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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  April 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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can one be performed on a woman having a medical emergency? then the countdown is on for tiktok to sell to an american company, or go dark for tens of millions of people who use the platform. and the question of who looks out for our country's workers continues to linger for so many people. but one california organization is trying to lift the cloud of uncertainty. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon, and thank you for joining us. i'm andre senior and we start this noon hour with
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the latest on the tiktok ban. the parent company of tiktok has now upped until year to sell the social media platform or face a ban in the u.s. president biden signed a bill into law this morning to force a company to sell tiktok because of national security concerns, ktvu allie rasmus explains what happens next in the case. >> what's expected to happen next, a lawsuit to block the forced sale or ban from going into effect. in an announcement on x this morning, tiktok's ceo vowed to fight the law in court. >> this is a ban, a ban on tiktok and a ban on you and your voice. >> tiktok has 170 million users in the us. bytedance has offices all over the us but is headquartered in beijing. us lawmakers and security experts say the company's ties to the chinese government are too close and worry about it having too much information and influence over tiktok's users. the worst case scenario is we have election years coming and we have elections, you know, you know, going on. >> so a deepfake video, you
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know, a fabricated picture, some that will spread like fire in tiktok. and that could have an impact. >> the law signed by president biden this morning is part of a larger aid package to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the tiktok portion of the law gives bytedance up to one year to sell tiktok to a non-chinese company. if it doesn't, the app would no longer be available to update or download on the apple or google play stores. >> rest assured, we aren't going anywhere. we are confident, and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. the facts and the constitution are on our side. i don't think that it should be banned, but i think that there should be some restrictions put on it to make it safer to use, for our youth. >> there is data and stats out there that 30% of the youth under the age of 30 are getting their news in this country. so there is reason to classify tiktok as a news outlet. intersection of business and politics and social media. and this is all new terrain. >> other nations already have
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partial or full bans of tiktok. india, for example, does not allow its citizens to use tiktok. there and supporters of this ban say that it's no different than how the chinese government treats us. social media companies. facebook, instagram ex snapchat none of those platforms are allowed to operate in china. in san jose, allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, today, the supreme court heard arguments in a case that could determine whether doctors can provide abortions to pregnant women who are having a medical emergency. the justice department has sued idaho over its abortion law, which allows a woman to get an abortion only when her life, not her health, is at risk. the question is whether idaho's law conflicts with the federal law that protects patients who need emergency care, a decision expected in this case in june. meantime, the high court case comes as california governor gavin newsom proposes a new way to help arizonans get abortions here in california. this comes after the on the heels of arizona's near-total abortion
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ban, set to go into effect in about a week and ktvu bailey ocarroll has more on the story. >> we are putting the boxing gloves on to protect women's rights. >> california wants the state to make it easier for doctors from arizona to come to california to perform abortions. on wednesday, california governor gavin newsom announced the state will offer arizona abortion providers an expedited way of getting their license in california. >> they matter. we care. when you're the size of 21 state populations combined, we have more at stake than any other state in america. a third of the patients that are served by planned parenthood alone. >> the temporary law authored by senator nancy skinner, has an urgency clause, meaning it will go into effect immediately after governor newsom signs it. since roe versus wade was overturned nearly two years ago, people seeking reproductive care in the state is up 17% in the first 15 months after it was overturned. california performed 12,000 more
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abortions than it expected. it's an issue, grace howard, an associate professor of justice studies at san jose state university, said is not shocking right now. >> these legal conditions are so complicated that a lot of people don't even know what their rights are, howard said. >> because of this, doctors are pulling out of states with strict abortion laws, but we've also been seeing health care providers leave the state. >> in idaho, 22% of the obese in the state have left, and they're doing this because they cannot protect their patients without risking their ability to practice medicine, but also their freedom. right. they could go to prison. >> the hope is the new program will give medical professionals a safe place to care for patients, according to the governor's office. the new project will be funded by private money from arizona and not cost taxpayers in either state any additional money in oakland. i'm bailey ocarroll, ktvu, fox two news made calls for her removal from office alameda county district attorney
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pamela price doubling down now insisting her office is stronger under her leadership. >> i can tell you that in our office, we are holding people accountable every day. >> we are charging people. we are prosecuting people. we are doing our part where it's appropriate that they are entitled to diversion. >> price, discussing her vision for public safety during a virtual town hall, she said she ran on a progressive platform of reducing sentences for younger offenders, eliminating most sentencing enhancements and holding law enforcement more accountable. price rejects criticism that she is soft on crime. >> we're prosecuting people at the same level as my predecessor, and so this sense that people aren't being held accountable, i think is more driven, by the slant of the way things are being portrayed in the media and presented often, sometimes on social media. >> critics have gathered enough
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signatures to get a recall on the ballot, and now this comes as the alameda county board of supervisors has until next tuesday to schedule an election date for recall of da price. her critics, who formed the group save alameda for everyone, holding a rally in oakland outside the county administration building. at last week's board meeting, they accused supervisors of declining to start the recall process. we got the approved signatures. >> you have hundreds of thousands of people that want this on the ballot and want to constitutionally have her recalled, and we need that done as soon as possible. >> the group projects the recall vote will likely take place sometime between late july and early september. new at noon house speaker mike johnson says he plans to call for columbia university's president to step down over his handling of demonstrations on campus. this comes as hundreds of pro-palestinian student demonstrators continue to protest around the country. fox's cb cotton has the latest
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from columbia university. >> pro-palestinian student demonstrators at columbia university can continue camping out. here's a look from the sky wednesday morning. university leaders say they extended a deadline to dismantle the encampment because progress has been made negotiating with the students. we ask that you gather back here so we can clear some things up, and everyone feels good about moving forward. a columbia spokesperson says the students leading the protest have agreed to remove a significant number of tents and people not affiliated with the school. these concessions, as protest outside the university's gates continue to cheer on students inside. the side will be free across the country, a california state polytechnic university campus was shut down after protesters used furniture, tents, chains and zip ties to block building entrances at the beginning of the week, i'd like to see greater dialog occur on campus. >> i'd like to see as an institution the ability to call
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out all hate speech, because there are some pretty vulgar rhetoric, being cast here. >> universities across the country have been struggling to balance campus safety with free speech rights that many say has turned into anti-semitism. >> it's not that the jews are, quote, fearful so much as they are being threatened, all of them. >> house speaker mike johnson will visit with columbia jewish students on wednesday, this after he helped pass a foreign aid package, which includes billions of dollars for israel. reporting from columbia university, cb cotton, ktvu, fox two news, the alameda county sheriff's office has now confirmed a uc berkeley freshman who was found dead in his dorm in february died of a drug overdose. >> the student, 19 year old marco trooper, was the son of the former youtube ceo susan wojcicki, according to the sheriff's office, trooper's death was caused by acute combined drug toxicity. no information was released about which drugs were in his system.
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investigators are still looking into the manner of trooper's death, but do not suspect foul play. california's department of justice, championing worker rights and fair labor practices in a groundbreaking initiative more on this initiative to protect vulnerable workers. coming up next, the biden administration is putting new pressure on airlines to pay up after a major flight delays .
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if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death.
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serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save.
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the department's office of community awareness, response and engagement or care held its quarterly quote, demystifying the doj presentation series this morning. it says the worker rights and fair labor section is dedicated to protect the welfare of workers and to address systematic business practices that undermine the working conditions of valuable low wage workers. >> the way we see our job here is not simply to enforce any particular law or set of laws, but to combat systemic business practices that harm workers and legitimate businesses, using whatever legal and policy tools are available to our office. >> care says the quarterly presentation was a good opportunity for californians to hear directly from the doj about what it's doing to protect the welfare of workers. the
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department of transportation announcing today new rules on airline cancellations and delays. as griff jenkins reports, the new rules are meant to make sure passengers get refunds when they are due. >> after major disruptions to air travel in recent years, the biden administration says it's following through with a promise to hold airlines accountable. new federal rules announced on wednesday mandate automatic cash refunds for passengers whose flights have been canceled or significantly delayed. >> we are also changing the refund to clarify that it must be by cash, it must be in cash by default, unless a passenger actively chooses another form of compensation. >> air carriers will also be required to clearly disclose junk fees and refund bag fees. if luggage is not delivered within 12 hours of domestic flights before the rule, the department of transportation says passengers had to navigate airline websites and fill out extra paperwork to request a
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refund. the white house estimates the changes will save fliers around $500 million each year. in excess. airline fees. >> infrequent fliers are especially vulnerable since they may not know that we are here for them and are often not told about their right to a refund, the announcement comes at a turbulent time for the travel industry. >> on wednesday, the justice department is meeting with families of people killed in two boeing 737 max crashes as the government decides whether to pursue a criminal case after the crashes, the company had reportedly agreed to strengthen its compliance program over three years. but just days before the agreement expired, a door plug flew off an alaska airlines plane. the doj is now investigating whether that incident violated the terms of its agreement with boeing in washington. griff jenkins, fox news. >> officials in california are warning about counterfeit botox that's being used in our state and others to. cdc says there have been about two dozen recent
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botulism cases across 11 states. at least two of those cases happening here in california, including one incident in san diego. the woman involved purchased bad botox online. its use resulted in headaches, weakness and blurred vision, and then took it to a botox party where it was injected by by an unlicensed and untrained person. >> these are elective procedures, not something that anybody ever has to do. so you really want to do your homework, be a good consumer and ask a lot of questions. this is not a treatment that you need to be doing in someone's bathroom. >> and only licensed physicians can buy botox legally, and it should be administered by licensed professionals. the san diego woman suffered a mild case. other victims were hospitalized and went on life support. well, you might see some smoke in santa cruz today. cal fire working on a prescribed burn near the big basin. redwood
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state park area. it began at about 8:00 in the northern part of the park, near where the icu complex fire burned about three years ago. you might remember that. here's a time lapse picture from pkg from the last 15 minutes or so. this camera is located at chalk mountain lookout, looking east towards big basin. while smoke is not visible from this angle, you can see the burn scars from the icu complex fire. the burn is expected to continue throughout next week. our turning now to our forecast and taking a live look outside. we have overcast skies all across the bay area for the last day or so, and it continues into this wednesday. here's steve paulson now with a look at what we can expect for the rest of the week. >> well, again, this fog bank may gray june gloom july no sky. call it whatever you want. it's pretty impressive for this time of year. cloudy, cool, breezy, mostly cloudy tomorrow. more drizzle. a lot of cloud cover rolling in. friday is the day. maybe we have to keep an eye on things for some possible rain. more likely though, it will be the wind picking up, but the 8
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to 14 day outlook 24th from yesterday through the end of april does have us in the category of above normal rainfall. now remember, above can be less than a quarter of an inch for some, so put that in perspective. but the message going forward well into the first week of may are a series of low pressure systems are going to be dropping in here, so we're not getting warm to hot anytime soon, except maybe briefly, similar to what we had on sunday. monday just draw your attention if you're heading up to the mountains or also mendocino county, redding, shasta, lassen, northeast california, there's going to be some okay rain there, maybe even monterey south as well. a couple systems the low right here is heading into southern california. it's taking this track, but some of the cloud cover coming around that has been moving over us. and there is nothing but fog city for many under this low cloud deck, which is kind of hard to believe because the air aloft is not that warm and the inland temperatures have plunged from the 80s to the upper 60s, but due to the cloud cover, mostly cloudy skies, just an amazing amount on the visible satellite to show you how much is going on. a few breaks here and there,
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but not many. so look for a cloudy pattern here, probably all the way into friday as the way it's looking and the temperatures have fallen off the table, if you will, from 70s to low 80s on sunday, monday. now we're in 60s. temperatures are really kind of stuck and a couple locations a little warmer, a couple a little cooler, but there's no dramatic drop like we saw yesterday. so the system moves into the south. then we'll draw our attention to this system up here. coming down out of the northwest. and that is going to play into our weather late thursday, friday. so for today, tonight and probably into early thursday, it's all about that load of the south, maybe some 70s, but mostly 60s. then cloudy. the wind will be a factor along the coast from some as a cold front comes through, and that could generate some activity. again, this is what you're seeing. forecast here is generated by that system on friday. so once that clears through then we should be okay. the rest of the weekend looks okay. slow warming today though. a lot of cloud cover be it low, be it high, 60s on the temps well below average here. inland coast and bay are not that far below, but they're still a little on the cool side.
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the weekend looks good, but it looks like more systems dropping in sometime next week. >> steve thank you. we have some breaking news out of the south bay, where the san jose sharks have just fired head coach david quinn. the firing follows two rough seasons. the sharks had 41 wins, 988 losses and 25 ties in quinn's two seasons. that's the worst record in the nhl in that span, general manager mike grier says it was a tough decision and that the team is evaluating where it wants to go from here. we will have much more on quinn's firing in our later newscasts. well, a driver charged with striking and killing a motorcyclist with his vehicle. he says he wasn't in control of the car at the time of the impact. what he told police
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out of money unless congress extends it. this program provides monthly subsidies of 30 to $75 to help low income families pay for home internet service, supporters say. congress has known for months about this deadline but has not moved on. president biden's $6 billion request to renew the program about 35% of californians receive subsidized internet. well, a gas station on the peninsula is getting attention for its really high gas prices. here at the chevron station on alameda de las pulgas in menlo park. gas prices hit
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more than $7 a gallon over the weekend. now, according to gasbuddy, that's the highest price in the bay area. while triple a reports that the average price for gas in san mateo county overall is $5.60 a gallon. well, a seattle area driver who was arrested for vehicular homicide after hitting and killing a man on a motorcycle says his tesla was on autopilot mode when the accident happened. the driver told investigators he was looking down at his phone while he was using the autopilot feature. court documents say the car lurched forward as it accelerated and crashed with the motorcycle in front of him. the victim was a 28 year old man. his sister has a message to all drivers. >> even with the autopilot, you still need to keep your hands on the wheel. put your phone away, you know, and less distractions the better. you still need to pay attention to the road. >> tesla also says that for their vehicles to the investigation into the crash is ongoing. the driver was booked for vehicular homicide, but he
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has since posted bond. meantime, thousands of tesla employees will soon be laid off. 2700 of them are specifically located here in the bay area. ktvu lamonica peters reports on the problems the car maker is facing now. >> on tuesday, tesla filed a warn notice announcing that it will lay off 2753 people at a dozen fremont locations and at five locations in palo alto. >> i believe, a attempt of tesla to get better, but i don't think that we've seen the last of it. >> tesla announced last week that it will lay off 10% of its more than 140,000 employees to reduce costs in their most recent earnings announcement, they, reported that their eps, their earnings per share fell below expectations, below the consensus of what analysts had expected and also their revenue had been decreasing for, the second year in a row. >> tesla also lowered prices by
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$2,000 in the u.s. on three of its models, facing more competition in the electric vehicle market from companies like byd in china, the car company has seen a drop in deliveries and lower demand for its cars in the first quarter of this year, specifically in china , where byd is now leading the charge, in terms of vehicles sold worldwide and, those vehicles come at lower cost than the average tesla, are very attractive and are making inroads. >> still, growth says tesla, is one of the leading car companies in the world, and despite the recent layoffs, he thinks tesla's technology and brand marketing will keep the company afloat. >> i do believe that there is the possibility that we'll see more layoffs, because musk has announced that he wants to launch hot and heavy into, more automated production robotic factories. probably a lot of ai
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in that as well. >> the layoffs are expected to start in june, and after announcing that it would produce more affordable cars next year, tesla's stock rose 11% on tuesday. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news. >> around the country today how local law enforcement is marking the occasion aimed at bringing awareness to s
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if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin;
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heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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in solidarity with sexual assault victims. denim day is observed on the last wednesday of april. it began 25 years ago to support sexual assault survivors and to educate others about sexual violence. this morning, police chief bill scott and district attorney brooke jenkins recognized nine individuals who have dedicated their careers to supporting victims and survivors of sexual violence. >> it's a day to stand together. it's a day to affirm that there is no excuse for sexual violence, no matter what a person is wearing. >> officials say currently, over half of women and 1 in 3 men have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime. nearly two years since the supreme court overturned roe v wade, justices
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now hearing arguments today on whether doctors in idaho can be forced to perform the procedure in an emergency, even though the state has a near total abortion ban. fox's rebecca castor has more on the court's arguments and potential ripple effects all across the united states. rural life is alive and people. >> the right to an abortion is now up to the states, but the nation's highest court is weighing in once again. the question at hand wednesday can doctors in idaho be forced to perform an abortion on pregnant women experiencing a medical emergency, despite the state's near-total abortion ban? >> if, er doctors can perform whatever treatment they determine is appropriate, then doctors can ignore not only state abortion laws, but also state regulations on opioid use and informed consent requirements. >> the biden administration says the federal emergency medical treatment and labor act requires physicians to give stabilizing treatments to patients experiencing a medical crisis,
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which could include an abortion. shouldn't matter where in america you live, it's about just in and about states rights, about women's rights. idaho's law allows for abortions in rape or incest cases, or when the mother's life, not just her health, is at risk. but some doctors say the law is too vague and are concerned about being criminally charged if the procedure is later deemed medically unnecessary. in a letter to the supreme court, three major medical groups write when is it certain she will die? but for medical intervention, how many blood units does she have to lose? one, two? five? how low does her blood pressure have to be? but attorneys for idaho claim this is an attempt by the biden administration to undermine the supreme court's decision to return abortion rights to the states. last month, the high court also heard arguments over nationwide access to the abortion pill mifepristone. decisions on both cases are expected in june. in washington, rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, the group called save
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west portal, is opposing proposed transit changes meant to improve safety in the neighborhood. the idea was in the works and is being prioritized now. after a family of four was hit and killed by a car at a bus stop near the west portal muni station, we've been reporting on that over the last few weeks. plans call for banning left turns on west portal avenue. those against it say that will put family run stores and restaurants out of business. sfmta is conducting its last poll with the public at 4:00 this afternoon outside the west portal branch library. a beloved baker at san francisco's bob's donuts is in critical condition right now. after he was hit in a hit and run crash. now, police say the victim was riding an electric scooter to work early sunday morning when he was hit. ktvu betty yu, with his coworkers, who are rallying support from the community. >> jesus zamudio is a father, a husband and a beloved baker at bob's donuts in san francisco. sfpd said he was riding his
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electric scooter at dubose avenue and guerrero street around 3 a.m. sunday when a car struck him and took off. the accident left him unconscious, and his family and coworkers heartbroken. >> i know him for so long and you know, we work together and it's a good, kind person. hi, how are you, bessie ferreira said. >> over the last three years she often worked alongside jesus. >> when i'm alone here as a cashier, he helps me every thing because suddenly the donuts and taking care of the window and taking care of the doordash, he worked seven days a week at the polk street and baker street location, says his cousin eric said he followed in jesus's steps and began working at bob's donuts a few months ago. >> no podemos ver loss to through an interpreter, he told us he justed jesu in the hospital where he had surgery,
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and when they went in they saw him. >> he was sedated so he was very sad to see him, see him in that bed because he's a very strong and hardworking man. >> he said. jesus was his family's main provider and supported his wife and two young children in mexico. >> he unos dias antes encargado. >> eric added that while jesus didn't vocalize safety concerns regarding his commute, he recently told him that he wanted to buy a helmet. he was going to order it with a friend and i guess he didn't have time to order it for me. >> when you were on a scooter, make sure you always wear a helmet. you know, no matter what. >> his family has a message for the hit and run driver just to come forward and for him to pay for what he did. >> these gofundme fliers have been placed all around the shop. >> the family owned business, and the manager put it together to help pay for his souza's medical bills and help his family navigate this crisis. in san francisco, betty yu, ktvu, fox two news well, the antioch
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schools superintendent is calling for an independent review of bullying allegations within the district. >> superintendent stephanie anello issued an email calling for the review of maintenance operations and facilities director ken turnage. employees accuse him of verbal abuse and threatening them. and in one situation, ordering a forklift to raise a desk of a staffer to the roof of a building. employees say the human resources department considered the actions as a joke and meant to build a bond among coworkers. antioch's school board president is calling for transparency within this new investigation. >> then the school district. there's a culture of people protecting each other and, preventing people from holding each other accountable. in the school district, there's a lot of good old boys club going on in the school district that prevents people from feeling like they can come forward. >> in her email announcing the review, superintendent anello said she is called for a third party independent investigation into the district's handling of
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the matter and that she looks forward to updating the board on the findings. ktvu is called and emailed superintendent anello, along with the maintenance director, ken turnage, for comment. but so far we have not heard back. people who live in mobile home parks rallied in stockton to fight against rent hikes and outright closures in their community. these everyday sees saprei demonstrators met outside the headquarters of harmony communities in stockton, and were joined by church leaders and renters rights organizations. the property management company is in the middle of several legal battles, and renters say the company is trying to exploit one of the few affordable housing options still available. >> they're trying to trick everybody. they're trying to sell the land as commercial. they don't care about lives. they don't care about breaking up families. they don't care about people losing jobs. nothing. that's why they're in it for the big buck. >> yesterday's picket coincided with the first day of litigation between residents of a petaluma mobile home community that is set to be closed. harmony
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communities owns and operates 33 mobile home parks in the western united states, and that includes locations in petaluma, san leandro, napa, san pablo and clear lake. parents on a desperate mission now to find out why their 15 year old daughter was found dead in san francisco. they're looking for answers, but say they're not getting any. ktvu is amber lee met with the girl's family. >> we are asking for people to, if they see seen anything. you know, we put out everywhere. >> the family of jasmine pellegrini of bay point is in san francisco's ingleside neighborhood, where she was found dead. they're searching for answers by passing out fliers asking for security camera videos of her. >> she went missing from bay point. somebody did somebody take her here? but we want to know what happened to her. >> the 15 year old's mother and stepfather, marta and sandra baroni, grieve at the site where the 15 year old was found lying face down in the driveway of a home on lobo street saturday morning around 1130, the spot now marked with a flower and a
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flier from the family. >> we definitely need some help from somewhere. anywhere. >> the couple says they last saw jasmine 1130 wednesday night at their family home, and that she left with no phone or money. jasmine had been released from a psychiatric hospital three hours earlier. the family says the teen had been struggling for years with ptsd, bipolar disorder and anxiety after coping with sexual abuse. she suffered as a child. mom was distraught when she tried to speak about her daughter. >> i don't think i don't think she can speak anything right now. >> jasmine parents say she was hospitalized dozens of times in recent years. they say they reported her missing the night she disappeared. but less than three days later, she was found dead in san francisco, a city that the family says was unfamiliar to her. >> oligarch lagash. legume. >> jasmine spoke hungarian, telling her mom she loved her. in a message the family says she
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recorded last year. the teen and her family immigrated to the united states in 2019. they say she loved animals, drawing and baking. relatives put up a small decorated cross at a park near the spot where jasmine was found . they say they have no idea how she died, but are concerned that someone may have lured her to the city and that she may have been drugged. >> how can we call? we want. we want answers. we want to know who was with her. we want to know how did she get to san francisco? >> san francisco police tell me there are no signs of foul play so far, but they are treating this case as a death investigation, and they're waiting for the autopsy results. the family tells me the medical examiner's office says it could take up to 90 days for them to determine the cause of death. they say they will do everything they can to find out what happened. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> an oakland police officer accomplishes much in his short career. that was until he was injured while responding to a
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call and years after that life changing injury. another tragic turn next, an update on the story of officer jordan wingate. and we'll have an update on your reca (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine.
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the officer was seriously injured in a 2018 crash while on
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duty. ktvu crystal bailey spoke with his father, who also served at the oakland police department. >> oakland police officer jordan wingate is remembered as a dedicated public servant. >> it's encouraging to see somebody his age that was so determined, that was just absolutely committed to service saturday morning. >> this procession marked the end of watch for the young officer after he spent more than five years fighting for his life. law enforcement was in his blood as the son of a decorated retired oakland police captain, randy wingate, jordan joined opd as a cadet straight out of high school in 2013, and later was named valedictorian of his police academy class in 2017, graduating on his birthday, may 19th. his father having the honor of pinning him during the ceremony. >> everybody thinks that jordan followed in my footsteps, but there's a lot of jordan and part of jordan that's, you know, still his heart still actually has a lot to do with his godfather, his godfather, opd
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detective willie wilkins, who died in the line of duty back in 2001, shot by friendly fire. officer wilkins was my best friend. well, still is my best friend. we went to the academy together in august of 2018 at just 23 years old, jordan was severely injured on duty in a traffic crash. >> he was rushed to highland hospital. >> they said the likelihood of him surviving was very slim, but between the doctors and nurses, they just they kept them alive. >> for nearly six years. jordan was in a state of limited consciousness, able to hear and see his family praying, holding his hand and keeping hope alive for a full recovery. as jordan's family makes preparations and the entire community mourns the loss, wingate says he's especially proud of jordan for being a fighter. >> his mom and i had to go, you know, pick out his casket yesterday and his gravesite. and, you know, these are things that parents you know, you should be doing this for your parents and your parents shouldn't be doing it for you.
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>> what his father will remember most is his smile and how he used his heart to police. >> the most important part of being a cop by far, is talking to people. i think that was probably his biggest accomplishment was, you know, was just he was a people person, you know, he just loved people. >> officer jordan wingates memorial will be held on friday morning at 11 at three crosses church in castro valley. crystal bailey ktvu, fox two news. >> governor newsom offering his condolences. he says flags at the state capitol will be flown at half staff in honor of officer wingate. people across the bay area continue to remember the legacy of reverend cecil williams, the longtime pastor of san francisco's glide memorial church, died monday at the age of 94. we spoke with his longtime friend, former san francisco mayor willie brown. brown said reverend williams spirit of generosity and service came with a gift for delivering his message with a sense of joy and community. >> cecil's method of doing what
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he was doing made it impossible for anybody to turn him down, no matter how rich they were or how poor they were, because when they would participate in what cecil was about, it really was the incredible generosity of a human being who did so without questioning whether or not you understood what the #### was occurring. cecil did that, and it was fun. >> willie brown said he expects glide will continue to stay strong with reverend williams's influence to guide it along the way. people from across the bay area came together to honor and remember the lives of people who were killed by drivers who were under the influence. last night in martinez, the organization mothers against drunk driving held a candlelight vigil. madd says drunk driving is the number one killer of america's roads. the contra costa da's office, praising the group's work in supporting the families of victims through legal cases that can take months and even years.
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>> i agree with these people wholeheartedly that the punishment should fit the crime, and i want to give them security and let them know that the proper prosecution is going to occur and that's the filing of murder charges. >> and be gracious to you. >> matt says its goal is to work with law enforcement to end drunk driving deaths. all right, turning now to your forecast. taking a live look outside, you can see this is what we've been dealing with here for the last couple of days. and cooler temperatures on top of that, since we've seen no sun here over the last 30 hours, at least steve paulson, he picks up the coverage from here to tell us how long this type of weather will last. >> well, the weather headline could be a big fog bank. that's mainly what we're dealing with here. not only low clouds, but also high clouds. unseasonably cool pattern for us. i've seen april's with 80s to near 90 degrees. that's not happening this time. we got into some low 80s on late on sunday and also monday. there are long gone cloudy, cool breezy. tomorrow probably drizzle. cloudy to
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mostly cloudy. front comes through on friday now don't do a couple of things. keep cloud cover in there. maybe some light rain, but the wind will pick up the 8 to 14 day outlook from yesterday to the end of april does have above normal rainfall, but again, some of that may just be a quarter of an inch. but the pattern going into about the first 7 to 10 days of may does favor a series of lows dropping in. so i think you better get used to this. we're not looking for any heat anytime soon. cloud cover associated with the low to the west southwest. that will be with us today, tonight, early tomorrow. maybe some activity popping up over the mountains again. but now the leading edge of a cold front is on its way for late thursday into friday. so it's a two pronged attack, if you will. one to the south, one to the northwest. look at all the gray. my goodness, i just don't not used to seeing this much here in third week in april, but that's what we're dealing with. water temps are cold 52 to about 5455, but there's no heat inland. there's no you know, the inversion has been wiped out. so to get this kind of fog bank is a little unusual. combination of these two systems will give us a cool pattern. if you can break
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through some of that cloud cover, maybe you might get in some kind of muggy conditions. i would think santa clara valley, along with a little south breeze 60 for temps really today? cloudy. the wind will crank up, especially friday, maybe late morning early afternoon could get some light rain. you can see how everything is over the mountains or to the north of us for at least the next 36 hours, but then watch as that system comes down from the north. here's late thursday. now watch happen on friday. i don't think we'll see much here locally, but take a look to the north northeast california. that's snow in the mountains. generally around 6500ft. 7000ft. if you're going to the mounds, it will be gone by friday night. saturday looks good, but it will be breezy. but again, we're looking for not, you know, a couple 100. so looking for a quarter to a third of an inch now locally probably not much here. it'll all be north and east of us and maybe even south. but circling the wagons with a lot of cloud cover here and some off and on rain, probably taking us into friday. low clouds, high clouds. so in other words, a lot of clouds. 60 on the temps. temps are well below average inland, pretty close coast in bay to where they should be this time of year. after friday though,
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the weekend does look better. >> we'll see. thank you. you've heard the story before. an oakland business ransacked by thieves. but that's only part of the story of what's happened to this east bay restaurant owner. his latest tale of becoming a victim of crime. coming
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been targeted by thieves. ktvu crime reporter henry lee has more from that owner, who says he's considered moving out of town, but says it's not that easy. >> it's everything. it's crying, it's rage, it's anger, it's frustration, it's defeat. >> raw emotions for imani greer, the chef and owner of vegan restaurant roasted and raw at 14th and jefferson in downtown oakland. he's moved several times, but for greer, this is the fourth time his business has been hit. >> it's a very defeating feeling to just try so hard every day,
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you know? and even as a leader, it's like you don't have time to grieve. >> the most recent break in happened at about 430 monday morning. >> a couple guys, young guys broke in, they basically hit the glass and then they just go like the same. it's almost a routine. >> a similar burglary happened in march, just as the restaurant was celebrating record lunch sales, and the restaurant's been hit twice before that. the common thread. >> unfortunately, these are all four of our break ins have been young black males. they have been my own, my own people. and it's heartbreaking. >> greer doesn't blame police or politicians, but says it begins in the home and in the schools. >> this is an oakland problem. it's not city hall's fault. it's everyone's fault. we all need to step up and do something. >> greer says he has no choice but to stay put. >> just because you get broken into a few times doesn't mean you can just up, pack up and leave. you're stuck into a lease that that if you leave, you're going to have to deal with an eviction court. >> we all are implicated in
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society's failures right now. either you're a part of the problem or you're part of the solution. >> we ran into oakland city council member carol fife as she picked up a breakfast sandwich. she's a regular customer and the restaurant is in her district. >> california is a difficult state to live in, but that does not give you the right to hurt other people, to make sure your needs are met. >> greer had this message for the burglars. >> hold yourself accountable. grow. just because you were raised a certain way, or weren't raised a certain way, just because you come from a certain area, we can change. we can improve. there are jobs out here. >> oakland police are asking anyone with information about any of these break ins to give them a call in oakland. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news while many parents bemoan the hours their children spend playing video games, more of them hope that love of video games will spur a new generation of game designers. >> one franchise capitalizing on this growing coding trend is called code ninjas. it has over 300 locations in the us, and more than a dozen here in northern california. its programs teach aspiring coders
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how to design video games, code lego robotics, and much more. >> this is absolutely a growing trend. parents want their kids to move beyond just being consumers of technology. they really want them to understand the technology and understand that they themselves can have an impact on the technology. they can create things with technology. >> organizers of the program say it also helps teach children what are called soft skills, such as collaboration and communication. one of college football's greatest running backs is getting his heisman trophy back. the heisman trust returned the coveted award back to former usc star reggie bush. the trust says the decision comes amid enormous changes in the college football landscape. in 2010, bush forfeited his heisman in the wake of a scandal at usc that included claims he received improper benefits during his college career. we're just one day away from nfl draft night, and the league is putting the finishing touches on the big stage in downtown detroit. the
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venue is about a year and a half in the making. the goal is for the draft night to look great in person and for people who watch it at home. as many as 400,000 people are expected to be in detroit this week for the nfl draft. the team behind the event says the stage is a product of the nfl, as well as people from around detroit. >> we went around to many different groups around the city and made sure that everybody had a perspective in the decor, and then we took it back to our very talented team, who wrote a brief and sort of brought it to life. >> the first round of the nfl draft starts tomorrow, 5 p.m. almost half of the 32 picks are expected to attend the draft in person. 49ers first selection is going to be pick number 31, so look out for that. movie theaters are rolling out the red carpet for special anniversary of a 1979 classic sci fi horror film. ridley scott's alien is turning 45 years old. the movie tells a story of a crew that discovers a deadliest life form in the universe. and to mark the
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anniversary, the movie is heading back into theaters for a limited time, starting this friday. the three day country music festival stagecoach is kicking off this friday in the southern california desert. a full lineup of artists will be performing all weekend in indio. the headliners this year are eric church, miranda lambert and morgan wallen. plenty of new faces will be performing, as well as surprise performers. >> i've got some surprise guests who are going to join me on stage, and i may actually get a chance to go see some other shows. my daughter is going to be coming and hanging out. lily and, and so i'll probably be, she'll get to prioritize who we see. >> that's clint black right there. he's currently on tour celebrating the 35th anniversary of his hit debut album, killing time, and plans to play many fan favorites during his stagecoach appearance. tickets for this weekend's festival all sold out. uc berkeley celebrating hatch day to welcome the new peregrine falcons at hatch on top of the campus's bell tower. we're
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keeping an eye on the falcon live cam today. so far, three of the four eggs hatched in their nest a fourth could hatch any day now. they're the offspring of annie, the falcon that has lived on top of the campanile tower at the cal campus since 2016. today's hatch day gathering began at nine this morning, and events are scheduled to happen throughout the day. thank you so much for watching ktvu fox two news at noon. a quick reminder that you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, or android tv. scan the qr code. s rch for vu (catchy music) - [tammi] can you guess what this is? if you guessed sailor, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary." our first celebrity captain you love on "raven's home." we've got something to write home about with raven symone, and with her are rayna and her mom, sylvia. our other celebrity captain is the pride of denver, colorado. let's get a few nuggets from "ninja warriors'" matt iseman.


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