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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  May 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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team coverage of several protests happening today. we want to start with ktvu jana katsuyama, who is live for us in downtown oakland, and then christien kafton is also in san francisco. jana, tell us about the demonstrations you've been seeing at frank ogawa plaza. it is still going strong. in the past hour that we've been out here at claudine and mike, take a look behind me. you can see we're right in front of city hall at frank ogawa plaza, and they have been having speeches, musical performances and a lot of community outreach here you can see there are hundreds of people who came out today. a lot of families is a lot of people from throughout the bay area. >> if you take a look earlier, we did get pictures from sky fox , two of the march. they started at the federal building and then they marched up telegraph. they went across grand and then back down broadway and then ended up here at frank ogawa plaza shortly before 5:00. they have been here ever since, and they
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say that they are speaking out for peace and against some of the violence and civilian deaths in gaza. they said they are answering the call by palestinian workers for peace and more aid to palestinians. we did speak with one of the organizers. here is what she had to say about the palestinian general federation of labor unions called on labor unions worldwide to suspend their may day, demanding a cease fire and lifting up the voices of palestinian workers. >> that are clear. >> and back here live at frank ogawa plaza, you can see a tent there. they said that they also wanted this to be a moment to really bring people together. they had information about community services, information about how people could help. there was the freedom flotilla that was here talking about their efforts in the past couple weeks to get humanitarian aid to gaza. many of them said that they do not harbor any resentment against the people of
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israel. they are really trying to do this in order to stop some of the violence and the killings of innocent civilians in gaza. so they are going to be out here for a while longer. a lot of them are just saying that this is a day not just for palestinians, but the workers, and they have really come together in quite a coalition to try and have this message get out to the broader community. >> all right. jana katsuyama reporting live from oakland for us this evening. thanks so much, jana. >> all right. let's go live now to san francisco. and ktvu is christian captain christian. the protests there started this morning still going strong tonight okay. >> yeah. protests throughout the day here in san francisco. as a matter of fact, we're on market street where a rally for hotel workers just wrapped up. they marched from union square through the tenderloin to the south of market, right here to market street. just a couple of moments ago, that rally winding up part of a full day of may day activities here in san
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francisco, the people united will never be defeated. and the may day rally in san francisco started off at 24th and mission in the mission district, where workers gathered and rallied. at around 10 a.m, the workers say they're speaking out for immigrant worker and undocumented worker rights, as well as the right for workers to organize their labor. estamos aqui este protestant. >> we are out here protesting against so many labor injustices that exist. we know there are many people these days that are working in very inhumane conditions from above, you can see the crowd marched through the streets of san francisco, making their way to city hall, a militant movement in the united states. >> workers say they are essential to the functioning of society, and too often their contributions are overlooked. they say today, may day, is a globally recognized day for them to speak out, speak up and make their voices heard. >> it's a day for us to emphasize that this country, the
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bay area, everything runs only through the efforts and all of the work of the workers. that includes immigrant workers, that includes undocumented workers, and that includes all of us as city workers. >> this year, workers also say they're rallying and marching in solidarity and in sympathy with palestinians, who they say are targeted by the war in gaza. the money of the united states should be for helping the people of the united states, not for destroying people overseas. many of the workers say they serve a critical function and they should be recognized for their labor. nat king is a home health care provider and says the only way workers have been able to make a living wage was through organizing every other week, we have to go to some county in the bay area to fight for people that's making only $17 an hour across the street. >> they're making $20 at fast food restaurant. >> and as you might imagine, these rallies are somewhat fluid. a lot of the people who were rallying here for may day
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in san francisco told me that they were going to make their way over to oakland, where you saw jana just a couple of minutes ago. for now, we are live here in san francisco. christian captain ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, christian, thank you for that report. >> and protesters also gathering in san jose. the chopper was over the convention center in the past hour. you can see some demonstrators gathering down below. we spotted some signs that have not yet been picked up yet. there are a number of may day pro-labor rallies and antiwar protests planned around san jose today and tonight. we will have live reports tonight on the 10:00 news. >> let's give them a good lesson in history, and let's see what ucla can do. if they can do the right thing for once. >> well, more demonstrations today on the ucla campus. after a tense night of protests, counter protests and law enforcement overnight classes were canceled at ucla today after pro-palestinian and pro-israel demonstrators clashed all night long. police in riot
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gear eventually moved in at 3 a.m. at least 15 people were hurt. authorities have not released numbers on how many people were arrested, and governor gavin newsom is demanding answers for the school's handling of the protests. in a statement, he condemned the violence and said, quote, the law is clear the right to free speech does not extend to inciting violence, vandalism or lawlessness on campus. those who engage in illegal behavior must be held accountable for their actions, including through criminal prosecution, suspension or expulsion, and ucla's chancellor has condemned the violence on campus and the uc president has launched an investigation into that incident. >> let's give you a live look tonight there on the campus in westwood, you can see a couple people there gathering, forming a little bit of a wall right in front of the encampment to prevent law enforcement from getting through a fairly big crowd. tonight, fox's matt seedorf has more on the concerns
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over who and what actually agitated last night's protests, as well as the law enforcement response. >> pro-palestinian demonstrators wednesday at ucla, possibly preparing for more conflict. is that a shield? i mean, you know, we're not we're not we're not going to answer any questions. umbrellas and helmets being carried into their camp while mobile barricades are set up nearby. we're not going to talk about x, y fox. why? why not, we are really busy today, so we're just prioritizing. >> demonstrators wouldn't speak with fox 11, but held a press conference wednesday. >> law enforcement simply stood at the edge of the lawn and refused to budge as we screamed for their help, organizers suggesting police should have intervened quicker during clashes tuesday night with counter-protesters was, which contradicts the group's list of demands, which includes to abolish policing campus safety left within minutes, external security the university hired for back up watched, filmed and laughed on the side as the immediate danger inflicted upon us escalated and fireworks and
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bear spray used between the two sides, some people beaten with no law enforcement around. >> hours later, pro-israeli protesters cheer as authorities walk in. >> i've come here every day. you've been here. we've known that this was going to escalate to what last night was now university police joined private security closing portions of campus, while california highway patrol, beverly hills pd and lapd are all here, some on top of roofs. >> skyfox above. as l.a. county sheriff's deputies lined up their vehicles close to the camp in this is what college look like. >> this is what the circus is right here. >> protesters and counter-protesters outside the camp wednesday disagreeing with the police response. >> i don't know how they could go to bed last night, not thinking we have to stop this before someone potentially gets killed. >> would you have preferred that police didn't show up last night ? or what were you. what do you mean? i'm sorry? yeah, it is
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completely right for people to stand up, put their bodies on the line, put their futures on the line, risk their future careers to stop a crime against humanity. l.a. mayor karen bass tells fox 11 lapd is supporting regional law enforcement on next steps to ensure our students and campus are safe. there must be a full investigation into what occurred on campus last night. while ucla's chancellor says we are also carefully examining our own security processes, this is a dark chapter in our campus's history. we will restore a safe learning environment at ucla. >> dozens of people rallied outside columbia university in new york today following the arrests of hundreds of demonstrators who took over an administration building. last off campus, connected to the israeli protesters carrying signs that read shame and hands off our students. hours earlier, police carrying riot shields burst into the building, and the university said the takeover of the building was a drastic escalation from the initial
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encampment. new york city mayor eric adams said that outside agitators infiltrated the student protest, and the university then asked police to step in at their request. >> we went in and conducted an operation to allow columbia university to remove those who have turned the peaceful protest into a place where anti-semitism and anti-israel attitudes were pervasive. >> nypd officials say about 300 people were arrested at columbia and nearby city college. it's not clear, though, tonight how many were students. they say protesters could face trespassing and burglary charges. the recount in the south bay's district 16 congressional race is officially over. an assembly member, evan lowe, is set to move on to face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november after knocking out supervisor joe simitian, san mateo county finished its recount, including the review of 16 challenge ballots. >> election officials say they
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did accept seven of those, which resulted in lowe gaining one vote, simitian receiving zero. lowe took the lead over submitting by four votes yesterday after santa clara county released their results, so lowe now leads by a total of five votes for second place. he said he's excited by the opportunity to reintroduce himself to voters. >> i've served in public service as a mayor, a council member, a state legislator for ten years, but also a record of service, being named the most prolific lawmaker in sacramento from the sacramento bee. so results oriented, but also young enough to have the trajectory and runway to deliver and have tenure in congress to deliver results for our district. well lowe says it is a perfect example of why every vote counts. >> these numbers do still need to be certified by the secretary of state, santa clara county supervisor joe simitian conceded, saying he trusts the process and accepts the results. >> he congratulated evan lowe and sam liccardo. he added here
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i'm disappointed on a personal level because i had looked forward to running in november and serving in congress. i'm disappointed because i couldn't deliver a win for the oh so many folks who gave their time, effort, energy and resources to our campaign and former san jose mayor sam liccardo saying in a statement here, in part, despite the efforts of some to stop this recount, we should all celebrate that democracy prevailed previously uncounted votes were counted. we can now refocus on our work ahead toward solutions to our regions and nation's great challenges, such as homelessness, the high cost of living, climate change, public safety and protecting reproductive rights. >> the arizona state senate has approved a repeal of a near-total abortion ban from 1864. that repeal passed with a 16 to 14 vote and is expected to be signed quickly by governor katie hobbs. two republicans voted in favor of repealing the ban that would only allow for abortions to save the patient's life. if the repeal is signed, a
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statute from 2022 banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy would become arizona's prevailing law in florida, doctors are raising concerns about the six week abortion ban that went into effect today. some fertility experts say most people don't know they are pregnant. at the six week mark. the ban also prohibits abortion for non-viable pregnancies, such as when the fetus is missing organs, unless it actually becomes deadly to the patient. the measure does allow for exceptions for rape and incest. >> secretary of state antony blinken is hoping for a diplomatic breakthrough on the war in gaza, where the negotiations currently stand, to try to peacefully bring the war to an end. >> and we are tracking the weather. it looks as though we've got some rain and the weekend. on the weekend, i'll tell you which day to worry about. i'll see you back here. also ahead, more signs that the crackdown on fentanyl dealing in san francisco is bearin ru
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a day. with tensions heightened at universities across the country, organizers were determined to keep that event calm. ktvu south bay reporter anne ruben spoke to protest organizers on campus. >> 34,000 palestinian lives. >> they're calling this a teach in. student organizers at santa clara university say the goal is education and discourse around
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gaza. >> and just make sure that this comes across as an educational event and people really get something out of it instead of just heightened emotions. argument. we don't want any of that. >> what they do want a stop to the violence in gaza, to the us funding of israel, and to any investments the university may have there. >> we do not want any of our tuition and funding or any of that to go towards the support of the genocide of the palestinian people. we want to demand a current like a cease fire. >> with tensions heightened on college campuses everywhere, university officials say it was important to balance free expression with campus safety. they worked closely with the event organizers ahead of time. >> one of the expectations is that expressive activities don't block access, so that the students who have class or have other commitments across the campus are able to access those those spaces. >> jewish students were offered campus escorts and asked for access to zoom classes if needed. >> what is terrifying is knowing what has happened at other universities and how quickly it's gotten out of hand. i'm
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sure most of them started like this a few counter-protesters walked the perimeter of the event without incident, but campus security at santa clara was on the lookout for outside agitators. >> speakers at the teach in included students in some faculty, as well as proclamations from several campus organizations. >> seeing everything going on in palestine and in gaza over our phones, over like just the heaviness that i feel in my heart, really compelled me to really be here and like, tangibly stand in solidarity. >> the group is just wrapping up a session on historical context. they plan to end the night with some alumni speeches and some prayer in santa clara and ruben, ktvu fox two news. >> well, about 200 students at oakland tech high school held a walkout today calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the demonstrators rallied outside the school this afternoon on broadway and 45th street. the organizers say they want to show solidarity with universities in the bay area and around the country, and be sure to stay with ktvu for continuing
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coverage of the war in gaza. we do have all sides covered when it comes to local reaction to the war in the middle east. >> union workers with the city of berkeley also rallied on this may day. they say that staff vacancies are more than 30% in some departments, including transportation and planning. they add that four out of five mental health nursing jobs are vacant, along with both psychiatrist jobs. the workers called on the city council and city manager to bargain in good faith and prioritize the underlying reasons for these vacancies. now the city told us they dispute some of these union claims, adding that they've made a concerted effort to address vacancies, saying in a statement here the result is that since january 1st, 2023, the city has hired 248 new employees, outpacing attrition by 12. and we continue to make progress. a public memorial service has now been announced to honor the longtime leader of san francisco's glide memorial church, the reverend cecil williams. a celebration of life is planned for sunday, may 12th, at one in the afternoon at
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glide. organizers say the celebration will feature music, live performances and special remarks from elected officials, community leaders, family and friends. doors will open at noon. reverend williams, who was known as a champion of racial equality, lgbtq rights and the poor, died on april 22nd at the age of 94. >> and a pretty nice day around here today. yet again. we've had a few in a row now, haven't we? weekend was nice, warm all week. today was the warmest day. tomorrow will be pretty close. these were the highs from today. highs tomorrow will be quite similar. that that means back into the low 80s. we did see the warm spot today in napa at 83 degrees. kind of breezy kind of pallone out there too. a lot of pollens flying around with the wind that changes around as we go into saturday when we get a big drop in temperatures and an opportunity for some scattered showers. this is the story today. wednesday peaked. tomorrow is a little bit cooler, not much a degree or two. and then boom. friday clouds cooler instead of upper 70s low 80s.
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your mid 60s low 70s and then boom on saturday you're back into the mid 60s. so cooler day showers right now are being focused focused on that saturday period. i know so we'll see. it looks like at one point it was kind of not certain, but now it's never certain. right. but i mean the models are all sort of congealing into this one spot, which implies as saturday is our wet day on the weekend and rainfall accumulations could be as amount full as hey mike is a mouthful, a word, a mouthful. no, i don't think it is. i'm not going with it. made up a word a mouthful, okay, so temperatures and rain weren't temperatures in the mid 60s. rain will be anywhere from a quarter inch to a half inch to maybe an inch of rain in some places. so that's the plan. saturday is wet, sunday is your best day on the weekend. when i come back, we'll look at the latest computer model and we'll kind of time it out for you. i'll see you back here. all right. >> bill, thank you. still to
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come after less than three weeks, the federal women's prison in dublin is completely empty. >> also ahead, improving safety in the skies and forcing airlines to issue refunds automatically. one bay area congressman pushes for serious aviation reforms. >> plus, are you offended by all of the additional charges some restaurants are putting on your dining bill? a lot of folks are. and the attorney
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dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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state law is taking aim at hidden fees, from concert tickets to hotel bills. >> starting on july 1st, it will be also illegal for any restaurant in california to add special surcharges to your bills. as ktvu tom vacar reports , some fear that restaurants will have to raise their menu prices to make up for that loss. >> except for taxes, the surcharge disclosure law applies to all imposed add on fees, such as service fees, dining in charges, delivery charges, credit card processing fees, even imposed tips. attorney general rob bonta, who had previously said that restaurants will be allowed to make surcharges if they disclose them, says they must be disclosed in all advertising, which presumably includes menus. however, the california restaurant association, ready to fight back, says that the written law only applies to advertisements because courts have ruled that adverts for goods and services do not include menus. we came to walnut creek, a real dining out town,
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and we talked to three people. everyone had essentially the same opinion. >> yeah, it needs to be in the price of the food. it might help somebody decide on a menu item. >> if this bundling happens, do not expect the price of dining to decline. in fact, expect them to rise sharply. >> seeing the fee we know about it. and i guess if you eat somewhere long enough and you see their prices raised, then you know that's where those fees went. >> in fact, many folks think tipping fees and surcharges are way out of control now. >> i absolutely agree with that, like i said, i've been to restaurants before and put a nice tip down and then realized later that the tip was included or something else. >> oh that's true. >> yeah. they shouldn't be tipping on on those fees. >> now for a carryout, you're expected to tip. that never was the case. i didn't mind it during covid, but now we're back to somewhat normal and we're still expected to tip for carryout foods. >> restaurateurs say they need clarity and specific answers asap. given that these somewhat
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fuzzy rules take place in just 60 days, tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, more hope that diplomacy can prevail in the middle east, where negotiations currently stand as the war drags on and state and city leaders say their team effort to step up drug enforcement in the tenderloin is working. >> the results so far of that joint operation don't look now, but the oakland a's are on a roll. >> jason appelbaum will have the story after today's big home
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day, and one made its way from the mission district to the embarcadero to speak out for workers rights. the may day events began this morning. one started at the 24th street bart station, labor groups holding signs and handing out fliers in support of palestinians before marching toward the civic center . >> and tonight, hundreds of people are holding a demonstration in downtown oakland. the protesters earlier marched from the federal building around a number of downtown streets, eventually ending up at frank ogawa plaza right there at 14th and broadway in front of city hall. part of the group is calling for an end to violence and civilian deaths in gaza. the earlier protests planned to shut down the port of oakland. that was canceled because the port was already closed. today in anticipation of the international call to action from palestinian union workers, assembly member evan lowe is set to take on former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november in the
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race for anna s's congressional seat. >> lowe had tied with santa clara supervisor joe simitian for second place. but after a recount in santa clara and san mateo counties, lowe took a five vote lead. >> and you are watching ktvu fox two news here at 630. secretary of state antony blinken in israel today pressing for a cease fire deal with hamas. >> as fox's jeff paul tells us, secretary blinken also pushed to keep israel from advancing into rafah, where more than 1 million palestinians lives could be in danger. >> the us secretary of state, antony blinken, met with israeli leaders, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, on wednesday. it was his latest push for a cease fire deal between israel and hamas that would free hostages and bring a pause to the nearly seven months of fighting. there is a proposal on the table and, as we've said, no delays, no excuses, no excuses. >> the time is now and the time is now. long past due to bring the hostages home to their
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families. blinken, biden, blinken also met with families of hostages and told them setting their loved ones free is, quote, at the heart of everything we're trying to do. >> he was very fair. i must tell. he told us all the problems that they have as as united states. and he spoke with every, every everybody, each. and it was fantastic. >> blinken, making his seventh visit to the region since the war between israel and hamas broke out in october. the secretary is trying to advance a truce and convince israel to hold off on carrying out a major ground operation in rafah until it has a plan to manage the estimated more than 1 million palestinians there. palestinian prisoners are also expected to be released as part of the deal. blinken has said hamas would bear the blame for any failure to get a deal off the ground.
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hamas has yet to respond to the latest deal on the table. however, secretary of state antony blinken has pressured them to accept it, calling israel's offer extraordinarily generous. in tel aviv, israel, jeff paul, fox news. >> the house has passed legislation that broadens the definition of anti-semitism. this proposal would include targeting of the state of israel, conceived as a jewish collectivity. under the definition, critics of the bill say it would negatively affect free speech on college campuses, as the biden administration says it remains committed to speaking out against anti-semitic speech. this bill also comes amid a growing movement across universities asking schools to divest from companies that support israel. >> the president is being kept regularly updated on what's happening. as you just stated across the country, he is monitoring the situation closely. so is his team. and i would just add that no president, no president has spoken more forcefully about combating anti-semitism than this president.
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>> advocates for the proposal say it would bring a consistent framework for the department of education to intervene in and investigate discrimination cases. this bill now heads to the senate. >> well, may day originated. in 1971, when more than 12,000 people were arrested across the country for protesting the vietnam war. decades later, college students are rallying against israel's war with hamas, urging their schools to take action. ktvu jesse gary has more on the message. and if this latest effort to organize on campuses can create change free palestine on the uc berkeley campus wednesday, voices of dissent continue crying out for change. >> i participate in, you know, any number of progressive movements. i've been involved in this movement for 20 years, joseph anderson says. >> seeing the signs and spectacles across the country brings him back to his younger days, successfully demonstrating in the 1980s.
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>> of course, it has an impact. i mean, this exactly parallels the anti-apartheid movement against south african apartheid. and i said that this is the new anti-apartheid movement across the bay and country. >> those. committed to pro-palestinian causes are capturing attention, mixing with may day rallies in san francisco, occupying campus buildings in new york and los angeles, which have led to mass arrests. >> if you are able to recruit the unlikely protesters into your demonstration, that might be more effective, political scientist lisa mueller is an expert on social change tactics. >> she says mass occupations and demonstrations geared toward moving the global needle in another direction are not as successful as they were in years past. >> protests have overall become less effective at winning their demands over the past handful of years. that has coincided with the continued frequency of
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protests. >> mueller believes using the same tactic repeatedly reduces the chance of recruiting sympathetic ears to the cause. others say this movement is based on a thorny narrative oppressed or oppressed really doesn't apply very well here, but that's the lens that this is being examined through palestine for now, the tents, signs and chants ringing out here are finding a home in the hearts and heads of the most ardent believers in berkeley. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news new at 630, all women. who are incarcerated at the federal women's prison in dublin have now been moved out of the facility, the bureau of prisons confirms the ktvu that all 605 inmates at fci dublin have either been moved to other prisons across the country, released to halfway houses or released altogether. >> last month, the bureau of prisons announced the sudden closure of this prison. the announcement comes after the fbi raided that prison and a judge appointed a special master to oversee reforms. seven corrections officers at fci
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dublin have been convicted of sexually abusing and assaulting the inmates since 2022. >> well, nearly 700 pounds of fentanyl has been seized from the streets of san francisco in just one year. governor newsom touted the results of the operation involving the chp and the california national guard in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. newsom says the chp has issued more than 6000 citations, made 500 arrests and recovered more than 100 stolen vehicles. newsom also says year over year violent crime and property crime are significantly down in san francisco. but he adds, more work needs to be done to improve public safety. >> coming up, more signs that inflation is not subsiding anytime soon. the remarks from the fed chair that the that have investors keeping their expectations in check, plus a bill in congress could mean big reforms for the airline industry, the provisions that could result in some noticeable changes for passengers. and just a quick reminder here that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local
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app. you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics. it's a free down ad for your smart tv. we're
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flights. this expansion will bring 50 new jobs to the area. the houston based airline is adding four new flights this month with nonstop service to kalispell, montana. boise, idaho . salem, oregon. and tri-cities, washington. >> lawmakers in washington are moving forward on a bipartisan effort to improve the safety of air travel. that's after a series of close calls between planes and airports across the country, including sfo. members of the house and senate agreed on a bill that will increase the number of air traffic controllers and require the use of new technology meant to prevent runway collisions. the senate could vote on its version of the bill next week. >> big thing is we put $106 billion into the faa, a budget for the next five years and a
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requirement for the faa director to fill those 3000 positions with discretion so that we can raise the pay and recruit people . >> consumer groups are pushing congress to include a provision requiring automatic refunds for passengers whose flights are canceled or delayed for several hours. the biden administration just released new rules requiring automatic cash refunds. but advocates say that language in the bill contradicts that rule. >> another beautiful spring day around here tomorrow is going to follow suit. and then things change as we get to the weekend. looks like might need some umbrella. we'll have that or some umbrellas. we'll have those details coming up. >> all right. now to alex savidge and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap. coming up at the top of the hour. alex. >> all right, mike, thank you. coming up tonight at seven, some scary moments in washington. a dangerous street race ended with a crash there coming up tonight on west coast rap. we'll show you the video and the message that is coming from police there
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in washington. also, we continue monitoring pro-palestinian demonstrations underway on college campuses all across the west. after scenes of violence at ucla overnight. we'll check in on the status of the large crowds still gathering at many universities. those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap and of course, that's followed by the
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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keep them in his seat. georgias marjorie taylor greene is trying to rally support to kick out speaker johnson, outraged that he did not cut government spending and helped pass more aid for ukraine before making more efforts to secure the southern border. greene intends to move a motion to oust him next week, while house democratic whip katherine clark from massachusetts says she would protect johnson's job and stand up against representative greene. >> well, i find it very satisfying that they are ready to vote for mike johnson. and you want to know something? i want to see it happen. >> it's kind of ironic for her to sit here on the one hand and decry the uni party and say, oh,
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democrats are going to save mike johnson. she would need democrats to remove mike johnson. so it's a bunch of nonsense, frankly, what she's talking about. >> well, just seven months ago congressman matt gaetz motion to kick then speaker kevin mccarthy out of the seat, making representative greene's effort the second time some congressional republicans want to remove the speaker. >> stocks ended mixed on wall street after the federal reserve announced it will hold its key interest rate steady yet again, noting a lack of progress on inflation. the dow gained 87 points and change today. the nasdaq lost 52 and the s&p was down 17 points. shares in cvs fell more than 16% on weaker than expected quarterly earnings. starbucks was down nearly 16% after falling short of expectations, as now fed chair jerome powell said today that inflation has still not eased enough to warn a rate cut. but he did say another rate hike
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is actually unlikely, as fox's connor hanson tells us, investors are lowering their expectations for how many rate cuts, if any, that the fed is going to make this year. >> but inflation is still too high. further progress in bringing it down is not assured and the path forward is uncertain. >> federal reserve chairman jerome powell says interest rates will stay the same for now. americans have been hopeful rate cuts would soon translate into lower borrowing rates for mortgages, car loans and credit cards. but economists say inflation has been too stubborn and say rates could stay put through the end of the year. well the big story really on the economy has just been resilience . >> you know, everybody's been expecting a slowdown. >> there'll be no rate cuts this year. i'm investing under the premise that we're going to be living with this rate cycle, staying the same for the rest of the year. i'm sorry. it's just reality. >> not long ago, traders expected up to six rate cuts. in 2024, the fed's rate has sat
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around 5.3. a 23 year high since its last hike. almost a year ago. but powell says that hasn't stopped people from shopping. >> consumer spending has been robust over the past several quarters, even as high interest rates have weighed on housing lately. >> some economists have even expressed concern that rate could go up again before they start to come back down in new york. connor hanson, fox news. >> pretty nice day yet again today. we've had a good run of weather this week. that changes on friday, but not tomorrow. tomorrow being thursday is going to be another nice day. a lot like today. these were the highs we had today. in these highs will be repeated or duplicated. maybe not quite. might be a degree or two cooler tomorrow, but still i think we'll see some low 80s tomorrow. so a nice day. the high pressure there it is. stays put for another 24 hours, and then it starts to break down on friday. and then when that happens, the friday thing, the clouds come in. and that's where the cooling begins. and then the
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clouds increase and on saturday we get into this. this is the first look, your first look at the computer model. we'll look at it again at the end of the weathercast. but here's 3 a.m. tomorrow or saturday morning. pardon me early. so you're in bed and then right around here that's 7 a.m. looks pretty robust, doesn't it. and then the heavy stuff is through by 7 a.m. so in the north bay, if you have baseball games and stuff, you're probably starting to dry out in ukiah. santa rosa and rohnert park. and then by 1:00 it's sort of down into the south bay and sort of sticks up there. so that's one look at it. we'll take a peek at it in a minute again, and you can see the live camera shot showing no fog at the coast because the winds have been pretty robust. i mean i've seen winds a couple of days in a row now up at point reyes, up over 35 knots, almost sustained at that. sustained it over 25 knots. so it's windy and it's just it's blowing sand around ocean beach at the great highway temperatures right now pretty warm well above where they were yesterday 5 to 7 degrees. and then here's the model. the bigger picture. here's all day
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thursday. fog comes back to the coast. here comes all day. friday fog comes back to the coast. and then things t up. there's this front gets closer to the fog and the marine layer gets kind of scooped up in front of it. and that's why you're seeing the increase in fog. so that's a symptom of this. and this gets here again 7 a.m. on saturday morning. kind of moves through pretty quick and then looks like it kind of clicks through in by saturday evening. in sunday look okay. so right now lean into sunday for your weekend. if i were you and then i think saturday morning in the north bay or saturday afternoon, mid morning in the north bay will be okay. and even san francisco by 1 or 2:00. it will be kind of scattered showers, but it's definitely looks very overnight friday into saturday and into much of the day on saturday afternoon, especially in the south bay. later in the day, there's the five day forecast. we'll see you back here at ten okay. >> thank you bill. well three time nba champion shaun livingston is joining the oakland roots ownership group.
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jason appelbaum will have that ory coming u in
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they won their 15th game of the season. that's something that they didn't do until june 9th of last year, hosting the pirates today. and watch out for the flying bat. courtesy of shea langoliers. yikes. tyler nevin in the third with the a's up one nothing and boom, there it goes. that's a solo shot. nevin's fourth of the year as he extends his hitting streak to nine games. excuse me? two runs more than enough because ross stripling, he was dealing and getting help from his defense. great stop by daryl hernaiz who throws to first for the out. stripling six innings of scoreless baseball to pick up his first win in nearly two years. he had lost his last ten starts. a's win four. nothing they have now won four straight games and six of their last seven. how about the giants, a special asian american and pacific islander celebration today at fenway park. giants taking on the red sox. giants
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down a run in the top of the fourth. mike yastrzemski's bunting with two outs and a runner on third. it works. it's a r.b.i. bunt single, much to the delight of his mom, as the game is tied at two. but the red sox, they get it back in the bottom of the fourth with two doubles and this triple by jarren duran down the right field line. yaz chases after it. income. the insurance run from second to put the red sox up 4 to 2. boston adds two more runs to win 6 to 2. it's the giants third loss in four games and they dropped to 14 and 17. former warrior shaun livingston he retired five years ago from the nba, but he wanted to stay connected to the community, where he won three nba championships and to oakland sports, which is one reason livingston decided to become an investor in the oakland roots, joining their ownership group about two weeks ago. livingston says he's still a newbie when it
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comes to soccer, but he loves the game and he's picking it up little by little. we caught up with livingston earlier today and we asked him what drew him to becoming an owner of the roots, a special place for any sports teams. >> obviously it's been a rough couple of years. you know, they're, you know, with some of their franchises. but i mean, you look at what the roots and, you know, and the soul are doing there in the community, you know, really, being an anchor, you know, to that community, and, you know, and their growing fan base as well. >> all right. just enough time to bring you our catch of the day. you got to check this out. reds at the padres manny machado looks like he's picked up his fifth home run of the season, but stuart fairchild has other plans. oh hard against the wall to take it away. no regard for his body. he was okay, despite the home run robbery, the padres
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won that game 6 to 2. >> that's how you go get it. >> he recovered like it wasn't anything. >> i know, it was like he's just. >> oh, i'm fine. >> i'd be broken ribs, right? >> be like, oh my gosh, i have it. traction >> yeah oakland a's two and a half back. here we go. >> yeah they have a better record in the giants right. >> all right. thanks for watching everybody. west coast
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done! >> it does not defeat us. if anything, it strengthens our resolve. >> after violent clashes at ucla overnight, pro-palestinian demonstrators insist they are not giving up. good evening. welcome to west coast rap. i'm alex savage. ucla leaders say they are doing a thorough investigation into that campus brawl. overnight. it


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