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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  April 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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two news, ktvu, fox two news at five starts now. now at five. friends and family mourning the death of a bay area couple killed in a small plane crash. their deaths a big blow to silicon valley's venture capitalist landscape. >> i would love to see his memory stay alive, and many people stepping into this role and keep on supporting young entrepreneurs. >> good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm greg lee. >> the tech community is paying tribute to the husband and wife killed in a sll plane crash. ple went down in the truckee area over the weekend, where it was snowing. federal investigators are still trying to find a cause. >> ktvu is joey hoard spoke with several friends of the couple who are honoring their legacy. he joins us now in the studio with this story. joey. >> julie and greg, these friends are just heartbroken, as you would imagine. and they're remembering their friends here as entrepreneurs who are incredibly knowledgeable investors in the tech industry.
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they tell us both of them were certified pilots, but it's unclear exactly who was flying the plane at the time of the crash. federal investigators are working to determine the cause of a deadly plane crash in truckee on saturday night, where wreckage can be seen scattered along the railroad tracks. >> it's so sad. life is so fragile, friends and colleagues identify the israeli husband and wife as 57 year-old lee run and 58 year-old naomi petrushka. >> it just, you know, hard to hard to believe. >> friends, remember the couple as passionate tech entrepreneurs and investors, was the driving force behind palo alto's up west, an investment firm specializing in fast tracking israeli tech company founders. breaking into the u.s. market. >> everyone who was fortunate enough to cross path with them just got to see how, you know, smart, kind, generous they were. >> ido tal, a palo alto man
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who's now following in lee ron's footsteps with his own silicon valley venture, has memories of a 2013 flight over the bay area with lee ron piloting his own plane. >> he just loved that he you see, he i think he came to life when it was about startups and it was about flying the airplane . >> according to naomi's linkedin profile, she taught at the university of nevada, where she developed entrepreneurial skills in young adults. despite being extremely successful in silicon valley for a couple of decades, lee ron was known as being humble and down to earth, very approachable, very nice. >> ron patel was also close with the couple and visited the crash site on sunday. the only thing we could do is just go and look and say good words about him, lee ron will be remembered as an inspiration. >> it's a big shoes to fill, right? >> he helps the next generation
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of tech company founders will be just as supportive. >> we need more people like him. >> friends believe the couple were likely headed to their home in incline, nevada. that's on lake tahoe at the time of the crash, and we're told they leave behind three adult sons. >> yeah, our hearts go out to their friends, family and those three boys. it was snowing at the time. it was early evening. do we know at all what may have led to this crash? >> that's the big question. moderate snow. the winds weren't too strong, forecasters are saying, but it was around 6 p.m, so not too dark either. we're going to have to wait maybe up to two years before we get that federal investigator, report that comes out all right, joey. >> thank you. >> happening now. crumbling section of highway one near big sur has created a logistical nightmare for caltrans and for residents. as many as 2000 people were stranded over the weekend. now they're being escorted slowly through the area. ktvu is an reuben joins us live from the area with the
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latest and there's now a plan for a temporary fix. >> yeah, caltrans is actually planning to put up protective barricades as soon as possible. they're also monitoring the site 24 over seven to make sure more of the road doesn't crumble away. enrique uribe had no idea he'd be stuck, but after a job in big sur this morning, he is. >> i did not. not until i was, until i got to here, to the sign, until i got a notification saying, hey, it's closed. and i'm like, oh man. and we're like a mile away. it was like, oh, well, so here we are, stuck now, closed, because this section of highway one, just a half mile from the famous bixby bridge, has fallen away. >> it happened after a round of wet weather and high waves on saturday. >> at the present time, we're really discouraging any visitors from coming down here until until it's deemed safe. >> state parks in the area are now closed. campers money will be refunded, but it is a big blow to big sur that had yet to recover from last year's
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landslides and road closures. >> for the business people, it's horrible. >> right now, only residents and essential workers are allowed through, and only twice a day at eight and four. martin hubbs, who lives here, ventured to the grocery store in case things get even worse. you never know. >> it's raining on thursday, so they might just say it's too dangerous and boom! so i got my tea, my milk, and i'm set up. >> caltrans crews do have a plan for a temporary fix in place. it involves expanding the shoulder and placing 500ft of concrete barriers along the center line of the roadway. no word how long a more permanent fix might take, or how long this inconvenience to drivers might last. >> rather be at work or at home than here. >> caltrans says that those twice a day convoys will go on indefinitely, unless there's inclement weather or site conditions on the road change. greg. >> yeah, definitely a headache for the community there. and ruben near big sur. and thank
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you. san jose police are investigating the city's seventh pedestrian death of the year. it happened around 730 sunday night near one of the campuses of the harker private school. authorities say a man was crossing saratoga avenue near interstate 280 when he was hit by a car and died at the scene. investigators say at this time, it appears the man did not have the right of way. they also say the driver is cooperating with police and that drugs or alcohol do not appear to be a factor. >> rideshare drivers demonstrated in san francisco today, demanding fair treatment and better pay. drivers from uber and lyft staged rallies outside both uber and lyft headquarters in the city. they say they are being impacted by low pay and high company fees. they also say they're having trouble accessing health care stipends under state law. the drivers say if ridesharing is their only source of income, it's hard to make ends meet in the expensive bay area. >> right now, we're in lyft are taking 70% of the rides, and it's not fair because we have to
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pay maintenance for our car, insurance for our car. and at the end of the day, we get nothing. >> yeah. let's go. >> we reached out to the companies. lyft said it has rolled out several new driver features, including increased pay transparency to ensure drivers always make at least 70% of their weekly fares. uber told us they have made, quote, significant improvements as part of their commitment to making uber the safest and fairest platform. >> new at five a man who suffers from schizophrenia is suing the santa rita jail after a failed suicide attempt, saying that he wouldn't have tried to die by suicide if he had received the proper medication. the suit claims julian martinez, who also suffers from bipolar disorder, was arrested last december by fremont police on an outstanding warrant for missing a court date. his wife, alicia, told the arresting officers her husband was diagnosed with schizophrenia and needed special medication. she also says her husband asked the jail staff for the medication himself, but was rejected. six days after
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arriving at jail, martinez tried to hang himself. >> it was an inmate that found him hanging and that called me, called my, called us, me, my family, his family and said that he was in the hospital. they didn't know what happened. >> this is a systemic issue at santa rita jail that they routinely failed to provide what the constitution requires when it comes to medical care in the jail that julian, his family were asking for help every day since they got there. >> martinez is suing alameda county, the company that provides medical care at the jail and the city of fremont. we reached out to all three parties. they either did not respond or chose not to comment on the lawsuit. a reminder that if you or someone you know is in need of help, there's a national hotline where support is available. 24 hours a day by phone or by text. that number right there on your screen nine eight, eight. the killing of alexis gabe shook the bay area as hundreds of volunteers helped search for the young woman's
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whereabouts and then remains for nearly a year. >> now, her story will be featured in a new documentary airing later this month. her father spoke with ktvu tori gaines about what he hopes the documentary can reveal about his daughter's death. >> gwen gabe has been living a parent's nightmare for two years. >> it's hard. it's like being stabbed. >> a new documentary airing this month will document his family's search for his daughter, alexis gabe. gabe was initially reported missing in 2022. hundreds of community members across the bay area assisted in the search for her. the case caught national attention when her ex-boyfriend and suspected killer died in a shooting with police in washington state after more than a year of searching, some of gabe's remains were found near plymouth and given over to the family in november of 2023. but the contra costa county district attorney says the investigation into her death remains open. earlier this year, the city of oakley dedicated this bench here in civic center
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park to alexis gabe's memory. her family says it's a place where they can come to remember her. but the journey isn't over for the gabe family, their grief will last forever, but they also face an uncertain legal battle. the da previously said she would consider bringing charges against alicia coleman clark, the mother of gabe suspected killer, if gabe's remains were found. >> we have come across evidence of aiding and abetting while reviewing the footage with antioch pd, and we are hoping that everything will be revealed in the documentary. >> gabe says he hopes the documentary will bring more clues out of the woodwork and bring about justice for his daughter. he says his family has struggled to see coleman clark face no consequences as their family navigates their grief, they have faced some back and forth with discovery plus, the network airing the documentary, which considered holding the episode until next season. community members reached out in
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droves demanding to see the episode sooner, and the network changed course. >> our attorney believes that the airing of the documentary could assist our case, and which is why it is crucial for the network to broadcast it for now, the family has been told the episode, titled where is alexis gabe, will air on april 24th. we just want everyone to see what we saw and you know, let us know , you know, if we're wrong or not. >> in oakley, tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. okay, don't let go, man. >> don't let go okay? don't let go. place your left hand in here, brother. >> dramatic new video of a sonoma county helicopter crew rescuing a man hanging from a cliff. the sheriff's office says they received a call at about 8:00 last night from marin county, requesting help in
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rescuing a man who had fallen 50ft down from a trail in the golden gate recreational area. a tactical flight officer descended from the helicopter, grabbed the man and placed him into a rescue device, then they were both airlifted to safety. the man was then treated for minor injuries. phone company compromised millions of at&t customers impacted by a data breach. coming up tonight at 530. what was leaked and what you need to know. >> also ahead. fast food workers across california getting a raise today. reaction to the new minimum wage and the impacts it could have and cleanup of the bridge collapse in the port of baltimore continues where recovery efforts stand tonight and across the bay area this afternoon, mostly sunny skies, a notable jump in temperatures this afternoon. >> i'll have a look at what you can expect for tomorrow in the changes coming our way in the ex nded
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a weekend. the process to cut and lift took salvage crews nearly ten hours. officials say right now, clearing and opening the channel is one of the main priorities. >> fox news chelsea torres joins us now live near the collapsed bridge in dundalk, maryland. chelsea the governor of maryland gave an update on the process earlier today. what can you tell us? >> sure, greg. julie, the maryland governor said that as of right now, they did open up a temporary channel on the northeast side of the channel on the northeast side of the channel itself. and that part is 11ft deep, and there is going to be a section that's going to be 15ft deep, that will be opening here in the coming days. now it's a little difficult to see
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because it is dark out here. but the collapsed bridge is just behind me and it's surrounded by several cranes, several barges as well as salvage vessels. and the maryland governor did say that 377 personnel are working on this day and night, and they've been working through the holiday weekend to make sure that they can get through the salvage and recovery operation. the maryland state police still believe that those four missing construction workers are entangled in the concrete and debris in the water, and $60 million have already been sent from federal funding as a down payment to help with the channel cleanup over the weekend that the us coast guard said that they lifted that one piece of the bridge out of the water, opening up a small section on the north side of the channel that piece alone weighed nearly 200 tons, and the governor said it was the size of the statue of liberty. this new open section will allow tugboats and barges to get closer to the cargo ship. and while officials work on the cleanup, the port of baltimore is still losing millions every day from poor ship traffic. but the governor did say that they're working on clearing the channel and that another crane lift is coming.
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>> unified command has scheduled another lift for later today, pending conditions, specifically pending lightning, and they will be lifting an estimated 350 ton piece from the bridge. the work is moving. the mission continues . >> now you've seen video of the collapsed bridge on top of the cargo ship itself. officials say that that's between 3 and 4000 tons. the largest crane on the eastern seaboard is here in baltimore. to help lift that part off the cargo ship. however, officials have not said exactly what the timeline is for that part of the cleanup in dundalk, maryland. chelsea torres ktvu, fox two news yeah, it certainly is a massive cleanup. >> all right, chelsea, thank you. >> the white house says president biden will visit baltimore on friday. the white house also pushing back today against criticism of its proclamation of transgender day of visibility. on easter, the trump campaign accused president
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biden of a, quote, assault on the christian faith and called for an apology. house speaker mike johnson called the declaration outrageous and abhorrent. the white house says that as a christian, president biden, quote, stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every american. >> every year for the past several years, on march 31st, trans and transgender day of visibility is marked and as we know, for folks who understand the calendar and how it works, easter falls on different sundays right? every year. and this year it happened to coincide with trans transgender visibility day. >> the president of the advocacy group glad said in a statement, quote, right wing politicians and talking heads are using the coincidental timing to overshadow the hope and joy that easter represents. >> a long time transgender restaurant and nightclub in the city was planning to close this weekend, but due to overwhelming demand, there will be a few more
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weeks to experience what has been an iconic san francisco experience. asia sf is located on ninth street and has been in business now for 26 years. the restaurant and nightclub was known for its pan-asian food and its transgender cabaret performances. club co-owners say the decision to close was difficult, but they have struggled to recover from losses suffered after shutting down during the peak of the covid pandemic. >> we were really pioneers in terms of creating employment opportunities and a safe space for these transgender women to be their authentic selves. >> even though it's sad that we're closing, the fact that we've been able to be open for 26 years and have the support that we have, is just so beautiful and instead of us all being sad and mad that we're closing, i just want to choose to be grateful for the times that we have had to exist here. >> sunday was supposed to be the
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club's last day, but now, due to overwhelming demand, the club says it will be adding what they call april encore shows, including one on april 17th, which will be the club's 26th anniversary. >> the first day of april looking awfully pretty out there and much warmer across the bay area this afternoon compared to what we had over the weekend. we're going to keep this going, at least for another day, giving you a live look there over san francisco. mostly blue skies. the winds are a little breezy, but temperatures again. the headline for most up by 11 degrees in novato this afternoon . and nine is a popular number from half moon bay towards the livermore, hayward, sfo, santa rosa, hayward, palo alto all reporting nine degrees warmer at this time in palo alto, coming in 70 degrees, 64 in san francisco, 60 three half moon bay, a little bit of an onshore breeze picking up this afternoon , cooling things down just a bit to closer to the water in the north bay. still enjoying 71 in
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napa in our east bay, enjoying 73 in concord. those winds out there. we've got mountain view reporting a north breeze at 15mph, sfo 18mph with an onshore breeze there and a north wind at half moon bay. a little bit of fog trying to develop along the coastline so we could wake up tomorrow morning with some patchy fog along the coastline and just inside the bay. but the pattern that is in place now, this ridge here, is pushing that storm track well to the north and we're going to remain dry for the next couple of days. the storm that brought us the cool, wet weather and the snow in the sierra is now off to the east, and you can see fairly active over the four corners states of today. tomorrow morning we wake up. temperatures are going to be on the chilly side once again. mid to upper 40s expected 49 to start your day in san francisco, 47 in napa for the inner east bay, 43 in livermore and the afternoon highs will be above average once again. 74 for you tomorrow. santa rosa, upper 60, san francisco 70 in oakland and mid 70s expected livermore as well as san jose. but again,
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tomorrow is going to be similar to today before bigger changes come our way into wednesday. a cooldown followed by the return of wet weather, a better look at the extended forecast coming up. >> airstrikes target iran's embassy complex in syria as israeli forces withdraw from gaza's largest hospital. i'm trey yingst in tel aviv. i've got the details coming up. and coming up at 6:00, oakland's airport could soon be adding san francisco bay to its name, while the airport across the bay that has held san francisco in its name for decades is cautioning against this and
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day and sentenced to 40 years for stealing money from clients and his law firm. murdaugh was accused of failing a polygraph test, leading prosecutors to back out of a plea deal agreement. murdaugh is already serving a life sentence for killing his wife and youngest son. today's ruling means he will remain in prison for decades, even if his murder conviction is one day overturned . a russian court has extended the detention of an american russian journalist by at least two months, pending a trial. tulsa michiba is an editor for the u.s. government funded radio free europe radio liberty. she was taken into custody on october 18th and charged with failing to register as a foreign agent and also with spreading, quote, false information about the russian military. or
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khruschev holds dual us russian citizenship. she lives in prague with her family and could reportedly face up to ten years in prison if convicted. >> late developments tonight in israel's war on hamas, gaza medical officials say an apparent israeli airstrike killed four international aid workers, with the world central kitchen charity and their palestinian driver after they helped deliver food and other supplies to northern gaza that had arrived hours earlier by ship. as fox's trey yingst reports, this comes hours after an iranian general was reportedly killed in an israeli airstrike targeting the capital city of syria. >> a massive airstrike targeting a facility linked to iran's embassy in syria on monday. iranian state media is blaming israel for the attack, which reportedly killed one of tehran's top military commanders , who played a key role in supplying weapons to the lebanese militant group hezbollah. several iranian diplomats also reportedly died. israel has not commented on the
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attack, but airstrikes like this have become more common following hamas's october attack on israel and cross-border clashes on the israel-lebanon border. >> of course, we are worried about escalation. we were worried about anything that would cause the conflict to expand or widen in any way. >> back in gaza, israeli forces withdrew from the territory's largest hospital on monday during the two week raid on al-shifa. the idf says it killed some 200 hamas militants and obtained weapons and intelligence. >> shifa has become a central terrorist headquarters for hamas . our forces surprise action was carried out with precision. >> u.s. officials tell fox news. secretary of state antony blinken, along with other us and israeli officials, are meeting virtually to discuss israel's plans for the next stage of the war an offensive in the city of rafah. it comes as prime minister benjamin netanyahu faces growing pressure from protesters in jerusalem to reach a ceasefire deal and hold early elections if he is not changed, and again, if good leaders or a
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new coalition is not taking over, we are doomed. netanyahu is rejecting calls for early elections, saying it would disrupt the war efforts in tel aviv. trey yingst, fox news. >> a new israeli law gives the government the power to shut down foreign news networks in the name of national security. netanyahu has already pledged to shut down al jazeera, accusing it of acting as a, quote, terror channel. al jazeera is one of the few international media outlets to remain in gaza throughout the war, broadcasting bloody scenes of airstrikes in overcrowded hospitals and accusing israel of massacres. >> coming up, social security numbers and passcode, some of the sensitive information stolen in a data breach. what millions of affected at&t customers need to know tonight. >> also, head back at the bargaining table. the city of oakland set to meet with the a's over a coliseum extension on what we know about the proposed offer and measles cases on the
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rise nationwide. >> the message from local health officials, especially for people planning internati al travel
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♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. $175 billion bond in his new york civil fraud case, halting collection of the more than $454 million he owes and preventing the state from seizing his assets to satisfy the debt. a new york appellate court had
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given the former president ten days to put up the money, after a panel of judges agreed last month to slash the amount he owed. mr. trump is fighting to overturn a judge's ruling that he lied about his wealth. >> the personal information from some 73 million accounts has been stolen from at&t and posted on the internet's dark web. >> it's an enormous theft, but by no means the largest ktvu tom vacar joins us with how the company is responding. and, tom, this is just a worldwide problem that continues to grow. >> i'll tell you, let's just look at this. how big a hack consider this it is the total equivalent of the population of the entire population of 13 western states from the dakotas to alaska and hawaii. that's big . in its latest data breach, at&t said it found the 73 million current and former at&t customers information on the so-called dark web, where hackers often post and sell sensitive information. the 2019 customer information contains many social security numbers, as
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well as four digit passcodes affected folks are or will be notified by at&t by email or letters that their four digit passcodes have already been changed, and that it will pay for credit monitoring services as warranted. cybersecurity firm deep watch helps companies monitor, detect, stop or mitigate, as well as survive cyber attacks. >> they need an advocate who can help the companies secure the data better. they also need an advocate who can make it harder on those malicious actors. >> but many companies thirsting for additional profits use and sell customer data. that creates mother loads of data that the bad guys can turn into money either by selling it or using it to rob the victims directly. >> one of the first rules of cybersecurity is you can't lose what you don't have in the first place. >> cyber services provider termly calculates that from 2020
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to 2023, the top five yearly incidents combined, breached, hacked or exposed 2.5 billion accounts. the all time top ten incidents saw 9.4 billion victims from the likes of yahoo, facebook and others. that number, though nowhere near the total number of big breaches, far, far exceeds the population of planet earth. often, the worst offenders are in countries that sponsor or protect them, so should uncle sam launch massive cyber counterattacks? >> i'm sure that we have capabilities that we could choose to use. the question becomes one of escalation and reprisal. >> what about giant corporations themselves fighting back, suggesting that they get involved in any sort of counterattack is frankly, more than they probably have. >> the resources, the time or the expertise to do. that's a bit of a game of whack a mole. unfortunately artificial intelligence is being brought into the cyber wars on both sides. people fighting people at
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one level, but it's also machine fighting machine at another level. >> now, one suggestion making social security accounts such that it requires a personal identification number, a pin, the other use unique individual biometrics, something you have or something you know, or something you are like your thumbprint tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news and tom, at this point, is this problem overwhelming our defenses or potential defenses to keeping this from happening? yes and no. yes. in the sense that it's a whack a mole kind of game. but the problem now is that artificial intelligence has entered into this. so both the offense and the defense are now going to be fighting this war not only with brains, but with machines that work 24 over seven, never get tired, never take a break, never go on vacation. and environmentally, that's not so good because that artificial intelligence uses enormous amounts of electricity. >> yeah, a big problem at hand. tom vacar. >> thank you. thanks, tom. well
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starting today, most fast food workers in california will be paid a new minimum wage of $20 an hour. it applies to anyone who works at a fast food chain with at least 60 locations, and where there is limited or no table service. labor unions and the fast food industry have been fighting over wages for years before lawmakers passed this law last year. advocates say many fast food workers are now not teenagers earning spending money. they are adults who depend on that money to support their families. >> i think that's great news. i think that's a long time coming. you know, it's hard hard to live out here with the wages that we currently have. so you know, i think it's great for them. it's great. you know, all around some major chains like mcdonald's, chipotle, starbucks, jack in the box and shake shack have already said they will have to raise menu prices to accommodate the higher wages. >> no longer hiring. >> we're not backfilling positions. we're not growing in the state anymore. we're not expanding more locations. and i'm ultimately thinking about selling or closing my business.
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>> but researchers say fast food restaurants have been raising their prices for the last ten years, and profit margins are at record levels. >> the city of oakland reportedly plans to offer a five year lease extension to the a's at the coliseum, espn reports. the deal would give the a's a temporary home until its new stadium in las vegas is built as part of the new deal, the a's would pay more than $19 million a year over five years, for a total of $97 million. reports show that right now, they pay just 1.25 million per year. the a's current lease at the coliseum expires at the end of this season. the two sides plan to meet on tuesday about the proposed contract. that includes an opt out after three years. oakland mayor shengtao released a statement saying she's, quote, committed to doing everything in my power to keep the a's in oakland. the terms we have proposed for the lease extension at the coliseum are clear, reasonable and achievable. having major league baseball in oakland is what is best for the
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owners, the league, the players, and most importantly, the fans. >> kaiser permanente is opening a new state of the art genomics lab to provide comprehensive genetic testing. that new lab is located in san jose. kaiser says the lab goes beyond traditional genetic testing to more complex genomics, offering new possibilities for personalized precision medicine. kaiser says it will also allow them to increase the number of tests they perform each year. >> genomics is the study of all the genes, or at least a large subset of the genes in our case in a human, and how they interact with each other and how they may interact with their environment. >> kaiser says. the new lab is larger than the previous facility and is custom built with special robotics designed for genetic testing. >> carpool lanes in california will soon be reserved just for carpools. right now, the carpool lanes allow cars with two or
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more people and also allow cars with maroon, green, and yellow stickers. these decals are for clean air vehicles. california started allowing clean air cars to use carpool lanes back in 1999, but the dmv says starting in 2025, they will no longer be allowed. this comes after governor newsom signed an executive order back in 2020, requiring all new cars and passenger trucks sold in the state to be zero emission vehicles by 2035. the biden administration wants tech companies to do more to address their huge demand for electricity. energy secretary jennifer granholm told axios she wants to accelerate conversations with big tech firms like microsoft, google and amazon as those companies use more electricity for their data centers and ai projects. the department is reportedly considering that those tech firms could host their own power plants, including nuclear power plants, on the sites of their data centers. for only the second time in the us, a human has been infected by the bird
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flu. coming up, where and how that person was infected. >> plus, it's going to be a loud summer in parts of the us. why the cicadas are returning in numbers not seen in centuries. >> but first, new federal data reveals the progress in diversifying america's nurses. while the numbers show there's still plent of work to be do ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save?
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i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin
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and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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expand ethnic studies programs. the funding from the mellon foundation will go to existing programs and developing new ones . the chancellor's office will also host a convention with faculty from ethnic, gender and sexuality studies across the csu system to determine how the grant money will be distributed. >> despite major strides in diversity over the past 15 years, black and hispanic nurses are still a large minority in the field. federal data shows that registered black nurses only make up 11% of the workforce in 2022. that's up from 8% in 2018 and about 5% in 2008. the share of hispanic nurses actually fell to 10% in 2022, from 12% in 2018. the share of nurses who speak spanish also dropped from 9 to 7. >> well, it is no april fools joke. you have a chance to be a billionaire today. the jackpot for tonight's powerball drawing is estimated at $975 million. it
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would be the game's fifth largest jackpot ever and so far the biggest this year. someone in michigan won more than $842 million on new year's day, we interviewed several first time lottery players here in the bay area, including one woman who can now legally buy a ticket after turning 18. >> it's exciting. it's different. i haven't i've never done something like that before. so it was it's kind of fun. >> it made me play, you know, because i mean, i don't run with luck. so i mean, like you said, it's $1 billion. so i mean, it's worth a shot. >> several big lottery winning tickets have been sold at ernie's liquor store in san jose. a group of bank workers won half $1 billion with a mega millions ticket back in 2018. still ahead tonight, a kansas city chiefs wide receiver is at the center of an investigation into a deadly car crash. what dashcam video is allegedly revealing about where she rice's involvement in that accident. >> plus, doctors urging parents to get their children vaccinated against the highly contagious
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measles virus. the symptoms you need to look out for and our afternoon temperatures soaring above average with a near repeat expected for tomorrow, i'll have a look at what you can expect for your bay area tuesday and the changes coming our way
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she is cooperating with authorities after a car registered in his name was
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involved in a deadly crash over the weekend. investigators say the wreck in dallas involved two speeding drivers that lost control of their vehicles, including a corvette and a lamborghini. one person died. two others were taken to area hospitals. dash cam video appears to show rice and another driver leaving the scene after the crash, and it shows very clearly that the two cars were going very, very fast on 75 right near university park and they first hit one car, then they hit a second. >> when they hit that second one, they turn it sideways and then t-bone it. that's the corvette that does that. our client was a passenger in that car that gets t-boned. >> an attorney for rice says he is taking all necessary steps to address the situation responsibly. for the second time in u.s. history, a human has caught the bird flu. >> the cdc says a texas man had direct contact with dairy cattle, presumed to be infected with the virus. there is evidence the bird flu is spreading amongst cattle. cases
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have been reported in dairy herds in texas, kansas and michigan. preliminary testing also suggests that cows in new mexico and idaho may be infected. the cdc says the last human case of bird flu was reported in colorado in 2022. there is no evidence to suggest the flu can transmit between humans. >> doctors are renewing their push for people to get vaccinated against the measles due to a spike in new cases, the cdc reports. there have been at least 97 confirmed measles cases throughout the country this year , including here in the bay area. the majority of those cases were linked to international travel, and children who had not received a measles, mumps and rubella vaccine can be a cause of hospitalization, serious illness and even death in certain populations, particularly very young children. >> pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems. >> measles was thought to be eradicated in the u.s, but public health officials say vaccination rates have fallen in the last few years, due in part
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to vaccine hesitancy after the pandemic. >> cicada season comes around once every 13 to 17 years, but this summer is going to be like one we have not witnessed in centuries, fox's danamarie mcnicholl has more on the double dose of bugs headed our way. >> it's like an entire alien species living underneath our feet. >> there are some of nature's most resilient creatures, and then some prime number years. >> they come out to say hello. >> periodical cicadas. the kind that emerge every 13 to 17 years, are expected to start showing up in just a few weeks, but this time there could be more than we can handle. a rare double dose of the bug that can sing as loud as jet engines is about to hit the south, then move north to the midwest, all thanks to a combination of two separate types of cicadas that have been bred at the same time since 1803. >> this year, we're going to get two broods that are going to emerge at the same time. multiply by 100 or 1000. we're going to get trillions of these amazing living organisms come
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out of the earth, and it's already underway. >> scientists have been observing boreholes created through the southeast, meaning the cicadas are preparing to emerge. they usually leave their underground hiding places when the ground heats up to 64 degrees, and that's happening a bit earlier this year because of climate change. good news there. annoying but not harmful, and experts are ready to collect a treasure trove of valuable information when the double dose ramps up. >> i think we get to appreciate you know, this fragile planet we co habitat with so many beautiful systems, small but lot in number. and, you know, so much we don't know yet. >> as for how many cicadas will see this year, it's difficult to predict, but some experts say that number could be in the quadrillions. in miami, danamarie mcnicholl, ktvu, fox two news with the bay area's rainy season nearing an end, allergy season is in full swing. >> allergists say rain typically
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washes away the pollen, so when it stops, more people call their doctors with allergy symptoms. those include itchy and watery eyes, a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and congestion. experts say seasonal allergies affect anywhere from 10 to 30% of the global population. >> now, with a nice warm up this afternoon, everything is blooming out there and a little bit of wind just to help stir that pollen around if you're sneezing. this is why we're going to continue with this nice spring like pattern into a day two of april before spring showers return to the bay area. here is a view over the golden gate park area, the golden gate bridge, the marin headlands. just a gorgeous view out there and notably warmer. this vantage point from up above showing you just all that clear sky stormtracker two has gone quiet. all the activity now over areas of the four corners you can see pushed off to the east yesterday after moving through southern california and we now have a ridge overhead and is pushing
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that storm track well to the north. the futurecast model also gives you a good idea. there you see the high pressure over the pacific. you can see the ridge, you can see the rain line. as we roll through tuesday, we are likely to see a little bit of patchy fog develop along the coastline. may wake up tomorrow morning with just some inside the bay. outside of that, tomorrow is going to be just as nice as today. things change up on wednesday though. take a look at by wednesday night. this trough here is dropping in, bringing in some wet weather to areas like washington, oregon for us, it's going to be a cooler day. and the breeze will begin to kick in that onshore breeze a little bit stronger. but by thursday right now it looks like we are actually going to see more wet weather here into the bay area. and it kind of takes its time moving out of california. here we are friday and you can see we are still within this trough here, but it continues to shift right now. saturday looks like an in-between day, only with unsettled weather on sunday. we're still a few days out so we will continue to fine tune this
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for you. but you could tell from that futurecast model that it's going to be off and on, very similar to what we experienced over the weekend, and really hard to pinpoint the timing with that type of system. here's a look at the rainfall amounts. we could see anywhere from a third of an inch or so to an inch of rainfall by the end of the weekend, and the sierra going to get more snow six inches to about a foot will be a possibility. and that tells you that this is going to be a cool storm. i'll show you those numbers in the extended forecast. we are enjoying above average temperatures this afternoon. 65 in san francisco in the inner east bay, right now still 73 walnut creek and in the north bay, 73 over santa rosa. tomorrow will be a chilly start mid to upper 40s for most of us. even 43 expected for livermore and then into the afternoon. widespread 60s at the coastline to a 70 inland 75 for the inner east bay of concord. your extended forecast here. a cooler day on wednesday. notice the drop in temperatures by 510
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degrees or so, and we don't stop there. once we get into the back end of the business weekend into the weekend, our afternoon highs into the upper 50s once again, low 60s on sunday, with that possibility of the unsettled weather. back to you. >> all right rosemary, thank you. germany becomes the first major european country to legalize marijuana for recreational use. up next, the celebrations and concerns f m overseas
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legalize the drug for recreational use. >> fox's greg palkot reports on the impact the decision could have worldwide. >> berlin's brandenburg gate became the base camp for cannabis fans on monday morning as germany became the first major european country to legalize marijuana. the law was passed earlier this month and took effect at midnight. local time. adults aged 18 and older will now be able to carry up to 25g for personal use, and won't be arrested for smoking weed in most public places. advocates say it's a huge step forward. this is it's a very important step for the future of legalization, not to be seen as a criminal if you have a joint
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instead of a beer, but not everyone is applauding the new law. some lawmakers made a strong push to block it, pointing to new data showing a doubling of marijuana consumption among young adults and children in germany over the past ten years. >> i have spoken to so many doctors who have warned against going down this path. >> supporters say those numbers are exactly why legalization is needed, and the new law will make it easier to track marijuana sales without definitive zurück. >> we will definitely push back the black market to ensure the protection of minors, to provide people with clean, uncontaminated products. >> ultimately, those backing legalization are hoping it will result in other countries following suit, including the us , with the biden administration teasing possible action to reclassify marijuana nationwide. nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed. >> far too many people have been sent to jail for simple marijuana possession. >> germany is now the ninth country to legalize marijuana for recreational use. in london,
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greg palkot, ktvu, fox two news. >> this is katie icu, fox two news at six. >> emergency crews ushering a convoy of drivers to safety. this afternoon as work continues to shore up parts of highway one after heavy rains caused a portion of the scenic roadway to collapse near big sur this weekend. that crumbling section of highway one has created a logistical nightmare for caltrans and for residents. good evening. i'm greg lee and i'm julie julie haener. >> as many as 2000 people were stranded over the weekend. now they are being escorted slowly through that area. >> ktvu is anne rubin traveled to big sur to show us the situation. >> enrique uribe had no idea he'd be stuck, but after a dob in big sur this morning, he is. >> i did not. not until i was, until i got to here, to the sign, until i got a notification saying, hey, it's closed. and i'm like, oh man. and we're like a mile away. and we're like, oh, well, so here we are, stuck


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