> and after more than a year of searching and going back and forth with the police commission , oakland mayor shengtao picks a new police chief


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