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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 2, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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hour from now, thousands of bay area nurses will walk off the job, go on strike and hit the picket lines. the reason they're starting this strike and the hospitals in the south bay that will be affected. also gunfire in the parking lot of a north bay groc y store . what we know about a shooting that left three people in the hospital. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it
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is tuesday april 2nd. did you get through the day without any pranks? >> no pranks. >> no pranks. i had two people. i had a couple pulled on me. i fell for you. fell for it, steve. but moving on to april 2nd now, my cats played a couple on me. >> oh, i was not happy. >> yeah. >> oh, okay, no pranks, thank you. 4050. the fog is back. the coastal variety. just like that. so the city, which just missed 70 by one yesterday, i think comes down here. 40s and 50s. santa rosa reporting fog. pretty good fog. marin county and parts of the san mateo coast. so just by the you can't see it's hard to see on this satellite image, but it's there. so santa rosa 68, the city 64, oakland 67. still nice to mild to warm. livermore and san jose, but big changes on the way. start tomorrow. all right. ali did such a fine job yesterday. she's back for an encore performance. oh >> thank you. happy to be here this early hour. and it's pretty
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quiet out there on the roads. we can show you the live picture from the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see just a few cars out at this 4:00 hour. and the maps pretty much everywhere from east contra costa county down to the hayward san mateo area. all looks good, even that drive in from the altamont pass is okay right now. here's the san mateo bridge and not too many people out on the road. so if you're going to get over to the peninsula, now's a good time to do it. 401 let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. ali nurses in santa clara county are set to hit the picket line this morning. nearly 4000 nurses across santa clara county hospitals say they will go on strike over patient safety and unfair labor practices. >> and ktvu lamonica peters talked to nurses who say patient safety, workplace violence and staffing ratios are the reasons for the first nursing strike in the history of santa clara county. >> santa clara county is the second largest county in california. almost 4000 nurses are here, and we need some
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change. that's why this strike is happening. >> i've got some bosses at headquarters on monday. union members and volunteers for the registered nurses professional association were preparing for a three day strike at three of the county's hospitals. santa clara valley medical center, o'connor hospital and saint louise regional hospital. >> we are water. we got tables, we got bad cows. we got signs. >> starting tuesday, about 3800 nurses at santa clara county hospitals and facilities will strike until early friday morning. nurses like union board member malay tol say they're being asked to perform work practices at multiple hospitals that may put patients and nurses at risk. >> some are spinal cord injury icu. that's a different technique for turning a patient than it is at the icu that i'm that i'm familiar with. i'm not saying i can't do it, but i would need the proper training. >> our npa board members say
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county nurses have been working without a contract since late october of last year. santa clara county says most nurses received a 13.3% raise in 2023, and that moving nurses to different locations is a temporary solution, though increased wages are a part of negotiations. nurses say concerns about violent patients, a lack of security and increased patient to nurse ratios are why they voted to strike. >> when we have a nurse for two patients, she or he can manage that. but once we go from one nurse to five patients, if you have two or more patients pop off of their vent, it's a very bad situation. >> lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news thank you. >> lamonica police say three people are in the hospital this morning after being shot in a safeway parking lot in american canyon. it happened late yesterday afternoon outside the grocery stores gas station on west american canyon road. dozens of police evidence markers at the scene show where
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the shots were fired. and there are bullet holes in shattered windows in a car behind that crime tape. police have questioned at least two possible suspects during the investigation. >> following the shooting, officers located two male subjects that are being detained for questioning. right now. at this time, there's no current threat to the community. >> we're still trying to find out the condition of the three men who were wounded. investigators say it's still not clear what led up to the gunfire . >> our time is 404. a homicide in san leandro. still being investigated this morning. take a look at this video from the citizen app. shows the shooting scene last night near hesperian and colby street. when the police arrived, they found a man who'd been fatally shot. there's no word about a motive or if any arrests have been made. >> we're learning more about the bay area couple killed over the weekend in the crash of a small plane in truckee. friends and colleagues identify the israeli husband and wife as 57 year old
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lee rahn and 58 year old naomi petrushka. they say they were techie entrepreneurs and investors, and the driving force behind palo alto's up west, an investment firm specializing in helping the founders of israeli tech companies break into the us market. friends say liron loved to pilot his own plane. >> he just loved that he. you see, he i think he came to life when it was about startups and it was about flying the airplane . >> federal investigators are still searching for the cause of the plane crash. friends believe the couple was likely headed to their home near lake tahoe when the plane crashed. they leave behind three adult children. >> our time, now 406, in berkeley, a man in a wheelchair who was hit by a bart train was rushed by firefighters to the hospital. it happened yesterday afternoon at the north berkeley bart station, where the man and his wheelchair went off the platform and down onto the tracks as a train bound for richmond was approaching.
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witnesses described the chaos of that scene. >> the person had let us know on the speaker that the station is shut down. we were all confused, so we're all walking upstairs, but we see that there's people looking in the tracks and we hear a dude, like yelling at someone and letting them know that someone got hit by the train. and so we went to the front of the train, and all we see is a wheelchair. >> now, the victim was seriously hurt. according to his caretaker train service on the richmond line was suspended for almost an hour, but the service was restored when the bart station reopened. >> police in pleasanton say someone walked into the station's lobby last week with a box of three live hand grenades. now, the man told police he discovered the grenades and some ammunition in his garage while he was cleaning it out. the alameda county sheriff's bomb squad was called in to remove the grenades and destroy them. police warn anyone who finds dangerous explosives to avoid
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touching them and call police right away. >> time is 407 in baltimore. cleanup and recovery continues after the devastating collapse of the key bridge, but work crews are hitting roadblocks to clearing debris from that channel. it is dangerous for those crews to navigate the area with a deadly bridge collapse occurred. tons of sharp, twisted metal from the francis scott key bridge are still on top of the cargo ship that slammed into the bridge last week and damaged beneath the water's surface is just as complicated, especially with murky water, making it hard for divers to see beyond 1 or 2ft below the water line along the bottom is very challenging because these girders are essentially tangled together, intertwined, making it very difficult to figure out where you need to eventually cut so that we can make that into more manageable sizes to lift them. now, yesterday, the work crews
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tried to clear a temporary channel on the side of the bridge collapse to help with ship traffic. for those that are coming to help out with the cleanup, the company, based in singapore that owns and manages that cargo ship, has filed court documents aimed at limiting their legal liability for the deadly crash if they are found responsible, will american immigration forms are changing to try to reduce barriers and become more inclusive? >> as of today, the application for naturalization now lists male female and another gender identity as options on the form. it is the first time u.s. citizenship and immigration services has offered a form to include a third gender option. the agency says the change reflects its commitment to making naturalization accessible to all those who are eligible. >> all right, our time is 409. the irs says 940,000 americans are owed refunds from the 2020 tax year, but they never filed tax returns. that means almost
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$1 billion is sitting unclaimed and a key deadline is looming. taxpayers have three years to file for refunds if they don't, the treasury department gets to keep the cash. the california is one of the states with the highest amount of non-filers from the 2020 tax year. if you never filed for 2020 refunds, you have until may 17th to file the median 2020 refund is about $932. >> today, governor newsom takes part in the state's april snow survey. the governor will join members of the water resources department as they measure the current snowpack in el dorado county. the april survey is considered the most important of the year, because this time is typically the peak of california's seasonal snowpack. the governor's office has not indicated what he may say today, but newsom has been allowed spokesperson on battling climate change. all right, so we'll get more on that. and i think more snow is on the way this week. let's check in with steve paulson. >> i think it will be a 100%
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wow. nice. wow. or at least close to it. very nice. it's a good weather. news still happens. yeah. contrary to what others think. but we have a watch in the last few images here. fog is roaring back to the coast here. that didn't take long, you know, we get some 70s inland and just like that, i kind of watch these these patterns as we go into april and may as maybe an indicator for summer. man, that is a quick return to the fog and low clouds. so it'll be cooler over by the coast. still nice to warm inland, but i don't know. it will be as warm as yesterday unless you're well inland. that's your change. coming in for wednesday and thursday looks like rain. the key here is in the oakland berkeley hills and out at davis point, west southwest. san francisco is west. they had an east wind yesterday. that's a big difference here. higher elevate. look at mount veeder 63 warm degrees yet 51 oakland hills and southwest winds. so there's still a puff of a northerly breeze for some. but that's a big spread on temps here. but that's warm air aloft at mount veeder no doubt about it. 40s 50s on the temps here, some low
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40s. fairfax at 42, sonoma is down to 42. they were in the 50s at this time yesterday. so the wind is turned for sonoma and napa. they are much, much cooler here than we saw yesterday at this time. so that's leading me to believe we will see cooler temps today. 27 truckee 28 south lake tahoe. 56 in las vegas 53 palm springs and arcade at 47. the high winds out for one more day, but underneath that is some fog. and then starting on wednesday night, here we go. thursday rain returns and then it looks like it continues into friday morning. should taper off, but then another system looks like it'll sweep through on sunday. so enjoy! i hope you enjoy the sun because we're going right back into a much cooler pattern. but fog returns if you're near the coast 5060s inland 60s to some few mid 70s. >> thank you steve. outrage over the violent attack of a homeless woman in san francisco's mission district all caught on video. we'll hear from a witness who
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says the attacker is a sex worker. >> plus i cried, i couldn't believe, oh, my mom and my poor mom was going on. i just wanted to be with my mom, her family in shock after their 80 year old mother suffered a stroke while tr eling everyone's hyped that wendy's made the official hamburger of march madness a buck. ♪ sandstorm by darude ♪ yeahhh! wooooo! but tyler and toby are on another level. - get it for a buck. - get it for a buck. (both) dave's single, dave's single get hyped with fresh, never frozen beef on wendy's dave's single for a buck. only ithe app. ( ♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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to raise money for a scholarship in her name. virginia wright, also known as esp gina, used sneakers as a way to connect with her students. now, more than 200 pairs of her shoes that she collected over the years will be up for auction. the auction goes live today on
4:16 am all the proceeds will go to a san jose state university scholarship fund named in honor of esp. gina. >> our time now 415. a family is frustrated with the cruise line after their 80 year old mother suffered a stroke during a cruise. but the cruise line never alerted the family. >> now, the woman's daughter and son in law are speaking out about the ordeal as ktvu is. amber lee reports. other passengers on the cruise had to step in to help the woman. >> a lot of guys finds herself navigating unchartered waters. she's here in pacifica from orlando, florida, taking care of family business and spending time with a friend. on thursday, she received unexpected news her 80 year old mother, julia lankow , suffered a stroke while she was on a norwegian cruise line trip touring african countries. >> my reaction first was shock. i cried that mom had gotten sick wednesday while she was on a cruise line sponsored excursion in sao tomé, the capital city of
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the central african country by the same name. >> she says her mom was taken to the hospital, released 24 hours later, and left to fend for herself. they say the cruise lines should do a better job of notifying the passengers. emergency contact when there is a problem, how you care for that person and how you tend to that person is what they failed at. the couple says they're grateful to a group of american passengers, including this couple from south carolina, who were also stranded after returning to the cruise ship late from a different excursion they took care of, including getting her a hotel room. this is video of one of them helping the 80 year old. we reached out to norwegian cruise line and its response only addressed the passengers who missed their transport. while this is a very unfortunate situation, guests are responsible for ensuring they return to the ship at the published time, which is communicated broadly over the ship's intercom in the daily
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communication and posted just before exiting the vessel. the couple tells me they arranged for mom to fly home on commercial flights. >> it's really hard to experience that, that she was helpless, that she was alone, and yet she made it. >> the mother and grandmother landed sunday night and was transported to stanford medical center. >> there's a lot of 80 year olds. there's a lot of other people that are elderly that take these cruises. they need to be hugely and extremely aware that they have very little rights when something goes wrong. the couple tells me they're now focusing on mom's recovery and getting her back home to eugene, oregon. >> no word yet on when she will be discharged from stanford medical center. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, amber, thank you. time is now. 418 a passenger on a jetblue flight says he was unfairly kicked off his cross country flight. i complied, okay , so everybody here told you this. >> so what's the issue? >> now, several other passengers
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took video of the recent incident on the jetblue plane on a flight that was about to take off from los angeles bound for fort lauderdale, florida. tremayne graves says a flight attendant woke him up from his nap and said he didn't properly respond to his question about procedures on the emergency row. >> he said, please come here. we're going to just going to ban you from flying on jetblue. you need to come off before they get here because, it's going to be bad. >> now, graves says he's considering possible legal action against the airline after being forced to get off the jet. jetblue has made no comment on the incident. our time is 419 sfo pushing back against plans to rename the oakland airport the port of oakland is considering changing the name of the airport in the east bay at a meeting next week, changing it to san francisco bay oakland international airport. that
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proposed name change is intended to increase the awareness of the airport's location, and also to try to attract more travelers, but officials at sfo are opposing that name change. they say the name would be misleading and confuse travelers who are not familiar with the bay area. >> we would hate to see a situation where a traveler books thinking that they're going to one location, and then only when they land do they realize that they're somewhere else that they hadn't intended to go to. i can certainly understand the interest in growing business, but we don't think putting san francisco at the front end of an airport in oakland is the way to do it. >> now, leaders in oakland say the airport is on the san francisco bay, and they want travelers to know they can get to top bay area destinations from the oakland airport. supporters also say the name change will increase oakland's economy and serve the entire east bay.
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>> time now is 420. i want to check in with steve paulson on our forecast. how's it look today? >> cooler coast, nice inland. okay, back to you too. >> it was pretty warm yesterday. >> it was warm yesterday. yeah. nice day. felt good. hope you got out and enjoyed it. now, if you're well away from the coast today, probably won't have to worry about it. but there is a big fog. bank is already ramping up here at 419 in the morning. fog returns. still cool to warm. big change starts tomorrow. we'll turn cloudy. temps will drop a good 1015 degrees thursday into friday. cooler and windy and rain returns. our system is a churning in the north in the gulf of alaska, but the high will win out for today. but underneath that, look at the low clouds from nothing. look at that. you can see it if you look close enough. i know it's early. maybe an add all your coffee, but it's there and it continues to ramp a water temps are in the 50s. from what bowie reports we get now. there's so many missing ones it's unbelievable. but the west southwest breeze at oakland and also davis point in oakland, north and san francisco. all you need to know that is onshore
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versus yesterday when it was offshore. so there will be a drop, a pretty good drop. coast in bay on the temps 40s 50s on the temps probably around 44. should be it for 43 for some of the lows here. pinos 44, orinda 44. castro valley's in there. clayton lafayette are close 40s and 50s on the temps 25. truckee 28. south lake tahoe, look at the grass valley though 57 that warm air aloft there settling in for some areas. the high winds out today. and then that system drops in here for a rapid change starting wednesday. and then wednesday night, thursday looks like a rain day. we'll take that into thursday night, and it sure looks like into friday morning as well, and probably into friday afternoon, but should start to taper off. and then another weak system drops in on sunday into monday. so here we go again. but for today, if you're inland, you're all right. but the fog is back and nice inland coastal fog returns. sunny for most 50s 60s near the bay coast and then 60s 70s inland. you guys okay? >> thank you. times for 22. if you want to buy a house this year, you may be out of luck.
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you tell you how much you may need to make in order to afford a house, and there's a push for doctors to start prescribing fruits and vegetables just like medicine. >> what researchers say about how it could help improve our health
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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fruits and vegetables. researchers examined 5300 middle aged patients at alameda county clinics. the patients suffered from chronic health conditions or lacked the income to buy nutritious foods. in the study, doctors enrolled them in a program called recipe for health. they received free produce for four months, and their cholesterol levels and food insecurity improved dramatically. in our next hour, we're going to talk live with our fox medical team about the study and improving our health. >> all right. our time is 425. we're now moving into the final countdown to one of nature's
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most fascinating light shows. most of the u.s. will be able to see a total solar eclipse on monday. the moon is going to pass between the earth and the sun, blocking out the sun's rays and casting a shadow on earth. now, we won't be able to see the sun fully blacked out here in california, but we will see a partial eclipse. about a third of the sun will be blocked now, doctors warned. if you want to watch it, be sure to wear the proper eye protection. >> if you look at the sun directly with your unaided eye, you can damage the eye permanently and lose vision. solar eclipse glasses are 100,000 times darker than your regular sunglasses. regular sunglasses absolutely cannot be used now. >> the best time to start watching the eclipse will be just after 11 a.m. on monday. several local observatories and
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museums, including the california academy of sciences, chabot space and science center, and the exploratorium, will be holding watch parties. >> very fun. all right. a documentary on the disappearance and killing of alexis gabe will soon be released. we're going to hear from her dad about what he hopes the special will reveal. >> also, the private information of millions of at&t customers was leaked onto the dark web. how you can tell if you're one of them, and what you can do to protect your important information. and don't forget, you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter. just go to, sign up for the daily service
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( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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this is not an isolated incident. this is not an issue about sex workers. this is an issue about safety. >> an alleged sex worker is accused of a violent attack in san francisco. we're going to hear more from people in the community now demanding action. and donald trump set to hit the campaign trail today. the two critical states he is trying to win from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun two i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> tuesday morning april 2nd. you had a nice day yesterday. looks like you got a nice one today. >> gorgeous, gorgeous i think a little cooler. let's check in with steve paulson for the forecast. you see some clouds today. >> fog is back. >> fog is back. >> variety. yes. coastal variety has returned in a big way. so little bit more of a westerly a breeze that will make a big difference in san francisco and oakland and parts of the bay inland. still 70s though, i think we'll end up with. but we're 40s and 50s on the temps
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here, and it's hard to see, but the fog is there and it is coming back in a big way. so it's tough to tweak temps on this. but we'll go 60s, 70s if you're near the coast. it'll be cooler. if you're inland. it'll still be nice for one more day. all right. alice here for 30. almost here. anything. are we good? >> we're good. it's very quiet there. this morning. we are seeing the traffic build up. a little bit of westbound 580 in the livermore valley. we'll show you that in just a second. first, we're going to start with the south bay, where you can see things are all clear this morning. no problems there. but last time we showed you this drive coming on westbound 580, it was completely green. now you see a little bit of slow traffic in that commute direction. highway four, bay point. it's also getting busier, but no problems there. and also your drive on that eastshore freeway carquinas bridge macarthur made under 20 minutes. be aware when you get to the bay bridge. if you're heading into san francisco at this hour, there is a note about a stalled vehicle at yerba buena island, so that could slow things down just a little bit. taking a look at the
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toll plaza, though, it'll take you no time to get onto the span again. yerba buena island off ramp. there is a stalled vehicle there for 31. let's go back to the desk. >> okay, ali? well, a homeless woman in san francisco's mission district was violently attacked, and people are outraged about it. an alleged sex worker was arrested for that attack. ktvu zac sos talked with the resident who saw the whole thing and captured it on video. she says many of the neighbors have already made several complaints to the city about prostitution. >> i suddenly heard shouting and swearing and really like, sounded like a fight. >> the homeowner asked not to appear on camera, rushing to her window overlooking shotwell street early saturday evening and capturing this on her iphone . >> i saw them grab this woman by the hair, throw her to the ground, the aggressor, an apparent sex worker attacking a homeless woman on the street in san francisco's mission district at around 5:00, and then at some
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point, she got up and kicked the woman right in the face, the homeowner calling police who arrived and arrested a 24 year old woman from fairfield. >> the victim taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. for neighbors, it's just the latest incident involving prostitution on their block. >> what happened is not an accident. right before that, there was like one person who was attacked two days ago. this is just happened to be the one. but it was on tape. >> neighbor iman farhat and other residents say the problem has only gotten worse since the city put up barriers to deter prostitution along nearby capp street, all the trade moved to shotwell. >> there are literal traffic jams from the sex trade that's going on here, trevor chandler, a nearby resident and candidate for district nine supervisor, calling on the city to do more to address the problem. i fully support license plate readers. it's a common sense solution that has been provided to city hall. >> in a statement, the mayor's office touting the success of
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recent police operations targeting prostitution in the area, adding that moving forward, quote, all options are on the table, including the strategic placement of public safety cameras, street and other physical environmental changes, and of course, increased enforcement as well. >> what we've heard is we don't have enough staffing. it's not a priority. so my feeling is at least manage it and move it to a non residential neighborhood. >> as for the victim in all this, neighbors say they have spoken to her that she is recovering, but that she is understandably still very traumatized by what happened in san francisco. zac sos, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, zach, thank you. time now for 34. but california workers would have the right to disconnect from their duties during non-working hours under a proposed state law. san francisco assemblyman matt haney's bill will give the employees the right to ignore communications from their boss when they're not working. the bill would require non-working hours to be established by
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written agreements, and it would allow employees to file complaints with the labor commissioner that would be punishable by a civil penalty. >> the family of alexis gabe is hoping a new documentary airing later this month will help answer questions surrounding her death. hundreds of volunteers spent weeks back in 2022 searching for the young woman from oakley until all hope was gone. after more than a year of searching, some of gabe's remains were found near plymouth in november, but the contra costa district attorney says the investigation into her death remains open. the district attorney previously said she would consider bringing charges against the mother of gabe, suspected killer, if gabe's remains were found. >> we have come across evidence of aiding and abetting while reviewing the footage with antioch pd, and we are hoping that everything will be revealed in the documentary. our attorney
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believes that the airing of the documentary could assist our case, and which is why it is crucial for the network to broadcast it, the family has been told. >> the episode, titled where is alexis gabe, will air on april 24th. >> our time now for 35. former president trump getting back on the campaign trail today, making stops in michigan and in wisconsin. the former president is held only one public campaign event since he locked up the republican presidential nomination back in the middle of march. trump says voters understand his campaign time has been limited because of his demanding court calendar. >> look how well i'm doing and the people understand it now. >> both michigan and wisconsin are considered key battleground states in the presidential election. president biden will be going to wisconsin on monday. >> donald trump has posted a $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case that halts
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collection of the more than $454 million he owes and prevents the state from seizing his assets to satisfy the debt. while he appeals, trump is fighting to overturn a judge's ruling that he lied about his wealth in order to secure better loan and insurance terms. trump, donald trump's social media company, disclosed that it lost nearly $58 million last year, sending its stock tumbling more than 21% yesterday. this comes less than a week after the company made its stock market debut. trump media and technology group owns the social media platform truth social losses in 2023 for the company mark a stark decline compared to a 2022, when the company reported a $50 billion profit. >> time is now 436 well in san jose campaign fundraiser has reached a record high. a report by the transparent watchdog maplight found the candidates for mayor and people who are running for city council raised more than $7 million
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collectively in 2022, making it the most expensive in san jose history. that report also found that 16% were about $1.1 million came from special interest groups like companies or political action committees. will the votes are still being counted in the race to fill the seat of retiring congresswoman anna eshoo. joe simitian is leading evan low by a razor thin margin of only five votes. whoever earns more votes between the two of them will face sam liccardo in november's general election. there are just under 600 ballots still to be counted, because they're either conditional ballots or being challenged about signatures. the county has until thursday to count those votes and turn in the results to the state. >> san mateo county clerk is extending its hours for people who want to get married today. some considered today a special day because of the number sequence of today's date 0402
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2024 all fours, zeros and twos civil ceremonies will be held from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the department's office in redwood city for two, 2024. >> for two 2024. got it. all right. okay. >> i love the date. you know, it's fun when you have certain dates. >> yeah, they just line ups, stephen, to make it interesting. >> you like numerology? thank you for that. you're welcome. all right. number stuff. what's that aka number stuff. >> exactly. numbers. fog returns in a big way to the coast. so cooler coast and bay. we have a little more of an onshore breeze there. not a win, but it's. i mean, the fog bank is a ramping up here. but inland you'll still be nice to mild to warm here. but then a big drop starts wednesday and then rain returns and maybe even some thunderstorms and temps drop into the upper 50s. by the time we get to thursday and probably friday today we're good to go. but that's your developing system coming down from the gulf of alaska. look at the fog bank. i mean, it is racing up the
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coast. it's meeting up with more fog out in the pacific. the key is san francisco. davis point, oakland north, oakland south. that's an onshore breeze. yesterday they were all offshore. so that's a big difference 4050 on the temps here i don't think these will change all that much. 45 pillar point 45 half moon bay for 44 stanford atherton. also los altos and then 47 san mateo, redwood city and foster city. 20s in the mountains 47 arcata-eureka to 50 down in monterey, santa barbara, los angeles and san diego at 5232, in prescott. there the high winds out today, but underneath that fog is ramping up and change is already on the way. big change tomorrow. and then it looks like rain moves in late wednesday. more likely thursday. thursday does look like a rain day into early friday, maybe a little bit into friday afternoon. and then one more system sweeps through on sunday. so here we go. you know, it looks like you get that hint of spring. and just like that we're
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going to bring it right back. cooler coast and bay today still nice to mild to warm inland though. but tomorrow big drop. so 5060s anywhere near the water . 60s few mid 70s inland but clouds, cooler rain. thursday probably some activity on friday a break saturday next system sunday. >> thank you steve. thousands of nurses set to walk off the job and hit the picket lines this morning. coming up, the local hospitals that will be affected and the reason the nurses are striking and an airstrike killed a group of humanitarian workers. >> today we're finding out about this attack that occurred while they were volunteering in gaza
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i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. you know those mornings when it takes just a now little bit extra. to get you out of bed? this might be it. wake up to the goodness of jimmy dean. like many women over 40, i'm starting to get more dark spots. bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal. fades the look of all types of dark spots
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by up to 40%. (♪) bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal paris. now turning back from gaza with undelivered aid. now it comes after seven international aid workers were killed by an apparent israeli airstrike. the workers were with world central kitchen, the charity founded by celebrity chef jose andres.
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world central kitchen says its convoy was hit despite coordinating movements with the israeli military and while traveling in vehicles. clearly marked with its logo. the israeli military says it is investigating the incident. >> we have been reviewing the incident in the highest levels to understand the circumstances of what happened and how it happened. we will be opening a probe to examine this serious incident further. this will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. >> world central kitchen says the seven people killed are from australia, poland, united kingdom, a dual citizen of the us and canada and a palestinian. the group says it is pausing operations in gaza immediately and will make decisions about longer tum plans in the region soon. in a post on social media, chef jose andres honored world kitchen central workers who were killed in the airstrike, saying,
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quote, these are people. angels i served alongside in ukraine, gaza, turkey, morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless. they are not nameless. the israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing now for the very latest developments out of the middle east, you can head to our ktvu fox local app. it is a free download for your smart tv. >> our time is now. four 4473 million at&t customers are being warned. some of their private information may have been hacked. at&t is investigating the security breach, but doesn't know whether it came from the company or one of its vendors. information like full names, phone numbers, emails, mailing addresses, social security and account pin numbers were dumped onto the dark web. cybersecurity experts say a determined hacker can steal that information. >> there's just so much complexity to the digital environment, and a lot of these
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organizations struggle with real time visibility and control of their it environment. and then attackers just need the weakest link is all the attackers need to be able to get in. >> the customers who have been affected are being notified by at&t, either by email or regular mail, that their four digit passcodes have been reset. the company will also pay for credit monitoring if it's needed. >> they need an advocate who can help the companies secure the data better. they also need an advocate who can make it harder on those malicious actors. >> now these huge data breaches are hitting almost every consumer won tech services company calculates it between 2020 and 2023. the top five security breaches each year exposed to combined 2.5 billion accounts. rideshare drivers in san francisco are demanding fair treatment and better pay. >> drivers from uber and lyft
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staged rallies outside both company headquarters in the city. they say they're being impacted by low pay and high fees. they also say they're having trouble accessing health care stipends. >> under state law, a rent is so high, food is so high, and we're some people come from really far away and they're sleeping in the cars to try to provide for their family food on the table. >> we reached out to the companies. lyft said it has rolled out several new driver features, including increased pay transparency to ensure drivers always make at least 70% of their weekly fares. uber told us they have made, quote, significant improvements as part of their commitment to make uber the safest and fairest platform in our time now. >> 446 a new study is out that says it now takes a six figure income to afford a median priced home here in the u.s, according to the study by bankrate, americans need an annual income of $110,000 a year to afford a
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median priced home. that's a 46% increase in just the last four years. bank rate says california is number one on the list when it comes to the income needed to buy a house with a salary of almost $200,000 a year, needed to buy the average home. >> a state appeals court has upheld a state law meant to make it easier and faster for cities and counties to build multi-unit housing. the 2021 law gave cities and counties the right to rezone some parcels, including those near public transit, for apartment buildings up to ten units. the aids healthcare foundation sued, saying that the law was unconstitu tional because it could violate voter initiatives. but the appeals court found the law constitutional because housing is a matter of statewide concern. >> our time is 448, and today, san francisco public school educators and employees can start submitting their applications for a new affordable housing project. this
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135 unit development is near 43rd and judah in the outer sunset. this is the first housing project built by the city for san francisco unified educators and employees. now the applications will be accepted through tuesday, april 23rd. and in a post on social media, mayor london breed said our public schools are stronger when educators can live near the community they serve. our first affordable educator housing project will create that opportunity. this is part of our work to make san francisco a place that working people can afford to live in. >> you still have a chance? yeah >> yes, i have a chance. there was no big winner in last night's $1 billion powerball lottery drawing. last night's winning numbers are 16, 24, 40, 42, 56. the powerball 23. now the jackpot has now grown even bigger past $1 billion. the next
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drawing is scheduled for wednesday. >> maybe i'll buy a ticket this time. you need to get in. >> pam. >> i always forget you're going to think about it in the morning . like, might as well. but then i forget. so now, steve, now if i buy a ticket once it hits a billion, 900 million, no, no, no sense, but a billion. >> yes. yeah. >> now we're talking, now we're talking my time, now we're talking money. >> there you go. all right. fog has returned in a big way. coastal variety. and it's moving up the coast. and it's going to lead to a cooler pattern. coast and bay today. inland. still nice big drop tomorrow. and then it looks like rain returns, along with much colder temperatures and wind as we go into thursday and also into friday. fog though. petaluma airport, a quarter mile, santa rosa a quarter mile visibility i half moon bay. it's close, but they're still okay there. now this is not for inland areas, but this is mainly coast and bay system to the north will play into our weather starting
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tomorrow. it's already starting for some on the coast. it's hard to see, but it's there. you can see the full look at that. so i mean, i'm dropping temps already for the areas near the coast and in the city. they have an onshore breeze. san francisco, oakland, berkeley hills and out towards the strait. so that's usually a pretty good sign that we'll see a drop on some temps today. 4050 on the temps here, 39 boulder creek you go boulder creek, there you go. 42 felton mid 40s everywhere else, including morgan hill, san martin, hollister a little cool there at 42 degrees. santa clara 4647 arcata. eureka. ukiah is in the upper 40s. sacramento's in there 54 bookends. fresno and bakersfield, california. the high will protect areas inland. it will still be mild to warm without that offshore breeze, though this system is already beginning, i think to the north in the gulf of alaska to sweep in now. bigger changes will be tomorrow. rain returns thursday, probably into friday as well. friday morning and then maybe another system clipping us on sunday looks weak, but the
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pattern is getting ready to change again to one we've had off and on pretty much all the way back to december. so the fog is back, still mild to warm inland, but coast and bay will be cooling down. 5060s, their 60s 70s away from the coast. big drop starts tomorrow and then carries us right into the weekend. >> thank you steve. >> a new name for the oakland airport. the plan is drawing criticism on the other side of the bay. coming up, the meeting of sfo leaders planned for today and this is kind of fun. it's a scarf that spans the length of three football fields. we're going to meet the bay area woman now, waiting to see if she set the guinness world r ord. fine lines? make an appointment with this. hyaluronic plumping water cream by l'oreal. with micro hyaluronic acid. hydrates better than the #1 hyaluronic gel moisturizer. in 2 weeks, lines are visibly reduced. plumping water cream by l'oreal. we're worth it. hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture.
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cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. feel hydrated, and look healthy. it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty.
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in los angeles again tonight for game two of their three game
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series. now the dodgers defeated the giants 8 to 3 last night. michael conforto had his third home run of the season. the giants now have two wins and three losses. the oakland a's will host the boston red sox at the coliseum tonight for game two of their series. after failing to score a run in game one, boston shut out the a's nine to nothing last night. the a's had a horrible night at the plate, committed five errors. oakland now has one win and four losses and the a's found another way to anger their already frustrated bay area fans. the team sent outfielder estuary ruiz down to the minors despite his successful start to the new season, he had publicly supported local fan groups that were fighting to keep the team in oakland. but the a's say ruiz was simply not playing up to his potential. final preparations are now underway for the final four of the men's ncaa basketball tournament. public safety officials in the phoenix area say they are keeping an eye
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out for any problems, but the fbi says they have not received any threats. police and local officials say they are working with both state and federal authorities to provide safety for visiting fans and residents of glendale, arizona, to see this is unique because it is the final four, but us working together as a day to day operation and so making sure that communications on the national picture of intelligence, if there are threats, we're communicating those to our state and local partners seamlessly. >> but keep in mind, when my citizens dial 911 when they need that police or firefighter to show up, they'll be ready to do that. we're not giving up on our citizens. we're giving the same exact level of service that they always have gotten amongst taking on these mega events nc state, purdue, alabama and uconn are the four teams in the final rounds of the ncaa men's tournament. >> the games will be on saturday and monday, but events for fans begin on friday. san francisco's oldest restaurant, tadich grill, is celebrating its 175th
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anniversary. all. month. the restaurant on california street says every 175th customer through the doors will get tadich swag, and diners over the age of 21 can enjoy a bloody mary for just $1.75. that special offer is limited to one per guest. though the restaurant traces its origins to a coffee stand opened in san francisco back in 1849, their official anniversary party is set for april 28th. the tropicana casino resort in las vegas has now closed for good. the gaming floor closed just a few hours ago at 3 a.m. hotel guests are required to leave by noon. the tropicana opened in 1957 and for years was known for its feathered showgirls. nearly 200 of them gathered at the iconic hotel to say their goodbyes. >> we will move to different states and we're all coming back here, so to all get together and see the faces we used to perform
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with, it's fantastic. >> demolition is not expected to begin for months. bally's intends to build a new resort adjacent to the a's new ballpark that is planned for that site. baby, don't waste your time. the iheartradio music awards wrapped up last night. the star packed lineup included landmark award recipients, green day, bay area band, as well as tlc, justin timberlake, tate mcrae and more. beyonce received the innovator award, presented to her by stevie wonder. her new album, cowboy carter, is currently breaking records. >> i want to dedicate this award to all the innovators who have dedicated their lives and their art to creating shifts. >> meryl streep was at the award show as well to celebrate icon award recipient cher and taylor swift accepted artist of the
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year via video message. she is, of course, on her world tour. she also won pop artist and tour of the year. vice president kamala harris is among those praising beyonce for her latest new album, cowboy carter. the vice president said in a tweet beyonce, thank you for reminding us to never feel confined to other people's perspectives of what our lane is. you have redefined a genre and reclaimed country music's black roots. your music continues to inspire us all. beyonce made a post to instagram two weeks before the album was released, saying that the album took five years to make. the premise of the album was to highlight an experience she had years ago where she did not feel welcomed, believed to be her performance at the 2016 country music association awards. but she says it was that experience that inspired her to do a deep dive on the history of country music. a richmond woman is now waiting to hear if she has broken the guinness world
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record holder for the world's longest crocheted scarf. take a look. her scarf was measured at richmond's craneway pavilion yesterday to fulfill one of the many rules that guinness requires to enter its record book, daisy started crocheting the scarf more than a year ago. she took on this ambitious project despite having a full time job and two kids. the richmond woman worked on her scarf everywhere she went at the movie theater, at restaurants, at. >> i can't tell you how many sports, games and sports practices for my kids. i'll be sitting there in my camp chair just working away. but it all paid off. >> her scarf is nearly 880ft long, the size of about three football fields. it's about 50ft longer than the current record holder. >> well, gunfire in the parking lot of a north bay grocery store. what we know about a shooting that left three people in the hospital. >> going to work and not being able to give, patients the care
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that they need and deserve is scary for us right now. >> thousands of bay area nurses will be walking off the job this morning, going on strike and hitting picket lines. the reason they're starting this strike and the hospitals in the south bay that will be affected. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> well good morning to you. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is tuesday april 2nd steve paulson says a little cooler air and some fog. right. >> a lot of fog has come back here, especially on the coast, so inland will still be pretty nice here. but take a look here. you can take a look and see right here. i'll show it to you. look at that big fog bank down there. so it'll be cooler in the coast. i've trimmed the city back to 63, after yesterday, almost 70. in oakland from 71. i've trimmed them back to 67. santa rosa has fog. petaluma has some fog, 40s on the temps. if you're inland, it'll still be
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nice. the fog bank is pretty shallow, but it's hard to see. but there it is. we'll have to wait until about 8:00 before we can really see it. but, i mean, it's gone from nothing to something here pretty fast. 6070s on the temps. all right. allies here at 5:00, something new. >> not much new. and it's kind of nice for me and for folks driving out there at this hour. there's not any big problems to tell people about. if you're headed out on the road, you should have a pretty easy drive. let's start with some of the maps so you can see for yourself. all the green. looking at the east bay and across the peninsula, san francisco, even the north bay, things that look good. the only slow traffic you'll encounter at this hour is coming in on westbound 580 through the altamont pass, but no specific crashes or problems to tell you about our triple a traffic cameras show you this live picture of the bay bridge toll plaza traffic moving along nicely, getting onto the span. 880 in oakland. no problems. north and southbound and in the other parts of the east bay highway 24 headed towards the caldecott tunnel. traffic moving
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well. 502 let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. ali. police say three people are in the hospital this morning after being shot in a safeway parking lot in american canyon. it happened late yesterday afternoon outside the grocery stores gas station on west american canyon road. dozens of people. police evidence markers at the scene show where the shots were fired. and there are bullet holes and shattered windows in a car behind that crime tape. police have questioned at least two possible suspects during the investigation. >> following the shooting, officers located two male subjects that are being detained for questioning. right now. at this time, there's no current threat to the community. >> we're still trying to find out the condition of the three men who were wounded. investigators say it's still not clear what led up to the gunfire. >> our time now. 503a homicide in san leandro still being investigated this morning. this video from the citizen app shows the shooting scene last night near hesperian and colby street.
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when the police arrived, they found a man who'd been fatally shot. no word about a motive or if any arrests have been made. >> we're learning more about the bay area. couple killed over the weekend in the crash of a small plane in truckee. friends and colleagues identify the israeli husband and wife as 57 year old lee rahn, and 58 year old naomi petrushka. they say they were tech entrepreneurs and investors, and the driving force behind palo alto's up west, an investment firm specializing in helping the founders of israeli tech companies break into the us market. friends say liron loved to pilot his own plane. >> he just loved that he you see, he i think he came to life when it was about startups and it was about flying the airplane . >> federal investigators are still searching for the cause of the plane crash. friends believe they were likely headed to their home near lake tahoe when the plane crashed. they leave behind three adult children. >> our time is 504. in berkeley.
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a man in a wheelchair who was hit by a bart train was rushed by firefighters to the hospital. this happened yesterday afternoon at the north berkeley bart station, where the man and his wheelchair went off the platform and down onto the tracks as a train bound for richmond was approaching. witnesses described the chaos they saw the person had let us know on the speaker that the station is shut down. >> we were all confused, so we're all walking upstairs, but we see that there's people looking in the tracks and we hear a dude, like yelling at someone and letting them know that someone got hit by the train. and so we went to the front of the train and all we see is a wheelchair. >> now, the victim was seriously hurt. according to his caretaker, train service on the richmond line was suspended for almost an hour, but the service was restored when that bart station reopened. >> police in pleasanton say someone walked into the station's lobby last week with a box of three live hand grenades.
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the man told police he discovered the grenades and some ammunition in his garage while he was cleaning it out. the alameda county sheriff's bomb squad was called in to remove the grenades and destroy them, but police warn anyone if you find dangerous explosives, avoid touching them and call police immediately. >> time is now 505 in baltimore. cleanup and recovery continues after that devastating collapse of the key bridge, but work crews are hitting roadblocks to clearing debris from the channel. it is dangerous for those crews to navigate the area where the deadly bridge collapse occurred. tons of sharp, twisted metal from the francis scott key bridge are still on top of the cargo ship that slammed into the bridge last week, and damage under the surface of the water is just as complicated. the murky water makes it hard for divers to see beyond 1 or 2ft below the water line along the bottom is very challenging
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because these girders are essentially tangled together, intertwined, making it very difficult to figure out where you need to eventually cut so that we can make that into more manageable sizes to lift them. now, yesterday, the crews tried to clear a temporary channel on one side of the bridge, collapsed to help with ship traffic. for those that are coming to help out with the cleanup, the company, based in singapore that owns and manages the cargo ship, has filed court documents aimed at limiting their legal liability for that deadly crash if they're found responsible. >> american immigration forms are changing to try to reduce barriers and become more inclusive as of today, the application for naturalization now lists mail female and another gender identity as options on the form. it is the first time u.s. citizenship and immigration services has offered a form to include a third gender option. the agency says the change reflects its commitment to making naturalization
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accessible to all those who are eligible. >> our time is 507. the irs says 940,000 americans are owed refunds from the 2020 tax year, but they never filed tax returns. that means almost $1 billion is sitting unclaimed and a key deadline is getting closer. taxpayers have three years to file for refunds, and if they don't, the treasury department gets to keep the cash. the california is one of the states with the highest amount of non-filers from the 2020 tax year. if you never filed for 2020 refunds, you now have until may 17th to do it. the median 2020 refund is about $932. >> today, governor newsom takes part in the state's april snow survey. the governor will join members of the water resources department as they measure the current snowpack in el dorado county. the april survey is considered the most important of the year because this is the time that typically is the peak of california's seasonal
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snowpack, the governor's office has not indicated what he will say today, but newsom has been a loud spokesperson on battling climate change. so are we getting more snow this week with that weather forecast? steve paulson has the answer. >> he better not say anything negative because it's all good, right? >> i just want to hear if there's more snow and we extend our season. >> i mean, the rain season has been good. now the snowfall took a while to get going, but once february and march hit, it's been all gravy. so to speak. so and there's more on the way as we head towards this weekend. yesterday, if you got out and enjoyed it, i dare i say it was warm. dare-dare santa rosa was 77. napa says 76 pamela, do you want to hear a joke about a ghost? sure. that's the spirit. vallejo 74, concord 74, menlo park 74. san jose 73. livermore and kentfield, both at 72. today, though, i know i'm focusing on some areas. santa rosa one, but san francisco, oakland, santa cruz, there's more of a west wind and a big
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fog bank. so 63, 66, 65 i've been trimming temps here. the fog bank is just continuing to ramp up here. big change starts a bigger change starts tomorrow for all inland. temps will drop a good ten degrees and then upper 50s. cooler. windy with rain returning on thursday. a little bit of fog. santa rosa and also petaluma after that. we look okay. there it is. came back. novato is down to four miles. i would expect half moon bay to maybe they're close. they're right on the cusp of that low cloud deck. and i mean it's ramping up now. the bases are low. high pressure still in charge. but it's going to make an impact coast and bay then that system coming in tomorrow we'll make an even bigger impact here. this is the key right here onshore yesterday it was offshore onshore south wind west wind. so that that yesterday these were all north or east 40s 50s on the temps here. boulder creek in the santa cruz mountains is 39 sonoma is 42. napa 45. they were in the 50s at this time yesterday. san anselmo 41, fairfax 42, mid 40s. upper
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40s, some 50s there, 20s in the mountains, 40s for many from arcadia to ukiah, sacramento and then 50s santa barbara. those at 48. and so is phoenix 48. flagstaff 22. the high will give inland areas some more sunshine and mild to warm temps, but that system says i'm on my way. and that's going to usher in a huge change. starting a little bit today, a lot, a bit tomorrow, then rain returns thursday looks like again into friday morning. and maybe another system clipping us on sunday. so and there's more snow in the mountains, so we'll take it. coastal fog returns. so the fog is back. sunny for most but cooler coast. nice to warm inland. although temperatures 5060s by the water did hold on to a few mid 70s inland. but by tomorrow they all drop and then rain returns thursday day. >> all right, steve, thank you. time is now 511. outrage in san francisco over the violent attack on a homeless woman in the mission district. and it was caught on video. we'll hear from a witness who says the attacker is a sex worker. plus i cried.
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>> i couldn't believe, oh, my mom and my poor mom was going on. i just want to be with my mom. >> a family in shock after their 80 year old mother suffered a stroke while traveling overseas on a cruise. the reason they're so frustra d wi tha
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cruise line after their 80 year old mother suffered a stroke during a cruise with the cruise line. never alerted the family. julia lankov was on a norwegian cruise line touring african nations when she had that stroke. she was taken to a hospital in the central african country of sao tomé now, and she was released 24 hours later. miss langhoff's daughter says by the time the cruise ship was gone at that time, the cruise ship had sailed away. but some other american passengers who missed boarding the ship when they returned late from an excursion in took care of her mother. they contacted her so she could fly her mother here to the bay area, where she was taken to stanford medical center . >> it's really hard to experience that, that she was helpless, that she was alone. and yet she made it. >> now her daughter says the cruise line should do a better job of notifying the passengers. emergency contact when there's a
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problem. we tried to reach out to norwegian cruise line, the company says. they tried to call miss langhoff's several times, but they were not able to reach her and said, quote, in instances such as these, as the gas was released from the hospital and in a coherent state, our protocol is to contact the guest directly, as we would not have the authority to share any medical details with anyone else without their expressed consent. our time is 515. a passenger on a jetblue flight says he was unfairly kicked off his cross country flight. i complied, okay, so everybody here told you this. >> so what's the issue now? >> several other passengers took video of that recent incident on the jetblue plane, on the flight that was about to take off from los angeles, bound for fort lauderdale, florida. tremayne graves says a flight attendant woke him up from his nap and said he didn't properly respond to his question about procedures on the emergency row.
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>> he said the police come here. we're going to we're just going to ban you from flying on jetblue. you need to come off before they get here because, it's going to be bad here, miss gray, mr. graves says he's considering legal action now against the airline after being forced to get off that flight. so far, jetblue has made no comment about the incident. it is 516 nurses in the south bay are walking off the job this morning, saying they're being asked to do more than they can handle, and that is leading to santa clara county's first ever nurses strike. ktvu james torres is in san jose now to tell us about their demands and how the county is reacting. good morning james. >> dave, good morning to you. well, that strike just went into effect officially about 15 minutes ago. it will affect more than a rather close to 4000 nurses in the area at three different area hospitals. that's
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that includes valley medical center. that's where we are outside of this morning, as well as o'connor hospital and san luis hospital. they're represented by the registered nurses professional association and its union leader tells ktvu they've been without a contract since about october. but during those negotiations since then, one of their main talking points is understaffed and below standard nurse to patient ratios . they also know an increase in workplace violence from patients , as well as rejecting a proposal to float nurses between the three hospitals. they say they've exhausted every option to make an agreement with the county. >> when we have a nurse for two patients, she or he can manage that. but once we go from one nurse to five patients, if you have two or more patients pop off of their vent, it's a very bad situation. >> county representatives saying they have tried bargaining in
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good faith. in a statement, the county says it hopes that rmpa will return to the table so that we can continue working toward reaching agreement on a fair, competitive and sustainable contract. we are taking all necessary steps to safeguard patients, employees and visitors from the impacts of any possible strike activity in addition, county leaders say nurses have seen a 13% wage increase in the last year, even more since 2020. national vacancies and turnover rates in the area, according to the county, are much less than what we see at the national average. again the strike has taken effect about 15 minutes ago. it is set to last until friday morning. reporting live in san jose. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right james thank you. time now 519. let's get right to steve paulson. if we can see through some of the fog around the bay area, there's plenty to go around, mr. clark. >> thank you sir. yes more of an onshore breeze in the city and also into the oakland berkeley hills. even davis point is west
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southwest at 11. i know that's not roaring, but a lot of these were north or east. yesterday. the city had a due east wind and they just missed 70 by one. i've trimmed them back to 63 today. there's just too much fog out there and it's mainly about half moon bay north, and it's moving up the marin coast and sonoma coast and moving inland. we have some fog being reported at petaluma also. santa rosa 42, sonoma 41 fairfax, san anselmo, ross in there as well. so much cooler for some to lose that east northeast breeze. and that temp drops a good five seven degrees here, 20 in the mountains, low 50s, 40s up and down the coast here the high even though it's putting its stamp on on the fog. so it's pretty shallow. the base is inland temps will still be nice to warm, but that system is on its way for a big change. rapid change. starting a little bit today. more so tomorrow. rain returns. looks like thursday and again parts of friday, but much cooler and windy as the forecast saturday. we should get a break, but sunday does look like another weak system brushes us. so fog is back. it'll be nice inland. sunny for most. cooler coast, mild to warm inland. enjoyed today. inland because
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big changes tomorrow. dave. >> right steve. thank you. time now 520. if you want to buy a house this year, you may be out of luck. we tell you how much you may need to make in order to afford a house, and there's a push to get doctors to start prescribing fruit and vegetables , just like medicine. what researchers say about
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two. in today's healthwatch, if doctors prescribed fruits and vegetables like medicine, could we improve our health through diet alone? several new studies say yes. a growing number of programs in the u.s. deliver free produce. the goal is to reduce heart problems and obesity related diseases. our fox medical team doctor mike, joining us now to talk about this study. all right. tell us about these programs. are they successful? >> you better believe it pam. the bottom line is that and i don't know why it took a century to figure this out, but if you prescribe, if you have someone who is a health care provider saying, look, here's a prescription for broccoli, it gives it more credence and people will do it. and the studies show that it reduces blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, and most importantly, reduces weight and teaches people how to take care
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of their machines. pam, i don't i think you're too young to remember the maytag man, but it's always been my goal for 30 years to be sitting reading a newspaper because the if you remember, the maytag machines were so good that they never called for service. and wouldn't it be great if all my patients did the right thing, ate the right kinds of food, and did the right kinds of investment in their health? 401 k, then i wouldn't have much to do. wouldn't that be great? >> it would be great, actually. right. is this something that more doctors are doing or considering actually prescribing a healthier diet instead of prescription medications? >> well, i wouldn't say instead of prescription medication, every individual patient is different. some people need medication. some people need a more intensive intervention. but
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wouldn't it be great to get everyone involved in learning how to take care of their machine in a way that maybe will prevent needing those medications down the road? it's why, pam, i have a nutrition list here full time in my practice and if anyone, if anyone ever really cared about what i said, i would start in first grade. i would get little johnny or little susie to learn how to eat right, exercise, take care of their machines so that as they go through life, they will be much better off. and if you do that early on and act as parents and model for them, showing how you can eat healthy. and boy are you doing a great service for your kids. >> part of their education. certainly really quick before
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you go, if it's a possible prescription from your doctor, is it possible that some of these things, maybe a nutritionist, might be covered by health insurance at some point? >> well, yeah, and a lot of these studies are in, areas of need right now. but but i don't see why we couldn't expand it across the country because we have a real problem in this country with obesity. we have problems with type two diabetes, high blood pressure, all of those things. why not make a concerted effort for everyone? but right now it's in its infancy. but i'm predicting, pam, i think in the next 1015, 20 years, you're going to see much more of this. yes. all right. >> that sounds great. we'll head to the produce aisle and the farmers market. doctor mike, thank you for that. >> thank you. pam, you have a great day. >> you too. all right. time now. 527 a documentary on the disappearance and killing of
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alexis gabe will soon be released. we're going to hear from her dad about what he hopes that special will reveal. and the private information of millions of at&t customers was leaked onto the dark web. we're going to tell you how you can tell if you're one of the victims and wha yo can next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. and cache in get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. about sex workers. this is an issue about safety.
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>> an alleged sex worker is accused of a violent attack in san francisco. we're going to hear more from people in the community now demanding action and a plan is in the works to add san francisco to the oakland airport. the reason and the argument over a name change. up next. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> tuesday morning it is april 2nd. we're off and running. >> we are. and there's some fog rolling in. let's check in with steve paulson. where are you starting with the forecast. well the fog is there. >> we saw it last time. i don't know what happened to it, but it's there. the bases are low, but there's a pretty good fog bank now about half moon bay north. and it's racing up the coast. 40s and 50s. this will make a big impact on forecast highs for san francisco, oakland and areas around the bay, tough to see, but it's there. you can watch in the last few i it's hard to see. you'll have to wait
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till the visible satellite but it's there and it's a big fog bank so inland it'll still be in the 70s. but coast and bay. i started to cut temps, including santa rosa and more 60s and 70s today. all right, allie's here. 530. so far, so good. >> so far, so good. i'm going to knock on wood right now because i don't want to jinx things so far. you're going to have an easy drive pretty much anywhere in the bay area. maybe a lot of people are off this week. a lot of schools have spring break. taking a look at the south bay, you can see a no problems there. a little bit of slow traffic. northbound 101 up past, san jose in downtown area. you do see a little bit of slow traffic on the span of the bay bridge, and that is because there is a stalled vehicle that is blocking one of the lanes westbound 80, just east of treasure island. we don't see a backup building at the toll plaza. this triple a traffic camera shows traffic still moving. okay, getting onto the span, we'll continue to keep an eye on it. here's a live look at highway four in bay point. it's getting busier as the morning goes on. same with the san mateo bridge, but still no
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major issues there to tell you about. 532 let's go back to the desk. >> all right, ali, thank you. well, it's now a hot debate between two major bay area airports, san francisco and oakland. the oakland international airport wants to add the words san francisco bay to its name to attract more travelers. ktvu is amanda quintana is here in the studio now with some of the arguments for and against that name change. good morning amanda. >> good morning. yes, sfo definitely has something to say about this possible name change. and does not want to see san francisco added to oac's name. in a news release yesterday, a representative expressed concern, saying the new name could be misleading and will cause confusion for the public, either through a misunderstanding of its physical location or its perceived relationship to sfo. but nearly 20 organizations and city leaders support this change. they are saying it will help bring people to oakland and the east bay. >> we would hate to see a
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situation where a traveler books thinking that they're going to one location, and then only when they land do they realize that they're somewhere else, that they hadn't intended to go to. >> this name modification is about oakland. it's about bringing inbound travelers to oakland. our proposal is pro oakland and pro jobs. >> the port of oakland's commission is expected to vote on the name change next thursday , supporters say, adding san francisco bay to the oakland international airport's name would help better identify by geographically where the city of oakland is, and they want travelers to know that they can get to popular bay area locations from oakland now. okay, would remained the airport's code, even if the name is changed. but sfo officials are thinking about taking legal action to prevent this name change. pam back to you. >> all right. thank you. amanda.
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san francisco police have arrested an alleged sex worker for a violent attack on a homeless woman in the mission district. a homeowner on shotwell street caught the incident on video saturday evening. the attack has sparked outrage in the community. neighbors say they've made countless complaints to the city regarding prostitution. >> so what happened is not an accident. right before that, there was like one person who was attacked two days ago. this is just happened to be the one. but it was on tape. >> all the trade moved to shotwell. >> there are literal traffic jams from the sex trade that's going on here. >> neighbors say they've spoken to the woman who was attacked. she was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries and is recovering. >> our time now, 534 california workers would have the right to disconnect from their duties during non-working hours under a proposed state law. the bill by san francisco assemblyman matt haney would give the employees the right to ignore communications from their employer when they're not on the
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clock, working the bill would require non-working hours to be established by written agreement. it would also allow employees to file complaints with the labor commissioner. that would be punishable by a civil penalty. >> the family of alexis gabe is hoping a new documentary airing later this month will help answer questions surrounding her death. hundreds of volunteers spent weeks back in 2022 searching for the young woman from oakley. after more than a year of searching, some of gabe's remains were found in amador county, but the contra costa district attorney says the investigation into her death remains open. the da previously said she would consider bringing charges against the mother of gabe's suspected killer if gabe's remains were found. >> we have come across evidence of aiding and abetting while reviewing the footage with antioch pd, and we are hoping that everything will be revealed
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in the documentary, our attorney believes that the airing of the documentary could assist our case, and which is why it is crucial for the network to broadcast it. >> gabe's ex-boyfriend, who is a suspect in her death, was shot and killed by police in washington. officers say he came at them with a knife, the family has been told. the episode, titled where is alexis? gabe will air april 24th. >> our time now. 536 donald trump is getting back out on the campaign trail today with rallies in michigan and wisconsin. the former president has only held one public campaign event since he locked up the republican presidential nomination back in the middle of march. trump says voters understand his campaign time has been limited because of his demanding court calendar. >> look how well i'm doing and the people understand it now. >> both michigan and wisconsin are considered battleground states in the presidential election. president biden also
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will travel to wisconsin on monday. >> donald trump has posted a $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case that halts collection of the more than $454 million he owes and prevents the state from seizing his assets to satisfy the debt. while he appeals. trump is fighting to overturn a judge's ruling that he lied about his wealth in order to secure better terms for loans and insurance. san mateo county clerk is extending its hours for people who want to get married today. some considered today a special day because of the number sequencing of today's date. 0402 2024 all fours, zeros and twos civil ceremonies will be held from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the department's office in redwood city. always cool to have a neat date. >> you got that right. >> all right. congratulations, everybody. i think it's going to be a little chillier today. if you're if you're getting
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married, it won't be bad unless you're near the coast. >> okay. inland will still be nice, but tomorrow big drop. yes. yesterday was one of those days where i think we're a long overdue. and we went right up and it was a nice april 1st. santa rosa, napa, vallejo, concord, menlo park, san jose, livermore and kentfield all between 72 and 77 warm degrees. today is a tricky forecast, aren't they all? but there's too much of a big fog. but now the bases are shallow, but still you get a big fog bank like this and a little bit more of an onshore breeze. so i drop santa rosa, san francisco, oakland and santa cruz from the upper 60s 70s to more of the mid 60s. santa rosa is the tough one. i think they have fog this morning, so that's usually a pretty good sign. 6452 for san francisco average. and i'll change that for april 1st. me and my army of one just don't have time 6349 the record 8819 8543. in 1955, quarter mile visibility. santa rosa, quarter mile petaluma novato is down, down to two and a half. so there's a pretty good you know
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again it's not it's coastal variety. it's just the high is still too strong. so the bases are around 400 800ft. but it is filling in rapidly, especially about half moon bay north. south of that it looks mostly clear that system is on its way for tomorrow. and that'll give us a big change. the city of the west at ten oakland, berkeley hills, davis strait, all with more of an onshore breeze. yesterday was east wind or northeast. so that's as you know, that's a big change for us. 40s, 50s on the temps here, 43 pinole, 44 alamo lafayette, orinda, walnut creek, clayton, danville, dublin, north dublin, all in the 40s, even brentwood down to 47 with union city and hayward at 49. and berkeley says, hey, so are we, 40s for many or 50s through the interior, 56 down in las vegas. and that high will give us one more nice day inland, although cooler by the coast with that fog. and then tomorrow, big drop. and it does look like rain sweeps in here on thursday and maybe again friday morning. possibility of a break, i think on saturday before another weak little system clips us on
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sunday. so today is the day. if you're inland to get out and enjoy it, because temps will drop ten degrees or more tomorrow. so the fog is back. still nice inland, 5060s by the water, 70s inland. >> all right. thank you steve. integrating ai in the classroom. some local students and teachers are weighing in on whether artificial intelligence should be allowed at school. we have a look at the debate. also an airstrike in gaza killed a group of humanitarian workers. >> what we now know about that attack, it happened whi the
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can the flavor of a slow cooked smoked sausage be so gloriously delicious that the sight of its sizzling makes your tastebuds weep? if it's hillshire farm, oh, hill yeah.™
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benjamin netanyahu is acknowledging the seven international aid workers killed by an unintended strike by israeli forces. now the workers were with world central kitchen, the charity founded by celebrity chef jose andres. world central kitchen says its convoy was hit despite coordinating movements with the israeli military. and while traveling in vehicles clearly marked with its logo, the israeli military says it is investigating the incident. we have been reviewing the incident in the highest levels to understand the circumstances of what happened and how it happened. >> we will be opening a probe to examine this serious incident further. this will help us
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reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. >> world central kitchen says the seven people killed are from australia, poland, the united kingdom, a dual citizen of the us and canada, and a palestinian . the group says it is pausing operations in gaza immediately because of the attack. ships that recently arrived from cyprus are now turning back, with 240 tonnes of undelivered aid. in a post on social media, chef jose andres honored the world central kitchen workers who were killed in the airstrike , saying these are people, angels. i served alongside in ukraine, gaza, turkey, morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless. they are not nameless. the israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing for the very latest developments out of the middle east, you can head to our ktvu fox local app. it is a free download for your smart tv. >> all right, our time is five 4573 million at&t customers are
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being warned. some of your private information may have been hacked. at&t is investigating this security breach, but doesn't know whether it came from the company or one of its vendors. information like full names, phone numbers, emails, mailing addresses, social security and account pin numbers were dumped onto the dark web. cybersecurity experts say a hacker who's determined can steal that information. >> there's just so much complexity to the digital environment, and a lot of these organizations struggle with real time visibility and control of their it environment. and then attackers just need the weakest link is all the attackers need to be able to get in. >> now, affected customers are being notified by at&t, either by email or regular mail, that their four digit passcodes have been reset. at&t will also pay for credit monitoring if it's needed. >> they need an advocate who can
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help the companies secure the data better. they also need an advocate who can can make it harder on those malicious actors . >> now these huge data breaches are hitting almost every consumer. one tech services company calculates that between 2020 and 2023, the top five security breaches each year exposed 2.5 billion accounts. >> rideshare drivers in san francisco are demanding fair treatment and better pay drivers from uber and lyft staged rallies outside both company headquarters in the city. they say they're being impacted by low pay and high fees. they also say they're having trouble accessing health care stipends under state law, a rent is so high, food is so high, and we're some people come from really far away and they're sleeping in the cars to try to provide for their family food on the table. we reached out to the companies.
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lyft said it has rolled out several new driver features, including increased pay transparency to ensure drivers always make at least 70% of their weekly fares. uber told us that they have made, quote, significant improvements as part of their commitment to make uber the safest and fairest platform. >> our time is 547. a new study is out that says it now takes a six figure income to afford a median priced home in the united states, according to the study by bankrate. americans need an annual income of $110,000 a year to afford a median priced home. that's a 46% increase in the last four years, bankrate says. california is number one on the list when it comes to the income needed to buy a home. with a salary of almost $200,000 needed to buy the average home. well, today, san francisco public school educators and employees can start submitting their applications for a new affordable housing project. the
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135 unit development is near 43rd and judah in the outer sunset. this is the first housing project built by the city for san francisco unified educators and employees. applications will be accepted through tuesday, april 23rd, and mayor london breed in a social media post, said our public schools are stronger when educators can live near the community they serve. our first affordable educator housing project will create that opportunity. this is part of our work to make san francisco a place that working people can afford to live in. >> all right. time now is 548. back over to allie rasmus covering traffic this morning. how's it look out there? >> overall it looks pretty good. except now there is a crowd at the bay bridge toll plaza, which we will show you in just a second. first, let's go to the maps. some slow traffic. still coming into the livermore valley in westbound 580. no crashes
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here to tell you about, but there is also some slow traffic on highway 84. getting down to the sunol. grade 280 in san jose. looks good in this live picture. north and southbound. no problems there and it's getting a little busier on 880 in oakland as well. but here is the crowd we were talking about in our triple a traffic camera. you see, it's going to take about 15 minutes to get on to the span at the bay bridge. 549 let's check in with steve paulson. another nice day before things change inland. >> some fog has come back to the coast, so that'll that'll make an impact for many here near the water's edge, it's about pacifica north looks to be about north of that marin coast. sonoma coast. it's moving up the coast here. 40s and 50s. some of that fog is reducing visibility around petaluma, novato, maybe north up to santa rosa, 40 on the temps here. 42. menlo park, stanford, 43, los altos 43. half moon bay is at 44. woodside 42. so a little chill in the morning . air 27. truckee, south lake tahoe, 2852. down in palm
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springs and 47 up in arcadia. the high is still going to win out. it's squashing the fog. so the bases are very low, but it will make a little impact. coast and bay. then that system will make a big impact starting tomorrow for a big cooldown, temps will drop a good ten degrees. looks like a rain sweeps through on thursday, maybe even into friday morning, and again. possibility weak system, but sun on sunday. big news will be how much cooler it's going to be. so the fog is back. still nice to warm inland with 70s but 50s and 60s over by the coast today. >> all right steve, thank you. time is 550. it could be a while until the big sur area is open again. after that road collapse on highway one, what it means for the people who'd been making plans to visit the parks out there, and the people who live and work along that stretch of the coast and this is a fun story. >> it is a scarf that spans the length of three football fields. we're going to meet the bay area man now, it
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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the san francisco giants will again play the dodgers in los angeles for game two of their three game series. last night, the dodgers defeated the giants 8 to 3. michael conforto had his third homer of the season. the giants now have two wins, three
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losses. now, the oakland a's will host the boston red sox tonight at the coliseum for game two of their series after they failed to score a run in game one. boston shut out the a's nine to nothing last night. the a's had a horrible time at the plate and they committed five errors. the a's now have a record of one win and four losses. now the a's have found another way to anger some of their already frustrated bay area fans. the team sent outfielder estero a story ruiz down to the minors. despite his successful start to this brand new season, he had publicly supported local fan groups that were fighting to keep the team in oakland. but the a's say ruiz was simply just not playing up to his potential. >> final preparations are underway for the final four of the men's ncaa basketball tournament. public safety officials in the phoenix area say they are keeping an eye out
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for any problems, but the fbi says they have not received any threats. police and local officials say they're working with both state and federal authorities to provide safety for visiting fans and residents of glendale, arizona. >> this is unique because it is the final four, but us working together as a day to day operation and so making sure that communications on the national picture of intelligence, if there are threats, we're communicating those to our state and local partners seamlessly. >> but keep in mind, when my citizens dial 911 when they need that police or firefighter to show up, they'll be ready to do that. we're not giving up on our citizens. we're giving the same exact level of service that they always have gotten amongst taking on these mega events nc state, purdue, alabama and uconn are the four teams in the final four of the ncaa men's tournament. >> the games will be on saturday and monday, but the events for fans start on friday. >> our time now. 556 san francisco's oldest restaurant
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tadich grill celebrating its 175th anniversary. all this month. the restaurant on california street says every 175th customer through the doors will get tadic swag. diners over the age of 21 can enjoy a bloody mary for only $1.75. that special offer by the way, is limited to one per guest. the restaurant traces its origins to a coffee stand that opened in san francisco way back in 1849. their official anniversary party is set for april 28th. >> the tropicana casino resort in las vegas has now closed for good. the gaming floor closed just a few hours ago at 3 a.m. hotel guests are required to leave by noon. the tropicana opened back in 1957, and for years it was known for its feathered showgirls. nearly 200 of them gathered at the iconic hotel to say their goodbyes. >> we'll move to different states and we're all coming back
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here. so to all get together and see the faces we used to perform with. it's fantastic. >> demolition is not expected to begin for months. bally's intends to build a new resort adjacent to the a's new ballpark. that is planned for that site. >> it is 557. baby, don't waste your time. see, i jumped ahead. the iheartradio music awards wrapped up last night. the star packed lineup included the bay area's own green day, the landmark award recipients as well as tlc, justin timberlake, tate mcrae and more. and beyonce received the innovator award. stevie wonder presented it to her her new album, cowboy carter. one of pam's favorite is breaking records. >> i want to dedicate this award to all the innovators who have dedicated their lives and their art to creating shifts. >> now, meryl streep was there at the award show to celebrate
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the icon award recipient cher and taylor swift accepted artist of the year award by way of video message. she also won pop artist and tour of the year, and she's on tour. >> yeah, a richmond woman is now waiting to hear if she has broken the guinness world record for the world's longest crocheted scarf. her scarf was measured at richmond's craneway pavilion yesterday to fulfill one of the many rules that guinness requires to enter its record book, daisy patek started crocheting the scarf more than a year ago. she took on the ambitious project despite having a full time job and two kids, the richmond woman worked on her scarf everywhere she went. >> at the movie theater, at restaurants, at. i can't tell you how many sports, games and sports practices for my kids. i'll be sitting there in my camp chair just working away, but it all paid off. >> her scarf is nearly 880ft long, the size of about three football fields. that's about
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50ft longer than the current record holder. we got water. >> we got, tables, we got back cows. we got signs this morning, thousands of nurses in the south bay are ready to hit the picket lines. >> what they say led them to a three day strike. >> plus, for the business people, it's horrible. >> we're really discouraging. any visitors from coming down here until. until it's deemed safe. well your spring and summer plans may be changing. >> if you were hoping to spend time up in big sur, the temporary fix to highway one, after a washout and a road collapse during the latest star trek from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> well good morning. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it's tuesday april 2nd. changes in the weather probably even more so as we get closer to the weekend. >> it sounds like seen a dramatic drop by thursday. friday, hard to believe,
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actually, but it's on its way now. fog has come back, so coast and bay will drop a little bit today. inland will still be nice . i don't think it'll be as nice as yesterday. it will be close for some well inland, but that's a pretty good fog bank that's materialized here, the base is continuing to be pretty shallow, but it's marching up the coast. 40s 50s on the temps. there are some cool readings. i mean, there's a lot of low 40s here, no doubt about it. it's hard to see this fog bank on this satellite image, but it's there and it's going to play into a cooler forecast for the coast and the city. but inland temps will still hold on to some 70s, but get tomorrow we'll see a good 10 degrees drop on a lot of these temps. all right. allies here. so far she's been having her coffee or feed her on the desk. but let's see if something has changed. >> yes, i suspect it's going to be a different story when we get rain during the morning commute later this week. but for now, things are relatively calm, except for one problem on the eastshore freeway, which will go to the maps right away to show you this. this is westbound 80 just east of ashby avenue. this
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is an injury crash and it is causing a backup. already three vehicles involved. anytime you have a crash on the east shore freeway and the east shore freeway gets backed up all the time anyway, it is one of my least favorite freeways for that reason, but anytime you definitely have a crash involving three vehicles and ambulance response, it's going to tie things up. so that's going to be the problem spot. so far this morning. bay bridge toll plaza, triple a traffic camera showing us that there is a crowd there waiting to get onto the span. you're looking at a 15 minute delay to get there. richmond-san rafael bridge toll plaza. people are making their way over to marin county, but no big backups here just yet. 601 let's go back to the desk. >> all right, topping our news this morning, nurses in the south bay say they are being asked to do more than they can handle, and now santa clara county's bracing for its first ever nurses strike. >> ktvu james torres already in san jose to explain their demands and how the county is reacting. good morning james.
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>> dave, good morning to you. well, that strike just officially went into effect at about 5:00 this morning. we expect some of those nurses who are not entering the workforce this morning to be outside three area hospitals to start picketing, and we know that's going to be about a total of 4000 nurses. one of those hospitals, of course, behind me here at santa clara valley medical center. the others, o'connor hospital here in san jose, as well as saint louis regional in gilroy. now they're all represented by the registered nurses professional association and its union leader tells ktvu they've been without a contract since about october. and during those negotiations since then, one of their main talking points has been understaffing and what they call below standard nurse to patient ratios. essentially, nurses taking care of too many patients at once. they also note an increase in workplace violence from those patients, and they're rejecting a proposal to float nurses between the three hospitals, an idea these nurses say could be dangerous for the
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people they take care of. some are spinal cord injury icus. >> that's a different technique for turning a patient than it is at the icu that i'm that i'm familiar with. i'm not saying i can't do it, but i would need the proper training. >> county representatives say they have tried bargaining in good faith. and a statement they say, quote, the county hopes that our npa will return to the table so that we can continue working toward reaching an agreement on a fair, competitive and sustainable contract. we are taking all necessary steps to safeguard patients, employees and visitors from the impacts of any possible strike activity. now that includes bringing in some temporary nurses to kind of fill in the gaps here for a cost of price tag. that is costing the county several million dollars. in addition, county leaders say that nurses have seen a 13% wage increase in the last year and vacancies and turnover rate in the county are much less than the nationwide rate. again, this strike started
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about 5:00 this morning. we expect some nurses to start demonstrating their strike at about 30 minutes from now. it will last until friday morning. we're live this morning in san jose. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. thank you, james for that update. we'll check in with you. hopefully you hear from some of those nurses coming up. also you can stay up to date on this three day nurses strike any time of day as negotiations continue with the county. any impacts on our services by visiting our website now, police say three people are in the hospital this morning after being shot in a safeway parking lot in american canyon. it happened late yesterday afternoon outside the grocery stores gas station on west american canyon road. dozens of police evidence markers at the scene show where the shots were fired. and there are bullet holes and shattered windows in a car behind the crime tape. police have questioned at least two possible suspects during the investigation. >> following the shooting, officers located two male subjects that are being detained
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for questioning. right now. at this time, there's no current threat to the community. >> we're still trying to find out the condition of the three men who were taken to the hospital in. investigators say it is not clear what led up to the gunfire. >> our time now. 605 san francisco police arrested 216 year old boys in connection to a deadly shooting of another teenager. the body of the 17 year old victim was found thursday night near the powell street bart station. his name has not been released. investigators say the two juveniles were quickly identified as suspects in the homicide, and they were arrested the next day. both were booked at the juvenile justice center in just a few hours. >> executives of the oakland a's will meet with oakland city leaders. now it's a meeting that could determine the immediate future of the a's here in the bay area. the city is expected to offer a five year lease extension to the a's at the oakland coliseum. the a's current lease expires at the end of this season. the new $97
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million deal would give the a's a temporary home in oakland, until the team's new stadium is built in las vegas. that figure would be a huge rent increase for the a's to remain at the coliseum. oakland mayor shang tao released a statement saying, quote, i remain committed to doing everything in my power to keep the a's in oakland. the terms we have proposed for a lease extension at the coliseum are clear, reasonable and achievable. >> our time is now. 606. construction is expected to begin next year. one of san francisco's biggest housing projects ever. but it could be getting smaller muni plans to build 465 affordable apartments, alongside a replacement for his aging bus facility on potrero hill. the planning for this started six years ago, but project managers say they're still facing several major funding hurdles that may dramatically scale back the number of affordable housing units that are built. we're learning more about the bay area
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couple killed over the weekend in the crash of a small plane in truckee. >> friends and colleagues identify the israeli husband and wife as 57 year old lee rahn and 58 year old naomi petrushka. they say they were tech entrepreneurs and investors, and the driving force behind palo alto's up west, an investment firm specializing in helping the founders of israeli tech companies break into the us market. friends say liron loved to pilot his plane. >> he just loved that he you see, he i think he came to life when it was about startups and it was about flying the airplane . >> federal investigators are still searching for the cause of the plane crash. friends believe they were likely headed to their home near lake tahoe when the plane crashed. they leave behind three adult children. >> tom is now 608. right now, all state parks in the big sur area are closed indefinitely after a road collapse on highway one. the closures include andrew
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molera julia pfeiffer burns lime kiln and pfeiffer big sur state parks as well as point sur state historic park, camping reservations. they've been canceled, and if you have a reservation, then you will be getting a refund. will emergency crews in monterey county ushered a convoy of drivers to safety yesterday. the crumbling section of road is about a half mile from bixby bridge. it has caused a logistical nightmare for caltrans and the people who live and work out there, as many as 2000 people were stranded over the weekend, and now only residents and essential workers are allowed through at the present time. >> we're really discouraging any visitors from coming down here until until it's deemed safe. >> now, caltrans does have a plan for a temporary fix. it includes expanding the shoulder out there and also placing 500ft of concrete barriers along the
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center line of the road. there's no word on how long a more permanent fix might take, or how long this real inconvenience to drivers may continue. oh yeah. >> all right, 609 is the time. allie rasmus covering traffic. you're covering some slow spots, right? >> there are slow spots now starting to pop up in different parts of the bay area. now that we're heading into what is usually the heart of the morning commute, overall traffic volume, though, seems lighter than your typical tuesday. that said, though, there are a couple of things that are so new they haven't even popped up yet on the traffic maps. northbound 101 just north of highway 237, there is an injury crash that is blocking one of the middle lanes involving a couple of vehicles. there's also a report of a fire that you might be seeing off the side of the road on the 680 southbound, just north of mckee road. we'll continue to keep an eye on that. no evidence of those problems here in this triple a traffic camera. live picture of 280 in san jose, traffic moving okay. in that
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part of the silicon valley commute. san mateo bridge traffic moving nicely as well. 610 let's go back to the desk, i cried, i couldn't believe, oh, my mom and my poor mom. >> a family is in shock after their 80 year old mother suffered a stroke while traveling abroad. what they say her cruise line did and did not do to help their mother during a health emergency, and integrating ai in the classroom. >> the plans by a bay area school district for this new technology
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others suffered a stroke during a cruise, but the cruise line never alerted the family. ktvu andre senior is here now to tell us about this nightmare. the family went through trying to bring their mother back home. >> andre. well, that woman, julia lankow david, was on a norwegian cruise line touring african countries when she suffered that stroke. lincroft our lankow was being treated at a hospital in a central african country. she was released 24 hours later, and by that time the cruise ship was gone. but langhoff was helped by some other american passengers who missed boarding the ship. when they returned late from an excursion, they got off a hotel room and notified her family about what had happened. >> my reaction first was shock. i'm i cried, i couldn't believe,
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oh, my mom and my poor mom. what's going on? i just wanted to be with my mom. >> well, her daughter made arrangements for her mother to fly to the bay area, where she was taken by ambulance to stanford medical center. >> there's a lot of 80 year olds. there's a lot of other people that are elderly that take these cruises. they need to be hugely and extremely aware that they have very little rights. when something goes wrong. >> well, the couple says the cruise line should do a better job of notifying the passengers emergency contact when there is a problem. now we reached out to norwegian cruise lines. the company says they tried to call langhoff's several times but were unable to reach her, saying , quote, in instances such as these, as the guest was released from the hospital and in a coherent state, our protocol is to contact the guest directly, as we would not have the authority to share any medical details with anyone else without their express consent. the couple says they are now focused on langhoff's recovery and getting her back home to eugene,
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oregon. pam. >> all right, thank you. andre in berkeley, a man in a wheelchair who was hit by a bart train was rushed by firefighters to the hospital. it happened yesterday afternoon at the north berkeley bart station, where the man in his wheelchair went off the platform and down onto the tracks as a train bound for richmond was approaching. witnesses describe the chaos, chaotic scene the person had let us know on the speaker that the station is shut down. >> we were all confused, so we're all walking upstairs, but we see that there's people looking in the tracks and we hear a dude, like yelling at someone and letting them know that someone got hit by the train. and so we went to the front of the train and all we see is a wheelchair. >> the victim was seriously hurt, according to his caretaker , the train service on the richmond line was suspended for almost an hour, but service was restored when the bart station reopened. >> our time is 616. later today, the family of a san jose teacher
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who died last year in a car accident will hold an auction today to raise money for a scholarship in her name. virginia wright, also known as sp gina, used sneakers as a way to connect with their students. well, now the more than 200 pairs of shoes she collected over the years will be auctioned off. all of the proceeds will go to a san jose state university scholarship fund named in honor of sp gina. the palo alto unified school district has joined a growing list of school districts across the country, taking a close look at artificial intelligence. >> now, the district is holding a series of meetings to explore ways to incorporate ai into its classrooms. many students and teachers in palo alto are confident that it could provide a big boost to traditional learning throughout my career, i know that there's one thing that's been consistent and that has been the use and the increased use of technology. >> it will not go away and we need to embrace that. i can
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customize learning experience for students of all abilities, including language learners and those in special education. >> we should consider exposing both students and teachers to generative ai tools to bridge the information gaps. >> at the same time, students, teachers, and administrators agree that artificial intelligence requires proper guardrails when used in the classroom, and they say palo alto schools must take into account such critical issues as ethics and privacy. >> all right, pam, time is now 617. we'll get you to where you need to go on this tuesday morning. ali rasmus, watching your commute. ali. >> yeah, i'm keeping an eye on the south bay because there is another crash in addition to the one we just mentioned. just ten minutes ago. so the commute there is picking up in the silicon valley. let's show you the maps where you can see. we mentioned the last time both of these crashes are on 101. so northbound 101 at 237 was the one we mentioned last time. and i skipped ahead too fast. taking a closer look at it, there's another one at northbound 101 at
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shoreline. we'll go back to that in just a second. but here's the crash that we've been following on the east shore freeway, westbound 80, just before ashby. there is a big backup extending all the way into richmond. because of that, our triple-a traffic camera shows that congestion on that e shore freeway heading towards the bay bridge toll plaza. once you get to this point, though, the traffic here has sort of lightened up a bit, and that may be because people are stuck behind that crash and 80 in ashby. so they can't get to this point just yet. but so once you make it to the bay bridge toll plaza, things improve there. 618 we also see a nice, beautiful sunrise in those in that traffic camera. steve paulson, for some and for others you can't see because there's fog. >> ali and there's a lot of fog and low clouds out here. take a look at this. this is the coastal variety. just like that. it came back. you know, i judge april and may to maybe how the summer will look. and i have to be honest with you, we're seeing a rapid return of fog already, even in march and april. so it
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only took one day before the fog came back. it doesn't always pan out that way, but that's one of my rules of thumb here. 40s and 50s on the temps. the city of 52 livermore is down to 42. there are a lot of low 40s here. 644 the forecast high for the city, 52w average. 6349 i'll fix everything when i have time. 88 1985 the record and 43 in 1955. that system is on its way for a dramatic change a little bit tomorrow and then big time thursday into friday. so your two for tuesday today, the return of some coastal fog, clear and chilly inland. but it will be nice to warm inland. but that fog bank is going to equal some cooler temps. coast and bay . so 5060s by the water 70s inland. get ready for a big change, especially starting tomorrow and for sure thursday into friday. >> cleanup continues in baltimore and the recovery efforts continue as well. the challenges crews are now facing as they try to reopen that vital port and a dramatic cliffside
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rescue along the marin county coastline. we're going to see the moment a man was rescued after falling more than 50ft down a cliff.
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after the devastating bridge collapse. however, work crews are now struggling with new challenges to clear the debris from the channel. it's dangerous
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for those crews to navigate the area where the deadly bridge collapse occurred. sharp, twisted metal from the francis scott key bridge are still on top of the cargo ship that slammed into the bridge last week, and the damage below the water surface is complicated because of the murky water, making it hard for divers to see beyond 1 or 2ft below the water line. >> along the bottom is very challenging because these girders are essentially tangled together, intertwined, making it very difficult to figure out where you need to eventually cut so that we can make that into more manageable sizes to lift them. >> now, crews have tried to clear a temporary channel on one side of that bridge collapse. dramatic video of a helicopter crew rescuing a man hanging from a cliff in the marin headlands. they don't let go, man. >> don't let go. okay don't let go. by your left hand in here,
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brother. >> the sheriff's office says they got the call about 8:00 sunday night to requesting help in for a man that had fallen 50ft down from a trail in the golden gate recreational area, a tactical flight officer descended from the helicopter, grabbed the man, placed him in a rescue device they were both in, airlifted to safety, the man was treated for minor injuries. san francisco public school educators and employees can start submitting applications today for a new affordable housing project. the 135 unit development is right near 43rd and judah. in the outer sunset. the property will offer 24 studios and 43 one bedroom, 58 two bedroom and nine three bedroom apartments. this is the first housing project built by the city for san francisco unified educators and employees. applications will be accepted through tuesday, april 23rd. san francisco mayor london breed released a statement on the project saying, quote, our
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public schools are stronger when educators can live near the community they serve. our first affordable educator housing project will create that opportunity. this is part of our work to make sf a place working people can afford to live. bart is facing a budget deficit, and that is only expected to get worse as time goes on. the newest budget from bart says the agency is projecting a $26 million shortfall next year as federal and state emergency funding runs out. that deficit could balloon to nearly $350 million by the summer of 2026. part of the problem is reduced ridership, which means reduced revenue. bart says it is seeing improvements in ridership and customer satisfaction following its upgrades and safety, reliability and cleanliness, and says staff are trying to find ways to reduce that deficit as well. the palo alto city council has stopped getting rid of parking spaces along busy el camino real, at least for now. last night, city leaders considered the proposal to remove those parking spaces to
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make room for a bike lane, but the council put that plan on hold so caltrans can work on ways to make the planned bike lanes safer. council members signaled that they would then vote to remove the parking spaces on el camino real. once caltrans submits that safety plan. well, it is a case that shook the bay area. it is now a documentary. two years after the remains of alexis gabe were found, the family still has questions her dad shares with us what he hopes the film can reveal about his daughter's death, and a logistical nightmare for many who live and work near the highway. one collapse in big sur. the impact this is now having on schools as work crews try to work on a
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sparking outrage. angry homeowners are fed up and say this is just the latest incident involving sex workers on their street and airport leaders in san francisco not happy about a proposal to rename the oakland airport. what they plan to do today is opposition is growing from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> there it is. that opening bell as we take you live to the new york stock exchange. looks like a second day of losses. on this second day of the second quarter, investors seem to be betting that the fed will not lower interest rates anytime soon. bond yields are up. that moves money from stocks to bonds
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and the dow is set to drop. i'm going to just double check the latest numbers about 300 points. so we'll have all your numbers and the business news coming up. thank you for joining us here on mornings on two i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> tuesday morning it is april 2nd. yes. >> let's check in with steve paulson. the weather is changing and more changes as we get to the weekend right. >> that is correct. pamela, you need to put some buy orders in about. 1230 1245. >> you know, i was just looking at the dip. >> we'll buy the dip are okay. all right. yes. change is on the way today. if you're inland, it will be nice. but, boy, i'll tell you, it's going to be amazingly cool around here by the time we get to friday. and rain is returning today, the return of some fog. incredibly big fog bank for just after one day of 70s. but 40s 50s on the temps. we'll get a nice day inland, although i think it will be cooler coast and bay. so your two for tuesday doesn't have this bigger fog bank in place. not widespread, but there's a lot out there. it'll retreat and then we'll have sunshine and
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5060s by the water 60s and some 70s inland. all right, alice here and she will tell you and me what? >> avoid 101 in the south bay, because there are two things, two problems there. we mentioned them last time, and now i've figured out the map so we can give you a closer look at these two issues, both in the northbound direction, one at 237. and that one is blocking a couple of lanes. that's an injury crash. and then off to the left on the map. the other problem is also on one on 101 northbound at shoreline boulevard. and that's an earlier crash that's now getting cleared. but while they're clearing it, it is blocking one of the lanes as well. so avoid this part of the bay area for your commute. northbound 101 through the south bay mountain view area. if you can. san mateo bridge traffic getting busier as the morning goes on, but no specific problems to let you know about there. and from there, we'll go even farther north to highway four. bay point
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the triple a traffic camera shows that it's a little bit busy, but no specific problems or crashes to tell you about. 632 let's go back to the desk. >> thank you ali. well, it is a heated debate between two bay area airports. san francisco and oakland. the plan is to add san francisco bay to the name of the oakland airport to attract more travelers. >> well, ktvu is amanda quintana is here now to tell us some of the arguments for and against that name change. amanda. >> yeah, well, sfo definitely had something to say about that possible name change. they do not want to see san francisco added to the oakland airport's name yesterday. leaders at sfo expressed concerns, saying the new name could be misleading and will cause confusion for the public, either through a misunderstanding of its physical location or its perceived relationship to sfo. but nearly 20 organizations and city leaders support this change, saying it will help bring people to oakland and to the east bay.
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>> our proposed name modification is both pro oakland and pro jobs. we want to boost jobs and economic activity for oakland. okay is located on the san francisco bay and current travelers know of okay convenience and reliability. >> i can certainly understand the interest in growing business, but we don't think putting san francisco at the front end of an airport in oakland is the way to do it. >> the port of oakland's commission is expected to vote on this name change next thursday, supporters say, adding san francisco bay to the oakland international airport's name would help better identify geographically where the city of oakland is, and they want travelers to know that they can get to popular bay area locations from oakland. now, okay would remain the airport's code even if the name is changed. but sfo officials are thinking about maybe taking legal action to try to prevent this name change. pam, back to you. >> all right. thank you, amanda,
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for the very latest developments as well on this debate over the airport name. go to our ktvu fox local app. any time it is a free download for your smart tv. >> our time now. 6.34 san francisco police arrested an alleged sex worker accused of a violent attack on a homeless woman in the mission district. one homeowner on shotwell street captured the attack on video saturday evening. it has outraged the community. neighbors say they've made countless complaints to the city about prostitution. >> what happened is not an accident. right before that, there was like one person who was attacked two days ago. this is just happened to be the one. but it was on tape. >> all the trade moved to shotwell. >> there are literal traffic jams from the sex trade that's going on here. >> now. neighbors say they've talked to the woman who was attacked. she was taken to the hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries and is recovering. >> the family of alexis gabe is hoping a new documentary airing later this month will help
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answer questions surrounding her death. hundreds of volunteers spent weeks back in 2022 searching for the young woman from oakley. after more than a year of searching, some of gabe's remains were found in amador county, but the contra costa district attorney says the investigation into her death remains open. the da previously said she would consider bringing charges against the mother of gabe suspected killer, if her remains were found. >> we have come across evidence of aiding and abetting while reviewing the footage with antioch pd, and we are hoping that everything will be revealed in the documentary, our attorney believes that the airing of the documentary could assist our case, and which is why it is crucial for the network to broadcast it. >> gabe's ex-boyfriend, who is a suspect in her death, was shot and killed by police in washington after allegedly going
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at them with a knife, the family has been told. the episode, titled where is alexis? gabe, will air april 24th. >> our time now 636 after part of highway one in big sur collapsed into the ocean, both tourists and business owners call it a major disappointment. >> this one was all the way. it's gone. >> if you were planning to visit the big sur coast, you're now being turned away because of the collapsed road near rocky creek that forced the closure of highway one and palo colorado road business owners beyond the closure say they were expecting a big slowdown in visitors. >> our plans were to visit like every single point in big sur and starting in monterey, santa cruz and, you know, head home. but apparently we have to now go back. >> there will be immediate economic impacts that with each passing day, will be greater and greater for our workforce and
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for our businesses, is now at this point, there's no set timeline for when that road will be reopened to traffic. >> for now, caltrans is operating a convoy twice a day. one at 8 a.m, another at 4 p.m. but those convoys may be canceled because of the rain expected later this week. >> well, the carmel unified school district is now working on a plan for students who live in big sur and go to school in carmel. students at carmel high school say many of their classmates from the big sur area have been unable to attend class because of that slide. >> just now. another hole, you know, it's happened before. every year. they're never prepared, but they accept it. you know, classes for the carmel unified school district are still in session this week. >> spring break does not start until next friday. >> time is 638. we talked to an engineering professor at san jose state about the conditions on the big sur coast. she said
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this kind of landslide is just part of the geology of that region. we have young rock and soil that is constantly moving from earthquakes and those things in combination with the steep terrain, just lends itself towards these types of movements. and there's only so much that we can do to engineer solutions to prevent these things from happening. among things, she said, caltrans is probably going to look at solutions like shoring up the coast side cliff. >> they're adding some retaining structures and also installing additional drainage. >> all right. back over to allie rasmus covering traffic this morning. what are you keeping an eye on? >> things are getting busy across the board, especially in the south bay and in the on the east shore freeway. those are the two problem spots. we're going to start with the east shore and there is another crash. this is north of the east shore freeway. so westbound 80
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at san pablo dam road. it is blocking one of the lanes there. and they're working on getting a tow truck to clear that. that's in addition to that crash that happened earlier, blocking one of the lanes at ashby avenue. so taking a look at this live picture from our triple a traffic camera, you can see where there is a partial lane closure right here. and traffic, the volume of traffic behind it is just kind of squeaking by. so because of that, there's not that much traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza because they're sort of bottlenecked behind that ashby crash. so if you are coming to the bay bridge toll plaza from another freeway, you're going to have an easier time than the folks coming from the east shore freeway. taking a look at highway 24 through walnut creek. you see, it's pretty busy here, but no major problems to tell you about. i think we also see the lights of the bart train making a cameo appearance in this traffic shot, and bart doesn't have any problems for me to tell you about right now. 640 let's check in with steve paulson. no fog in that camera, but i am working on
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pulling up the golden gate bridge camera because you can see it there. >> there's a lot out there. it's mainly north of about pacifica, but there's a lot out there. we'll take a look at yesterday when it was nice and warm for april first, and we had 70s for many here, santa rosa, napa, vallejo, concord, menlo park, san jose, livermore and kentfield all between 72 and 77. nice degrees. fog is returned though santa rosa, petaluma, novato. mainly about pacifica. it looks like it's creeping in though in half moon bay northward, especially on the marin coast, san francisco, and also up along the sonoma coast. tough to. there it is. you can see it. and i mean it's merged with even more fog offshore. now the bases are shallow, but the breezes turned more onshore. davis point, oakland, berkeley hills, san francisco. so i mean, there's still a little east northeast breeze in some of the higher elevations, but at the surface it's turning more onshore. 40s 50s on the temps pretty good fog bank for this time of year, no doubt about it. but the high is going to give another nice to warm day inland. i think it will be a little
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cooler. coast in bay. big changes move in starting late wednesday into thursday, and a dramatic change in our temps drops in, with more rain coming in thursday. friday. temps friday morning will be in the 30s for many. just a heads up there and another weak system i think on sunday. so there will be some one inch amounts, but i think the cold and the wind will catch your attention more than anything else. thursday and friday fog is back for some. not for all, but some. it'll be nice inland today. anywhere from 5060 by the water 60s and 70s inland tomorrow. about a 10 degrees drop. and then a significant change. thursday, friday okc time is 641. >> creating a more inclusive live world, one pall at a time. that's the goal of a nonprofit group in san rafael. we're going to show you the big celebration for its latest graduating class of guide dogs. all. >> they do such great work. so nice to see all those dogs out and about working hard. all right, so is claudine wong in our newsroom with the other stories we're following for you. good morning. >> good morning to you, pam. good morning to you, dave. well, 83 years after the attack on
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pearl harbor, the final remaining survivor of the attack on the uss arizona has died. we're going to remember the life of this 102 year old from northern california. and no more working from home full time. it is back to work for tens of thousands of state workers. why? they are being told to come back into the offices in both sacramento and across california . that's when we r n
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and in wisconsin, the former president has only held one public campaign event since he won the republican presidential nomination back in the middle of march. trump says voters understand his campaign time has been limited because of his many court appearances. >> look how well i'm doing and the people understand it. >> now, both michigan and wisconsin are considered battleground states in the presidential election, and president biden, by the way, will be going to wisconsin on monday. well, campaign
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fundraising reached a record high in san jose. a new report by the transparency watchdog maplight, founded in 2022, the candidates for mayor and for city council raised more than $7 million, collectively making it the most expensive in san jose history. also, the report found that 16, or about $1.1 million, came in from special interest groups, including companies and political action committees. and votes are still being counted in the race for the retiring congresswoman anna eshoo seat. joe simitian is leading evan low by a razor thin margin of only five votes. whoever earns more votes between the two of them will go up against sam liccardo in november's general election. there are just under 600 ballots that still have to be counted because they're either conditional ballots or they're being challenged by signatures. the county has until thursday to count all the votes and turned
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in the results to the state. >> palo alto based eiger pharmaceuticals has filed for bankruptcy. the company develops therapies for rare metabolic diseases. it listed about $38 million in assets. more than $53 million in liabilities in a chapter 11 filed monday, the bankruptcy filing will give eiger time to discuss restructuring options with its creditors. rideshare drivers in san francisco are demanding fair treatment and better pay. drivers from uber and lyft staged rallies outside both company headquarters in the city. they say they are being impacted by low pay and high fees. they also say they're having trouble accessing health care stipends under state law. >> a rent is so high, food is so high, and we're some people come from really far away and they're sleeping in the cars to try to provide for their family food on the table.
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>> we reached out to the companies. lyft said it rolled out several new driver features, including increased pay transparency to ensure drivers always make it at least 70% of their weekly fares. uber told us they have made, quote, significant improvements as part of their commitment to make uber the safest and fairest platform m. the irs is offering help to help prevent people from being scammed. the agency says scammers are trying to get online access to people's irs account in order to steal their taxpayer information. scammers may ask for your social security number, individual tax identification number and photo id. the irs says you should only use the approved irs authorization process on to create an online account. california's community colleges are reporting a rise in financial aid fraud, according to a state report. in january, 25% of college applications were fraudulent. bots represented 1
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in 4 college applicants since fall of 2021, schools have given away more than $5 million to these scams, college officials say fraudsters are getting smarter with the help of ai, and you can now access chatgpt without having to create an account. openai says its goal is to make artificial intelligence more accessible to anyone curious about its capabilities. other openai tools still require an account, and users without a login cannot share chats or review previous chat history. >> all right, our time is 649. this is just for pam cook over the weekend, a school for guide dogs in san rafael reached a major milestone. guide dogs for the blind celebrated its 1,000th graduating class. the eight week old puppies were introduced to their raisers. they'll be caring for them as they go through training. guide dogs for the blind is the largest school of its kind in north america. it has trained more than 1600 dogs to help those who are visually
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impaired. >> and they do some amazing work. boy, those puppies are cute. look at that. >> look at that. >> are. all right, back over to ali covering our commute this morning. where are you starting from a heartwarming story about dogs to the not so great commute on that eastshore freeway. >> sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you're driving on the east shore from el sobrante all the way down, you're going to encounter some problems because of two earlier crashes. one at san pablo dam road that at one point had blocked all lanes of traffic. now they're opening up some of the lanes, but you can see the backup is still lingering here into el sobrante from san pablo up your drive all the way south. or i guess technically west. this is considered west on 80 is also going to be tied up because of an earlier crash on ashby avenue. but once you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, things are light because that volume of traffic is kind of stuck behind those two crashes on 80. so
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that's the good news. the bright spot there, richmond san rafael bridge toll plaza is slow this morning, but no specific problems to tell you about. 651 here's steve paulson with an eye on the very dynamic weather forecast for this week. >> well, coming up, no doubt about it, starts tomorrow. but there are some indications already are today. most locations are clear, but there's a pretty good fog bank out there and it's sweeping in over the city parts of the city. i should say. but you know, above that it's clear. and if you go far enough inland, you can find clear skies as well, especially south. but some of that has made its move northward. so santa rosa has some fog. petaluma novato. most locations, though, are clear, but that's a pretty good little fog bank out there. 6452 today for san francisco. and what's average for april 2nd? 6349, the record 88in 1985 and 43 the record low in 1955. but cooler today. i went down about five degrees. they were almost 70 yesterday. just too much fog in an onshore breeze, but inland temps will still be nice. so your two for tuesday does have a return of some fog,
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mainly north of up pacifica, but fog, sun cooler coast but it will still be nice to warm inland. 5060s anywhere near the water 70s inland, but a big changes are on the way starting tomorrow and really big, much colder with some off and on rain thursday and friday. dave. all right steve thank you. >> well you better eat your fruit and vegetables. it's a key part of a well-balanced diet. but a new study by stanford says you may want to go even further. you're about to hear from a medical expert on the idea of doctors prescribing these foods just like medicine. and ships for humanitarian chips are now turning away from gaza. the what's happening now and the action being taken after an israeli airstrike that killed six foreign aid workers in gaza
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a certain netanyahu is acknowledging that the seven international aid workers killed by un intended airstrike by israeli forces. the workers were with world central kitchen, the famed charity founded by celebrity chef jose andres. world central kitchen says its convoy was hit despite coordinating movements with the israeli military and while traveling in vehicles that were clearly marked with its logo. the israeli military says it's
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investigating that airstrike. >> we have been reviewing the incident in the highest levels to understand the circumstances of what happened and how it happened, we will be opening a probe to examine this serious incident further. this will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. >> the world central kitchen says the seven people killed from australia, poland, the united kingdom, a dual citizen of the united states and canada and a palestinian. the group says it's pausing their operations in gaza immediately because of that airstrike. ships that recently arrived from cyprus are now turning around, going back with 240 tons of undelivered humanitarian aid. now, in a post on social media, chef jose andres honored the world central kitchen employees who were killed in that airstrike, saying, these are people i served alongside in
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ukraine, gaza, turkey, morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they're not faceless. they are not nameless. the israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. our time now. 657 the tropicana casino resort in las vegas has closed for good. the gaming floor closed just a couple of hours ago at 3 a.m. hotel guests were required to leave by noontime. the tropicana opened back in 1957. for years, it was known for its showgirls. almost 200 of them gathered at the hotel to say their goodbyes. demolition is not expected to begin for months. well, the san francisco giants will be playing the dodgers tonight in los angeles once again. game two of their three game series. now, last night the dodgers defeated the giants 8 to 3. michael conforto. conforto had hit his
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third homer of the season. the giants have a record of two wins, three losses so far. now the oakland a's will host the boston red sox tonight at the coliseum for game two of their series. after they didn't score a run in game one, boston shut out the a's nine to nothing. the a's had a horrible night at the plate and also committed five errors. oakland now has one win and four losses. now the a's have found another way to anger some of their fans, who were already frustrated. the team sent outfielder estuary ruiz down to the minors despite his successful start to this brand new season. he also publicly supported local fan groups that were fighting to keep the a's in oakland. but the a's say ruiz simply was not playing up to his potential baby. don't waste your time. the iheart radio music awards wrapped up last night. it
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was a star packed lineup that included the bay area stand out performers green day. they won the landmark award as well as tlc. justin timberlake, tate mcrae and many more. and beyonce received the innovator award. stevie wonder presented it to her. her new album, cowboy carter, is breaking records. >> american police officers responded to the safeway parking lot for a report of a shooting. >> gunfire erupts outside of a supermarket in napa county. what authorities are saying about this shooting that sent three people to the hospital and hundreds of south bay nurses are beginning a three day strike. what they're demanding, how the county is responding and what it could all mean for patients. plus, traffic jams and stranded residents. the impact of the highway one closure in monterey county. what caltrans is planning for emergency repairs. >> from


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