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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  April 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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across the bay area as a string of sideshows break out, injuring
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at least one person. it's like i've not seen my dad in forever and i'm just so excited to see him and we'll tell you about the emotional reunion for bay area coast guard families today, seeing their loved ones return after months at sea. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> good evening everyone. i'm heather holmes, and we begin tonight with one of the most anticipated celestial events in years. of course, i'm talking about the solar eclipse, a total eclipse. cut a path over parts of mexico, 15 u.s. states and eastern canada. millions of people stood outside looking skyward with their special glasses on as the moon passed between the earth and the sun. here in the bay area, we were able to see a partial eclipse with the moon covering about 34% of the sun's surface. ktvu tom vacar was at san francisco's exploratorium, one of several places hosting viewing parties today.
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>> the exploratorium usually closed on mondays, was wide open for the eclipse, so professionals could answer visitors questions about this rare event. wow. >> you maybe have a chance of two per year with the way the alignment works out geometrically, and then that that event needs to happen where people live. >> reactions went way beyond the wow level, i would hope, and i believe that it would really trigger an exploration of outside your own little world, that there is hope and goodness and beauty and awe in the world. >> i want to actually experience this, and this is a bucket list issue. and then the with the next eclipse, i don't think i'll be around here. >> i feel like it's a transformation for, you know, new beginnings, new energy. this is a time of change. you know, it's pretty awesome. >> if you come to a science center like the exploratorium or chabot and children are there,
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then that sparks a magic kind of interest in the sciences. and from that can come wonderful careers and help for all mankind . >> it's not only important the fact that parents are here, but a lot of educators, a lot of astronomers are here to help out other, other people, other families. >> i think for her, it's important, especially in women. they're not in very prominent in the field of science. but i think things like this help to promote the interest. >> one more thing, though rare on earth, whenever the sun and moon can see each other, an eclipse is cast somewhere. >> that's because that shadow that's being cast by the moon, being in front of the sun is falling somewhere in space, not on our planet at all. >> the next major earthbound eclipse two summers from now in greenland for the us 2044 tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> people also headed to the chabot space and science center in oakland to get a look at that partial eclipse. today, the
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observatory held a viewing party, handing out those special glasses so people could look to the sky safely. and as you can see, boy, lots of people turned out with perfect viewing conditions in the east bay hills for some of the younger folks. well, it was their first experience of a solar eclipse. >> i was just really excited for like, seeing the eclipse. it's probably like my first time seeing it, and i'm not sure when the next one is coming. probably like when i'm like in my teens. >> what do you see? i'm a moon along with the safety glasses. >> people could view the eclipse through the eight inch refracting telescope, which was fitted with a special solar filter. a new. at 730 tonight, a north bay high school was put on lockdown for part of th day. today. officials say that rancho cotate high school in roanoke park was under a shelter in place f about two hours today, starting at ten this morn t press democrat rta student told police that she had been threatened with violence last night on social media. police say the lockdown was issued out of an
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abundance of caution. now we go to san francisco tonight where crews responded to an rv fire overnight that spread to a nearby warehouse. the one alarm fire was reported just after 240 this morning near newhall street and galvez avenue, in the city's bayview district. firefighters had that fire under control in about a half hour. no one was hurt and the cause is under investigation. all right. some dangerous moments for a menlo park police officer after getting caught up in a sideshow. part of a string of the dangerous events all around the bay area this weekend, one of the sideshows blocked the bay bridge for nearly 20 minutes early yesterday morning. two more spots in oakland were hit. before that, the cars and crowds targeted the peninsula, moving from menlo park to palo alto to mountain view. and it was there that a 20 year old spectator suffered a broken ankle from an out of control car. and in menlo park, a place that rarely sees sideshows, will a lone officer was attacked. he happened to see that sideshow there unfold and
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found himself in the middle of an angry crowd. >> as soon as the officer got there, people started to surround the officer's vehicle, blind him with laser pointers, and started to hit and kick his patrol car, causing a window to break. these types of activities are incredibly dangerous, not just to responding officers, but to the entire public at large and to the participants who are involved in them. >> now. this photo shows some of the damage to that police cruiser. thankfully, the officer was not hurt. the chp says four people were detained in connection with some of those sideshows, as oakland police are investigating a hit and run crash that killed a pedestrian. it happened shortly after 1245 this morning at the intersection of 75th avenue and san leandro street. the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. no vehicle was found at the scene. the investigation is ongoing, so if you have any information, please call oakland police. now we go to alameda today where
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coast guard families were reunited with their loved ones who returned today after spending months at sea. our crystal bailey joins us now with more on today's heartwarming reunion. crystal. >> well, heather, the members of cutter burkhart berthoff were deployed for the last 100 days, returning today to their families after engaging in international relations at sea and after being there to witness those reactions. those families were very proud of their coast guard members, children running into their arms, kisses from spouses and signs declaring their love. it's often the scene at the end of deployment for military families. blown. >> are you excited to see dad? >> yeah. seven year old karina marin wore a special coast guard dress for the occasion. >> it feels like i've not seen my dad in forever, and i'm just so excited to see him. >> the crew on board coast guard cutter bertoff, made up of about 150 military members, left base alameda, just after new year's
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day. >> we traveled over 21,000 nautical miles over this 100 day period, stopping in places such as singapore. malaysia went as far west as the indian ocean to india. >> the coast guard was joined by a couple dozen navy sailors and marines, all missing out on holidays and big milestones. >> it's very emotional, leaving right after the holidays and being gone for so long. >> catherine glass says her husband is finally reunited with their four month old baby, born in mid december. >> i'm excited to see them interact and, get to know each other again and blake peterson is greeting his girlfriend with flowers. >> i'm in the coast guard active duty as well, but i'm stationed in virginia at the moment. and so yeah, i took off the week to come out here. >> and the emotional moments when the coasties are back with their families is the moment they live for. >> it was, it was something i've
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been waiting for since the minute i left. >> i get to be a dad and a friend and a and a husband for chief petty officer jerome manuel. >> he spent more than two decades in the coast guard, and the sting of the distance doesn't get any easier. but the support from his wife and four kids makes the difference. >> we have our boat buddies and our camaraderie, but our family is our bread. you know, our backbone. we can't operate. we can't function without knowing that our family is safe, a sacrifice the whole family makes. >> and, very proud to sail with these folks. and i'm very happy that we're able to bring them back home to their families. >> in coast guard, cutter berthoff will remain at the port on base alameda for cleaning and maintenance until the fall, so those families have a few months to spend together before the next deployment. heather. >> yep. hopefully they will enjoy every one of those moments and thank them so much for their sacrifice. crystal. thank you. new figures are out on just how many traffic tickets are being issued in san francisco, and
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what it's doing to city coffers, and how one east bay city is honoring and celebrating its rich indigenous history. >> spring has certainly arrived for now, with the day the rain returns. i've got your bay area forecast. it's ready to roll right after this. right here
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yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup. the oakland airport goes through with that proposal to change its name to san francisco bay. oakland international city attorney david chu says the changing the name would lead to confusion. meantime, the port of
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oakland, which is set to vote on the rebranding on thursday, released findings from a new poll suggesting that residents are comfortable with the name change and support the efforts. the airport's efforts to increase the number of flights and travel destinations when new figures show a decline in the number of traffic tickets issued by police in san francisco, according to the city comptroller's office. between 2014 and 2023, the number of traffic citations written by sfpd fell by about 96% in 2014. officers cited nearly 130,000 violations. that number, though, fell to just over 5000 last year. in 2016, the city made more than $10 million from tickets. in 2023, that number fell to 3.6 million. when people pay their tickets they receive in san francisco, well, that money goes to the superior court, which is then given to the city. new at 730 tonight, the city of lafayette today unveiling a brand new mural and name for a downtown intersection. it's all to honor
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its indigenous history. that mural and street sign was unveiled today at mount diablo boulevard in lafayette circle. now, the illustration shows a group of women who are part of the miwok tribe that inhabited the lafayette area. the street renaming is part of the city's yearlong effort honoring its indigenous history. okay, let's talk about our weather now, shall we? and a really nice day to start off the workweek. roberta, i feel guilty because we have the abundance of sunshine temperatures above normal while you are at work. >> and then just in time for the weekend, i know i'm not happy about that because my birthday is this weekend. i know for your birthday wanted to give you, but roberta is going to see what she can do about the weather for me, right? i did say that, didn't you? did you promised. i have all the authority to change your weather forecast while i'm still working on that. okay let's get to it. right now. we're going to feature emeryville. look at how placid it is. it's just glorious out there. seems as skies. air temperature right now is 65
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degrees there as well as in oakland. yeah. that's nice. nice. across the bay, westerly in san francisco it is 55 degrees 50. also around the seashore. otherwise everyone is in the 60s except take a look at santa rosa. now stick it out like a sore thumb at 70 degrees with a gentle breeze. i wanted to share the wind speeds with you. it's 14 at buchanan field in concord and 12 at oakland international airport. and the reason why i wanted to share these winds with you, we will have these winds dial back in the overnight hours. not as breezy, not as gusty. but for now on the peninsula, we do have some winds up to 20mph. so notice this clear slot right there. right now it is clear, abundantly clear because we have high pressure now diverting the jet stream well to the north of the bay area. it is only temporary, but nonetheless it will continue to bulge into the west coast. so our temperatures
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will warm above average for this time of the year for the next couple of days. in fact, average high in santa rosa 68 degrees, but tomorrow ten degrees above average. meanwhile we're topping off tomorrow with the pair of sevens in livermore 68 degrees at average there. and boy, livermore started the morning off at 37 degrees. so 30s are pretty much history. i'll show you what i mean in a moment. meanwhile, tonight, mostly clear skies, not as chilly as it has been in recent evenings and for your tuesday to thursday, mild to warm temperatures with the warmest day of all will be on wednesday midweek. and then on friday. that's when we start to see the subtle changes and the much cooler temperatures tonight. overnight into the 40s, few 50s, as in pacifica and in antioch, backing through pittsburg and pleasant hill, 48 degrees in mountain view. here's your daytime high temperatures tomorrow. pick out your neighborhood 63, in pacifica. otherwise 75 degrees in hayward. backing through castro valley into san leandro and san lorenzo
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and 78 degrees in redwood shores and redwood city. the silicon valley, pretty much everybody in the santa clara valley, all in the 70s. here you go. warmest day on wednesday. still summery, but a couple of degrees cooler for your thursday. then the clouds develop overnight. thursday. push into your friday, becoming mostly cloudy with just a minimal risk of a rain shower. and on heather's birthday, we're beginning to say that it will remain unsettled and the computer models are all not agreeing on this. and they have been for the past couple of storms. so we're going to have to wait another day to see what is actually going to happen. but i would plan on getting wet at one point or another over the weekend. >> okay, roberta. thanks, director bill, he said not that won't rain on your parade. heather. you can still dance in the rain. i still can, all right. the state department of fish and wildlife is limiting dungeness crab fishing for much of california. the state says commercial crab fishing is now banned south of the sonoma, mendocino county line, all to protect humpback whales, which have started to return to the
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waters off california. in addition to the ban, there will be depth restrictions in the northernmost part of the state and recreational fishers will not be allowed to drop crab traps throughout the entire bay area. coast. the city of mountain view is set to reverse course on gas appliances. we'll have details on that coming up. also ahead tonight, why developers say they need some more time to finish two hotels that have been in the works for years in the south bay, and you know them. they were instrumental to winning world war two. still ahead, the honor about to be given to these incredible rosie the eters
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should city leaders have proposed rolling back environmentally friendly building requirements that had been mandated that mandated builders use other energy sources for appliances in new
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home and commercial developments , so the city would be in accordance with federal law. the city council is expected to vote on the measure at its meeting tomorrow. the cupertino city council extended the development timeline for two hotels by another three years. the de anza hotel and cupertino village boutique hotel have been in the planning stages for at least four years. the developers asked for the extensions, citing rising building costs and a slow recovery from the pandemic.t's estimated the two hotels will bring in more than $2 million a year to the city through hotel occupancy and property taxes. entertainment company ticketmaster may soon have competition if a new state bill is passed. today. oakland assembly member buffy wicks introduced a bill to create competition in the ticket sales industry that has been dominated by ticketmaster for years. the bill is designed to reduce prices and increase availability of tickets. similar efforts are also underway in congress as
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well as other states. still ahead tonight, we'll have the new program just launched in the north bay, designed to bring incarcerated parents a little closer to their children. and then coming up later tonight on the 10:00 news, state lawmakers are proposing a constitutional amendment to guarantee the right to clean air, clean water and a healthy environment. plus, a san francisco sheriff's deputy charged with several felonies, including domestic violence we
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the office of family reunification program. the sheriff's office sharing this video on social media. it shows the first incarcerated person to be chosen to participate in the program, having some family time with her two young children. now to take part, inmates must take parenting classes that mom said that she was thrilled to spend time with her kids, and said she is proud that she was chosen to be the first participant in the program. the us is paying tribute to a group of really special women who represented the original rosie the riveters during world war two. this group flew from sfo to washington this morning. they're set to receive a congressional gold medal later this week, the highest honor congress can give to civilians
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is rosie the riveters, a group of women who took over critical defense jobs during the war, such as welding airplanes and manufacturing weapons while men were overseas in combat. we talked to one of the women who was a high school student helping in the agriculture industry. >> so if we wanted to work for the war effort and we did, and it was hotter than blazes, it was in woodland 105, 107, 110, but i stuck with it till the end . >> house speaker mike johnson will preside over the ceremony planned for wednesday. such a well-deserved honor for all of those women fans of the legendary singer tony bennett have a rare opportunity this week to see some of his personal mementos that are on display in san francisco, a unique collection of items from tony bennett's estate is now open to the public. right there at the fairmont hotel, bennett had a special relationship with the hotel. it's where he very first
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performed his hit i left my heart in san francisco way back in 1961. well, now fans have the opportunity to get a close look at bennett's special link to the city one last time. >> from a bell that tony was given after he helped bring the cable car back to san francisco, as well as some personal mementos, proclamations that made tony bennett way a possibility, and so many more items. >> okay, you don't just get the opportunity to look at some of these, you can actually bid on them. each item has a qr code next to it that you can scan to place your bid. remember though, this is happening really quickly because all of these items will be auctioned off next week in new york. so now is your chance to enjoy that rare opportunity to see some of those mementos up close and personal. all right, that's going to do it for me tonight for the news at 730. thank you for tuning in. make sure to download the fox local app right there to your smart
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gordon: previously on "masterchef junior"... - ( squealing ) - welcome, guys. we've brought in another judge. - hey, guys. - ...the season kicked off with the 12 best young cooks in america. i'm also making my special sauce. - can you give us, like, one ingredient? - i can't.


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