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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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finding out what is driving those numbers down, crystal. >> well, claudine, this all comes after a shooting near bishop o'dowd high school earlier today. but city officials say crime is down because of their ceasefire program. and while some say that perception is reality, some of the folks i talked to do not feel that much safer. numbers don't lie in the numbers. say crime in oakland is down 33. violent crimes like homicides, assault, rape and burglaries are all coming down over last year, with robberies up by 11. but the city says that number is also decreasing compared to the last few months. city leadership is crediting their ceasefire program, originally implemented in 2012 and revived earlier this year. >> what ceasefire does is it uses police intelligence and community information to identify those at the center of violence who are most at risk of picking up a gun and committing
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a violent crime. >> assistant police chief tony jones says reviving ceasefire required them to reorganize the police department from a reactive organization to a proactive, crime fighting police force. the city says the numbers are proof the program works, but some are surprised to hear crime is down. >> i'm very, very surprised and i'm happy to hear that. >> the crime itself, we do see an uptick over the temescal area, where cars are being broken into the sideshows are continuing to happen right next to a fire station to. >> cheryl says she grew up in oakland and she's always carried pepper spray around for protection. >> no, i don't feel safe. i'm constantly watching around. >> others say they are feeling safer. lately. i feel a lot safer here, especially at night compared to san francisco, where it could be a lot more dangerous. >> and i definitely see the change in crime rates dropping. >> the beeping has gone down considerably. >> bridget kane, who owns two businesses in downtown city center, says she thinks things are changing for the better.
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>> i'm very happy that we finally have a chief of police, which has been needed for over a year, and city leaders say they are not celebrating just yet, but they are using these numbers to press forward with the ceasefire program. >> and while some say that not all crimes are reported, the city says the number of calls into the dispatch center have not changed. meanwhile, mayor shang tao says that she is proud of the progress, but the work is not done. i'm live in oakland. claudine, back to you. >> yeah, certainly. crystal, i think it's numbers and perception is what you're seeing there too. and when you're talking about homicides and burglaries, people have to kind of feel it and see it in some of those smaller crimes before it really feels like change has come. crystal bailey reporting live. thank you. and as crystal mentioned, these numbers come as oakland police are investigating a shooting right down the street from bishop o'dowd high school. >> shots were heard shortly before 8:00 this morning near 98th and cherokee avenues. the gunfire was quickly followed by
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a car crash, drawing a massive police response. officials have not yet responded to our request for comment about what exactly happened here, but we did hear from plenty of neighbors, and i hear shooting coming up the street, then two cars fly down the street and everything. and, i mean, i'm used to this stuff, so i wasn't tripping. then i seen a second set of cars. so then i heard the boom. i heard the crash. >> i heard a series of shooting. so as if two people were shooting back and forth, given that there are three schools in the neighborhood, i think enhanced police attendance would be really necessary to keep track of what's going on in here . >> no one from bishop o'dowd was involved. school officials say there was no danger to students at any time in the school, did not go on lockdown. >> piedmont police are sharing the results from its network of license plate readers. the city was one of the first to install them in the bay area back in 2013. in a report to city leaders. excuse me, police say
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last year the cameras alerted police about suspicious vehicles . it happened 1200 times and led to 33 people being arrested and 37 stolen vehicles recovered. despite that apparent success, privacy advocates have raised concerns about this technology and say cities that are larger and more spread out than piedmont may not have had enough resources to use that camera system effectively. >> we're a city that has that's relatively small, and we have a relatively large number of alpr cameras. and so in that and we have officers that are available to respond. so with that circumstance, you know, it's not a one size fits all solution. again, like i said, it's not a panacea for us. it's been a very effective tool. >> in march, governor gavin newsom announced a plan to install 480 license plate reader cameras across the east bay. >> now to the protests on college campuses. tonight, the number of tents at uc berkeley is multiplying as protesters camp out, urging the uc system to separate itself from civilian deaths caused by israeli
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airstrikes and the war in gaza. now, some of the students say they're starting to see some progress in having their concerns heard. >> despite escalating violent clashes at other schools around the country. the demonstrations here have remained peaceful. >> students at cal say they have spoken with uc staff about the call for divestment. ktvu jana katsuyama brings us with the students are sing about those talks. >> student protesters say they've had meetings with uc officials calling on the university to review its investments and cut ties with any weapons manufacturers and related military supply industries involved with israeli attacks on gaza. >> we've met with all, all sorts of people, chancellor christ, the staff. i'm not sure about the positions of each of these people, but like it's in progress. >> on thursday, they said a small victory. >> it was a near unanimous vote in favor of the bill. >> protesters say the undergraduate student body voted for a bill to block expenditures of student funds on companies linked with military industry. they hope the university will do the same.
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>> all these companies that are profiting off the war. so the primary aspect is complete divestment from blackrock. just to take our money, our tuition, our taxes away from these companies that are making money off the blood of the people of gaza. what students are by and large calling for is divestment from weapons manufacturers, divestment from israeli businesses, and divestment from institutions, institutions or companies that do business with israeli businesses. >> professor christopher marsicano, who studies higher education, finance at davidson college, says this is not the first time student activists have called for divestment. in the 1980s, there was a similar focus on south africa, but university funding has changed over the decades, making divestment more complicated. >> but effectively, endowment managers have to do is figure out what of the various different pieces of their very complicated endowment meet those criteria. there are already index fund products that don't include weapons manufacturers or defense companies. >> the list is broader than that. there are other companies
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in the supply chains of these firms that are dedicated to the manufacturing, to the to the arms industry that the administration is being shown in these negotiations. >> i spoke with a representative for uc berkeley who would not give any confirmation of whether there are meetings taking place, and also said that the university has no comment. reporting from uc berkeley, jana katsuyama ktvu fox two news. >> new at six university officials at stanford say they have sent evidence to the fbi of someone on campus wearing clothing typically worn by hamas terrorist fighters. students have created an encampment in the school's white plaza. officials say a photo of someone at the encampment wearing a green headband, a face covering, and glasses eventually came to the attention of school administrators. stanford's president says the student encampment violates school policies and the student protesters will be disciplined. the demonstrators say they are
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unfazed by the threats. >> authorities say 210 people were arrested at an encampment at ucla overnight for failing to clear that area. this as protesters at other campuses around the country are continuing to clash with police. >> yeah. you're under arrest. >> stop! hey hey hey. >> protesters at portland state university in oregon rushed at police, as you can see there with plastic shields. officers also had a break through a barricaded door to enter the library. >> at least 12 people were arrested there. dozens were arrested. also on the campus of dartmouth college in new hampshire overnight, eight including a professor. police moved in there to dismantle a tent encampment put up by those demonstrators just hours earlier. dartmouth's college's president defended the decision to have police make those arrests. now, after days of silence, president biden has addressed the unrest on college campuses. today, biden says free
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speech is essential to protecting our democracy, but says acts of protest must be conducted within the rule of law . >> dissent is essential to democracy, but dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. look, it's basically a matter of fairness. it's a matter of what's right. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. >> the president also says the protests have not caused him to change his policies in the middle east. and we will continue to track the latest developments from campus protests happening across the country. and you can always find the latest updates on our website. >> that's happening now. livermore police asking for help as they search for the man suspected of killing two people. over the weekend, police shared photos of 30 year old tungsten vasquez. authorities say they believe the oakland resident shot and killed a 26 year old
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woman and 21 year old man. the two were killed on april 27th, just before seven in the morning at a la quinta inn located on south front road. police say they believe vasquez knew the victims tonight. he remains at large and should be considered armed and dangerous. the deaths were livermore's first and second homicides of the year. >> a mill valley teacher accused of child sex crimes has been found dead. the marin county sheriff's office says on wednesday, a search and rescue team located the body of 55 year old darren michael smith floating in the water off the coast of drakes beach. hours earlier. a 911 caller reported that a surfer may have been may have been swept out to sea the day before his death. smith had been arrested on suspicion of performing lewd acts and sexually abusing a child. smith had taught in the mill valley unified school district since 2013, but had been placed on administrative leave after the allegations and official cause of death has not been determined. >> the owner of a concord hair salon is now in custody for
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multiple counts of sexual assault. 41 year old chinuk vu was arrested on monday, according to concord police. he is the owner of chai hair salon on clayton road. police say this is where those assaults happened. the district attorney's office has filed several charges, including assault of a minor under the age of 16. vu remains in custody on $275,000 bail. police say they believe there could be more victims. >> a sonoma man accused of stealing an ambulance and kidnaping a medic has been arrested. ay an employee at russian river pub on fourth street called to report acuomern an altered state. the suspect, jorge sanchez rodriguez, told police hwahaving an anxiety attack and wanted to go to the hospital. an ambuarrived and as the medic was preparing him for tnsport, police saydrigs off. a second medic was still inside t ambulance at the time. officers immediately chased that vehicle. the suspect then drove to a nearby hospital,
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exited the vehicle and was arrested. >> still to come, a ribbon cutting for a new farmers market in fairfield in downtown businesses. very hopeful this new event will bring them a boost. >> plus, at 630, urging caution before the celebrations, how the city of san jose is preparing for this weekend's cinco de mayo. after last year's controversy. >> the big change for the weekend forecast. it's a pretty big deal. we've got that forecast all coming up with their bay area outlook and taking matters into their own hands. >> what's behind the push by volunteers t
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streets today, helping to clean the downtown area. ktvu christien kafton has the story from the embarcadero. >> everyone should have a number associated with their name tag, right? >> volunteers from the gap, jp morgan chase, levi strauss, visa, and wells fargo all stepped outside their office buildings and into the streets and parks of san francisco, ready to clean up. there's buckets over there. together, the companies announced the creation of the downtown volunteer coalition, each company bringing 50 volunteers to clean and beautify the city of san francisco. anna walker, from levi strauss, says the aim is to leverage their employees and make a difference in the city, where they live or work. what we're really excited about is that it's volunteering, but it's getting it's being part of the community. >> it's engaging with the local
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businesses, the local nonprofits, learning more about the city and giving back. >> volunteers from those companies help to clean and beautify parks and public spaces, collecting any trash they saw, clearing pathways, and even weeding. katie fitzsimmons from wells fargo says she hopes these first companies start off the project and attract others to follow in their footsteps. >> that's exactly the hope we have the first five companies, but we want this to grow. we want there to be tech companies, biotech, other financial institutions and other companies that call san francisco home. we want them to join in. we love this city and we want to show that love. >> vincent nguyen, heads up refuse refuse, a grassroots organization helping to clean up san francisco. one piece of litter at a time. he says his organization is benefiting from all these volunteers, in addition to all the volunteers that they're able to do, to bring out. >> just having them there to show, you know, be public facing and showing other companies that, you know, you can be involved and make a difference in your community. leading by example, park visitors say clean
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up and corporate partnership is a great idea. >> it is. and for a companies to come in and help with the community, it's only going to make things better for the people who live here and for the tourism that comes to san francisco. >> today, those companies are also kicking off first thursday. it's a project to activate the area today. they are welcoming people to the east cut neighborhood, trying to activate that area in san francisco. christien, kafton, ktvu, fox two news, and the city of san francisco is now accused of illegally dumping wastewater into san francisco bay and the ocean. >> a new lawsuit by the epa and a california state water board accuses the city of discharging nearly 2 billion gallons of sewage every year. that number jumps to 4 billion during a six month stretch between 2022 and last year. the epa is demanding san francisco stop the dumping and then pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. sfpuc officials posted on social media that unlike other cities, san francisco removes pollutants from wastewater before releasing
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it into the bay or ocean. it also plans to spend more than $1 billion on treatment plant renovations. >> tesla is being accused of air quality violations at its facility in fremont. the bay area air quality management district says tesla's paint shop has released harmful emissions into the air without proper abatement since 2019, air quality officials say tesla has been served with 112 notices of violation. now the agency is seeking an abatement order to force tesla to correct the issue. we have reached out to tesla for comment and have not heard back. >> the air quality for your friday will be good. the allergies, however, will be bad. let's get to it. good evening everybody. let's take a look at today's temperatures across the bay area. anywhere from a very cool, blustery 57 degrees in pacifica to a very mild 77 degrees apiece in napa and in livermore. boy, 20 degrees span there. meanwhile, the warm spot santa rosa at 81, same in
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fairfield. good evening to you in san jose. you topped off at a near perfect 75 degrees. just loving this live weather camera. it's now picking up the low clouds that are penetrating the golden gate bridge off the coast. these clouds are roughly about 500ft. we have the span of the golden gate bridge at 220ft. there could have some visibility issues later on tonight. the satellite imagery confirms those clouds just parked off the coast trying to roll into the bay hour by hour. but my attention span really is to the north. in fact, take a look at that right there. that is a major area of low pressure, very unseasonable for this time of the year. in fact, its impact will be noted on your saturday in the form of much colder temperatures by a good 20 degrees and rainfall. in fact, we're talking about anywhere from a half an inch to a full inch of rain right here in the bay area. and that's what we usually see for your monthly total for the month of may. so
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very unusual. and we have a winter storm warning in effect. or actually it will advance to a winter storm warning. right now it's a winter weather advisory in effect just giving you a heads up for your weekend if you're heading to the high sierra, current air temperatures very nice away from the bay. if you're walking the dog 72 degrees in the tri-valley, 70 in palo alto, but it's still blustery with these winds kicking up to 15 gusts at 28. at san jose, gusts over 40 at sfo, and pretty blustery north of the bay. the full forecast for your friday and the weekend. it's still a matter of minutes away. see you in a bit, roberta. >> thank you. new at six. the fairfield farmers market opens for the season, reporter marcella de la cruz tells us businesses very hopeful this is going to bring some much needed traffic to the downtown area. >> more than 20 vendors have set up in downtown fairfield. >> the foot traffic itself, these businesses here, they catch, they they catch a lot of the people they're bringing the first farmer's market of the
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season to an area that business owner francisco castillo says has been forgotten. >> this used to be highway 12 before, a long time ago. so people get the idea that nothing, nothing here. >> castillo owns three restaurants, which is about 500ft from where the farmers market is set up. and he's hopeful that the market will increase foot traffic. >> i don't see that many people walking around. there's something to be done to bring people to downtown and fairfield . >> the market runs a period of 26 weeks, and it's targeting all city residents. >> being a certified farmer's market, we've gone through the process of procuring all of the appropriate systems and so on that allow us to accept all of those ate and wick. so we're very excited to be able to open it to all community residents. >> a former lawyer for stormy daniels gets grilled on the witness stand. i'm connor hansen in new york with more on day ten of donald trump's hush money trial coming up.
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>> but first, leading the world in zero emissions. the ambitious new plan unfolding at the port of oakland
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will be among the music coming back to tiktok. the agreement comes after universal pulled its music from tiktok in february after its previous contract expired. the deal will address
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concerns about generative ai and new opportunities to make money that will come from expanding e-commerce capabilities on tiktok. >> this morning, the port of oakland helped turn a page in history as it opened up the very first commercial zero emission hydrogen truck stop in the world . as ktvu tom vacar reports, the goal now is to try and prove that these trucks can haul the same heavy freight without the pollution. >> marissa esquer is a modern day test pilot anchored to the road. >> it's very easy to get on the freeway. very easy to maneuver. everything's very smooth. >> the veteran diesel trucker is one of a very few chosen to prove that hydrogen powered trucks can haul the freight emissions free. i love it, i really love it, i enjoy it, it's. >> it's lovely. it's very quiet. >> on thursday, a huge public private mega-project norcal zero became fully online at the port of oakland, the only heavy commercial hydrogen truck stop on earth, and can fuel 200 trucks a day and we can fuel
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trucks back to back ten minute fills. >> that's very comparable. what you would get with a diesel conventional fuel 30 hyundai xcent fuel cell big rigs are the nation's largest fleet, with more than 400 miles of driving range, powerful acceleration, payload capacity and importantly , short refueling time. >> this is a real truck from a real production line that was delivered here to the largest fleet now operating in north america. that is a very big deal. >> and now we have line of sight to zero emission and i point to things like this, to projects like this and say it is possible. >> yet there are detractors much like modern electric vehicles had at the start, about price and range. >> those arguments have zero legitimacy. if we work together and we all have the will to make the change happen. >> the stone age did not end because they ran out of stones. they created something better. >> asthma and cancer ridden west oakland will have better health
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for sure. >> the only safe emission is no emission. that's what we found out. >> the port already uses electric cranes, vehicles and shore power to ships to stop running, idling, pollution. >> we look forward to using the station not only for trucks, but for equipment, and eventually boats and ships is going to be using hydrogen as a source of the energy. >> so it is fair to say that with the cal zero program, the port of oakland currently leads the entire world. tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630. the city of san jose is counting down to cinco de mayo. what's different this year? as police urge people to celebrate safely? >> also, the captain of a dive boat that caught fire off the coast of california, killing 34 people is sentenced. how much time he's going to spend in prison and later in sports. >> former warriors shaun livingston retired five years ago. how he's staying connected to the bay area through a different sport altogether.
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assault and burglaries. city leadership is crediting the ceasefire program, originally implemented back in 2012 and then revived earlier this year. officials say they are using these new positive numbers to press forward with that ceasefire program. >> student protesters at uc
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berkeley say they've had meetings with uc officials. they're calling on the university to review its investments and cut ties with any weapons manufacturers and related military supply industries involved with israeli attacks on gaza. the demonstrations on campus remain peaceful. livermore police are searching for the man, who they say killed two people over the weekend. >> 30 year old johnston vasquez is accused of a double homicide at the la quinta inn, located on south front road, tonight. he remains at large and police say he should be considered armed and dangerous. this is livermore's first homicides of the year and you are watching ktvu fox two news here at 630 tonight. preparations underway for this weekend's cinco de mayo celebration in san jose last year, decisions made by the police to control the crowds did prove controversial, with some city leaders accusing the department of racial profiling. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary shows us the newly revamped plan for the family friendly event. >> thursday sees david polanco
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polishing one of his rolling works of art. a 1963 chevy impala ss. her rumbling engine and low riding body will be front and center this weekend at one of two cinco de mayo parades, very excited and a little nervous. >> it's just because, you know you want everything to, to go well after all your planning, polanco, president of the lowriders council of san jose, says planning for this year started days after last year's event. >> the result will see a parade on the east side along the king road corridor and one through downtown san jose on santa clara street. >> we're encouraging the public to come down, celebrate responsibly and to be able to celebrate with us. >> sergeant jorge garibay says. several street closures will be in effect saturday for multiple events and sunday two lowrider parades, both starting at 10:00 in the morning. councilman omar torres is spearheading efforts downtown. >> we know that when we collaborate with our san jose police department, right, it's
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going to be a little bit more organized. and, and, folks feel safer coming down to celebrate cinco de mayo, the 680 freeway off ramp to story road will be closed, and there is a potential for road diversions based on traffic congestion. >> this year, the department is doing more than collaborating. officials say officers will ride in the lowrider parades in this 1964 plymouth. >> i think we're fortunate the community is willing to collaborate with us and that we're have the opportunity to be involved in these parades. just because we remove a band, that doesn't mean that the community wants to be part of the parade, polanco says. >> cementing a better relationship with the sapd was always a goal from the old days to the ugly days to the current day of two parades, when we kind of sat down, you know, and talked about things and, and, since then the relationship has grown. >> we have a line of communication so that we could further grow that. and, you know, hopefully, like within five years, it's even better. >> police officials say they expect hundreds of thousands of people to come to san jose this
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weekend for the two day celebration, which culminates with cinco de mayo. on sunday, we'll put a complete list of events on our website, officials say if you plan on coming may want to try mass transit or ride share in downtown san jose, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news the sonoma county sheriff's office says an inmate at the jail has died. >> 28 year old skyler rasmussen was found unresponsive in his cell alone on wednesday, and despite deputies efforts to save him, he was pronounced dead. rasmussen has been in custody since december of 2022 on charges of murdering a fellow resident at a supportive housing facility. an investigation is ongoing. >> new. at 630, a dive boat captain was sentenced to four years in federal prison for his role in the 2019 boat fire that killed 34 people off the california coast. captain jerry boylan was convicted last year on one count of criminal negligence. is sentence is shorter than the ten years family members of the victims
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were asking for. the fire was the deadliest maritime disaster in recent u.s. history and sparked several reforms, maritime regulations and lawsuits that are still ongoing. the exact cause remains unknown. arizona's democratic governor has signed a bill to repeal an abortion ban that was written 160 years ago, a ban that was passed by 27 men before arizona was even a state, at a time when america was at war over the right to own slaves. >> a time before women could even vote. and today we are doing, what, 23 governors and 55 legislatures refused to do. and i'm so proud to be the ones that got this job done. >> crowded lawmakers, mostly women, joined the governor here at the signing ceremony. 2022 measure banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy in the state will now become arizona's prevailing law. former president donald trump is back in a new york courtroom, as the third week of his criminal trial is
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nearly wrapped up on the stand. >> an attorney who represented stormy daniels is now in that now infamous $130,000 payment. fox's connor hansen has more from new york. >> i'm not allowed to testify because of an unconstitutional gag order. we're appealing the gag order and let's see what happens. >> former president donald trump in court, facing more arguments over whether he violated his gag order. prosecutors say he should be fined again for making comments about michael cohen and others. trump's lawyers say he needs to defend himself. judge juan merchan didn't rule, but already agreed to fine trump $9,000 for past social media comments. >> if i were trump, i'd be tempted to just give judge merchan a check for about $10,000 every monday and say, this is for this week's violations. >> attorney keith davidson was back on the stand. he represented both stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. prosecutors
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zeroed in on a deal he worked on with trump's ex attorney, michael cohen, a payment of $130,000 for daniels not to speak about an alleged affair with trump. they also went through texts and emails showing cohen's anger over news articles surfacing about the arrangement. in a tv appearance, daniels made when trump's lawyers cross-examined davidson, they portrayed him as a shakedown artist who tried to manipulate celebrities, a threshold issue in this case is whether donald trump lied when his bookkeeper classified the payments to michael cohen to stormy daniels as a, quote, legal expense lawyer keith davidson testified that he never dealt directly with trump, only with michael cohen. cohen is expected to take the stand later in the trial in new york. connor hansen, fox news. >> for the second time this year, a boeing whistleblower has died. still ahead tonight, what family members are saying about
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his sudden illness. >> but first, pushing to normalize menopause. the celebrity starpower backing a new bill to try and remove the stigma of a diagnosis that 25 million women get every year
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has reached a major goal and now has a new target date to return the light display to the bridge that, according to the bay bridge lights project, which claims to have received more than $10 million in private funding. the lights are set to be installed and turned back on by march of 2025. the lights went dark last year thanks to some much needed repairs, and the nonprofit group illuminate did not have the money to fix them. microsoft is making a massive investment in malaysia, ceo satya nadella announced today. the tech giant will spend more than $2 billion over the next four years on a new cloud and artificial intelligence infrastructure in the southeast asian country. microsoft is looking for support for its ai
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development around the world. >> around 2.5 million people in asean getting skilled in ai. we will have more than 200,000 people in malaysia getting skilled in ai. so it's exciting to see that. >> earlier this week, microsoft also announced billion dollar projects in indonesia and thailand. >> a bill that would put more funding towards menopause is getting some star power. backing actress halle berry joined lawmakers at capitol hill to unveil a new bill that would increase federal research and public knowledge about menopause. the bipartisan legislation is promoted by berry, who calls herself a champion for women's health. >> the shame has to be taken out of menopause. we have to talk about this very normal part of our life that happens. our doctors can't even say the word to us, let alone walk us through the journey of what our menopausal years look like. i mean that there's a lot of the $275 million bill would also go towards training health workers
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to diagnose menopause more confidently, a weather whiplash. >> that's what you and i will be experiencing this weekend. we'll tally up the numbers and tell you just how much rain will fall. your bay area forecast is on deck. >> all right, now to ali savage and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap. coming up at the top of the hour alex. >> all right mike, thank you. coming up tonight at seven recently we brought you the story of a police dog stabbed on the job in las vegas. now we're learning more about the special procedure that helped to save his life. tonight on west coast rap, we'll hear from the team of veterinarians who say getting enzo back home was a community effort. also, we continue monitoring a developing situation at portland state university in oregon, where there are reports that protesters are trying to get back inside that school's library after an earlier occupation. we'll take you there live for the latest on the ongoing pro-palestinian demonstrations. those stories, and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast
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rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with cristina rendon. all right. >> thank you alex. looking forward to it. but first, brittney griner breaking her silence on her ten months in a russian prison. what the wnba star is revealing about her darkest mo nts
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new at 630, a former auditor who raised concerns about alleged defects in boeing's 737 max jets has died. family members say. 45 year old joshua dean died tuesday morning as after his health rapidly declined due to a bacterial infection. dean was one of the first to flag potentially dangerous defects with the 737 max jets at a major boeing supplier. he is the second boeing whistleblower to die this year. 62 year old john arnett died in march from what investigators say appeared to be a, quote, self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> wnba star brittney griner now speaking out about her months long detention inside a russian prison on drug related charges. >> elevator dropped from underneath my feet and i'm just
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like, man, my life is over. right here. >> in her first televised interview on abc's 20 over 20, griner spoke about how extremely difficult her ten months were in prison. she said despite having suicidal thoughts, she decided against it because she did not think the russian government would give her body back to her family. the 33 year old was arrested at the airport in moscow for having vape cartridges with cannabis oil in her luggage. >> there are those who say, come on, how did you not know that you had cartridges in your in your luggage? what do you say to the skeptics? >> i would say, have you ever forgot your keys in your car, left your car running? have you ever, you know, where's my glasses? they're on top of your head. >> griner pleaded guilty to those drug charges and was sentenced to nine years in a labor camp, but was released in december of 2022, in exchange for a convicted arms dealer. griner says she thought former
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marine paul whelan, who was also in russia's custody, would be included in the deal. >> right. take a look at this. a tornado that was caught on camera touching. down in joplin, missouri today. this happened around 2 p.m. local time, and it led the national weather service to issue a warning for neighboring counties. and there have been reports of damage to homes in that area. >> extremely dramatic. and let's get right to it and take a look at the national outlook at this particular time, because you can see that area of low pressure, that frontal boundary streaming all the way from chicago, slicing through missouri and then tailing off there around the texas area. and this system will continue to march in a northeasterly direction. but mind you, the system that is coming in and will be affecting us saturday will affect the midsection of the country early next week with another large tornadic outbreak. let's go ahead and bring you back at home right now. this is fog that is now pushing in towards the golden gate bridge. it's a light
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layer. we do have some clouds down to 500ft. temperatures where the fog is not affecting it into the 70s. at this hour, a pair of sevens noted in napa and in sonoma. it is now 70 degrees in oakland, alameda, emeryville and in el cerrito. and we do have temperatures in the high 60s around rodeo and also in hercules. look at half moon bay at 52 degrees, mind you, you factor in the wind that is blustery right now at 22mph, it feels like winter on the seashore around that san bruno gap, we have a wind gusts up to 44mph across the bay. hayward at 24. i think you're getting the feel for all this now. it's blustery this evening. the winds in the north bay, anywhere from 21 to 30 mile per hour wind gusts. all this will begin to dial back in the next couple of hours. but then again, we have that fog bank that is forming off the immediate coast. so we'll wake up tomorrow morning to a hint of some stratus. but it's upstream. we go this is the
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area of low pressure that we have been tracking for several days. look at all the cold air associated with it. looks like that cotton ball effect. well, the bottom line is it will rain on saturday. so all those makeup baseball games. yeah, they're going to be rained out again. the winds will be blustery. and we do have a winter weather advisory that goes into effect for the greater lake tahoe area. six inches to a foot of snow in the highest elevation. that'll be on saturday. so bringing you back closer to home, it looks like our temperatures will be taken a nosedive. tomorrow's numbers mild to warm, very pleasant spring day and then look at the bottom falling out on your saturday. other notable numbers tonight with the blanket of cloud cover, overhead temperatures pretty much in the 50s across the board. 50 in livermore wouldn't be too surprised. out towards alamo if you dip down to the high 40s. meanwhile, tomorrow's daytime high temperatures, 50s through the 60s, all the way up to about au high 70s. perhaps antioch will strike out at that 80
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degree mark, but going for an outside number 79 cooler with the rain on your. saturday, we will recover for cinco de mayo on sunday okay. >> all right. ha
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shaun livingston is a three time world champion with the golden state warriors. >> but as ktvu jason appelbaum reports, he's now wearing a new hat as the newest member of the oakland roots ownership group. >> and shaun from the foul line doing it all. >> he was known as the master of the mid-range throughout his 17 year nba career. shaun livingston dominated the competition 10 to 15ft from the basket, and shaun livingston was so efficient he knew they needed some scoring. >> now, livingston will try and dominate in the sport of soccer, joining nba hall of famer jason kidd, nfl legend marshawn lynch and rocker billie joe armstrong of green day, among other celebrities. >> as an investor in the oakland roots and in the community where
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the now las vegas resident said he left his heart. >> it's just a special place to be, a special place for any sports teams. obviously it's been a rough couple of years. you know, there, you know, with some of their franchises. but i mean, you look at what the roots and the soul are doing there in the community really being an anchor, you know, to that community and their growing fan base as well. >> it's a fan base. livingston knows very well, winning three titles in his five seasons with the warriors. now at age 38, five years retired, he says he doesn't miss the 82 game grind, but he does miss the playoffs and his former teammates. >> i'm still invested. those are my guys for life and you know, it's pretty painful to you know watch the playoffs without the warriors because it's just it's not the same. >> can the warriors get back to the promised land one more time with the core three still intact? what if it meant trading one of their young players and future draft picks to bring
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back, say, kevin durant for another run? >> any time you have a chance to play with a player like kevin durant, it's hard to turn that down. but me personally, you take that shot. you know, if you have a chance to win a championship, if you truly believe that, but i can't speak for those guys. >> one of those guys is steph curry. so what will livingston tell his two young kids about playing alongside one of the best players in nba history? >> honestly, just how much of a good person he was you know like and leader. i mean he's you know a guy that leads by example and he lives his life, his daily life that way. and just even better person than he was a player. it's hard to hard to really say for somebody who's going to go down as one of the greatest of all time. >> as for his new role as minority owner of a pro soccer club, livingston admits he's a newbie to the sport, so he decided to have a little fun testing his soccer knowledge. if i say a clean sheet, a clean sheet, what am i referring to?
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>> you're crushing me, i'm going to give you one. all right? i'm gonna give you one. all right. go ahead, go ahead. >> all right, go ahead. clean sheet is when a goalkeeper has a shutou ice. >> o y.
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pro-palestinian demonstrators charging police with makeshift shields tonight. tensions still running high at a protest at portland state university. good evening. welcome to west coast rap. i'm alex savage. police remain on the portland state campus tonight. but in smaller numbers, the department not explaining why some officers are leaving with protests ongoing earlier today, officers in riot gear cleared protes


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