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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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behind me. i want to move out of the way so you can see what's going on. as you can tell, they have set up different sorts of tents kind of out front, but also overtaken this building, this is the anna head complex here on uc berkeley's campus. they've been out here for a couple of hours. we've heard them cleaning up broken glass inside of that building. i talked to berkeley police. they estimate anywhere from 10 to 20 people may be inside of that building, which actually caught on fire years ago. the condition inside that building not great. according to them. they also have some couches set up out front here. and then we've also seen a number of times there's a skylight up on the roof, maybe a little hard to tell, covered by the tree in front of this house. but we've seen a number of people pop out of that skylight at times sitting on that roof. it looks to be about a three story building. and then when we did get on scene here to i want to mention we had different protesters come up and block our camera's lens with tarps. they came up and asked us to not record. of course, we are on
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public property on a public sidewalk, so we are able to record here now again, in a statement, though, i do want to get to the statement i almost forgot about uc berkeley said that they are considering this an active crime scene here at the anna head complex. they said today is the 55th anniversary of people's park in action. was first announced on platforms controlled by people's park activists. they are vandalizing an unsafe, boarded up, fire damaged building next to people's park. we have confirmed that the coalition with whom we reached out reached an understanding with yesterday, did not initiate today's actions. now, one other thing i do want to mention is when we got on the scene here, we saw probably 4 or 5 chp cars with their sirens on screaming up this block. about 10 or 15 minutes after that happened, another round screaming up this block. i asked uc berkeley if they are aware that police would be taking any action against the people inside or out front of this building. they say they would not share that information . mike and julie, we will send
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it back to you guys in studio. >> okay. and just to reiterate, bailey, this is a different group than the protesters who had set up encampments near sproul plaza. this group that's taking over this vacant building today near campus. do you see any police presence you mentioned you saw chp cars, but right outside, do you see any police officers or any activity? right there, monitoring or police? just staying back? >> yeah. we will actually justin here, my photog will whip this camera around. you can see there's a couple police officers. there are some private security. it's the same private security. that's if you've been in the berkeley area. there's surround people's park all hours of the day. so we see some of those private security guards out here as well as just a couple uc berkeley police. and then actually right before we came on the air, we saw a couple uc berkeley police and berkeley police drive by as well. so you can tell that they are certainly monitoring the scene out here. and of course, you can hear there's been a number of people driving by honking as well, showing their support for these protesters. >> all right. an active scene
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there in berkeley. we will continue to monitor what happens. bailey. thank you. >> student protesters at san francisco state university reached an agreement with the school's president and are now beginning to dismantle their encampment. ktvu christien kafton live tonight at sf state and christian student leaders. though they're not done here. they're telling you they want more from the school in the days and the weeks ahead. >> yeah, that's exactly what they're telling me, mike. but first, take a look around me. you can see what we've talked about. as you said, they're starting the work of dismantling this encampment. here you can see some of the bare patches in the grass where the tents have been for the last two weeks. here, student organizers tell me that the talks, though, are ongoing with the university president and say that the concessions are an important first step. >> our collaboration extended beyond our campus, encompassing other universities, community groups and our steadfast faculty who stood by us from the beginning. >> student organizers who've camped on the san francisco state university campus for two weeks say they've reached an agreement with the university's president. addressing three of the organizers for demands.
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protesters had been calling for the university to disclose the school's investment portfolio, divest from companies that fund war or support israel, and clarity on upcoming legislation that they say would curtail their rights to protest on campus. the only demand that we haven't currently met is declared declaring it a genocide, calling it what it is, which is still very important and something that we're going to continue to work on through the summer and into the fall. in a statement, san francisco state's president said there have been times when student activism has pushed for positive institutional change, and she said this is one of those times. the president saying in part, quote, students for gaza has pushed us to reflect on and commit to working with the sf state foundation to review and draft a revision to our existing environmental, social and governance investment policy statement. we will support the addition of a human rights based investment strategy, including divesting from direct investments in weapons manufacturers. the school is also pledged to create a website to clearly lay out the school's investment strategies and
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outline her concerns about any legislation that students say would abridge their rights to protest student organizers say this is just the beginning. >> so what we're working towards now that we've gotten this first, really important first step here at our campus, is organizing with students at all of the different csus to come together, go to the board of trustees meeting and make that change on a more systemic level. yeah, yeah. >> that's so sad. yeah. >> as we showed you before student organizer is already starting to dismantle the encampment here. they say that they're ending the day and night encampment on campus, but they say that they will be keeping a daytime presence here with some tents in the area to keep interested parties. they say informed. we're live in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, christian, thank you for that. in southern california right now, large numbers of law enforcement are staging on the uc irvine campus, where student protesters have refused to leave their gaza solidarity encampment. this is a live picture now from the uc
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irvine campus. you can see officers moving pallets there and throwing them into the grassy area. protesters on that campus, like others demanding that the university divest from companies with ties to israel and weapon manufacturers. again, it does appear that officers are starting to partially take down this encampment will continue to monitor the situation. if we get more information, of course we will bring it to you. by the way, tomorrow classes will be remote at uc irvine. >> okay, new at five. a stolen truck is tracked to oakland. the owner now calling out police after getting it back. >> the broken window, the alignment's off on the. i believe it's the rear tires. so they must hit a curb or something. >> a redwood city man says thieves stole and damaged his pickup tru in redwood city. he tracked it to oakland. then he went to the scene and says he waited for hours for police to show up. >> ktvu crime reporter henry lee live tonight at the redwood city police department with more on
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the story. henry >> yeah. the victim tells me redwood city police were responsive in every way, but that he spent hours in that east oakland neighborhood asking oakland police for help as he eyeballed his own stolen car. but no officer ever got there while he was there. >> i feel like the criminal justice system is failing in california, and it's this is a symptom of it. >> this auto theft victim is frustrated. video shows a dodge charger with three people inside pulling up to his redwood city home. at about two wednesday morning. they made a beeline to his custom made dodge ram pickup truck in the driveway. one guy drives away in his truck, maneuvering around the tesla that was meant to be a barrier. the victim, who doesn't want his name used, said he tracked a stolen truck to this cul de sac near 99th and plymouth in east oakland, and went there himself at 3:45 a.m, the same dodge charger that was in front of my house was parked across the street facing that car. >> they covered my vehicle with like a tarp, but they could only cover the front half of it so i could see the back of my truck and i knew it was my truck.
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>> he called oakland police several times, but was told no officers were available to respond. >> i'm telling them i could see the truck. i have a tracker. i can remote start it. i can turn the lights and they're saying too busy, don't care. >> he noticed people on the street looking at him and decided to head back to redwood city. there was guys coming out of the street and there were. >> it was like i could kind of tell it was about to get tense. >> he decided to call ktvu at about seven in the morning. we called oakland police and that seemed to speed things up. an hour later he got a call from redwood city police saying that oakland police had towed his car. the marine corps veteran says he never expected to be treated this way by a law enforcement. >> it wasn't until the news got involved and they're kicked into high gear. >> we were there as he went to the tow yard and picked up his truck. it wasn't all good news. >> i gave up like this many years of my life. for what? like that's the ultimate feeling. like, what was this all for? because i come back home, my truck gets stolen and they're going to do nothing about it. >> two weeks ago, he believes the same dodge charger had been casing his home that prompted
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him to install security cameras and use the tesla as a buffer. we spotted that same charger in east oakland on wednesday afternoon. the lineman off, and there they tore apart the whole driver's side, trying to look for the tracker. now he fears the thieves might come back a third time. >> only a matter of time till it happens again. and where is it going to be found next? what are they going to do? how long it's going to take for them to respond? >> so far, no word of any arrests, and the victim tells me he's probably going to install a kill switch so that his truck isn't taken again. live in redwood city. henry lee ktvu, fox two news, and any specific information from opd tonight about their specific response initially to that call. yeah, i did ask them about, hey, do you recommend that victims don't go to the scene and, you know, track their ipad or iphone or car? no word on that. also they all all they're saying is that the investigation is continuing. all right. >> henry lee live tonight in redwood city. henry. thank you. well voters in alameda county will decide this fall whether to recall district attorney pamela price. >> the board of supervisors voted late last night to hold the recall election at the same time as the general election on
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november 5th. those who want price removed from office were pushing for a summer date, but the board says a standalone special election would have cost the county as much as $20 million, compared to the $4 million price tag of holding it in november. >> the entire voter information guide has to be paid for by that one election, not shared by other jurisdictions. the printing of the ballot, you know , all of the postage costs. >> pamela price called the decision to hold the election in november, quote, a win for democracy. and she accused recall organizers of trying to overturn the will of the people. >> from the beginning. it's been an effort bank rolled by a handful of super rich real estate investors and tech executives. the platinum roots behind the scenes, propping up the faces out front, the people exercised their democratic right to elect a district attorney, and we won that election. as miss gist said, fair and square,
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with 53% of the vote. >> recall price was recall price recall price. >> last month, a state commission opened an investigation into alleged financial violations by a group backing the recall effort. recall organizers have denied any wrongdoing. >> the family of a man who died after being restrained by antioch police officers four years ago, has settled with the city today. the family of angelo quinto joined antioch's mayor to announce the $7.5 million settlement that quinto was a navy vet and, according to the lawsuit, was restrained face down for several minutes before he passed out. the 30 year old died three days later. his death has led to a number of changes in antioch, including the use of body worn cameras, a mental health crisis team and a police review commission. >> this is the end of the civil suit, but it's only really just the beginning of a lifetime of positive social change. so we are really grateful to, to have
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been able to honor angelo in this way. >> quinto's death also led to legislation banning the term excited delirium as a cause of death in california, for the term was often cited in cases involving police force. quinto's death later was ruled accidental. cruz has reached a multi-million dollar settlement with a woman who was struck and dragged by one of its robo taxis in san francisco last year, according to bloomberg. >> the exact amount of the settlement has not been made public, but it is believed to be between 8 to $12 million. in october. the cruise driverless car dragged the woman 20ft after she was hit by a different vehicle. the dmv suspended cruises driverless taxi license in san francisco after the company allegedly withheld crash video and lied to investigators. the company then stopped all of its driverless operations. >> does the fixed utility fee actually need fixing? still to come, the new proposal to protect low income households from being overcharged for power . >> also at 530, a new proposal
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to ban homeless encampments near creeks in santa clara county. why officials say those camps are dangerous for the environment. plus, the median price of a single family home in santa clara county has hit $2 million for the first time. >> so what's driving the surge? i'm mark sayer. i'll have that story just ahead. >> and we've got some fog out there to talk about. you can see it across the bay. but i'll tell you what. today, a lot like yesterday, maybe a degree or two cooler. that's the plan. the next few days it's easy. fluctuations in temperatures and a lot of fog back and forth. we'll time it all out or you af
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price of a single family home in santa clara county is now hit $2 million. ktvu is. mark sayer has more on what's driving the prices up. >> yeah, let's get some lights on. >> here in san jose's almaden valley is a house with an asking price just under the $2 million mark. let's take a look at the living room here. living room right here on the place square. >> footage is just over 2000. i think it's 2050ft!s. yeah, hardwood flooring right here. we really didn't have to touch up too much of the property itself. it's four bedrooms and two and a half baths built in 1965. >> and it has a pool. tony ramirez is the listing agent. >> what they liked is it was on the market. there's just nothing on the market right now. >> that's it. this house has been on the market for just five days at the open house last weekend, more than 40 groups came through here to take a look. and as of this moment, there are three serious offers on the table. all over the $1.949 million asking price. i mean, we're over 2.5 million
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people that live in santa clara county right now. >> there's only 755 active single family homes at a median price of $2 million. >> half the homes in the county are over that amount and half are under comparing with regional numbers from march, san mateo county checked in at $2.1 million, 1.7 million in san francisco and $1.4 million in alameda county. >> intimidating for sure. there's just so much competition out there that you just don't want to fall in love with anything too quickly. you just don't know. you know how it's going to go. >> stephanie hollman is in the process of purchasing a condo where the median sales price is also up, approaching $1.1 million. i wasn't going to get scared from it, but it certainly is intimidating, and the support of family and friends is a must because, you know, you have to change your lifestyle to prepare for something like this. >> and then the competition. it stresses you out. >> i don't see it as a milestone. we have 60% people in the bay area that can't afford a
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home to purchase here, perry says. >> unfortunately, she sees no easy fixes to the inventory problem. reporting from san jose mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. >> state lawmakers held a hearing in sacramento this afternoon on a bill to place limits on a controversial fixed rate utility charge. the state public utility commission approved the plan last week. it will add a $24 charge to most customers bills in exchange, pg and e will lower electricity prices by 5 to $0.07 per kilowatt hour. the money raised will be used for infrastructure and maintenance. supporters of the charge say it makes rates more fair and encourages the adoption of electric cars and appliances. but other experts told the utilities and energy committee the charge could unfairly impact lower income households. we're worried about some low income, middle income and apartment users. >> rates will actually not be helped and could even be higher. >> if approved, the bill would
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limit increases to the fixed charge to rate to the rate of inflation. it will require the cpuc to report on the impact of the charge by various metrics, and would then give the legislature the authority to adjust the rate based on that data. president biden and former president trump have agreed to hold two presidential debates, as fox's caroline shively reports that first debate it is very early on the political calendar. >> just six weeks from now. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. since then, he hadn't shown up for debate. >> things are getting spicy in the race for the white house. on wednesday, president biden challenged rival donald trump to meet him on the debate stage. >> we'll make my day, pal. i'll even do it twice, trump fired back within minutes, telling fox he'll meet his rival anywhere, any time, any place. >> president trump will be up there on that stage. he is ready. and the american people deserve this. >> the two men agreed to face
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off june 27th and september 10th, but the biden campaign wants several conditions to prevent a repeat of 2020 trash talking debates. >> the party doesn't say it. your party wants to go socialist. i beat bernie sanders. not by much, donald, and you don't know her. >> the debates would also bypass the commission on presidential debates. the traditional nonpartisan host and the first face off will take place weeks ahead of the conventions, when both men are set to become their party's official nominees. >> i think it's a very shrewd plan. it's far removed from an actual election day, so you can fix it if it goes badly. >> new york times polling released this week shows president biden trailing trump left off the stage long shot candidate and potential spoiler robert f kennedy jr, who captured 10% of that poll and is drawing support away from both men. if the debates were to run through the commission, kennedy would automatically be included if he reached the 15% polling threshold in washington. caroline shively, ktvu, fox two news a pretty nice day today. >> today, temperatures some a
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little warmer, some a little cooler than yesterday, some above average, some below average. so a little chart here shows you the average temperature for this time of year 74. in santa rosa and santa rosa was four degrees cooler at 7064. in san francisco they were four degrees cooler at 60. and then you go over to livermore, they're up a good six degrees. so temperatures kind of just depending all over the map. we've got a lot of fog along the coast, big deep marine layer that's just fluctuating left and right or well up and down. and that's what's happening. so tonight it goes up again. right. it's kind of down a little bit today but didn't go down as much as yesterday. so it creeps up. it gets thick tonight. the fog does a very aggressive inland push. and then as we get into friday and saturday that's when the real cooling occurs. and we are going to see a significant inland push of fog, especially on friday into saturday, which will lead to these cooler or milder temperatures right into the bay area weekend. so instead of 80s, we're going to be talking about upper 60s to mid 70s in parts of the bay area. maybe some of the warmer spots
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will make it to upper 70s, and then the central valley. those temperatures even in sacramento will be in the low 80s. so a nice looking week ahead, but just sort of so ho hum, not a lot going on. if you look at the microclimates, which we like to do this time of year because they come into play, you can see out in the afternoon, mid 60s across the berkeley, out by the berkeley marina, and then you're over the hill, you're in the mid 70s. then by the time you get out to livermore valley, mount diablo in those areas, you're just touching on 81, 82 degrees. that's out towards antioch. and out towards pittsburgh. so it's a good forecast. it's just not a lot of fluctuation or change. and when i come back, we'll we'll go looking for change. and the five day forecast after a decade, the final phase of sfo's harvey milk terminal will open june the 11th, a fully modernized and ready for the future. >> and coming up new at six. our coverage of asian american and pacific islander month continues with a visit to napa. the story of an asian american winemaker who is making inroads in the wine industry
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ktvu tom vacar received a preview and shows us what passengers will see come june 11th. >> the entire airport has been recreating itself for the last four decades and it's almost finished. the newest section is sure to be a passenger pleaser.
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terminal one renovation is now complete. a decade long rebirth of what was sfo's oldest terminal, now fully ready for the 21st century. everything is state of the art, designed to move passengers and their baggage through the security and baggage processes. 30% faster. >> this section essentially gives us a brand new ticket counter space for two airlines. it gives us five more security checkpoint lanes on their own dedicated mezzanine level. and then also we get two additional aircraft gates. >> the techno magic begins with high tech baggage, self check in far faster than traditional baggage check ins with no compromise of security. more tech wizardry at the security checkpoints. automated screening that's also 30% faster. also, no compromises. >> rather than having to take multiple tubs to put all of your belongings into it, you're going to use one large tray that has everything your carry on, your
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shoes, your belt. it all goes into a single tray. >> hand inspections will happen if carry on contents trip an array of high tech sensors. once through security, all the terminals are now interconnected so that folks can wander around during long layovers. early check ins or delays. >> it makes it easier for travelers to connect from one airline to another, even if those two different airlines are in different terminals, whether passengers are leaving or arriving, as long as they're behind the security gates, they can travel anywhere to any terminal in the airport without having to reclear security. >> that's a huge advantage for folks who want to take full advantage of all the airports many amenities. that includes airport wide museums, spas, yoga, dining and shopping. >> we've really invested a lot in things to do post security, things to do before you get on to your flight. >> as sfo celebrates the new terminal, it also celebrates its 97th birthday, june of 1927. tom
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vacar ktvu. fox two news. >> the goal is to prevent activities associated with encampments that degrade the environmental aspects along the waterways, protecting santa clara county creeks from homeless camps. >> up next, how south bay officials plan to enforce their new proposal. >> also from the white house to the bay area, the emotional tributes to police officers around the country who paid the ultimate price. >> and it is the trip of a lifetime for a bay area high school football team. why the spartans are getting a chance to go play a game this upcoming season in nd .
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irvine, where a large number of law enforcement deputies and officers are clearing out a pro-palestinian encampment after people there refused to leave. there were reports that protesters actually took over a campus building. you can see here in this live picture, deputies outside that building, walking around down below, you can see the encampment in the number of people there. according to our sister station in los angeles, law enforcement has officially declared an unlawful assembly, which means they could probably start making arrests. we don't have any word right now if anyone has been taken into custody. protesters there at irvine, like others across the country, demanding that the university divest from companies with ties to israel. we do know classes at irvine
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were canceled today due to the situation. students and staff also have been asked to go remote. starting tomorrow, we will continue to monitor the situation at uc irvine and of course bring you the latest as we get it into our newsroom. >> all right, and more developing news right now. this time it's happening in berkeley. protesters have taken over a vacant building owned by uc berkeley near campus. this comes one day after the pro-palestinian tent camp at uc berkeley broke up. the school has confirmed to ktvu that today's protest is not linked to that encampment. also, we want to let you know police are monitoring this developing situation as we will continue to do. if we get any new information, we will bring it to you. more top stories tonight at 530. not only is it an eyesore, but it's also a health and environmental risk. we're talking about homeless encampments along south bay waterways, and now the largest water provider in the south bay, wants an ordinance passed banning unhoused encampments
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along the waterways. >> ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary joins us live from san jose city hall with more details on this proposal. jesse, good evening to you, mike. >> julie, good evening to you. and if passed out of committee and then by the full council ordinance 24 would create water resource protection zones. unhoused residents found within those zones will be subject to fines and jail time. this for people who say they feel stuck by circumstance. ruben salas fight to find a place he can call his own is facing a possible inflection point. his current tent in this unhoused encampment near willow and leland streets in south central san jose, could soon be deemed illegal. >> there's a lot of places to go. we're i pretty much, i'll have to look for a place. >> officials with valley water saying they're pushing for a new city ordinance banning such encampments along the 295 miles of waterway under the district's
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control. >> this is really a matter of valley water doing what we have to do to protect the environment, mark bielski says. >> encampments such as this near the guadalupe river send garbage and contaminants into the water forces them to clear 1300 tons of contaminants. it also has a negative impact on life for nearby residents. >> if you're coming to look at one of our apartments and you get off the freeway, you drive by this scene here. i mean, you know, would you be that much? would you be more interested or less interested? >> the district's proposed ordinance 24 would establish protection zones along the waterways under its control. it would ban encampments, the dumping of trash, and establish penalties, $500 in fines and up to 30 days jail time for violators who return and reestablish encampments. >> it as our partners at valley water, push policies and approaches that clear the waterways and protect our watershed. there is a real risk
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of their efforts sending hundreds of homeless individuals out into the neighborhoods without a plan. >> we really get them into housing and get supportive services to wrap around them. that would be wonderful. i'd like to see the amount that that's going to cost. >> san jose mayor matt mehan has made helping the unhoused a central point in his upcoming budget message, with need outpacing housing stock and the legal landscape in peril of changing, residents such as ruben salas say they feel more pressure to be prepared to move sooner, not later. >> i usually don't take nothing. i just take my clothes. i leave my tent behind. i just take what i got on. >> unhoused residents are finding fewer places to live as the city is already removing encampments in favor of interim housing, advocates say long term permanent housing is the only thing that will work. the water proposal will go before the city's environmental creek cleanup committee. this friday would have to pass that committee, then pass the full council before it can come
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along. we're live outside san jose city hall this evening. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. mike julie back up to you. >> all right, jesse, thank you. >> new numbers are now giving us a sense of how many people are experiencing homelessness in alameda county. officials released the results today of a one day point in time count from january, which found overall, the number of homeless in alameda county dropped by 3% over the past two years. the results broken down by city a little bit more mixed here. oakland's homeless population reportedly grew by 9% since 2022, the largest jump in the county, whereas the city of berkeley saw the biggest drop at 21. >> the planning commission in half moon bay has approved a new housing development for senior farm workers. dozens of people attended last night's planning commission meeting, which went well past midnight. the proposal to build a 40 unit, low income apartment complex for senior farm workers in downtown half moon bay was prompted by last year's mass shooting at a mushroom farm, exposing the need for better housing. still, the
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project has divided the community. >> we have way too much going on down here. we have schools, churches, boys and girls club down here. it's just not the right space for that. >> well, there's always reasons not to build something somewhere. people will always find that reason, but we really have to look at who we're building this for the most vulnerable are senior farm workers that have dedicated their lives and their physical health to us. >> governor newsom threatened legal action if the protest did not move forward. the half moon bay city council still has to approve it. >> new at five, the women who were transferred transferred away from the federal prison in dublin say they're continuing to face retaliation. the prison was closed last month after a judge appointed a special master to oversee reforms. seven correctional officers, including the former warden, were sentenced for having illegal sexual contact with incarcerated women. more than 600 inmates were moved to other prisons assigned to halfway houses or even released. advocates say.
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one woman who was sent to a prison in west virginia described a frightening episode on a bus to the facility. the driver pulled over by the side of the road and the guard said, well, let's take care of this dublin problem right now. >> i went and got their rifles, and said, let's just shoot them all. and actually cocked the rifles. terrifying the women who really did believe that they were about to die. >> the bureau of prisons said they have forwarded the complaints to officials at the facilities. the bureau also said the safe and compassionate transition of the women from fci dublin is a top priority of the federal bureau of prisons. all right. still to come, niners fans can start making plans for this fall and winter coming up at 545 ktvu jason applebaum joins us in studio to break down the team's schedule that was just released. >> also ahead tonight, uc berkeley getting some literal payback over the pac 12 dissolve. how ucla will be
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contributing to the golden bears program. >> and a new report, shedding light on the cargo ship at the center of that deadly baltimore bridge collapse. what investigators say went wrong days before the disaster
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and all in a matter of days. federal officials were questioned by lawmakers today about the response to march's devastating collapse that killed six construction workers and shut down one of the largest shipping hubs on the east coast. now earlier this week, crews conducted a controlled demolition to break down the largest remaining span of the bridge, and now lawmakers are considering whether to grant president biden's request to cover the cost of the rebuild. this comes one day after the ntsb released a preliminary report on the disaster. investigators say the vessel was just three ship lanes away from the bridge when it suffered a pair of electrical failures, causing several pumps to stop working. and while the generator did activate, it was not configured to actually power the ship. the report also found the ship had experienced two blackouts a day before leaving port. investigators are now looking into whether the crew properly reported those outages. the lives of fallen law enforcement officers are being
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honored at ceremonies across the nation on this peace officers memorial day in washington, d.c, president biden addressed the families of the fallen at the national peace officers memorial service. >> i admire your courage and being here, and i hope you take comfort in the knowledge that their sacrifice will never be forgotten and that in his extended family of women and men assembled here today, they'll always be there for you. other police officers, they'll always be there for you. >> the names of 282 law enforcement officers added to the memorial. each name read aloud. oakland police officer twan lay was among them. he was shot and killed while responding to a burglary in progress last december, and the sonoma county sheriff's office honored its fallen during a national peace officers memorial day event in santa rosa. over its 174 year history, one sheriff and nine deputy sheriffs have died in the
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line of duty while serving that department. their names are etched in a stone monument in front of the sheriff's headquarters and the santa clara county sheriff's office honored fallen deputies and san jose police officers during its annual peace officer. peace officers memorial ceremony since 1862, seven santa clara deputies have been killed in the line of duty and since 1924, 13 san jose police officers have fallen family members of some of those who lost their lives attended the ceremony. >> up next, the nfl schedule is here. highlights from the 49ers big release, including some prime time marquee matchups
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released its upcoming schedule today. >> the 49ers will spend much of the season under the prime time spotlight and their super bowl rematch will air right here on ktvu. >> all right, jason appelbaum with us here in studio with a closer look at some of the big games. this has become a major it's a thing now. >> it's a thing. it's a made for tv event, right? the nfl churns out 24 over seven, 365 days a year. but the it is a big deal. and promptly at 5:00 today, the 40 niners and the rest of the nfl. but in the 49ers case, they dropped this video on social media to kind of hype it up a little bit. >> the 2024 schedule is finally here. i know just the right
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person to get me fired up for this upcoming season. >> we got the schedule released and looks like we're going to be playing a lot of tough teams this year. >> i don't really sound like that, do i? >> yeah, you kind of do. always get a kick out of steph sanchez, who does a great nick bosa personation and hosts a good 49ers podcast as well. the 40 niners are one of three teams, along with the cowboys and the jets. kind of perplexed there to have six games televised in prime time. as we take a look at some of the key games this season. for the first time since 1998, the niners opened the season against the new york jets and aaron rodgers, and they do it on monday night football. and then look at the stretch of games in october, beginning in seattle versus the rival seahawks on thursday night, october 10th, ten days later, it's a super bowl rematch on fox with the chiefs. and they are coming to levi's and then the following week, october 27th, the niners welcome in the dallas
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cowboys on sunday night, two more prime time games in december at the bills. also on saturday night or sunday night. and that is december 1st. and then week 17, december 30th. the detroit lions, they are back in town for an nfc championship game rematch in all, the 40 niners face eight teams that made the playoffs last season. so it's a pretty tough schedule. and now we only got to wait four months. that's the thing. like you get all hyped up and you're like, oh wait, okay. >> you know, you've been analyzing it though. >> you said there's a tough turn like, well, before they go to buffalo, you said buffalo december 1st, they have to go to lambeau. so to me that's, you know, a cold game, cold game. two great teams back to back on the road. do they stay out there in the midwest. do they come home so that you know that's a tough little stretch in there. >> and they've got a history of staying back east for those kind of east coast games. so we'll see what they do there. but i'm just fascinated. the jets are the one that surprised me because aaron rodgers because of
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aaron rodgers. but you know to have that many games on national tv by the way the 40 niners and the chiefs both favored in the afc and nfc to get back to the super bowl. so we'll see how that plays out. but that's going to be a big one. week seven here at levi's chiefs 49ers got it. >> all right jason thank you. speaking of football how about this. one of the bay area's most well-known high school football programs will play a midseason game in london. concord de lasalle football team found out about it today. they're going to be playing at the tottenham hotspur stadium against the nfl academy. that's a group of young recruits from more than a dozen countries. and while the opportunity is unique practice leading up to the game, it's not going to be any different. >> we'll work, to the best of our ability and we'll we'll try and be in, you know, great shape by the time we get there, adjust to the time change. it's, you know, there's going to be a lot of there's going to be a lot of challenges that accompany a trip like this. >> getting to see a team that's kind of interesting because a bunch of guys from a different country, but also, you know, going to other countries pretty insane. so that'll be cool. it'll be a great experience to go and spend a week with all my
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teammates and stuff. so we're really excited. >> all right. this trip is being paid for by nike. the game is scheduled for october 8th. >> i think we need to go cover that. why not? yeah, all right. the oakland ballers are hoping to include a bit of the town's sports history at their new baseball field in west oakland. the ballers have formally asked the coliseum joint powers authority for the right to buy about 5000 bleacher seats that were last used when the raiders played at the coliseum. those seats have just been sitting unused in the parking lot of the stadium since the team moved to las vegas. if that purchase is approved, the ballers would install them for next year's season. >> you know, jules, i am super impressed with mike's sports acumen, aren't you? >> he is talking about this guy. >> i just didn't think he. i mean, i'm impressed. like julie knows a lot about sports because of her. >> i love the niners. i love football. you know, you look for a little nuggets here and there. you know it. >> i'm. i'm not surprised i'm impressed i'm impressed. >> always impressed by that mikey okay. so i mean i don't know why i have no sports acumen. so. okay so here's the story with the fog. it's the
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marine layer is getting deeper. it's getting shallower. that's the plan all week. so it gets deeper tonight and fog goes inland gets shallower in the afternoon. fog goes away. get used to it. it's lasting really right through friday and saturday and mostly on friday. we're going to see a huge push of fog into these inland bay valleys. this is how the microclimate set up tomorrow bears looking at again. only because you get the we haven't had microclimates really when we always have them but they don't really show up until you get to this time of year. this sun angle and so on. so as we're looking at temperatures tomorrow , they could reach into the low 80s inland. don't see fog here, but there is fog out at the coast. it's a pretty deep marine layer. got up over a couple thousand feet last night. it'll get up over a couple thousand feet tonight, which i always say. these coastal hills average about 1000ft, maybe a little higher. but if you get up to 2000ft, that means that fog is just coming in over the top, unabated, unabated. so temperatures tomorrow in the morning will be cool. there's the fog footprint for tomorrow morning. that is aggressive. it's going to be even more aggressive. fog footprint as we go into friday morning. so
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there's the microclimates as well. you can see them set up 80 in fairfield, 85 in brentwood livermore 78. so the sea breeze penetrating inland. fog forecast for tomorrow morning. and then it comes back tomorrow night pretty quick. and then look at friday morning. poof. that bad boy just loads up. that's because there's a low up here. kind of chews up the fog. so it's a weaker system. it's not the high though. so the low comes in stretches this thing out maybe 2500ft. and then sometimes it stretches out enough. the fog just goes away. right. it just turns into cool air. if you can stretch it up over 3000ft or so. so and there's friday afternoon and evening and then a little bit of fog on saturday morning. so what's it all mean? well, i just kind of showed you that model. we're looking at the day to days as we get towards the weekend. and by the weekend that fog is so aggressively pushing inland that daytime highs will no longer look like these. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. daytime highs on friday into saturday will they'll look more like 60s and 70s in probably a good 4 or 5
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degrees. so these are subtle changes. but it's changed nonetheless. there's a five day forecast and you can see that you've got temperatures on saturday and sunday that are you know those are the hot spots. right. and then you might find an 80 if you work really hard. but for the most part, we're going to be in the upper 70s right through the weekend. nice weekend, foggy conditions, stay at the coast all weekend long. >> all right bill, thank you. happening now i want to take you back. a crackdown on pro-palestinian encampment at uc irvine. protesters there reportedly have taken over a campus building, and right now they are refusing to leave. these are live pictures from the campus. chp officers have been called in to clear out that site. we will have the very latest on this developing story coming up tonight at six. >> also at six more bay area ties to the war in gaza. a palestinian american family in san francisco expressing their heartbreak as the war drags on. >> it's almost like we haven't really had time to fully grieve because we're still kind of trying to explain to people what's going on and trying to
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>> president biden says fighting inflation remains his top economic priority. the cpi inflation report came in in line with expectations. now inflation came down slightly across the board. this is one month of inflation data. so folks are still feeling the cost of higher prices. now according to this latest report today people are paying about 19% more than the month president biden came into office. all food is up 21% compared to that same time frame. food at the grocery store up about the same energy costs up about 38% since january of 2021, and rent is up 21% since the month president biden took office. >> the response to the lehman crisis was a 4 trillion fiscal and monetary. the response to covid and the banking crisis this time around is 16 trillion, and inflation just doesn't normalize. after a $16 trillion fiscal and monetary response inside four years. >> now, in this report, rent and gas led to 70% of the inflation increase. fed chair jay powell
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says regardless of the inflation numbers, the federal reserve needs to see more. >> i would say my confidence in that is not as high as it was. having seen these readings in the in the first three months of the year. so we're just going to have to see where the where the inflation data fallout. >> powell says that we need to see more than one quarter's worth of inflation data to see if inflation is more persistent going forward. at the white house, edward lawrence fox business. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six tonight. >> more protests in berkeley over the war in gaza, just one day after demonstrators packed up their encampment on campus, other protesters break into a burned out, vacant building near campus that's owned by the university and spray paint messages over the windows. good evening everyone. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. we begin with developing news in berkeley. a new encampment was set up at a building near campus this afternoon. these are live pictures now from the scene. this is happening at channing
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and bowditch streets. uc berkeley says this demonstration is not linked to the pro-palestinian encampment at sproul plaza that was taken down voluntarily last night. this building is owned by uc berkeley and was used as offices, but it's been closed since a fire there in 2022. police and security officials are monitoring the situation. some of the sproul plaza protesters headed to uc merced, where uc regents are in the second day of a three day meeting on the campus. they're discussing uc investments and long term funding. the protesters are calling on the regents to divest in companies that provide support to israel. during the war in gaza. yesterday a university investment officer said that uc has about $32 billion in assets targeted for divestment. he said many of those investments are through stock index funds. uc officials have said they have no plans to divest. this is happening now. officials at uc irvine have issued a shelter in place to all students and staff


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