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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 24, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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and what experts believe may have been the cause of the attack. and despite efforts from oakland city officials to convince the company to keep the doors open at the only in and out in the town, the popular chain is set to close its hegenberger location today. why? the company calls that decision a first in its history, and we are following some developing news from san mateo county, where fire crews were out all night long fighting a commercial fire. we're going to take you live to that scene for the very latest from ktvu, fox two news. sp>> this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you and welcome to mornings on two. on this sunday, march 24th, i'm claudine wong and happy sunday one and all i'm frank mallicoat. >> let's get you outside at 7:00. talk a little weather because it's a little damp,úa little dewy i guess, but no rain coming in are scattered showers. >> we'll call for scattered showers just to be safe. yeah, we have, at least in the the afternoon, we will be drying out by the way, i don't know
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about you, but i received a dozen was really that kind of day. sunny one moment and pouring the next. here's a look overúsan francisco, where we are starting out with mostly cloudy skies. we do have that possibility of still morning hours. in fact, if we take a look at what is going on out there right now, storm tracker two we've got the east bay shore as well as just inside the bay and some right along the coastline. snow here for today. and the advisories for travel continue through the morning hours. this will expire at 11 a.m. for the greater lake tahoe area. and for the west slope, expected to expire right around 8 a.m. afternoon temperatures will remain on the cool side, upper 50s to low 60s. expected a better look at today and the week ahead coming up. >> thank you. rosemary 701 your time. topping our news at this hour. the investigation underway into an overnight fire near the cow palace. fire crews and san mateo county managed to put out
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the flames quickly. ktvu james torres joins us live in brisbane with video showing a building burning down. good morning. >> frank. good morning. well, we are in the middle of a number of different warehouses here in brisbane. behind me. you can see what remains of a little bit of smoke and this big wooden frame. happened earlier thisúmorning, just a few hours ago, someone called 911 reporting these buildings you video from the cin app showing what that fire looked like. the north that covs brisbane and daly city, asked drivers to stay away from this scene for a few hours. this all happening just before midnight this morning as crews worked to get the fire under control. and as of one fire engine still on the scene at this point, likely trying to keep an eye out for any hot spots here. firefighters still aren't sure exactly what started this fire. they tell us that they are not reporting any injuries as a
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result, they're pretty sure that the building was empty at the time that the fire began. but they got here around 11:00 last night, got it underway quickly, was able to reopenúsome of the roadways and make sure that no threat to the public was there. but of course, with an investigation ongoing, once we have more updated details, we will bring that to you for now, we're live this morning near brisbane. i'm jamesútorres, ktvu , fox two news. ñ> james thank you. one man has been killed and his younger spbrother has been critically injured in the first fatal mountain lion attack here in california in 20 years. this county, about 55 miles northeast of sacramento. the sheriff's department say the two brothers, ages 21 and 18, were out hunting when the mountain lion attacked them. younger brother managed to escape and immediately contacted authorities, and that led to a desperate search search started, they located a man down and next to that individual was
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aúmountain lion in a crouched position. >> that mountain lion killed bys from the california department of fish and wildlife. longtime residents say mountain lion sightings are very common in this area, but many people are stunned by the news of a fatal attack. was attacking, that it s spgoing after humans, it's not livestock, and we've actually had that happen to some of our livestock. >> state wildlife experts are still trying to determine what led attack, but they say it's possible the mountain lion may have been protectingcc1 >> a man in the east bay is now in custody after the chp says it was able to catch him after a chase, using one of its helicopters on friday morning, the chp h30 helicopter was asked to help officers with a chase in dublin. as the chopper followed the suspect, the man got out of his car and ran. however, the aircraft was able to keep track of that suspect and then found
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him hiding under the freeway. age 30 guided officers to the man who was then arrested right now, it's still unclear why officers began chasing that man. >> it what a rescue in san francisco citizen app video showing first responders were on the scene near pier 41. authorities say an initial repot of a man that was swinging a golf club at people on the embarcadero around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. officers say they werec trying to negotiate with the man when he jumped into the bay. he's now recovering at a hospital. no injuries reported. >> well, today will be the final day of business for oakland's only in and out location. the company announced back in january that it would close that location on hegenberger road, near the oakland airport, and crime in the area. in and out says this will be the first location to close in the company's 75úyear history. >> time now. 706a man was shot and killed by sheriff's deputies and sacramento following a spmental health crisis call. sae town of rio linda. family of
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christopher gilmore calling 911 report that he was hurting himself. 30 negotiatedúwith him to come out of the garage. police say he was holding a knife as he approached officers sheriff's office says he was shot with a less lethal shotgun, but kept walking towards them with the knife. and that's when the deputies opened fire. >> he didn't need to be shot. he didn't need to. and if anything, you know he would he that's noty brother. he doesn't hurt people. he wouldn'túhurt nobody. he was just hurting himself. and they >> the victim's sister says law enforcement made a mistake, botched their emergency response and could have used more, less lethal methods like a taser. >> a private security pilot program called safe bears at uc berkeley has come to an end, and that's despite its apparent a gy
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parents who were concerned about the violence on campus. the president of safe bear says some do feel safe around campus att& night now, but the safe bears board of directors met recently and chose not to continue fundraising for that pilot program. >> we never meant for this to be an evergreen program that uc berkeley parents pay for. rather, we wanted to demonstrate to the school that this is a real solution violence against students. >> the safe bears group says it hopes university officials will do more to put security measures in place. though the program ended yesterday, the group says it will continue to advocate advocate for students safety. >> russia has declared today a national day of mourning. honor the victims. this weekend's terrorist attack isis has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack at a concert hall outside of moscow on dozens of e injured after a gunman opened fire on the crowd. one survivor
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described the horror and the panic that followed the sound of gunfire inside the concert hall. it was 7 p.m. >> i heard a blast. i honestly thought it was a firecracker. i thought that probably the artist who came were being greeted byt& fans, but these crackles, they were here, they weren't stopping realized that something was. i wrong. >> police in russia say officers have made 11 arrests, including carrying out that attack. there's been an emotional show of support for the victims of hundreds of russians all lining up outside a building in moscow during the rain and a windy storm. they came to donate blood to the dozens of people who were wounded in that concert hall attack in moscow. >> tuberculosis cases are on the rise in california, and one northern county is seeing a sharp rise. the california department of public health issuing an advisory noting that
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tb cases in our state rose 15% last year in san joaquin county, tb cases rose 55% in the same time period, and those numbers come as the world marks tuberculosis day. it is a day to raise awareness about that highly contagious disease. health experts say they a returo normalcy following the covid pandemic. a maintenance worker is now being treated for injuries following a hazardous materials incident in south san francisco. this happened shortly after 11:00 yesterday morning at a building that houses a biotech firm on east grand avenue. firefighters say the worker suffered burns while working on a nitrogen tank that apparently had a faulty connector valve. there is no wordúyet on the extent of the worker's injuries. well, east bay congressman mark meeting on refinery safetyn hall tomorrow night, and that follows a number of recent flare ups and other incidents at refineries in contra costa county that have raised some concerns about public safety. the underway at 0
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tomorrow night at john muir elementary school in martinez. >> state environmental officialw ways to reduce methane here we'm stakeholders and partners in shanghai about how to reduce methane emissions from rice cultivation. and not only that, but really invest in the circular use economy to build compost and fertilizers from the straw produced in rice cultivation itselfn >> state environmental officials say methane is a pollutant 25 times more potent thanúco2, and they are excited to bring back what they've learned to shanghai. in shanghai, rather back here to california. >> all right. time now is 710. and if you're saying i need a break from that rain. and i saw people complaining about it on social media yesterday. rosemary, i here. >> yes. andl this isn't the end of it. claudine andt& franco looks like the wet weather will be with us on
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wednesday, maybe next week, in which that will be celebrating givingúyou a live look here at the mostly cloudy start to the day, that's a pretty shot though. sun rose at 705 this morning. will set at 725, and we still have scattered showers. you can see right off the coastline, the east bay seeingt& light rain at this time. this is going to be with us through the morning hours as i put this into motion for you. notice by noontime mainly dry. so we are dry afternoon. but temperatures are going to remain on the cool side right now. temperatures rosa to low 50s in sann santa francisco. good morning to you, generally light across the. maye in the afternoon. temperatures will be slightly warmer than yesterday, but still below average 63 for santa rosa, 62 degrees for san francisco, oakland, lowú60s, livermore, as well as san jose. we will be drying out and then dry for a couple of days. but as i returns midweek. a better look at what we can expect after the break.
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>> all right. thank you rosemary. well, commercial real estate in the south bay is still bouncing back from the pandemic. thec major tech company picking up some square footage in silicon valley. >> i'm just hoping that they're thinking of the small businesses that are all along one side road, notújust on our block. >> there is a plan to add a bike lane along a busy road on the peninsula. why? some business owners are voicing their concerns about hat new ide it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. at olive garden, sauce is the soul. it's what takes you on a tour of italy. and chicken and shrimp carbonara to the next level. made from scratch every day. it's one of the ways we put more in, so you get more out. ♪
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project that caltrans is starting. the plan would eliminate almost all of the street parking along woodside road. ktvu bailey o'carroll has more from business owners and could mean for them. this chang- >> woodside road in redwood city is busy packed with cars on
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weekdays and weekends that traffic is exactly what keeps the doors of small businesses along the street open. >> it's all about access and ease of access for businesses, but a new caltrans project, the woodside road project, is set to start this month. >> it wouldúget rid of all street, replacing it with bike lanes. i don't see a whole lot of bikes up and down woodside road, so you know the whole applicable city as far as need and supplying that need is very interesting, nicholas nguyen, a co-owner of woodside roadhouse, says the loss of parking could hit businesses hard, said ray nowicki, the owner of ray ray's threads andúgoods,úa clothing boutique. a few doors down echoed that same message. >> anyone who cannot hop on a bicycle to come the businesses on woodside road, those are the demographics that i think about. >> customers say the lack of parking could deter them. >> i actually parked just about a block up, so if they take away that parking, i don't know where spi'm going to park. i'm going o
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have to park in somebody else's somewhere else.illegally >> so as an alternative, business owners say added crosswalks could help. i really think the most important thing is if the state's going to investc in increasing bike lanes and getting rid of the parking. >> we have a great parking lot across the street here, so it's like, can they also invest in a way to get people in that parking lot over here safely? >> and that's exactly what will happen. caltrans says the project plans call for safety enhancements like high visibility crosswalks. and despite this to the city but sat won't do muchn >> redwood they've indicated is that theyúdon't have a say in what will happen. it's a state. >> caltrans in the state of california is in charge ofúthe a part of state route 84, thereby making it state jurisdiction. so, like small business owners, the city's hands are tied. >> i'm just hoping that they're thinking of the small businesses spthat are all along one side road, not just on our block in
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redwood city.t& >> i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. time now is 717. >> a portion of the sonoma-marin area rail transit system, or smart train, will be shut down this weekend. that is the area near the northern portion between the sonoma county airport set to be closed again. the weekend of april the 13th and 14th. it is all part of the project that will allowt& construction crews to install a gantlet track there that willt& enable freight trains that are wider than the passenger trains to go through the site of the new petaluma north station, while at hub just published its research on the happiest cities in the us and a bay area city made the top of that list. >> fremont, california was number one under the emotional and physical well-being rankings. wallethub suggests that's because fremont has the highest share of households making over 75,000 a year, at nearly 80% of the population of that city. it also has the lowest separation and divorce rate in the country, at only 8.9. san jose also made that
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list in third place, and irvine in southern california came in fifth. who knew? i know, gotta goúget you. want to go get happy? >> everyone's happy in fremont. apparently my goodness. >> fremont. i'll be happier with the break in the rain today to. rosemary's working on thatúfor us. you just need these little breaks. i know we got to have, like, april showers. bring may flowers and all that stuff, but yes, maybe little breaks of sunshine. i agree, i love the rain, but only for a day. >> and then bring me back some sunshine, hello to sunday. welle looking for drier weather, it is on the way. we have scattered showers over the bay area this morning, but this system is pooling out and taking the rain with it. that is an amazing shot there. we do have a dry weather in store for the next few days, and then rain returning on wednesday. i'll show you that here in just a moment. first, a look at theúscattered showers, especially right over the east bay at this time. we've got some light sprinkles there and right off the coastline, just kind of skirting the coast. a little bit
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of drizzle and light rain falling near areas from point the san mateo county here's a view of storm tracker two, and you can see the entire speak. the sierra continues with snow and travel advisories continue until 11:00 this morning for the greater lake tahoe area. here's a view of the us in the week ahead. again,for- spmonday. tuesday. this ridge builds in only to be pushed aside by this next system on wednesday. the time you could change right now, it looks like it will come late in the day, but we are likely to see a little bit of drizzle, maybe a few sprinkles earlierúinúthe day. we'll continue to watch that for you. and then as we get closer to the weekend, this this system that you see here, just kind of spinning off the coastline, just kind of sits around. so scattered showers a possibility on thursday, maybe friday. this also indicates some very unstable air. we could see those thunderstorms once again. the. and then into
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sunday. because for those that are celebrating easter sunday, we do look mainly dryn right now it looks like southern california could be with some wet weather. so if you're traveling south for the weekend, you may experience the wet weather there. temperatures across the bay area this morning ranging from low 40s to low 50s. a chill in the air for areas like santa rosa. this morning, the inner east bay. walnut creek at 47. your afternoon highs for today, upper 50s to low 60s. we are at least aúfew degrees below average. 60 degrees will be for san francisco as well as oakland and in the north bay, a cool 62 for napa. your extended forecast temperatures will improve as we go into the 60s on tuesday, but then with the wet weather temperatures falling once again, low 60s wednesday into thursday. back to you. thank you rosemary. >> thec golden state warriors hosting a special basketball clinic for kids over the weekend. the team shared this video of yesterday's event
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called play where the pros play. the children between the ages of seven and 15 got to show off their basketball skills at the chase center, of course, the home of the dubs. many kids with special needs part in what was y fun event. by the way, sports focus returns tonight with an all new episode featuring bay area student athletes. we are talkingúwith some of the mcdonald's from napa's christian prolific prep basketball team. you're going to hear about their journey to the bay area and their hope for the future. we're also going to meet a teenage gymnast from richmond who has dreams of reaching the olympics someday. plus, it's the return of a wrestling program at alameda high school after some 40 years, it still feels like a really big accomplishment because, like, without my interest in it and without like the willingness to make the team, then it
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wouldn't be here. >> still, that sports focus airs tonight at 6s0, right after the >> you can also stream it on our fox local app.úwell there are many places to see live music around the bay area. find out which venues and events weret& recently added to that list coming up. >> and a new shocking report reveals a surge in cancer cases. in a surprisingly young group y those born between 1981 and 1996 are facing twice the risk of cancer compared to previous generations . means
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is reporting an alarming new trend here in the united states. it reports the number of overall cancer cases among young people across the country is on the rise. the agency found those born between the years 1981 and 96 have twice the risk of getting colon cancer than those
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born back in 1950. medical researchers are still trying to determine the cause of this increase in cancer cases. >> an arizona based ceo says. the process of saving college should start by the time children get into kindergarten. greg maust is the ceo of an app called busykid, which allows kids to put the money they earn onto debit cards and get guidance on how to keep saving for their future education. brissette says that saving for college and later financialc successes should start once children reach kindergarten, because kids are less expensive when they're younger,úaccording to maust. itgs not about how much is set aside, but more about consistently putting something aside, no matter how big or small. well companies with employees still holding on to the option of remote work may beúable to lure them back into the office with a new approach, a business insider report says. a j.w. surety bonds survey found that employees, employers who offer housing benefits could get employees to return on site and
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even attract new employees, according to the survey, 47% of remote workers said they'd comec back in person if housing benefits were two thirds said they'd switch companies or careers if they could access such perks. the survey also found that employees who work at benefits have reported. as well, warnings from the cdc about a global measles outbreak. while officials say the numbers now being seen in the u.s. are already higher than what was recorded, all of last year, and who's been affected the most? >> also ahead time running out on donald trump to post nearly a half $1 billion bond in his civil fraud trial. what will happen if heúfails to pay m
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you.
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kaiser permanente. crews were out all night fighting a commercial fire. we'll have the very latest on that. and a groupúof gop members putting together another push to remove another house speaker. why some house republicans are angered after a recent spending bill passed. coming up. >> from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. >> happy weekend. happy palm sunday, by the way. we are now just a week away from easter. if
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you can it, here in the new year and we are being greeted with what we've been greeted with much of the week. and this weekend a little bit of rain. got some cloud cover out there, scattered showers throughout if you're heading up to tahoe might be a bumpy ride up that way. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> yes, let's talk about our weather because certainly happy to see a little bit of a break in the rain. i know you've said just take these windows of time. >> yes, that makes it enjoyable, right? we have something to look forward to. this system is winding down. we still have mostly cloudy skies over the bay area. good morning to all of you. this will continue to push out of the bay and we will be left with dry conditions. for the second part of your afternoon. a beautiful one across the bay area, at least from this vantage point. a little breezy out there. i don't know if you noticed the camera shaking just a bit, in our hills. we do have some and along the peninsula. howbay about san francisco? some light showers falling there. it looks
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like right over sfo. and then as we shift over towards the east bay, alamedac, oakland, a few scattered showers. the inner east bay, including in our hills, moraga, orinda, off to 680. it looks like we've got some rain falling from walnut creek down to san ramon, and then shifting our eyes into concord. we've got some there. how about we go south? where hayward down through fremont. light rain falling there and along u80. looks like pleasanton livermore area. we've got on and off light rain in the sierra. we go where the advisories for travel continue here for just a little bit longer. for the west slope, it's until 8 a.m. this morning for the greater lake tahoe area. it is until 11 a.m. mostly dry by looks like thet&n- second part of the morning. early afternoon temperatures will remain below average. i'll have a better look at today and the week ahead coming up. >> sounds much, rosemary. the investigation now underway into an overnight fire near the cal palace. fire crews in san mateo
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county managed to put out the flames quickly. ktvu james torres reports out of brisbane with video of a building that was burning down overnight. >> we are in the middle of the , not too far from cal palace. this is where firefighters say midnight, responding to a large fire at an empty building, a big wooden frame that they were able to get under control quickly and put out. they got that call just a few hours ago, letting them know that this building had. weu video of what that looked like from the citizen app. the north county fire authority, which is the agency that covers brisbane and daly city. they asked drivers to stay away from the scene for a few hours as crews work to get the fire under fire is out and one fire engine still on the scene, keeping an eye out for any hot spots. was in the building at fire. the not reporting any injuries at this time. they say an investigation is underway to try
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to figure out how this fire started. reporting fromt& brisbane. i'm james torres, ktvu , fox two news. >> thank you. james. tiktok has signed a sublease for a brand new tech building in san jose. despite the possibility be bannd here in the u.s, those in commercial real estate say the move could reflect the market slowly making its way back from a hit. >> it took during the pandemic.a peters has that story. >> bob stetler has been working in silicon valley commercial real estate for over 25 years. and he says right nowl the region is experiencing the highs and lows of the post pandemic spmarket that coleman high lines and the santa ana row. >> they're going to continue to do well, and they're going to pull tenants from these smaller areas because they can. >> stetler says downtown san jose continues to have significant value, offering more space for lower costs than san francisco. last october, san
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jose mayor matt mehanc also announced the city would explore incentives to attract more ai companies and potentialt& commercial tenants. tiktok, which already has office space at san jose's coleman highline tech campus, is now subleasing >> they're subleasing adjacent to themselves. everybody needs more space when you're getting more engineers, getting more marketing, i think tiktok is gog to just keep doing what tiktok isúdoing. >> still, buildings that aren't attracting major companies as tenants are struggling. an office building located at 110 biotech drive in north san jose has recently foreclosed. it's the second time ownership group alviso park llc defaulted on the loan since 2019, when not enough building is either empty or not fully occupied. >> lendersúare doing all they can, but they've got balance sheet issuesúas well. and so at spsome point they just have to
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look the, you know, lender in the eye and say, we've given you enough time and we have to take it back. >> stetler also says that although the market is up and down right now in the south bay, he doesn't expect to see a massive wave of commercial foreclosures in the near future. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news well, numbers show that san francisco saw its lowest voter turnout a primary in eight years. >> the san francisco department of elections certified friday that about 233,000 ballots were cast in the city. that's only 47% of registered san francisco voters. the lowest presidential primary turnout was actuallyc in 2012, when mitt romney became and took the gop lead in the election against president spbarack obama. house speaker me johnson is facing a motion are not happy with the recent passage of a $1.3 trillion, cone taylor greene began the process of trying to removecúthe house speaker. it is a similar maneuver that cost former house
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speaker kevin mccarthy hisúrole in the fall. but some republicans don't appear to be ready to oust johnson. sp>> i think this is a huge mistake. i believe thisúcauses dysfunction in shouldn't be there. speaker johnson is doing the best he could. >> greens motion to vacate isn't live. and she hasn't mentioned a time frame as to when or if she'll take the next steps. the house is out of session for the next two weeks. >> donald trump now just hours away from a critical deadline and one of his biggest court battles, the former president has been ordered to pay nearly a half $1 billion following his loss in that civil fraud case in new york. new york's attorney general expected to ask the court to freeze all of his financial assets. if trump doeso social website toúhelp him legas say that option appears very unlikely.
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>> i'd be very surprised it would open them up to a lot of liability concerns, because if that happened and then the share price could potentially be sued by shareholders, claiming that they were harmed by this and claiming that the board had breached its duties to thec shareholders. >> trump has asked a state appeals courtúto allow him to post a president says his financial empire would crumble if he were forced to sell his properties in aúbig money fire sale. city leaders in san francisco are moving forward with plans to install hundreds of license plate readers all across the city. ktvu alice wertz tells us how they hope the readers will be used to tackle crime in the city. >> city officials, including the mayor, the district attorney and the merchants association, came together to do a show and tell of sorts about the new license e being installed. mayor breed explained what the cameras will
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do and what they don't include, and this does not include speed cameras. >> it does not include facial recognition technology useful f. it will help us to find people as well. the city received a grant back in october and now, just six months later, they're starting to install the cameras. >> they're up that is an amazing accomplishment, chief technology is a force multiplier for his officers and investigators. this is a very, very exciting thing. over the next three months, these automatedúlicense plate readers will go up throughout our city. as mayor breed described over 400 400 cameras in 100 different locations, giving our officers incredible tools to catch criminals. this will help ust& address all crimes, homicides, robberies, assaultsl car break ins, will help us address all crimes. >> the district attorney said.
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this will be a deterrent for criminals moving forward. >> this is a sign today that those days are over. we are moving forward as a city to make sure that people who commit crime in san francisco, not only are caught, but that when they are prosecuted that they are convicted. >> jenkins also emphasized the need for cameras when it comes to providing evidence in a jury trial that will help make charges stick. >> the way that we are going to solve the most pressing public safety issues in san francisco is not just through arrest, it's through making sure that people are held accountable. after that arrest in the courtroom. >> over the next three months, you'll be able to seec these cameras installed all over the city. all in an effort to address public safety in the inner sunset of san francisco. alice wirtz ktvu, fox two news. >> well, the cdc is issuing warnings about a global measles outbreak that is already being felt here in the united states.
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officials say the number of 2024 cases in america is already higher than what it was recorded all of last year. it is mostly and older who are unvaccinated.- doctors say getting the shot is the biggest game changerc to keeping you and your children safe. >> once you receive the first dose of measles immunization, you are 93% protected. once you& get the second, which is the booster, you're 97% protected against this disease. >> i think an informed parent is the best parent. so you educate them, give them information, and let them make the best decision for their child, which is hopefully to immunize them. this vaccine is not new. >> if your child qualifies for the vaccines for the children's program, they're able to receive pediatric vaccines health care . >> all right, time now. 741 on the dot. let's talk a little weather with rosemary and little
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bit of oakland., if you go to the left ocean beach. kind of a nice shot of all the cloud cover out there. rosemary. yes. >> and asúwe had talked about, i mean, yesterday was, you know, something for everybody giving you a live look here over the bay where we still have mostly cloudy skies and a few scattered showers out there. we had brief downpours, we had thunderstorms, we had even had reports of cruzúcounty coastline yesterday. got a nice capture, a photo received from one of our viewers and weúhave areas near suisun city that reported a funnel cloud there yesterday. here's a look atúthe scattered showers across areas from looks like near sausalito into san francisco. and then as we head east, we've got some light rain falling over our east bay area from walnut creek, down through areas near san ramon, danville and oneúmore shift here where union city, fremont, pleasanton, livermore and the diablo range up over the hills there seeing some light rain. i'll step away and show you the&
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storm report that came in yesterday from against the city, where it says a train spotter reported a brief funnel cloud there with the cell near grizzly island that approximately at 114 yesterday afternoon. so it was a very active, active scene. we will see things wind down today with mostly cloudy skies and breezy conditions for the afternoon. temperatures will be below average. a better look at what we can expect for today, as well as the week ahead. coming up okay. >> thank you rosemary. well, after the tragic loss of a family of four at a bus stop, san francisco is on track to surpass last year's traffic related fatalities. coming up, we'll hear from state senator scott need for safer streetsn >> and she's been volunteering since thec 1940s. coming up, an 88 year old super senior who is teaching east bay youngsters the power of reading. great
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on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. chevrolet. together let's drive. scho that are now able to offer entertainment commissionity'st- announced that it approved eight new live performances, permit applications for those venues and events include flanagan's pub, zion bistro and the outer sunset. the palm house, cow hollow on union third floor in the financial district. mercury cafe in the hayes valley, and the halfway club in the crocker amazon neighborhood. lion dance me grant avenue performances and the outer sunset farmers market and mercantile to zion bistro is closed, and it's unclear what is coming next, though to that splocationn mission bay wine and cheese bar announced it will be as the spot on san francisco'ss-
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channel street. in a message on its website, highly rated bar says it has not been able to keep both locations afloat. thrive closed its doors, but the bar of the month. the message does offer some hope, saying it is planning a restructuring of the business, but did not elaborate on what loyal patrons should expect. >> well, students who read 20 stress. they build a betteredt- vocabulary and are able to focus better in class. it is the buildingt& scholastic success that it is. >> and i spoke with one east bay woman who has instilled a love of reading in over a thousand kids through her 70 plus years of volunteering inside the classroom morning for walnut creek's barbara proctor with book bag in hand, it's showtime for mrs. navarre's second graders at >> i brought this is one of myy&
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favorite books. it's called clever jack takes a see, a k e k at age 88. >> barbara, better known as gigi, is about to accomplish the impossible. get 19 to 8 year olds to sit laser focus for 45 minutes by simply reading a book . >> i will make her something, he said. i will make her a cake. i love reading to the children. they kind of stroke my ego and they make me feel so good and so jack said, get back, get back. >> she makes books come alive. and so for children that makes a huge difference. and that makes them want to be better readers. >> venmo said the cow.k.
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>> it's what is the foundation of being able to read and being excited about learning and growing and just being lifelong learners underc a spell, the entire forest was very quiet. >> making learning fun is in gigi's dna. the former school teacher has been volunteering for 70 plus years, a trait she mothern her three children,atet- eight grand and soon to be thre& great grandkids. and don't forget her 100 year old boyfriend, ernie. look at the expression on faces. >> three days a week she readst& to grade school students and wednesday, volunteers at walnut clothing store, all with one >> one of my greatest joys in life is to make someone smile. that gives me great pleasure. great pleasure? did you like that? yes
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>> mission accomplished. >> today's our big day. >> and if you need further proof, here's gigi at recess. a reading rock star that's just make you feel. >> oh, i love the hugs. you know that, right? yeah >> you guys love gigi. yeah. >> she brings really fun stories and she turns a frown upside down. >> she turns her frown upside down. she makes you smile? if you could sum up miss gigi in a word, what would it be? brilliant. >> brilliant. she's like a superhero. >> a superhero? yeah. >> what is her superpower? >> that she can make kids super happy. sp>> so that's awesome. >> and that's superhero has been lavished with cards. too many to count. even a homemade book. local papers have taken notice, and numerous awards. and it's not just books. gigi and
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kindness. she always leaves the kids with a lesson. well i've learned that if someone tells you something bad, you don't just ignore it. >> if you put on a mean face, what would you have told that guard? remember? what would you have said to the ist& unacceptable. >> barbara always gets the valley view royal treatment. >> oh thankúyou. >> and a two student escort back to her carn no stopping this dynamo. she is, after all, their gigi. so say it again. what's gigi stand for? >> gorgeous granny. the endn >> all right, well, barbara's texted me at this moment and her daughter. oh, my again. she is . and she says she's going to continue to read to the kids. you know, she'll be 89 this year
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drive. and she's driving just fine. >> gorgeous granny. she's awesome. >> she is. >> you can see like the energy what i love is that when it comes to teachers like that, who impact their kids, it'll be decades and decadesúand decades later and they'll still remember their superhero teachers. >> so good for her. it's true, it's true. think there was a freshman or sophomore in high school that came back to help, and she bumped into her said, md years ago? so it continues. all right, on to weather. andc we're a little wet today. >> just a little through the morning hours, we will break away to a partly sunny, partly cloudy skies for the afternoon. camera shaking just a bit. our hills are breezy. we are looking at mount diablo with about 40mph right now, and speaking of looking at, isn't that a beautiful view there a little bit of sunshine poking through the clouds? updated these just a moment ago. point reyes coming in with more than an inch of rainfallúsince it all began back on friday. bonnie doon and the santa cruz mountains an inch
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85/100. san francisco and oakland almost 7/10. santa rosa almost 9/10 of an inch a storm tracker two. the scattered showers continue, especially over the east bay right now along the coastline. maybe a little bit of drizzle out theren though. we are with the possibility of these light showers on and off through aboun by noontime time we will be turning over to dry weather and we will be dry at least for tuesday night. right now it looks like wednesday we will have the next system roll in. i showed you that before the break. a funnel cloud reported in suisun city yesterday. here's a look at the wet weather that has been with us for the last 48 hours or so. so moving out, replaced by a ridge that will tt couple of days. and then as we get into wednesday, by wednesday afternoon, wednesday evening, this next system is moving in. i
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want to actually show you notice the low right. well, we've got a couple and they're shifting. they're kind of skirting the coastline. we're already into easter sunday and it's still kind of hanging on out there. so we may have the possibility of what we experienced yesterday at times where we've got rain and sunshine and very activeúweather in the sense of even the, you know, the funnel cloud reported in sassoon city and the waterspout reported off the santa cruz coastline. it's just that time of year, a view heret& of the temperatures in and around the bay chilly one in ars like nevada, 48 degrees. the east bay is cool for you here. walnut creek reporting 47. our friend roberta texted me this morning on her way to church saying it is cool. it is cloudy. it is breezy. 60 degrees right now. san francisco, or i should say the afternoon low 60s in concord. and for the extended forecast, we're dry on monday. n tuesday. it doesn't last as the wet weather returns on wednesday, our temperatures into the low 60s. back to you.t&
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>> thank you. rosemary up next, costa dating is getting expensivec. and who, by the way, is responsible for the bill? a new study sheds some light on our new age dating scene that's coming up. >> and a bay area techie part of some massive layoffs. but she has now found a new purpose. how vallejo woman is using her personal experience in the foster system to empower children
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. has been gifted aúnew home on the exact same lot that her family was driven out of years ago by an angry mob. 97 year old opal lee, a former school teacher, counselor and activist, was driving a driving force for making june 19th a national home in fort worth, texas, over 80 years ago. a mob, angry that
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a black family had moved in, swarmed her family's home and eventually drove them out of that neighborhood. lee was emotional at the ceremony, recounting that day. >> it's so hard to put it out of my mind because my mom had this house fixed up so nice. and would you believe it was on the 19th of june that people started gathering and the paper the pole were here. my dad came homeúwith a gun from work, and the police told him, if you bust a cap, we'll let this mob have you. >> well, the nonprofit trinity habitat for humanity gave lee the lot and is building that new home. >> time now is 757. chick fil a, making a change with its antibiotic free chicken. thet& chicken fast food chain says in order to maintain providing high quality chicken to its customers, the company will now switch from a no antibiotics
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ever policy to no antibiotics important to human medicine policy. this change means that some antibiotics might be used only if the chickens and those around it become sick. chick fil a previously changed to antibiotic free chicken back in 2014, the company sent an alert to its app users about the change. there is no deadline for when the switch will be made, but the change is expected to happen sometime during the spring. >> well, these days the cost of things people are feeling stressed out about. a new survey conducted by the company, self get on edge about how much aric- date is going to cost and which party should pay. overall say tn who earns more should pay for respondents say it's best to go dutch on that first date. protocol experts say the person who's treated on the first date may want to offer to pick up thc next check if there's a second
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date. >> new new research has found a dramatic rise in the number of gray divorces in the u.s. that's termed given to adult married age of 50. the study found the number of gray divorces doubled between the years 1990 and 2019. researchers could not determine exactly why the increase, but they did find the financial impact on those breakups hits the older woman especially hard. more news coming u ri t
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♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. this first deadly mountain lion encounter in california in 20 years. and desff oakland city officials to keep the doors open at theúonly in chain is set to close itspopula- hegenberger location today. why? the company calls that decision a first in its history. and in san mateo county, fire crews were out all night long fighting a commercial fire in brisbane. s from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you on this sunday. a little gloomy out there. as you can see, the sun
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trying to work its way into our sunday day. but it's just taking a little bit longer. it was morning. but things are changing. welcome to mornings on two. it is sunday, march 24th. i'm claudine wong, gloomy but a little pretty to that sun kind of filtering through the clouds. >> and that's kind of our day to day. you like a little here and there well, happy palmy because that's what's coming up. right, rosemary? >> yes, we've got morning showers. and i think for the afternoon we will be mainly dry. we're going to be a little breezy, a little cool for this time of year. but again dry outside our doors at this hour. scattered showers continuing to fall under the mostly cloudy tracker two lined up for you, and you can see the showers there are skirting the coastline as well highway 101 just south f santa rosa and the east bay also seeing some light rain on and off just inside the bay, stretching from san francisco across the bay bridge into alameda. we've got our bayside
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communities there with the possibility of sprinkles. the east bay covered a little bit less than what we had seen just about 15 minutes ago, but still with scattered showers from hayward through union city, fremont, and off to the east, pleasanton, is winding down, but the greater lake tahoe area until 11 a.m. for that travel. if you're thinking about will. the scattered showers will be with us through atcc3 f1 about 10:00 or so. so bring along the umbrella by the afternoon. we're looking at upper 50s, mid upper 50s for our lunch hour, upper 50s to low 60s for the afternoon. a better look at today coming up in just a little bit. by the way, if you're looking forúa little one to walk, we've got cosmo available at the san four month, back to you. >> all right. thank you. rosemary. well, topping our news at eight this morning, fire crews in san mateo county are still on the scene of an overnight fire nearúthe cal palace. now, thisúwas first
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reported early this morning at the warehouse and the bay shore area of brisbane. you're looking at video now from the citizen app. firefighters did ask everyone to stay away from that area for several hours as they battled the flames. no reports right now of any injuries in our ktvu crew was out on that scene this morning and reported only a small amountúof visible smoke. there's still no word on how that fire started. >> one man has critically injured in the first fatal mountain lion attack here in california. and some 20 years. this happened yesterday afternoon in a miles northeast of sacramento. the sheriff's department, the two brothers, ages 21 and 18, were out hunting when the mountain brother managed to escape immediately, contacted authorities and that led to a desperate search. >> shortly after their search started, they located a man down and next to that individual was
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a mountain lion in a crouched position. >> that mountain lion killed bys from california's department of residents say mountain liont- area, but many people are stunned by the news of a fatal attack. to hear that it was attacking, that it was going after humans, it's not uncommon for them to go after livestock, and we've actually had that happen to some of our livestock. >> state wildlife experts are led up to the attack, but theyt- lion may have been protectingin- its young cubs. >> a man in the east bay is now in custody afterúthe chp says it was able to catch him after a chase using one of its helicopters on friday morning, the chp h30 helicopter was asked to help officers with a chase in dublin. as that chopper followed the suspect. the man got out of his car and ran. however, the aircraft was able to keep track of the suspect and found him
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hiding under a freeway. age 30 guidedúthose officers to that man who was then arrested. right now, it is still unclear why officers began chasing that man. >> time now 806. a water rescue in san francisco. the citizen app video shows first responders on the scene at pier 41. authorities say they were responding to initial reports of a man that was swinging at peopn the embarcadero that happened th the man when he jumped into the bay. he's now recovering at a hospital. no injuries reported. >> well, today will be the final day of business for oakland's only in and out location. the company announced back in january that it would close that location on hegenberger road, near the oakland airport, because of increasing crime in the area. in-n-out says this will be the first location to close in the company's 75 year history. >> a man was shot andúkilled by sheriff's deputies in sacramento following a mental health crisis. in rio linda. the family
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of christopher gilmore calling 911 to report that he was hurting himself. negotiated with him to come out of the garage. police say he was holding a knife as he approached officers. sheriff's office says he was shot with a less lethal shotgun, but kept walking towards them with a knife. and that's when the deputies opened fire. >> he didn't need to be shot. he didn't need to be murdered. he needed help. and if anything, you know he would never hurt brother. he doesn't hurt people. he wouldn't hurt nobody. he was just hurting himself. and they shot. >ñ the victim's sister says law enforcement made a mistake, botched their emergency response and could have used more, less lethal methods like a taser. >> a private security pilot program called safe bears at uc berkeley has come to an end,úand that's despite its apparent
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success. safe bears was started by a group of uc berkeley parents concerned about violence on campus. the president of safe reported that they do feel safe around campus at night now. but the safe bears board of directors met recentlyc and choe to not continue fundraising for the pilot program. >> we never meant for this to bc berkeley parents pay for. rather, we wanted to demonstrate to the school that this is ac real solution for the problem of violence against students. >> the safe bears group says it hopes university officials will do more to put security measures in place. and even though the program ended yesterday, the group says it is going to continue to advocateúfor student safety. >> after a horrific collision that killed a family of four, the city of san francisco is on track to surpass last year's 25 traffic related fatalities. state senator scott wiener about his thoughts on the tragic accident and his push now to
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make city streets much safer, describe it as a gut punch. it.a that an entire family was wiped out inúone fell swoop,úit it is so depressing, it is so horrifying. and it makes me really angryl that we continue to just allow, this kind of devastation to happen, and my heart goes out, to this family and everyone, impactedúby this horrific eventn >> and i think everyone in the bay area was impacted, that that little, the little one that just passed away, just devastating. i know you have been working on legislation, to make our streets safer, and the early reports was that the, the woman driving that vehicle, the 78 year old, was speeding at the kind of zeroingúin on speed. can you tell us what a speed
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governor is and how you think that might help? >> a lot of times we focus on the design of streets, and that is very important. but, but we also have to remember that it's vehicles, and we want to make sure that people are actually driving safely, thatc people knw that there will be consequences want toc make sure that the cars themselves are designedc safelyt seatbelts and airbags in carst& and required people to wear seat belts, but we also have a technology now, called speed governors that that physically limits how fast you can drive, we're proposing legislation that wouldc not allow people to go more than ten miles an hour over the speed limits. people should not be driving 50 to 60 miles a& hour in a residential neighborhood, or 9100 miles ant& hour, on a highway, we need to find ways for people to slow down, because speed is a huge factor whoc are dying on
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california roads and other parts of your bill make the streetst& more accessible to, bikers and pedestrians alike. ñ> how do you how doúyou think that'll make a difference? >> well, we want to make sure that streets are designed in a safe way so that pedestrians walking or waiting for the bus or biking, can do so safely. and so there are ways you can design streets to protect, pedestrians and cyclists, including our most vulnerable pedestrians, namely children and elderly people, we& americans love fast cars,úor and americans have a love affair with larger and larger vehicles. we have so many. not just suvs, but mega suvs out there, this, tragedy happened with a large
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suv, and we know that when collisions do happen, the larger the vehicle is, the more the more likely it is that someone's going to die, and so we need to look at all of these things. and these are hard conversations because of american cultural connection to large and fast cars. but it doesn't have to be this way. it's not this way in other countries that tend to have smaller cars, where people don't drive as, as, as quickly, and, fewer people die as a result. >> i'm curious, scott, what kin& of response are you getting in sacramento with yourúcolleagues? and, of course, with the public here in the bay area and around the state. legislation to, provide, to require speed, governors speed limitations on vehicles, you know, people have used all over the map, there are people who
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think it's the best idea in the world. people who think it's the bill is just getting going, and it's sparking a long overdue conversation about what weúmean when we say we want fewer people to die on our roads and what we mean when we say that we don't want people to speed likec their speeding, so i, i'm optimistic we'll be able to, do something here, but it's a hard bill want to be told what to do. and i've had people tell me, hey, if i want to risk getting a ticket for speeding and for going 20 miles over the speed limit, that's my decision. and my just about you. it's about the .eople who might die as a resul- >> and our thanks to senator scott wiener, who is trying to make the streets of san francisco a little bit safer. meanwhile, russia has declared today a national day of mourning to honor the victims. this attack on friday, isis hastt- claimed responsibility for the
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deadly attack at that concert lt 130 people were killed. dozens of others have been injured crowd. one survivor, describing- the horror and the panic that followed from the sound of the gunfire inside that concert hall. >> it was 7 p.m. i heard a blast. i honestly thought it was a firecracker. i thought that probably the came were being greeted by fans, but these crackles, they were here, they weren't stopping there were screaming panic. i realized that something was wrong. >> police in russia say officers have made 11 arrests so far, including all four gunmen suspected of carrying out that attack. there has been an emotional show of support for the victims of the terrorist attack yesterday, hundreds of russians lining up outside rather a building in moscow during the rain and a windy storm that came to donate blood to the dozens of people who havt
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hall attack. >> state environmental officials ways to reduce methane emissions from farming rice. >> so here we're learning from stakeholders and partners in shanghai about how to reduce methane emissions from rice cultivation. and not only that, but really invest in the circular use economy to build compost and fertilizers from the straw produced in rice cultivation itself. >> state environmental officials say methane is a pollutant 25 times more potent than co two, and they're excited to bring back what they've learned in shanghai to california in. spthree. >> protesters want justice for 97 year old all pink was stabbed multiple times in 2021. a look at the decision by a judge to sentence the suspect to probation, and a laid off tech worker takes her life in a whole new direction. >> how she's helping others
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succeed and talk about the upbringing hat sh sa another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters.
8:18 am
[ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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experience now to help others. in 2023, nancy correia worked in the tech industry and got laid off. but she turned that moment into an opportunity to found a nonprofit named remarkably, us. that group aims to empower latinas in the foster care system. according to a uc berkeley studyl latinas make up
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foster care system, of that sysa permanent familial connection. so the founder, nancy correia, and founding board member cecilia cruz join us here in studio. thanks so much for coming in. >> thank you for having us. yes >> so appreciate getting your guys's backstory of how long you guys have been friends and how shared experiences have, it seems like the world has kind of brought you guys together to kind of help change the world. so it's really remarkable what you're doing with about this group was so important to you? >>c yes. you know, as you just kind of mentioned in the intro, when i was laid off by the you spknow, massiveútech layoffs tht spcontinue happeningúback in lae 2022, i realized i had not stopped working since i old. ane always had this vision and this idea. growing up in the foster care system, you hear a lot of just negative statistics in general. so i grew up always
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thinking about just to growing , because if what i'm high dropou, high school dropout rate, there's a high likeliness of like homelessness for people who have been in the foster care system and there's just all these just negative statistics revolving do i really want to be >> i mean, the groups. and sincs are the biggest group in there, that that coming out of foster care, that transition point is what a lotúof people talk about saying already the system is hard, but then when you get out, it's even harder because you don'túhave any nets and you don't have anyone to catch you. and the system is just not built for that space. >> exactly, exactly. and so i wanted to build something where i can. i guess you don't really realize everything you accomplish until you've accomplished them. and then i reflected and looked back and accomplished all of these things that as a ten year old,ú12 year old, i never even imaginedúi would. and so how do i give back to that community? because i
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didn't see myself necessarily reflected in those in that positive light. i didn't see anybody that looked like me with a similar background that had a positive outcome, which is so important to see someone and say, i know i can do it. >> you would have a more positive outlook if someone was saying, well, look at, you know, look at nancy, she's doing couln you guys came together and she talked to you about this, what did you think as a founding spboard member? it seems like yu hopped on. yeah, right away. >> i think i was a really good addition,únancy, because i have background in mental. i'm a mental health counselor, so i've done it for aúlong time. i've worked with like teachers and schools one on one in the community. i work with adults right now, and i think there's so much like with within thet& foster care that there's so many struggles, like there's trauma going in before going into the there separated. that's another trauma. and so it's a lot of trauma they have to deal with. and a lot of the times it shows in their behaviors, their, you know, not kids. and even for like women like they
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get they're already like a lot d then or their sexual abuse within the system. and go to a . >> so tell works into that. because that is another layer. yeah. layers to it. and why i wanted to focus on latinas one, like you just mentioned the statistic about latinas being the largest group in the foster care systems currently in the state of california, and two, just based on my personal experience, just seeingc the language barriers parents face, navigating thealt- system itself, and also like the legal status behind that too, and how they felt a lot of times very afraid of justc how the space worked and just very hesitant to inform themselves and things like that. and so that's why i felt like our experience is very unique in that sense. and cater to that community. so talk about this eu guys have upcoming on on march 30th as well, what services that
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you want people to know that you offer and, and where they can go because we know that it's >> nieto's backyardl which is right in our backyard. and as we can put up the information there. yeah. tell me they can l. yeah. >> so, you know, march 30th, bas owner there is silvia. she's latina and she opened, you know, her arms to us and the focus of that event, there is going to be specifically on education care system, education and sot& caesia is actually going to be putting together an activity there if you want to talk a little bit more, it's okay. >> out of time, but we put that information on there. we certainly want people to find you guys on the web, online, remarkably in terms to register luck to you guys and really thank you so much for all that you are doing.úand kind of empowering voices that need t be em
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ghirardelli chocolate and luscious caramel. ♪ experience ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better. mental health support. eric is an app geared towards a younger generation. it's designed to feelings. now the app provides guided breathing exercises, ways to reframe negative thinking and stress management tips to its users. some therapists are utilizing the app as a tool app's co-founder warns that the app is not a replacement for therapy. >> 827 your time in arizona based ceo says the process of
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saving for college should start by the time your kids get into kindergarten. greg mercet is the ceo of an app called to put they they earn onto debit cards and get guidance on howúto keep saving for their future education, mercet says the saving for college and later financial success should all start once children reach kindergarten, because kids are less expensive when they're younger, according to mercet. it's not about how much is set aside, but more about consistently putting something aside. no matter how big or how small. >> a warning from alameda county public health officials who visited a brewery in the east bay. more on where and exactly when customers may have been exposed o asles. t t'
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how do i love thee? ...let me count the ways. ♪ love can get a little messy...
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good thing there's resolve. love the love. resolve the mess. it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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night a look at how quickly firefighters handled the flames there. and for the first time in in and out history, one of its restaurants in the east bay is going to close for good today. the reason for that difficult decision next from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two and good morning, bay area. >> we do have a little bit of sunshine out there, but you can see it comes with a whole bunch of clouds as well. we've got scattered showers this morning. it might brighten up a little bit, but our little rain on rain off kind of situation continues on this palm ktvuc mornings on . sp>> i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. let's talk about our weather. rosemary looking for a break in this afternoon. i
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know some folksc going to san beach and just windy is fine over there. as long as it's not raining. >> we are mainly dry. we will remain just a little unsettled through the morning hours and then continues to wind down during the afternoon.úbut i think we're going to be breezy, especially closer to the coast. this video sent to actually mark tamayo yesterday by a twitter follower and viewer of ktvu. we've got kurtzman photo. take a look at that. isn't that gorgeous? that double rainbow over the bay bridge? it was really that kind of day. i sawc at least two rainbows. handful of girlfriends sending me pictures of rainbows from walnut creek to the north bay, and while that one in san francisco, i was in oakland when i spotted one. here's a look over what is happening in stormtracker two and what is happening outside right now. we do continue in areas of the north bayúpetaluma, novato, maybe a few sprinkles there and then
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from the coast and along the peninsula. it is a wet one at hf moon bay over towards sfo, the peninsula 101 to 80 is the slick roadway at this time, the east bay getting a little bit of a break after some through earlier this morning and into the sierra winding down here. but the advisory for travel around the greater lake tahoe area goes until 11:00 this morning. i'll have a better look at what we can expect here at home for today, as well as the week ahead. coming up in just a bit. >> okay. thank you. rosemary. new this morning. fire crews in san mateo county are still on the scene of an overnight fire near the cow palace. that fire was first reported earlier this morning at that warehouse in the bayshore area of brisbane. excuse me. you are taking a look at video from the citizen app. firefighters asked everyone to spstay away from that area for several hours as they battled those flames. no reports of any injuries and our ktvu crew was out there on the scene a small amount of smoke still showing. no word yet on how that fire
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started. >> 833 your time today will be the final day of business for oakland's in-n-out burger location. the company announced back in january that it would close down the location on hegenberger road near the oakland airport because of increasing crime in the area. in-n-out says this will be the first location to close in the company's 75 year history. members of the asian community are demanding justice for 97 year old stabbing victim ktvu christine kafton was in the courtroom on friday and has more on where the case stands now. >> protesters demonstrated on the front steps of san francisco's superior court, calling for justice for 97 year-old on peng taylor. she was stabbed multiple times in 2021. last week, daniel couch was sentenced to probation for the attack. judge keenan was set to finalize that decision friday, but instead deferred the final steps to next month. aúcrowd on
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the court steps condemned the year prison the 12t- prosecutors had. >> in return, the judge saidc it's fine. let's just give him probation instead. brought him to her neighborhood, not on which judge judge kate tensing, district attorney brooke jenkins was onúhand and called the attack unprovoked. >> and if there is no accountability people who attack them, if we don't have adequate, adequate consequences for that behavior, it will continue. >> couch's defense attorney, lisa dewberry, said that her client was the victim of a hit and run himself that contributed to a severe mental health crisis that came to a head when he stabbed taylor. the defense attorney says judge senan sentenced him appropriately and set terms for couch to receive mental health care. she said if he failed to live up to the strict demands tied to his probation, a ten year prison sentence will be reinstated.
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outside the courthouse, counterprotest others, including defense attorneys, backed judge senan's decision to offer probation. in this case, she made the best judges in. >> brooke jenkins shouldn't be attacking judges for doing the best job that they can, with the evidence presented and distorting the facts. >> couch is set to be back int& court april 12th, when he'll be consideredúfor intensive supervision. court in san francisco, christien ktvu fox two news. >> well, numbers show that san francisco saw its lowest voter turnout for a primary in eight years. the san francisco department of elections certified friday that about 233,000 ballots were cast in the city, and that's only 47% of san francisco voters. and it is the lowest presidential primary turnout we saw was in 2012. and that's when mitt romney became the lead republican to race against former president barack obama. mike johnson is facing a motion to vacate. some conservatives
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are not happy with the recent passage of the $1.3 trillion spending packagen as a result, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene began the process of to e speaker. it's a similar maneuver that costs former house speaker kevin mccarthy his role back in don't appear to be ready to oust johnson. >> i think this is a huge mistake. i believe this causes dysfunction in the house when it shouldn't be. speaker johnson is doing the best he could. >> greens motion to vacate isn't privileged, meaning it's not live. and she hasn't mentioned a time frameúas to when or if she'll take the next steps. the house is out for the next twot& weeks on an easter recess. >> well, donald trump is now just hours away from a critical deadline. in one of his biggest court battles, to pay nearly a half billion dollars following his loss in a civil fraud case in new york. new york's attorney general is expected to ask the courts to freeze all of his financial
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assets. if trump fails to meet that deadline, trump could turn to the parent company of his truth social website to help him pay for the judgment. but legal experts say that option appears >> i'd be very surprised it would open them up to a lot of liability concerns because if that happened and then the share price were to drop, then they could potentially be sued by shareholders, claiming that they were harmed by this and claiming that the board had breached its duties to the shareholders as well. >> trump has asked the state appeals court to allow him to post a smaller bond or none at all. the former president says his financial empire would crumble if he were forced to sell his properties in a big money fire sale. >> cdc is starting to warn about a global measles outbreak that has already been felt here in the united states. officials say the number of 2024 cases in america is already higher than it was recorded all of last year. it's mostly affecting children 12 months and older who
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are unvaccinated. doctors say spgetting the shot is the bigget game changer to keep you and your kids safe. >> once you receive the first dose of measles immunization, you're 93% protected. once you get the second, which is the booster, you're 97% protected against this diseasec. >> i think an informed parent is the best parent, so you educate them, giveúthem information, and let them make the best decision for their child, which is hopefully to immunize them. this vaccine is notúnew. >ñ if your child qualifies for the cc vaccines for children's program, they're able to receive pediatric vaccines for free at various health care locations locally. alameda county public health officials are warning peopleúwho visited the sons of liberty alehouse in customers my haveúbeen exposed to the measles there. ktvu sally rasmus has more on where and exactly when customers may have been at risk.
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>> if you dined, worked or ofúly restaurant between 4 and 7 in the evening. saturday, marcht& 9th, alameda county public have been exposed to someone with measles, a highly contagious airborne virus. >> it's extremely dangerous, which is why it's a mandatory vaccination in as a requisite to go into, you know, daycares and schools and things like that, so we take it very seriously fatal. >> most people in the u.s. are vaccinated against measles, but babies can't get the vaccine until they're about a year old. so beingcc3 f1 particularly dangerous for families with infants. alameda county public health officials wantc to hear from you. if you were exposed and fall in one of the following categories. you're the parent of an infant 11 months or younger. you're unsure of your measles vaccination or haven't been vaccinated. you're pregnant. a health care worker or child care provider. >> so if you're vaccinated, you're safe we don't know who isn't vaccinated or not. it's becoming so alarming because we didn't think we had to worry about this
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anymore. i'm concerned that it could suggest that people are starting to be wary of vaccination, given our recent pandemic. >> the centers for disease control says there have been 58 cases of measles reported nationwide so far this year. that's more than the number of cases in all of 2023. >> measles covid the outbreaks . like you just have to be really careful my life, we've gotten vaccinations since we were children, but there seems to be a fear now. >> so i am a little worried that people don't get vaccinated. so we'll have more, outbreaks. >> just this week, the american medical association warned that the rate of kindergartners vaccinated has dropped since 2019. alameda county health officials say if exposed in unvaccinated, you should be on the lookout for measles symptoms, fever, coughing and especially a rash. you can start feeling sick anywhere fromú1 to 3 weeks after exposure. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news up next, a young man killed by a mountain lion, his younger brother critically injured this
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happened and what officials say the two young men were doing when that mountain lion attack coming up and from the big screen to an even bigger screen. >> how imax is getting moviegoers back into the theaters and still tracking showers across the bay area for will be moving out.unday, this weather, at least for a come dr- ple
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women's history month. this morning, we highlight a woman who broke barriers in the tech industry. cerrahi espinosa salamanca is the ceo and founder of an app called dreamer's roadmap. it's an app to help undocumented students around the country learn about scholarships available to them. salamanca, a former undocumented immigrant encourage students who might be in the same sewage situation that she found herself in to follow their dreams. >> just do it, you know, like i think to this day, right? again i've been in this industry for almost ten years. i'm still scared of some stuff. but, you know, we have to take the risk. i would just encourage tech leaders to hire moreúlatinos an& latinas. you know, i believe
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like the last metric that i read or that's kind of around there, it's like where we make up less than 3% of the industry, and i think especially in this state, in california, when the majority is now latino, i think companies can job at putting a little bit more attention into candidates where latinos and can fit those roles just like anybody else. >> salamanca is also promoting support for farm workersn >> we're going to be traveling to a camp in lodi, so we've been doing this initiative for about three years now where we kind of volunteers and we collect essentials. >> the group travels area, and if you're interested in volunteering, we're posted a link with information on our website. that's >> there are now eight more venues and events in san francisco that are now able to offer live music. this week, cities entertainment commission announcing it had approved eight new live performances, permits, applications,úall the
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events include flanagan's pub and zion bistro that's in the outer sunset, the palm house in cow hollow, third floor in the financial district, mercury cafe in the hayes valley, and the halfway club in the crocker-amazon neighborhood. zion bistro, by and it's uncleas coming next to that location. mission bay wine and cheese bar announces it will be closing both of its chase center and thrive city locations, as well as its spotúon san francisco's channel street. in a message on its website, the highly rated bar says it has not been able to keep both locations afloat. thrive city location has already shut its doors, but the bar on channel street will stay open for retail through the end of the month. the message does planning on restructuring their business, but did not elaborate on what loyal patrons should expect in the future. well some of this year's biggest movies are made to be seen on the
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biggest screen possible. >> fox's ashley dvorkinútakes a look at how much imax back intoe theaters. >> it's breathtaking. >> the imax factor was a big factor for many moviegoers in 2023, 2023 was the highest grossing year ever for imax at the domestic box office, and i think that just speaks to this era experience thatúwe're in right now. >> and you saw it with barb and heimer in 2023. you saw it with top gun maverick the year prior& spider-man no way home,úthese huge pop culture moments, especially coming out of the pandemic, you know, people kind of wanting to go to the theaters for these big events. >> filmmakers are working in the format more. they see just how much of a tool it is. >> not only does it enhance the theatrical experience, but then it becomes a way to market the movie. >> audiences have big plans in 2024 to head to those big screens in a fandango survey of moviegoers going into 2024, over
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6000 people were surveyed and over 70% of them said that they were going to go see an imax movie in 2024, nearly 70% said they were going to go see multiple movies in imax. the year already had a hit with dune part two. movie ever to $100 million in- just imax box office dollars. >> plus, several highly anticipated imax releases are on the way. >> ghostbusters, frozen empire is upon us. late march, godzilla x kong, the new empire arrives in theaters on imax screens. this was a film that was shot predominantly with imax cameras 3d a big component of this one, a24 has a film called civil war. the fall guy comes out in early may with ryan gosling and emily blunt. late may furiosa, the prequel to mad max fury road, spfuriosa in hollywood ashley dvorkin, fox news all right, 849
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might be a good day to go see a movie in, catch a flick, have a box of popcorn and not. >> sounds good. all sounds good. >> not worry about all the rain out there, rosemary. >> absolutelyc. box of popcorn. i'm in, giving you a view there. wow a dark sky over san francisco. we've got some rain falling along the coastline and along the peninsula. san that. another beautiful viewint- there of a steel gray sky. storm tracker two here, giving us a different perspective. we are mainly dry over the north bay. a few sprinkles, perhaps a possibility falling beneath the radar beam,úbut really it's right that we're seeing some widespread rain along the coastline from pacifica down towards the santa cruz coastline, and inside the bay. we may have some light rain falling here as well. we'll squeeze in a little bit closer. we've got south san francisco here, san mateo, redwood city down towards the stanford, and then off to the east. looks like
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scattered showers right over hayward at this time. the sierra seeing light showers here as well with the advisory across the greater lake tahoe area until 11:00 this morning for winter travel there for us. we are going to have your lunch hour, and then upper 50s to low 60s expected for the second part of the day. the winds will turn breezy. in fact, a little breezy out there already at this time and in our hills. mount diablo reporting this is going to move out. ridge will move in for a couple of days only to be pushed out by this system here. right now it looks like wednesday afternoon, wednesday evening. this could speed up. it could slow down a little bit. but the takeaway is wet weather is returning to the bay area and it kind of hangs on . we look we look like we're a bit soggy through the end of the business week. and is it continues toúshift towards southern california weekend, which happens to be
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easter if you are going to be celebrating. so unsettled weather heading into the weekend, but right now it looks like easter sunday will be dry winds across the bay area right now. checking in novato, a wind gust to 21mph. oakland sustained at 15 and our temperatures this morning mid 40s to mid 50s at this time. afternoon highs upper 50s to low 60s, 3 to 6 degrees or so below the average. mostly cloudy skies. a tad warmer for tomorrow. right now tuesday looks good. partlyúsunny and mid 60s in the forecast before cooler, soggy weather returns on wednesday. >> frank putting it in order for sunshine. okay. all right. duly noted. coming up next, lightning striking a cruise ship. this is in the bahamas. more on the damage say they saw just that sd she's 88 years old, volunteered since the 1940s.úthe story of the woman who has been reading the students now for decades and has no plans on slowing down. coming up
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it's your time to cache in... so don't just play... stay at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now... book your getaway now... carnival cruise ship that was sailing about 20 miles away from pink sands beach, video posted on social media showing the damage. nobody was injured. a number of passengers say they spotted a lightning strike moments before that fire broke
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out. >> a texas woman of juneteenth,s been gifted a new home on the exact same lot that her family was driven out of years ago by an angry mob. 97 year, a former, spcounselor and activist, was a driving force for making june 19th the national holiday. her parents bought aúhome in fort and a mob, angry that a blackgo- family had moved in, swarmed her family's home and eventually drove them out of that neighborhood. lee was emotional at that ceremony, recounting that day so hard to put it out of my mind because my mom up sod would you believe it was on the 19th of june that people started gathering and the paper says it was 500 of them, and the police were here.t& >> my dad came home with a gun from work, and the police told
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him, if you bust a cap, we'll let this mob have you. >> the nonprofit trinity habitat for humanity gave lee that lot and is building the new home, chick fil a, making a change with its antibiotic free chicken. >> the chicken fast food chain says in order to maintain providing high quality chicken to its customers, the company will switch from no antibiotics ever policy to no antibiotics important to human medicine policy. the change means that some antibiotics might be used only at the chickens, andhose around it become sick. chicken fillet a previously changed to 2014, companies sent an alert to its app users about the change in their policy. there is no deadline for when the switch will be made, but the happen son the spring. for that popular chicken franchise. guys, how about some baseball spring training in the desert? it's
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over for the giants as they head north to finish up thet& preseason. today, the giants will play the triple-a affiliate in sacramento tonight. they thaa special exhibition game tonight. it comes a day beforec they stat a two day bay bridge series. the a's will host the giants at the coliseum tomorrow night. giants, by the way, will begin the regular season on the road against the padres on thursday in the united soccer league. >> the oakland roots head to las vegas to face the lights next saturday. that's following oakland's loss to phoenix rising panos armenakas scoring the only goal of the knights and the rouz lost toúthe rising one nil. and actually, that las vegas lights game, i believe isúat home. >ñ okay, well, there you go. want to thank you for joining us this morning. bassmaster classic coming up next here on channel two. >> but another hour of mornings onc two just seconds away on ktvu. plus you can change the spchannel now to stay with
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