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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  April 23, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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camping out overnight at uc berkeley, and the action they are demanding. plus, the days of scrolling tiktok could be numbered as congress moves to potentially ban the popular social media app. we'll have the latest developments from washington. then president biden is in tampa today. what he's expected to say about reproductive freedom as the issue takes center stage nationwide. the news at noon starts now. >> this is ktvu fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon to thank you for joining us. i'm andre senior.
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>> i'm gasia mikaelian pro palestinian protests continue to grow on us college campuses. overnight, dozens of protesters were arrested on the campus of new york university as police moved in. some protesters took to the streets of manhattan demanding a cease fire in the war between israel and hamas. more than 30,000 people in gaza have been killed in 200 days of war. activists at columbia university continued to demand the school divest from companies selling weapons to israel. >> the climate has changed, and now we're more and more confident that we will be able to achieve our demands. >> most classes at columbia will be hybrid for the rest of the spring semester, due to tensions on campus, students at uc berkeley pitched tents at the sproul steps near the school's sather gate. it's their latest demonstration calling for an end to israeli attacks in gaza. ktvu james torres explains how the school is handling the protest. >> what you'll see here at uc berkeley is not nearly as intense of what you've seen at
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college campuses across the country. you see the number of tents that are pitched in front of this building here, along with the flags that are flying and as you can see, many of these protesters are, for the most part, staying out of everyone else's way. students at uc berkeley are quiet this morning, but they hope their demonstrations are still heard loud and clear. this sit in is an extension of their more intense protest, seen on campus monday. >> as a palestinian, as a human being, i feel like standing in the face of one of the most well-documented genocides, one of the most well-documented mass killings of people because of their identity, it's essential that we stand up. >> i would like the united states to stop funding weapons for israel. if we cut off the funding for weapons, then the conflict will have to stop. >> berkeley administration told students they were in violation of the school's time, place and manner rules. they're respecting the freedom of speech while also making one message very clear. >> and we'll take this a day at
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a time. we've got three weeks left in the semester. we want to avoid conflict. we want to avoid violence, but we also want to make sure that students who do want to attend classes, who do want to finish the academic year , can do so. >> so far, the sit in is staying out of most people's way. when asked to explain their sit in, students here simply said the tents and signs speak for themselves. it's a different scene compared to that at cal poly humboldt, where classes are now fully remote until wednesday as a result of students locking themselves into a school building and clashing with leaders. there's no telling how long this demonstration on berkeley's campus will last. but these students say until the war in gaza is over and until the university changes its investment policies so that tuition dollars no longer go toward aid in israel. >> we're taking this a minute at a time, an hour at a time, a day at a time. >> reporting from uc berkeley. i'm james torres. ktvu, fox two
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news. >> more google employees of the cloud. google cloud have been fired for protesting inside the google offices. 28 google employees were fired last week after a sit in and protest at google offices in sunnyvale, seattle and in new york. they oppose the company's $1.2 billion contract with the israeli government called project nimbus. there are now reports that more than 50 workers have now been fired. they accused google of quashing dissident google. in a statement , said that it took time to identify some workers who were wearing masks. the company also said, quote, every single one of those who whose employment was terminated was personally and definitively involved in the dispute of activity inside of our buildings. we carefully confirmed and reconfirmed this end quote. today's san francisco mayor, london breed, will propose requiring some businesses to close overnight to try and reduce crime. the mayor's office tells us that she wants the board of supervisors to force shops that sell tobacco or prepackaged food to close from midnight to 5 a.m. in some parts of the tenderloin. it would not apply to bars and
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restaurants. the goal is to limit the places that people can hang out and possibly sell drugs. the mayor's proposal has the support of the police department. the so-called tiktok ban that several lawmakers have been pursuing for many months has become a reality. now, the senate is expected to pass that legislation as soon as today, after the house attached it to a foreign aid package. but as rebecca castro reports, it could be some time before there's any action. >> for all the tiktokers out there, your days of scrolling on the popular social media app could be numbered. the senate is poised to pass a bill forcing tiktok's chinese parent company to sell the platform or be banned in the u.s. >> it's not really about tiktok. it's about bytedance, the company that owns tiktok and is indisputably controlled by the chinese communist party. >> with bipartisan support. the house passed the legislation last month, but the senate didn't move on. it so what's changed over the weekend? the house attached the tiktok provisions to a major foreign aid package for israel, ukraine and taiwan. the senate could
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still shut it down, but that's unlikely as both sides of the aisle support more funding for those u.s. allies and are worried about tiktok's ties to the chinese government. >> the idea that we would give the communist party this much of a propaganda tool, as well as the ability to scrape 170 million americans, million americans personal data. it is a national security risk. >> if the tiktok ban makes it out of the senate, along with the foreign aid, president biden is expected to sign it, but the app won't go away immediately. the matter is sure to be tied up in court, as tiktok plans to claim the potential ban is a violation of free speech. >> it really is a way to get messaging out that can be positive, but ultimately it needs to be sold to an american company. i think so that we can at least have some regulation on it. >> the bill gives bytedance nine months to sell tiktok, but also gives president biden the ability to extend that deadline. if a deal is in the works in washington. rebecca kaster, ktvu fox two news. >> former president donald trump
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is back in a new york city courtroom. his criminal trial is continuing with a gag order hearing and more witness testimony. eric shawn outside that courthouse with the latest developments. >> we're coming on november 5th. we're coming big. >> it is day six. a former president donald trump's hush money trial in new york. before bringing about the jury, judge juan merchan held a hearing to determine whether or not trump repeatedly violated his gag order by publicly attacking witnesses and posting on truth social. trump's team denies he broke the order, but prosecutors are asking court to find the former president and hold him in contempt. meanwhile the prosecution's first witness, david pecker, the former publisher of the national enquirer, is returning to the stand on tuesday. attorneys argue that pecker, trump and the former president's then lawyer, michael cohen, conspired to influence the 2016 presidential election by buying negative stories about trump and suppressing them. on monday, pecker confirmed the tabloid used checkbook journalism and often paid for stories he said
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he would keep his ears open for bad stories, potentially about him, and then help to kill them, which is not illegal. >> they're using him to paint a picture of trump's general mindset, but it's actually not specific to the case before them. >> trump is facing charges he falsified business records to cover up the illegal payments. but experts say prosecutors have a challenging task ahead of them. >> they are going to have to prove not just that there was a records violation, but also that the purpose of the records violation was to violate federal election law. >> pecker will likely be on the stand for a few days. court is wrapping up early today for the passover holiday at manhattan criminal court. i'm eric shawn, ktvu, fox two news. >> president biden is in florida this noontime speaking on reproductive freedom. the president is set to attend a campaign event in tampa. he plans to denounce florida's policies, especially a six week abortion ban, which takes effect next week. there's also an amendment on the november ballot that would extend the ban to 24 weeks. analysts say president
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biden is making a pitch to independents and undecided voters, plus democrats. according to a recent poll, 42% of voters plan to vote yes on the amendment, 25% no, 32% are unsure. >> local leaders and community organizations celebrated the start of construction of a new affordable housing tower near lake merritt. ktvu sally rasmus shows us what it will look like and what you need to qualify to live there. one, two, three. >> we go. >> there were smiles and cheers of applause as the first shovels went in the ground at east 12th and second avenue in oakland. this is where a new affordable housing project will be built near lake merritt. >> this area is majority renters. it's majority people of color. this is one of the areas that has been highly impacted by gentrification. that's going to help keep people here in oakland and stem the displacement that we have been grappling with for many, many years. >> the building will have 91 apartment homes, including studios one, two and three bedroom places. 23 of the
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apartments will be set aside for people who are formerly homeless , transitioning to permanent homes. who gets to live here? people who qualify for affordable housing. that means families living in this building must make between 30 to no more than 95,000 a year per household. people who work in retail, people who work in our emergency services, our hope is that some of our teachers will end up responding to the opening of the waitlist. the total cost of construction $102 million. the money comes from state and local governments and nonprofit community groups like the east bay asian local development corporation, the unity council and jordan real estate investments. some of the money for the project is also coming from oakland taxpayers, who approved measure u two years ago to build more affordable housing . this is the first construction project in oakland to use some of that measure u funding. the apartment is expected to be built by 2026. in oakland, ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news. >> alameda county district
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attorney pamela price reexamining dozens of death penalty cases going back years after she says her office found evidence of discrimination by former prosecutors, plus tributes pouring in for a man who dedicated his life to lifting up those forgotten or rejected by society. a look back at the life of reverend cecil williams and how his work at glide memorial church continues. then a live look outside. it's much cooler now than it was this time yesterday. steve paulsen has your complete forecast coming up as we take a live look at san f nc co
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long time pastor, reverend cecil williams. he's being remembered as a religious leader, civil rights pioneer, and compassionate friend. ktvu betty yu reports with a look at the legacy williams leaves behind. >> i see soul ktvu last caught up with williams on christmas eve at glide's signature holiday celebration, where volunteers serve thousands of those less fortunate. >> that afternoon in the tenderloin glide's holiday jam benefit concert in november, celebrate the 94 year old, who retired earlier last year as ceo of the foundation. >> this is just the beginning. every day is the beginning. >> every hour is the beginning. >> williams became pastor of
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glide in 1963. >> what we see is a people that needs love, a people that need also to say to each other, i care. i will be with you. i'm not going to give up on you. >> ktvu sat down with williams five years ago under his leadership, glide memorial church grew to 10,000 people and the tenderloin church became world famous leaders including warren buffett, nelson mandela, oprah, maya angelou, barack obama and hillary clinton met with williams. he fought for racial equality and lgbtq rights . he did so alongside people like angela davis and the black panthers. the church became a safe haven during the aids crisis and provided hiv screenings. williams has dedicated his life to helping people who are hungry or homeless or battling drug addiction. >> i reach out to people all over the world. i'm not afraid of anybody. i'm just i care.
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>> glide's foundation is the largest provider of social services in san francisco. williams ran the church with his wife, janice mirikitani, a poet, activist and first glide president. she died in 2021. >> the one that took me and said to me, i'm going to make you a better human being. williams said glide's foundation and legacy is love, which leads to liberation, justice and freedom. cecil him. he's always into something. he's always doing something. my theology, basically, it's in the doing that was ktvu. >> betty. betty. lou. reporting for us this afternoon. now to this story about three dozen death penalty cases in alameda county are now under review after district attorney pamela price says her office found evidence former prosecutors illegally kept black people and jewish people off the jury. the allegations surfaced after price's office found handwritten notes from a 31 year old murder case. her office says the notes
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show prosecutors automatically excluded jurors based on their race and gender. price says a number of prosecutors were involved in this effort. >> my office discovered evidence of a pattern of misconduct, prosecutorial misconduct that may well impact all of the death penalty cases in alameda county. >> the cases that will be reviewed could go as far back as 1977, she says. the review will start with death penalty cases and suggested this practice may have been used in other cases as well. meantime new at noon, the push is on to get the alameda county board of supervisors to set a date for a special recall election for district attorney, attorney pamela price. the group save alameda for everyone or safe, held a rally this morning in oakland, outside the county administration building. they say the board of supervisors should have started the process at their meeting last tuesday, and under the county charter, now have until april 30th to set a date. >> you got the approved signatures. you have hundreds of
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thousands of people that want this on the ballot and want to constitutionally have her recalled, and we need that done as soon as possible. >> safe projects that the recall election will take place around august eight. >> we're seeing much cooler weather today than what we've seen in the past couple of days across the bay area. a live look here at the golden gate. it's time now to check in with ktvu meteorologist steve paulson for what we can expect today and the rest of the week. >> well, welcome to may gray june gloom july no sky. oh my goodness april fog bank that has just taken over not only locally but up and down the coast and well out in the pacific. if you have a flight from any of the airports here locally and you're on to hawaii, you may not see any blue until you're about three quarters of the way there. that's how big that fog bank is pushed well, well inland. not only that, some high and mid level clouds as well have also filtered in. that did trigger some thunderstorm activity right there along i-5. boom boom,
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chico, maybe northern lake county, mendocino county, colusa, corning. so that's a little bit that activity got going at 630 in the morning. little unusual to fire up that early in the morning. all responsible that low there to the west. the main message for us and it's a big message screaming message is cooler, cooler, cooler. we've dropped from the 70s and 80s to the 50s and 60s, and maybe for a while, look how many degrees cooler we are compared to yesterday. double digits cooler for novato, also concord and san jose, livermore and hayward are close and so is petaluma and also santa rosa. onshore wind for some travis was up to 36mph, about 4 or 5:00 this morning. also a pretty good breeze across the straight. petaluma gap, san bruno gap, san pablo and then out to the delta. it's a south wind closer to the coast and bay. it's more of a west southwest wind inland. even livermore has an onshore wind. i mean, you're just not budging. a lot of this fog and low cloud deck inland. yeah, some sun, but he also some high clouds. some of this activity could easily
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clip areas eastern, maybe solano county, contra costa county. so we'll mention that the low is with us today and tomorrow. it will finally punch in in central and southern california, but not until thursday. then another system is going to drop in from the north on friday. so clouds, cooler, breezy, windy, possible showers, thundershowers and the pattern looks extremely active in terms of cool, with a lot of lows dropping in for not only a cool, windy pattern, but maybe an uptick in some rain as we head to early may. i mean, we're looking out, you know, two weeks and it shows nothing but about low pressure and below normal temperatures. so much cooler today after that big fog bank, 60s, 70s at best. and those will be soft 70s. i would look for this pattern to continue off and on all the way, maybe a little bit better on the weekend, but then cooler again. looks like early next week. >> coming up, a hamburger worth standing in a long line for one last time. why a staple in the south bay is closing its doors, and what happened in its final days that showed there are a lot of people who will miss the
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mishandling allegations of sexual assault against larry nassar in 2015 and 16. when combined with other settlements, $1 billion now has been set aside by various organizations to compensate hundreds of women who said nassar assaulted them under the guise of treatment for sports injuries. nassar worked
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at michigan state university and also served as a team doctor at indianapolis based usa gymnastics. he is now serving decades in prison for assaulting female athletes, including olympic winning medal. olympic medal winning gymnasts there have been no reports of casualties from a cluster of earthquakes that struck taiwan this morning. >> the strongest quake, measuring 6.1 in magnitude. other smaller shakes shook the region as well. last month, you may remember that a 7.4 quake hit the island, killing 13 people and injuring over 1000. the city of baltimore is filing a legal claim against the owner and manager of the cargo ship that crashed into a bridge last month. the lawsuit claims the ship's crew was criminally negligent when they left the port, knowing they had an inconsistent power supply. the giant ship lost power and veered off course back on march 26th. the companies aren't commenting on the suit. six construction workers who were on the bridge making repairs of potholes were killed. >> transportation officials say
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ferry service between sausalito and san francisco will likely resume sometime this week. service was paused after crews discovered damage to the sausalito pier. several ferry lines were impacted by the closure, forcing commuters to find another way to travel. while service is expected to resume. a project to fully replace the dock and damaged terminal is also underway. construction is expected to begin in 2025. hundreds of people stood in line at the burger pit in san jose to have one last meal there, and say goodbye. it's the last outpost of what was once a thriving chain of restaurants. ktvu. lamonica peters spoke with the restaurant's owner about ending 70 years in business. >> people have been coming here forever, the neighborhoods and all that since 1953. i think they started. that's why we're here with a line of people wrapped around the building. >> the burger pit owner, paul burger, and the pit crew served up its menu to generations of dedicated customers. >> my parents brought me here in the 60s, and i was in elementary
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school and i have fond memories of those years, and i love this place. >> we're sad that they can't open somewhere else. we wish they could, and we've begged them. but, logistics, i guess. >> another customer says she drove in from las vegas after her grandchildren told her the burger pit was closing. >> well, i came here to eat here because it's my favorite place. i used to live here. >> burger says he started working full time at the burger pit in 1974. burgers father started the business with his partners in 1953, and since then they've operated 26 locations throughout the bay area, starting on first street in san jose. >> oh, he would be very proud, especially when he sees this line around the building. and we're going to run out of everything tonight. >> and they did run out of supplies an hour before closing time. luckily, like hundreds of other customers, i was able to get a taste of the classic
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grilled burger just in time. >> delicious. after decades of serving the community and with the cost of his lease continuing to rise, burger says he knows it's time to go well. >> i'm 75, so it's time for me to retire, but yeah, i'm going to miss all these people. >> lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news. >> a ruling expected by late june from the us supreme court in a landmark case on homelessness. why officials here in the bay area will be watching the case closely. plus protests at college campuses across the country continue to. >> and so do arrests. i'm alexis mcadam wi have e
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ask their doctor about rexulti. universities across the country, including uc berkeley. protesters camped out overnight at cal. this is an extension of a more intense protest on campus yesterday. there's no word yet on how long the demonstration will last. protesters say they want an end to the war in gaza and the university to change its investment policies, so tuition dollars no longer go toward aid in israel. >> as a palestinian, as a human being, i feel like standing in the face of one of the most well-documented genocides, one
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of the most well-documented mass killings of people. because of their identity, it's essential that we stand up. >> i would like the united states to stop funding weapons for israel if we cut off the funding for weapons, then the conflict will have to stop. >> uc berkeley says it's respecting the protesters freedom of speech to avoid conflict and violence, as long as they don't block other students from attending classes across the country. there have been arrests at some universities as fox's alexis mcadams tells us, some campuses have closed their gates and canceled in-person classes. >> classes at columbia university's main campus have shifted to virtual or hybrid learning until the end of the spring 2024 semester, amid ongoing safety concerns stemming from pro-palestinian protests. calls for the president of columbia to resign. growing louder as protests are expected to continue at the ivy league school and at other campuses across the country. >> if this president can't maintain the peace, she has to be eliminated or she has to be
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fired. and, you know, these students have to be expelled. these faculty have to be fired. >> tuesday morning, workers busy putting up a tall plywood wall outside of the nyu campus to block the area that was mobbed by demonstrators monday night. >> these leave the plaza now we will be arrested for trespass. >> the nypd was called onto the campus by school officials on monday, heading into that crowd with riot gear, making announcements for hours, telling protesters to leave. but they didn't. police arrested more than 100 protesters who set up the tents in the so-called gaza solidarity encampment. officers used flexcuffs to remove the protesters from campus, charging them with trespassing and disorderly conduct. jewish students say the criticism of israel on campuses across the country has made their everyday lives nearly impossible. >> we can't go into finals and study when there are people shouting and using blow horns until 3 a.m. in the morning and taking over our dining halls and our libraries. >> so just days after the police
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went onto this campus at columbia to remove those tents, there's more than 100 tents back up and counting as protests are expected to continue reporting in new york city. i'm alexis mcadams, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, the jewish holiday of passover officially started last night at sundown in san francisco. chabad of the neighborhood synagogue hosted a passover seder, a ritual feast to mark the beginning of the holiday. the rabbi says, amid fighting between israel and hamas, people are paying tribute to the hostages captured by hamas by filling seats rather than keeping them empty. >> instead of making a seat empty, fill a seat with another jew because what do they want to do? they want to destroy the jewish people. they want to take them away. so how do we remember the hostages? we bring more people to the seder. >> rabbi levin says there was extra security last night as a precaution. passover is a time to celebrate freedom and commemorate the biblical story of the exodus of ancient israelites from slavery in egypt. well, new at noon, tesla is now being sued over its recent decision to lay off about 10% of its workforce. a former
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employee claims tesla violated state law by failing to provide the required advanced 60 day notice. the suit, filed in state court in san jose, accuses tesla of acting intentionally and with deliberate interference, indifference and conscious disregard to the rights of its employees. tesla and ceo elon musk have yet to comment. >> a ruling is expected by late june from the us supreme court in a landmark case on homelessness. more than a quarter of the nation's unhoused residents are here in california. san francisco leaders will be watching this ruling closely, as ktvu christian captain reports, it's expected to impact the city's own legal battle over how to address homeless encampments. >> the supreme court of the united states heard oral arguments over how cities manage the issue of homelessness, while the case in question came from grants pass, oregon. the case is drawing attention here in the bay area. homeless advocates marched and rallied in front of san francisco's federal court building and through the streets of the city, advocates saying the case will get to the heart of whether cities can
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criminalize homelessness. >> the reality is folks are out there because they have no other choice, for almost everyone. and it's not okay to then cite them and arrest them, because they're destitute. that is, in essence, a pauper's prison that we're creating there. and i think we've moved beyond that. >> san francisco's city attorney's office has a very different take. the city says it has laws on the book to offer compassionate care for homeless, but also to clear streets when necessary. those policies have been blocked for now by the courts waiting for a decision on this case. city attorney david chiu says. whether and how san francisco can manage its homelessness crisis will be determined by this ruling. hopefully have a much more nuanced ruling that strikes a balance between what san francisco has been trying to do, which is our compassionate approach to homelessness, but also giving us the ability to have some tools to ensure that our streets are clean and safe. while it's difficult to predict how the court will rule, levine says it appears the court is leaning toward giving cities
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more control over how they combat homelessness. >> listening to the oral argument, it seems like a majority is likely to go there. then the judge in this, in the case in san francisco, would have to be more deferential to what san francisco thinks is an appropriate way to handle the local homelessness problem. >> the united states supreme court is expected to issue a ruling on this case in late june. in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> prison advocacy groups say they're outraged over how the closure of the federal women's prison in dublin is being handled. more busses were seen leaving the facility yesterday. advocates say they were being used to transfer women incarcerated at the prison to other facilities. they want women to be released instead of sent all over the country. the federal bureau of prisons announced last week. the 600 plus women at the prison in dublin will be moved to different federal prisons as part of the closure, one east bay community mourning the death of a sheriff's deputy in idaho
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who grew up in the bay area, deputy tobin boulter was shot and killed in idaho while making a traffic stop before joining the sheriff's office in january. >> the 27 year old worked several years in pleasant hill as a police officer. he graduated from berean christian high school in walnut creek. >> it's still a shock, you know, to learn of the news of tobin passing, we loved him. we loved his family. when you think of tobin, you think i mean, the first word that comes to mind is servant. you know, someone who wants to serve. and so to be in public service, you know, looking out for the benefit of others, you know, that made sense for him. >> boulter later came back to coach the school's cross country team, along with his wife. his yearbook graduation page says his dream job was to be a police officer. a contra costa police officer will soon make history by becoming the first asian american police officer in san pablo. captain brian bubar is a
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21 year veteran of the police force, and he's held several command positions over the last few years. city officials say he understands the importance of community engagement and the use of technology, and he starts his police chief on may 1st following outcry by frustrated pd customers who've been paying record breaking bills this year. >> the utility's chief executive officer says customers monthly bills will level off or even fall below their current rates. ceo patricia poppy says that pg and e is looking at ways to reduce its operating costs, and will pass those savings along to customers. critics point out she did not provide specifics of her cost saving plan. the average pg and e bill for residential customers is more than 22% higher than last year, marin county is asking for public feedback on e-bikes. >> now. the consumer product safety commission is requesting comment about e-bike safety to be submitted by may 14th. now one marin county supervisor who met with regulators say regulations at the federal level are crucial for safety. marin county began collecting data on reported e-bike injuries last
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fall and found e-bikes were involved in 71% of all 911 calls for school aged children. a un report on extinction estimated that a million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction within decades, scientists say saving some of them is possible, but the number is overwhelming. ktvu tom vacar shows us how the oakland zoo in california have become leaders in preventing extinction. >> the oakland zoo is not just a place to see exotic animals, but a sanctuary full of rehabilitated animals. not able to be returned to the wild. >> it's been 54 years since the endangered species act was introduced. >> we met oakland zoo ceo nick degiglio on the california trail that winds through 56 acres of california's native animals and plants black bears, bison, bald eagles, and mountain lions. the oakland zoo has long been and remains a major partner of the california condor recovery program, a consortium of zoos,
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organizations, agencies, scientists, and citizens. >> there were 22 of them left in the wild back in the 1980s, and that was it. >> they have brought the condor back from the very edge of extinction. >> so today we have over 500, both in human care as well as in the wild. >> here you'll also see grizzly bears that once roamed free in california long ago, 2024 is the 100th year of this bear not being in existence, extirpated from our state. the first gray wolf returned to california in 2011. it had been 100 years prior to that, and now we have multiple different packs. even jaguars once roamed california. the. >> this is our natural history here in california. >> the zoo is also part of the worldwide gene pool to help keep many species alive. >> as a zoo, we can play an important role in that. >> other californians have succeeded in bringing the sea otter back from the brink, but
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the california tiger salamander, coho salmon, san joaquin kit fox, the kangaroo rat, and the western snowy plover could become extinct. sadly, even the slow moving mojave desert tortoise is speeding to extinction as well. if we can't save many species headed for extinction, the zoo director believes we can do much better. >> long terme, have faith, in democracy, where you can vote for the people who are going to represent the values that that you want. >> earthrise shot from apollo 856 years ago shows the hope for the miraculous blue planet we call home. but with the earth's current average temperature now 3.6°c warmer than back then and well beyond what scientists say is the red line for a climate disaster, it's important to know it climbs ever more rapidly. tom vacar ktvu fox two news.
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>> a new study. a new study shows you may be better off choosing a female doctor for your care. what the data show about people who had female doctors. when it comes to living longer and being readmitted to the hospital. also, let's take a quick peek outside, but let us bring our jackets to the golden gate bridge. it's a lot cooler now th it was t s
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if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save.
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- my childhood was tough. i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress, but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it. learn more at
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of discriminatory banking practices targeting customers for their religious and political beliefs. the letter claims. bank of america has closed the accounts of several religious groups within the past three years. b of a denies the allegations, saying in a statement religious beliefs are not a factor in any account closing decision. >> we're getting more information about the bankruptcy filing of the retailer express, the ohio based company, is closing 95 express stores, and we now know that includes the bay street mall and emeryville store, another in fairfield, and its store at oak ridge mall in san jose. it's also closing all of its up west stores. big sales will begin today, express said it has a letter of intent from whp global to potentially purchase a majority of its stores and operations. the federal trade commission is filing a lawsuit to block the merger of two luxury fashion companies. tapestry owns coach kate spade and stuart weitzman. it planned to pay eight and a half dollars billion to buy capri holdings, which owns
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versace, jimmy choo and michael kors. well, federal regulators say a merger of these luxury brands would increase prices further harm shoppers and weaken employee wages. both companies plan to challenge the lawsuit. >> the u.s. transportation secretary is praising plans for a new $12 billion bullet train system that will connect las vegas to southern california. pete buttigieg calls it the first major high speed rail line in the nation. the transportation secretary spoke at a groundbreaking in las vegas yesterday, along with workers on. the project was held at the future site of the train station that will be built just south of the las vegas strip. >> we will demand and expect this everywhere, and leaders will respond and more high speed rail lines are coming. or to put it another way, in this particular case, what happens in vegas should absolutely not be confined to las vegas. >> the first passengers are expected to board the bullet trains in time for the 2028 olympics in los angeles. those passengers will be able to travel between las vegas and la
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in less than three hours, a new study finds. >> patients, men and women have better results when their doctor is a woman, researchers in japan analyzed medical records of nearly 800,000 medicare patients in the u.s, who were at least 65 years old. patients, especially women, lived longer and were less likely to be readmitted to the hospital when treated by female doctors. researchers say. that could be because male doctors as a whole may underestimate the severity of illnesses among women patients and female doctors may have better communication skills with them. >> for a female patient, talking to a female doctor there seemed to perhaps be better communication. they were better able to talk about things that might be sensitive or embarrassing or important, you know, but but uncomfortable to talk about. >> researchers say there are several important takeaways from the study. male doctors may want to improve their communication skills with patients. be better listeners also, the researchers say the medical industry needs to push harder for more women and minority applicants. of all doctors, 60% are male, 40% are
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female. >> on this world book day, many people may be gathering with friends and acquaintances to discuss a good read because book clubs are making a comeback, young adults in particular leading the comeback. according to eventbrite, book club event listings were up 24% from 2022 to 23. the new meetups may look a little different from your average book club. many of them happen during boozy brunches, dating events, or online. >> in the heart of this increase in book club events is really young people. it's gen z. it's their desire to bring people together. i felt like online was the best option for my book club, because i wanted to offer something that was accessible to everybody. >> social media has helped spark more interest in books and book clubs among young readers. last year on tiktok, the hashtag booktok had more than 200 billion views. people nationwide reportedly spend more than $450 a year on tipping. that's more than they'd like to. researchers surveyed. 2000 people, found the average person reluctantly tips close to $38 a month due to
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pressure or the awkwardness of the options they're given. in fact, 1 in 4 say they always are often feel forced to tip more than they want to. oftentimes, this happens in coffee shops on those tablets and at a waiter handing you a card machine. more than half say the pressure is for them to tip more during a regular situation. >> all right, let's head live outside right now. you can look across the oakland estuary and see what we're dealing with across the bay area. cloudy skies, cooler temperatures that we've seen over the last several days. ktvu meteorologist steve paulson here this afternoon. what we can expect today and the rest of the week, steve, big fog bank and high and mid level clouds, which has been triggering thunderstorm activity to the east. >> i mean, the combination of these two is anything but what we've had the last couple of days. and this pattern looks like it's here for a while, that being below average temperatures . surface winds southerly near the coast peninsula, more of a west wind through the interior. and there it is now. we've had gusts 35, 40 miles an hour in the last 24 hours here, especially out towards the delta. the strait and a rather robust onshore breeze. blustery
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conditions will continue. there's your south wind, half moon bay, sfo, but it's more west southwest hayward out to livermore, south of san jose. what the heck is going on here? is that august? september? boom thunderstorms erupting already, especially along the i-5 corridor out to the northern sacramento valley, right there along i-5, heading up to chico, if you will. and that is certainly a possibility here next couple of days. so i'll mention it for lake county, eastern napa county, solano contra costa county, upper low. all right. there is what's responsible. that will be with us today. tomorrow, finally move in thursday, then picked up by another system dropping down from the northwest that will be on friday. so this pattern of cool, breezy, blustery conditions is in place here. maybe for a while, with only subtle changes here. in fact, if anything, it favors well out into the first week of may for below normal temperatures and also maybe a little increase in some rain. but for today, cooler. cooler is the main message here. fog along the coast and for some it's not going to burn off. for others, it will be a slow process. and what you do get the sun. there
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will be a decent robust breeze there, keeping temperatures well below average now and maybe for a while if anything, they're going to get cooler into thursday. it does look like some hope for what will be an improving weekend, but just not that warm. >> for the first time in five months, nasa engineers have received understandable data from the voyager one spacecraft that voyager one is 46 years old, 15 billion miles away. it collects information from its science instruments and sends it to mission control. since november, though, the signal it had been sending didn't have any understanding. data engineers have been working to fix the problem, and it seems they have, as voyager one is now sending coherent data once again, three peregrine falcon chicks have now hatched their way out of their eggs in their nest atop the campanile on the uc berkeley campus. >> the third chick hatched this morning, a day after two other chicks made their arrival. watchers say there's a good chance the fourth and final falcon could arrive before tomorrow's hatch day celebration on the cal campus. the chicks are all the offspring of uc berkeley's peregrine falcon named annie.
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>> children in underserved communities don't often have the chance to pursue their talents on the soccer field. how the oakland roots are stepping in to help
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if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage.
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check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. ♪
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♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ headliners include the killers, sturgill simpson, tyler, the creator, post malone and more. malone headlined the festival in 2022. he'll be performing a country music set at this year's event. the three day festival takes place august 9th to the 11th at golden gate park. tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at ten. >> a new documentary celebrates a remarkable 40 year career of bon jovi. love a bad name? it's called thank you, good night. the bon jovi story the documentary looks at the ups and downs of the band from new
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jersey. bon jovi has sold more than 120 million records worldwide and charted seven number one hits. the group's singer and songwriter says this documentary pulls back the curtain on bon jovi's long career. >> you've heard the story about people saying that they see their life go before them, just before they pass, where we have the benefit of being alive and well while these 40 years have just gone by in a blink of an eye. >> well, this documentary also examines some of bon jovi's toughest times, including bon jovi's vocal cord surgery and richie sambora's decision to leave the band. the bon jovi story begins streaming this friday on hulu. san francisco is getting a new series of outdoor concerts, the city says sf live will bring arts and culture into different parks across the city, with free access to those performances. the first concert in the series debuts on may 4th at the golden gate park bandshell, focusing on electric music. more events will run through october in varying locations and themes. the goal of the concert series is to support san francisco's music and entertainment industry. now
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we've got more details on the concert series and a list of the dates, performances that have been announced so far already on our website. just head to ktvu .com and click on the web links section. >> the oakland roots and soul soccer clubs are bringing their expertise to elementary schools in a program meant to give oakland students more access to sports. one of the biggest barriers is a lack of qualified coaches. ktvu crystal bailey shows us how the clubs are equipping new coaches for the job. kobe to go, oh, nice. >> oh, hit it again. hit it again. >> for the last few weeks, the oakland roots and soul sports teams have been training people in what they call the oakland coach academy. it's an ongoing partnership between the club and the oakland unified school district, with the goal to bring high quality and inclusive soccer to all 51 elementary schools. by the time the fifa world cup comes to the bay area in 2026, we can't introduce a sports program without caring adults being part of it. on saturday, the club provided a free soccer clinic for girls at the highland community elementary school in east oakland, along with nonprofit
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girls leading goals. as part of the program. even roots players join the fun at this stage. >> they're looking way better than i was when i was younger. >> they're building confidence in the girls, all while running drills for nice, and even though it's all for the kids, hit big, hit nice. adults are getting something out of it too. >> they're giving me an opportunity like they give these kids that wouldn't be able to afford the, coaching clinic. but through this program, i'm able to go there. >> coach clarence has been coaching youth sports in oakland for 13 years, but this is his first time coaching soccer. >> i'm hoping one of these girls will be, you know, playing for the soul soon. i think i got some prospects out here. >> it all comes at no cost to the kids or the coaches academy graduates will leave with official accreditations from the u.s. soccer federation, as well as training in first aid, youth mental health and critical social emotional intelligence skills in oakland. krystal
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bailey, ktvu, fox two news well, the nfl draft begins on thursday , and the nfc champion san francisco 49ers have the 31st overall pick. >> the niners will be making p about the future of one of the team's biggest stars, wide receiver brandon aiyuk has set off the team's off season workouts after making it clear he wants a new contract. however, general manager john lynch is still confident aiyuk will work out a deal with the niners. >> our wish is that he's here and a part of, the niners for the rest of his career. >> i love ba and what we've done has been has been pretty cool. obviously it's a business as well. so you have asked and negotiations and all all these kinds of things at the end of the day, ba has been a brother to me and i want the best for him. >> lynch says he's received calls from other teams about possibly trading aiyuk, but the team is working hard. he says on trying to reach a long terme deal with him. >> chipotle is teaming up with napa high alumni brock bowers as he prepares for the nfl draft. fast food chain invited the
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tight end to join its unwrapped series. bowers got to go behind the counter, make some burritos on his own leading up to draft day, chipotle is debuting what it calls a brock bowers bowl with double steak. lots of protein, right? brown rice, i guess. better than white tomato salsa and lettuce. bowers says that's his to go order. >> sounds like a solid order right there. probably give that a try. >> i'm guessing you could eat three of those on game day, though. >> yeah, right. exactly >> all right. thank you so much for watching ktvu fox two news at noon. a reminder to download the ktvu fox local app for your smart tv. our next newscast begins at 4 p.m. until then, ay (upbeat music) - [tammy] can you guess what this is? (upbeat music) - [tammy] if you guessed rocking chair, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary". our first celebrity captain is host of the best podcast ever with raven and miranda. she's simply the best, raven symone. and with her our best friends, derrell and brian. our other celebrity captain is the pride of denver, colorado. we feel a mile high with ninja warriors' matt iseman.


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