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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  April 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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deadly earthquake rocked taiwan and we hear from a bay area student in the country about her experience. plus an evacuation
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warning tonight for people in big sur. rain is expected, and that's causing more concerns about that slip out along highway one. >> this is ktvu fox two news at 730. >> and the wet weather means convoys like the one you see here over the damaged highway will be suspended. good evening everyone. i'm heather holmes. in fact, the very last opportunity for people to leave was a few hours ago at 4:00 this afternoon. so let's talk about the situation along highway one. jim shivers with caltrans, joins me now live. appreciate you taking the time. jim. explain a little bit more about why you're closing the road. >> well, it's very simple. it's really a case of the expected rain in the area, this particular region has been, saturated, for several weeks, if not months during the, the winter season, we're doing this purely out of safety. we want to make sure that, no one is
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traversing over this single lane of traffic, given the cloudy, rainy, wet pavement, potential windy conditions. so this is all, basically in the interest of public safety. >> and how long do you anticipate having the entire road closed? >> well, this is going to be a very short period, these convoys are being suspended, thursday, tomorrow and friday they will resume. first thing saturday morning at 8 a.m. and then again at 4 p.m. and we've been doing these, every day since the incident, with about 150, people going through in each direction twice a day. okay >> i want to talk about the slip out for a moment. has it moved at all since saturday, when that portion initially collapsed? >> well, the good news on that is, is that there has been no additional movement, we are continuing to monitor this
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particular location, we'll do so even over the next two days with the closure. we are working to develop a plan to rebuild at that location, but the good news is that, we have one lane to get people in and to get people out, and that's something to be thankful for. yeah. >> so how are the repairs going? i mean, what have crews been able to do? so far? >> well, as we develop a strategy to rebuild this section of highway, we have taken the time to make some drainage modifications so that the water can run off and go into areas where we want it to go. and not take over the highway. we've also done some work to, sort of widen the shoulder of the inside northbound lane so that when we do resume these convoys, there'll be a little extra room and we won't have people, you know, so close to that, that
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lane that's been damaged. >> okay. as we wrap up the conversation tonight, what are the next steps here? >> the next steps is to, number one, make sure that people can get in and out of their homes. again, this travel, in and out of the area is mainly for necessary, trips, meaning residents, meaning employees, the next step for caltrans is to develop a strategy to rebuild, at that point, once we have a direction as to how we're going to do it, we'll then attach a timetable to that. but those are the steps that are in front of us right now. >> okay. really appreciate your time tonight. but again, the big headline those convoys suspended as rain approaches the area. appreciate you coming on the show tonight. >> thank you so much a pleasure. >> okay. so let's talk about the rain expected there in monterey county and here in the bay area with our meteorologist mark tamayo. >> mark. hi there. heather.
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yeah, some changes. definitely moving in back to winter and in the big sur area. we could be talking about amounts of maybe between about three quarters of an inch to possibly about an inch and a quarter. so, yeah, it's not the strongest storm, but still we could have some heavy downpours. as you heard. it could complicate the repair efforts. so here is the forecast models you can see it's definitely bringing in a band of rain first thing tomorrow morning. you can see as we highlight the big sur area right about right about here. and then still off and on rain showers. what could be a problem is if we get a thunderstorm that develops, that could lead to some intense, heavy rainfall. not for a long time, but at least, you know, for a short amount of time. but just that short amount of time could lead to some more problems. so definitely they are planning on the rainfall for tomorrow and possibly into friday. take a look at the numbers here in the bay area. temperatures. another mild day 60s. the warmest locations right around 70 degrees. here's the pattern developing though, for your thursday. some cold showers settling into the region and cold enough that we're talking about some snow here in the bay area. hills down around 2000
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2500ft. and in the sierra, this is a winter weather advisory for thursday and friday. snowfall could be around 10 to 20in. so here is the storm itself on the satellite. that's speckled cloud cover. that is some colder air drifting into northern california. here's this rain band or this cloud band. i should say, moving into the bay area. you probably notice the wind over the past few hours, all afternoon and into the evening. hours some strong winds, novato gusting to 40 miles an hour. sfo gusting at 33 miles an hour. so breezy to windy out there. here is our live camera looking out towards san francisco in the distance. definitely picking up on the cloud cover. temperatures have cooled off into the 50s for the 7:00 hour tomorrow morning for the thursday morning commute. rainfall making a comeback. the possibility of some thunderstorms so that could lead to some lightning strikes, maybe some hail, and just plan on some extra time tomorrow morning because the thursday morning commute could be a bit challenging out there. here's the front moving in right now. not the biggest deal, but that cold air will settle in. so cold showers, possibly some thunderstorms and a friday and
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for tomorrow and then possibly into friday as well. here's the forecast model showing you this. this is 8:00 tomorrow morning. there's the rain band coming on board. and then off and on showers. it's one of those deals where it could be sunny outside, and all of a sudden a big downpour moves in with the possibility of some hail. it will be breezy out there. this is thursday night and then on a friday it's still unsettled. we still have to bring in the cloud cover and still the possibility of a few pop up showers moving across parts of the bay area that will be on friday. of course. let's keep an eye on the conditions for the home opener for the giants friday afternoon. highs tomorrow will be in the low to mid 50s, so no more 70s, no more 60s. we're just talking about some 50s out there. chance of some showers and a friday and the weekend. good news if you want to get outside. looks like we're going to clear out those clouds. nice chance to get outside for both saturday and into sunday. >> heather okay mark. thank you. a san anselmo man suing central marin police after he claims he was stunned with a taser and arrested while having a seizure. alice frenkel says that she
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called 911 back in august of 2022 when her then fiance, now husband bruce frankel, started gasping for air. she says she was expecting emts to respond, but central marin police officers arrived first. he was taken to the hospital where he was treated and arrested for resisting arrest. >> if the police arrived and just asked a lease, you know, two questions means what's going on and has this happened before? none of this. we wouldn't be here today. >> the marin county district attorney did not file charges against frenkel. doctors later determined that frenkel was suffering a grand mal seizure. however an internal review found the officer's use of force was justified. the central marin chief said in a statement, quote, that we are confident the action of our officers will be vindicated. all right. a scare in the north bay today, police say a report of an explosion forced kenilworth junior high school in talu to go on lockdown. petaluma police issued an alert around noon about the lockdown at the school on riesng road. no one was hurt
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and officers say they found rewos right there on campus. an investigation is ongoing now. just yesterday, petaluma high school was evacuated after a naked, bloodied woman walked right onto the campus. now, the years long battle over people's park in berkeley finally goes to court. the hearing today over the fate of uc berkeley's planned housing project at that historic site. but first, thousands of affordable housing units in los gatos now on hold. why city leaders walked back on their plan after it sparked controversy in the community
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plan to build new housing units and to keep the issue off the november ballot. now, the plan to build more than 3000 units within the next 20 years led to a lot of debate. it's part of the 2040 general plan, which was approved back in 2022. council members, though, unanimously agreed to postpone housing construction until the town's housing element is approved by the state and the issue will stay out of voters hands. >> it's pretty highly unusual to have land use items on a ballot. i think it we're doing our public a disservice by asking them to try to understand something as complex as a general plan, and then and then vote on it, that's i just think that they're going to look at us and go, you know, what are these elected leaders thinking?
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>> the vote comes after almost two years after a group of los gatos residents launched an appeal to the housing plan, arguing that the planned number of housing units was too high. >> putting a divisive topic on like this on the ballot is going to create unnecessary conflict in the town, and we're hopefully getting very close to bringing the housing element process to a close. and i think there's which has already been the cause of significant disagreement within the town. >> officials say rescinding the housing guidelines in the general plan meets the standards of the prior 2020 general plan will remain in effect. the vote comes weeks after los gatos submitted its housing element to state officials for approval. well, portola valley is back at the drawing board now after state officials revoked its housing element earlier this week. officials say the wealthy peninsula town is dragging its feet on building the 253 units of affordable housing it
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promised, and it could now lose out on key state and federal grants. portola valley is the first jurisdiction here in california to have its housing plan revoked. san francisco mayor london breed, releasing an update on her housing for all plan, highlighting a year of success, as she says, and also talking about next steps. breed says over the past year of the initiative, she has helped reduce housing fees and also helped pass proposition c waives transfer taxes when converting offices to residences. moving forward, the mayor wants to secure more funding for affordable housing and advance major housing projects. the state supreme court is approaching a decision on the contested development plans for people's park in berkeley. arguments began today at the state supreme court in a dispute between uc berkeley and a neighborhood group that's opposing the university's development. uc berkeley is attempting to build student housing, affordable housing and open space on that site. the university took control of the park in january, and that's when
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they set up a wall of shipping containers and law enforcement officers. the court has until july 2nd to determine to decide whether the university can move forward with construction time. it is running out for the a's to find a temporary home. coming up, the team talks with sacramento after little movement in discussions with oakland. but first, it's been 24 hours now since that deadly quake rocked taiwan. we're going to get an update on the situation from a young woman in that country.
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shook the island. the 7.4 quake killed at least nine people, with more than 900 others injured 50 people on minibuses headed to a national park are also missing. footage shows the
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extensive damage caused by the shaking buildings crumble left totally slanted, looming over city streets. we caught some flight attendants at sfo who just touched down after leaving taiwan. >> we were already on our way to the airport and at first it was. it said it was 6.5. then i guess they upgraded to a 7.4. so. so all the sudden is pretty funny. >> we all got the alert message here and there on the bus. what's going on? yeah. >> earthquake. what? earthquake. >> and we call our family immediately and they're fine. very fortunate. all fine. >> we thought it was the driver driving a little too fast. yeah, because we're like, wait, slow down. you know, we're we're kind of doing this way. i'm going. is everything okay? and then we got the alert. then we realized it was the earthquake. >> travelers explained what the scene was like in the airport when everything started shaking. >> and it lasts pretty long. it was longer than i expected. yeah, people definitely are starting to say earthquake.
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earthquake, you could see some of the ticket agents, like, get underneath the counter already. >> taiwan's largest airport is located in the northwest corner of the island nation, about 100 miles from the epicenter. and as crews there in taiwan search for survivors and begin the cleanup efforts, we are hearing more from those in taiwan. our crystal bailey spoke to a uc berkeley student about what she experienced. >> crystal rachel lee is a taiwanese american law student spending the semester in taiwan working for a nonprofit. she never thought her trip would include a catastrophe like earthquake. rachel lee is a uc berkeley law student who is spending a semester interning in taiwan. on. here is a photo of the seismic waves from the taiwan seismological and geophysical data management, showing just how strong the quake was on wednesday morning, local time. >> i was trying to get up, couldn't even find my grounding and i was like, grabbing my phone. i was like, falling out of my hand. >> she's in the capital city of
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taipei, nearly 100 miles away from the epicenter. but she says her friends have sent her videos of the landslides and rubble. all over the island. >> everything is like covered in dust, even here, all the buildings, all the offices, like it's been a mess when we got to the office, all the shelves have completely fallen. the kitchen is all a mess, and each time an aftershock came, she was shaken up all over again. oh my gosh, there's aftershock right now. >> dozens are still missing, and at least nine lives have been lost to the devastation. as recovery efforts begin, the 7.4 magnitude quake has left the small country in ruins. and back here in the bay area, many believe we are due for a big one soon. >> we know that earthquakes have happened at certain intervals in the past. based on those intervals that we've seen in the past, we can say, okay, it's been approximately that long since the last earthquake, so now it could happen today. it could happen 20 years from now.
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>> doctor angie lucks with the berkeley seismology lab, who helped develop the earthquake early warning system. shakealert says what happened in taiwan is an important reminder to stay ready. >> make sure you have food and water stored, make sure you have a plan. >> and though she doesn't remember it, lee says she was there for the last major quake in taiwan in 1999. >> my parents told me that i was barely two months old and they were carrying me down four flights of stairs and out into the streets right now. >> overall, lee says she is very lucky in that her and her loved ones are okay. crystal bailey, ktvu fox two news. >> crystal, thank you. ktvu has now confirmed that san francisco supervisor aaron peskin will indeed run for mayor peskin, confirming tonight that he will file paperwork later this week on friday and make an official announcement at portsmouth square on saturday. now, the board of supervisors president claims that his political experience and community connections would help lead him and lead the city through
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recovery. he also says he wants to focus on plans to address homelessness, the drug crisis and affordable housing. peskin served two terms as supervisor from 2000 to 2009, and was elected again in 2015. he joins a growing list of people challenging mayor london breed for her mayoral post. all right. think you're good enough to go pro? coming up, how you can play ball with the oakland ballers this weekend. then later tonight on the 10:00 news, sexual assault charges have been dropped against a member of the san francisco sheriff's oversight board. plus, there are some new allegations tonight against the israel defense forces following that airstrike that killed seven world central kitchen volunteers in gaza. we'll have that and more tonight at ten.
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branch gates will deliver this year's commencement address. the university says that her unique insights, including as a champion for women and girls, will encourage graduates to center human values. she is co-chair of the bill and melinda gates foundation. one of her three children is in the stanford class of 2024. another is a graduate of stanford. that
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ceremony is set for june 16th at stanford stadium. the oakland ballers baseball team will hold tryouts this weekend to recruit local players for its upcoming inaugural baseball season. tryouts will take place between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. saturday there at laney college at the baseball field, the ballers say more than 50 players have already signed up. the first of 48 home games is slated for june fourth at oakland's raymond park. meantime, the oakland a's reportedly met with sacramento officials today about playing next season a little further up interstate 80. the team did not reach a deal with oakland when the two sides met yesterday to discuss a lease extension at the coliseum. now, the a's told ktvu in a statement that the team, the city and the county are far apart on the terms needed for an extension at the coliseum. the city has offered a five year, $97 million lease extension that would guarantee the team has a place to play while their new ballpark is being built there on
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the las vegas strip. we have reached out to the city of oakland and the alameda county supervisors for comment, but have not yet heard back. the tropicana resort may have closed to make room for the a's new ballpark, but a piece of the historic vegas hotel is living on the neon museum in downtown las vegas. is relighting a sign that first hung above the tropicana back in 1978. the museum also opened a new photo booth where visitors can record their favorite tropicana experiences to be shared on social media. so much history there and again. the storyline continues as the oakland a's still searching for a place to play. while that new ballpark is being built. all right, that's going to do it for me tonight on this wednesday evening. really appreciate you tuning in for the news at 730. don't forget to download the fox local app right there to your smart tv. you can stream our newscast stories and find exclusive content right on your smart television. have a great night everybody.
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