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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 1, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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an alleged sex worker accused of a violent attack in san francisco. tonight, community members demanding action as they say prostitution is an ongoing problem in their neighborhood. >> this is not an accident. this is not an isolated incident. this is not an issue about sex workers. this is an issue about safety. outrage in san francisco's mission district. >> good evening. i'm julie julie haener, and i'm greg lee. >> san francisco police say a woman was arrested for attacking a homeless woman over the weekend. the suspect an alleged sex worker. neighbors pointing to this attack is just the latest incident involving prostitution on their block. new at ten ktvu, zac sos is live in the city after speaking with a neighbor who filmed the attack, zach.
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>> yeah, and that neighbor is still pretty shaken by what she says she saw unfold just steps from where i'm standing for months now. she says she and other neighbors have been complaining about the sex trafficking taking place on this block. now, this latest incident prompting her to speak out. >> i suddenly heard shouting and swearing and really, like, sounded like a fight. >> the homeowner asked not to appear on camera, rushing to her window overlooking shotwell street early saturday evening and capturing this on her iphone . >> i saw them grab this woman by the hair, throw her to the ground, and the aggressor, an apparent sex worker attacking a homeless woman on the street in san francisco's mission district at around 5:00. and then at some point, she got up and kicked the woman right in the face, the homeowner calling police, who arrived and arrested a 24 year old woman from fairfield. >> the victim, taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries for
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neighbors, it's just the latest incident involving prostitution on their block. >> what happened is not an accident, right before that, there was like one person who was attacked two days ago was another person who was attacked. so this is just happened to be the one. but it was on tape. >> neighbor iman farhat and other residents say the problem has only gotten worse since the city put up barriers to deter prostitution along nearby capp street, all the trade moved to shotwell. >> there are literal traffic jams from the sex trade that's going on here, trevor chandler, a nearby resident and candidate for district nine supervisor, calling on the city to do more to address the problem. i fully support license plate readers. it's a common sense solution that has been provided to city hall, and the neighborhood has gotten no response. >> a petition launched by farhat demanding the installation of readers in the neighborhood is now signed by more than 200 people. give the law enforcement an additional tools that they could use, because it's not
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reasonable to assume that we can have a cop here all the time. in a statement, the mayor's office touting the success of recent police operations targeting prostitution in the area, adding that moving forward, quote, all options are on the table, including the strategic placement of public safety cameras, street and other physical, environmental changes, and of course, increased enforcement as well. >> what we've heard is we don't have enough staffing. it's not a priority. so my feeling is at least manage it and move it to a nonresidential neighborhood. >> and we did reach out to supervisor hillary ronen's office for comment. so far, we've yet to hear back. meantime, neighbors say they have been in touch with the victim in all of this. they say that she is recovering, but understandably still very much traumatized by what happened. greg >> yeah. all right. zac sos reporting live for us tonight in san francisco. zach. thank you. >> san francisco police say 216 year old boys are under arrest in the deadly shooting of a 17
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year old. the teen was found shot thursday night near the powell street bart station. his name has not been released. investigators say the two juveniles were quickly identified as suspects in the homicide and arrested the next day. both were booked at the juvenile justice center. >> new at ten tonight, workers would have the right to disconnect from their duties during non-working hours under a proposed state law. san francisco assemblyman matt haney's bill would give the employees the right to ignore communications from their boss when they are off work. the bill would require non-working hours to be established by written agreement between an employer and employee, and it would allow employees to file complaints with the labor commissioner that would be punishable by a civil penalty. >> fast food workers in california received a pay raise today. a new law took effect, setting a $20 hourly minimum wage for workers at large chains . ktvu jana katsuyama joins us live from alameda with a look at the impact. joanna >> some workers didn't want to
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go on camera, but they said they were happy for this pay pay bump. now california's current minimum wage is about $16 an hour. some business owners say that they're concerned about whether they or their customers will absorb this extra cost. fast food workers have to keep up with the fast pace of orders. now, california's new $20 minimum wage aims to help those workers keep up with the state's rising cost of living. >> a vast majority are adults. >> about a quarter have children of their own, and the pay is so low right now that one half of all fast food workers in the state are either themselves, or have a family member who's relying on one of our social safety net programs. >> ken jacobs is co-chair of uc berkeley's labor center. he says the new law applies to some half a million employees at chains with more than 60 stores. it creates a new fast food council as well, made up of industry and unions to address future wages and working conditions in the
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franchise model, we see higher numbers of amounts of health and safety violations, obviously very low wages. some major chains, including mcdonald's, chipotle, starbucks, jack in the box and shake shack say they will have to increase prices. alex johnson, who owns ten bay area auntie anne's and cinnabon stores, says the timing is terrible. >> we have soft sales. we have declining traffic counts. this bill, ab 1228, has really hit our operations hard, we're no longer hiring. we're not backfilling positions. >> another franchise group owner, harsh guy, agrees. >> we did, however, close eight restaurants last year because of profitability issues across the state, and we anticipate closing at least six more restaurants. >> he is california's largest operator of burger king restaurants, and says franchise owners were left out of the bill's negotiations. >> there were no franchisees and no employers that were actually involved in those conversations, jacobs says. >> the national chains easily could reduce fees for franchisees to minimize impact.
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>> the ten largest fast food companies had $6.1 billion in stock buybacks in 2023. it's an extraordinary amount of money. >> as for customers, i'd pay a dollar more to have that. >> i do think it's reasonable, because the cost of living in the bay area is very expensive. >> jacobs says that researchers estimate a one time price increase of 3 to 5% likely would cover the costs of this fast food workers pay increase of course, this is something that will be worked out as things progress, but at least for right now, a lot of these workers are very thankful that they're getting a slight increase. greg. >> yeah, we'll continue to watch the impact jana katsuyama live for us in alameda. gianna. thank you. florida's supreme court issued a pair of rulings on abortion today. one ruling cleared the way for the state to ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant. the law includes exceptions for rape, incest and to save the mother's
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life. the six week ban supersedes a previous law banning abortions at 15 weeks. the justices also approved wording for a measure for the november ballot. it would make abortion access a constitutionally protected right. governor newsom released a statement tonight following the florida supreme court decision. he wrote in part today, yet another right was stripped away from floridians through governor desantis anti-rights agenda. millions of floridians and women in neighboring states with total bans will now no longer be able to access essential reproductive health care on their own terms. governor newsom went on to say that california has the resources and support to help women exercise their reproductive freedom, and for more coverage on the battle over abortion rights in the current status of state laws, head to our website, >> now to an update on highway one. after part of the road washed out this weekend near big sur as ktvu ann rubin shows us now, emergency crews in monterey county started escorting a convoy of drivers to safety this
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afternoon on the stretch of road. >> enrique uribe had no idea he'd be stuck, but after a job in big sur, this morning, he is. >> i did not. not until i was, till i got to here, to the sign, until i got a notification saying, hey, it's closed. and i'm like, oh man. and we're like a mile away. we're like, oh well, so here we are, stuck now closed, because this section of highway one, just a half mile from the famous bixby bridge, has fallen away. >> it happened after a round of wet weather and high waves on saturday. >> at the present time, we're really discouraging any visitors from coming down here until until it's deemed safe. >> state parks in the area are now closed. campers money will be refunded, but it is a big blow to big sur that had yet to recover from last year's landslides and road closures. >> for the business people, it's horrible. >> right now, only residents and essential workers are allowed through, and only twice a day at eight and four. martin hubbs, who lives here, ventured to the grocery store in case things get even worse. you never know.
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>> it's raining on thursday, so they might just say it's too dangerous and boom! so i got my tea, my milk, and i'm set up. >> caltrans crews do have a plan for a temporary fix in place. it involves expanding the shoulder and placing 500ft of concrete barriers along the center line of the roadway. no word how long a more permanent fix might take, or how long this inconvenience to drivers might last. >> rather be at work or at home than here, caltrans says. >> the twice a day convoys will go on indefinitely unless there's inclement weather or site conditions change. near big sur, ann rubin, ktvu, fox two news, and earlier today at four san jose state university engineering professor laura sullivan greene told us slides such as that are part of the geology of the big sur region. >> we have young rock and soil that is constantly moving from earthquakes and those things in combination with the steep terrain, just lends itself
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towards these types of movements . and there's only so much that we can do to engineer solutions to prevent these things from happening, she said. >> caltrans is likely to look at solutions, including shoring up the coast side cliff, adding retaining structures and additional drainage. >> thousands of nurses set to walk off the job and to hit the picket lines tomorrow. coming up the south bay hospitals, it will impact and why the nurses are striking. >> you'll need your sunglasses for tuesday, but the day you will need your umbrella. i have the details with your bay area forecast. >> also ahead tonight. name change. turbulence. oakland airports plan to add san francisco to its name. getting slammed by officials on the other side of the bay. plus >> a family in shock tonight after their 80 year old mother suffered a stroke while traveling aboard a cruise coming up at 1030. their frustration with the cruise line, who they
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say failed to notify them of the incident
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offices across santa clara county. hospitals say they will
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go on strike over patient safety and unfair labor practices. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters live now in san jose at valley medical center, with more on the three day strike that begins in just a matter of hours, lamonica. >> julie. union board members say that their contract expired five months ago. now they say patient safety, workplace violence and staffing ratios have led them to the first nursing strike in santa clara county. history >> santa clara county is the second largest county in california. almost 4000 nurses are here, and we need some change. that's why this strike is happening. >> we've got some bosses at headquarters on monday, union members and volunteers for the registered nurses professional association were preparing for a three day strike at three of the county's hospitals. santa clara valley medical center, o'connor hospital and saint louise regional hospital. >> we got water, we got tables,
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we got bad cows. we got signs. >> starting tuesday, about 3800 nurses at santa clara county hospitals and facilities will strike until early friday morning. nurses like union board member malay tol say they're being asked to perform work practices at multiple hospitals that may put patients and nurses at risk. >> some are spinal cord injury icus. that's a different technique for turning a patient than it is at the icu that i'm that i'm familiar with. i'm not saying i can't do it, but i would need the proper training. >> our npa board members say county nurses have been working without a contract since late october of last year. santa clara county says most nurses received a 13.3% raise in 2023, and that moving nurses to different locations is a temporary solution, though increased wages are a part of negotiations, nurses say concerns about violent patients, a lack of security and increased
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patient to nurse ratios are why they voted to strike. >> when we have a nurse for two patients, she or he can manage that. but once we go from one nurse to five patients, if you have two or more patients pop off of their vent, it's a very bad situation. >> now, the county says that it has also taken safety measures for patients and staff ahead of this week's strike, and that they are ready to continue negotiations. julie lamonica peters live in san jose tonight. >> lamonica thank you. kaiser permanente is opening a new state of the art genomics lab to provide comprehensive genetic testing. that new lab is located in san jose. kaiser says the lab goes beyond traditional genetic testing to more complex genomics, offering new possibilities for personalized precision medicine. kaiser says it will also allow them to increase the number of tests they perform each year. >> genomics is the study of all
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the genes, or at least a large subset of the genes, in our case, in a human and how they interact with each other and how they may interact with their environment. >> kaiser says the new lab is larger than the previous facility and is custom built with special robotics designed for genetic testing. >> new at ten a state appeals court has upheld a state law meant to make it easier and faster for cities and counties to build multi-unit housing. the 2021 law gave cities and counties the right to rezone some parcels, including those near public transit, for apartment buildings of up to ten units. the aids healthcare foundation sued, saying the law was unconstitutional because it could violate voter initiatives. the appeals court found the law constitutional because housing is a matter of statewide concern, and because the law was tailored to allow cities and counties to supersede local laws on a parcel by parcel basis.
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>> a san francisco public school, educators and employees can start submitting applications tomorrow for a new affordable housing project. the 135 unit development is near 43rd and judah in the outer sunset. the property will offer 24 studios, 43 one bedroom, 58 two bedroom and nine three bedroom units. this is the first housing project built by the city for san francisco unified educators and employees. applications will be accepted through tuesday, april 23rd and san francisco mayor london breed released a statement on the project, saying our public schools are stronger when educators can live near the community they serve. our first affordable educator housing project will create that opportunity. this is part of our work to make san francisco a place working people can afford to live. >> 15 degrees. we had a 15 degree temperature span today from the coast to neighborhoods in the north bay. anywhere from 62 degrees to. how about this,
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77 degrees a piece in san rafael and in santa rosa. we were in the high 60s from union city to fremont. otherwise, everybody basked in the 70s. and the temperatures tomorrow should be a couple of degrees warmer, except along the immediate seashore, where we do have the influx of the return of a layer of low clouds and fog. but otherwise we do see our temperatures averaging anywhere from 4 to 11 degrees above normal. so take a look at our future cast. you can see right here we already have some of the stratus building along the immediate sea shore. and tomorrow morning set up is at 653. we won't see it around the media coast, san francisco and into the central bay. cross going on over to oakland and alameda into el cerrito and into emeryville. we should have some great conditions. other than that, i'm watching this upstream and that will bring us some rain. potentially for the giants home opener. julie and greg. i'll have those details later.
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>> all right, roberta, we'll see you soon. thank you. no big winner tonight in the $1 billion powerball drawing. tonight's winning numbers are 19, 24, 40, 42, 56, and the powerball is 23. check your tickets. the jackpot has now grown to just a little over $1 billion, with the next drawing scheduled for wednesday. coming up, how one airline is dealing with a unique problem over staffing. plus, who claims the san francisco name? the debate between two bay area airports. also the oakland a's, could stay put for a few more years. the offer from the city to extend e t m's ase. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is!
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-back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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pilots are being offered voluntary unpaid leave next month due to over staffing issues, according to a memo by the pilots union. pilots were told they could take unpaid time off for the entire month of may or on chosen dates. united says the overstaffing is the result
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of delays in aircraft deliveries from boeing. boeing has been under heavy regulatory scrutiny following an incident in january on that alaska flight, when a door plug detached from one of its planes mid-flight. >> sfo is pushing back against plans to rename the oakland airport. >> the port of oakland announced last week they would be voting on changing the name to san francisco bay oakland international airport, but as ktvu crystal bailey shows, us officials with sfo are calling this possible change confusing. >> oakland international airport might be renamed san francisco bay oakland international airport. the port of oakland saying it will attract more business to the airport because people don't realize the oakland airport is a convenient option. but sfo officials oppose the name change. >> i can certainly understand the interest in growing business , but we don't think putting san francisco at the front end of an airport in oakland is the way to do it. >> sfo says the name would be
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misleading and could cause confusion for their travelers who don't know the bay area. well. >> we would hate to see a situation where a traveler books thinking that they're going to one location, and then only when they land do they realize that they're somewhere else that they hadn't intended to go to. >> but there are nearly 20 organizations and city leaders who think it will help oakland. in a joint statement from the port of oakland and the airport, they acknowledged there will be differing opinions, but this could help boost oakland's economy. >> this name modification is about oakland. it's about bringing inbound travelers to oakland. our proposal is pro oakland and pro jobs. >> they also say the airport is located on the san francisco bay and want travelers to know they can get to top bay area destinations from the oakland airport. supporters say the name change will serve the entire east bay, which is often overlooked. >> what we find is that a lot of visitors that don't live in california don't know about the oakland airport, or even realize how close we are to the oakland
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airport. >> the port commission will hear public comments on the name change and vote at a meeting on april 11th. sfo officials say they are looking into taking legal action and collaborating with groups that also oppose the name change, in hopes to persuade the board not to go through with it. the airport code, oarc, will remain the same either way at oakland airport. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> the city of oakland will offer a five year lease extension to the a's at the coliseum. the deal would give the a's a temporary home until its new stadium is built in las vegas. as part of that new deal, the a's would pay more than $19 million a year over five years, for a total of $97 million. the a's current lease at the coliseum expires at the end of this season. the two sides plan to meet tomorrow about the proposed contract that includes an opt out after three years. and today, oakland mayor shengtao released a statement saying, quote, i remain committed to doing everything in my power to keep the a's in oakland. the terms we have
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proposed for a lease extension at the coliseum are clear, reasonable and achievable. >> still to come, a woman suffers a medical emergency while traveling abroad on a cruise ship. why her family is frustrated with the cruise line. plus everyone who was fortunate enough to cross path with them just got to see how, you know, smart, kind, generous they were friends and family mourning the death of a bay area couple killed in a small plane crash over the weekend. the lasting impact the couple had on silicon valley, and a growing memorial for those who were killed in the baltimore bridge collapse. >> today's developments regarding recovery efforts and the first no hitter of the major league baseball season is already in the books. jesse gary has the details. later in sports
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they say the 80 year old got off the ship for an excursion when she suffered the medical emergency. they tell ktvu amber lee, other passengers saved her life. amber is live in palo alto with the latest. >> greg, the couple tells me that their mother is in serious condition and she's being treated here at stanford medical center. they say they do not want anyone else to experience what they and their mother went through. a lot of guys find herself navigating unchartered waters. she's here in pacifica from orlando, florida, taking care of family, business and spending time with a friend. on thursday, she received unexpected news her 80 year old mother, julia lankow, suffered a stroke while she was on a norwegian cruise line trip touring african countries. >> my reaction first was shock.
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i cried. i couldn't believe, oh, my mom and my poor mom. what's going on? >> lana and her husband kurt. guys tell me they received a call from other passengers that mom had gotten sick wednesday while she was on a cruise line sponsored excursion in sao tomé, the capital city of the central african country. by the same name. she says her mom was taken to the hospital, released 24 hours later, and left to fend for herself. the couple says langhoff only had her passport and that norwegian delivered her belongings to her. but her money and credit cards were missing. they say the cruise lines should do a better job of notifying the passengers. emergency contact. when there is a problem that happens, that's not their fault. >> we get that. it's how you treat that person and how you care for that person, and how you tend to that person is what they failed at. >> the couple says they're grateful to a group of american passengers, including this couple from south carolina, who were also stranded after
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returning to the cruise ship late from a different excursion. they took care of lankov, including getting her a hotel room. this is video of one of them helping the 80 year old. we reached out to norwegian cruise line and its response only addressed the passengers who missed their transport. while this is a very unfortunate situation, guests are responsible for ensuring they return to the ship at the published time, which is communicated broadly over the ship's intercom in the daily communication and posted just before exiting the vessel. the couple tells me they arranged for mom to fly home on commercial flights. >> it's really hard to experience that, that she was helpless, that she was alone. and yet, she made it. >> the mother and grandmother landed sunday night and was transported to stanford medical center. >> there's a lot of 80 year olds. there's a lot of other people that are elderly that take these cruises. they need to
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be hugely and extremely aware that they have very little rights when something goes wrong. >> the couple tells me they're now focusing on mom's recovery and getting her back home to eugene, oregon. no word yet on when she'll be discharged from stanford medical center. greg. >> for a speedy recovery, amberleigh live in palo alto. amber. thank you. >> a man in a wheelchair was taken to the hospital after he fell in front of a bart train and was hit. crews with the berkeley fire department responded to the north berkeley station this afternoon, where the man went off the platform and onto the tracks as a richmond train was approaching. he was taken from the area alive. riders described the scene and the person had let us know on the speaker that the station is shut down. >> we were all confused, so we're all walking upstairs, but we see that there's people looking in the tracks and we hear a dude, like yelling at someone and letting them know that someone got hit by the train. and so we went to the front of the train and all we see is a wheelchair.
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>> the victim's caretaker says the man was seriously hurt. service on the richmond line was suspended for nearly an hour. ac transit provided service during that time. tonight we are learning more about the bay area. >> couple killed in a small weekend. their deaths areer the considered a big blow to silicon valley's venture capitist landscape. the single engine turboprop plane wendownn the truckee area over the weekend, d toght federal investigators are still trying to find a cause. ktvu is joey horton spoke with friends of the couple about their loss. >> federal investigators are working to determine the cause of a deadly plane crash in truckee on saturday night, where wreckage can be seen scattered along the railroad tracks. >> it's so sad. life is so fragile. friends and colleagues identify the israeli husband and wife as 57 year-old lee run and 58 year-old naomi petrushka. >> it just, you know, hard to. hard to believe. >> friends, remember the couple
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as passionate tech entrepreneurs and investors, was the driving force behind palo alto's up west, an investment firm specializing in fast tracking israeli tech company founders. breaking into the u.s. market. >> everyone who was fortunate enough to cross path with them just got to see how, you know, smart, kind, generous they were. >> ido tal, a palo alto man who's now following in lee ron's footsteps with his own silicon valley venture, has memories of a 2013 flight over the bay area with lee ron piloting his own plane. >> he just loved that he you see, he i think he came to life when it was about startups and it was about flying the airplane . >> according to naomi's linkedin profile, she taught at the university of nevada, where she developed entrepreneurial skills in young adults. despite being extremely successful in silicon valley for a couple of decades,
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lee ron was known as being humble and down to earth. ron patel was also close with the couple and visited the crash site on sunday. >> the only thing we could do is just go and look and say good words about him. >> friends believe the couple were likely headed to their home near lake tahoe at the time of the plane crash. they leave behind three adult kids. in the newsroom joey hornick, ktvu, fox two news. >> community members have put together a memorial to honor the men who were killed when the francis scott key bridge collapsed last week in baltimore, six construction workers died. the bodies of four of them have still not been recovered. the men have been described as immigrants from mexico, guatemala, honduras and el salvador. a temporary channel opened today in baltimore to allow cleanup crews to begin removing wreckage of the bridge. >> right now, the channel is open only to vessels involved in cleanup efforts. officials say the area is marked with lights and has a controlling depth of
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11ft. there are plans to create a deeper channel in the coming days, but the governor of maryland said today the first priority is recovering the bodies of the four missing workers. >> we are talking about tons of steel that is mangled and cantilevered. we're talking about water that is so murky and so filled with debris that divers cannot see any more than a foot or two in front of them. >> the owner and manager of the cargo ship that rammed into the bridge is now trying to limit their legal liability for that deadly disaster. the company is limitation. liability petition is routing. the filing seeks to cap the company's liability at about $43 million. >> coming up at 11, gunfire in a north bay grocery store parking lot sends three people to the hospital. what we know about the victims and the search for who's responsible. >> clear skies tonight and tomorrow. by the afternoon hours, we'll be talking about
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one neighborhood topping off at 738 degrees. the forecast is on deck. >> but first, we are learning more about a group of humanitarian workers who were killed in an air strike while volunteering in the gaza strip
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low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. hours after bringing in a new shipload of food into gaza. those workers were with world central kitchen, the charity founded by celebrity chef jose andres. the israeli military said it was conducting a review to understand the circumstances of this tragic incident. this comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu faces growing pressure from protesters in jerusalem to reach a cease fire deal and hold early elections. if he's not changed, and again,
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if a good leaders or a new coalition is not taking over, we are doomed. mr. netanyahu is rejecting calls for early elections, saying it would disrupt the war efforts. in a post on social media, chef jose andres honored the world central kitchen workers who were killed in that airstrike. he said, these are people, angels i served alongside in ukraine, gaza, turkey, morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless . they are not nameless. the israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. and for the very latest developments out of the middle east, head to the ktvu fox local app. it is a free download for your smart tv. former president donald trump has posted $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case, halting collection of the more than $454 million he owes and preventing the state from
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seizing his assets to satisfy the debt. >> a new york appellate court had given the former president ten days to put up the money, after a panel of judges agreed last month to slash the amount he owed. mr. trump is fighting to overturn a judge's ruling that he lied about his wealth in order to grow his real estate empire. mr. trump's social media company disclosed today that it lost nearly $58 million last year, sending its stock tumbling more than 21. this comes less than a week after the company made a flashy stock market debut . trump media and technology group owns social media platform truth social losses in 2023 for the company mark a stark decline compared to 2022, when the company reported a $50 million profit. stock were mostly lower today after a strong manufacturing report raised doubts about prospects for lower interest rates. the dow was down 240 points. the nasdaq gained 17 and the s&p was down ten points. >> an unusual delivery in the
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east bay. coming up, the items dropped off at a police station that triggered a response from the bomb squad. >> plus, it's a case that gripped the bay area. and now a documentary on the disappearance and killing of alexis gabe will soon be released. we're hearing from her father after the break. >> also ahead tonight, it's been a clear night out there across the bay area after a beautiful day. meteorologist roberta gonzalez is back aft the break with your five day fecast, ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night.
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front lobby last week with a box of three live hand grenades. the man told police he discovered the grenades and some ammunition while cleaning out his garage. a police spokesperson said it was unclear how they ended up there. officers called the alameda county sheriff's bomb squad to come and take the grenades for destruction. police say residents who find dangerous explosives should avoid touching them and instead give them a call. >> the killing of alexis gabe shook the bay area. hundreds of volunteers spent weeks back in 2022 searching for the young woman until all hope was gone. >> her suspected killer died in a shootout with police, and some of the young woman's remains were finally found. but the family still has questions. and now, new documentary that takes a look at the case is set to air later this month. >> gabe's father spoke with ktvu tori gaines about what he hopes this documentary can reveal about his daughter's death.
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>> gwen gabe has been living a parent's nightmare for two years. >> it's hard. it's like being stabbed. >> a new documentary airing this month will document his family's search for his daughter, alexis gabe. gabe was initially reported missing in 2022. hundreds of community members across the bay area assisted in the search for her. the case caught national attention when her ex-boyfriend and suspected killer died in a shooting with police in washington state. after more than a year of searching, some of gabe's remains were found near plymouth and given over to the family in november of 2023. but the contra costa county district attorney says the investigation into her death remains open. earlier this year, the city of oakley dedicated this bench here in civic center park to alexis gabe's memory. her family says it's a place where they can come to remember her. but the journey isn't over for the gabe family, their grief will last forever, but they also face an uncertain legal battle. the da previously
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said she would consider bringing charges against alicia coleman clark, the mother of gabe suspected killer, if gabe's remains were found. >> we have come across evidence of aiding and abetting while reviewing the footage with antioch pd, and we are hoping that everything will be revealed in the documentary, gabe says he hopes the documentary will bring more clues out of the woodwork and bring about justice for his daughter. >> he says his family has struggled to see coleman clark face no consequences, as their family navigates their grief, they have faced some back and forth with discovery plus, the network airing the documentary, which considered holding the episode until next season. community members reached out in droves demanding to see the episode sooner, and the network changed course. >> our attorney believes that the airing of the documentary could assist our case, and which is why it is crucial for the network to broadcast it for now,
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the family has been told the episode, titled where is alexis gabe, will air on april 24th. we just want everyone to see what we saw and, you know, let us know, you know, if we're wrong or not. >> in oakley, tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. >> the family of a san jose teacher who died in a car accident last year is kicking off an auction tomorrow to raise money for a scholarship in her name. virginia wright, also known as sp gina, used sneakers as a way to connect with her students, and now her more than 200 pairs of shoes that she collected over the years will be up for auction. the auction goes live tomorrow on all of the proceeds will go to a san jose state university scholarship fund in honor of sp gina. >> spectacular day across the bay area today, well above
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average, and tomorrow will pan out to be the warmest day of this workweek. hi everybody. take a look at this. i wanted to share with you because it's just spectacular outside right now. visibility is unlimited and our air temperatures are in the 50s. it is, however, 48 degrees in half moon bay and the coastal areas will bottom out in the mid 40s. tonight with the influx of the return of the low clouds and even some patchy fog otherwise. 46 overnight in fremont. cool spot will be the tri-valley in the low 40s now. meanwhile we do see the clear skies. you saw that just now by our live weather camera, and our satellite imagery is picking that up as well. but upstream we go. and there it is. this is a trough. and this is really beautiful. when you see this cotton ball effect here, that's an indication that there's a lot of colder air associated with this attached cold front. that's going to ride right on the heels of that trough. so let's play it out for you here tomorrow morning. there you have it. that
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hint of stratus along the media sea shore working its way into the central bay. even a little bit of condensation associated with that shallow bank of marine layer. and so sun up tomorrow morning is at 653, and as the day progresses, it will be clear . but then that fog bank does enhance along the sea shore. it could bring down those temperatures ever so gently in the north bay. but it's wednesday when we do have that transition day, it becomes mostly cloudy. then thursday morning you're going to wake up and say what? rain? well here we go. there's your thursday afternoon from the north bay all the way into monterey bay. we're talking more showers and even the potential of an isolated thunderstorm as that cooler air mass filters in behind that trough. so we're talking about about a half an inch of rain in the san francisco area. of course, these numbers will change daily and we will keep you posted. in fact, steve paulson at the helm tomorrow morning beginning at 4 a.m, santa rosa approaching an inch of rain. so the bottom line is tomorrow, another pretty spring
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day and even warmer. and then ten degrees cooler for your wednesday. that's a shock to the system. thursday and friday it's going to feel like winter time again. what do you see that extended forecast. but here you go. we're flirting with 80 degrees in san jose, cupertino, campbell, los gatos and saratoga. how about 75? in gilroy and in morgan hill, 70s around the central bay and mid 70s in clayton and in concord. here you go with your extended forecast. let's walk you through it. much cooler wednesday. cold rain showers with that potential of an isolated thunderstorm containing small hail and we will have morning showers, hopefully tapering off in time for that giants home opener against the padres during the afternoon on friday. but julie and greg, i got to tell you, it's going to be blustery at the ballpark. >> yeah quite the opening day. we will savor tomorrow while we can. roberta thank you. san francisco's oldest restaurant, the tadich grill, is celebrating its 175th anniversary all month.
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the restaurant on california street says every 175th customer through the doors will get tadich swag, and diners over 21 can enjoy a bloody mary for just $1.75. yes, $1.75. all month long. that special offer is limited to one per guest. their official anniversary party is set for april 28th. >> the tropicana casino resort in las vegas is just hours away now from closing its doors for good to make way for what is expected to be the a's new ballpark. the gaming floor will close at three in the morning, and hotel guests are required to leave by noon tomorrow. the tropicana opened in 1957 and for decades was known for its feathered showgirls. nearly 200 of them gathered at the iconic hotel to say their goodbyes. demolition is not expected to begin for months. >> the giants get off to a rough start in their series opener in l.a. against the dodgers. our jesse geary has that story next
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in sports. >> then on the 11:00 news, a scarf that spans the length of three football fields. the bay area woman now waiting to see if she has et the guinness
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real jack in the box haters are blindly trying my new smashed jack. this is good. perfect seasoning. no, i don't like it. i love it. you love it. do ya? this is not jack in the box! oh, it is so jack in the box!
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try the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! season for the giants, but it's always special when ancient enemies clash. dodgers chasing the giants in the nl west. we're at dodger stadium in los angeles, bottom of the first and trouble already. mookie betts hits a deep fly to left center. giants rookie juju lee at the track at the wall, and he does not make the catch. by the time michael conforto corrals the ball, betts, who is not slow, has a triple. one batter later, he would score on a groundout that gives the dodgers a one
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nothing lead. we're going to move to the top of the sixth now. l.a. up three. nothing but conforto changes that with his third home run of the young season. this deep fly down the right field line cuts the lead to 3 to 1. go, giants! unfortunately in the bottom of the same inning, the dodgers double their total teoscar hernandez times this tyler rogers frisbee slider and serves it up over the left center field wall. dodgers go up six one and they win it 8 to 3. game two of the three game series tomorrow night here in the east bay, a dismal night at the oakland coliseum as the a's hosting the bo sox. this summed up the night for oakland. second inning sedan. rafaela hits a fly ball to right. lawrence butler comes in catches and then uncorks this throw that hits off catcher shea langeliers and skips up the first base line. and because no one's backing up the play, two runners score on the one out. the sox go up three nothing. they win with a shutout. nine nothing. the a's committed five
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errors. yes, i said five. the same two teams play tomorrow night here in oakland. in houston, this ground ball to second was much more than just an ordinary out. it completed a no hitter for ronald blanco. it's the first for the 30 year old astros hurler in just his eighth major league start. he walked two fanned seven as houston won the game against toronto ten to nothing. final four is set for the women's ncaa tournament tonight. two games featuring perhaps the three most exciting players in college basketball, and we're treated to a rematch of last year's championship game. let's head up the portland paige bueckers and third seeded uconn, taking on freshman phenom juju watkins and number one seed usc watkins with the steal goes coast to coast for the finish and the foul. she had 29 points, ten rebounds, but bueckers and company too much. in the end. she's called paige buckets and for good reason. the drive and hits the tough pull up
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in traffic that puts the huskies up 11 with a minute 39 left. paige ends up with 28 points, ten rebounds, six assists, a hyped up geno auriemma and company headed to their 23rd final four with an 8073 win earlier tonight in albany, new york. caitlin clark, the all time leading scorer in ncaa history versus lsu's outspoken star angel reese. we're tied at 45 starting the third quarter, and that's when clark heats up. she hits a long three to begin the quarter and then hits three more. so a total of four threes in the quarter. she would end with 41 points and add 12 assists in route to the hawkeyes, 9487 win. they're headed to the final four in cleveland sunday. reese had 17 points in the losing effort for lsu. it may not be a brinks truck payday, but it'll do for now, 49ers quarterback brock purdy pocketing nearly $740,000 in performance based pay from the nfl. this program gives
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financial gives a financial bump to players who perform beyond their contracts. that's good for purdy because he earned just about $1 million for the year, so now he gets a nice little cha ching. and of course, when he signs next year, poof. >> i think he earned it. >> yes, exactly. >> i think he did too. all right, jesse, thank you. next at 11, this is really looking at an industry that's been highly profitable and has a model that's very low wage today, a law mandating a $20 hourly wage takes effect. >> takes effect how it could mean more changes for the fast food industry. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu, fox two starts now. >> the law aims to ease the burden of living in expensive california, but company ceos say customers will see higher prices as a result. hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener i'm greg lee new tonight ktvu jana katsuyama heard from local franchise owners and customers about the change. >> fast food workers


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