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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  April 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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globe is impacting tensions here at home. muralist and cultural activist chris gazzaley says he painted his pro-palestinian mural on his friend's building in noe valley about five months ago. >> it was painted to raise awareness about what's happening. i put up the names of the companies that are profiteering from this, from the war on gaza, he says. >> the mural stands as a reminder of the families who have been killed in gaza. on monday, after the sixth time it's been vandalized. he's covering a swear word with a sticker and sharing his disappointment. >> yeah, it hurts like to see it get vandalized, but it's nothing compared to the pain that my people are going through in gaza. >> it's happened so many times. security cameras were installed this time they caught the person in the act. this video showing what appears to be a woman writing over the mural. it's really in san francisco's the worst. >> it's disgusting. >> the scribble says, bring back our hostages. >> i was just sitting on my break and i saw a woman come by
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with a sharpie, and she was writing, and i wasn't sure if she was part of the team or i didn't know she destroyed it. >> you know, without any hesitation. >> in broad daylight, gosar says the incidents have been reported to police. meanwhile, people in the community say they are not surprised. >> we're so divided over here. who the #### are we to tell other people, you know, get it together? >> polarization is well baked in at this point, and things like this are only going to exacerbate it. >> it's just being kind of interesting to see, yeah. how much people have in common. but then when it comes to this issue, there's such a huge divide. >> and while some folks disagree on the message of the mural, i myself, if i were completely say pro what that message is, i still might not put it up. most everyone agrees vandalism is not the answer. >> i like to leave art the way it is, because everyone's trying to save their own thing. >> there's got to be like open conversation. and i think it's
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just a shame to see, those things done in this way. >> i'm against anybody doing wrong to anybody. >> now, the artist thinks that it's a different vandal in each incident. he plans to repaint again next week, but the people here in this community say they think it will continue to happen as long as the conflict in the middle east continues. i'm live in san francisco. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> crystal, thank you. >> now to the protests on college campuses happening all around the country here in the bay area. san francisco state is the latest university to see activists holding demonstrations. ktvu is christian captain has more now on what's turned into a protest encampment. but hey, free free palestine, free palestine. >> hundreds of protesters filled malcolm x plaza on the san francisco state university campus. students calling for an end to the war in gaza and for the university to divest investments from companies doing business with israel.
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>> csu's investing hundreds of millions of dollars into the military industrial complex, and we're not okay with that. that's our tuition money, we should have a say in where all that money goes. free palestine. palestine. >> those students moving from the plaza to a nearby grassy area where they started the bay area's third encampment on a college campus. media representatives for the campers say the encampment will send a clear message to school administrators, mainly the divestment. >> what we're concerned about is the divestment on the behalf of the california state university system, from the israeli military alumni returning to the campus say they're encouraged to see students fighting for what they believe in. >> when i was on campus here, our movements were much smaller. so seeing this huge here, i think it's really reassuring. >> the newly formed faculty for justice in palestine joined this latest protest. they're calling on the university to refrain from calling law enforcement to the campus, refrain from any academic retaliation against students who are protesting and
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for the administrators to respect the students right to protest. >> our role here as faculty is to uplift and amplify what our students are trying to get through, not just on this campus, but across the united states. the university says it respects the rights of community members to protest while preserving a safe campus environment. >> in a statement, it added, quote, the sf state foundation investment policy reflects its commitment to the values of the university, prioritizing social and racial justice, environmental sustainability and climate action. at this point, there is no word on when exactly this encampment will end or whether there are any negotiations underway between the university and protesters on the san francisco state university campus. christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news pro-palestinian protesters at sonoma state university also show no signs of leaving. >> an encampment was set up there on friday. they're also calling for an end to the violence in gaza. dozens of tents were set up and more protesters joined over the
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weekend. the group is demanding the university divest or sell their holdings from companies that do business with israel's military. the university released a statement saying it is primarily concerned with the safety of its students, faculty, staff and visitors. it also says it supports the right to free expression. and coming up tonight at 630. there has been positive movement in the negotiations in the middle east. we'll have the latest on the cease fire proposal that is on the table right now. two vallejo schools went on lockdown, lockdown this afternoon after officials say a student brought a gun to bethel high school. staff members were also able to confiscate the gun, and the student left campus. no word yet from police. whether that student has been found. bethel high in neighboring wardlaw elementary were placed on lockdown as a precaution and students were dismissed at their normal time. >> fremont firefighters battled a fire at a storage facility just this morning. the first engines rolling up to the scene around 6:00 at extra space storage on fremont boulevard.
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more than 50 storage units were on fire in that two story building. firefighters say they were able to keep those flames from spreading to neighboring structures nearby stratford school was closed today due to the smoke and ash in the air. no injuries were reported and the cause of that fire is not yet known and alameda county firefighters were called to a car fire overnight in castro valley. the department sharing this video out there on social media. the fire started around 1:00 this morning near the redwood canyon golf course. no injuries were reported. >> the california department of public health today announced the overdose reversal drug naloxone, also known as narcan, will soon be available almost everywhere it's needed in the state. ktvu tom vacar explains how the state leveraged its purchasing power to buy the drug at below market value under the state's own prescription label, cal rx california taxpayers will purchase naloxone, a proven life saving drug overdose treatment, for 40% below market rate. >> caregiver hours such as the
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glide foundation say it's about time there's been too much price gouging from the pharmaceutical corporations for too long. naloxone can revive overdose people on opioids such as fentanyl, oxycodone, opium and others. >> incredible impact that this drug can have at saving people's lives is how easy it is to use, how important it is to make it widely available. so we have it as a tool to save lives everywhere in our state. >> instead of $40 for a two pack of the spray, the state will pay $24. the state will distribute 100 to $150 million worth of the drugs to county governments, police agencies, local health agencies, community based groups , harm reduction organizations, schools anywhere needed really, but also making it available to restaurants, to entertainment centers, to lyft drivers. >> we hope this will become as
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ubiquitous and as available as as other key aspects of first aid kits. >> san francisco's glide foundation has crews out each and every day as do many other groups, but they need a lot more help. programs have been doing their best to get as many doses of narcan into the hands of drug users. >> their loved ones, family members, and friends who use with them. >> most of the distribution is free in san francisco alone last year, 806 people died of drug overdoses, 80% due to fentanyl, with well under 2% of the state population. >> san francisco had 11% of the state's opioid deaths. >> we'll begin ordering this over the counter naloxone spray from amneal pharmaceuticals next month, which of course is very is just around the corner. >> at some point in the near future, cal that state brand will also buy insulin and mr. crystal at deep discounts. tom vacar, ktvu fox two news the
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governor's office announced today governor newsom will travel to the vatican next month to take part in a climate summit. >> pope francis is hosting the vatican climate summit may 15th through the 17th. governor newsom is scheduled to speak at the summit of mayors and governors. his office says the governor will talk about how california is affected by fires and floods and droughts. the governor said he appreciates the leadership of the pope when it comes to the climate crisis. back in 2017, former governor jerry brown also attended the vatican climate summit when he was in office. >> new at six tonight, the city of fremont is now the third most expensive place to buy a home out of the bay area's ten most populated cities, based on cost per square foot. the chronicle examined data from real estate brokerage redfin. it found homes in fremont sold for a median of $960 per square foot in march. that's $1 more than the price in san francisco. in the last year. fremont's typical home value also rose by more than 10. that
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is the biggest percentage jump of any of the large or the bay area's largest cities, and across the bay area, home prices, all overall, are back to levels not seen since 2022. before interest rates, interest rate hikes shot up, the california association of realtors says median sale prices last month here in the bay area were $1.39 million, a 15.5% increase from this time last year. berkeley and pleasanton are two bay area cities that made the top ten metros in california, with the fastest rising sales price. the price increase comes after a dip in pricing because of rising interest rates. >> the fallout continues following a physical altercation involving the san jose mayor's security detail. coming up, what the police officer's union is now saying about the incident also ahead tonight, details on how san francisco is working to enhance the city's nightlife. >> and we are tracking some mild to warm temperatures. but it's breezy out there. how that
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impacts the rest of this week. plus, there's a chance for some rain on the weekend and a shootout in north carolina leaves at least three law enforcement officers dead, five others injured. >> what they were doing before shots were fired. >> also, here's a quick check of the monday evening commute. this is a look at the san mateo bridge. not too bad at this hour. you're watching ktvu news at six. we'll be right back
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been a man in san jose. mayor matt mehan security detail as ktvu jesse gary tells us now the san jose police union is calling on department brass to double the size of that security detail downtown, obviously doesn't seem like it's very safe or even the mayor that assessment from the police officers association president after san jose mayor matt mehan had his sidewalk interview last week, interrupted outside this restaurant on south first and san fernando streets, steve slack says given the increasing threats posed to high profile public figures, including the mayors of los angeles and new york providing security is a two person job. i believe having another second set of eyes, second set of hands, there, maybe they could have done some different tactics. maybe you could have had one officer have the mayor and his staff go into another building locked, secure it before this individual could approach while one was dealing with him outside. >> also monday, the poa pushing
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back against the san jose silicon valley naacp. this after its president, jethro moore, the second last week questioned why an unarmed man who says he was going to work was stopped in the first place. >> i see a black man walking down the street on his cell phone, he said something that the black the brother did not take as, coming from somebody of authority or as a police officer. >> unfortunately. reverend moore, has he entered into this with a race element and had nothing to do with race? i don't know why, he continues to push that agenda of trying to divide the community over something with race. >> so i welcome their attacks. and this is the common thing that this san jose opoa, has done. >> in a letter, the poa says the man who was stopped was a fugitive wanted in georgia while the two sides exchanged verbal volleys. the mayor's office is mum on the issue of increasing the security detail, saying it's a police matter and the police department is in commenting. late monday, the san jose police department says it is
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reassessing the issue of the mayor's security detail and also the police union saying they've met with the assistant city manager and the city manager on the issue of the mayor's security detail at san jose city hall, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> drugstore chain rite aid announced today a series of store closures, three of them right here in the bay area. a spokesperson tells ktvu the san jose location, near story and white roads, will close on may 19th. also, the storefront in union city's union square marketplace that will close may 21st, and the last day for the rite aid in the novato fair mall on diablo avenue will be june 16th. the pharmacies in each location will be closing several weeks early. rite aid says the closures are fueled by underperforming stores. the company filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy last year over decreasing sales and lawsuits related to opioids. >> new at six san francisco mayor london breed joins city officials business leaders and
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community members today to discuss ways to enhance the city's nightlife and entertainment scene. the san francisco entertainment commission hosted its 14th annual nightlife and entertainment summit. there were presentations and panels and discussions on the current issues facing the industry. the mayor said the city is poised to work with venues to create easier pathways for more economic opportunities. >> we have to be a real partner from the city side in order to get rid of the bureaucracy, get rid of the layers of fees, get rid of the drama and get to yes, that is my goal. that is my hope . >> the mayor acknowledged that the city is still not where it wants to be in the recovery from the pandemic, but she said that it's clear people in the community are looking for places to come together, and that there are signs of a robust comeback. >> people who drive electric vehicles should have an easier time finding a place to charge in california than ever before, governor newsom announced. there is a now one ev charging station for every gas station in the
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state. the governor also highlighted a move by tesla to open up its supercharger network to most other evs, and said it will help in states in the state's goal of going zero emissions on all vehicles. >> today, we're announcing tesla's opening up its charging network to additional models of electric vehicles. this is all in an effort to build out the infrastructure in the state of california that currently totals 105,000 electric vehicle chargers for public use and about 10,000 of these super charging stations. >> in 2020, governor newsom signed an executive order calling all new cars sold to be zero emission vehicles by 2035. >> all right, checking in on the weather. beautiful day out there today. perfect spring like weather and spring like, is the operative here because, i mean, it just feels right on. i mean, temperatures are about where they should be. no fog at the coast. that's a little unusual for spring at this time of year, but we're seeing a north northwest wind, and that wind is kind of keeping the fog off the
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coast. it's also stirring up the tree pollens and the grass pollens. you may be noticing allergies. you're going to notice them in the next couple of days as we go through this week. and then big changes. the winds shift, the showers and the clouds move in, humidity comes up and then the tree, the pollens become less aggressive. but in the next 3 or 4 days, you're going to notice it. if you suffer from from that type of thing, from pollens, tree pollens, especially right now and then grass and weeds will follow. so this high pressure stays put. that's where the winds are coming from. well it's one of the mechanisms. there's the big high here. these weather systems are going over the top. 2 or 3 are going to go right by us to the north. and that creates that northerly northwesterly wind gradient. and so you get a difference between the high and the low. and you get wind. right. and this is a pressure gradient not a thermal gradient necessarily, which is a little different than what we see in the winter months. so as we go into tomorrow afternoon wind 30 miles an hour at san rafael, a lot like today, 29 miles an hour up at clear lake,
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20 at 30 miles an hour at half moon bay. those winds stirring up the pollen, those winds keeping the fog away from the coast and actually keeping the atmosphere fairly clear. so it's going to be nice next few days. and it switches big, big, big changes coming friday and saturday. maybe some rain. i'll see you back here. >> all right bill, thank you. the oakland fire department turned out over the weekend to show support for a donut shop that was recently robbed. several firefighters bought dozens of donuts at dick's donuts on high street. then they delivered them to highland hospital. this all comes after the shop was robbed last week. surveillance video shows a masked man coming in, grabbing the register right off the counter. then he took it and got away in a waiting getaway car. that register reportedly had $1,300 in cash inside. >> former president trump's criminal hush money trial enters into its third week, and despite sitting in a courtroom, new poll shows trump taking the lead over president biden. i'm connor hansen, with the details coming up also ahead. >> at least three north carolina law enforcement officers killed in a shootout. what happened
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just moments before the gunfire erupted
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while trying to serve a warrant. this happened in a suburban neighborhood of charlotte. police say several officers on that task force tried to serve a warrant for a felon wanted for possessing a gun, as they approached the home, the officers were first shot at by
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the wanted suspect, who they then killed, police said. a second person then fired on the officers from inside the house, where a high powered rifle was located. a woman in a 17 year old man were found in the home, and tonight those two are being questioned. the so-called hush money criminal trial of former president trump is scheduled to resume tomorrow, fox news connor hansen tells us we could see a familiar face on the witness stand this week after spending most of the trial's second week on the testimony of former national enquirer publisher david pecker, the jury heard from two more witnesses former president trump's ex-assistant took the stand, as well as a banker for trump's former lawyer, michael cohen. >> prosecutors have spent time laying out how the tabloid would kill negative stories and buy people's silence to help trump's 2016 campaign. it's all political theater, and it's all intended to not only change the public's view and to, you know,
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dirty president trump up. >> but it's also, i think, completely trying to keep him off the campaign trail. >> when the historic trial resumes this week, the jury could hear from hope hicks, trump's former communications director. >> there's no case here. there's no case whatsoever. it's a disgrace. >> despite the trial, two recent polls have trump taking a lead ahead of the presidential election. over the weekend, president biden used his speech at the white house correspondents dinner to take a jab at his opponent. both have now suggested they're open to a debate. of course, the 2024 elections in full swing and yes, age is an issue. >> i'm a grown man running against a six year old former president. >> trump was in florida over the weekend, reportedly meeting with governor ron desantis. he plans to use his day off from court wednesday to campaign in michigan and wisconsin, while biden plans an event in delaware in new york. connor hansen ktvu,
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fox two news is the lucky winner of a $1.3 billion powerball jackpot last month, has now come forward. >> my life has been changed. now i can bless my family and find a good doctor for myself. and thank you very much. >> chiang charlie saphan of portland, has been battling cancer for eight years and had his latest chemotherapy treatment last week. he says he and his wife plan to split the prize money evenly with a friend, who chipped in $100 to buy a batch of tickets with them. they are taking the lump sum payment, which comes out to be $422 million after taxes. coming up on ktvu news at 630, there is movement tonight on a possible cease fire between israel and hamas. what we know following high level
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negotiations in the region. >> and she was considered a possible vp pick for donald trump. coming up, the story that has surfaced about kristi noem shooting her dog and how it might have ended her chances
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have once again defaced a pro-palestinian mural he painted in noe valley. he says this is the sixth time it's been vandalized. security cameras have been installed and the
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incidents have been reported to police. >> two vallejo schools went on lockdown this afternoon after officials say a student brought a gun to bethel high school. staff members were able to confiscate that gun and the student fled campus. bethel high and neighboring wardlaw elementary were placed on lockdown as a precaution, and students were dismissed at their normal time. >> governor newsom announced the state will purchase more than $100 million worth of the opioid overdose reversal drug narcan. it will be purchased at about half the market rate and will be sent to county governments, police departments and health agencies, as well as community based groups and schools. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. we go now to the middle east where there is cautious optimism. tonight amid high stakes negotiations between israel and hamas. the new york times is reporting israel has reduced the number of hostages it is demanding be released, and hamas leaders are said to be reviewing this proposal. >> and this all comes as the us state department has reportedly put on hold its intention to
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impose sanctions on an israeli military unit for human rights violations. fox's gillian turner has more from washington. >> the biden administration is condemning an ally currently at war. we found five israeli units responsible for individual incidents of gross violations of human rights, all of these were incidents, much before, october seventh and none, took place in gaza. >> the next step, according to us law, is funding cuts. but the state department today refused to share any details about plans when pressed by reporters. >> so i'm not going to get into the specifics of these incidents from up here. it is an ongoing process, so i'm not going to get more prescriptive or specific on the relevant details. the so-called leahy law prohibits the us government from funding foreign militaries that commit gross human rights violations, fox news has learned. >> the biden administration made this decision in recent days, and it's been met with intense
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pushback from israel's leaders and critics of president biden's israel policy. >> it demonstrates the absolute moral confusion inside of the biden administration. israel is fighting to defend its own nation. >> the decision is also likely to further inflame anti-u.s. and anti-israeli sentiment at home and abroad. this news comes as secretary blinken is in saudi arabia discussing a potential cease fire in gaza with crown prince mohammed bin salman and negotiating for the release of hostages, including an american still in hamas captivity. >> hamas has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily be extraordinarily generous. i'm hopeful that they will make the right decision. >> the state department's arabic language spokesperson has now resigned, citing their opposition to the biden administration's support for israel in the ongoing war in gaza. this is the third such resignation here at state since october 7th in washington. gillian turner, fox news world central kitchen is resuming operations in gaza less than a
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month after seven of its workers died in an israeli airstrike. >> staff say they have about 8 million meals ready to enter gaza. the organization also building a new field kitchen, and it says this kitchen will be named damian after one of the workers killed in the strike. >> the governor of south dakota, who is also on the short list of possible running mates for former president trump, is receiving backlash for a passage in her new book where she describes shooting and killing her 14 month old puppy several years ago in that book, titled no going back, noam includes an anecdote from 20 years ago where she shot her dog named cricket while living on a ranch. she said she hated the dog and that it would attack and kill livestock, and showed aggressive behavior toward humans. noam has since doubled down on her story, saying her actions were within laws of south dakota. >> presidential debate between president biden and former president trump appears more likely. both campaigns now say
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they are open to the idea of a debate. but as fox's douglas ader reports from washington, there's still a long way from taking the stage. >> we are at the debate over debates stage. former president trump has been pushing for a rematch, and now president biden says he's on board. these two have shared a debate stage before and after steering clear of any commitment for months. president biden told howard stern that he's open to it. >> can i tell you a fantasy? i had if you i don't know if you're going to debate your your opponent. >> i am somewhere i don't know when i'm happy to debate him. and though he skipped republican primary debates, a former president trump says, bring it on. >> we're willing to do it. monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television. we're ready. just tell me where we'll do it in the white house. that would be very comfortable, actually. but you tell me where. but we're ready. >> they should debate. yes. let's see them in action. right. >> pundits are certainly happy at the prospect, but voters may be, too. a recent fox news poll
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shows that 72% of voters think it shows weakness. if a presidential candidate refuses to debate. but there are some potential downsides, too. >> this is certainly going to be risky for both biden and trump. you can imagine scenarios where either one of them comes off either too aggressive on trump's side or fumbling on biden's side. >> now, the commission on presidential debates has already selected locations and dates for three presidential debates. but that doesn't mean they'll actually happen in washington. doug luzader, fox news in washington, d.c. >> a special final tribute was held in the capitol rotunda today for a war hero who was the last surviving medal of honor recipient from the korean war. a lying in honor ceremony was held for colonel ralph puckett jr. he died earlier this month at the age of 97. during the korean war, puckett led a unit of army rangers who were vastly outnumbered in a battle against chinese communist troops.
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>> this is his quote be there when the going gets tough. when there's cold weather, rainy weather. somebody's shooting at at you hot. you're going without food. whatever it is, be there. and on that cold day in november 1950, colonel puckett was there for his men and his country. >> puckett is one of only seven american citizens to lay in honor at the capitol. in 2021, he was awarded the medal of honor. 70 years after his heroic actions on the battlefield. coming up, a very bizarre theft in oakland. >> how thieves made off with thousands of bees. >> and the supreme court rejects a case brought by elon musk stemming from a pivotal social media post he made on x. we'll have
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the amateur beekeeper who says she's frustrated that not even bees are safe in oakland. >> and i heard somebody say, hey, free bees! and then in a moment later, i heard a car door shut. >> beekeeper sue donahue says that's when thieves stole a colony of 10,000 honeybees and a queen bee. she had put in an observation hive like this one outside her north oakland home at about 1030 saturday morning. this after she gave away a couple of other colonies and queen bees disrupting the hives. >> those bees are a little pod. >> this is donahue's apiary in her backyard on manila avenue. she's a chef by trade, but got into beekeeping about seven years ago. once a month, donahue sets up tables for the observation hive, a tasting table and jars of honey to sell to neighbors and to teach kids about bees and instead of showing them how bees behave in a hive, we were explaining to
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them, about theft. these insects were not free bees, so to speak. >> it looked like someone was setting up for something, whether it's a garage sale, street sidewalk sale, there wasn't a free sign on it. >> she doesn't think these thieves know anything about beekeeping. so these bees might end up dying if they're not properly maintained, she says. the thieves could potentially get stung if they open up the structure. she's frustrated that even bees aren't safe in oakland. >> i just kind of think there's a loose permission structure and no consequences for any any activity. >> this fake owl in place to scare off birds. donahue never imagined she needed to scare off thieves. she says she can rule out a certain group of suspects. >> another beekeeper would never do this. >> in other words, they behave. neighbor al flor has had beehives in his yard. >> the fact that someone would take it is it's. it's just unfortunate. i wonder what's going through people's minds when they do something like
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that. >> the bees in donahue's yard have access to food and water. the bees in that observation hive less so. >> it'd be nice if they brought them back, those bees don't have enough resources inside that observation hive to survive much longer. >> there's no real black market for beehives. no suspects in mind, and no sting operations in the works in oakland. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> new at 630 tonight, tesla ceo elon musk still needs to be careful about what he posts on acts related to a settlement with the security and exchange commission. the u.s. supreme court today declined to review the sec restrictions. they were put on musk's social media posts and other public communications about tesla as part of a 2018 settlement agreement. it required musk to pay a $20 million fine and step down as tesla's chairman. for three years, musk had asked the court to decide if the agreement violates his free speech rights.
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>> and the weather is looking pretty good right now, but that's all going to change this weekend. looks like we're back into the potential for some rain breezy in the meantime. and warm. those details coming up, let's go to ktvu. >> alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu. >> julie, thank you. coming up tonight at seven, a train derails on a bridge in portland today, disrupting traffic for several hours. what investigators are saying tonight about how this happened and how crews are working to clear this scene. also protests growing on college campuses over the war in gaza will take a closer look at some of the demonstrations that are happening at schools here in the west. we'll have those stories and much more tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes freak in the heartland. >> in the wake of a deadly multi-day tornado outbreak. i'm nicole valdez with fox weather in elk
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least five people dead. officials say one of those killed was an infant. fox's nicole valdez has more from elkhorn, nebraska.
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>> severe storms continued to rage in the south and midwest after six tornadoes ripped through texas on sunday. more than 120 tornadoes plowed through six states in just two days. at least five people have lost their lives four in oklahoma and one in iowa. a state of emergency has been declared for 12 counties in oklahoma, oklahoma governor calling it the worst he's seen since he's been in office. >> you just can't believe it. just hit down perfectly. just kind of destroyed this little town. it was unbelievable. >> the damage truly devastating, especially in sulfur, oklahoma. this drone video shows what's left of the town. officials say every business in the area appears to be destroyed. >> i know that everything i've ever worked for and put together, my father, my wife, my wife, my mom is being torn apart and there's nothing i can do. >> the national weather service confirming the damage from this
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outbreak looks to be at least of an ef three tornado, about 43,000 customers across the state were left without power as a result. in the house. >> that was right beside her is right up against her back door. so it's crazy. >> meanwhile, tornadoes devastating parts of nebraska and iowa over the weekend as well. those tornadoes moving for miles ultimately slamming into towns like elkhorn, nebraska, just west of omaha, and nebraska governor jim pillen declaring a state of emergency late sunday, unlocking additional resources for those families who need all the help they can get to rebuild in elkhorn, nebraska, i'm nicole valdez, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, taking a look at the weather out there. a pretty nice day today. last few days have been nice. it continues on this way like it did today with these temperatures. like these really for the next few days and then friday into saturday things start to switch around and we
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get ourselves into a pattern that has the potential to bring some rain, especially saturday night, into sunday morning. i was just talking to julie about this and it's a cut off low and whenever we say that, just know no one knows what's going to happen. we do know it's going to be probably showery and cloudy on saturday night into sunday. but in terms of timing, the rain, how that works out, it's not. it's going to take getting closer to that date, i know, but suffice to say the rest of this week is going to be money. i mean, look at that outside right now. days are getting longer. high pressure stays put, weak weather systems go over the top, they get close to us and they create a gradient a pressure gradient. and that gets you wind. and so we're seeing some pretty gusty north northwest winds out of ocean beach. the fog has been blown away. the sand as it kind of gets blown around there could cause issues on the great highway. you know how that works. i mean this is going to be a whole four days, three days of just breezy conditions, small craft advisories off the coast and kind of just, you know, windy, if you will. and that's going to blow sand up on the roadways and
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create pollen issues. just checking out the nation's midsection. it's still going off out there, but not anything like it had over the weekend. even yesterday they just had a massive amount of storms over 120 140 tornadoes in some places in some regions, and a lot caught on camera. you probably saw a few of them pretty pretty impressive. this is the time of year where it's bad out there. no fog on the coast, no rain in the immediate forecast. but as we get into friday and saturday, i'll show you that. coming up. here's the wind forecast for tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon or this afternoon. pardon me, this is tomorrow afternoon. and i just want you to see the numbers. and it's just going to be kind of north northwest. and then in the central valley you saw those reds. that represents some really strong winds. i think sacramento in those areas are going to have a heck of a allergy week ahead of them as well, gusting to 28 right now in santa rosa, a sfo coming up on 40 miles an hour, 28 miles an hour out towards the east bay. it's gonna be breezy, going to be nice. but what happens just in time for the weekend is this opportunity for some scattered
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showers. and of course, that's not what anybody wants to hear, because this is one of those weekends, right? kids are getting close to getting out of school. there's lots going on, and you get really nice weather right up until about friday. it gets a little cooler, but not much. but saturday there's that chance. and then into sunday. so right now the weekend is a little hazy and in focus. we'll try to bring it into focus each day as we get closer to it. >> all right. sounds good bill. thank you. santa rosa teenager is working to raise awareness and inspire others through his music. gravity is working against me here. 17 year old ryan woodard was diagnosed with autism when he was three years old. now he used to be considered nonverbal, working with teachers and speech therapists for years. but his communication skills all changed once he was introduced to the guitar. >> what saved my life is music, and it helps me express myself.
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>> ryan woodard now tours with his band. and coming up tonight at 10:00, we'll tell you about the very special gift he received from one of his musical idols. >> coming up next in sports, the 49ers signed the son of a former great. can tyreek owens follow in his father's footsteps and become an impact player for the red and gold? >> and just a quick reminder that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app. you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of different topics. it's a free download for
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they selected eight players in the nfl draft, which wrapped up saturday night. but the rookie, generating perhaps the most intrigue. he wasn't even drafted at all. and we're talking about wide receiver tariq owens out of missouri state. tariq's dad is 49ers hall of famer terrell owens. owens the younger. he was picked up after the draft and signed to the niners 90 man roster as a free agent. and after putting up modest numbers at missouri state, tariq clearly did enough at the 49ers pro day
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to get general manager john lynch's attention. in fact, lynch said he saw something in tariq stride his gait that reminded him of his father. we asked 40 niners insider grant cohen if he thought tariq had a chance to make the team. >> i wouldn't think he would make the 53 man roster right away as a rookie, he didn't really even start playing football until partway through high school. he was a basketball player, so he's new to the sport. he clearly has terrific bloodlines and genes, i think he's a nice guy to have on your practice squad because he seems like a developmental player, someone who could get better. obviously he has a ton of talent running in his family, so we'll see what he does. i would think that would be a practice squad player. and, an intriguing one. >> all right. former 40 niner, bubba paris. he's a three time super bowl champion and a good friend of this program. and today he held his inaugural charity golf tournament at ruby
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hill in pleasanton. it's called chipping away for hope and will support the life saving mission of supporting organ donors and transplant recipients for niner greats like john taylor, guy mcintyre, ricky watters, tim mcguire, among others, all took part in the festivities. bubba is the executive director of donor network west and he is passionate about the cause. >> looking forward to leading this effort, engaging as many people in the public who, who can see donating to a cause of saving life as something that would be important to them. >> okay, we'll take you out with this. rory mcilroy. he won his 25th pga tour event yesterday, and then he celebrated with some karaoke. this is not my way. >> anybody. took a midnight
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train going anywhere. >> he's got the crowd going. yeah he's got the crowd. everyone was cheering. he's actually got some pretty good pipes joined on stage by his playing partner shane lowry, who did not reach for the mic by the way, as mcilroy belted out the journey class, if you win 2.5 million, i would grab t ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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