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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 29, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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♪ rising tensions on bay area college campuses as pro palestinian protests intensify across the country. tonight,
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students camping out at san francisco state university, the latest campus now home to a new demonstration. >> people should have the right to speak about what's going on. >> i don't understand what the end goal is. >> mixed reaction tonight as a new college demonstration has popped up right here in the bay area. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> tonight, students at san francisco state university making their voices heard, demanding the college cut ties with companies doing business with israel. but some jewish students say they are concerned about the protest. ktvu zac sos joins us now live from the university, where things have remained peaceful. tonight. zach >> yeah, and some of those demonstrators still camped out just a short distance away from here. again, today's protest, as you mentioned, peaceful and the university telling students they can stay put as long as it remains that way free palestine, palestine shortly after a rally monday at san francisco state.
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>> thousand tents quickly going up, the group of demonstrators becoming the latest to join a growing list of student led encampments at colleges across the country. >> we obviously, see that this movement of forming an encampment is one that's, you know, taking the nation by storm, similar to other college encampment demonstrations, the students calling on the university to divest itself of investments from companies doing business with israel. san francisco state, as a member of the csu system, we think that it's important to protest their, involvement and, you know, support of the genocide. in a statement responding to the protests, the university saying in part, quote, sf state foundation investment policy reflects its commitment to the values of the university, prioritizing social and racial justice, environmental sustainability and climate action. >> i mean, in the whole situation, i've been kind of
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like neutral, i guess, trying not to get too involved. >> nearby zach weinstein passing by the encampment. >> i've kind of kept away today. i'm only kind of been here, as it's calmed down, weinstein, who identifies as jewish, concerned about signs like these, it's basically saying, i can't be a part of that conversation whatsoever, because i believe that the state of israel has a right to exist. you know, it creates an unwelcoming environment, but more so, it's just it's shutting down even essential conversation. >> i am a jewish student myself, actually, and i have never felt unsafe across the bay at uc berkeley. >> free palestine, free free palestine. similar to stanford university, cal's encampment protest ongoing. >> we want to see the uc divest its financial holdings in companies that are doing business with the israeli state. >> the university so far refusing to do so but allowing the demonstration to go on while it remains peaceful. protesters say they have no plans of backing down and back at san francisco state. >> there's no time frame as long
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as it takes. we have these demands and we want to see them met and we're planning. we plan to stay out here as long as that takes. >> so this demonstration obviously still in its first, evening, its early stages compared to some of those other encampment protests we have seen tomorrow. they plan to elect some of their student leaders of the movement. julie. >> all right. zac sos in san francisco tonight. zach. thank you. pro-palestinian protesters at sonoma state university also showing no signs of leaving and encampment, was set up there on friday and more people joined over the weekend. this group is also calling for a ceasefire in gaza. they also want the university to divest from companies supporting israel. the university released a statement saying it is primarily concerned with the safety of its students, faculty, staff and visitors. it also says it supports the right to free expression, and protesters have also set up an encampment at sacramento state university on the library quad.
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>> it's organized by a group called students for justice in palestine. demonstrators say these tents are designed to get the university's attention. if camping is what we have to do to get our voices heard, and the trustees to be forced to listen to us and that is what the students will do. and similar to protests at campuses across the country, this group is also calling on csu to divest from companies invested in israel. >> at the university of southern california, president carol folt met with student protesters this afternoon. the meeting comes as the usc campus remains closed to non-students and staff. a resurgence of protesters over the weekend prompted a tactical alert by the lapd. the tommy trojan statue was also vandalized over the weekend, but has since been cleaned. no arrests were made in virginia tonight. >> protesters were arrested at virginia commonwealth university . dozens of pro-palestinian protesters gathering on campus tonight waving signs, chanting on megaphones. police police
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officers in riot gear can also be seen here at the demonstration. now, according to local media reports, tear gas was deployed at one point to break up the crowd. tonight, it's unclear how many arrests were made, but the university says the protesters were violating several university policies. also today in new york, columbia university started suspending students who refused to leave their encampment there. on campus, columbia university's president says the school will not divest funds from israel, which is a key demand from protesters. we will not be moved unless by force. >> the university has conducted itself with obstinacy and arrogance, refusing to be flexible on some of our most basic points. >> tonight, hundreds of columbia students remain in the encampment. the last day of classes was today. commencement is on may 15th, which is still scheduled to happen. >> for more on the demonstrations and the effectiveness of student
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activism earlier today on the four, we spoke with lisa mueller , a political science professor at macalester college in minnesota. she says it is no surprise students are rising up to protest at campuses are generally hotbeds of activism, and that's for mainly the obvious reason that it's really relatively easy to coordinate mass movements among a bunch of folks who live and study together, who are in close knit communities, where the social costs of not attending a protest can be really high. mueller is also the author of the soon to be released book the new science of social change. she says historically, student protests aren't typically effective in the moment, but rather generations later, and our coverage of the nationwide movement continues online. you can find the very latest developments >> new at ten. the city of san leandro will pay $3.9 million to settle a lawsuit filed by a mentally disabled man who accused police of excessive force. police body cam video from 2019 shows police officers
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detaining cyril shiflett after tasing and beating him. a resident called 911 after seeing shiflett was walking on the street at two in the morning dressed as a cartoon ninja, and when officers tried to search him, he says he got scared and ran. his attorney said that some of the police body cam video of the incident was not saved. san leandro's interim police chief saying in a statement. as a result, our body worn camera recording retention policy was updated in 2022 to retain video footage for up to seven years. this updated policy ensures a longer retention of interactions with community members to allow for the future review of potential criminal administrative or civil cases. there was no admission of liability or wrongdoing by the city in the settlement. the family court center in downtown san jose was without power today for the second time in two months, the court says it is spending $150,000 a day to rent and fuel a generator as they wait on pg and e to permanently
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restore power. >> ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters joins us now live in san jose. with more from the court and how pg e is responding, lamonica julie, we did see pg and e working here earlier today, but now the facility is being powered by this generator temporarily. >> the court says it made some repairs after the first outage, but now they just want pg and e to bring back the power for good. >> as of april 20th, that it has been ready to receive power from pg and e, we simply need to be reconnected. >> santa clara county's family justice center says it moved its schedule cases to the hall of justice after losing power early monday morning. superior court assistant executive officer lisa herrick says the facility first lost power back in march. >> on march fourth, there was a piece of equipment that failed. that failure affected the
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transformer through which our courthouse receives power from pg and e, herrick says. >> they made repairs to the equipment, and since march, they've rented a generator, but had to replace it three times because of malfunctions. she says renting and fueling the generator costs $150,000 per day. pg and e released a statement monday saying the family justice center courthouse in downtown san jose requested that pg and e de-energize their service so repairs could be made to equipment owned by the customer that had failed. pg and e has been working with the customer to resolve all outstanding issues and is committed to getting the customer restored safely and as quickly as possible. eric says all operations have been interrupted, including cases involving domestic violence, restraining orders and criminal cases. >> the disruption to the
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litigants is significant. we, the court has, really i think is quite nimble in addressing these kinds of failures and reestablishing operations as quickly as possible. but it takes some herculean efforts from our court staff as well, to make that all happen. >> now, pg and e has not said why it has not been reconnected yet, and the court says that they sent a letter to pg and e's ceo today to let them know that they want the power to be restored immediately. >> julie lamonica peters in san jose tonight. lamonica thank you. a man in custody following a shootout with benicia police now facing a charge of murder. 39 year old david ochoa magana remains in custody at the solano county jail. vallejo police have now identified him as the suspect in a homicide. the victim, an adult man, was found dead inside a home on garnett circle on march 16th. magana was arrested following a shootout on
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interstate 780, the night before the victim was found. benicia police say the city's license plate readers identified a car involved in an armed robbery. two people inside started shooting at officers, who then returned fire. the car crashed at an off ramp and two people were taken into custody. >> new information tonight on the police officers who were killed in the state of north carolina for officers who were part of a u.s. marshals task force, were killed after serving a search warrant today for other officials were also hurt in that hours long standoff that followed, fox news kevin uretsky has the latest details. >> tragedy unfolding in north carolina on monday. investigators say officers were part of a us marshals task force. they were first shot at as they approached the property. police returned fire, shooting and killing a man in the front yard. the same one officers were therefore wanted for felony firearm possession. >> we have confirmed that the individual that was set up, that we were serving the warrant on was the individual who fired the initial shots. then more gunfire
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from inside the home, a three hour standoff ensued. >> i stepped outside my door. police were running by and then ambulance started coming in and they were just going everywhere. >> everywhere. >> for charlotte mecklenburg, officers who responded were also shot while trying to rescue their wounded comrades. >> we heard about over 100 gunshots. it sounded like world war three. >> ultimately, a swat team arrived on scene using an armored vehicle to crash into the home. inside a woman and a 17 year old male were taken into custody. police say a high powered rifle was found inside that home. law enforcement tonight, grieving the lives that were lost here today is an absolute tragic day for the city of charlotte and for the profession of law enforcement. >> today, we lost some heroes that are out to just simply trying to keep our community safe. >> kevin uretsky, fox news. >> winning these landmark policies would not have been possible without the tireless
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work and strong foundation that was built way before my time. >> a big night in san francisco. after the break, we are meeting the recipients of this year's prestigious goldman award, and i'm tracking that weather. >> it was another beautiful spring day today. next couple of days look pretty good and then a big switch just in time for the next weekend. i'll see you back here. >> also ahead, we're meeting a north bay teenager with autism who says music has transformed his life. coming up at 1030, his journey, and the special gift he received from a world renowned artist
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for their extraordinary achievements right here in san francisco. >> these unsung leaders have dedicated their lives to protecting the planet. new at ten tonight, ktvu betty yu introduces us to this year's winners of the goldman environmental prize. also known as the green nobel. betty. >> julie. this year marks the 35th anniversary of this prestigious international environmental award ceremony at the war memorial opera house tonight. seven grassroots leaders were recognized for their groundbreaking work as they tackle the earth's most pressing challenges. they are grassroots champions on the front lines of environmental
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defense. this year's goldman environmental prize winners were chosen among more than 100 nominations for their courage in battling issues, including pollution, deforestation and climate justice. >> some of them have never been on an airplane. many of them have never been to the united states, so it's a little bit of a culture shock. but when they begin to understand how impactful their work is and what a difference they've made, i think that they actually feel stronger and more driven. >> john goldman's parents, san francisco philanthropists rhoda and richard goldman, set out to create an environmental counterpart to the nobel prize in 1989. we have about half a million diesel trucks on our roads every single day representing north america, andrea vidari is a california activist whose work prompted the state to pass emissions limits for the trucking and rail industries. >> we must continue the fight for accountability, regulation
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and oversight of the freight system so that it operates in a way that is safer for every worker and every community. >> other winners include known slave tumor and synagogue zulu of south africa, who stopped destructive seismic testing for oil and gas to help protect the marine environment. aloke sukla led a community resistance campaign to protect forests from coal mine development in india. teresa vicente of spain worked to save europe's largest saltwater lagoon from collapse. >> join you all this evening. >> morowa marucci johnson blocked the development of a coal mine that would have added dangerous amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in australia and threatened indigenous rights. marcio gomes coordinated a global investigation that linked beef from the world's largest meat packing company to illegal deforestation in the amazon rainforest. on this milestone anniversary, goldman said what's changed most dramatically is the
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focus on climate change as an existential crisis. >> so the focus on issues that surround climate change, that impact global warming are becoming more and more critical from san francisco. >> these winners will now head to washington, d.c, where they will be honored for their achievements on may 1st. now, over the last 35 years, the goldman environmental prize has awarded $31 million in funding to all the winners. >> i mean, such powerful work that all seven are really doing and also inspiring hundreds out there. >> yeah. in fact, tonight there were about 500 students in the audience tonight. so i think a lot of future leaders, a great crowd. >> all right. >> congratulations to all of them betty. thank you. the governor's office announced today governor newsom will travel to the vatican next month to take part in a climate summit. pope francis is hosting the vatican climate summit may 15th through the 17th. governor newsom is slated to speak at the summit of mayors and governors.
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his office says the governor will talk about how california is affected by fires, floods and drought. newsom said he appreciates the leadership of the pope on the climate crisis. back in 2017, former governor jerry brown also attended the vatican climate summit. when he was in office. >> robert kennedy jr officially on california's ballot. the american independent party of california has nominated kennedy for president, and running mate nicole shanahan as his vp. the campaign confirmed it filed paperwork with the state today. california is the third state ballot. kennedy and shanahan have officially qualified for, following utah and michigan. >> it was almost the perfect last couple of days in the bay area, spring wise anyway. i mean, temperatures today were in the 60s, 70s like we saw yesterday. temperatures tomorrow will be about the same. and then we hover mid 70s, upper 70s, maybe some low 80s this week. and then we get a big change just in time for the weekend. so as we head into tuesday these
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are the highs from today. tuesday's highs will be pretty darn close about right there. fog. not an issue. they got some north winds that are blowing. and those north winds are producing a lot of tree pollen and grass and weed pollens into the atmosphere. so if you're noticing them, pollen is really are at their worst from like about seven and eight in the morning until about noon. and so if you notice those in the mornings, it's probably if you are a hay fever sufferer, you'll notice them most likely the next few days, quite frankly. and then things flip around. we get into a situation where we're going to have this high pressure weekend. this is the high pressure weekend. slow is going to come in a low pressure that is, and it's going to bring a chance, a legit chance of some showers for part of the weekend. so when i come back we'll take a look at it. we'll see you back here with the five day forecast. >> all right. sounds good bill. thank you. coming up the us government urging hamas to accept a new proposal regarding a cease fire in gaza, also had a pro-palestinian mural vandalized in san francisco. >> we are hearing from the artist who says this is not the first time, and it's called the kratom safety act.
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>> tonight at 1045, what one bay area lawmaker is doing to better regulate an herbal supplements sold across the stat ♪ we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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was vandalized. >> once again, the artist says, this is the sixth time his mural in noe valley has been targeted. ktvu crystal bailey has the story. >> muralist and cultural activist chris casali says he painted his pro-palestinian mural on his friend's building in noe valley about five months ago. >> it was painted to raise awareness about what's happening. i put up the names of the companies that are profiteering from from th on ga. >> the mural stands as a reminder of the families who have been killed in gaza on monday, after the sixth time it's been vandalized. he's covering a swear word with a sticker and sharing his disappointment. >> yeah, it hurts like to see it get vandalized, but it's nothing compared to the pain that my people are going through in gaza. >> it's happened so many times.
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security cameras were installed this time they caught the person in the act. this video showing what appears to be a woman writing over the mural. it's really in san francisco is the worst. >> it's disgusting. >> the scribble says, bring back our hostages. >> i was just sitting on my break and i saw a woman come by with a sharpie, and she was writing, and i wasn't sure if she was part of the team or i didn't know she destroyed it. >> you know, without any hesitation, in broad daylight, gosar says the incidents have been reported to police. >> meanwhile, people in the community say they are not surprised. >> we're so divided over here. who the #### are we to tell other people, you know, get it together? >> polarization is well baked in at this point, and things like this are only going to exacerbate it. >> it's just being kind of interesting to see, yeah. how much people have in common. but then when it comes to this issue, there's such a huge divide. >> and while some folks disagree
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on the message of the mural, i myself, if i were completely say pro what that message is, i still might not put it up. most everyone agrees vandalism is not the answer. >> i like to leave art the way it is, because everyone's trying to save their own thing. >> there's got to be like open conversation. and i think it's just a shame to see, those things done in this way. >> i'm against anybody doing wrong to anybody. >> the artist says he believes it's a different person responsible for the vandalism each time he plans to repaint next week. but people here in the community say as long as the war continues in gaza, the vandalism will likely continue. in san francisco. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> the united states is increasing its pressure on hamas to accept a new proposal for a cease fire deal in gaza, although the terms of the agreement have not been made public. secretary of state antony blinken is calling the proposal extraordinarily generous on israel's part. secretary blinken is in saudi arabia right now discussing a
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potential cease fire with crown prince mohammed bin salman. egypt has stepped up mediation efforts in hopes of averting an assault on the gaza city of rafah. >> what saved my life is music and it helps me express myself straight ahead. >> a teenager in the north bay sharing his story tonight on overcoming life's challenges with autism and how music allowed him to communicate at a young age. and the incredible strides he has made. also, it was a treasure hunt across san francisco, and tonight we are hearing from two of the lucky participants who went home with a valuable coin, and it was one of the most memorable nights in baseball. >> last year, a reverse boycott for a's fans at the coliseum and another one now planned for this season. we'll have details later in sports also coming up tonight. it's a great time to visit san francisco's pier 39.
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house. even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dreams do come true. get started with xfinity gig internet for $25 a month when you add mobile. plus, get wifi equipment included. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi with xfinity.
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month and tonight we are hearing from the family of a bay area teenager with autism who once wondered if he'd even be able to talk as ktvu. claudine wong reports, the boy's communication skills blossomed once he was introduced to the guitar, and now we are with every note, every word. >> for every strum of his guitar, you get another glimpse of 17 year old ryan woodard. a side of him that for many years people could not see what saved my life is music, and it helps me express myself. >> people with autism can have a hard time with communicating and have social interactions with others. >> ryan was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. communication was so difficult
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that he was considered nonverbal until he was 9 or 10. >> he would just say hello, hello, hello. he would just say hi to like he would meet you and say hi like 50 times because that's what he learned how to say the term for that is echolalia. so he could actually repeat things in short phrases, but nothing beyond that. >> he worked for years with teachers and speech therapists and was making progress. but then something remarkable happened. his dad, who was always looking for ways to connect, bought him a game where he could plug in a guitar and play songs, and then next thing you know, he knew 50 songs. >> and i was like, okay, well, if you can learn another 50 and get a certain score, i'll buy you a guitar. two weeks later, i had to buy him a guitar. >> the rest, as they say, is history. but ryan didn't just sing. he soared. i have the sky high today. he's the lead singer of the ryan woodard band. he's a member of the school of rock. and last year he had a packed touring schedule. welcome to the
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you feel bad for you. and even in this journey filled with incredible moments, there are some that just take your breath away. what you'll see here is me meeting ryan for the first time. this is ryan meeting social media musician guitarro 5000 on a trip to southern california. he asks strangers a simple question. sing with me. >> and then. so i came up to him and asked him, like, what kind of music do you like? and he said, he likes tons of music. and then i requested gravity by john mayer. and then i sang with him. he's a nice guy. he has like a great soul. he's showing human kindness to me. gravity. is working against me here. >> the video went viral and it got so much attention that even john mayer noticed. and then one
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day this arrived. what is it? >> what does it look like? >> it's like it's hard. my dad brought in this big box and we were seeing like, who's it from? it was from john. john? >> yes, from john. >> john who? john mayer. yes. oh my gosh. >> and then we just open it up, got the guitar case and then just like open and i hope it opened up the guitar case and just pulled out the guitar. ryan, you sound great. here's a little something to help you keep expressing yourself. your friend john. >> john. oh my gosh, ryan is now living a life his dad says they never dreamed was possible. >> i tell him every day i talk to my wife all the time. i was like, you know what? if he just didn't do one more thing? it's 100 times more than we ever expected that he could ever. the potential he could ever be at. >> ryan plays multiple instruments and can sing thousands of songs. he wants to
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raise awareness about autism and is finding power in telling his story. >> i have this song called for the better, it's about like moving on things because like this year i'm graduating from high school and just going to a, community college, it's about moving from moving to a next chapter of your of your personal, personal self. >> and so as he plays the guitar gifted to him by john mayer, he sings songs that are his own. it's my original right here. i hope the way it makes clear inspiration from the boy who struggled to speak, who now, at 71, continues to find his voice. >> the world will be a better place near santa rosa. >> claudine wong, ktvu, fox two news. >> much more. >> what a great story. now we have an update for you on a unique story that we told you about last week. it's a it's noo
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an end with allthe winners seth chandler, owner of whitter coin in san francisco's marina district, announced that scavenger hunt last friday. he says he and his staff hid the coins across the city and then gave out clues on social media back and looked at the picture, found the exact bench and it was just kind of looking around and said, oh my god, there's a business card. >> yeah, yeah. and it was the coin found at ghirardelli square , the arts right there. >> and it was tucked in right in the little corner. yeah, it was awesome. i was jumping up and down and everything. it was amazing. >> the owner of the coin store says the value of the coins ranges from $250 to $2500 each. he says he wanted to hold the hunt to encourage people to get interested in coin collecting. >> san francisco mayor london breed is detailing her plans for a $360 million bond measure for the november ballot. this bond would spend $167 million to help
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finance improvements to zuckerberg san francisco general hospital, laguna honda and the chinatown health clinic. it would also include $50 million to increase the number of shelter beds and transitional housing for families experiencing homelessness. $70 million for street safety and repaving and $25 million to renovate harvey milk plaza in the castro. this proposal needs approval from the board of supervisors to be able to put it on the november ballot. the mayor is expected to formally introduce the measure at tomorrow's meeting. mayor breed did join city officials, business leaders and community members today to discuss ways to enhance the san francisco nightlife and entertainment scene. the san francisco entertainment commission hosted its 14th annual nightlife and entertainment summit. there were presentations and panels and discussions on the current issues facing the industry. the mayor said the city is poised to work with the venues to create easier pathways for more economic opportunity. >> we have to be a real partner from the city side in order to
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get rid of the bureaucracy, get rid of the layers of fees, get rid of the drama and get to yes, that is my goal. that is my hope . >> the mayor acknowledged that the city is still not where it wants to be in the recovery from the pandemic, but she said that it's clear people in the community are looking for places to come together, and that there are signs of a comeback. >> coming up at 11, combating retail theft in the bay area. how one police department is reporting major progress and we are tracking the weather around here. >> we've got a nice day again tomorrow, but then changes as we get towards the weekend. i'll have that forecast coming up. >> but first, the federal government launched a new program that will help assess and monitor artificial intelligence. th effort o
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just 16% say they should be less regulated. 60% of democrats surveyed say they're more likely to call for increased regulation. that's compared to 45% for republicans, and 78% of americans polled said that social media companies have too much power and influence in politics. the commerce department announced new actions on the safe, secure and trustworthy development of artificial intelligence. the national institute of standards and technology is releasing draft publications that will help identify risks posed by generative ai and help establish worldwide standards on its development and implementation. the agency is also rolling out a new program that will evaluate the capabilities of ai technology, including ways to help people determine whether text, images, videos or audio were created by humans or ai. >> the country's largest
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wireless carriers have been fined nearly $200 million for allegedly sharing users location data. the fcc claims the carriers illegally sold real time location information to data aggregators, which allowed highly sensitive information to get into the hands of bail bond companies, bounty hunters and people. the fcc is describing as other shady actors. t-mobile has been ordered to pay $80 million. at&t was fined 57 million, and verizon faces a $47 million fine. the companies have vowed to challenge the fines in court. >> more than 13 million kaiser permanente members may have had their personal data exposed to third party vendors. the oakland based health care provider says it online tools that were installed on its websites and mobile apps were involved. kaiser says about 13.4 million people will get a notification. kaiser says it is not aware of any misuse of any of that personal information. earlier today on the four net, ceo patrick julie haener told us
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kaiser members should change their passwords, use what's called multi-factor authentication on those passwords. >> you receive that one time code on your text message tohoe, that, that really ensures that you're accessing your applications. your information, so someone else cannot access it . >> kaiser says patients names, indications that they were signed into a kaiser account in their health related searches were involved, but no usernames, passwords, social security numbers or financial account information. >> coming up, one bay area lawmaker is looking to regulate a new drug being sold across the state. >> also, naloxone will soon be available in california for nearly half of the current market price. how state lawmakers were able to secure the dealin, will have the comple bay area forecast coming up after the break
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll.
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to go all out or... go all in. at cache creek casino resort, with four stars ornia's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi?n wifi that works all over the house. even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party...
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and invite shannon barnes. dreams do come true. get started with xfinity gig internet for $25 a month when you add mobile. plus, get wifi equipment included. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wohere with mom and fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi with xfinity. francisco assemblyman matt haney announced the kratom safety act. in its natural state, kratom has long been used medicinal and thc purposes, but haney says lack of regulation here in the u.s. has led to very potent and dangerous products being sold, with no regulation. haney says his bill would ensure kratom products
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sold in the state contain safe ingredients, dosage and passes lab testing. the bill would also make >> the california department of public health todayoon be availy everywhere it is needed across the state. >> ktvu tom vacar explains how the state leveraged its purchasing power to buy the drug at below market value under the state's own prescription label, cal rx. >> california taxpayers will purchase naloxone, a proven life saving drug overdose treatment, for 40% below market rate. caregiver hours such as the glide foundation say it's about time there's been too much price gouging from the pharmacy corporations for too long. naloxone can revive overdose
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people on opioids such as fentanyl, oxycodone, opium and others incredible people's live. how easy it is to use, how important it is to make it widely available. so we have it as a tool to save lives everywhere in our state. >> instead of $40 for a two pack of the spray, the state will pay $24. the state will distribute , police agencies, local health agencies, community based groups , harm reduction organizations, schools anywhere needed really, but also making it available to restaurants, to entertainment centers, to lyft drivers. >> we hope this will become as ubiquitous and as available as as other key aspects of first aid kits. >> san francisco's glide foundation has crews out each and every day as do many other groups, but they need a lot more help. programs have been doing their best to get as many doses of narcan into the hands of drug
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users, their loved ones, family members, and friends who use with them. >> most of the distribution is free in san francisco alone last year, 806 people died of drug overdoses, with 80% due to fentanyl, with well under 2% of the state population. >> san francisco had 11% of the state's opioid deaths. >> we'll begin ordering this over the counter naloxone spray from amneal pharmaceuticals next month, which of course is very is just around the corner. >> at some point in the near future, cal rx, that state brand will also buy insulin and mr. crystal at deep discounts. tom vacar. ktvu fox two news. >> and earlier today on the four, we did speak with michael snow from the hiv education and prevention project of alameda county. and snow says countless lives will be saved through this purchasing agreement, with more access to the actual medication, more available, all over,
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and that scenes of possible overdoses, only do and only help the process of saving lives. snow would go on to say right now, the biggest request for narcan when it comes to the drug crisis in san francisco. >> officers say their latest crackdown in the tenderloin is bearing results. police say a one day operation resulted in 60 arrests, two illegal guns seized and 260g of narcotics taken off the streets. the operation, which happened on wednesday, is part of a year long effort by police to dismantle the drug trade in the tenderloin in south of market neighborhoods, authorities say. since last may, they have made more than 3000 arrests for drug activity. >> check it in on the weather. it was a beautiful day today. yesterday was nice as well. tomorrow in the next couple of days. same thing. follow suit. plenty of warmth, plenty of sunshine, no fog along the coast . bit breezy if you will. a lot of north northwest wind that'll
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keep things on the mild to warm side as well. and these were the highs from today. now those highs tomorrow are going to come down in some spots. we have a week, not a lot. it'll be still be in the mid 70s. but we have a weak weak weather system going to the north of us. you can see one there. see how it passes through eureka and then another one there on friday. and then friday does it sort of detaches from the jet stream, quits flowing east and works as it works its way, our way. so saturday, saturday night, sunday looks like we could be into a little bit of rain, which is a drag because of course this is the time of year where you don't want to see it. there's between graduations and kids games and soccer games and all the things that go on, you'd hate to see that, we might be, n sunday. saturday afternoon into sunday, it might be in for a little bit of wet stuff. so we'll keep an eye on that fog at the coast, systems are going over it, and they just tweak by and when they tweak by their little lows. so they create a pressure gradient between the big high a the winde
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seeing obviously spring, but we're seeing pollens and the winds are going to be in a position where they're going to be blowing pollens down through the central valley, out through the bay, not an onshore wind as much as kind of a side shore north northwest, which is more of a dry land breeze. so it's going to be picking up stuff in the air. and so if you're a hay fever sufferer, you're going to notice it. you probably noticed it today. worse, the hay fever that's bad. reflectivity there on the radar. but the worst, allergy time is generally about nine in the morning until about noon or 1:00. so those are the periods. and one of the hot tips i can give you is take take your medication before you go to bed. right. so you wake up in the morning and it's already in your system if you are a hay fever
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sufferer, temperatures running a little cooler than average and you can tell i'm a hay fever sufferer, right? i'm vested in this for sure, but it's going to be noticeable the next, next 3 or 4 days. the hay fever that is the winds have died down a little bit. we had 40 knot gusts at sfo earlier. it sustained at 18 though it's still blowing, but not as hard as it was last night or not. last night, earlier this evening. winds will come back uping to be. each day this week is going to be kind of repetitive, like tomorrow, like today, and then it changes around as we get into friday. a little bit cooler, but really just a few clouds and then saturday and sunday, that's the big, the big, the big change for us, which would be chance of showers with that cut off low, which if anybody tells you they know what that low is going to do, they're they're kidding you because the models don't know. the models have a hard time with cut off lows. so the best thing to do on a pattern like this, if you have outdoor plans, graduations and such, is just day by day. the models will get a little more in focus each day as we go towards that period. so let's do that. i'll see you back
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here. we'll update at 11. >> all right. we'll see you then. bill. thank you. the sea lions at san francisco's pier 39 are one of the city's most beloved attractions, and right now is a great time to go visit officials at the pier posted this picture on social media saying the sea lion count is the highest it's been in seven years, with more than 800 lions. sea lions spread out extra actie right now. >> all right, coming up in sports, the 40 niners bring in a familiar last name to help bolster their depth at wide receiver. but can terrell owens son do enough to earn a roster spot? jason appelbaum up next after talking to a niners beat writer to find out. >> then on the 11:00 news a crime the town is buz
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thinking i should bring back my 100% all-white meat for $6.99? you're in luck, i did. if you weren't thinking that, i bet you are now. my popcorn chicken combos are only $6.99. get 'em sauced & loaded for just a buck more. welcome to jack in the box!
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boycott for friday, june 7th.
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now your may may remember the first one. it took place last summer when fans packed the coliseum in protest of owner john fisher. john lackey style 1920 7000 plus turned out on june 13th of last year to voice their displeasure for fisher and implore him to sell the team. it happened on the very same day that the nevada senate passed a funding bill for the las vegas ballpark. a's fans are livid that fisher is moving the team first to sacramento after this season, and then, if all goes according to fisher's plan to a new vegas ballpark in time for the 2028 season, ryan johansen is the owner of the last dive bar and one of the organizers of this year's reverse boycott. two. >> this again brings the reality of what john fisher has done to the oakland a's, what mlb is allowed to be done to the fan base, right? this this brings it
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again to the forefront. so it continues to push that narrative of who john fisher is, what he's done, and the lack of effect in a positive way that he's had on the community. and the people that he's supposed to be serving. the fans. >> as for tonight, 3500 diehard fans at the coliseum, a's hosting the pirates and pirates pitcher bailey falter falters on that pitch. in the first to tyler nevin, he launches one over the wall in center, 404ft solo home run a's add two more runs in the fourth and two more in the fifth to win 5 to 1. a changing of the guard in the nba tonight, for the first time in 20 years since 2005, steph curry and lebron all won't be in the second round of the playoffs. lebron and the lakers trying to stay alive in game five tonight in denver. we're tied at 106 inside of 10s. and how clutch is jamal murray hits the floater with 3.6 seconds left to give denver the lead. last gasp for
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la. taurean price no chance at the buzzer. the nuggets win 108 106 to take the series four games to one. lebron finished with 30 points and after the game was coy about his future in la and your last game with the lakers. >>. >> appre. >> there you go. he wants to play with his son, bronny. somewhere. the 49ers selected eight players in the recent league completed nfl draft with which, which just completed. but the rookie generating perhaps the most intrigue. he wasn't drafted at all. the niners picked up wide receiver tariq owens is a free agent after the draft and signed him to their 90 man roster. tariq's dad, of course, is 49ers hall of famer terrell owens. owens the younger he caught general manager john lynch's attention at the 49ers pro day a few weeks ago. in
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fact, lynch said he saw something in tariq stride his gait that reminded him of his father. we asked 40 niners insider grant cohn if he thought tariq had a chance to make the team. 53 man roster right away. as a rookie, he didn't really even. he was a basketball player, so he's new to the sport. he clearly has terrific bloodlines and genes, i think he's a nice guy to have on your practice squad because he seems like a developmental player, someone who could get better. obviously he has a ton of talent running in his family, so we'll see what he does. i would think that would be a practice squad player and, an intriguing one. >> yeah. intriguing indeed. we shall see. yes. >> an opportunity. >> it is an opportunity. a lot of bloodlines in this draft. we won't go into all of them, but mccaffrey and rice and gore and of course, owens. >> so all right interesting stuff jason. thank you. next at 11, no one should be treated this way and not have power. >> established a family court in
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the south bay paying more than $100,000 a day to keep the lights on as it waits for a permanent power source to be restored. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu fox two starts now. >> the santa clara county family court center says it is costing $150,000 a day to rent and fuel a generator. tonight, employees still waiting for pg and e to restore power. good evening everyone. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. it is the second time this has happened in the last two months, and it is causing delays in court cases. new tonight ktvu lamonica peters tells us pg e was on the scene working today, but the power is still out. santa clara county's family justice center says it moved its schedule cases to the hall of justice after losing power early monday morning. >> superior court assistant executive officer lisa herrick says the facility first lost power back in march. >> on march 4th, there was a piece of equipment that failed that


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