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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  April 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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school, during a dinner where he invited the students as part of an annual tradition. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> the story follows months of disputes between pro-palestinian and jewish students on campus. new at six tonight, ktvu s crystal bailey joins us now live. after taking a closer look at the accusations that the respected law school dean violated the student's constitutional rights, crystal. well, julie, the video only shows the aftermath. >> the dean is arguing that the event happened at his private home, so he had a right to ask her to leave the student is arguing that this was a school event, so she had the right to speak. it was a celebratory dinner for the graduating law students at uc berkeley, scheduled for the last day of ramadan, holy month for muslims and the first of three nights, the dean and his wife were hosting students. malacanang says her organization, law students for justice in palestine, was boycotting the dinner and shared this poster saying no dinner with zionism. while. gaza starves.
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>> we felt that this dinner was was, you know, a kind of a disgusting and extravagant and lavish, display of wealth that was already being funneled using our tuition money for this genocide. >> in a lengthy statement, dean erwin chemerinsky called the posters anti-semitic, but said, i felt that, though deeply offensive, they were speech protected by the first amendment. despite the protests, chemerinsky went on with the dinner and anafa in about ten other students decided to attend. she began speaking with a microphone, and this video shows what happened next. >> please leave our house. you are guests at our house. >> we were invited to the premises and we would willfully, willfully leave the premises. so that had always been the plan, we had even done a criminal defense consult with the national lawyers guild, who, you know, pretty much thought this was a pretty low risk action, the dean wrote in a statement. >> my wife and i immediately approached her and asked her to stop and leave, the woman
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continued. when she continued, there was an attempt to take away her microphone. repeatedly. we said to her that you are a guest in our home. please stop and leave. as seen in the video, the dean's wife, law professor catherine fisk, is seen snatching the phone from an office hand. >> she kept on grabbing inappropriately at my breast and kept grabbing in my shirt area, trying to tug and pull an action. >> she calls assault and a violation of her first amendment rights. >> i was in pain and i was scared. but the dean says his home is not a forum for free speech, adding any student who disrupts will be reported to student conduct and a violation of the student conduct code is reported to the bar. >> that was his private residence. the first amendment doesn't apply and that kind of place. >> civil rights attorney laurel powell says chemerinsky is respected nationwide for his work and constitutional rights, and thinks the dean is well within his rights to remove a student from his property. >> as soon as the dean and his wife, who's a law professor, told her to leave. at that
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point, she was trespassing. >> she also says it would be hard to prove the actions of fisk are assault in a court of law. >> it's hard to imagine why a prosecutor with who has a lot of discretion to choose whether to prosecute any crime, would attempt to prosecute this as assault. >> we were unable to reach the dean and his wife for further comment, and we could not confirm whether the event was funded with any tuition money. now, the dean says that there will be another dinner tonight and tomorrow night, and those will continue with security present. now, that student says that she is looking into taking any legal action she can against the university. i'm live in berkeley. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> so crystal, just to clarify, the dean says they invited they were invited guests to his home. but then they asked them to leave. they didn't leave. so were the police called? >> there was some threat to call the police. i'm not sure exactly
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if those if that threat was acted upon, but the student did tell me that she was asked to leave and that they would. they did say they would call the police if she did not. >> all right. crystal bailey reporting live for us tonight in berkeley. crystal, thank you. >> in the bay area, muslims who gathered today for the end of ramadan acknowledge that this has been a difficult time for many hundreds attended this eid al-fitr celebration at saint mary's recreation center in san francisco this morning, one of the many events to mark the end of ramadan. those who mark the occasion say it's a time for communal prayers, family gatherings and to enjoy festive meals. after 30 days of fasting. >> yes, it may be a day of celebration, but at the same time it's a day where we have to remember those individuals or those families, those people that are suffering across the world, the imam told us. >> this is also a day to reflect on those in gaza and elsewhere who are facing hardships, and a day of charity to help those who are in need. >> cutting down on crime in the city of oakland tonight, the highway patrol says its efforts are paying off. our crime reporter henry lee has a look
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now at the new data. >> california highway patrol says it's helped crack down on crime in oakland in the past eight weeks, including a five day surge in the city and undercover stings. chp officers have recovered 414 stolen cars, arrested 181 suspects and seized 31 guns. >> the numbers that were released today are just more good examples of the great work that is being done on the ground in oakland, chp officer andrew berkeley says the highway patrol will continue to work with oakland police, but future operations won't always be announced. these operations are are very fluid. they're very dynamic in that they're not set it and forget it. these are operations that have continuing ongoing analysis of what we are seeing. >> i really appreciate the cooperation from the highway patrol. >> council member noel gayo says oakland needs all the help it can get, whether it's from the chp, the alameda county sheriff's office or bart police. if he had his way, the national guard would also come to oakland. >> at the end of the day, i am
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paying for everyone's salary, but public safety is the number one priority of any city, any county, any state, any country. >> city statistics show violent crime in oakland is up 10% compared to the same time last year, but robberies are down 32% and commercial burglaries down nearly 60. but those numbers are of no comfort to small businesses like colonial donuts on lakeshore avenue, which has now been robbed four times in the past ten months. >> as it's very defeating. and as a small business owner in oakland, it is just a trying time. >> surveillance video shows three men walking into the shop at about six in the morning on march 1st. one guy vaults the counter and steals an entire cash drawer. manager ping and her family have owned the donut shop for four decades and have taken precautions. after each previous robbery. she says she supports increased law enforcement on a sustained level. >> if we can continue to see that presence, i mean, please, i want to see more. i want to see more police presence in the lakeshore area or just all over
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oakland, cat brooks said the anti-police terror project disagrees. >> now we're paying chp to do what opd should have been doing in the first place, and that should enrage everybody. the last part, of course, is about prevention, right? people are still hungry. people are still homeless. people are still looking for work. >> oakland mayor shengtao says she's grateful for the chp, thanking the agency in a tweet for helping to disrupt criminal networks and reduce crime. so clearly, this is a partnership that will continue for some time in oakland. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> as their coach, i have aspired to help each player get to a place they couldn't get on their own. i've wanted to be a coach that i would want to play for. >> the winningest coach in college basketball is calling it a career. stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer formally announcing her retirement this afternoon. >> jason appelbaum joins us now with more on her impact on the sport. the stanford campus, the bay area and beyond. jason, it's
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all hard to measure. >> yeah, it's going to be hard to fathom stanford without tara vanderveer. she is synonymous with with stanford. she's synonymous with with women's college basketball. it truly is the end of an era. no coach in the history of the bay area, in any sport, men or women, had a longer or more successful run than tara vanderveer. and today, 38 years and 11 months after she was hired at stanford, vanderveer said goodbye. >> sometimes it's just you're ready. and i just felt, i'm ready. i never really thought i would be. i kind of just, you know, just felt like maybe i would, you know, kind of just keel over on the bench. but, you know, i mean, i just, you know, i because i love it, i love it, i love it. >> as for what this year has been like for her, i just really wanted to enjoy every practice, every game. >> and after every year i really evaluate it. i probably retired, at least 20 times in my mind,
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you know? i mean, it's hard work. >> vanderveer steps down at stanford as the winningest coach in ncaa history and as a three time champion. but that's not what she'll remember. >> yes, the championship years are on the wall in maples, but what i see when i look up there is kiki high fiving cam, jennifer and sonja leaving the court arms around each other, candace hugging me and neck embracing roz. it is the friendships that we have that makes it so special and special for her and special for her players. >> a sisterhood, as vanderveer calls their lifelong bond as their coach. >> i have aspired to help each player get to a place they couldn't get on their own. i've wanted to be a coach that i would want to play for. it has been an honor and a pleasure to be part of these women's lives. my goal has been to be a teacher, mentor, confidant and eventually a lifetime friend for them.
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>> so what about the timing of her retirement coinciding with the demise of the pac 12 conference? >> i want to just say that it has nothing to do with going into the acc. i really that was a motivator to want to stay, to play that competition, because i think it's going to be a great, great league. clark oh my. from the future. >> largely thanks to her trailblazing the path, vanderveer leaves the game at its peak of popularity for the first time ever, the women's ncaa final had more viewers than the men's final and more than any nba finals game since 2018. >> it is so thrilling to see the support for women's basketball. you know, when i come in this room and look around this room, there's more people in this room that are that were at our first game. >> so after nearly 48 years in coaching as either an assistant or head coach, what's next? >> i don't feel like i want to just become a hermit or, you know, drop off as an example, i play bridge with my mom every day and i'm going to start
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studying, so i'm a little better, more competitive with her, but i want to do other things. so, yeah. >> tara's mom, rita, 97 years young. so they'll be spending more time together. vanderveer. she's 70. she loves to water ski. so she'll have more time for that. and she plans to stay connected to stanford as a mentor. she's going to speak at campus wide events. and as we say, she'll be the ultimate ambassador. >> yeah, maybe a little recruiting a little bit, maybe. >> wouldn't hurt. right? >> shows up. >> yeah. all right. what a great story. what an amazing career she had absolutely. >> as you said, the coach has been a mentor to many players throughout her career. ktvu is an reuben continues our coverage as tara vanderveer retires from stanford women's basketball. >> she leaves behind not just a string of records and championships, but also a group of players that love her like family. >> when i played in the olympics in 1996, the team used to call her my mama, and they're like, what's up with your mama today?
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>> for katy steding vanderveer was mama, but also mentor. steadying was her first recruit to stanford, joined her for the olympics, and eventually followed her into coaching vanderveer's impact. >> i don't think it's measurable, you know, because i think along the way she's done everything to fight for women and for women's basketball. >> vanderveer herself says. coaching has always been about transformation on and off the court. >> as their coach, i have aspired to help each player get to a place they couldn't get on their own, and i don't think any of us will ever be able to thank her enough for how much she's given to each of us personally. >> jeanette pohlen played for vanderveer from 2007 to 2011. >> all of the championships, the success. but i think for her it's more than that. it's helping other other female, you know, coaches and athletes and just trying to raise that bar. >> and in vanderveer's 45 years as a head coach, the game has changed from small crowds and small budgets to the most recent
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women's final four that surpassed the men's in ratings. former player and current coach erica mccall credits vanderveer women's basketball is on the map, and it's here to stay, and tara is a large part of that. vanderveer says she'll continue to work with stanford and an advisory capacity, and she'll be at the games next year in the stands on the stanford campus. and ruben ktvu fox two news. >> it's taking longer for oakland police to respond to calls. what city leaders believe is behind the rise. plus grateful that i got the help i desperately needed that helps keep me sober. >> today, san francisco mayoral candidate eric peskin leans into his past problems that led to his sobriety. why, he says that would help him lead the city out of tough times. >> and i am tracking some raindrops for the weekend. it's possible we'll have a look at that coming up. >> and all of that rain is leading to a super bloom in the east bay hills. still ah
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launch a comprehensive plan to expand shelters and treatment centers to reduce homelessness and drug addiction in the city. peskin formally entered the race last week and is one of four major challengers to london breed's reelection campaign. >> san francisco mayor london breed confirms that she asked for possible legal action to stop the oakland airport from changing its name to san francisco bay oakland international airport, the mayor telling us she directed city attorney david chu to send a letter to the oakland port commission. the letter says the proposed name change would infringe on san francisco international airport's trademark. >> oakland is an amazing city, and oakland deserves its own brand, its own opportunities, and the attention should be focused on making the airport what it needs to be similar to what we've done with sfo. and yes, i made it clear to the city attorney that if necessary, we should pursue legal action to stop this name change. >> the oakland port commission
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is expected to vote tomorrow on the proposed name change. the commission says if it is approved, it will take all appropriate measures to defend its right to use it as a geographic identifier. >> the oakland police department said it is investigating an apparent dramatic increase in police response times. the latest report showed that responses to the most serious priority one calls rose from an average of 23 minutes in may of 2022 to 60 minutes in may of 2023. at a meeting of the city council safety committee, the city's human resources manager said there may be some kind of data error. >> we did check with our crime analysis unit and our analysts assigned to the communications division, but they may have read the time incorrectly because if you look at the response provided by our analysts, they quote a 2% increase. and what you're saying is over a 100% increase. so i think our staff may have, read the question
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wrong, which is why we have the response that we have. >> amber fuller said the department will work to figure out the discrepancy and promise to bring an answer back to the city council by next week. >> spring is in full bloom as the intermittent rains continue to fuel the wild flowers all around the bay area. some say it is beginning to look like a floral wonderland. ktvu tom vacar has a look at some of the best spots. >> mount diablo state park is already showing its stuff as our state flower. the poppies are breaking out in patches, with many more patches likely to come according to two walnut creek cyclists. >> there's been certainly some spectacular years, and this is shaping up to be one of them, you know, and this is just sort of the first, first phase of it, which is the poppies always kind of first, as you go up further and the, the flora changes a little bit, then, then you get into some other plants. >> if this is just beginning, the future looks bright for a spectacular mount diablo spring
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season. >> but certainly the last couple of years have been beautiful with the moisture and every season is great. it's fun to see the, you know, the contrast, the color in the fall is totally dry and there's tarantula and come up here and there's flowers. >> now, the city of walnut creek, shell ridge is also not just showing off a burst of colors, but the valley below, with its hints of purple and radiant green, may end up in a spectacular display in the coming days and weeks. other places likely to have super blooms include black diamond mines south of antioch, coyote hills regional park north of newark, briones regional park east of pacheco, sunol regional wilderness, east of fremont anthony chabot regional park, east of the oakland zoo. >> just this weekend, i'm going to go down to joshua tree, and i hope to hopefully see some some super blooms. >> a word to the wise. if you're going to go out and look at a super bloom or several of them,
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make sure you check the websites in advance to make sure that they're really blooming. otherwise you might be disappointed. a few of the most popular super blooms statewide are likely to be found in the south joshua tree, death valley, antelope valley poppy preserve, anza-borrego state park, and carrizo plain national monument. but michael ng, who brought his little boy to experience the blooms on mount diablo, say this is just fine. >> many years we didn't see a lot of flowers and spring season. you want to catch the best moment of your life. you know the flower is the best. >> two final things in the coming weeks and days. if you want to know where super blooms are active, all you have to do is go on social media and a lot of folks will have posts there, including pictures. and one final thing. if you come to a neighborhood where there's a super bloom, be kind, don't block driveways or that will be a super bummer. tom baker ktvu, fox two news checking in on the temperatures from today. >> it was a stunning day around the area. tomorrow is going to
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be another stunning day. and then friday it turns and we get into this rain opportunity on saturday. right now it does look like friday is your nice one of the nice days. sunday is a nice day. saturday's going to be kind of inclement. i think there'll be some scattered showers. i think that could still change, but right now the models are kind of closing in on that saturday window. so we did have some low 80s today, 83 in san rafael, some clouds out there, more clouds on friday as that system gets closer. and you know what's interesting when you look at the bay right there, the bay used to be i think it's something like 88% bigger. when before europeans got here and it was all because it was marshlands, right. so way up into the delta. and so you can almost see how big the bay was. and you think about how big the bay is now. but it was like 90, 88% bigger than it is now? okay, so here's the model i want to show you. this system. there it is. comes down, moves in on saturday, moves out on sunday. so that's the hope. and i think
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it will be out of there pretty quick saturday actually i think saturdays there's going to be moments that you can get out and enjoy yourself, but it's going to be start off in the morning showery and then the afternoon there'll be some showers and there'll be some breaks. so, you know, so saturday is your day to dodge raindrops. the overnight lows will be on the mild side. i got to move. i got behind schedule on that. sorry. these are the forecast. highs for tomorrow. upper 70s. low 80s. another nice day. and then there's that rain opportunity for saturday. right now that's where it sits i'll see you back here at 6:00. all right bill, thank you. >> still to come? gunfire at a ramadan celebration in philadelphia. >> this is supposed to be a safe haven and people to feel safe. >> still ahead. what investigators know so far about what led up to the shooting. as hundreds gathered in a public park and vandals target a mosque in san francisco on this, the last day of ramadan. the calls from the bay area muslim commun for more
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a shooting in the middle of a ramadan celebration. police say hundreds had gathered in a park when two groups of people began firing at each other, sending the crowd into a panic. witnesses describe running into tents and then hiding behind trees to avoid the gunfire. the father of one of the injured says his son was just there to celebrate the end of ramadan. >> my son was an innocent bystander. you got thousands of people. this at a muslim gathering. could have been any
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type of gathering for, you know, muslims, christians, catholics or whatever. this is supposed to be a safe haven and people to feel safe. and i'm just tired of all the violence and the nonsense that's going on. >> police say five people were taken into custody, including a 15 year old boy. the motive for the shooting is not yet known. >> in gaza today, hamas officials say israeli aircraft killed three sons of hamas's top political leader, israeli officials said the men were hamas operatives. hamas said four of the leader's grandchildren were also killed. analysts say the attack is likely to strain ceasefire talks, which appeared to be moving forward in recent days. israel is also under pressure to change tactics in the war to allow for more humanitarian aid to civilians in gaza. >> for many in the bay area, the ramadan holiday has been shadowed by incidents of islamophobia. san francisco police are investigating vandalism at a mosque on sutter street. surveillance video shows a man smashing windows with a
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skateboard. this was last wednesday. the same man reportedly came back days later, broke more windows and then went into the mosque yelling islamophobic rhetoric. members of the muslim community say they want more protection. >> sadly, because of media and rhetoric that's being spread, muslims are being looked at as hateful people or terrorist of that sort. but i see peaceful people and i see a community that cares and just wants to live in harmony. >> anyone with information about the case is asked to contact san francisco police. coming up on ktvu news at 632, voters filed for a recount in the south bay congressional race and it could end up being a costly process. and it has been more than a year since the troubled wood street homeless encampment was cleared out in oakland, but some former residents are still upset at what happened. >> and hard throwing jordan
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hicks helps get the struggling giants back on the right track. our jason appelbaum has the story a little later
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off in the last eight weeks. chp officers report recovering more than 400 stolen cars and say they have arrested 181 suspects. some community activists are responding to the numbers, saying the chp efforts in oakland are just doing what
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local police should be doing on their own. uc berkeley law school graduate says she plans legal action following her protest during a private dinner for fellow graduates last night. >> the student says she spoke out about the war in gaza during the event at the home of the dean of the law school. at one point, the dean's wife tried to take the microphone, which the student calls an assault. in a statement, the dean said the student had refused, repeated requests to stop and leave. >> it is the end of an era for women's basketball at stanford university. legendary head coach tara vanderveer, the winningest coach in college basketball, is retiring after 38 seasons at stanford. vanderveer won 1216 games during her historic career. she led the cardinal to 15 pac 12 championships, 14 final four appearances, and won three national championships. >> and you are watching ktvu fox two news here at 630. the race to replace silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo continues to make history. >> as we have reported,
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supervisor joe simitian and assembly member evan lowe finished in a rare second place tie in the primary, sending both men up against former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the november general. >> but as ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary explains tonight, election officials will soon be involved in a very expensive recount. >> all's quiet at the santa clara county registrar of voters office wednesday as staffers brace for what could be several long days monday. this office and its counterpart in san mateo county begin a recount of votes for the 16th congressional district race. >> this has not happened before, and it's a very unique event for us. >> the reexamination of ballots brought on by a tie between second place finishers, supervisor joe simitian and assemblyman evan low both garnered 3249 votes in the march primary of a district that stretches between two counties. both are set to oppose front runner and former san jose mayor sam liccardo, whose several thousand votes ahead this week. both counties announcing two
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separate requests for a recount. >> i think that there may be some concern about the recount because people maybe haven't seen it before. it's not a process that they're used to, but the county registrars know how to engage in a recount. >> the santa clara county registrar of voters says multiple tables of four staffers each will work eight hours a day to scrutinize each ballot. >> the process of the recount is very complicated because the campaign they can request to look at, you know, certain vote by mail envelopes, they can request to look at other things that processes that we do. >> one of the people making the recount request, jonathan padilla, a former liccardo campaign staffer, in a response to claims his actions are geared to help his old boss, padilla, via the x platform, writes why other democrats don't believe in counting votes and ensuring that the will of the people is transparent, reflected confuses me. it's especially baffling that many of the folks
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criticizing the recount i'm proposing have themselves advocated for automatic recounts in the past. >> i think it helps whoever might come out ahead. certainly but in terms of the idea that there is a recount, i'm not sure that that breaks for either candidate at this point. >> the people requesting the recount will actually have to pay for the recounts. they'll have to make a partial payment on monday before counting begins. the registrar of voters says it will cost $32,000 per day for a projected ten days in san jose. jesse gary ktvu, fox two news a press conference was held in oakland today to mark one year since the city evicted residents from the wood street homeless encampment underneath an off ramp of interstate 880 dozens of community members showed up to today's event, kicking off a grassroots month of action to support the wood street community, speakers said today. >> there's still mourning what they lost in that encampment sweep. >> if you look behind me, you'll
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see this last club house standing. this is the last remnants of the community that we had. >> the city developed a tiny home program offered to the wood street residents, using an $8.3 million grant from the state. >> the latest government report shows inflation remains high and that the federal reserve likely will not lower interest rates any time soon, according to the bureau of labor statistics. the consumer price index shows the price of everyday goods rose 3.5% in march compared to a year earlier. the cpi was also up 4/10 of a percent from february to march. federal reserve chair jerome powell previously indicated that interest rate cuts were in the cards for the fed's next big meeting in june. but now powell says inflation needs to retreat substantially before that can happen. this inflation report sending stocks sinking the dow closed down more than 422 points. the nasdaq lost 136 and the s&p 500 lost just
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about 50 points. the white house is hosting japan's prime minister tonight for a state dinner. >> the bidens welcome prime minister fumio kishida and his wife tonight. the dinner comes after the prime minister and president biden met today for a series of talks about strengthening defense ties in the indo-pacific. the u.s. and japan have both raised concerns about china's expanding influence in the region. >> we will continue to call on china to fulfill its responsible cities as a major power. >> there's no limit what our countries can and our people can do together. >> president biden and the prime minister announced several new initiatives today, including establishing an air defense network and sending the first japanese astronaut to the moon. tomorrow, the leaders will add the president of the philippines to their discussions. >> storms leave plenty of destruction behind in southern states, and authorities warn that cleanup could take weeks if not months. >> and recognizing the contributions of some
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extraordinary women during world war two, as rosie the riveters received the highest civilian award from congress
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storm tearing through the south. a parking lot now scattered with debris after high winds swept through the area, windows of buildings completely blown out, and some rooftops also collapsed. thousands remain without power after the storm swept through the houston area. >> that's right, fox weather's robert ray tells us. flash floods and more tornadoes could be on the way. >> severe storms sweeping across the south on wednesday, flooding homes and prompting tornado watches in multiple states. here in louisiana, the national weather service says the system is whipping up wind gusts as high as 80mph. at times, thousands of people across the region remain without power. >> we say hearing the rumbles, the heard the rumble got the
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walls started shaking. so we all ran to the back and i took one last look back and i saw the front of the building blow out. >> these fast moving storms also leaving behind widespread destruction in texas overnight as they dropped up to a foot of rain in some places, businesses in the houston area are cleaning up debris after damaging winds tore through the shopping plaza, ripping off the front of this sports bar and causing another building to collapse. >> when we have tornadoes coming, those windows can give very easily and you can see the significant damage once you get air inside that structure, it can blow out. >> forecasters say more than half a foot of rain could fall on parts of louisiana and georgia through wednesday night. state and local officials say swiftwater rescue teams are on standby, but they are warning people to stay away from flooded roads. some of our most memorable runs have really come in days where it really wasn't anything that you would think would be a flood event, forecasters say. the same system
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will affect the midwest and the east coast on thursday in new orleans, robert gray, fox weather checking back in on the weather after the break. >> we're going to be looking into the scattered showers possible for part of the bay area weekend. i'll see you back here. >> all right. now to alex savage and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap. coming up at the top of the hour. alex. >> mike thank you. >> coming up tonight at seven, tempers flaring on arizona's house floor today. tonight on west coast rap. some democratic lawmakers chant shame as republicans block an effort to repeal the state's near-total ban on abortion. we'll break down where this heated debate goes from here, and a new crackdown at the southern border targeting drug smugglers. we'll show you what's being done now to catch people bringing fentanyl into the u.s. we'll have those stories and much more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course that's followed by
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trump derailed a vote deciding whether to renew a powerful
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surveillance program. fox news connor hansen explains what's at stake under this program. >> your personal privacy versus national security. congress is debating how to balance the two as they work to reform the foreign intelligence surveillance law, known as fisa. the law expires april 19th, and national security officials say if that happens, the intelligence community will be hit hard to protect the american people. >> we need to maintain this vital collection authority while strengthening its protective guardrails. >> but there are worries in congress that the law grants sweeping surveillance power, and officials could mistakenly collect conversations of u.s. citizens, which is forbidden. house speaker mike johnson supported some changes he says would limit abuses. >> no more of the intelligence community relying on fake news reports to order a fisa order. no more collusion. >> that's not enough for some republicans. >> of course i'm considering going against it. i don't think it's fair for the fbi to be able
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to spy on the american people. >> house democrats are split. >> we understand the importance of reauthorizing fisa and protecting our national security. we want that just ahead of a key vote on extending fisa. >> former president trump injected himself into the debate, taking to truth social, he said without evidence, quote, kill fisa. it was illegally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign. speaker johnson defended the bill, but a procedural vote failed wednesday, forcing him to regroup in new york. connor hansen ktvu fox two news. >> the women who represented the original rosie the riveters during world war two were honored today in washington, dc. the group flew out of san francisco international earlier this week in d.c. they each received a congressional gold medal. it is the highest honor congress can bestow upon civilians. these women took over critical defense jobs during the war while men were overseas in combat. former peninsula congresswoman jackie speier
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spoke at the ceremony about how these rosies made american history. >> we are here to commemorate the millions of women, millions of women who heeded the call to build planes and tanks and jeeps and cannons and rockets. they were high school graduates. they were housewives. they were mothers turned war heroes. >> some rosie the riveters helped design the special congressional medal given out to the women at the ceremony. >> dolores huerta, a tireless advocate for social justice, is celebrating her 94th birthday today. lieutenant governor elena kagan lakas, who describes her as a powerhouse for social justice, proclaimed today dolores huerta day here in california, where his legacy includes establishing the national farm workers association along with cesar chavez. in 1962 and organizing national voter registration drives, her foundation says. at
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94, she still is actively advocating for equality and defending civil rights. >> and the weather outside today, pretty pleasant. as we get towards the middle of spring here, we've got temperatures that warmed a degree or two today, probably be the warmest day of the season, the warmest day of the week as temperatures tomorrow will be close to these. but i think a little cooler. main reason will be a little bit of more of an onshore flow, a few clouds, and then friday you'll notice a significant temperature drop off. there was fog this morning. the golden gate bridge was dense along the avenues down to pacifica and half moon bay, where temperatures were held into the 50s all day. for many folks right at the coast edge. the fog come back tonight down around half moon bay, probably in the next few hours. and then this is the model i want to show you friday, because that's what we're watching. there's the spinner sea coming down. so here we are on friday. friday morning, still offshore. friday evening still offshore. and then bang, it pushes in on saturday.
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so right now that's you know the models are holding pretty tight with this scenario give or take an hour or two. but right now saturday looks to be your kind of in question day on the weekend i think there's going to be some some room to get stuff done on saturday. i think the sun is going to come out in the afternoon, but that could fuel thunderstorms. you know, the drill. that same kind of a unstable system that we saw a few weeks ago where it's sunny here, it's raining there that saturday is going to have that vibe you might get away with. it just depends where you are. but most of the rain will fall out on the coastal hills with that first wave of showers going through. current temperatures are in the 70s. overnight lows tonight are going to stay in the upper 40s low 50s, so it's warm for this, you know, for this time of year. and then the model does this. here we are tomorrow morning. let's see. yeah a little coastal fog right there. and then tomorrow afternoon a little fog still down around montara point there. and then we get into friday morning right here, more clouds. and then friday afternoon system still offshore. the mother part of
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this storm, the core of the storm is kind of shifting south. and then we get into 2 a.m. friday saturday morning at this point rain and hard break on saturday morning, more scattered showers in the afternoon. and so it goes. it's going to be a lot like a you know it's going to be one of those days, right? i think you'll get some stuff done. you might get your hike in, you might get your bike in. you might get your nine holes in if you time it right, maybe go to the ktvu app and check out the radar. that's what i do. on days like that, i look at the radar and you can kind of dodge raindrops on saturday, but right now, friday should be nice but cooler. sunday should be nice as well. there's a slight chance, but just go do it anyway on sunday. but saturday get the radar loaded up off the website and just watch that and avoid the rain. >> yeah, that's a good one. all right bill, thank you. legendary stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer makes it official today. jason up next with what the coach had to y about saying
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at the end of an era at stanford. after 38 years as the women's basketball coach, tara vanderveer said goodbye. >> after every year, i really
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evaluated, i probably retired at least 20 times in my mind. i mean, it's hard work. as their coach, i have aspired to help each player get to a place they couldn't get on their own. i wanted to be a coach that i would want to play for. >> vanderveer steps down as the winningest coach in ncaa history. men or women, with 14 final four appearances and three national championship. but that's not what she'll remember. >> yes, the championship years are on the wall in maples, but what i see when i look up there is kiki high fiving cam, jennifer and sonja leaving the court arms around each other, candace hugging. >> all right, vanderveer will be succeeded. and i don't say replace because no one's going to replace her by one of her former players and longtime assistant, kate pay, and largely thanks to her, the sport of women's basketball is at the
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height of its popularity right now for the first time ever. the women's ncaa final outdrew the men's final, iowa's caitlin clark no doubt a huge reason why she's about to go pro. she'll be the number one overall draft pick of the indiana fever. and guess what? not a coincidence. it was just announced that 36 of the fever's 40 games will be on national tv. wow a gorgeous day for a matinee game at the ballpark in san francisco. or an afternoon in the cove, if you will. i got the hang of it. that's what you want to be doing right there? yeah, giants bats finally woke up. tyler fitzgerald. broken bat flare. his first hit of the year. that brings in matt chapman, two one. giants in the second, fitzgerald two singles and a double today. jordan hicks. he's been the giants best pitcher this young season. he gets jacob young swinging in the fifth. yeah. no chance to hit that one. hicks gave up only one run in six innings. the giants win 7 to 1
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to salvage the series finale against the nationals. and just enough time for our play of the day. you got to check this out. this is from last night, actually. 70 sixers center joel embiid, seven feet tall. watch this. oh my goodness the no look falling down foul on that two. no. he wanted the foul. yeah maybe a little luck but one. but pretty pretty skilled play there. the reigning nba mvp finished with 37 points in the sixers win over the detroit pistons. there you go. >> all right. thanks for watching everybody. west coast rap with alex savage. >> up next thanks for joining us everyone. we'll be back tonight at ten and 11. good ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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