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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 24, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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dollar signs moments of chaos at the university of southern california tonight. >> los angeles police officers remain on campus following a tense day between pro-palestinian protesters and law enforcement. >> i was shocked to see what's going on here. >> i support the students rights to protest a number of organizations staging a gaza solidarity occupation at usc, just one of many to erupt on college campuses across the country. >> good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> tensions running high at usc. the campus now closed to the public until further notice. tonight, a heavy police presence on the usc campus as protesters continue to gather at alumni park. earlier today, up to 50 protesters were arrested, according to our sister station in los angeles. >> i think police should not have been involved in all these affairs. >> so i'm really i mean, i'm
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really just disappointed in in the reaction in, in how the university's handled it. and, and it doesn't feel good. loading up. >> this was the scene at usc this afternoon. hundreds of protesters clashing with public safety officers. at one point, demonstrators surrounded an official vehicle so it could not leave with a detained protester. many students and community members are demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza. usc officials say many of the participants are not affiliated with the university, and their actions threaten public safety and in the northwest part of the state, cal poly humboldt will remain closed through the weekend, possibly longer, as pro-palestinian protesters continue to occupy a campus building the doors to siemens hall have been barricaded with tables and chairs and other objects. >> the university says protesters have resisted arrest, destroyed or damaged property and are criminally trespassing.
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now outside the building, hundreds of students, faculty and community members have actually shown up to offer their support. >> we don't think the students should be punished in any capacity for what's going on and to the effect that there are some communication, i think that's good. we're just here as educators to do what we can to be a part of that. >> this protest started on monday night. students demanding the university divest from israel. they also do not want to be charged or face fines tied to the protest. the university does say campus officials are communicating with protesters and continuing to encourage them to leave as soon as possible. no >> and in texas, more than 20 people were arrested at the university of texas at austin after a heated confrontation between pro-palestinian protesters and state troopers. videos show the group brawling with officers. it happened after hundreds of students walked out of class in solidarity with the
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people of palestine. the university says. the group organized. the protest was not authorized to hold a demonstration on campus, and that attempting to do so could result in punishment, including suspension. all right, now to columbia university in new york city, where tonight dozens of tents remain on campus. there, protesters also demanding the university cut financial ties with israel. today's school officials announced a 48 hour extension after the initial tuesday midnight deadline to remove the encampment was passed . house speaker mike johnson visited the university today. he is calling for the resignation of columbia's president amid the demonstrations and here in the bay area campus protests have remained peaceful tonight at uc berkeley, tents belonging to pro-palestinian demonstrators have sprung up, and as ktvu henry lee shows us now, the movement is growing by the day. >> tents belonging to pro-palestinian demonstrators have sprung up outside sproul hall at uc berkeley, the home of the free speech movement, their
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supporters growing by the day. >> it is a coalition of over 75 students, staff, faculty and alumni organizations. so alumni have been sort of, you know, flowing through as well. the protest started monday with about a dozen tents. >> now there's at least 70 large tents right outside the admin building at cal. demonstrators have also been a regular presence at nearby sather gate, hoping to call attention to what they call the mass killing of people in gaza. we try to talk to campers and others involved in the protest, but were directed and said to their media rep, matt kovac, a grad student studying history, we have seen massive outpouring of community support, you know, and particularly support for the demands that we are camped out for. demonstrators want the university to condemn the violence in gaza, support palestinian arab and muslim students, right to organize and to cut all ties with weapons companies that support israel. >> the university of california, berkeley, has no plans to change its investment policies or practices. >> uc berkeley spokesman dan mogulof says the administration and campus police have been
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largely hands off so far as there have been no reported problems. >> we are handling and dealing with this protest in a manner that's completely consistent with uc policy that says we must only turn to law enforcement if there is a specific and credible threat to people's safety. >> there's less than three weeks left for the spring semester, so we're going to focus all of our efforts on ensuring there is no disruption to the university operations. i asked kovac how long these tents will stay here. >> no rest until divest like we are here for the long haul. you know, we plan to hold the uc accountable to its, you know, to its self-proclaimed mission. you know, i mean, as the home of the free speech movement, i've seen campus police both uniform and in plain clothes, monitoring this protest from afar. >> so far, no unrest. so these tents could very well be here for an extended amount of time at uc berkeley. henry lee ktvu, fox two news, and our coverage of the campus protests amid the war in the middle east continues online. >> head to our website at
10:07 pm for the latest developments here in california and across the country. >> all right. new at ten tonight, santa clara county's district attorney says the number of domestic violence cases has risen 142% over the past five years. now advocates say budget cuts could make it even more difficult for domestic violence survivors. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters joins us live after hearing from a san jose based domestic violence advocate and the da's office, lamonica. >> julie, the da and advocates say budget cuts will make it harder to protect survivors and to get justice for them. they say cases began to increase during the pandemic, and they've been increasing every year since then. >> unfortunately, we're seeing that increase in spike in need, and yet we're we're facing massive cuts. >> since 2019, the number of domestic violence cases in santa clara county increased from 76 cases to 184 cases per
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prosecutor. at the same time, the county is facing a $250 million deficit and the district attorney's office may face $6 million in budget cuts, and some of the staff positions needed to prosecute the cases may be eliminated. rosaria henderson is the executive director of next door solutions to domestic violence, so our shelter is full. >> it is constantly full. our sister agency shelters are full and because of that, our hoteling bill has gone up three fold. >> the santa clara county da's office released a statement saying, in part, the rise in domestic violence in our community, coupled with the lingering problems caused by reduced court capacity during the pandemic, has made the work of serving victims harder and harder. >> we are really on the precipice of a of a situation in which survivors may come forward to our systems and to our agency
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and ask for support, and we may have to say no, henderson says. >> next door is also facing federal funding cuts after seeing a 33% client increase over the last five years. >> people should still call for help, they should still ask for what they need, and we're and it's our job to try to figure out a way to ensure that we can get them support. >> henderson henderson says that next door is also seeking state and private funds to help keep services available for survivors, and santa clara county will finalize its 2025 budget by the end of june. julie >> all right. lamonica peters reporting live tonight in santa clara county. lamonica. thank you. san jose city college was forced to evacuate tonight following a bomb threat. police officers and dogs were seen on campus working to clear buildings just after 5:00 this evening. classes were canceled while police investigated. at
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about 845 tonight, san jose police announced the search was complete and nothing suspicious was located. and police say campus will the campus will reopen in the morning. the city of san francisco held a ceremony this afternoon to highlight and recognize five officers. >> two of those officers are women, and this recognition comes as the police department is focusing on bringing in more female officers onto the force. ktvu amberleigh live tonight in the newsroom with more on the story. amber >> mike. the officers tell me being female is a plus on the job. they say it's easier for them to build trust with the community, and the officers say they love their work and that the award is a bonus. police officers brittany taylor and wing luck are being honored by the city of san francisco for their outstanding work. the two women received recognition for their actions during an incident on the graveyard shift. >> you give us a903 at 865 north. >> shortly after one in the morning on february 8th, the two
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officers were patrolling in their squad car in the south of market area when they noticed a man riding his bicycle on the sidewalk, which is illegal. officer luck got out of the car to speak with him. >> i asked him to get off of his bike, and then he kind of ditched his bike and hopped over here. >> ran over luck, chased on foot. the two officers managed to take down the suspect, who is a convicted felon, but the officers didn't stop there. they retraced the man's steps and gathered evidence that he had tossed out a stolen gun that was loaded and illegal narcotics, including methamphetamine and fentanyl. at the end of the day, that's what it's about is taking criminals off the street and helping the ones that are actually seeking help. police chief bill scott says the female officers are part of what he describes as a momentum and a turnaround in policing here and across the country. >> there is a lot of research out there that talks about, you know, the benefits of having women in law enforcement, lower rates of use of force, de-escalation tactics. >> you need a medic or anything.
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>> both officers are 34 years old. luck a bilingual chinese american, is a rookie. she was an accountant and wanted a career change to law enforcement . but she says initially, the anti-police sentiment stemming from the george floyd incident gave her pause. >> i wanted to be like the change that, we wanted to be so in order to do that, you can't just criticize. >> taylor has been patrolling the streets for five years. she says being a gay african american woman will hopefully encourage people from many different backgrounds to join law enforcement. >> i do this because this is what needs to be done right, and the only way you can stop the bad things that's happening out there is to put on the uniform and go and do something about it. >> the san francisco police department says female officers currently make up only 15% of the force. the goal is to reach 30% by the year 2030. the officers tell me they were surprised and honored they received the recognition, but that they were only doing their job. they say there are many
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officers in the department deserving of recognition. live in the newsroom. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> a documentary highlighting the disappearance and killing of alexis gabe premieres in the east bay by her friends and family. say they were hoping for more. >> the fight is still on and we're still, you know, we still want that justice for her. >> across the bay area this evening, a mostly cloudy skies and only subtle changes expected for thursday. i'll have a look at what you can expect for tomorrow and the rest of the week coming up. >> also addressing california's insurance crisis, the bill that aims to event homeowners fro
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murder of a young woman from the bay area that has since gained national attention. family and friends of alexis gabe are hoping tonight's showing will reveal new clues in the case. ktvu joey huerta. live tonight from oakley, where the community did gather to watch the documentary together. joey >> mike. the reactions here tonight are mixed. police are calling the documentary accurate, but the family of alexis say they are disappointed with what they saw tonight. >> the investigation, more than
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two years after the disappearance of 24 year old alexis gabe in antioch. >> family and friends gathered at a pizza joint in her hometown of oakley on wednesday night for a watch party. it was really tough watching it, but we were a little bit disappointed when gabe, alexis father, referring to wednesday's hourlong episode of on the case with paula zahn titled where is alexis? she went missing in january of 2022. some of her bones would be found by a search party that november, scattered on a hillside in amador county. antioch police theorize her ex-boyfriend, marshall jones, strangled her to death. >> she was dismembered and then discarded. that nobody deserves that. >> when jones lunged at officers with a knife in june of 2023, in the seattle area, officers opened fire, killing him. but alexis parents believe the documentary leaves out key evidence of marshall carrying
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garbage bags to the home of his mother, alicia coleman clark. >> she's in those bags. she's in pieces. that was the toughest. one of the toughest and horrifying things we've seen inside the house, especially the bathroom. >> that we believe where he got killed. >> the family says jones was arrested in 2022, accused of aiding and abetting. >> why is the da not filing charges against marshall's mother? >> the contra costa district attorney's office tells ktvu based on the evidence that we have been provided by the investigating agencies, there is no indication that anyone other than marshall jones was directly involved in the murder of alexis. gabe >> we're not going to quit until she's in jail. >> now, the family says that their attorney will be presenting their case against the alleged killers. mother to
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the da's office in the coming week. mike and joey, you mentioned mixed reaction here tonight. >> any specifics you can give us from those who watched? >> well, i'll tell you, the people in the crowd, so many of them were saying that they want to see the mother again of the suspect charged in this case. still, they tried to do that. the da felt there wasn't enough evidence at this point. they are hoping that they can change their mind on that though. mike. others taking pictures with officers thanking them for keeping this case alive. >> joey horta live tonight in oakley. joey thank you. eight inmates have now been charged in connection to attacks on deputies at jails in san francisco. officials say nine deputies were attacked in a number of incidents over the past month. sheriff paul miyamoto attributes the violence to jail, overcrowding and a shortage of deputies. but civil rights attorneys argue that inmates are being mistreated. the attacks led jail officials to lock those jails down for
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several days. >> an update now on the search for a wedding dress that was stolen from a porch in redwood city. police say the dress has been found and a suspect has now been arrested. we first told you about this case last week. police say the suspect seen in this surveillance video is 65 year old henry fonseca. he has been arrested for grand theft. authorities say they made the arrest thanks to multiple tips from residents. and tonight, that dress is now back with its rightful owner. >> cloudy, cool across the bay area this evening, with little changes expected for tomorrow. we will see a brief break in the afternoon before another system brings the possibility of some rain by friday morning. here's a look at the golden gate bridge, where, you know, we have generally light winds, but temperatures again cooling off 54 degrees right now. santa rosa, san francisco, mid 50s in concord, oakland and san jose. upper 50s to about 60 degrees reported there with a mix of partly cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions. we had a system that
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is working off the coastline here, and continuing its path towards southern california is expected to move inland by tomorrow morning. right there on the border of san diego and baja california. but for us, we are likely to wake up with the cloudy skies once again. patchy fog and patchy drizzle, and temperatures in the low 40s to low 50s. 52 degrees to start your day in san francisco. and then for the afternoon, we're going to be below average in most areas, especially areas in the inner east bay where 65 degrees for livermore tomorrow, when typically we're 71. temperatures won't change much getting into friday, and we even add the possibility of a few sprinkles have a better look at the business week ahead, as well as what we can expect for the weekend coming up. >> rosemary. thank you. a bill aimed at protecting homeowners from being dropped by their insurance company advanced today in the state senate. that bill, authored by senator josh becker of menlo park, requires insurance companies to consider wildfire mitigation efforts made by the state as well as property
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owners. the bill is in response to the many insurance companies that are restricting coverage or refusing to renew policies because of the risk of wildfires. that bill now heads to the senate appropriations committee. >> allstate says it plans to resume writing new policies as soon as california adopts new regulations. allstate was the fourth largest property and casualty insurer in the state until it stopped writing new policies two years ago due to the risk of wildfires. california is now considering allowing insurers to include wildfire risk into catastrophe models to calculate rates for homes. >> an attack in the south bay coming up, how san jose mayor matt mehan is responding after a scuffle between a man and his security detail. >> also a step forward in plans to revitalize downtown san francisco. the new partnership bringing a community hub to the city. >> also, more than a dozen allies of former president trump indicted in arizona, accused of acting as fake electors during the 2020 election. the charges
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school organization. police say they arrested 51 year old teresa knight yesterday following an investigation into four years of suspicious transactions. knight allegedly wrote 45 fraudulent reimbursement checks while serving as president for an enrichment program group at the shallenberger elementary school. she has been booked for grand theft and forgery. >> also in san jose, a man was arrested for attacking mayor matt mahan. security detail. the scuffle was captured by a tv news outlet during an interview between one of its reporters and the mayor. ktvu jesse gary reports. >> so we're doing an interview, sir. are you doing an interview? yeah yeah, in an instant, a sidewalk disagreement during a korean tv interview with san jose mayor matt mahan turns
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violent, the station's camera capturing this sidewalk tussle taking place at south first and san fernando streets. >> mayor was in the middle of the interview and this kid just want to mess around. and he was asked, you know, to move to the side. he got upset and that's how this started. >> ironically, mahan was attending the grand opening and ribbon cutting for the new elise restaurant, the swanky french vietnamese eatery, a welcome addition to the vibrant downtown scene. we've been trying to open this restaurant for a couple months now, and so, yeah, there was, excitement. >> this is definitely the street that gets the most foot traffic. the busiest street in downtown, stuff like this doesn't happen like that. >> in the kron tv video, a man police identify as 35 year old wesley pollard approaches, is told the mayor is doing an interview and asked to walk around, but refuses as he and the mayor's security officer, a member of the san jose police department, then come to blows for several minutes. in an emailed statement, the mayor's
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office says mahan, quote, is deeply grateful to his security detail. the actions of the officer tuesday night were heroic. >> first thing that jumps out, jesse, is the very difficult situation that you're in when you're protecting somebody and you only have one protection officer. >> university of new haven. lecturer bobby mcdonald is a retired secret service agent who worked joe biden's detail. he says the officer had to make a split second decision, facing multiple variables in an increasingly violent world, we've seen more threats made towards members of congress that normally didn't get threats. >> people who are hurting out there, whether it's financially or from a homeless situation or a mental health situation, at least one group is casting a critical eye at the actions of the security officer. >> in an email to acting police chief paul joseph, the president of the san jose naacp says he's troubled by the rapid escalation of the situation into a physical altercation. it was distressing to witness the lack of attempts at de-escalation from the officers involved. the
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department, via email says. despite continued de-escalation attempts, the unprovoked suspect continued to advance on the officer, eventually striking him in the kron tv video, several passersby see the struggle and then help the officer detain and arrest pollard. pollard is being held at the main santa clara county jail on multiple charges, including felony battery of a police officer. the officer was taken to a local hospital and checked for minor injuries in downtown san jose. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news after the break, an update tonight on the federal trial of david depape. >> he's the man who police say attacked paul pelosi in his san francisco home. >> plus, we've been staffing up some of our health centers, have been expanding planned parenthood facilities in california, bracing for more patients as arizona lawmakers moved closer to an abortion ban. >> the new state bill backed by governor newsom and it is the night before the nfl draft coming up in sports.
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>> jason has the story of what brock purdy is looking forward to seeing in the coming days and plenty of other stories as well. also coming up, a tiktok measure that could lead to a nationwide ban signed into law. but what happens next? the pushback here in the bay area and the california lawmaker urging president biden to protect tiktok w kers
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the bab was convicted of assault and attempted kidnaping for his attack on nancy pelosis husband, paul. that incident, happening at the couple's san francisco home back in 2022. the bab is now scheduled to be sentenced on may 17th. he is still facing state charges for that attack. >> the issue of abortion access was once again before the us supreme court today. the
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justices heard oral arguments on whether the state of idaho's abortion ban can be overruled by federal law. the justice department says federal law requires any patient be stabilized at an emergency room, and that abortion care must be allowed in emergencies that seriously threaten a woman's health. idaho, however, contends its ban already has exceptions for life saving abortion and that state law should take precedence. >> if, er doctors can perform whatever treatment they determine is appropriate, then doctors can ignore not only state abortion laws, but also state regulations on opioid use and informed consent requirements. >> the case marks the first time the supreme court has considered the implications of a state ban since overturning roe v wade nearly two years ago, a decision is expected by the end of june. >> governor newsom is supporting a new bill that would allow arizona doctors to come to california to provide abortion access, ktvu jana katsuyama tells us. >> the push for this new bill
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comes as arizona prepares to enact an abortion ban in june. >> we will be a safe haven so that arizonans do not have to carry an unplanned, unwanted std or health endangering pregnancy, california lawmakers answering back with a welcome mat for arizona doctors and their patients seeking abortion care. >> state senator nancy skinner is a co-sponsor of sb 233. it's a bill introduced wednesday in partnership with governor newsom, the california medical board and other organizations. they say the goal is to help arizona women coming to california seeking help. the arizona supreme court ruled april 9th in support of an 1864 law banning nearly all abortions, except when the mother's life is in jeopardy. >> this arizona law is the first border state law that will directly impact the state of california. we're trying to get ahead of this law, which goes into effect on june 8th. >> the california bill would allow licensed doctors in good standing in arizona to get a
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temporary clearance to perform abortion procedures on their patients here in california. >> and our arizona sisters can come to california to get the health care that they need from their own doctors. >> we've been staffing up some of our health centers have been expanding. >> cristian garcia with planned parenthood of northern california, says their clinics and call centers across 20 counties have been ramping up to accommodate more patients ever since the supreme court struck down abortion rights with the dobbs decision. >> since the dobbs decision, we've seen a 30% 38% increase, some of those are out of state. some of those are people in state, garcia said. >> planned parenthood support senator skinner's bill and is trying right now to increase services such as telehealth appointments to accommodate more patients. the challenge, he says, is how to continue funding for patients who cannot afford care. >> things like uncompensated care, where if somebody cannot afford a procedure or any kind of reproductive health care service, they won't be turned down because of that cost. >> state senator skinner says
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that they are hoping to get this bill passed before june. it would need a two thirds majority in both houses. governor newsom says he will sign it, and it would take effect immediately. in the newsroom, jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. >> in arizona, a grand jury has indicted former trump chief of staff mark meadows, attorney rudy giuliani and 16 others for their efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. according to that indictment, some of those republicans acted as fake electors, submitting a document to congress falsely declaring trump beat president biden in arizona. biden won arizona by more than 10,000 votes. the indictment also includes charges of conspiracy and fraud. the 2020 election will be at the center of discussion tomorrow at the united states supreme court. the justices will hear arguments on whether former president trump is entitled to immunity for acts while committed in office. trump is facing charges that he plotted to overturn the results of the presidential election. the former president warns this decision could open other
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presidents up to criminal charges, but special counsel jack smith says trump's behavior continued after he left office and he should be prosecuted. a ruling is expected by the end of june. >> president biden signed into law a foreign aid package today that includes billions of dollars in assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the package includes $60 billion in aid for ukraine, $26 billion to support israel along with humanity an aid for gaza and $8 billion for allies in the indo-pacific. the white house first sought the foreign aid more than six months ago, president biden saying the u.s. will begin sending weapons and military equipment to ukraine starting tonight. >> it should have been easier and it should have gotten there sooner. but in the end, we did what america always does. >> i want to thank you for such significant support. very important support to president biden, to congress. >> the legislation also features a provision that could ban
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tiktok if its chinese parent company doesn't sell it within a year, citing safety concerns. tiktok ceo denies the chinese government has access to american data and plans to fight the law in court. local businesses and influencers who rely on tiktok say they're concerned what's going to happen next. >> i don't think that it should be banned, but i think that there should be some restrictions put on it to make it safer to use, for our youth. i think that if it's used properly, it could be such an amazing educational tool. >> tiktok has an estimated 7000 employees in the us, including many in san jose. it is unclear what a sale would mean for tiktok's bay area based workers. california senator laphonza butler sent a letter to president biden urging him to protect american tiktok workers. she wrote we must acknowledge the impact on tiktok workers and our local economies as we determine a path forward. i urge you to engage in a consultative
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process that balances very serious national security concerns with the labor and economic and other myriad issues at stake. >> new at ten meta says its profit more than doubled in the first quarter of the year. but despite that, shares of the menlo park company dropped sharply in after hours trading after the company revealed its spending plans. meta shares fell more than 15% after the company said it expected to spend billions of dollars more than it had previously predicted. for the year, the company has been investing heavily in ai, including introducing more ai features on its social media platforms such as chat assistants. it was a mixed day out there on wall street, rising treasury yields placed downward pressure on stocks. the dow dropped 42 points, the nasdaq rose more than 16, and the s&p 500 was fairly flat. tomorrow, investors will be looking out for those first quarter reading of the us gross domestic product gdp, as well as weekly jobless claims coming up at 11.
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>> a new way to address students caught with drugs at school. the bill aiming to make a change. >> and we do expect the cool, cloudy weather to continue, at least for a couple more days. even a slight chance of scattered showers. a better look at what we can expect for the rest of the business week, and the warmer weather for the weekend coming up, and a community hub coming to downtown san francisco. >> how? it's all thanks to new flexib ity from it
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project. this week, vta workers started on site preparations for the second phase of the bart expansion into the south bay. crews are working on an expansion of the newell maintenance facility near santa claraniveity. people in
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santa clara and san jose are being told to expect more truck activity, as the first construction site of the project is being prepped now. the bart extension would build a subway through downtown san jose. the project is expected to cost $12.75 billion, and service is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2037. >> a ribbon cutting ceremony was held for a newly renovated 911 dispatch center in san francisco . the location on turk street has a new training room or workstations and an upgraded break room. the supervisor bridge was also elevated for better visual oversight over those dispatchers. mayor london breed was there at the opening and highlighted the success of the project. we know that the people who work in this facility are key to our emergency response and deserve to have a facility that works better for them, and today, we are so proud to announce that this facility has been renovated on time and on budget. san francisco's call center is one of the top 25
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busiest across the country, receiving an average of 3200 calls a day. >> in a step toward revitalizing downtown san francisco. the chamber of commerce is now the first entity to lease a new multi-use office space here are some renderings of the new headquarters for the yes sf initiative. it's located at bush and montgomery. it's a partnership between the chamber, deloitte, salesforce, the world economic forum and citibank. the space will be able to host events and will also have a red bay coffee shop. rodney fong, the ceo of the city's chamber of commerce, explained larger goals for the new office. >> we invite people to come by and use it. it's really sort of a community space for us all. and so activating, you know, all of the great things that happen on the 15th floor, 16th floor. in the past, we really hadn't been able to see that kind of technology, that sort of innovation. and so now having a brick and mortar store, the chamber of commerce is really able to showcase what's happening in the downtown of san francisco. >> this is the result of
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legislation passed last year that allows downtown office spaces to be on the ground floor only if it's paired with retail, food and beverage or entertainment use. >> it was a night of musical performances coming up. the vocal festival that features students in the east bay. >> also ahead tonight challenges still ahead for san francisco mayor london breed and her plan to bring pandas to the city. the legislation, she hopes will kick start the multi-million dollar effort. >> and hey, we've had some cooler temperatures out there across the bay area this week as we give you a live look out tonight at the bay bridge and san francisco there in the distance. meteorologist rosem y oroczo back
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festival tonight, featuring performances from east oakland elementary, middle and high school students. the festival was held at castlemont high school. it's a culminating performance where students show off their vocal pieces that they've been working on at school, essentially an initiative to reestablish the legacy of choral music in deep east oakland. >> so we've got six schools in east oakland that are participating in music classes during the day. they're learning choir singing, vocal performance, all those things. they're being taught by teaching artists that are coming into the
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schools on a week to week basis and the curriculum covers several genres, from gospel to r&b and really anything else the students are interested in paying for giant pandas. >> the san francisco zoo is in line to get two of the endangered animals. >> but first, the city needs to make sure it has the proper home or enclosure for those pandas. and as ktvu christien kafton reports tonight, the city will now have to raise money to pay for it. >> we have some. it's been less than a week since san francisco's mayor, london breed, announced the city had signed a deal to bring giant pandas to the city, welcome pandas to san francisco. but there are still a lot of hurdles to clear before the pandas can come to san francisco, including fundraising for a new home for the animals. now, mayor london breed has introduced legislation to help pay for a new enclosure at san francisco's zoo. the new enclosure could cost close to $25 million, the mayor says that money will be raised through private donations, not tax dollars. but before she can reach out to philanthropists, the mayor said she had to
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introduce legislation that would temporarily lift restrictions on city leaders seeking private funds. the public private partnerships of raising private dollars to help with public projects can't happen unless you go through a process like this. the exact design of the enclosure hasn't been decided yet, but chinese officials will work with city leaders on the next steps. the mayor has said she'll work to make sure that the pandas have a safe and secure temporary home in san francisco, and that will cost money even when i'm having conversations and people are saying, oh, i want to help, right? >> so instantly there's a form that i would have to fill out, but i can't even do that unless i get permission to make the request. >> zoo visitors say they're already looking forward to the pandas arrival. >> i don't know too much about politics, but i love pandas and it'd be nice because the children here, there's a lot of children and something to look forward to. coming to san francisco. we like to come to the zoo all the time. >> it's always excited to see the new animals and like the baby hippo. and we're looking
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forward to the new pandas coming to. >> at this point, there's no timeline on when the board of supervisors will decide whether or not to temporarily lift the restrictions on securing private donations to pay for the new panda enclosure. the city hoping those pandas will be here at the san francisco zoo early next year in san francisco. christien, kafton ktvu fox two news. >> the assistance center set up to help last year's victims of the pajaro levee breach, will close its doors this weekend, monterey county officials say. residents and businesses have until 2 p.m. saturday to apply for state aid through the unmet needs program during the month long operation, officials say more than 600 households and 45 businesses have sent in applications. about 500 households have qualified for grocery store gift cards, and nearly 250 qualified for some financial support to fix homes, cars and property. >> a mostly cloudy evening across the bay area, seeing patchy fog drift over the city
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as well, giving you a live look here at san francisco. do expect the clouds, the patchy fog and the patchy drizzle to be joining us once again tomorrow morning and temperatures are going to be very similar. i'll show you that here momentarily. it takes all the way into the weekend before we get a little bit more sunshine. storm tracker two there showing you a view from up above where we have all the clouds in place. earlier today had some thunderstorms over the sierra. those have calmed down. and a look here at the pattern that is in place this low that was parked off our coastline earlier today is now shifting in towards southern california and is going to push inland by tomorrow. so we will have a bit of a northwest flow in place ahead of this system here that will keep the clouds coming in and keep the temperatures a little below average for this time of year, and just a very slight chance at a few scattered showers. i'll show you what i mean. here. there's a look at the low parked over southern california. by tomorrow morning. it's over areas of nevada and moving into utah. but this is
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already dropping into the pacific northwest by tomorrow morning. we're kind of in between in for thursday. partly sunny skies, partly cloudy conditions, cool to mild temperatures for the afternoon. by friday morning, it sinks into california. that's when we'll get our best shot at a little bit of drizzle. a few scattered showers and snow in the sierra. snow is expected to be down to about 6000ft on friday, and then that will be moving out and we will be left with some sunnier conditions to enjoy for the weekend. the onshore breeze for fairfield right now is 13mph. oakland reporting 12 a light breeze in napa coming in from the southwest as well. temperature wise 53 degrees right now in san francisco, 53 in walnut creek, san jose still holding on to 60 degrees for you there. by tomorrow morning, temperatures will be on the cool side once again. low 40s in santa rosa, 50 degrees in san francisco, 49 for redwood city, right there on the peninsula, as well as the inner east bay of concord. and your afternoon
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highs for tomorrow. some of us near seasonal temperatures, but many of us below average, including areas like livermore only going to 65, santa rosa 69. when you're typically 70 degrees or so this time of year, and around the bay, 64 in oakland, 64 for san mateo, your extended forecast notice temperatures won't change for the final business day of the week. mostly cloudy skies, a few sprinkles expected on friday before we do dry out in time for the weekend. not a big warm up, but more sunshine. upper 50s to low 60s at the coast, upper 60s around the bay, and low 70s inland. back to you. all right, rosemary, thank you. >> in yosemite national park, a major rockfall has blocked and damaged a popular hiking trail. park officials say hundreds of boulders came crashing down on the john muir trail last monday. nearly 1000ft of trail between clark point and the top of nevada fall are covered with boulders, trees and other debris , according to the park. the trail will need significant repairs, including drilling and
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blasting large boulders. geologists also need to determine if more rocks could come falling down. that trail was already closed for winter, but now it could be several more weeks until it reopens. >> all right, the oklahoma city thunder weren't the only ones getting buckets. find out how much money that fan made. jason's got the story coming up next in sports. >> then on the 11:00 news, we continue our coverage of the pro-palestinian protesters taking over usc's campus in los angeles after tensions fired up
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purdy, who was the very last pick in 2022. so what are his plans for this year's draft? is he going to? >> i'll be in tune to it for sure. will i watch every single pick? i don't know, but, we'll definitely be in tune to who we draft. and then just buddies from college or whoever in life, get drafted. it's a it's a pretty big thing for, you know, kids growing up that they get to see their name on tv, get drafted and an opportunity to go live out their dream. so i think it's always a it's a cool time of year for sure. >> wide receiver amon-ra saint brown. he has agreed to a massive four year extension with the detroit lions, worth $120 million 49ers wide receiver brandon aiyuk reaction. i'll be honest with me, i need a little rigor to that thing. >> yeah. >> you posting this video of himself dancing, celebrating as if he got the contract. but that was just hours after the news of saint brown's contract broke. he is, of course, looking for a new multi-year deal himself. is
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aiyuk a lucrative deal and obviously thinks that saint brown's deal bodes well for his own situation. giants pitcher blake snell he was scratched from his start today against the new york mets and placed on the 15 day injured list with an abductor strain. that's the muscle in your groin area. maybe that helps explain why the two time cy young winner has struggled this year. he's. oh, and three with an era north of 11, so today was a bullpen game. ryan walker he opened the first and scoreless inning, but it was all downhill from there. sean minaya, the freshly, cleanly cut sean manaea used to pitch for the a's, used to pitch for the giants. he strikes out the side in the first. got michael conforto there to end the inning . minaya four and two thirds of scoreless baseball. sean jelly replaced walker and just did not have it. francisco lindor his first of two home runs, both two run shots. he was four for five four rbis. tyrone taylor also
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had a big game homer and this two run double in the fifth. to break the game open, the mets salvaged the finale of this three game series against the giants, 8 to 2. the giants host pittsburgh on friday with the series at yankee stadium at dusk . very pretty game three of a four game series for the a's. aaron judge off to a slow start this season, batting below 200, but he doesn't miss here. the former linden high school star takes joe boyle deep to right for a two run homer, his fourth of the season. brant rooker did hit a three run homer for the a's in the sixth, but it was not enough. yankees win 7 to 3 a's will try and salvage that. that split tomorrow when they play again. okay, someone had to take the fall for the sharks. worst season in 31 years. so today the team fired its head coach. david quinn is gone. and to be fair, the sharks, they are in the midst of a big rebuilding project. so quinn was not working with a playoff roster by
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any means. but the sharks, they had the worst record in the league this year. and over the past two years under quinn, they won just 41 of the 162 games that they played, and the thunder hosting the pelicans half court shot for 20 grand? you betcha eli wolf banks it in. says he's going to use the money for his wedding. as for the game seven footer chet holmgren throws it down for the thunder. he finished with 26 points. oklahoma city rolls 124 to 92 to take a two nothing lead in that series, the miami heat did upset the boston celtics in the east to even up that series at a game apiece. former usc running back reggie bush, he is. he's getting his heisman trophy back. bush. he won the heisman in 2005, but was forced to forfeit it five years later when the ncaa ruled that he received improper benefits. but this is a new era in college sports. athletes are now allowed to profit with name,
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image and likeness deals, so the heisman trust acknowledged as much and they reinstated the trophy to bush, who says he is thrilled to get it back. i bet a lot of folks felt like, you know what took so long? you know? i mean, he earned it on the field. so good for him. all right, jason, thank you. >> next at 11 gold. up long enough. >> a national movement on college campuses makes its way to california. the pro-palestinian demonstration stretching from humboldt to los angeles. >> you know, college students are always connected to social issues. i'm really just disappointed in, in the reaction in, in in how the universities handled it. and, and it doesn't feel good. >> also tonight here in the bay area, domestic violence cases increasing at an alarming rate in the south bay. and now budget constraints may add to the issue. the 11:00 news on ktvu, fox two n


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