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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  May 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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great it looks. no. that look like him? no, not at all. you failed mom, that's going to do bay reaction from the victim's loved ones as her boyfriend is convicted. >> plus, a new era of leadership begins for the oakland police department. how the new chief, floyd mitchell, is starting off his tenure and electronic music fans ready to turn up the highly anticipated release of the lineup for this year's portola festival in san francisco. >> from ktvu. fox two news. this is the four. >> some sense of closure for the family of 27 year old rachel buckner of pleasanton. in the law, students remains were found dismembered along an alameda county shoreline last july. today a guilty verdict returned in this case. welcome everyone to the for this afternoon. >> i'm alex savage and i'm
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heather holmes in alameda county. jury finding 42 year old joseph roberts guilty of second degree murder. >> our crime reporter henry lee was in the courtroom as that verdict was read earlier today. and he joins us now live from the newsroom. after talking with the victim's family and the district attorney. henry. >> alex and heather, this has been absolutely traumatic for the family because the victim had a tumultuous relationship with the man now convicted of killing her. they say police failed to take action before she died. >> today means that i can breathe a little bit easier, but i know it's not over. >> as jamila buckner is filled with a mix of emotion. on monday in alameda county, jury convicted joseph roberts of second degree murder for killing her daughter, rachel elizabeth imani buckner. authorities say roberts killed his 27 year old girlfriend in their pleasanton apartment. her remains washed up on the alameda shoreline near the bay farm island bridge on july 20th. she was wrapped in tape and her head, hands and feet were missing when today's
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verdict means for me is that i don't have to look over my shoulder for right now. >> i've lived in trauma, in terror. >> authorities say roberts never reported buckner missing and instead began talking with three other women. buckner was two months shy from earning her degree from golden gate university law school. >> there was sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt based on the dna evidence and other circumstantial evidence, da pamela price, who has made it a priority not to let cases languish, noted that this murder trial moved very quickly through the criminal justice system. we appreciate that the case was speedily disposed of relative to the way the normal course of cases in our system, and we believe that justice has been served. >> family and friends say pleasanton police missed warning signs about roberts during earlier visits. >> they should have arrested him on the spot, regardless of what she said. we watched body cam
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footage of them chatting it up as he was beating her down 17 times. >> the police came out and did barely anything. this is an injustice that should never have happened. >> now, the defense attorneys declined to comment today. roberts is expected to be sentenced on june 14th to 15 years to life in prison for second degree murder. the da did ask for a second degree murder conviction, and i have reached out to pleasanton police for a response to those allegations and have not heard back. guys >> all right, henry lee, live in the newsroom. henry. thank you. >> well, now we go to new york and a significant day in the criminal hush money trial of former president donald trump. >> the state's star witness, former trump attorney michael cohen, took the stand today testifying against his one time boss, janet katsuyama was monitoring the courtroom proceedings today and joins us now with more jana. >> well, and he had a long day. he was on that witness stand until they finished. the
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prosecution's star witness answered questions about his actions while he was trump's attorney from 2006 through 2018. in court monday, cohen testified that trump had direct knowledge of the hush money payments and the cover up, saying, quote, what was i was doing was really at the direction of and benefit of mr. trump. he later went on to testify on the stand that, quote, everything required mr. trump's sign off. cohen testified that in the months before the 2016 presidential election, trump directed him to handle secret hush money payments to former playmate karen mcdougal and also star stormy daniels, who both alleged they had sexual affairs with trump, who which he denies. now, cohen testified about a secret recording where he said trump asked about paying david pecker, the national enquirer publisher, in cash, to buy and suppress mcdougal's story. >> so i'm i'm all over that. and i spoke to alan about it. when
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it comes time for the financing, which will be what financing we'll have to pay you. so no no no no no no no, i got cohen sent. >> trump was very worried that the stories would sink his campaign. prosecutors presented jurors with other evidence, including first republic bank documents showing a business account, which cohen testified was created under a false name to provide the hush money payments. now, a key factor here is whether the jury will see cohen as a reliable witness. he did serve prison time after pleading guilty to charges related to the payments, and interestingly, the defense did not raise many objections to the testimony. heather and alex. and that's something which some legal experts are curious about because they were rather quiet. he is expected to take the stand again tomorrow to continue testimony. >> okay, in jana, this was a significant day, kind of what everyone was sort of waiting for. and it led to the arrival today of some republican elected officials in the courtroom. >> there were there were at
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least three republicans who were there, obviously, mr. trump has been told that he can't say anything, but they were very vocal. and one of them, interestingly, was senator jd vance of ohio. he is been seen as a possible running mate for mr. trump in this coming november. so we'll see what happens. but they were very vocal in their support of him okay. >> trump allies speaking out on his behalf. all right jana, thank you for that. and as jana just mentioned, michael cohen has been convicted for his role in two hush money payments, including the one made to stormy daniels back in 2018. cohen pleaded guilty to a variety of federal crimes, including campaign finance violations, and in a separate case, he pleaded guilty to lying to congress. cohen was sentenced to a total of three years in prison for all of those charges, but he was released on furlough in 2020. >> okay, so for more about today's proceedings, we're joined live by jessica levinson, law professor at loyola marymount university. thank you so much, professor, for joining us once again. cohen, as we
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mentioned, is a man who carries some significant baggage here. do you think the jurors will buy his story? >> well, that's obviously one of the big questions. i think the prosecution, frankly, has done a good job of laying the foundation for cohen's testimony in the sense that i think many of the witnesses and much of the documentary evidence really has led up to this moment, so that what cohen is saying should be predictable, should make sense, should feel consistent with the prosecution's overall narrative. i think what the prosecution really wants to do is obviously acknowledge he is, i think, use the word baggage. he is a witness who has a lot of baggage. he is a convicted felon. he has, in fact, been convicted of lying. and so the question here for the prosecution is, can they convince the jury? yes, he is somebody who has credibility problems, but why would he lie here? and do you really think he's lying when everything you've heard up to this point is
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really leading to what he's told you? >> yeah, they're trying to have cohen sort of connect all the dots from those previous witnesses. obviously trump's defense team now gearing up for the cross-examination of cohen. they have already told jurors during opening statements he's an admitted liar. he has an ax to grind with the former president. what are your expectations about how this cross-examination of michael cohen will unfold? >> well, i think just that. so we're going to hear about two things. one is his credibility problems over and over and over again. and two, i think more to the point and potentially more harmful is the idea that he really hates trump, that he holds a grudge against trump, and he has been so vocal for so many years in so many different mediums about saying what a grudge that he does hold against the former president. so it's not just that he's a liar. it's, i think for the defense they will try and say, and who would he be most likely to lie about, now again, i think that the
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prosecution can respond to that. but when it comes to the cross-examination, i would expect that it would be somewhat brutal for michael cohen and he needs to recognize that the jury will be watching him, will be watching how he behaves, not just what he says, but how he says it in making their determination, which is a very human determination about is this somebody i can trust? >> and jessica, back to what alex was mentioning about cohen sort of job here, which is to connect all of the dots. do you think that he was able to make the case today, that the payment to stormy daniels was, in fact, all about the campaign? >> so that certainly what he testified to, what i would say is i don't think that that was his case to make, in the sense that what we've heard from other witnesses from david pecker, what we've heard in terms of the timing of the payments, is that this was about the campaign that it wasn't about trying to make sure that melania trump or trump's business partners didn't hear the story of stormy daniels
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having an alleged affair with trump, but that it was about the voters right after the access hollywood tape, right before the voting began. it's not just michael cohen, although clearly that's one of the key things that he said, but it's everybody else also saying there was chaos. this was about election interference. it wasn't about trying to ensure that people in general didn't hear this story. all right. >> so it sounds as though we are obviously, you know, reaching the final sort of days of this, of this case, the prosecution potentially might wrap things up by the end of this week. what what else do you see unfolding here between now and the end of this trial? and i'll sort of pose the question again that we've been sort of wondering all along. do you see any scenario in which former president trump actually does take the stand in this trial, as he has suggested he's willing to do? >> i don't i mean, i could be wrong. this is unpredictable in the sense that we do have a very
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unique defendant here. but let's remember, the baseline here is that most defendants don't take the witness stand. if a defendant takes the witness stand, it really means, i think, two things. one, that they think they're going to lose and two, well, i should say most of the time that they think they're going to lose, but also two, that they think taking the stand could change that. when it comes to the former president. we talked about michael cohen having baggage. so does former president trump. and you can expect that on cross-examination . cohen there's a lot that would go into trying to undermine his credibility. and there were a lot of painful questions that i think trump would not want to answer. so at this point, i'm actually not sure that the defense will put on a separate case. and as is absolutely their right, i think what we could see is the prosecution resting and the defense really putting their case on through cross-examination. because of course, let's all remember prosecution has to get a unanimous verdict, proof beyond a reasonable doubt. all 12
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agreeing for the defense, putting doubt in one juror is really a victory. >> yeah, a tall order. as we mentioned. michael cohen set to resume his testimony tomorrow. jessica levinson, as always, appreciate it. thank you. thank you. >> coming up here on the four this afternoon, a new new state department report is accusing israel of international humanitarian law violations in gaza. the details on the allegations as israeli forces push deeper into the city of rafah, a minor cooldown felt across the bay area this afternoon and the clouds already working back into the bay. >> i'll have a look at the current cond ns and
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the operation is prompting some 360,000 people now to leave that area while adding new challenges to aid workers there. >> as fox's anna iliopoulos
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reports here in the u.s, state department officials are commenting on a new report which takes a closer look at israel's use of u.s. provided weapons. >> a state department report says israel likely violated international humanitarian law in their fight against hamas, but wartime conditions prevented u.s. officials from making that determination for certain and specific airstrikes. >> there is a moral and strategic imperative to take every possible step to minimize civilian casualties, steps that we know that the idf has, the tools and the capability to undertake, but simultaneously, that this is also a belligerent, that is using civilians as human shields. >> secretary of state antony blinken, looking ahead, israel is on the trajectory potentially to inherit an insurgency with many armed hamas left. meanwhile hamas armed wing releasing a statement saying it has lost contact with militants guarding four israeli hostages in gaza, including 24 year old american israeli hirsh goldberg. poland
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even before this news, his mother speaking to fox news. >> i am a mother who is horribly, miserably worried about her only son, who has been in an active war zone for 219 days, goldberg, poland, was kidnaped at the supernova music festival. >> mourners gathered at the site of that rave party that was brutally cut short. >> i hope they will bring the hostages out and they will stop the terrorism just for themselves, two aid workers say they are struggling to distribute dwindling food and other supplies to displaced palestinians in rafah in new york. >> anna iliopoulos, fox news. >> back here in the bay area in the south bay, a special groundbreaking ceremony was held today for a project years in the making to honor members of san jose's vietnamese community. the thank you america statue is being built at the vietnamese heritage garden there on roberts avenue. the monument will depict a south vietnamese soldier standing alongside an american
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soldier. city officials say the heritage garden is a space that honors the past, paying tribute to the sacrifices that were made while looking ahead to the future and celebrating the spirit of san jose's vibrant vietnamese community. >> it is a sanctuary of remembrance, a beacon of hope, a testament of indomito able spirit of our community. >> san jose has the largest vietnamese community in any single city outside of vietnam. more than 100,000 people of vietnamese descent call san jose home. >> all right. over the weekend, people all across the bay area were treated to a spectacular show in the night sky, all courtesy of the northern lights. while saturday may have been overcast, people flocked to more rural areas to catch a glimpse of the rare aurora over our region. and we want to thank our viewers for sending us all of these incredible photos. we got so many of them, just an incredible treat. >> i missed out on it, but
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seeing the pictures that were posted, they were amazing were pretty cool. rosemary >> oh amazing. i went northern lights hunting. okay, you did okay. saw a very faint pink in the sky and that was about it. yeah, but it's still pretty cool. yeah very. yeah. very impressive and very cool, as you said. all right. for today, temperatures fell a little bit as we get into a bit of a cool down for today. and then back up a little bit for tomorrow. all in all little to complain about. a little bit of a sea breeze out there for some. and that made it a little bit cool. the morning clouds will also come along with a little bit of patchy drizzle for the next few days, as we kind of settle into this seasonable pattern. a ridge hanging over the west. but we do have this low right off the coastline here and that is what is helping to provide us with the low clouds. a little bit of a localized sea breeze. and again, that patchy drizzle means enough instability. instability, i should say up over the sierra to create those pop up showers as well as thunderstorms right
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now south of highway 50, you can see just lit up there with lightning and the thunder are going along with it. for us here at home, a weak onshore breeze. fairfield reporting a 16mph northwest at concord and oakland in the north bay. we have a southerly breeze about 13mph over napa. and with that napa, you are just a smidge cooler compared to yesterday. inner east bay livermore. you are down by eight degrees, so feeling a difference for you there. meanwhile around the bay within a few degrees, so it feels a lot like yesterday upper 50s in san francisco right now, upper 60s in novato, low 70s in walnut creek, and 71 over at san jose. shifting to the inner east bay where we do have our warmer numbers for today, 72 lafayette. right now, 80 degrees reported in this one neighborhood of clayton, 84 reported over brentwood. if you're going to the giants game later today, taking on the dodgers at 645, upper 50s in the forecast will begin to see the clouds across the city, as well as into the bay by then. and that west
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southwest breeze to about 15mph. so is going to be cool there at the ballpark. and breezy. meanwhile those clouds again stopping it for you here at sunset. notice into the north bay as well as the east bay shore. and then during the overnight hours, we'll fill in once again tomorrow morning, waking up with mostly gray skies, as well as a little bit of patchy drizzle along the coastline in our hills and breaking away to mostly sunny skies for the afternoon. for most of us, we will continue with this cloud cover here at the coast. temperatures will come up just slightly for tomorrow. i'll have a look at what we can expect in the extended forecast coming up. well, we know that we ain't gonna fall. >> we gonna love. >> all right, get ready. portola music festival is coming back to san francisco for year three. the highly anticipated edm headliners taking the stage over pier 80 coming u in september
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was too good to be true today. they got the answer they were hoping for. portola organizers officially confirmed the lineup for the fall festival with a number of heavy hitting headliners, including rufus du sol, disclosure, justice fourtet jamie x, x fisher, mia and many,
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many more. this year's portola festival happens september 28th and 29th at pier 80 in san francisco. joining us now live is danny bell with festival organizer goldenvoice. danny, it's good to see you. thanks for doing it. so yeah, thanks for having me. absolutely. this is year three in san francisco. you're doing it bigger than you have before. edm fans seem pretty excited about the artists that are planning to play at this year's festival. what do you think makes this line up so special, it's just, you know, the style of music that we've been pushing. it's not really what's considered edm. it's more of the left of center electronic music, it's grown significantly, not just in san francisco, but in the whole country over the last couple of years. and so what we're seeing here is just a collective scene growing together, but the other thing is, we've had such great, first we had such great first and second editions that just more artists are interested in playing. so, you know, it was a real it was it was hard. but,
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really great to book this year. and and, i'm very proud of the lineup that we've been able to put together. >> and obviously, it sounds like that speaks to the growth of, of this festival here as you move into year three, the fact that you're coming into this and now having it sounds like to kind of pick and choose who, who, who gets to play at portola, how, how has this event grown in just three years? >> year one was really a it was a pipe dream of mine. >> you know, i've always loved this specific, style of electronic music. and, there really wasn't a festival like this in, north america. and so it was my goal to put something on and to try to prove the concept that, a left of center electronic music festival would be successful. people would really like it. and it's worked. it's been really great. so it was just a concept year one and all the acts have grown with the festival over year one and year two, and it feels like we're really coming, really building
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up in year three. >> yeah. hitting your stride, all right, so let's talk here, if we could, about sort of the lineup leak and the drama over this, the lineup somehow found its way onto the internet on friday, i understand. and then you had mia, obviously a huge star, sharing it with her fans. how did this leak happen? do you know? was this just a legitimate accident? was this some sort, you know, some way to kind of pump things up and get get people talking about the festival? >> i wish it was that. no, it was a legitimate, honest mistake by an artist manager who just clicked the wrong image to upload, unfortunately. >> and, it just went viral from there. >> yeah. well, i mean, it's sort of it sort of worked out in your favor, what what is new and what is different at this year's festival that that fans should expect at, our, we have a couple new focuses on the actual experience, we're going to take the crane stage, which was, an outdoor stage last year, right on the water. and we're going to focus on expanding that
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footprint and making it a much more, immersive, production experience over there. other than that, you know, we're going to pretty much keep the other three stages in the same locations, and then we hope to expand on our food and beverage program and our lounge and hangout programs, as well as, excuse me, we're adding vip to all four stages instead of just two, so, you know, we're just trying to continue growing at the right pace and trying to, just make our experience better every year. >> all right. my producer tells me that that fans who go to portola call themselves disco chickens. can you please explain? explain what that means ? >> i love that, you know, we have a lot of fun with the brand and our social media. >> you know, it's another concept behind portal is that it's fairly serious music presented in a very unserious way, i always say we make fun of everyone, but starting with ourselves, and through that, you know, we actually needed to find some art pieces for relatively low budget year one, just
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because we didn't have a lot of extra money and we found, about a five foot chicken that, we just had in storage. and so we ended up just taking it to portola, and we called it penny the disco chicken, and it's just become this really fun kind of mascot for the festival, you know, this year we're actually leaning into raccoons because everyone always spots a couple of raccoons in the warehouse during the festival. so chickens and raccoons, disco partying, whatever, it all goes together as long as everyone's having fun. >> all right. the disco chickens are going to be out here in september. all right. finally here. what? what do people need to know about ticket sales? they go on sale later this week. >> yes. register on at portola music, if you purchase tickets for the first or second year, you will have first shot on thursday. everyone else will be able to purchase on friday. and, it should be a great show. so we hope to see you out there. >> sounds sounds like a lot of
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fun. it's coming up on saturday and sunday, september 28th and 29th out at pier 80 in san francisco. right by the cranes. appreciate you coming on danny bell from goldenvoice. good to see you. thank you. >> sure appreciate it. >> yep. fun fact i'm a big fan of rufus de soul. there you go. i would love to go, okay. day one for oakland's new police chief, floyd mitchell. his first objective as head of the police department. coming up rig
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souls who have lost their lives while serving their community. marin county sheriff's office held a flag raising ceremony as part of services to mark the annual peace officers memorial week. members of the sheriff's office were joined by partner agencies from all across the county. today marks the start of national police week, a time of remembrance for those who have died in the line of duty. >> chief floyd mitchell is now officially in charge as oakland's new police chief. the search for a replacement spanned more than a year. >> our james torres brings us the latest now on the new chief's familiar focus, which is to immediately reduce crime in oakland. >> the new police chief, floyd mitchell, is coming to oakland after serving as chief of police in lubbock, texas. he brings with him more than 30 years of law enforcement experience. >> i just wanted to take a moment to say, welcome to my first day as an oakland police chief. >> monday is the first look at floyd mitchell as oakland's police chief. for weeks, he's been meeting with opd leaders to
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learn about the department and its programs. he spoke to the next class of police recruits waiting for their day in academy. >> i've been in this profession probably longer than most of you have been alive. >> chief mitchell replaces former chief lauren armstrong, fired last year after the mayor's office flagged issues of handling cases of misconduct. an independent investigation cleared armstrong of any wrongdoing, but mayor tao said his attitude during the investigation made her less confident he could handle the job. chief mitchell takes over the agency at a time where public safety is oakland's number one priority. >> i've spent the last few days attending some lineups to meet my officers. i'm going to spend the rest of this week attending different meetings to get brought up to speed on several different things going on within the oakland police department and within this community. >> robberies continue to be on the rise. >> my boyfriend's car just got broken into last week. >> however, this could be a turning point for the city. the
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mayor's office reporting homicides, assaults and burglaries are down in oakland, and over the weekend, 12 new police officers were welcomed into the department. after graduating from the academy, a total now of 716 officers more than 70 on medical leave. the department is now considered fully staffed. one man says hiring a chief at a town might be a challenge. >> you're going on paperwork. you're going on what somebody then told you or passing on to you. but if you were down here in the roots with the other, with the people, you would know the peoples. and so you know how everybody to respond. >> the police department is still working on finalizing a date for the chief's public swearing in. >> thank you for having me as your police chief, and i look forward to seeing you in person. >> reporting in oakland. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> the city of san francisco says it's taking robust measures to guard against disinformation ahead of the november election, but more may need to be done. san francisco supervisor dean preston called a hearing on ai
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generated disinformation. the city said it coordinates with the california secretary of state and its office of election cybersecurity. throughout the election cycle, and reports any false election related material to the state office and the fbi. city officials say new tools may be needed to identify deceptive content. >> working with the department of technology to make sure, as a city, we have the tools to actually identify the ai. if we're going to have a law that's triggered by ai, something being ai generated, we need to be able to prove it, to identify it and prove it. otherwise, we won't be able to investigate and effectively enforce if we can't actually know when we're looking at it. >> the city says it has many measures to safeguard elections. they say the voting system is not connected to the internet system. software is reinstalled and tested before every election, and manual tallies are taken after the election to compare against the results. >> yountville, known for its small town charm, is getting
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ready for a big rush of art and wine lovers. yep, this saturday is the always enjoyable art. sip and stroll. stay with us. i'm going to talk live with an organizer about what they have on tap for this year's event, and also give you a sneak peek of some of the artists who will be right there on hand. >> and the weather looking nice in napa for the weekend. i'll have a sneak peek of that and what we can expect for tomorrow,
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all right. that's just a taste of what you can expect. coming up this saturday in yountville, the town right there in the heart of the napa valley, is hosting its 12th annual art sip and stroll event. and joining me now live this afternoon is rhonda schirr yountville arts commission chair. thank you so much, rhonda, for joining me today. saturday day is quickly approaching. describe this celebration of art, wine and so much more. >> well, it's the biggest art event in napa valley and we are so excited to share it with all of your viewers today, we have
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65 fabulous artists, artists. we have painters, we have photographers, we have, jewelers, ceramic artists, as many as you can think of very high quality, as well as a gallery show, our events artists, chris cammarata, bold and beautiful in our, in our art gallery. that's actually a part of the community center complex. the event this year is centered in the middle of yountville, divided only by washington street, which is our main street in town. and we look forward to having everyone in. additionally, if you just want to come and enjoy the art and meet the artists and pick up something wonderful for yourself, you're welcome to park. it's very easy to get to, if you want to taste from one of
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our 16 fabulous wineries that have joined us this year, then we have a tasting package that's available for purchase. you get a vino glass, you get tasting tokens and you get a free 2024 art sip and stroll poster signed by artist chris cammarata. >> yeah, that's a that's a great that's a great package and a great option for a lot of people. rhonda, i want to talk about these 65 amazing, amazing artists that are on board this year. i mean, as you mentioned, all different types, different mediums, different styles. you have painter vania mcmillan, who was who has participated for several years. she raves about the event. we're giving viewers now at home a look at some of her work. she says that it's really important to her as an artist because she can talk to directly to people, answer their questions and share the inspiration behind her paintings. i mean, as we all know, rhonda art is often intensely personal, and she says, that's what makes it so unique, and that's what makes
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this event special, because people get to meet the inspiring creatives behind the various artworks. >> it's true. heather and you picked one of my favorites varieties, she paints in either acrylic or oil painting, and the artist says, you say they they love being with the people who come and people come to enjoy the art to make a purchase. the artists are always happy. at the end of the day. so thank you. yes, thank you for mentioning her and then you also mentioned chris cammarata, which if you're in the napa valley, you know him. >> he is a staple there. he designed as you mentioned, the commemorative poster for this year's event. here it is. it features that wine glass swirled with a splash of color, nestled among paints and a brush, obviously evident of an artist at work camerata's work bold and beautiful. he describes saturday as not only a fabulous art show, but a great party, and rhonda art sip and stroll really helps to support the many programs and events that you at yountville
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arts offer throughout the year. >> yes it does. we're a busy group. we love serving the, community, we have we take care of the arts art walk, which of course most people see or everybody sees when they come into town. we have our own gallery. we have literary, subcommittees. so we bring a lot of, of art events to the community. napa valley, bay area . so yes. >> yeah, it's really great. and i love the fact that you highlight local artists, we can't forget the wine. so talk a little bit about some of the great tasting rooms and wineries that are participating on saturday. >> well, from yountville we have , hill family. we have, jessup cellars, we have hope and grace and we also have nearby wineries. we have hoops, we have hall wines, we have the new
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robert mondavi winery wines, some of the most prestigious names, cliff lady is also a yountville, winery, if you think about coming up to napa valley, where else could you taste all these wonderful wines in 2 or 3 hour, four hour period of time for $40? it's really it's really exceptional. and enjoy art in the meantime. >> exactly. and the beautiful little town there of yountville. so tickets are still available for folks at home who are interested. we've got the details now that we can put up on the screen. it is this saturday from 11 to 5. as i mentioned, tickets are still available. grab them and you can sip and stroll right there through beautiful yountville. ronda, really appreciate you coming on the show and thanks again for what you do and highlighting the arts, especially those of local artists right here in the bay area. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> all right. yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun up in the napa valley coming up this weekend.
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hopefully some some beautiful weather for folks who are headed out to yountville. and this is a live look in the east bay at mount diablo. we have the clear skies here, but a lot of folks started off with a lot of that may gray, as they like to call it, and the temperatures rosemary, you know, i could use them if i'm being honest. i could use them just a little bit warmer here. i like what we had last week. we had that nice little warm up, but anything like that in store for us this week, we're going to kind of hold on to this pattern, alex, where we have the morning sounds like a no, the afternoon sun, no, not for now. >> but we know the heat will be back eventually, right outside our doors at this time. a little bit of a sea breeze out there. and yeah, temperatures fell off by at least a few degrees. this afternoon. a live look here over the bay where we've got some blue sky out there. and now onto storm tracker two, where this ridge remains parked over the west and will creep our direction over the next few days. we've got a low right off our coastline here, and that's what's helping to provide us with the localized sea breeze, the patchy drizzle and the fog. as we get into the overnight
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hours and early morning hours. also pointing out that the sierra south of highway 50 firing off with thunderstorms this afternoon due to the instability there. the future cast here you can see the ridge back in here you can also see the lows right off the coastline as we transition into the next few days, the ridge will become a little bit stronger over the west as high pressure amplifies in our direction as well. so that is going to bring up our temperatures. although we're not seeing a robust warm up, it looks very subtle 57 degrees right now in san francisco we have the giants playing later today, taking on the dodgers going to be cool and breezy for you there at oracle park 73 right now in walnut creek and in the north bay upper 60 for tomorrow morning. temperatures ranging from upper 40s to low 50s for most of us areas right around antioch and brentwood starting out in the mid 50s. so a cool start, but not too bad. a little bit of a chill in the air for some of our inland north bay locations. with the upper 40s to start the day and then into the afternoon. we are going to be
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above average, especially inland 82 for tomorrow in santa rosa, 84 in livermore for san francisco, coming in at 65, oakland looking at 70 for tomorrow afternoon. redwood city, 76 expected for you into the day. and then for our inner east bay. those are where we're going to see the warmer temps. 85 for antioch. your extended forecast here. notice temperatures coming up slightly for tomorrow, so maybe a tad warmer wednesday. holding steady on thursday with little change expected on friday. temperatures ranging from low 60s at the coast, low 70 around the bay, low to mid 80s inland. so take your pick how you like your weather. you do have this going into the weekend. temperatures expected to drop ever so slightly. low 60s at the coast, 70 around the bay and low 80s inland. back to you. >> all right, rosemary, thank you. much more news headed your way this afternoon on the four. but up next, right now, i should say you don't even have to wait. we'll check on the roads around the bay area. and here is a look
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at conditions on the san mateo bridge. you can see it's pretty stacked up as you head eastbound across the span this afternoon. >> it certainly is. okay. also coming up in just a few minutes at 5:00, cracking down on muni riders who aren't paying their fair share. how san francisco's transit agency plans to address the growing problem of fare evasion. also coming up at five. >> why is this station so crowded in the middle of the day? well, same gas , less price. (♪)
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everyone meet new route, which means the light in swahili. by the way, that was my favorite of the name options. just last week, oakland zoo welcomed a 13 month old baby giraffe from the audubon nature institute in louisiana. in fact, we introduced you to him. or we talked about the giraffe here on the for last week, but he didn't yet have a name. so the zoo decided to ask for some help on social media. the move was recommended by the association of zoos and aquariums as part of its species survival plan. the zoo says that nuru is very adventurous and is quickly adjusting to his new home and heard. >> all right, welcome, nuru. i like it. a mama duck and her 14 newborn ducklings found themselves in a tough situation on mother's day here. it happened at the james lemos swim center in benicia. the parade of ducklings couldn't get out of the pool despite mom's attempts to teach them how to do it. just
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hop right out. after a few tries, a lifeguard tells us some swimmers were able to help round up the ducklings and put them into a bucket as mom looked on, everyone eventually made their way out of that pool and, speaking of birds, our family of baby falcons over at uc berkeley , they're growing up so fast. here is a live look at the nest right now at the top of the berkeley campanile. the chicks are three weeks old and this thursday they're set to be fitted with bands that researchers can use to track them. after that happens, voting will begin on what to name these four new chicks. and in honor of mother's day, cal falcons posted this tribute to the chicks ever devoted falcon mom annie on their instagram page. a nice bouquet of pigeons here. this is annie's first year ever with four chicks, so she and her current mate archie have been extra busy keeping everyone fed this spring. >> well, it was like a disney movie come to life on the oregon coast. want you to take a look now. a rabbit and a fawn. we're
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getting to know each other in a viral tiktok video, you can see the deer touching its hoof right on the deck and the rabbit, well, just hopping around. they started touching noses. it was so sweet. and at one point the deer was seen licking the bunny's face. viewers online couldn't help but compare the two to bambi and thumper. of course, from the disney movie. it's so sweet. i could watch this all day. it's so cute. okay, the most famous groundhog in the world. at least reliable weather and least reliable weather forecaster here just became a dad. punxsutawney phil and his partner phyllis are now proud parents with two new kids. this spring, the punxsutawney crowned groundhog club made the announcement on sunday yesterday, by way of a poem. >> welcome with us as we say hello to little girl sunny and a boy shadow with pride and joy as the kids play from punxsutawney. happy mother's day!
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>> well, that was cute too. although the kids have been born into the groundhog royal family, his handlers made it clear that sunny and shadow will not be stealing dad's thunder any time soon. as they put it. quote. they're still only one punxsutawney phil. >> yeah, absolutely. all right, well, congratulations to the punxsutawney phil family in our ktvu idea of the day, we asked image generator midjourney to imagine punxsutawney phil with his offspring, showing them the ropes of ushering in spring. and here is what it came back with here. that's a that's a cute photo, right? >> that was a really cute segment there. >> image. >> what's that? >> that was a cute segment with all of lots of animals you like. >> you ant to
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a key bridge leading to the collapse of that span. crews today demolished a key portion of the structure, as fox's jared halperin tells us, the coast guard now estimates the port's permanent channel could reopen later on this month. >> crews in baltimore using controlled explosions to break a part of a massive portion of the collapsed francis scott key bridge on monday. the 500 foot long span sits on top of a cargo ship that crashed into a support column in march, killing six, construction workers. the
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vessel's 21 member crew remains on board during demolition. >> they are necessary to keep the ship safe and operational if something were to happen. they are the in the best place to actually fight a fire on board the ship. >> the port of baltimore has been closed to most maritime traffic since the accident. coast guard officials say after demolition, they plan to refloat and remove the cargo ship in about two days, with the goal of fully reopening the port's permanent channel by the end of the month. >> there were some who, when we were here weeks ago, looked at the complexity of this operation and said this is going to take months. we've been able to get it done in a matter of weeks. >> and in the weeks after the bridge collapsed, the federal government approved $60 million in emergency funding. but there are still questions about who should pay for rebuilding efforts. last month, a group of lawmakers unveiled legislation to make sure maryland taxpayers are not on the hook for some of
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the construction costs, those responsible and those insurance claims will help to make sure the federal taxpayer gets the relief from those responsible. the house committee on transportation and infrastructure holds a hearing wednesday about the response to the collapse in washington. jared halperin, ktvu, fox two news, ktvu, fox two news at five starts now. >> now at five. convicted of a chilling crime. the family of rachel buckner, emotional as her boyfriend, is found guilty of murdering her and dismembering her body. >> the trauma still with me, but today i can breathe a little bit easier. and that's with this verdict means today's verdict comes nearly ten months after her remains were found, along the shoreline of alameda. >> good evening. i'm julie julie haener, and i'm mike mibach. >> tonight, closure for the family of 27 year old rachel buckner of pleasanton and alameda county. >> jury finding 43 year old
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joseph roberts guilty of second degree murder. >> our crime reporter henry lee was in the courtroom when that verdict was read. he joins us now after talking with the victim's family and the district attorney. >> henry, mike and julie, the victim had a rocky relationship with a man now convicted of killing her. they say police in pleasanton failed to take action before she died. >> today means that i can breathe a little bit easier, but i know it's not over. >> as jamila buckner is filled with a mix of emotion. on monday in alameda county, jury convicted joseph roberts of second degree murder for killing her daughter rachel elizabeth and monty buckner. authorities say roberts killed his 27 year old girlfriend in their pleasanton apartment. her remains washed up on the alameda shoreline near the bay farm island bridge on july 20th. she was wrapped in tape and her head, hands and feet were missing. >> what today's verdict means for me is that i don't have to look over my shoulder for right now. i've lived in au


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