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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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to be incarcerated. deputies at the jail have also complained about understaffing and being over worked. >> hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. those who are incarcerated at the jail upset with the conditions inside, calling the jail system unruly. ktvu crystal bailey live tonight in san francisco with the story. crystal >> well, mike, i'm here in front of county jail two in san francisco. you can hear that noise behind me. that's the sound of pro-palestinian protesters, obviously here, because of the arrests yesterday. but we are here to talk about the attacks in these jails. this is just one of the two county jails that was under lockdown this past weekend. the other one is in san bruno. they're saying that one actually had an attack this morning. and a special response team was called. sheriff paul miyamoto says tuesday morning, a deputy at the county jail in san bruno was injured by jailed people who may have used shanks. another attack in the string of incidents where deputies have been hurt. the sheriff displaying this photo of a
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deputy had been bit so hard that it broke the skin, and another of a swollen bump on a deputy's head after being punched to the ground. >> punches to the head, face and neck being spit at and kicked in. the head slammed against walls which resulted in the injuries of bone fractures, dislocated shoulders and bloody eye sockets. >> the lockdowns at both county jails began on friday after assaults stemming back from late march, but sheriff miyamoto says the lockdown at jail two on seventh street ends wednesday, while jail three at san bruno will remain on lockdown until later this week after the deputies union blamed poor working conditions and understaffing for the incidents and asked the sheriff and the city to call in the national guard. miyamoto says he doesn't think staffing is the issue. >> the recent uptick in the assaults on our staff is something i believe that we can handle internally and doesn't rise to that level, he blames overcrowded facilities, saying they housed mostly serious, violent offenders who are spending too long in county
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jail. >> there are more than 100 people jailed and only 364 deputies working out of the nearly 500 needed at the jails. things are so out of control at the jail that inmates are starting to get unruly because of the conditions that are going on at the jail. a man currently in jail, jeffrey walker, who says he was injured in an altercation with a deputy on march 29th, says conditions are not safe for people like him or the staff. deputies are working overtime, shorthanded, 16 hour shifts and i see deputies sleeping at their job post positions, inmates fighting against one another, a deputy having to go in and break up something. walker says he was criminally charged with battery and obstructing justice for the fight on march 29th, but he is suing for excessive force in these settings. >> we have to sometimes apply control holds. we do have levels of force that we do have to employ.
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>> and the sheriff says that each incident of assault is under investigation. he also says it's very difficult to hire more people. and he says that he will be implementing more town halls inside the jail to hopefully encourage more dialog. i'm reporting live in san francisco. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, crystal, thank you for that. we did receive a statement from the san francisco public defender's office, which says, in part, the sheriff's department's failure to provide incarcerated people consistent access to their attorneys as well as transportation to court, have also contributed to the increased jail population. since these failures delay criminal proceedings. it goes on to say taxpayer funds would be far better spent on long terme investments in underserved communities. mental health and substance use treatment, job training and educational opportunities, which are all proven solutions for true crime prevention. >> new at six tonight. the unexpected announcement of the closure of the federal women's
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prison in dublin is attracting more scrutiny. east bay congressman mark desaulnier is accusing the bureau of prisons of closing that facility in retaliation to federal oversight. last month, a us district court judge ordered a special master to ensure reforms are made at the facility, which has been plagued with a sexual abuse scandal. desaulnier thinks the closure of the prison is a good thing because of the poor culture there. but he questions whether the bureau of prisons actions may violate federal law. we can ask the oversight committee, and the judiciary committee, who both have jurisdiction in these kind of fields, to have hearings, to subpoena, people from the bureau of prisons. >> we can also ask the general accounting office, to look at and do an audit of the facility and the bureau of prisons. >> the bureau of prisons says the closure is because the facility no longer met prison standards, and all of the women at that facility will be
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transferred to other facilities across the country by friday. >> after months of scandal and instability with its independent police auditor, san jose has now named a new independent police watchdog. the city council voted unanimously to appoint eddie aubrey to the post. he previously headed the office of professional accountability for the richmond police department. the independent police ordered his office monitors and reviews misconduct investigations done by the san jose police department's internal affairs unit. san jose mayor matt mehan says the office is essential to maintaining public trust, or he has nearly 40 years of experience across both prosecution and civilian oversight. >> and has demonstrated a deep understanding of the legal system and the standards it must adhere to. >> i follow a north star that i developed at 16, and that was to make a difference and add value in every position that i've gone to. that's what i sought to do, is make a difference. and add value in public safety and
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community service. >> aubrey will be the city's seventh independent police auditor. his first day on the job is may 6th. >> oakland police are asking for the public's help tonight in finding a girl who hasn't been seen since last night. sonya evans is 12 years old. she was last seen at about 915 last night on thompson street near 45th avenue in oakland. she is described as five feet two, weighing about 170 pounds. sonya was wearing an orange hoodie, orange sweatpants and a black bonnet. authorities say she is considered at risk due to her age. anyone with information about her whereabouts is asked to contact oakland police. three people have been arrested in connection with the shooting and killing of two young women in napa over the weekend. the victims just 17 and 19 years old. our crime reporter, henry lee tells us how the community is remembering the victims. >> a heart shaped memorial of balloons, candles and flowers in napa marks the spot where two young lives were lost.
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>> this is where 17 year old sasha and 19 year old eileen villasenor, the mother of a nine month old daughter, were shot and killed over the weekend on riverside drive, a stone's throw from the napa river. its namesake city. unaccustomed to such violence. >> that's pretty sad, because, we thought napa was like, you know, real calm, but i guess not. >> the gunfire broke out shortly after eight saturday night during a fight. napa police responded to reports of gunfire and found the victims. one died at the scene, the other at a hospital. witnesses told police a male and two females were responsible. on tuesday, napa police said they arrested those three suspects, 22 year old john nicholson, junior of vallejo, was arrested with the help of the napa sheriff's swat team on two counts of murder. 219 year old santa rosa women, jessica witten and judith adolph, were arrested by sonoma county sheriff's detectives accused of being accessories. police have not discussed a motive in the case. >> there's not much that's good about this situation. >> a man who wished only to be
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identified as richard was among those who paid their respects. >> their children and to think that a young man thought it was appropriate to take their lives. >> many tried to make sense of what appeared to be an unspeakable tragedy at river's edge, a jarring sight as kayakers glided peacefully nearby. >> and when these tragic things happen, it just shocks us. it's so unexpected. >> napa mayor scott sedgley is a retired city firefighter who has seen his share of heartache. but he says nothing prepares a city for a double loss like this. >> these young, young people that are just starting out in life, how did this tragedy happen? and so that's where the community comes together to try to understand this. >> the suspect could be potentially charged with a special circumstance of multiple murder, which means if convicted, he could face life in prison without parole. in napa, henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> convicted killer scott peterson appeared in a redwood city courtroom this morning via zoom. peterson is seeking a new trial with the help of the l.a.
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innocence project, a nonprofit representing people who may have been wrongfully convicted. a screen in the courtroom showed peterson, nearly 100 miles away from mule creek state prison. today's lawyers asked the court to seal the identities of potential new witnesses, but then withdrew that request. >> the defense basically withdrew their motion because really, most of what they were asking for regarding sealing was already under seal. >> peterson was convicted of killing his wife, laci, and unborn son more than 20 years ago in modesto, but his lawyers say new information, as well as new witnesses, may prove his innocence. attorneys will meet at least twice in the coming months to discuss dna testing on potential evidence that the defense claims was never processed. >> we are learning more about the protesters actions that shut down both the golden gate bridge and part of interstate 880 for hours yesterday. ktvu is christian captain has more on whether the district attorney may press charges. >> for hours on monday, protesters blocked access across
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the golden gate bridge, california highway patrol eventually arrested more than two dozen protesters on suspicion of blocking access across the bridge. failure to follow lawful orders and conspiracy a possible felony for working to coordinate the protests across the bay area and nationwide. now, san francisco's top prosecutor says her office has to release those suspects from jail, at least for now, since she faces a hard deadline to charge them or release them. >> unfortunately, in order for us to make a decision on what would normally be the 48 hour clock, it would not be sufficient legally. and so it puts us having to make the decision today. i know that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to folks, but unfortunately, because they were arrested before 4 p.m. yesterday, it it moves up the clock a bit. >> district attorney brooke jenkins says the california highway patrol still has to turn over evidence pertaining to the case, including video of the suspects on the bridge, and her
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office needs to then evaluate that evidence for each of the more than two dozen suspects and decide if her office will prosecute the protesters. >> we do expect this to take, at the very least, several days, because, again, it's not only the gathering of the evidence and the presentation to this office, but it's also my office's ability to review the evidence as it relates to 26 different suspects. >> david levine teaches at the university of california school of law in san francisco. he says the law is clear that people can protest, but that when they block roads or bridges, they're breaking the law by choosing to protest on a bridge. >> they've obstructed other people. these other people are not able to go about their business as they choose. they may or may not be sympathetic to that cause. but you can't impose the car the cause on other people and the genocide. >> now, outside of san francisco's county jail, protesters called for the release of those arrested for blocking the bridge. >> protesters there were, were taken in, arrested and actually
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charged with an egregious trumped up felony charge and as a result, were held overnight, so we are here today demanding their release, it's been over 24 hours that they've been in the jail. >> the da also discussed the bay bridge protesters from november, many of whom received diversion as part of their plea deal. now, the da says that was a deal that was worked out between the defendants and the judge and that if these latest cases from the golden gate bridge are prosecuted as misdemeanors, this new batch of defendants from the golden gate bridge could possibly work out a similar deal with another judge. and he says, a decision on whether and how to prosecute these latest protesters is at least several days away in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu fox two news another demonstration, this time at google headquarters and pro-palestinian protesters are hoping google employees will join them. >> and it's official alameda county voters will decide on whether to remove the district attorney from office.
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>> y recall organizers don't want to wait until november, and we are pushing into the rest of the week here. >> we've got some nice weather. it was wonderful today. tomorrow's even better. if it could be. i'll have that forecast coming up. >> i'm jason appelbaum in sacramento, where steph and klay are out on the court getting ready as the kings and warriors get set to play in a single elimination play in game. i'll have a live report coming up xt
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it ended the king season in seven games. jason appelbaum joins us now live from the golden one center with more jason. >> yeah, julie, you know, i've never seen a game here, but by all accounts, everybody has told me that it's going to be very intense. this building gets loud . they've got the cowbells ready to go. fans have been trickling in since 530. i'm going to step aside because klay thompson is out on the court, and the warriors have been the hottest team in the nba, or the second hottest team in the nba since january 30th. they were 19 and 24 before that date. and since then 27 and 12, that second best record only to the boston celtics, you know, steve kerr, he was asked about this team sort of versus last team when
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they bowed out in the second round to the lakers. and he had a very interesting comment on what was going on this year versus last year. >> there's a joy about the game that translates to good performances and it all. however you want to express it as a coach, you can just kind of feel it. and i've been very frank. i didn't feel it last year, so this year i felt it. it doesn't mean it's going to happen. it doesn't mean we're going to win. but i think we have a better chance of, you know, really making a push this year than we did last. there you are. >> okay. you see klay thompson out live shooting around right now. he's obviously one of the keys to the warriors success tonight. he's been playing very well lately. his scoring is up. but this is the final year of his contract. there's been a lot of talk about what would happen after the season if the warriors bow out early in the playoffs, and certainly if they lost tonight, that would constitute a very early exit from the playoffs. they went all in. they
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got chris paul, 38 year old chris paul. you see draymond green shooting as well. so they wanted to keep the core intact for at least one more year. but if they lose tonight or to the lakers or pelicans in the next round, you'll wonder what would happen if klay might not be back . and he kind of addressed that. those comments earlier today at golden one center had so much success here. >> i'm not gonna let whatever the future happens because make me salty about what i've been able to accomplish. and what are you doing for him. >> so i don't like that at i don't let that seep in. you want to put it on. >> all right guys, so that's the story out here. we don't want to think about the possibility that this could be klay thompson's last game, the kings are actually favored here as he ran right by me, to win this game. of course that doesn't mean anything. it's about whoever comes out and sort of imposes their will on the other team, a lot of the players with draymond green said he hates playing
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games to play in them because it's like the ncaa tournament. it's a single elimination. but he loves it for the fans because it's so intense and all the teams towards the end of the season, that might be vying for a for a berth in the play-in game are all locked in and playing, bringing their a game, every game. so we'll see what happens tonight. but certainly the warriors are healthy 100, for the most part, minus gary payton the second. while the kings, they're without malik monk and kevin huerter. we'll see how it all plays out. but about 40 minutes from now is tip off from the golden one center. >> all right. we will be looking forward to it. hope they finish strong and were able to move on. jason thank you jason. >> thank you for that. it is official when we're talking about college basketball here. stanford is announcing as successor to take over for legendary women's basketball coach tara vanderveer. stanford announced that kate pay will lead the program after wrapping up contract negotiations. pay
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was a player on the cardinal national championship team back in 1992 and served on vanderveer's coaching staff for 17 seasons. stanford is expected to officially introduce pay as the head coach tomorrow. during a news conference, vanderveer retired earlier this month after 38 seasons at stanford, already checking in on the weather. >> high pressure is doing what it does. it's keeping us warm and it's going to continue. it's also producing a little bit of fog at the coast, even a little valley fog this morning. i don't suspect that will be such a thing this morning or tomorrow morning. pardon me, but i do think that high is sticking around not just for a day or two, but for multiple days. we're going to be dry for a while, certainly through this five day period and potentially through the next couple. we'll see. i mean, the long range models are have a tendency to be not right, but it is always interesting to look down the road and go, i don't see anything coming in. there's actually looks like there's something around the 28th, but that's that's still pretty far off. okay, so these are the highs from today. highs tomorrow will be a little bit warmer. we
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didn't get any 80s. we might see an 80 tomorrow. clouds start to come in on thursday and friday. and those clouds will kind of let the temperatures moderate downward a little bit. so temperatures are going to kind of just hover like these. temperatures here. you could use these for tomorrow basically and just push them forward into the next couple of days because there's no big changes. little coastal fog patchy. that'll start to get more pronounced as we get deeper into this high pressure pattern. and a couple, three, four days, it should start to form more readily and be more consistent along the coast. right now it's real patchy. okay, there it is. that's it. the highs tomorrow's highs are going to be a little bit warmer. we'll have that coming up. >> all right bill thank you. still to come leaders in the south bay are urging the state to prevent a trauma center from closing. >> also ahead tonight, the federal reserve chairman warns rockier times could be ahead for the economy as inflation still has not cooled down. >> and another day of jury selection in the trump criminal trial in new york city. but finding impartial jurors has not been easy (♪)
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charges, finding 12 impartial jurors and six alternates for that trial is proving to be no easy task. >> more questioning of potential jurors is expected to take place tomorrow. reporter arthur cohen spoke to one prospective juror who was dismissed. >> the first is like this is an extremely important historic moment because whatever happens in this trial, it it sets a precedent for everything similar going forward. >> kara mcghee describes how she felt the moment she entered the courtroom as a prospective juror at the first criminal trial of a former u.s. president, struck first by the magnitude of the moment, then by donald trump. >> you walk past mr. trump and you get the sense of like, oh, he's just a guy. like you've seen him on on tv. and as this this blown up public figure for so long, and you walk by and it's like it's just another guy sitting in the courtroom. >> mcghee was just one of the prospective jurors released on tuesday because the expected length of the trial two months
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presents a scheduling conflict. while the painstaking process of finding 12 jurors and six alternates for the trump trial is being portrayed as painfully slow, jury experts tell us this is actually normal speed. >> i think it's pretty typical for a new york county jury, eric rudish has been running a jury consulting firm for more than 20 years now. >> so far, several jurors have been dismissed for hardships posed by the length of the trial. >> certainly, i think it would weigh on, you know, a lot of jurors minds that you know, it could come out later on that they were a juror on the on this case, maybe due to their own, you know, own doing because they mentioned it to some a friend. >> but rudish says one much publicized factor may not be as big a problem as portrayed. many have mentioned the voters in manhattan overwhelmingly vote democrat, but sadly, he points out, plenty don't vote at all, even though you have 80% who voted for biden, that you have a lot of folks in this venue and any venue that are are, you
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know, not politically, you know, active and don't really care about politics. >> and that was arthur chen reporting the trial is expected to last at least six weeks in washington, lawmakers could vote this week on emergency funding for israel, ukraine and taiwan. >> they will likely be separate votes instead of one large foreign aid package. funding was tied up because some gop lawmakers are opposed to funding ukraine's ongoing war. speaker of the house mike johnson is also taking some heat for not including border security measures. he said today he isn't concerned about calls by two fellow republicans to resign. >> i am not resigning, and it is. it is, in my view, an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion and we are simply here trying to do our jobs. it is not helpful to the cause. it is not helpful to the country. it has not helped the house republicans advance our agenda, which is in the best
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interest of the american people here. >> the white house says it's taking a wait and see approach, but officials say it could. it appears the plan could pass the house and senate, with the help from democrats. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, pro palestinian employees at google are making their voices heard. their concerns at google technology is being used improperly in the war in gaza, and it is now official. >> alameda county da pamela price will face a recall election. why her opponents want that vote to happen before november
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in the jails is to blame for a rise in attacks on deputies. the sheriff says nine staff members have been injured, some seriously, since the end of march. two jails were put on lockdown friday and the lockdown at the jail at seventh and bryant will be lifted tomorrow. >> congressman mark desaulnier is accusing the bureau of prisons of closing the federal women's prison in dublin in retaliation to federal oversight at that facility has been plagued with a sexual abuse scandal for years. desaulnier thinks the closure is a good thing because of the poor culture there, but he questions whether the bureau of prisons actions may violate federal law. >> more than two dozen protesters who shut down the golden gate bridge for hours yesterday are being released from jail, at least for now. they're facing charges of suspicion of blocking access across the bridge. failure to follow lawful orders and conspiracy. san francisco da brooke jenkins says they're
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being released because they can only be held for up to 48 hours, pending charges. her office is still waiting for the chp to turn over evidence pertaining to the case you're watching ktvu fox two news at 630. >> alameda county voters will soon decide whether controversial district attorney pamela price will stay on the job or be recalled. >> the signatures have officially been certified tonight, and ktvu tom vacar explains the next steps. >> by a narrow margin, alameda county certified the possible recall of controversial district attorney pamela price, often criticized for being too soft on criminals. of the more than 123,000 signatures submitted, 74,757 were validated, just over 1500 signatures more than needed. >> we, the voters, have the right to hire you, but we are also the people who can fire you. >> the recallers say they submitted a lot more valid signatures, but the unusual requirement of having signers
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put down an occupation technically and legally invalidated their signed petitions if they actually counted those who actually did not put under occupation. >> some folks did not want to put on an occupation. for many reasons. we believe that we should have more than 100,000 signatures, and the recallers do not want to wait until november. >> we are here for various reasons. our main reason for us being here today is to make sure that the board of supervisors follows the charter. the charter used specific words without delay, immediately, even if a special election could cost as much as $20 million, the recallers say it is worth it. we have lost more than $20 million in damages. lives lost. there's no dollar amount for live lost physical damage to people they can earn, and they must both accept the certification by april 30th. >> and secondly, they must set an election on april 30th. that
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is, by law, both under county and state law by zoom. >> da price's lawyer said this is in at least two important respects the county has not complied with very clear provisions in the county charter. attorney sutton says the registrar of voters failed to verify the signatures within ten days. in addition, he says not all the signature gatherers were residents of the county, also required by the county charter. >> another reason, another way in which the county has not complied with the law. so another reason why this recall is illegal. >> the courts will need and take time to sort it all out. tom vacar katie icu, fox two news. free. free palestine. >> free free free palestine. >> hundreds of google employees are holding a coordinated day of action today in silicon valley, new york and seattle. they say google is supporting israel in its war against hamas. ktvu jesse gary tells us about the
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changes they want the company to make. not another push, not another line. >> no more tech for genocide. >> shortly after 11 tuesday morning, the war in gaza creating more conflict, this time in silicon valley, about three dozen google employees rallying in front of the company's cloud headquarters in sunnyvale. their precise target, a $1.2 billion contract with israel named project nimbus. >> project nimbus is a cloud contract which provides a cloud infrastructure and cloud services to the israeli government. >> 18 months ago, demonstration leader ayman hashem was a texas college student. >> countries around the world impose now the software engineer and others leading an office occupation of google cloud ceo thomas kurian as a form of protest. >> demonstrators are concerned the facial recognition, big data analysis and object tracking provided by nimbus enables the israeli defense force to target
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and kill civilians in gaza. >> we demand an end to the contract project nimbus. we demand that google execs drop project nimbus now, and we also demand that google protect their arab, muslim and palestinian workers who are speaking out against project nimbus and who have been facing harassment, suppression, retaliation at work. >> this day of action was not limited to sunnyvale. similar actions took place in new york city and in seattle. google did not reply to an email asking for comment about project nimbus, or the multiple rallies conducted by its own ranks. some participants worry their company could respond with punitive measures. >> i would not like to lose my job, i did not plan to lose my job right out of college, and but i think that there it is impossible for me to continue coming into work every week, without acknowledging and loudly
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condemning project nimbus. no more comfort. >> genocide. >> it is a complicated calculus that has core beliefs clashing with career aspirations in a tech capital nowhere near the conflict in sunnyvale. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> israel considers its next moves after iran's attack over the weekend, where the white house stands in the next step and a trauma center in the south bay is at risk of closure. >> the calls from county leaders to the state o intervene
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the cabinet is discussing how to respond to iran's recent missile attack. the israeli military saying that 99% of the drones and missiles were intercepted before hitting their targets. tonight, iranian officials have vowed to respond if there is any
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retaliation from israel firing 110 ballistic missiles directly to israel will not get scot-free . >> we will respond in our time and our place, the way that we will choose. >> we do not seek war with iran. we do not want to see this widen out to a broader regional conflict. but that is really a sovereign decision for israel to make. >> israeli leaders are calling on their allies around the world to use their sanction power against iran's ballistic missile program. the us is expected to issue new sanctions here in the coming days. >> advocates say anti-semitic incidents have climbed to the highest number ever recorded in the us, with the bay area also seeing an alarming spike. the anti-defamation league says northern california saw 502 incidents, up more than 200% from 2022. 98 incidents of vandalism, including windows smashed at the smitten ice cream shop in san francisco and the destruction of a menorah in oakland. there were 397 incidents of harassment and
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seven assaults, the adl says. episodes surged in the wake of the october 7th massacre in israel and the war in gaza. the adl says this is a call to action for people to take a stand against anti-semitism nationwide. the group says it recorded 8873 anti-semitic acts in 2023. that is more than the previous three years combined. >> and pretty nice day today. temperatures noticeably warmer than yesterday. they do it again tomorrow. noticeably warmer again. i'll let you know what you can expect in the long range. the five day coming up, let's go to ktvu. >> alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu. >> julie, thank you. tonight at 7:00, video making the rounds on social media shows a speedboat full of migrants rushing onto a southern california beach tonight on west coast rap local
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leaders respond to the stunning scene and expressed frustration with this smuggling tactic will lay out what one lawmaker is planning to do to try to address the issue. plus, some canine officers with special skills are being put to work here in the west. will show you the new way they're sniffing out potential threats. we'll have those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that will be followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> alex, we will see you at the top of the hour. but first, here are signs that inflation is no longer cooling but warming up yet again. what that could mean for federal reserve policy moving forwa .
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the federal reserve will lower interest rates soon. jerome powell said elevated inflation during the first quarter introduced new uncertainty over if and when the central bank will be able to lower interest rates later this year. inflation sitting at 3.5% above the fed's goal of 2, powell said at a forum in washington today that with the strong labor market and economic growth rate cuts may not be appropriate right now given the strength of the labor
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market and progress on inflation so far, it's appropriate to allow restrictive policy further time to work and let the data and the evolving outlook guide us. powell's remarks suggest that the central bank could reduce the number of expected rate cuts wall street has been hoping for three quarter point reductions starting this summer. now investors are betting on two cuts starting in september. stocks ended the day mixed after powell's comments. the fed's key rate is at its highest level since 2001. the threat that rates will remain high is hitting some stocks hard, including real estate investment trusts and utility stocks. shares in homebuilders also slumped. the dow rose 63 points today. nasdaq slid 19 and the s&p was down ten points. shares in unitedhealth were up more than 5% on stronger than expected results. >> the santa clara county board of supervisors approved a resolution urging the state to step in and save the trauma center at regional medical center of san jose. the board
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says the planned closure would lead to delayed care and worse outcomes for residents of the eastern part of the county, many of whom are low income or uninsured. regional medical center is one of three adult trauma centers in santa clara county, and sees nearly 2500 patients a year. it's about a quarter of all reported trauma patients in the county. >> this is no joke. this is a life and death issue for all of our county, but especially for those nearby residents in milpitas, alviso, north and east san jose and east side and evergreen areas as well regional medical center says it's seen fewer patients in the past several years and plans to shut down its trauma center on august 12th. >> san francisco mayor london breed, who is up for reelection this fall, met with business and government leaders on the first leg of her trip to china. the mayor's office provided this video showing part of her visit to the city of shenzhen in southern china. she met with the city's mayor and she was joined by officials from sfo for a meeting with executive from
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shenzhen airlines, with the goal of bringing their business to san francisco. >> about your airlines and the possibility of building a bridge between, or at least a bridge in the air between san francisco and changing. >> her next stop will be beijing, where she will also meet with airline executives. the mayor will then travel to shanghai to celebrate the 45th anniversary of their sister city relationship, the first in the u.s. in u.s. history. >> all righty. just kind of checking out the sunset shot behind me. the flares off the sun, off the camera, giving you that look on the sun. you also see the high cirrus clouds. we talked about those earlier. sometimes in the winter, late or late winter. early spring. you see you see high cirrus clouds like that. you expect weather change. in this case, it's not the case because it's high pressure. but these are clouds coming over the top of it because they're so high. they're ice crystal clouds and so
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beautiful night that when you look at that sky that looks like december, you know, to me, when you see those high clouds like that. but it's not it's not an indication of inclement weather. what is an indication of inclement weather. but it's inclement weather way out here, right. that's the moisture that's getting away for us. this high pressure ridge stays put. we stay mild to warm. i would say darn, darn near perfect. in terms of weather. it's exactly what you expect if you, you know, if you went away and were blindfolded and didn't know what day it was, what time of year it was, and they set you down in san francisco on 19th avenue, you'd go, oh yeah, i know it's definitely a spring. it's a early spring or mid spring, you would say that or you might not, but you could. 77 in napa today, 74 in santa rosa. highs tomorrow will be about the same, maybe a little warmer. you'll see the jump up here. and that's these temperatures kind of continue on. well that's a lot warmer isn't it. five degrees in santa rosa, but still just another noticeable warmer day, noticeably warmer day. and that'll send us into the next few days, which will just have
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clouds coming in and out. and that will kind of moderate temperatures down a little bit. and then the clouds go away. they'll go up a little bit, but we're going to hover because of that cloud cover in the upper 70s, maybe some low 80s. but we're not going to get into the mid 80s, low 90s. so here's that inclement weather out there. right. and this stuff gets up. the cirrus gets up in the jet stream high altitude and they get blown ahead. you can kind of see the cirrus cloud right in there. and that's an indication again of weather out in the pacific. but to well to the north of us and not going to impact us other than the clouds. these are the overnight lows. pretty warm or mild, upper 40s, low 50s. tomorrow morning's clouds, tomorrow afternoon's clouds, partly cloudy, partly sunny. and then see 7 a.m. on thursday, 7 p.m. on thursday. so it's just a nice pattern and the clouds again. we'll keep it shaded enough that we won't have an opportunity to get real warm. if the clouds weren't there, we'd we'd be popping some low 80s for sure, maybe even mid 80s. but we're going to be at best in the low 80s and the very warmest spots, places like vacaville and fairfield. i will
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be back. there's the five day forecast. i'll see you tonight at ten. >> all right. sounds like a plan. thanks, bill. will the oakland roots find a new home in the city where those discussions stand with county leaders? >> and a quick reminder right now that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app. you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics. it is a free download for your smart tv
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a share of a proposed site for a future oakland roots and soul soccer stadium. as we have been reporting, the team is hoping to build a pop up stadium at the malibu parking lot site at the oakland coliseum. it is jointly owned by alameda county and the city of oakland. the alameda county board of supervisors voted today to authorize the sale of their half of the property at auction. board president nate miley told us they are hopeful that the city of oakland will buy their share and negotiate with the team for that pop up stadium, he says the city has expressed interest in buying out the county. >> the primary interest that the
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county wants, which would be to get out of the malibu site completely and just let the city of oakland and roots enter into a lease arrangement. >> the roots and soul are also negotiating separately with the joint powers authority, which oversees the coliseum, about potentially leasing the coliseum for their matches. starting in 2025. >> the biden administration is relying on california and more than a dozen other states to help enforce airline passenger consumer laws. the transportation department has signed a memo with 15 states allowing state attorney general offices to investigate complaints about airline service. now, if a state attorney general believes an airline violated the law or is refusing to cooperate with investigators, it can refer the case to the transportation department, a trade group representing the largest airline says it works regularly with state and national authorities to ensure compliance with the law. the san francisco airport commission is preparing for possible legal action against
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the port of oakland over a proposed name change for the oakland airport. the commission met this morning and held a conference with legal counsel in a closed session. they discussed potential claims by san francisco against the port of oakland, including trademark infringement. the port of oakland commission voted unanimously last week to rename the airport san francisco bay. oakland international airport next month. east bay artists will take center stage at a community celebration and fundraiser to benefit the niad art center in richmond. >> niad stands for nurturing independence through artistic development, and the studio supports adults with disabilities. the organization's 12th annual win win fundraiser will be held next month at the bridge art space. that event will feature a live art auction and performances by niad artists . today on the four hour, alex savidge spoke with some of the artists about their work. >> you have been at niad for a very long time as well. so you've been there since 1994, 1994, and i was one of the
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legends for niad and i want to go down in history, and i want to see about my nice pictures and stuff. >> those who are unable to attend the event in person can still make it a win win by taking part in the online auction, which is now live. >> all right. thanks for joining us here at six. everyone west coast rap with alex savage coming up next right here on ktvu. >> and to stream the latest news and weather on your smart tv anytime. just download the fox local app to your tv. thanks for joining us. we'll be back tonight at ten and 11. good night. good night.
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free palestine. >> free. free palestine. >> new protests across the west calling for a cease fire in gaza and fr


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