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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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technology. >> advertisers and policy makers must come together to build a solution and address the issue e bipartisan support. it's scheduled to take effect on july 1st in los angeles. jonathan hunt, ktvu, fox two news. >> new at 6:00, after a long period of nice sunny weather, area. braces for a wet weekend also ahead. >> she threw out. he had just tm out clean slate. >> public safety advocates express outrage after a man convicted of brutally attacking an elderly woman is sentenced to probation, rather than a more ms because the chief. and accountability is whatúwe're really talking about here. >> and after more than a year of searching and going back and forth with the police commission , oakland mayor shengtao picks a new police chief.
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>> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> good evening. i'm cristina rendon and i'm greg lee. >> we'll start with a look at rolling through many parts of the bay area. after a dry period and from a short time ago at mount diablo this afternoonlúa nice rainbow. meteorologist mark sptamayo joins us now. mark, rainbows means this could be a wet weekend ahead. >> yeah, definitely have the rain mixingúin with some sunshine. so that's the kind of creating that nice rainbow now the system we have in advertising than anticipatedn so parts of the bay area not picking up much rain at allújust yet. but as you can see the focus has been up in the north bay, especially up in sonoma county, 0.41 novato, napa and san francisco. just a few hundredths of an inch. but that will be changing tonight. and into your saturday. so showers and some thunderstorms as we head into your saturday. gusty winds and definitely a cooler pattern cooling enough that wet& could have snow for the highest peaks of the bay area, especially up above 4000ft. here's a live camera right now e
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moving around a bit as well. so we have some gusty winds as linked up with that front that's approaching the area. so here is theúradar imagery over the past six hours. clearly you can see the oft& the north bayn and here's some of the coverage right now up in the north bay. rain from san ral to petaluma to santa and then right around berkeley and oakland, we still have the rainfall moving into this portion of the region. so essentially a good portion of the bay area, the rainfall has been trying to increase over the past few hours. but then down ts expected to change over the next could be unsettled. it will have more onúthat with your full update coming up in just a little bit. >> mark. thank you. a quick reminder you can always stay ahead of the storm with the hast conditions, also breaks down the forecast hour by hour. plus, it >ñ oakland mayor xiang tao has named the city's
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chief. floyd mitchellúis set to take the reins of a police department that spent two decades under federal oversight. ktvu crime reporter henry lee has a look at his background and the reactionúto the >> i'm, you know, really glad that the chief is coming on board and he's excited to bring the morale up in the police department.c >ñ oakland mayor xiang taoc is named an outsider to lead the police department after more than a year without a permanent chief. the new top cop will be floyd mitchell, a former police chief in lubbock, texas, where police have been accused of not answering 911 calls. >> of course, he's coming to a new city, so we'll we'll introdl make sure that he has ample time to be a part of any sort of programing with rank and file, to create that bond. >> mitchell was on the list of four candidates submitted the police commission to the mayor last month. we know this is a very difficult job. >> it's not a regular police chief job. there's a lot of different bossesn he >> retired oakland deputy police chief pete dunbar says those bosses include the commission, the mayor and a federal monitor, robert warshaw, who's in charge
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>> understanding the culture of the city of the department. what's been going on is going to i'm saying he needs to start soon. >> i know lubbock is not the place he ultimately came from. sphe spent in kansas city, which isúsomewhat like oakland. >> civil rights attorney john burris says mitchell's experience in missouri will help him lead oakland police. >> he's got to get command and get control of the department itself, got to deal with the community itself, got to deal with the political machinationst i think thatúwe should give him a chance to do it.t-sp>> a lot l be facing there will notc be basically any honeymoon at all. so it's going to be, very tough. >> we stopped by stores and cars have been repeatedly hit by burglars. wish him the bestúof luck, i >> the mayor says mitchell will start as police chief in either
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late april or early may. he'll be introduced to the publicúin ktvu, fox two news the former- oakland police chief who fought for his job for monthsl is spwishing his new successorúwel. >> lauren armstrong telling ktvu in a statement,úquote, public safety is the most important issue in oakland. we have a dedicated police force thatcúnow has a new leader. i send my best wishes to floyd mitchell and offer any this is my hometown. i want everyone to be safe and will do now as a private citizen to assist in that goal. >> san francisco's top asian community today to demand justice for a 9w year old stabbing victim. ktvu christian captain was in the courtroom today and reports on where this case stands now. while neighbors push to keep her attacker behind the front steps of san francisco's superior court, calling for justice for y7 year-old on peng taylor. she was stabbed multiple timesúin 2021. last week, daniel couch was
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sentenced to probation for the attack. judge keenan was set to finalize that decision friday, butúinstead court steps condemne probation decision over the 12 year prison sentence, prosecutor had sought. >> in return, the judge said it's fine. letgs just give him probationúinstead. returned to her neighborhood judge judge k tensing, district attorney brooke jenkins was on hand and called the attack unprovoked. >> and if there is no accountability for the people who attack them, if we don't have adequate, adequate consequences for that behavior, it will continue. >> couch's defense attorney, lisa dewberry, said that her client was the victim of a hit and run himself that contributed to a severe mental to a head whe stabbed taylor. the defense attorney says judge senan sentenced him appropriately and
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set terms for couch to receive mental health care. she said if he failed to live up to the strict demands tiedúto his probation, a ten year prison sentence will be reinstated. outside the courthouse, counter-protesters, including defense attorneys, backed judge made the best judges in. best job that they can with the- evidence presented and distorting the facts. >> couch is set to be backúin court april 12th, when he'll be considered forc intensive supervision court in san francisco, christien kafton. ktvu fox two news. >> a line of hungry guys showed up today to support a restaurant in fremont after their business was burglarized this week, skillet's cafe in the niles neighborhood posted on facebook yesterday morning that their store was broken into, showing broken glassúfrom the front door . this did not stop the skillet's team as they reopened their doors today, inviting brunch specials. the owner of ts
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not clear whole window. they kicked our doors down from the back, and they basically took a whole safe full of moneyn our cash register, and i know they took a whole like, blankets. >> the owner went on say, this is alarming toúthe niles community, since everyone in the sixnt&ooks out for are rare. net >> the contra costa county district attorney'súofficeúsays several people have been arrested on suspicion of child exploitation charges in a targeted operation, the da's wee arrested for have been charged with crimes, while two others are awaiting review from prosecutors. the arrests happened over a two week period. in each case, the men are accused of communicating with undercover officers posing as children andúexpressing in sex s with minors. one of the men arrested was a substitute teacher in the hayward
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say he is no longer employed bya today. at least 40 people were killed and more than 100 wounded when burst into a concert onúthe crowd. thc state group has claimed responsibility for the attack on social media. the gunman also threw a grenade or incendiary bomb that set the building on fire,úcausing the roof to cave inn the brazen attack happened on the outskirts of moscow and comes just days after president vladimir putin was reelected to a fifth. terms. experts say the assault breaks down putin's display of tight securityc in te country while and ukraine. the white house responded to the just horrible and and our thoughts obviously are going to be with the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack. our state, the state department, our embassy there, put out a notice to all americansl
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obviously shopping malls, their own safety at this time, the white house says there is no toúdo with the attack waleshing- breaking months of silence to announce that she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. >> in january, i underwent majof abdominal surgery in london and at the time it was thought that the surgeryúwas successful,ous.- however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventativ. this, of course, came as a huge shock andc william and i have been doing everything we can to process for the sake of our young family. >> in the message, princess catherine did not say what type of cancer was detected, but she said she is doing well. she's
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been out of the public eye since christmas. her comes as king chs has withdrawn from public duties, as he also undergoes cancer treatment 75 year old kig said he offers loveúand belovedw and the whole family. >> new developments in door pann alaska airlines plane in january, passengers receive a surprising letter, you should be to vote somebody who inspires you, somebody who you like. >> third party presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr speaks about his campaign, hist& upcoming running and his controversial views on vaccines and some less than promising numbers on employment in california, how theústate compares toúthe nation and what it means for california'
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll.
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to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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firmed in the race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. the latest batch of results clara cy supervisor joe evan low by four votes. one of these ment& will face former san jose mayor counties have until april 2nd to tally all their votes. independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr will announce his vice
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presidential pick in oakland tuesday. i spoke with kennedy today about why he chose oakland for the announcement we've chosen has ties to the area. i also have a great affection for oakland. my father campaigned there and got tremendous support in 1968 during his presidential campaign. >> multiple outlets have reported he plans to pick. nicole shanahan, who grew up in has been a major donor ofeyc and kennedy's campaign.úhe would not . give us a name. the son of former senator robert f kennedy and nephew of president john f kennedy, has been criticized for false and misleading claims about vaccines without credible evidence, but he rejects the claim he's antimvaccine. >> each one of these
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conspiracyútheories, when you deconstruct them, is really about government and corporate officials trying to attack a spcritic by not dealingl havingn spthe science, but rather by saying, oh, quack. >> in recent polls, kennedy jr is pulling ahead of other third party candidates with presidentr president trump. his challenge now is trying to get on state's ballots in california. his supporters the we the party,úwe the people party to get on the ticket. in order to be successful, the party 75,e to reregister with them. >> if you're voting outc of fea, if you're voting for president biden because you're because you've fearful of president trump other way, if you're voting for president trump and really don't want scaf president biden, you know, that's not how democracy is supposedúto work be able to vote somebody whot& inspires you, somebody. who you like. >> we will cover tuesday'st& announcement in oakland when spkennedy reveals his running ja
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partial government shutdown.c unless the senate passes a spending bill by midnight. if they cannot get this done, though, operations at the departments of homeland security, defense, education and several others will be impacted. fox's rebecca castor brings us washington. >> let's finish avoid to delay. it's now up to the senate to pass a spending bill by midnight, and avoid a partial government shutdown. >> this bypass. and bicameral bills are of many months of hard work. >> congress can still work, but only when we come to the negotiating table in good faith and leave politics at the door. but the bill, it could hours for it to passn >> the house approved the $1.2 trillion package this morning, but republican house speaker mike johnson is not off the hook yet. miserably today.speaker failedt-
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>> some gop lawmakers are angry the bill doesn't include more cuts on spending or stricter border filed a motion to oust johnson from the speakership. >>c we need a new speaker. this is not personal against mike johnson. he's a very good man, person, but he is not doing the- job. the proof is inúthe vote count. >> greene calls the motion a ifo a vote with could lose the speaker seat to a democrat if the senate does not pass the bill tonight, lawmakers are expected to work through tht funded in washingtonn rebecca lawmaker is resigning early, rea thin majority. wisconsin congressman mike gallagher says hegs resigning fromúthe house next month. he previously said he would not seek reelection. gallagher. did not give a reason for his expedited departure, though he said he consults with party leadership before making
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today's announcement. under wisconsin law,úthere will not be a special election to fill his seat. it will remain vacant spuntil the general election. tt leaves republicans with a slim majority of 217 seats in the house, meaning they cannot afford to lose vote going forward. california has the highest unemployment rate inúthe nation, as post-pandemic job growth slows. >> the state's unemployment rate is 5.3% in february, just above nevada at 5.2. the national rate is 3.9n new data shows job growth in the state was much slower last year than previously thought. that numberc was revisd down 50,000 from 300,000. the economic slowdown is reflected in the state budget deficit, which could climb as high as ne& end. cal osha is working to protect employees who work indoors from excessivec heat. te proposedúregulations would apply to warehouses,c schools, kitches and other facilities,úthe la times reports. cal osha approved
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the rules yesterday to require cooling devices, access to water and cooling offúbreak areas, but the department of financeúhas objections, citing concerns about high costs to jails and other facilities. california has had heat protection rules for outdoor workers since 2006. >> well, today we've been watching the clouds roll into the bay area and some rainfall really focused up in the north bay, finally making its move across other portions of so it e stretch of dry weather, but that at the headline for thisúsaturd. making a comeback a cooler pattern this weekend. some gustl for the coastal bay. here's thes weekend. cool off of some thunderstorms. and then on sunday,úa sun cloud mix with a chance of a shower primarily into your sunday morning. here's a live camera looking evening wh
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still mostly cloudy skies and spsome rain making a comeback. s you can check out the radar, the have a winter storm warning iney place,úand they could possibly get 1 to r toc possibly three feet of storm warning is in place until 8:00 tomorrow morning. here's the coverage up in the north bay. i have been noticing some heavy rain reports up in santa rosa, up at the sonoma county airport overúthe past three hours or rain right now. you can see some coverage out toward richmond, oakland, out toward the concord area, not as much activity for the south bay, but that should be changingc as we head into th& evening at the current wind reports right now, no wind advisories out there, but it'sústill breezy gusting to 25 miles an hour. san jose windsúat about 14úand sfo o sphere's that camera once againc showing you all the clouds over san francisco and currentt& numbers in the 50s and the for
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tomorrow.c here'súa breakdown in terms of the rain timing for someúclouds, some breaks in the clouds, and the possibility of some thunderstorms throughout the day on your day, but the pattern, theúchange, the conditions changing rapidly from heavy downpours. what about next week? we'll with your full update in a little bit. still to come, some big names in hollywood and politics come together to rally for restrictions on oil drilling. >> also ahead, a new drivers. hw scam.t& >> plus, after another winter of heavy rains,
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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found dead, the sheriff's office confirmed today. the body of 30 year old caroline meister was found at the bottom of a waterfall. meisterúhas been missing since monday and was last seen leaving the tassajara zen mountain center in carmelt& valley. her family says she was an avid hiker and was familiar with the area. >> they did talk to caroline's,e wanted to express her gratitude to the monterey county rescue , and the many volunteers that helpedúsearch for caroline to bring her home to her family. >> authoritiesúsay this case is now a coroner's case, and that a forensic exam will be performed to determine the exact cause of caroline's death. no foul play
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is expected at this time. suspected rather fast track is issuing a new scam warning to its users here in the bay area. ñ> transit officials say scammers are targeting drivers with text messages about unpaid tolls. the messages direct drivers to a fake fast track website that links to make payments track assures users that they will never askce metropolitan transportation commission. >> we got our first reports about this last week, i know that, folks that i have spoken with today have received recents yesterday evening, ongoing thing owe a real fast track balance, you can go to bay area fast tracknorg or call one 877 bay toll. coming up on ktvu newsúat 630. more scrutiny into boeing and the january flight in which aúdoor plug blew out mid-air.
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get a letter from that flightt- ahead, jane fonda and their cals and gas drilling near
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars,
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northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. texas chief floyd mitchell was s presented to the mayor by the oakland police commission. his
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appointment ends a year long search. in a statement, he said he's excited to become an integral part of this special place. >> and in san francisco, aapi activists are demanding justice for 97 year old unpaying taylor after she was stabbedc multiple timesúby 35 year old daniel couch last week, a judge gave her attacker five years probation despite d.a. brook jenkins recommendation of 12 years in prison. jenkins was at today's rally calling for more t april 12th, where he will be considered for intensive supervision court. the contra costa county district attorney's office says several people have been arrested on suspicion of spchild exploitation chargesúin& targeted operation, the da's office. >>úfour have been charged with crimes, while two others are awaiting arrests happened over a two week period. in each case, the men are accused of communicating with undercover officers, posing as children and expressing the intent to engage in sexúacts with minors. >> you're watching ktvu fox two
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news at 630. the blow out of a door plug on an alaska airlines flight in january could be leading to a criminal investigation. >> passengers on that flight say they've received letters from the fbi that they may have been victims of a crime. ktvu there t explosion. it was horrible. and the wind, the wind, the wind, the noise, the roar. i mean, it, we're right behind the engine. so you could really hear the noise come through the door, we saw things fly out through this door plug. >> the fbi sent letters to passengers who were on alaska airlines when a door plug panel blew off right in mid-flight. it says that they may have been crime victims and provided access to its victim notification system for updates. >> there's federal law that says you have to keep victims of a crime apprized of what's going on duringúthe time of the
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investigation, and any decisions made your decisions. the justice department makes my firm's this investigation.h, welcome >> we want accountability. we want answers and we want safer planes. this criminal investigation is because the board says it was not givenety critical and legally required manufacturing is extraordinary for the department of justice to investigating an aviation incident where nobody died. >> the government is also investigating boeing's possible violation of a non-prosecution agreement boeing signed with uncle sam. in the wake of two back.37 max crashes a few years >> they were given this deferred prosecution agreement and if they committed no crimes, no other crimes for three years, then they would be allowed. the justice department would close the deferred prosecution agreement, and then boeing wouly
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them. a criminal prosecution is- likely to needs to be held blowout the for this door plugt- documentation,úalleged lack of documentation, asian and the missing bolts. >> it mayúreveal the planes were built way too fast. that to keep the assembly line speeding along. >ñ and then it gets put outside the factory in what's become to be known at boeingúas the shadow factory, which is literally outside the plant, which is where they correct the errors and the omissions that occurred tom vacar ktvu fox twoú >> new at 630,úthe faa is rampingúup oversight of united airlines after a number of recent safety problems, the wall street journal reports. united told employeesc in a note today that the faa will review some of the airline's safety practices andúprocedures in the coming weeks. earlier this week, united's ceo wrote a letter to customers acknowledging recent
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safety incidents, which so far appear to have no clear are receiving high level attention. >> secretary of state antony blinken continues his trip to the middle to israel. it comes as tensions build betweenc the biden administration and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. alex hogan has the latest developments. >> secretary of state antony minister benjamin war cabinet on friday, marking his region sincc began. but this one comes at a tense time for the two allies. the biden administration is making a diplomatic push for a sustained cease fire and urging israel to hold off on a planned ground offensive in the city of rafah, an operation netanyahu says is critical to defeating operation in rafah would be a mistake, something we don't support and it'súalso not necessary, blinken says. israel also to take more steps to allow more humanitarian aid into
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gaza. airdrops continued across the gaza strip on friday say tht it's not enough,úaccording to the world health organization, a growing number of children under five years old are malnourished. >> only the expansion of land crossings will enable large scale >> and on friday, the un security council votingúon a us an immediate cease fire that for would come with the release of all remaining hostages. >ñ 11 votes in favor, three votes againstc, one abstentionn the draft resolution has not been adopted.c >> the biden administration says it's necessary to protect civilians and allow forúmore aid to displaced people in gaza. meanwhile, an israeli delegatioc will travel to washington the rh offensive in london. alex hogan ktvu, fox two news. >> actress jane fonda and former governor arnold schwarzenegger joinedúgovernor gavin newsom at
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a rally in los angeles to support a ban on oil and gas wells near homes and schools. >> oil companies call the frontline communities sacrifice zones. we have to prove to them abel arnold. is that a word? >> they're backing a passed in 2022. it bans new oil and gas wells within 3200ft of sensitive areas.úit's now on hold until voters decide on a ballot measure in november. >> so to me, those oil companies spmust be insane to think that this time the results will be different. there will be no spdifference again. >> supporters of the ban say it will protect residents from the health impacts of pollution. the california independent petroleum
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association, backing the overturn of the law, saysúit's concerned about how the law would gas industry. >> another curveball for la dodgers star shohei ohtani as the league announces an investigation into his longútime interpreter and superbloom sequel, the spring flowers dazzling parts of the bay area for a second year in a row. we'll take you to o
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year of super bloom, withúplenty of wildúflowers and plenty of bright colors. >> the first signs of the super bloom are already with more to come. ktvu south bay reporter mark sayer has a closer look at the entrance to santa teresa county park. poppies are possibly a sign of what's inist- store. drive a short distance into the park and the first beds of mustard flowers begin to appear. they entire landscape ie
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areas of the park, and in the weeks ahead. those who regularly come to this park are expecting quite a bit more color. >> well, more all flowers. i mean, the more rain, the more wildflowers, right? it just depends on whether the blossoms rain later on. >> piper mcnulty was just returning from a hike and used an app on her phone to identify many of the flowers that she saw on her walk and the list is already quite substantial. so? >> we saw a wild mustard meadow, buttercup baker's gold fields, yellow crownvetch, sweet alyssum, blue dicks, california buttercup, and many parks and other open spaces all around the bay area. >> to see, evenúthough the peak is expected to occur continues to warm up. skyfox found. this covering of mustard plants in a field near livermore, also close by and easily visible bed of poppies. back at santa teresa county park, therese davis says she goes to parks all
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and says while this year's peak has not yet arrived, the super blooms are always a a lot of poppies, like you could stand in the back, be almost orange. >> davis took these photos on her phoneúfrom the superc bloom in 2023, and says she is looking forward to what's in store in the weeks and months ahead. lining, but the green is what i come for. yeah, because it's splike being in ireland. >> andúif you come out to see the wildflowers, parks officials ask that you stay on marked wildflowers and out anye trash. reporting from santa teresa county park in south san jose,úi'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, after a dry weather stretch, the rainfall is making a comeback means for your weekend forecast. spwe'll have the update coming . alex savidge now with a look at- some of the stories we're working on for west cst rapid k.
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>> all right, christina, thank you. coming up tonight atúseven, we have a new twist in that ambush. attack in idaho that led to an inmate escaping and a huge manhunt tonight on west coast rap. what we're learning about another arrest in this case. plus,úwhy investigators believ the suspects may be tied to two& they were on wants to turn his neighbors are hoping to stop him in his tracks. we'll have those stories and a coming up tonight at seven on west coastt& rap. and of course, followed by the ktvu fox two >> alex, we'll see you soon.mes- thank you basketball team. saint mary'set- and stanford fans cheer on their respective squads
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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shohei ohtani and his longtime interpreter. the dodgers firedt& the interpreter yesterday after ohtani's representatives alleged he had been the victim of theft. it reportedly involved $4.u million in wire transfers sent from ohtani's bank account to a suspected illegal bookmaker to cover a gambling debt. that
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bookmaking operation is also underúfederal investigation. >> a bigúnight for bay area college basketball. the stanford women's team and the saint mary's men's team bothúhave some important games tonight. ktvu bailey o'carroll is live atúa watch party this hour. she joins us live. bailey, how's it going out there? >> christina. good evening. it's a pretty wild out here. we are francisco, where college in san basketball fans are their team h that ticket to the roundúof 32. but it's march. we know nothing is guaranteed. it you are, the y thing that may be guaranteed could possibly be just a little bit of madness, right? they don't call it march madness for nothing, butúyou mentioned those local teams coming up in just a little bit. the fifth seeded saint mary's team is getting set for tipoff in spokane, washington tonight. the fifth seeded gaels, the hometown team located just about a half an
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hour drive from where we are right now, has a hometown kid, one of their superstars, aidan mahaney. he went to campolindo high school. now he's hoping to make a name for himself on the biggest stage in college basketball. >> this is college basketball. i feel like, you know, when i came here into college, i couldn't imagine a season without march madness. so for us to take care of this and get here, it's huge. it's a hard tournament. you're a really good team the first round, and then if you win, you're going to play a really good team in the second round. last yearúwe drew up winning the thing. so really just taking it one game at a time. but knowing that, you know, everyúteam is no joke. you heard himn the tournament. now the expectation for this team wellc another team where the tournament is thet& expectation that is stanford. their women's team obviously has made many historic it's their 3h consecutive ncaa tournament spappearance for tara vandervee. but it's march over confidence
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is a killer. 15th seeded norfolk state plays great defense. that's who they're going to takc on tonight. and they're certainly going to be a test for this stanford team. but the cardinals say they're ready. they rank among the best teams in the country in rebounds per spgame. they rank in the top ten in keeping their opponents to a lowc field goal percentage, and then also in the assist to turnover ratios. but it's march, right? we know anything can happen. but nothins guaranteed until that game tips off. and then untilúthat final buzzer soundsn but it's march people. it makes people do some crazy things. we talked to one gentleman here at this bar this afternoon who all expenses paid trip to is an- sonoma. i told him i got to get in on that group next year. but other people, they travel crazy distance to watch these games don't even live here anymore. >> i drove up nine hours on wednesday to be here right after work. like left, in the morning yesterday.
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>> well, there you go. she says it's a tradition like no other. another tradition like everybody seems to fill out. greg and christina, i know we talked about this last week leading up to selection sunday. i brought my bracket because i was actually going to tear it up because i thought it would be busted, but it's actually not. thankfully, my entire elite eight is still intact, tear thim instead going to keep it intact and hope to have more success here in the near future. so we are going toúneed a saint mary's win and a stanford win to keep this thing intact. >ñ though i think still intact.l you what my new mexico lobos didn't do it for me today. but yeah, the brackets had better daysn >> that's so i just this year. bailey, good luck to you. hope your bracket stays report. >> from brackets to some
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area, wec have been talking abot a pattern change. we have been expecting that been talking about this frontal band approaching northern california. it is here, especially up in portions of the north bay. take a look at some of these rainfall sptotals. healdsburg has really been jumping up to 0.89. santa rosa reporting some heavy rain at theúsonoma county airport an inch for oakland and inths of kentfield. but here's what we canc expect with this system. fridayn right on through sunday. rainfall about a half an inch to possibly two inches for the well. winds have beenúa factor.- they have been picking up around 30 to 40 miles an hour inc the sierra. they are currently under a winter storm warning. here is one of the forecast models showing you the numbers. these are estimates. you an idet we're not expecting just a few sprinkles or a light shower. we will have some prettyúgood downpours out there at times tonight and into portions of your saturday. here's the few he
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snowúshowers developing the covp in portions of the north bay. as spi mentioned, santa rosa reporting some heavy rain, some spportions of the north bay. stl some rainfall, at least on this sector here for portions of the out toward out thec peninsula and the south activity for san jose. looks like we have some rain showers closer to palo alto this ahead s front see gusts to over 20 miles an hour in concord napa, and then out toward sfo. there's a wind gust of upúto 31 miles an hour. here is our live camera.úthis is kind of a dramatic scene here, looking out toward the oakland estuary. we have some chop on the waterc hee and someúdarkúclouds moving in.& looks like weúhave some rain clouds trying to work their way back into the area. currentc number is in the 50s to the lower 60s. it was still fairly mild today, but the cooler air still has to move in as this guy. this area of low pressure,
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this this trough will be moving into northerncc3 f1 this will be the source of some more cloud cover and some unstable air that could lead to some thunderstorms later ont& tonight and into your saturday in the sierra. this is a wintero place until 8:00 sunday morning. snowfall could be around 1 to sft, so this could impact travel once again. now tomorrow all da, could pop up and the possibility of a thunderstorm.úso just be prepared for the conditions to change rapidly throughout the day. shower chances willúlinger into saturday night and into sunday, especially sunday morning, and then by the could actually haveúa break in- the cloud cover. and then on spmonday, more clouds drifting into the bay area. highs for 50s to the lower prepared for af everything. some sunshine, some cloud of some downpours out there that could be linked up with some thunderstorms. chance of a shower primarily into sunday morning and thent&
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monday and tuesday.úit should be dry. we could be talking about another system by wednesday of next week, so the rainfall it is back here in the bay arean >> all right mark thank you. coming up beer fansúrejoice a rare brew ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward?
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very famous and very last night for this morning's release of the russian river brewing company's pliny the younger triple ipa. the ipa has a worldwide fan, following the co-owners and brewmaster of wory look forward to this every year. >> natalie likes to say it's like having a 14 day describe because you got to be on the whole time. but, you know, our staff loves the energy and they love meeting people. and people at always liked to say that you know, i've heard otheron,t- people describingúit to folks around here, and it's it is it's citrusy, it's piney. it's super well balanced. >> everybody here is part of this family of people whose priorities are so far off that
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they'll come do this. right. so there's a certain camaraderie just in being here with the whole group. >> you can try the beer in person from now until april 4th. it's a two week limited pliny te had pliny the and i've had lotsf friends that are beer enthusiasts that have encouraged me to try it. so go wait in line. >> you do. it's an amazing beer. little strong, but that's. i'm not texas who love beer, i mean, this is the celebrity right there, vinnie. and i mean this amazing what they do. >> if anyone wants to send usc some,úhere we are. thanks for joining us.
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