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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  May 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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then right before the half knocks down the three pointer. clark finished with 20 points. but she also had ten turnovers and it came in a loss. she did get some encouragement from last year's number one overall pick aliyah boston suns beat the fever 92 to 71. lots of interest in that game tonight. she'll find it. >> she will too. >> good not to. >> all right jason thank you. next at 11, just all of a sudden i get called by my insurance agent saying, oh, state farm is dropping you. >> so i was very upset, outraged tonight in santa cruz county tonight, hundreds attending a meeting after many people were dropped from their home insurance policies out the 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts now. major insurance companies dropping california home policies. and tonight fear in scotts valley, where wildfires are a big risk. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> some homeowners said tonight new, more expensive policies are
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like adding another mortgage. new tonight. ktvu bailey o'carroll has some advice now from officials. >> they say they have your back until stuff happens and then now they're out the door. >> it's a sentiment we heard over and over tonight. residents in the santa cruz mountains left confused and unsure how to find new coverage. how many of you have been dropped or non-renewed by your insurance company, so guess what? you're not alone. >> according to an independent insurance agent at the meeting, none of the major insurance companies are issuing new homeowners policies in scotts valley, the average price of insuring a new home would be two and a half to three and a half times more than just five years ago. in that new price could be comparable to a second mortgage for some. >> my insurance has been canceled, it will be canceled in august, and i've been told i can only go onto the cal fare plan and then get supplemental. and given what i've heard, i expect that insurance to probably
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triple. so up to maybe 15 k just for the fire tonight. >> hundreds who've been affected demanded answers from public officials. >> what do i do if i've been non-renewed for homeowner's coverage? the answer get out there and start shopping for coverage. there are a lot of, let's say, more obscure insurers that you may not have heard of. you really have to search the entire market. that means contacting multiple agents before you give up and settle for a fair plan. >> the ultimate fear that the rise in cost of insurance would drive people out of the area. >> a lot of people have left or are trying to sell their houses now to get out, because they don't know what's coming. >> the california department of insurance was on the panel tonight, but would not speak to the media when we asked them for an interview for this story in scotts valley. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news, new at 11, san francisco supervisor asha sapphire introduced a new resolution today to urgently restore
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millions of dollars to the department of children, youth and family. >> sapphire says she wants mayor london breed to restore $25 million in funds that were cut from the agency and accuses breed of prioritizing bringing pandas to the city from china over programs for children and families. sapphire is running against breed for mayor. sapphire released a statement reading in part, if we can rally a fund, if we can rally to fund a home for pandas, then we can certainly unite to fund the essential programs our youth rely on. we need a budget that shows we care equally about all parts of our community, from our beloved pandas to our precious children. breed has said she plans to raise the $25 million for the pandas through donations . >> tonight. the alameda county board of supervisors voted to hold the recall election of district attorney pamela price on november 5th. supervisors considered two options. a special election this summer would have cost 15 to $20 million. combining the recall with the november election will cost about $4 million, and members of the public did
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address the board at the meeting tonight. >> we can't afford to hold a special recall election that will cause taxpayers $20 million at a time of the budget deficit that we are going through right now, supervisors, please do the right thing and set a special election earlier rather than later. >> the district attorney is scheduled to hold a news conference tomorrow morning, 10:00, to discuss the board's decision and her path moving forward. >> new at 11 tonight, the sonoma county board of supervisors voted to strengthen penalties for banned cannabis operations in unincorporated areas. the new rules now align with state law. the penalties include $1,000 fines for each plant over the personal cultivation limit. the amended ordinance is scheduled for a second reading on june 4th. if it gets final approval, it will take effect in july. >> san jose city council is calling for new regulations when
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it comes to tobacco shops. peter ortiz says young people are able to access dangerous and even illegal items that vape and smoke shops, including cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms. the memo, approved by the council, puts a moratorium on conditional use permits for tobacco shops, and it directs city staff to create a program to better enforce illegal activity. >> new legislation in san francisco is looking to require pharmacies to stock a medication used for treating opioid use disorder, supervisor matt dorsey and the department of public health introduced that measure. today. they say it would make it easier for people to access buprenorphine. that medication is used to reduce opioid use and cravings. a study by the health department this year found fewer than half of the retail pharmacies in the city had that drug in stock. >> new tonight dozens packed a city meeting in half moon bay as the planning commission there met for the third time to discuss a new housing development for senior farm workers. this comes as governor newsom recently called on this commission to approve the plan
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after weeks of delay. as ktvu lamonica peters reports, there are mixed feelings in the community. >> dozens of people attended tuesday night's planning commission meeting in half moon bay. >> we have an obligation to put the city on the best legal footing and make sure that we follow the law, as the governor has asked us, the commission has to decide if it will approve a 40 unit senior housing project for farm workers. >> last week, governor newsom urged the commission to move forward with the project. >> it's a civic necessity for everybody in the coast. we don't have too much housing so that we are. that's why we are, here. >> farm worker advocacy group alice and mercy housing say they've been working on the project for over two years. if approved by the commission and the city, it will be located downtown at 555 kelly avenue. but the proposed size of the housing project, loss of parking
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and added congestion is a concern for some people. >> we have way too much going on down here. we have schools, churches, boys and girls club down here. it's just not the right space for that. >> everybody has a car. this is a car dependent community and they're going to have to drive around looking for a parking. >> the planning commission says its meetings are held to gather important information, and the time it takes is simply a part of the approval process. >> well, there's always reasons not to build something somewhere. people will always find that reason. but we really have to look at who we're building this for. the most vulnerable are senior farm workers that have dedicated their lives and their physical health to us. so honestly, how can we say no? >> the planning commission made a motion to extend this meeting until midnight. the state's housing accountability unit also says that it will hold half moon bay accountable if they don't move forward with the project, as the law requires. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news.
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>> more bay area workers are becoming victims of wage theft. a study by the workplace justice lab by rutgers university found that minimum wage violations have more than doubled in san francisco, san jose, los angeles and san diego in the past ten years. the violation rate is the worst for household workers, including nannies and house cleaners. food services and personal care industries also have high wage theft rates. researchers estimate that affected workers lose an average of $4,000 a year in tonight's west coast rap, weeks after a pro-palestine protest took off on university campuses. >> how much? one school will have to spend to repair damage done by the demonstrators? >> and here in the bay area, the school that's made an agreement with the protesters who camped out against the war in gaza. >> also, more layoffs hitting tesla. the number of workers here in the b
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around 530 this evening in galt you can see the aftermath in front of a pickup truck smashed right into the galt joint union school district bus and knocked over a stop sign. police say 15 middle school students were on the bus when this crash happened , but no one was injured. chp took the truck driver into custody on suspicion of driving under the influence. >> a water rights settlement with three native american tribes is moving forward the navajo, hopi and the san juan
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southern paiute tribes are hoping to quickly close the deal with the state of arizona and the federal government. the tribes are seeking water from the colorado river and other aquifers on tribal lands in northeastern arizona. they're also asking for more than $5 billion in funding, including a water pipeline from lake powell and in the state of oregon. >> portland state university expects it's going to cost around $750,000 to repair damage caused by recent protests, school officials say. protesters who occupied the library for days caused damage to all five floors of the building, including the roof and basement. the rough estimate for repairs does not include costs to replace damaged furniture, computers or tvs. dozens of demonstrators involved in recent protests were arrested on campus earlier in the month, and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weekday right here on ktvu. west coast rap with alex savage airs 7:00 monday through friday, or you can find round the clock coverage at west coast new at 11 pro-palestine protesters at san francisco
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state university say they've actually reached an agreement with university officials. >> today, the students for gaza group says the university has committed to divesting from weapons manufacturers and creating a workforce that will develop new screenings for future investments. and on uc berkeley's campus, pro-palestinian protesters began dismantling their encampment earlier this evening. demonstrators were seen putting away their gear, a uc berkeley spokesperson said. the university will meet with protesters and listen to their concerns if those encampments come down. but tonight, student encampment organizers said they are not backing down. instead, they are moving their demonstration now to uc merced, where the uc board of regents will meet tomorrow. and protesters gathered outside shoreline at the amphitheater there in mountain view today, where google is holding its annual developers conference. >> we want freedom, we say how some of the protesters blocked the main entrance and delayed access for some conference attendees. >> there at shoreline
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amphitheater, the protesters are demanding google divest from israel and end its contract. israeli government and military. they also say they're against providing ai and cloud technology to israel. there is nothing that would bar the israeli government from using these cloud services. this protest took place after a protest last month led to 50 google employees being fired. today's protests remain peaceful. still ahead tonight, efforts to revitalize san francisco could soon appear on the november ballot. >> a look at the measure introduced today by mayor breed also. >> the oakland ballers season starts in just one week, where fans can watch the team's very first game. >> and we're looking at the weather. there's a bunch of fog. there was this morning. two there will be again tomorrow morning. how's that play for afternoon high tempe tures on dnday?
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the company submitted 600 layoffs to the state employment development department. they are for the company's locations in fremont and palo alto. tesla has laid off about 10% recently of the company's workforce. >> the self-driving car company waymo has largely avoided scrutiny from federal regulators until now. the national highway traffic safety administration has opened an investigation into 22 reported incidents of crashes and traffic violations involving a waymo vehicle. no one was hurt in any of the incidents. waymo, which is based in mountain view, says it will cooperate with the investigation. the company has been operating robo taxis in arizona and here in california, in san francisco and los angeles , and it now has plans to expand to the peninsula and south bay
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this summer. >> voters in san francisco could be asked to approve a $390 million bond measure to help revitalize the city. mayor london breed introduced the measure today, backed by six supervisors. the funding falls into four main categories. they include public health facilities such as zuckerberg, san francisco general shelter and housing for homeless families, street safety and road repaving. also public space and park improvements. now, if approved by the board, the measure would go onto the november ballot. >> all right, well, a nice day around the bay area today, but a little change might be on the way. let's check in with our chief meteorologist, bill martin for the latest on that. so it's going to cool down. >> yeah it's going to cool down and then warm up. just a touch. it's just these subtle changes julie, that are going to be with us pretty much all all this week. so as we go into the next couple of days, be prepared for more of these. these were the highs from today. the highs tomorrow will be just like these. maybe a degree or two warmer. there's much fog out there right now and it's going to do what it did this morning.
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that means push its way into most likely your neighborhood. i think all nine bay area counties are going to have some cloud cover tomorrow morning like we did this morning. it'll burn off quickly inland, but the fog is up. well up over. this is looks like what is fog? but the main deck is up around 1800 feet. so that's just motoring through the san bruno gap, up over the marin headlands, up into santa cruz mountains. and it's going to be in your neighborhood tomorrow morning, which starts you off cool. there's the fog footprint for tomorrow morning. forecast model. and then you see it burns off pretty quickly by nine 10:00. most of the inland areas are clear, and then the coast stays cloudy and foggy all day. and then you see the characteristic classic bay area microclimates, the greens. it's like one, two, three, four, five, five, five microclimates from between here in sacramento, which is about right to some extent. and there's actually more than that. but this is the classic summer look that we have. and it's going to be with us really. right through friday. now, friday things change around with a weak system getting close to us and that system as it gets
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close to us. we'll take the marine layer and just push it all inland and keep it there. so partly cloudy conditions on saturday and sunday will lead to a cooler pattern. so tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon thursday morning. big push thursday afternoon. this is just repeating. friday morning a bigger push. and this is the beginning of that cooldown i mentioned. as this low pressure gets closer to us, clears back, but then clouds come in on saturday and sunday and keep us a little bit cooler. so when i say cooler, it's not going to be this warm. but temperatures on on on saturday sunday in the warm spots will be in the 70s in the mild spots. cool spots will be in the mid and upper 60s. so still a pleasant weather pattern , just not as warm. and you see that there on saturday and sunday. the hot spots upper 70s, especially in the north bay. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 6 or 5, six and ten and 11. >> we'll see you then, bill. thank you. san jose police are now investigating the killing of a man in a shooting at a homeless encampment. officers say that shooting happened at mclaughlin avenue and interstate
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280 at about 545 on thursday afternoon. when police arrived, the victim was not breathing. he was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead. the victim's name still has not been released and no arrests have been made. tonight. >> a mother and daughter devastated after their clothing store in oakland's rockridge neighborhood was broken into this morning. there are other store, also in oakland was burglarized on easter sunday. ktvu crime reporter henry lee has their story. >> it's sad. i feel like we are in a lawless city. >> it's happened yet again. shattered glass window repairs and heartache. >> this is our second break in. in a matter of less than two months, brenda taylor and her mother are frustrated and upset. >> their store, taylor j on college avenue in oakland's rockridge district, was broken into at about 630 tuesday morning. this after their other store at 24th and broadway in oakland was burglarized before dawn on easter sunday when this thief made off with $20,000 in
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merchandise. >> it's a lot. we're we're tired, you know, we love it here. and, you know, thankfully, the community supports us tremendously. but it's like how much support how much more support do we ask. for? >> on tuesday, this guy smashed the front door window with a crowbar as the alarm sounded. he helped himself to clothing including some menswear. he made two trips to a car parked out front. mother and daughter pride themselves on selling handmade designs to women of all lifestyles, sizes and body shapes. they worked hard to open two stores in oakland, where they've had to cope with crime. this grim message on a parking meter right outside their rockridge shop warning people about car break ins. this one two punch of burglaries at their shops almost too much to bear. >> please stop. we're a small business. it's a mother and daughter, my mom and i. >> the fact that we're just trying to be here and to thrive,
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but we all just seem to be trying to survive, her mother, taylor j, says the two men in the break-ins are different, and it's unclear if the same crew is responsible, but she feels they're being targeted. it's complete violation, for one. i mean, it's already really hard doing business in oakland because of all the theft, the break ins and the crime. people are just already really nervous and, just not comfortable coming outside, period. >> it's hard to sustain a comfortable lifestyle if someone is just coming in, taking, taking, taking from us. >> oakland police are investigating both incidents. anyone with information about either break-in is asked to give them a call in oakland. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> here's a look now at some of the stories trending tonight on ktvu. com one of our top stories two robbery suspects are in police custody following a chase and a crash into a building in san francisco. also, highway one through big sur will reopen on friday after it was damaged in last month's storms, and the state will soon make more than $3 billion available to help
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build behavioral health treatment facilities. you can find these stories and much more, all on >> going forward and prevailing and just going forward and not letting all the noise get to you, an exciting time for a bay area high school senior after he was accepted to more than 100 colleges, we now know where he's going in the fall. >> more on his inspiring story and journey to america five years ago. >> but first, here's a look now at tonight's sunset. the sky turned a beautiful orange while the fog rolled in over the bay. you're watching the 11:00 news on ktvu. we'll be right back
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after being accepted to 120 colleges and universities across the country, ktvu amber lee tells us where he's decided to attend in the fall. in the shashilal, with hard work and persistence, helms a tale of oakland hits the high notes with relative ease and he sings with joy. >> i feel very lucky that, i was well prepared and i had wonderful guidance counselors and parents that were supportive of this whole process. in here, there's acceptance letters. >> helms and his father show me a suitcase filled with 120 acceptance letters and scholarship offers from colleges. he applied to around the country, a feat since he immigrated to the united states from his homeland of uganda. just five years ago. his mother and younger brother are still there. he's now a graduating senior at head-royce, a private school in oakland with a 3.94 gpa. he tells me it was a challenge navigating the cultural differences between the
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two countries, taking it day by day, like, i had wonderful people around me, like my parents, and my grandparents that were helping me each step of the way. the 18 year old honed his singing skills performing on the streets of san francisco gives me a lot of confidence and everything that i've tried in all the different academic realms that i'm interested in. >> i definitely always come back to music and singing because that's that's sort of my safe haven. >> among the college acceptance letters he received was one from uc berkeley, and that's where helms decided to go. dad, a graduate of cal and now a tech entrepreneur, he says he did not influence his son's decision. i gave him an encouragement to follow his dreams, not not go to berkeley specifically. >> this is the gown. >> very, very exciting. this is the first time i'm opening it. >> actually, helms is preparing for his high school graduation at cal. he plans to major in music and minor in global studies. his advice to other
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young people keeping your head up and going forward and prevailing and just going forward and not letting all the noise get to you. helms is scheduled to graduate from high school on june 8th. after that, he plans to go to peru to perform, and by mid-august, he will start at cal in oakland. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news well, excitement among bay area sports fans today as the newest sports franchise unveiled a name and logo introducing the wnba golden state valkyries merchendise with the newly revealed team name and logo now available at chase center in san francisco. >> the image honors both san francisco and oakland, where the team will practice united by the bay bridge. a valkyrie is a female warrior in norse mythology and this brand is golden state's modern interpretation of valkyries strong, bold, and fierce. and the warriors gave a shout out for the bay area's newest sports
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team, golden state, posting pictures of kevon looney, trace jackson davis and coach steve kerr on x sporting some new valkyries gear. professional x-games skier and san francisco native eileen gu also joined in welcoming the new team name wnba fans. >> i'm beyond excited to welcome the golden state valkyries to the bay area. i can't wait for the 2025 season to watch the valkyries take the court at chase center. it's going to be so much fun! let's go valkyries! >> the valkyries are set to start playing in the wnba in the 2025 season at chase center. they are the first expansion team in the league since 2008, and you can stay up to date on everything related to the valkyries on our website. just head to ktvu .com. you can also download the fox local app. new at 11. >> the oakland ballers getting ready for their season opener. one week from today, the ballers will play the montana glacier range riders, but fans won't have to travel all the way to montana to cheer on the new
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team. the athletic club in oakland will host a watch party for the game, starting at 6:00 that night. the ballers will be here in oakland on june 4th for their home debut at raymond park. the team says tickets are selling fast, so if you want to go get in on the mix, get in on those tickets. >> go. all right. that is our report for tonight. thanks so much for joining us and watching the 11:00 news. our next newscast, mornings on two, beginning at 4 a.m. >> and don't forget to stream the latest news and weather on your smart tv anytime. all you have to do is download the fox local app to your tv. good night ever ne. good night everyone what's going on? i'm alex savage. welcome to another episode of like it or not, you know how the show works. we tackle some of life's most existential questions here. we pose issues to our panelists, and they tell us if they like it or not. great


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