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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  May 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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berkeley says this demonstration is not linked to the pro-palestinian encampment at sproul plaza that was taken down voluntarily last night. this building is owned by uc berkeley and was used as offices, but it's been closed since a fire there in 2022. police and security officials are monitoring the situation. some of the sproul plaza protesters headed to uc merced, where uc regents are in the second day of a three day meeting on the campus. they're discussing uc investments and long term funding. the protesters are calling on the regents to divest in companies that provide support to israel. during the war in gaza. yesterday a university investment officer said that uc has about $32 billion in assets targeted for divestment. he said many of those investments are through stock index funds. uc officials have said they have no plans to divest. this is happening now. officials at uc irvine have issued a shelter in place to all students and staff after a
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pro-palestinian protest on campus, quote, escalated, law enforcement officers moved on to the irvine campus this afternoon . you're looking at live pictures now from the scene. officials say demonstrators have blocked the entrance to the physical sciences building. according to our sister station in la, law enforcement has declared an unlawful assembly. you can see all the police there. they are forming a line a thick line to hold the protesters back. and we have seen a few people being detained. also. we have seen the protesters shouting at the officers. but again, you're looking at live pictures right now of essentially a face off between protesters at uc irvine and law enforcement. we're going to continue to watch this developing situation when we get any new details, we will bring them to you and back here in the bay area, student protesters at san francisco state university say they have reached an agreement with the school's president on the issue of gaza. >> they started camping out on campus two weeks ago and say the agreement does address their concerns about the university's investments. in a statement, the
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school's president saying, quote, we will support the addition of a human rights based investment strategy, including divesting from direct investments in weapons manufacturers. student organizers say this is just the beginning. >> so what we're working towards now that we've gotten this first, really important first step here at our campus, is organizing with students at all of the different csus to come together, go to the board of trustees meeting and make that change on a more systemic level, student organizers have already started to dismantle the encampment, but they say they will continue to keep a daytime presence. >> a gaza war mural that was vandalized at least six times before was defaced yet again, this time with hateful and threatening anti-semitic remarks . people in san francisco's noe valley neighborhood said the mural was covered by swastikas and hate messages. the remarks have since been painted over. the mural was created by an artist five months ago as a reminder of the families who
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have been killed in gaza. >> today marks what palestinians call the nakba, which is arabic for catastrophe. it marks the start of the 1948 arab-israeli war. a demonstration was held today in the west bank. more than 700,000 palestinians were driven from cities and communities in palestine. in 1948 to create the state of israel. expulsions of jewish populations in arab countries also took place at that time. for many palestinians here in the bay area, seeing the civilian displacements and deaths from the current war is deeply personal, especially on the 76th anniversary of the nakba. new at six tonight, ktvu jana katsuyama spoke with one local high school student and her family and joins us now live with their story. gianna. >> julie i spoke with xana elkarra. she's a high school student in san francisco. just ten months ago. she was in gaza for the first time, spending a summer vacation with family north of rafah. now this teenager is struggling with the pain of losing people she loves.
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>> it was like i finally felt like i was at home. it was a feeling i've never felt before. >> it was just last summer. and xana says she was so excited, taking her first trip to see her family's ancestral home in gaza and meeting her relatives. >> i've met so much family and it was so nice because it was like they all knew me and it's just so many cousins, aunts, uncle memories captured in this 15 year old's photos of places. >> she's now gone. >> i have an uncle. he's been working his whole life to build this pharmacy from the floor up, and it kind of like it had just started going. i visited this summer. it was really nice. and it's all it's all destroyed. >> xana is a student at san francisco's lowell high school and says before school, every day she checks her phone. >> every day i wake up like not knowing what's going to happen or who's alive. over 100 people in our family have been killed, i don't know what that is. now
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as news reports tally, palestinian deaths in the tens of thousands, according to gaza officials, the pain here is personal. it's hard, but i feel like speaking for myself, and i feel like a lot of other palestinians i know, it's almost like we haven't really had time to fully grieve, because we're still kind of trying to explain to people what's going on and trying to spread awareness and trying to get it to stop, because as we're grieving, more and more things continue to happen. >> heartache like nothing this 15 year old ever faced before. >> i'm shutting off that part of my brain because my focus right now is spreading awareness and kind of letting people know what's happening before i let myself kind of feel and yeah, and, i think the youngest person in our family that was killed was four months old, like a baby. >> xana's mother, doctor manal akhara, says relatives are now refugees. >> they were all forced to flee
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and all of them have lost their homes. we don't know of a single family member that has a house left. >> xana says what breaks her heart the most is remembering all of the dreams that her young cousins were sharing with her last summer of going to college someday, having their future. and as she's trying to finish up her own school year, she says that it's hard to stop thinking about the war. mike and julie, because every day she feels like she can't turn off the television. she can't turn off the phone. she's just thinking about her family. yeah. >> very personal story of pain. jenna. thank you. >> thank you. jenna. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is fighting off international criticism to slow the israeli military operation in gaza. the white house is also defending word of $1 billion arms sale to israel. the biden administration says it wants israel to be strategic about its invasion into rafah. >> we've been very clear about the fact that, again, more than a million civilian lives are in rafah. we want to make sure that
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they're protected. but we also believe that israel has the right to go after hamas. we want it to be done in a strategic way . >> the latest un report estimates that about 600,000 palestinians have been driven out of the city of rafah, in southern gaza, since last week, and be sure to stay with ktvu for continuing coverage. we are staying on top of all bay area ties to the conflict in gaza as the war continues. >> new at six tonight, the number of deadly overdoses fell last year across the country, but health experts are still very cautious, according to the cdc, more than 107,000 people died of overdoses in the u.s. last year. that is down 3% from 2022. the cdc says it's too soon to know what spurred the decline. they also note that the last time a decline occurred was in 2018. and then they say drug overdose deaths shot up in the years that followed. >> the family of a man who died after being restrained by antioch police officers four years ago has settled with the city today. the family of angelo
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quinto joined antioch's mayor to announce the $7.5 million settlement. quinto was a navy vet and according to the lawsuit, was restrained face down for several minutes before he passed out. the 30 year old died three days later. his death has led to a number of changes in antioch, including the use of body worn cameras, a mental health crisis team and a police review commission. >> this is the end of the civil suit, but it's only really just the beginning of a lifetime of positive social change. so we are really grateful to have been able to honor angelo in this way . >> quinto's death also led to legislation banning the term excited delirium as a cause of death in california. that term was often cited in cases involving police force. quinto's death was later ruled accidental . >> voters in alameda county will decide this fall whether to recall district attorney pamela price. that board of supervisors
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voted late last night to hold the recall election at the same time as the general election on november 5th. those who want price removed from office were pushing for a summer date, but the board says a standalone special election would have cost the county as much as $20 million, compared to the $4 million price tag of holding it in november. >> the entire voter information guide has to be paid for by that one election, not shared by other jurisdictions. the printing of the ballot, you know, all of the postage costs. >> pamela price called the decision to hold the election in november, quote, a win for democracy. and she accused recall organizers of trying to overturn the will of the people from the beginning. >> it's been an effort bankrolled by a handful of super rich real estate investors and tech executives, the platinum roots behind the scenes propping up the faces out front, the people exercised their
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democratic right to elect a district attorney, and we won that election. as miss gist said , fair and square, with 53% of the vote last month, the state commission opened an investigation into alleged financial violations by a group backing the recall effort. >> recall organizers have denied any wrongdoing. >> a man in redwood city says thieves stole and then damaged his pickup truck, but he then used a bluetooth tracker to find the truck in oakland. but when he went to the scene, he says he waited hours for police to show up. ktvu crime reporter henry lee spoke to the victim, who says he wants authorities to do more. >> i feel like the criminal justice system is failing in california, and it's this is a symptom of it. >> this auto theft victim is frustrated. video shows a dodge charger with three people inside pulling up to his redwood city home at about two wednesday morning. they made a beeline to his custom made dodge ram pickup truck in the driveway. one guy drives away in his truck, maneuvering around the tesla that was meant to be a barrier.
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the victim, who doesn't want his name used, said he tracked a stolen truck to this cul de sac near 99th and plymouth in east oakland, and went there himself at 3:45 a.m, the same dodge charger that was in front of my house was parked across the street facing that car. >> they covered my vehicle with like a tarp, but they could only cover the front half of it so i could see the back of my truck and i knew it was my truck. >> he called oakland police several times but was told no officers were available to respond. i'm telling them i could see the truck. >> i have a tracker. i can remote start it. i can turn on the lights and they're saying too busy, don't care. >> he noticed people on the street looking at him and decided to head back to redwood city. >> there was guys coming out of the street and there were. it was like i could kind of tell. it was about to get tense. >> he decided to call ktvu at about seven in the morning. we called oakland police and that seemed to speed things up. an hour later, he got a call from redwood city police saying that oakland police had towed his car. the marine corps veteran says he never expected to be treated this way by a law enforcement. >> it wasn't until the news got
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involved and they're kicking the high gear. >> we were there as he went to the tow yard and picked up his truck. it wasn't all good news. >> i gave up like this many years of my life. for what? like that's the ultimate feeling. like, what was this all for? because i come back home, my truck gets stolen and they're going to do nothing about it. >> two weeks ago, he believes the same dodge charger had been casing his home. that prompted him to install security cameras and use the tesla as a buffer. we spotted that same charger in east oakland on wednesday afternoon. >> the alignment's off and they tore apart the whole driver's side trying to look for the tracker. >> now he fears the thieves might come back a third time in a matter of time, till it happens again. >> and where is it going to be found next? what are they going to do? how long it's going to take for them to respond? >> there's no word on any arrests. the victim tells me he'll probably install a kill switch so that his truck isn't stolen again in redwood city. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> still to come tonight, new data shows homelessness is trending downward in alameda county. but it's not an even trend across the county. >> it's official donald trump and joe biden will face one another on a debate stage yet again. but the format this time
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around will be different, and we're moving into a spring summer weather pattern. >> we've got a lot of fog out there to talk about. it's going to have a huge the fog is a huge impact on the bay area weekend forecast. we'll take a look at that and our coverage of asian american and pacific islander heritage continues. >> the first vietnamese american owned winery breaks new barriers in the wine industry. >> for us. i mean, being the first carries a lot of responsibility and weigh particularly for i feel
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month coverage continues as we introduce you to napa's first vietnamese owned winery. >> ktvu claudine wong has the story of ardi winery, and the ceo says she is hoping to make their mark on the wine industry. >> when we started here in 2011, everything was dead. and so a lot of originally it was a japanese garden. they had like four full time gardeners. and then when we took over, we turned on the water and started planting and kind of changed things around a bit. >> a walk through ardi winery is about honoring the past and breaking new barriers for the future. back in the 80s and 90s, this spot was known as a first for japanese saki in napa. today under new owners, it's all about a first in wine. >> we are the first vietnamese owned winery in napa, so the
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chairman of the board, his name is don van nguyen. we call him mister dom. he came here and felt the way that everyone who comes to napa feels, which is that it's beautiful and amazing. and he wanted something here for his family. and then it's kind of been a way to share vietnamese culture. this tasting room was designed in the style of halong bay. the art on the wall is original art from vietnamese artists. our our brand names like julie haener not is a story, a fable from vietnamese culture. so like it's a way for us to kind of share culture. >> ardi which signifies sunrise or morning time in vietnamese, says the goal isn't to fit into a napa mold, but to create a space of their own. >> i think if we look at the napa wine world from the outside, it still feels very exclusive. >> it still feels like it's pretentious. and it's just, i mean, it's beautiful. it's a wonderful place. but that is a feeling that i think a lot of people have. i mean, i've heard, comedian jo koy joke about how
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wine was for white people. so, like, there is this idea that it is an exclusive experience and it doesn't have to be right. wine at the end of the day, is fermented grape juice right? this is this is what it is. and it's been a part of many cultures for a very long time, and it can be a part of anyone's household. we are entering our warehouse, and this is where we store all the barrels for aging. >> phan says vietnam doesn't have a history with wine, so originally the company intended to export what they created to vietnam, but now they've shifted their focus to the u.s. and opened this tasting room right as the pandemic hit in the pandemic that you guys did that anyway, how has that been? >> really hard. >> there's honesty. it's difficult. >> yeah. so we opened in july of 2020 and that's after we had finished renovating the space. and then suddenly it was only outdoor. but then we also had massive wildfires that year. so it wasn't safe to be inside because of covid, but it wasn't
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necessarily safe to be outside because of smoke, hoping the toughest part of the road is behind them. >> they are now expanding their offerings with cultural events and with pan-asian food pairings. >> this is our 100 sauvignon blanc with the lychee chocolate. this sauvignon blanc comes from morgan ranch and this one is, won double gold at the san francisco chronicle wine competition. >> hospitality director candice markovich wilson treated us to a tasting of rd winery wines paired with chocolate made in san francisco. so inspired by the diverse flavors of vietnam, including one flavor that is described as savory pho with a side of sriracha. >> this one comes from cherry house vineyard, and i think that's the perfect description of this palette. a lot more kind of those cherry notes. and this is also going to give you a little bit of baking spice, which is going to pair with the chocolate. >> i really like it. i'm trying to taste the love. >> werm it's like yeah the back
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of the palate. >> it is new territory, not just for rd, but also for napa and the industry as a whole. and pioneers don't enjoy the luxury of road maps to success for us. >> i mean, being the first carries a lot of responsibility and weight particularly. i feel that personally, i think that we fit in in terms of perhaps we don't fit in realistically, like we're trying to make wine more diverse. most of our conversations are about making wine more accessible. >> and so for this team, it's about first steps and next steps. for napa's first vietnamese owned winery, raising a glass to all that can be in napa, claudine wong, ktvu, fox two news that might be a. >> hey beautiful day today, fog this morning, fog this evening. and that does the same cycle again tomorrow. which is fine because it's that time of year where you get the fog well inland and temperatures stay pretty mild, pretty warm little.
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some places were a little warmer, some places were a little cooler. and by the way, that's how tomorrow goes. that's your thursday. and then friday i think will be marked by overall cooler. just everybody's cooler friday and saturday we'll probably see temperatures in the upper 70s in the warm spots over the weekend, mid 70s, upper 70s. and this is why right thing opens up. it pinches down. right now it's opening up again up over 2000ft deep, which gets up over the coastal hills and when it pinches down, especially in an offshore wind event, we get much warmer because of the way the fog can't get inland. but in this case, the fog can get inland. and here's what the story will be tomorrow as it burns off in the morning hours. temperatures will gradually warm into the mid 60s out across berkeley and oakland. upper 60s, low 70s and eastern berkeley and then mid 70s out towards concord. and then you get out towards danville and san ramon. out in livermore valley you'll find the low 80s. so a really nice, day tomorrow. and i kind of just like that map because it kind of shows you the, the
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microclimate. that's if you will. so there's the forecast. i'll see you back here in just a few minutes. >> all right, bill, thank you. still to come some promising numbers when it comes to inflation. >> also ahead tonight, congress approves a bill to keep the faa funded in many passenger friendly reforms are in the fine print. >> plus, this is an opportunity they can be a part of. and, you know, just strive for the stars. really. >> an important visit to the state capitol for some south bay students, the hope that a tour of sacramento c ld
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joined by patrick hughes, the president of the national fraternal order of police, another top law enforcement officials, at the annual event on capitol hill, president biden addressed thousands of police officers and families of fallen heroes as the nation marks national police week. >> i admire your courage and being here, and i hope you take comfort in the knowledge that their sacrifice will never be forgotten and that in his extended family of women and men assembled here today, they'll always be there for you. other police officers, they'll always be there for you. >> the names of 282 law enforcement officers added to the memorial. each name read aloud. oakland police officer twan lay is among the names added to the memorial. lay was
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shot and killed while responding to a burglary in progress last december, and the sonoma county sheriff's office honored its fallen during a national peace officers memorial day event in santa rosa. over its 174 year history, one sheriff and nine deputies have died in the line of duty while serving their department. their names are etched in a stone monument in front of the sheriff's headquarters. >> hundreds of people boarded busses early this morning as part of an annual education trip from the south bay to the state capitol, state senator dave cortese led the group of more than 200 students and parents, teachers and elected leaders and other community members as part of the 21st annual bus trip for education. the group began its journey at san jose state university and ended up in sacramento, where they did have a chance to see how decisions are made here in the state. >> this is an opportunity they can be a part of and you know, just strive for the stars, really. and just learning. a lot of them are also really interested in policy and law.
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and they want to be lawyers or, you know, so being able to take part in this is it's great. >> the group also met with state lawmakers to talk about education policy and funding for schools. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, protecting santa clara county creeks from homeless camps, the new proposal to curtail encampments along rivers and streams, and the dates have been set. >> the two presidential candidates will debate, but without the traditional format a slow network is no network for business.
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at the former anna head school on channing and bowditch streets . uc berkeley says this demonstration is not linked to the pro-palestinian encampment at sproul plaza that was dismantled voluntarily last night. >> the family of angelo quinto joined antioch's mayor to announce a $7.5 million settlement. quinto was a navy veteran and died after being restrained by antioch police officers four years ago. his death has led to a number of changes in the city of antioch, including the use of body worn cameras, a mental health crisis team and a police review commission. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price is championing the board of supervisors decision to hold the election. recall at the same time as the general election in november. those who want price removed from office were pushing
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for a summer date, but the board says a standalone special election would have cost the county as much as $20 million. >> and you are watching ktvu fox two news at 630 in the south bay, more homeless encampments have been popping up along rivers and creeks. >> now the largest water provider in the south bay wants an ordinance passed banning unhoused encampments along waterways. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary has the details on that proposal. >> ruben salas fight to find a place he can call his own is facing a possible inflection point. his current tent in this unhoused encampment near willow and leland streets in south central san jose could soon be deemed illegal. >> there's a lot of places to go. we're. i pretty much, i'll have to look for a place. >> officials with valley water saying they're pushing for a new city ordinance banning such encampments along the 295 miles of waterway under the district's control. >> this is really a matter of
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valley water doing what we have to do to protect the environment, mark bielski says. >> encampments such as this near the guadalupe river send garbage and contaminants into the water forces them to clear 1300 tons of contaminants. it also has a negative impact on life for nearby residents. >> if you're coming to look at one of our apartments and you get off the freeway, you drive by this scene here. i mean, you know, would you be that much? would you be more interested or less interested? the district's proposed ordinance 24 would establish protection zones along the waterways under its control. >> it would ban encampments, the dumping of trash and establish penalties, $500 in fines and up to 30 days jail time for violators who return and reestablish encampments. >> it, as our partners at valley water, push policy forces and approaches that clear the waterways and protect our watershed. there is a real risk of their efforts sending
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hundreds of homeless individuals out into the neighborhoods without a plan. >> we really get them into housing and get supportive services to wrap around them. that would be wonderful. i'd like to see the amount that that's going to cost. >> san jose mayor matt mehan has made helping the unhoused a central point in his upcoming budget message, with need outpacing housing stock and the legal landscape in peril of changing, residents such as ruben salas say they feel more pressure to be prepared to move sooner, not later. >> i don't take nothing. i just take my clothes. i leave my tent behind. i just take what i got on. >> newly released numbers from the 2024 point in time count are showing a slight decrease in the number of homeless people living in alameda county, according to the count results released by the county. overall, the homeless population dropped by 3% the past two years. but breaking the numbers down by city, the results are a bit more mixed. some, including oakland, hayward and dublin, saw
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increases in their homeless populations, while others saw declines, including berkeley at 21. earlier on the four, we spoke with berkeley city council member sophie hahn, and when i and the mayor originally were elected in 2016, we made ending homelessness in berkeley our top priority and since then we have invested in programs, policies, people and partners that have been a cohesive plan to reduce and end homelessness in berkeley , council member hahn also says berkeley's unsheltered homeless population decreased by 45% over the past two years. >> joe biden and donald trump have agreed to two presidential debates, but they will take place in different times and places than in previous years. the two candidates will debate one another next month on cnn and then in september on abc. the cnn debate will take place in atlanta and without an
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audience. the agreement comes after president biden said he would not participate in the usual round of campaign debates in the fall that are organized by the nonpartisan commission on presidential debates. both candidates said the typical fall debates are too late because early voting begins in september. in some states, the supreme court has ordered the state of louisiana to restore a congressional map for the 2024 election. the court ruled in favor of restoring a map that has majority black populations in two of louisiana, six congressional districts, instead of just one. louisiana's republican elected officials and black voters both appealed the map to the supreme court, asking for clarity. louisiana has had two congressional maps blocked by federal courts in the past two years. in a swirl of lawsuits alleging gerrymandering from the state legislature. >> tonight, shock and outrage across europe after the attempted assassination of slovakia, prime minister robert fico had just walked out of a
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government building and approached supporters to shake their hands when those shots were fired, the 59 year old was airlifted to a hospital. a post on his facebook profile says he suffered a life threatening injury. police have detained a suspect. fico is one of the country's longest serving government officials, campaigning on a pro-russian anti american message. russian president vladimir putin has arrived in china for a state visit with chinese president xi jinping. his visit comes as russia has become more economically dependent on china to keep its war going. in ukraine. china claims to have taken a neutral stance on that war, but has backed russia's claims that the west provoked russia into attacking ukraine. >> sfo is getting ready to open the final part of the newly renovated harvey milk terminal one. a ook t what passe
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a number of reforms for airline passengers. $105 billion bill would increase the number of air traffic controllers. the bill would also mandate longer flight recorder tapes to make aircraft investigations more comprehensive. also included in the bill a provision that would require airlines to automatically pay refunds to travelers whose flights are canceled or significantly delayed, and also a ban on many airline fees, but mandates rebates if your flight is delayed by any more than three hours domestically and six hours internationally, and also gets a really defines and gets away with a lot of the fees that consumers were being charged. >> so, for instance, a family can no, it's prohibited to charge a fee for a family to want to sit together. >> the bill also includes approval for more long haul flights from reagan national airport in washington, d.c. president biden is expected to sign the bill into law. >> the renovation of harvey milk terminal at san francisco
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international airport is almost done, and today we got a sneak peek. the final phase of the $2.5 billion project is scheduled to conclude next month. passengers will notice new baggage, self-check kiosks that are designed to be faster than traditional bag check ins. the terminal is also designed to move passengers and their luggage through security 30% faster, rather than having to take multiple tubs to put all of your belongings into it, you're going to use one large tray that has everything your carry on, your shoes, your belt. >> it all goes into a single tray. >> once through security, all terminals will be interconnected to allow people to wander around during long layovers, early check ins or delays. terminal one is set to open on june 11th, and we're looking into that. >> whether we are not that far from the weekend right now, you see the fog behind me. it is going to make its way into your neighborhood tonight and tomorrow morning. how does that work out for the weekend? the five day forecast is next.
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>> all right. now to alex savage and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap. coming up at the top of the hour alex. mike thank you. >> coming up tonight at seven, we are following a developing story in southern california on uc irvine's campus tonight. that's where pro-palestinian protesters are facing off with police in riot gear. one school building on this campus is being occupied right now. tonight on west coast rap, you'll hear from one man who's been taken into custody at this scene. also, another iconic casino on the las vegas strip announces plans to close. we'll show you what the mirage will be transformed into those stories. and much more. coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> alex. thank you. new numbers show inflation might be cooling where prices are falling the fastes
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work.
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consumer inflation ticked down from 3.5% to 3.4% year over year , and core prices, which exclude volatile food and energy costs, reached their lowest level in three years. price increases also cooled in some service
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industries, such as hotels and health care and auto repairs. stocks rallied to new records across the board on the report. the dow was up 349 points. nasdaq gained 231 today, up nearly 1.5, and the s&p was up 61. home builders and other stocks that benefit from lower rates led the market higher. investors hoping the cooling inflation will lead to at least one interest rate cut by the federal reserve this year. >> one of the bay area's most well known high school football programs will play a midseason game in london. concord's de lasalle football team found out about it today. they're going to be playing at the tottenham hotspur stadium against the nfl academy. that is, a group of young recruits from more than a dozen countries. and while the opportunity is quite unique, practice leading up to the game will not be any different. >> we'll work to the best of our ability and we'll we'll try and be in a, you know, great shape by the time we get there, adjust to the time change. it's, you know, there's going to be a lot
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of there's going to be a lot of challenges that accompany a trip like this. >> getting to see a team that's kind of interesting because a bunch of guys from a different country, but also, you know, going to other countries is pretty insane. so that'll be cool. it'll be a great experience to go and spend a week with all my teammates and stuff. so we're really excited. >> all right. the trip is being paid for by nike and kickoff is scheduled for october 8th. >> and football just keeps getting bigger and bigger. wow. that's amazing. okay, so as we look outside, we got temperatures today. these were them or these are them. here they come. these were the numbers. and they're about where they were yesterday. maybe a little warmer maybe a little cooler. and that's how tomorrow is. so remember how today went i hope it was a good day for you because tomorrow is going to follow suit, at least weather wise. and we'll see temperatures in the low 80s and the warm spots mid 70s, upper 70s in the kind of warm spots and then 60s everywhere else with low or pardon me mid and upper 50s coast side. so there's that fog. it's going to get deep again tonight. so that's that's the reason that looks shallow because you can kind of see it.
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that's san bruno gap. so the fogs come. if you're flown into sfo we should probably have. but you look off if you're landing to the north you look to the left. you see that gap over by the cow palace where the cow palace is, and there's the san bruno mountain. and then there's this gap. and so this fog is funneling through the gap. and as i've said a million times, they put the airport there because of that. one of the main reasons was because of that gap, because it gives you pretty consistent northwest wind flow, which allows you to take off and land with some consistency. at sfo, they do have issues when the weather changes, when the wind shifts, like during a big south storm. so here's the fog. right now you can see a bunch of it there all the way inland. and then it burns back slowly tomorrow. and then we get temperatures a lot like we had today. so there you go. and then the ridge of high pressure stays put. we do have a weak system that's going to get closer to us. and as it does it's going to do this. it's going to take that fog and push it further inland. so here's friday morning. that's the big push. so this low kind of chewed up the marine layer and the clouds because the low came in and actually just
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vaporizing the fog as it stretches out the marine layer. but it's also allowing this marine layer to get deep enough and stay intact. it's going to push well inland. and so friday's significantly not significantly but cooler. and so is saturday and so is sunday. so that's really the story this week as these low this low pressure this can get close to us. it's not going to be a threat for rain, but it's going to get close to us. and that's going to allow the fog to go further inland and stay a little longer. and that's why temperatures this weekend will be a little cooler. but it's all subtle. it's all subtle. there's no big changes here. if you're at the coast you need jackets, whatever you needed today, you're going to need this whole weekend. this is how it goes wherever you live, whatever you're looking at, baseball, soccer, golf that the conditions are going to be almost the same except just a little cooler on saturday. sunday. >> all right, bill, thank you. she has been called the most successful girls high school basketball coach in california history. archbishop mitty coach sue phillips reflects on her legacy both on and off he cou ( ♪ ) you made a cow!
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made for tv event. the nfl schedule release is indeed a very big deal. and promptly at 5:00 today, the 49ers dropped this video on social media to
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hype it up a little bit. >> the 2024 schedule is finally here. i know just the right person to get me fired up for this upcoming season. >> we got the schedule released and it looks like we're going to be playing a lot of tough teams this year. >> i don't really sound like that, do i? >> yeah, you kind of do. always get a kick out of 49ers podcast or steph sanchez. she's also a friend of this program. she does a great nick bosa impersonation. the 49ers one of three teams along with the cowboys and the new york jets, to have six games televised in prime time. as we take a look at some of the key games this season for the first time since 1998, the niners opened the season against the said new york jets and aaron rodgers, and they do it on monday night football. and then look at that stretch of games in october, beginning in seattle versus the rival seahawks on thursday, october 10th. and then ten days later, it is a super
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bowl rematch on fox. the chiefs are coming to levi's and then the following week, october 27th, the niners welcome in the dallas cowboys on sunday night, two more prime time games in december at the bills, also on sunday night, december 1st, and then week 17th december 30th. the detroit lions. it's a rematch of the nfc championship game. they are coming back to levi's. it's week 17. in all the 40 niners face eight teams that made the playoffs last season. so yeah, it is a pretty tough schedule as both a math teacher and girls basketball coach at archbishop mitty high school in san jose, sue phillips has dedicated the majority of her life to teaching and mentoring students, and recently she was recognized for her illustrious career with the highest individual honor an athlete or coach can receive. 2024 inductee sue phillips. it was a night and
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an honor that sue phillips will never forget. >> when i received the call, i actually broke down in tears of joy. joy that she had made the women's basketball hall of fame. >> and last month, the longtime archbishop mitty high school coach was enshrined in a ceremony in knoxville, tennessee, as part of the class of 2024. >> i stand before you today with a heart full of gratitude, humility and immense pride as i accept this incredible acknowledgment. >> it's not something you ever expect. it's not why you coach or teach. it's a byproduct and something i'm incredibly grateful for. it was just an amazing experience, needless to say, you do get very nostalgic. this is year before last, and then the most recent one is in the trophy case up front, phillips is the most successful girls basketball coach in northern california history. >> she's won a record 819 games,
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16 norcal titles and six state championships, all while also coaching usa basketball youth teams to four gold medals over the last decade. >> i think there's so much to be made about the wins and the losses for that matter. as a coaching staff, we really try to focus on this idea that we're educating through athletics and we are not just building jump shots, but we're building better leaders together. >> three time olympic champion kerri walsh is probably her most famous former player. known for volleyball, walsh won a basketball state championship playing for phillips in 1995. they nearly made it back to back titles in 96 but came up one win shy. i've heard you say that that still sticks with me. >> haunts you? are you serious? i mean, after 30 years. >> yeah, it really bothers me. i felt like i mismanaged, carries, foul trouble in that game, should have burned a timeout earlier.
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>> phillips competitive fire started at an early age. >> my older siblings made fun of me because i couldn't ride a bike at a at an early of an age as them, so i decided i would one up them and then i quickly learned how to ride a unicycle and then kind of bragged about it. for the next three years, in the mid 80s, phillips was a three sport star in her own right at mitty and when it comes to her successes then and now, she gives credit to her parents, who immigrated from poland in 1947. they put faith and family and education as priorities, and yet, given that they still never hesitated to foster my love of sport, that love continues to shine bright. >> and this past season, to add to her long list of accolades, she became the first person to win the national naismith coach of the year award twice, and she has no plans to slow down any time soon. >> you know, 30 years ago, archbishop mitty took a chance
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on an inexperienced coach and math teacher, and over three decades later, i'm just as eager to teach young people and start a new season for the monarchs. it's what i love to do. and if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. >> yeah. she says she has no plans to slow down anytime soon. >> incredible run. all right, jason, thank you. thanks for joining us tonight.
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in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪ developing tonight. tensions rising at a pro-palestinian protest in southern california. police in riot gear on the uc irvine campus. and more officers being called in. good evening. welcome to west coast rap. i'm alex savage. tonight, school officials are asking everyone to leave the uc irvine


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