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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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haener. >> police arrived at the scene and cited but did not arrest one of the attackers. our crime reporter, henry lee tells us the victim is worried those attackers will return. >> i'm very angry, very scared. and the police system don't do anything about it. >> 65 year old ruth wild is upset after she was attacked by two women while working at woody's laundromat on park boulevard in oakland. wild says she told one of the women they had arrived too late to start their laundry on march 16th. here you can see the woman in blue taking her clothes and leaving in a car. but they came back 40 minutes later and began yelling at wild, saying they were missing some of their clothes. they demanded she checked the laundromat surveillance video, but wild does not have access to the video. the woman, blue, grabs her and pushes her against the machines. a few minutes later, the woman in yellow makes a punching motion, then hits her, knocking her to the ground. >> they grabbed me here and drag me around the wash house and
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punched me. >> the woman in blue then grabs her, drags her, and pushes her. laundromat owner robert moss says wild was at their mercy. >> it's kind of like a tag team man, you know. one lady shoved her to the by the dryer, and then the other one picked her up and threw her across the floor. >> wild call oakland police. as she waited outside, the woman in blue again punches her. >> when she went outside to call the police, she was like, sucker punch, you know, with the with the right hook. officers arrived, but ended up only sighting the woman in blue. >> no one was physically arrested. >> i wanted her to go to jail and get help because you cannot go around doing that and punch somebody in the face and get away with it. >> wild has worked at the business for 27 years, but hasn't gone back since the incident. scared the women will return. >> if you could do that to an elderly person, you know she's 65 and now on top of that, she's only like 88 pounds. >> moss says he doesn't
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understand why at least one of the women wasn't taken into custody. >> if someone gets assaulted like that, i always thought it's maybe a felony, at least taken in to be questioned. not like detained for questioning and then let go regardless if oakland police take a second look at this case, it will be up to the alameda county da's office to determine whether charges are filed in oakland. >> henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> san franc pice are investigating a deadly double shooting. officers were called to a home on dwit street and san bruno avenue. 845 last night, where they found two adults who had been shot and killed. they've been identified by police sources as oscar and florinda picasso. their relationship not yet known. we talked with one man who lives in the neighborhood and he says, although it's normal to hear some police activity, he could tell something was wrong last night i just heard a different sirens coming over a 15, 20 minute period. >> you know, different types.
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>> i think one was a the police cars, obviously, and then another was probably an emergency vehicle. sirens are a little different after the third time hearing that you're going, well, something's going on. so i just stuck my head out, but i didn't realize it was so close. >> no arrests have been made and it's not clear if police are looking for any suspects. they are asking anyone with information about the case to give them a call. >> neighbors in the inner richmond in san francisco are calling for safety improvements after a car plowed into a bus stop, leaving a man seriously hurt. it comes one week after another out of control driver hit and killed a family of four who was also waiting at a bus stop in west portal. ktvu christian captain has more now on the calls for making city streets safer. >> this bus stop at fulton and funston is a busy one, often crowded with passengers waiting for the five. on saturday, this red nissan hopped the curb, bringing down a pole that in turn struck a man waiting for the bus. >> coincidentally, they happened to hit the pole first, right? otherwise they would just plowed right into the bus shelter, just
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like at west portal. >> susan rivera lives across the street and rushed to help. >> and i'm a nurse, so i run out. so by the time i get over here, i see a police officer and other people moving this large pole out of the way. and underneath that, i saw a man laying on the ground. >> fortunately, that man survived the collision and was treated at a hospital. rivera says neighbors have been warning the city for years that vehicles travel too fast on this stretch of road and say there are crashes here frequently. rivera says this latest crash comes on the heels of that deadly crash in west portal, which killed all four members of a young family, and she says it simply too much. she and neighbors want to see metal poles around bus shelters to protect them. >> we need ballers around these bus stops and around these dangerous intersections means there's lots of things we can do to help mitigate, some of these these crashes from happening, and we need them now. >> the intersection of this latest crash lies in supervisor connie chan's district. she says
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many of these crashes are preventable. and she says she's working to improve safety on streets in her district. >> it's a reason why i have funded a district one, for the richmond mobility study to redesign safety in the richmond for pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders. >> san francisco state senator scott wiener is taking things a step further, saying, if speed is the cause of so many of these dangerous and deadly crashes, the time has come. he says. >> to restrict that speed, we also have a technology now called speed governors that that physically limits how fast you can drive. we're proposing legislation that would not allow people to go more than ten miles an hour over the speed limits. >> the driver of the vehicle that was involved in the crash here at fulton has been cited. meanwhile, the investigation into the circumstances surrounding that deadly collision in west portal is still underway, including mechanical tests and blood work on the driver. at this point,
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still no word if the driver in that west portal case will be charged. in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> new at six a woman is in jail accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from her employer. the san mateo county sheriff's office says. tina commodore was arrested on wednesday. prosecutors claim she embezzled nearly $300,000 from the tech company where she worked in san carlos. investigators say they believe the theft happened over a course of several months. commodore is being held on $200,000 bail, more than 450 seat and medical workers started a two day strike in daly city this morning. >> the workers say they are underpaid by bay area standards. they also say their own health insurance is inadequate. state officials say union employees rejected a proposed contract that included a 16% pay raise over three years and free medical benefits for employees and their family members. >> the fight mostly is about better health care for people
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who work in a hospital for them and their families. >> if nih is ready to come to the negotiating table now, we're ready to negotiate with them. it's on their side of the court now. >> the workers contract expired in december. seton says the hospital remains open during the two day strike, with replacement workers and in santa clara county, nurses plan to go on strike next week. the three day strike is set to begin april 2nd and end on the fourth. the nurses say they want better pay, patient safety and an increase in staffing levels. today, county health officials hosted a news conference saying they will do their best to minimize disruptions to health care services during the strike. >> we have a dedicated group of leaders and many staff who will be working around the clock through the weekend to make sure that we can adequately orient and train the supplemental staff who will be joining us during the strike. union >> the union represents more
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than 3700 nurses. they have been in contract negotiations with the county since october and last month, 97% of members voted to approve the strike. >> now to some developing news out of oakland, where police are on the scene of a crash on lakeshore avenue. officers say the car is connected to a crime in another city. now. skyfox was overhead just about 30 minutes ago, and you can see investigators there unloading piles of clothes from the car. it's unclear what caused the vehicle to crash. we are working to get more information about this incident and we will bring it to you as soon as we get it into the newsroom. an update now to a story we brought you last week about a homeless woman whose car was towed and facing thousands of dollars in fines. the oakland mother has now been reunited with her vehicle, a car she says she and her two children have been living out of recently. new at six ktvu, crystal bailey joins us here in studio with the latest crystal. >> well, jade burnette says she lives in her car with her 17 year old autistic son and her nine year old daughter.
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>> opd finally released her car, but when she got it back, it had some significant damage she could not afford to fix. i spoke to her about her situation last week, and it's been a village of people helping her ever since. >> thank you. yeah, he's been really great. we're happy. yeah, we're happy to help jade burnette finally has her car back a month after she says her home was towed away. >> opd says her registration was expired and they brought it to storage until she could provide proof that it was updated. >> i'm relieved to have it out of there with the help of oakland reverend ken chambers, the storage fees were paid through what opd calls their victim tow fund. >> once the story aired, we really got some movement and they waived 4000, just about $4,000 worth of fees for jade. we're so appreciative of that. >> but she says when she arrived to pick it up, it didn't look how she left it. >> i cried because there's pieces missing off of my car.
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>> she says two of her tires were flat and the driver's side window was smashed. >> all this was it was just hanging. you can see down below, but the community is not leaving her hanging. >> after our story aired on ktvu last week, we received multiple calls and emails from members of the public who wanted to help burnette get her car back. and here at fat cat tires, the owner donated two tires to get her back on the road, helping others that are not as fortunate as us or need a helping hand. >> you know, if we all did that a little bit more might be in a different place. >> it's not clear how the damage was done to the 2008 pontiac vibe. oakland police tell me. according to the tow report, the tires were flat before the car was towed. the report does not indicate a broken mirror or smashed window. >> i watched how they they picked the cars up with the forklift and they were shaking these cars. >> an opd spokesperson tells me the victim tow fund is for uninsured victims of crime. not specifically for people who may be living out of their cars. the hope is that all this is that
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the city of oakland, the county of alameda, come together and create a fund so that this does not happen. and reverend chambers says as soon as the car is repaired, he's going to let burnette park in his secure church parking lot in west oakland as part of his safe car park program for the unhoused, an opd spokesperson tells me that burnette can file a complaint with their victim's specialist about the condition of the car when she received it. >> all right, so obviously the car was towed. there's a lot of damage to the car. we don't know when and how that happened. so the car is at right now. is it drivable? has it been repaired or is it undergoing repairs. >> it is still undergoing repairs at this point. they're the battery's fried. so they're working on getting her a new battery, getting the starter fixed. there's a lot of damage to the car, so. >> all right, all right, well, hopefully they can get it back up and going so she can get going again. yes crystal. thank you. crystal i was shocked i was i was taken back i was really shocked. >> i mean i never i never even expected this to happen. >> still to come tonight. neighbors expressing shock after
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federal agents raid the los angeles home of rapper sean diddy combs as part of a sex trafficking investigation. >> and we are back here with the forecast. no rain today. pretty nice, but a little bit cool and mild and windy. i'll have that forecast coming up and a solar storm could cause some disruptions to satellite and radio systems. >> what astronomers want people to know
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in miami as part of an ongoing sex trafficking investigation. reporter hailey winslow, from our sister station in los angeles, joins us now with the latest on what's happening. hailey >> julie, it's been a pretty exciting afternoon, to say the least. we actually came in the convoy in the middle of all of it, with hundreds of undercover officers and their vehicles and bearcats. we got a tip, and we're kind of standing by for a while. so i was really the only tv reporter here for about an hour and a half as this all unfolded on our station, fox 11. so we saw them jump out of the vehicles, put the crime scene tape up, and with huge guns, basically go into one of the biggest celebrities in the world, sean diddy combs. >> i was shocked i was i was taken back. i was really shocked. i mean, i never i never even expected this to happen.
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>> i did not more people coming out. who's this guy? yeah, they're all kind of dressed alike. >> definitely shocking and hectic out here in holmby hills at one of sean diddy combs homes. >> we were first on scene as it all unfolded. we came right in the middle of the convoy of about 40 undercover law enforcement vehicles before they even put up the crime scene tape the department of homeland security making a big bust, officers say, in connection to a sex trafficking investigation. while it was all happening, investigators were also raiding his home in miami homeland security has not yet released details or named diddy as the focus of the investigation. the 20 year old ryan mendelssohn, he's lived nearby his whole life , and he often visits his best friend just a few doors down. but i've seen him maybe once a week. >> girls lingering outside. i drive by a lot, and i see that a lot of girls, maybe 5 or 6 girls outside, some leaving, some not, some going in black suburbans. never know. i never thought anything of it. but now this is
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crazy. i mean, as we broke word on scene and from sky fox, mapleton drive near sunset and beverly glen became a madhouse and as more bearcats and undercover cops pulled in, so did the swarms of onlookers. >> even a celebrity tour bus. >> you all have to keep our minds open to what's going on here, and then. >> well, this is from brooklyn, though. leave puffy alone, man. y'all crazy. >> definitely an unexpected added bonus for the people on that celebrity tour bus that goes through here. this neighborhood is home to a lot of celebrities. in fact, it's actually not gated. but his home, of course, is gated. and we're told that there's actually a guard there. we have reached out to diddy and to his representatives for comment. we have not yet heard back. i'm hailey winslow here in holmby hills in los angeles. julie and mike, back to you. yeah. >> this is all tied to a series of allegations and lawsuits like you said, you've reached out but haven't heard back. the man in your piece that we saw them looking like they were taking someone into custody. was that person arrested or just
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apprehended while the search crews went into the home? >> just detained. so there were three people from our helicopter, showed three people coming out of that home. they basically went in. they went to the back over by the pool. julie and they detained three people inside their diddy was not here at the time. you think he was in new york? they also, of course, raided his home on the east coast in miami. but the people that they took out of those homes, we don't out of that home excuse me, we don't yet know if they will be arrested right now. they were just brought in for questioning. >> and you've been out there all day. what are they doing right now? are they carrying things out, or are they just still kind of staking out and covering, tying up the neighborhood? >> i think it's going to be a scene for quite a while. we've been on this since probably started around 10 a.m. we got to the scene here once they all deployed about 1 p.m. and they're still there. all those vehicles basically parked up the hill, down the street. those are all undercover, our homeland
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security vehicles, and they were bringing stuff out right away, right after they went in and detained those three people. they brought out their drones. they put kind of everything back in the vehicles. and then actually a whole nother convoy of about 40 to 50 bearcats and undercover vehicles came in about 3:00 today. i don't know if it was a shift change or whatever, but they're still just kind of here staking it out, i guess getting any kind of evidence they can to figure out exactly what's going on. >> all right. hailey winslow in southern california tonight. hailey. thank you. and our coverage of this story continues at the top of the hour with west coast rap with alex savage right here on ktvu. that is followed by ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> earth has just experienced what's called a severe level geomagnetic solar storm, the second highest level of noaa's rating system. ktvu tom vacar explains how it could cause some disruptions to communication systems as solar storms are important as this, and next year will be the peak of activity of the 11 year solar cycle.
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>> hazards to earthlings can come when the solar shockwaves hit earth's electrically charged layer. astronomical experts bing kwok and andrew fraknoi say that layer protects the planet, the people and the technology from solar and cosmic radiation. >> way back in 1989, there was a major power outage that affected the northeast, and that was due to the effect of a solar storm. >> skylab, america's first space station, was downed by a 1979 solar storm that caused the atmosphere to expand a little bit, and that increased drag on skylab. >> and that's what brought it out of orbit. >> fast forward to solar storms today, when there was a solar storm occurring, nasa tells the astronauts on board the space station to shelter in place. >> they can play havoc with the electrical grid and they can also have a serious effect on the gps satellites that we all rely on, but can also affect the geostationary satellites that we rely on so much for weather,
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satellite imagery or satellite, video communications for many people, the wi-fi that they use in their homes, again, depending on satellites, as the solar shockwave heats the atmosphere, as happened with skylab, atmospheric expansion can and does drag low earth orbiting satellites out of orbit. >> spacex had this issue occur when they sent up a whole batch of starlink satellites and solar activity actually knocked out one whole bunch of them. >> everything from certain undersea cables to air to ground and ship to shore communications, as well as military detection and early warning systems, can be degraded , and even migrating birds and bees that rely on the earth's magnetic fields to navigate can be affected. >> certain species do make use of earth's magnetic fields. >> so far, we've had no really bad effects, but we still have two years to go. tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news. >> all righty. checking in on the weather is a pretty okay day. it's not like what we were
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seeing last week at this time last week at this time, as we were entering into spring, we were dealing with temperatures in the 60s and 70s. and today is mid 60s, low 60s tomorrow kind of the same thing. there'll be a few clouds tomorrow, just like today. filtered sunshine, all day. and then as we go into wednesday night, thursday, there's an opportunity for some rain. is it not? it doesn't appear to be a big event. and then there's another opportunity again on kind of friday, saturday. so we'll see how that lines up as well. right now, the wednesday thursday thing is pretty locked. that's going to happen probably wednesday night's commute a little damp, thursday morning's commute a little damp and then a break thursday afternoon. these are the highs from today. outside we go. we got some wind. you can actually see i believe the camera bouncing around a little bit on sutro. wind gusts at sfo up to 30 miles an hour this afternoon. maybe even 35 on the gusts. and then sustained winds about 25 miles an hour. so it's pretty darn breezy out there out of ocean beach. the great highway sand is blowing. they
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may have to do some cleaning up on that late tonight or early tomorrow morning. so if you have travel plans that way, as you look at the winds you see 23 mile an hour gusts in novato and then sfo gusting to 26. so those numbers are down just a tad from where they were just a couple hours ago. but you get the idea. we got to okay pattern today. well it's nice tomorrow looks good. and then as we get into wednesday night things afternoon things flip around and we go back to kind of a little bit of a wet weather pattern. not a big one, but a little bit of one and stay unsettled into the weekend. i'll have the specifics on that right after the breaks. >> all right, bill, thank you. still to come, the man credited with the rapid rise and downfall of wework attempts to take back control of the company. also ahead, a big shakeup at the top of boeing as that company tries to navigate some headwinds. plus out here in livermore valley with my kids and strollers and i saw this vineyard for sale, i was like, wow, this is right in our backyard. female winemakers making inroads in their industry, how ey are su orting one
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working space company until the board forced him out five years ago. after a failed ipo attempt and mounting debt. the new york based company filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in november. the wall street journal reports newman is bidding to buy back the company. the hedge fund controlling the company has not committed to
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selling wework to a third party. >> the ceo of boeing says he is stepping down at the end of the year in a major shakeup at the troubled airplane manufacturer. david calhoun told employees in a memo, quote, the eyes of the world are on us and i know we will come through this moment a better company. the company's chairman and head of the commercial airplane unit are also leaving the company. this all comes amid increased scrutiny on boeing following multiple incidents involving poor quality or workmanship on their planes, most notably when a door panel blew off a brand new alaska airlines 737 max plane in mid-air in january. >> we should be able to be brought under control. i'm hoping the carriers have the backstop of excellent maintenance programs to provide the comfort of the public. >> the faa paused boeing's expansion of its 737 max planes and found that the company had quality control issues with manufacturing parts handling and storage. boeing has until late may to give the faa its plan for
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improvements. coming up on ktvu news at 630, former president donald trump has tried to delay his trials until after the election, but now at least one of them is set to begin next month. >> also ahead, new developments in what has become the first deadly mountain lion attack right here in california in 20 years. >> and stanford has a new basketball coach and he is not new to the bay area. jason appelbaum will have the de ils aittl
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kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company.
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attack two weeks ago while working at an oakland laundromat . it was caught on surveillance video. the worker told women, two women, that they had arrived too late to start their laundry. they left with their clothes, but then they came back 40 minutes later yelling that some of their clothes were missing, and then they knocked the worker to the ground. police cited one of the women, but no arrests were made. >> san francisco police are investigating a deadly double shooting. officers were called to the area of dwight street and san bruno avenue 845 last night. they found two adults who had been fatally shot inside a home. no arrests had been made, and it's not clear if police are actually looking for any suspects at this time. >> there are new calls for better bus safety in san francisco after another person was hit by a car while waiting
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at a bus stop. this happened. latest incident happened at fulton and funston on saturday and fortunately, the man is expected to be okay. elected officials say they are now working to improve safety for pedestrians and reduce speed limits in that area. >> and you are watching ktvu fox two news here. at 630 today, a judge set a date for donald trump's criminal hush money trial. and in another case, a judge lowered the amount the former president must pay for his business fraud charges. >> these are just two of potentially several cases facing the former president, fox news rebecca castor has more now on the legal hearings. >> this is election interference. that's all it is monday in new york, judge decided at least one of the criminal cases against donald trump will go to trial before november's presidential election, this one related to alleged hush money payments made to adult film star stormy daniels during trump's 2016 campaign. >> i don't know how you're going to have a trial that's going on right in the middle of an election. not fair. if i wasn't
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running, they wouldn't be happening. >> but the former president did secure one victory monday, an appeals court judge lowered the bond. trump must pay in the civil fraud case against his businesses. he owed $464 million by midnight. but now he has ten days to pay $175 million. >> we'll put up cash or bond very quickly securities cash or bond whatever it is. this prevents new york's attorney general from seizing trump's properties while he's appealing. >> the ag's office brushed off claims the fine was excessive and says, quote, the $464 million judgment plus interest against donald trump and the other defendants still stands. but the former president says he'll take the case to the supreme court if necessary. >> it just has seemed like this court has been pressing so hard without the due process, without the constitutional rights, like the eighth amendment right against, you know, excessive fines, all those things just don't seem to apply to donald trump. >> jury selection for trump's hush money trial will begin on
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april 15th. it's the first of four criminal trials scheduled against the former president in washington, rebecca castor, ktvu fox two news. >> tonight, we are learning more about a mountain lion attack over the weekend in el dorado county that killed a young man and injured his brother. it was the first deadly mountain lion attack here in california in 20 years. sheriff officials say 21 year old talon brooks was killed saturday. his brother, 18 year old wyatt brooks, underwent surgery and is expected to survive. investigators say the men were attacked while collecting deer antlers that had been shed. the mountain lion was later trapped and euthanized. fish and wildlife experts say it was a young male. this is footage from prior incidents and that younger lions are less experienced in hunting and deer are their preferred prey. >> if the people were crouching down to pick things up off the ground or if they were carrying the antlers, it's possible i if there's no way to know, but it's possible that there's that sort of mistaken identity that
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happens. >> experts say if you do come face to face with a mountain lion, do not run away. instead, make loud noises and attempt to appear larger by waving your arms. >> a longtime teacher and coach in the south bay has been charged with sexually assaulting a student at lee high school more than 20 years ago. ktvu south bay reporter anne rubin has this story. >> it was a tip that led to the arrest of teacher and coach sean thomas for a crime more than 20 years old. >> there's no statute of limitation for crimes so heinous as taking advantage of a juvenile. someone, especially a person of trust, like a teacher, like a coach that is something we take very seriously. >> san jose police say thomas sexually assaulted a female student at lee high school back in 2002 2003. he was working as a teacher at lee then and is still employed there now, teaching history and pe. authorities say he's also a football and track coach at nearby los gatos high school,
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though the victim was not the one who reported the crime. police say she is cooperating now. >> i think because the victim went through such a traumatic incident, that in itself they'll never forget what happened. they will always have that ingrained in their memory and we are here to help get that story on paper. so that we could investigate to the best of our ability. >> lee high school is in the campbell union high school district, which sent a letter home to parents. it says thomas has been placed on administrative leave. and that, quote, the safety and well-being of our students are of paramount importance to us. the los gatos-saratoga union high school district echoed that sentiment, calling safety their highest priority. >> he was a very strict teacher. that's what i heard from the kids. >> this parent says her daughter was in thomas's class and that he was well respected. >> the first thing i asked my daughter and she was like, yeah, nothing like that. there was never weirdness. it was very surprising. i think, to everyone. so and unfortunate. it's really that's really scary. >> investigators want to know if
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there are other victims. they're asking anyone with information to contact san jose police in san jose and ruben ktvu, fox two news. >> the united nations security council issues its first demand for a ceasefire in gaza, and soon after, israeli leaders cancel a high level meeting with the white house
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immediate cease fire of the war in gaza during the month of ramadan. the measure also calls for the unconditional release of all hostages held by hamas and the expansion of aid into gaza. the united nations united states abstained from the vote because the resolution did not condemn hamas. the us has vetoed past ceasefire resolutions, in large part because of the failure to condemn hamas attacks and the failure to tie a cease fire to the release of hostages. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu immediately canceled a visit by a high level delegation
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to washington as a result of the ceasefire vote. the delegation was set to include israel's national security adviser and minister of strategic affairs. however, the white house says the us will still meet with the israeli defense minister, who is already in washington, to discuss humanitarian aid, hostages and protecting civilians. >> we wanted to get to a place where we could support this resolution, but because the final text does not have key language that we think is essential, such as condemning hamas, we couldn't support it, though, because it does fairly reflect our view that a cease fire and the release of hostages come together. we abstained. >> john kirby added that so far the us has not seen any signs that israel is preparing for an imminent ground operation in rafah, where more than a million people are sheltering. >> governments across europe are stepping up security following the deadly attack on a moscow concert hall by an isis
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affiliate. 137 people were killed in that attack. france, italy and germany say they are preparing for the threat of more attacks. the west is also pushing back on russian claims that ukraine could have been behind the attack. four suspects appeared in a moscow courtroom today, each showing signs of torture. two suspects have already pleaded guilty. >> here we are checking in on the weather. there's some rain in the forecast this week. you might be expecting that. we'll talk about when it could hit. how long it could last and what you can expect. >> all right. now to alex savidge and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap. coming up at 7:00. alex. >> mike, thank you. coming up tonight at seven. we'll get back to those raids today at homes belonging to sean diddy combs tonight on west coast rap. tmz has more inside on why the feds may have decided to search those properties today. also a west coast nurse is back home tonight from gaza and she'll share how a personal tragedy convinced her to use her skills to help others
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in that war torn territory. those stories sent a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, we'll see you then, alex. thank you. but first, our coverage of women's history month continues with a look at the inroads that some female wine makers have made in the livermore valley
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male winemakers in the livermore valley. >> ktvu roberto gonzalez has the stories of several women who are pioneering their own paths in the world of wine making. the big daddy. >> yes. all righty. chief cook and bottle washer, meet gina cabrera. >> actually owner of two wineries, garrett and del valle wineries. >> i like leadership, and i like communication. and i think if you can have effective leadership and effective communication, you can go fairly far. but being the owner and being involved with the leadership, i approach things as a team. i like the members of my team around me. i like to hear what the members of my team have
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to say. my job is to set the expectations and the budget, but it's my it's my job to listen to my team because they're doing the work. and then collectively, we can come up with what's the best plan and you know, where we're going to go from there. >> there are more than 5000 acres of wine grapes planted in the valley and about 50 wineries. most of the wineries are in close proximity to one another, and a group of the valley's female winemakers and owners help each other and formed the women's wine collective. during our first harvest. >> and rhonda would during she's my neighbor across the street. and rhonda, you know, we were down there helping her, bring in their grapes and help crush and process them, when we need help, they're the first ones to come to aid us. it's a very collaborative community. it's so special that way. and is that because there's a lot of women involved? maybe it's like the
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strong, silent type. >> darcy kent, fifth generation owner of darcy kent vineyards almost famous wine company and garden of eden dispensary. >> it is a tough business. it's very physical, it's demanding year round. it requires everything from, you know, knowing how to drive a forklift and running a bottling line to a marketing and sales and being in front of a camera and pouring wine and all of that. it's all of that. >> the livermore valley is one of the original and oldest wine regions in the entire country, and 40% of the winemakers and wine owners are women. >> i was an airline pilot by trade, and i flew for us airways and they closed the base. >> meet rhonda wood, owner of wood family vineyards. >> when i was pregnant with my first born, harrison, who works for us now, i, i heard we
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couldn't fly. they wouldn't let us fly. so. >> because you're pregnant? >> yes. pregnant pilots could not fly. >> so she flew in another direction out here in livermore valley with my kids and strollers. >> and i saw this vineyard for sale. i was like, wow, this is right in our backyard. i mean, we're in the bay area. we could commute to our day jobs. we could buy this vineyard. we could build a house, we could raise our kids. and so that's what we did. >> but aren't women the best at multitasking? roberta gonzalez, ktvu, fox two news. >> and we had a pretty nice day out there today. not like last week when it was warm and hitting spring and temperatures in the 70s mid 70s. this week it's in the mid 60s and that's how it goes again tomorrow. here's the long range model which will mimic the five day forecast. here we are into tuesday. nice day like today wednesday the clouds start to increase and then by wednesday afternoon and evening see that right there. so that kind of
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tweaks through. that's a chance of showers on the afternoon commute. and then again perhaps on the thursday morning commute. and then you get thursday kind of kind of a wet day. cloudy in the afternoon. and then this area here friday and then into saturday. so that's how it looks right now. sunday looks like the nicest day on the weekend. that's going to change for sure. but the idea that that some iteration of that pattern is going to show up wednesday, thursday is going to happen. the next part of that, the friday, saturday, i'm not so sure about the timing on those in the, you know, how much rain we would get. here are the highs from today. highs tomorrow will be about the same. here we are outside where it's windy, windy, gusty, windy like 15 to 25 at oakland, downtown and sfo was gusting to 30. we had parts of out in the east bay out by alviso out there gusting to 30. the camera is bouncing around
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pretty good here on this camera. i think that's our emeryville camera. so that's a yeah that things moving around pretty pretty good. so gusting to 16 in novato they died down a little bit. it's not quite as windy as it was earlier 26 miles an hour at sfo and then 15 miles an hour sustained at livermore. so this is the system that i was depicting in that model. and it's going to drop down and then it's going to drop down even further as we go into the weekend. and how far, how far east that low goes on friday, saturday will determine how we do in terms of rainfall. the saturday may not be a half bad day, but it just depends. so let's get closer to that. but in the meantime, wednesday night into thursday is your sweet spot for some showers tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, wednesday morning. here comes the wednesday afternoon evening and then thursday morning. kind of clearing out. and then the forecast highs. for tomorrow. so
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is that a lot of rain. no. will it be snow in the mountains. yes. there will be snow in the mountains. they'll see a good six inches i would think, from this steel. wednesday, thursday. and we'll see what happens after that. i'll see you back here tonight at ten. >> all right bill, thank you. shohei ohtani speaks publicly for the first time since the controversy surrounding his interpreter, allegations of gambling and theft of millions of dollars. jason
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on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. chevrolet. together let's drive. kyle smith. he will be. he will be the man leading the cardinal into their new conference, the acc, beginning next season. smith he's the reigning pac 12 coach of the year with washington state after going 25 and ten and making the ncaa tournament for the first time since 2008. his cougars won their first round game before losing saturday to iowa state. smith replaces jared hass, who was fired earlier this month after eight seasons on the farm. so here's kyle smith's resume. so to speak. washington state the last five seasons. pac 12 coach of the year. as we mentioned, head coach of the usf dons from 2016 to 2019 and an
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assistant for nine seasons at saint mary's. he's got a pretty good winning percentage as well. dodgers superstar shohei ohtani he held a news conference today to address the bizarre and potentially career altering situation he finds himself in, involving his interpreter and gambling debts. ohtani. he denied he had any knowledge of what was going on between his interpreter, ippei mizuhara, and a bookkeeping operation in southern california. ohtani said. nor did he know about the $4.5 million of wire transfers from his account that mizuhara allegedly made to cover his gambling debts. in fact, ohtani says he just learned about all this just days ago, and that's when mizuhara was fired. >> so i never bet on baseball or any other sports, or never have asked somebody to do it on my behalf. and i have never went through a bookmaker. in conclusion, ip has been stealing
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money from my account and has told lies. >> all right. professional golfer peter malnati. he won his first pga event back in 2015. he then went more than 3000 days before winning his next one, which came just yesterday. it was a victory some nine years in the making, the 36 year old malnati, a 325 to 1 long shot, taps in for par on 18, a two stroke win at the valspar championship earned him a million and a half dollars. that's more than he's made in any full season on the tour, as his son sprints out in a cape to give his superhero dad a bear hug. afterwards, malnati, he got emotional when talking about his journey. >> you wonder if you're ever going to do it again, you know, because it's hard. and you know, in the nine years since my last win, it's gotten a lot harder to like. my wife has been an absolute rock through all of it. she's amazing. and you know, got
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my mom here. my family's amazing little two little boys. like, it's just. this just feels so good. >> yeah. good for malnati. okay, we're going to leave you with this. athletes who care. this was just on saturday. check this out. it was pouring rain at red bull arena in newark, new jersey. yeah. so during warmups, pre-game warm ups, the red bull players, they offered up their jackets to the kids standing in the introduction line in front of them. and, you know, maybe it was karma, but the red bulls did go on to beat inter miami four nil. there you go. >> wow. nice. nice to see. >> pretty sweet. >> yeah. all right jason thank you. thanks for watching west coast rap alex savage coming up next to stream the latest news and weather on your sm t tv ananytime.
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