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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  April 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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ye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. the golden gate bridge, released tonight from san francisco jail, and reports of chaos and violence in the san francisco county jails. as the sheriff gives details on lockdowns. plus, alameda county district
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attorney pamela price will soon be fighting for political survival after opponents clear a key hurdle to putting a recall to voters. >> this is ktvu fox two news at 730. >> and good evening, everyone. i'm heather holmes, and we begin tonight with some of those activists arrested yesterday on the golden gate bridge. they've been released from jail in just the last few hours. supporters were outside the san francisco jail tonight when several of those protesters, they were among the two dozen pro-palestinian demonstrators arrested on the golden gate bridge yesterday. they were booked on a number of charges, including suspicion of conspiracy, failure to follow orders, among others. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins says her office has to release the suspects, at least for now. since she faces a hard deadline to charge them or release them. >> unfortunately, in order for us to make a decision on what
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would normally be the 48 hour clock, it would not be sufficient legally. and so it puts us having to make the decision today. i know that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to folks, but unfortunately, because they were arrested before 4 p.m. yesterday, it it moves up the clock a bit. >> jenkins says the decision on whether and how to prosecute those protesters is at least several days away. meantime, san francisco county jails remain under lockdown tonight after officials say violence in the facilities injured nine deputies and while employees complain of understaffing and overwork, will incarcerated people are calling the jail system unruly? ktvu crystal bailey is here now with more on closer look at what's going on inside the jails. crystal. >> well, heather, the sheriff says county jail two is going to reopen tomorrow, but county jail three in san bruno is staying closed for the week because of another altercation this morning where the sheriff's special
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response team had to step in. sheriff paul miyamoto says tuesday morning a deputy at the county jail in san bruno was injured by jailed people who may have used shanks. another attack in the string of incidents where deputies have been hurt. the sheriff displaying this photo of a deputy who had been bit so hard that it broke the skin, and another of a swollen bump on a deputy's head after being punched to the ground. >> punches to the head, face and neck being spit at and kicked in, the head slammed against walls which resulted in the injuries of bone fractures, dislocated shoulders and bloody eye sockets. >> the lockdowns at both county jails began on friday after assaults stemming back from late march, but sheriff miyamoto says the lockdown at jail two on seventh street ends wednesday, while jail three at san bruno will remain on lockdown until later this week after the deputies union blamed poor working conditions and understaffing for the incidents and asked the sheriff and the city to call in the national
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guard. miyamoto says he doesn't think staffing is the issue. >> the recent uptick in the assaults on our staff is something i believe that we can handle internally and doesn't rise to that level. >> he blames overcrowded facilities, saying they housed mostly serious violent offenders who are spending too long in county jail. there are more than 100 people jailed and only 364 deputies working out of the nearly 500 needed at the jails. things are so out of control at the jail that inmates are starting to get unruly, because of the conditions that are going on at the jail. a man currently in jail, jeffrey walker, who says he was injured in an altercation with a deputy on march 29th, says conditions are not safe for people like him or the staff. >> deputies are working overtime , time shorthanded, 16 hour shifts, and i see deputies sleeping at their job post positions, inmates fighting against one another, a deputy having to go in and break up
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something. >> walker says he was criminally charged with battery and obstructing justice for the fight on march 29th, but he is suing for excessive force in these settings. >> we have to sometimes apply control holds. we do have levels of force that we do have to employ, and the sheriff says they're investigating each case of assault. >> he also says, like most public safety agencies, the sheriff's department has had a hard time hiring more deputies. heather >> all right. crystal, what about that idea of bringing in the national guard? what does the sheriff say about that? >> well, the sheriff was very adamant that he thinks this is an internal issue, and he does not think the national guard is necessary at this time. >> all right, crystal bailey, thank you. new at 730 tonight, a marin county judge denied bail for a man accused of assaulting someone at the islamic center of north marin, 48. year-old david jonathan margoliash pleaded not guilty to using pepper spray on a person at the center in novato last month. police said. at the time of the attack, margoliash
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was carrying a bag with a gun inside. the judge said it was too soon to release him and said his next hearing for april 22nd. advocates say that anti-semitic incidents have climbed to the highest number ever recorded in the u.s. with the bay area also seeing an alarming spike. the anti-defamation league says northern california saw 502 incidents, up more than 200% from 20 2298 incidents of vandalism that includes the windows that were smashed at the smitten ice cream shop in san francisco, and the destruction of that menorah in oakland. there were 397 incidents of harassment and seven assaults, the adl says. episodes surged in the wake of the september 11th massacre in israel and the war in gaza. the superintendent of the berkeley public school district is scheduled to testify before a congressional committee next month about allegations of anti semitism in that district, superintendent nikki ford,
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morthal, is expected to join at least two other school district superintendents at the committee hearing. the testimony comes after a federal complaint was filed against the berkeley unified school district, alleging that it failed to take action to stop harassment of jewish students. oakland police. they need some help locating a little girl who hasn't been seen since last night. sonya evans is 12 years old. she was last seen at 9:15 p.m. in the 4500 block of thompson street in oakland. she is five foot two and weighs 170 pounds. sonya was last wearing seen wearing an orange hoodie, orange sweatpants and a black bonnet. authorities say she is considered at risk due to her age. again she's just 12 years old. anyone with information is asked to call police. alameda county district attorney pamela price is now set to face a recall election. the county registrar says enough valid signatures have been turned in for the recall to proceed, even with the disqualification of nearly
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50,000 signatures. the county board of supervisors will consider the registrar certification on april 30th. da price has not yet commented on the recall certification. convicted killer scott peterson appeared in redwood city in a courtroom there this morning via zoom. peterson is seeking a new trial with the help of the la innocence project. it's a nonprofit representing people who may have been wrongfully convicted. a screen he from a screen there in the courtroom showed peterson, nearly 100 miles away from mule creek state prison. today. his lawyers asked the court to seal the identities of potential new witnesses, but then withdrew that request. the defense basically withdrew their motion because really, most of what they were asking for regarding sealing was already under seal. peterson was convicted of killing his wife, laci, and unborn son. more than 20 years ago. modesto. but his lawyers say that new information, as well as new
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witnesses, may prove his innocence. attorneys will meet at least twice in the coming months to discuss dna testing on potential evidence that the defense claims was never processed. hotel employees walk off the job in, oh, excuse me, hospital employees walk off the job in marin county coming up at 730. we'll tell you about the sticking points holding up those contract talks and what we're learning about an ocean rescue. miles off the golden gate bridge that sent four people to the hospital and in weather. >> look at this. a beautiful sunset out there. just a few high clouds. we are wrapping up a warmer tuesday. the warming it s to con
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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a day. more than 100 medical technicians joined the picket lines in a demonstration today outside the county hospital in millbrae. organizers say that marin health formally marin general hospital, is offering the medical techs a 2.5% raise annually, which they say just isn't enough to keep up with inflation. >> we're here to fight for a fair contract. the hospital has been very profitable, we support this community. we live in this community, and we want to be able to continue to live in this community, and get fair wages in order to do that. >> organizers say they've had marathon bargaining sessions with the hospital over the last few days, including one that lasted nearly 12 hours. the union says the strike is limited to just one day to try to limit the impact on patients. marin health's chief executive officer responded to the one day strike,
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saying in part, quote, we will continue active negotiations with the nugw on the remaining few issues, primarily pertaining to compensation, to see if we can reach an agreement. his statement goes on to say that we will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that there will be no disruption to the quality or availability of care that our accustomed to that the that the patients are accustomed to receiving. governor newsom was in the north bay today where he announced a new climate partnership between california and norway. the governor was at the larkspur ferry terminal, along with norway's crown prince haakon. governor newsom says california and norway share the long time goal of becoming low emission societies. both want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by the year 2050. >> a point of pride to continue to invest in our efforts to change our strategy as it relates to our carbon footprint, it's a point of pride that we dominate in america on solar. we dominate in electric vehicles
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where dominating on battery storage, 757% increase in just the last few years. >> the governor and norway's prime minister of minister, excuse me, of trade and industry, also signed a memorandum of understanding. newsom says it cements a framework for collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and data and best practices to create solutions that advance climate action. a new at 730. we're getting some new information tonight about a rescue off the san francisco coast that happened over the weekend. now, on sunday morning, a san francisco police marine unit helped rescue four people that were on board a boat that capsized. they were stranded about five miles from the golden gate bridge. the four victims were taken to the hospital for non-life threatening injuries. police say the boat that they were in is currently adrift, and will be retrieved later. okay, it is a beautiful tuesday evening, so let's talk about the weather with our meteorologist, mark tamayo. another gorgeous
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day today. >> yeah, it's just amazing. a few days ago, we were dodging the raindrops. we're all shivering, and today it's just a great day to get. it was. yeah. so, april, whether you kind of have to prepare for everything. we had to warm up today. take a look at some of the highs from this afternoon, some 70s. and i think we'll have a few 80s. bye bye. you know, report the temperatures for tomorrow. so we'll be a little bit warmer across the region. you can see the highs from this afternoon and all these neighborhoods a bit warmer compared to monday. san francisco 67, livermore 76 degrees. you can see the overall temperature trend. we have been warming up steadily since sunday , of course, yesterday. and it looks like into wednesday and thursday the warmest locations will be right around 80 degrees. here's the satellite today you can see lots of clear skies up and down our coastline. a few showers up in the pacific northwest, but as we come in closer to northern california, some high clouds drifting in right around eureka, right around cape mendocino and those high clouds kind of creating this like a painting out there, looking out toward the sunset for your tuesday evening, looking out toward the oakland estuary, san francisco in the distance. it is very nice for
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your tuesday evening. we'll check out some of the current numbers for the for the 7:00 hour. santa rosa 66 degrees. concord is 73, oakland 63. san francisco is probably close to 60 degrees, and san jose right around 70. so tonight, fair skies for tomorrow. some cloud cover. in the morning it will be mild to warm and then into the weekend. no major storms or no storms to talk about for the weekend. saturday partly sunny skies and a dry weather pattern. overnight temperatures will be starting out your wednesday morning. most neighborhoods in the 50s. the coolest locations will be in the upper 40s and then into the afternoon hours. once again, it's a mild forecast and we're showing you some brighter colors to reflect mid 60s to the 70s and the warmest locations tomorrow. around 80, maybe 82 degrees. all because this guy, this area of high pressure offshore is strengthening and is keeping us dry. so mild to warm for your wednesday as we head toward friday, we'll see a subtle change in the upper level wind pattern, and as a result, we're going to cool things off. in your friday forecast. just a
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minor cooling trend. will probably have some more low clouds and fog as well. you know this map, this graphic we shown you over the past few months, there's always been a storm to point to, but for now it is fairly quiet into next week, as you can see. maybe maybe some drizzle out there and no sierra snowfall. there is the chance though. we could see a pattern change late in the month as we head toward may. that could bring in maybe some more wet weather. so maybe the rainy season might not be over just yet. as far as the forecast highs for tomorrow, it's warmer. 60s, 70s. the warmest locations close to 80 degrees. we'll stick with this theme into your thursday, and then we'll cool things off by friday. and then partly sunny skies into the weekend, but it looks like a nice, quiet forecast. a perfect chance to get outside over the next several days. >> yep, got to do it while the weather's nice. thanks, mark. the sonoma county juvenile hall introducing a new music recording studio. the county probation department says the goal is to promote self-expression, positivity and wellness among the young people detained at the facility. and earlier today on the four, i spoke to two people involved in
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what's called the free voices program. >> it allows them to kind of dive deeper into into some of those creative thoughts, and we're just happy to be be a part of, letting them share their story. >> the studio includes industry standard microphones and recording software, as well as guitars, keyboards, drums and other instruments. still ahead tonight here at 730, what we know about a destructive house fire in the north bay that left three people without a permanent home. also ahead, the demonstration today showing how bay area first responders are preparing for the next big disaster. plus california. we all know, has some of the most beautiful state parks in the country. just look still ahead.
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fire was reported about three saturday morning at a home on carmel drive near corsicana drive. everyone inside, including several animals, were able to escape safely. three residents, though, were displaced. it's estimated that this fire caused about $300,000 in damage. the san francisco fire department, the chp, and fema's urban search and rescue are all preparing for the next big disaster. working together in preparation, a search and rescue demonstration was held today at the fire department's training center there on treasure island. they used a helicopter to lower a fire department canine unit onto a large pile of rubble. the drill was to simulate rescuing victims from a collapsed structure after a large earthquake. this sort of partnership allows us to bring all these components together, and be able to deliver this resource to the search canine, which can locate where people are trapped. >> it can also determine areas where there's no one trapped.
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and so we can most effectively utilize the limited rescue resources that we have to do the most good for the most people. >> well, the fire department says the disaster search canines are the best way to locate people who are trapped in collapsed structures, and they could take up to two years to train and develop. california state parks will host state parks week again this summer, and that means some of the parks are offering free community events. state parks week begins june 12th. it runs through the 18th and includes a variety of events all across the state, designed to help visitors explore the outdoors and protect the state's natural and cultural history and earlier today on the four, i spoke to the ceo and president of the save the redwoods league, which is partnering with state parks during this week long event. >> these are our special places and it's our opportunity to enjoy them, and it's our responsibility to steward them. >> for more information on california state parks week event events. just and they're coming up later this summer in
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june. just head to our website, and click the web links drop down to find a link to the state parks week website. all right. still ahead, actor and comedian kevin hart. boy, he's a funny man and he has the bay area in his sights for his upcoming comedy tour, where he is slated to perform. and then later tonight on the 10:00 news, a deadly crash today in the north bay. what we are learning from the chp. plus an effort underway in san francisco to make cesar chavez day an official paid holiday. well, those stories
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the mayor's office provided this video showing part of her visit to the city of shenzhen in southern china. she met with the city's mayor, and she was also joined by officials from sfo for a meeting with executives from shenzhen airlines, with the goal of bringing their business to san francisco. her next stop will be beijing, while she will also meet with airline executives there. a new at 730 tonight. actor and comedian kevin hart today announcing dates for his upcoming comedy tour. and there is one bay area city on that list. hart is scheduled to play the paramount theater here in oakland october 25th. the venue is much smaller than what he's played on previous tours, but he says that was deliberate. he says he
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wanted to change things up by connecting with the audience in a more intimate setting. pre-sale tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. regular ticket sales begin on friday. all right. stanford university today made it official, naming kate paye as the new head coach of the women's basketball team, succeeding legendary coach tara vanderveer. pay is a former stanford basketball team captain and coached under vanderveer for 17 years. she's been part of two of stanford's three national championships, once as a player, the other as a coach. in a statement, paye says that she is humbled for this opportunity to lead stanford's women's basketball program. i'm sure she is going to be very successful and we wish her the best of luck. congratulations, coach paye, that's going to do it for us tonight for the news at 730. thanks so much for joining me on this tuesday evening. don't forget to download the fox local app to your smart tv so you can stream all of our
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