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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  April 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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it's what residents are doing to try to bolster public safety. hundreds in an east bay community gathered to remember an idaho sheriff's deputy with bay area roots killed in the line of duty. and the results of part of the recount in the district 16 congressional race are now out. what it could tell us about the general election in november.
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>> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> and good evening, everyone. i'm heather holmes. we begin tonight in east oakland where neighbors have banded together to beef up security after a tragedy last summer. crystal bailey joining us now live from the newsroom with more on this community effort to try to curb crime. crystal >> well, it's all about neighbors helping neighbors with cameras typically placed on busy street corners, protecting homes and supporting law enforcement in the quiet community of maxwell park in east oakland, neighbors are tight knit. and in june of 2023, when 60 year-old david schneider was senselessly shot while trimming trees in his front yard, neighbors came to his aid while he was dying and gathered security footage for investigators. in what oakland police originally thought might have been an attempted robbery. >> it just really, struck the whole community. it activated us. we felt, you know, upset and scared. and so we all came together to try and think about
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how we could, make this community safer. >> it's no secret oakland police are overwhelmed. so the maxwell park neighborhood action team took it into their own hands and started working on problems like traffic improvement, lighting up dark streets and adding cameras to deter criminals. >> we're worried that these crimes are going to be committed, and then that nobody will be held accountable for the actions. >> nathan green recently began a fundraiser to raise money for families who could not buy a camera of their own crowd, sourcing the funds from other neighbors, cameras that face the street so that if a car is being used in a crime elsewhere, that we can maybe help law enforcement. diane cheatham allen says she's lived in the neighborhood for 45 years. >> we do look out for each other and we have for a very long time. >> and she has a camera on her own house, but she's happy to hear more families will have access to security. >> i think cameras would allow us to know what is going on. >> although oakland's latest
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data shows the overall crime rates are down over last year in the maxwell park area, home robberies are up 300% in parts of the neighborhood. this community is focused on solving these crimes together by monitoring the streets. >> we've identified several families who are interested in getting the cameras who couldn't otherwise afford it. >> the neighborhood has raised about $1,400, and they will continue to raise money to serve as many families as possible. they're also considering private security after they say there were two more home break-ins today. meanwhile, oakland police were unable to provide any update on where they are in the investigation of schneider's shooting. as far as we know, no arrests have been made. >> heather. yeah, nice to see, though. those neighbors coming together and looking after one another. all right. crystal bailey reporting live for us. thank you. an idaho sheriff's deputy from right here in the bay area who was shot and killed in the line of duty, was remembered today at his home church in walnut creek. hundreds gathered at north creek church to watch a live stream of the
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memorial service for tobin boulter, taking place today in idaho before moving to idaho, he and his wife abby attended the church and she worked for the school. boulter was a cadet in the walnut creek police department, and went on to be an officer with pleasant hill police. >> we wanted to have an opportunity to bring the community together here at our church. those who are not able to go up to idaho to be in person, be able to watch here together in solidarity, to support the family. the boulter family, tobin and abby grew up here. they were married here. both of their families still attend here, and so this has been very impactful. >> during the ceremony, the ada county sheriff presented the family with a purple heart. deputy boulter was just 27 years old. the santa clara county registrar voters tonight says that it has completed its recount in the district 16 race for anna su's congressional seat , and the initial results had sam liccardo in first place,
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with evan lowe and joe simitian tied for second. all three would have moved on to the general election. santa clara county, though, announcing today the recount resulted in lowe receiving an additional 11 votes and simitian gaining seven votes. if these results were to stand, will lowe would move on to face liccardo in november. >> this is separated by four votes. now you know what i mean. so even if it's like a tiny, tiny part of the entire cast of ballots, it still has a big impact on every single part of the process. so it's important for people to make sure they don't just register. they actually go vote to okay. >> so that's the situation in santa clara county. as of last week in san mateo county, which is also part of district 16, it is working with the u.s. postal service and has other partners to resolve the status of 16 ballots in that county. still in envelopes. so stay tuned. all right. pro-palestinian protests are now affecting about two dozen college universities all across the country. one of them
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at cal poly humboldt, was broken up by police officers overnight, some of whom traveled north from the bay area to provide mutual aid. humboldt county put out a call yesterday for help looking for mutual aid from law enforcement partners up. san francisco police sent ten officers, as well as a sergeant from the san francisco sheriff's office also sent four deputies, saying law enforcement from the city have experience with mass protests. >> san francisco, we do get a lot of opportunities or numerous opportunities to work with mass arrest, when they come up, as always, we try to give everybody the freedom to express their first amendment rights. we only get involved if disruptive or activities or crimes occur. >> in total, 25 people were arrested on that campus. they face a variety of charges, including unlawful assembly, vandalism and assault on a police officer. new. at 730 tonight, we're getting new
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details on the latest round of layoffs announced by bay area based google. the tech giant says it will cut 50 jobs at three different sunnyvale offices. the layoffs will take effect in mid june. all of the affected employees receive 60 day notices and can apply for other open positions in the company. these job cuts come after google announced in january it would lay off more than 700 employees. now we go to san rafael tonight, where a field there used for decades for little league games could soon be up for sale, ktvu tom vacar tells us. families are worried now about the future of what they consider an asset to that community. you want me to. >> on 31230. >> las colinas field is one of four land parcels that the san rafael city schools has determined is surplus land that it could lease or sell nonprofits, and public agencies have until may 30th to express their interest or offers to get it at a public interest discount
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. >> that's why we did a voluntary, notice of priority offering to nonprofits and public agencies to give those folks an opportunity to reach out to us. >> if no deal is made by the end of august, the board could then offer the property to the general real estate market. that is upsetting to the little league, its players, parents, grandparents who all volunteer to maintain it. >> we would love that opportunity to preserve this space long term, even if it's not going to be used for a school site. >> the possible change is also upsetting to a neighbor we met while he was walking his dog on the property, a huge asset to the community here. >> the baseball field is used almost every day during the spring and summer. >> also on the property, there's a daycare center school for a widely diverse community. >> the school, allows low income families that have kids to bring
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their kids here. so that they can work. >> the board is well aware of the importance of that property to the community. >> no decision has been made, but eight acres of land in marin is extremely valuable. should the board decide to cash in or get higher paying tenants, they could do nothing, right? >> that's a totally acceptable outcome of this is to go with status quo. so this is the field that the older kids play at, and we should be looking at our next generation and generations to come. >> we have a huge variety of ethnic religion moms, dads, kids. we welcome everybody here. everybody meets everybody. they hang out after the game's over. >> now, some people may think this is a tempest over a little tiny baseball field in a suburb that really doesn't have much to do with them. but like all these little baseball fields for generations, they truly have been fields of dreams. tom vacar , ktvu, fox two news.
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>> all right, a massive fire, as you see here, breaks out at a building in concord coming up at 730. what we're learning tonight from fire investigators about this giant blaze. and the federal government announces a major shift in drug policy. coming up, details on how the drug enforcement administration plans to reclassify marijuana. >> and, barry, whether we have clear skies looking out towards san francisco bay and a warmer forecast for your wednesday. but then eventually the rainfall could be m ing
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flames were first reported around 1030 last night at the building on clayton road and park street in the downtown area . this is right across the street from the bart station. good news though service was not affected. overnight, the front part of the building, though, collapsed in flames. it took firefighters more than 2.5 hours to put out this fire. a developer had planned to convert the vacant three story office building into apartments. firefighters say that there were no signs that anyone had been in the building. the u.s. drug enforcement administration says it is now moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. the new classification would move marijuana from a schedule one drug to a schedule three drug, and recognize the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledge that it has less potential for abuse than more serious drugs. earlier today on the four, i spoke with tamara todd, lecturer of marijuana law and policy at uc berkeley. >> the truth is, is it's long
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been acknowledged that marijuana was inappropriately scheduled in schedule one initially 50 years ago, and that's been part of what has spurred, i think, the dramatic policy shift among states to move in a different direction. >> the dea s proposal would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. this proposal also still needs to be reviewed by the white house office of management and budget. some have raised objections to keeping the drug schedule at all, including east bay congresswoman barbara lee, who is co-chair of the congressional cannabis caucus. she said, quote, cannabis must be fully de-scheduled in order to end the war on drugs and repair harm to communities of color. all right. i hope you had a chance to get out there and enjoy today's terrific weather on this tuesday, mark, because it was it was really nice kind of setting up a nice pattern for the rest of the week. >> it's looking okay. yeah. we're going to turn up the heat a little bit tomorrow. and you would think there's no way he
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can talk about rain in this forecast. but yeah, as we head into the first few days of may rainfall could be okay. yeah. so we'll be talking all about that coming up. but as you can see, we'll show you these nice temperatures from this afternoon 60s in san francisco, some 70 out there. and if you take a look at these numbers, we could probably add about 3 to 5 degrees of some warming, at least across most of the most of the area. for your wednesday, you can see this was the scene in san francisco today. lots of clear skies. a split forecast this week. it's a warm wednesday and then saturday we could be hosting some more rain drops back in the bay area and also significant cool down. and it could be more than just a few sprinkles. so we're still trying to figure out the exact details with amounts here. but here's one of the forecast models showing you some rainfall, possibly over half an inch for your weekend outlook, primarily for saturday, and then maybe some sierra snowfall as well. so an interesting shift in the weather pattern as we head towards saturday. but for right now we have lots of clear skies and a warming pattern out there. as we come in closer, we're going to show you this and this whole area here. you know, the
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winds have been a factor all for the over the past 3 to 5 days. we're going to see a little bit of a wind shift out of the north. and that will lead to this wind advisory that begins at 11:00 tonight until 5:00 pm tomorrow for these areas up in northern california, including solano county. we'll check out some of the current reports. right now. oakland airport winds westerly at 14 miles an hour sfo look at that. there's that wind gusting to over 30 miles an hour to nearly 40 miles an hour. here is our live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge for this evening. and a nice, nice scene here with lots of clear skies. current number is santa rosa, 68, concord 69 and san jose, right now a pleasant 64. now tomorrow morning there will be a bit of a chill in the air. partly cloudy and cool with temperatures mainly in the 40s. that's the forecast model is showing. and then into the afternoon hours. lots of sunshine. we're showing you lots of yellows here, indicating some 70s in the warmest locations tomorrow will be flirting with the 80 degree mark. so that's what's happening as this area of high pressure builds in mostly sunny skies for wednesday and
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thursday, we're watching this system move in later in the week , and by saturday we will bump up those rain chances across the bay area and definitely a significant cooldown with those temperatures. so here's the forecast model for tomorrow and then into thursday. fairly quiet. then on friday it's still dry, but you can see this rain band up to our north and we'll be watching out for that to approach the bay area as we head towards saturday. highs for tomorrow will be in the 70s across most neighborhoods and the warmest locations touching the 80 degree mark. it's a nice forecast on thursday. partly sunny for your friday. we're going to bump up those shower chances by saturday with partly sunny skies by sunday. so warm to cool. it's all happening in this five day forecast. >> okay, i'm going to enjoy the warm weather while i can. thanks, mark. i knew at 730 tonight pacifica's annual dog surfing contest will go on this year thanks to some generous donors, organizers thought they may have to cancel the event due to rising costs for permits and fees, so they put out a call to the community and raised
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$10,000. that contest is set for august 3rd at linda mar beach in pacifica. a students received a very realistic history lesson at a north bay high school today, coming up at 730. what happened when this grenade was brought to class? plus, how san francisco leaders are trying to stem the rise in hepatitis cases, and what scientists are saying about what likely killed a gray al fo
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for someone brought a grenade to class police responded at about 11 this morning and found this grenade. the device was deemed to be inactive in the shelter in place was then lifted. after an investigation, police determined a guest speaker came to a history class with the grenade to be used as a teaching tool.
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in a lesson about the experience of war. health officials are sounding the alarm about the need to address the rising rate of hepatitis in san francisco. city leaders, along with state and local health officials, held a rally today outside city hall to help raise awareness about both hep b and hep c. they announced that more than $3 million is being awarded from the state. it's going to northeast medical services chinese hospital association, asian health services and the san francisco aids foundation for a hepatitis b project. >> but most of the hepatitis b that we're seeing, the chronic hepatitis b is now in adults. and that's why we have to continue. we have to continue to focus on hepatitis, hepatitis b every adult should be screened at least once in their lifetime for chronic hepatitis, that includes hepatitis b and c, i admire greatly. >> officials say san francisco's hepatitis project is in line with the national strategic health plan, which calls for the
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elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. a federal panel is recommending that women now be screened for breast cancer starting at the age of 40. previously, recommendations. previously recommendations called for regular mammogram screening starting at the age of 50. the preventative services task force says it made the decision amid rising cases of breast cancer rates among women under the age of 50 went up 10% in recent years. coming up, a fun summer event in sonoma county is coming back next week. details on santa rosa's night markets. and then later tonight on the 10:00 news, capitola residents had a chance to add their feedback as the city looks at new uses for the wharf. we'll have details on tonight's community meeting. plus, several bay area cities are being recognized as leaders in clean energy. we'll have all of that d mor
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street vending. the ordinance clarifies the permit application process requires certain vendors to register with the tax collector and pay fees, and it also the 90 day moratorium on street vending on mission street that was issued back in november, which was later extended by
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another six months. scientists say that dead whale that washed ashore in alameda earlier this month was likely killed by the trauma from a vessel strike. the gray whale was first spotted near crown beach on april 20th and was towed away on the 22nd. science tests with marine mammal center say a necropsy found the whale had a full stomach and injuries consistent with blunt force trauma. this is the first gray whale death recorded in the bay area so far this year. well, today is national adopt a shelter pet day, and earlier today, on the fore, we met this cutie calista from oakland animal services during a visit to the studios. the one year old husky is ready to find a home many shelters here in the bay area and around the country are seeing longer than usual shelter stays. oakland animal services says it is offering reduced adoption fees for dogs, cats and other adoptable pets. and new at 730 tonight, santa rosa is bringing back its weekly summer night markets. starting next
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week, the night markets courthouse square on wednesday nights from 5 to 830. they'll feature live music, vendors and lots of food options. it's put on by a nonprofit group of local leaders, as well as volunteers. the first night market starts may 8th and runs weekly through july 31st. always a great time. nice to see those night markets back there in santa rosa. that's going to do it for me on this tuesday evening. really appreciate you joining me for the news at 730. don't forget to download the fox local app right there to your smart tv. it's got a lot of content on there. you can stream our newscast and also find other stories. again, it's right there for you to download on your smart tv. have a great tuesday night. next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized.
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