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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  April 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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and humanitarian workers in gaza. the aid groups now halting operations and a hiker saved
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during a daring rescue in the north bay. tonight we're hearing from the crew who pulled that man to safety and it is a new battle of the bay. the action taken tonight by san francisco officials against the proposed name change at the oakland airport. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> and more pushback tonight to the proposed new name for the oakland international airport. nice to have you back with me on this thursday night. i'm heather holmes. san francisco supervisors tonight. joining the chorus of critics worried about the airport changing its name to include san francisco. as we've been reporting, the port of oakland wants to modify the airport's name to san francisco bay oakland international airport. now, the port of oakland says this change is meant to increase awareness of the airport's location and to attract more travelers. but san francisco officials are strongly against the idea. supervisors tonight approving a resolution
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resolution opposing the name, saying the change will cause financial harm to sfo and confuse passengers. so we want to talk more about this resolution with san francisco board of supervisors president aaron peskin. supervisor nice to have you here with me. why? why are you guys jumping into this issue? why do you feel like a resolution is necessary? >> thank you. heather. well, imitation is the highest form of flattery. and we're delighted that people are interested in the san francisco name. but we're quite concerned, given sfo's international traffic, with over 50 million visitors last year, that it's going to confuse people all over the planet. it could be financially impactful. but more importantly, this took us by surprise. nobody from the port of oakland reached out. we are all adults here. we would like to be collaborative. we would like to work for our mutual interests and for the best of our airports and our tourist economy. so hopefully cooler minds will prevail and
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we'll sit down and work it out and talk it through together. and i think all of my colleagues on the board of supervisors and our mayor are of the are on the same page. let's sit down with oakland. they kind of caught us a little bit by surprise. >> do you expect some discussions to come out of this resolution? >> well, i sure hope so, listen, oakland has a lot to be proud of, and i think everybody in our country knows that it sits on san francisco bay, i travel in out of okay, quite a bit myself, but i think this is we need to have a mature, productive relationship and taken another. your sister city by surprise is not a neighborly thing to do. so let's sit down and work it out, we've got much more that brings us together than divides us. and hopefully this will not be one of those issues. >> yeah. ultimately, though, this is a decision up for the port of oakland is expected to meet next week. do you anticipate them taking into account the resolution that that you, the supervisors, passed tonight?
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>> oh, yeah. i think that when the board of san francisco's supervisors speaks with a unanimous voice that that they'll listen and they'll take us up on our offer to work collaboratively. >> okay. so what about the argument supervisor from port officials that the change is needed to boost travelers geographic awareness of the airport's location? >> well, i think okay has, had a big increase in passenger passenger traffic, their deployments have consistently increased. excuse me, and i don't think that that is actually an argument that is supported by statistics, but i think that it will lead to visitor confusion, particularly foreigners who don't have english as a first language, we i think all want to make sure that the people who come to our region, come without confusion. and i think we should sit down and have a frank conversation about the economic impacts that are on the table as well, and work in a collaborative fashion, for the mutual interests of both
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of our great cities. okay. >> you've made it clear what you want. i guess now the ball is in the port of oakland's court. please let us know if those discussions are, in fact, going to happen. a san francisco board of supervisors president, aaron peskin, appreciate your time tonight. >> thanks, heather. >> okay. well, meantime, there are some people out there who like the idea of a new name. business groups from oakland, walnut creek, the tri valley, and berkeley all backed the proposal, saying that oakland airport is the closest to nearly 60% of the bay area's population. this is what the ceo of visit tri valley said in a statement, in part, quote, an airport name that clearly identifies its geographic location in a more recognizable way will help visitors find and use. okay when they fly here. and that is great because okay is by far the closest airport to the cities that we represent. the ceo goes on to say this is a smart move for the airport and we support it. more to come as that vote next week nears, we're going to be sure to stay on top
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of it. okay, now to this dramatic rescue that happened on easter. the sonoma county sheriff's helicopter and rescue team saving a hiker stuck on a cliff in marin county. our crystal bailey talked with a rescue crew who responded, and crystal, the darkness and windy weather really making that rescue even more challenging. >> that's right heather, and this video is getting international recognition. it could have ended in a tragedy, but thanks to the chopper rescue crew in sonoma county, a young man is now walking away with no serious injuries. we showed you some of this video yesterday, but today we have more details. take a look. okay. don't let go, man. >> don't let go. okay don't let go. >> a tense and dramatic life saving rescue off the cliffs in the golden gate recreational area. it was easter sunday and the sun had just set. cody cortini from louisiana was dangling off a rock after officials say he was climbing up from the beach. >> i'd be lying if i told you i wasn't a little nervous, deputy
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larry martelli and pilot nigel cooper with the sonoma sheriff's henry one helicopter unit made their way over from santa rosa to assist southern marin county firefighters. >> cooper flew while martelli hung off a rope suspended 100ft from the chopper. they say a night rescue like this is especially challenging. >> the first couple of times larry touched the cliff, he lost his footing and the rocks crumbled away. so he had to kind of kind of reposition him a little bit. >> and cody's position on the side of the steep cliff made it even more difficult. bertelli says he was hanging off by his toes and gripping the rock with his fingers. >> i had to get down on all fours to kind of lean on top of him, because i was starting to slide to martelli, put the young man's arms through a strap one by one, all while the waves crashed against the shore and the helicopter's rotor wash swung him around. >> you're talking about, you know, inches on the end of a 100 foot line. you have the ocean ebbing underneath you, in and out. >> the priority is to get him out of that situation, because if we don't get him moved, you
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know, even if he is injured, if we don't move him, there's a likelihood that he can die there. and once martelli got ahold of him, they brought him to the top of the cliff where firefighters rendered aid. >> i got you, brother. from the time they landed, the helicopter in marin county, set up for the rescue. got back up and running, grabbed the man and brought him to safety. it was seven minutes. the rescuers say it was a very long seven minutes. >> i talked to him immediately after the rescue, which was pretty, which was pretty cool. and you could just see the relief on his face. and i was trying not to show too much relief on my face either. >> cody walked away with just a few scrapes and scratches. the rescue and the rescuers credit their training and their teamwork. now, of the dozens of rescues they do each year, this one was an intense situation that the team calls rewarding. now. we hoped we could have talked with cody today, but he was on a flight out of state. the rescue team told me they did speak this morning and he sincerely thanked them for their work. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news yeah, i bet he did. >> that's pretty incredible. all
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right. an effort to protect pedestrians advances in san francisco. the change coming to hundreds of intersections all around the city. so it's not even so much the rain i want to talk about. >> but the colder air that's going to be shaking up the bay area, we'll talk about that and that fog you're looking at. that's all coming up with your bay area forecast. >> also ahead tonight, the strong reaction from president biden after seven aid workers were kille in gaza
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say significant snowfall in march tipped the scales for the snowpack, which is now above average for the season. excuse me? that survey found slightly more than five feet of snow depth, with a water equivalent of 27.5in, about 113% of normal. the governor said the state is taking a new approach to managing water, releasing a new five year water plan. i mean, that is really a welcome sight, roberta, because it has been a long time since we've seen snow. the snowpack look that hefty? >> yes, the last two years really was a big plus for us, and we had a miracle march. but did you notice they were lightly dressed? >> yeah, because of the warmer temperatures. >> it was 60 degrees today. so we have a lot of snow melt and then we have a lot more rain and snow by the end of the week. moving into the greater lake tahoe area, which means, yep, you get your umbrella ready. but most notably, take a look at santa rosa at 77. by thursday, it's only going to be 54 degrees as an afternoon high. yeah
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that's going to be a little whiplash to all of our systems here. we had 62 in pacifica today. we had 79 degrees in san rafael. hello to you. and redwood shores and redwood city. you topped off at 74 degrees. same across the bay and concord, also in fairfield at 74 degrees. it was pretty much in the 70s across the board. and here it comes. that is the return of the development of that marine layer. it's pushing onshore already, knocking back the temperatures in the city at 54, same in half moon bay. and at sfo and across the bay in hayward around the east bay shoreline. now the winds are picking up at 14 in napa, 16 in novato, 14 at oakland international airport. we have breezy winds and these winds will be increasing tomorrow out of the west, up to 20 and stronger gusts. but because of that breeze tonight and the additional blanketed cloud cover, it won't be as cold with 40s and low 50s. now here comes the trough enhancing that marine layer. and behind it here, when
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you see that cotton ball effect that is the colder air mass, all associated with the cold front that will be invading the bay area, knocking back our temperatures by thursday and friday. so let's time it together. there you have your wednesday morning official. sunup is at 650. not going to see it. here comes the leading edge of the trough by tomorrow night. at this time, here is your thursday. and watch the wraparound moisture from the core, the center of that area of low pressure. that's a lot of instability. and that's why i have to put a chance of a thunderstorm in the thursday forecast, with up to about a half an inch of rain throughout most locations, perhaps an inch in the higher elevations. cannot rule out that potential of a little bit of light snowfall atop mount diablo on thursday morning. but let's back up tomorrow. a transition day, 60s and a few 70s as the temperatures drop. and there's the cold showers for your thursday. >> heather, thanks so much, roberta. by the way. i like that color. you definitely wear it better. you do. >> you wear it best. >> okay, so let's talk about the
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walnut creek city council meeting tonight, shall we? turnout is expected to be really high. a council member tells us that people plan to speak out tonight against those who have appeared at past meetings spewing anti semitic and hate filled speech. now, in addition to that, the city council is set to take up a controversial issue tonight of expanding the protester buffer zone at the city's planned parenthood. now, there is currently an eight foot buffer zone, but tonight's vote could ban amplified noise, such as megaphones and bullhorns. we have a crew at the meeting. will have a live report coming up tonight on the 10:00 news, a new report finds incidents of anti-muslim hate are at their highest level in decades. the council on american islamic relations released its annual civil rights report today. it shows there were more than 8000 complaints last year of anti-muslim incidents here in the u.s. that is the most the organization has received in its 30 year history. and there was a significant spike in october
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following the hamas terrorist attack on israel. world central kitchen is now pausing relief efforts in gaza afteseveaid workers were killed by an israeli airstrike. they included a palestinian, australian and polish nationals, a canadian american dual citizen and three britons. world central kitchen says the team was traveling in a de-conflicted zone in armored cars marked with a w-k logo, and despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit. the team had just unloaded more than 100 tons of food aid. the medical aid group project hope says it is suspending its work for three days in response, in part in solidarity with world central kitchen and in support of their staff, but also for us to be able to take a moment to assess the environment and make sure that our staff are safe. other humanitarian aid organizations have also
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suspended operations in gaza, as hundreds of thousands of people there on the brink of famine. the israeli military says an independent body will investigate that airstrike. president biden says he spoke to the founder of world central kitchen today. in a statement, the president said in part, quote, israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians. incidents like yesterday simply should not happen. the united states has repeatedly urged israel to deconflict their military operations against hamas, with humanitarian operations, in order to avoid civilian casualties, and this from east bay. congressman eric swalwell posting on x today, quote, netanyahu's weak apology is not enough. his reckless prosecution of the war has killed innocent world central kitchen volunteers and innocent palestinians. america's priorities must be safe. return of those hostages without further innocent people killed and end to the conflict. and two
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states. okay, what if you did not have to respond to your boss after hours? well, that is the idea behind a new bill. we're going to hear from the author about just how it could work. and thousands of nurses officially on the picket lines for the next few days in the south bay. what they say they want and how this labor action is costing santa clara county about $20 million. also ahead sports betting. boy, it's hitting a peak, especially with march madness
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has approved the no turn on red downtown expansion project. it will make it illegal to turn right on a red light at 200 intersections in several neighborhoods, including the
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financial district, north beach, chinatown, and nob hill. the ban will be implemented once the signs are installed between now and next year. right now, right turns on red are banned around the tenderloin. a proposed bill would give california workers the right to disconnect from their duties during non-working hours. san francisco assemblyman matt haney is proposing the measure. it would give the employees the right to ignore communications from their boss when they're not working, requiring a written agreement to establish when an employee is considered off the clock. the proposal also gives employees the power to file complaints with the labor commissioner that would be punishable by a civil penalty. and earlier today on the four, assemblymember haney joined us live to talk about how his proposal would work. >> it does include enforcement. it's really intended to make sure that there's actually that consent and that agreement and that clarity of when people are on and off, and that if you are contacted at times when you're not supposed to be available and you didn't agree to, you can say, this is not time that i'm
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available and you're regularly asking me to do work, in a way that i did not consent to. >> assemblymember haney says similar measures are already in effect around the world, with australia becoming the latest to implement a similar law. a thousands of nurses in santa clara county are currently on strike for the first time. the nurses began that three day strike this morning. they say they are underpaid, understaffed and being asked to float between hospitals. contract negotiations between the registered nurses professional association and county leaders have fallen apart. >> we're barely getting anywhere, which is why it's been really frustrating. we've been negotiating with them for eight months now. >> the strike forced the county to bring in 1000 nurses to replace them, at a cost of about $20 million, but county officials say things are running smoothly at the county's hospitals and clinics. while some appointments were converted to video visits and some elective procedures were
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postponed, the trauma center and emergency department remain open. a one of san francisco's largest events, is now just four months away. how you c snag ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank.
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my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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since it was legalized by the u.s. supreme court in 2018, according to the american gaming association, the u.s. is seeing a record high for sports betting revenue totaling nearly $11 billion. that was last year. it is, though, a controversial industry and has become really popular on college campuses. and earlier today on the four, we spoke with jeff zaccardi zakani. excuse me? he's a sports betting journalist with covers .com about how events like march madness bring more people into the sports betting industry. >> having people coming in who maybe this is their one event of the year that they'll be wagering on, it's the same sort of thing you see with the super bowl where these just, you know, marquee events bring in new bettors and old bettors too, that maybe want to, you know, renew their ties to the industry . >> zarcone tells us the ncaa is concerned about student athletes and is trying to crack down on prop betting on, which is betting on specific players. well, we still don't know who
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will be playing at this year's outside lands festival, but fans will soon get their first shot at tickets to that annual event in san francisco. a limited number of three day general admission wristbands will go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. prices for the eager beaver presale start at $425. the music and food festival is set for august 9th through the 11th. right there in golden gate park. the lineup is expected to be released later this month and after a three month break, will oakland's first fridays is back on starting this month, organizers posted on instagram today a reminder that the event will take place between 5 and 9 on friday night, right there on telegraph avenue in uptown oakland. now this time, this the last time. first friday took place was back in december. organizers put the event on hiatus for the first three months of this year because of financial difficulties. but again, they say it's back, hoping for a big turnout to. thanks so much for joining me tonight for the news at 730. appreciate you tuning in. hope
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to see you ight back here tomorrow ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
8:00 pm
previously on "the cleaning lady"... thony: i found this in the van that took arman. it's known as devil's breath.


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