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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  April 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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life support, plus understanding that this is something that's important. >> and if we have the capacity to do something, we should go for it. >> pro-palestinian students make their voices heard on college campuses in the bay area and across the country. but patience is wearing thin among administrators on some campuses. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> good evening. this friday i'm cristina rendon and i'm greg lee. >> we begin tonight with the heartbreaking loss of a family of four in a car crashn pleasanton. >> the crash hapd foothill boulevard on wednesday night. we are now learning new details about the family who was killed, as well as the circumstances of the crash. ktvu is crystal bailey spoke to people who knew the family and joins us live. crystal >> well, christina, it was a horrific scene here wednesday night where first responders found an entire family of four dead at the scene after this fiery crash and police are saying that the fiery that the fiery crash was caused by a car that was coming here down foothill boulevard and crashed
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into this tree. you can see behind me there are community members that are coming by to pay their respects. they're leaving flowers and leaving messages of love. >> we were devastated. >> that's how anjali maskey felt when she found out her best friends were gone. although officials have not identified the family, she says her friends are tarun and rincy. george and their two sons. seen in these images from social media, maskey says the family was coming home from a birthday party on wednesday night when the crash happened. now she's trying to console her child who played with their kids. it's very hard for us to explain to children that a friend of their who is there, like last night and this morning, he's not there, maskey says. the boys went to donlon elementary school and hart middle school, where school officials have sent grief counselors. one man, who lives off foothill, says he was outside when he heard explosions around 9:00 that night. >> every five to 10s. they boom, boom. so maybe around 5 to 8
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times. >> shortly after the sound of sirens, officials saying the electric car might have been speeding when it lost control and crashed into a tree. that tree, now wrapped in flowers and debris, a cry from people who live nearby, need to slow down on foothill boulevard, police in less than two miles away, their home also surrounded in support. meanwhile, those close to the family are gathered in their home, mourning and sharing memories. >> the family was the most welcoming family to anybody in the neighborhood. they would be missed heavily, heavily. >> now, police say this crash is under investigation, and members of those friends that i spoke to say that family members are coming in from india over the weekend, and i also spoke with members of the community who are planning a vigil for the family on sunday afternoon in pleasanton. crystal bailey, ktvu , fox two news. >> now to a developing story in concord, where the costco on
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monument boulevard just reopened after hundreds were evacuated due to a refrigerant leak, con fire was concerned the leak would affect oxygen within the store. they he now cleared that scene where about 800 customers and 200 employees were evacuated. police tell us there were no injuries. an investigation is underway into what started a fire that destroyed a residential building undergoing renovation in san francisco's presidio heights neighborhood. the first alarm came in just before 430. this morning for the fire at the four story building at lion and clay streets that is just south of the presidio. the fire department says when crews arrived, the building was engulfed in flames. heavy smoke was wind blown through city streets. firefighters were able to keep the flames from spreading to neighboring buildings. they searched the structure. no one was inside and no injuries were reported. the fire was under control by five in the morning. >> law enforcement gathered today to honor the life of a young oakland officer. officer jordan whingey died nearly six,
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died after nearly six years after he was critically injured in a crash while on duty. our henry lee was at the service where hearts were heavy. >> motor officers escorted the casket of fallen oakland police officer jordan wingate to three crosses church in castro valley, where hundreds of officers gathered to pay their respects. officers, with their badges wrapped in bands of mourning, stood at attention and solemn farewell to wingate, who died nearly six years after he was hurt in an on duty crash. >> your legacy will live on in the countless lives you've touched. we love you and we miss you. we will never forget you. >> interim chief darren allison presented the flag from the officer's casket to his family. wingate was hurt in a crash back in 2018 that involved his patrol car, another car and a big rig parked at the port of oakland. after a years long fight for his life, he died on saturday at the
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age of 28. retired oakland police captain randy wingate paused at a son's flag draped casket before addressing mourners. he spoke of his son asking him to make lunch for him as a 21 year old. turns out it wasn't about the food, which his son only ate half of. anyway it was about the notes that came with it, and it dawned on me when i would make him lunch. >> when i would make the kids lunches, i would write, i love you or i'm proud of you, and i write a note on the lunch. i then realized that, yeah, we will always remember you. >> the laughs you gave us and your beautiful smile. >> the fallen officer had followed in his father's footsteps, as well as his godfather, oakland officer willie wilkins, killed by friendly fire back in 2001. officer daniel estrada says he finds some comfort that both are together once again. >> the way jordan shared memories of officer willie and how he spoke highly of him is the way i will ever speak of jordan.
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>> officer daniel juarez, an academy classmate, said her friend, once named rookie of the year, always showed up at big calls and was the ultimate backup. >> when this career starts to take a toll on us, all we have are each other. jordan always made sure he was there for me and anyone that needed him. >> officer wingate was buried at a private ceremony in lafayette. in castro valley henry lee ktvu fox two news. >> san francisco muni says a software issue caused some slowdowns along market street this morning. they say the glitch affected the subway train control system in the downtown stations. that led to slow trains between van ness and embarcadero. muni added shuttle busses for additional services. they say a system reboot brought things back to normal before noon. >> pro-palestinian protest movements have been sweeping through college campuses throughout california and across the country. students have begun camping in tents on the campuses
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of both uc berkeley and stanford. and as ktvu mark sayer explains, university administrators are trying to walk a fine line. >> on friday afternoon, students were mostly keeping to themselves in a cordoned off area of the plaza. there were no bullhorns nor speeches. it was just food, music and camaraderie. organizers say the goal of this protest is very focused. protesters want stanford to first disclose its investments related to any corporations profiting from the conflict in gaza, and then to divest it. >> the ceasefire call is definitely a part of it, right? but like i think we understand that within our very local context of being stanford university students, we can probably leverage the most effort towards making a cease fire happen by like building on this huge pile of pressure right . of which divestment and that kind of company pressure is a very clear part of that picture. >> on friday, stanford released this statement. while stanford understands students perspectives on an important global issue, violations of university policy will not be overlooked. the submission of
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student names to the office of community standards student conduct process has begun. the university also sent a message to the full community saying that the overnight tents are a safety and security issue and they are a clear violation of university policy at usc and los angeles, campus leaders have taken a different approach and called in the police to break up protests, and now administrators have announced that university wide graduation ceremonies have been canceled. >> i was disheartened, obviously it has been a possibility for a few weeks given usc's decision to, to pull our valedictorian speech. we've known that it it might happen for a few weeks, as there is definitely some turmoil on campus. >> meera popli is a usc senior who is from pleasanton. while she is holding out hope some sort of smaller degree level ceremonies will still occur, usc's decision means she could miss her second graduation ceremony. i was crestfallen because this is a culmination of
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the four years at usc. >> we've worked so hard for this and for four years this has been our our shot at redemption. we're finally going to get to walk because none of us got to walk in 2020, when we graduated during covid into not have, you know, the final moment of, you know, the moment in sun for the kids. >> i feel terrible for them. >> campus public safety officers can be seen watching over the protests, but so far there has been no direct interaction reporting on the stanford campus. i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. >> a well known author from berkeley was among those arrested in southern israel today, the group of american and israeli rabbis and supporters demonstrate near the border with gaza to demand a cease fire and the delivery of aid. novelist michael chabon said his wife, author ayelet waldman, was among those arrested and later released. the organizers say the demonstration was in the spirit of passover, celebrating food and freedom. >> and so at this point, to do
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this action now really resonates with the spirit of the season. passover is the spirit of is. the passover is the season of our liberation, and we want it to be a season of liberation for all people. because no people are free unless all people are free. >> u.n. officials say northern gaza is heading towards famine and claim israel has not allowed delivery of food and other critical aid to the region. a new program that's helping bay area high school students become more resilient and empowered is getting support from the state, menlo park state lawmakers josh becker and mark berman presented a symbolic check for $300,000 to the oshman family, jewish community center in palo alto. >> today. the center launched the prep fellowship last fall. the goal here is to provide high school juniors and seniors with life skills as they head to college for a gap year, or enter the workforce through this program, our teens have been equipped to engage in open and constructive conversations, support their peers, and confidently navigate their own identities, jewish or otherwise,
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particularly in irvine, in environments where they may be marginalized or discriminated against, especially how we've seen after october 7th. so far, the program has served a dozen students during workshops and a weekend retreat. organizers say the students learned how to stand up for themselves at a time of growing incidents of anti-semitism. >> former president donald trump spends one more day in court, and that means one fewer day on the campaign trail. the key testimony offered on the witness stand in today's hearings, plus the department of labor expands the rules to protect farm workers who come here on visas. >> but in essence, they're improving it for all farm workers. that story ahead. >> and in bay area weather, a windy friday out there with some winds going up above 40 miles an hour. will the conditions stick around this weekend? the windy conditions? well, the full update coming up. >> also ahead, making it easier and more affordable to throw night markets, farmers markets and other community events. the ideas from san francisco city
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hall. >> all right, let's give you a check of the evening commute. this is a live look at the eastshore freeway seen from our emeryville camera. it is very pretty, but it is very slow i ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started.
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nationwide. ktvu tom vacar explains the implications
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balletto vineyards makes many varieties of wine. >> it has a farm workers union with numerous rights and benefits, including paid vacations. but elsewhere, the labor department says that abuses the temporary foreign visiting farm workers suffer under the h-2a visa program, hinders fair labor standard practices for all farm workers in the country. >> the farm worker protection rule, both strengthens existing protections and expands some protections. >> the new rules allow workers to advocate for themselves or with others without fear. >> they should not be retaliated against for advocating regarding their working conditions, except for serious misconduct. >> any firings must now include that workers actually knew or should have known the employer's rules, policies or performance standards they cannot or should not just be fired at the employer's whim. >> employers may no longer take or hold workers passports, visas
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or other ids. >> employers must assure that worker transport vehicles meet all safety standards, including seat belts. employers who violate the rules will be ineligible for legally required state employment service says the rules cannot help but to spill over to u.s. resident farm workers as well. >> fundamentally important to getting all workers who toil and do the same work in the united states of america. the right and same rights. >> we know that if we are able to protect h-2a workers, we're going to protect all farm workers. >> the thornier issue of mass killings that we saw in half moon bay were not addressed in these rules. >> president biden is taken very seriously. the scourge of gun violence in this country. and i think there's more that, you know, that that can be done. >> and he's called for like a growing number of vineyards, balletto has proven that you can make a product, make a profit and still treat your workers right with real benefits that give them dignity. tom vacar,
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ktvu, fox two news. >> state lawmakers blocked a bill that would have banned the use of non-disclosure agreements during the legislative process. the proposal to ban ndas came about after a report found the service employees international union required members of the fast food industry to sign ndas in the final negotiations of the state's fast food labor law. that bill included an exception in the mandated $20 minimum wage for restaurants that produce their own bread. two republicans supported the nda bill. most democrats on the committee refused to cast a vote. >> supporters of alameda county district attorney pamela price are calling the recall effort a waste of taxpayer money. today, the group hosted a rally in oakland, while a recall has been certified, a date has not yet been set that decision is up to the board of supervisors. organizers of the rally say they are urging the board not to set a special election in august, but to make the recall part of
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the general election. >> the special election is costly and not enough of the community is involved in a special election. if we're going to have this recall because of the barely being able to get the number of signatures that we need, the election has got to be put on the regular ballot. >> under state law and the county charter, the board of supervisors have until april 30th to set a date for the recall election. >> san francisco mayor london breed wants to waive fees for more night markets, block parties and farmers markets. the mayor has introduced two new bills today. one would waive city fees for outdoor community events, making them less costly for organizers. the other would simplify health permitting for food vendors at some events currently permitting for outdoor community events can range anywhere from 500 to $10,000.
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>> well, definitely a windy friday out there across the entire bay area. winds going up above 30, up above 40 miles an hour in some cases, and it's still breezy to windy right now. take a look at some of the stronger winds throughout the region. as you can see with altamont pass 45 miles an hour. ocean beach 44 miles an hour. hayward about 40 miles an hour, and san jose at the airport 31 miles an hour. it will still be breezy tomorrow, just not as strong as today, but winds could be around 15 to 25 miles an hour for tomorrow. and then on sunday we'll bring in some more sunshine. after some patchy morning fog and temperatures on sunday should be a little bit warmer than today. some active weather though, especially out in the sierra. they have some snow that there was some snow earlier today, about 1 to 4in of snowfall. and then a little bit closer to home. we're tracking these thunderstorms and these lightning strikes right around the sacramento area, right around stockton as well. so these showers pretty close to the bay area, but it looks like the bulk of the action remains just outside of to our east. but something to be watching, at
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least in the short term, at least for right now. if you look out to the east, you'll probably see those big puffy white clouds developing linked up with those thunderstorms right now, though, partly cloudy skies and some breezy to windy conditions out there. current reports there's oakland airport up to 46 miles an hour. that's recently going up over the past hour or so sfo gusting to 41 miles an hour. this camera picking up on some cloud cover this afternoon. and current numbers for this evening in the 50s and san francisco, some 60s for concord and in san jose. we'll start out tomorrow morning with partly cloudy skies, a bit of a chill in the air, starting out the day in the 40s to right around 50 degrees. but we will eventually warm things up, especially as we head into next week, and we'll have more on that with your full update coming up in just a little bit. >> all right, mark, thank you. still to come tonight, a high profile meeting between the secretary of state and china's president with hopes to ease tensions between those two countries. >> also ahead, the white house has long planned to outlaw menthol cigarets nationwide. but now that plan has been snuffed out. >> plus, i don't know if that's
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going to make a huge difference, to be honest. >> well, more officers on the street and dozens of cameras do anything to slow down drivers in san francisco. well, the police partment
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the us marshals. the robberies took place between august 2023 and this past february 7th were
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in hayward. others were in livermore, fremont, san leandro and castro valley. the suspects are identified as 42 year old jerry washington and 24 year old cameron watkins. both are from oakland. the third suspect is 26 year old concord resident deontay hunt. they're charged with robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated kidnaping and various weapons violations. >> san francisco police are offering details on the department's new plan to crack down on speeding. ktvu christien kafton shows us how officers are hoping to use a network of dozens of cameras to get drivers to slow down. >> some intersections in san francisco are notorious for speeding vehicles, including mission and ninth street. people living in the area say pedestrians have to pay close attention when crossing. it's pretty erratic. >> you really have to be aware when you're crossing this intersection now. >> san francisco police say the department has already started a plan to step up scrutiny and enforcement at this
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intersection, and nine other high injury corridors in an effort to slow drivers down. pedestrian advocacy group walk san francisco says speed kills and anything the police can do to slow drivers down will help save lives. >> speed is the worst and most dangerous driving behavior. it is the cause of most of the crashes that we've seen in san francisco, and we're happy that the sfpd is going to start really focusing on that most dangerous behavior. >> word about the latest enforcement effort with officers in person, enforcing the speed limit comes as the city prepares to install 33 speed cameras at dangerous stretches of road walk . sf says it's all part of an overlapping network of enforcement aimed at protecting pedestrians, cyclists and even drivers. >> this combination of sfpd and cameras working together, it really does show that san francisco is a city where, the city cares about its people coming into san francisco. it does want people to walk and
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bike more. it wants to make its streets safe for some pedestrians say while they hope the added enforcement works, they're not sure it will have a lasting impact as long as they're around. >> yeah, it'll slow down, but i don't. i think it'll go right back once they leave to combat the chance of only having a short term impact, san francisco police say their enforcement will come in waves to make sure there is consistent enforcement over a sustained period of time. >> police say some components of the plan are already in place, others they say, are still being implemented in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> the first week of testimony and former president trump's criminal trial has wrapped up. coming up on ktvu news at 630. trump rails against the case again. this time over a birthday celebration and cigarets and politics. >> the biden administration delays a menthol ban aga o e
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today, police officers from around the state gathered for his funeral at three crosses church in castro valley. officer wingate was severely injured in a crash back in 2018 that involved his patrol vehicle, another car and a big rig parked at the port of oakland. he died on saturday, nearly six years after being placed on life support at the age of 28. officer wingate was buried during a private ceremony in lafayette. >> a tree in pleasanton is wrapped in flowers and debris today as the community mourns the loss of a family of four who
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crashed and died there wednesday night. officials have not confirmed the family's identity, but friends say tyrone and george and their two sons are the victims. police say speed may have been a factor. >> tonight, protesters at stanford university are not saying if they plan to keep their tents up for a second night in violation of university policies. organizers say the goal of this protest is very focused. they want stanford to disclose its investments related to any corporation profiting from the conflict in gaza, and then to divest it. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. former president donald trump spent much of the day in court again in his criminal trial in new york city. he lamented the fact that the hush money payments trial kept him from celebrating his wife's birthday today. >> also today, the former editor of the national enquirer shed some light on his handling of trump. >> fox news morgan mckay reports from new york city. >> i want to start by wishing my wife, melania, a very happy birthday. be nice to be with
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her, but i'm at a courthouse for a rigged trial. it's a rigged trial. >> former president donald trump in court for the second week of his criminal trial, facing 34 felony charges that he falsified business records in order to hide negative stories ahead of the 2016 election. back on the witness stand for a third day was a former publisher of the national enquirer, david pecker, who has been testifying that he would buy stories that could hurt trump's campaign in order to make sure that they wouldn't get published. on cross-examination, trump's attorney emil bove had. pecker admits that tabloids would do this every once in a while with celebrity stories, a tactic known as catch and kill. but on redirect, pecker later clarified that this was the first time he had done so on behalf of a presidential candidate. quote. it's the only one pecker said bove did have. pecker admit, though, that trump never brought up buying any of these stories in their meeting together. but pecker responded, saying that he did agree to serve as the eyes and ears of the trump campaign.
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bove also sought to poke holes in pecker's credibility by getting him to acknowledge that the 72 year old had mixed up some dates, and some of his statements to federal prosecutors in 2018 were inconsistent with his testimony. this week, pecker said, quote, i've been truthful to the best of my recollection. also on the stand today was rhona graff, trump's longtime executive assistant. graff testified that the trump organization had stormy daniels and karen mcdougal's phone numbers in a database. daniels and mcdougal claim that they had an affair with trump. graff says she also vaguely remembers seeing daniels at trump tower. >> it's very cold in there. for one purpose. i believe they don't seem to be able to get the temperature up. it shouldn't be that complicated. >> financial executive gary farrow took the witness stand for the last hour of the trial today. he'll be back on the witness stand on tuesday, reporting from lower manhattan. i'm morgan mckay, fox news.
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>> joe biden says he is willing to take on donald trump once again on the debate stage. >> i don't know if you're going to debate your your opponent. >> i am somewhere i don't know when i'm happy to debate him. >> president biden said in an interview with howard stern today that he is willing to engage in a debate. until now, the biden campaign had not promised on whether he would participate in a debate. donald trump responded on his social media platform, saying he's willing to debate biden, quote, anywhere, any time, any place. secretary of state antony blinken wrapped up his trip to china today with a sit down with president xi jinping. >> blinken raised a number of concerns, including artificial intelligence and chemicals, to make fentanyl coming from china. the main point of the trip was to warn china against support for russia in its war against ukraine. >> this is talk for the sake of talk. and frankly, i think the biden administration is just hoping they can get through the next handful of months without something exploding in asia in the same way it has in the
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middle east and in europe. >> the potential tiktok ban in the u.s. did not come up between the two leaders. >> the biden administration is postponing a proposed ban on menthol cigarets. they have been banned here in california since 2020, but advocates have been pushing for a federal ban since the obama administration, the white house has held dozens of meetings with groups opposing the move, including some rights groups. an estimated 80% of black smokers smoke menthol cigarets. supporters of the ban have tried to assure the white house that getting rid of menthol would not hurt the democratic support among black voters. >> coming up help for the homeless. the south bay volunteers who stepped up to assist vulnerable neighbors. >> everything here is super useful, like for m ike, the
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stocks finished the week on a high note with positive earnings results from alphabet, google's
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parent company blew past expectations for profits and announced its first dividend. the dow is up 153 points. the nasdaq surged higher by 316 points, breaking a four week losing streak for its best week since november, and the s&p jumped 51 points, snapping a three week losing streak. shares in alphabet gained 10, but shares in intel dropped over 9% after revenue that fell short of estimates. the inflation measure closely watched by the federal reserve, rose faster than expected last month. high prices continue to weigh on millions of americans. stocks gerri willis shows us high prices continue to weigh on millions of americans. >> inflation showed little signs of letting up in march. the personal consumption expenditure index and inflation reading rose 2.7% for the year ending in march, up 2.8% for the year, excluding food and energy. the monthly increases were in line with expectations. up 3/10 of a percent, which matches the
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previous month. >> inflation has shown more stickiness than than even we expected, and we've been talking about it now for a good six months. >> americans were making a little more last month. incomes rose half a percent and they continued to open their wallets despite steeper prices. spending was up 8/10 of a percent. economists anticipate spending will slow further in the coming months as consumers continue to grapple with expensive goods, high interest rates and the resumption of federal student loan payments. >> it's really the services sector of the economy that's pushing those prices higher. they have some pricing power. those companies do, and that's that's going to be a problem going forward. >> meanwhile, consumer sentiment weakened at the end of this month. the university of michigan's reading dropped to 77.2 from 77.9 in early april. those responding now believe inflation will average 3.2% in the next year. >> and i can just give you a laundry list of things at the supermarket that aunt mary and uncle bob are buying today that either a much higher in price or
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like the chips you're getting half the size of the bag for the same price that you did a couple of years ago. and if that doesn't change, not good news going forward. >> all eyes are on the fed now and how it reacts to its meeting next week in new york. gerri willis fox business in san francisco based williams-sonoma, has been ordered to pay $3 million for falsely claiming that some of its products were made in the usa. >> the federal trade commission sued williams-sonoma back in 2020 after they found the company had been advertising. some products were made in america when they were actually manufactured in other countries like china. the ftc says. the settlement marks the largest ever civil penalty seen in a made in usa case. >> well, barry weather a cool and blustery friday out there. we're going to warm things up a little bit as we head into your weekend, and we'll have the update coming up. >> let's go to ktvu. alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rapid seven right
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here on ktvu. all right, kristina, thank you. >> coming up tonight at 7:00, three children under the age of two overdosed on fentanyl in washington. and one of them has died tonight on west coast rap. we'll take a closer look at the problem of children being exposed to the powerful drug. with these kinds of cases growing at an alarming rate. also, the former paramedic who injected a colorado man restrained by police with a powerful anesthetic faces sentencing today. we'll show you how he addressed elijah mcclain in court as if he were still alive. those stories and a lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu, fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, alex, we'll see you soon. thank you. and a nationally acclaimed barbecue restaurant in oakland is finally reopen the new permanent location following a devastati fire
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explained. they scrambled to gather help and brought a resource fair right to the encampment. >> after the third death at the san jose homeless encampment, advocates wanted to do something. >> i had asked the people of the
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camp if they wanted to have a memorial, or if they wanted to have a resource fair to hopefully address the needs. and for people to stop dying at this camp, they said. a resource fair for the homeless asked for specific things like mental health help and narcan training, and they wanted them as soon as possible. >> they called it an emergency. >> yeah, mostly due to fentanyl and, now this new, you know, this new drug that's kind of come into play. >> the new drug, xylazine or tranq. experts say it turns users into zombies, can rot the skin, and is not helped by narcan. >> now it's made its way out here. so unfortunately, this encampment really needs some help. >> pair of socks. >> and so advocates pulled this resource fair together in just three weeks and brought it right to the encampment off of cherry avenue. they offered showers and food, as well as housing and medical assistance. there was specific training on when narcan works and when it does not. >> well, i mean, everything here is super useful. like for me,
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like, the medical is a big deal. >> those who live here say they're grateful. >> i hope that people can see this and see that we do need help. >> and advocates say it comes not a moment too soon. >> we just really wanted this to be something that was all about their request and their needs. >> and while this is just one event on one day, organizers are hoping the resources and education provided here may help prevent the next death in san jose and ruben ktvu fox two news is starting soon. >> parts of two busy bay area highways will be closed for repaving work. interstate 680 southbound will be closed between the 580 interchange in pleasanton and koopman road in sunol. the freeway will be shut down between 9:00 tonight and four monday morning. crews will replace and repair the pavement in the north bay. highway 37 westbound will be closed between highway 29 in vallejo and highway 121 at sears point. all westbound lanes will be closed from 9:00 tonight until 4 a.m.
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monday. this is the second of four weekend closures on 37 to repair and replace existing pavement. the eastbound direction of 37 will be shut down the first two weekends of may. >> there's new video of a tornado sweeping through nebraska. social media video shows a tornado crossing interstate 80 near lincoln. tornadoes have also caused damage to hundreds of homes in suburbs of omaha. this comes as severe weather has torn through different parts of the midwest. in south. >> and bay area weather, of course. so we're actually tracking some thunderstorms here. no tornadic thunderstorms, but still some activity showing up just to the east of the region. some lightning strikes and some thunderstorms out toward the sacramento valley. of course, it was a cool day around here. lots of 60s. the warmest locations in the lower 70s, and we had a little bit of some rainfall over the past few hours. over the past 24 hours, 0.01 to 0.4. and rainfall here sometimes means snow in the sierra. this was the scene today from a sierra tahoe. they are closed for the season, but the
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sierra is still picking up some snowfall today. on the order of 1 to 4in. they will clear out this weekend. we are expecting more sunshine, so here is the active radar pattern here, at least for us. and as you can see here, some thunderstorms developing out toward the sacramento valley. look at all these lightning strikes over the past few hours. moving from the north and heading to the south, and reports of some light snow in the truckee area this afternoon into the into the early evening hours. we're going to watch this one cell just south of sacramento. so this is pretty close to the bay area. you can see closing in on solano county. so there's the chance in the short term over the next hour or so we could have an isolated shower or isolated thunderstorm develop for portions of the bay area, especially the inland east bay. but the bulk of the action right now is just focused outside of the region right now. looks like it's closing in on the stockton area for us. we have partly cloudy skies. we still have some gusty winds right now. oakland airport gusting to 46 miles an hour. concord gusting to 31 miles an hour. so it has been a
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blustery friday with winds over 20 over 30, in some cases over 40 miles an hour. here's kind of a neat shot above san francisco showing you some sunshine up above. but those clouds out in the distance. and if you look out to the east, you know, if we have those thunderstorms to talk about, as far as current numbers, san francisco has cooled off to 56, oakland 60 degrees and san jose reporting 63. tomorrow morning we'll start out with a bit of a chill in the air cooler than this morning. lots of 40s with partly cloudy skies and you can see the system we have been watching this area of low pressure. this responsible for the wind today and the cooler pattern. this will kind of scoot on out to the east for tomorrow. so we're going to warm things up a little bit into the weekend. no major warm ups, but it's a dry pattern this weekend. a chance to get outside with some breezy conditions. still for your saturday. here we are for your saturday, partly cloudy skies and then into sunday. sunday morning, maybe some patchy morning fog and then we'll clear out the clouds into the afternoon hours on sunday. so numbers for tomorrow you can see upper 50s. coast side will be breezy out there. lots of 60s
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and the warmest locations in the low 70s. a little bit of some warming into sunday into monday. it's a nice forecast as we move into early next week. we'll have mostly sunny skies and temperatures by wednesday. even by tuesday could be right around 80 degrees. so a subtle warming trend headed our way into next week. >> all right. looking forward to wednesday mark. thank you. our special program, voices for change returns with a new episode. this weekend. we'll feature a unique partnership including introducing children in oakland to the healing power of horses. the lessons these young people are learning from this program. also, bay area teenager wins a national award for her work improving the lives of others. we'll show you how she's expanding sports opportunities for girls in underserved communities around the world. >> i started girls for sports my freshman year of high school, and it was extremely grassroots. and to see it grow so big to over 13,000 girls worldwide and gain recognition like this is super surreal. to see how well our message has been able to reach so many people.
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>> you can catch a new episode of voices for change sunday morning at 930 right here on ktvu. popular horned barbecue reopened today at a new location in oakland after a fire destroyed the restaurant last year. the line was out the door today at that new spot near the intersection of eighth and broadway. >> the owner, matt horn, says it's been a journey back in november, the former horn barbecue location on mandela parkway caught fire. that location, now permanently closed . >> the 49ers make a surprise pick in the nfl draft. jesse gary has that story in sports. and a quick reminder you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app. >> you can watch live newscast and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a vari y
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florida state cornerback reinaldo green in the second round. san francisco's first round selection has made the trip from his home in arizona to the south bay. ricky pearsall stepped in front of the cameras at levi stadium today. the niners drafted the university of
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florida 23 year old in the first round of the nfl draft, with the 31st overall pick. pearsall says his dad taught him to play qb starting at the age of six, but he switched to wideout in high school and never looked back. even using niners wide receiver brandon aiyuk as his role model. observers say pearsall is a detailed route runner with soft hands who'll help and loaded offense. and you see, he's also fearless. good lord. one handed across the middle in the seam, pearsall says he's still overwhelmed by being drafted in the first round. >> words can't really describe my feelings right now, man. you know, it hasn't hit. it hasn't hit yet, just trying to soak it all in. like i said, man, trying to be where my feet are at. obviously, this is a legendary program, and i just appreciate the entire organization taking a chance on me, man. and, you know, i'm gonna prove them right. so i'm looking forward to, you know, getting the work in and, you know, showing everybody. >> yeah, we're looking for that
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forward to that, to the 49ers pearsall says brock purdy was one of the first people to call him once he got off the plane today, his first day in the land of the faithful featured a tour of the practice field and the weight room. otas begin late next month. they're also talking gridiron x's and o's a little further south of levi stadium. the sounds of hits and catches filling the air near san jose state's campus as those spartans who hope to turn pro one day must first manage a changing of the guard, so to speak, and a change in the offense. with 15 practices already under their collective belts, the san jose state spartans football team prepares for its annual spring game. >> i'm really looking forward to our offense. honestly, i think it has the potential to be really explosive. >> the new spartans offense is under the direction of new head coach ken niumatalolo. 25 years as navy's leader is in the rear view mirror now. coach ken looks to rebuild a barely above 500 team a year ago through the college transfer portal, san jose lost seven of its players to bigger schools such as arizona and washington.
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>> it's a part of the game, so you got to navigate it and do the best you can to construct the roster. there's a lot to sell here and that's been our message just focus on ourselves, our culture, and we'll do the best we with what we have. >> at this weekday practice, the 80 member roster broken down by position qbs and wideouts in one corner, running backs and another offense in blue defense wears white. it's a chance for third year cover corner michael dansbury to make an impression and cement a starting role. i just told myself, i'm going to stick through the spring. >> i'm going to see what it's talking about. it went smooth. so yeah, so the coaches coaching staff, coaches change us a good, good change. >> no portal for you, no portal for me. >> the spartans went four and one in their last five games last season, but missed a bowl bid by a coin flip. coaches and players hopeful a strong spring will translate into momentum leading into their season opener against sacramento state. >> i'm really excited for this team and where we're going. you know, there have been some bumps
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in spring ball, but i think we've really pulled it together this last couple of weeks and i'm honestly really excited about the culture that we have here and the game. >> the spring game is tomorrow at 1:00 at in down in san jose. so if you're in the south bay, take a peek. we have giants highlights a's battling baltimore right now a close game. we'll have all that coming for you at 10:00. >> all right jesse look forward to it. thank you for joining us. west coast rap next here on ktvu. >> we'll see you back here tonight thinking i should bring back my 100% all-white meat popcorn chicken combos for $6.99? you're in luck, i did. if you weren't thinking that, i bet you are now. my popcorn chicken combos are only $6.99. get 'em sauced & loaded for just a buck more. welcome to jack in the box!
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introducing the best rated burger in fast food. my new smashed jack. a quarter pound smashed patty with perfectly imperfect edges, melty cheese and new boss sauce on a soft brioche bun. just one bite and you'll have a new favorite burger. try it today! welcome to jack in the box! pro-palestinian protest expanding across the west with growing engagement from college students calling attention to the war in gaza.
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>> we're outer


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