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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  May 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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an email may be behind the move and why. some at the university are so upset. then uc berkeley officials made a deal to end a pro gaza protest on campus. now, a new demonstration has popped up just blocks away, and school leaders call this one a crime. what we know about this new development, then it's a first for the dow jones, the milestone number it hit today. and what's behind it. the news at noon starts now. >> this is ktvu fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon i'm gasia mikaelian. let's begin with that
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milestone on wall street. for the first time ever, the dow jones industrial average this morning broke past the 40,000 point threshold. the increase was fueled by an encouraging report showing that inflation is cooling. the dow was up 114 points in midmorning trading. we'll take a peek at the numbers now just below that key benchmark. it has gained a handful of points from where it started but has dipped back below that 40,000 mark will keep watching stocks before the market closes at 1:00 our time s&p showing very modest gains as excuse me, nasdaq essentially flat demonstrators in berkeley have taken over a building owned by uc berkeley that's about two blocks from campus. ktvu jana katsuyama there live now at the site at the corner of channing and bowditch. what have you learned? jana >> well, just a short while ago, i spoke to both the university and some of the organizers of the sproul plaza protest. earlier this week, and they say that they do not have any people here. it is a different group. i do want to step away because we were here yesterday. but what's new this afternoon is there is a barrier that these demonstrators
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have erected around the building. and you can see there's a quite a large perimeter. the uc berkeley official that i spoke with said that they are trying to determine who it is, who is part of this protest. i did count more than 15 tents inside this perimeter here. if you take a look at some video we had earlier today, the people here at the encampment, we asked them if they had any message. they said they do not want to make any comment and instead they said they have an instagram site where they are planning to post any messages they have painted messages though, on the building itself, the university says the building used to house an institute, but was burned in a fire a few years ago and has since been boarded up. they say that they estimate there might be as many as 60 people who have been on this site since it came up yesterday, but this is a different protest again from the one that was at sproul plaza. >> we have confirmed that the coalition with whom we reached an understanding on tuesday did
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not initiate this action. there have been no arrests as of now. it's not clear who the suspects are, though some portion of them appear to be students. >> and outside, one of the tents, i did see a sign that said berkeley city college students in solidarity. the university says that they have safety concerns because this building was burned in a fire and they say it is extremely unsafe. the university spokesman tells me that he is the university is basically deeming this as a criminal activity of trespassing and vandalizing. vandalization of the building itself. we have seen some police officers around, but they are kind of staying far away. so far there's been no kind of conflict of any sort. there was also somebody in a vest who said she was a legal observer, but when i asked if she was with this group, she declined to comment. so definitely it's something that has changed since overnight. we will be here and
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bring you any updates as we get them. >> gasia jana katsuyama live in berkeley. thank you. the president of sonoma state says he made a mistake. he sent a message to the college community making promises to student protesters without proper approval. as ktvu james torres reports, university president mike lee is now suspended. >> employees scrub a sidewalk covered in chalk just outside pearson theater on sonoma state university's campus, part of it reading justice for mike lee. it's the last piece of evidence that a more than two week long protest was staged right here. the tents are gone, but that's only because student protesters thought they had an agreement with the university. >> it's completely unacceptable. >> state senator scott wiener called the statement published by university president mike lee, horrifying. after visiting the student encampment twice, lee says he reached an agreement with protesters. he says the college would agree to disclosing the university's investments with a pro-palestinian student advisory
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council and consider divestment strategies. he also promised an academic boycott against programs that are sponsored by or represent the state of israel. but the state university system says they did not agree to any of those terms. a statement from the csu chancellor says in part the message was sent without the appropriate approvals. i want to acknowledge how deeply concerned i am about the impact the statement has had on the sonoma state community and how challenging and painful it will be for many of our students and community members to see and read. lee was then placed on administrative leave. he acknowledged in a statement of his own admitting to a mistake, saying, quote, in my attempt to find agreement with one group of students, i marginalized other members of our student population and community. i realize the harm that this has caused and i take full ownership of it. i deeply regret the unintended consequences of my actions. >> we can have whatever opinions we have about the war. i have strong opinions about the war, and i've criticized the israeli
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government. but regardless of one's view of the war, when you talk about let's do this like boycott and try to dismantle the israeli economy, that is one half of all jews on the planet. >> senator wiener says he appreciates the apology, but the harm was already done. other lawmakers, like state senator bill dodd of sonoma, weighed in, saying in part, quote, i appreciate chancellor garcia's quick response to this situation. we need stability and thoughtful leadership at sonoma state. it's not clear if those student protesters will come back here to person lawn, though there are some reports that they may consider a demonstration during this weekend's graduation ceremonies reporting from sonoma state university's campus. i'm james torres, ktvu you fox two news. >> in an effort to calm political division on uc campuses, uc regents are set to approve a controversial plan to limit political speech on university websites. the regions are expected to vote on a plan today before wrapping up a three
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day meeting on the uc merced campus. the proposal would prohibit employees from posting personal views on prominent campus web pages. pro-palestinian activist who addressed the regents at the meeting opposed the plan. they call it a blatant attack on free speech. uc says the idea for the restriction was initiated in 2022, well before the israeli hamas war. governor gavin newsom is at the vatican today for a summit focused on fighting climate change, called by pope francis. as ktvu allie rasmus explains, there were long term climate goals and some personal political ones on full display at the summit. >> california is exceeding its audacious goal setting. >> governor gavin newsom spoke to an auditorium full of policymakers and researchers from around the globe early this morning, gathered in vatican city for a three day summit on climate change. >> the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. >> it's because the burning of coal, the burning of gas and the burning of oil.
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>> the goal of the summit to come up with ideas, solutions and an overall blueprint on how local governments can become more climate resilient. but ktvu political analyst brian sobel says there are long term personal goals at play here to clearly, gavin newsom feels strongly about climate change, but he also understands that he's on a national and international stage. >> so i think this leads to his ultimate goal, which is to run for the presidency of the united states. >> during his 15 minute speech at the vatican, newsom spoke about california's energy independence and criticized the fossil fuel industry's influence and called out his party's chief political opponent, donald trump. >> just last week had oil executive convening, talking about his election, basically, he accused donald trump of being corrupt. >> not really something that is, common at these international confabs like at the vatican, where specifically it's supposed
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to be nonpolitical. but having said that, gavin newsom is clearly on a presidential path, and we're going to see more and more of this as he tries to raise his national profile. >> tomorrow, newsom will head to bologna, located in northern italy, one of the country's largest cities. he's expected to sign a partnership with local leaders there to work on ways to shed our dependance on fossil fuels and the industry behind them. >> we have the tools, we have the technology. we have the capacity to address this issue at a global level, a scale level. and they've been fighting every single advancement. and we have got to call that out. >> the governor's office says that trip to italy is being paid for through a nonprofit called the california state protocol foundation, which gets its money from private donations. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> general motors is looking for top silicon valley talent to help with its ev production. the company has launched a west coast tech hub in mountain view. the new innovation center has about 200 gm employees,
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including software engineers and research and development staff. gm posted onocial media that the new branch will focus on systems engineering, ai and ux design. currently, there are more than a dozen job openings for that mountain view branch. if you have triple a, you may see your home insurance go up as much as 23. the company approved to raise its average home insurance rate by 6.9. some homeowners will see their rates jump higher than that. a small number may see theirs drop by as much as 11.3. some 448,000 customers here in northern california will be affected. more than a million customers statewide. the change goes into effect after august 1st. today, the justice department took steps to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in a major shift in policy. the change would move marijuana from a schedule one drug alongside heroin and lsd, to a schedule three equivalent to some anabolic steroids. the rule now goes to public comment. the plan will not legalize marijuana for
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recreational use. 24 states, including ours, have legalized the drug. president biden also has moved to pardon thousands of people convicted of marijuana possession. a first of its kind in the bay area approach to dealing with a housing shortage. the plan being considered by the berkeley city council that would let homeowners sell something in their own backyard, plus the median price of a single family home in santa clara county has hit $2 million for the first time. >> so what's driving the surge? i'm mark sayer i'll have that story just ahead. >> and in weather. still some stubborn cloud cover out there. but some sunshine showing up in our oakland camera. a bit of a cooling trend as we
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council instructed city staff to draft an ordinance authorizing such sales. it's based off assembly bill 1033, which took effect earlier this year. it allows cities to let residents sell their adus separate from their primary home. berkeley has become the first city across the state to adopt the bill. san jose is also considering the change. it's another big milestone in the bay area housing market. the median price of a single family home in santa clara county hit $2 million. ktvu mark sayer has more on
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what's driving the prices skyward. >> yeah, let's get some lights on here in san jose's almaden valley is a house with an asking price. >> just under the $2 million mark. let's take a look at the living room here. living room right here. square footage on the place. >> square footage is just over 2000. i think it's 2050ft!s. yeah. hardwood flooring right here. we really didn't have to touch up too much of the property itself. >> it's four bedrooms and two and a half baths built in 1965. and it has a pool. tony ramirez is the listing agent. >> what they liked is it was on the market. there's just nothing on the market right now. that's it. >> this house has been on the market for just five days at the open house last weekend, more than 40 groups came through here to take a look. and as of this moment, there are three serious offers on the table. all over the $1.949 million asking price. >> i mean, we're over 2.5 million people that live in santa clara county right now. there's only 755 active single family homes at a median price
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of $2 million. >> half the homes in the county are over that amount, and half are under comparing with regional numbers from march, san mateo county checked in at $2.1 million, 1.7 million in san francisco and $1.4 million in alameda county. >> intimidating for sure. there's just so much competition out there that you just don't want to fall in love with anything too quickly. you just don't know. you know how it's going to go. >> stephanie hollman is in the process of purchasing a condo where the median sales price is also up, approaching $1.1 million. >> i wasn't going to get scared from it, but it certainly is intimidating, and the support of family and friends is a must because, you know, you have to change your lifestyle to prepare for something like this. and then the competition. it stresses you out. >> i don't see it as a milestone. we have 60% people in the bay area that can't afford a home to purchase here, perry says. >> unfortunately, she sees no easy fixes to the inventory
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problem. reporting from san jose mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news may is bike month and today is bike to wherever day. >> across the bay area, cities have put together special energizer stations for bicyclists, such as this one at the orinda bart station. organizers gave out free smoothies and goodie bags. the goal is to encourage riders to get out and connect with other cyclists, trying to make it feel communal for people to get out of their cars, to feel accessible to a lot of the resources that we have around us, and to feel like there's a little bit of a support structure for people. this is the bay area's 30th annual bike to wherever day. there are more than 80 energizer stations open today across the east bay, and when it comes to cycling your way to work and school, the weather couldn't be better. i know ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo knows if it's warm when you're walking, it's hot when you're biking, right? >> yeah, i guess you really appreciate the marine layer, right? the low clouds keeping things on the comfortable side. and that's what we have for today. maybe on the cool side as
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well. we start out the day and still have some cloud cover in some neighborhoods. and also a bit of some drizzle out there as well. so here is your forecast for today. we're going to hold on to with some clouds near the shoreline. partly sunny skies for the rest of the bay area and the winds up there around 2230 miles an hour. so sometimes we talk about a shallow marine layer means it's just hugging the coastline, but it has deepened over the past few days. and as a result, all of that cooler marine air impacting the entire bay area. now here's the satellite from earlier this morning. the clouds you can see over the bay clearing back to near the shoreline with some breaks near portions of the coastline. so maybe a sun cloud mix, but solid overcast out toward the golden gate bridge. here's a closer inspection of the satellite showing you the pattern moving into a southern marine county, and even up into portions of the north bay. some overcast out toward healdsburg, santa rosa, petaluma, bodega bay, and out toward even stinson beach as well. so persistent cloud cover so far up in portions of the north bay. that's having a big impact on temperatures right now, santa rosa is only 58 degrees. san francisco is actually warmer than santa rosa at this hour.
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san jose, lower 70s and livermore 72 degrees wind. there has been a bit of a breeze out there. as you can see, fairfield gusting to 32 miles an hour. some more reports for you out toward sfo, winds at about nine and half moon bay winds gusting to 18 miles an hour. so still some cloud cover over san francisco. you may have encountered some mist or some drizzle this morning as well. in fact, i did see a trace amount of some rainfall out toward napa at the airport there from this morning. so this area of high pressure is keeping us dry and warm away from the coastline. but we have a solid cloud deck just offshore here. so as a result, we have a clearing skies to near the shoreline. still some coastal clouds. and here is the forecast model as we put this into motion. so this is 3:00. and we could still have partly sunny skies up in parts of the north bay by about 2 or 3:00 this afternoon. of course, we showed you the cloud cover still lingering this afternoon, and then out toward the shoreline, out towards san francisco. still some stubborn clouds. we'll do it all over
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again once again. late tonight and early tomorrow morning. a solid push of overcast out there and maybe some drizzle, and then pretty much the same forecast for your friday. so these are all just some minor changes in our forecast. and in fact, temperatures trending down a little bit as we head toward the weekend highs for this afternoon. san francisco lower 60s santa rosa napa will go 70 degrees. we have to warm up a bit, though over the next couple of hours. concord 78 and san jose 76 degrees. here is a look ahead. your five day forecast maybe just a touch warmer into your friday, but the overall trend into the weekend. we scale back on those temperatures. lots of cloud cover in the morning, then clearing back to near the shoreline into the afternoon hours. so obviously, as you can see here, the heat is not a part of our forecast for today in fact, right into the weekend, it's a cooler pattern paying us a visit. >> mark. thank you. coming up, have you ever made a late payment? you are not alone. the number of cash strapped californians is rising. what a new report reveals when it comes to the struggle to pay bills on time
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are a major bridge collapse there. the cruise line plans to resume trips from baltimore later this month. us coast guard has reopened daily limited access through baltimore harbor as salvage operations continue. royal caribbean's vision of the seas will depart from baltimore may 25th. russian president vladimir putin is meeting with chinese leader xi jinping this week. this comes as china faces
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growing questions about its economic support of russia. greg palkot has the latest developments. >> chinese leader xi jinping and russian president vladimir putin promising to strengthen their partnership in beijing on thursday. the two leaders meeting in a show of unity as they face rising tension from the west. >> we will continue to act in unison for the successful development of the two countries and to increase the authority and influence of russia and china in the world. >> the two day visit is putin's first overseas trip since he began a fifth term in office. it also comes as russian forces ramp up an offensive in ukraine, driving thousands of people from the kharkiv region after more than two years of war. moscow has grown more dependent on china, which has become a top market for russia's western sanctioned energy exports. >> russia has been shut off from exporting oil and natural gas to the western europe, and so now they're having to look at other markets. >> beijing has also been supplying moscow with technology, electronics and machine tools, which western
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leaders suggest are being used to aid battlefield efforts against ukraine. the biden administration has imposed a series of sanctions on chinese companies accused of helping russia's war effort. >> they don't provide the weapons, end state the platform itself, but they provide a lot of the components for it. and to keep an army on the battlefield requires a lot of things other than weapons. >> in a move that could further test ties with china, the us is sending an unofficial delegation to the inauguration this weekend of the new president of taiwan in london, greg palkot. ktvu fox two news. >> lawmakers in washington are questioning the grant funding process by the national institutes for health. the deputy director, doctor lawrence tabak, is facing questions about the agency's relationship with ecohealth, a new york nonprofit that sub awarded funds to the wuhan institute of virology. the nonprofit had its nih grant suspended this week by the biden administration over alleged lack of oversight of virus growth
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experiments. the wuhan lab is at the center of many covid origin theories. the exact source of the virus still unknown. >> nih strongly believes that a thorough, expert driven investigation into the origins of sars-cov two is critical to prepare for the next potential pandemic. >> the department of health and human services says ecohealth lacks the present responsibility to continue receiving millions of dollars in grant money. ecohealth says it disagrees with the decision and will offer evidence to show its work is a benefit to science. the number of californians who are not paying their bills on time is rising, according to the new york federal reserve, 1.3% of californians payments were late by 90 days or more in the first quarter. that number is actually below the pre-pandemic average, though of 1.9% in 2018 and 19. the summer, uber is launching a shuttle bus service to and from airports, concerts and sporting events. users will be able to reserve up to five seats from a central location for less than a regular uber ride. the new
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service will initially be available in miami, chicago, pittsburgh and charlotte. there are plans to expand to more cities in the future. a stolen truck track from redwood city to oakland. how the owner was able to get its exact location, and his frustration with police. after calling the department several times for help. then a piece of art with a message to the city of seaside how this homeowners battled with the city over his boat turned viral online
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from a condemned building owned by uc berkeley. dozens of protesters entered and ahead alumni hall yesterday, and also set up tents outside. they've now erected a barrier around the building. they broke through boarded up windows, sprayed graffiti and hung pro-palestine flags and banners. this is a different group from the protesters who camped on the berkeley campus itself for weeks. this building is near the cal campus on channing way, not far from people's park. it had been vacant since 2022 due to a fire. some students who live nearby say they're not alarmed by the protest, but i'm really glad that people are expressing like their opinion and are able to like, you know, voice their beliefs and everything, especially like in peaceful manners, like, it's not like they're disturbing or like disrupting or like hurting anyone. >> spokesperson for the
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university says the building is unsafe, caused the protest an illegal activity of trespassing and vandalism. >> wouldn't say if police plan to get people out or shut down. the encampment outside. today, classes at uc irvine are being held online following a showdown on campus there between police and pro-palestinian protesters. there's we are. protesters took over the physical sciences building and blocked the entrance. university police called in help hundreds of law enforcement officers in riot gear rushed to campus. many demonstrators were detained when they wouldn't leave. the university declared their protest and unlawful assembly. >> no more business as usual. when 15,000 children were bombed in the past three months. no more business as usual. we all love each other. we all care about each other, our people, our humanitarian standing up for human rights here. >> we're still working to learn. if any of the protesters were formally arrested or just detained, an encampment that had been on campus for a few weeks
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was also cleared here at home, student protesters at san francisco state say they're taking down their encampment after reaching an agreement with the school's president. they say the school has agreed to make its investment portfolio more transparent and divest from any company that manufactures weapons. immediately after announcing the news, protesters started packing up their tents. student organizers say the agreement doesn't address all their demands, but call it a strong first step. the organizers also say they're working on bringing all csu students together to make a system wide change in the south bay, an artist who created an iconic sculpture at san jose state spoke to student demonstrators who set up encampments there this week at the site of the statue. >> the statue has always been meant to be of service to you, so that you could use use it for your advocacy, like it's really. >> the artist goes by the name rigo 23. he created the statue depicting track and field stars
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tommie smith and john carlos raising their fists in a black power salute at the 1968 olympic games. the two athletes attended san jose state. the artist told us. the sculpture includes an empty spot representing student activism. >> this monument at the center of san jose state university celebrates the very thing that's happening right now. tommie smith and john carlos were students here. they paid a very personal high price for the bravery of their action in mexico city. >> the artists visit followed a statement by san jose state that said smith and carlos did not approve of the statue being used as part of the encampment. the statement added they support the right to free expression and peaceful protest. more critical humanitarian aid will soon be on its way to palestinians after the us military finished installing a floating pier off the gaza strip. meanwhile, on capitol hill, house republicans are trying to reverse president biden's freeze on sending some us weapons to israel. rebecca
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castro has the latest desperately needed food, medicine and other supplies will soon be flowing into gaza thanks to a newly completed floating pier. >> innocent civilians should never go without food, water, medicine, shelter, sanitation or other basic necessities. president biden ordered the military to construct the humanitarian lifeline two months ago, after fighting slowed down aid delivery on land. but as the fighting continues, aid agencies fear it won't be enough to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. >> we remain deeply concerned about the lack of protection for civilians. >> meanwhile, in washington, tensions grow over president biden's decision to pause a shipment of bombs to israel over concerns they could be used in rafah, a city where hamas fighters and hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. house republicans are now teeing up a bill that would compel the administration to send arms to israel without conditions.
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>> we will have israel's back, and we're going to see who else does when the vote happens later today, everything it calls for the administration is already doing. >> and it is just yet another example of the republicans using israel and anti-semitism for their own political purposes. >> even if the bill passes the house. senate majority leader chuck schumer says the chamber will not take up the legislation. in washington, rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> an annual event honors the people who were killed while riding their bikes on the streets of san francisco. dozens of cyclists participated in the ride of silence. ktvu amber lee spoke with a woman who survived a hit and run while biking home from work. she says the crash changed her life. >> san francisco's ride of silence is a somber remembrance of people killed while riding their bicycles. ghost bikes, painted in white, are memorials placed at locations of deadly crashes. >> i would like to see san francisco be a city that has zero ghost bikes.
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>> alex tamez is a survivor of a hit and run. we followed her journey from life threatening injuries to recovery in february of 2022. she was riding her bicycle home after work as a bartender when a driver hit her from behind and sped off. she suffered a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma for more than a month. tamez tells me she's still coping with chronic pain and fatigue more than two years after the crash, but she's grateful for a second chance at life. >> the will to live in me is really strong and i'm never going to give up. >> a message of hope for those mourning the loss of loved ones on this night. >> that's charles. >> charles vincent is among the dozens of bicyclists killed who are being honored. his longtime partner shows me the bicycle that charles gave him grief, not only for charles, but for all. >> all the other 40 plus people that will be observing tonight. >> the bicyclist made stops at locations where there have been deadly crashes. organizers say a reminder that the city has made
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some safety improvements in response to bicyclist killed. a call for proactive instead of reactive measures, someone is killed in the community. >> it really hurts all of us, even though we may not even know the person. it really because we always feel it could be one of us that can be killed, tamez says. >> even though the driver in her case still hasn't been caught, she says she has forgiven him and now lives a life of gratitude and advocacy. >> if you see somebody who needs help, ask them if they if you can help them. it's love is always the answer. >> tamez is calling on the city to install more surveillance cameras and protected bike lanes, but she's also urging bicyclists to take personal responsibility by wearing helmets and observing traffic rules. in san francisco, amber lee, ktvu, fox two news a man whose truck was stolen in redwood city says he's frustrated with oakland police. >> a group of thieves stole the
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victim's dodge ram pickup truck yesterday. the owner used a bluetooth tracking device to locate the car in east oakland. the victim says he called oakland police several times but didn't get any help. he then called ktvu, telling them i could see the truck. >> i have a tracker. i can remote start it. i can turn on the lights and they're saying too busy, don't care. it wasn't until the news got involved. we're all standing there, kicked into high gear. >> an hour later, he received a call from redwood city saying oakland police had his truck taken to a tow yard. ktvu was there when he went to the tow yard to retrieve the truck. no word on any arrests. the victim says he's worried the thieves will come back and try to steal his truck again. the overall number of overdose deaths in the united states dropped by about 3% last year. health professionals here in the bay area say it is still a crisis. overdose deaths in santa clara county increased from 195 in 20 22 to 228 in last year's time. behavioral health experts in the county say they're using more tools and resources to help prevent drug overdoses and deaths.
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>> we have really increased our prevention efforts through public awareness campaigns. we have increased our harm reduction efforts through countywide distribution of naloxone. and we've also stepped up a number of treatment efforts. and so you know, our hope is, is that all of these efforts combine across as well, here in santa clara county, as well as nationwide, have really we're really hoping that these are moving the needle on their overdose crisis. >> if you or someone you know needs help or would like more information about narcan and testing strips, we have it for you under top san francisco says its pilot homeless outreach program has connected thousands of people with help in its first year. the city says the heart team for homeless engagement assistance response team has responded to nearly 14,000 calls, including 80% of calls to three one 1 or 9 one one involving unhoused people and 70% of calls related to sidewalk and street encampments. cities currently piloting sending other calls involving people who are homeless, including some trespassing and suspicious persons. calls to heart as san
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francisco tries to increase tourism following the pandemic, there is a shake up in the group in charge of promoting the city. the ceo of san francisco travel, scott beck, just resigned after seven months on the job. san francisco travel is an organization that promotes the city to visitors and tourists. beck didn't give a reason for stepping down. the vice president and general manager of the hotel, nico, anna marie presutti, will take over the organization in the interim. more than a month before san francisco's pride weekend, organizers are focused on security in the face of an fbi warning about possible terrorist threats. >> if you see something, say something. report suspicious activity to law enforcement, event security or management from all of us with the san francisco police department. have a safe and happy pride. >> sfpd is taking a proactive approach. following that notice from the fbi and department of homeland security, we're working to learn more from sfpd about what the enhanced security measures will look like, and whether the department has received any specific threats
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related to pride weekend, which is set for june 29th and 30th. a man in monterey county found a clever way to keep his boat out of sight after being ordered to do so. the city of seaside ordered him to build a proper driveway and cover his boat, so he's been keeping it on a dirt patch in his property. he built a fence, then had his neighbor paint a lifelike image of the boat on the fence itself. man says he wanted to protest in a creative and funny way, while still complying with the order. the story has gone viral, and the city appears to be okay with it so far. a north bay winery is breaking cultural barriers. we'll take you to the first vietnamese owned winery in napa, where its owners are working to make a mark in the wine industry . >> and in barry weather. look at this. some stubborn cloud cover over the golden gate bridge, and even a good portion of the north bay. we
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a home in flames. this is the area of 12th street near f street in antioch, not far from fremont elementary and antioch middle school. the fire broke out just about 15 minutes ago. we see a lot of smoke rising from the scene. fire fighters busy at work getting water on those flames. we have no word on whether or not anyone was injured, and we don't yet know how the fire started. clearly it is very early on in the whole process of first getting out the flames and then figuring out what caused them. we'll stay on top of the scene here again. sky fox showing us from up above a
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good view of firefighters getting water on the home that was burned. we're working to learn again what started the fire if the fire spread. but it's still a very active scene. keep this in mind if you find yourself in antioch, in the area of f street and west 12th, again, not far from fremont elementary and antioch middle schools, may is aapi heritage month, and one winery up in the north bay is getting attention for being napa's first vietnamese owned winery. ctv's claudine wong tells us the ceo of rdi winery is hoping to make a mark in the wine industry. >> when we started here in 2011, everything was dead and so a lot of originally it was a japanese garden. they had like four full time gardeners. and then when we took over, we turned on the water and started planting and kind of changed things around a bit. >> a walk through rdi winery is about honoring the past and breaking new barriers for the future. back in the 80s and 90s, this spot was known as a first for japanese saki in napa. today, under new owners, it's
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all about a first in wine. >> we are the first vietnamese owned winery in napa, so the chairman of the board, his name is don van nguyen. we call him mister dom. he came here and felt the way that everyone who comes to napa feels, which is that it's beautiful and amazing. and he wanted something here for his family. and then it's kind of been a way to share vietnamese culture. this tasting room was designed in the style of halong bay. the art on the wall is original art from vietnamese artists. our our brand names like julie haener not is a story, a fable from vietnamese culture. so like it's a way for us to kind of share culture our d which signifies sunrise or morning time in vietnamese, says the goal isn't to fit into a napa mold, but to create a space of their own. >> i think if we look at the napa wine world from the outside, it still feels very exclusive. >> it still feels like it's pretentious. and it's just, i mean, it's beautiful. it's a
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wonderful place. but that is a feeling that i think a lot of people have. i mean, i've heard, comedian jo koy joke about how wine was for white people. so, like, there is this idea that it is an exclusive experience and it doesn't have to be right. wine at the end of the day, is fermented grape juice right? this is this is what it is. and it's been a part of many cultures for a very long time, and it can be a part of anyone's household. we are entering our warehouse, and this is where we store all the barrels for aging. >> phan says vietnam doesn't have a history with wine, so originally the company intended to export what they created to vietnam, but now they've shifted their focus to the u.s. and opened this tasting room right as the pandemic hit in the pandemic that you guys did that anyway, how has that been? >> really hard. >> there's honesty. it's difficult. >> yeah. so we opened in july of 2020, and that's after we had finished renovating the space,
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and then suddenly it was only outdoor. but then we also had massive wildfires that year. so it wasn't safe to be inside because of covid, but it wasn't necessarily safe to be outside because of smoke, hoping the toughest part of the road is behind them. >> they are now expanding their offerings with cultural events and with pan-asian food pairings. >> this is our 100 sauvignon blanc with the lychee chocolate. this sauvignon blanc comes from morgan ranch and this one is, won double gold at the san francisco chronicle wine competition. >> hospitality director candice markovich wilson treated us to a tasting of ardi winery wines paired with chocolate made in san francisco, inspired by the diverse flavors of vietnam, including one flavor that is described as savory pho with a side of sriracha. >> this one comes from cherry house vineyard and i think that's the perfect description of this palate. a lot more kind of those cherry notes. and this is also going to give you a little bit of baking spice, which is going to pair with the
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chocolate. >> and i really like it. i'm trying to taste the. >> worm. >> it's like yeah the back of the palate. >> it is new territory, not just for ardi, but also for napa and the industry. as a whole. and pioneers don't enjoy the luxury of roadmaps to success. >> for us, i mean, being the first carries a lot of responsibility and weight particularly. i feel that personally, i think that we fit in in terms of perhaps we don't fit in realistically, like we're trying to make wine more diverse. most of our conversations are about making wine more accessible. >> and so for this team, it's about first steps and next steps. for napa's first vietnamese owned winery, raising a glass to all that can be in napa. claudine wong, ktvu, fox two news a beautiful day to be up in wine country. >> i'm always so, you know, amazed that we get this all year
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round. tourists only get it for the, say, the week that they're here in mid-may. >> yeah. and whatever week you pick, it could be so different, right, garcia? some weeks will be super chilly, some weeks could be super hot. and the heat is not a part of our forecast this week. in fact, we will cool down a little bit as we head toward the weekend. so definitely some clouds out toward the shoreline, even some lingering clouds up in up in wine country this afternoon. partly sunny skies for a good portion of the bay area. the winds have been picking up as well over 20 miles an hour, and temperatures in the 60s and the 70s. so the marine layer has deepened a bit over the past couple of days. and as a result, all of that cooler marine air is making its way into the bay and also into some of the inland valleys. here's a satellite from earlier today. the clouds trying to clear back to a near portions of the coastline. maybe some sun cloud mix out toward san francisco. but as you can see in parts of marin county, here in southern marin county, out toward the marin headlands, we have some overcast out toward muir beach and a big cloud bank here out toward the petaluma, santa rosa, windsor and guerneville this afternoon. so still some stubborn, overcast up
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in portions of the north bay having a big impact on temperatures. santa rosa right now, as you can see only in the upper 50s at 58 degrees san francisco 63, livermore 72. and the winds have been picking up as well. and a few spots. here's fairfield gusting to over 30 miles an hour. santa rosa in the single digits and then out toward sfo. winds at about nine miles an hour. half moon bay winds at 12 miles an hour. here is our view from the south bay camera. so it's either this you either actually have lots of sunshine or a sun cloud mix, or complete overcast. so we have that all in the car set for today. for your thursday. this area of high pressure keeping us dry, not so much warm though maybe for the inland spots in the upper 70s to right around 80 degrees. but the overall trend is a cooling trend that will continue right on into the weekend. so no 90s, not much in the way of 80s. we're just thinking some 60s and some 70s. here's the forecast model is picking up on still some cloud cover up in parts of the north bay, and still some patchy cloud
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cover near portions of the shoreline. so this is 4:00 this afternoon. we're going to cloud things up once again overnight. this is 8:00 tomorrow morning. you may have encountered some drizzle this morning or at least some mist. and there's the chance that could be happening once again for your friday. and then, just like today, the clouds will try to clear back to near the shoreline into the afternoon hours. so san francisco 63 the 70 might be a bit optimistic for santa rosa. we still have that cloud cover out there. temperatures in the upper 50s at least, probably in the mid 60s. but we could have maybe by a 3 or 4:00 getting close to 70 fremont, 72, san jose, 76 degrees. and here is a look ahead. your five day forecast, maybe a little bit of a warm up in your friday, but you probably won't notice the change. and then into the weekend, we will definitely cool things off for both saturday and into sunday. so no 90s. not much in the way of 80s. you'll definitely the sweater and the jacket, especially for the morning hours as we have those chilly starts in the morning hours. >> garcia mark. thank you. a dramatic retelling of the story of the first black woman to be elected to the united states congress. how one east bay
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representative is featured prominently in the film about shirley chisholm and why she says parts of the filming were surreal s. congress. her
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career is now the subject of a new fi the subject of a new film, ktvu. greg lee spoke with congresswoman lee about the effect she hopes it will have. >>opes it will have. >> oh my goodness oh my goodnest to be kidding. now you guys have to get me this. have to get me this. >> congresswoman barbara lee, taking>> congresswoman barbara , taking a walk down memory lane were first planted inside
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the library at her alma mater, mills college in oakland. she reminisced over her yearbook photo and a newsletter she wrote as the president of the black student union, i was able to receive a an unbelievably good quality education at the same time as i was raising two small little boys on public assistance and food stamps. also on this table of memories, photos of shirley chisholm, the first black woman elected to congress. lee invited chisholm to speak on campus as chisholm began her historic presidential campaign in 1972. it was the start of a life changing friendship and mentorship for lee. >> there was a class here at mills that i was about to flunk, because we were required to work in a political campaign. i didn't know shirley chisholm was running, so i passed my class because i got involved in her campaign and i registered to vote. >> if all you're doing is outside yelling and screaming, that's all you're ever going to be. a yeller and a screamer. you have to be part of the process. >> the process doesn't exist in
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politics for black women. you're different. >> chisholm's trailblazing presidential run and life the subject of a new biopic titled shirley, released on netflix. chisholm, played by regina king, a young barbara lee depicted by christina jackson. >> it's been the role of a lifetime in the sense of being able to play someone who has made so much change in the past 50 years. >> when i met christina, it was like meeting me. >> lee met jackson during filming and on this day brought the actress to the place where it all began. lee, walking on campus, showing jackson where chisholm spoke more than 50 years ago. the echoes of her message reverberating through lee's political career, the progressive icon breaking her own barriers and opening doors for the next generation. in her nearly 30 years in congress. >> there is no way i would have been able to fight the fights that i have to fight each and every day for peace and for justice and for equity and equality. had it not been for
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shirley chisholm and of course, my mother, chisholm passed in 2005. >> lee and jackson said they're grateful the film honors chisholm's legacy and are hopeful the story inspires young people. >> we have this group of people in this generation who know how important information is, who know how important their voices are, who know how important it is to be able to speak up. >> when black women fight for issues that are important in low income communities and the black community, we fight for everybody because we make this country stronger and more equitable. greg lee ktvu, fox two news. >> netflix is coming out with a sequel to the 1996 comedy classic happy gilmore. adam sandler returns to his original role as a hockey player who reinvents himself as a golf star. netflix confirmed the announcement after several months of rumors that a sequel was in the works. don't know yet. the plot for happy gilmore two or when it will be released. a billionaire businessman is recruiting investors to help buy tiktok former los angeles dodgers owner and real estate mogul frank mccourt says he's
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putting together a group to purchase the platform's u.s. business. mccourt says if the sale is made, he plans to restructure the app to give users more control over their data. the announcement comes after tiktok's parent company and several users filed lawsuits to block a federal law that could ban the app in the us within a year. the annual contra costa county fair just got underway in antioch. today's entertainment includes a pageant to crown a queen of the fair, along with all the good usual fair food, games and exhibits. tickets for today are just $1 for the rest of the weekend. admission is $12 for general admission, $8 for seniors, $5 for children, five and five and under, by the way, are free. and it's nice out there in antioch. you won't be sweating it out today. thank you for joining us today at noon. you can stream ktvu news on your smart tv and get storie (upbeat music) - [tammy] can you guess what this is? ♪ hey hey hey ♪ if you guessed paintbrush, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary." our first celebrity captain is an actor, vegan chef, and nba champion.


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