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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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loss in 22 games, two one. your final down at sap. on a happy note, giants tomorrow. first pitch 135 coverage all during the morning and then in the evening. >> that is some good news on a sad day. >> yeah, it's like a bittersweet day. excited about the giants, but very sad to see the oakland. the a's leaving oakland. exactly. all right. bad day jesse. thank you. >> next at 11 we're going to see good old san francisco values being voted at the ballot. i am the only person in this race who is committed to running a positive campaign about loving san francisco. >> long time san francisco politician aaron peskin, officially announcing his run for the city's mayor. he tells ktvu what he wants to see changed. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu. fox two starts now. >> supervisor aaron peskin will officially file paperwork tomorrow as he joins the crowded field of candidates looking to unseat mayor london breed. hello
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again. >> i'm greg lee and i'm julie julie haener. peskin says he wants to focus on crime, housing and building up the police force . ktvu is amberleigh sat down tonight one on one with peskin, where he laid out his plans for his campaign on what am i supposed to file tomorrow at his personal office in north beach. >> supervisor aaron peskin is preparing to file paperwork to officially run for mayor of san francisco. >> i believe i'm a supervisor who knows how, and i want to be a mayor who makes san francisco the city that knows how. again >> peskin has served as san francisco supervisor for 17 years and is currently president of the board. >> i am the only person in this race who is running as a liberal and as a progressive, peskin says. >> progressive values are san francisco values. using government to take care of people, he says he will harness his experience as a policymaker, and his recovery from alcoholism to help the city tackle homelessness. the fentanyl crisis and affordable housing. >> i have been a proponent of
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getting rid of single family housing and replacing it with fourplexes, he answers. >> critics who say he's anti-housing because of his controversial legislation that limits the height of new buildings in specific areas of the city. peskin says his legislation preserves the character of historic neighborhoods, and that his vision was shared by many members of the board. >> we do not have to destroy our neighborhoods in order to grow in order to provide more housing. we're smarter than that. and that's precisely why the board saw fit by a supermajority to override the mayor's veto. >> crime and public safety appears to be the number one concern of many voters. how do you plan to address that? >> i would like to propose and have discussed with leading academic institutions is a schools to police officer pipeline, where individuals can be trained in law enforcement in an academic setting. >> peskin tells me he's in
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discussions with the university of san francisco. he says he loves the city and wants to help it recover. >> i want to make san francisco magical again. >> peskin will come down to the department of elections at city hall on friday to file the paperwork to run for mayor. he plans to make his official announcement saturday at portsmouth square in chinatown, with supporters by his side in san francisco. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news well, after months of counting votes, it is official there is a tie for second place in the race to succeed retiring south bay congresswoman anna eshoo, silicon valley assembly member evan lowe and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian each have exactly 30,249 votes. >> that means in november, both simitian and lowe will face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the race to win district 16. >> call it what you will. you know, it's been a wild ride, a roller coaster, a cliffhanger,
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but, you know, a win is a win is a win. we're in. and that's the exciting news tonight in the march 5th primary, just 37% of registered voters submitted a ballot. >> now, lowe and simitian say they are getting ready to ask voters for their support one more time. >> we're hopeful that now, with the longer period of time that you can't sit on the sidelines, this is it. this is the presidential election. there's not another shot. >> in a tweet, liccardo reacted to the tie, writing, quote, given the extraordinarily unlikely outcome of today's vote tally after my first place finish, two of my competitors have tied for second after more than 180,000 votes were cast. it's a good time to buy a lottery ticket. >> all right, now to our weather. a dusting of snow in april around the bay area. this video posted by cal fire ccu shows fire captain james sutter standing outside as the flurries came down at their station, 21, in saratoga summit, the top of
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mount tam also saw some light snow as well. this video posted by marin water on x, shows the mount tam watershed's west peak blanketed in snow. the slick roadways made for hazardous conditions at the higher elevations, but here at lower elevations, lots of scattered rain and even hail throughout the day. the rain made for some slick roads in los gatos and across the bay. chief meteorologist bill martin joins us now. bill a little bit of everything today. >> yeah, that's exactly right, craig. and as we go into tomorrow, a lot more sunshine than we had today. and probably there's a slight chance for a sprinkle or shower. but for the most part it's going to be mostly to partly sunny. and then maybe a stray sprinkle late in the afternoon there. scattered showers out there right now. not a big deal. the rainfall did accumulate below 1500ft. the snow level we had at saratoga snow is around 1500ft. so below that we had rain, almost an inch of rain in some places, and three quarters of an inch to a half inch in others, and a quarter inch in others. so a very beneficial rainfall. not a lot of water wasted. it hit the reservoirs. it got into the
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creeks, flushed things out. now we're getting a few lingering showers tonight, as you'll see here on the live radar, but it's winding down quickly, and i'll put a little loop on it here. and you can see it sort of where it's going. it's all moving off towards the south and the east. you see a few thunderstorms showing up down in san benito county, but that's it. as we move forward into the weekend, it's going to get nicer. i'll have that forecast coming up. >> all right bill, thank you. more now on today's major announcement from the oakland a's, the team has sealed a deal to play temporarily in west sacramento after its lease at the coliseum runs out at the end of this season. the a's will play in sacramento until their new ballpark is built in las vegas. >> all throughout the day, fans have expressed their frustration and heartbreak over this move, sharing their memories, photos, and collective disappointment. the hosts of the summer of cell documentary held a forum on twitter where fans could share their grievances over the news. >> i don't care how much i hate a team, i never want to see that team leave their city. >> i'm upset about it because
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it's like we're not going to have no teams. i used to go to the a's games all the time. >> meanwhile, oakland's independent baseball team, the ballers, gave their input as well. the ballers were started by oakland's and a's fans. the ballers co-founder says it's time for the town to move on. >> i think it's devastating, but it at least we have clarity and at least now we can look at what the future's going to hold and if the future isn't going to hold that, that that team being in this town, then that's fine. >> the a's have spent the past 56 years playing at the coliseum, and of course, are just the latest team to leave oakland. >> on the flip side, many businesses in sacramento and baseball fans are welcoming the change. ktvu is jana katsuyama went to sacramento today and tells us many fans see it as an exciting opportunity for their city. >> oakland a's owner john fisher announced the move thursday. the athletics moving home base to west sacramento's minor league sutter health park. we're excited to be here for the next
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three years playing in this beautiful ballpark. the a's will be sharing the ballpark for the next three seasons with the river cats and its majority owner, the sacramento kings. vivek ranadivé. this is what an incredible day. >> this is epic. it's historic. >> we embrace you. all of west sacramento is going to thrive because of your presence. >> the smaller setting might be a good fit for the a's, who averaged just 10,000 attendees at the 63,000 seat coliseum last year. >> a much more intimate setting for sure. i mean, i think it's about 14,000 people in the stadium. there and i imagine they'll probably fill it up for most of their games. >> baseball fans who used to drive to the bay area from sacramento for games are thrilled. >> i was jumping up and down this morning. i was very, very excited. >> jimmy galdo is general manager of rio city cafe. a lifelong a's fan with his dad, he says the games just across the tower bridge will be a welcome boost to old sacramento businesses. >> revenue wise. it's going to
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be incredible for us. that means that there's going to be games at the stadium probably every day of the week between the river cats and the a's. >> sweet news, too, for this candy shop a few doors away. >> i think it's helpful for businesses around here. it brings a lot of people in. a lot of people are happy to go to the game. >> as the clouds parted thursday, a rainbow appeared over west sacramento. a sign to some, perhaps of good times ahead. >> i feel it's kind of a privilege to get major league baseball out here in west sacramento. >> the west sac little league team say the a's have supported them for years. >> they donate uniforms to our league every season. so we are very excited to have them in our backyard. >> and some say they're glad to see the a's put the sacramento region on the national map. >> it's going to tell the business community that, hey, you can come and invest here. >> and the a's relocating to sutter health park prompted sacramento's mayor, darrell steinberg, to say he hopes this will inspire other sports teams and companies to consider the sacramento region as a place to
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do business in west sacramento. jana katsuyama ktvu fox two news. >> in tonight's west coast rap. hundreds of thousands of salmon spilled into a river after a truck overturned. why? officials say it's a major setback for the salmon population and local business is coming together to raise humanitarian aid for gaza community members, withstanding the rain to show their support and we are getting a look at st ford's newly
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neighbors say they've complained to the city for a long time, and that house has been collecting trash for years. hundreds of trash bags filled the front and back yards of the home, some up to five feet tall. the mayor of los angeles thanked city crews for clearing all the trash. addressing the health and safety hazards it presented in arizona, we are learning more information about a hot air balloon crash earlier this year that killed four people, including a young man from cupertino. >> a newly released autopsy report says the pilot had high levels of ketamine in his system at the time of the crash in january, there was apparently enough ketamine in his blood to be considered an impaired driver, and that he did not have a prescription for it. however, investigators say it's still unclear if that was a major factor in the accident. officials identified 24 year old etienne chilcote from cupertino
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as among the victims. all four people died when the balloon suddenly plummeted about 2000ft to the ground. that investigation is still ongoing. >> in oregon, a tanker truck overturned, causing thousands of chinook salmon to spill out into the wrong waterway. the truck was transporting more than 100,000 young salmon that had been raised in a hatchery to northeast oregon. the oregon department of fish and wildlife say the driver took a sharp turn. then the 53 foot semi skidded on its side, rolling over a rocky embankment and onto its roof. about 77,000 of the salmon made their way into the creek next to the scene of the accident, but more than 25,000 died. they made up about 20% of the total that was supposed to be released in a river located about 90 miles east of the crash, and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weekday right here on ktvu. west coast rap with alex savage airs at 7:00 monday through friday, or find around the clock coverage at west coast new tonight in los gatos, people
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came together to help support war torn gaza. >> two local palestinian owned businesses hosted the fundraiser alongside a local e.r. doctor who just returned home after serving a medical mission there. >> ktvu zac sos spoke with residents who were there to support the cause. >> i have a single shot pistachio latte. >> thursday night, a portion of the proceeds from every cup, every food item, and everything else sold under these tents in los gatos headed to gaza. >> that's why i come here to support those people, especially in this month of ramadan. >> jawad and nooshin de rosti. among those braving the rain to raise money for the nonprofit islamic relief. rain or shine, we're going to be fine. >> people are committed to coming out to this amazing event to support and show solidarity for the people of gaza. >> some of the money raised earmarked for several food kitchens in gaza, which the group says prepare around 90,000 hot meals a day for palestinians caught up in the war with israel. >> they're fasting, they're hanging in there. they're they're praying, they're hopeful, and they're definitely in our prayers, helping to spearhead the event, mohammed
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subhi, a local e.r. doctor who recently returned from a five week medical mission to the region where more than 33,000 people have died. >> that's according to gaza's health ministry, still trying to unpack everything i saw treating patients in the middle of a war zone. >> missile strikes all around you. you hear gunfire, you you feel yourself shaken to the core, all while working with limited medical supplies. it was so inhumane, it felt to, like, operate on patients without proper anesthesia. but the alternative many times was they would die. >> sabahi's staff at ken's coffee roasters, a shop he owns in town, inspire to do something upon his return. >> this event was the brainchild of our team, now moved once again by the outpouring of support being shown by this community. >> people like kathy, i've been trying to do whatever i can helping them dollar by dollar, donate whatever we can to organizations working there on the ground to get it to the people that need it most on the ground. and well, this is the
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last event organizers planned to hold this spring. they say it is certainly not the last they hope to hold another fundraiser this june in los gatos, zac sos. ktvu fox two news. >> new at 11 state assembly member matt haney, who represents san francisco, shared today that his bill requiring narcan in workplace first aid kits passed out of committee in a unanimous vote. haney says the bill would ensure businesses have the life saving overdose reversal drug on hand. this would give bystanders more resources as they respond to an overdose. haney said the white house is on the same page about the idea. >> the governor, highlighting the state's latest renewable energy project, the funding that's helping it take off. >> but first, a solar eclipse is just days away and some people are traveling to get a better view of it. coming up, what you ne o
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may not be visible here in the bay area. some people are now heading to locations where they will get a chance to see it. meteorologist mark tamayo breaks down exactly what happens during a solar eclipse and how to watch it safely. >> the countdown is on. the total solar eclipse is coming up rapidly. coming up, we'll let you know everything you need to know about the big event in the sky on monday, april 8th. a solar eclipse is a result of the sun, the moon and the earth all lining up a total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, completely blocking the face of the sun. the regions that are in the center of the moon's shadow experience the total eclipse. during this time, the sky will darken in the middle of the day, resembling dawn or dusk. the defined route of the moon's
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shadow across the earth is called the path of totality. on april 8th, the path of totality runs across 13 states from texas to maine. in this area, the sun will be completely covered for 3 to 4 minutes. residents in the bay area can expect a partial solar eclipse monday morning. 34% of the sun will be covered by the moon. the partial eclipse begins during the 10:00 hour, reaching a maximum at 1113 in the morning. safety is key. looking at the sun directly can damage your eyes. your everyday sunglasses will not work. to view the partial eclipse, you will need to use official iso certified glasses. proper eclipse glasses are 100,000 times darker than sunglasses. the clouds and storms can always spoil a show. the national
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weather service has been producing this daily forecast map that shows the expected cloud pattern for the big eclipse day. we'll have a link to that forecast map on ktvu. com and looking ahead, the next total solar eclipse is coming up in august 2044, a long time from now. mark tamayo ktvu, fox two news and chief meteorologist bill martin. >> and bill, you heard mark talk about it there, but the weather where you are can certainly impact your view of that eclipse there. >> yeah, that's the whole deal on that. the eclipse is going to happen regardless, but it may not you may not be able to see it depending on where you are. certainly around here, cloud cover a possibility. we'll get closer. as we get closer we'll dial that down. but in some places in the east coast, you know, you get cloud cover and you're going to miss out on that. that totality, the total of temperatures today, i guess that's not doesn't work 67 degrees today in santa rosa, 64 na and then 70 in vallejo. acly those are incorrect numbers. i don't know where those came from. it was not today's temperatures were generally in the in the 50s. so
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tempatures right now are running in the 40s. it's very cool. 40 in napa, 40 in novato and 44 in fairfield. the overnight lows are going to be cool. again, not as cold as they could be. these temperatures could be way colder if there if the cloud cover was involved and we didn't have so much moisture in the air or high, high dew points, the temperatures are going to stay above freezing, but they are going to be chilly compared to where we have been the forecast for overnight, then showers beginning to die down. they already have, and they're going to continue to die down as we go into the next few hours. here are some of the rain accumulations. we talked about those and there goes the system as it moves on out of the area. but it does usher in a bunch of this cold air just coming right down the coast. and so that cold air is going to linger. gives us the cold night tonight, but it gives us a mild well, no, it gives us a cool day tomorrow. upper 50s, mid 50s, maybe a low 60s, depending on how much sun you get. there could be a sprinkle tomorrow as well.
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there's the current radar. here's the model. this is tomorrow morning and then this is tomorrow afternoon. you saw some green go through there. so maybe a sprinkle out towards parts of the east bay but shouldn't be a big deal. not expecting thunderstorms. could happen, but most likely not. and as we go into 8:00 saturday morning, saturday afternoon, saturday night clouds go through. maybe a sprinkle saturday night and then sunday looks pretty good. a few sprinkles up in the north bay. so still kind of squirrely out there, but it'll be a nice weekend. i'm not going to change my plans at all. just be prepared for a stray sprinkle, especially on early on saturday morning and then late as we go into or later on saturday, friday, mid-afternoon. there's a five day forecast. doesn't look too bad on that. and we'll see you back here on sunday night. >> all right. very good bill. thank you. stanford university's board of trustees announced today the name of their next president. jonathan levin will be the 13th president of the school. he was the unanimous choice of the search committee and trustees. levin graduated from the university with two
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bachelor's degrees and later earned a ph.d. from mit. levin is been a stanford faculty member for almost 24 years and serves as the business school's dean. he was also invited by president biden to serve on the president's council of advisors on science and technology. he will assume his new role august 1st. >> here's a look now at the stories trending tonight on ktvu. com one of our top stories san francisco mayor london breed says her efforts to reduce crime are paying off, as the latest data shows, crime in the city is on the decline. also, protesters blocked the entrances today to lockheed martin facilities in sunnyvale and demanded the u.s. end its financial and military support of israel. and we are featuring a program in oakland that aims to bridge the gap between the black community and law enforcement. you can learn about the oak program of oakland, all at ktvu .com. >> the countdown is on to new baby falcons at uc berkeley. how the school is planning to celebrate their arrival.
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>> but first reactions continue to pour in after the a's signed a deal with sacramento officials to play at sutter health park starting next season. oakland native fox sports mlb analyst and former pitcher dontrelle willis tweeting, i just never thought the a's wouldn't be in oakland in my lifetime. and our coverage of the a's move to sacramento continues tomorrow morning right here on ktvu. oakland mayor shengtao will join us live on set. coming up on
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berkeley, and the school has already hatched a plan to celebrate their arrival in partnership with the uc berkeley art museum and pacific film archive. the school will host a day long hatch day live streamed on bamford's outdoor screen.
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this will be on april 24th, the day of the cal falcon's group estimates. the chicks will hatch the mother falcon. annie has lived in the university bell tower since 2016. the eggs appeared last month after annie recently paired with a new mate, archie. governor newsom highlighted a renewable energy project today in the central valley. >> the governor and federal officials visited a project in merced county that is installing floating solar panels on a canal that travels through six counties, including alameda county, the san luis and delta mendota water district received $15 million in federal funding for the five year pilot project, the governor said. projects such as this will help the state deliver clean power and more water, but it faced resistance. >> there are some folks that quite well, let's just be candid, don't want these things near their canals so we had to work to convince them. but this is a no brainer. this is common sense. >> a similar project is underway near turlock. researchers say
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the state could save billions of gallons of water each year from evaporation, evaporation if every canal was covered with solar panels. >> the us postal service is honoring the legendary landscape. portraits of a bay area photographer. next month, the usps will roll out 16 stamps showcasing ansel adams photographs of the american west. these stamps are in adams straight photography style, an approach defined by precision and directness. the stamps will first be unveiled may 15th at the ansel adams gallery in yosemite national park, where many of adams most famous photographs were taken. >> the san francisco ballet opened a new show tonight that is devoted solely to works by women choreographers and latin themed stories. the dos mujeres show includes radically reimagined pieces from carmen. the show also has the north american premiere of a broken wings, which follows the life of frida kahlo, set to mexican folk music. performances run through
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april 14th at the war memorial opera house. tickets are available online starting at $29. >> looks like a good show and maybe a pick me up after, like you said, a very bittersweet day. the a's announcing they will leave oakland, but tomorrow is opening day for the giants, so bay area baseball fans feeling a little torn, i'm sure. >> definitely. and that is our report for tonight. thanks so much for watching the 11:00 news. our next newscast mornings on two, which oakland mayor shengtao is going to be live on the nine to talk more about the oakland a's now going to be moving to sacramento next season until their new home is built in las vegas. be an important conversation. >> a reminder to stream the latest news and weather on your smart tv anytime. download the fox local welcome to like it or not. this is a show where we tackle all things some things that we just have really passionate opinions on some things. they d


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