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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  May 2, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PDT

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from protesters on the ucla campus in los angeles as the police in riot gear move in on the protest. we have the latest from southern california as tensions are rising at this very moment and more and more we hear the word divestment from the protesters about the conflict between israel d hamas. we'll te you, the bay area city devoted to pull its money out of investments into companies that support israel. >> from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is thursday may 2nd friday. >> day eve it's friday. >> eve got pretty warm yesterday. let's check in with steve about today. >> i would say exactly the same okay. yeah. not that warm though. but yeah, a little warm. there you go. 40s. 50s on the
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temp. santa rosa is 58. airport because they have a north wind at eight miles an hour. that will do it. so everything continues to stay to the north. we are looking good to go for more sunshine today. and temperatures 60s 70s to near 80 degrees. so al is here at 4:00 picking up cones. quiet. good. >> it is out there, steve, we're we're okay. there are no major issues out there. we're looking at the bay bridge toll plaza, and it looks good. no major issues here. san mateo bridge traffic. also looking good. so we're off to a good start. there's not a lot going on, which is why people get up this early to get on the road. and right now it is indeed a pretty decent drive. 401 let's get back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal. topping our news this morning that developing news this morning as law enforcement on the ucla campus are trying to dismantle the pro-palestinian encampment, a large police presence started moving in on protesters at 3:00
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this morning. fox reporters on scene say there have been flashbangs tear gas deployed. police have started taking down the barricades in front of the protesters and began detaining people. you can see a very active scene there on the main part of campus. many of the swat officers involved are chp officers, and it comes after the police were criticized for responding too slowly to the clashes between protesters. >> i think the ucla administration and law enforcement failed to protect the students, not simply the demonstrators, but also just innocent bystanders who are just trying to get home. >> now, we've already seen people being detained by police this morning. classes at ucla were canceled yesterday. they have now been moved online. mid-term exams have either been postponed or canceled. ucla's chancellor says there will be thorough investigations of
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tuesday night's violent demonstrations, and he said student arrests, expulsions and dismissals are possible. but again, we're looking at that very active scene this morning as they are taking down the barricades and we'll continue to monitor that situation at ucla now. a fight broke out on uc berkeley's campus after several days of peaceful assembly in response to the israel-hamas war. it happened on the school's campus last night. university police say two opposing groups got into an altercation over a flag. at least two people were hurt and needed some medical attention. a group of uc berkeley student unions have set up a pro-palestine camp in the near student activity center since last week. >> our time is now 403. an open letter signed by 5000 uc alumni says they. will not donate to the university until protest demands are met. now, the group is called uc alumni for palestine. it includes alumni from all ten uc campuses and
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from the graduating classes dating back to 1966. now, the open letter demands that the university called for an immediate and permanent cease fire in gaza, divest from companies profiting from the war in gaza, and provide protections for students, staff and faculty from threats to their jobs and to their safety. other group letter included testimonials from several alumni. one of them wrote, i am a small business owner and a hayward resident. i attend alumni events to support students. i recently attended the regents and chancellors scholarship association alumni event. i will withhold donations from the university until they divest, but i will continue to support the student encampments that uc berkeley has said they don't plan to change their investment policies or practices well around the country. many pro-palestinian protests have called for the federal
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government and universities to cut financial support for israel and for companies that do business with israel. >> now, two bay area cities voted to do just that, and ktvu is. bailey o'carroll has the details on the decisions by leaders in hayward and richmond. it's worth it. >> it's our moral obligation. it's our social responsibility. we have to do it. there's no other choice. >> the richmond city council voted to divest all city money from investments with ties to israel, as tensions in the u.s. surrounding the israel-hamas war intensify. my city council member sheila barna said most residents who attended the meeting were in favor of the change. >> one thing that an israeli jewish lady was saying was that it's doing a service not only to the palestinians, but also to israelis is it's not just serving them. palestinian with respecting their human rights, but also israeli people with sustainable peace. we have to do
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it. >> but not everyone agreed, including jonathan mintzer of the jewish community relations center. he called the passing harmful. >> the council is putting the city at legal and financial risk to make a performative statement that won't be increased to the region, but will inflame community tensions. >> but the big question now is how does the city divest that money? it's the same question that has been brought up as protesters on college campuses make the same request of their schools, according to the city. the plan is to comb through investments, see where ties lie and pull the money out. but according to james mcbride, a financial adviser, it's not that simple and may be a moot point, he said selling israeli investments would have no effect on companies or the stock market as they would be purchased by other investors, adding university divestments don't change corporate behavior and most investments are in mutual funds or exchange traded funds, and corporations included are not hand-selected. council member barna estimates the city
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has over $100 million invested in various funds, with ties to israel. various city employees will be tasked with finding out where to invest that money moving forward. >> it's up to the city administration to find other solutions. bring back to the city council by july 2nd and let us know what other options are. >> bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you. bailey. will the bay area has a long history of protests on college campuses. >> yeah, some people say the pro-palestine demonstrations are similar to the anti-apartheid movement of the 1980s. that's when activists were pushing governments and universities to divest from south africa. but some political experts. say the mass occupations happening now may not be as effective because they're happening more often. >> protests have overall become less effective at winning their demands over the past handful of years. that has coincided with the continued frequency of protests.
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>> now, protests are still happening at bay area colleges, including cal, stanford, san francisco state and sonoma state. unlike the violent incidents at columbia and ucla, local demonstrations have remained mainly peaceful. >> well, a bill is now headed to the us senate that expands the definition of anti-semitic ism. the house just approved the legislation that broadens the definition to include, quote, targeting of the state of israel. now, critics of the bill say it strips away free speech on college campuses, but the biden administration says it remains committed to opposing anti-semitic speech. >> the president is being kept regularly updated on what's happening, as you just stated across the country, he is monitoring the situation closely. so is his team. and i would just add that no president, no president has spoken more forcefully about combating anti-semitism than this president. >> supporters of the legislation say it provides a framework for
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the department of education to investigate discrimination cases and intervene, if necessary. >> our time is now. 408 police in pacifica still searching for whoever fired gunshots after trying to steal a car. now it happened tuesday afternoon on horizon way. the owner of the car tried to confront the car thieves, who then sped away after firing shots from one of the getaway cars. now the two cars involved, described as a white or silver infiniti four door sedan. the other car described as just being silver. if you have any information, call pacifica police. >> santa clara will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony today to celebrate its 100th public electric vehicle charger. now, the charger is en los padres boulevard. silicon valley power says it is a significant milestone in its efforts to promote clean energy funding for the charging stations comes from the utility's participation in the state's low carbon fuel standard program. i can tell you it's helping businesses as well
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because those malls and areas and restaurants that have charging stations, they're being used. yes. yeah. and then you might go, you know, grab a coffee or lunch or something while you're charging the car. steve. so it's a it's a nice combination. >> i see people doing it. yeah. yes. all right. we'll get to it here. there are no clouds in the sky. so this should say this should be sunny. this graphic. but i don't make the graphics 68 to 80. rain saturday. those are the highs 58 to 62. so what a dramatic change to go from near 80. for some there will be few. and i mean we will be really cool with what looks like rain moving in a little bit of a northerly breeze, except so far in the city, but even out to pittsburgh, a little westerly, but everywhere else it's north northwest, middle peak northwest to 32. that's north side of mount tamalpais, santa rosa northwest to 23. novato, northwest 15. so that's keeping santa rosa's temperature up. the water temp. so point arena, san francisco bowie at 49 degrees
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point raise has been bouncing between 49 and 50. unbelievably cold for the early part of may, no doubt about it. and fog is not far away when temps inland or 80 and the water temps are that cold system moving into the north. but fog is racing down the coast and it's just going to run into too much resistance today, but not tomorrow, it looks like a change will be starting on friday here. 40s for a few 50s though. there. santa rosa is 58, so i think we're running a little a little warmer here today than we were yesterday. at this time. to the north, a lot more upper 40s, mid 40s or low 50s, not the 30s that we saw for a couple of days. i was talking to a colleague of mine, and there was a couple of reports around sebastopol of ice a couple of days ago. i mean, that's that's a little unusual, but that's what we had a lot of 30s here. not now though, and everything's continues to say rain on saturday just aren't snow in the mountains. i mean, it just can't get around it. so i would have that plan be ready to go for saturday. warm thursday though, clear morning sunshine for all, warmer
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temperatures near 80 for a few 6070s and 80. >> all right. thank you steve. remembering reverend cecil williams of glide memorial church. the funeral plans to honor the man who made a significant difference for so many people. >> also an unprovoked attack in san francisco caught on camera with two security guards say after they were randomly targeted on city streets
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wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now— fryday. fryday. fryday. —tuesday. —fryday. —wednesday. —fryday. —friday? —fryday. get the fries other fries wish they could be. wendy's hot and crispy fries, guaranteed. the center of campus to show you what is going on right now. you can see an extensive police presence. officers have moved in to that pro-palestinian encamped that started early this morning. officers started breaking down
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the barriers, removing some of the barriers and plywood that have been set up. we've seen the officers tossing those barriers, dismantling the encampment again. we're taking you there live. you can see an extensive police presence now. you can hear that in the background. we have heard flash bangs going off. we have reporters there telling us, you can see that and hear that now we are keeping an eye on those developments as they are trying to secure that area. meantime, classes are all online. in case you're wondering, the ucla campus significantly impacted by this, but we're going to stay on top of this. we'll keep checking in at ucla and see how this is progressing. and if the officers are able to peacefully remove this encampment. >> all right. our time is now 415 well, native american leaders here in california say they're committed to ending violence on tribal lands. >> we're here to bring awareness
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as we do continue to need awareness. but we're also here to remember our relatives who have gone, our relatives who are missing. and we're here to make sure that our relatives are brought home once and for all. >> the california ranks fifth in the nation for unsolved cases involving indigenous people who are either missing or believed to be murdered. and many of the victims are women and girls. yesterday at the state capitol, tribal leaders called for more resources to investigate and solve these cases. now, the chairperson of the california legislative native american caucus, san bernardino assembly member james ramos, says statistics show 85% of native american women experience violence in their lifetimes. 56% experienced sexual violence, 75% of them experienced it. more than once in their lifetimes. time now for 16. two security guards in san francisco were
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attacked as they were working near union square. >> ktvu is amber lee spoke with the two men about the assault, who say that attack was unprovoked. >> it's a break in limited english, 78 year old ignacio finnegan shows me the bruise on his forehead that he suffered after a man attacked him and his coworker. >> i wake up every morning so i dropped my granddaughter in the school. >> but his routine. of leaving his home in the tenderloin was disrupted when he got to work as a security guard for an office building on post street, near kearny, just blocks from union square and chinatown, at around 1020 wednesday morning, surveillance video shows fatigue and wearing a beanie talking to his coworker bob morales, who's 59 years old. a man gets out of a parked car, confronts morales, pushes him, and then tries to kick him. >> they pushed me. what? what's the matter? i said it did not talk and then he punched me. no no no. hit me. they kick. i'm run. >> the man goes up to finnegan,
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chases him and shoves him. he falls to the ground, hitting his head. the man walks away and takes off in a car. a witness who asked us not to show his face, says he went outside his place of business to try to help. >> the victim's shocked because again, we're downtown. there's a lot of activity down here, but it's still a pretty quiet street. >> the witness says the suspect needs to be caught and held accountable. >> it's unacceptable. it's just unacceptable. there is absolutely no reason for that. i hate to assume that it was any way racially motivated, but based upon who was attacked, it's kind of the first thing that popped into my head when i went out there. >> both victims, immigrants from the philippines, tell me as security guards, they often stand outside the building they're watching over. they say they've never seen the suspect before. they continue to work after the attack, but they're concerned the suspect may return . has anything like this ever happened before? >> no. this is really happened to me. i've been here for 20 years already, but this time only police responded to this incident.
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>> they say they have not ruled out hate as a possible motive for this unprovoked attack, and that so far no one has been arrested. amber lee ktvu, fox two news thank you. >> amber. well may is asian american and pacific islander heritage month, and this morning we profile a man who went up against great odds to open a business in the los angeles koreatown during the pandemic. ralph xiao left his job in production to pursue his love of cooking. he and three friends created a bodega style business. it's a neighborhood grocery store and restaurant where people can meet, sit down, and relax to enjoy a hearty meal. >> you think about bodegas in new york. they're kind of like the lifeblood of the block. they service the neighborhood through food, groceries, the news. i love making people feel heard and seen, welcoming them into our restaurant in space and making sure we're all here for each other. >> the business is called open
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market, and it highlights the community sandwiches are named for los angeles streets, including olympic and normandie. nice. i love that sense of community, grocery and the and the food. nice. very nice. all right. seems like a good weather day to enjoy some outdoor restaurants and eating spots for sure. >> i would today because you don't. i don't think you'll be able to do it saturday, that's for sure. so warm today it'll be sunny. there's no clouds in the sky, but it'll be warm and then a huge change. everything is still on track for rain on saturday. pretty good little northerly breeze for many. so this will be another warm day. mount diablo north to 27 middle peak though north west to 32. and boy, that northwest wind has really generated some cold ocean temps. santa rosa airport northwest gusting 23. that's holding their temp up. novato northwest 15. san francisco buoy point, ray's point marina, all between 49 and 50, and even the monterey bay aquarium buoy is a brisk 51. and that is the i. if you get 80 inland and the water
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temps are that cold, fog is not far away. and there it is. watch it coming down to go see. but it runs into too much resistance today. tomorrow it will start to fly in here at least coast and bay. we're in between systems. so you know continue to be to the north. but our system is getting its act together, coming out of the gulf of alaska. and it will be here saturday 40s, 50s. we are running warmer than yesterday. and we will not get as cold as the last couple of mornings here when we had some upper 30s and low 40s, a lot more 50s here. although danville's 46, castro valley 47. but look at pittsburgh and brentwood 59. so they'll be on the warm side. the high, though, is just pretty far offshore, and it won't take much to knock it out of the way. so yesterday was nice today. sunny nice to warm but huge change starts friday night into saturday. cold or windy and rain returns i think a rather brisk pattern on sunday with skies starting to clear a little bit, but take a look at the amounts. these are not too shabby for early may with some decent snow in the mountains, a foot to maybe two we could be talking about by monday. today will be warm though. clear, cool
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inland, northerly breeze though. sunshine for all 60s 70s 80s. >> okay steve, thank you times for 21 hotel workers and janitors in san francisco. march and rally through downtown with some of the workers. say about the changes they want to see and heartbreak for a high school swim team in the east bay. >> the missed deadline that is keeping the athle s from mpetin a
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lafayette is devastated. they were told they're locked out of a key competition because they missed a deadline. >> as ktvu henry lee reports, they feel like they're being punished unfairly when they were punishing us, the athletes who should be the ones competing in this meet and this meets all for us. >> it was pretty devastating. >> kale hansen is shattered. he and 12 other swimmers at acalanes high school in lafayette won't be able to compete in a regional swim meet,
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one they've been preparing for all season. >> i definitely thought it would be the big meet where we could all show up and show out and showcase our abilities and everything. we worked hard for this. >> after intense swim meets and practices, eight of the swimmers who qualified are seniors who are missing out on what would have been their last chance to swim for the acalanes dons. >> i do take proper ownership here, coach brett usinger, a former swimmer himself, says he tried to submit his team's times before the deadline on sunday, but he was in oregon at the time with a bad internet connection and no hotspot. >> the next day, he was told his team's entries never made it and that his team couldn't take part in the north coast sectional meet on friday. >> but i also think there's something to be learned about potential future practices or improvements to make sure that students who have earned the right to swim get to swim. >> the team and the principal asked the cif, the state's governing body of high school athletics, for a second chance. but it's a no go that dons are dead in the water.
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>> our athletes, they performed this year and did everything they were supposed to do and ultimately they're the ones who are getting punished through this whole process, regardless of fault. it shouldn't fall on their shoulders. >> i think all of us are just really disappointed that we don't have the opportunity to swim at this meet, because we've worked so hard to get to this spot. it's really devastating knowing that whatever the error was, that we aren't going to be able to swim, even though we, like all 13 swimmers, are very qualified. >> cif says reminders were sent to all schools that the deadline was mandatory and no exceptions would be made. in a statement, pat cruikshank, the commissioner of athletics, said in part the procedures and consequences for failing to follow these championship procedures were agreed to by ncs member schools. acalanes did timely submit entries for its diving team, so for now, the teams holding their heads high, their plan just keep swimming. in lafayette, henry lee, ktvu, fox studios. >> all right henry thank you. times for 26. the oakland
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ballers baseball team released some new renderings of the plans to transform raymond park into their new home baseball field. now, the team plans to bring in 4000 seats, create 1000 parking spots, and also provide a free bike and scooter valet service. they're also offering a shuttle for fans to and from the west oakland bart station. fans are encouraged to ride transit. the ballers will host their first home game june the 4th. tickets go on sale on monday. >> the recount is over and it is no longer a tie. next up, the november ballot and the close race for a local congressional seat. >> and is it cheaper to rent or buy a house? details of a new report that looks at which is the best option right now in major cities. >> and we are still following that developing news on the ucla campus, taking you there live to see what is happening right now. we have been watching l.a. police dismantle the pro-palestinian encampment for
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just about an hour and a half. now. you can see the extensive police presence as they dismantle the barriers. the plywood there now seems to be a standoff between protesters and police, but we are going to continue to monitor the situation. we're going to take you down there, live to ucla throughout the m ni
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escalated at ucla as police moved in to clear the protesters and the camp. they set up right in the middle of campus. we're going to take you back there live to see the overnight police action in southern california as the police try to break up that encampment. and as the weather gets warmer, the risk of rattling snakes increases. the warning for hikers to what to watch out for.
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>> from ktvu fox two news this is mornings on two. good morning. >> thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. >> i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. thursday morning, may 2nd. despite everything happening in the news we still call it friday eve. >> of course. yes, we worked even harder to get there. it feels right sometimes. let's check in with steve paulson, because i think it's another warm day before the weekend, similar to yesterday. >> and then big changes start tomorrow into for sure on saturday here. 50s on some of the temps, 40s on others. santa rosa has a northerly breeze. that's why they're the warmest. but you know, again the temperatures will probably be pretty close to yesterday. fog is pouring down the coast. it won't make an impact today, but for sure tomorrow and then a big change on saturday today, 60s 70s to near 80. sal is here for 31. john. still good? yeah. >> still good. a couple of minor things, but for the most part, we're off to a very nice start when it comes to the morning
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commute. highway four looks good and you know it's good when that happens. 680 southbound. also doing very well. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. and that is light at 431. let's get back to the headlines okay. >> thank you. we have a still developing story in los angeles. hundreds of law enforcement personnel are moving in on the ucla campus, breaking up the pro-palestinian encampment there. these are live pictures we're looking at at ucla. the police are tearing down the barricades there. the wooden boards and the metal railings. we've seen both flash bangs and tear gas used as law enforcement breaks up the encampment. and we're watching the pictures. you're watching. the law enforcement agencies taking part include the l.a. police, the sheriff's department, and the chp. they first issued a dispersal order at 6:00 last night. it appeared the police started to move in about 1:00 this morning. did they quickly
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started backing away. now the police then moved in about 3:00 this morning. they've been taking down barriers at that encampment. now. students at santa clara university are trying to educate the public about what is happening in gaza. a student group held a teach in on the campus. the school administration says it's important to balance free expression with campus safety. the university worked closely with the event organizers on making sure there were no problems. from this sit in, the activists are calling on the school to cut their investments with israel. >> we do not want any of our tuition and funding or any of that to go towards the support of the genocide of the palestinian people. we want to demand a current like a cease fire. we are the students next generation. we are going to be voting this election season. all of that kind of stuff. >> now, a few counter protesters walked all around the event as it was happening, but there was no problem, no incident. jewish students were offered campus
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escorts if they felt unsafe. >> in oakland, pro-palestinian protesters and labor rights protesters joined together, marching through downtown. it was a may day demonstration, standing in solidarity with palestinians as the two groups merged after a protest at the port of oakland was canceled. together, hundreds of them marched from the federal building to frank ogawa plaza, the palestinian general federation of labor unions called on labor unions worldwide to spend their may day demanding a cease fire and lifting up the voices of palestinian workers. >> whatever it takes, so that gazans, palestinians in general can go back to their whatever peaceful lives they had before. >> speakers from dozens of nonprofit groups attended yesterday's rally and called for a ceasefire in gaza and an end to us military aid. >> our time is now 430 for a public memorial service will be held to honor the life of the longtime leader of san francisco's glide memorial
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church, reverend cecil williams. a celebration of his life is planned for sunday, may 12th. it will be at 1:00 in the afternoon at glide. organizers say the celebration will include live music and special remarks from elected officials, community leaders, family members and friends. the doors of the church will open at noon. reverend williams was known as a champion of racial equality. the lgbt, q rights and for the poor. he died on april 22nd at the age of 94. >> power has been restored to a family courthouse in san jose. now, the court says the equipment failure led to multiple power outages, and they were without power for a few days. the court was paying more than $150,000 a day to rent and fuel a generator, and the court handles a wide range of cases, mostly involving domestic violence and restraining orders. the court says with the help of
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pg and its permanent power source has been restored. the inmates at the federal women's prison in dublin have now been moved out of the facility. the bureau of prisons confirms to us here at ktvu that all 605 women at fci dublin have either been moved to other prisons across the country, released to halfway houses or released altogether. last month, the bureau of prisons announced the sudden closure of the prison just prior, the fbi raided the prison and a judge appointed a special master to oversee reforms at the facility. seven corrections officers at fci dublin have been convicted of sexually abusing and assaulting the inmates since 2022. >> our time now for 36. the vote recount in the south bay's district 16 congressional race is now over, and state assembly member evan low has won. he will move on to face sam liccardo in november. san mateo county finished its recount, including the review of 16 challenged ballots. election officials say
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evan low gained one vote in the end and county supervisor joe simitian received none. that put evan low ahead by five votes for second place in the count. that election had originally resulted in a tie between evan low and joe simitian, behind sam liccardo. evan low says he's excited to be able to present his platform to voters. >> i've served in public service as a mayor, a council member, a state legislator for ten years, but also a record of service, being named the most prolific lawmaker in sacramento from the sacramento bee. so results oriented, but also young enough to have the trajectory and runway to deliver and have tenure in congress to deliver results for our district. >> now, low says it's a perfect example of why every single vote counts. the election numbers still have to be certified by the secretary of state. meantime, santa clara county
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supervisor joseph midian conceded. he said he trusts the process and accepts the results. he congratulated evan low and sam liccardo, and he added i'm disappointed on a personal level because i had looked forward to running in november and serving in congress. i'm disappointed because i couldn't deliver a win for the oh so many folks who gave their time, effort, energy and resources to our campaign, and former san jose mayor sam liccardo said in a statement that despite the efforts of some to stop this recount, we should all celebrate that democracy prevailed. previously, uncounted votes were counted. we can now refocus on our work ahead towards solutions to our region's and the nation's great challenges, such as homelessness, the high cost of living, climate change, public safety and protecting reproductive rights. it's our time now. 438 well, the east bay regional park district is warning us beware of
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rattlesnakes as it gets warmer and as more people start going out onto trails. now the park district says hikers are already seeing an increase in rattlesnakes. they're also reminding guests it's illegal to collect, kill or remove the snakes from parks. if you do see one. now to stay safe, look around real carefully in the ground ahead of you. stay on designated trails and if you have a dog, keep it on a leash. >> all very good advice. stay on that trail. yeah, every once in a while a snake will cross the trail. so yes. look down. >> don't you let mo get away. >> oh, gosh. no yeah. no no no. all right, let's check in with steve paulson because a lot of people will be out and about on those trails. it's been pretty nice weather. >> i don't think they'll be there saturday. but today, yes, a lot of rain saturday. it looks like it. yeah. warm today. and then a big change on saturday. can't get around. it does look like rain arrives. how much rain? well, a pretty good rain
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here. in fact. santa rosa 82, 100. that's that's impressive for may. sacramento three quarters. concord three quarters, san francisco san jose in there. so. and some heavy totals. if you're heading northward. also a pretty good snow up in the mountains, maybe 1 to 2ft. our system is in the gulf of alaska. it will start to make its move here, but fog is already beginning to come down the coast. it'll stay offshore today, but i think it makes a move today. west wind in the city, but a northwest wind for others or a northerly breeze. temperatures will be on the warm side. there's santa rosa northwest gusting to 23. that's keeping their temp up. oakland airport has a slight offshore breeze, but the water temps are incredibly cold. upper 40s low 50s is only a matter of time before that fog makes its move, and it's making its move, but it's going down the coast. so no impact today. but i think tomorrow it'll be a huge impact. coast and bay temps will offer in the 50s. mount veeder is 59, north winds and oakland hills 54, northwest 16 and boulder creek 54. also northwest. so a northerly breeze, mainly upper
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40s and low 50s. we're a lot warmer this morning than we have been the past couple of mornings. 45 is popular. felton's in there. scotts valley socal, santa cruz a 48 degrees 49 san martin, also santa clara and cupertino is in there. the high winds out today, but then tomorrow it starts to lose its grip as a system unseasonably strong. one comes out of the gulf of alaska. so nice to warm today and then colder. windy with rain returning on saturday. and again we showed you the rainfall. but look at the snow i mean you know foot almost two i mean that's for early may. don't let that catch you off guard. you guys never told us it was going to snow. yes we did, we just did warm thursday. cool to mild lows. there's a lot more 50s and northerly breeze. sunshine for all. near 80 inland 60s 70s to near 80. >> thank you steve. increased concerns over anti-semitism leading to new legislation from congress coming up the bills response to the war in gaza and pro-palestinian protests also. >> hundreds of people marched in downtown san jose. we'll ell you what the
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pictures from the campus of ucla. we're checking back on this still developing situation on the ucla campus, so you can see what's happening right now. now, for almost two hours now, the police have been dismantling and moving into the pro-palestinian encampment. there at ucla. and we've been watching and listening to protesters chanting in what appears to be a standoff with the police. we've also seen and heard flash bangs. we've seen the police throwing plywood and the metal barriers as they take apart the encampment. the police have been telling the students ifeye on what's happening there andly
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marched and rallied in downtown san jose. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters reports from san jose, with more on the event is happening this apparatus on international workers day in s, labor unions and immigrant rights groups say they came together to bring attention to what working class people are going through. >> i have to work two jobs. yeah, to have like to complete, like the necessities of my family and to pay bills. >> it's still workers around the whole state. the whole nation is still getting their meal break still from them. they get ours still from them. they get like get paid. >> ionally known as a day struggles of workers. multiple groups set up tables in the park, including the wage theft coalition, sout d
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to the front of this pro-democracy movement to best fight fascism within this country, antiwar protesters and those who are against the war in gaza also joined the rally, calling for peace around the world and for the u.s. government to stop financially supporting israel. >> we see here that our tax dollars and everything should be prioritizing american people, b, why is the priority for our tax dollars on a war that no one or even violence that we don't want ? >> lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news. all right. >> lamonica. thank you. time now for 46. in san francisco's mission district, there were marches and rallies in support of the rights for immigrant and undocumented workers. the people unite will never be defeated. the marches and rallies started at 24th and mission. the protesters made their way to san francisco city hall. those who were there said they're also
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advocating for the right to organize and stand with palestinians. >> it's a day for us to emphasize that this country, the bay area, everything runs only through the efforts and all of the work of the workers. that includes immigrant workers, that includes undocumented workers, and that includes all of us as city workers. >> now, many of the workers say they serve a very important function, and they should be recognized for their work. time is 447. hundreds of hotel workers and janitors marched through union square and downtown san francisco. >> ktvu is betty. you spoke with some of the workers about the things and changes they're demanding. are you saying, no way. >> they chanted and held signs that read one job should be enough, and justice for janitors. describe what it's like to survive here in the bay area. >> well, we rely on the credit card. that is how it was. you
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know, even going to rely on my on my salary. it's not enough. celeste sorghum cleans the lobby and public spaces at the grand hyatt at sfo. >> she's married with three children. she says she takes home just under $3,000 a month, and she's not left with much after paying about $2,500 in rent. >> they cut people and they give you more tests. it is not fair. >> hotel workers from unite here local two and janitors with seiu local 87 represent some 15,000 people whose contracts are set to expire in august. what is most difficult for you and challenging about being a hotel worker as a banquet worker, we have it better than some. >> a lot of the housekeeping after the pandemic, they haven't come back to how it used to be. it's just they're making record profits and they're just not giving us security, morale, candidate and current supervisor ahsha safai said the board has been called in previously to help both sides get to the
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finish line during negotiations. >> we need to stand up for working families. a lot of them are immigrants doing work that most people don't want to do. >> all the misery loves san francisco has yet to see tourism and spending return to pre-pandemic levels, despite seeing a boost in 2023 over the previous year. i spoke with the handlery hotel right here in union square, and the owner says while he's not directly involved in these upcoming contract talks, he says his hotel just simply hasn't recovered from those pandemic related disruptions and like many operators here, they are all dealing with rising costs. in san francisco, betty yu, ktvu, fox two news thank you, betty. >> federal reserve chairman jerome powell suggested interest rates will not be changing anytime soon, as expected. americans have been hoping, though, for rate cuts, which would translate to lower borrowing rates for mortgages, car loans and credit cards. at
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one point, traders were hoping for up to six rate cuts this year. now, investors are expecting maybe one rate cut later this year, but there may be zero cuts due to inflation. however, jerome powell says the economy overall remains strong. >> consumer spending has been robust over the past several quarters, even as high interest rates have weighed on housing. but inflation is still too high. further progress in bringing it down is not assured, and the path forward is uncertain. >> now, the fed's key rate is currently at a 23 year high, sitting at just about 5.3. >> all right, pam, time is now 450. new numbers are out about the cost of housing, showing how much more is paid monthly for a mortgage here in the bay area compared to paying rent. a new report from bankrate says bay area residents are better off renting than buying a house right now. the average monthly rent in the san francisco, oakland, berkeley metro area is about $3,000 a month, whereas
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the average mortgage payment on a new home is $8,500 a month. not surprising. san jose sunnyvale and santa clara that area is number two on the list. the average monthly rent there $3,200 a month versus a mortgage payment of $8,500. >> a professor trying to help facebook users control what they see is now suing meta. now, the professor created a browser extension that would let users unfollow certain groups and pages. it's called unfollow everything 2.0. the idea is that without a constant stream of content, users would not scroll endlessly. a few years ago, a uk developer released a similar tool called unfollow everything, but he took it down after meta sent a cease and desist letter for the reason why or what the reasoning behind them able to send a cease and desist. i think we'll have more on that story.
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we'll continue to follow that. right now, we want to check in with steve paulson and our forecast. >> all right. we do have another warm day on tap, although a little bit of fog has come back to the mendocino coast. but we'll take a look here at the may for temperatures and average temperatures. and also for rainfall, because both are playing into our forecast for the next 48 hours. santa rosa, san francisco, livermore and san jose. the average may highs. and look at the rainfall. santa rosa an inch and a quarter. the city almost three quarters. livermore half inch in san jose a half inch. but we have big changes on the way. so from warm thursday and again, i've been saying this all week long, you might want to have that plan b ready or get ready to cancel or postpone something because everything is pointing towards rain coming in and we may get to our monthly averages this weekend. certainly i would think concord, san francisco and san jose will be close and santa rosa won't be far away, so it looks like a wet pattern coming in for saturday should decrease on sunday, and then look, it's just coming in
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on your weekend. the systems in the gulf of alaska. it's also going to it looks like in train some moisture coming in a little bit from the west northerly breeze for many. although in the city and out to pittsburgh there's a westerly breeze, but mainly it's north northeast, especially in the higher elevations. also at santa rosa. northwest 23 novato northwest to 15 oakland airport has a little puff of an east wind. so. but those water temps incredibly cold. so some fog has come back now again, it's shallow. it will mainly only be confined to a few immediate areas, and i would think it's going to run into too much resistance today. but there's a teeny bit already on the mendocino coast and it's out there, but more likely it will be into play tonight. tomorrow for the coast. mount veeder 59, oakland hills 55, boulder creek 54. pretty warm, higher elevations 40s. 50s on the temps here. because of that breeze, we're held up on some 2729 truckee south lake tahoe to 44 in reno, mount shasta 46 today looks nice. high pressure was our fair weather friend. so sunny. nice to warm for your thursday but huge change for saturday. colder, windy and rain returns. can't get around it
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today though. lots of sunshine, mild to warm. could be a puff of a west breeze for coastal areas in the city. maybe later, but 60s 70s 80 on the temps. tomorrow is the transition day. fog will come back and then a huge change on saturday. >> thank you steve. for the first time we are getting specific information on crime prevention efforts in piedmont. we have a look at the city's new automated license plate readers and a series of concerts starting at just $35. we'll tell you who's performing and w re in the bay ♪(clapping)♪ ♪(percussion)♪ ♪cause you're free♪ ♪to do what you want to do♪ ♪do what you want♪ ♪do what you want♪ times may change, but somethings remain timeless. i've been using dove beauty bar more than 25 years. dove is 1/4 moisturizing cream.
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life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. are accusing a us based organization of hiding virus research prior to the covid 19 pandemic. lawmakers say ecohealth received $4 million in federal funds to conduct
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experiments in china. some house representatives believe the organization hid some of its research, which has led to speculation about how covid 19th may have started. >> you knew that there were difficulties when the taxpayers money is used for our scientific research, it is impaired motive that people comply with the rules. >> congress is split on how covid 19 started, but both parties have agreed to block ecohealth from receiving federal money in the future. some lawmakers are demanding a criminal investigation into what happened in china. well, 2024 marks ten years of live nation's concert week. to celebrate $25 tickets go on sale next week to about 5000 shows. the annual program starts off summer concert season. some of the artists performing at eligible shows include 21 savage, alanis morissette, janet jackson and cage the elephant. concert lovers can take their pick of
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the shows starting next wednesday, may 8th. the promotion will last through may 14th. you can head to for a list of the bay area locations. well, people who visit some of oakland's best known attractions could collect some prizes as part of a summer long promotion that's called oakland summer vibes. participants can download the vibe map app and check in at places like the chabot space and science center, the oakland museum, or children's fairyland. users collect points and badges to be in the running for prizes, including a behind the scenes experience at the oakland zoo, star wars fans are getting ready for an annual celebration this weekend, may the fourth has evolved into a big day for the popular film franchise. film critics say there are plenty of movies, series and celebrations in store for may the 4th. a movie marathon includes 24 hours of star wars movies. fans have multiple ways to celebrate star wars day this year. >> if you want to go to watch star wars on the big screen, which is always an event, you
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have two options. there is a marathon of the nine movie skywalker saga. if you want to just go see one star wars movie, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the very first prequel film, the phantom menace . >> the next star wars movie new movie will be a spinoff of the mandalorian television series. it's expected to come out in may 2026. caltrans says it's postponing the planned closure of eastbound highway 37 in the north bay this weekend, with rain now in the forecast. it was set to be the third weekend closure for the ongoing repaving project there on 37. another eastbound closure is scheduled to start friday, may 10th. officials say they will soon announce the makeup dates for the canceled closure. >> there was a promise made by protesters on the ucla campus in los angeles as police in riot gear move in on that protest. we
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have the very latest from southern california as tensions are rising at this very moment and more and more we hear the word divestment from the protesters about the conflict between israel and hamas. we'll tell you, the bay area city that just voted to pull money out of investments into companies that support israel from ktvu, fox two news, this is mornings on two. well, good morning to you. thank you for joining us. and welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is thursday may 2nd. sounds like caltrans. listen to steve. they did. it's going to rain. we're not going to do that work on 37. so it's going to be a good amount of rain i guess i think they have their own meteorologist. >> but thank you pamela. know they they still listen see the same things i see. there you go. and probably probably a prudent idea i would think they're probably going. yeah, it looks like rain, 40s, 50s on the temp. santa rosa is because of a north breeze. north northwest. there are there 59 yet livermore is
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47. palo alto 48. so there's some pretty big spreads on the temps, but lows are much warmer this morning compared to yesterday. at this time, fog is pouring down the coast, but it's too much resistance today. but i think tomorrow it plays into our weather. today, 60s, 70s and another day of inland temps near 80. all right. sal's here at 5:00 and he is going to begin with, highway four. >> steve, we're going to look at highway four and look at it westbound. if you are driving out toward the concord area, it looks pretty good from our aa traffic camera. it looks very nice. continuing all the way out to the other side of the hill. you can also see on the maps at 680 is clear for you heading to walnut creek bay bridge toll plaza looks pretty good as you drive over towards san francisco . 501 let's get back to the headlines. >> all right. thank you. sal. we are keeping an eye on the developing story at ucla, where there is now a large police presence taking you down there live this morning, law enforcement moved in early this
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morning on the protesters. they started taking down the metal barricades and the plywood there seems to be kind of a standoff going on right now. no idea of what will happen next, but we are keeping an eye on this situation as it became very tense in the last couple of days. now, the ucla demonstration, just one of many protests on college campuses. ktvu james torres live at uc berkeley, where organizers of an encampment are keeping an eye on the protests. there may be some negotiations in the works there at uc berkeley. >> james, that's the report that we're hearing this morning. pam, good morning to you. let me first show you what this encampment looks like and some changes since i've last seen in the last week. more specifically , this table barricade that they've put out on the steps of sproul plaza. and certainly how much larger this situation has grown. we only saw just a couple dozen tents the first time we ever. we saw this originally pop up. now we see it kind of go from street to street all the
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way up to the sather gate. several tents out here this morning. let's talk about those potential negotiations, because we saw a report from the daily cal, which is a student run paper where members of these protesters allegedly met with the university chancellor to talk about ending this protest campaign. although it sounds like those negotiations really didn't go anywhere but a much more calm scene here in berkeley than compared to what we're seeing down in la. that's where chp officers have broken down the encampment there, and they have immediately began detaining some of the people. morning, after sending out an alert asking people to avoid or evacuate the area, the encampment was deemed an unlawful assembly. according to the daily bruin, which is ucla student paper, multiple students and at least one faculty member have been detained and taken away in zip ties. officers seen
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in full riot gear, people taken into custody in those zip ties. some students, not part of the protest say they are watching in shock. >> i think the ucla administration and law enforcement failed to protect the students, not simply the demonstrators, but also just innocent bystanders who are just trying to get home. >> now, back here at uc berkeley, there was a report last night of some sort of confrontation, possibly just a short fight between two opposing groups. that's according to police, where they say at least two people have been hurt as a result, possibly over an argument with a flag here on campus. now, of course, it's a developing story, not just up here in berkeley, but of course, down in la. we will keep an eye on it all morning and bring you the updates as soon as we have them. we're live this morning from uc berkeley. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, james thank you. time is 504. an open letter signed by 5000 uc alumni says
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they will not donate to the university until protest demands are met. now, the group, called uc alumni for palestine, includes alumni from all ten uc campuses and from graduating classes that date back to 1966. the open letter demands the university call for an immediate and permanent cease fire in gaza, divest from companies profiting from the war in gaza, and provide protections for students, staff and faculty from threats to their jobs and their safety. now, the group letter included testimonials from several alumni. one of them wrote this i am a small business owner and a hayward resident. i attend alumni events to support students. i recently attended the regents and chancellor's scholarship association alumni event. i will withhold donations from the university until they divest. i will continue to support the student encampments. now, uc berkeley has said they don't plan to change their
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investment policies or practices , as the city council in richmond has voted to cut financial support for israel. >> the city council voted to divest those funds in response to criticism over the war in gaza city. leaders say they will go through each of the investments to figure out which funds to reinvest. but while supporters cheered the move, others call the move harmful. >> the council is putting the city at legal and financial risk to make a performative statement that won't be increased to the region, but will inflame community tensions. >> one financial adviser we spoke to says it selling israeli investments would have no effect on companies or the stock market. some jewish groups want the city to repeal the decision. richmond leaders are encouraging other cities to follow their lead. the bay area has a long history of protests on college campuses. >> yeah, some people are saying the pro-palestine demonstrations are similar to the anti-apartheid movement of the
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1980s. that's when activists were pushing governments and universities to divest from south africa. but some political experts say the mass occupations that are happening now term may not be as effective because they're happening more often. >> protests have over all become less effective at winning their demands over the past handful of years. that has coincided with the continued frequency of protests. >> now, protesters still happening at bay area colleges, including cal, stanford, san francisco state and sonoma state . unlike violent incidents at columbia and ucla, the local demonstrations have been pretty much peaceful. >> a bill is now headed to the us senate that expands the definition of anti-semitism. now, the house just approved the legislation that broadens the definition to include targeting of the state of israel. critics of the bill say it strips away
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free speech on college campuses, but the biden administration says it remains committed to opposing antisemitic speech. >> the president is being kept regularly updated on what's happening, as you just stated across the country, he is monitoring the situation closely. so is his team. and i would just add that no president, no president has spoken more forcefully about combating anti-semitism than this president. >> supporters of the legislation say it provides a framework for the department of education to investigate discrimination cases and intervene, if necessary. >> our time is now. 508 police in pacifica are still out there searching for whoever fired gunshots after trying to steal a car. now it happened tuesday afternoon on horizon way. the owner of the car tried to confront the car thieves, who then sped away, firing shots from one of the getaway cars. the two cars involved are described as a white or silver infiniti four door sedan. the other car described as just
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being silver. if you have any information, call pacifica police. santa clara will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony today to celebrate its 100th public electric vehicle charger. >> the charger is on los padres boulevard. silicon valley power says it's a significant milestone in its efforts to promote clean energy. funding for the charging stations comes from the utility's participation in the state's low carbon fuel standard program. all right. back over to steve paulson for our forecast. where are you starting, we're starting santa rosa because it's pretty warm up there. 59 they get a northerly breeze, a lot of 50s here. brentwood's 57. it won't take long to warm up here. fog is down coming down the coast. but i just thinking too much resistance today. 20s up in the mountains. truckee, south, lake tahoe, the high will give us another warm day, but big changes are on the way. so sunshine and warm temps today near 80 for many inland and then on friday we'll increase the clouds late friday and in rain and a cold rain arrives on saturday. can't get around it so
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i would start changing plans. if you have them on saturday. warm today though, temperatures 6070 to 80 on the temps. and if you like sunshine and warm temps, you'll probably have to wait again to see him until early next week. >> remembering reverend cecil williams of glide memorial church. we'll talk about the funeral plans to honor the man who made a significant difference for so many people, and an unprovoked attack in san francisco. >> it was caught on camera. watch your tv with two security guards. say they were randomly targ ed o city
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calm down a bit. the situation escalated just about 3:00 this morning when officers moved in to that pro-palestinian encampment. there have been clashing protesters on the campus for the past couple of days. officers started taking down those barriers, removing the plywood, listening in for just a moment. we can still hear a pretty active scene. sounds like a significant number of protesters probably are not leaving the area, but the very significant number of police officers there. so you can see now some of the protesters, it
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looks like there's sort of a standoff going on, still remaining peaceful as they dismantle this. we have under we understand that ucla classes have been moved online, they are moving or postponing or delaying midterm and final exams. i mean, it's quite disruptive for the for the campus and the students there, we're going to keep an eye on this developing situation there on the ucla campus throughout the morning. >> all right, pam, time is now 514. native american leaders here in california say they're committed to ending violence on tribal lands. >> we're here to bring awareness as we do continue to need awareness. but we're also here to remember our relatives who have gone our relatives who are missing. and we're here to make sure that our relatives are brought home once and for all. now, the state of california is ranked fifth in the nation for unsolved cases involving indigenous people who are either missing or believed to be murdered, and many of the victims are women and girls. >> yesterday at the state
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capitol, tribal leaders called for more resources to investigate and solve these cases. now, state assembly member james ramos, the chair of the california legislative native american caucus, says reports show that 85% of native women experience violence during their lives, 56% have experienced sexual violence, 75% of them experienced it more than once in their lifetimes. >> two security guards were attacked while working near union square in san francisco yesterday morning, and ktvu talked to the man about what happened out there. >> both are victims. they're from immigrants. they're immigrants from the philippines and say they often stand outside the building. they're watching and working for. one security guard talked about the bruise on his forehead he suffered after a man attacked him and his coworker. and they say it was an unprovoked attack. >> they possibly. what? what's the matter? i said they did not
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talk and then they punched me. no no, no. hit me. they kick. i'm run. >> it's just unacceptable. there is absolutely no reason for that. i hate to assume that it was any way racially motivated, but based upon who was attacked, it's kind of the first thing that popped into my head. >> the witnesses say the suspect should be captured and held accountable. >> may is asian american and pacific islander heritage month, and we have a nice story to tell you about. this morning, we profile a man who went up against great odds to open a business in the los angeles koreatown area during the pandemic. ralph xiao left his job in production to pursue his love of cooking. he and three friends created a bodega style business. it's a neighborhood grocery store and restaurant where people can meet, sit down, and relax to a hearty meal. >> if you think about bodegas in new york, they're kind of like the lifeblood of the block. they service the neighborhood through food, groceries, the news. i love making people feel heard
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and seen, welcoming them into our restaurant in space and making sure we're all here for each other. >> the business is called open market. it highlights the community sandwiches are named for los angeles streets, including olympic and normandie. >> our time is now 516 bay fc, commemorating the beginning of asian american and pacific islander month at half time during the home match. the lokahi polynesian dance group performed for the fans. there was also food trucks offering sushi and barbecue, all operated by asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander owners. throughout the match, bay fc honored local aa, nih, nhp leaders on their video boards. the bay fc took on the league's leading scorer last night, with sophia smith and the portland thorns visiting paypal park. bay fc was down 2 to 1 at
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the half. they managed to tie the match in the second half, but just a few minutes later smith had her second goal of the match and that quieted the crowd. portland walked away with a victory 3 to 2, the third straight loss for bay fc. >> all right, 518 is the time. back over to steve. what do you keeping an eye on our nice weather today. >> and then big big changes on saturday that's for sure. our systems in the gulf of alaska for saturday. but today is a nice day. although fog is just racing down the coast. but it's too shallow, too far offshore. although some has touched the mendocino coast, there is a northerly breeze northwest almost a 40 at middle peak there on tam a west southwest san francisco. if that holds, then maybe a little fog in their near future. they're more likely tomorrow, but something to watch for later today. most locations, though, have a northerly breeze here. santa rosa north at 14 novato northwest to 21, well east southeast. west north. i
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mean, it's all over, but the water temps unbelievably cold here. point arena san francisco boys are at 49 cold degrees. point reyes has been bouncing between 4950. that's fog flying down the coast again though. it's north south. it's not doing a west to east yet. 58 mount veeder, 55 oakland hills and 55 in boulder creek, all with a north or northwesterly breeze. 50s on the temps few 40s, but a lot more 50s. today we are running warmer than yesterday, although still cold in the mountains. truckee south lake tahoe 2728. mammoth at 31. that system in the gulf of alaska for the first weekend in may is going to make a huge impact here. sunny. nice to warm today. tomorrow is the transition day to fog. come back, it will come back and then colder. windy with rain returning on saturday. a warm thursday. cool to mild. lows, a northerly breeze, sunshine for all. near 80 inland 60s 70s 80s. but i think tomorrow we will get that fog to come back. and then rain arrives on saturday. >> all right steve, thank you. times 519 hotel workers and
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janitors in san francisco marching and rallying through downtown with some of the workers, say about the changes they want to see and a real heartbreak for a high school swim team in the east bay. the missed deadline that's keeping those athletes from competin in very mpor nt smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background.
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here. the team says it's being unfairly punished because a deadline was missed. now over the weekend, the coach of the swim team tried to submit their entries for the north coast sectional meet. he says he wasn't able to send them in because of a poor internet connection. well, after the deadline passed on sunday, the team asked for an extension. but the sport's governing body said no. >> i think all of us are just really disappointed that we don't have the opportunity to swim at this meet because we've worked so hard to get to this spot. it's really devastating knowing that whatever the error was, that we aren't going to be able to swim, even though we like all 13 swimmers, are very qualified. >> of the 13 swimmers, eight of them are seniors. they say they're missing out on their last chance to compete with the öcalan's dons. the cif says reminders were sent to all of the schools that the deadline
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was mandatory and no exceptions would be made. our time is 523. the oakland ballers baseball team released new renderings of their plans to transform raymond park in oakland into their new home baseball field. the team plans to bring in 4000 seats, create 1000 parking spots, and also provide a free bike and scooter valet service. they're also offering a shuttle for fans to and from the west. oakland bart station. fans are strongly encouraged to ride transit. the ballers will host their first home game on june 4th, and tickets go on sale monday, with the oakland a's. they're red hot. they've won six of their last seven games. last night they wrapped up their first series sweep of the season against the pittsburgh pirates. tyler nevin did that hit his fourth homer of the season, extending his hitting streak to nine games. and ross stripling
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pitched six innings of scoreless baseball, picking up his first win in almost two years and the a's won four to nothing against the pirates. now, the red sox, celebrating asian american and pacific islander heritage month ahead of their big game with the giants. but the giants offense was frustrated against boston, and the red sox defeated the giants, their third loss in four games. the score 6 to 2. time now 525. the vote recount is over in the south bay. it's no longer a tie. up next, the november ballot and the close race for a local congressional seat and a big question is it cheaper to rent your house or buy it? the new report that looks at what's the best option right now in major cities. and yes, we're still watching southern california. now, these are live pictures from the ucla campus. at this moment, the
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latest developments of protests. we've been watching. l.a. police dismantled the pro-palestinian encampment for more than two hours now. this morning, and we have seen arrests being made. we'll keep watching all of this an bring (restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here!
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resistance is justified. tensions have escalated at the ucla campus as police moved in
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to clear the protesters and camp. they set up right in the middle of campus. we're taking you live to see the overnight police action, what's happening right now. and we're starting to see some arrests, and we're getting some new information on crime prevention efforts in piedmont. we have a look at the city's new automated license plate readers from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here. on mornings on two i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it's thursday it's may 2nd. it's friday eve. >> it is friday eve. and enjoy the weather today because i think it's changing tomorrow. let's check with steve. >> that is correct. today will be nice, but big changes start. well somewhat tomorrow then. more so for sure on saturday. it does look like rain is coming in. i can't get around that 40s and 50s sonoma county airport, santa rosa with a north wind. they're almost 60 degrees yet. livermore 46. so there's some big spreads on the temps, but it will be another nice day. fog is
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racing down the coast, but like a summer thursday, that's the way it's going to feel inland today. at least. you know we'll get some 80s in there. it's clear cool to mild 60s 70s and 80s all right. sal's here. we went to highway four. we're not going back. are we, yeah, because it's getting a little more crowded. it only takes is a half hour, steve. and all of a sudden we have company on highway four from our triple a traffic camera. we can show it to you, traffic is going to be a little bit slow as you drive on the approach to, commute here. you can see traffic is going to be just a little bit slow as you drive. also on the 242 ramp, but not that much. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza from our triple a traffic camera. there's not a big backup there yet. it's 530. let's get back to the headlines. >> okay, now we're still following the still developing story in los angeles. that's where hundreds of law enforcement personnel are in a standoff with pro-palestinian protesters. the police are
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breaking up that encampment on the ucla campus. this is a live picture we're watching is you're watching as arrests are being made. now, we've also heard flash bangs. we've seen tear gas used there. the police have dismantled part of the encampment at ucla. and right now, as they're making arrests right in front of you, there's a standoff with the protesters lined up linking arms together. now, again, this is happening as we're watching with you. we'll continue to follow this still developing story all morning on mornings on two. meantime, students at santa clara university are trying to educate the public about the situation in gaza. a student group held a teaching on the campus. the school administration says it's important to balance free expression with campus safety. now, the university actually worked closely with the event organizers to make sure there were no problems with this sit in activist are calling on the
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school to cut off their investments with israel. >> we do not want any of our tuition and funding or any of that, to go towards the support of the genocide of the palestinian people. we want to demand a current like a cease fire. we are the students of next generation. we are going to be voting this election season all of that kind of stuff. >> a few counter protests walked around the event without any incident. jewish students were offered campus escorts if they felt unsafe. >> a pro-palestine encampment at sacramento state university is getting some help. the school gave metal barricades to the demonstrators in anticipation of a counter protest. now the protesters demands include defending student activism, declaring the occupation of palestine illegal, and divesting from companies that have ties to israel. >> everyone has a right to protest as long as it's civil and it's understanding, but not to get like the like. it's in columbia university. >> the university president has
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officially allowed the protest on campus, saying it's an expression of free speech. however school leaders are monitoring the protests to make sure it remains safe and follows campus policy in oakland, pro-palestinian protesters and labor rights protesters joined together, marching through downtown. it was a may day demonstration, standing in solidarity with the palestinians . the two groups merged after a protest at the port of oakland was canceled. together, hundreds of people marched from the federal building to frank ogawa plaza. >> palestinian general federation of labor unions called on labor unions worldwide to spend their may day demanding a cease fire and lifting up the voices of palestinian workers. >> whatever it takes, so that gazans, palestinians in general can go back to their whatever peaceful lives they had before. >> speakers from dozens of nonprofit groups attended yesterday's rally and called for a ceasefire in gaza, and an end to us military aid.
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>> all right, pam, time's 533 one. east bay city says its license plate readers have helped to fight crime. the piedmont police department gave us new data about its camera system. ktvu allie rasmus is here now and tells us this is coming. as more bay area cities plan to add technology to their police departments. good morning allie. >> good morning dave. well, it's not a new technology for the east bay city of piedmont. they have had these license plate reader cameras for more than a decade now, and they have 48 of them on post and intersections throughout the city of piedmont, especially where it borders oakland, like this one here behind us at lake and rose. the way they work, the cameras scan the license plate of every vehicle that drives by, and if that plate comes up as stolen or being connected to some sort of crime, police get an alert about it and can go respond immediately. now, in a report to city leaders released this week, the piedmont police department shared the numbers on how well
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the system worked in 2023. it said its license plate reader system helped police here arrest a total of 33 people last year and helped the police recover 37 stolen vehicles within city boundaries. now, the focus on license plate readers comes at a time when the crime rate increased in several east bay cities in 2023, including oakland, emeryville and piedmont, and more. bay area cities are planning to add license plate readers, including oakland and the city of berkeley. earlier this year, governor newsom announced a plan to install 480 license plate reader cameras across the east bay. now, not everyone thinks it's a perfect solution. however privacy advocates have raised concerns about the technology and cities say that in cities that are much larger than piedmont, the police departments may not have the resources to use the technology effectively. live in piedmont, allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. allie, thank you. our time is 535. a public memorial service will be held to honor the life of reverend cecil williams, the longtime leader of
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san francisco's glide memorial church. that celebration of life is planned for sunday, may 12th at 1:00 in the afternoon at glide. organizers say the celebration will include live music and special remarks from elected officials, community leaders, family members and friends. the door is open at noontime. reverend cecil williams was a champion of racial equality, lgbtq rights and the poor. he died on april 22nd at the age of 94. power has been restored for a family courthouse in san jose. >> the court says the equipment failure led to multiple power outages. it was paying more than $150,000 to rent and fuel a generator. the court handles a wide range of cases, mostly involving domestic violence and restraining orders. pg and e has restored permanent power source. >> well, all of the inmates of the federal women's prison in dublin have now been moved out of that prison. the bureau of prisons confirmed to ktvu. all
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605 women at fci dublin have either been moved to other prisons around the country. they've been released to halfway houses or released altogether either. last month, the bureau of prisons announced the sudden closure of that prison. just before that, the fbi raided the prison and a judge appointed a special master to oversee reforms at the prison. seven correctional officers at fci dublin have been convicted of sexually abusing and assaulting the inmates since 2022. >> the vote recount in the south bay's district 16 congressional race is over, and state assembly member evan lowe is now set to move on to face sam liccardo in november. san mateo county finished its recount, including the review of 16 challenged ballots. elections officials say lowe gained one vote in the end, and county supervisor joe simitian received zero. that put lowe ahead of the total of just
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five votes for second place. that election had originally resulted in a tie between lowe and simitian, behind liccardo. lowe now says he's excited to be able to present his platform to voters. >> i've served in public service as a mayor, a council member, a state legislator for ten years, but also a record of service, being named the most prolific lawmaker in sacramento from the sacramento bee. so results oriented, but also young enough to have the trajectory and runway to deliver and have tenure in congress to deliver results for our district. >> evan lowe says it is a perfect example of why every vote counts. the election numbers still need to be certified by the secretary of state. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian conceded, saying he trusts the process and accepts the results. he congratulated evan lowe and sam liccardo, and he added, quote, i'm disappointed on a personal level because i had looked forward to running in november and serving in congress. i'm disappointed because i couldn't deliver a win
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for the oh so many folks who gave their time, effort, energy and resources to our campaign, former mayor sam liccardo said in a statement, in part despite the efforts of some to stop this recount, we should all celebrate that democracy prevailed. previously uncounted votes were counted. we can now refocus on our work ahead towards solutions to our regions and nation's great challenges, such as homelessness, the high cost of living, climate change, public safety and protecting reproductive rights. all right, smooth process. >> smooth. >> let's head into, steve paulsen and his forecast. >> that's sam liccardo is always one of the better interviews that you guys would take in. he's good good good information some good good local leaders. yes. all right let's get to it here. may climatology. we'll take a look at temperatures here on the high side and then also rainfall because rain is going to play into our weekend forecast. unfortunately i just can't see any way around it for right now. santa rosa 75. the
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city 64, livermore 77 and san jose 75. but the rainfall is the key here. santa rosa, san francisco, livermore, san jose, a half inch to an inch and a quarter and some of those amounts may be exceeded this weekend. that's the way it's looking here. warm thursday, saturday, rain, a cold rain as well. not only that, but snow in the mountains. i mean, this is not just a dusting. you're seeing a foot to almost two, but look at concord, san francisco and san jose. three quarters of an inch, which would blow past their monthly averages in one day. that's kind of the way it's looking here. our system is up in the gulf of alaska. it's up, up yonder, right there. that's going to be the one that's going to do this. by the time we get to saturday. fog is racing down the coast, but it's just offshore, you know, sea breeze may be the city will pick up a sea breeze here. there's also one out towards pittsburgh, but most locations are a northerly breeze north northwest. there's santa rosa is a north wind 14 miles an hour. but that puts their temp at 59 degrees novato's northwest to 12. but
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those water temps i've been mentioning this for three days now when they're this cold fog cannot be far away. and believe me, it's out there. and some of it is even touching the mendocino coast now. it's too shallow. it's mainly going north to south, but i think by tonight, tomorrow it will start to play into our coast and bay forecast. now diablo 53 north at 24mph. so inland temps will have no problem getting into the low 80s today. there santa rosa is 5940s 50s on the temps here. 20s up in the mountains 47 arcadia to 59 los angeles and 62 in san diego was 64. in viva las vegas, the high will start to lose its grip after today, but today, sunny and warmer, maybe a little sea breeze near the coast. today there's just a lot of fog and those water temps are so cold. but everyone will get in on a big change on san today. again, i know i have plans on saturday, i know, but you better change them. warm thursday sunshine for all. maybe a teeny bit of fog
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only impacting a few, but 60 to 7080. tomorrow that fog comes back and boy we have a huge change on saturday. >> thank you steve. >> from past convictions to future opportunities sonoma county pioneering a new chapter for 20 cannabis operators with the details on how the cannabis equity grant more than $600,000 will advance economic justice and reduce barriers in the industry and hundreds of people were marching in downtown san jose. >> look at the pictures. we'll tell you wha th ♪ ♪ get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪ higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost?
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we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find out for yourself.
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how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. see for yourself. and again, these are live pictures. the police are still clearing that encampment at ucla. and as you see here, they're making arrests. they've been out there almost three hours now. and taking several people away, handcuffed hundreds of officers from the chp, a county sheriff's office, the lapd and uc police are out there. we've seen officers tossing plywood and the metal barriers that were set up as they dismantle the encampment. the police have been telling the students if you
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don't leave, you'll be arrested and many are being arrested. so far, students are still standing their ground despite the large number of police and law enforcement out there, that we're going to continue to watch what's happening and bring you these live developments throughout the morning here on mornings on two the may day protest in downtown san jose gave a voice to different political and labor groups. >> one of the largest south bay events was a march and rally. several hundred people took part, including antiwar protesters, along with immigrant groups calling for more rights and labor unions demanding its members receive higher minimum wages. >> i have to work two jobs. yeah, to have, like, to complete, like the necessities of my family and to pay bills. >> it's still workers around the whole state. the whole nation is still getting their meal break still from them. they get ours still from them. they get like overtime, not get paid. >> now. the event also included
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groups setting up information tables, educating the public about each of their campaigns. >> it is now 546 in san francisco's mission district. there were may day marches and rallies supporting the rights of immigrants and undocumented workers. >> the people united will never be defeated now. >> this rally started at 24th and mission. the protesters made their way to san francisco city hall. those who were there said they're also advocating for the right to organize and to stand in solidarity with palestinians. >> it's a day for us to emphasize that this country, the bay area, everything runs only through the efforts and all of the work of the workers. that includes immigrant workers, that includes undocumented workers, and that includes all of us as city workers and many of those workers there say they serve a very important function, and they should be recognized for their work as well.
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>> the rallies continued in san francisco as hundreds of hotel workers and janitors marched through the streets of the city demanding higher pay and better working conditions. >> now unionized workers rallied outside of several of the major hotels in union square, chanting and holding signs that read one job should be enough, and justice for janitors. many of the workers say they're not treated fair or paid enough money to make it and survive here in the bay area. >> well, we rely on the credit card that is how it was. you know, if i can rely on on my salary, it's not enough. as a banquet worker, we have it better than some. >> a lot of the housekeeping after the pandemic, they haven't come back to how it used to be. it's just they're making record profits and they're just not giving us security. >> now, city leaders say they've been asked by both sides to help them reach an agreement during negotiations. >> in today's dollars and cents,
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federal reserve chairman jerome powell suggested interest rates will not be changing anytime soon. americans have been hoping for rate cuts, which would translate to lower borrowing rates for mortgages, car loans and rent and credit cards. at one point, traders were hoping for up to six rate cuts this year. now investors are expecting maybe one rate cut later in the year, but could be zero cuts due to inflation. however, powell says the economy overall remains strong. >> consumer spending has been robust over the past several quarters, even as high interest rates have weighed on housing. but inflation is still too high. further progress in bringing it down is not assured, and the path forward is uncertain. in the fed's key rate is currently at a 23 year high, sitting at 5.3. >> our time now 549 new numbers out about the cost of housing and showing how much more is paid monthly for a mortgage here in the bay area compared to paying rent, a report from bankrate says bay area residents
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are better off renting than buying a house right now. the average monthly rent in the san francisco, oakland, berkeley metro area is about $3,000, whereas the average mortgage payment on a new home is $8,500 a month. not surprising. san jose, sunnyvale, santa clara number two on the list. the average monthly rent there $3,200 versus a mortgage payment of $8,500. >> all right, time now is 550, and we want to check in with sal for a look at the commute. all right. we will check in with steve in just i mean, sal in just a little bit. first let's go to steve. yeah a lot to talk about because people make their weekend plans, steve. and they might want to have a plan b, as you say. >> steve's not ready. no >> okay. well you figure it out. >> someone needs to be ready because i can be ready. >> steve. sal, are you ready
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now? yes, i am okay. sometimes i just space out. i got up right before the traffic hit. i don't know why. to do what? stretch my legs. there you go. let's go out and take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. we're getting a little bit of a backup. we can go right to the triple a traffic camera. you can see that traffic is going to be okay. it's a little bit slow, but it is not all that bad. we don't have a lot of major incidents here. there's 280 in san jose that also looks pretty good. so i like the way this commute is starting. the last few days we've had just a lot of slow traffic on highway four. today on highway four, we have just a little bit of slow traffic, and you can see from our camera that it's not unusual. so so far, so good here. when it comes to the commute, i do want to check one more thing. and that would be 580 westbound coming in over the altamont pass. you can see some slow traffic here from tracy all the way out to about about the end of the altamont pass. right when you start coming down the
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hill. otherwise, we're in good shape, 680 and 880 are doing well. so if you want to get on the road pretty soon, i think right now for the next 15, 20 minutes, you should be in pretty good shape. speaking of being in pretty good shape, steve, how do you do it? >> well, i read your book. you know that, sal. >> i read your book, a ridge of high pressure is great. >> you're on chapter six. >> yes, sir. >> yes. >> 077 is the best one. okay. all right. thank you sir, again, i know i'm harping on this, but to see upper 40s and early may on the water temps. i told you this on tuesday. fog is never far away. when the water temps are this cold, all it needs is a little help. and believe me, fog is flying down the coast here. 49 san francisco buoy, 49 point arena and point reyes has been bouncing between 49 and 50. there you can see it right there. some of it is just off the coast. it looks like a teeny bit is maybe flirting with the mendocino coast. it's shallow though, so it won't make much of an impact. but i think by tonight, tomorrow it will make a huge impact. 53 malibu and mount
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diablo. that's mount diablo. i used to live near there for about 25 years, so i think i know how to pronounce it. dave anyway, they have a north wind about 27mph, 59 sonoma county airport. how about that? 40s, 50s. we are running warmer today compared to yesterday when we had upper 30s and 40s. not the case today. 20s in the mountains 47. arcadia 59. los angeles to 64. in las vegas and phoenix, 65. high pressure is too far out there. where is it? it's right out here. look at that. but still, it'll give us enough our system for the saturday is coming down from the gulf of alaska. i know i'm already hearing from people i had planned saturday. and you're ruined. it's not me. sunny and warm. it's mother nature. so colder. windy. rain returns. it looks like on saturday. today there will be a warm thursday. i do think a little sea breeze may kick in for parts of the coast and also the city. the city is the trickiest of all forecasts. once you get to this kind of a pattern, i'll go 68, although
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you could probably go 64 to 70in the city and cover just about everyone inland temps. it won't matter. they'll still be warm today. then transition days friday and a cold rain arrives on saturday. >> all right, steve, thank you. time is 553 in just a couple of days. floyd mitchell, oakland's new police chief, will start his new job. we have new details on how much he'll be paid and the relocation benefits. chief mitchell will get. >> and a series of concerts starting at just $25. we're going to tell you who's performing and whe in
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concert week and to celebrate, $25. tickets go on sale next week to about 5000 shows. now, the annual program starts off summer concert season. some of the artists performing at the eligible shows include 21 savage, alanis morissette, janis jackson and cage the elephant. concert lovers can take their pick of shows starting next wednesday, may 8th. the promotion will last through may 14th. you can head to for a list of bay area locations. pam, who are you going to see? >> i don't know, maybe. janet i do know this. star wars fans are getting ready for an annual celebration this weekend. may the 4th has evolved into a really big day for the popular movie franchise. film critics
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say there are plenty of movies, series and celebrations for may the 4th, a cable movie marathon will include a full weekend of star wars movies. the movie experts say fans have several ways to celebrate star wars day this year. >> if you want to go to watch star wars on the big screen, which is always an event, you have two options. there is a marathon of the nine movie skywalker saga. if you want to just go see one star wars movie, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the very first prequel film, the phantom menace . >> now, the next star wars movie will be a spinoff of the mandalorian tv series. it's due to come out in may of 2026. >> caltran says it is postponing the planned closure of eastbound highway 37 in the north bay this weekend, with rain now in the forecast, this was going to be the third weekend closure for the ongoing major repaving project on 37. another eastbound closure is scheduled, though to
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start friday, may 10th. officials say they will soon announce the makeup dates for the canceled closure. >> all right, pam, we're staying on top of developing news at ucla this morning. the chp and other police agencies have moved in on the campus. protesters clearing the camp that was set up right in the middle of the campus. we have the latest details from southern california, plus, it's worth it. >> it's our moral obligation. it's our social responsibility. we have to do it. there's no other choice. >> one bay area city voted to divest more than $100 million from companies that are tied to israel. why? some of the critics argue that selling israeli investments won't be effective from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. well, good morning to you. thank you for joining us. and welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it's thursday may 2nd. looking towards the weekend there's
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going to be some weather changes . let's check in with steve. >> everything says so. so yeah just but today looks good, we have a nice sunrise over the big city. and just like that, it happened again. the sun's coming up, temperatures are all over the place here. they're warmer than the last couple of mornings, but 40s and 50s, north breeze, santa rosa, putting them at 58. although livermore is 45 degrees as our systems in the gulf of alaska and fog is pouring down the coast, but it won't make much of an impact today, tonight and tomorrow. i think it will, though, like a summer thursday. clear, mild morning, sunny and warm. little northerly breeze. so 6070 and again some inland temps near 80. all right. south here at 6:00. and he's telling you and me what. well it's a little better today than it was yesterday, steve. >> we'll take that. of course. let's go right to our triple a traffic camera at the macarthur maze. it looks pretty good. we've had a couple of tough days in this stretch, but today it does look better coming around the corner to the bay bridge toll plaza has a small delay here. that's maybe five minutes
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before you make it onto the bridge of just waiting around there, past the metering lights. as you look at highway four, we are getting some slow traffic. pittsburgh to concord, but 680 still looks clear at 601. let's get back to the headlines. all right. >> thank you. sal. topping our news this morning as the sun rises at ucla. dozens of protesters are now in custody. we have been watching live all throughout the morning after police came moved in on the encampment early this morning, just about 3:00 this morning, they started dismantling some of the barriers and plywood. law enforcement cleared out the protesters following that large fight. earlier in the week between protesters and the various groups who have been there on campus, you can see starting to take down that camp now, the ucla demonstration, just one of many protests on college campuses across the country. ktvu james torres, now at uc berkeley, where demonstrators are keeping an eye on the arrests happening. on the other uc campuses. it's been
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pretty quiet there, though, james, right. >> yeah, for the most part, pam and these folks here say they're also keeping an eye on any potential threats that might be coming. their way. let me show you what that demonstration looks like this morning, because it looks a lot different than it did on day one. just about a week ago. you see several more tents now up here, right in front of the steps of sproul plaza. but probably the most obvious thing to the eye here is this table barricade that they have on the steps. i had a chance to speak to some of these protesters and the demonstrators who were out here, many of which say that they can't go on camera due to the policies that they've instilled within themselves. but they tell me that they have heard from some credible sources that some folks may be coming out here to aggravate, agitate some of the peaceful demonstrations that have been going on of course, we've not seen any evidence of that happening, just yet. for the most part, everything here has been extremely peaceful. we also heard a report earlier this morning from the daily cal saying that members of these protesters met with the university chancellor, talking about ending this campaign, though it sounds like that
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didn't really go anywhere. what you're seeing now is video coming out of ucla a much more intense scene where chp officers have broken down the encampment there and began detaining some of the people while also shooting flashbangs. of course, a tactic to try to deter some of the protesters there. officers began moving in as early as three this morning after sending out an alert asking people to avoid or evacuate the area. protesters immediately resisted, some appearing to fight back with some pepper spray as those officers moved in, some students stayed together. lincoln arms holding what looked like plywood to try to hold those officers back. more than 30 protesters have evacuated the area so far, and according to the daily bruin, multiple students and at least one faculty member have been detained, taken away in zip
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ties. all of this because local police and the university have deemed the demonstration unlawful assembly. and it was about just 30 minutes ago where police removed the last set of protesters in the area, walking them away over what is left behind from that massive encampment on campus. but back here at uc berkeley, there was a report of a small fight here last night, just before 7:00. you see police telling us that someone and, between two different groups were arguing over a flag. they reported at least two people were hurt as a result. of course, the demonstrations, not just here in berkeley, down in ucla, as well, ongoing, very much expecting more developments throughout the morning. once we have those updates, we will bring them to you. for now. we're live this morning from uc berkeley. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, james thank you. time is 604. an open letter signed by 5000 uc alumni says they will not donate to the university until protest demands are met. our group, called uc
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alumni for palestine, includes alumni from all ten uc campuses and from graduating classes dating back to 1966. and that letter demands the university called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza that it divest from companies profiting from the war in gaza and provide protection for students, staff and faculty from threats to their jobs and safety. now, the group letter included testimonials from several alumni. one of them wrote this i'm a small business owner and a hayward resident. i attend alumni events to support students. i recently attended the regents and chancellors scholarship association alumni event. i will withhold donations from the university until they divest. i will continue to support the student encampments now. uc berkeley responded by saying it does not plan to change its investment policies or practices.
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>> the city council in richmond has voted to cut financial support for israel. the city council voted to divest those funds in response to criticism over the war in gaza. now, city leaders say they will go through each of its investments to figure out which funds to divest and which while supporters cheer the move, others call it harmful. >> the council is putting the city at legal and financial risk to make a performative statement that won't be increased to the region, but will inflame community tensions. >> one financial adviser we spoke to says selling israeli investments will not impact the companies or the stock market, and some jewish groups want the city to repeal that decision. but richmond city leaders are encouraging other cities to follow their lead. >> our time now. 606 in washington, the bills now headed to the us senate to expand the definition of anti-semitism. the house just approved the legislation, expanding the definition to include, quote,
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targeting of the state of israel . now, critics of the bill say it strips away free speech on college campuses. however, the biden administration says it is still committed to opposing anti-semitic speech. >> the president is being kept regularly updated on what's happening. as you just stated across the country, he is monitoring the situation closely. so is his team. and i would just add that no president, no president has spoken more forcefully about combating anti-semitism than this president. >> now, supporters of the legislation says it provides a framework for the department of education to investigate cases of discrimination and to intervene if it's necessary. three it's now 607 native american leaders here in california say they're committed to ending violence on tribal lands. >> we're here to bring awareness , as we do continue to need awareness. but we're also here to remember our relatives who
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have gone, our relatives who are missing and we're here to make sure that our relatives are brought home once and for all. >> the california is fifth in the nation for the number of unsolved cases involving indigenous people who are either missing or believed to be murdered, and many of the victims are women and girls. yesterday at the state capitol, tribal leaders called for more resources to investigate and solve these cases. now, the chair of the california legislative native american caucus, san bernardino assembly member james ramos, says statistics show 85% of native women experience violence in their lifetime, 56% experienced sexual violence, and 75% of them experience it more than once in their lives. >> we're learning more about how much money oakland's new police chief will earn when he takes the helm. floyd mitchell will earn $365,000 a year. he's getting a one time $10,000
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payment for moving expenses. mitchell is moving from texas. during his first six months in oakland. he will also receive an extra $3,500 a month to help pay for temporary housing. his first official day as the city's top cop is on may 11th. >> time is now 609. ridership on the sonoma marin area rail transit reached record levels last month, and officials say it was because of improved accessibility and affordability. at the beginning of april, smart began offering free rides for people aged 65 and older and for people under the age of 18. it also reduced the regular fares by 40, smart says. as a result, in the month of april, more than 80,000 passengers rode on smart. that's the highest monthly ridership in the transit line's history. >> i love taking smart. >> i know you do. >> it's very fun and you can drop off in a couple of different places downtown santa rosa, take your bike on board easily. they have little bike
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racks on on board to lock up your bike and keep it safe. and so it's beautiful scenery. yeah i highly encourage. all right. let's check in with sal. is keeping an eye on mass transit, the roads, everything. traffic >> you guys are so predictable. are we? transit story right to you. >> you know what? it makes sense. >> yeah, it does make sense. >> actually, i like it. good morning everyone. let's start with highway four and look at some slow traffic. you can see that westbound for pittsburg bay point kind of a normal backup as you drive over. speaking of trains, in our picture, there goes a bart train and bart is not reporting any major difficulties right now. looks like a good way to get to work at the macarthur maze. it looks pretty clear, but at the bay bridge, there's a backup that's growing now about ten minutes. it's still not nothing out of the ordinary trying to get across and we do have slow traffic on the altamont pass, but the rest of the east bay commute looks good, and the south bay commute so far is light at 610. let's go back to
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the desk. thank you. >> sal. we're learning some new details about piedmont's automated license plate readers. we'll tell you how the city says it is helping fight crime. >> plus, when they were punishing us, the athletes who should be the ones competing in this meet and this meets all for us, it was pretty devastating. >> and east bay high school swim team absolutely heartbroken because an error was made by their head coach. the missed deadline forcing this swim team to sit ut of a major competit
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so we want to go to steve paulson. i'm so sorry to skip over you. >> i can't see a thing. there's no monitor there. we have our travel planner. there we go. here. if you're taking off on alaska airlines today, seattle looks good, believe it or not. not expecting anyelaythere. some in portland, but not seattle here los angeles. all good to go there. and honolulu, believe it or not. cloudy, 81 degrees across the country here. some delays maybe in the middle of the country. boy that's a i want to be on that flight because boy that's going to get there in record time. whatever one that one was. but it looks pretty warm for some but not bad for others, but maybe some delays through the midwest with some thunderstorms. >> i'd like to be on the one to honolulu. thank you steve. all right. we are still following that developing news out of los angeles this morning, taking you live to the ucla campus. and now you can see pretty much the aftermath of that encampment that has been there for several days. certainly heated up. tensions escalated this week.
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police now moved in early this morning about 3 a.m. they have been arresting the protesters who refused to leave. hundreds of law enforcement officers cleared that encampment right there in the middle of campus. we have seen dozens of people detained this morning. after that hour long standoff with police again, started about 3:00 this morning where police moved in. they removed those metal barricades, started taking down the plywood. you can see what's left of the of the camps, the tents, definitely looking calmer now this morning compared to just a few hours ago when the protesters were there in a standoff with police. but the situation has calmed down. we understand classes were moved online. midterm term's may be postponed or canceled. finals as well. so perhaps that is changing now that this has cleared up. but we'll continue to take you live and check in on that situation on the ucla campus. back here in the bay area, two security guards were attacked while working near
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union square in san francisco yesterday morning. >> and ktvu talked to the man about what happened. both of the victims are immigrants from the philippines and say they often stand outside of the building they're protecting as guards. one security guard talked about the bruise on his forehead suffered after a man attacked him, and his coworker as they possibly. >> what? >> what's the matter? i said it did not talk. and then they punched me. no, no, no. hit me. they kick. i'm run. >> it's just unacceptable. there is absolutely no reason for that. i hate to assume that it was any way racially motivated, but based upon who was attacked, it's kind of the first thing that popped into my head. >> now, both security guards say the attack was not provoked. the witnesses say the suspect needs to be captured and held accountable. our time is now. 616 shifting gears in east bay high school, swim team is devastated. they were told they can't compete in one of the biggest swim meets of the year.
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>> yeah, ktvu is andre senior here talking about what's keeping them out of the pool. devastating, especially for those seniors. >> yeah, certainly as pam and dave, the swim team in question is acalanes high school in lafayette. the team says it is being unfairly punished for missing a key deadline. now, over the weekend, the coach of the team was in oregon. he tried to submit their entries for the north coastal sectional meet ahead of a sunday deadline. but he says he had spotty internet connection. after the deadline passed, the team asked for an extension, but the sport's governing body said no. the coach said regardless of fault, the punishment should not fall on the kids shoulders. >> our athletes, they performed this year and did everything they were supposed to do, and ultimately they're the ones who are getting punished through this whole process. >> 13 swimmers would have qualified for the meet and eight of them are seniors. they're missing out on their last chance to compete with the aquinas dons .
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>> i think all of us are just really disappointed that we don't have the opportunity to swim at this meet, because we've worked so hard to get to this spot. it's really devastating knowing that whatever the error was, that we aren't going to be able to swim, even though we, like all 13 swimmers, are very qualified for friday's meet is one they have been training for all season, and while they may not be able to be in the waters, the swimmers are still holding their heads high. >> in the middle of all of this, the team has continued to ask the state's governing body to allow them to compete. they say the system for submitting entries is inadequate and does not alert coaches when they're submission is complete. but the cif says the reminders were sent to all schools that the deadline was mandatory and no exceptions would be made. pam >> all right. thank you. andre, a long time south bay museum is asking for help to keep its doors open. the san jose museum of quilts and textiles is located on south first street, right in downtown. on their website, the museum says it has to raise $300,000 by the end of
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june or it will close. it is asking for people to donate to its emergency fund. the museum will also hold a community meeting about its financial issues next thursday. the 42 year old museum features unique and colorful handmade fabrics. >> that is beautiful. all right. time is 619. let's go to sal. we've got a new problem in oakland. so what happened? >> yeah, it's a crash with an overturned vehicle. dave and pam, southbound 13. so we're going to start there. i put it up on the map southbound 13 at park happened just after 6:00. emergency crews are arriving or have arrived. it's not a big traffic right now because southbound 13 is not taking a lot of extra traffic. we'll keep an eye on it for you. it looks like people who did get out of the car safely this is a look at more oakland traffic here at the macarthur maze, and also at the bay bridge toll plaza. there's a bigger backup at the toll plaza, but at the maze, it looks all right. and you can see 680 and
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880 heading south. those commutes are okay. this is a good time for you to get across the peninsula on the san mateo or dumbarton bridge, and south bay commute is looking good. so we have a little bit of a nice start here for this early thursday morning commute. now we're coming up on 620 and let's bring steve paulson back in with today's weather. >> thank you kind sir. yes sir. all right. we'll look back at the highs yesterday napa it was all about you 83 warm degrees not posted here as the napa airport, which hit 78 after a low of 39. that's a big spread there, cordelia though. saratoga, san rafael, santa rosa, concre. oops. i put cordelia in there twice and palo alto all at 81 degrees or 82 degrees. may averages temperatures. well, they're in the 60s and 70s. and that's not the big story. the big story is the rainfall. those are the average may rain totals. santa rosa, san francisco, livermore, san jose. and if everything comes in as we think it will on saturday, we will blow past many
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of those, except maybe santa rosa, concord san francisco, san jose. some of the projections are for three quarters of an inch on saturday alone. maybe late saturday into early sunday. today, though, looks good. fog is racing down the coast, but it's shallow. tomorrow it will make a bigger impact. 50s on the temps, mid 50s for many. the high winds out today. sunny and warmer temps today so enjoy today. tomorrow will be the transition day and everything says rain and a cold rain arrives saturday. >> thank you steve. well, as the weather gets warmer there is something you should watch out for on the trails. we do have details on where bay area hikers have seen some of those. a rattlesnake and a former nickelodeon show runner suing warner brothers discovery for defamation. why he claims he was falsely implicated in the sexual abuse of child ct s
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you series for falsely implying that he sexually abused child actors. now, dan schneider claims he was wrongly associated with the allegations in the quiet on set the dark side of kids tv that has been streaming since march 1st episode features several crew members and former child stars who accused schneider of inappropriate
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behavior and a toxic work environment. while they appeared on some popular nickelodeon shows. fewer women who are pregnant or just gave birth are dying from covid. the cdc reports there were 680 pregnancy related deaths last year. that's compared to 817 in 2022 and 1200 in 2021. that was the highest level in more than 50 years, researchers say. pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus, and east bay regional park district is warning guests to beware of rattlesnakes as the warm spring weather starts to draw them out onto the trails. the district says hikers are already reporting an increase in rattlesnake sightings. they're also reminding people it's illegal to collect, kill or remove the snakes from the parks. if you do spot one, they say to stay safe, scan the ground ahead of you, stick to designated trails and keep your dogs on leash. santa clara will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony
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today to celebrate its 100th public electric vehicle charger. the charger is on los padres boulevard. silicon valley power says it is a significant milestone in its efforts to promote clean energy. funding for the charging stations comes from the utilities participation in the state's low carbon fuel standard program. well, a shortage of olive oil fueling record prices and a crime wave. we have details on what's pushing the industry into crisis mode. and the recount is over. we have a look at the latest on the district 16 congressional election as it becomes a two person race on the november ballot. don't forget, we are also following the developments on the ucla campus that's happening right now. you can see protesters as many have been arrested. police moved in this is what's left of that encampment. so it seems to be fairly quiet now after a very tense situation. again we have
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seen some arrests. we're going to continue to take you live to the ucla campus. we're also checking in on local campuses here in the bay area a s the
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a new report on how that technology is a valuable resource for the police department and on the ucla
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campus. the police moved in early this morning on that protest camp, making arrests and clearing out an encampment, firing tear gas and flash bangs at protesters. we'll bring you more updates on the efforts by law enforcement to clear out the campus from ktvu. fox two news this is mornings on two, and there it is, right on time. >> as we take you live to the new york stock exchange. that is luke groton. berger and his family ringing the opening bell this morning. that is to honor his make-a-wish, the make-a-wish foundation. of course, helping children who are fighting critical illnesses have a special experience. so, luke, thank you for ringing that opening bell. very nice. as for stocks, it looks like a very nice rally, perhaps because investors heard exactly what they expected in terms of interest rates wasn't great news , but it was what they was, what was expected, which is always kind of nice, for in terms of trading. all right. thank you for joining us here on mornings
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on two i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> welcome to thursday. it's may the 2nd. >> yes. >> made the second. be with you maybe may the 4th coming up star wars day. >> yes. but right now we have a nice day and then rain ahead. let's check in with steve. >> was that their wish, pamela, to ring the bell to i? >> from what i can see, yes, that was luke's wish was to ring that opening bell, which is? >> you been on the floor, i believe. right, i have, i have to it's a, it's a worth it once. yeah it is it's amazing experience. so. all right, we do have, although it's a lot quieter now than it used to be back in the day. the sunrise over the big city, that's for sure. and temperatures look at it. 40s and 50s. we have a little more of a northerly breeze, temperatures today, though. there's fog flying down the coast. the problem is, i just don't think it has enough today. but by tonight and tomorrow, it will. but today, like a summer thursday, this is a townes van zandt song who's no longer with us, but he wrote, pancho and lefty. if you know those songs. he was out of texas, a pretty good songwriter.
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clear morning, sunny and warm and northerly breeze, 6070s to 80 on those temps. 631 sal's here. and my goodness, we've been out the highway for 3 or 4 times. we're going back, yeah. >> and as a matter of fact, we will go back to highway four in just a moment. steve, i want to start in oakland, though, because southbound 13, we have that crash at park boulevard. i promised you i'd keep an eye on it for you. and it's there. it's not causing a huge traffic jam, but they're clearing up an overturned vehicle. there's highway four. we do have some slowing. the last few days we've had some slow traffic here and some incidents this morning. it looks a lot more routine. likewise for the macarthur maze and the bay bridge toll plaza. there's a backup here, which is typical for this time at 632. let's go back to the desk. okay, sal. >> thank you. we're still following developing news in los angeles, where the police have detained dozens of people on the campus of ucla. the police moved in to clear out pro-palestinian
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encampments about 3:00 this morning. at one point, the chp could be seen firing non-lethal projectiles, as well as flashbang grenades and tear gas. we still don't know how many of the protesters who were detained will actually be arrested or charged. now, there's still a lot of police presence on the ucla campus as the police continue clearing out that protest on the campus. now there's a new focus also on the use of license plate readers as more bay area cities plan to use those readers to fight crime, ktvu is ali, rasmus tells us. one east bay city says those cameras are really help their police department track down dozens of stolen cars, and you have all the details. good morning ali. >> good morning dave. yeah and the city of piedmont says it has some of the numbers from last year to back up that claim. the way these license plate readers
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work. and there's one of them here behind us, there are 48 of them throughout the city of piedmont at the intersections, and they scan the license plate of every vehicle that drives by. if that plate comes up as being part connected to a stolen car or connected to a car with a serious crime, police get an alert about it immediately and can respond right away. now, in a report to city leaders released this week, the piedmont police department shared the numbers from 2023 and said its network of license plate cameras alerted police about suspicious vehicles 1200 times and led to 33 people being arrested and 37 stolen vehicles recovered. piedmont has had license plate readers for more than a decade. it was one of the first east bay cities to install them back in 2013, but now more bay area cities are interested in the technology. city leaders in oakland and berkeley approved the use of license plate readers last year, and in march of this year, governor gavin newsom announced a plan to install 480 license plate reader cameras across the east bay. now, not
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everyone thinks it's a perfect solution. however. privacy advocates have long raised concerns about this technology and have said that in cities that are much larger than piedmont and more spread out, some of the police departments in some bay area cities may not have the resources or the staff needed to use the technology effectively. live in piedmont. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you, ali, for that update. a vote recount in the south bay's district 16 congressional race is over, and state assembly member evan lowe is set to move on to face sam liccardo in november. san mateo county finished its recount, including the review of 16 challenged ballots. election officials say lowe gained one vote. in the end, county supervisor joe simitian received zero, and that put lowe ahead by a total of just five votes for second place. that election had originally resulted in a tie between lowe and simitian, behind liccardo. lowe says he's excited to be able to present his platform to voters, as i've
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served in public service as a mayor, a council member, a state legislator for ten years, but also a record of service being named the most prolific lawmaker in sacramento from the sacramento bee. >> so results oriented, but also young enough to have the trajectory and runway to deliver and have tenure in congress to deliver results for our district. >> evan lowe says it's a perfect example of why every vote counts. the election numbers still need to be certified by the secretary of state. now santa clara county supervisor joe simitian conceded, saying he trusts the process and accepts the results. he congratulated evan lowe and sam liccardo, and he added, quote, i'm disappointed on a personal level because i had looked forward to running in november and serving in congress. i'm disappointed because i couldn't deliver a win for the oh so many folks who gave their time, effort, energy and resources to our campaign. >> all right, pam, time is now 636. we're going right back to
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sal. are you still focused on highway 13? >> you know, it turned out to be not a big traffic. okay. so that's that's good. and it also turned out to be not major injuries. so i'm going to start where the traffic is. and that would be the bay bridge westbound. that is getting pretty busy now. it's backed up from the maze and the metering lights are on. but in oakland dave mentioned it. highway 13 southbound at park. they're clearing a crash. there's a little bit of a backup there. it's not causing a huge backup. and 580 is a good way to get around that. that's also looking very good. steve and i have been talking or steve had i have been talking about highway four and i watch a lot of it because we've had a tough week. but highway four right now is typically slow. it is slow out of pittsburgh and bay point, but if you drive every day, it's not going to be anything that is nothing you've seen. so it's typical there. 637 let's go to steve. >> thank you sal. yes, sir. all right. we'll take a look here at
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may averages for temperatures and rainfall. the key though really is rainfall, santa rosa 75. the city 64, livermore 77. i thought it would be closer to 78, but that's just me. san jose, 75, but santa rosa, san francisco, livermore, san jose, inch and a quarter, three quarters to a half inch. the projections for this weekend are higher than that for almost all. not santa rosa, but for san jose , san francisco, concord, livermore. they're all above, so i would we may get more rain this weekend than we usually see an entire month is what i'm trying to tell you, so those lows keep moving into the pacific northwest, one after another. our systems coming out of the gulf of alaska. fog is flying down the coast, but again, it's going north to south, not west to east. but maybe a hint of a sea breeze will kick in for the city today. this is always a tough forecast. when that fog is that close, but inland it won't matter. 50s on a lot of the temps here. the high will break down, reposition and unseasonably strong low drops in so sunny. nice to warm today.
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it's honestly a saturday. i would say expect rain. there's just no way around it right now. maybe better on sunday, but it'll still be pretty cool and breezy to windy sunshine for all. today. could be a hint or two of some fog. i know there's some on mendocino coast, but 60s 70s to 80s on the temps tomorrow. i would expect thick fog, coast and bay still nice inland and then a big change on saturday. >> all right, thank you. time now, 639. >> the long standoff is now over between universal music group and tiktok. over royalty payments and a.i. policies. we have details of the new licensing deal bringing back the music of top performers to the social media platform. all right, first, let's go into our newsroom. >> check in with garcia. it's a busy morning. what are we covering for you? >> it really is. we'll start with some health news here. as we know, cancer can be a devastating diagnosis. and now some patients are having trouble getting an important drug for their treatment. coming up at seven, you'll hear from patients
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and doctors about how they're coping with the shortage of a key cancer medication. then california draws visitors from all over the world. but only one california city made a list of favorite summer travel destinations. which part of our state came out on top? we'll see you at seven.
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driving prices up and fueling a crime surge. now, analysts say climate change is a big part of the problem. two years of scorching heat in europe drastically reduced the olive harvest and led to a sharp rise in prices. and as prices increased so did crime. last month in spain, reports say olive oil became the most stolen item in the country. microsoft is making a massive investment in malaysia. the ceo of microsoft went to malaysia and made the announcement earlier today. now the tech leader will spend more than $2 billion over the next four years on a new cloud and artificial intelligence infrastructure in malaysia. microsoft will also work to create a national ai center and also announced billion dollar projects in
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indonesia and thailand. earlier this week, our time is now 643. >> there's a new licensing deal between tiktok and universal music group, and that means music from performers like taylor swift, olivia rodrigo and drake will be coming back to tiktok. the agreement comes after universal pulled its music from tiktok in february after its previous contract ran out. now, the new deal will address concerns the music group has with generative ai. it will also include new monetization opportunities that will come from expanding e-commerce capabilities on tiktok. >> the may day protests in downtown san jose gave a voice to different political and labor groups. one of the largest south bay events was a march and rally. several hundred people took part, including anti-war protesters along with immigrant groups calling for more rights and labor unions demanding its members receive higher minimum wages.
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>> i have to work two jobs. yeah, to have like to complete, like the necessities of my family and to pay bills. >> still, workers around the whole state, the whole nation is still getting their meal break, still from them. they get ours still from them. they get like overtime, not get paid. >> the event also included groups setting up information, tables to educate the public about each of their campaigns. >> our time now is 645, in san francisco's mission district. there were marches and rallies on may day in support of the rights for immigrants and undocumented workers. >> the people united will never be defeated. >> now. it started at 24th and mission. then the protesters made their way to san francisco city hall. the people there said they're also advocating for the right to organize and stand in solidarity with palestinians. >> it's a day for us to emphasize that this country, the
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bay area, everything runs only through the efforts and all of the work of the workers that includes immigrant workers, that includes undocumented workers, and that includes all of us as city workers and many of the workers, they they serve a very important function, and they should be recognized for their work. >> a public memorial service will be held to honor the life of reverend cecil williams, the long time leader of san francisco's glide memorial church. a celebration of life is planned for sunday, may 12th at 1 p.m. at the church. the celebration will feature live music and special remarks from elected officials, community leaders, family members and friends. the doors will open at noon. reverend williams was a champion of racial equality, lgbtq rights and helping people in need. he died april 22nd at the age of 94. >> our time now 646. all of the inmates that were at the federal women's prison in dublin have now been moved out of that building. the bureau of prison confirms that all 605 women at
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fci dublin have either been moved to other prisons around the country, have been released to halfway houses, or been released altogether. last month, the bureau of prisons announced the sudden closure of that prison, and before that, the fbi raided the prison and a judge appointed a special master to oversee reforms there. seven correctional officers at fci dublin have been convicted of sexually abusing and assaulting the inmates since 2022, power has been restored for a family courthouse in san jose. >> the court says the equipment failure led to multiple power outages and it was paying more than $150,000 to rent and fuel a generator. the court handles a wide range of cases, mostly involving domestic violence and restraining orders. pg and e has now restored a permanent power source. >> your time is 647. sonoma county is awarding hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants
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to several cannabis operators. they want to remove the barriers to get into the newly regulated industry. it's part of the county's cannabis equity program. it's awarding $635,000 to 20 different cannabis operators. the money will only go to operators who were affected by cannabis related offenses that, including arrests or convictions. as it is now. 648 the staff of caltrans says they're postponing plans to close eastbound highway 37 and the north bay this weekend because rain is steve's been telling you is in the forecast. now, this was supposed to be the third weekend closure of this continuing major repaving project on 37. another eastbound closure is scheduled to begin friday, may 10th. officials will soon announce the make up dates for the canceled closure. >> all right. that has certainly been a big deal for people to plan ahead. that highway 37
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right now. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic. >> all right. and we do have the east bay to dial up here in the commute. you can see that the traffic is going to be slow on highway four. also on 680 heading south. if you are driving at the walnut creek interchange, highway four traffic is moving okay with no major issues. 80 westbound. getting up to the macarthur maze is fine. the bay bridge is backed up all the way out to the maze. now at 649. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> all right sal, thank you sir. well, it'll be another warm day inland, that's for sure. here, i'll get there. there we go. the highs will give us another day of upper 70s 80s inland. but our system for saturday is right there. okay. and that, i mean, the forecast models are coming in and they're all pretty wet here. in fact, they've ramped up totals for saturday, the originally only the gfs showed anything worth mentioning and the others were. now they've all gotten in about a half inch to
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over an inch of rain. so i would expect that to be the case here on saturday. not today. sunny. nice to warm. some fog is out there. and it's going to be pouring in i think tomorrow. but for today it will be sunny and warm. tomorrow i think we'll have fog sun. it'll still be nice, but a cold rain, it looks like, arrives on saturday into late saturday or early sunday morning. i know many of you have plans, but i would definitely start to make different plans for saturday. it just unless something dramatically changes and i don't think so. we're too close now. a warm thursday, especially inland, will get 70s and upper 70s and 80s. there 60s 70s coast and bay fog starts to creep back tomorrow and rain and wind move in on saturday. still rather cool. blustery day on sunday. improving early next week. >> all right steve thank you. time now 650 well college students are being pulled different ways by all the protests on their university campuses. why some student journalists are struggling to find themselves in the middle of the news. they were supposed to
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be covering an airbnb, revealing a new rental category for you to live like your favorite icons, you can stay in famous homes from movie classics.
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the state senate approved a repeal of a near total abortion ban that dates back to 1864. the repeal, passed in a 16 to 14 vote. it's expected to be signed by governor katie hobbs. two republicans voted in favor of repealing the abortion ban. it would only allow for abortions to save the life of the patient. if the repeal is signed by the governor, a statute from 2022 banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy would become arizona's prevailing law. meantime in florida, doctors are raising concerns about the six week abortion ban that recently took effect. some fertility experts say most people don't
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know they're pregnant at the six week mark. the ban also bans abortion for non-viable pregnancies. that measure does does allow exceptions for rape and for incest, will. the month of march is marking the beginning of mental health awareness month, and a new survey focuses on americans and the relationship we have with mental health care services. now, west health, based in san diego and gallup, came together to conduct a survey and found that more than 80% of americans say they see a rise in mental health problems. people say the cost of it and the difficulty in finding a provider are keeping them from seeking care. they also say they felt shame and embarrassment. >> the link between mental health and physical health is inextricably linked. and it's very difficult to optimize our outcomes as a country in terms
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of our other health and well-being. if we're not addressing the mental health as well as the physical health and when they were asked to give the system a letter grade, 57% of the survey subjects gave the health care system a d grade or even less. >> time now. 655 federal lawmakers accusing a us based organization of hiding virus research before the covid 19 pandemic. lawmakers say that ecohealth received $4 million in federal funding to conduct experiments in china, as some house representatives believe the organization hid some of its research. and that's led to speculation about how covid may have started. >> you knew that there were difficulties when the taxpayers money is used for scientific research, it is imperative that people comply with the rules. >> now, congress is split on how
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covid started, but both parties have agreed to block ecohealth from getting any federal money in the future. some lawmakers are demanding a criminal investigation into exactly what happened in china. here at home, governor gavin newsom issued that made the announcement that the month of may be small business month and his proclamation highlights how small businesses account for more than 98% of the total businesses in california and employer employ more than 7 million people, the governor said in a tweet. that small business month recognizes their major contributions and the importance of supporting their success. well, preparations are underway to begin the largest dam removal project in american history. officials say the half billion dollar demolition of the iron gate dam along the california oregon border began this week. the former owner of the dam decided it was just too
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expensive to operate, and local environmentalists have supported its removal to restore the klamath river and the fish population. the project is expected to be completed later this year. it is now 658 2024 marks ten years of live nation's concert week and to celebrate, $25 tickets, just $25 tickets go on sale next week for about 5000 shows. now the annual program starts off summer concert season in some of the performers performing at eligible shows include 21 savage, alanis morissette, janet jackson and cage the elephant. concert lovers can take their pick of the shows starting next wednesday, may the 8th. the promotion will continue through may 14th. by the way, you can go to our website to see a list of the bay area locations.
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well, airbnb b is introducing a new rental option where you can experience what it's like to live like your favorite real or fictional people. it's part of a new destination category called icons. you can actually live in the floating house from the animated pixar movie up the home featured in prince's classic movie purple rain. even more than some other new experiences will be released during the year . >> police clear out a pro-palestinian protest at ucla overnight, arresting dozens of people. the situation now following an hours long standoff that ended the campus occupation. then student journalists find themselves at the center of a campus firestorm how students at columbia and ucla are learning beyond the classroom how, in one case, they were the only source for direct news and their view of the experience. plus, two security guards randomly attacked in san
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francisco while on the job, and it's all caught on camera. how one of them describes the assault and why they say they think this was racially motivated from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it's thursday. it's may 2nd. great to see you. good to be in the color. thank you. >> you and pam look like easter eggs up here. i wish i had blue to match you. >> that's okay. you look just fine. thank you. so does steve. he's here with a really interesting forecast. >> look lovely this morning, guys. >> well, it gets harder every day, but thank you. >> you're telling me. thank you much. all right. thank you, mr. clark. appreciate that. we do have clear skies. some fog is out there. believe it or not, it's racing down the coast. but i just think there's too much high pressure today. but like a summer thursday here, at least, inland temperatures will be upper 70s, low 80s, sunny, nice and warm. big change though on the way on saturday it still looks like a good rain here. and by that i mean good amounts. not od


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