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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  April 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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hands. >> months after an unsolved murder shook up their community. some neighbors are now raising money for families who want security cameras. >> as the little pieces that are within our control we're trying to take action on, and we're really trying to push the city towards making oakland safer. >> the neighborhood organization is still without answers. after 60 year old david schneider was shot and killed while trimming trees in his backyard in june. good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> neighbors hope that by working together and then sharing those cameras that they can improve safety. new at six ktvu is crystal bailey live tonight at maxwell park with more on this community effort. crystal >> well, imagine how safe a community here in oakland would be if there were cameras strategically placed in certain corners protecting the homes and of course, supporting law enforcement. that's what maxwell park wants to do here with neighbors, helping neighbors in the quiet community of maxwell park in east oakland, neighbors are tight knit. and in june of
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2023, when 60 year-old david schneider was senselessly shot while trimming trees in his front yard, neighbors came to his aid while he was dying and gathered security footage for investigators in what oakland police originally thought might have been an attempted robbery. >> it just really, struck the whole community. it activated us. we felt, you know, upset and scared. and so we all came together to try and think about how we could, make this community safer. >> it's no secret. oakland police are overwhelmed. so the maxwell park neighborhood action team took it into their own hands and started working on problems like traffic improvement, lighting up dark streets and adding cameras to deter criminals. >> we're worried that these crimes are going to be committed , and then that nobody will be held accountable for the actions. >> nathan green recently began a fundraiser to raise money for families who could not buy a camera of their own, crowdsourcing the funds from other neighbors, cameras that
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face the street so that if a car is being used in a crime elsewhere, that we can maybe help law enforcement. diane cheatham allen says she's lived in the neighborhood for 45 years. >> we do look out for each other, and we have for a very long time. >> and she has a camera on her own house, but she's happy to hear more families will have access to security. >> i think cameras would allow us to know what is going on. >> although oakland's latest data shows the overall crime rates are down over last year in the maxwell park area, home robberies are up 300% in parts of the neighborhood. this community is focused on solving these crimes together by monitoring the streets. >> we've identified several families who are interested in getting the cameras, who couldn't otherwise afford it. >> and the neighborhood action team says that they've raised about $1,300 so far, but they'll continue to raise money so they can help as many families as possible get these cameras now. meanwhile, oakland police could not provide me with an update on
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where they are in the investigation involving schneider's death. at this time, we believe that there have been no arrests in the case. >> mike crystal bailey live tonight in oakland. crystal, thank you. now to a developing story out of hayward. sky fox overhead. some police activity this was just about an hour ago. you can see down below several police vehicles outside a home near taylor and olympic. this is east of interstate 880. police not releasing much information at this hour other than telling people really to avoid the area, as we do get more information on this developing story tonight, of course we will bring it to you. >> new at six tonight. several suspects are in custody accused of leading oakland police on a high speed chase this afternoon. police say it started with a reported stolen car near 105th avenue and san leandro street in east oakland. officers say they attempted to stop that car, but the driver sped away. a police helicopter followed the car until the driver got out of the car at 35th avenue and interstate 580, then got into
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another car. a driver in that second car then headed back toward east oakland. the two suspects eventually got out of their car and tried to run away, but were taken into custody. >> today, an emotional memorial service for the sheriff's deputy in idaho, who grew up in the east bay. people gathered for the service in idaho and many others, though, watched it from the family's church in walnut creek as ktvu jana katsuyama reports, hundreds wanted to remember and honor his life of service for word. >> the memorial service for deputy tobin boulter up in idaho was live streamed here in the east bay at his home congregation, north creek church . hundreds of people gathered, including boulters grandmother lily, who couldn't make the trip to idaho. >> tobin and abby grew up here. they were married here. both of their families still attend here, and so this has been very impactful. tobin was a man of deep pain and sympathy for the boulter family. >> police with pleasant hill and
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walnut creek departments also attended. he had been a cadet with walnut creek police and also served as a pleasant hill police officer for several years before moving to idaho. the ada county sheriff says boulter had been a deputy only four months. he was shot and killed april 20th by a driver who boulter had pulled over for a traffic stop. friends watched tobin, boulters wife abby, and his family joined the north creek church. senior pastor at the idaho service. >> i'm truly speechless at the generosity of so many individuals. i am mostly grieving the loss of my best friend. this coming june, we would have celebrated our sixth year of marriage during the ceremony, the ada county sheriff presented the family with a purple heart. >> this past week has been an emotional roller coaster. the loss of deputy boulter has left a gaping hole in our agency and in our hearts. >> the church community in the bay area said they wanted to support local police, friends and community members.
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>> i know a lot of my friends know him. he's around my age, and then, you know, our pastor spoke about him. >> i actually am the facilities manager at the high school that he went to. so i got to see him regularly on a daily basis. and just a light to everybody. >> he touched here at north creek church in walnut creek. they asked people to write messages and remembrances on white cards. they collected them after the ceremony to give to his family in walnut creek, jana katsuyama ktvu fox two news. >> overnight, dozens of protesters at columbia university in new york city broke into and occupied hamilton hall on campus. witness video shows the takeover as they barricaded themselves inside the university says students who remain in the building are facing expulsion. in new york, police say they will only step in if the university requests
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their help. >> the nypd is always ready, but we will not be going on to columbia's property without a specific request for them or not. unless there is imminent danger. imminent emergency. >> students who live on campus and essential staff had to be scanned in with valid ids in order to get on campus. the occupiers say they will not come out until their three main demands of divestment financial transparency and amnesty are met, and after eight days of demonstrations at cal poly, humboldt police moved in overnight and took two dozen people into custody. a local reporter covering that sweep was detained in the process. ktvu christien kafton has this story. >> we need you out of the way. okay. >> k, off tv reporter adele ruiz was recording and reporting on her station's facebook page from cal state polytechnic university, humboldt, as police detained her along with demonstrators at the university as they moved in to clear protesters from siemens hall on campus. ruiz was detained,
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photographed and transported from the scene by law enforcement, losing one of the phones she was using to broadcast and record what was unfolding in front of her. >> that second phone actually ended up being swept away as well as when they were, moving my hands towards behind my back. it slipped out of my pocket and i couldn't get it. obviously, the officers didn't get it. so there is a piece of news equipment out there at cal poly humboldt right now. >> you were told multiple times to leave, otherwise you're going to be arrested. but i can't. >> my job, my job has been here all night. >> well, find a different job. >> ruiz was on scene as authorities moved in on the demonstrators who taken over siemens hall. more than a week ago as part of their protest against the war in gaza, and as part of their effort to get the school to disclose and divest from companies doing business with israel in all authorities arrested at least 25 people. >> at first, they were detaining the people that were out in the quad in the little courtyard area. that's the those were the
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first people that got detained. >> protesters face a variety of charges, including unlawful assembly, vandalism and assault on a police officer. humboldt county put out a call for help monday, looking for mutual aid from law enforcement partners up and down the state. san francisco police sent ten officers and a sergeant, the police association saying officers gave up their days off to assist, assure safety and protect everyone's first amendment rights. the sheriff's office also sent for deputies, saying law enforcement from san francisco has experienced with mass protests, and that provides a unique skill set to assist smaller law enforcement outfits in san francisco. >> we do get a lot of opportunities or numerous opportunities to work with mass arrest, when they come up, as always, we try to give everybody the freedom to express their first amendment rights. we only get involved if disruptive or activities or crimes occur. >> a statement from cal polytechnic university humboldt president tom jackson jr. reads in part, quote, this is a
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difficult day. it breaks my heart to see it. and truly, nobody wanted to see things come to this. we've all watched this with great concern and always with the sincere hope that it would be resolved peacefully. unfortunately serious criminal activity that crossed the line well beyond the level of a protest had put the campus at ongoing risk in san francisco, christien, kafton ktvu, fox two news. >> the protests are also still underway on bay area college campuses. demonstrators have been camping out at sf state, uc berkeley and stanford, among others. students at those three universities are calling on their respective administrators to denounce the war in gaza and to cut ties with companies doing business with israel. so far, the protests on bay area college campuses have remained peaceful. >> the campus demonstrations are becoming a top issue on capitol hill, with more hearings expected on how colleges are handling claims of anti-semitism. house speaker mike johnson said he plans to bring a bill to the house floor this week. in response to the
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nationwide campus protests. it could pave the way for protesters to face criminal charges and also allow lawmakers to cut federal funding to universities that do not control antisemitic behavior. >> this is out of control. we've got to we've got to protect the innocent students there. and we got to say clearly without any equivocation that anti-semitism is wrong, smashing windows with hammers and taking over university buildings is not free speech. >> it is lawlessness. >> this high profile house hearings prompted the resignations of the presidents of harvard and the university of pennsylvania last year. house republicans say they will be calling on the administrators of ucla, yale and the university of michigan to testify next month as protests continue here at home. >> secretary of state antony blinken is in israel pushing for a cease fire despite calls for a restraint from western allies. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he is still
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planning to invade the southern gaza city of rafah. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have fled to the south in search of refuge from the war. late today, secretary blinken said that israel is planning on opening a major humanitarian aid crossing into northern gaza, though he did not share further details as us leaders are hoping hamas may be willing to accept a six week long cease fire and agree to a swap of israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners. >> still to come, new ideas from the state to reduce gun violence . the attorney general listening to community leaders for their suggestions. >> also ahead, a potential major shift in federal drug policy. what an easing of marijuana rules at the national level could mean in california. >> and temperatures peak tomorrow. we're going to warm up into into your wednesday. thursday looks pretty good as well, but then it starts to cool off with a chance of some rain this weekend and alameda county voters will have a recall election for the district attorney, but when that may
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actually happen remains unclear. >>
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see, the initial results had sam liccardo in first place, with evan lowe and joe simitian tied for second. all three would have moved on to the general election, but santa clara county announced today the recount resulted in evan lowe receiving an additional 11 votes and
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simitian gaining seven. if these results were to stand with no changes in san mateo county, lowe would move on to face liccardo in november. >> this is separated by four votes now you know what i mean. so even if it's like a tiny, tiny part of the entire cast of ballots, it still has a big impact on every single part of the process. so it's important for people to make sure they don't just register to they actually go vote, too. >> and as of last week, san mateo county, which is also part of district 16, is working with the us postal service and other partners to resolve the status. right now, of 16 ballots, alameda county district attorney pamela price will face a recall election. >> but exactly when that will happen is still up in the air. ktvu henry lee has the latest on when voters can look forward to having that recall election recall price, recall price recall price, dueling rallies by those who want to recall alameda county da pamela price.
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>> public safety is priceless and those who want her to stay put, stop fighting price. >> stop scapegoating price. today. >> this is it. okay? the recall is going to happen. this is the first ever recall happening in our county. >> yes, recall organizers carl chan and brenda grisham want the board of supervisors to set a date for the recall. but they had to compete with an equally vocal group of price supporters. >> we aren't here to argue with anybody. you guys have had your chance. this is our press conference. yes, this is for the victims. >> the progressive price will face a recall after organizers gathered enough signatures. the only question is, and it's a complicated one, when any election would be at a meeting tuesday, the board of supervisors were told by the registrar of voters it could be a special election that could cost 15 to $20 million or be consolidated with the november election for $4 million.
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>> alameda county is not for sale. we had a democratic election. >> we the people spoke at a news conference of her own price, accused recall organizers and the registrar of cherry picking what rules to follow. >> so now what we have is if we're going to have an election, it's a remix election and therefore that's undemocratic. >> the state fair political practices commission has opened an investigation into alleged campaign disclosure violations by the financial arm of a group that wants, price recalled. >> there have been a lot of financial irregularities, coupled with the irregular, practices of the signature gathering, the registrar told supervisors the preference is to include the recall as part of the november election. >> price's attorney, jim sutton, agrees. >> if they want to move forward with the election, if they don't agree that it's illegal, why would they do a special election ? why would you waste $20 million to have an election that's going to be held like two months before the november election? >> there are a lot of potential dates thrown out there as far as
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a possible special election. so far, no decision as to whether it's a separate election or be part of the november election. either way, there was some agreement. this recall will happen on a tuesday. henry lee ktvu, fox two news new at six, new rules have been approved for street vendors in san francisco today. >> the board of supervisors passed an ordinance that expands the city's crackdown on illegal street vending. this ordinance clarifies the permit application process, requires certain vendors to register with the tax collector and pay fees, and also banned selling in residential districts. the ordinance follows the 90 day moratorium on street vending in on mission street issued in november, which was later extended by another six months. >> alrighty, a pretty nice day again today. spring weather all over the place. beautiful in the valley. beautiful here. a little breezy and that's creating some pollens or not creating the pollens, but certainly blowing the pollens around. tree pollens are trending high pretty much everywhere in the bay area. so
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you may be noticing it. here's the model long range model. right. so we're going to go this thing goes to the north. this is on thursday. see the blue up there by eureka. so that goes through misses us. and then this next one looks like it wants to miss us. but then it drops. and this is on friday night into saturday. and saturday right now looks like it has the potential to be wet from about lunchtime, maybe a little earlier than that through the day. and then it breaks out on sunday. so we'll see how that goes. i mean, there's lots can change between now and then, but the idea essentially is that yes, we are going to be wet this weekend right now it appears to be more saturday into saturday afternoon. and evening. sunday looks like it's going to try to clear out. the atmosphere is crystal clear. that's what wind will do, right? the wind kind of blows out the atmosphere. it also blows out the fog. so we're not looking at any fog along the coast right now. temperatures in the mid 70 or low 70s temperatures tomorrow are going to be in the mid upper 70s and low 80s. so it warms up a bit in the disparity between what's happening now on tomorrow, the warmest day of the week, and
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what's going to happen on saturday. it's a pretty, pretty big gap, so it's going to be a little bit wet. sorry about that. and as you look at the trends, tomorrow is the warmest day. then thursday is nice and then boom drops off pretty quick. it doesn't get cold, just does not stay into the 70s and 80s. gets into the 60s. looks like it's going to be wet on saturday. certainly by lunchtime. >> all right bill, thank you. still to come tonight a long time baseball field for little league and school activities faces an uncertain future. >> we would love that opportunity to preserve this space long term, even if it's not going to be used for school site. >> what is brompton? the marin county school district to sell the property, and how some in the community are trying to preserve the baseball field, also had an alarming rise in hepatitis in san francisco. >> how health leaders are trying to reach out to communities at risk
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angeles, the metro light rail train and a university of southern california shuttle bus collided just before noon today near the usc campus. investigators say at least 55 people had to be treated, including 18 who had to be taken to the hospital. two victims suffered serious injuries. a spokesperson for la metro says for an unknown reason, the bus crossed into the path of the train. the cause of that crash is under investigation. police
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in san jose arrested a 53 year old man on suspicion of human trafficking and operating a brothel, police say. ji kwang liu was targeting was the target of an investigation. since november. officers received a tip of suspicious activity, possibly linked to human trafficking, at a home on north 16th street and east james street. liu was arrested on april 19th at the residence, where police say officers found cash and two women associated with the operation. >> during the search of the residence, detectives did locate and identify two adult female human trafficking survivors, and they were provided with resources during that time. >> detectives with the fbi helped san jose police with the arrest. liu was booked into the santa clara county jail on felony charges of pimping and pandering. >> health officials say there are a rising number of hepatitis cases in san francisco. city and state health officials held a rally this morning outside city
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hall to help raise awareness about hepatitis b and hepatitis c, they announced that more than $3 million is being awarded from the state. now, this money is going to northeast medical services, chinese hospital association, asian health services and the san francisco aids foundation for a hepatitis b project. >> most of the hepatitis b that we're seeing, the chronic hepatitis b is now in adults. and that's why we have to continue. we have to continue to focus on hepatitis, hepatitis b every adult should be screened at least once in their lifetime for chronic hepatitis, that includes hepatitis b and c, officials say san francisco's hepatitis project is in line with a national strategic health plan, which calls for the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by the year 2030. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630. marijuana dispensaries are ubiquitous in many parts of the
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country, but they face plenty of challenges because of federal regulations. now, that may be changing. >> new research driving fresh ideas on addressing gun violence in california. the push to get cities to work together as regions, and coming up later in sports. >> the 40 niners draft a hard hitting safety. we will hear from him and the high praise he is receiving from
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and are reportedly making arrests. these are live pictures now of the operation. we saw just moments ago. you can partially see here. however, it is dark police there in riot gear. they are facing off against demonstrators. it is loud there. it is noisy. pro-palestinian and anti-war demonstrators have occupied a campus building and have set up encampments now for about two weeks. again, you're looking at live pictures from columbia university, where police now are in riot gear and they are facing off with the demonstrators. we are going to continue to monitor this breaking news and bring you any new developments as we get them. >> now to our other top stories, also involving college campuses overnight, authorities arrested 25 people who took over a campus building at cal poly humboldt in a pro-palestinian demonstration. protests are now affecting about
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two dozen universities nationwide and encampments at several bay area campuses, including cal and stanford, have remained peaceful. >> also, an emotional memorial service today for a sheriff's deputy in idaho who grew up in the east bay. 27 year-old deputy tobin bolter's family attended that ceremony in idaho, and a live stream of the service at the family's church in walnut creek, boelter was an officer in pleasant hill before he moved to idaho. he was shot and killed april 20th by a driver. he had pulled over for a traffic stop and a neighborhood group in oakland's maxwell park is raising money to help families in the neighborhood buy security cameras. >> the movement was sparked after a 60 year old man was shot and killed while trimming trees at his own yard last june. that killing remains unsolved. the neighbors hope that a greater network of security cameras could help deter and solve crime. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. the u.s. drug enforcement administration says it is moving to reclassify
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marijuana as a less dangerous drug. >> that's right. this new classification would move marijuana from a schedule one drug to a schedule three drug and recognize the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledge that it has less potential for abuse than more serious drugs. earlier today, on the floor, we did speak with tamara todd, legal director at new approach pac, which supports progressive ballot initiatives with a focus on cannabis and criminal justice policy reform. >> the truth is, is it's long been acknowledged that marijuana was inappropriately scheduled in schedule one initially 50 years ago, and that's been part of what has spurred, i think, the dramatic policy shift among states to move in a different direction. the dea proposal would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. >> the proposal still needs to be reviewed by the white house office of management and budget. some have raised objections to keeping the drug scheduled at all, including east bay congresswoman barbara lee, who is co-chair of the congressional cannabis caucus. she said,
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quote, cannabis must be fully de-scheduled in order to end the war on drugs and repair harm to communities of color. >> the supreme court says it will hear an appeal from a cbd hemp oil maker, who is fighting a lawsuit from a truck driver who accuses the company of false advertising. that company, medical marijuana inc, based in vista, california, disputes the claims of the truck driver, who says its product contains thc. the truck driver says he was fired after failing a drug test and sued the company under the racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act. the case won't be heard until the fall. well, a judge in the donald trump criminal trial in new york city has fined the former president for violating his gag order that bars him from making public statements about witnesses, jurors and others connected with the case. fox news arthur chen tells us. the judge has also threatened former president trump with jail time. >> donald trump look relaxed, giving reporters a fist pump
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even after being found in contempt for violating a gag order aimed at protecting witnesses and jurors in this case. in a written ruling handed down tuesday, judge juan merchan found trump violated the order on nine occasions, with social media posts attacking witnesses in the case. trump was fined $9,000 and ordered to remove the nine social media posts. the judge also warned trump could be jailed if he continues violating the gag order. legal experts say the judge could have sent trump to jail already but is showing him leniency. the rules of the road have been made very, very clear to defendant trump that he's being treated. >> if anything, he's being treated in the way more favorably than other defendants may have been treated. should they have engaged in the kind of conduct that he's behaved in. meanwhile, testimony resumed with witnesses. >> prosecutors have called to detail how money was moved around to pay adult film actress stormy daniels $130,000. trump
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is alleged to have made payments and covered them up for fear if the public found out, it could damage his run for the presidency in 2016. as for the gag order violation, trump removed the nine posts by the deadline set for this afternoon. the ex-president has until friday to pay the $9,000 fine, and he continues blasting the judge of his criminal trial. >> the judge should be recused and he should recuse himself today. it's the most recusal judge. i've. it's called recusal abuse. and he should recuse himself today. and maybe he will. maybe he will. maybe he'll do the right thing. but really, more importantly than the recusal, he should terminate the case today. the judge should terminate the case because they have no case. >> the us and mexico say efforts to crack down on illegal immigration are paying off. the white house says the two countries will increase enforcement on railways, busses and airports. there will also be more repatriation flights for migrants from both the us and
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mexico. president biden also considering executive action to combat a surge in crossings at the southern border. this comes as officials say arrests at the border have declined in many areas, although they are up sharply in san diego for the third week in a row. >> chatgpt accused of plagiarism the claims from at least one bay area newspaper that the ai bot it uses its material without permissi
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islands. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary shows us how new research is helping detect patterns of violence, and the consequence changes that follow. >> thank you all so much. >> in a west san jose office tuesday, california's attorney general sitting at a semi-circle table to lead a roundtable discussion on gun violence. rob bonta drawing on his days as a legislator to try and enact meaningful change from the
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executive branch. >> today was another example of our team at the doj coming together with community leaders to, make a common commitment to solving the problems that we share. >> bonta and community stakeholders from the bay area and central coast gathering to brainstorm on ways to better reduce incidents of gun violence. >> we are living in a crisis. it's an epidemic going on. when you got guns that's being carried by people who are mentally ill, you got guns, that's being carried by people who are angry, who are hurt. >> according to the centers for disease control and prevention, 2021 had the highest number of americans die of gun related injuries. that includes record numbers of murders and suicides. the state has responded by creating the office of gun violence within the department of justice. those assembled exchanging best practices and policy from the ground up to produce change. >> rise cultivates a loving and healing relationships to build
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loving and healing power, to build loving and healing systems we all deserve. >> we help cities and community based organizations reduce violence at the city wide level. >> reagan cunningham of the partnership for safe communities points to her just released research showing cities share patterns of violence and the consequences that follow. >> there are a lot of the same individuals who are engaging in gun violence in one city, are also engaging in other types of violence, or even gun violence in other cities. and so our report was able to link that. >> cunningham calls for a regional intervention strategy to combat gun violence instead of cities acting independently, the state is putting up $75 million through the california violence intervention program, which is earmarked for cities that are seeing high levels of gun violence. bonta and the others gathered here believe brainstorming better ideas across the state will lead to better services and a better outcome in the battle against gun violence in west san jose. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news.
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>> a group of eight us newspapers, including the san jose mercury news, is now suing the maker of chatgpt. the lawsuit claims openai ai and its parent company, microsoft, have used millions of copyrighted news articles without permission or payment to train their artificial intelligence chatbots. the new york times took similar legal action back in december. microsoft has not. commenting on the new lawsuit, openai defended itself in a statement, saying it works to support news organizations as. >> and we're looking into the weather. it's going to be another nice day tomorrow. another couple nice days to come and then bang, we get into some wet potential weather or potentially wet weather as we go into the weekend. >> all right, now to alex savage and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap coming up at seven. alex. >> mike thank you. tonight at seven a new strategy to push back implementation of one of the country's most restrictive abortion bans. tonight on west coast rap, we'll break down what arizona's attorney general is asking the courts to do. also so
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zebras running wild in the pacific northwest. find out what led to this unusual scene in washington, and we'll have the latest on the ongoing search for one of those animals. those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, alex, thank you. we'll see you in a bit. but first, a little league field in the north bay is at risk of being sold. the hope that there could be a way to broker a deal to save it. next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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cern for many in the community, ktvu tom vacar explains what's in store for that field. you know me, me. >> one, two, three las gallinas field is one of four land parcels that the san rafael city schools has determined is surplus land that it could lease or sell. nonprofits and public agencies have until may 30th to express their interest or offers to get it at a public interest discount. that's why we did a
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voluntary, notice of priority offering to nonprofits and public agencies, to give those folks an opportunity to reach out to us. if no deal is made by the end of august, the board could then offer the property to the general real estate market. that is upsetting to the little league. its players, parents, grandparents who all volunteer to maintain it. >> we would love that opportunity to preserve this space long term, even if it's not going to be used for a school site. >> the possible change is also upsetting to a neighbor we met while he was walking his dog on the property, a huge asset to the community here. >> the baseball field is used almost every day during the spring and summer. also on the property, there's a daycare center, school for a widely diverse community. the school, allows low income families that
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have kids to bring their kids here so that they can work. >> the board is well aware of the importance of that property to the community. >> no decision has been made, but eight acres of land in marin is extremely valuable. should the board decide to cash in or get higher paying tenants, they could do nothing, right? >> that's a totally acceptable outcome of this is to go with status quo. so this is the field that the older kids play at, and we should be looking at our next generation and generations to come. >> we have a huge variety of ethnic religion moms, dads, kids. we welcome everybody here. everybody meets everybody. they hang out after the game's over. >> now, some people may think this is a tempest over a little tiny baseball field in a suburb that really doesn't have much to do with them. but like all these little baseball fields for generations, they truly have been fields of dreams. tom vacar ktvu fox two news.
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>> here we are checking the weather as a beautiful day again. today it is springtime. it is in full force and it hangs on right through friday. and then things start to cool down. so we peak on temperatures tomorrow. some low 80s kind of hover in the upper 70s, low 80s on thursday, and then boom. see temperatures drop off pretty quick. and it's because of this guy right. fast forward the model. here it is. see right there. so that's on thursday into friday night. here we are into saturday morning early north bay and then central bay area about noon. and then a wet afternoon on saturday. again that could easily change. it just is more the models are a little more lined up on the timing. now that it's not quite as cut off as it was going to be yesterday. the model when i say cut off, it loses its direction from it, gets removed a bit from the jet stream and the jet stream drives it to the east. well, if it gets cut off, it just wobbles out there and it can do a lot of things. well,
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now it looks like it's more wrapped into the jet and it's going to have its flow pretty, pretty uniform to the east, which would put it in here on saturday. that could all change. but that's what the latest model runs show. and we got a ways to go. so there it is. cloudy showers likely on saturday, especially around lunchtime on and then a beautiful day outside. you can see campanile right there. when i was a kid, we used to go there when i was with cal, and we used to used to be able to go up in it, you know, we drink coffee up there and stuff and it's really cool up by the clarions, if you remember the clarions, i guess that's a type of organ, but the, the bells, and if you're in there when they're playing the bells, it was loud. 76in santa rosa today, 74in napa today. tomorrow those days will go upper 70s, maybe low 80s. and these are the current temperatures, which are about where they were yesterday. the winds are enough that it's nasty. pollen counts pretty much everywhere, even along the coast and especially inland, the bay valleys, because the winds are kind of north northwest or northwest. and so that's coming, especially in the central valley , through winters and down through stockton and antioch.
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and the tree pollens are just richter right now. and so you're going to notice them. the high temperatures for tomorrow, the forecast are a little bit warmer than it was today. and the saturday thing. i know it's a bummer because i'm all right. works into my plans. fine but i'll bet you, you know, you know, somebody's having a wedding or. right. or having a graduation or having a soccer game or a anniversary. it's one of those weekends that time of year. and so it's going to kind of throw some flies into the ointment. keep an eye on saturday. it could move around a little bit, but right now it looks like saturday from about lunchtime through the hours in the evening on saturday into early sunday morning. >> all right bill, thank you. the new national retail federation report predicting consumers will spend a near-record $33.5 billion on mother's day this year, according to a national retail federation survey, 84% of adults plan to celebrate the holiday, which falls on may 12th. they will spend an average of about $254 per person on gifts. the biggest spenders are expected to be people between the ages of 35
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and 44, the survey says. jewelry and flowers are the top gifts consumers plan to purchase for their moms. >> coming up, she stands with giants are jason appelbaum sits down with one of the most decorated coaches in all of basketball. that story is up next in sports
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♪ they had three fourth round picks. we're talking about malik mustafa. he's a fourth year senior out of wake forest. he's known as one of the best tackling and hardest hitting safeties of the entire draft class. he was a team captain last year at wake, racked up 80 tackles and an interception. and with all pro talanoa hufanga working his way back from injury. mustafa, he's going to provide depth and another potential big time run stopper coming downhill. >> you know speed, tenacity you know ball player that you know just plays with a lot of fire. you know i'm able to line up pretty much everywhere just you know watching the film. you know i'm able to impact the game on all levels of the football.
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>> just love the way he plays. the game plays our style, you know, we talk a lot about, you know, running to the football and getting there with bad intentions. and malik kind of, embodies that. you know, one of our favorite interviews, one of my favorite interviews at the combine, really handles himself well. but on the field, plays the right way. >> yeah. malik mustafa, a player to watch. no doubt. no. high school girls basketball coach in northern california history. has won more games than archbishop mitty. sue phillips, who is now a hall of famer. phillips was once a three sport star as a player at mitty before becoming the girls basketball coach. 31 years ago at her alma mater. since then, she's racked up 819 wins, six state championships. she's also coached the youth national team to four gold medals. and this past saturday, phillips was inducted into the women's basketball hall of fame in knoxville, tennessee. and she said, yeah, it was a humbling
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experience. >> needless to say, you do get very nostalgic as as i sat down to write my acceptance speech, that's when you sit down and really kind of pore through the years and all the hands that have contributed to this journey, whether it's the players, the administration, usa basketball, my assistant coaches, past and present. so it's truly a culmination of a lot of hands that have contributed to my journey. >> quite the honor. and then there were four. we're talking about the semifinals for the uefa champions league title in soccer, the first semifinal this afternoon in germany, bayern munich hosting real madrid scoreless 24th minute, toni kroos beautiful ball to vinicius junior and he streaks in for the goal to put real up one nil 53rd minute, though bayern equalizes leroy sane on the move. look at that. golazo golazo near post
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right there, game ends in a22 draw. it is soccer. they play again in madrid next week. the winner moves on to the final. >> there you go. there you go. they're trying to. >> this is they're competing for the best club team in europe. so it's a big deal. all right jason thank you and thanks for watching. >> west coast rap with alex savage coming up next. >> and to stream the latest news and weather on your smart tv. anytime you can download the fox local app to your tv. thanks for joining us, eryone. good nigh dupixent helps people with asthma breathe
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7:00 pm
get back! >> new clashes on college campuses all across the west. many pro-palestinian demonstrators showing no signs of backing down. good evening everyone. welcome to west coast rap. i'm alex savag


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